#anyway here's to things being better in 2024 hopefully
synonemous · 6 months
goodbye and so long, Patreon
I am just coming on here real quick to let you all know that I've officially closed my Patreon. it was time.
and, let's be honest, I was getting sick and tired of getting emails reminding me to submit An Official Photograph of myself to regain full access to my account. you can't even fucking change your account rating (as in, from mature to general audiences and vice versa, or so I assume) without submitting a photo first. like are you kidding me?
I'm sorry to see my account go, and hope I can find a replacement sometime next year (because I will not have time for that in December, unfortunately). here's to hoping next year will start looking up on... a lot of fronts, honestly. 2023 has not been a good year so far, and it's not looking like it's gonna end on a good note either.
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celtic-crossbow · 5 months
You’re Holy to Me
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader Setting: Alexandria Warnings: Sexual themes; thigh riding; minor degradation; brat taming Summary: Daryl knows just how to make you behave. A/N: Thank you @thewalkingdilf for letting me use your idea. I hope I did it justice!
©celtic-crossbow 2024. I do not allow for my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or placed on any other platform without my consent.
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“Are you done yet?” You were whining, knowing damn well how it grated on Daryl’s nerves when he was focused on something. Right now, that focus was his bike. You absolutely knew better, but carried on anyway. “Come on, Daryl!
The archer was on one knee, eyes narrowed in concentration. At the next mewl of his name, he dropped a wrench with a loud clatter. You had been attached to his hip— apparently in every way except the one you wanted —since leaving your shared room that morning. Not that he minded. It was nice to feel loved, to feel wanted. “Listen, sunshine, I got a lot to do, so why don’tcha go on home an’ bug Carol for a bit?”
“Carol can’t help me.” You pouted from directly behind him. Biting your lip, you drew your finger through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. “Come on, I wanna play.” You huffed, pressing a foot against his leg to get his attention focused on you. 
In such close proximity, Daryl could practically smell your arousal and he shivered. “You’re bein’ awf’ly needy right now. Ya really should go to the house.” When you didn’t answer, he nearly turned to address you again but then he felt you pressing yourself against him. Knelt as he was, your center was against the back of his neck, warm through the fabric of your skirt. “Better stop now, Y/N. Ya don’t let me finish up here, I ain’t gonna let you finish for a while.”
“Daryl.” You whined, moving your hips side to side. “Are you still not done with your other girlfriend? I need you now.” Your fingertips found their way into his hair again, scratching and lightly tugging. “You know there’s a better place to stretch those fingers.”
He had just retrieved the wrench only to drop it again, this time reaching it to wrap his fingers around your wrist. With a growl, he stood, turning to loom over you in a way you would have found intimidating if you didn’t know him like the back of your hand. 
Oh boy, you were in for it now. 
“Why ya gotta be such a brat?” His tone held no heat, but there was a threat there; the type of threat that had a rush of arousal soaking through your panties. You blinked up at him with a coy smile. “Ya knew exactly whatcha was doin’, didn’tcha? Can’t go one day without that greedy lil’ pussy bein’ filled, can ya?”
“What on earth will you ever do with me?” Your smile remained and only fueled the lust burning through the archer. 
“I know exactly what m’gonna do with ya.”
His eyes narrowed and you gulped at the same time as your cunt clenched around nothing. His large hands gripped your hips tightly, just enough for the slightest amount of pain. When he walked into you, you began to back up, allowing him to lead you to wherever it was he wanted you. 
Sliding an arm around your waist, he leaned to swiped the other across his workbench, the tools and parts crashing and clattering on the hard floor. Hopefully Aaron didn’t come running to check things out because your panties were already being dragged down your legs. 
Biting your bottom lip, you slipped your feet from your sandals and stepped out of your underwear, watching with warm cheeks as Daryl lifted them to dangle between you. The center was darkened, drenched with your slick. Those electric blue eyes slid over to you while he twirled the garment in the air with his index finger. 
“Messy girl. C’mon then.” He let your panties fall and reached for your hips again, a squeak leaving your lips as he pushed you down onto his left thigh. “Wanna cum so bad, go ahead.” He smirked when your head tilted. He wanted you to ride his thigh? 
Daryl was patiently waiting you out, his grip firm but not guiding. You let your hips roll experimentally, watching him for affirmation. All you received was an arched brow. 
“But, Daryl—”
“But nothin’. You wanna cum, make it happen.”
You huffed, pouting. Maybe if you did as he asked, he’d fuck you until you saw stars. With that motivation in mind, you ground yourself down and thrust your hips forward, the rough denim grazing your clit just enough to make you jolt. It was easy to find a rhythm after that. 
“Atta girl. Gotta work for it.” He never moved, his leg steady and grip solid. You had to admit, it felt good. You likely couldn’t cum like that but it was a nice way to kickstart that fire low in your belly. “That’s it, pretty girl.” He cooed at you, chuckling when you whined in reply. “Feel good?”
“Uh huh.” You reached forward for those broad shoulders, holding tightly to help you balance when your thighs began to burn. You could feel the dampness you were leaving smeared over his jeans, the slick lessening the friction you so desperately needed. “Daryl.” 
“Nope. Can’t help ya, sunshine. Gotta learn your lesson. Them’s the rules.”
“But—but you’re gonna fuck me, right?” You didn’t stop grinding, your hands coming down to rest over his, silently pleading with him to take pity on you and help. When he stayed silent, you mewled and jutted out your bottom lip. “Right?”
“Ain’t nothin’ goin’ in that pretty pussy tonight.” The whine you responded with made his cock twitch but he resisted.
You were teetering on the edge, desperately alternating between bouncing and grinding, searching for that angle that would bring you relief. It felt so so good but left you a whimpering, blubbering mess. Maybe if you touched yourself, you could coax your orgasm to the surface. 
Your fingers barely brushed the tuft of hair above your slit before his hand left your hip to slap it away. Daryl tutted. “Nuh uh.”
“Oh, god, Daryl. I’m so close. I just need—”
“Ya should’a thought ‘bout that ‘fore ya acted out.” He held you steady, fingers digging into your flesh. Watching you work to bring yourself to climax had him straining against his pants. He wanted nothing more than to bend you over his bike and pound into you until you were screaming loud enough to worry the couple inside. But he wouldn’t. 
“Please, fuck! Please, Daryl!” Sweat was dampening your shirt, your breasts bouncing, nipples hard against the fabric. Dirty girl, you hadn’t worn a bra. Just for him. 
“C’mon, girl. That’s it. Look atcha, gettin’ yourself off on my thigh. Go on, make yourself cum. Ya don’t need me, right?”
“I need you. I need you, please!” You threw back your head, bringing up your hands to squeeze your breasts, pinch your sensitive nipples. Trying anything and everything to reach that precipice. Thankful he allowed you at least that stimulation. 
“So, so pretty like this. Ya’d like for me to fuck ya right now, wouldn’cha?”
“Yes! Fuck me, please!” Your hips were moving erratically, warmth and wetness seeping through the thick fabric to his skin. He was extremely close to giving you what you wanted. 
“Nope. Just look too good like this.” Each sound, each ah ah ah was driving him crazy but he just didn’t have it in him to stop you. You were a vision. Your hair falling around your face, damp strands sticking to your neck. Tears leaking from the corners of your eyes. Your plump lips open with the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard spilling past them. If he wasn’t careful, he’d cum in his jeans just watching you. 
There was a drawn out moan that broke off into a whine. Your hands dropped to Daryl’s forearms, nails biting into his skin while his fingers continued to hold firm to your hips. 
“I can’t, Daryl! I can’t!”
“Yeah, ya can.” You rutted against him hard and fast, finally finally feeling that dam within you beginning to break. Gritting your teeth, you rode him hard, actually managing to rock him against the bench. “C’mon, sweet girl. Cum for me.”
The coil within you snapped, pulses of pleasure driving hard straight down to your throbbing clit. The wanton moan of the archer’s name ended with a shout, strong hands grounding you as you writhed and shook, soaking his thigh with your essence. 
You came down slowly, hips still jerking sporadically from the overstimulation of being pressed against his leg. At your content hum, he released you and let you fall forward against him. 
“Gonna let me work in peace now?” He chuckled when you had to force yourself to lean back far enough to blink at him with heavy lidded eyes. 
“Mhm.” With the laziest of smiles, you stood, covering your mouth when your movement revealed the mess on his jeans. “I should go get you another pair. You can change out here and I can take those—”
“What makes ya think we’re done here?”
Your mouth snapped shut, brows raising. Daryl stood and guided you to sit on the workbench with gentle fingers on your biceps. You didn’t have a chance to question him before he started working at his belt. It was then you noticed the prominent bulge in his jeans. 
“Gotta teach that mouth a lesson too.”
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infamous-if · 6 months
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Dec ✮ 12 ✮ 2024 – update
Part of me hates doing these mostly because it's a whole lotta nothing and me just repeating everything I said the last update (lol) but I do like doing it because I like keeping people updated, even if it's a non-update. I may sound like a broken record (pun not intended) but I know a lot of people don't catch my updates every time so it's nice to just keep people informed yk yk
✮ — Part 2 + rewrite
Fun fact: I had written an entire essay about my excitement for the rewrite and chapter 3 and beyond but it got too long!
