#anyway possum with two heads
rainylana · 2 years
“I’ll be here when you’re ready.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: eddie’s dad comes for a visit.
warnings: holy damn this is sad af. language, drinking, panic attack, use of the f slur, fighting, dry heaving, mentions of past abuse, eddie’s dad is an absolute bitch ass, i didn’t give his dad a name, but he gives the reader inappropriate looks, wayne to the rescue, eddie has a breakdown:( requested by @invade201177
please let me know what you thought! feedback is so so important to help writers keep going and i’ve not been receiving much as i used to:( make me smile!:)
@ariesl0ves3ddiemuns0n @eddiemania @eddiemunnson @kellysimagines @underthebatcape @no0neknowhes @nothisispatric @mic429 @avobabe87 @noturmom15 @lexthemess21 @imdoingbetternow @justaproudslytherpuff @delilahtaylorsverson @cosmic-lavender @flowers-and-tsukki @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @blowing-mikey @tripthlightfantastic @ultimate-sdmn-trash @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @catherinnn @ahzysauce @imangy @phantomxoxo @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @hearts4laura @chaos-incorp @softyutae @rovckwells @kaqua @bellasfavoritesweatpants @lillianofliterature @aa-li-yah @your-starless-eyes-remain @itiscj @supercalifragilisticprincess @livasaurasrex @averysblog @antigoneidk @fionnthebandersnacc @imabadarsebard @ches-86 @actuallybarb @kneelforloki @heeyitsg @genuine-possum @edzmunsonswife
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Friday nights were the best. They were always the same. You and Eddie would rent a bunch of movies from the Family Video, get cheap snacks and a six pack to share while cuddled up on the pullout couch in his living room. Wayne often slept in Eddie’s bed when you both would fall asleep in his usually spot, but he didn’t oblige, as Eddie’s mattress was much better than the pull out couch.
Tonight’s movie choices wore Nightmare on Elm street 2, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Killer Clowns from Outer Space. All horror obviously, and all selected by him. Your picks were The Breakfast Club, which he did not like, Silver Bullet, he did like very much, and Planet of the Apes, which was okay because he found it extremely hilarious. You usually fell asleep around the third movie, but you rented them all for the weekend anyways.
Your legs were placed in Eddie’s lap, your back against the arm of the couch with a popcorn bowl balanced on your knees, soft blankets all piled around you. The light was off and only the staticky glow of the tv shone in the room, making your eyes glimmer. Trash scattered all around you, empty pop and beer cans, chip bags and candy wrappers. The clock in the corner flashed two am, not a strange time for them to be up, however it was was strange time for them to receive a knock at the door.
Right as Freddy Krueger was about to torment kids in dreamland for the millionth time, the knock caused both you and Eddie to jump, staring at the door and then looking at each other. “You expecting company tonight?” You gave him a strange look.
“No?” He shook his head, grabbing the remote to pause the movie. He removed the blankets, then your legs off his lap as you sat up, adjusting to the light when he turned on the light switch. Eddie didn’t bother to look out the window to see who it was, as he assumed it was just a neighbor needing a quick fix. He should of known better.
He gave a quick tousle of his hair before he opened the door, an entertaining look on his face to greet his guest, but his smile dropped immediately before he could speak, the color draining from his face.
“Eddie!” A drunken slur came from his father. Yes, his father, standing in front of him with wobbles and a beer bottle clutched in his hand. “How’s my baby boy!”
You stood in confusion at the muffled voices and made your way behind Eddie, peeking out in curiosity. “Who is it, Eddie?”
“Woah!” The man cheered, stepping back with a heavy blink as he widened his eyes at you. “You got a girl now, son?”
You widened your eyes at the name. “Son?” You looked up at Eddie, who frankly, looked like he was going to pass out at any moment.
“Well? Cat got you’re tongue, kiddo? Let your old man in!” You had no choice but to move when Eddie’s father pushed past the both of you, and you stayed behind Eddie, giving him concerning looks.
His face was sculpted into confusion, shock and fear, and he gulped uneasily. “Dad…dad what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be..well, in prison?”
“Out on bail.” He answered shortly, immediately going to the fridge to search for more beer. “Trial comin’ up soon. Hey, sugar will you get me one of them beers?” He looked at you sweetly and nodded to the six pack, well half of a six pack, that sat on the picnic table.
You gave Eddie a brief glance before you nodded, moving a step to get the beer and tossing it to him. He sent you a wink in thanks and you crossed your arms uncomfortably.
“So what are you doing here then?” Eddie finally showed emotion, gruff and short, stepping forward once in front of you. “Don’t you have friends you can stay with?”
He scoffed and took a long swig off his drink, droplets rolling off his chin, his stare switching between you and Eddie. You grew more nervous with each alarming look he gave you. Trouble was brewing and it wasn’t going to be good.
“You sure don’t seem very happy to see your old man, boy. Outta’ have some more respect.”
Eddie wasn’t having it.
“Get out.” He said bitterly, smacking the beer out of his dad’s hand so it splatted against the floor. “You’ve had your drink now get out.”
Maybe you should have been doing something besides standing frozen in the corner like a dummy, but you were just as shocked as Eddie was to see the man. Frankly, you weren’t ever sure if he’d been real and only a figment of your lover’s imagination. All you knew is that you weren’t supposed to bring his dad up. The only people who had that privilege was himself. Not even Wayne could. When he did talk about it, it was usually mid tears and ten beers.
“Hey!” He slurred, stepping back as his boots became damp, his lips curling angrily. “The hell did you do that for? Thought my boy would want to see his daddy?”
“I don’t.” Eddie said firmly. “Get out, man. I’m serious. You’re not welcome here.”
“Eddie.” You whispered, hugging yourself nervously as you bite at your nails, legs crossed to further hide yourself to try and look small.
“Oh, I’m not welcome here, huh?” He said unamusedly. You’d never seen pictures of his dad before, but Eddie didn’t look like him, so he must of gotten his features from his mother. You weren’t supposed to talk about her either, but Eddie wouldn’t snap at you like you did, unlike his dad. “I raised you, you know? Actin’ like a bitch and for what?”
“Raised me?” Eddie scoffed, getting angrier by the minute. “Wayne raised me! Not you! And I said get the fuck out!”
You nervously backed up to the phone in case you needed to call the police, your eyes wide and heart racing in fear as their voices escalated.
“Yeah, I can fuckin’ tell.” He spat, giving his son a nasty look. “What’s my brother been up to lately, huh? What the hell’s he doing lettin’ you keep your hair this long for? I told you it makes you look like a fuckin’ faggot!”
You audibly gasped at the comment and covered your mouth, gaining his attention. “Don’t you think so…name, what’s your name?” He snapped his fingers at you.
“Hey, don’t fucking talk to her!” Eddie stepped over once to cover his view of you, holding up his arms. “Don’t fucking talk to her, man.”
“I’ll do anything I want.” He gave him a small shove, not enough to stagger his stance. “I ain’t gonna hurt your girl, Eddie. Just wan’ talk to er’ is all.”
“My name is y/n.” You blurted out to avoid confrontation.
Eddie winced and glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, not moving a step out of his father’s eye line.
“Well…y/n,” He nodded his head shakily, staggering slightly with thick words. “Don’t ya’ think Ed here looks like a pussy like this? I buzzed his hair once when he was little. Poor thing acted like a traumatized him.” He gave a humorous laugh. Eddie only stared at him.
“You’re pathetic, boy.” His face grew hard and he practically spat in his son’s face. “Still livin’ with Wayne and still in high school, wasting’ your days with your shitty friends and that shitty board game you play. You think I’m a loser? Look at yourself for shit sakes!”
Eddie willed himself not to cry, but his heart was racing and swelling with a deep panic and rage that he hadn’t felt since he was a young teenager. His knees were weak and he felt glued in place. His tongue was heavy and his throat felt stuffed with cotton, brainy fuzzy and unable to handle what was happening. He shut down.
“Hey!” You barked, finally speaking up. “Watch your fucking mouth!” You stormed over to stand by Eddie and placed your hand on his arm, who held you back with his elbow “You don’t have any right being here!”
The man raised his brows at you. “No right?” He scoffed. “Ed, control your woman. Give er’ a smack across the face like I used to do to your momma.”
That was enough to snap him out of his trance, and you screamed, covering your mouth as Eddie lunged for him. He drew back and punched him straight in the jaw, pushing his shoulders back until they both collided into the kitchen table, collapsing atop of each other as things scattered and glass broke. You were screaming and gasping and yelling at them to stop, but you’d never seen Eddie so angry. You let out a sob when Eddie snapped his face over to the side with a hard punch delivered to his cheek.
You took off running toward the door, slamming it open and pouncing off the steps onto the gravel, screaming at the top of your lungs for help. You whirled around when bright lights hit you, and you ran in a panic closer, sobbing when you seen Wayne in the drivers seat.
“Wayne! Oh god, Wayne, help!”
“What? What what’s going on?” He jumped out of the truck and he followed after you when you took his hand and ran with him to the trailer, sobbing in hysterics.
The next few moments were a blur. Wayne had been shocked to see his brother there, but he didn’t allow that to cause him to falter. He shouted over the two of them and yanked his brother off of Eddie with his rough hands, dragging him out the door. Eddie was left in a pile on the floor, and you collapsed next to him, helping him up.
“Eddie, Eddie, oh my, god!” You grabbed his face, going up with him as he stood. His lip was cut and he had a bruise forming around his eye, but he looked completely lifeless.
“Are you alright?” His voice was shaking, and he spoke in a low, emotionless octave. He tried looking you over but he couldn’t keep his eyes focused.
“Yes, yes, I’m fine, baby.” You rushed, stuttering slightly over your words. “Come on, sit down.” You pushed him back down onto the couch, grabbing his hands as you tried not to blubber in front of him. “Eddie, are you okay? God, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, baby.” You couldn’t help but cry despite your efforts.
He wasn’t speaking. He kept his eyes glued to the collar of your neck glazed away in a daydream, hidden from the world and with it, his father. His breathing was hitting the top of your lip erratically, and you could see his nostrils flaring heavily, eyes wide and dry with tightening knuckles.
“Eddie?” You asked concerned, eyes crinkling at the sides. “Eddie, talk to me, are you okay?”
His shoulders started to shake and his face went pale.
“Eddie.” Wayne’s voice tore through the home and you were softly pushed away from him by your shoulder, and you stumbled back in shock as the man crouched below his nephew. “Hey, bud you’re alright. Work through it, it’ll pass.”
“Wayne,” You said painfully, trying to reach out. “What’s going on? Is he okay?”
“I’ve got him, honey.” He gave you a brief glance, holding out his hand to you. He didn’t want to be rude, but they needed space. You brought up your nails to bite, crying, as you leaned against the wall while Eddie went into panic mode.
He was still staring at one spot, eyes now spilling tears as his lips trembled and spewed out little whimpers. He was shaking and vibrating, face colorless as he gulped and swallowed so loudly you both could hear it.
“Breath, Eddie.” Wayne held his wrists. “Remember to breath. Breath and it’ll pass.”
He started sobbing, and you covered your mouth as hard as you could in complete shock and heart ache. Wayne held his shoulder and the back of his neck, his curls shaking from the weight of his broken, wheezy sobs that stained the fabric of his jeans. Wayne moved up to the couch when he started coughing violently, holding him up to his side as he doubled over and gagged, dry heaving out sobs and cries.
It was too traumatizing. You turned on your and once again, bolted for the door. You slammed it, holding yourself close as you hysterically cried to yourself. You had no idea where his father went, but his vehicle was no longer there. And god, you hoped he wouldn’t be coming back. Tonight only proved to you how sensitive this topic was, how fragile Eddie was when it came to his childhood. What you witnessed inside had scared you.
You were out there for nearly forty five minutes, shivering and lips nearly blue from the September weather. You were sat on the porch step, chattering your teeth away. You were almost too scared to check on your boys. Soon, the door creaked open and you jumped up to see a very, very tired looking Wayne.
“Is he-”
“He’s okay.” Wayne beat you to it, nodding as he looked at your dried tear tracks. He sighed heavily and leaned against the railing where you stood. “He’s not had one of those since freshman year. Forgot how scary they were.” He thought silently for a moment before he turned to you. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head. “Not really no. Where is he?”
