#anyway the best characters were sydney and the dude who the whole time gently made cakes
post-futurism · 1 year
ok i binged the bear and i have thoughts about it in comparison to the menu which everyone for some unfucking believable reason loves rn
like not to get heavy but the main character and his brother really reminded me of this guy i used to work with at maccas... like fulll trigger warning. but this guy kit was so great he was so funny and so charismatic and really got shit done while at maccas. i remember this one time it was fucking nuts the printer was printing out receipts like no tomorrow just like in the bear and we were just getting fucking pumped. i remember he took a quick break by going the short walk to the wash up sink, filling a bucket of water with ice and dumping it over his head. and then went back to the line and kept slamming out burgers. he was a fuckin machine. i knew he was doing drugs and shit most of the managers were. he was manager. he was 19. anwyay i found out a few years ago that he killed himself 🙁 it's fucked man like the hospitality industry and patriarchy and capitalism fucking kills. like ik he had shit going on in his own personal life bc his dad was a military man and i think that and the combination of having undiagnosed adhd and working in an environment like maccas and having a predaliction to taking drugs all were contributing factors to his OD but i do think that working in a fast paced fucking fucked up environment like maccas could have easily been one of the major factors to that. 
and it’s just like interesting i guess that the media lately has been making these shows like the bear and the menu that are about hospitality workers but done in different ways. full disclosure i really did not like the menu. like anya taylor joy beautiful as always little freaky looking alien love that bitch but her role as a sex worker was not enough to redeem the whole film imo. it’s just so wild to me that this film is getting the attention that it is when it’s a fucking fantasy. it’s a fantasy. the people who are in those positions... the hopsitality workers... i just could not believe for a second that any of those staff would have gone along with what the chef had envisioned because they too are part of the working class. they are not protected. the menu very much felt like it was written by someone who thought they were woke enough to see how hospitality staff were treated by the elite but lacked the empathy and real life experience of someone who had actually lived that. 
like the bear is a much more accurate portrayal of what it’s LIKE man. like it’s fucking like that!!!! and anyway it’s interesting that there’s this fascination i guess with hospitality staff as a topic of cinema. i think it was more accurately done in the bear than the menu in terms of like. what the workers would actually do. and i guess that the menu is getting more critic attention or whatever because it’s a psuedo horror and americans fucking love horror. they love that shit. they love gore and suspense and mind fuckery. and i wonder if that element was taken out of the menu somehow, would it still have had as much attention? like if it was a comedy like the bear would it have had as much award nominations or whatever idek if it has but people on tumblr talk about it like it does. 
i just like. i really felt like the menu was really unmoving. it was banal. it was a rich person’s persepctive of what it’s like to work in hospitality like some kind of fucking jerk off oh what if my chef wanted to kill me how hot kind of thing. in the end it doesn’t matter if you’re working at maccas or you’re working at a family restaurant or at a fucking high end restaurant on an island, the workers rights are still the same. you are still treated like garbage and you are still workign for shitty pay for shitty hours and you are still out there for some faux family loyalty you have for whoever is runnign that place as if they saved your fucking life. as if they have your best interests at heart and are gonna give you the world. 
like i don’t think the menu got that? like why. why would that chick think it was a brilliant idea for everyone to die. i just don’t. i don’t get it. it’s fucked but it’s inconceivable. for the menu to have worked better it should have gone into more of the motivations of the workers other than the chef because it just doesn’t work the way they showed it. the staff have literally everything to lose. the workers in the bear? they have worked there for years. michael was their family. they fucking loved that place. they put their sweat and tears into it. they are tied to it regardless of who died. whereas the menu was more about humanising the guests than the workers and that’s where they went really wrong. 
anyway i do think that the end of the bear was weak. they should have like idk. continued to struggle and potentially fold as a business and ultimately i think chefs have a better quality of life when they aren’t in a restaurant but like. i just cannot deal with the amout of people who are frothing over the menu like shut up. do three (3) shifts at mcdonalds and then we can talk. 
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haunted house ~ billy loomis;scream
word count: 1489
request?: no
description: when his girlfriend is terrified by a haunted house, billy promises to protect her no matter what
pairing: billy loomis x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
*to celebrate the start of spooky season!*
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I looked up at the abandoned building turned haunted house. I don’t know who decided it was a good idea to make a haunted house out of a place that was supposedly haunted. I definitely don’t know what possessed me to go with my group of friends to the damn haunted house either.
“Do you think we’ll see, like, an actual ghost or something?” Tatum asked as we waited in line to enter the haunted house. “What if we see an actual dead body and we just think it’s a prop?”
“What if we get possessed?” Stu added. Tatum giggled excitedly and leaned into him.
“We’re not gonna get possessed,” Randy said. “Or see any dead bodies or ghosts. The place is an old abandoned home, not a murder site.”
“Not that we know of,” Stu whispered to Tatum, causing her to giggle again.
I crossed my arms and looked up at the scarily decorated building. Not that it was something I was about to admit to my horror crazy friends, but I was terrified to go into the haunted house. I hated haunted houses, I always did. I went once as a young child with my parents and some asshole thought it would be funny to chase after a five year old with a fake chainsaw. I didn’t know it was fake at the time of course cause, you know, I was five.
Noticing my discomfort, Billy put an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. “Hey, don’t listen to Stu. We won’t see any ghosts or dead bodies, it’s just gonna be a harmless haunted house.”