It boiled down to me wondering why I'm so excited for this rewrite and realizing it's because I feel comfortable enough to approach it with complete creative freedom. I wrote the first iteration of the demo with the constant worries swimming in my head like "I hope people understand what I'm trying to say here" and "I hope this situation is being read the way I intended for it to be read." And I think I sort of had those thoughts tenfold while writing Part 2. If you paid attention, you can probably see where I was trying to shut down certain discussions in the narrative lmao
Recently I had a tiny epiphany and reminded myself that it's not always about what I intend to write, but what is being understood by each reader. And yes this is basic writing 101 but let me have this moment of clarity okay. Embracing that means I can proceed with Infamous without holding back and sticking to my guns in regards to what I want for this story aka I'm just going to write what I write and like....not worry about the rest you feel (while of course integrating the common critiques and suggestions and improving on the things Infamous falls short in—I am not Shakespeare lmao)
ANYWAY my point is that I'm excited to fix up the demo !!! and just go back to it with complete confidence in myself and write whatever the heck feels right to me (and write the rest of the story lolol) and return with a better story than I have now for everyone!!
✮ — December will be for
planning what I'm going to improve and squeezing that in a reworked outline so it can flow much better narratively.
Outlining Chapter 3 and hopefully have the bare bones first draft drafted up which is mostly just be writing blocks of descriptions
I'm not sure I'll have anything substantial to justify looking for beta testers so soon yet but maybe!
work on my spice writing babey writing/reading spice makes me actually physically recoil but im determined to get better! which reminds me to finish the 6k follower gifts!
And also take a small breather because I am moving!
✮ — Patreon
I've already mentioned this on Patreon and a few times on here, but I do want to reiterate that Patreon content is coming out in bulk this month, in case anyone was wondering why I'm not posting as frequently. The content is still the same in terms of the quantity, it just won't be released every few days! thank you guys for being understanding of that <3
✮ —
My activity has is decreasing little by little due to my move but I do read every question and try to at least answer one question a day. I get quite a few mentions lately so I have to sort through those since I do get tagged in things, but I miss them due to my notifications. Usually I hope for the best and hope tracking the tag puts it on my dashboard <3 im not ignoring anyone!
That's all for now! Hope everyone has a happy December and Happy Holidays!
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
✌🏻✨ ~ 2023 wrap-up ~ ✨✌🏻
another year gone, another post no one asked for djkghdf
I normally don't talk about personal stuff on here but like in the previous year I wanted do a little recap and give shoutouts to some lovely people 🧡
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It hasn't been an easy year for me, I started a new job which has been stressful and annihilated my work-life balance which resulted in me being sick a lot & just being stressed for most of the year lol. I barely found time to maintain this blog which may not seem like it on the outside since I somehow managed to frequently post but it's been difficult. I know I don't have to be online 24/7 but the fear of slipping into irrelevancy due to lack of content remains. I didn't have much time to watch bls & asian shows in general which I still consider my safe space and escapism so I'm resentful that I didn't get to fully take in and enjoy the things I'm passionate about and make content about them like I did in the previous years. That being said thank god for all the weekend shows that I did manage to watch and fully focus on like Only Friends and now Cooking Crush and Cherry Magic. Those have been life savers lol and also thank god for all the talented creators who gave us tons of content; I will mention some of them below.
But aside from my personal schedule and despite not watching a lot of stuff, I still tried to keep an eye on what's going on in the BL world for my monthly breakdowns, which I still enjoy making and I will likely continue them in 2024. I also came to the conclusion that 2023 ended up being another rendition of quantity > quality in the BL-verse so not much has changed lol - not that I expected it to. We got a wild and extended mix of different genres and subgenres this year which was nice to see. We saw companies & actors experimenting a lot (with varying results), we got new ships, new fandoms and new enemies, as well as a variety of comebacks and retirements. My watchlist this year was limited to Thai BLs and my blog mostly consisted of gmmtv related content and like I said, if I had had more time I probably would have explored more different shows - but I eventually resorted to what's familiar. I guess I needed an anchor in midst of all my personal chaos lol.
But despite my short list, there were a few gems that I enjoyed. The big ones like Only Friends, Moonlight Chicken, Be My Favorite, etc., and the small, less popular ones like Be Mine Superstar, Mission Fan Possible and a few more. I enjoyed talking to friends & making content about them in the limited timeframes I had. My opinions mostly matched those of the general public but unfortunately there were a few disappointments that were bathing in a success that I could not wrap my head around - Dangerous Romance and A Boss and a Babe being at the top of that list, followed by La Pluie and also a few of the lakorns I watched. But anyway.
Anyone who knows me knows my blog has been 83% FirstKhao this year lmao, they're my favorite people in this industry and watching them act, interact & making content about them has been one of my highlights. I'm excited to see what 2024 brings for them and even if it's not a series, I'm looking forward to seeing what else they will be up to 🥺 🐈‍⬛ 🐈
I'm going into 2024 with mixed feelings but above all I hope I will get the chance to expand my watchlist a little. I will post a personal top10 of the shows I watched this year shortly; until then I want to talk a bit about some lovely people this year - I’m not good with words lmao but thank you for being you and making this hellsite a better place 🥹 lol.
@leonpob - bestie!!! 🧡 our BL opinions have drifted apart this year lmao but who's to say friendships are solely based on mutual opinions. You're the best, stay the way you are and here's to another year of sharing thoughts and hopefully finding more shows to watch together (no matter if trash or not lol) 😉😘  @mayalunas - ahhhh I loved talking to you sooo so much this year, we agree on so many things that I'm convinced we share the same BL braincells lmao. You're one of my favorite people on this website, thank you for being such a good listener and a positive & supportive person to talk to 🥺 I hope you have the best 2024!!! ily!!! 🧡 @khunvegas - GURL idk where you went this year or if you still exist sdjkds but just know I haven't forgotten about you and I miss our talks 🥺 come back pls thank. @my-wandering-rabbit - I love our random out-of-context talks once a month lmao, I appreciate you and I hope we will continue our ritual of me watching shows and you asking me questions without watching them kjsdhg @bl-recs-and-reviews - Bestie!!! I love our catch-ups on Discord, you were one of the first people I ever talked to like 4 years ago? crazy. look at us. I still love you, you're the sweetest and I love talking to you 🧡🥺 @dreamedofyou - ahh I absolutely love your blog!!! I noticed you a lot in my notifications this year so I wanted to say thank you so much for interacting with my unhinged content (mostly FK related lmao) - We haven't talked a ton but I think of you as a very nice person and I hope we can talk more next year 🥹🫶🏻
and then of course some more shoutouts go out to all the wonderful and talented creators out there; I will never be able to tag all of you so sorry in advance but here are a few that I appreciate, some of which have also mentioned me in their wrap-up posts so thank you for that!!!
@taeminie @seatawinan @loveisactivated @forcebook @jimmysea @guzhu-furen @daymork @itsallaboutbl @seatawinans @blneobin @blmpfff @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pranpat @milkpansa @raypakorn @ahxu-laowen @forcebookish @forcebookcorner @morkofday @chinzillas @seajimmy @dimpledpran @i-got-the-feels @bengiyo @benkaaoi @25shadesoffebruary @moonkhao @smittenskitten @respectthepetty @earthfluuke @pharawee @khaotunq @khaotunqs @pranink @gabrielokun @piningintrovert @zhaozi @markpakin @firstkanaphans @firstforkhao @khaotungsfirst @wen-kexing-apologist @firstkpp @firstmix @bunnakit @khaothanawat @alienwlw @ffirstkhao (I can't tag the last 4 for some reason..)
have the best 2024!!!
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glasspunkart · 4 months
Bravern Radio Episode 1 TL (1/2)
Hi! Recently the web radio of BBBB came out on Youtube so I decided to do a translation for anyone interested!
As a key: Isami Ao VA -> Suzuki Ryota Lewis Smith VA -> Azakami Yohei Bravern VA -> Suzumura Kenichi For the purpose of this TL, I will be using character names (Isami, Smith, Bravern), and I'll put in bracket any time a name is mentioned or any additional info! So let's go!
Isami: We've started with a 'Bang'! Hey everyone, are you exploding with courage?! I'm the voice actor of Isami Ao from Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern, Suzuki Ryota! Nice to meet you all~ ("Yuuki Bakuhatsu" means "Courage Explosion", they will use "courage" a lot, they're referencing the title) Smith: I'm the voice actor of Lewis Smith from Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern, Azakami Yohei! Isami: Yup! This program, starting January 2024 will be broadcasted about Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern, featuring me, Suzuki Ryota, the voice of Ao and Azakami Yohei, the voice of Lewis as radio personalities. Sometimes we will bring in guests, sometimes just us, and with courage we have our Web Radio! I'm going like a factory here lol
Smith: Seriously, I can't catch up to you haha Isami: The main part of the show well, it's a story about Isami and Ao's growth and the bond between them. The two of us are going to show courage and roll through with the show, welcome our guests and hopefully inspire some courage in you all too! Smith: We will try to convey the appeal of this show from all kinds of angles for you, please listen on! Isami: Actually first I apologise, the opening is- it keeps going. Ah, it's amazing huh, gets the tensions high. Smith: Haha, BRAVERN! It's so cool
Isami: Going on about our first radio episode, we were just in the middle of searching and searching. For the first, well, somehow we have managed to call a guest who's way too amazing. Bravern: It's sort of like we got the last boss of guests here. Isami: Right! It's like 'is it okay for us to call them?' Smith: Sooo Isami: Is it okay now? Smith: Lets call now ?: Should I be called now? Smith: Its better if we call fast now. Isami: Time for introductions! It's this person! Bravern: Is your courage exploding?! I'm the voice of Bravern, Suzumura Kenichi! Nice to meet you~
Isami: Yaaayy Smith: Thank youuu. Truly, we searched and searched, please save us senpai haha Isami: Save us Braveeeern!! Bravern: But like with such an amusing setting, you two as the main personalities, it's hard to be in step with you! Smith: Truly it's hard to find such an amusing set Bravern: In most of the shows I know, they have a lot of experienced veterans who have been doing this for many years to try to keep in step with. But you normally don't see it that much- the difficulty to keep up Smith: Normally it would be like- me and Ryota-kun (Isami) will be opposing each other, and the guest gets to pick a side Bravern: Yeah, this is some kind of strange thing. It feels like an interview Isami: It's like we are the ones being called Bravern: You have it reversed!
