#anyway thanks for the additions y’all
sunkendreams · 4 months
I haven’t seen any billy loomis content on your blog ,,, would love to see some smut of him! nothing specific, I know you’ll write something good!
devil in disguise.
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➾ pairing ; billy loomis x fem!reader.
in which billy decides to visit you once your father leaves for his shift — but there’s an additional element.
FORMAT: one-shot — requested.
WARNINGS: SMUT (mdni), loss of virginity, rough sex, unprotected sex, p in v sex, multiple positions, multiple orgasms, sex during a storm, dirty talk, fingering (f!receiving), cunnilingus, oral sex (f!receiving), heavy knifeplay, billy is a little deranged in this, begging, creampie, cumplay, bloodplay, tiddy sucking, mild body worship, biting, hickeys/marking, choking, hair-pulling, finger sucking
AUTHOR’S NOTE: not gonna lie, I was suffering from billy brainrot and this emerged from my brain. I love him so much !!! I do want to write some more mickey & ethan landry content too, but I do need to tell y’all about my new influx of blorbos lately LOL! love you all so much and thanks for your continued support! Means the world to me!
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Whenever it rained in California, you considered it to be a once-in-a-lifetime occasion — wisps of black clouds fluttered overhead, accompanied by the haze of an overcast sky. Even for the evening, the skies were unnaturally dark, making it seem like nighttime altogether. The scent of encroaching dewdrops drifted through your bedroom.
“Honey?” Your father gently tapped his knuckles against the white pane of your door, dressed in his police uniform. “Mind if we talk?” He asked, clearing his throat. The badge of the Woodsboro Sheriff’s Department glistened on his ironed shirt.
With the recent killings of Casey Becker and Steven Orth plaguing your school, your father had reason to be concerned. He was the Chief, after all — he was cleaning up mess after mess, investigating these murders without any leads. Stress shimmered upon his features, showing up as heavy bags underneath his eyes.
You swiveled around within your seat, busying yourself with homework for the evening. Books were strewn across your desk, accompanied by a computer that barely ran nowadays anyway.
“Sure,” You cleared your throat, awkwardly shuffling away from your chair to the edge of your bed. “What’s up?” The relationship with your father was somewhat tenuous — being the daughter of a police chief came with unwanted attention and his constant overprotective nature.
“You know about the murders,” He began, looming in the doorway of your bedroom. His countenance glistened with a thinly-veiled anxiousness, but also a bit of fear. You rarely saw your father show anything remotely close to terror, but here he was. “About your classmates.”
“Yeah,” Your brows furrowed together — where was he going with this? “You don’t want me to leave the house anymore, do you?” An exasperated sigh escaped you, but he immediately shook his head.
“No, no. I just think …” He clicked his tongue. “No visitors for a while, not until we clear everyone at the school as a suspect.” A sinking feeling pooled within the pit of your stomach, accompanied by disappointment. It meant that your boyfriend couldn’t come over — indefinitely.
Billy Loomis was a mysterious boy, cunning and charming with a silver tongue — he constantly wrapped you up in it, time and time again. He’d broken up with Sidney Prescott last year, not long after her mother had passed away. He was more than good to you, but your father wasn’t convinced.
His suspicion of Billy wasn’t subtle whatsoever, and it irked you at times. You’d gotten into several arguments about the morality and character of your paramour, and your father had inevitably relented, letting you date him — but there was always protest involved.
“I think you want to say Billy, Dad.” You uttered, lips curling into a sour frown as you stomped back to your chair with an indignant huff. “You’ve always disliked him. This isn’t about anyone else I hang out with — it’s about him.” Your tone became clipped and volatile, prompting you to return to studying.
Chief Burke let out a deep sigh, knowing he’d upset you with this news. “We’ll talk about that later,” He murmured, checking his watch with a thin-lipped expression. “I have to get going to the station.” Your father stepped forward, attempting to press a kiss against the top of your head — but you’d flinched away.
Gritting your teeth together, you attempted to maintain a shred of kindness towards your father. You wanted to explode, but it wasn’t a good time. He was under a lot of stress. “Love you.” You sighed, grabbing your pencil as you returned to writing something down in your notebook.
“I’ll see you in the morning.”
From behind the curve of your shoulder, you watched as your father retreated from your bedroom, shutting the door behind him in the process. A twinge of guilt flickered through you, and you couldn’t help but feel like the villain. Your mother was out on work-related business, and your father was drowning away in work.
Oftentimes, you were left to your own devices, absorbed in school, hanging out with your friends, or spending time with Billy — but that was all on an eternal hiatus, it seemed. You pressed your tongue against the inside of your cheek, stepping toward your door. The house was eerily silent, just you and the encroaching thunderstorm.
A clap of thunder rattled the skies, causing you to nearly jump out of your own skin. Goosebumps formed along the column of your spine as you crept down the stairs, traipsing towards your kitchen. Being home alone had a plethora of perks — the alcohol being one of them. If your father knew about all of the underage drinking, he’d likely have a heart attack.
There were so many things that he didn’t know about.
A brief flash of lightning illuminated your surroundings, casting the kitchen in a quick burst of white. You opened up the refrigerator, carefully removing one of your dad’s Abita’s from the side door. After rattling around in the cupboards, you found the bottle opener, popping open the amber lager as a stream of vapor emerged from the top.
You were swift to retreat back upstairs, latching your bedroom door in the process. You placed the beverage along the edge of your desk, listening to the atmospheric deluge of rain pattering outside, falling against the rooftops. You left your window open, lulled into a sense of comfort from the stormy evening.
A sharp thump reverberated against the side paneling of your house, prompting you to rock forward. Normally, you wouldn’t have given it much thought, but considering that someone was killing your classmates, it filled you with a pang of dread.
Hesitant, you crept toward the window, and through the haze of rain and darkness, you noticed a figure moving against the tall wall of lattice that climbed around the back of your home. You squinted, head canting to one side as you realized who was sneaking around.
Billy’s soaked frame appeared before you within an instant, still scaring you as a strangled gasp escaped your lips. “Billy!” You squeaked, lips parted as you noticed his hair, slick and plastered to his skull. The blue-and-white flannel he wore atop a white t-shirt remained stuck to him like a second skin.
“Hey,” He greeted cooly, flashing you one of those little smiles that made butterflies erupt within your stomach. Those warm, earthen-colored hues shamelessly flickered across your attire, finding some sort of attraction in the long-sleeved nightgown you wore. “Cold?”
“Not really,” You mused, nibbling along your lower lip as he ogled the still-icy beer sitting atop your desk. A bemused chuckle left him as he sauntered forward, head cocked to one side. “You’re soaked. Did you walk all the way here?”
“Thought I’d walk, but I wasn’t expecting the rain,” Billy murmured, taking a hold of your drink. “A little brazen, don’t you think? Aren’t you worried that your father might arrest you for underage drinking?” He teased, mouth curling into a playful grin as he took a swig of lager.
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” You chimed, nose wrinkling in amusement as he passed the bottle to you. With a brief exhale, you took a drink of lager, feeling the bitter twang of alcohol swarm your mouth as you swallowed. “Do you need me to throw anything in the dryer?” For someone soaked to the bone, Billy remained unphased.
He shook his head in dismissal, clicking his tongue soon afterwards. “No,” Billy’s brows furrowed together for a moment, and then he peered toward the door. “Your old man not around tonight?” Normally, he was always quiet for your sake — and you were often a ball of nerves, but you seemed so carefree tonight.
“He’s gone until the morning.” It was a declaration and a not-so-subtle hint — you could stay. Your relationship with Billy was still somewhat new and flourishing, but you were hoping that it would only continue to intensify. You hadn’t really done much of anything outside of making out and touching. He was patient with you, too.
Billy hummed, gaze surveying your bedroom with a sheen of curiosity. He often searched for new details or anything he found intriguing. His fingertips grazed across your quilted bedspread, and then toward the open window. “Do you like thunderstorms?” He asked. “Or do you keep the window open for me?”
“Would it make you feel better if I said both?” A bubbly burst of laughter escaped you as you tidied up your desk, putting your studying aside for the time being. You enjoyed the lightheartedness of it all despite the dour weather and less-than-savory conversation you’d had with your father twenty minutes prior.
His footsteps were light across the carpeted floor until he approached you, palm cupping your jaw with a certain level of care. At the very beginning, he asked you for everything — for a touch, for a kiss. You didn’t want him to ask nowadays, careening into the warmth of his hand as he brought you in for a kiss.
This bout of shyness always rippled through you whenever he was near — his presence was so enigmatic and overwhelming in the best of ways. He smelled like a smoky cologne, accompanied by the scent of dewdrops. You shivered when his arm crept to your hips, lightly massaging at your waist over the cotton of your nightgown.
Billy was an incredible kisser — always walking a fine line of soft and voracious. You wondered what it would be like for him to really give in. It was a fantasy that had crossed your mind more than you could count. His head tilted slightly, thumb tracing over your chin before he withdrew, stare bleeding with a thinly-veiled desire.
“You’re beautiful,” He uttered reverently, idly dragging the pad of his thumb across your lower lip. “Prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Billy’s voice was husky, an alluring drawl that was barely above a whisper. It sent a shudder of delight cascading down your spine, anticipation pooling within the pit of your stomach.
A brief sigh left you, trapped within your throat as you tilted inward, hands pressed against his chest. The material was damp underneath your palms, not that you cared. He had snuck through your bedroom window countless times — but it felt so much heavier this time around, given your father’s stark statement of not wanting you to see him.
You ducked your head, heat crawling across your body as you chewed at your lower lip. Billy knew that you were smitten, and he devoured every scrap that he could, but something felt off, as if you had something to tell him, dancing upon the tip of your tongue. “Hey,” He murmured, titling your chin up to meet his gaze. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just …” You couldn’t lie to him. Billy had this radar for bullshit, able to see right through you, pierce your armor with ease. “It’s my dad, that’s all.” Admittedly, you were hesitant to reveal the truth, considering that Billy sometimes had a strong reaction to things.
Billy had a feeling that your father had it out for him — an intelligent man, to be certain. Of course, such suspicions were true, but he wasn’t about to make that known. A huff of laughter escaped him, followed by another debonair grin. “What, does he want to arrest me?” He mused, pressing a string of soft kisses along your jaw.
“Something like that,” You mumbled, burying your face into the crook of his neck. He smelled incredible, like a dusky night, drawing you in with his magnetizing pull. “He doesn’t want me to see you right now because of all of the killings and stuff.” The confession felt like a weight within your chest, but oddly enough, Billy didn’t seem too angered by this.
“Does he think I’m a suspect?” Billy questioned, point-blank. His tone became rather blunt, but still held that little shred of amusement. In the grand scheme of things, he was on the right track — unbeknownst to you, of course. It would stay that way.
“I don’t think so. He’s just skeptical, I guess. It’s his job.” You hesitated, drawing away just enough to get a look at your boyfriend’s handsome visage. “I just don’t want you to feel threatened or feel like you can’t come around. I don’t care what he says — I want to be with you.” You murmured, brows furrowing together.
His jaw tensed, gaze incendiary and oozing with a lasciviousness as he pressed a lingering kiss to your mouth, fingers idly stroking aside some of your hair. Billy had grown very fond of you, but with that, there was always some twisted desire to corrupt — the obsession that blossomed with it all.
“You have me,” Billy exhaled, body pressed against yours, hands pinning you close. “This all feels a little defiant, doesn’t it?” His tone had dropped an octave, akin to a delicate purr as he brushed his mouth against yours. You leaned in this time, pressing your lips against his as you chased after that sensation with a fervor.
“Yeah,” You whispered, feeling a newfound thrill churn within your stomach, coupled with exhilaration. “Can you stay tonight?” You asked, fingers gently weaving themselves into his mousy tresses, tugging at the hair around the nape of his neck.
His head cocked to one side as he arched an eyebrow. “I thought I couldn’t,” Staying implied one thing — sex. You had never propositioned it until now, let alone entertained the thought. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.” He didn’t want to rush anything or pressure you into something that you weren’t prepared for.
The constant feeling of doom hung over you — religion and saving yourself had always been a point of contention in your family. You were worried that Billy would leave you if he had you, but you knew that wouldn’t be the case. You were ready to have your first time and have it be with him.
Your head began to bob in a little nod, heat creeping across your body as it blossomed within your cheeks with a burning sensation. “I want you,” You whispered, breath hitching within your throat. “I — I need you, really. I don’t want you to go, Billy.” You mumbled, nearly gasping when his hand began to caress along the curve of your thigh.
“Are you sure?” Billy asked, brows knitting together in a moment of concern. “We don’t have to do anything intense,” He reassured, pressing another kiss against your jaw, and then to your neck. “I don’t want you to feel rushed.” Admittedly, he wanted nothing more than to touch you, to take your virginity, make you feel good, but it needed to be on your terms.
It felt good — the spark of retaliation and rebellion against your father, seeing Billy again in such a secretive fashion. You knew that if anyone found out, namely your parents, you’d be in a world of trouble. Fortunately, it was just the two of you and an empty house.
“You’ve been really patient with me,” You murmured, a soft sigh drifting from your lips as you sank forward into his embrace. “I want this.” Billy’s constant chase for consent and ensuring your comfort was beyond attractive, and you were thankful for it, but this was long overdue.
A soft laugh burst forth from his chest as Billy stroked at your cheek, calloused fingertips traveling across the delicate plane of your visage. “I would wait for as long as you wanted me to.” He uttered, gaze shifting from affectionate to incendiary, simmering with an unmistakable sensuality.
He was so good to you — your ex-boyfriend paled in comparison to Billy Loomis in more ways than one. “I know,” You sighed, lips twitching into a smitten smile as your digits plucked at the damp fabric of his shirt. You pressed another chaste kiss against his mouth. “Should I shut the window?”
Billy clicked his tongue, mouth twitching into a faint smirk. “No,” He swept strands of hair behind your ear, cradling your cheek within his warm palm. “You’ll have to be quiet. You think you can handle that?” The little evocation of a challenge was prevalent — your insides turned to metaphorical mush as you shivered.
“I can’t promise anything.” Your voice was wrought with excitement, barely above a whisper. The blood was rushing to your head and heart, hot and fervent as Billy gently guided you toward your bed. His smirk morphed into a wolfish grin, unable to tear his eyes away from you.
As he placed you down against the mattress, atop your quilted bedspread, he crawled in between your legs, lips hungrily returning to kiss you. He tasted like a lick of amber lager, intertwined with breath mints and the hint of cigarettes. Your heart began to beat faster as Billy’s hand rubbed along your thigh, digits flicking at the hem of your panties.
The ambiance of the thunderstorm outside provided a rather atmospheric setting, on top of the dim lighting throughout your bedroom. Rain noisily pounded against rooftops and the surrounding neighborhood, as if masking the salaciousness of your actions. Your hands pushed at his flannel, and he took it off, along with his white t-shirt.
