#and you do it with a take that isnt even correct lmao
bananasfosterparent · 25 days
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#dont mind me just havin a conversation about rpgs and mods (specifically BG3)#and the person says they don't like mods and im like thats fine! nothing wrong with that!#and then they just go off “Mods are delusions and lies and deception!! its not real!!”#like ummm idk how to break this to ya buddy but uhh#the entire video game is not real lmao#they seem weirdly attached to the idea that the creator's vision is law and anything remotely changing any detail is blasphemy#nevermind all the things Larian themselves have retconned and moved around lol#the studios themselves dont know what their own canon is sometimes#in TES Kahjiit look different in each game#the elves are drastically different between each Divinity game#idk this is just a super bizarre conversation and ngl it threw me for a loop lmao#“mods are an illusion” feels like a meme#like i get that in spirit they mean that mods can hurt the integrity of a game and oossibly change the original vision#or go against established lore#but at the same time like....who cares? the creators aren't going to be offended and block you from playing the game because ur using mods#sorry im rambling but im just so darn confused#this is a hot take i wasn't prepared to catch#like show me where the video game mods have personally attacked you lmao#and YES if youve made it this far into the tags i will tell you#this was a conversation with an anti aa person on the aa kiss mod#theyre mad because it just “supports a delusion” and “ruins the story Larian is telling”#cause ya know ...the Tav expressions are meant to godmod players so that we know AA is abusive!#it was just all very patronizing#theye like “nothing wrong with using this mod if it makes you happy!! but hust remember that its NOT real and not canon!!”#imagine being so bitter you have to comment on things not for you just to bring down morale of those who enjoy it#and you do it with a take that isnt even correct lmao
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rohirric-hunter · 5 months
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cloudcountry · 1 year
I brought eel pics!!!
Zebra Moray and A Viper(? I think?) Moray
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Also eels having bad eyesight leads to the conspiracy of "Do The Tweels Secretly Wear Contacts And Why Don't They Wear Glasses Even Though They'd Look Hella Cool In Them?"
the viper moray is so squishy. it also has a bad rep like the fangtooth moray because they look kinda scary but theyre no different than any other moray C:
as for moray eel eyesight, their pupils are circular and don’t respond much to lighting changes. they do, however, do remarkably well when it comes to gauging distance. they sense their prey by sniffing them out and using vibrations in the water though, plus they hunt at night so excellent vision isn’t exactly necessary.
i honestly don’t know why they don’t wear glasses, it’s a question i’ve thought about a lot too. since azul wears glasses and octopi have really good vision (told my friend about it and she brought up colorblind glasses but thats not the case. trey's halloween sr vignette says straight up that azul wears them for vision correction + implies that he also has blurry vision when he takes them off. he also wears them because they make him appear more "intellectual." love that guy.)
anyways azul isnt the point even though i adore him. the leech brothers could very well wear contacts but i’d imagine they’d react to glasses the same way they react to shoes. azul mentioned once (in the trey halloween vignette again) that people in the coral sea do wear glasses, they just aren’t that common.
maybe floyd just didn’t want to go through the hassle of getting a vision test done? maybe he’ll get glasses once he gets bored!! i don’t know about jade though since he does a lot of mountain explorations and you kind of have to see.
it’s most likely just a design choice though...ultimately my scientific research doesn’t mean much in the face of character design LMAO but its still fun to think about!!
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transgymbro · 1 month
im sure youve probably answered this before, but do you have a specific gym routine you follow? or one you could recommend?
my issue with the gym isnt even an issue of social anxiety or body insecurity, it's the fact that i genuinely have zero clue what im doing lmao 😅 any advice at all is appreciated, thanks man
I actually haven't answered this one before! This is under a "read more" because it got stupid long. Also sorry this has taken so long I've been grinding on my finals
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert, I'm literally just some guy on the internet who likes going to the gym. Please consult an expert such as a doctor or fitness coach if possible before trying anything I say. If you happen to be an expert/experienced in this, please correct me if I got anything wrong. Also, YMMV.
So generally, when you go to the gym your routine is going to depend on your goals and how many days you're going to be able to go.
If your main goal is to cut (lose body fat): You want to concentrate on cardio, and if you do strength training at all you should focus on lighter weight with a higher number of reps each set
If your main goal is to bulk (gain muscle mass and strength): You'll want to aim for less cardio, heavier weights, and less repetitions.
WARNING: Be careful when you are going up in weight, you can seriously injure yourself if you try to lift something that's too heavy. What I mean by be careful is:
Make sure you can move your current weight easily before trying the next one up. That is, don't go up until you're able to do 15 reps on that weight.
When you move up in weight, don't go up by more than 5-10 lbs. This will make sure that if it turns out you can't lift as much as you thought, you won't hurt yourself.