Smith: Also, personally, you don't often see radios having a guest right from the first episode huh? Bravern: Yeah that's true Isami: It kinda feels like, lets just do it with the three of us Bravern: Until the end? I wish! Smith: Seriously, I wish! Okay firstly, as for how we're calling each other? How about we change it from our usual names? Isami: This too gotta be done with courage! Bravern: For each of us? Smith: Yep! We want to go with names that we haven't been called until now Bravern: What would I want to be called….well, if we decide it here it will be easier to call those on-site. Isami: Oh that's true
Smith: We also have names that we are called on a day to day basis too Bravern: Oh tell us about those too Smith: For me it's Azakami so…people call me Azi Bravern: Azi???? Isami: Azi…. Smith: Yep, Azi Isami: That's nice, it's easy to say too. Smith: Really? Anyway, we need to pick names that we only use here? Bravern: Oh, okay… Isami: What were people calling me until now? Bravern: Oh…there's a lot of them. Smith: Lol, a lot huh? Isami: Pick something that's not Azakami-kun Bravern: I've been calling you 'Azakami-kun' all this time but what should we call you huh? Smith: Other than that! Not something I've been called a lot until now Isami: I've also been saying Azakami-san this whole time…
Bravern: Usually at this time we have to search. When you know what's needed and talk about it with people, like 'what do i want you to call me?', there's sometimes a really skilled senpai, who will just suddenly pull out 'Azi' as a nickname. Isami: If I was just randomly called Ryota (his first name) it would make me super happy~ Bravern: I'm the type of senpai who can't really do that….I'm different from those kind of senpais Smith: Hahahaha Isami: So the one who needs to show courage is Suzumura-san, finally Bravern: Yeeaah that's true. Though now I want to call him Azi, after all that. It's just in here right? Just between us? Smith: You can call me that elsewhere too! Bravern: It's not like calling 'Sardine' or 'Mackerel' or something, like "Aji" (jackfish/horse mackerel) fish or something! Isami: Aji…lol Bravern: It's not like that! Next it'll become whale shark… Isami: That's so long! We are getting further and further from the point here! It's hard to understand!
Smith: Well then I'll be simple and say that I like being called by my (given) name. By my senpai, like "ah, Yohei", kinda Bravern: Yohei is nice! Smith: If you called me Yohei it would make me happy Bravern: Yohei, right? Yohei, huh…but now I like Aji lol, is it okay if only I call you 'Iwashi'? (Sardine) Smith: Sto- well, maybe just Isami: Just this time? Smith: Mm, just this time, you can call me Iwashi.
Smith: On to you, Ryota-kun… (Isami) Isami: Hmm Bravern: Normally, what are you called? Smith: By fans and such Isami: Well, fans call me "Su" (From "Suzuki") Bravern: Su?? Smith: Su! One character….lol Isami: Su.. Bravern: This is like, 'oh it's become that era already'! Isami: With this they're definitely bullying me Bravern: Ryouta-kun- it's the same as using 'ryo' or 'ri' Smith: Aahh yeah nowadays (the nicknames) are becoming shorter and shorter, huh? Bravern: 'Su' huh Smith: They've taken that lol Bravern: I've seen people use "Suzu" pretty often these days, I've been called so too Smith: Yeah I have too Isami: Ohh yeah I see Smith: But Suzu is kinda- well, if Suzumura-san is okay with that's fine but I don't like it, calling you "Suzu" since it's Suzumura-san's nickname ("Suzu" works for both "Suzumura" Bravern and "Suzuki" Isami) Bravern: Yeah that's true too. Then, 'Su', huh? Smith: Su…lol, Su… Bravern: Okay I know. Let's call you Miso (a type of soup) Smith: Hahaha, that fits perfect. The Sardines have assembled here (miso soup can contain sardine)
Bravern: The sardines. We've made it something you can taste, it sounds delicious. You guys should call your unit Namero (to lick/taste) Smith: Namero! Isami: Let's go with Namero Smith: Lets do Namero to show our gratefulness to Bravern (lets lick bravern to show our gratefulness) Bravern: If I was a woman first I would be concerned for you Smith: Hahahaha no no no our idolisation of you can't be stopped. So what should we do for you, Suzumura-san? Bravern: You gotta show courage, right guys? So, stuff like Suzu-san is not going to cut it. Smith: True Bravern: It needs to be something stronger Isami: R…rin-san? Bravern: Eh…well… Smith: No more, more than that Isami: Suzu… Bravern: Come at it strong Isami: Something which could come from Suzu… Smith: Mm…
Isami: ….castella, or something? ("suzu-castella" is baby castella, a type of cake) Smith: Hahahaha Bravern: Hahahah Suzu-castella, huh? That's amazing Smith: Castella! Bravern: Castella-san….we don't need -san, let it just be Castella Smith: Castella pfftt Bravern: Castella is… Isami: It's kinda dangerous, right? Smith: It's become a dangerous radio now Isami: It's not even courage anymore Smith: It's a dangerous radio now! Bravern: Noo, call me Castella please! Smith: Well then this time only, let's call you Castella Bravern: Castella, Miso, Iwashi (Sardine), huh? Smith: What even pff Bravern: Sounds delicious honestly Isami: What the hell…
Smith: What is up with this trio…well, that's done now Isami: I understand Smith: You understood? You got it? Bravern: I understood too Smith: I got it Bravern: Amazing, this is so ani-radio Smith: What we're doing now? Bravern: Whatever we're doing now, it's just like all the ones I've experienced till now Isami: Now that we've decided on the names Bravern: It's been a while since I've done something like this Smith: Yeah, and there's stuff you don't normally ask, so with this too we have to have courage- Isami: -and go to the questions Bravern: Yes, I'll answer anything you ask me Smith: Anything? Isami: …your annual income- Smith: Hahaha he said it! He said it… Bravern: There's some things I can't say you know Isami: Then how many castellas do you earn Bravern: Hahaha if you ask in terms of castella, it will be a lot Smith: Yeah it will be a lot Bravern: It's got to be Isami: Makes you curious right? Bravern: Amazing Smith: But I wanna become like that too
Bravern: It will be a building's worth Smith: Hahaha, a building full of castella?? Bravern: A building's amount Isami: This is difficult to ask but- Bravern: Mm, go ahead? Isami: Can you tell us your weight in terms of castella? Bravern: Mm, I see. Well if I have to answer it in castella then- uh, how much Smith: How many castella?? Isami: Pfff Smith: Are you lightweight? Bravern: I have no idea! Smith: When you're soaked, you know- your weight changes a lot right? Bravern: Um…then sixty….sixty….sixty five- sixty five castella?? Smith: Castella?? Isami: Isn't that way too lightweight? Bravern: I have no idea Smith: In terms of weight this measurement unit will make the numbers seem really huge and it's hard to understand Bravern: Yeah, it is hard to understand Smith: Though I'm sure its difficult to ask it like that- if you're going to answer it's okay to sugarcoat it Isami: Mm I see Smith: Yeah, round it off, it might be better that way Bravern: Gotta have courage…
Smith: This kinda conversation- we don't do this during the recordings (of the anime) at all Bravern: True, you can't Smith: At the recordings, Suzumura-san (Bravern) and I are often together- intensely working together, so this is the first time Bravern: Yep Isami: Yeah in radio you can kinda- Smith: You can say stuff like this Isami: There's also a certain impression of what recording should be Smith: Yeah at the recordings- hmm, well, we talked a lot about tokusatsu (live action JP shows with lots of effects, like giant robot shows, power rangers, etc) Isami: True lol, I was hearing a lot of tokusatsu conversation the whole time Bravern: Obari-san (BBBB director) is kinda rigid about that kind of thing Isami: Yeaaah Bravern: But Bang Bravern is sorta like, Obari-san's interests are bared and showing Isami: It's soooooooo obvious Smith: You can immediately point it out. But with this kind of passion it's easy to become super aware of it (Obari's signature genre and tropes), and even more so if you try to stray from it Bravern: It's blatantly written in the script! Smith: "Okay now this conversation is getting way too long so let's move to the next corner", sorry, the instruction was given to me so
Isami: Yes, I'm sorry for that…So then, Castella! Castella will be the guest Bravern: Mm, for first and second Smith: -two weeks in a row! Isami: We will be talking about a lot of things Bravern: We did it! Smith: Way to go, Castella! Isami: Yeah! Smith: Without further ado! Smith & Isami: TV Anime Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern Web Radio! Smith: Let's start with introducing the program, henceforth we'll be talking about the work, with courage we will tell a lot of stories, and with courage let's deepen our bonds with banter Smith: The other day, the first episode of the anime aired on TVS Isami: Let's start with a summary of what happened. Smith: The first episode, "I've made you wait, Isami" Isami: 'The representatives of the countries of the world have gathered in Hawai'i, The Airforce's Titano Strider, T.S. Pilot Lewis Smith, in the middle of a fight, meets Japanese Defense soldier Isami Ao. During the fight, Smith, having seen Isami's cut-above-the-rest abilities, challenges him to a 1v1. But on the promised day, suddenly they are attacked and destroyed by a mystery force and their peaceful days are at an end.' is what it will be.
