#annika and lennox
nucuk · 7 months
currently in the middle of the book, but I already imagine the main meowmeows like this 🌺🦊🗿
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Annika, Lennox (and his pet fox Thistle) from "A Thousand Heartbeats" by Kiera Cass
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jessread-s · 1 year
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✩💗☁️Review: Kiera Cass certainly toys with hearts in her first dual pov standalone! “A Thousand Heartbeats” alternates between Princess Annika and Lennox’s perspectives. As a member of the Kadier royal family, Annika lives a life controlled by her duty to her country. As a solider of the Dahrainian army, Lennox lives a life driven by the hope that he will one day reclaim the land that Kadier stole from his people. When Annika and Lennox’s worlds collide, heartstrings become entangled despite the fierce rivalry between their kingdoms. The more they fight their deeply rooted feelings for each other, the more they realize that love truly is stronger than hate. Admittedly I was intimidated by the length of “A Thousand Heartbeats” (seeing that it is twice the size of Cass’ usual books), but the short chapters paired with the compelling plot twists and incorporation of some of my favorite tropes (namely enemies-to-lovers and forbidden love) kept me engaged throughout the novel’s entirety. Another aspect of “A Thousand Heartbeats” that I enjoyed was Cass’ world-building. She immerses the reader in Kadier’s rich history through Annika’s celebration of Founder’s day—a day in which the country’s citizens take part in a fox chase and a painted stone hunt. In a similar fashion, Cass paints a picture of Dahrain by exposing the reader to Matraleit—a holiday centered around love and the first wedding of the first people to walk the earth. My only gripe with this novel is that Cass borrows plot points from her other publications and weaves them into “A Thousand Heartbeats,” making the storyline predictable. However, this issue will not impact first time readers of Cass’ body of work and did not diminish my love for Cass’ storytelling. ➤ 4.25 stars
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@partylikeawordstar​ @epicreads​
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okayclaryfray · 9 months
Annika and Lennox fanart (A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass).
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elif-in-wonderland · 6 months
One year ago in December I read AGGGTM and A Thousand Heartbeats 😫 why does it feel like yesterday?! I miss my girl Becca Bell and PipRavi Ravishing Duo and Kiera Cass’ books 🥺
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bookguide · 2 months
“…if I pull at that thread, I might unravel like a tapestry. For everyone else’s sake, I cannot fall apart.”
— Kiera Cass, A Thousand Heartbeats
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just finished a thousand heartbeats by kiera cass. i am stunned, gobsmacked, in awe. that book was amazing i highly recommend
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 11 months
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Like Lennox was all broody “I don’t wanna open my heart to anybody” in the beginning so obvi he wasn’t paying attention. But like Blythe gets introduced and Inigo is literally rushing to say “she’s fast and the absolute best at the bow and we are not worthy of her”
Honestly Lennox, how did you not notice??
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kathrynalicemc · 5 months
Arcano Family: Marauders/HPHM Era
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Annika Arcano • Born 1970? • Gryffindor • Daughter of Alatar & Else Arcano • Marries Tyr Fraye • Mother of Dayamanti, Dafne, and Dielle Arcano
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Kaari Arcano • Born 1972 • Gryffindor • Son of Alatar & Else Arcano • Marries Semele Thorne • Father of Siv, Mikael, and Lennox Arcano-Thorne
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Irmé Arcano • Born 1974? • Slytherin • Daughter of Azora Arcano
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Kespar Arcano • Born 1975? • Hufflepuff • Son of Azora Arcano
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anis-book-club · 1 year
just started a thousand heartbeats by kiera cass and these are my thoughts so far:
what is with kiera cass and the 2010s ya dystopia names???
i like the sibling relationship!
the misogyny is incredible in some of these characters.
i'm looking forward to lennox's character development (because i assume he isn't going to stay this way for the whole book and if he does, i'm going to have some problems with kiera cass).
lennox needs to take a step back sometimes.
annika and rhett's relationship is just not it. i could tell he liked her but the "kiss"??? bad. and i didn't quite expect it. (and no one says anything about it) [edit: it does get better] [edit 2: it gets worse! predictably, i just have too much faith in people]
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noveltyreads · 1 year
A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass Book Review 
ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
I thought I knew what I was getting myself into when I first requested A Thousand Heartbeats from NetGalley, but I was still subtly surprised by this book and how much I enjoyed it.
