#anyway not posting this in the tag bc i do NOT wanna be a hater or start fucking discourse about this
eggmeralda · 26 days
is it weird to go through the tags of people you completely disagree with. out of curiosity
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Bout to sit down to watch DW with the folks already internally cringing bc I saw it this morning and they are gonna haaate it
#I'm not even sure I liked it!#i like bits of it#but it's definitely upped the Silly Factor in ways that often feel more clunky and cringey than fun and camp idk#I feel like I'm being the fun police but is it too much to ask that my silly campy spacetime fun also be good???#i feel like it used to be#it was stupid and we had farting aliens and shit but like#very little 'oh i am actually kind of embarrassed to be seen watching this'#believe me i do not WANT to ve cringing about it I'm all for 'cringe is dead'#but I just think there's a difference between low budget surreal but grounded and deceptively well-made/written silly TV#and high budget cgi saturated awkward dialogue fest that barely hangs together and keeps making me wince#it's like I'm getting the wincing feeling from that one awful clunky 'like some kind of volcano' line from fires of pompeii#but ten times an episode minimum#i want to like it!!! i want it to be good i want ncuti to have an absolutely killer era!!#and it defo has its moments!#but bro....... so much tv is just. Bad now.#and it's probably a mix if factors#effects of writers strikes and producer meddling and whatever else#but I'm sick of tuning in to watch a new thing and finding them all riddled with the same brand of very fixable clunkiness#things that could have been fixed with very minor revisions more often than not!!#anyway not posting this in the tag bc i do NOT wanna be a hater or start fucking discourse about this#I just miss feeling excited about tv#i miss having some flimsy sense of trust that things might feel well put together even if i disagree with how they take the story#mr. bees speaks
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dinobotisland · 2 months
have you seen the santae vps? they're in alpha and accepting applications atm. love your energy and just wanna see you have thoughts about it, if it interests you.
^^ industry plant anon ask bc true harley warriors know i don't like neo-clones
anyway real answer is i heard of it from promo posts and blocked the main blog immediately bc the way they were promoting their site was annoying. sorry but spam tagging every popular petsite on earth, wtf ? the art is nice, but again i don't like neo-clones and i would need to see gameplay to see if it does or doesn't fall into the dappervolk pit of game that is vastly unpleasant to play.
also wtf is this.
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i'd be the worst fucking person in the beta test, noooo way around that LMAO. like i could give them criticism from my experience with dv, goatlings and eggcave but i vastly prefer breeding sims. i am way too much of a hater imo, and this is part of why i said "industry plant anon" bc i literally am such a picky person and don't like some sites and loooove complaining. since its such a new site i don't think it could work around the flaws inherent to petsites in its current state and i would be like a wild animal maiming it. also if the rpg part depends on pets having different skills depending on species like lorwolf its going to go to hell, no way around that. idk if they have ks exclusive stuff but by the looks of the blep um. well they'll get it eventually but if it turns out to be optimal you start to have a problem there.
ALSO i'm going to personally kill the person who did the css for doing the font through google fonts. can you people download and self host your fucking fonts they don't work on my end and they end up looking like garbage with the slimmest line weight on god's green earth look at my screenshot example and compare it to the wayback screenshot of the alpha testing announcement post actually on the site. I'm going to have to write my own stylus style to even be able to play, and you know damn well the site's going to have a blanket ban on extensions like every petsite has to.
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(wayback screenshot)
anyway if they have gameplay previews and they're locked behind needing to be in the discord goodbye forever LMAO ! i'll def keep an eye on it infrequently but generally this probably isn't going to be a site i like unless they do some aspect besides the art really well bc the appeal is the beasts to me. if they accept my alpha test application they make a mistake imo, i'll sign up for funzies bc i like the blep beastie
also full disclosure me calling you a santae staff member was a joke LOL, if i was right i'm right but sometimes thangs happen for real.
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aaronstveit · 9 months
“Booktok” authors are so wild, I used to follow this one on Instagram bc my friend recommended me a book of hers and had to unfollow when she recommended one of her books when Taylor and Joe broke up, like… she said that “that story about a singer and an actor (whatever I don’t remember exactly but you get the comparison!) had a happy ending!!! 😵‍💫 Now my friend was telling me the same author is going through an impasse with her readers because she decided to write explicit content/every detail of those hot scenes when she didn’t use to do that. And I remember back when I used to follow her that she used to answer questions explaining why she preferred/felt good about writing books without explicit content… I read her post and she’s saying she’s not doing it for marketing or to get more popular idk, but it’s very suspicious. Especially for someone who apparently lives fitting the books she writes in trope boxes. It’s honestly so awful. I’m sorry I’m like gossiping to you about an author you don’t even know but I thought it was relevant to the topic jshsjsj The tropes thing especially makes me so uncomfortable, bc lately I feel like I can never recommend books that aren’t from this “genre” booktok created. Or NA in general became something that people read like their lives depend on it, they read every single book from those long “series” and I feel totally out of place when my friends are going on about those… :(
listen i have got nothing against smut or explicit content but i think the way that so many booktokers judge books based purely on "spice" is so strange. i also think authors need to stop with their weird parasocial thinly-veiled rpf books, it's so invasive. trying to find any sort of book community irl or online rn is so difficult when you're not into the booktok trends, i'm so sorry :( like some of us like to read books that aren't just a jumble of tropes written specifically for the algorithm. don't feel bad for gossiping to me because i am always willing to be a hater with you <3 it's just sooooo bad especially when i look at like the most popular books on goodreads this year and they're all tiktok books. when i tried using tiktok i looked through booktok tag or whatever it's called there and it was just like. the worst books i've ever read. and yeah litblr doesn't have the best taste all the time either but at least here i can escape the colleen hoover fanaticism. anyway if you ever wanna talk about books with me i'm always around and i loveeeee talking books <333
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
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tagged by THREE PEOPLE on INDEPENDENT OCCASIONS to fill one of these out (@lotus-pear @stardust-make-a-wish and @yongnep) even though i'm very obviously like a child with a singular taste bud.