Bravern: Right from the summary of the first one…the work is described like it's going to be so badass. Smith: The quality was soo high Bravern: Right? Isami: For sure Smith: Then again, with this summary, people will think 'it's totally different though' right? Bravern: Definitely true Isami: It is! It sounds like it's going to be a super real feeling army story Smith: Like some serious military thing…but for us it was laid out wasn't it? 'You can't say anything about this' Isami: Yeah, we were told Smith: And because of that I mostly wanted to observe…once the first episode aired I wanted to see what is the atmosphere everyone feels, and we were told to give our cast comments by everyone too. That too…felt kind of untouchable Isami: It did feel like a hard topic to touch Smith: They really wanted to deceive everyone and play it like 'No, it's a serious military thing, it's very dark, we're maintaining a suspense tone', they were writing it to us constantly
Isami: In the PV like…the vibe and the song did not match even a little bit Smith: It reaally didn't! Bravern: Hahaha Smith: Exactly, exactly! Hahaha Bravern: They kind of made a mistake there. If they're going to do this anyway, they should have tried to hide that song too Smith: Totally! Pfft, if they intended to deceive Bravern: Mm- Smith: I was thinking, if they're going to deceive then go all out and deceive us! Isami: For the listeners too, it would feel like "this is the start of something" Bravern: While we're talking about it being "hidden", I was the one who was hidden the most! Smith: Castella was- Bravern: The whole time- yes, the castella was hiding the whole time! Kakure-castella (Hiding is "kakure-teta" so he made a word mash "kakure-kasutera") Smith: Kakure-castella, huh? Bravern: There was a lot of stuff I wanted to say but I couldn't say! Smith: Must have been Bravern: There was
Bravern: Back when it was announced, once, if I had done something without thinking…like retweeting- Isami: Noooo Bravern: …it would have been bad! Isami: Scary, scary, scary Bravern: I was thinking 'Ahh it's been announced', and that i have to be quiet. Smith: Hahaha Bravern: And then Tachiki-san slipped up and retweeted. And i was thinking why did Tachiki-san do that?? (Fumihiko Tachiki, VA who appears in other mecha animes) Smith: Tachiki-san you shouldn't do that! Isami: No no no!! Bravern: Why did Tachiki-san retweet??? Smith: Seriously, why! Isami: That was a no! Smith: We can only wonder why… Isami: What kind of character do you think Bravern is? Bravern: Mm..well, there was an audition, and I auditioned for Smith and Bravern Isami: Ehh?? Smith: Euuuhh??? Bravern: Yep. And if I had to say, it was mainly Smith Isami: Really?? Bravern: I went to the agency, at the time of the audition, and then Suwa-san asked what will you take, and my company managers had selected some for me. Suwa-san said to take the audition for Smith, so I went there to take the audition…and I thought "Wait, there isn't any other voice actor who knows robots as much as I do." (I think it's Masahiro Suwa-san, animation director)
Smith: I see! Bravern: Obari-san means robots, right? And the document- there was also a role document for Bravern, so I said "Let me take the audition for this 'Bravern' too". So they let me take it for Bravern too (Director Obari-san is well known for mecha shows) Isami: Right right right Bravern: And I went to it resolved to win, so- but then at that one, there wasn't really much instruction in the role document, it was pretty much just "sound robot-like". But there was a script at the audition, and after seeing that it was kinda, probably, between the human characters, there's a rigidity…it's a show where the communication of thoughts doesn't go well Smith: lol Isami: So sharp! Bravern: That's why, the robot will be a robot but there's this…if I had to describe, this theatrical beauty, sense of honour. I've been watching hero shows for a long time and I've been a lover of robots since even before that. So if you say "robot", and then "a robot who talks" then it has to be this (specific) way. How do I explain, there's a certain way that a partnership should be done. That kind of thing between normal people- and then suddenly a robot has come, trying to have that with a person, it's a conflict in their way of thinking. I was going with that in the audition Smith: You're way too sharp! What a pro
Bravern: So I worked hard trying to be like all talking robots I've seen so far, but without fretting about the tiny details. One who is obsessed in the pursuit of honour. Isami: I see! Smith: Heeehhh Bravern: So then I went to the first recording and it really wasn't too far off from my imagination. But there too I had to consider the meaning between the things I had to do. I made it while talking about a lot of things with Obari-san (director), kinda. Smith: Ohhhhh Isami: Amazing- you're so overly reliable, it's like there's a warden within the cast lol Bravern: Warden?? Smith: I don't know if it's that extreme haha Isami: But at the recordings, it relaxes us too to have that reliability Smith: That's true, it fits perfectly…but it was a surprise, right? A talking robot Bravern: Yes! It feels like the first time that's been done Isami: Oh really? Smith: I thought "oh, it is?" Bravern: About talking robots, from our age of the hero shows, Hayami Sho-san's voice comes to mind Smith: Aah, a little bitter, yeah. Bravern: Right? So when a line with bitterness is required, I think I should approach it with a different feel. And sometimes a robot with a youthful voice is needed too. From that time, it's Matsumoto Yasunori-san or Nakamura Daiki-san's lines. Isami: Something a bit more energetic Bravern: Yep. For this line I have no choice but to go there! I really imagined a lot. Smith: Amazing!
This is only the first 15min 40sec ish ! If people are interested, I'm happy to translate the rest too :)
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starglitterz · 5 months
serendipity. (vi)
─── chapter 6 ! ~ your friends are here ! (oh no)
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summary; when you, a waitress at the local coffee shop, are paired up with the new recruit scaramouche, you’re pretty sure both of you are going to get fired within a week. he’s just quit being a social media influencer and after being forced to work here to make ends meet, he’s ready to let everyone there know how much he hates it. the worst part? you can’t shake the feeling that you know him from somewhere. but as he slowly warms up to you, scaramouche realises that having a fresh start isn’t that bad after all, and perhaps the two of you meeting like this was pure serendipity.
a/n; HIIII sorry it's been a while 💔 anyways i really like this chapter, i added quite a few things that weren't in my original plan to hopefully link the future chapters better, so i hope you all like it hehe lmk what u think!
warning(s); one (1) kys joke
please reblog w comments ! it helps a lot :)
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( y/n's phone )
groupchat !
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twitter #1 !
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twitter #2 !
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private messages !
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( scara's phone )
groupchat !
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( kokomi's phone )
private messages !
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scarayn the sillies... i love them ahhh,,, also i'll let you guys decide kokomi's intentions for yourselves hahaha
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way.
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One final piece for 2023, featuring Muriel and her lil pet phoenix (before it's fully grown and starting it's death/life cycle ;D
This year definitely went by faster than anticipated, and had plenty of ups and downs for me along the way:
I made the decision to finally pull life support on Genesis Dissentire and Galactic Patrol, and use certain things from the respective stories to fit into the various stories that'll be taking place in the Sci Fi WIP, which I haven't forgotten! It's just that I'd like to get back into my first love of comicking for a bit, so I'm setting the Wip aside for a while to work on Knightsbridge Hollow and--hopefully--finish it within 2024!
Speaking of Knightsbridge Hollow...I've been working on that more and the Parallels universe in hopes of actually doing something with a bunch of characters and storylines that my sister and I have had sitting around since high school!
I took a massive step back from fan characters this year to focus on original stuff, and I think my social media presences suffered a lot from that LOL The lack of engagement is especially more significant here, so I might space out my posts to a few times a month or so, though if things keep going the way that they go, I might hop off this account indefinitely. We shall see!
I got into candle making! It's actually very relaxing and very fun, and I'm hoping to add some onto my Etsy this upcoming year!
I've been feeling increasingly more useless when it comes to my job, the 50+ job applications I've thrown out this year (and only a handful of interviews I got out of them), and friendships, as I've gone through being the friend who gets left in the dust yet again. I can't help but feel like something is Wrong with me, and that I'll have to be satisfied with my job, and being the obnoxious person who can't read the room and gets ghosted until I learn my lesson.
Depression's been Real this year. Turns out the therapist I got last year was only good at taking my money and not actually helping me, and I can't really afford therapy right now anyways, so I've just been floundering around this year, clawing my way to the surface from depression cycles, only to fall back under again and force myself to get through the day when the only thing I wanna do is curl up into a ball and die lol
Prayers for being happy with my circumstances, a new job on the horizon with better pay/hours, and not letting social media and stuff get me down would be appreciated!