“My brother?” Wayne raised a brow. “Gone. He ain’t coming back, believe me. He only comes around when he wants something and he got it. Jus’ wanted to mess with Ed’.”
Your eyes blurred with tears again. “What do I say to him? I don’t want him to get mad at, but I want to help.”
“He’s never mad at you, kid.” Wayne assured, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. “He’s just difficult at processing stuff, especially when it comes to his daddy, but he’s never mad at you, darlin’.”
You looked out to the empty trailer park, your cheeks shining in the illuminated light above you. “Is he ever going to talk to me about his…well, about everything? I can see how much it bothers him.”
Wayne’s heart swelled with guilt at his nephew’s suffering, and he gave a slow nod. “He will. In time.”
When you found Eddie sat on the edge of his bed, bandaid on his cut chin and eyes dark and sullen in, you moved slowly inside to crouch between his legs. He looked so fragile and broken, so pale and traumatized. He looked like a wounded animal. You so wished he would open up and talk to you, but you knew that wasn’t what he needed. Cupping his cheek lightly, his tearful eyes found yours and you shared a delicate look that said a thousand words. You lifted yourself up to your knees and wrapped your arms around his back in a tight, suffocating hug.
“I’ll be here when you’re ready.”
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issdisgrace · 4 months
Hiya it’s my birthday in about three days and I was wondering if u could write a fic of Otis and his family celebrating readers birthday (preferable reader is dating Otis) I wanna know if they’d have any fun firefly traditions :3 (he/they pronouns for readerpls)
WARNINGS: Murder, mayhem, the usual Firefly family antics, little nsfw
A/N: This was intended to be a fic but I didnt quite know how to put my thoughts into a coherent fic. Also I’m trying to get out of writers block so sorry if it kinda lacking. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a good birthday.
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There are two things that a certain when celebrating anything in the Firefly family, those being alcohol and murder.
But the whole day isn't spent partaking in those things.
The morning starts off with Otis waking you up for breakfast and you two getting a little hot and heavy before heading down for food. Both of you getting teased for your slightly disheveled appearance.
Otis told them to fuck off that it was your birthday so you got to enjoy yourself. You agreed and the family moved on from it.
You guys then had a nice breakfast before all piling into the living room to watch something of your choice. You guys ended watching tv for a couple hours before it was time for your first gift.
Your first gift was from Baby who got you a young married couple to play with and make pretty. You appreciated the gift and spent the next couple of hours playing with and making them pretty in crimson until they both unfortunately died.
But what was not unfortunate was by the time you were done and cleaned up a little lunch was done. They made all your favorite foods which was nice and very delicious but that could have also been the fact that Spaulding was the one that cooked everything with only some help from the others.
Anyway after lunch the family gave your gifts that weren’t people.
Spaulding got you a taxidermy racoon and possum cuddling because why not. Also he said that it reminded him of you and Otis. You being the racoon reminded and Otis being the possum.
Mama, Tiny, and RJ got you some movies and tv shows that they thought you would like and enjoy.
Baby got you a nice blanket and made you a voodoo doll of Otis so you could prick it when he made you mad or annoyed you. Which Otis grumbled about saying that he wasn’t that bad and a voodoo doll of him wasn’t needed.
Then Otis, your love, your man. He painted the two of you using god knows who blood. But it was very well done, very detailed, and very pretty. You were already thinking of where you were going to hang it up. So you could see the master piece everyday.
But I digress after lunch and gifts, you and Otis spent a little one on one time in your guys room fooling around. Otis offering his whole self to you to do whatever you pleased with him.
And all the while you guys were having fun the rest of the family was setting up the main event of the night. They got a shit ton of alcohol, set up a big bonfire to burn, and got the bunnies ready for the night.
Once it was dark the family came and got you and Otis. You got the honors as the birthday boy to light the bonfire. You also got to hunt the first bunny of the night before the others got to hunt theirs.
Anyway you all got plastered, had fun, played a couple of games, joked around, got bloody, and you snuck off once or twice with Otis but that’s beside the point.
You had an overall great birthday, got some nice gifts, had a nice time, and you couldn’t wait for your next birthday.
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I also think it's nice that they made Camilla a sci-fi nerd and Luz a fantasy nerd. They're genres that are often seen as completely opposing one another by many people, which is what we're led to believe about Luz and Camilla in season 1. Luz is silly, nerdy, frequently in over her head and irresponsible and loves the boiling isles. We're led to believe that Camilla is the normal, conventional TV mother who'd be disgusted and terrified by the demon realm if she saw it.
Then yesterday's lie gives us a lot of nuance to this, and we realize that while they're still very different and now on opposite sides of a conflict, both mother and daughter are incredibly kind people (seen in their treatment of Vee) who love each other but struggle to make the right choices without hurting one another.
Then thanks to them drops all this Camilla characterization and we realize! She was a nerd too this whole time! The wedge between Camilla and Luz is motivated by past traumas and grief! and for the future has them switching sides on the central conflict of where Luz should stay (Camilla now wanting Luz in the demon realm because it's what's best for her, and Luz believing that staying in the human realm is what's best for the people she loves). They finally talk and realize that, like Willow pointed out earlier in the ep, the two are so alike. Camilla reveals that she's a secret nerd too! That she had a hard time growing up and accidentally hurt Luz trying to save her from the same fait! It's so important to me that Camilla keeps calling Luz a good witch. It's affirming her interests and goals, reminding her that she's just as good as the hero of her favorite story. And Luz finally only realizes that she wants to be understood...when she's finally able to understand her mom. When she realizes that the woman she loves and admires is just as much of a nerdy screw-up as her and that there's hope for her. Her palismen ends being multiple animals at once, showing both how Luz making unconventional choices (like carving an egg) keeps paying off for her and how her potential is limitless now that she finally knows and accepts her own goals, but to me it also reminds of the fact that Camilla is a vet and passed a love of all the weird and unliked animals (like wolves, possums, snakes, etc) to her.
It's just so so sweet and it really shows how much love and thought the crew put into this mother daughter storyline (FTF haters are not welcome on this page, respectfully). I can't wait to see how both of these misunderstood but healing women (who radiate "little/big sister" and "mom" energy respectively) are gonna interact with a) the lonely, easily manipulated and well intentioned but ignorant collector (a mix of both their interests as a magic being with a space motif! I just realized that lol) and b) the nasty puritan white man who's really obsessed with conforming to society's norms even when it literally doesn't benefit him at all.
Anyway, I believe in noceda( AND clawthorne 👀) family supremacy 💙
#the owl house#toh#toh spoilers#luz noceda#camilla noceda#this isn't proofread so if there's words missing or misspellings or somethings unclear feel free to mention#but this is just a messy thought dump#I have a ROUGH WEEK. I wish there was a more positive vibe in the fandom rn (although i kinda get it but also :( sad)#but there isn't one i will create it#tentatively I don't have a responsibility to do that I just wanna talk about things i noticed and like#i am going to post reqs just u wait. bitch!#also uhhhh other things i thought while making this post but couldn't include:#hunter and gus being fantasy trekkies is really funny and cute but also fits really well with both of their characters#gus has always been in love with the human realm and this is the ultimate neat little bow on that.#he's dressed as a character he relates to (captain avery trying to get back home to the family he loves) and his interest is uniquely human#bc sci-fi is kinda uniquely rooted in/associated w/ the human realm in toh. even in something like Belos' steampunk tech#SPEAKING OF. hunter oh my GODDD#he gets so attached to the human realm in TTT bc he's finally somewhere safe (he's always been entrenched in the most-#-toxic parts of the demon realm and it's culture which is ironically propelled forward by one humans influence)#and it's like a part of him is reclaiming his weird split heritage. he loves magic and he loves sci-fi and he's silly abt both#he's not a witch or a human and he's happy. or at least he will be#anyway. i love this shows relationship to fiction it is sweet and comforting and funny
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maochira · 10 months
Hello can you do a request for child younger sibling reader who collects plushies again but with lorenzo, oliver raichi and barou?
Of course! I love writing anything related to plushies <3
Part 1 (Shidou, Bachira, Reo)
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!little sibling!reader, reader is a child, reader in Lorenzo's part is Snuffy's kid but as always Lorenzo is their big brother anyways
-he absolutely loves every single one of your plushies. Every single one. He knows all their names without fail and he knows which ones are your favourite. He's super invested in whatever plushie-lore your little head came up with
-he loves to play with you and your plushies!! He does silly voices and speaks for them to make you laugh
-even though you already have so many, Lorenzo loves buying new plushies for you. Your happy face always makes his day!!
-he bought like ten different possum plushies for you and that collection will only continue to grow
-honestly, half of your plushies were bought by him because every time he's in a store and sees they sell plushies, he can't leave without getting one or two for you. He'd feel guilty if he didn't
-when your parents are busy, Oliver tucks you into bed and you always insist he has to give all of your plushies a good night kiss. That's when he regrets buying so many for you because it takes like 10 minutes
-he kind of hopes you'll never lose your plushie obsession, even when you grow up. Oliver just thinks you're too adorable with your love for plushies, but also he doesn't want all the money he spent to go to waste
-he's not exactly gentle with your plushies. He throws and kicks them around a lot for the sake of teasing and messing with you
-sometimes he takes that too far, though. Sometimes he does it so much to the point that you start crying so he stops and comforts you
-he does it again and again, though. But at least he tries to not take it to an extreme where it makes you burst out in tears
-you always insist he has to apologize to the plushies. As ridiculous as Raichi feels when he does it, he knows he has no other choice because otherwise, you'd continue crying (also, he does feel a little guilty. But not guilty enough to stop)
-he doesn't really know how to feel about your plushies. He doesn't mind the fact that you like them so much, but he thinks your parents are buying too many
-he always organizes them in some order that makes sense to him when you're done playing with your plushies
-he doesn't like playing together with you and your plushies, but he always thinks it's cute to watch you play!
-if anything about them ever breaks, Barou is there to sew and fix it. He didn't know how to sew before and only learned it because of how sad you were when your favourite teddybear's arm tore off
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @luvcalico @vanitasbrainrot @deerangle3 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @userwithlotsoftime @chaosinanutshell @zyuuuu @remy-roll @truegoist @weichspuelertrinker @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @nikokii @slowlyholypeanut @gojosorrygeto @astruosie @yerinsshi @keiidaydreams @blueberrryui @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @orah-s
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
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Adding some more hcs here bc its under a readmore and therefore confined to the Secret Thoughts box. Obviously suggestive but mostly relationship stuff bc i cannot help myself 😔
So i feel like i am an outlier that really enjoys noise/noisette like i think they are sooo cute…they are just silly guys ! So no this is not ANYONE cheating i must make this soooo clear i am so touchy about this subject; this is my heehee haha safe space LMAO i want to keep that kind of drama faaaar away from me.
A quick tldr for noise (that i will start calling theo bc i think its a cute name LOL i dunno where it came from but i love it im taking it) is that: hes a nepo baby that was able to start a business and brand w that money, and then stayed in a bubble for the rest of his life bc his image and branding is too important to lose. He hung out w the same rich people to network properly and maintain status. He didnt have the time and courage to go into the circles he WANTED to go into.
I had a whole essay written but this is supposed to be a little tldr lmao basically. Hes bi and curious and gus is always extremely overwhelmingly happy and eager to mess around w anyone (also bi) if it means peppino will be there and peppino is like FINE but ur going to get attached to the rat and thats not going to be my fault. This would be after theo starts behaving, as in, starts respecting peppinos boundaries. And he gets to hang out w him peacefully enough times to work up the courage to poke the bear (lol) and ask questions. Bc hes nosy and curious 🥺 they look like they have so much fun at the bar and w whoever they pickup like. Way more fun than he has w his stuffy rich friends. He wants to be there, he wants to have fun 🥺
Anyway he gets to be peppino and gustavos third and it leaves him like this ->💥💥💥💥💥 and gus thinks its so cute lol like this poor possum is worn the hell out 😭 needs to conk out and sleep forever. ‘ONE. That was fun. That was FUN. I want hazel to do that to me’ peppino, wide eyed but like clearly flabbergasted and smiling incredulously: ‘YEAH? REALLY ? I MEAN. DIDNT UH. DIDNT KNOW SHE HAD THAT IN HER. OR WHATEVER.’