“May I?” You whispered, eyes wide and mesmerized as Billy let out a brief chuckle. He was so painfully handsome, especially when he smiled — it only served to make you squirm, goosebumps erupting underneath his wandering touch.
“You’re sweet,” Billy murmured, voice deliciously husky as he pressed a kiss against your mouth, teeth playfully snagging your lower lip. The sheepish, stupefied reaction you had was well worth it, prompting him to grab one of your wrists, steering your hand to wherever you wanted it to go. “I want to see you.”
His composure was beginning to crumble, foundation being chipped away at. You were so infectious, like a fever, and Billy only wanted more. He had to restrain himself from being rough, watching with lustful eyes as you sat up a little bit.
You shivered when his hands slipped underneath your nightgown, curling into the hem as he helped you take off the lengthy, frilled garment. Billy licked at his lower lip, hooded stare eating you alive once you were stripped of that coverage. The pastel brassiere and panties you wore were just in the way.
“Lay down.” Billy husked, presence exuding a domineering edge without even trying. You silently obeyed, breath hitching within your throat as he covered your body with his, all sinewy muscle and tan skin. His mouth clashed with yours, voracious and all-consuming as he kept himself propped up with one arm.
Curious, needy digits found their way to your chest, groping and kneading at your chest over the material of your bra. “Billy.” You sighed, moaning into his mouth when he bit at your lip again. It was sharp and somewhat painful, but admittedly, you found that minuscule prick of discomfort to be exciting.
With a brusque tug, Billy’s palm circled around your bare breast, massaging at the sensitive flesh as he tugged at your nipple. Your hands flew to the nape of his neck, dragging through his hair as his mouth tore away from yours, only to find their purchase against the slender column of your throat.
Your flesh was velveteen underneath him, warm to the touch as he began to suckle against the sensitive flesh of your jugular. Teeth and lips created a series of marks — some were more obvious than others. A clap of thunder caused you to jump, a soft gasp escaping you as your body clashed with Billy’s.
His grin was tangible, like an imprint seared into your collarbone as he peered at you with those shimmering brown hues. “Scared?” He murmured, flashing those pearlescent teeth in a brief grin. Billy felt your skin erupt with goosebumps, creeping like a wildfire across your body.
“No,” You protested, tongue absentmindedly swiping across your lower lip. You gently tugged on his hair, hands wandering about until you were cupping his narrow face within your palms. “You’re so perfect.” A soft, enthralled sigh escaped you as he stared down at you.
That calculating, searing gaze would have burned right through you if it were possible — you could feel the desire that oozed from eyes alone. Billy turned his head, planting a kiss against your palm as he grabbed your wrist, fingers tangling with yours.
“You’re beautiful,” His voice dipped into a low, lascivious purr, a delicious octave that made you shudder. “You’re mine.” Billy uttered, and for a moment, there was something dark and innately possessive within his voice, something that you hadn’t heard before. While some might’ve found it strange and obsessive, you were hooked.
You swallowed the growing lump within your throat, feeling his lips press against yours again with a vigor and urgency. Silence drifted between the two of you, but the intensity and desire only seemed to amplify. His kisses were ravenous and passionate, accompanied by teeth and tongue.
“Take this off,” Billy murmured in between kisses, tugging on your brassiere for emphasis. His digits deftly felt along your body, ending up between your legs as he began to touch you. You were barely able to unclasp your bra without squirming and wriggling, hips jolting forward. “Hold still for me, baby.”
Inclined to obey, you ceased your movements, breath hitching within the back of your throat as his hand dipped beneath the waistband of your panties. You felt absolutely pathetic, already wet from just the tension and kissing alone. With this discovery, Billy grinned, letting out a soft laugh as his digits ghosted along your cunt.
“You’re wet for me and I haven’t even touched you yet,” Billy crooned, pressing a heated, sloppy kiss against your collarbone. His other hand torturously tugged and caressed at your breast. “So sweet.” He uttered, nipping at the soft flesh of your chest.
You moaned, body set ablaze as he dragged two digits along your cunt, allowing them to sink inward as he briefly touched your clit with his thumb. “Billy,” You whimpered, legs parting for him as he settled between them, reveling in your pleasured expression. “Please, please don’t stop.” You wanted to cry.
A low hum emerged from his chest, mouth pressing gentle, lasting kisses around your breast. “You’re so pretty.” He mumbled, taking your hardened peak into his maw as he sucked at your nipple. Those experienced, quick fingers developed a rhythm as he stroked along your slit, thumb lazily circling your clit.
Billy could only imagine what you’d be like if he were rough with you — if he had a knife in his hand, licking the blood from your swollen mouth. The thought alone made his cock throb within his jeans, but he would save it for another time.
As he bent you to his will, making you submit with his fingers alone, your body viscerally reacted to his ministrations, back beginning to arch. “B—Billy,” You sighed with passion, goosebumps beginning to coalesce along your spine. “God, feels so good.”
Innocent — that’s what you were. Vulnerable and pious, something to covet. Billy wanted to possess you, breathe you in, control you.
Akin to a canary trapped within the talons of a predator, you squirmed with delight, desperate for his embrace. His digits dipped toward your warm entrance, teasing you with gentle prod. “I’ll try to be gentle,” He crooned. “You make it so hard for me. Just relax.” Billy mumbled, teeth grazing your nipple as he licked at your sternum.
You nodded, stomach churning with molten heat as you felt some pressure. Your fingers dug into the nape of his neck, leaving behind crimson crescents as he kissed along your stomach. His digits sunk into you with some resistance, pushing into your tight cunt. A wanton moan escaped you, mouth agape.
It was a foreign sensation, but you savored every second, cunt clenching pathetically around his fingers as he began to find a sluggish rhythm. Billy kissed his way toward the heat between your thighs, tongue raking liquid heat over your aching core.
A spasm ran through you as a choked whine escaped your mouth, countenance rippling with surprise. “O—Oh,” You croaked, awash with delight as his mouth carefully roamed over your slick cunt. He began to lick and lap at your core — slower, at first — more exploratory. “Billy!” You squeaked.
The myriad of sensations you were experiencing were excruciatingly pleasant. It was pure bliss, feeling his lips caress your slit, digits steadily pumping their way in and out of you as he toyed with your clit. Every mewl and moan only spurred him on.
Something dark and alluring danced within his eyes, and when you lazily rolled your head to look down, his stare could’ve burned right through you. A flash of lightning only contributed to his sinister countenance, lips twitching into a smirk as he lapped at your cunt.
Billy ate you out like a man starved, touching you in places that you’d only dreamed of. His tongue was hot, raking hot embers over your slit as he showered you in endless attention. A strangled gasp escaped you as his fingers stilled, nose bumping against your clit.
His palm splayed out along the meat of your thigh, nails digging in, fingers pressing down hard enough to leave behind bruises. You clawed at his hair, hips lurching forward, but he pinned you down without hesitation, shivering at the sound of your sweet, innocuous moans.
Part of you wanted him to be rough, to really show you how much he desired you. Every fiber of your being ached for him in a way that made you itch, heat crawling across your supple flesh. “You can be rough,” You whispered, feeling the subtle hitch in his throat, tongue stilling atop your clit. “Billy.”
Billy’s jaw tensed, gaze dancing with a subtle malevolence, intermingled with obsession. His darker side often festered under the skin, but when you asked him to be rough, he knew he needed to be careful. He didn’t want to hurt you or scare you away with his potential antics.
“You want me to be rough?” His tone emerged as a low purr, murmured into the pliant meat of your inner thigh. Billy’s teeth suddenly nicked flesh before he licked at your cunt again, grazing your clit in an effort to tease you. “You don’t know what you’re asking for.” It was more of a warning than anything else.
Maybe he was right — you hadn’t the slightest clue of where this could lead.
Whatever darkness you saw, part of you viewed it as an act, as a facade for the sake of intimacy. Nonetheless, you still wanted him to be a little more forceful with you. As much as you savored his gentle streak, you wanted the intensity and the heat of the moment.
He wanted to let you stew on it for a little while, lips greedily pursing around your clit as he began to suck a the sensitive clutch of nerves. Billy’s fingers pushed themselves inside of you again, evoking a barrage of pleasured whines and moans from you. It very nearly derailed your train of thought.
With quivering digits, you reached for his hair again, raking through his tresses with a fervor. Billy felt you tug and pull, which only served to spur him on as he finger-fucked you into a blissful oblivion. It was intermingled with delicate licks to your clit, causing you to writhe in-place.
“I’m close,” You whined, hoping that he would keep going or be rough. Part of you wondered why he was so hesitant, but you didn’t want to push the matter. “Billy, please don’t stop!” With a shrill cry, his ministrations only intensified, fingers pistoning in and out of your cunt.
Billy gazed at you with eyes that almost appeared black, simmering with an unrestrained desire. “Yeah?” He purred, lips dutifully returning to suck and lap at your clit. The sensations were mind-numbing, nearly overwhelming as your stomach surged with a churning heat.
He curled his digits inside of you, letting you simmer on that sensation alone before he stopped. Billy finger-fucked you, accompanied by the tantalizing movements of his mouth. He couldn’t get enough of you, delighted to lap at your sweet cunt.
You nodded several times over, bucking toward his mouth as he continued to kiss and suck at your clit. Billy led you into the white-hot abyss of your orgasm, digits drenched in your slick as he withdrew, licking at his lower lip.
The pleasure was almost blinding, body hot and borderline feverish as you attempted to regain your composure. Your chest rose and fell with quick pants, mouth dry as Billy crawled up, covering your body with his as he placed two fingers against your lower lip.
“Open,” It wasn’t a question — it was a demand. Billy’s countenance had become shadowed, jaw tense as he watched you sheepishly open your mouth. You felt filthy for doing something like this, visibly flustered as his digits landed upon your tongue. “Only right if you have a taste.”
You shivered, a noise stirring within your throat as you began to suck, able to taste yourself in the process. He seemed delighted, lips twitching into a subtle smirk as he made you continue to his satisfaction.
“You sure you want this?”
His question was sharp and succinct, annunciated with something penetrating. Billy knew that if he went to his roots, to become something close to who he really was, he ran the risk of scaring you away. Brown eyes bored into you, hawkish and calculating as you withdrew his fingers from your mouth.
“Yes,” You replied, wondering what exactly he had in-mind in terms of being rough. “I trust you.”
A big mistake — your naïveté was laid bare, stretched out along your sleeve. Billy was untrustworthy, a sinister force with the means for destruction, but you were none the wiser. He liked your innocuous nature, the sweetness that oozed from every pore.
“Stay here.” Billy murmured, slipping off of your bed as he made for your bedroom door. You very nearly questioned him, wanting to know where he was going, but a rancorous clap of thunder effectively silenced you as you sank down into your mattress.
You counted — Billy was only gone for three minutes.
When he emerged through your bedroom door, it almost didn’t feel like the same person — not your charming, debonair brown-eyed boyfriend. He seemed possessed, as if something else had grabbed ahold of him. The glint of silver sparkled within his right hand, and that’s when you saw the large kitchen knife.
Something heavy swirled within the pit of your stomach — exhilaration intermingled with fear and uncertainty. You knew that he wouldn’t hurt you, but being rough was a different matter entirely. You gulped, throat thick as Billy moved toward the edge of your bed, available hand grabbing your thigh.
He dragged you close, looming over you with a shimmer in his eyes that told you he was still mostly himself. Even then, that pang of terror gripped you as he prodded the tip of the knife into your thigh.
“Billy,” You exhaled, goosebumps forming underneath the knife’s sharp blade. He continued to trace it across your supple flesh, moving it along your hip bone until he let it ghost above your stomach. “Want you t—to fuck me.” You stammered.
“You want me to fuck you?” Billy murmured, leaning inward, knife in-hand. You felt the blade jut into the swell of your breast, causing you to shudder from the icy chill of the steel. “Maybe I’ll gut you with this, instead.” He stated, though his voice held some modicum of playfulness to it, just enough to ease your nerves.
The doe-eyed look you wore made him frenzied — he wanted nothing more than to see you like this all the time. Billy hastily reached down, unbuckling his jeans with a sudden haste as he crawled on top of you, sticking the tip of the knife into your ribcage.
You gasped, and when you attempted to lean away from the knife, he simply pinned you there. The tip of his cock was oozing with precum, erection desperately grinding along your slit. “Billy!” You whimpered, afraid that he would accidentally dig the knife a little too far.
“Gotta stay still, pretty girl. You don’t want my hand to slip.” He warned, pressing a hot, incendiary kiss to your lips. You reciprocated, cunt throbbing from the added thrill of the blade as he began to ease himself inside of you.
The sudden intrusion made you cry out — you hadn’t done this before or gone this far, and Billy knew that. A myriad of breathy moans escaped you as you attempted to adjust, feeling his leg nudge you apart, spreading you open for him.
He pressed a series of kisses against your face in an effort to soothe you, teeth nicking the soft flesh of your jawline. Billy hesitated, waiting for you to have some time to adjust, heart pounding erratically, akin to the beating of a drum. You reached for his neck, hands tangling together at the nape.
“Still want it rough?” Billy murmured into your ear, hot breath fanning out across the side of your cheek. The blade of the knife prodded into your abdomen, as if it were issuing a stark warning — to turn back, or to proceed. You wanted him more than anything else — rough or not.
You couldn’t deny the excitement and sick thrill you gained from this, as if it had suddenly unlocked unfamiliar territory for you. Billy’s gaze danced with a lustful fire, tongue swiping across his lower lip.
After enough deliberation, you nodded, nearly shying away underneath his shadowed stare. “Yeah, I do.” You whispered, throat becoming thick as he thrust his hips forward, cock burying itself deep into your tight cunt. The feeling was intense, but his eyes were worse.
Billy grinned, throat erupting with a sardonic chuckle as he clicked his tongue. “That’s my girl.” He kept the knife against your stomach, threatening to dig into skin as he began to fuck you. The friction was delicious, breathing heavy, chest to chest, silvery blade prodding at your belly.
“Billy,” You moaned, back arching into the brutality of his thrusts, legs rattling like leaves. His hand grabbed at your leg, hitching it around his waist for better leverage, hips rutting forward in a series of sharp thrusts. “A—Ah! Please don’t stop!”
His teeth brazenly snagged across your lower lip, biting down hard enough to draw blood. He kissed you then — vitriolic copper intermingling between mouths, breath hot and labored as he fucked you in some frenzied state. Your poor cunt clenched around him, drawing him right in.
With a brief adjustment, he moved onto his knees, cock still pounding away at you as he used the grip on your leg as a crutch. Billy dragged the knife along your body, digging the tip into your sternum, letting it ghost above your breasts. He wanted to lick the fear in your eyes — drink it right from the source.
“Look so pretty like this,” He purred, using the cold flat of the knife to press into your chest. It caused you to moan, eyes rolling into the back of your skull as he continued to fuck you at a rather brutal pace. “You like this, don’t you?” Billy huffed, noticing the way your flesh prickled with a barrage of goosebumps.