If you made it this far, BLESS. Thanks for sticking around with my and my goofy lil imaginary people!
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sesamestreep · 5 months
New Taylor Swift prompts! 16, Matt/Foggy
16. I’ve missed you all this time (from this prompt list) I don't know what this is, but it's technically set in the 60s, even though I did not make that explicitly clear anywhere in the text and it serves no purpose beyond just...vibes. I mostly just wanted to write silly new year’s fic, don’t worry about historical accuracy or world-building, everyone be cool! happy 2024, you silly and sultry geese! on ao3 here 🥂✨
Matt can still hear the noise of the party, barely dampened even when he's several rooms removed. He’d be able to hear it from the lobby of the building, truth be told, but here he can still make out conversations without having to focus that hard. He tries to direct his senses somewhere else—somewhere with less overlapping chatter and clinking glasses and shuffling feet over plush carpets—and breathe deep, so that maybe he can regain some equilibrium and hopefully go back to the party in a few minutes and act normal. It’s almost midnight, after all, and who goes to a New Year’s Eve party just to ditch out before midnight?
“Matthew Augustus Murdock,” a voice calls out from the far end of the paneled hallway.
“Not my middle name,” Matt says, smiling, “as you already know.”
“But wouldn’t it be better if it was?” Foggy asks, as he slides down to sit next to Matt. 
“Yes, I imagine I’d have lived a much easier and more successful life, if only my middle name was…what was it again?”
“Albert,” Foggy says, “or something. Who cares?”
“Good point,” Matt says, pressing his shoulder into Foggy’s happily. “How’d you find me?”
“I used the one and only superpower God graced me with: I’m like a homing pigeon for you specifically. I always know where to find you. It’s eerie, frankly, and damned useless, but—“
“Not to me,” Matt interjects, too readily. “I mean, for what it’s worth.”
Foggy nods, his overly long hair that he keeps meaning to get cut rasping over his shirt's stiff collar as he does. “That’s a good point.”
“I make those occasionally.”
“Occasionally,” Foggy repeats in a comically shrill, tiny voice, like he’s doing an impression of a cartoon mouse, for whatever reason. He’s a little drunk, clearly, which Matt could tell from the way he’s talking and the way he’s moving and the way he smells and, well, that’s probably enough evidence. 
“If I’m ever in trouble, I know who to call,” Matt says, which is maybe too honest, but Foggy doesn’t have to know that.
“You wouldn’t even have to call, Matt,” Foggy replies, solemnly grasping his shoulder. “If you’re ever in trouble, I’ll know and I’ll come running.”
“I would pay real money to see you actually run anywhere.”
“You’d have to, my man. I imagine it would take a massive breakthrough in science for you to see anything at all, and those things tend to cost a pretty penny,” Foggy says, grandly. “And also, on a much more serious note, go fuck yourself.”
Matt laughs and collapses against Foggy’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, I just know how much you hate running.”
“Which means you’ve entirely missed the inherent capital-R romanticism of me offering to do it for you! Classic Murdock. Absolute philistine behavior. I should expect it by now.”
“Your gallantry is wasted on me,” Matt agrees, still doing that thing of being too honest.
“I know,” Foggy sighs, theatrically, “and yet, here I am.”
“Why are you here, anyway?”
“Missed you, came looking. Same as ever.”
“Aw,” Matt says, leaning into his side even more. “You’re right, I really don’t deserve you.”
“I never said that. You said that,” Foggy says, poking him. “But anyway, I lied and the real answer to your question is that I got tired of girls coming up to me and asking where my handsome friend had got to.”
Matt knows two things with a decent degree of certainty: Foggy hadn’t been lying when he gave his first answer (Matt would have heard it in his heartbeat and likely noticed any other number of tells that Foggy has when he does lie, besides) and that no one would have had to ask him to go looking for Matt after he disappeared. His joke about homing pigeon-like tendencies is more truthful than either of them would like to acknowledge. When Matt goes missing—as he very frequently does at these types of things—Foggy always comes to find him. Matt’s been doing this since way before he met Foggy—having overly heightened senses does not make crowded social functions more manageable in general—but he can probably admit that he does it more now that he knows someone will come looking for him.
He also knows that girls like Foggy a lot more than Foggy thinks they do. He’s always talking about how girls seek him out to get in with Matt, but Matt doesn’t really believe that. There have been a few girls, here and there, certainly enough that Foggy’s right to be a little paranoid about it, who have turned their sights from Foggy to Matt, which on top of being unkind is just bad business sense. Anyone with a brain in their head would see that Foggy’s the better option of the two of them. And Matt’s got plenty of flaws, but he’d certainly never take up with anyone who hurt his best friend, so it doesn’t work out the way anyone hopes it will, anyway, when they do. Still, he's sure Foggy could have found a nice girl to keep him entertained until Matt got back to the party, if he put his mind to it, and that maybe he'd just been looking for an excuse to duck out himself when someone asked about Matt.
“This is where I got to,” Matt says, with a slightly pathetic shrug.
“Who says I meant you?” Foggy asks, absently. “I have other friends that are handsomer than you!”
“Not only do you not have a single handsomer friend in all the world,” Matt says, belatedly unsure if ‘handsomer’ is even a word, but otherwise too confident to turn back, “you don’t even have another friend at this party.”
“I’m exceedingly charming, Matthew,” Foggy over-enunciates. “Everyone at this party is my new best friend.”
Matt loops his arm through Foggy’s and leans his head back against the wall. “Sounds like I’ve got a lot of competition.”
“You’re not having fun?” Foggy asks, the change of topic so sudden and his tone so unexpectedly serious that Matt has a brief moment of confusion that he means with this joke they’ve got going. It takes a second to realize he means at the party in general.
“It’s fancy.”
“Too fancy, you mean…”
“You know I don’t go in for all this stuff,” Matt says, shrugging. 
“Like I do, you mean?��� Foggy asks, lightly, even though Matt can feel him warming with embarrassment. 
“Like I used to,” Matt clarifies, and trusts his meaning to be clear.
“Right,” Foggy says, and the tone in his voice is the one he uses exclusively when he refers to Matt’s ex-girlfriend from junior year who almost caused him to drop out. “Fair enough, I suppose.”
“You can head back. Really, I don’t mind. I just need a few more minutes.”
“No, you’re right. It’s…a bit stuffy, isn’t it?” Foggy muses. “I mean, I didn’t even know people still had apartments like this, outside of, well, the Rockefellers.” 
The apartment belongs to the parents of one of their friends from law school and the only reason they have free rein over the place is because the parents are vacationing in Aspen with friends. Even without being able to see it, Matt can tell it’s a swanky place. The rug he’s currently sitting on is so plush that he can basically sink his entire hand into it. Every table he passed on his way to this hiding place smelled so strongly of Pine-Sol that there has to be a maid on staff, if not a team of them. He’s fairly certain this random hallway he discovered is actually a back passage to the kitchens, so the servants don’t have to be seen coming and going. He's not sure if he asked their host about it that they'd even know it existed. And Matt’s shoes, as well as most of his clothes, are secondhand.
“You were having fun until I made you feel bad,” Matt says, tucking his chin onto Foggy’s shoulder and trying to look contrite.
“No, I mean—I like having you around, Matt. You keep me honest,” Foggy laughs. “Two and a half years of law school, four years at an Ivy before that, I think I’ve just made peace with having to go to parties in uncomfortable clothes and to make conversation with people I don’t really like. I don’t think I’d call it fun, but it’s a social life of some kind, I suppose.”
“We should have gone to Josie’s,” Matt says, holding onto him too tightly, even with the excuse of a few drinks.
Foggy snorts, thinking of the beloved dive bar they sneak off to in Hell’s Kitchen whenever they can, whenever they’re home. It’s only a matter of blocks to get there, but sometimes, at school, it feels farther away than all that.
“I don’t dare imagine the caliber of our prospects for a kiss at midnight there,” Foggy says, with an exaggerated shudder.
“Can’t be any worse than our prospects here,” Matt replies. 
Foggy whistles, low, under his breath. “You’re going to be disappointing a lot of nice girls with that kind of talk, Murdock!”
“Better to disappoint them now than later,” Matt says, fully burying his face in Foggy’s shoulder now. He gets like this when he drinks. Foggy's used to it.
“Oh, that’s right. You don’t do the whole ‘going steady’ thing anymore,” Foggy says, leaning in conspiratorially. “You’re too damaged and that means you’re never going to get married, so you’d rather not lead anyone on.”
“You say that like it’s not true,” Matt whispers back.
“It isn’t true, you moron!” Foggy laughs. “One day, some beautiful girl is going to turn your head so quick, you’ll have neck problems for the rest of your life!”
“Sounds uncomfortable,” Matt says.
“And I’ll be there,” Foggy continues, like Matt didn’t even speak, “laughing.”
“Well, as long as you’ll be there, Foggy.”
“Did I mention you’re a moron?”
“Yes. A few times now, in fact.”
“Then, I’ve done my duty.”
“And what about you?” Matt asks. “When’s somebody going to turn your head?”