‘TWO. Would u do this again? Like that was fun. That was FUN. I wanna do that again. I think im too busy this week and next week but like. Is that an option? I can push stuff around so it can fit in ur schedule??’ And peppino LAUGHS like full body laughing hard enough that gus comes back w a water looking so confused. Hes like oh my god. You dont have to cancel shit for a dick appointment !!! You dont!! Oh my god!!! Hes like crying laughing at the thought of theo having to cancel an appointment so he can squeeze in his threesome 😭😭😭 and theo cant help but look A LITTLE red bc okay it sounds silly BUT no one said no and he will run w that lol
Also convinces hazel to get a strap at some point. Which i think is so funny bc i have a scene in my head of noise being so smarmy w peppino and gus like ooohhh so u needed dick to be normal again and not be rude? Was that all it took? And now theo is thinking back to what he said as hes laying down in bed after getting thoroughly pegged by his gf and hes like oughhgh……i get it……
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alyssaswrld999 · 10 months
Suck It Dixon/ Merle Dixon x Reader:
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I was sitting inside Dale's RV cleaning my gun. I was minding my own business until I seen that Dale came In and started smiling at me. "Hey there you are been looking for you" Dale said. I chuckled and kept cleaning my gun.
"Hey Dale" I said. Dale then sat down in front of me in the booth that was in the RV. "I need you to help me with something" Dale asked. "Yeah sure. What do you need help with" I asked curious.
"I need you to go and scavenge for some food while I'm taking watch in a bit" Dale said. I was confused because there was already people scavenging for food I think. "I thought the Dixons had everything under control for that" I said going back to cleaning my gun.
Dale sighed and nodded his head yes. "Yes but we need one more person and I trust that your more capable of doing it. You do have a bow and arrow anyway so" Dale said. I sighed and nodded my head yes. Sure I didn't wanna do it but I can't say no to Dale.
"Sure I'll do it Dale I'm just gonna finish cleaning my gun first" I said. Dale smiled at me and got up to leave the RV. "Thank you Y/n" Dale said. He then walked out of the RV and I sighed. "Fuck me" I thought.
I finish cleaning my gun and get up to head to my tent. I grab my hair tie and pull my hair up into a bun to get out of my face. I then grab my hunting knife, bow and arrow, and bag to take with me. I mean you can't have to many little meat critters to eat.
I made my way into the woods to go hunting for food. As I was still tracking for five minutes I finally seen a squirrel resting on a tree. I grab my Bow and arrow getting ready to shoot it. As I let go of the arrow it directly went through the squirrels side killing it.
"Yes" I said cheering quietly. I walked quickly over to where the squirrel fell out of the tree. I seen it laying down beside a bush and I grabbed the dead critter. "Sorry darlin but we gotta eat ya" I said to the dead squirrel.
I put the dead squirrel in my bag and continued walking. I finally found another critter after looking for a minute after tracking it. It was a pure white rabbit and it was so pretty. I got ready to fire and then I let go.
I cheered quietly again after getting another critter to eat. I pick up the dead rabbit and put it in my bag. I then continue my journey to find more. After twenty five minutes I have already collected four squirrels, three rabbits, two snakes, and one big fat possum.
I'm actually proud of myself because I believed I did a good job today. Besides I have one more available spot to put one more critter in. I then finally found a big fat squirrel and decided to make that the big annual prize for us to eat tonight.
I fire my arrow but I wasn't the only one who fired at the squirrel. There was another arrow in the squirrel and I immediately recognized the arrow. "Dixon" I whispered. I walk up to the squirrel and start to remove the arrows. I take the dead squirrel and was about to put it in my bag until Daryl and Merle walked out in sight.
"Well look here who do we have here" Merle said. I then decided to shove the squirrel in my bag. "That's our squirrel darlin" Merle added. "Yeah and it's going to the same place so I don't care" I said. I walk away until Merle hollers again.
"Come on girl it's our catch" Merle shouted. "Suck it Dixon" I shouted back walking back to camp.
I dont know what it is but Merle gets on my nerves.
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sillyrabbit81 · 2 years
The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood - Part 2
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Series Summary: Lori "Babycakes" Tate swore she would never date a biker but when her life is in danger, she is put under the protection of a small club known as The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood. She suddenly finds herself attracted to not one, but five bikers.
A reverse harem, biker AU.
Part Two Summary: Syverson helps Lori pack for her trip and he struggles keeping his attraction in check. Sy (POV)
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC, Walter Marshall x OFC, Mike x OFC, Geralt x OFC, August Walker x OFC
Word Count: Approx. 3.5k
Series Warnings: Reverse harem, age gap (OFC 23, ages range from 23 to mid 40s), oral sex (male and female receiving), unprotected p in v sex, anal sex, group sex, masturbation, praise kink, mentions of body fluids, drug use, recreational drinking, sex work, criminal activities, mention of death, violence, use of weapons, mentions of war, mentions of abuse, angst, fluff, probably a lot more that I will add as they come up.
Part Two Warnings: Syverson thirsting hard over Lori, implied smut and smutty thoughts, age gap, cigarette smoking, brief mention of death, angst, and sass.
Authors Note: Thanks to everyone who read, commented or reblogged Part One. It was really lovely to read such lovely things! I really hope you continue to enjoy the story.
My aim is to post a new part every Wednesday evening (my time). Thats the plan anyway!
Thanks heaps to @nashibirne for her quick beta read. You're the sweetest Possum ever.
Divider made by me. Edited by me, there will be errors.
Parts Masterlist
Part One Part Three
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“Take care of yourself, Babycakes.” 
The old biker was wrapping his arms around Lori. She held him tight and her reply was muffled, but I saw him chuckle as he kissed her cheek in a manner that made me think of a father saying goodbye to his daughter. The contrasting ways that she farewelled her brother and Hustle was stark. 
The short dossier that Walker had written up for the girl obviously mentioned her close ties to the club; her father being the founding president and her brother taking over. However, it was surprising that her bonds were so strong considering she had barely had contact with them since she went to college. Although she returned to her hometown, she had appeared to have kept her distance from the brief that had been prepared.
She was obviously not as close to her brother as she was to Hustle. Although I shouldn’t, I wondered why. It shouldn’t matter to me; her familial relationships had no bearing on my mission set, but I found myself wanting to ask her.
I found myself wanting to know a lot about her. Too much. And I wasn’t the only one. 
After she waved goodbye to her ride, she turned to me with folded arms and an appraising look. Her eyes ran over me from head to toe, quickly like she had in her brother's office, but still intently.
I bit my tongue. Man, did I want to say something, make a quick jab or flirtatious remark, but I had to at least appear professional. So, I stood there with my arms folded across my chest in a mirror of her stance and let her look at me until she nodded.
“Do I have your approval?” I asked. Shit. I can’t keep my damn mouth shut.
The corner of her mouth twitched before she shrugged and I followed her with a smirk as she made her way through her apartment building's door and into the elevator.
She didn’t look directly at me again, but I felt her eyes on me as we rode the elevator to her floor. It was the first time I had seen her up close and she was even prettier than I thought. Her clear fair skin, her strong, rosey cheeks and the smattering of light freckles on her soft dainty nose, made her youth much more obvious too. 
She wasn’t completely innocent or naive despite her 23 years; that much was plain by the way she acted and spoke to her brother and Hustle. She had seemed reserved at the funeral, crying softly as her brother laid a seemingly hesitant arm around her. But in Hooks’s office, she showed smarts and backbone, standing up for herself without throwing a tantrum when she realised the seriousness of the situation regardless of her obvious feelings about being sent away. 
The air in the cab was full of her perfume, sweet like fresh citrus or something, and it was making my fucking mouth water. She only lived on the second floor, but it felt like forever as I got lost in watching her tongue dart out and wet her plump lips.
She moved slightly and I made good use of my peripheral vision to see her slide a stockinged foot out of her black heels and use it to rub the back of her calf. Holy shit. It had to be one of the single most erotic fucking things I had seen in my life.
“Your leg sore?” I asked in a voice so husky I almost didn’t recognise it as my own.
Lori looked at me confused as if she didn’t know what I was talking about. Maybe she didn’t, which made the moment feel even more salacious, as if I had just witnessed an intimate moment I wasn’t supposed to see.
I had to get out of this fucking elevator before I said something highly unprofessional.
“You were rubbin’ your leg.” Feigning disinterest, I waved a hand towards her feet that were now back in her shoes.
Her face smoothed out. “I don’t wear heels often.” 
The elevator dinged and I held my arm out, gesturing for her to go first. She put her head down and walked along the hall, stopping at the second door.
“You should,” I said, leaning my shoulder against the wall while she got her key out, “They look good on you.”
Yep. Real professional.
She paused and turned eyes on me that were so light blue they almost looked grey. She seemed unsure how to take what I’d said so I gave her a small smile. She stared back at me, holding my gaze for a few beats before she arched an eyebrow and opened the door to her apartment. 
“I’ll be sure to pack some then,” she said, only a little sarcastically.
I chuckled as I followed her through the apartment and into her bedroom. It was small but neat and bright. She had nice furniture, a lot of little kitschy shit on her shelves and books on her nightstand. 
I held out a small bag that would fit in my aftermarket saddlebags. “Only pack what ya need for three days, that’s it. If ya need more stuff when we get to the Clubhouse, you can buy it in town.”
“I’m not made of money, Syverson,” Lori said, crossing her arms and leaning on one leg. “I can’t afford to just buy new things whenever I feel like it.”
I had to hold back a grin; it was rare when a woman wasn’t scared of me these days and I’ve got to admit, I enjoyed her attitude and the way her cute face looked when she got sassy.
Be professional.
“Your brother can. He’s agreed to pay for everythin’.” 
“Part of the contract?”
“Yes. He pays all your expenses.”
“I can’t believe he did all this without telling me.” She threw her arms up in the air. A little dramatic, but still adorable. 
“He’s just lookin’ out for ya, sugar,” I told her, “Like a big brother should.”
“He’s overreacting.” She snatched the pack out of my hand and went to a drawer, stuffing what looked like panties in the bag.
“He ain’t,” I told her solemnly.
Lori’s head whipped around fast, and she looked at me a little wild-eyed. I didn’t want to scare her, but I had to reinforce the seriousness of her situation.
“We do an assessment before we take on a case. There’s a definite threat. If there weren’t, we wouldn’t relocate you.”
“Is Nate going to be ok?” Her voice was small and she stared into the bag. 
Her question wasn’t expected. Most girls would ask about themselves, check their own safety, but she was more worried about her brother.
“He’ll have a better chance if he ain’t gotta worry ‘bout you,” I said bluntly. 
She wasn’t the first woman the Brothers had to protect, though she sure was the prettiest, and I found when it comes to women, there was no point in trying to sugar-coat the situation. They’re more likely to be pliable if they think that there is a real threat. In Lori’s case, I told her the truth because if she thinks staying away will help, then she’ll cooperate. At least that's what I hoped. I didn’t want her to try and do a runner on me. 
“Do you know who killed them?”
I almost asked her who they were. Fuck. Not only was I being unprofessional, I was also being an asshole. No wonder she’s so worried about her brother, she buried both her parents today. 
I ain’t cut out for this. 
When we drew straws to see who would be the one to pick her up, I thought I could do this, but it should have been Marshall, he’s used to dealing with victims, crying women. Hell, even Geralt would have been a better option than me. The only one of us who would have been a worse choice was Mike, but Walker had already vetoed him as an option.
“That’s not part of what I do.” Only years of being an Officer in my former life kept my voice from being too empathetic.
She nodded and went to her closet, bringing out a couple of pairs of Kevlar jeans, t-shirts, a motorcycle jacket, helmet and gloves. It was good that she’d ridden before, I won’t have to worry about her fucking up my balance and shit. 
Not that she could really, she had to weigh half what I did. She wasn’t a petite girl, a little on the tall side, though I still towered over her. She had nice curves, a soft and nicely rounded ass, cute little titties too, nice and high on her chest. Watching her for the past week had given me a lot of opportunities to admire her feminine form so I knew what to expect but God damn, being so close to her was distracting. 