Have a spotter with you, if possible. If you have someone who can/wants to go to the gym with, you, take them, especially if they have more experience. Having someone there to catch the weight can make the difference on whether or not you get injured.
Listen to your body. If you are hurting/experiencing sharp/unusual pain, STOP and either go down in weight or stop altogether for the day.
Make sure your form is correct. Lifting with bad form is already likely to injure you, and the risk goes up the heavier you're lifting. You can have someone else check you or check online for tutorials.
As for your exercises across the week, it depends on how much time you have to spend in the gym. Some people have time every single day to go, and others can only go maybe two days a week. Regardless of how much time you have though, it is important to give your muscles a chance to rest. Now, this doesn't mean you CAN'T go every single day, you absolutely can if you know what you're doing. But generally for people who are new to the gym I wouldn't recommend it. For one, if you're not used to the strain you're going to take longer to recover and get over the soreness, and if you're super sore it'll be difficult to really push yourself. Also, beginners aren't typically in tune with their body yet, that is, they don't know when to stop pushing to avoid injury. So, it's best to split the muscles you work out across your gym days.
A very common one routine is called the push-pull split. This divides the muscles you will work out into two groups, depending on their motion. The muscles that go in each category are
Push: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Quads, Calves
Pull: Back, Biceps, Glutes, Hamstrings.
Typically, one would go to the gym 4 days per week and do: push, pull, push, pull, or vice versa. However, this split is also good for people who can only work out twice a week. My brother actually goes to the gym three times per week (last I checked with him) and modifies this split into push, pull, and legs, so this is another option if you want to really make sure you're getting a pump on your legs.
My personal split is a three day split of muscle groups. Shoulders/biceps/triceps, chest/back, and abs/legs. This is how my aunt (former amateur bodybuilder) trained me when she was getting me into weightlifting and I've generally kept the same routine, but you're free to switch any of those days or muscle groups around, so you could do something like biceps/trips/back, abs/chest, shoulders/legs. Generally I would try to keep biceps and triceps together since both are your arm muscles, but that's really only a personal preference.
For the most part, what you choose to do here is up to you as long as you make sure you're giving your muscles a chance to rest.
Now we're getting into specifics: How many reps? How many sets? Generally, 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps on a weight that is manageable but challenging (i.e. you can lift it, but you're getting tired at about the last 2-3 reps). However, there are some (not exhaustive) special cases that I'm listing below
Cutting - Do you remember what I said about low weight high reps earlier? This is where it comes in. If you're on a cut you may want to go for a lighter weight than your normally would (for example, if you usually lift about 20 lbs use the 10 lb weights) and go for 15-20 reps, or if you're advanced, until failure.
Strength gain - High weight, low reps. You'll want something a bit on the heavier side, but you'll only be doing this for about 5-8 reps per set. I do recommend, however, grabbing a lighter weight as well and doing what we call a drop set (we'll get into what this is in a second). Once again: be careful when lifting very heavy weights. You don't want to injure yourself.
The Big Three (Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press) - These ones are the ones people tend to try and go as heavy as they can go on. They are the most rewarding, but also the most dangerous lifts you can do. If you are a beginner, do not attempt going heavy on these without a spotter. Generally for these, you'll want to do less reps the heavier you go. If you have a spotter you can go for a one rep max, where you lift the most weight you know you can lift for exactly one rep. Alternatively, these can go hand in hand with strength gaining, and because of how heavy these can get, you may end up only getting 3 reps in (I can only bench 145 lbs for 2 reps right now).
Drop Set - A drop set is a set where you start with a weight slightly heavier than what you can complete a full set with, do a low amount of reps, and then drop down to a lower weight and repeat, up to the lowest weight available to you. These are very good for building your strength, because they allow you to keep going and working your muscles without injuring yourself. Example: I want to drop set my bicep curls. I can bicep curl about 25 lbs for 10-12 reps. I would start with 30 lbs, do 5 reps, then drop to 25 lbs and do 5 reps there. I could stop there, especially if I'm using dumbbells because I don't want to have that many dumbbells with me, but I could go to 20 lbs, do 5 reps, then to 15 lbs, and then repeat until I'm using 5 lbs. These usually work best with machines rather than free weights because again: there is definitely such a thing as too many dumbbells.
Also: Make sure your first set is a warmup set. That is, do slightly lighter weight and slightly more reps to get your muscles warmed up and ready to lift the heavier stuff. Warming up your muscles will give you a chance to practice your form and prepare your body to handle the heavy shit.
I will also say that your diet will have a massive impact on how fast/whether you reach your goals, but since you asked about the gym specifically, I'm sticking to that scope.
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forlorn-crows · 7 months
Cumulus is always the dommy mommy.