anyway some notes + blank under the cut:
i'm honestly very much this "once a hater always a hater" kind of person, so i honestly wasn't sure what to put for 'didn't like initially' until nat was like "well we were kinda wary of cynonari n kazuhei before their release n then we got into it" n i was like "yeah that's true"
i got sent too many thirsty tiktoks abt thomato by my college friend that's all lol
bennefischl/yantao were also considered for fave rarepair, but ynt was already gonna show for more attn, n i don't rlly think too much abt bennefischl outside of, like, rotating them both in my head transgenderedly
idk if there's still chlm discourse out there. star tells me there is. i have no idea bc very pleasantly, i live under a rock w/genshin discourse
"isn't beiguang already basically canon" i need them to get married in front of us w/the traveler as the officiant in order to force player participation. i need for mhy to give us a flagship event about their wedding and then reference it in the archon quests
anyway i feel like i don't have too many genshin mutuals bc i go out of my way to only rb things/not put original posts in the tags, so if you wanna do this just pretend i tagged you or smth
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first-only · 2 years
Despite the fact that I am getting more comfortable with being SaLS on main, I still get incredibly anxious when I get an anti message
I'm just so scared to have a callout post written about me, and you can never know who will or wont try to set you up for harassment (especially if they are an anti) It doesn't help that I'm incredibly anxious and paranoid a lot of the time
congrats on getting more comfy!! and yeah anxiety is a bitch but i believe in you! at some point you kinda get callous and desensitized to random messages lol
i dont mean to make it worse at all, and if that line of thinking doesnt work for you i apologize, but here's a few things ive picked up over the years:
it doesnt like... /really/ matter what you post. things that you or a wider audience consider "problematic" arent the only way you can get "cancelled". like i got called racist for pointing out that two phrases in different languages can be translated in the same way in english. like literally ranting in the tags about my own language ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so for people determined to look and sift for 'material' it wont really make a difference if youre posting incest fic or like.. oogling over the celebrity of the day, they just wanna pick a fight. so do what makes you happy anyway, it wont give them teeth if you dont worry about the content yourself. bc yeah it doesnt matter on the internet if you post fic or just aesthetics, they have the same 'moral' value and if you dont assign them different weights then someone else doing it shouldnt bother you either
in the.. absolute best gentlest and encouraging way to say this. you and like. all of us are just some randos on the internet. the chances of someone leading a /personalized/ harassment campaign against you, or even someone finding you that juicy of a target to have more people message you is like. /really/ low. even if you get messages from time to time, a whole ass campaign is unlikely unless you have a lot of followers/are a BNF/are the lead content creator for a rival ship to the main one (bc lets be real all this is one giant ship war at the end of the day)
callouts or "block" lists are usually mass things in my xp. like you get put among 20 other usernames and then you bond w the others over the experience and are happy that you found new likeminded mutuals. the amount of times ive followed an entire list of ~problematics ive been featured in lol. its ironically a bonding experience and with a few blocks out of the way its kinda.. positive in the best case?
and really. really. i might be like. a bit too callous but at this point. even if there is a harassment campaign. even if you get a huge callout. even if half tumblr blocks you. so what? block out the haters, lie in with the mutuals, vent to some side friends. and just. keep going. so what if a bunch of rabid antis are raging out of their skin because youre having fun and trying to tell the other antis that youre having fun. yes you are. so what. what are they gonna do, make fifty accounts? send more anons? catch even more blocks? (reminder that if you block someone on anon it catches their entire ip so they cant make more accs to harass you). like yes, take precaution not to get doxxed (no sharing of identifying info, including where you live) but thats common safety anyway, and most antis arent tech savvy enough to dox anyway. you'll be fine. even if an account gets mass reported you can always write down mutuals' urls and start over (my own mutuals have a lot of experience, the propara community is fun lol) you can still share content, have fun, be yourself. its not a deadly situation. not to be 'the internet isnt real life it doesnt matter' bc yeah it can very much be anxiety inducing and horrible, but at the same time taking a step back yourself and evaluating the situation can help a lot with emotional regulation (just like in real life! some relationships are worth stepping away from, or getting less invested into if they become toxic)
so yeah thats my general view of the problem, again brains are weird and no two work the same, but these things help me and make me feel better, so hopefully if not you personally they might soothe someone in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
really hoping you find your community and comfort anon. fandom is a great place with it and a barren wasteland without, but imo its worth sharing even if for that one thrill /you/ get when someone likes it or when you find some gem
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OHH MY GOD THE "BEYOND..." OPTION I FORGOT AB THAT ONE!!! sksw link is such a rascal i love him so...
and donot fucking worry i know EXACTLY what ur talking abt with how it permeates the tags and ao3. finding good ao3 fics is impossible and ESPECIALLY for sksw and oot. im surprised ive found what good ones i can man. also i could talk for hours alone about how L/U has impacted malons character bc i adore her to the point of devoting a major part of my post-oot aus to what happens to her and seeing how shes interpreted nowadays is so. hhhhh !!!!!!! :((( stop making her a scolding mother figure stop making her Links Wife and nothing else she can be so much more than just that!!!!!!!!!!!! aauauausbaa. actually i could talk forever and ever abt how fanon link and malon and zelda tends to make them the worst possible versions of themselves and how l/u kinda perpetuates that but its 1 am and i have a fic to write so fffff
and the names man the names. its such a small thing (and im no stranger to sometimes using those abbreviations in some of my posts when i get especially verbose or have to talk abt multiple links all at once) but i try to go outta my way to refer to the chars as [game] [name] just to make it as clear as possible that im not talking abt the l/u counterparts. theyre practically their own chars to me at this point which sucks when im looking for content of my favs sksw link or oot link and i get Sleepy Soft Boy and Responsible Serious Soldier like no! no!!!!! thats my purse i dont know you /ref!!!!!!!
anyways. maybe i am just old and not with it since ive been a loz fan almost my entire life but it is nice to see someone who feels the same 👍 ty for lettin me complain for a moment there.
on a lighter note tell me about the "sksw link is not actually sleepy" thing bc im curious. its a thing thats mentioned abt pre-destiny link but after zelda falls it does kinda go away aside from the eyebags in his character model and i wanna kno what u hafta say ab it.........
You and I, we can be haters together
The one SMALL mercy I've found while looking up loz fics is that there's no lu fics in the ghiralink tag. For obvious reasons I think. Everywhere else seems to be a fucking HELLHOLE (the first thing I search when I first start looking for fics in a fandom is time travel and uh-- you can imagine what I found (BARELY FUCKING ANYTHING (and also lu)))
Also I haven't gotten around to watching an oot playthrough yet-- is it really that bad with Malon? (For the record I much prefer zelink and like-- I don't even really like zelink all that much beyond ss. And also I hc oot as siblings sometimes. So yeah.)