Fuck. She was looking at me. There was no way she couldn’t have seen me checking her out. Ah fuck it, I grinned at her; no point hiding it now.
“I’m going to get changed now,” Lori said with a blank face.
I could feel blood draining from my head and rushing south at the thought of her getting naked. I nodded and turned around, forcing myself to keep my eyes shut so I wouldn’t be tempted to peek.
Fuck professionalism; at this point I was struggling to be a God damn gentleman.
“I’d prefer if you left the room,” she said with a frustrated sigh.
I should leave. I could leave. It’s not like she was in danger here; I could stand outside the door and she’d be fine. 
“Sure,” I said. I glanced over my shoulder at her as I left her bedroom. “You’ve got five minutes.”
Lori rolled her eyes at me and I chuckled softly. I really fucking liked this girl. The Brothers were going to kill me.
I checked my phone while I waited and replied to a message from Walker, giving him our ETA. He immediately responded that he was already waiting about 5 klicks away at our planned rendezvous point.
After my blood had begun to circulate through my brain again, I figured maybe five minutes wasn't enough time for her to get changed and ready to leave. I watched the clock on my phone, letting nearly ten agonisingly slow minutes go by before I rapped on the door.
“You done in there?”
Lori opened the door. She was dressed with her jacket on and the pack slung over her shoulder like she was ready to leave.
I took it off her shoulder and going back into her room, laid it on the bed and started going through it.
“Checking for contraband? What are you? A cop?”
“No phones or electronics, Babycakes,” I said, smothering my laugh. I’d have to tell Marshall about that snarky comment, he’d get a kick out of it. 
“They’re traceable,” I explained, pulling her phone out of her bag, turning it off and putting it on her nightstand.
“Fuck. Well, how do I speak to my friends?”
“You don't,” I said, flatly. “Sorry sugar, it's how we operate.”
“But I have a…” she paused and bit her lip, running her teeth over her lip a couple of times. “I have plans and I have to call my work. I can’t just not show up, that will cause problems.”
“Your brother will take care of contacting your work,” I told her. It was something he had already done, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. She was mad enough at him as it is.
Her brows furrowed, she opened her mouth to say something then slammed it shut.
“Okay,” she said a little sullenly. 
Her bottom lip went back between her teeth. She was thinking on something, but time pressed as we were, now was not the time to find out what it was. I filed it away as something to discover later.
I went back into her bag, checking she had packed for the weather. It got cold at night and we’d be riding for a long while so she would need some warmer clothes. I was glad I checked; she must be more rattled than she let on because she forgot half her shit. It wouldn’t be the first time I had to pack for a client, so I went to her closet and pulled out one of her thickest sweaters. 
“Will this fit under your leathers?” She nodded and I threw it to her. “Good. Put it on.” 
She grumbled a little under her breath, but shockingly she shucked off her jacket and put it on.
“Bras?” I asked, pointing to the draws she got her panties out of.
“You didn’t pack bras,” I said, opening her drawer. I caught a glimpse of some pretty racy panties before she slammed it shut, nearly catching my fingers and using her hip to try to push me out of the way.
“I can do it,” she growled.
I grinned, held my arms up in surrender and backed away. Lori was not intimidated by me, but she was not completely unaffected. Her cheeks coloured a pretty pink hue as she selected a few simple bras and stuffed them into the bag. After seeing the panties she packed versus what she left behind, I was a little disappointed.
She went back to her draws and got out a set of light pyjamas, thin little cotton shorts and a tank top. I chuckled, she may as well sleep nude, they weren’t going to hide shit.
I checked that she had a toothbrush and other such items then zipped up the pack and slung it over my shoulder.
“We good to go?” I asked her.
She shrugged, “I guess.”
I smiled and put my arm out, “After you.”
I watched her leave a second. Her ass looked good in those black Kevlar jeans. Her thighs did too; shapely and thick, just the way I liked them. The way we all liked them, evidently.
After another agonising elevator ride, we got to my bike and she started to put her helmet on, but I stopped her.
“I wanna smoke first. Want one?” I asked. I reached into my jacket, pulled out a pack and slipped one between my teeth before offering her the packet. 
We’d only seen her smoke a couple of cigarettes while we had been tailing her, mostly late in the evening and while hiding from her brother. She hesitated only a moment before pulling one out. I flicked my Zippo open and lit her cigarette, watching a little too intently at the way her lips wrapped around it. 
“Thanks,” she mumbled.
I smiled at her before I lit my smoke. I started my Softail to let it warm up a bit and to give myself time to cool down before we got on the bike. The corners of my mouth kept threatening to break out in a grin at the thought of her arms wrapped around me and her body pressed against mine while we rode. I had to get that shit under control before we met with the Brothers.
I waited until she had finished smoking and took her butt and mine to the trash. When I turned back to her, she was pulling her smooth mahogany hair back into a low ponytail and the sweater she was wearing pulled tight across her chest. Her tits weren’t quite as small as I’d thought and when she put her jacket on, she had trouble zipping it up with the thick sweater underneath.
“Here, let me.”
I grabbed the hem of her sweater and tugged it down so it wasn’t wrinkled then brought the edges of her jacket close and joined the zipper tags. I caught a whiff of her perfume again and breathed in deeply, letting her fragrance permeate low into my lungs. I thought it was kiwi fruit or lime or something and it was driving me fucking crazy. 
Forcing myself to concentrate, I zipped her up. The jacket sat a little tight at her chest and I had to grab the edges and jerk them closer over her tits. She’s gonna think I’m a fucking creep. She ain’t wrong, it wasn’t like I wasn’t enjoying this but I still tried not to touch her more than necessary.
“Thanks, Syverson,” she said so softly I barely heard her over the bike. 
My eyes met hers and for a moment the world stopped. 
Fuck she was gorgeous with her big, clear greyish-blue eyes, pouty bee-stung lips, and right now her cheeks were adorably blushing. After watching her for a week and thinking about her all the time, it was almost unreal to have her so close. The way she was looking at me now was straight out of my fantasies and it took everything I had not to lift her mouth to mine and suck on that pretty bottom lip of hers.
“Call me Sy will ya, sugar?”
“Ok, um, Sy,” she said, a little shyly. She blushed harder, the reddening of her cheeks deepened and she sunk her teeth into that fucking plump lip. 
The smile I tried to hold back before broke through and I was done. Fuck my brothers are gonna beat my ass, but I was smitten. Walker will have his say too, but I’d bet him dollars to doughnuts, he’s gonna take one look at her and want her as bad as I fucking do. Hell, the rest of us are already half in love with her, he’s the only one who hasn’t seen her yet.
“My brothers will be meeting us a few klicks outside of town. They’ll be wearin’ their patches, so don’t be alarmed, alright?”
“How many?”
“Four more.”
“That’s your whole club? Why are you so small?”
“We’re very selective,” I said, simply. 
Lori nodded, accepting my half response. She knew an evasive answer when she heard one. It was nice talking to a girl who understood that there were some things you just didn’t talk about with civilians. 
“We’ll be goin’ all the way to Flagstaff tonight. It’ll take about four hours and we ain’t plannin’ on stoppin’. Think ya can make it?”
She nodded but looked a bit doubtful.
“Good girl,” I said and watched her bite her lip again. 
Fuck me. 
My hand moved to cup her jaw on its own, I couldn’t stop it. My thumb ran over her rounded lip until she let it slip from between her teeth. God damn, it felt so fucking soft and smooth, like a rose petal. I kept rubbing her reddened flesh then dragged my thumb down a little until her lip fell back into place, and I continued my path down her chin. I felt her warm, heavy breath on my hand, she was breathing as hard as I was.
Drawing on every bit of self-control I let her go. It wasn’t easy, and I clenched my fists, knowing I couldn’t delay leaving much longer. Not only because my brothers were waiting, but if we didn’t leave soon, we wouldn’t be able to blend in with the other clubs.
I grabbed her helmet. She put her arm out for it, but I took the gloves out from inside, tucked them under my arm and shook my head.
“Let me,” I said roughly, maybe a little too harshly, but I was on a knife’s edge. I pushed back any stray hairs off her forehead, taking my time, letting the backs of my fingers ghost over the soft skin of her cheeks.
“I know how to put a helmet on, Sy.”
There she goes saying my name again. The speed at which my cock was chubbing up was almost embarrassing.
“Humour me, Baby.” 
She nodded, slowly, her tongue darted out to wet her lips. I took another deep breath and slid the helmet over her head. I lifted her chin and slid the strap through the d-rings, watching her eyes trying to avoid mine. I chuffed, passing her gloves, and put my jacket on.
“Sidle up close to me. I run a little hot, might help keep ya warm, sugar.” 
I winked at her, knowing how stupid I looked when I did, and she laughed like I hoped she would. The sound went right through me, higher than her natural speaking tone, but somehow earthy and natural. It was infectious and sexy as fuck.
I got on the bike and gave it a few good revs. Jerking my head, I gestured that she should get on and she put her hands on my shoulders for support before stepping onto the footpeg and lifting her leg over the seat. I barely felt the suspension move as she sat, but you bet I felt her thighs pressing against mine and her hands timidly resting on my waist. That wouldn’t do, I grabbed her hands in mine, wrapping them around me and I felt her shimmy closer until her body was flush with mine. 
I hummed, that was more like it. 
For four more hours she was mine, then… well who knows. That would be up to her, but I damn well was going to do everything I could to keep her mine.
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bropunzeling · 2 months
Ooo ooo ooo 4 & 8 for the fic writer asks pls and thank youuuuu!! If those don’t spark joy for whatever reason or you’ve already done them, swap ‘em out for whatever you want!!
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
what HAVEN'T i not written while also thinking about it extensively. lmao and also rip. one of the ones that's like, clearest to me and probably would take the least effort (and therefore it is inexplicable why... i haven't done it....) is:
when matthew gets concussed during the bubble playoffs, he wakes up. his head doesn't hurt, which is great. he's not in the right place, which is a lot less great. this is not his beautiful house, etc etc. but his phone is telling him he has to go to skate, and he has car keys, and so he gets his ass up and goes to skate.
and what the fuck, this is the DCA. what the fuck, everyone is talking to him like it is perfectly normal and reasonable for matthew tkachuk, known calgary flame, to be in the edmonton oilers practice facility. connor fuckin mcdavid calls him chucky. there's a stall with his nameplate. clearly something is WRONG. in fact the only thing that isn't wrong is that leon draisaitl stares at him like he is a bug, or perhaps a rabid possum.
he makes it through skate. he makes it back to his "house" (which he has never seen before). he goes for a nap.
he wakes up in a wagon and johnny all tied up next to him. they're both in some knockoff costumes from game of thrones, seems like. connor and leon are guarding them, and leon keeps glaring suspiciously at him, like he's not supposed to be here.
(and so on, and so forth. he keeps universe hopping, trying and failing to figure out why it's happening, and why leon seems to be the only person who gets that he isn't supposed to be here. do we think is related to them sleeping together a few times before the world shut down? your guess is as good as mine :) )
anyway it's like fully thought out i just need. to do it. universe hopping matthew u are in my heart.
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you'd write one for...
there's only two timestamps/mini-sequels i'm seriously contemplating: marriage bets timestamp of The Time They Had A Real Wedding, and girl!leon timestamp where we finally, finally get rat baby in cup. everything else is a pretty complete story to me/doesn't have a compelling sequel plotline (to me, anyway)! skjskjskj tho always interested in what people would be interested in! you never know!
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I am 👀 at Milktail
please tell me more about her
My Enemy Milktail!
Tw for kidnapping
A pure white molly with green eyes, shredded ears, and heavy scarring on her back leg. Born in Shadowclan under Brokenstar's leadership to another OC, Frostwave. Frostwave only had a single kitten, and although she did not approve of Brokenstar's methods of... Acquiring more... She would never say no to another mouth to feed. And Brokenstar knew it.
He took kittens from Rogue groups, and personally indoctrinated some. Spiderclaw, Batclaw, Oakstripe, Lizardsong and Nestfur are all examples. Each one turned out differently...
The other is Elmfeather, or Elmkit as he was known when he was small.