You nodded, somewhat reluctant to admit to enjoying the roughness of it all. You felt the tip of the knife press just underneath your jaw, causing you to shudder, hips pushing forward as he met you halfway.
Every fiber of your being felt feverishly hot, like a live wire, coursing with raw electricity. The fire that burned bright within your belly demanded to be extinguished, cunt clenching around his cock as Billy continued to fuck you. He very nearly pulled out before ramming himself right back into your tight heat.
Billy momentarily abandoned the knife, grabbing at your hips as he turned you over, manhandling you onto your stomach. You gasped, letting out a series of moans and whimpers as his fingers roamed through your hair, tugging fistfuls of it as he rutted into you.
It was hot and quick, as if he didn’t have any time left at all. “Billy!” You cried out, feeling somewhat abashed as his cock slapped into your cunt, body pressed to yours. Once he’d gotten himself going, you felt the intrusive chill of the knife again, scraping back and forth along your spine.
“I—I’m close,” You panted, hands clawing at the quilt beneath you, nails threatening to pluck the strings and fabric away. Billy didn’t stop for anything, fucking you at a very erratic, feral speed, yanking on your hair. The knife added an element of danger, liquid heat coalescing between your thighs. “Don’t stop.”
“Yeah?” He purred, gritting his teeth together as his cock throbbed with an urgency. Billy groaned — a deep, unrestrained noise, and you yelped when the blade had cut too deep. He didn’t intend to cut you — it was a shallow, superficial wound, but it only drove him crazy. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
The cut on your back oozed with rivulets of blood, not nearly enough to warrant any concern. You moaned, huffing and writhing atop the quilt as Billy pushed into you once more, cumming inside of you without a second thought.
He pulled out midway through, leaving behind a sticky mess of his seed along your cunt and inner thighs, intermingled with your arousal. Your body twitched and spasmed, awash with a sense of relief.
“Shit,” Billy murmured, clamoring away to find you a towel. He pressed it against your back, hoping to wash away some of the blood, even if it wasn’t very much at all. “I’m sorry, baby. I got carried away — I didn’t even think.” He sighed, watching as you attempted to clean yourself up.
“It’s fine, Billy. I know you didn’t mean to,” A soft exhale escaped you as you attempted to regain your composure, hoping to seize another towel as you sheepishly wiped his cum off of your body. You were sensitive and hot to the touch in the aftermath of it all. “I did enjoy it.”
Billy appeared perplexed, neglecting to comment for now. He wanted to take care of you as any dutiful boyfriend would do, retrieving your panties and nightgown as he helped you get dressed again. Outside, the thunderstorm continued to rage on.
“You did?” You shouldn’t have said anything — Billy’s thoughts went somewhere dark and salacious. Now, he wanted to fuck you with the knife all the time. If he were lucky, you’d bear more than one scar. It was a possessive mark, a reminder that you belonged to him.
“Yeah,” You confessed, laying down on your bed. Billy hastily zipped his jeans up, declining to put his shirt back on, given that it was still soaking-wet from the rain. “That was amazing. I’m glad I got to do it with you.”
As he laid down beside you, his gaze became dark and shadowed once again. His finger idly traced across the newly-formed cut on your back, lips pressing themselves all over your neck. “Maybe we could try something different next time.” He proposed.
“Like what?” You asked, admittedly curious as you snuggled against him. His digits idly roamed throughout your hair, mouth briefly pressing against yours before he withdrew altogether.
There was a sly, indiscernible look within his eyes — you didn’t know if you should’ve been worried or not.
“Maybe a costume next time.” Billy murmured, and despite the bemused grin on your face and his subtle smirk, you were entirely oblivious to the multifaceted meaning of his words.
Fortunately for you, you were safe — for now.
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the-traveling-poet · 6 months
We hit 300 followers?! Thanks y’all 🫶🏼🤎 In celebration, here’s another Soft!Levi drabble cause OOC Levi can be a fresh breath of air :)
An image popped into my head the other night about Levi being so (secretly) smitten with you that he’d do literally anything for you and to help you, including keeping you warm on winter-time expeditions, and I just lost it I hAd to write.
“Whose bright idea was this anyways? Venturing past the walls while the weather is in the negatives.”
“It was Commander Erwin’s, sir.”
“Well then he isn’t too bright, now is he.”
Eld shrugged his shoulders once his Captain turned his back, shooting a look over to Gunther with a silent plea for something to say for the man to feel less bitter.
Gunther only pursed his lips and shook his head, unable and unsure how to help the poor man console their grumpy Captain.
He’d never been one to complain about the weather, that much they knew for certain. He never made a comment if it were too hot or too cold outside. Rather, he’d just dress accordingly and scoff at Hange for whining and cursing at the sky.
But today…Today was different.
Sure, the weather was a bit nippy. The wind had yet to cease its constant flow across the fields, and occasionally a speck or two of snow would float down from the heavens. It wasn’t the worst weather they had traveled through, by far.
But Levi was irritable. And when he was irritable, his squad had learned to tiptoe around him for fear of a quick lashing from his tongue.
While Oulo echoed their Captain’s complaints to a very unimpressed Petra some feet away, Eld and Gunther wondered amongst themselves as to why this could be.
They were only scouting the perimeter for titan activity, so that they could relay this information back to the Commander for the upcoming expedition that was soon to be held. So what could have set the raven off about this mundane, ordinary task?
The answer flew before their eyes and landed on the ground with a soft crunch as the frost clinging to blades of grass were squashed under foot.
The squad’s fifth Cadet, Y/N, was quick to sheath the handles of their gear back into their holsters and wrap their arms around their shoulders. Exhaling a breath that fogged the air, they shuddered.
“N-nothing on the east side,” they reported quietly to Captain.
Levi was quick to turn to them, assessing the shivering state they were in. The furrow in his brow and the downward tilt of his lips didn’t go unnoticed by the second command and his friend, who snickered to one another in realization.
Y/N was freezing out here. Of course their socially awkward Captain would be pissed about having his lovely Cadet uncomfortable.
Though their snickers soon died in their throats when, instead of responding to Y/N’s report, he shook off his Survey Corps jacket and cape and draped them over their shoulders.
“We’ll be heading back to Headquarters in no time. Till then…Just…S-stay by me, alright? Cant have you catching a cold.”
His muttered statement and pink tinted cheeks were enough to halt even Oulo in his rambling, who turned to Petra in confusion.
“It’s not that cold-“ he muttered in confusion, to which Petra quickly shushed him as she watched on in glee.
“T-thanks,” Y/N whispered, taking a step closer to Levi and huddling into their additional clothing.
“Don’t mention it. I-I run hot anyways.”
taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe
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bitciziad · 11 months
greasy oiled up bbg || blood CW!
more under the cut!
omfg genuinely this is so embarrassing it completely slipped my mind to add a content warning or another version without blood yall please ignore me LMFAOOO this is what i mean by i’m new to tumblr so expect more clueless moments like this next time AHAHHA
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(TYSM @/lewditydegreeblog for adding that one tag in your reblog, i knew i was missing something but i got that gold fish brain)
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okay we’re back- the bloody clothes have no context whatsoever i just thought it looked cool cuz i love apocalyptic vibes and i’ll admit, kylar 100% is prepared for it. like a roach. you can’t get rid of him and neither will zombies or aliens or viruses. he has a million hunting knives, pockets galore, literally makes chemical weapons. he better learn to stitch his pants back together though.
ANYWAY BACK WITH MORE KYLARRR, thank y’all sm for the reactions to my last post on him!! i appreciate it a lot holy shit y’all are great and the tags ?? love y’all LMFAO so here’s more as a thanks <3
i got a funny idea for that papa roach thing btw i’ll probably post it later if i can actually do anatomy but yknow that dramatic cliche pose of someone on their knees ripping open their jacket ?? yeah
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he’s so cute love u kylar when you’re not trying to stalk ppl (i avoided him for like three months in game time after the halloween event cuz my pc went with whitney IMSORRY)
also you cannot convince me otherwise that the local alley cats don’t absolutely DESPISE his ass, especially in the residential district, those stray alley cats beat kylar’s ass like it’s ON SIGHT any time he tries jumping the gate to and from the orphanage. they got a mark out for him, can smell his garlic ass a mile away. he scrambles, the cats are bailey’s unemployed thugs atp, doing that bastard a favor. idk how to draw cats
ironically except for whitney probably like no wonder why that idiot just hangs out in the alleyways 24/7. doesn’t even love cats he’s just that type of fucker that animals like but who’s he to complain if the random town cats also have a weird funny vendetta against kylar. love you whitney muah, and yes the whitney addition is 100% inspired by one of truthful_lier’s headcanons for whitney on Ao3!! animal magnet tbh i see the vision and i AGREE.
tbh besides the fact it’s just funny as fuck for random alley cats to hiss at kylar and chase him away or scratch him (would be just another reason why he always has scratches on his hands and face too), animals sensing the paranormal or something probably has something to do with it.
like even the animals probably think he’s a garlic smelling weirdo with some “off” vibe that just REEKS of supernatural remnants (his parents ofc) that makes the hair on the back of your neck prickle cuz it’s just an uncomfortable, foreboding feeling that’s just off.
jkjk he’s just getting punked by stray cats for no reason whatsoever. he gets bullied at school and now by the local stray litter shitters just for the hell of it. no context no reason it’s just on sight.
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also here’s close ups cuz idk if tumblr ruins quality or not but yeah here’s this sopping wet cat of a guy. ALSO HEAR ME OUT PLEASE- the eye shaped gauges ??? you see where i’m going with this right RIGHT
also pls ignore it if you see me edit the tags they were off center and it bothered me LMFAOO but anyway my interpretation is 100% inspired by yall <3 i love this greasy little rat mf cant believe a p0rn game cured my artblock but idc i love it
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sagesolsticewrites · 3 months
Hiya could you do Harry Crosby + “ if you asked me to marry you tomorrow, i'd say yes. “ “ what about today?” from one of your drabble prompt lists please and thanks 💛
Thank you so much for requesting, Nonnie! I’ve adored these Masters of the Air requests, especially getting to write for Harry my love!! Our favorite navigator 🥰
Quick warning that there is a nonzero chance of historical inaccuracies here, and the timeline may be a little off, but I did actual research for this one y’all! New additions to the ever-growing Useless Knowledge section of my brain: knowing where Lt. Harry Crosby studied for college (he was working on his graduate degree at the University of Iowa when the Pearl Harbor attack occurred; he went back to finish his degree there in 1947 and earned his PhD from Stanford University in 1953!), when and why he joined the Army Air Forces (paused his studies at U of I to enlist after Pearl Harbor), and where he was sent for his training (Mathers Field, California) before being stationed in Idaho, and eventually at East Anglia. Look at me go lol 🤪 Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
a/n: well, that’ll teach me not to try to format my fics on mobile 😂 I guess the Harry fic’s coming out today! Hope you like it Nonnie <3
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Just Say Yes
You waited anxiously under the maple tree at the edge of the campus courtyard, fiddling with the worn, creased paper in your hands — Harry’s last letter, telling you that this next visit home would likely be his last before he was transferred to Idaho, and then to who knows where.
I’ll meet you under our tree, pretty girl, the letter had read, Saturday, our usual time?
The tree— the very maple tree you stood in the shade of now— was where you had met often when you were both students at the University of Iowa, studying English. The tradition had started when you were paired up for a project, and Harry asked if you would mind working outside.
“I think better in the fresh air,” he had said, almost apologetically, and you had agreed almost instantly, captivated by the quiet but clearly very smart boy who sat next to you in class.
Even after the project was over and graded, you continued to meet under that tree nearly every day at 2 o’clock after class to compare class notes or exchange feedback on essays.
And after nearly four months of meeting and working together, it was under that tree where Harry Crosby finally asked you out on a date.
Leaning back against the tree, you were jolted out of your trip down memory lane by a familiar voice calling your name.
Grinning, you turned to see Harry strolling towards you, dapper in his dress uniform, one arm raised in greeting, the other cradling a bouquet of tulips— your favorite.
You pushed off from the tree, unable to wait a single second longer, and sprinted to meet him, uncaring of the students staring at the crazy lady running across their campus.
He opened his arms as the distance between you lessened until you crashed into him, burying your head in his chest. He stumbled back a bit, absorbing your momentum, but he was quick to embrace you, quicker still to turn your momentum into a dizzying, joyous twirl, lifting your feet off the ground.
You let out a gleeful laugh as the world spun around you, and pulled him in for a long-overdue kiss once your feet were firmly back on the ground.
After the two of you reluctantly pulled apart, you cupped his face in your hands, drinking him in: lips stained red from your lipstick, hat knocked askew, uniform now more than a little wrinkled, and best of all, those warm brown eyes you had missed so much overflowing with love.
He looked as dapper as ever.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he murmured with a smile, a greeting for your ears only.
It had been so long since you’d heard those words from his lips, and all you could do was blink back the tears that sprang to your eyes as you replied with a simple, tender “Hi.”
Understanding filled his eyes, and he pulled you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead and allowing you a moment to compose yourself before the two of you headed back towards your tree.
“Oh!” He said, holding the bouquet out to you as if he just now remembered he had it, “For you, m’lady.”
You took the bouquet, fingering the delicate pink and yellow petals. “They’re beautiful, Harry,” you smiled up at him, “Thank you.”
“Anything for my girl,” he said, gesturing for you to sit and make yourself comfortable first before he settled next to you in the shade.
“So,” he said, wrapping an arm around you, “Tell me everything. What have I missed? How’d that paper go that you were telling me about?”
You couldn’t help but light up at the mention of your latest paper— your pride and joy, your best work yet if you didn’t say so yourself— and at Harry’s encouraging smile, you rambled on about themes and motifs and parallels, Harry occasionally chiming in with a suggestion that made the connections you had made even clearer.
Despite the plethora of letters you had sent each other, each doing your best to keep the other updated, you and Harry never seemed to run out of things to talk about: the conversation flowed from your latest paper to how Harry had been giving the guys some book recommendations based on your suggestions, to the small bookshop you had taken to visiting, compiling a list of titles for him that you thought he’d enjoy. Harry mentioned that some of his comrades had set up a small library of sorts in the barracks, running on the honor system, but they’d likely need to shut it down soon, with people moving to their more permanent placements.
“Oh that reminds me,” Harry said, digging in his pocket for a moment before triumphantly revealing a scrap of paper with his distinctive scrawl.
“Plenty of the guys are getting letters from their wives and sweethearts,” he said, slipping you the small piece of paper with the address of his next assignment in Boise, “I wanna make sure I’m one of ‘em.”
“Getting letters from your wife, or your sweetheart?” You asked playfully, tucking the slip of paper safely in your pocket.
“Uh.. Well, I mean…” Harry stammered, trying very hard not to think about the small box in his pocket.
“Hey,” you pause to assure him, “I was just kidding.” Under the shade of your tree, you rested your head on his shoulder, looking out at the courtyard. “I know we’re a little young, but…” You took a deep breath, entwining your fingers with his, “If you asked me to marry you tomorrow, I’d say yes.”