Honestly I would love to play oot but I can't :( and alas, watching playthroughs is just dreadfully dull (I got a decent way through an mm one though but gave up eventually). Regarding oot link's character though-- I admit I myself have not yet written a fic where it's not lu (or adjacent) so I don't really get the intricacies of his character (see also aforementioned playthrough dullness) so like. If you ever want to talk to someone about it all I would be interested
I also do the name thing, with game then character (on one hand the "hero titles" is just lazy and i really hate how it's become common and they would never give each other names like that but on the other the reason I haven't written much for MY links meet au is because I can't come up with 12 names that don't sound stupid and are also names they would give each other, so. And also apparently those names aren't official to lu (in comic jojo will use things like the old man (time) the smithy (four) the rancher (twilight) and full hero titles on posts (hero of the skies, hero of the four sword, etc)). So as you can see all bad things come from fandom, in this essay I will,
Ok so. It's been a while since I've fully played ss (like two months but my memory is just shit). So I might be wrong. But Link simply does not seem very sleepy to me? Especially not to the extent he is in lu.
For one-- our first introduction to him is him sleeping, yes, and we get told by many npcs and Zelda herself that he oversleeps, but there's a VAST difference between oversleeping and being sleepy. I myself am bad at alarms and such and beyond Premium Loftwing Mail (letter spat in your face) there's really nothing to wake him up, so he'd probably just sleep too long
Also he's been having dreams about the Imprisoned for who knows how long. Dude probably ain't sleeping that well (fi I love you but I think that might have been a mistake)
(Side note he's still in school and there's an open book on his desk-- he COULD be staying up late studying. Unlikely but I think that would be interesting)
Honestly it all just seems like teasing to me-- there's no indication that he's ACTUALLY constantly sleeping too long, just that it's happened enough times that some people have noticed (and it's not like everyone says it). Honestly the only thing pointing to a constant sleepiness is his "sit too long on a stool and start nodding off" animation (which is still like, really funny imo. how are you even DOING that you are SITTING STRAIGHT UP)
Now, delving into my own hcs and such-- he did not sleep. After Impa calls him lazy and too late at the earth temple, something I think would distinctly Fuck Him Up (he SAW the chains Zelda was held by), he would simply-- forgo sleep until it was necessary. I've seen estimates that sksw took place over about 11 months, and that's what I generally use in my fics, so-- my dude really said "I wont rest until I find Zelda" and then took a knife to his sleep schedule
(Side note-- do you think they held a funeral (or Skyloft equivalent) for Zelda? Like it seems that after a week or so of searching, the reasonable conclusion of her being dead would be reached (especially if her bird came back, which-- what's up with that? There must be some nesting area for loftwings, so either it would be seen there or it would also be presumed alongside Zelda if it got sucked down to the surface))
So anyway. His tiredness is self imposed, not something he's always had. (One of my febuwhump fics was that he was literally so exhausted he got hurt and passed out midfight. It was fun.)
Also like I don't know if it's just me but sleepy and tired have different meanings-- sleepy is, idk, cuter? Softer? And tired is. I haven't slept in 17 hours and before that I slept for three hours. (Maybe THAT'S just why it bugs me so much)
And also! Like you said! Beyond the eyebags (which are always there, lending credit to my theory of oversleeping because he simply didn't sleep well/enough) he's really... not tired OR sleepy for the majority of the game
Ha. He's the one who bugs me the most because ss is my favorite game (not just Zelda game, favorite out of anything) and I've put literal hundred of hours into it. There's honestly more I could say but i fear I've already descended into "wildly incomprehensible"
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antariies · 3 years
hello! i just wanna say i really appreciate that large post you made on that one anti dream post that was spreading misinformation. its really sad a lot of antis/haters were willing to take such search stuff as fact without even fact checking and just feed into their blistering hate of the green blob man, and as someone who genuinely just wanted UNBIASED information, you helped a lot. i hope you have a good day dude. :]
aw, thank u anon this is rly nice to hear :D
i agree and wish ppl would start doing their research before posting, but i cant rly blame anyone for not fact-checking, not entirely anyway. im guilty of it myself!
like i said in my tags, its partially bc its much easier to assume that the information being presented to u is correct rather than going out of ur way to check urself, and partially bc if that information lines right up with ur already preconceived opinions of someone/something, why would u bother looking for evidence that could potentially contradict ur views? confirmation bias is one hell of a drug :P
funnily enough, i think my time as a "dream stan" has actually gotten me to put more effort into researching posts that seem a little fishy before i reblog/retweet them. i guess its bc ive now seen firsthand how spreading blatant misinformation at such a large scale can affect someone :Tc
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daturanerium · 3 years
not really a question but since i'm disappointed by cr too and know you have good opinions on it: if you wanna go on a salty rant about anything cr-related i'm Here For It. i love critical analysis and being a hater
omg hi anon i have NO idea how long this has been sitting in my messages bc i didn't have any notification that it was there???? im sorry! but thank u so much for your support <3
im a little hesitant to discuss my feelings on c//r here on tumblr bc it seems like a lot of tumblr fans unfortunately can't take criticism of their favorite show (which is understandable to a certain degree but like......media being your favorite doesn't mean it exists in a vacuum!). last time i did some c//r criticism i dealt with angry messages for like a week after. most of them didn't really bother me in terms of making me feel bad; they were just really annoying lol.
i'm a lot more open over on my twitter @/brensbeau if you're interested in my thoughts! it's kind of scattered and twitter is as always an every-man-for-himself hellscape, but at least i have a lot of support over there from friends and mutuals.
it's such an honor to hear u say i have good opinions haha! i'm always open to criticism of my own opinions tho, i don't want anyone putting me up on some golden pedestal. i do appreciate it tho and i'm glad my Thoughts and Opinions resonated with u!
i am actually still watching. sort of. i half pay attention to the first half of eps. but i have very little idea of what this last arc was--i missed most of the lore drops and it was hard for me to follow when most of my attachment had faded. last night's pre-finale was the first full episode i've watched in months. it was okay! i have thoughts on it too but i think i'm just going to wait to post them here (again, if you're interested, you can check out my twitter).
i was thinking about detailing my c///r thoughts in a long post after the finale next week (and not tagging it obviously, i don't have a death wish lmao!). if you or any of my other followers are interested in seeing that let me know!
anyway. sorry for the possibly late response and thank you for the support <3 have a lovely day!
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teamjacobthot · 4 years
twilight saga character tag!
thank you sm @softtwihoe for tagging me <3 i feel like im still new to the renaissance fandom on tumblr even tho i never stopped being a twihard so shit like this warms my heart <3
now my spicy twilight takes………………...