A Thousand Heartbeats follows Annika, a princess forced to marry a man she doesn't love for the sake of her country, Kadier. On the other side of the continent lie the Dahrainians, a nation of people living in ruins, awaiting the day they enact their revenge on the throne who drove them out centuries ago. Leading this charge is Kawan and the soldier who does all his dirty work, Lennox, who travels to Kadier to show how easy it is to infiltrate enemy borders. When Lennox brings back Princess Annika, they begin to realise they're more similar than they initially thought. As the two grow closer, so does Kawan's thirst for power and they find themselves together but also on opposing sides of a war years in the making. 
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When I first started reading, I was surprised by how easily I was absorbed into the world of Kadier. The story immediately set off an almost fairytale-like vibe and the main characters were likeable with dual perspective POV that suited the story really well. Having previously read the first three books in The Selection, I could see just how much Kiera Cass's writing has grown and developed since her debut novel and series. There was a big effort made to create layers and backstory to both Lennox and Annika's characters, focusing on the weight of guilt, loss and grief and how it can weigh heavy on every aspect of life. I liked seeing how the characters bonded over this and found a joint connection through their hardships. 
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I believe it would be hard to review this book without looking into the romance. It was obvious even from the blurb that this would be an enemies to lovers novel, so I knew from page one that Lennox and Annika would get together. My biggest concern though was whether this romance would be an insta-love sort or if it would be more of a slow burn. It's clear which one I would've preferred. The focus instead was more on developing their personalities, their lives and their characterisation, allowing for a richer romance where you just wanted the best for the both of them and all the side characters. 
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That being said, I found Annika and Lennox both suited each other well but I wished their chemistry was more developed. Make no mistake, I thought it was good but the romance really happened in one big moment rather than short little bursts. I would've liked for the two to have had smaller moments to build up that romantic tension and chemistry instead of it all occurring at once and then all of a sudden calling each other "the love of their life." That just seemed a little quick if you ask me but then again maybe that's because I'm a little sceptical over the whole concept of true love and soulmates and don't consider myself to be a romantic. While the subtle pining was good, I felt like they should've been with each other a bit more before deciding in a heartbeat they would do anything for one another including giving up entire kingdoms for the pursuit of their love.
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 Romance aside, I also enjoyed the platonic and familial relationships with the characters. I loved Annika's relationship with her brother, Escalus and how they easily bantered on. I also liked Noemi's character although, I must admit, I was sceptical of her and thought her to be in on the deceit to usurp Annika's position and jeopardise Kadier. I thought that would create a thrilling plot twist which would've changed everything, hence why when the book took a more linear approach, the plot seemed quite predictable at times. I could tell who would betray who from a mile away and I wish the book didn't make it seem so obvious. 
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The other thing of mention is with the antagonist, Kawan. To me he seemed very two-dimensional as a villain. He didn't have this air of danger to him and he acted more childish than as someone who evoked fear. I felt like he was too easy a villain and that Lennox and his friends could've easily taken him down. If his misdeeds (apart from that one hunting scene) were shown more and we were given glimpses into his scary nature, then I might've seen him as a more menacing figure. I thought the real villain in the story was Nickolas and that's because we saw some of the backstory with him and saw his deviousness, unlike Kawan who's motives weren't as described. That being said, I would've loved to see more from Nickolas and the supposed tension between Annika's and his family. It was mentioned and it obviously played a huge part in his sense of duty and subsequent characterisation, but I wished that avenue was explored more. 
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All in all, this book is definitely one I'd recommend to any Kiera Cass fan or hopeless romantic, with well written main and side characters with layered backstories, and intriguing dual POV perspectives. The only downsides I found were with the characterisation of the villains/antagonists, the rapidness of the romance post the slow build, and the often predictable plot twists. That being said, I did enjoy reading this book and I managed to breeze through it fairly quickly. It reads in a way that is reminiscent of fairytales or classic fantasy so if you are a reader drawn to those types of stories, especially ones with happily ever afters, A Thousand Heartbeats is a book for you.
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anitabyars · 2 years
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#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Selection series Kiera Cass is back with her most epic novel yet—a sweeping enemies-to-lovers standalone romance.
“Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time.”
Princess Annika has lived a life of comfort—but no amount of luxuries can change the fact that her life isn’t her own to control. The king, once her loving father, has gone cold, and Annika will soon be forced into a loveless marriage for political gain.
Miles away, small comforts are few and far between for Lennox. He has devoted his life to the Dahrainian army, hoping to one day help them reclaim the throne that was stolen from them. For Lennox, the idea of love is merely a distraction—nothing will stand in the way of fighting for his people.
But when love, against all odds, finds them both, they are bound by its call. They can’t possibly be together—but the irresistible thrum of a thousand heartbeats won’t let them stay apart.
Kiera Cass brings her signature sparkling romance to this beautiful story of star-crossed lovers and long-held secrets.