You caught the barest hint of movement out of the corner of your eye, and you glanced over to see a small box held out to you.
A box in Harry’s hand that was open to reveal a delicate gold ring.
“What about today?” Harry asked softly, close enough that his breath brushed your cheek.
“I— Harry—” You were speechless, your world zeroing in on that small gold band before realizing that you had been silent for far too long.
You nodded furiously, turning to kiss him before you could even get the words out.
“Is that a—”
Harry’s tentative question was cut short by your lips crashing onto his. His hands came up to cup your cheeks, kissing you back with equal fervor, the ring box left in your lap.
You both eventually pulled away, gasping for air. Harry’s forehead remained pressed to yours, chocolate brown eyes locked on you.
“Was that a yes?” He asked, lips still just barely brushing yours, and you could feel him trying not to smile.
You were an English major. There were a thousand words you could have said, a thousand speeches of acceptance and love and devotion you could have made.
Only one word mattered to you just then.
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Sinners, rejoice!
Exhaultation awaits.
Gather to the fold, turn your gaze from sin, and rid yourself of impurity.
I invite you, dear Sinner, to feast upon my gospel. Join me in the Confessional and expel your truest, darkest desires, so that I may lift you out from the pits of temptation.
Come unto Me.
St. Alastor
Hey 👋🏽
NB | They/Them | 26yo
So, I post that Good Gay Shit and y’all throw unadulterated thoughts, headcanons, and whatnot into my asks.
That’s it.
[Doesn't have to be filth, but it's always welcomed.]
#Forgiven: Confessions
#Anon Shares: Whatever doesn’t fit as a Confession
#Admin Confessions: My shit posts
I'll roleplay a "Holier Than Thou" Alastor when answering asks. (Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a demon- it’s just that the outfits make him feel ✨cunty✨)
RadioApple is very very very welcomed here, but honestly- if it Gays, it Stays (just don't be weird about it yall, check the Hard NOs list before sending pls)
• Sexual assault
• Incest
• Pedophilia
• Racism (Remember and respect that Alastor is a Creole man)
• Homophobia
• Transphobia
• Beastiality
You will be BLOCKED if I get even a WHIFF of this shit.
If you somehow missed it in my bio:
I will not interact with asks from ageless blogs.
Also, please don't come here to lecture me or anyone else on this blog about real world religion. I've done my time, and had my fill.
Now I write fanfiction about boys topless, oiled up, kissing each other probably.
This blog is just for fun- have a go!
Which brings me to my final point: I will also casually filth dump on here if and when the spirit moves me.
Man's gotta scrub their brain of Unholy Shit too.
Anyways, welcome to the Confessional and enjoy your time here x
I look forward to speaking with you.
~ Quick addition! ~
Because this has happened quite a few times already, I’d like to make it clear:
Please DO NOT send real world shit into my asks. I won’t interact with people’s real life trauma.
It’s a huge mental and emotional load for me to answer heavy shit, plus vicarious trauma exists, and that’s not the goal of this blog.
Keep it fun, y’all ❤️
If you need help, please seek your local GP or mental health professional, or reach out to friends and family. There is no shame or harm in doing so. We all need help, it’s part of being human x
Thanks again, my dears.
- Admin
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Multiple Thrupples are Forming
June 2023 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 8 of 10 - Emotional blackmail from the ex notwithstanding, I guess it’s Pat’s turn to break hearts. I have to say Up was really well cast in this part - extremely believable. Well done all around. Jeng is so smitten, so awkward, so cautious, yet so sharp when it comes to a seme confrontations. I LOVE how sensitive Jeng is to the fact that he has a one-sided crush but also deluded by how much he wants the fantasy of the relationship. The agonizing roller coaster we watch him go through in this ep did a lot of work to elevate and expand his character. (Oh hi Green!) Poor Pat: thinks he’s teasing his straight boss, is actually slow dancing with future husband. Happens to the best of us. 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 8 of 10 - Don’t kiss someone else. Just argh. Dumb plot divice. I expected better of you LP. Everyone is so overdramatic and overreacting. I wonder if (in addition to all of the other tropes this narrative is scrutinizing) it’s examining bisexual identity through Pat + his ex? Like, this episode is actually about trusting the bisexual to choose his gay lover when he has the so called “option of being normal.” That soulmate is an allegory for gayness & identity & choice (and whether we even have a choice in who we love and are attracted to) and the interplay all of this has with one's own perception of self and other's perception of you… Or am I giving it too much credit? Meanwhile... l flipping adore the love triangle twist, and really wonder if they’re gonna have the guts to take this aspect to its inevitable triangular conclusion. Such a good show. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 4 of 10? - Screw all y’all, I’m eloping with Pair & Max. We forming a thrupple and pretending Jittirain doesn’t exist. Trash watch here. 
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 4 of 6 - I love the high school boys so much it’s scary: flirting, biting, frankness, roughhousing + lap sitting! Also messy high school gay triangle. Gah. All of this for little-old me?! I was mad every time we jumped forward in time (to the adults) or whatever the hell is going on. Thank goodness this is only 6 eps. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
 Love Tractor (Korea Weds iQIYI) eps 3-4 of 8 - I LOVE IT SO MUCH. IT IS EVERYTHING. SHUT UP I AM FERRIL FOR THE BEAUTIFUL CITY BOY & HIS YOUNG FARMER. Come on. Korea. Have mercy? Plus some language play? Slayed. Right... the episode; This show reminds me so much of a Korean style Restart After Come Back Home. I’m not even slightly mad about it. It’s the BL I didn’t even know to ask for. Soap opera tumble and baby in hospital is SUCH a princess moment and I am living for it. Although the reversal is even cuter, princess turns out to be a caring tsundere Dom. And then obligatory water-hose frolicking! Oh, stop, you. (Allegory much? i being to think hose spraying is just another way of BL saying... well... hose spraying) AND “there is only one bed but they slept together on the floor together anyway”. These boys are hitting all my favorite tropes. BL please never lose your sense of childish wonder. And... the hose spraying is nice too.  
Tokyo in April AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 1 of 8 - Based on a NSFW yaoi, this is a reunion romance that takes place in an office. Look, this is a weird little 2nd chance at love that reminds me a bit of Our Dating Sim. But it’s more traditional yaoi office romance with evil boss and inter-departmental politics. The leads are cute childhood (almost) sweethearts and I adore it unreasonably already. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) ep 6 of 12 - Vertical video prod is stupid. I’m sorry young people. Stop it. BUT the cuddling is cute. Christ BV can kiss. Is there anyone he doesn’t have amazing chemistry with? Oh the sunshade trope I haven’t seen that one in forever. Also clearly his character has a type, and that type = ultra-bitch. 
Stupid Genius (Vietnam Fri YouTube) ep 2 of 6 - It’s fine. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 9 of 12 - Oh dear. Baby is hurt and rejected. Faen fatal knows her competition is a boy, she also knows what jealousy looks like. But this baby has his own boy. This is all feeling rather Thai BL. There’s even an ep 11 of DOOM coming up next.
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It’s Airing But ...
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
Stay (Pinoy YouTube) 7 eps - It’s mostly in English and set in LA so I’m not bothering but the first one did drop.
Ever After (Pinoy ????) - I got nothing.
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan Sun ????) 10 eps - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I? (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*)
Boys Love Omegaverse (Japan ????) - honestly tho? Who tf cares? You’ll still tell me if you find it, because inquiring minds... Irony of this airing at the same time as Takumi-kun. Full circle much, Japan?
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Ended This Week
Tin Tem Jai special showed up on Gaga as ep 11 & 12 under the original show. (Indebted to spies reporting in.) Also on YouTube. What was that I just watched? Did I watch something? Was there anything? I suppose the bathtub scene was cute. Subs are bonkers. Seriously. Do. Not. Bother.
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan) - pay attention TTJ THIS is how you do a special. But I’m gonna do a series review, here ya go: I was always gonna love the show if they stuck to the manga (which is very dear to my heart). And they did, paralleling it almost exactly. It’s a quiet & cozy little parable of found family alleviating loneliness. Possibly too slow for some but definitely high up there for me with the best of what Japan can do (like Restart After Come Back Home), it’s only flaw (if I dare say such a thing) is that it is not really “romantic.” Lovely & sweet but the romance beats are being used to build a family relationship, not just couple intimacy, it’s OK with me, but not totally BL. 9/10
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting this Week
6/22 About Us but Not About Us (Pinoy movie from 2022 on Prime) - A professor grieving the loss of his partner meets an ambitious literature student.
6/24 Tie The Knot AKA Under the Same Sky (Pinoy movie on Prime) Trailer - I guess Prime is coming for our Pinoy BL? From OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince), announced for 2022 based on a true story, Briggs's family runs a bridal business but he has never had a chance to fall in love until he meets Shao, a groom to be.
6/24 Why You (Khmer BL ????) - Billed as a horror romance, not sure if this is a movie or a series or where it will air.
6/25 Dinosaur Love (Thai iQIYI) Trailer 5 eps - from Ultimate Troop about a uni student, Rak, whose partner cheats on him with Rak's best friend. This gives bad boy hazer Dino an opportunity to hit on Rak at last. From The Yearbook people so I will not watch this as it airs. After Remember Me? Never again with them.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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Step by Step knocked it outta the park this week. 
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Stupid Genius (speaking for all BL) 
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No baby. Pretty much every human on the planet would react that way. (Love Tractor) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? IVE’s I Am 
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kodaiki · 2 years
a/n: ty for this thirst anon it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while but I finally wrote it !!! if y’all wanna give me more vague prompts like this IM SO DOWN <3333 this is unedited oops. minors and ageless blogs do not interact !!
wc: 4.4k
cw: car sex, riding, creampie, protected sex (reader is on birth control, slight mention of alcohol, afab!reader
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“you go out first- wait, fix your tie,” you stammer, reaching for the taller man’s collared shirt, adjusting it in addition to fixing the dark tie hung around it, pulled lose from your doing probably.
fwb!aomine only stares down at you with an easy expression, eyes glinting in satisfaction by the deep flush of your cheeks and slight disheveled appearance. he didn’t even go far, only making out with you and some light grinding in the back corner of the bar where no one could see. yet still, you’re flustered expression makes it look like you went far beyond that.
“thank you,” he murmurs hoarsely, tipping his head downward to send a chill down your back. “you know it’s coming off later anyway right?” he says coolly, bringing a hand up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. you squeak at the insinuation of his words, quickly glaring at him afterward.
“daiki,” he corrects lowly, retracting his hand.
“-don’t just say stuff like that!”
the dark haired man only laughs at you, not in the condescending way like he usually did, but more lighthearted, more amused if anything.
“sorry, sorry,” he apologizes but the grin on his face contradicts his message entirely. “i’ll be going then.” he pats your cheek gently, leaning down once more to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
aomine leaves you alone in the corner to collect yourself, both physically and mentally. the burn in your stomach makes you frown, both in frustration and discomfort, just by the doing of the raven haired man alone. 
you spend the next few minutes tugging at your dress, a pretty floral dress, as to how it was earlier in the evening during dinner, and patting down your hair, in hopes it wasn’t too much of a mess. the flush of your cheeks still burns at the entire recent event making you wonder how aomine could always appear so calm and casual.
you and daiki aomine are not a couple. definitely not.
but you sure as hell ain’t just friends either.
from what you recall, your... relationship began around six months prior at a reunion with your friends from college; it'd been only a year since you all graduated.
you'd all gone separate ways through your respective careers and though you did manage to see your friends on different occasions or when you were free, it was never the whole lot of you as it is right now.
so, those six months ago, the reunion, having taken place at a bar, set the perfect stage for the two off you. you and aomine had been the last ones of the friend group to leave the bar, having settled on two bar stools, updating the other about what had gone on in your lives. one thing led to another, alcohol and the bar's romantic aura playing a significant role, and you ended up going home with him. from that moment forward, it became an unspoken thing, a physical relationship for either of your needs.
once you’re seated, you send a pressed grin to the rest of the table, hopeful that no one saw through your lie about using the restroom.
briefly, you glance over at aomine who’s already immersed in a conversation with kagami, hand wrapped around the beer he most likely ordered as a ploy for why he was gone for so long. he's pulled up his sleeves, cuffing them, showing off a peek of the tattood sleeve he has on his left arm. as if feeling your stare, he averts his gaze for a split second, looking at you, offering you a raised brow.
you scrunch your nose at the way you can read his mind.
already wanting more, the mischievous glint in his eye says all. he eyes the front door of the restaurant, as if saying let's get out of here, followed by a cheeky smile behind the beer bottle he's about to take a swig of.
you scoff quietly at that, shaking your head at his brazenness.
"what about you, y/n?"
"hm, what?" you're brought out of your staring contest with aomine by the light chime beside you. you turn to face kise who's smiling rather mischievously at you. "sorry what was the question?"
"have you been out on dates throughout the year? midorimacchi says he's too busy and kurokocchi is gatekeeping his relationship with momoi," he says with a pout, tilting his head down at you.
"oh! uh, nope, no dates," you reveal with a nervous laugh. it isn't exactly a lie. all those times aomine's come over your place and you to his, you don't really consider dates and you're sure he doesn't either. confirming your thoughts, when you glance over at the man, he simply twitches an eyebrow upward in a playful manner.
"wha- really?" kise comments incredulously. "i sincerely doubt that."
"why?" you can't help but ask with a confused expression, furrowing your brows at him. it seems the rest of the table has settled into teir own conversation with the person or persons beside him, leaving you and kise to chat.
"well, i mean, you're pretty! i'd think people would've asked you out during the year," he admits a bit bashfully, rubbing a hand behind his neck. you think nothing of it, simply waving him off as being nice.
"you're too sweet," you sighing, flicking your hand downward. "besides, i've been too busy with work anyway so dates aren't really on my priority list."
"awh, c'mon really?" kise croons out, jutting out his lower lips. "what if i asked you out?"
"hm?" your brows furrow, full attention straying from the near empty plat of food in front of you to the blonde sitting beside you.
"would you go if i asked you out?" his tone is cheeky, warm, something you understand as a joke or a bit for you to play along with.
"very cheeky," you scoff out with an amused eye roll.
you don't catch the minuscule falter in kise's expression at your lack of awareness, but he quickly recovers when akashi across the table bids his attention, brining him into another conversation.
it isn't until the mini conversation is over that you feel burning into your temple, causing you to look up, only to meet the hard stare aomine's sending your way. your brows knit together in slight confusion, wondering how his expression could change so quickly from calm and lighthearted to seemingly pissed off.
you mouth out a 'you okay?' as to not draw attention to the whole table. you stomach only sinks when he's responds with nothing but a scoff into the bottle, turning his attention away from you and back to kagami in front of him.
the rest of dinner goes rather smoothly, minus aomine's deep frown, with only chatter about the nostalgia of your memories from college, high school and beyond.