1. Character you find most relatable to you as a person?
the love of my life, without a doubt, 100% leah clearwater. mfs tried to make her feel bad for feeling her feelings but she was valid in all of them. also its canon that shes a scorpio but yall aint hear it from me
rosalie bc we have similar trauma (lmao :/) and like to disagree with people. i also love big dumb men
edward. as a fellow whiny musical pissbaby who cant let shit go, i get it
2. Character that didn’t have a POV in the books or certain unfinished manuscripts, but you wish did?
ok maybe this is super underground but sue!!! mf!!! clearwater!!! she had allllllll the tea on the pack and tbh i really wanted to see how she and her family were before and after harry’s death. that event was a really big deal (outside of just bella and edward) and set shit OFF in new moon
billy bc he also had hella tea and i bet he was super fucking conflicted during the ENTIRE saga bc he couldnt say shit to charlie!!! that shit sounds rough!!!!!
quil bc he was the last to phase and i just wanna know what he was going thru. he would’ve had hellaaaaa jokes too but smeyer doesnt care abt nonwhite characters so :/
charlie, assuming he supports the black lives matter movement
i guess overall i just wanna know how EVERYONE was doing in new moon bc that story ran DEEP. i want a midnight sun for new moon but for every character
nobody asked but new moon is the best in the saga and new moon stans have the best pussy
3. Character that’s underrated and deserves more recognition?
the entire wolf pack but wbk
riley but tbh i think its bc i just loved xavier samuel in the eclipse movie
the denali coven!!!! their story was incredible imo and while irina was a snitch, i understand why she snitched. she didnt deserve to die. the denalis deserve so much better and while garrett is cool to have around, that doesnt fill the void that irina left bc the volturi decided to be a bunch of haters. i want them to heal so bad. 
tanya gets a bad rep for having a crush on edward but she deserves better too
i’d like to read abt the vacations that the denalis with the cullens too
oh and all thats just BESIDES the succubus legend that tanya and kate and irina started in canon!!!!!!!! like??????????????????? they fucked and killed human men??????????? thats the story i wanna READ bitch!!!! thats my jennifer’s body (2009) fantasy!!!!! smeyer is a coward tho
btw carmen and esme are girlfriends :)
4. Character you thought was unnecessary for the story?
ok besides the obvious, and nobody drag me for it, but bree tanner. I get she was there to show us how fucked up the volturi are and to sorta predict bella as a newborn but……...we already knew the volturi kill mfs just for fun. if the cullens werent gonna adopt her we really didnt need many details on her. and regarding the newborn thing, bree’s role as a newborn didnt really mean shit bc bella ended up being ~the perfect newborn~ anyway!!!! smeyer tried to sell us the short second life of bree tanner as if there arent other worthy characters of having a spinoff novella about like leah or seth or rosalie or emmett or charlie or resume from bella’s ovary. that being said………..
resume, for multiple reasons including:
resume literally shouldnt exist. vampires shouldnt be able to have working sperm and even then, edward shouldve pulled out. he could barely even tongue kiss bella so wtf made him think he could cum in her????? whyyy didnt he use his big vampire brain to consider that????? 
resume seemed totally unwanted and unthought of??? bella and edward were so mf absorbed in each other like regular teen couples (with 1000x the intensity but still) that it didnt seem likely that theyd want a baby after fucking like three times anyway. miss bella “fuck them kids” swan also gave no indication of wanting children. ever. EYE would have simply aborted and went on to live my best vampire life :)
resumes existence defeats the purpose of imprinting bc theres no way she’d be able to conceive with jacob. at all. but we know smeyer doesnt think shit through
smeyer writing in resume ruined jacobs character even more esp coming off the shitshow that was eclipse. periodt
5. Top 5 female characters?
leah <3
6. Top 5 male characters?
jacob (pre-eclipse but that’s implied)
quil/paul (i love them equally)
edward’s dumb ass <3 sometimes
7. Character interaction that didn’t happen but you wish it did?
rosalie and edward but only under the condition that he finally stops being a misogynistic pissbaby towards her and accepts her for the sexy legend that she is. i feel like they’d get along well but smeyer is anti-hottie and anti-talent so i guess we’ll never know :/
leah and someone who loves her and respects her and validates her feelings :)
JACOB AND HIS SISTERS. OR EVEN JUST RACHEL. she literallyyyyyyyyyy came home after YEARS in breaking dawn but he was too busy simping over bella to acknowledge her??? huh???
bella and a licensed therapist
edward and a licensed therapist
8. Character that deserves more development?
the whole entire wolf pack but wbk
more specifically, embry. whooooom is his father???
emmett. like we get it hes funny and hot but like……….spare depth maam? any spare depth????
9. Character who is your total opposite?
jasper bc he fought for people who look like me to be ENSLAVED and the fandom lets it slide for whatever reason :|
10. Character you warmed up to after experiencing the Renaissance?
edward, in some ways. i relate to him when im feeling extra self-loathing but then i get over it lmao. he’s still stupid tho
i used to think alice was annoying af (and i still kinda do tbh) but as a fashion hoe, i get it
charlie, sorta, even tho he’s a cop. i wasnt there for the original conversation on here but do yall think he supports black lives matter? idk tbh but we’ll never know bc smeyer probably doesnt know what police brutality is. anyways ive really enjoyed the discourse on his relationship with bella and how he doesnt trust edward
jacob <3 he’s always been my heart, my soul, my baby, my fuckin cinnamon apple, etc. but i love the posts that other fans/nonhaters have been making abt how warm and kind he was before smeyer fucked him over and how he deserves so much better. its like yes im glad youre seeing all the things that make me a team jacob thot :)
idk if yall have already been tagged but im tagging @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen @leahclearwaterdefensesquad @leahclearvvater and @bellas-dumptruck-ass! also anyone can fill this out and say i tagged them <3
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h-doodles · 6 years
@queerchoicesblog tagged me....... thanks 😂
1. The meaning behind my username
H stands for my pseud, Helene, that's derived from my irl name lol
I guess u can say Helene is one of my ideal!sona or whatever 😂
(Call me Lee tho, but I do answer to Helene)
doodles.... I primarily wanted this blog to be my art blog but as you can see it descended back to madness so its random post central-- centering on Choices, a bit of lovestruck, Memes, and politics and stuff; just like my orig @shipping-addict 😂😂😂
2.Hogwarts House
Proud Slyther/Claw
Yes I kept getting a perfect half-half score between them, what about it?
I chose to be Ravenclaw in HP: Hogwarts Mystery tho so yea
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3. Top 3 Favorite Shows
Orphan Black - I really need to do a rewatch of this!!! I got hooked back during season 1 aired and been a fan ever since 😜💕 Delphine and Cosima are my bbs
Killing Eve - shhsjskl I have no words because this show is THAT good
Steven Universe - I'm counting this is bc I really love the development over the years, and HATERS can go hate, i'll still love my sweet precious bean Steven 😢
4. Hair Color
Really dark brown that it looks black to the casual observer... but shine up a light on the strands and it glows lol
Kinda planning to dye it titanium blond someday soon tho!!!