Elmkit was passed off to Frostwave when he was brought to Shadowclan's camp, and she immediately took him in. Milk-kit... Hated him. She didn't like that he was getting her mother's attention. Then it turned into this outsider getting her mother's attention...
She is made Milkpaw by Nightstar and assigned to Scorchwind. Scorchwind... Ain't great. He supported Brokenstar for the most part (which is hilarious seeing as his wife cheated on him with the guy). He teaches Milktail to channel her anger into strength, that she has the "right" to be angry over her brother.
Before he tells her about cuckoo birds. Anyways, how about we go on a border patrol?
She is named Milktail by Tigerstar when he takes power. She fully supports Tigerclan, and hopes it will mean the death of her brother.
Nevermind that she has new siblings, Nightkit (Nightwing) and Wildkit (Wildfur), and Frostwave has just died from sickness. Nevermind that two of her siblings, Woodkit and Silverkit, died in that same sickness, the 4 born far too early. She doesn't care. All she can think about is what her "fake brother" has 'stolen' from her.
Elmfeather has done nothing wrong, but it doesn't matter. She hates him.
Elmfeather flees to Thunderclan, and after Tigerclan falls apart, she goes to the newly appointed Blackstar, and begs for forgiveness. "Blinded by hatred" she says to him. She won't ever let it happen again. Shadowclan is her truest love, and she only wishes to still be part of it.
In his defense, she was popular. She was liked. She was forming a bond with Daykit, Flintfang and Fidgetflower's little one. When Daykit was made into Daypaw, they were given to Milktail, as a sign of good will towards her. She had Shadowclan fooled.
She remained good with Daypaw, teaching them lots of battle tricks and hunting tips, strict but on her best behavior. Daypaw became Daywhisker, and Milktail never spoke to them again.
She is made Deputy after the retirement of Boulder during Starlight.
She lured Blackstar into a double trap with the help of Mistfang, Tigerstar's sister, who got Ashfur to help them out.
Firestar and Blackstar were shoved into fox traps, Birchpaw gets Brambleclaw to come to the lakeshore, but he bumps into Elmfeather on the way. Elmfeather, having mentored Sootfur after Longtail was blinded, has also qualified for deputy, not that he wants it...
And Brambleclaw freezes. In the Chaos, Elmfeather explodes out of the bushes, snarling at his sister. She immediately flares with rage, fighting with him. The two grapple, biting and clawing one another until...
Elmfeather forces Milktail backwards, dunking her head into the water and nearly drowning her. She plays possum one last time, but when she springs back up, Elmfeather is prepared, and her throat meets his teeth.
Blood is spilling Blood, and when Milktail falls back into the water, the Lake begins to turn pink.
She goes to the Dark Forest, Mistfang not far behind her. They walk together in darkness until Tigerstar calls on them.
Later, during The Great Battle, Milktail gets one last showdown with Elmfeather, now older and grayer. She brutally wounds him but manages to get an upper hand on her, chasing her to Riverclan land and catching up with her, rolling them until he is on top of her, the soft riverbank partially giving way, making them slide back. Milktail's head dunking into the water, Elmfeather pushing forward and finally drowning her in the river. Her oily black blood runs through the river and into the Lake once more. The last thing she sees is Elmfeather's eyes, full of disappointment.
He wanted a sister.
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dateamonster · 9 months
when i was a kid i want to say like 11 or 12 i had this whole story i was constantly making up and adding onto in my head whenever i was bored, about a world where everything in the natural world had like an angelic counterpart. so there were angels of weather and angels of animals and angels of times of day, stuff like that. the central axis of the story was about two angels, the angel of sky and the angel of storm, who had fallen to earth and befriended a human girl, who later was revealed to be the angel of wishing stars, hidden away on earth by her late mother to protect her from those who would take advantage of her extraordinary powers.
it was all extremely shoujo manga inspired. i was deep in my fruits basket era at the time.
anyway there are lowkey aspects of that concept that i think are still interesting despite its overwhelming middle-schooler aura. i think if i were to give it a shot now, id go even wilder with the angel types. angel of gravity, angel of electromagnetism, angel of slime molds!
(to be fair, middle school me did make a whole angel of nocturnal animals, which i still think rules)
tbh im only rly reminiscing on this now bc i saw this post and i was like LOL just like tweenage me. but i like that. in my mind the angels in this scenario arent so much directly in charge of these phenomenon, its all pretty automated by now, but they still sort of watch over these aspects of the world, and maybe occasionally toss out a blessing or two to make the moon shine a little brighter or to grant the possums safe passage across the freeway. i like that!
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rainylana · 2 years
“You’re a good boy.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: eddie wants to help. he’s tried to help. you won’t let him. long story short you fuck on a picnic table.
warnings: okay so writing this just felt dark to me. abuse, physically and verbally, reader is brainwashed and delusional honestly, also described with a southern, squeaky voice, language, smut, sir kink, spanking, reader wants eddie to hurt her but he doesn’t feel good about it, public sex, sex on a picnic table, v quick orgasms (i’ll die on the hill that eddie doesn’t last long) drinking, cheating ( reader’s boyfriend is an asshole so it’s okay), slight manipulation on behalf of the reader, reader doesn’t know the different between love and pain. i feel like eddie has a different vibe to him here, but i wrote him that way purposely as the storyline is dark. let me know what you thought of this! i like the way it turned out.
@ariesl0ves3ddiemuns0n @eddiemania @eddiemunson @kellysimagines @imabadarsebard @supercalifragilisticprincess @antigoneidk @averysblog @catherinnn @ahzysauce @imangy @softyutae @phantomxoxo @fionnthebandersnacc @delilahtaylorsverson @justaproudslytherpuff @cosmic-lavender @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @imdoingbetternow @your-starless-eyes-remain @flowers-and-tsukki @ultimate-sdmn-trash @blowing-mikey @tripthlightfantastic @chaos-incorp @nothisispatric @mic429 @avobabe87 @hearts4laura @aa-li-yah @lillianofliterature @kaqua @underthebatcape @ches-86 @itiscj @noturmom15 @lexthemess21 @bellasfavoritesweatpants @no0neknowsm3 @rovckwells @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @heeyitsg @genuine-possum @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @kneelforloki @actuallybarb @fvcking-gxddess @edzmunsonswife @basicallybats
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Eddie and Wayne sat on the shared picnic table of the trailer park, centered around a fire pit with empty beer cans and cigarette butts decorated around it. They spent a lot of time there, as did the other residents in the late night hours. It was a place where him and his uncle could catch up, shoot the shit and do what uncles and nephews did these days. There really wasn’t much of that going on tonight though. Eddie had a stressed, pensive look on his face, elbows resting on his bouncing knees and rings scraping together from shaking hands. His eyes were narrowed and his brows were creased, lips in a tight line and ears straining to hear.
Wayne was leaning his back against the table top, glancing between his nephew and your trailer that was only fifty some feet away from them. He’d occasionally pat Eddie’s back when he’d tense up from another yell or scream, debating whether or not to try and convince him to just go inside and go to sleep. He knew he wouldn’t listen, anyways. Wayne sighed tiredly at the sound of something being thrown. He hoped tonight wouldn’t be a night were he’d have to call the police again, not that it ever really did much.
You had a reputation, and not a very good one. Your boyfriend, who you lived with, was an absolute shit head who treaded you like dirt underneath his shoes. And the worst part? You let it happen. No matter how many times Wayne called the police or Eddie tried begging you to leave him, you wouldn’t. You never really shared why, but you didn’t think it was anyone’s business, anyways. It was your relationship.
You’d been there for almost five years now, and it was like this almost every other night. Nights when there was no yelling was when everyone got concerned. It wasn’t just Eddie and Wayne. No, everyone was concerned for your safety. There were times where the whole trailer park tried to have an intervention when he’d beaten you up too badly, thrown you outside the door and kicked you against the gravel. Your boyfriend had spent the night in jail that night, the women of the trailer park took care of you, and Eddie visited your window around two am.
But nothing anyone ever said or did was good enough. You made it clear that you weren’t leaving, that he loved you in his own way, and that you loved him. You liked the way he treated you. It was hard for Eddie to understand why you stayed and Wayne knew this, so he tried to help him better understand. They could only do so much to help you, especially when you didn’t want help to begin with. Wayne wasn’t sure why Eddie was so invested with you. Maybe it was just the sole fact that what was happening was wrong and he wanted to help a lady in trouble, sure. He’d given that thought. That’s how mostly everyone saw it. But he knew it was something more for Eddie.
Maybe he saw himself in you. Maybe he had a crush on you. Who knows. But Wayne worried that he was going to invest himself too much in your safety. As much as he knew what was happening was wrong, that it needed to stop and your boyfriend needed to locked away, he didn’t want his nephew to get hurt.
Eddie was biting at his nails hazardously to the point Wayne could see blood crusted around his thumb. It was a nice night out for the most part. The air was crisp and the sky was clear, full of stars and crickets, screams and shouts in the background. They both jumped when your boyfriend stormed. He slammed open the door and tumbled down the steps, barely holding himself up with a beer bottle clutched tightly in his grasp.
“You clean that shit off your face, you hear me!” He slurred, stumbling back and forth with sweat rolling down his face.
“Go fuck your self!” You screamed, bracing yourself against the doorframe and holding it tightly, then stretching out your arm to give him the finger.
Eddie flinched when he threw down the bottle, his whole body on edge incase he needed to step in. Wayne placed a hand on his shoulder blades.
“Bitch.” He sneered, giving the two men a nasty glare before he he stumbled off down the gravel road and off to god knows where. You stumbled down the steps yourself, not having seen the men yet, and glared off in his distance as you crossed your arms. They couldn’t tell if you were drunk or not.
“Y/n?” Wayne took action, clearing his throat.
You spun around and swallowed, cocking your head and letting out a breathy smile. “Hi, boys.” You politely waved at them.
“Everything okay?” He noticed your disheveled state. “Need anything?”
You chuckled quietly and shook your head, wiping a tear track away. “No need to worry bout me, Wayne. Imma’ big girl.”
Eddie looked like a little boy. He sat there silently and stared at you with big eyes. Wayne nodded and looked at his nephew. “You let me know if you need something, k?” He spoke to both you and Eddie, getting a nod from the younger man as he watched his uncle walk back to their trailer.
“Not gonna talk to me, Eddie?” Your voice was small and meek, questioning and bubbly all at once.
Eddie blinked at your outfit, scanning you up and down, then the make up on your face. “What is all that?”
You smiled wildly and held out your arms. “In it’ pretty? I wanna be like all the girls on the tv! I’m gonna be an actress!” You skipped over and settled beside Eddie, bumping shoulders and taking his hand in yours, giving it friendly squeezes.
“Was that what that was all about?” He raised a brow, eyes glued to the glitter you had on your eyes and cheekbones. You were a fascinating person. Despite the situation you lived in, you were oddly….happy? No, happy didn’t seem like the right word. No, you were brainwashed was how Eddie saw it. You wore a red, short dress that had black gems across the bottom. It looked like something from the 20’s, and your hair was let down your back freely with wild and bright makeup on your face, tear tracks and all.
Your face was always shiny. No matter when he saw you, your face always had old tears on your cheeks, etched into your makeup. It was just apart of you. You were always so shiny.
“Just don’t want me to leave him, is all.” You shrugged your shoulder. You wouldn’t leave anyways. “Do you like my dress?”
He swallowed and nodded, giving you another once over, your hand still holding his tightly. You made him extremely confused. You were so optimistic and falsely happy. You flirted with him all the time and even kissed him on multiple occasions. He never stopped you. No, he was practically head over heals for you and he didn’t know why. All he knew was that he wanted to keep you safe and away from him, but Wayne was right, they could only do so much, especially when you didn’t want help.
Wayne told him over and over that the best thing he could do was be there for you, to be a friend and someone to lean on in the midst of everything, so he tried his best to do so.
“You’re quiet tonight.” You placed your arm on his chest and traced the muscles underneath his shirt, batting your lashes at him.
He stared at you then flickered down at your lips. “Jus’ thinkin.”
“You’ll get mad.” He looked at the ground for a brief minute, knowing you did no like being pestered about your relationship.