"is he alright?" kagami murmurs to you as he helps you with your coat as you all gather to leave. "he seemed a little off toward the end of the night."
you give the taller man a pressed, yet clueless, smile. "no idea. i'll try to ask him about it." you glance over at him whose chin is dropped close to his chest as he stares rather pointedly at you, awaiting you near the front door. "and now he's getting impatient. i'll see you soon!"
you quickly bid your friends goodbye, hastily following aomine back to his car, since he'd dropped you off to the dinner in the first place.
the car ride home is excruciatingly quiet, only the radio and rumble of the car's gas filling your ears as aomine stares straight ahead at the road, tightly gripping the steering wheel.
"daiki-" you attempt to break the silence, but your voice falls in your throat. you shiver in your seat, bringing your thin jacket closer to you in hopes for more warmth. you can't tell if it's the car's cool temperature or aomine's cold aura that's freezing you.
at your movement, aomine slightly relaxes, nonchalantly bringing a hand to his car's controls and turning down the air condition.
"i'm sure kise was only being friendly," you quickly blurt, seizing the opportunity to speak when this is the first time he's so much as twitched since the two of you entered the car. that must be what it's about, right? "you know he's naturally like that."
like that, you say since you're too worried at striking a nerve for even so much as calling him flirty.
you can't tell if the man beside you likes or dislikes your answer anyway but his clenched jaw makes you think it's the latter.
you don't even know why he's so agitated by it; an old friend casually flirted with you, so what? it was in kise's character to be the friendly type and aomine's known him longer than you have; wouldn't he be more accustomed to that?
the man beside you only hums out in response, no acknowledgment in the form of a turn of his head or mere eye contact through side-eyes.
sure, you were close to aomine in more ways than one, but never did you think something as minor as a slight flirt from kise could get on his nerves. he's always been at least a little protective of you since you'd first met in college, steering you away from sleazes and guys he knew were no good. but as far as your concerned, kise's not one of those guys so why on earth is he so upset?
was it something you said?
maybe it had nothing to do with the fact that it was kise flirting with you but the fact that you accepted it? brushing and laughing it off giving him a hunch you liked the guy? that was far from the case but you could see the misunderstanding.
you grasp at another opportunity to speak to him when he parks in front of your apartment building, putting the car in park with the adjustment of his gearshift. quickly covering his hand with yours before he could pull away, you try again. "daiki," you start seriously, worry lacing your tone. "what is it?"
for the first time since you've left the restaurant, he turns to face you and looks at you. his stern expression, knitted brows and deep glare softens when he sees your wide, curious eyes and small frown.
god, he hates the way he's feeling. aomine never feels like this. never angry about some guy, much less some guy interacting with you.
"kise has a crush on you."
aomine's words come out stern and matter-of-fact, throwing you off guard. it's the first thing he's said for a while so that? that wasn't what you were expecting.
"he ... huh?" you attempt to blink away your confusion, batting your lashes at the man beside you quizzically.
it didn't help every face you made made you so damn cute either, aomine thinks as he pushes his tongue into the side of his cheek to keep from so much as smiling at your expression.
"kise," he tries again, raising a brow, "got the hots for you. 'heard him talking about it with tetsu."
your nose scrunches at his choice of words, internally scoffing at hots for you, but you choose to verbally disregard it.
"oh," you murmur, averting your eyes from his. "that's ... funny." you can't help but chuckle awkwardly, detesting the awkwardness settled in the air of aomine's car. the car's been in park for a while now, lights overhead since dimmed and the only light providing you a decent look at the man's facial expressions are from the ones lined up on the streets outside.
"funny?" aomine repeats, turning to you. "how so?"
swallowing the lump in your throat, you mumble out, "i just, don't like him like that. 'can't really."
"you can't..." aomine drawls off with a deadpanned tone, eyes squinting slightly as he tries to analyze your words.
"i can't when there's someone else..." you trail off, hiding the deep flush of your face by turning your whole body toward the passenger's side door, in hopes of escaping the car and bidding aomine a good night.
"hey." he gently grabs your forearm before you could push open the door. "look at me." you glance at yourself in the reflection of his tinted window, lips twisting into an embarrassed pout.
you crane your neck around to face him once more, only to raise a brow, feigning nonchalance. "thanks for the ride dai-"
"y/n." his tone makes you shut up immediately and your throat runs dry. "wanna elaborate on that?" he asks knowingly. it's a request you know, but his intonation clearly says that he'll receive your answer regardless.
"not really," you whisper out a little breathlessly. shit, is the car getting warmer or is it truly just the flush of your cheeks?
he simply raises a brow at you as you slouch in his leathered seats, somewhat defeated by his gaze on you.
"i think you should," he chuckles out dryly, bringing his other hand up to brush a strand of hair that fell in front of your face and tucks it behind your ear. instinctively, your head moves forward, further into the palm of his hand to which he gently rubs a thumb along the pad of your cheek.
"i think i shouldn't," you murmur out. your eyes don't stray from his while you lightly nibble at your lower lip. the air suddenly feels thick and you nearly shift in your shift to pull away from aomine's deep stare. for whatever reason, the hazy air has you drawing forward where you both meet just above the gearshift, making his hand slip up your jaw to the side of your neck.
"why not?" he murmurs out, his face so close to yours, his breath fans over your lips.
how do you not sound like a total dork in this intimate, smooth context saying, i think it's funny because it's not kise i like, it's you, my strictly platonic friends with benefits?
well, if you can't say it, might as well show it, right?
so, you inhale deeply before seizing your lips with his. you bring your hands around the dark necktie he's wearing, crinkling it between your fist and tugging him closer to you, deepening the kiss.
aomine immediately reciprocates, bringing your face between both of his large hands, tilting your head slightly. you can't tell if he's reciprocating because he understands your message or he's just so accustomed to kissing you like this; either way, you're not complaining.
it seems to get sloppier as more time passes, evident by your restlessness. you hum into his mouth, hands going up to grip at the short hands behind his ears, tugging slightly.
in one swift movement, he jerks his seat back, as far back as possible to allow more room, and greedily guides you over the console to plop you on his lap. your lips never separate, only to release a breathy chuckle at the squeak you make when your knee clumsily hits the top of the gearshift on your way over.
you settle your lower back against the bottom of the steering wheel, careful not to trigger the car horn, separating your face from his in order to reach for the buttons along the front of his shirt, having pulled off his tie already. aomine chases your lips anyway, leaning forward to press open-mouthed kisses along the side of your mouth, trailing down your jaw and neck.
"y'so pretty," he says, though it's muffled from his contact on your skin. "my pretty."
his hands grasp at your waist, pulling you flush against him now that you're finished unbuttoning his shirt, pressing you down firmer against his dress pants, unmistakably on the bulge that's his boner.
"shouldn't we go inside?" you mumble, quickly looking side to side, out the windows of his car in case of any onlookers.
"need you now." is all he answers, no inclination to let go of you anytime soon. "besides, tinted windows." he says, lightly knocking against the glass, easing your concerns. it's also rather late, so the chances of someone catching you - however that could happen - are relatively low.
he peels the flimsy lace straps straps of your dress, a short floral one aomine decides he likes, down your arms, no bother letting you pull out your arms. he pulls down the front of your dress, eliciting a gasp from you at his eagerness, freeing your breasts. whatever warm air you were mentally complaining about earlier must've been in your head because your nipples pebble nearly immediately.
he returns to your lips, hands drifting upward to cup and grab at your breasts, smiling against the kiss when you croon and sigh into his mouth.
your fingers tangle through his dark locks as he begins dipping his head lower and lower down your chest before reaching the valley between your breasts. he's particularly gentle with this area, placing chaste kisses along the domes, but he's merciless with your nipples. his fingers roll around one while his mouth latches the other, tongue swirling around the bud and teeth pulling at it, making you throw your neck back as breathy moans escape you.
you press down firmer against him as he gives the other nipple the same love, rolling your hips against his front, begging for any sort of friction between your clothed core and his.
receiving your message loud and clear, he detaches himself, forming a line of spit connecting your bud and his lips.
"daiki," you breathe out desperately. "i want you."
"yeah?" he asks, shuffling out of his dress shirt, now slightly sheer with sweat, allowing you a full view of his torso and upper body. your eyes ogle his arms, tan and toned, muscles of his biceps bulging as he holds you. your eyes drift to the tatted sleeve across his entire left arm, memories of all the times you've grasped and scratched ta it while he was under and over you in similar situations – well, maybe not so similar since this was the first time you've fucked in his car.
normally aomine would tease you, continuing to ask how bad you want him, but seeing you like this: glassy-eyed look, splayed out just for him in the dim lights of the streetlights outside his car; only he gets to see you like this.
and fuck, he loves that.
"'want you, too," he settles on, pressing his lips to yours once more, lifting you by the ass to hike up your dress up your hips where is bunches at your waist, meeting with the top of your dress. meanwhile, you busy yourself, blindly feeling around his crotch area for the button and zipper of his dress pants until finding them.
no wonder car sex is usually done in the back seat, you can't help but think as you watch aomine shove down his pants enough to allow enough room for his cock to spring free. there's hardly any room up here.
"y/n, you can't-"
"s'okay," you slur, leveling yourself over his standing cock, only pushing your panties, a pretty pink lacy pair you'd much rather save than risk getting ripped off, to the side, readying to lower yourself. "'need your dick."
"you're not prepped." aomine grunts when his head brushes over your entrance. "it'll hurt." he can't help but let worry seep into his tone, another indication that what he feels for you is beyond more than a fuck buddy relationship.
"it's okay," you repeat anyway, mind too foggy to back down. "just go slow."
aomine can't argue with that, not when you sound so firm and stubborn while literally hovering just over him. grasping at your hips, he aids you in sinking down on his dick, making him seethe at the tight fit.
your arms wrap around his broad shoulders, tucking your head into his neck, damp with sweat but your don't mind.
"i got you," aomine coos, rubbing your back soothingly. "just let me know when to move."
it's when he's caring like this, a stark contrast than how he shows off to other people, that gets your stomach doing somersaults and heart rate going erratic.
you don't know how long you're sat like that, eyes shut as you grow accustomed to the stretch of his dick, it could be seconds, minutes. after a small while, you lift your head from his shoulder. "okay, i'm good, you can start moving."
he simply nods down at you, eyes darkened, yet still showing that same fondness he usually has when you're this close and intimate, gently wiping some sweat on your forehead with the side of his hand before bringing it back to your hips. slowly, while gripping at your hips firmly, he lifts you up before dropping you back down, in addition to thrusting himself up into you.
soon enough, the only sounds heard in the car are the slapping of wet skin and the moans and guttural groans coming from the two of you. fog sticks to the glass of the car windows, darkening the lighting inside the car even further.
you use his shoulders as leverage while you bounce above him, meanwhile his teeth clash and glade along your throat, most likely littering love marks. his hands have slid down to your ass, squeezing and kneading at the fat of it as he guides you up and down his shaft.
"so good," you chant out, so often, it may be the only words you can say.
"made f'me," aomine grunts, speeding up his pace when he feels the knot in his stomach begin to tighten. "all for me."
"for... you," you affirm, mind foggier with lust than before. "only for you. all for you." you're babbling at this point, words you can't filter but not necessarily untrue.
"i'm close," he warns, making you nod profusely as if iterating you are, too. "you gonna cum? want you to cum 'round my cock."
"mhm, mhm!" you hum, losing yourself in his relentless pace.
it's a prior conversation that made aomine known to the fact that your on the pill, something you'd drilled into him the first night you slept together when he'd asked where he should release.
"you're so pretty like this, f'me. mine," he blurts, watching the area where your pussy meets his dick, disappearing and reappearing with every thrust.
"love this pussy." after some sloppy thrusts upwards, no doubt from him chasing his high, he lets out a deep groan, cock twitching inside you as warm ropes of cum paint your walls. "i love you."
aomine doesn't stop, however, with a new mission to let you finish. he continues to thrust into you, riding through his orgasm as he aids you in chasing yours. he bounces you up and down more firmly than before, focusing on pressure instead of speed. tears stream down your cheeks, mascara probably running under your eyes.
"c'mon baby, cum for me," he urges.
that seems to do the job because with one final jerk of his hips upward, you freeze above him, shaking as your orgasm takes over. your limp on his lip, muscles aching as a clearish-white ring of cum settles around the base of aomine's dick.
he carefully lifts you off his softened dick, plopping you on his thighs and continues to hold you close in his arms, warm hands gently rubbing at the flesh of your ass and hips where his probably brutal grip was. "you okay?"
you nod against him, bringing a hand up to trace absentmindedly along his chest. it isn't until you're clearer in the head that you've registered his words, shyly averting your gaze from his.
did he mean that? or was it an in the moment thing?
"dai," you murmur quietly.
"yeah?" he asks hoarsely, tilting his head down in attempt to meet your gaze.
"you um, said something before," you trail off, hoping you wouldn't have to outright repeat it in case it causes awkwardness within the small space of his car.
aomine knows exactly what you're talking about. although what he said was amidst being balls deep in you with nothing but you and his high on his mind, he was completely honest in saying them.
he could either run away from it, claiming it as a slip of the tongue accident that he didn't really mean in hopes of preserving your strict fuck buddy relationship, or he could risk it all; risk that you don't feel the same yet still come clean about his own feelings.
when it came to you, aomine has the urge to be nothing but truthful.
"i meant it," he answers seriously. "i know what we have is strictly physical but if i'm being honest i think i've loved you since college but i was too dumb or stubborn to admit it to myself."
you release a breath you don't realize you've been holding, finally gaining the courage to look up and face him.
he looks away from you this time, choosing to glance at the fogged up windows. "it's alright if you don't feel the same, just thought i'd-"
you don't let him continue beyond that, quickly pecking his lips to cut him off. when he averts his gaze back to you, your lips curl up into a small smile. "i love you, too."
he smiles at that, a genuine, happy one albeit tired from the prior engagement, and leans his forehead against yours. it's a moment before he mutters, "it's getting pretty sticky, right? we should head inside."
"yeah," you quickly agree, hastily fixing your dress to look the least bit presentable for anyone who may be in your apartment's lobby.
the two of you step out of the car, sighing in the much cooler night air contrasting aomine's car's warm, sex-ridden air. "and dai?" you ask as he shuts his car door.
"if you were just jealous of kise, y'coulda just said so." a knowing grin curls up your lips as you face aomine. he only deadpans at you for a mere moment before pressing a kiss to your temple with a low chuckle, hinting that whatever happened at dinner no longer concerns him.
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ʚĭɞ reblogs and interaction always appreciated! ʚĭɞ
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
(Eddie Munson x Female Reader x Steve Harrington)
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Summary: Mother Nature is a bitch, and well, so are you. Until your boyfriends decide to help out a little…
Pairings: Steddie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2,757
Warnings: Language, NSFW, bodily fluids, anxiety, thrupple fighting, blood, period stuff, period sex, vaginal sex, obvious threesome, tooth rotting fluff & comfort, and MORE!