5. Favorite Book
ugh this is so hard bc I have a lOT of favorite books
but uhhh i SUPER love Looking for Alaska by John Green and The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith
6. Sexuality
Highkey Lesbian babes!!!!
im a disaster gay tho um haha
one day I want to find a girlfriend to love and cherish, hopefully for a very long time... since 20gayteen hasn't pulled through for me yet 🤓💕
7. Favorite Movie
I wanna say Carol 2015 (directed by Todd Haynes) but then Ocean's 8 fucking stole the crown!!!!
I love women okay, and I love badass women even higher!!!!!
8. Look your name up in the search- choose a gif that describes you
Tumblr media
so Anne is what graces the bar when I enter my bar, and I just want to let you all know
my real full first name isnt Anne (but its part of it...)
this gif describes me bc im really thirsting rn for the new chapters of ILB so
I'm now tagging......
@kaitlynliaoswife @kennadavenportgayle @supergirlsc11 @helentwombly @gaychoices-stories-you-pay @dobie2112 @choicesandmore
goodluck, and know it's okay not to participate if you don't want!!!!
Have fun tho 😀💕
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Introduction Post (DNF & ask info under cut)
Hi!!! I'm Kai! I'm 19, single, and Pan Gay.
What is mspec gay?
So I made this account because I saw there was an mspec gay culture Tumblr, but it was like all of the types of mspec gay and lesbian, and I want this one to be more specific. I love and support all mspec Gays and Lesbians, but I did want a more masculine centered mspec gay blog!
So, I know the name is mspec pan gay culture, but any bi gays, Omni gays, poly gays, y'all feel free to drop in here too.
Please don't hesitate to dm me about problems or issues with my blog whether that be accessiblity, insensitivity, or mistagged posts. You can also just dm me if you need to talk privately off of anon about stuff going on.
I'm not gonna play the whole tag game where I tag all the culture is blogs, so posts will be slow and I won't get as much traction. I hope to get some consistent content out soon.
Also I can't answer comments, I will exclusively just screenshot your comment to reply, lmk if you need me to take them down, but I will not be using my main to comment.
Asks will be opened so you can drop in pretty soon! Please begin your ask with: pan gay culture is, Omni gay culture is, poly gay culture is, bi gay culture is... ect.
You CAN also send asks like:
Autistic Mspec gay culture is, polyamorous mspec gay culture is, System Mspec gay culture is, AS LONG AS THE ASK IS CENTERED AROUND THE SEXUALITY.
Do not send triggering asks PLEASE. Particularly, I can't handle EDs and SH related asks.
You can also ask questions like:
How do I know I'm mspec gay?
What is the purpose of identifying this way? (Good faith, bad faith is just deleted)
And other variants of these kinds of questions.
*Is your sexuality a little more complicated than the labels I have listed? That's totally fine, if you connect with my account even though your sexuality may be a bit more complex than my personal experience, it's totally fine. I welcome all people to my blog. I do generally want to stick towards identities which are masc or masc related, but again, feel free to send in an ask anyways, I'll never shame you for your identity, but if you're in the DNI, I'll just delete you ask, as I do not want to interact with it.
DNF (do not follow)
(making this a dnf instead of a DNI just bc I understand that people are always going to rb and like n stuff without checking the DNI, just don't follow if you're these)
I'll make this as brief as I can. Obviously no mspec gay/lesbian haters, no battle Axe Bi's, exclusionist, men haters (even ironically or as jokes), terfs, Radfems, Transmeds, Transphobes, Proship (absolutely no exceptions, don't wanna fight about it), pedophiles, maps (OR ANYONE ATTRACTED TO MINORS WHO IS ALSO NOT A MINOR), kink blogs (I'm pro kink, but sex repulsed, so stuff like this isn't good for me), nsfw or nsft blogs, Transandrophobes (people who deny trans men face their own oppression), anyone who's far right politically, dreamsmp Stan's or any Minecraft Stans in general. Idc if you stan an unproblematic one, I don't want it here. No hp or fantastic beast supporters and fans. Not even just sole fandom ones if you like hp AT all, don't follow. AOT fans. South Park fans.
Note: I'm pro endo systems, if you constantly post anti endo shit and will comment mean shit at endo systems, just don't interact please. Neutral is fine, and if you have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, it's fine.
I'll add more as time goes on. Dm me with any questions.
*Alters related to dsmp/hp are fine as long as you are not still actively in the fandom or a fan still.
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petiteyoon · 3 years
Check-in tag !!
I'M SO LATE AAAAAAA anyways, tagged by my luvs @imyourhobiii and @jiminza <3
1. why did you choose your url?
Because it's c u t e and because a little bit of bottom!yoongi a day keeps the doctor away
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them?
I just have one and it's my reading blog, I still have to properly use it tho lmao y'all can find it somewhere on my acc if u want
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I don't know, I first discovered tumblr when I was 14 I think. And I'm 20 now sooo... 6 years?
4. do you have a queue tag?
I don't know what it is and how to use it so no lmao
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
At first I used to write on wattpad (5sos fics LMAOO). dark times :D ... I still have the acc tho! self promo? nah i just wanna show how hawt is my url there bc I changed it yesterday. then I took a break from that, it lasted a couple of years... after a while I thought about picking up writing again and I thought,, why not doing it here? I had a bts edits blog previously tho. Then I started this one <3
6. why did you choose your icon?
I personally love png icons and yoongi! I took this one from this post (idk if i should tag them or not lmao but check out their blog, i love it.)
7. why did you choose your header?
Because it's MINIMINI >:( and i did it myself :3 in fact, it sucks BYE and it doesn't work on desktop, i hate it.
8. what's your post with the most notes?
uhmmm,, this one ?? I think it's my first yoongi smut lmao
9. how many mutuals do you have?
the right amount(?) i didn't check ? HAHAHA but i love every moot and follower i have <3
10. how many followers do you have?
159 🥺 i am: smol ! I'm planning on writing smth, idk maybe a drabble, to celebrate my 150 followers mini milestone even if I am late LIKE I ALWAYS AM
11. how many people do you follow?
114 precious frogs
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
No, I don't have the strength to do that. I already scream under my moots' posts sometimes
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
the. whole. day. instead of studying! (don't be like me please)
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Other than harmless battles between me, a mint choco lover (sorry joon), and mint choco haters; nah hahahah i'm peaceful and soft and old bye
15. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
If it's important I'll do it (?)
16. do you like tag games?
Yes ! They keep me alive ;-; so tag me everywhere u want !!
17. do you like ask games?