My Review
5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass is a beautiful, sparkling, star-crossed lovers, enemies-to-lovers, epic romance that I couldn’t put down! Swept away into this spellbinding world, full of action-packed adventure, deep revelations, and sparkling, swoon-worthy romance that had me sighing, crying, gasping, giddy, and giggling like a young girl. The descriptives and world building had me captivated as everything else melted away and all that mattered was this beautifully written story and what came next.
“Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time.”
This is Annika and Lennox story and what a wonderful journey it was! Their chemistry was incredible, their banter off-the-charts and swoon-worthy. A love that was written in the stars. And a story that exceeded all my expectations.
It was everything Annika read about and wanted in her life.
“I wanted to swoon, to pine. I wanted passion and tenderness and…a love that might not make sense on paper but was undeniable in person.”
This story stayed with me long after I finished reading it. My new favorite romance of the year!! Loved It!
Received an early copy and this is my honest review.
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morningdawnbreaks · 1 year
A Thousand Heartbeats
by Kiera Cass
5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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This book was so good! I could hardly put it down. I kept having to force myself to stop reading and go to sleep each night this week.
I think it’s the best Kiera Cass book yet.
YA Romance- Enemies to lovers type story between the two lead characters.
This is a long book at 565 pages.
A battle for the land. The kingdom of Kadier vs. the forgotten kingdom of Dahrain.
Told in dual point of views
Princess Annika of Kadier. Brave and selfless. Not your typical princess: skilled in swordmanship and lock picking. She loves to read and studies many subjects. Highly respected and loved by everyone in the castle. Willing to do anything for her people, even marry someone she doesn’t love. Her father is very cold toward her and controlling of her. Her only comfort and support comes from her brother Prince Escalus, her maid Noemi, and her friend Rhett.
Lennox champion of Dahrain. Determined to take down Kadier and reestablish the land as the kingdom of Dahrain. Feared and respected by his people. Forced to make hard decisions to ensure the survival of his kingdom and carries guilt for the things he’s done. The leader of Dahrain, Kawan, sees Lennox as a threat and uses any opportunity to beat him into submission. Lennox mother is Kawan’s mistress and Kawan rubs that in Lennox face as well. His only friend for years is a fox named Thistle. Has a love for constellations and he teaches recruits how to navigate by the stars. His commission team are Inigo, Blythe, Griffin, Sherwin, and Andre.
Well fleshed out supporting characters.
I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I would love to discuss the book with anyone who’s read it.
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jessread-s · 1 year
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✩🧚‍♀️💜Book Box:
Thank you so much Faecrate for sending me your December “Heavy Lies the Crown” Crate! As one of the BIGGEST Kiera Cass fans, nothing could have made me happier than winning this giveaway! 
I am in love with the exclusive dust jacket illustrated by @ankymoore! The full jacket spread is absolutely stunning (seriously…I think I shed a tear) and the theme art done by @giannyfili that accompanies “A Thousand Heartbeats” captures the cave scene in the book perfectly! 
Other wonderful items I received:
👑Crown of Feathers Polaroid by @elionhardt 👑The Lost Prince of Cadira by Stephanie Anne (Ebook) 👑Kingdom of the Wicked Throw Pillowcase by @blanca.design 👑Six Crimson Cranes Corner Bookmark 👑To Kill a Kingdom Art Print by @giannyfili 👑Key to the Castle Bottle Opener 👑Raybearer Drink Sleeve
I am so excited to decorate my bookshelves with these goodies! 
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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publishedtoday · 2 years
A Thousand Heartbeats - Kiera Cass
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“Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time.” Princess Annika has lived a life of comfort—but no amount of luxuries can change the fact that her life isn’t her own to control. The king, once her loving father, has gone cold, and Annika will soon be forced into a loveless marriage for political gain. Miles away, small comforts are few and far between for Lennox. He has devoted his life to the Dahrainian army, hoping to one day help them reclaim the throne that was stolen from them. For Lennox, the idea of love is merely a distraction—nothing will stand in the way of fighting for his people. But when love, against all odds, finds them both, they are bound by its call. They can’t possibly be together—but the irresistible thrum of a thousand heartbeats won’t let them stay apart.
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celestriahq · 4 months
here's annika, hollis & lennox!
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bookguide · 2 months
“Don’t you know? Love doesn’t look like anything. Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time. It sounds like the rush of a waterfall or the still of the world at daybreak. You can hear it at night, lulling you to sleep, and, in the middle of your darkest days, it breaks through like a laugh.”
— Kiera Cass, A Thousand Heartbeats
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