A/N: You know, I can’t ever write a fic with the general idea in mind, and stick to it. I always have to develop additions along the way. Anyways, I’m gonna try and keep this one short, and I hope it makes sense, lol. It started out as comfort and I decided to just go for it, so if period sex/blood in smut is not your thing—AVOID! I also couldn’t decide between the two men, thus I am doing a three way again!
The feedback on She’s Trouble has been immaculate and astounding to me! I thank all of you so much, with all my heart! I’m sorry I couldn’t reply to everyone, it was just a lot! But I saw every comment and tag! 💘🥹
Also, I’m not using tags, because I don’t know who will and will not be comfortable with this kind of content!
I hope y’all enjoy this?! <3 - Kristen
You tried to be still at the Wheeler’s kitchen table, you really did. Listening to Nancy get lost in a speech about her latest editorial, Robin hyping her up on the sidelines, and the kids throwing popcorn at each other in the living room, with Mike bitching about it getting in the carpet and pissing his mom off. Your heels haven’t touched the floor since you began bouncing your feet about ten minutes ago, fingers fighting twitching urges to staple themselves to your temples. There’s probably a sour look of disgust on your face, but you’re starting to pass that point where do not you care. With the last dousing of humid air over Hawkins, Indiana, you feel as if your entire core temperature is a blazing inferno.
Combine that with the lacking effects your morning shower had to keep you cooled down, and you make for one pissed off person. You roll your eyes at your own dramatic antics, squirming in the seat and causing it to make a shifting squeak. It must be louder than you heard, as Nancy is questioning you. “Hey, you okay, Y/N?”
Dear god in Heaven, why is she drawing attention to me?
You fold your arms across your chest, tucking them neatly, teeth grinding as you force out, “I’m fine, Nance.”
“You don’t look fine. You actually, kinda look like you’re about to puke.” Robin interjects, hand draped across the chair adjacent to yours.
If you could move without that disgusting flood between your legs, then you would probably kill your best-friend for stating the obvious.
“Who’s gonna vomit?” Comes a deep voice that takes his place beside Nancy, who now has her brows knit in concern. Steve.
And wherever he goes, Eddie has followed, as of lately. You’re clenching your lids closed, head bowing, hands resting across your heated cheeks. When you look up, Eddie has that stupid shit eating grin on his face that you can’t decide if you want to punch or kiss. An automatic shared stare is directed your way, making you sink under its observation, nausea growing.
Steve speaks first, noting your disheveled appearance. There’s sweat beading all over your face, tension in your normally relaxed muscles, and you give an air of a trapped animal. He frowns, moving around the table and readying his large hand to place on your forehead. You quickly dart off, waving your hands. “How about no, dude?”
Dude? Since—
“when do you call Harrington a dude, baby?” Eddie cuts Steve’s internal questioning, confusing himself.
“When he starts crowding my personal space, Edward. That’s when.” You snap, Nancy clicking her tongue as the wheels spin in her head and she lands on knowing exactly what is going on with you.
Eddie’s jaw unhinges in a comical pry, hand splaying across his heart. “Okay, now that was just nasty.”
“Um, do I look at all like I care?” Hands on your hips, that crowded anxiety begins tangoing with your hormones, anger seeping from your pores like acid.
You know your mood towards them is irrational, you are too aware. But there’s a devil on your shoulder that goes by Aunt Flo, and she’s getting her kicks by pulling your strings.
“Okay, that’s enough. What is going on with you?” Steve raises his deep voice a few octaves, annoyed and defensive of himself and your shared partner.
Ever-changing moods, guilt swells in your chest, carving out its permanent residence for the next several days. Your vision blurs and you clamber from your seat, apologizing to Robin and Nancy, before walking over to where Eddie and Steve stand side by side, your fingers brushing over their hands, voice barely above a whisper. “M’ sorry. I just wanna go home, please.”
Eddie is perturbed. It was his week to pick out the restaurant for date night, and you’d all planned on driving over there after your excursion at the Wheelers. And now you’re acting like he and Steve are dog shit on your shoes. He’s nauseated.
Nancy is quick to catch you in a hug before you can leave, rubbing up and down your shoulders, her voice by your ear. “They might be guys, but I’m pretty sure they’ll understand if you tell them what’s going on.” She pecks your cheek and gives you another squeeze, sliding back and away, dropping off with an, “I’ll call you later, okay?”
You’ve never been more grateful for her and that mutual understanding.
The ride back to your house is silent. You’d opted for the backseat of Steve’s BMW, leaving your boyfriends up front with each other, stealing glimpses of your exhausted face in the rear view. When you do arrive at your cul-de-sac, you linger on the door handle, partially expecting them to object to your retreat. Eddie, whom can read you like a fucking textbook he’d studied three times over in school—isn’t having it. You can’t blame him.
“We’re goin’ on the date. You can stay home and mope and bitch at the wall. We’ll bring you somethin’ back later.” He’s got his hands folded across his black t-shirt clad chest, opting to cast his gaze elsewhere as you silently remove yourself from the car, heart being pulverized beneath your breast.
“No, it’s okay. Don’t… just don’t worry about it, yeah?” It comes off jagged and fragmented, versus how you wanted it to sound—reassuring and strong.
You watch them both in the beginning stages of blurred vision. Steve is holding onto the wheel tightly, his expressions fighting for dominance—ones that you can’t decipher in the moment. Anger or defeat, maybe? You nod, at who, you aren’t sure. You wring your fingers together.
“Well, okay. Be safe and have a good time.” As if Aunt Flo didn’t destroy your entire day, she up and leaves you for vacation, obliterating all your previous anger.
Stupid fucking hormonal bitch.
“I love you.” Comes off your lips in a softness that is directed at them both.
Eddie does seek you out then, nostrils flaring, chocolate irises softening. Steve opens and closes his mouth, words caught. You don’t stay behind to embarrass yourself any longer.
Cramps that are absolutely devouring your insides, you figure that’s a good punishment for your attitude today. Tylenol, nor the heating pad are helping, and your migraine has only worsened since you got off the phone with Nancy and an apologetic Robin, who made enough ‘crimson tide’ jokes to take you into the next century. Smoothing things over with them eased some anxieties, but you can’t stop thinking about how your boys are enjoying the date that Eddie was so excited about. Is it a burger joint that will be followed by chocolate shakes and handcuffs? Or maybe it’s a fancy little pizzeria and some cheap wine, with Eddie’s finest stash and his sinfully gifted mouth?
Whatever it is, it’s your fault that you’re not partaking. Scrubbing a hand across your tear stained eyes, you discard the heating pad and opt for some good ol’ fashioned sulking in your room. However, you don’t make it to the stairs before your front door is being unlocked and opened by the spare key, making you swallow in fear, uncertainty about who is there, until sunsets’ golden hues cast a halo around Steve Harrington’s beautiful face, his form framed in your doorway. His chestnut locks are discombobulated, but those freckles are crystal clear consolations. When he drinks you in, you immediately run into his embrace, his biceps flexing to hold onto the bags in each hand, letting them go, not even seconds later, enfolding you in a cocoon of: aftershave, Eddie’s lingering cigarette smoke, cologne, and freshly washed clothing. Steve.
You bury your face in his baby blue Henley, cheek tickled by wisps of chest hair that peeks out from a few undone buttons. He begins rubbing your back, strong hands kneading that specific tension at your tailbone, a moan dipping off your lips at the muscular relief. You mewl into him, his hands cupping your cheeks as you pull away with closed eyes, head tilted back.
“There we go, honey.” He’s praising, thumbpads scraping your cheekbones, down to your jawline. “What a good-fucking-girl.”
Broken syllables are uttered from you, a diaphragm depth voicing of neglected need, staved off by hormones. Steve knows what words and phrases get your bones dusted to ash, your body a pile of goo. And through a confusing midst, you’re worried about having to turn away his implications. These kinds of sensual conversations always lead to you underneath your boyfriend, cunt stuffed full of his fat cock, tears cooling in your lash line, Eddie encouraging Steve to fuck you just a little past your limit, because that limit is heightened each time. But right at this very moment… you can’t.
You feel the shiver overtake you, and Steve holds you closely again, fingertips striking goosebumps alive along the expanse of your arms.
“Leave me with half the load out here, Harrington. And look at this? Hogging our girl, dude?” Eddie interrupts, a little winded and depositing more grocery bags in your doorway beside Steve’s feet. His repeating your earlier phrase—sans malice or biting sarcasm, it has you grinning, making Eddie help himself to wrapping his arms around you from behind.
Eddie’s spicy and earth scent, cluttered with that cigarette smoke off his fresh pack, it collides into Steve’s, rendering you into that overlapping heap of stupid slut. And your little shits, they know. It’s what has you trying to pull away, remembering your situation. Eddie knocks his knuckles beneath your shirt, caressing and massaging that same spot Steve had pinpointed. You’re whimpering, pleading. “Don’t. I can’t right now, Eds.”
And if you thought Eddie Munson couldn’t surprise you anymore in this lifetime, you’d be damned for eternity. His lips find the shell of your ear, that smirk that causes his teeth to graze your lobe. It works itself off his tongue, hot and offered. “A little blood won’t stop the fun, sweetheart.”
Your eyes widen so hard that a protesting sting takes place in the muscles. You want to bury yourself in the floor and never come out, sidestepping their holds and becoming guarded. “How do you even know?”
“Nance,” Steve answers nonchalantly, “we called her when we went back to Eds place after dropping you off.”
“Wait, what about the date?” You’re in a stammering disbelief. “You didn’t let me ruin it, please fucking tell me—“
“Babe, and I mean this in the most respectful of ways,” Eddie says as he steps forward, gripping your shoulders, “can you please stop talking for five minutes and let Harrington’s sweet mouth explain? Besides, no way we were actually gonna go on that date without you.”
Steve smirks. Your brows pinch together and you huff, giving Steve the leeway to continue, meanwhile your heart is swollen with affection at Eddie’s admission. “At first she didn’t want to tell us, saying it wasn’t her place, but then Munson over there wouldn’t quit doing that begging thing he does, and then Robin started in by telling Nance that she can’t imagine his cute puppy eyes in agony, so… yeah.”
“Really?” You snort, shaking your head at your rocker boyfriend.
“Hey! It worked though, didn’t it?” Eddie is grinning, a grin that you most definitely want to kiss. “Found out our girl’s got a case of bein’ on the rag.”
“Must you use that phrase, Eddie?” You wince, your hand resting on your lower abdomen.
Steve remembers the bags and nudges Eddie’s shoulder to help him pick them up and take them into your kitchen. You’re stealing peeks when they’re discarded onto the kitchen counter, like a kid at Christmas time. Steve places his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist and using his palms to dig into that ache in your stomach, soothing it.
This guy is a fucking Adonis…
“Go ahead, baby. The stuff is for you. Well, some of it is for the big kid over there.” Steve chortles, Eddie flipping him the bird as he snatches his gummy worms from a sack.
“I don’t deserve it. I was a bitch to you guys.” You are mortified and saddened, hand pausing on the crinkling plastic.
Steve pecks your shoulder blade, pressing his cheek into the curvature of your neck. “Yeah, you were, but it’s not like you didn’t have a reason. And this stuff—total magic. An aphrodisiac to Mother Nature.”
“Nance totally told you guys what I’d need, huh?” You laugh, Steve joining in.
“We still remembered your favorites though. Lots of chocolate, Pringles, half of the gummy worms from Eddie’s bag.” At this, Eddie looks up, candy pinched between his milky white teeth. It’s endearing, really.
“Don’t forget about all the movies we hoarded from your work!” Eddie adds in. “Chick flicks galore, and lotsa horror. Maybe even a porno or two.” He sucks his sticky fingers into his mouth, letting them drop out with a pop.
Steve hums, nipping at your neck. “Let him talk me into bondage this time. He promises we’ll like it.” A kiss is seared into your skin.
You aren’t aware that you’ve began grinding back against Steve, tongue licking across your parched lips, hands shredding the bags’ handle, pupils blown as you watch Eddie, until Steve is groaning and pumping his hips into your backside, beckoning you closer. “Aw, fuck. That’s it, babygirl, rub that ass all over my cock.”
“Too m-messy.” You try, but make zero effort to stop.
“Messes are made to be cleaned, Y/N. You think we’re incapable of doing that?” Eddie is stalking closer, wedging himself between you and the counter, leaving you smashed between your guys. Eddie dips in a bend, then drags his already growing bulge over your clothed cunt. Steve is swelling against your ass, making you a simpering mess. They pass you back and forth in bumping thrusts, each matching the other, dominating your own, their mouths attaching fresh marks across each side of your neck.
You toss your hands back, pulling on two textured sets of hair. “Gotta stop. Fuck, s’ not… I can’t.”
And then they do stop. It makes all the blood rush to your head, dizzy. Eddie’s fingertip nicks your chin, tilting. “Ask us to stop then, Y/N.”
“And we will. You know we will.” Steve is speaking behind you. They share a look of love and strength.
You’re brimmed with an engulfing desire that is smothering every cell of common sense you possess. “I want. I just want…”
“You want Stevie’s cock in that messy little pussy, or mine?” Eddie kisses the corner of your mouth.
“Can’t decide. Need someone.” Oh yeah, you’re a goner.
“Think you’re lucid enough to follow us upstairs and help put some towels down, lover?” Eddie is amused, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
“That good?” Strong and thick thighs are pressed into the globes of your ass, hair tickling your flesh.
You bury your face into Steve’s freckle littered neck, muttering, legs trembling. “Mhm.”
“She’s so warm, Eds. Wait until you feel how different her pussy is like this.” His pupils are blown into a glossy black, flecks of cinnamon being all that remain of his hazel irises.
You can’t help but to tighten around Steve, legs locking around his waist, tugging him in closer as Eddie drapes himself across your chest and sucks a sensitive nipple into his mouth, cushioning his bites with those plush lips. Steve lets out this feral whimper, stifling it in your neck as he falls forward, driving himself into your overly wet pussy, the blood and arousal making it a slippery, but too easy of a glide. You’ve soaked the towel below, a fascination Eddie can’t take his eyes off of, stroking his cock in time with Steve’s rhythmic movements. That spot is hit inside of you and it’s more intense than you ever remember, making your vision black out, thigh trembling beyond your control. Eddie, patient and awaiting his turn with you, brings your mouth to his for a kiss, his tongue caressing your own in a sloppily slick push.
Saliva strings on the break-away, Eddie’s fondness of you growing. “S’ all tender and soaked inside? Gonna make me feel as good as it’s makin’ Stevie feel?”
You’re trying to nod, but it’s weak. “It’s amazing. You’re both, so fucking good. You’re everything.” You babble on.
Steve lifts his face from the cove of your jugular, licking at your sex-drenched skin. “That’s comfort, baby.”