“Harmless, sure,” I said, trying my best to smile at him.
Stu and Tatum excitedly ran into the haunted house once we got to the front of the line. I could hear Tatum scream the moment she passed through the door, which only made my stomach turn even more.
Randy entered next, followed by an also hesitant Sydney. I was glad not to be the only one who wasn’t excited by this idea. When it came to me and Billy, I was also hesitant at first. Billy pulled on my arm slightly, finally getting my legs to move.
The minute we walked through the door, the air was stuffy from the fog. The lights were so dim that I could barley make out the figures of my friends in front of me or Billy beside me. There was a bright, blinking strobe light that showed the outlines of the bodies around us; whether they were real people or just dummies I couldn’t tell.
The first scare was some kid jumping out from a room wearing a Jason Voorhees mask wielding a fake machete. I screeched and clung to Billy’s arm as he laughed and kept walking. I could hear screaming from the other attendees and jeers from the people playing the characters.
Billy’s hand slipped from mine and my panic began to rise. I still couldn’t see very well and now the strobe lights were starting to disorient me. I just wanted to get to the end and to go home.
I had my arms around myself, as if that would protect me, when a group of kids ran past me, giggling and screaming. They startled me slightly, but not as much as one of the haunted house workers jumping out at me, a mask over his face and a fake chainsaw in his hands. Flashbacks to my first haunted house played before my eyes as I screamed and covered my face. I backed away until I hit a wall, but my attacker kept coming, chainsaw raised over his head. I began to sob in terror as it became evident that the chainsaw wielding maniac wasn’t backing away.
“Hey man! Get the fuck away!”
I recognized Billy’s voice as the chainsaw finally shut off. Through the dim light I could see Billy shoving my attacker away before kneeling down next to me.
“She’s fucking crying, alright? That means back the fuck up and leave her alone!” he snapped as he knelt down next to me. “Are you okay, babe?”
I shook my head, unable to speak due to my sobbing. Billy put an arm around me and pulled me to my feet.
“Keep your head ducked, I’ll get us out of here,” he said.
I tucked my head against shit shoulder as he led me out of the haunted house. I jumped with every scare that came at us, but for the most part I was able to avoid any further upset. Once we walked out through the exit door, I took a deep breath and savored the fresh air in my lungs.
Stu and Tatum were already out and basically dry humping on the fence as they waited for us. Tatum shoved Stu away as Billy and I approached, eyeing me specifically. “What happened to you?”
I shook my head. “I d-don’t wanna t-talk about it.”
“Man, they really got you, huh (Y/N)?” Stu asked. “Which was it? Was it the dude with his guts spilling out everywhere?”
“Leave her alone,” Billy said. “I’m gonna take (Y/N) home, I’ll meet up with you guys later.”
“Awe, why do you guys gotta be such party poopers?” Tatum asked, but Billy ignored her as he brought me to his car.
I looked at myself in the sun visor mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy and my nose was as red as a tomato. I could see the tear streaks now stained on my flushed face. I looked like hell, or at least that I had been to Hell and back.
“You don’t have to drive me home, Billy,” I said when he got into the driver’s seat. “I can call my parents to give me a run home.”
“It seems like you need someone besides your parents right now,” he said. “Besides, I’m not jumping to spend the night with a sexed up couple, my ex-girlfriend, and the horror movie aficionado who would likely talk about how lame that haunted house was the whole night.”
This was enough to put a small smile on my face. Billy smiled back at me and started driving towards my house.
The beginning of the ride was silent besides the static sounds of Billy’s car radio. I rolled down the window to let the air blow on my warm face. I sighed, a sense of guilt eating away at me still for pulling Billy away from our friends.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked.
“Not really,” I responded.
“Okay, then we don’t have to talk about it.”
It was something I appreciated about Billy. He respected my wishes and didn’t push me further than I wanted to go. There’s not a lot of guys, or a lot of people for that matter, that would do that.
“I hate haunted houses,” I said, resting my head against the seat. “My parents took me to my first one when I was a kid and I got chased by a guy who had a fake chainsaw, like the guy who cornered me back there. That shit stuck with me, I’ve never been to a haunted house since. Not until tonight anyways.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? We didn’t have to go.”
“Cause you seemed so excited by it, and everyone else was going. I didn’t think it would be that bad until I lost you and had a repeat of that episode from when I was five.” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. “God, why couldn’t I just fucking get over it?”
“Being traumatized isn’t exactly something you get over,” Billy said. “You were a kid brought into an environment where a kid should never be.”
We pulled up to my house and Billy reached over to put his hand on mine. I looked up at him and smiled. It was nearly impossible to be upset when I had such an amazing guy on my side.
“Next time, I want you to tell me when you don’t want to do something,” he said. “It’s not fair to you, especially if it’s something that will bring up old memories like that.”
“I promise,” I said.
“And I promise to always protect you, no matter what. No one will ever hurt you as long as you have me.”
“I know.”
I leaned forward to kiss him. All the upset I had been feeling just moments before seemed to vanish from my body as his lips pressed against mine. His hand was gently as it caressed my face while the other closed in around my hand.
When I pulled away, I glanced at my house to see that the lights were off, indicating that my parents were likely gone to bed.
“Park down the road and I’ll sneak you in for the night?” I asked.
Billy smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. “Deal.”
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