Yup, same reason as before uwu
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Meh, I don't understand the logic of being "tumblr famous". I'm just happy that a couple of writers I really like started to follow me :))
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
No. but if someone wants to try,, I'm here😤✋🏻
Okay finally I reached the end hahah I'm tagging everyone who wants to do this, consider yourselves tagged by me :') it's morning and i'm dying i'm sorry
0 notes
'tag things making fun of doug' because your personal enjoyment of an abuser's content should supersede the feelings of the people he abused by making them act out rape jokes? the fact that making fun of an abuser upsets you because you like him warrants some serious self-examination on your part. 'you can't make fun of an abuser around me bc i like his content and you can't criticize me bc mental illness' is some wendycorduroy shit. i'm surprised you'd do this given how critical you are of her.
and yes, people are allowed to not like you for still liking the show. ofc people can have problematic interests if they want, but content that has been directly used by its creators to abuse people is a special kind of bad. you’re allowed to like it, but guilt tripping people or implying they’re not allowed to dislike the fact that you still support it is incredibly callous to the people rob, doug, and mike abused. this is not, nor should it be, about your feelings. this is about the victims.             
you know what. upon further consideration, those asks were not kindly phrased. my intention was to emphasize that because the anniversary movies were vessels for abuse (injuries, rape jokes, etc) it was inappropriate to prioritize one’s own feelings over the feelings of the victims or block out criticism, but i phrased them in a way that was not productive and was attacking you. i’m sorry for my wording and for being a dick          
thank you for your follow up apology. i see where youre coming with this but i think there’s a few things that i can point towards me not giving up on the show altogether.
short answer: while i detest the way the company has been run and is executing public relations, and i am uncomfortable watching any video on their channel and have not done such for weeks, and i really want the harmed ex-producers to receive justice, i still believe there is a shred of hope for the show based on what recent producers have said, and that doug can reform himself by owning up to his deliberate ignorance, neglect, and egotism, though he is not the biggest abuser in this situation. i have a lot of emotional history with NC that means i need time before i’m able to drop the show altogether, if i ever can, and i just want to avoid anything that isn’t constructive and just intended to make anybody feel bad for liking the show/movies before this information was widely known.
long answer:
most of the criticism lauded against doug isnt so much being the direct abuser but being complacent and ignorant of people’s health. if i recall correctly, while it was a pretty unnecessary and terrible joke to make in my opinion, he didn’t pick up that the drill scene in TBF made anybody uncomfortable at the time? and in recent years he seems more concerned about what his cast undergoes, and a lot of them have said that he does ask about jokes that might hurt them and make sure they’re comfortable. i believe he apologized for it and acknowledged his naievity in the movie’s commentary but restating that apology would be beneficial now, yeah.
while complacency and ignorance is bad, i think he has been neglectful, not directly abusive. also, idk if you meant this, but your phrasing makes it kinda sound like his projects were intended as a means to abuse people; the abuse happened because of the movies, yeah, but it was because of doug being egotistical and ignorant, not malicious. the content of the movies reflect’s doug’s massive ego but it doesn’t reflect a desire to abuse anybody. if he did the shit that mike michaud or mike ellis did, that would be inexcusable for me and i would have lost hope for him.
if anybody is definitely abusive, it’s the CEO, who i love watching get bashed because he is indeed a sexist verbally abusive asshole who holds the power in the company and is using it for his stupid selfish needs. it’s also been stated that doug is restricted by his contract with the CEO and could just straight up not be able to make videos if he stepped out of turn, so while i wish he would use his walkout power more, he doesn’t have as much power as some people attribute to him. he’s complicit in abuse but i don’t think that’s the same as being abusive? the producers themselves seem to go back and forth about how they feel about him but a recurring theme is that he’s tragically ignorant of abuse, but not on the same level of abusive as michaud, if they call him abusive at all (most just seem to feel betrayed by him).
additionally, almost all creators who have worked with him in the past couple of years, have stated they had generally positive experiences with the network, even the ones who are now leaving. the only thing that seems to remain an issue is the awful, awful PR (that apology sucked, i criticized it myself) and the lack of communication towards anybody not chicago-based. i feel they need to ditch michaud (which probably won’t be easy, since he’s a shady capitalist fuck), formally apologize and maybe provide compensation for past producers who were abused by the higher-ups, and either improve relations or just restrict everything to NC, because at this point that’s the only show that’s going to be left if they don’t get their shit together anyway. but i do think that if they just take the easy solution of apologizing, even though it’s already way too late and they royally fucked themselves over, things can be a little better.
i’m also not against criticizing doug for not speaking out, because the least he could do is apologize at least privately and i’ve even emailed him imploring him to do at least that (i don’t expect a response though lmao). i just get hurt at people attacking the show and movies as being terrible and something no fan should like. a lot of people really attached to the series before this blew up, and for the most part the content of the show doesn’t reflect the behind-the-scenes issues.
i’m spreading relevant information on twitter regarding abuse and producers’ feelings, but so many people (obviously not the producers, but the fans/haters) involved in this are more concerned with just shitting on doug bc they don’t like him and a lot are trying to make him out as worse than he is. i want to spread what the producers say because i trust them, but i’m wary of fans who seem to just be in it for the drama or bc they never liked NC and they wanna spite people who did (yes, those people exist, they mocked me on kiwifarms).
i know this isn’t about me, but i’ve invested a lot of money and time and emotional energy in the show, it’s introduced me to new friends, and it’s been directly and indirectly responsible for some of my highest and lowest points of the past year and a half. my comfort ship has been very helpful in helping my loneliness. it gave me something to look forward to every day. not to pull the autism card, but it’s difficult for me to drop a special interest very easily and i’m jealous of people who can. i need time to grow entirely out of it if i can.
but even still, i haven’t watched a NC episode in weeks, even the new ones, due to my discomfort and shame towards the show and network (only NC thing i watched lately was the hyper q&a, which is on tamara’s channel, and i used it to fall asleep). i unsubscribed, and i really i only care about a few aspects of the show anyway.
if you want to hate me because i can’t immediately remove NC from my heart then fine, but if so, just unfollow me. i don’t want people to not post NC criticism, and i fully endorse spreading relevant information because i care about the victims and i want them to receive justice. i just want hate tagged so i, personally, do not have to be constantly reminded that a show that is/was close to my heart has so many awful things behind it, even if i’m not sure if i still love it anymore. and while i have been a bit guilt-trippy in the past i’ve been confronted on that already and i’m trying not to come across that way, and i’m sorry for having been manipulative at all. i’m paranoid about being abandoned and hated just for having watched this show but unless you’re like, a super close friend of mine, you can unfollow any time you want.