“Somebody turns my head every goddamn day, it feels like,” Foggy grumbles. “The problem isn’t my head. It’s everybody else’s.”
“There’s plenty of girls who’d be more than happy to trap you in matrimony.”
“Hmm, well, I’m sure that’s true enough,” Foggy replies, thoughtfully. “I guess it’s more about finding someone you wouldn’t mind being trapped with.”
“And you haven’t found her yet, I take it?”
“No,” Foggy says, sadly. The girl he dated for most of their sophomore year—the one everyone had been certain Foggy was going to end up marrying—had just gotten engaged last month. Foggy still wasn’t entirely over it, Matt was pretty sure.
“And you’re certain she’s not here?” Matt asks, encouragingly.
“Unlikely,” Foggy says. “None of the girls here would be caught dead with me in the daylight. One of them might be unscrupulous enough to let me kiss her at midnight, though.”
“So, go back,” Matt replies. “Find the girl in that room with the lowest standards and lay one on her!”
“I will if you will.”
“I don’t know this for sure, but I do have serious doubts that any girl in the room will let the both of us kiss her at midnight.”
“I meant, you should—you know what I meant!” Foggy exclaims, embarrassed again. 
“I was trying to be funny!”
“‘Trying’ being the operative word there…”
Matt sighs. “What’s the point of kissing someone at midnight when there’s almost no chance of seeing them ever again after tonight?”
“You’ve just described the point yourself! It’s just for fun, to start the year off right! There’s no pressure!” Foggy says, disbelieving. "What’s gotten into you? I thought zero expectations romance was your specialty!”
“Maybe I’m just not a New Year's kind of guy.”
Foggy hums thoughtfully. “Can I tell you my theory?”
“Your theory? About what?”
“About you, and New Year's, and all of that.”
“Oh. Sure. Go ahead.”
“I think you’re afraid,” Foggy says.
“Afraid?” Matt asks. “Of…New Year’s Eve?”
“You don’t want to participate in these silly little rituals, like kissing someone at midnight, because you’re secretly terrified that something good is going to happen to you, and then you won’t know what to do with yourself.”
“Really, Foggy. Be serious!”
“I am serious,” Foggy replies, casually. “You’re scared of being hit over the head with it again.”
“Hit over the head with what?”
“Love,” Foggy says, simply. “You felt it once and it nearly derailed your whole life, so now you avoid any situation where you might accidentally meet someone interesting or have more feelings than you’ve carefully rationed out for yourself for that particular day.”
Matt swallows, feeling utterly exposed. It’s not something he would have been able to say for himself an hour ago, but the words feel true to him coming from someone else. He doesn’t like anybody knowing him well enough to know all of that, though, and if it wouldn’t be so utterly obvious, he’d pull away from Foggy right now just to be safe. Like that would even help, he thinks reluctantly.
“You missed your calling not going into psychiatry, Foggy,” he says, stiffly, once he’s gathered his wits enough to form sentences.
Foggy’s hand, warm and a little damp, closes over Matt’s where it’s still resting on his arm. Matt wants nothing more than to flinch away from it, but he controls the urge in the interest of saving face.
“Don’t be mad at me,” Foggy says, quietly, like there’s a chance they might be overheard somehow and he wants Matt to be the only one who hears this. “I’m just trying to tell you that, in avoiding fun and frivolous things, you are not sparing yourself from being hit over the head. If you’re meant to get hit over the head, it’ll happen whenever and wherever Cupid so chooses. It’ll happen at the deli or the bank or while you’re waiting for the bus. Which means that the only thing you’re ultimately sparing yourself from is fun and frivolity, and that’s a stupid way to live your life. That’s all.”
“I think you just called me a moron again,” Matt says, weakly. He doesn’t know what else to say. The rest of it is...too much to consider.
“I called you stupid, actually, but I see your point.”
In the distance, Matt hears the noise of a crowd of people all simultaneously trying to shush each other, with limited success. He imagines even Foggy can hear it too a moment later when they all begin counting aloud.
“Last chance…” Matt says, tipping his head backwards in the direction of the room where everyone’s gathered.
“It doesn’t matter,” Foggy says, apropos of nothing, as far as Matt can tell. He’s about to ask what he means when Foggy continues, anyway. “I have someone who meets your criteria.”
“My criteria?”
“Yeah. You’ll only accept a kiss from someone you’ll see again after tonight, right?”
“Uh, I don’t think I said ‘only’, I just meant—”
“Too bad,” Foggy says, as the countdown reaches its conclusion. “Happy New Year.”
Matt’s halfway through formulating a question or an objection of some kind, which is the only reason he turns in Foggy’s direction at that moment. It’s clear from the noise of surprise Foggy makes that he absolutely had no intention of kissing Matt right on the mouth and was probably, in fact, aiming for his cheek, trying to be funny and charming after Matt was such a spoilsport about the whole kissing at midnight thing. If Matt hadn’t moved, there’s no doubt in his mind that that’s what Foggy would have done and then it would have been over and they’d already be laughing about it and moving on. But Matt did move and, even awkwardly off center, Foggy is kissing him on the mouth right now and they’re both just frozen like that, shocked and useless.
Matt doesn’t give himself much credit for genius. He’s reasonably smart, and can be even smarter if he applies himself to a subject and really studies up on it, but there’s plenty of people in any given room smarter than he is, most of the time. He has his moments, though, and this is one of them. He sees very clearly the two paths available to them. Down one, this moment stretches awkwardly and they allow it to become a source of discomfort and then outright pain that they'll avoid talking about for years, or maybe possibly forever. Regardless, it has the power to ruin their friendship and Matt simply can't abide that. Down the other, they don’t flinch from it and they don’t make it any stranger than it has to be and it becomes one weird but not fully objectionable moment in their long and storied relationship. They’re not going to trot it out as an anecdote at parties, sure, but they’re not going to become crazy about denying it happened either. If Matt can steer them in the direction of the latter, he thinks maybe it will all be okay, but it’s going to require him not to make matters worse. For whatever reason, the only way he can think to not do that is by kissing Foggy back.
It’s immediately apparent that, momentary genius or no, while it does not technically make things worse, it also does not make them better. Then again, Foggy makes a sort of interested noise as he feels Matt return the kiss, which Matt is infinitely better off for knowing about and having heard and being able to think about some other time when he’s alone preferably. 
They don’t take it any farther than just that. They’re not necking in some random person’s hallway or doing anything truly objectionable. They just stay there, mouths pressed together so that Matt can smell (and sort of taste) the champagne Foggy’s had and the last cigarette he smoked and a hint of that sugary gum he always chews, even though he hasn’t had a piece since before they came to the party. It mostly feels, more than anything else, like they’re breathing together and it’s not sexy the way wild, passionate groping in the dark can be, but it’s intimate in its own unique way. Matt, against his own better judgment, puts a hand on Foggy’s cheek, and he doesn't really know why beyond just really wanting to and that seems to be reason enough.
Foggy doesn’t try to slip his tongue into Matt’s mouth—despite the alarming reality that the moment Matt realizes that’s not what he’s doing, he also realizes he’d let him—or try to escalate matters one bit. His hand is still grasping Matt’s collar from when he first pulled him in, but his other one doesn’t roam. His lips, still pressed to Matt’s, only move to exert a little more pressure and to alter the angle at which they meet slightly. He takes precisely zero liberties and makes no effort to get fresh with him at all. It’s very gentlemanly, and Matt doesn’t know what to do with himself because it doesn’t feel awkward or fumbling at all. It feels like restraint, and once he knows that, everything is different.
The tune of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ reaches him from the other room, but it’s drowned out almost entirely by the sound of Foggy’s heartbeat in Matt’s ears. Foggy must hear it too, though, because he breaks their kiss with the worst sort of gentleness, pulling back only enough for them both to have space to breathe but not far enough that Matt can’t feel that breath on his face.
Matt traces his thumb over the curve of Foggy’s cheek before dropping his hand back down into his own lap and licks his lips as he slowly turns away. 
“Happy New Year,” he says, aiming for calm and unaffected and likely missing it by a lot.
“You too,” Foggy says, even though he already said it first. His heart is still beating too fast and too close and too loud for Matt to read his tone, which is too bad, because he’d really like to know how Foggy feels right now and if he feels anything like Matt does.
Because Matt feels like he’s been hit over the head.
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flourbray · 6 months
oh well I simply have to hear more about pretty in pink
ahah yes!! of course, here you go💗
so. this actually started as a discussion with you, i opened the doc while we were having that conversation i believe; what if tadej was outed as gay and basically forced to leave UAE. yes he's their beloved superstar and their most valuable asset. but. the majority of the team's money comes from a sponsor that would have an inherent "issue" with their main rider being gay, and although the initial outing is against his will, good old cycling media getting invasive and awful, he doesn't deny it (even though it's something he's tried very hard to hide since entering the at times hypermasculine world of professional men's sports, where it feels like everyone's married with a kid or two by the time they're 27)
it follows tadej through the initial aftermath (which timeline wise actually happens in a couple of weeks, just at the end of december '23) and through trying to find a new contract in a relatively short space of time. in a pinch, desperate just to get back to racing again, he ends up on the first team that has a spot and will have him. that's EF <- giving the piece its working title
for the first time in his career - he started with UAE when he was 20 - he has to be the New Guy all while the peloton and everyone knows this secret he's kept for practically his whole life. there is a fair amount of Emotion and hypothetical events of the 2024 season, and hopefully some fun mixed in there too
here is a buffet breakfast of random bits, featuring:
well meaning yet unhelpful jasper!