You sighed, knowing that was what he was thinking about, and grumbled, leaning over to place your head against his chest. “Stop it, Eds. Worry too much.”
He loved your voice. It was almost squeaky, dripping in a southern accent and he loved how you pronounced his name. It was high pitched and downright adorable.
This was a routine that Eddie knew well too much. He could sit there and berate you for staying, do the same thing everyone else did, but that would do no good. It was an old song that you didn’t sing along to anymore and had no desire to hear. Be a friend.
“So, an actress, huh?”
You looked at him and beamed with a wide smile. “Mhm!” You hummed through your pearly teeth. “Think I can be a star, Eddie?”
“I think you could be anything you want to be, y/n.” He rested his elbow on the picnic table, letting go of your hand to sat behind your back where you leaned.
“I haven’t been to the movies in so long.” You sighed, twirling your fingers and looking up to the starlight sky. “Don’t even member’ last time I went. He won’t take me no more.”
You turned your face to the side and he could see the faded purple of an old black eye. He swallowed hard before he glanced down at your thigh brushing against his rough jeans. “I would take you, but I know you wouldn’t go.”
You smiled sweetly and picked your bare feet off the ground, bringing your knees to your chest. “Maybe we could keep it a secret! We don’t gotta tell know one, Eddie.” You looked at him with big, full eyes that made him nod.
“Yeah, maybe.”
You breathed whimsically and curled into him, causing him to stiffen awkwardly. Wayne warned him about getting too friendly with you, but he didn’t seem to care too much.
“You’re so good to me.” You yawned quietly, turning to lay your head in his lap. He gulped and held his hands awkwardly in the air before you grabbed his ringed palm and brought it down to rest against your belly. “Always wantin’ to take care of me.”
He stared down at you as you got sleepier. Your eyes grew heavy and you closed them with soft fluttered, fingers wrapped around his wrist. He brought up his other hand to brush away some loose hair, lightly tracing the fading bruise around your eye. It wasn’t fair that you stayed with him. You could have anyone you wanted to. You could have him. You were so beautiful and sweet. Why did you stay there with him? It just wasn’t right. Through no fault of your own, you were sick in the head.
He seen your lip twitch as he traced the bruise, ghosting it lightly. He sighed heavily with creased brows. “I wish you wouldn’t let him treat you this way.”
You opened your eyes and cocked your head. “Like how?”
“You know how.” He gestured toward the bruise.
You shrugged your shoulder with a light smile, leaning up on your elbows. “Just how he loves me, Eddie. He’s good to me in his own way.”
“Oh, yeah? Like how?” He couldn’t help the malice that came through. “All he does is beat on you, y/n.”
“He doesn’t!” You snapped, your voice cracking through your thick accent, raising up off his lap. You angrily crossed your arms and huffed, looking away from him. “He loves me, Eddie! You don’t know what being in love is like!”
“I know it’s not that!” He pointed to your bruise.
“Or this.” He picked up your wrist and flipped it, pointing to the finger prints from being gripped too tightly.
“Stop it!” You yanked your arm away from him and let out a cry, scooting away from him.
Emotions had come out too quickly, too suddenly, and now Eddie was left with a hole in his heart that felt guilty for making you upset. But damnit, he was upset. You controlled his every thought. He couldn’t focus in school or work, during his campaigns or band rehearsal. He could only think about you and it was driving him crazy. And frankly, it was pissing him off.
“Sorry.” He swallowed, slouching slightly in his posture. He gave you a sideways look at the sound of your sniffle. You were crying again.
“Why do you care so much?” You allowed yourself to say.
Why did he care so much? He didn’t know.
“I don’t know.” He answered honestly, staring down at the exposure of your thighs. “I just know that…that you deserve so much better than him, and I don’t like seeing you hurt. Is that too difficult to understand?”
You turned to look at him, and he swallowed uncomfortably at your tear struck face, eyes sinking a little. He wanted to reach out and wipe them away. “Everyone says that.” You answered thickly, voice small and weak. “But you’re the only one who really means it. I know how much you want me to leave him.”
He only nodded, afraid of what he would say if he chose to spoke. You shocked him when you placed a small kiss on his lips, just a little peck, and cupped his cheek with your palm. He gave you a lovestruck look before you climbed into his lap, reconnecting your lips in a tangle of desperation and passion. You held his face and he folded his long arms around your back. You shamelessly grinded on his lap, making him groan in your mouth before he bucked his hips up between your legs.
“Does it- does it make you- mad that I stay?” You spoke between kisses, tongues lapping and licking teeth.
“Yes.” He groaned, moving down to your neck to suckle the skin. His dick was hard against your thigh. “You piss me off.”
You whimpered and tilted your eyes up to the stars. You reached around to grab his hand, placing it on your mound and rubbing yourself against his palm. “I’m sorry.” You cried, more tears slipping past your lids.
He came back up to your lips, holding your cheek with his free palm as he kept his other cupped on your cunt. You groaned at the feeling of his hand on your face. “Eddie,” You panted. “Want you to hit me.”
His brows furrowed. You kept his hand on your cheek. He pulled away with a look. “What?”
“Please.” You begged in tears, looking at him with such a look that it nearly made him crumble. “Hurt me. I’ve made you mad. I don’t want you to be mad at me, Eddie.”
“I’m not mad.” He denied quickly, pulling his hand from your cunt to rest against your thigh.
“Please,” You whimpered, pressing your nose against his. “I want to feel your hands. I need to feel something, please- please hit me, Eddie. Hurt me.” Your breath came out in pants that caused the blood to rush to his cock, and you placed your hand on the bulge underneath you that caused him to gasp shortly, gripping the picnic table he sat on.
“Fuck.” He groaned, eyes fluttering closed. “Fuck, y/n…we…he might,”
“He’s not coming back anytime soon.” You answered softly, fingers trailing the tent in his pants. Your eyes were shining with tears while his looks straight up guilty and in love. You were manipulating him with your power that you held, but he didn’t care. He moaned lightly when you squeezed him.
“You don’t deserve to be hit.” The veins in his arms poked out from the chill in the night, his Megadeth shirt clinging to his muscles.
“Maybe not.” You said hoarsely, the hazy glow of the street light above you making the purple glitter on your cheeks sparkle, the red lipstick you wore smudged from his full lips. “But I want to. Not by him. By you. Please, Eddie. Make me feel something. I can’t feel anymore. Help me feel, Eddie.”
You both were moaning through your words when you started arching your back and pressing your cunt into his jeans, your nails digging into his back. “How?” He said thickly, his lips parting. “How do..here?” He grabbed your hand and placed it on your cheek, his heart racing.
You shook your head. “No.”
He looked down at your breasts, closing his eyes for a brief second before he pulled your hand down to your pussy. “Here?”
You stifled a moan at the contact, but shook your head again. He grew confused and you pressed your chest against him, holding him, and you dragged his hand around your waist to place his hand on the curve of your ass, the angle barely keeping it covered. “Here.” You whispered into his ear.
He raised a brow and squeezed the flesh of your ass, his stomach doing cartwheels when you whined. “Here? Want me to hit you here?”
You nodded this time. “Yes, sir.”
He still didn’t feel good about it, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to. The girl he was hopelessly ogling over was grinding herself on him, leaving sloppy trails down his neck and asking him to spank her. It may have been wrong. No, it was wrong. But if it was really what you wanted, then so be it.
“Bend over.”
You obliged quickly, maneuvering yourself off of him so you could lower yourself down to his lap, your ass resting on his thighs. Eddie gave a scan around him. Nobody was out, but that didn’t mean his uncle wayne wouldn’t be coming back out to smoke or check on him.
He looked back down to you and kept in a filthy moan at the sight, and he crumbled even further when you reached around to pull your dress up, revealing your white cotton underwear. He gulped nervously, resting a hand on your thigh. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Yes, sir.” You said bashfully, resting your cheek on the moldy wood. “Make me cry, Eddie. Be mean to me.”
Sir was sending him over the edge. “Okay.” He muttered. “Just..just tell me if you want me to stop, alright?” He waited for you to nod.
He rested his hand on the curvature of your panties, painfully hard, and took a breath before he lifted his hand and brought it down on your bottom. You said nothing, and his immediately went to your face to see if you were okay. He slapped it down again, the same cheek and the same speed. You said nothing again, your eyes a hazy glow under the light.
He smacked you a little hard on the third and fourth hit, and he noticed how your lips twitched a bit, making him twitch in his pants. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, sir.” Your face was growing red. “But I…I want you to hit me harder. You’re not being mean enough.”
His lips parted as a hesitant look crossed his features, and he nervously looked around to see if any spectators were out. He did not want to traumatize his uncle.
He surprised you, and himself, with a sharp, full handed blow that made you squeal that time. His eyes widened in concern, but your moan calmed him. “Yeah. Like that.” You panted, and he swallowed roughly. He was going to give you what you wanted.
He took down your panties until they rested at your ankles, and you kicked them off without care. He scooted out to the edge of the seat so he could lift your backside higher up on his thigh, your feet touching the ground now. Your heart started to race. “Comfortable?” His voice surprising came out dominating, and you nodded meekly.
“Cat got your tongue?” He wanted to hear sir again.
You blushed, licking your lips as you felt your pussy throb for him. “Yes, sir. I’m comfortable.”
This was wrong. He shouldn’t be doing this. It was wrong to hurt you, even if you wanted it. He shouldn’t be treating you like some whore out in the middle of the street for shit sakes.
“How mean?” He said softly, making your eyes flutter shut. You buried your face in the wood beneath you.
“Very mean.” You answered honestly. “Sir.”
He placed his hand on the smooth skin of your bottom, just a hint of pink from his previous slaps. He wanted to see it brighter. Very mean. He lifted his hand and began slapping it down hard, alternating between each cheek in firm, heavy blows that made you gasp out surprisingly at his dedication to your cause to make you cry.
He kept his eyes glued to your face, watching the way your jaw stayed unhinged, eyes filled with tears and the way your hands gripped the wood plank beneath you. You were gasping and moaning and crying all at the same time, a look of euphoric pain and pleasure dancing in the glitter you painted on yourself. His hand was burning to the point it hurt himself, but he didn’t stop, he only switched hands, the one with the three big, chunky rings. He could only imagine how your ass felt.
Slap after slap, it burned so hotly that it scorched your skin and it felt like it was digging through the bone and would come out on the other side. Both you and Eddie were panting, and you shamelessly began rocking yourself back and forth of his thigh to get some friction. He could see your shiny arousal dripping between your thighs, and that was only ambition to spank you harder.
You let out a blubbering sob as he laid red hand prints on your ass, making sure to mark each surface of your skin. It shocked him how you weren’t squirming away. Your arms clawed at the wood and you arched your back, but you weren’t kicking your legs out in pain. You laid right there and took it all. It made his heart ache with guilt.
The pulsing ache between your legs was so strong that you reached your hand under your belly to find your clit, rubbing fast, erratic circles that just wasn’t getting the job done. Eddie groaned above you at the sight. “Can I fuck you?” He said it without care and reason, in a husky and desperate tone.
“Yes!” You sobbed, the pain in his hits starting to become too overwhelming. He stopped as soon as you said it, and you gasped when he gripped your forearms and spun you around to bend you over the picnic table. You groaned out as the wood cut into your skin, but you didn’t care. Eddie hurriedly unbuckled his belt and shoved his jeans and boxers just bellow his hips, aligning his hard, thick cock at your entrance and thrusting himself in. You both simultaneously moaned out in relief at the feeling, his chest against your back as his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you up off the table by a few inches.
He thrusted hard into you that made you choke on your breath, eyes blurred with tears as the glitter melted down your neck from tear tracks. His cock abused your g spot and you pulsed and swelled around him, his breath hot in your head and dark curls tickling your neck. It was completely disgusting the way he was fucking you, rough and desperate with pornographic and filthy moans both shamefully leaving you. It wouldn’t have been a shocker if everyone heard what was going on.
Eddie groaned when he shot his load into you with one final, sharp and deep thrust of his hips, his stomach clenching and knees buckling against the sides of yours. You sang out in moans and whimpers as you clenched around him, the breath taken from your lungs as you reached out to grip the edge of the table, nails practically chipping. You both rested there for a minute in sweat and tears before he dragged himself out of your sore cunt.