Dont get me wrong shes hot as a dom but i dont really care for the mommy part if that makes sense. Let her be a mistress or sir or something!!
interestingly enough, i dont really ever see cumulus as dommy mommy? or rather, i should say she is most often 'mommy' coded but i feel like i dont see that dom aspect? i feel like the fandom assigned dommy mommy has been cirrus historically (we'll talk about that in a lil bit)
but, and you can correct me if im wrong, i think im understanding you here when you say 'mistress' or 'sir', because of the fact when she is more dominant, its paired with the 'mommy' thing. she doesnt typically get written with a hard dom edge. theres always some aspect of softness, is how im taking that.
which is true, ive seen that. and i might derail a bit from your personal point and maybe even the common theme that ive seen so far . . . but i dont know if anyone else feels this way, but cumulus and sunshine, to me, dont feel like ghouls who typically enjoy that hard edge (at least in my personal hc). i would group mist and aurora in that category, with cirrus somewhere in that middle ground.
i totally get wanting to see that from a ghoulette like lus, due to the fact she's not the type of character people would 'assume' would act that way. its very easy to say we should write characters in protest or in opposition to the roles most commonly assigned to them. but i also want to offer the idea that maybe we're just doing the same thing but in reverse. im of the belief that its perfectly okay to write feminine characters with feminine stereotypes, so long as those traits are balanced with other elements of their character.
again, i completely understand wanting to see her in different roles, especially bc people who look like lus are literally all shades of different from each other. AND that the prevailing characterization of lus tends to sway in one pinpointed direction, which isnt good either. AND AND that you could literally have all kinds of ideas about who cumulus is to you, and its technically correct. all we know is how these ghouls act on stage. we dont have actual plot and things to critique like a show or movie would. we're critiquing each other, which many a time ends up as a critique of the greater societal stereotypes and ideas about fat women. which is valid. and i know im rambling and this is more of what i specifically want to talk about in another (even longer lmao) post.
in the end, i agree. it would be nice to separate the dom and the mommy thing from being cemented together, because dom in itself has soooo many flavors and shapes etc. maybe lus doesnt want to be nice. maybe she does want that hardness. i dont know! but youre right, i dont see that of her much.
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skunkes · 1 year
idk how to word this and this isnt even a correct comparison but like. I'm not religious but when WELL MEANING PERSONS like my closer friends who are say stuff like "oh me and my family will pray for you" it feels really Nice. like yes, if that's all you can do for me i'll take it. I feel very honored to be considered in your rituals... I like when friends also say theyre sending me good energys (i do this also)
somehow weirdly adjacent and equivalent to this, i really like when ppl say stuff like. "I'm manifesting Al for you I know he's out there somewhere" its such a high honor? whether its said jokingly or seriously (as seriously as one could say this lmao) idk why. it just feels awesome. like no way. you wld do that for me. you would join me in the Manifesting Al Into Reality trenches ➡ you would like cheye to be happy.....thank u so munch.....
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popstart · 2 months
Yeah you know what i'll send G1 for sexuality and gender HCs. why not
Alejandro: Ive never sat down and thought about this but bisexual seems correct.
Beth: I think ive always operated under the assumption shes lesbian lol. brady is SUCH a comphet boyfriend
Bridgette: I have a hard time seeing her as anything but straight I cant even lie? like i love wlw bridgette ships but not in a way that I wouldn't be unsurprised if they were canonically shut down lmfao 😭😭😭I really like the lesbian bridgette hc I just cannot get behind it in a way that aligns me with actually thinking bridgette would be a lesbian
Cody: I have no opinions on what I think his sexuality is but I cannot get behind relationships between him and girls
Courtney: LESBIAN. but i do like seeing other hcs for her. I see cases for her being bi, I see cases for her being straight. shrug emoji. I do really like duncney as a ship though which throws some wrenches in that hc just a little bit lmfao
Dj: I operate in a world where Dj is a lesbian even though I dont think i seriously think that. Its just how it goes
Duncan: i have a hard time seeing him as anything other than straight. like. im sorry this guy would be so homophobic. he would use the word gay as an insult. However, i do like aleduncan. so take of that as you will (its funny and makes me laugh) he has gay friends though omg🙄🙄🙄🙄
Eva: LESBIAN. yes its stereotypical. no i dont care. shes such a dyke
Ezekiel: straight??????? idk. this isnt even a "hes sexist so he would be other flavors of bigoted" I just dont live in a universe that I think ezekiel could be queer
Geoff: bisexual except i dont think he would label it. he thinks its normal for everyone to be a little attracted to the same gender. my friend that has only seen a little bit of total drama also likes him being a trans man which i mostly find funny but i could see lmao.