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whenim64 · 2 months
The Monkees was just Micky, Peter and Mike for a long time until Mike met Davy. He never told the guys about him (because he didnt want them to embarrass him) and Mikes always out picking up Davy and taking him on dates. Eventually Mikes ready to introduce his friends to his boyfriend but they just… don’t seem to understand
Mickys always asking Davy if he has a girlfriend and Davy (who does not yet know just how clueless these guys can be) thinks it’s a joke and goes along with it
Davy’s slowly integrated into the group then the band and then he’s asked to move in (after a heavy adult discussion with Mike about their relationship and next steps). Davy and Mike are both under the assumption they’ll share a room since… boyfriends. But Peter kidnaps Davy and begs until they can be roommates
Eventually Mike and Davy realise the others actually don’t know they’re together and bet each other how long it will take them to figure out. They don’t even attempt to hide their relationship but it seems the more coupley they act the less the others cop on
It takes them making out half naked on the couch for the others to even raise an eyebrow (“I thought you guys were just really close”)
wrote a short thing :)
“We’ve talked it over, and, well, Davy already spends so much time here anyway, so I thought ‘he might as well just move in’ and I think it’s the right next move for us and he agrees, so what do y’all think? Would you be fine if Davy moved in here with us?” Mike asked, shifting nervously on his feet as he looked down at his two best friends to see their reactions. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, it just seemed like a big deal asking his friends if his boyfriend could move in with them. What if they didn’t want Davy around that often? No, that would be silly; Davy already spent so much time hanging around the pad he practically lived there, the only difference would be that he’d be sleeping there now too.
He resisted the urge to swipe his hands against his jeans, but Davy felt his arms tense up from where his hands were wrapped around his bicep and he gave his arm a comforting squeeze.
“Yes that’s fantastic!” Peter said, with a wide, cheery grin spreading across his face.
“Yeah that’s a groovy idea. Davy is a perfect addition.” Micky chimed in.
“Oh, you think so? Thanks fellas, this means a lot, really-“
“I’m so excited I finally get to have a roommate!” Peter said as he sprung up from his seat. He latched onto Davy’s arm and started tugging him in the direction of his bedroom.
“You- what?” Davy asked as he let himself be pulled across the pad, throwing a confused look over his shoulder at Mike who stared back at him just as confound.
“It will be like a sleepover every night. And I won’t get lonely and have to bother Micky and Mike in the middle of the night anymore. We can put your bed right there and you can have these drawers in the dresser.” Peter said as he started opening drawers and moving his clothes around. Davy watched as he shuffled around the room moving stuff and reorganizing his drawers. 
“Um- Peter- you know- I was really planning to move in with Mike.” Davy said, awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck as Peter stopped his hectic motions and turned to look at Davy.
“Yeah you’re moving in with Mike, Micky, and I. That’s why I’m clearing a space for you.”
“No I mean I was planning to move into Mike’s room with him.”
“But Micky already rooms with Mike it doesn’t make any sense for you to move in there too… unless, is it that you don’t want to room with me?” Peter asked staring down at Davy with the biggest, saddest eyes he’d ever seen. He felt a pang of guilt in his chest.
“No peter that’s not it at all. You’d be a great roommate.” 
“So you do want to room with me?” Peter asked, a relieved smile taking place of the frown. Davy swallowed down the words of rejection as he stared into Peter’s wide, hopeful eyes. He couldn’t do it; what kind of monster could make Peter feel sad and rejected when he was one of the sweetest people Davy had ever met before.
“Yeah I’ll be your roommate. It’ll be fun just like you said." Davy barely finished his sentence before he was being pulled into a hug by an enthusiastic Peter.
"When are you moving in? Oh I can't wait to help you decorate your side of the room." Peter said clasping his hands together excitedly.
"What're y'all talking about in here?" Mike asked from where he was leaned up against the door frame.
"How Davy is going to decorate his side of the room!"
"His side of the room?" Mike repeated, quirking his eyebrow at Davy who smiled back at him sheepishly.
"Err, Peter can you give me a moment alone with Mike, please?"
"Of course." Peter said as he passed by Mike who was stepping into the room.
"Why does Peter think you'll be rooming with him?" Mike asked once the door shut behind them.
"I kind of told Peter that I would."
"Why would you do that?"
"I tried to tell him I was moving in with you but he looked at me with these big sad puppy eyes and I just didn't have it in me to disappoint him. I swear I've never met someone who reminded me so much of a golden retriever before." Davy explained. Mike nodded along to the last part, having been subjected to Peter's sad puppy eyes before. He knew they were hard to fight if you weren't used to them.
"It's going to be awfully hard to take it back now." Mike said. Davy gave him a pained look.
"Oh come on Mike, it's not so bad of an idea. If I move in down here then at least we don't have to move all of Micky's stuff downstairs. And if we need some alone time I'm sure the guys won't mind switching rooms for a night." Davy said, stepping up to Mike and wrapping his arms around his waist as he fluttered his eyelashes and gave a dazzling smile. "It'll work out fine in the end." he said as he stood on his tippy toes to press a kiss to Mike's neck, then his chin, the his cheek. Mike couldn't help the smile the spread across his face, and he wrapped his arms around Davy's back as he pecked his lips in a small kiss.
"I know you just don't want to deal with a sad Peter, but the Micky thing is a good point. I really don't want to have to spend the day lugging his hundreds of trinkets and god knows what else he has under his bed down the stairs."
"Shall we go back to my place and pack up my things? Peter's already started clearing a space for me, so I think I could be all set up by the end of the day."
"Yeah, I'll meet you in the car, I'm gonna grab some boxes out of the garage for your stuff." Mike replied, pressing one more kiss to Davy's lips before they untangled themselves and headed to the door.
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
Medali being Suspicious and Larry’s Purpose There
Medali is really suspicious! My cryptic takes on Larry are more of speculation, plus he really is just a normal guy despite how weird he is. But I KNOW there’s something off about Medali. I hope y’all aren’t tired of my constant Overthinking posts haha
First of all- why is Medali so hard to reach? There are deserts and cliffs surrounding the town, like a natural blockade. Despite this, this town gets many people passing by. An NPC says Medali sounds like ‘medley,’ a fitting name because the town is compromised of different people and things. Another NPC mentions how Medali is an important hub in Paldea. He doesn’t specify what kind of hub it is though, but I suspect it’s a trading hub.
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The NPC says people “come through” the town, as if they’re just passing by. It makes sense with the restaurant district. Since so many types of people go through, there’s a wide variety to cater to every taste, instead of having a traditional food. Medali attracting so many foreigners makes sense if it’s a trade hub for Tera Orbs. Medali is the closest to Area Zero, where the Tera Orbs are made by the Professors.
I may be mistaken, but there’s no clear origin of where the Tera Orbs come from? We know they’re made by the Professors, but there’s no clear location of where they are traded/sold. Nemona gives the player character one, not the school. It seems like a specialized item, because we just get it without any explanation where it came from. If I’m wrong about this, please let me know!
Additional side note, but I think this building could have something to do with the storage of Tera Orbs?? The closed off garage environment intrigues me, and I don’t know what this is. There’s a Delibird sign, so it could also be a food storage area, but I don’t know if this sign is somewhere else in game too. I looked through the other towns and cities, and didn’t find a building resembling this one. It could be something insignificant, but the big garage doors just have me thinking haha.
Edit: This has the same logo as the Delibird Presents shops, which are only available in Mesagoza, Levincia, and Cascarrafa. Each branch sells their own exclusive (and expensive) battle items. Odd how this has the same logo, but isn’t accessible and looks like a storage container instead of a shop. More proof for Tera Orb storage, perhaps? Thank you for the comment mentioning this!!
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Anyway, with this assumption, people all over Paldea and beyond come to Medali for the trade of Tera Orbs and Tera Crystals. Since the Academy doesn’t officially endorse them (eg hand them out to everybody), I believe they can only be accessed in Medali. They’re so valuable and sought-after, that people far away go to Medali to get them.
The locals talk a lot about rumors too. I thought that staircase area was really odd, but this NPC confirms it, saying that it USED to be for concerts and plays. Now it’s abandoned. I find this odd because of how many people pass through Medali- you’d think concerts and plays would be popular for visiting travelers. It feels like Medali’s sole purpose is trade-and-leave, not to attract people longer than they have to.
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Medali’s gym is unknown to average people- almost like a deliberate protection despite being a commercial town. A gym area out in the open like the other gyms would draw too much attention from competitive players. But isn’t this odd considering it is a gym site? It almost feels like they’re using the lack of an open-gym to draw attention away from something else. Without the apparent gym floor, less people would be there to idle around town. Plus, the plethora of restaurants distract as entertainment sites.
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Instead, there’s an extremely impractical mechanism hidden inside a restaurant. I’m sure the Treasure Eatery wouldn’t have been THAT popular if all the customers sitting in the arena get thrown into the Backrooms- or at least have to leave in the middle of eating. Haha pretty much every person I’ve seen has asked what happened to the customers. Why is the gym floor so hidden anyway? I could understand if Medali just didn’t want to install a gym, but hiding it beneath the floorboards seems a lot more complicated. Ridding the customers, moving all the tables and chairs, etc.
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Also, this NPC states that he was shooed away by the Treasure Eatery chef when he asked about the ability to change Tera Types. This restaurant is the ONLY place in the game where you can change Tera Types. I don’t know why it’s in the restaurant of all places, but my guess is because that Larry’s a gym leader and a regular, he’s able to oversee this process. Since the NPC from before was rejected, I’m assuming that the only ones allowed are ones approved by Larry. His way of approval is making it through the Gym Test and beating him in battle.
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The Gym Test is so weird when you think about it! The player character gets one clue, and there were three other trainers with a clue before the player arrives. The Secret Dish requires all four clues to order, and it’s a string of riddles hidden all across the town. So there has to be FOUR challengers at once just for one or maybe ZERO trainers to make it to Gym Leader Larry? Since the loser of the battle has to give up their clue to the winner, it’s very likely that no one can get all four clues.
This challenge definitely a puzzle, but also a test of raw strength. Unlike most gyms with battlers that work for the gym, challengers have to go against other challengers. There are no regulations on their teams, so any typing or level is fair game. Theres a lot of depth to this Gym Test, despite its impracticality. Perhaps that’s why Medali Gym’s floor is so weird- they rarely have to reveal the gym floor anyway because so few challengers make it. Maybe it’s purposefully obtuse to discourage challengers?
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Random thought- but the name for the Treasure Eatery? It’s a cute name for sure, but considering how this game puts emphasis on Treasure due to the Treasure Hunt, it’s feels…sus. The Treasure Hunt is meant for the students to find their own “treasure” in their personalized journey. It fits with Terastallization appearing gem-like. Medali is the closest area to Area Zero, the place where the terastallization phenomenon was discovered.
Going through Medali is the only way to get to Area Zero. The town- or rather, Larry, serves as a secondary gate for Area Zero. Some of my previous theories have hovered around this idea, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Larry was stationed at Medali to prevent Pokémon, especially Paradox Pokémon, from escaping Area Zero. As Professor Turo/Sada say, these Pokémon are an extreme threat to the present ecosystem. And depending on your stance on the lore, Larry could also be a look-out for people near Area Zero.
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Geeta has some suspicious stuff going on, which I’ll be making a theory post about. It’s likely she’s knowledgeable about how dangerous the Paradox Pokémon are, and knew there had to be a ‘gatekeeper’ to prevent havoc. Due to Larry’s strength and flexibility in battle, he was assigned there while also serving as a gym leader.
What do y’all think? I feel pretty solid about this theory, because there’s a lot we just don’t know about the lore. There’s more to Medali than what it appears. The game is hiding a lot, which gives me great hope and anticipation for the DLC!!
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sinnabee · 9 months
hey guys! i’ve got a bit of a (big) life update for y’all.
unfortunately, i’m having to figure out a new living situation pretty unexpectedly. my roommate and i talked, and basically he’s wanting to live on his own again. so i’ve got about two months to get moved out of here and find a new place. (i’m working on it! luckily i recently reconnected with a friend who’s a real estate agent, so who knows - maybe i’ll get my own damn house >:D)
for anybody that follows me on ko-fi, you might have seen the update i put there. this is a more detailed version of that.
basically, this means (and i am so so so SO sorry about this) it’s going to be a while before i can get a lot of these charm orders out.
i’m going to try my best to get out what i can in-between packing, but don’t be surprised if your order takes several months to ship. again, i’m so sorry - i know it took me ages to even get them listed.
one of the other things this is going to effect may be sticker orders and new stickers.
sticker orders:
i try to include free doodles with my sticker orders, and i am going to continue to try and do that, but some of you may not receive a doodle, and for that i’m sorry.
if you would rather get your stickers sooner, and don’t mind missing out on the doodle, please message me, either through tumblr or through ko-fi. (ko-fi will help me keep track of who’s who a bit better.)
if you REALLY want a doodle, and don’t mind waiting, then let me know and i’ll move yours to the back of my list. this way, i can prioritize anyone who doesn’t mind going without a doodle and start cutting down on my workload.
if you don’t message me either way, i’ll try and get your doodle done, but there’s a chance i may just go ahead and send it without one. luck of the draw.
some of you have ordered stickers AND charms! (omg, what the heck! y’all are amazing!) despite being in the same order, i may try and at least get you your sticker orders, unless otherwise requested. (i have a few people that have already spoken to me about having their items shipped together, so no worries if we’ve already talked.) for anyone that ordered stickers + charms, i wasn’t going to do a doodle anyway, since the main reason i have those is to do something with the cardstock i use to keep the envelopes flat. this way y’all will at least get something sooner! (again, message me if you’d rather i’d send it all together. don’t worry about shipping if i send them separately, i’m not gonna apply a charge for that, it’s fine.)
new stickers:
i had intended to start printing and eventually list my new halloween dca sticker design by october first at the absolute latest. but with the whole “ideally be moved out within two months at the latest, earlier if possible,” thing, that may not be happening.
i’m still gonna try, though!!!!! i’ll try and save my sticker making things for later in the packing process, and maybe try and get that stuff figured out before the end of this month. we’ll see if i can juggle it with everything else - i really think it’s dependent on me catching up on my other orders, first.
in addition to all of this, i’m still out of work on FMLA for my back problems. on the bright side - my appointment is FINALLY coming up!!! yippee!!! but that also means i have to take a lot of breaks from packing and working on stickers because… back hurty. but it ALSO means i have the time to do all this stuff, breaks included, because i’m not working. so…silver linings, am i right? :D
also just wanna say thank you to everybody again - i have made SO many friends in this fandom, and i’ve had a blast being able to make stickers and finally charms!!!! half the reason i’ve been able to bounce back so quick after getting this news the other day is because i’ve already had some of my pals who saw my kofi post messaging me and wishing me well. and the money from the charm orders is gonna help ease the moving/shopping process a lot, so - thank you all so much!!!!
again, i’m sorry everything is so delayed. but i WILL get it out to you eventually, once things settle down a bit. but y’all are amazing, and i appreciate you lots, k???? don’t forget it!!! <3
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Love the recent addition to Sarge and Lil Mama! I was just wondering if you have any plans to make oneshots outside of your aus at the moment? Not to pressure you at all just genuine curiousity after reading one of the oneshots you wrote, forgot the name 😭 but it's elvis breaking in his new wife on a plane to hawaii, sooooo good, i love that reader so much she's seriously so sweet that my heart was fluttering when I was reading her cute little perspective on the situation
Oh my sweets, I most certainly do 💋
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Not taken as pressure at all, I genuinely am so gratified and honored that despite all the fics and established universes I have been pummeling y’all with, you’d still want more?! Because more is most definitely in my brain.