He plopped himself down on the seat, panting heavily as you— decided not to sit, and he tucked himself back into his jeans, leaving his belt unbuckled. You turned your neck and lifted your dress to see the redness of your skin, some parts purple and bruised. Eddie looked over and saw you, going up to your eyes and widening slightly to see your reaction. All you did was smile and pick up your panties, leaning down to pat him on the cheek. “Thanks, Eddie.” You said gratefully.
“You’re a good boy.”
He watched you turn on your heal and walk with shaky legs back to the travel, gravel digging in to your bare feet. You never seemed to have shoes on. Guilt started to eat him alive, and his face etched in confusion and sorrow. Despite the mind blowing orgasm he had, right now, he did not feel good.
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rileys-battlecats · 1 year
Since you said just a couple days ago that you originally had Foxjaw be Mudpaw's dad, how exactly did that change into Possum being his dad?
That idea came from an old video idea that I ended up scrapping! It was actually the old version of the events told in "The Accident" if you can believe it. I wanted to use the song "Lullaby" by American Horror Song as a backstory for Mudpaw
Warning for some dark themes in this alternate story. darker than usual lmao.
In the first version of the story, neither of Mudpaw's parents were from Micaclan. The fire still happens, but it's a really big apartment building, and lots of cats are displaced. Possum (idk if I had thought of a name for him at this point) says he's heard of some cats living deep in the mountains, and the huge group goes off in search of the clan. However, as time passes, cats start dropping off; some succumbing to the cold, others getting lost in the swirling wind and snow. Mudpaw's mom ends up collapsing, and Possum can only take her so far. He can't carry both Mudpaw and Sweetpea. She basically tells him to go on without her, but Possum can't bear to leave her to die a painful death alone in the cold.
From here, I had two ideas, and one was significantly darker than the other. In one, Possum stays by her side until she dies, and gets left behind by the larger group. In the other, he basically performs a mercy-kill, so that she doesn't have to keep suffering. Possum end up unable to leave her, either way. When he stays, he grows too cold to move. When he does the mercy-kill, he finds that he can't even bring himself to leave her body, not even to save his kit. He takes her collar and puts it on his kit (who is a fair bit older than he appears in The Accident, old enough to walk on his own), but can't move himself after. Eventually, baby Mudpaw has to try to find the group that left them behind, leaving behind his dead mom and near-catatonic father. He can't find the group, and ends up collapsing in an icy mud puddle. But before he meets the same fate as his mother, a clan cat, wrentail, finds him. He's taken back to the clan and nursed back to health; his only connection to his old life being a dirty and mangled kittypet collar that's far too big for him.
The framing for the story in the video was going to be mudpaw telling his story to pearfur's kittens. If you remember the mudpaw trauma dump video, that's what it was going to be leading up to haha
ANYWAY the storyline morphed over time BUT the funniest thing about it is that Possum being a former Micaclan cat became a thing only because I accidentally gave both him and Gullytuft that white forehead head marking. I thought, instead of redesigning him, why not have it be a family resemblance? So then they became siblings and Possum became an ex-Micaclan member! (I did eventually redesign him but I made him more gullytuft-ish instead of less lol)
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nichet-crochet · 1 year
saw your crocheted suit in the fursuit tag and just wanna say its absolutely cool as hell, ive never seen a crochet suit before
Thanks! I recently just finished it! I added eyes, hair, and a pouch! I had actually thought of the idea a year before I actually started making it. I wanted the jaw to open and close but I abandoned the idea as it was too complicated for me. It took me about 16-18 hours to complete, which was done over the span of two days.
And if you're wondering, the yarn used is Bernat Blanket Yarn, weight 6.
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Many people have been asking me if I am willing to sell crochet possum suits, or at least the pattern, and I have to decline to both of those. The pattern for the body piece is a variation of the Crochet Adult Onesie by EveryDayWomanCrochet on Etsy (Her Etsy is linked below). While the head and the tail is my own design, I did not write down the pattern for them. The possuit is also too time-consuming and expensive for me to enjoy selling.
The best part is :) I plan to be a vendor in my city's Pride Festival this year, and you bet I am wearing possuit! I made body piece bearable in all weather so I don't overheat :)))
Anyways, yeah those are some fun facts about possuit. Thanks for the love!
Pattern for the Adult Onesie ^
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
General and dating head cannons for Marko tlb
So vampire brain rot isn't super strong rn but I need to like write anything really so I'm sorry if this sucks balls man. Also I might start a new fic because I have an idea but knowing how shits going down rn it probably's gonna take three decades to finish the first paragraph of the fic. Anyway I stole some of these head cannons from my amazing mutual Lost. @lostbxys please check out his blog I really like him. I will probably add more onto this when I think of more things to add.
Warnings: Mentions of violence and murder
General head cannons
I head cannon he was turned in the 1920's at the age of probably 21/22.
I know for a fact he's trans and you can argue with the wall about that.
He grew up on a farm with brothers and probably knew he was trans at a young age. He used the excuse of working on a farm to wear boys clothes. Women still wore dresses on the farm but he probably convinced his parents somehow to let him wear men's clothes, but he would have to wear dresses around non family members.
He probably got turned when he moved to the city to be able to transition easier. The 20's is around the time hrt and gender affirming surgeries became like available for people so he must have started then. Max probably helped pay for the hormones and surgery in exchange for turning Marko.
He passes very well and the scars healed nicely because he's a vampire.
Probably returned to the country for a bit with Max and was a cowboy for a bit. Still has a cowboy hat and has a bunch of tiny ones for his animals.
Was the first one to find Paul and convince him to be a vampire. They found Paul at woodstock and I'll get more into that later.
Made his jacket himself since the late 70's. Been years in the making but he loves it and refuses to take it off most of the time.
Dating head cannons
Will be very flirty right off the bat. Offering to take your hand and lead you around the boardwalk, steals buys you things, takes you on rides and if you don't want to go back to the cave he'll drive you back home and get your number.
Once you two start dating over time he'll push you to turn but he understands if you need to think about it.
Loves physical affection. People are too scared of him to comment on if you two are holding hands or making out on the boardwalk together. Loves to cuddle back at the cave along with lots of kisses. Vampires are very cold so you'll have to bundle up for it.
Calls his animals your children. Will introduce you to all of them. "This is Ted he's my first pigeon. This is Bill he's my possum." "Why is he wearing a little cowboy hat?" "...This is Lucy she's my second pigeon"
Loves winning prizes for you from the games. Will probably compete with you on who can win more games and winner gets to be the big spoon.
He will take care of anyone who's bothering you. Just let him know and they're gone that night.
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theblacksheepcz · 2 months
Sabecha things cuz I’m bored grrrrr
i mean honestly since it’s been almost two years since I’ve invented this ship it’s about time i spill the beans on my headcanons
homie they literally appeared together in Combat Arena X, Waste World and debatably Walk. Possibly in the Gameworks. They definitely met.
Honestly i see them starting as competitive frenemies in Combat Arena X and then during a heated fight they just make out one day they chill and chat and kiss under the moonlight.
Rebecha is 5’7” and Sado is 6’7”…it’s a whole foot of height difference. And yet. Rebecha is so strong that she can literally just scoop Sado and raise her above her head. It’s always funny to imagine- and- Sado sometimes, nonverbally, teases her by just bending over to her eye level- and and- other times Rebecha just, grabs her tie and pulls her into a kiss- A- 🤭
Since, yknow, Sado is a computer virus which pretty much paints her a criminal in Gameworks’ eyes, they at least try to keep their relationship secret. Especially from Irving. Only Wizarro knows. He’s Rebecha’s bestie. Anyways yea they’re like forbidden lovers and that’s where the angst comes in.
“Right person wrong time so much?” YEAH-
Sado may be a psychopath but has a soft spot for Rebecha, and Rebecha is probably the only person who’s not afraid of Sado and isn’t phased by her antics
also she doesn’t really care if Sado hurts someone unless they’re her friend (and then waste world comes around and Rebecha befriends Rust and Rocky and everything goes to shit)
Sado and Rebecha have this weird on-and-off relationship, both from some arguments and being assigned to different games.
tbh despite the fact that Rebecha hates her job she used to be a ‘goody two-shoes’ until Sado’s rebellious attitude rubbed off on her.
they would be great partners in crime 🙏
Rebecha is pretty grumpy and doesn’t really know how to show affection meanwhile Sado easily cheers her up and mainly shows physical affection
surprisingly, Rebecha is the more protective one (she has self-worth issues and is afraid that Sado will get killed/deleted when caught), and Sado only protects Rebecha when she is in danger (she doesn’t want to seem clingy)
you know those animal relationship dynamics? Rebecha is a raccoon and Sado is a fucking possum
“Hates everyone except one person x Hated by everyone except one person”
the only way that Sado can fall asleep is to use Rebecha as a weight blanket.
Too much energy and annoying x No energy and annoyed with the iconic flavor of ‘OH FUCK THAT’S MY IDIOT’
theyre both ambiamorous. They dated Chandrelle until she left them for Lazarus LOL and Sado is still salty about it.
in conclusion, i have a weird taste in ships and they have their ups and downs and I love their flaws
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slaasherslut · 1 year
The Commission
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Summary: Bo goes to Ava right before Christmas with a very important task for her, which is sure to sweep Percy right off her feet.
Warnings: some platonic!bo x ava (oc), slight cursing, mentions of sex, mentions of killing
3.4k words OC Percy belongs to @the-pinstriped-hood
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Ava sat laying awake in bed. It was already 3am and she didn't expect to get much sleep tonight. Her phone softly buzzed as the phone's screen lit up. “Fuck it.” She thought. “I’m not going to be sleeping anyways.” She unplugged her phone from the charger and checked the notification. It was a text from Bo? She never really got texts from him unless it was necessary. 
“Avana. I require your particular set of skills. Tell no one. You're headed to the garage. 5am don't be late.”
She read over the text confused. The last time she got a text like that he needed some help with a few bodies and didn’t want Lester to know what the two of you were up to. Her lack of squeamishness around blood and innards made her a good partner in crime for Bo. She opened it and typed.
“Particular set of skills? Did you need help cleaning up or tracking someone down again? I'll be there soon. Just give me some time to get dressed.”
She sent the message as she slowly pulled Lester’s arm from around her waist and rested it down on the mattress so as to not wake her sleeping possum. She noticed the text was immediately read as she got dressed in the dark. She slipped on a pair of black leggings and an old Metallica hoodie. She had a quick snack and an energy drink from the fridge before writing Les a short note.
“Couldn't sleep. Went for a walk. Text me when you wake up. I love you xoxo Ava”
She placed it on his nightstand before giving him a soft kiss to the temple. Lester hummed at the contact of her lips, still fast asleep. She slipped on a pair of shoes and grabbed her patched up denim jacket as she headed out into the darkness of Ambrose towards the garage. By the time she got there she saw Bo with the garage wide open and saw him walking around inside. The older man paced back and forth in front of her, his brows knitted together in deep thought. She could tell he had a lot on his mind. She had never seen him quite so on edge before and it made her nervous.
“Bo come on, you're freaking me out, what's going on?”
He hesitated for a moment as he stopped in his tracks and turned to her, seemingly still trying to collect the right words in his mouth from his brain. He glanced down at the small silver bird skull that hung on a velvet string around her neck, he pointed towards it.
“Made that yourself, didn’ you?”
“Yeah, why? What's that gotta do with anything?” Ava fiddled with the piece of silver. 
“What else can you make?”
“Just about anything I guess. Necklaces, bracelets, chains, rings, you name it. Looking for something for Percy?”
“So you can make a ring? Like from scratch?”
“Yeah I can do that, just depends on what you-” Ava froze. The realization of what Bo was asking hit her like a goddamn freight train. The biggest smile stretched across her face.
“Bo Sinclair, are you going to do what I think you are going to do!?” Her voice seemed to rise a few octaves in excitement. Bo hushed her, grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her deeper into the garage.