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Gettin’ to Know Me. 😉
Rules: Tag 5 witches you wish to get to know better. Repost—do not reblog.
How old are you? — 16. Whoa, shocking, right?
What do you go by? — Free, or Eph. I’m cool with either one.
How long have you been practising witchcraft? — I started practising witchcraft in February 2017, so a little under one year. However, I’ve been a strong believer of the Pagan Paths for a little while longer; as I’ve been following Norse Paganism since March 2016, but I’ve only recently started witchcraft. c:
What type of witchcraft do you specialise in? — Hmm, I’d probably say Hedge Witchcraft & Divination; as my path was built up onto the Hedge after I kept experiencing over-exposure to the other side, and I wanted to learn how to keep myself from being scared upon waking up & seeing the dead in my room. And divination, I’ve always been the sort to experience very specific Deja vu whilst asleep or lost in thought; but I never remembered it until doing the act, as any sorta typical Deja vu moment would do, until I had a very specific thought about one of my best friends—and low & behold, she experienced the thought detail for detail only a week or two later. So! Instead of freaking out alone, I took it upon myself to learn the beautiful art of divination; specifically dream & tarot. c:
What aspect of witchcraft are you best at? — Well, as stated above; I have an uncanny amount of luck with Hedge Witchcraft & Divination. However, I’ve noticed that I’m specifically fortunate with blessings; sigils; and warding magick. Crystals and anything to do with accent herbs or plants, too. I dunno, honestly.
What is a big goal you are working towards/have already achieved? — Hmm, I guess my big goal is to learn as much about witchcraft and the different paths that I can; for personal benefit, and to help teach others about the craft. And I’m not being specific about new/baby witchlings out there; I want to be able to express knowledge to those who are a little bit sceptical, or towards those who downright hate on witchcraft & practitioners, due to the old stories of Salem. Not that I believe that my word alone will change their frightened minds, but still! I’d love to learn all about witchcraft, because I find it interesting; and want to. c:
Who do you worship? If you worship anyone at all? — Well, I follow Norse & Celtic Paganism; though I do happen to follow Norse Paganism, predominantly, and I do believe in each & every single God/Goddess/Other of both religions. However, I tend to sit beneath Loki’s Hearth; and focus & follow on his teaching.
What’s your aesthetic? — Nature; trees, forest wildlife, owls, mountains, lakes. Although I’m a big fan of cemeteries & graveyards, too! I love reblogging scenes from cemeteries, or of singular graves in a beautiful scenery, or something! :3
What are some of your favourite smells? — Hmm...I really love the smell of firewood being burnt; or coal fires; or log burners. It just has one of those smells to it that makes me feel all happy & cosy, and I love passing by fields where the farmers are burning wood, or houses where someone has a fire going. Like yas.
Do you collect anything? — Jars, books, crystals, jewellery, owl ornaments, and plants. Although! I’ve recently started working on building a bone collection, for different practises that I have yet to dabble with directly, because...bones! c:
What are your favourite tools of witchcraft? — Crystals, tarot cards, sigils, and herbs. Sea salt mixed with some water is also a favourite, and incense! c: 
What’s a non-witchcraft pet peeve of yours? — Noisy eaters, or people moving my shit two inches to the side. Like, you’re ruining my aesthetic, stop it. Or, people who are just loud for no fucking reason; which makes it difficult to live in a bungalow with my mother...because she does all of these things. -_-
What’s a witchcraft pet peeve? — Well, I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this one: but I really hate the witches who try to make white witches feel like scum, in comparison to POC witches. I’m not talking about the witches who try to give everyone a fair chance to be recognised; and that book document going about where only POC witches are allowed to add their spells? I think that’s gr8. However, there’re certain witches on this site who behave as though white witches should be throwing down their hats, and proclaiming they’re bad people; specifically because of their skin tone—not because of anything they have very specific control over, like an argument that took a turn b/c they chose to let it. :/
Like, I’m sorry to all those tumblr witches who think that white people should be treated like scum, because our ancestors (and present assholes) treated POC like scum; but I don’t agree with you. And I’m not a straight white cis girl who is racist & privileged, so the fuck outta here with those anon hate comments; I’m fully for #BlackLivesMatter & the support for POC that has been rocketing recently, but I just don’t agree with the treatment that y’all are giving white folk. I mean, I’ve seen literal posts where witches are demanding that their followers don’t buy from small businesses (such as those on Etsy, etc.) if they’re run by white people, because “POC are more important.” Like sure, Barbara; but deliberately attempting to ruin people’s passions? That’s not a way to help the movement for equality go forwards; it’s discriminative in it’s own way, ya walnut.
Sorry, I went off on a rant. xD But might as well be detailed, so that I have something to reference, when all of the haters come & claim that I was shoving my opinion down their throats. I hope I was respectful as possible with my opinion, bc I honestly know that a lot of witches I follow are cool beans about white people & such; or at least don’t flat out try to run people outta business, and I really just wanted to state my opinion that my biggest pet peeves are the witches who try to ruin lives and slap “POC” onto it to make it seem justified. c:
Good advice not relating to witchcraft that you can give? — Okay, so there’s this Welsh folktale that I’ve been told since I was a little girl; called Gelert. It’s a very fascinating story, and I would recommend anyone to go read it, tbh. Anyway, it’s a story about this loyal dog to the Prince Llewellyn; who protects the Prince’s baby from a wolf that has been terrorising the countryside for the past couple of months, whilst his beloved owner is out hunting for the same creature. Llewellyn returns; and sees the room of his baby destroyed, blood on the blanket that had been in the crib, the baby missing—and Gelert laying on the floor, soaked with blood. Immediately, Llewellyn loses his shit & decapitates Gelert, without taking a moment to look around; and then...he hears his baby crying. He rounds the side of the tipped over crib, and finds his kid; and the body of a wolf mangled to pieces, and Llewellyn realises his mistake of decapitating Gelert, but now it’s too late, and his mistakes haunt him for the rest of his days. He buried his most trustworthy companion, and placed a stone on his grave, and blah blah.
Anyway, my advice is to keep a level head in situations that you might find emotionally distressful. Don’t act on your first emotion, because you might end up causing more hurt than relief. Look at the situation; look at every possible angle, and once you’ve done that, make a decision that will benefit everyone. c:
Do you have any good advice pertaining to witchcraft that you can give?— Not really. The only advice I can hand is to question everything; never give up on researching things, even if you stumble across a blog that seems to be legit AF with their fancy spells & recipes, always double check; always triple check; check until you’re 100% certain that the magic you’re thinking of performing isn’t harmful towards you or your surroundings. Also, don’t allow others to declare to you what makes a real witch, or any of that shit; we’re all individuals—so own it.