“So,” Jasper folded his arms, “who’s the hottest in the peloton? I’ve always wondered, and there's that thing on Twitter, but maybe you could pass a better judgement.” His tone was clearly joking, but Tadej couldn't bring himself to match the humour. “Nobody. I don't– I don't look at anyone at work like that.” he scraped at the tabletop with his fingernail, tracing the patterns in the wood. “Come on, Tadej, I'm sure you can think of someone – Mathieu? Ganna? A teammate, maybe? There's got to be somebody that's not too bad to look at. Anyway, I won’t be offended if it isn’t me, but you know, I think I should really be in consideration here– ” Tadej sighed and set his cup down a little too firmly. The coffee swirled and wavered, nearly spilling over the edge. “No. There's not. Jasper, stop it, please.”
“Please, please, médicale, I – need – help – with – my – shoulder,” Tadej half-shouted, pleading and pointing towards his arm. It hung at his side at an awkward angle. At last, the mechanic seemed to understand and leant the bike against the grassy roadside verge. Tadej’s elation was short-lived as he turned around and walked back to the service vehicle.
and last but not least the biking-liking bi king viking mads pedersen...
Their arms brushed as they walked down the narrow pavement, synchronised steps accompanied by the swish-swish of jacket sleeve against jacket sleeve. “When did you know?” Tadej asked. “When did I know what?” Mads stopped them at a junction, looking right and left before crossing. Tadej bit his lip.
thank you SO much for asking me about this i love it to bits even though it's often very hard to write. as a queer person who has been forcibly outed myself, it's tough sometimes to put that on paper and try and consider what a famous figure might go through, the situation being made 100x worse by media attention, losing his goddamn job and navigating an environment that from an outsider's perspective doesn't seem like the most supportive
ironically while searching through my docs i found another file also called pretty in pink but that is much much shorter and more lighthearted (and also about tadej! but in the other thing he wears a dress to a halloween party and has a lot of fun)
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pekoeboo · 5 months
-new year 2024-
always crazy how fast the years go by tbh, but I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year, and to say thank you for being here and supporting my work :'0
it's been really hard for me this year to push past my own mental issues and recognize that folks out there really do care about the art I make, but I'm trying to make an effort to get better at that. so thanks once again to all of you who do care about my silly little characters and stories and things that I'm super passionate about ;A; just the idea that anyone out there actually likes what I make is crazy for me to think about, but I always like to hope that my art resonates with people even if it can be kind of confusing or niche.
going forward, I really want to just?? get weird with my art. really allow myself to create what I want and not feel ashamed or worried about sharing those things that would be considered "cringe" - specifically in regards to darker or edgier content that I love oh so much. I've always worried that my "image" comes across as fairly lighthearted and child-friendly, but I've never fully wanted to Be That, and I want to just make edgy/emo/creepy stuff sometimes that might not fit that mold. I've done it before, I don't know what made me stop.
so hopefully I can embrace that in 2024. I want to make people care deeply about my characters, and I know the one way that I personally end up caring about fictional people is through the angst and feels, lol. so here's to hoping I can really go ham with that in the new year, and I also hope you all will bear with me while I experiment and really try to find my voice as an artist.
anyway, I pray 2024 treats everyone well ;o; take care y'all, and God bless <33
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Crossover Ships: Henroin x Lucifer & Rose x Adam (2024)
[Note: might need to click on the drawing on top to make it bigger so it can be viewed better. also please don't reblog this without permission.]
Credit for Undertale goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
Credit for Red Vs Blue goes to Rooster Teeth
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for Grim Tales From Down Below goes to Bleedman & Their Team
I had to have the bigger version of the ship drawing between Henroin x Lucifer, be in a different drawing, but also make the one in the other one much smaller...also that drawing was at first going to be just the different flags but I wanted to add a bit more to it.
and yeah I know there is a reason I drew that whole Henroin x Lucifer in the first place, and it was thanks to a fan series I had watched...now they got me hooked.
not everyone has to take the whole Rose x Adam too seriously.
also if you look closely, you can see that Chara is crying even with a smile on their face. Charlie is winking at Vaggie, so the only ones that are romantically ship in the drawings are Charlie x Vaggie...
and Charlie's Dad & Angel's Dad.
as well as a bit of Rose x Adam, which once again no one has to take that too seriously, I'm not sure if there be that many people that would end up liking the idea of those two being ship together and that's okay. and there is a reason why Adam's eyes, are pink.
also even though I still suspect I might be Intersex, but I still think I shouldn't fully call myself one even if some stuff makes me expect I might be one of the types.
I also suspect that I may have been Demiromantic before but had no clue about it, even with the whole bad luck with some ex-boyfriends that were just online...and I'm fine not trying to look for one at the moment and don't mind being both Aroaceflux and Fictoromantic...
having crushes on some characters from favorite series either it be a video game or comic or movie or show, is for the best for me at the moment...and yeah I can still have crushes...I know that my crush on Garrus Vakarian may have cooled down a bit, there can be different levels of crushes and some can become bigger than most.
also there can be different types of someone's romantic identity, like if they feel more or less Aromantic on some days or feel more of it on other days...oh yeah, and I made a type of updated version of a flag that is suppose to have a Rose with Wings...
it doesn't really have anything to do with gender identity or romantic identity...anyway I'm going to hurry up and post this up...
also it might not make sense for some to be well both Aroflux and Fictoromantic, but maybe some would understand, I just don't know how many would...anyway hopefully I wont run into the same problem I did some days ago or even today, I think it really did put a little bit of stress on me...I was already having trouble sleeping and it would of been nice if I felt a bit tired much earlier and then I could of posted what I wanted to post on Tumblr much later.
but I'm sure there has been many others who had trouble sleeping.
anyway before I go to sleep, I'm going to do something first...
I might be a little tired at the moment, but I still can take care of one more thing before I head to bed...and anyway if I'm not back on tomorrow to talk more about the whole Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Theory about Soul-Partner Contracts, well in a Part 2 version of it.
I will try for the day after tomorrow or in a few days, but I hope I can find the time to come back on tomorrow to make part 2 of that theory and check out some more stuff on here. :)
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wejustvibing · 6 months
Whether it's F1twt or F1blr, I think there are people who come to you when something bad happens, probably because you're one of the (rare) people who have a good opinion. Thanks for being a great sounding board even though you don't have to be.
and thanks also to the questioner(s) of these, https://www.tumblr.com/wejustvibing/737884653669793793, https://www.tumblr.com/wejustvibing/737901583259566080 ; and to your response.
Enjoying F1 as a non-heterosexual asian woman is such a painful ambivalence - the myth of meritocracy and all that old-fashioned misogyny and racism and so much more; and then - at least - we have SLH.
Bianca's behaviour is disappointing, and her subsequent apology is much more disappointing to me, but she's still young; and when we consider all the opportunities that have been given to white male drivers with similar or greater experience, it's really, really sad that some in the fandom seem to want to "cancel" her, because when white male european drivers with 10+ seasons in F1 have made worse comments, we're told we should forgive him because they're "young" and "will learn"?
And it's almost 2024. hopefully, in the new year, we can all be a little bit better. May you always be well and happy holidays with everyone around you.
her apology is not for me to accept or reject. but it's heartbreaking, now she's already given ammunition to those looking for a reason to hate on women in f1 for example. they don't even give a fuck about the ableism or lance for that matter, they just needed a reason. i will say though dragging her brother into it was not cool. idk who was guiding her or if she acted on her own. but, let's hope she learns from this. the fans will definitely keep using this until she shows some real signs though because that's how it goes.
anyway, but you're so right! painful is the correct word. enjoying f1 is honestly so tiring. the clownery from the governing body, media, drivers AND shitty car aside, it is painful if you are not a straight white male who follows f1. why lie. i miss it when i wasn't involved in fandoms. i saw this meme the other day and it's literally me.
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like nothing against teamlh, i love myself some passionate bunch of people and they're the reason i found a community and outlet after AD21. but overall it's so draining consuming this and even harder not to react. which i used to find easier when i wasn't updated. i still avoid giving my opinion on every little thing because there's so much lol but then something like this happens and people want to vent to you or want your pov. that's what most anons do here. if some shit's gone down, you best believe that ask box is a bulletin board.
but, thank you! we do be just vibing here <3
and you're way too hopeful for 2024. please preserve that hope and maybe share your secret with me lol and happy new year to you and yours!!!
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sillysadduck · 5 months
first post of the year oh no oh no better say something important and motivational hurry up hurry up
anyways, thank you for being a part of whatever this fever dream of an account is, thank you for sticking with me through all the things that have happened, the good and the bad, I hope we have a better year ahead of us and I hope I can keep bringing you silly fanarts to make you smile every once in a while <3 I have a busy life but I'll always find the time to be here
I love you all and I always have a part of you with me when I'm going through tough times
hopefully we'll get some news about our silly puppets too bc oh boy this was a sad year for us, but we're used to waiting, right?
happy 2024🎉
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finite-breakpoints · 2 months
the night we met (Angstpril 2024, alt #4)
[ Previously: frozen // trembling ]
"Relax -- it's gonna be fine." Yori squeezes Siv's hand gently -- and he knows that she's trying to reassure herself just as much as him. "You don't need to be nervous about this."