That fic you referenced is Honeymoon and I’ve been shocked by how many folks have enjoyed it and asked for more in the same vein. I’d really enjoy writing more for it, I don’t have a plot as yet but I’m open for any and all requests for stand alone scenes that y’all would enjoy reading for a character like that with Elvis…newlywed era is such a special joy, isn’t it?
We have two new writers in the fandom (that I am aware of) who are both contributing wonderful fics with highly similar vibes and content you may wish to check out: @starryschoolgirl & @yourfavoritedreamgirlblog
So far I’ve got a few extra ideas for other reader fics I’ve not yet published -Big Daddy Cop set in a semi-modern El Paso trailer park, (this one is almost fully written) and then possibly more for Crawfever or else some remix of 50’s Elvis with a mature lady, and then the faintest of vibes and plot having to do with a Great Gatsby like telling of recently divorced Elvis having a marvelous time ruining everything with a young lady from British Aristocracy. 👀 anyways…I’m always open for prompts! Thanks for asking. 🌸
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pebbledragon78 · 22 days
Headcannons I have about Melami Goldmine (Edited because I have more info!)
Spoilers will be below the cut:
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Yo! Just wanted to share an idea I had in my mind before I somehow forget about it.
I’m not sure if people even remember, but a bit I used to do when posting Rain Code memes was pretending that Melami and the other Chapter 0 Master Detectives were still alive. I know they’re as dead as a doornail (as hard as it was for me to accept at first); I just wanted to mess with y’all.
So having that out of the way, I want to share an idea I have for Melami, or more specifically, her Forte, as well as its requirements and benefits.
Upon introduction, we see Melami tell Yuma that clothes that reek or are unfashionable are out of the question when using her Forte. While I think that’s just a preference she set for herself, I also believe this gives way to a deeper idea. I believe that Melami actually prefers to use her Forte as least as possible, and will only use it if necessary or if she happens to like the victim’s clothes. This would explain why her official description makes note of her intelligence, since she would prefer to make logical deductions regarding a case before resorting to summoning the victim.
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As for the reason why I believe she prefers to use her Forte only as a last resort, I think it’s because she deeply cares for her body. We see how much care she puts into it by frequently styling her hair, using make-up, preparing flashy clothes for her to wear even in casual settings, etc.. And while I am aware this is probably just because of her hobby as a fashionista, I find it very hard to believe that someone who puts that much care into her body and its physical appearance would be okay with giving it away to a foreign entity so quickly.
This also leads me to a second idea. The mastery of a Forte that can summon the dead while using one’s own body requires mastery of two separate abilities. The first is the ability to manipulate the dead, meaning that Melami can see spirits much in the same way Vivia can when he’s not using his Forte. This would also mean she can interact with Mystery Labyrinths as an outsider without risking her memories being erased (I believe people have already talked and made additional ideas around this concept).
The second ability (which I believe is far less talked about) is the manipulation of one’s own body as a vessel, meaning that Melami can also set restrictions within herself to prevent the spirit she summons from taking certain actions using her body (for example self-harm, murder, suicide attempts, etc..). Melami deeply cares for her body and its physical wellbeing, so restricting the spirit she summons to only answering questions seems like a reasonable headcannon to have.
Edit: Also! Melami being able to control her body means she can forcefully eject any spirit that tries to possess her body without permission. At least I think something like that would make sense.
Are all of these ideas already out there? Probably, but I still want to share what I’m thinking, bounce ideas off the wall and see if anyone agrees or not. Of course we might never know if any of this is true, given how we only got to know Melami for a few minutes. Either way, I hope that Rain Code’s success gives way for more content regarding the Chapter 0 Master Detectives in the future, since I’d love to hear about Melami again.
Anyway, these were all ideas I wanted to get off my mind, before I somehow forgot about them. If you made it this far, then thank you for listening to my ramblings. Have these Melami images as a reward, and I hope you have a great day 😄👍
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Edit: I forgot to share this after uploading, but she would also have one of these in her bag in case of emergencies. This just screams Melami to me 😆
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missmaywemeetagain · 1 year
Hello my babies! I wanted to jump on and give you some updates since I know I’ve not been posting/responding much since PS ended…
The long and the short of it is that I’ve been rather overwhelmed. Life is being A LOT. One of my sisters is very, very ill with late stage cancer and we are currently gearing up for her to (hopefully) get a stem cell transplant within the next month. This process is very involved and complex and scary and it’s one of those things that could just as easily kill her as make her better. This coupled with the family dynamics involved as we all try to navigate the situation has been emotionally exhausting.
In addition to that, I started temping back at my old job a couple weeks ago which is not what I wanted to do, but I gotta pay the bills, but it means my time is more limited and I’m way tired cuz my stamina is for shit lol.
And whilst all that’s been happening, I did some research and discovered that there is no way I can publish Pink Scarf as is. *sobbing* Turns out after Elvis died, Tennessee had to create a law specifically for him to protect his rights and image posthumously. This includes using not just his image, but his name and likeness as well. All this meaning I could get sued if I publish, and I DEFINITELY do not want to invoke the wrath of EPE.
Needless to say, this made me very upset cuz I know how much y’all want Pink Scarf on your bookshelves.
HOWEVER, before we all slide into the pits of despair, I think I have come up with a bit of a solution/compromise. I’m planning to rework PS into something just slightly different, changing some things that make it too specific to Elvis. I’ll likely have to change the title, too. But the plot and much of the writing will stay the same. But at least this way, I can still get it out to y’all in paperback form! (And lord knows I certainly can’t help who y’all picture in your heads while you read, soooooo…😉)
I know this is disappointing, y’all, and I’m so sorry I can’t make PS happen in published form as is. I am hoping that this new version is good enough for y’all to still want, and I’m gonna make it the best I can for ya. Honestly, I am thinking having something really close is better than having nothing at all. And of course, PS will still be online in its original form, so it’s not going away!
So, in the midst of all this insanity, I’ve started working on this newer version which is a project in its own right, but it’s taking time and my energy has been zapped with everything that’s going on. 💗🧣💗
For those who have asked about if there are any new Elvis fics in the works, the short answer is yes! I have a post-army fic that I am verrrrryyy slowly working on. The vibe is different from Pink Scarf (more of a slow burn), but I hope y’all will still enjoy it!
Anyway, thank you as always for your support and I’m sorry I haven’t delved into answering all your wonderful asks and comments. I very much appreciate them, I’m just a bit depleted at the moment. I’m still lurking around, just maybe not as active for the time being. But maybe I could jump on Discord or something next weekend if that would be fun for people!
Love ya always 💗🧣💗
Madisyn 💜
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geneeste · 5 months
I’ve been ranting about this in the group chat, but the more I think about it, the angrier I get.
So J, our 10yo, took state testing before the break and apparently scored high on one of the reading sections. Now I put almost zero weight on testing like this, but this was a win for J in particular because she’s always struggled mightily with reading. But she did well on the test, and it was a confidence boost for her, but I’m fully aware she managed that because of reading interventions, and not because of “gifted” instruction.
Anyway, we got this email before the winter break:
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So this is…weird. Especially this part:
Your child's performance on the CogAT indicates a need to gather more information in order to support the school team in making instructional decisions. Student scores in the 95th percentile or above initiate the Gifted Identification Referral Process, which includes gathering additional achievement, performance, and behavioral data for a comprehensive body of evidence.
All of the other kids save our youngest have been in gifted programs at some point, and in all of the seven school districts we’ve been in so far, I’ve never been asked to justify their selection for the program. Add to that, a 30-minute questionnaire seemed excessive, but I thought, hey, maybe this is just a standard I haven’t run into yet. (Also, neither linked letter elaborated on this; one was related to testing, and the second was this email in PDF form).
And then we got into the survey, y’all. Y’ALL.
I ran into the image limit for this post, so I can’t post the whole questionnaire, so I tried to pick the most egregious parts:
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So. We start going through this thing and to say I was (am) livid is an understatement. Just. What the fuck.
Asking me to justify my kid’s specialness
Basing giftedness on totally irrelevant and also classist, ableist bullshit things like vocabulary, how quickly they learn something, attention span I COULD GO ON AND ON
Asking my kid to design instruction?? She’s ten fucking years old?
Asking my struggling reader, whom you’ve already identified as both needing reading intervention and having demonstrated huge growth, to give a fucking reading list to justify access to services?
I’m seriously so mad about the last part because talking about that question made J feel ashamed about how she dreads reading so she doesn’t actually read much, so when she does it’s short books and graphic novels, and we lost a lot of ground we’d gained about how she should be proud of her ability and progress. Fuckers.
So. We were not pleased. Here’s what I wrote back, which was almost certainly not as mean as I should have been:
My husband and I started this survey and although we completed it, I found it frustrating and prejudiced and genuinely insulting.
It is not at all clear what relevance many of the questions have to J’s academic ability and frankly with 4 neurodivergent children, 3 of whom (including J) having been in gifted programs previously, some of these questions were worded in ways that implied that a child had to think in a certain way in order to be gifted. For instance, why would a child needing some repetition to learn something mean that they can't be gifted? It's insulting and neuro-normative, to say the least.
I have never been asked to fill out a survey justifying my child's intellectual ability in order for my child to get access to educational services. I mean, what parent would answer otherwise? And what child wouldn't flourish when given engaging content?
I understand that district resources might be limited, but surely there is a less prejudiced and discriminatory way to screen for access to additional educational resources.
Here’s what the coordinator responded with:
Thank you for filling the survey out and for the feedback. The purpose of the survey is to gain valuable insight from parents about their child's strengths, interests and abilities that may not be evident in a school setting. We are looking to build a comprehensive portfolio of information to be used in the Gifted Identification Process to inform our programming and align it with student needs. The responses on the Gifted ID Referral form are not "weighted" or assigned points or used in any way that might preclude a child from Gifted Identification. They are used for informational purposes to gain a deeper understanding of a child.
Which is, frankly, total bullshit. Remember up there where the initial email where it said the survey was for instructional decisions and gathering a body of evidence? And the survey itself says:
Once this form is complete and submitted, your school's Gifted Education Facilitator will be notified. They will then gather additional necessary evidence/data to complete the process.
The coordinator has been so persistent since this reply - 4 emails asking us to talk about J’a participation when we’ve already made it clear that if the qualification process is any indication of how the gifted program is run, J’s much better off staying in class with her peers.
Anyway. Phew. I’ve been stewing about this and just writing it down has been very cathartic.
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hopelessrromantix · 1 year
where i've been
TLDR: Life sucks and so does the government. Half my family got hit with some pricey medical bills plus our normal rent, so donating or sharing this would be beyond appreciated.
I know you’re all thinking “Roman! You haven’t written anything in a month, what’s going on?” First, valid question. Second, dear GOD where do I start.
Let’s keep things simple. This past month has been the literal definition of hell for me. Everything started off fairly normal, until my two remaining grandparents started having frequent hospital trips. My father spent most of his time caring for them, living mostly at their house. Given that he works most in our house, he wasn’t having an easy time. He ended up developing what his doctor said was “stress tremors”, to the point that he went on disability.
Well, even after my grandparents were a bit more stable (though still on close watch)... they continued anyway. Eventually it got so bad my mother drove him to the hospital one night and what do you know, brain tumor.
Queue several days of our family wondering what the everloving fuck we’d do without my Dad. It was several days of my dear mother (note the sarcasm) trying to control everything, my brother trying to continue school, and me taking care of the house and our pets.
We got the scans back not long after and, cue sigh of relief, the tumor was benign. It still seemed to be draining the life out of my father, though. The nurses and doctors were absolutely floored because his tumor was absolutely huge but he had no headaches. Imagine a baseball in your head. Yeah, exactly. He did however stare at the wall for hours and had a hard time getting out more than a few words. It’s probably one of my most heartbreaking memories to watch the strongest person I’ve ever known reduced to a husk on a hospital bed.
Brain surgery came soon after. He made it through and is currently in recovery. He’s speaking actual sentences, though he’s still got tremors and needs a lot of help. Still, I’m just happy to have my father.
That same week, we noticed my cat acting off. We have two of them and my cat, Gallifrey, is a talkative sweetheart who’s attached to me at the hip. But he was meowing differently and acting weird and all around not normal. One vet visit later and we find out he has kidney disease and pancreatitis. He’s being treated for it (new food, possible meds, regular fluid injections, etc.), but he’s still not himself yet. Talk about my life falling apart. This on its own my family couldn’t even begin to afford. The government seems to hate disabled people and paying for numerous doctor’s visits wasn’t remotely in our paper thin budget, much less the meds and treatment.
It was a lot all at once, and not even close to what we expected. Gallifrey is only 7 and my father didn’t show the typical signs of a brain tumor. So, I guess the universe thought “Y’know, this is a perfect time to kick Roman in the fucking balls”.
Routine testosterone blood test, just monitoring… until I got a call from the doctor. Turns out I have some untreated issues that none of my previous doctors caught. In fact, the only reason she caught it was because it was so severe. According to her she was shocked I’m still up and kicking and not in the hospital for a blood transfusion. Apparently my red blood cell count and oxygen level is insanely low, and she asked me to take a Covid test (negative), so it turns out it’s a completely different issue. I’m still in the process of diagnosing it, so that was a fun little addition. With my chronic pain and my mother in denial, I sleep most of the day and am in constant pain the entire time.
I’ll be real, I’m not a fan of asking for money. It’s not something I like, but it’s something I have to do. The amount of treatment we need, my dad, Gallifrey, and me, is more than we can hope to afford on our salaries (thank you, American healthcare!). The medical process in this country is a joke.
I’m asking y’all to help me out. Sharing, donating, whatever. Everyone around me has been kind and supportive, and I'm beyond thankful for that. If you can’t donate, please send it, share it, do whatever, I'll take absolutely anything. If I’m honest? The number I’m asking still won’t cover it, but anything is helpful.
Thank you for reading this far, thank you for sharing, for donating, for being kind, for absolutely everything.
I also understand that the internet is a horrible, despicable place, so I can give any breakdowns of what the money would be used for and give any medical info (not releasing family names or locations) to provide proof. The page includes a lovely little x-ray of my father’s head so you get to see the absolute insanity. If this isn’t enough please let me know and I can link anything else needed to confirm that yes, I am actually having the worst time of my life.
All in all? Thank you.
Donate here if you can <3
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