Do you have a familiar? — Yes, I do! n w n My deceased cat was my beloved familiar when he was alive, and it would seem that he’s not straying too far into the afterlife, as he is often with me in both energies & spirit; I’ve bumped into him on the other side, too. He’s such a brilliant cat, and I’m so blessed to have him as my familiar; he’s always there for me, and offers me guidance & protection. c:
Altar? — Not yet! Since I recently moved from my old house, I had to take down the starts of my altar back there, and I haven’t had time to start building it up. ; - ; However, I’m planning to start building it up over the Christmas break, because I feel unsettled without a visible representation of my worship in my bedroom. :c
I was tagged by @insert-a-catchy-name-here — thank you for tagging me, dear!
In turn, I’ll tag the following people — @lunaesteria, @eyeliner-of-cups, @orriculum, @onyxmagik, and @maddiviner...because y’all are honestly the only blog names I remember straight off the top of my head. xD Plus, I do wanna see this lil tag catch on, because I think it’s pretty sweet. c: x
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rnaxwellbeaumont · 7 years
rules: answer the questions & tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better.
tagged by @stellabeaumont @queenreginascontour​ @smartlillian @michellenguyens this means a lot i love yall sm !!!!!!! sry this took 58 years to answer i wanted to do it properly
name: stephanie
nickname: steph 
zodiac sign: aquarius
hogwarts houses: I took the test when i was 12 and got gryffindor, then again and got slytherin. took the test a few months back and got raveclaw, which i whole heartedly agree with !! i’m also a pukwudgie in ilvermorny!
height: 5′1... rip
sexual orientation: im still.. tryna figure this out tbh

ethnicity: chinese

favourite fruit: banana, honeydew melon, mango
favourite season: winter
favourite book series: the maze runner !!!!!!!, harry potter and the pjo series marked my childhood tbh
favourite fictional characters:  god frickin damn yall sitting down?? this gon be a long one but ill make it short lol 
non choices (m):
stiles stilinski my number bby for life . showed me what love was. will carry this love to my grave. his and dylan obriens existence helped me through the many angsty teen years. I LOVE HIM MUM
tony stark unfollowed blocked and reported if u slander my dad. if yall dislike him then uve missed his entire character arc and fallen for his confident facade and are unable to recognise a mentally ill hero and i feel sorry for u
sam drake. wow. i hate him. this man has ruined my life. unlike tony i actually invite yall haters to show up at my doorstep so i can educate u on why he does not deserve ur negativity. i will provide u a 24 page essay justifying his actions and that he is a Good Man
sam winchester what a kind hearted soul. a pure gigantic nerdy bean that deserves all the damn love. compassionate, sensitive, cares about literally everyone.
dean winchester. everyones emo fave. riddled with sadness but still is stoic as sweet fuck to convince other ppl hes ok.  i relate. deserves the entire goddamn world and to be happy.
non choices (f):
clementine 8 y/o when she lost everything. can hardly push a table in twd game 1. when she turns 14??? ya girl able to singlehandedly chop down a mf tree AND takes care of an orphaned baby all while straight shootin zombies in the head. a legend. ppl sing songs about her.
ellie williams another 14 yr old thrown into post apoc wasteland (@ humanity get ur shit together). sassy lil shit. strong as mf hell. took care of a grown ass dying old man! ‘ELLIE IS THE LITTLE GIRL WHO BROKE YOUR FUCKING FINGER!!!’
elena fisher a literal angel wow nathan drake doesnt deserve her. world doesnt deserve her. smart. dedicated af reporter. high morals nd sensitive but takes no shit. a queen.
leslie knope a ray of poewrful sunshine !! the most fucken determined woman EVER. a soft marshmallow teddy bear. inspires me to keep hustlin and hold my head high
choices (endless summer):
endless summer characters. just a long ass read. anyways i love them
choices (f):
val greaves a mf woman. merc with a mouth ! takes no shit! cares so damn much about kenna. just about ready to kill dom for hurting her. wow. ‘she who craps lightning’ best mf nickname given ever. jake who?
annalyse adair: this goddess back handed bitch slapped azura nd kicked her uglie ass ! look so damn good doin it too. hold my diamonds raydan, this bich messed w the wrong queens kingdom. feminine strong female character written right !
sei rhuka were all just lowlanders to her. a waste of her mf time. we aint good enough for her. stoic silent strong ass woman. oh . sis also a fucking dragon !
hana lee like the most perfect human to ever exist. does it all. can do it all. better than u in every goddamn way. humble and sweet. an innocent angel. this is all her world we’re just living in it. anyone who hurts her can catch these mf hands!
oh god ive written sm im tired yall are just getting my fem faves for choices ok
favourite flower: umm id ont know? like.. the ones i find pretty lol. babys breath? single daisies? anythin deep purple coloured, roses that arent red?? i love flowers tho gimme them all
favourite scents: lavender, vanilla in food goddamn!!, fresh air lol
favourite color: deep purple, pastel pink, unconventional colours in neon lights idk
favourite animal: dogs, doggos, puppers, woofers, otters, deer, wolves
favourite band: all time low, five seconds of summer
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffeeEEEEEE
average hours of sleep: it depends on whether i can fall asleep lmao
numbers of blankets: one 
dream trip: @ my nana inheritance wya?? but italy, i just wanna hit basically everywhere europe tbh. iceland, bahamas, MALDIVES. 
last thing I googled: the mummy 2017 (jsdjkf it was so bad i was laughing the whole way through also totally ripped off uncharted 3 ! only watched for queen sofia boutella tho)
how many blogs I followed: 68.. wtf i didnt realise i followed so little????/
numbers of followers: 282 whaat i just startd this blog like a lil over a month ago i love yall!!
what I usually post about: 110% choices!!

do I get asks regularly: nope but sometimes anons pop in to my inbox asking things directed at me and im like?? are u lost fam// i love u anyway thank u
tag (u mightve done this but im tagging u anyway bc i love you heh): 
@thechrispowell @zaddykatsaros @zahranamazis @hollyashton @ohmymaxwell @ladyashtonofcordonia @ohmysnarkydrake @the-light-of-stars @zigisbisexual @kittenmusicals @firefly-hwufanficwriter @endless-vall @endlessbeaumont @heart-drake @nerdy-twin @jakekatsaros @liamxdrake @maxwelbeaumont @luminous-drake-heh @shazrystyles @quarterbackzig @quinn-kelly @lanapowellblog @davesreyes @protect-drake @beccagreaves @zigsexual @heart-jake @ohmysnarkydrake @diamondsaregold @craighsiao @becky-powell
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