But he is. And so is she, even if she won't admit it.
"Where's Tron?" Not so much changing the subject as it's legitimate surprise. "I thought he'd want to be here."
"He did, but he's out of town. Trying to settle things down out in Bismuth. It's getting worse. Flynn offered to wait until he got back, but…" She shrugs. "He said we've waited long enough -- and we've had this planned out for long enough as-is. Didn't think it was fair to make you wait with us."
"I wouldn't have minded." He glances over at the screens, feeling a nervous twinge somewhere in the back of his mind. Base code compiled without errors. Just the interfaces left -- anything that could have gone wrong would have by now. "Have you seen their renders?"
"Yeah. Why, haven't you? I thought Flynn would have shown you."
"Nah. I couldn't make it out here in time, remember? Julia's had a lot of things to balance, so… I've had to step it up a little."
"Is she…?" But then Yori thinks about it for a tick, and her expression shifts to something almost like regret. "Sorry. I guess I don't really know where you guys are at right now. It's been a while."
"No, it's fine. I don't really know, either. But she's pretty happy about this. Said she thinks it'll be good for me -- the responsibility and the extra help." He grins sheepishly -- it was almost exactly what Yori had said about it, when she'd told him about Flynn's new idea.
"…So what you're saying is that she agrees with me, and that I'm always right."
"Yes to the first thing. And as for the second… you're usually right. How's that?"
"Guess I'll take it, if that's all I'm gonna get."
"But I didn't tell her everything," he admits. "She, uh… she doesn't know about the whole shared code thing. I wasn't sure how she'd react, so… I left that out. We'll get to it."
"Well, for what it's worth, I'm excited to watch you figure out exactly how much of a terror you were to wrangle."
"Don't say that like you were any better. Yours is gonna be just as chaotic, I guarantee it."
"We'll see, but I'd be willing to bet that--" But then she stops, her eyes lighting up as one of the screen outputs pings success. "Looks like you're up first!"
"Alright, let's bring you back up for a bit. How are you feeling?"
It takes Cyrus a moment to remember where he is, what's going on. The energy spikes that wouldn't even out. The long drive to Gallium City. The splitting headache that comes and goes as he slips in and out of consciousness, tucked away in this warm little room. Left here with the assurance that he's safe, being taken care of, and that Able will come back for him next cycle.
And Able's friend -- Siv -- with his strange machine, scrolling through Cyrus' code like notes on a datapad.
"Better. Maybe." Cyrus blinks a few times; the room threatens to start spinning again. "I think."
"Good. Don't try to get up yet. You're still a little off-balance from that last spike. --Those are a data processor thing, right? But they don't really happen unless you've been doing it for a long time. Longer than you've been on the Grid… if your metadata's accurate, anyway."
"Yeah." Something tells Cyrus that it is, and that maybe Siv knows a bit more than he's letting on. Lets it slide for now, makes a mental note to think about it more when thinking doesn't hurt. "I think so. It sounds right, anyway. There's a lot of stuff up here that's… fuzzy."
"Some of it should come back on its own, hopefully in a few cycles or so. We can try recovering anything else later, if you want."
"…And you're not a medic, huh?"
"Me? Nah. But code's code, once you get down to it." Siv shrugs -- like that's supposed to make sense -- and taps a few things on the interface. It's not Cyrus' disc; it's something else, some kind of staging device, where he can test changes before making anything permanent. He closes a window; the lines of code turn back into the strands of blue and silver, wrapped in tendrils of red and orange. "Okay, last round. This should fix the spikes. We'll worry about everything else later -- whatever they tried to do to you didn't exactly latch on. From what I saw on your disc, it looks like maybe they were more worried about making sure some things won't come back."
"Like what?" And then Cyrus hears himself, and shakes his head. "Stupid question. Sorry."
"No such thing. --But I wish I had an answer for you."
He's lying.
Cyrus manages to sit upright, finally. Doesn't complain when Siv takes his disc, plugs in that machine, and then adjusts a few things before giving it back.
Watches his circuits change as his disc re-syncs, orange circuits fading to white.
Not a malicious lie, then.
How could it be?
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I've listened to the last couple of episodes of the Ed Gamble and Matthew Crosby show on Radio X, because for the last two weeks it's been the Matthew Crosby and Nish Kumar show, and I really really like listening to Nish Kumar talk. That podcast is one of the few where I've decided I will pick and choose and listen to a few episodes if they have on someone I particularly like, without feeling obligated to listen to every episode (of the few shows that I've set out as exceptions to my completism rule, two are Crosby-based as Pappy's is another one, though I know at some point I will end up going through all of Pappy's Fun Club). And for most of the episodes of the Gamble/Crosby podcast I've heard, the guest who drew me to that episode was Nish Kumar.
I do like listening to Ed Gamble talk as well, it was no slight on him that this week I picked two episodes where he was away (being replaced by Nish) to jump into that radio show. But I think I am getting enough Ed Gamble from other sources right now. Spent yesterday going between the Crosby/Kumar thing, and listening to Ed Gamble... hopefully not really physically attack a guy until he drew blood during a podcast recording in 2008. I mean, I'm pretty sure they were just pretending on that. Hitting something else to make the sound effect. But they put in a lot of fairly believable detail on that lie. I mean. There's no way that was real. Physical assault is an actual crime, and you can't commit crimes on podcasts, even if it's 2007. It had to be a lie. The Ray Peacock Podcast is sure an experience.
Anyway. As I'm getting more than enough Ed Gamble, possibly too much Ed Gamble, from my Ray Peacock Podcast completist run, it was nice to have the much more chill, just jump into an occasional episode of Matthew Crosby on Radio X to balance it out. And these couple were fun. It was also nice to hear from Producer Vin again, who is the best. I have decided he's the best one. He's one-upped Chris Skinner off The Bugle as my favourite in that role.
Anyway, I have dedicated much of this blog before to cataloguing comedian football gossip, so here's some more of it:
I enjoyed that greatly, as I do any clip in the more specific sub-genre of comedian football stories called: Nish Kumar's trash talk:
Of all the comedy events that I don't get to see because of the Atlantic Ocean, those yearly Alex Horne-organized Chicken vs. Egg comedian football matches are pretty high on my list of things I'd most like to see. I see why they don't film those, but I still wish they would.
I love the phrase "Achilles Brain". I might start using that, in real life. There are many terms we use to describe athletes who perform much better in practice than in competition because they struggle with the mental game. My old coach used to call them "head cases", which I found quite offensive, as a person in that category. I guess the term wouldn't necessarily have been offensive if he hadn't specifically meant it in an offensive way. But if you're going to be offensive about it, it's much better to go all the way and be over-the-top offensive for comedic effect about it, and go with Achilles Brain. I'm going to start telling athletes they have to work on their Achilles Brain.
Good chat, Nish. Every time I hear Matthew Crosby talk I'm reminded of how much I like Matthew Crosby. Also, for anyone listening to this without context who may be concerned, I am genuinely sure that Ed Gamble didn't break a guy's nose during a podcast record in 2007. They just fairly convincingly pretended he did. But I do not recommend listening to the Ray Peacock Podcast. It's very funny and I'm hugely enjoying it and I recommend it to absolutely no one.
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duskydrawz · 5 months
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It's a little late, but happy New Year Everyone! I hope you enjoyed the holidays, whatever you and your culture celebrates. It's the time of the year where we go over goals and make new ones! I had a few art goals for last year; > One full art piece a month (continued from last year) > Aim to draw more full-body pieces > 3 sketches a month I did manage to achieve the first two, though I never posted a finished December piece here and instead kept it for personal use. I'm fine with that, I'll forgive the difficult last few months I had and try and be kind to myself. As for the sketches, I have to confess, I didn't keep up with those past March. I think it's actually quite challenging to keep up when you don't have a dedicated theme or idea each month. I also got a bit conscious about posting them when I'm still not super happy with my understanding of human anatomy. I think I'll re-set the goal for this year, but not put the pressure of posting on myself until year's end. Some goals for this blog for the year ahead: > I'd like to do more new comics! (at least 4 this year would be nice, double last year's) > I want my months to have different arts, instead of only doing love live icons / birthday pieces. I want to move away from those to give myself chance to do more with the characters. > I want to post more sketches, or less-polished drawings in general. I think I can get more done if I don't have to worry about it all being perfect and finished, and I have some fun ideas I just never get around to being able to do otherwise. I also want to continue trying to branch out with poses, and more full-body (or at least not just face or bust-upwards art) this year. (It would also be really neat if we could get up to 100 followers! But that's a little out of my control.) We'll see what the tides bring, though hopefully this year will be better than the last. I so very much appreciate everyone who has supported and joined my blog this past year <3 As well as those of you who stuck with me when some months have been on the quieter side. I love drawing, and trying to be consistent with a full time job on the side is difficult. But I don't feel like this blog is hard work. It's always just been a place for my casual enjoyment to post and challenge myself when I can. I think that's important. Anyways, sappy things aside, may your 2024 be better than the last year. And may you achieve all the goals you want to in the continuous strive for improvement! - Dusky x
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