“Keep your fuckin’ voice down!” He hushed. “No need to wake the entire town.” Ava stared at him with questioning eyes and a smile that wouldn't falter as she waited for him to say it. Bo hesitated. The last thing he wanted was to be viewed as ‘soft’ like his brothers, but he couldn't help it. He had many women in his thirty plus years, whether it be one night stands in dingy bars or girlfriends who didn't last longer than a few months. Nothing was quite like her. Percy Jones. Something about that woman jump starts his heart and sends it into overdrive. He was putty in her hands even if he didn't show it, much like she was for him. He adjusted his hat on his head to distract from his nervous thoughts. His eyes hung at Ava's shoes as he spoke.
“I wanna ask Perc to marry me.” The garage was silent. The only sound being the early morning birds and the humming from the fluorescent lights overhead. He raised his eyes to look at Ava, her crossed arms dropped to her sides as the look of shock across her features turned into excitement.
"That's amazing!" Ava yelled, she immediately covered her mouth upon realizing how loud she was. "That's great Bo!" She repeated quietly. She was shocked. Not that Bo wanted to marry Percy, hell even a blind man could see how madly in love those two kids were. She was shocked that he was actually telling her. She started jumping around with joy. She couldn't wait to see the look on Percy’s face when he gets down on one knee and pulls out the ring. She was so excited she forgot about the whole first half of their conversation.
“When?! Where?! How?!” Ava almost yelled, grinning from ear to ear. She couldn't stand still. She was just too excited for her big sister to get married! Bo started genuinely laughing, he was sure he had never seen her exude so much energy when she wasn't playing music. It was kind of entertaining.
“Calm down, calm down. I haven't decided all that jus’ yet. The only thing I've decided on so far is the ring I want you to make for her." The beginning of their conversation rushed through her brain once again. Ava was confused to say the least. There is no way Bo wanted her to make Percy's fucking wedding ring. No way! It wouldn't be nearly as good as a ring he bought in a store.
"What? No! B-Bo I can't do that!" Ava started to panic once the excitement wore off.
“Ava -”
“No! Bo I can't! If it was just something little it would be different but this is way outta my league! A wedding ring!? That's insane! I can't risk-” 
“AVA!” Bo shouted through her panic. “I want you to do it and that's final, you ain't changin’ my mind… Now will you make your sister's wedding ring for me?” Ava inhaled as she bit the inside of her cheek, she nodded. Bo leaned back against his truck that he had parked in the garage with crossed arms.
“Good, cause I don't trust a nobody with a task like this.” Ava shook out her nervous hands as she took another long breath before nodding again.
“Okay.” She huffed out as a small smile began to cross her face. “Let's get this started, the earlier the better.” Ava rooted around in the inside pocket of her denim jacket looking for her current song book that she always carried around and a pen. She pulled two chairs up to his workbench as he cleared enough space for her to take notes. Her heart was filled with pride that Bo had asked her of all people. Bo Sinclair isn't exactly known for playing nice with others so this was quite the rarity. They both sat across from each other and Bo began to describe what he wanted for Percy. Ava listened carefully and took detailed notes of his words, adding a little sketch if she thought she needed some extra details. She made sure to give him suggestions for different kinds of metal and gems and answered all his questions to the best of her ability.
"How hard is it to carve a skull out of a pearl?" Bo questioned. Ava giggled, she was loving all his ideas so far and she knew Percy would too. She was so excited to bring his ideas to fruition.
"It's extremely hard to carve a pearl!” She said with a laugh. “That'll cost you extra, sir." She pointed her pen at him before making a note of his request.  
"Darlin'. I promise you, money is no problem. I can pay you as much as you need.” Ava looked up from her book at him with a smile.
"Bo I'm just joking, the happiness this ring will create will be more than enough compensation. Consider it your Christmas gift.” She looked back down as she started sketching the pearl skull. “Lester and I are going into town today, I'll buy some supplies then and I can get started as soon as I can.” Bo smiled to himself. He couldn't believe he was getting one step closer to fully claiming an angel, his own little piece of heaven. “I'm just gonna need her ring size before I get started. It's very important that it's accurate. Can you get that for me?” She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I can get that for you." Bo smiled. He was going to have to wait until Percy took one of her melatonin fuelled naps so he could get the size without her knowing. "And I hate to give you a deadline but I need that ring by Christmas Eve if that's possible”
Ava huffed in thought, sitting back in her seat. She tapped at her notebook filled with sketches and notes with help from Bo. She thought for a moment. It was the end of November already and she still had many plans for Christmas gifts she intended on making everyone. She would be cutting it close but she was optimistic. "I can do it but if anyone asks why I'm hiding away in your garage all day it's up to you to use that manipulative brain of yours to come up with an excuse."
“I'll do my best.” Bo chuckled. Ava’s phone vibrated on the table as she was sketching last minute touches to her plans. It was a text from Lester asking where she was. It looks like he had woken up to his bed half empty and her note. She said she ran into Bo on her walk and had been hanging out at the garage. Les told her he’d pick her up in an hour and then go into town and get lunch like they had planned. Ava would have to make up an excuse to Lester about why she was spending so much time away from home. As far as he will know, she's making Christmas gifts. Which isn't a lie, she's making everyone's gifts. One was just very secretive and she couldn't risk someone walking in halfway through the process.
Later that day with Lester, she made sure to get him to make a few extra stops for her to collect a bunch of the materials she needed. Not just for Bo’s ring but for a couple other projects she had in mind. 
“Whatcha need to go to all those places for, sweetpea?”
“It's a surprise!” Those three words being said so close to Christmas were enough to get him to stop asking questions.
At least five days a week, Ava spent a few hours working away in Bo’s garage basement. Bo would sneak into the basement every now and again to check her progress. He would ask her to explain what she was doing in extreme detail. He wanted to know everything that went into making this ring. He always made sure to ask if she needed any more materials or brought her something to eat when she spent longer days there. There was even one time he brought down a tourist and it completely slipped his mind. 
“Oh fuck, sorry Ava!” He started to drag the bound and gagged tourist back upstairs. 
“Don't worry about it! Do what you've gotta do, I don't mind.” She said to him, waving her hand and not even turning to look at him. Bo chuckled with a smile, looking at the tourist.
“It's your lucky day! Little Ava here is willing to share her space with us! How polite! She's making the ring I'm gonna propose to my girlfriend with.” They screamed behind their gag. “I know, it's very nice of her.”
A few hours later, once the person he brought down was dealt with, he returned to the basement. He walked up behind her, patting her back harshly. She almost dropped the rag covered in polishing wax that was in her hands.
"Thank you again, Ava. Words can't fuckin' express how much this means t’ me."
Ava smiled while covered in metal shavings and polish. "Of course, you know I'd do anything for you guys. You're family."
It was roughly two weeks later when Ava slipped the completed ring into a dark red velvet ring box, breathing a sign of relief. She was so happy and so proud of herself. She admired her hard work in its temporary home. The piece turned out one thousand times better than she could have ever expected. She imagined how the ring would look on Percy’s finger and she couldn't help the tears that welled up in her eyes. She didn't even have to wonder what her big sister would say when Bo got down on one knee, she knew her answer would be ‘yes’. She closed the box and held it tightly in her hand as she leaned over the table and cried happy tears for her sister. Once Ava pulled herself out of her tears she snatched her phone off the table and opened up Bo’s contact.
"Come to the garage, I've got something special for you!"
Ava sent the text and leaned back in the chair of her temporary workspace, knee bouncing. She was excited and happy throughout the whole process but as soon as she sent that text her stomach dropped. She was terrified. She had made jewellery before but never at this calibre, nothing that someone would be giving to a loved one at the altar. This was supposed to be something big. This would be a ring Percy would wear forever. What if she didn't like it? What if Bo was disappointed in her work? Her brain rattled and her stomach felt like it was moments away from propelling itself up her throat as she waited. 
Back at the Sinclair home Bo laid in his bed next to Percy, on his back with arms behind his head. Both were bare due to their escapades from the past few hours, sweaty bodies covered by the thin sheet of their bed as moonlight leaked through the open shades of the bedroom window. Bo looked over at his girlfriend fast asleep, her back facing him as her black hair lay in silky rivulets across her pillow. He reached out to slowly trail rough fingertips up her exposed waist. The feeling of her damp skin was smooth under his touch. Percy let out a small sigh from the contact of her lover, still in a deep slumber. Bo couldn't help but smile at the serenity in their shared space. A vibration from the floor pulled his attention away. His phone must still be in the pocket of his jeans that were haphazardly tossed to the floor earlier. If it was any other time he would have ignored it but he didn't want to risk any updates or questions from Ava who was probably still in the gas station basement so late at night. He would also have to remember to apologize to Les for keeping Ava away for so long.
He snatched his jeans off the floor and rifled through his pocket as he pulled out his phone. The time, 11:58pm lit up his screen along with a text from Ava. He couldn't contain his excitement as a large grin plastered across his devilishly handsome features. He glanced back towards Percy to make sure she was still asleep as he carefully sat up. He quietly slipped away from underneath the warm sheets and into the cool night air of their bedroom. He scooped his clothes up off the floor and silently slipped them on. His mind raced with excitement and fear. He had full faith in Ava to make this ring, he wouldn't have gone to her if he didn't. He would have got some big city schmuck to do it for triple the price. What he was worried about was Percy. What if she didn't like his design? What if she said no?
As Bo approached the front door of the gas station he saw Ava inside standing in wait, leaning against one of the counters with her fingers wound around something crimson red. He strode through the door and they exchanged excited smiles, walking up to her eyeing what was in her hands.
"Is it ready?"
Ava held out the box to him, nerves gripping her as he opened it. A smile almost split his face in two as he stared in awe. In the box was a pure silver band with six beautiful stones. There was a glistening bright red ruby with a pear cut, on each side of it were two polished dark bloodstones with hints of a crimson red that matched the colours of the ruby and the box it was in. Underneath all those stones was the main attraction, Bo was speechless as he stared. An absolutely stunning white pearl that was meticulously carved in the shape of a human skull minus the jaw. The stones above it gave the skull a lovely gemstone crown. Bo delicately pulled the ring from the box and studied it from every angle. The craftsmanship was almost professional, only a few minuscule bumps, marks and uneven cuts gave away the fact it was made right below their feet. He noticed some markings on the underside of the band, he could just barely make out the word “Angel” in a typewriter font. 
"I knew I could count on you." He carefully slipped the ring back into its place in the box before snapping it shut and shoving it into his coat pocket. His eyes were glazed in a way Ava had never seen before, it was an unexpected sight. Bo pulled her in by the collar of her sweater and hugged her tight. “Thank you so much.”
Ava was frozen for a moment, not expecting the physical contact. She started tearing up at his show of emotion and hugged him back with the same vigour. 
"Of course, and thank you for giving me the honour of making it." Bo gave her one final squeeze before pulling away. He had tears in his eyes as he smiled down at her. He initially had a look of bewilderment across his handsome features. Ava could see a shift in his eyes as a different emotion started to take over. His smile slowly started to falter as his mind started overworking itself.
“You think she’ll say yes?” Ava laughed, not meaning to. She felt bad when she saw the look on his face.
“Are you kidding? Of course she will. I know my big sister really well, probably better than most people. She is absolutely head over heels in love with you, Bo. She wants you and nobody else. That girl looks at you like you carved the ground beneath her feet, hung the moon and the stars in the sky. She wants nothing more than to take your last name."
"Persephone Adriana Sinclair." He smirked as he spoke to himself, wanting to hear his future wife's name on his tongue. "That has a lovely ring to it..." He took a deep breath and smiled. "Thanks again Ava." She gave him a sweet smile and a nod as he opened the gas station door. He hesitated for a moment, staring at the ground. He finally looked up at her after a few moments.
"You're gonna make a great sister in law one o'these days, Ava. Promise you'll make a good man outta Lester?" Bo started to leave.
Ava giggled. "He already is a good man. The greatest man I've ever been with. Thank you Bo."
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☾ notes: AH okay ive had this one in the works for Pin for a while now and we planned it our together. i think it turned out super cute and we have big plans! as for Pin, i really really hope you like it, the last thing i wanna do is let you down girly. youre amazing ilysm <3
☾ tag list: @rottent33th @cries-in-latino @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @allthingsblood @25bohemianmoons
message me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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