Gwen: lesbiannn. I really like the hc shes a trans girl as well, or nonbinary. im fine with either of those. regardless she is not cishet in any fashion. i genuinely think she is very very lesbian coded aligned because the way she behaves with men in the show is just???? so strange? i dont think it was intentional from the producers though which has me hesitant to mark it as actually "coded". Also i so seriously believe she was one sided crushing on courtney in all stars. why is she so weird. like im not a big gwourtneyer but wanting to impress a girl that bad teeters into "theres no straight explanation for this" territory
Harold: idk. trans in some direction. last year I remember seeing one of those your fave is posts and it was transbian harold and i remember laughing so hard bc i wasnt in the fandom at the time I had no idea someone would hc harold of all people as transbian.
Heather: trans girl lesbian though im less heavy on her being trans I just like it symbolically. saw someone forever ago say t4t gweather and I liked it a lot. her bald era was such an interesting look into her mind bc that is straight up gender dysphoria. I dislike aleheather bc i hc her as just so so lesbian.
Izzy: nonbinary unlabeled. she dgaf about labels so hard so im not gonna try to break it down either.
Justin: hes always given me gay man energy
Katie + Sadie: I love them as lesbian but i prefer them staying just friends (though im fine with the ship.)
Leshawna: Ive never thought about it. i think she plays a straight bff role very easily but she could be bi or lesbian
Lindsay: I prefer her as lesbian but I also like lyler in a way that has me thinking she could be bi. unlabeled maybe but lesbian aligned. dunno, I guess it could depend on the universe lol.
Owen: bisexual. ik this isnt "canon" but its canon enough to me.
Noah: Seeing people argue over this has me not giving a shit at all. bisexual i guess. i dont care
Sierra: i LOVE lesbian sierra. hill i'll die on is that shes a lesbian that made up a guy to crush on to try and appear normal since she has no friends in school.
Trent: i have quite literally 0 opinions on trent that are based on canon. hes a straight man
Tyler: straight to me i cant lie, but i like transfem lesbian tyler its cuteness
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
love how bob seems to be completely out of it for this entire episode. like gene and tina are barely following along with linda and louise's insane reverse psychology game but bob is GONE like he's not present at the dinner table he isnt even part of the family. he just grumbles when linda tells him to but he isn't saying shit 😭😭
TINA AND GENE ARE SO SILLY IN THIS EPISODE LMAOO head empty zero thoughts. they are nothing more than pawns in louise's game
bob is correct for wanting to bribe them with candy that would literally work. like they are simple people
WHAT IF THEY TURN INTO LITTLE DELINQUENTS WHO DONT LISTEN TO AUTHORITY??? linda do you know who your kids are they are already WELL past that point especially louise. kinda funny that linda in this episode has the exact opposite viewpoint to how she was w/ louise in amelia. not a criticism of the episode its just ironic
gene is SO BABY in this scene im gonna need to take screenshots later bcuz he is the smallest boy. in the world or maybe ever
back when we were children?? says the nine year old child
love how this episode is told through a bedtime story its very creative formatting and kinda unique feeling compared to the three story type of episode :)
MR FISCHOEDER APPEARANCE thank god we always need more fischoeder in our lives. i was worried we would have to wait weeks or even months to see him again
love big g. is that perhaps Grandma or Gloria
ZEKE AND JIMMY JR this is the big win for people who like seeing secondary characters. this episode already has more of them than like the Entirety of season 13 zeke and gene are so cute. their friendship is everything
THEY SEEM NICE TO ME AND LOVING I WANNA SAY AND WISE LIKE THEYVE GOT ALL THIS WISDOM TO PASS ON ABOUT LIFE AND THE WORLD 😭😭😭 lmao zeke saying that bob and linda are loving and kind is kinda sweet even though i know its technically bob and linda saying that about themselves. i do think zeke has a positive view of bob and linda Tbh
new jimmy jr lore: he has a small bladder?
rudy AND jessica spotted
AAWWWW ITS OUR JOB TO PROTECT YOU they love their kids so much :(
MARSHMALLOW APPEARANCE WTF??? new voice actor too :D i thought if she was gonna be in any episode it would be the bachlorette episode but its kinda funny she's just randomly in a western. its where she belongs
wait did i die?? no you were just being dramatic :/
I DONT KNOW WHY I THOUGHY MR FISCHOEDER WAS GONNA SERIOUSLY SUGGEST TO USE REAL BULLETS mf just shoots a bunch of kids. i mean he would do that honestly
everything i do i do it for you 😭😭💕
LINDA ACTUALLY CRYING THIS IS GONNA BREAK MY HEART wtf i wasn't expecting this episode to actually get sad. what the hell </3 louise making her mom cry.....
"even though its really cool for moms to get angry and frustrated and cry in front of their kids"
this is weirdly reminding me of mother daughter lazor razor?? linda saying that she wished louise liked her and then louise saying wait you think i dont like you. their relationship is so weird and complicated but louise DOES love and respect linda and thinks she's really cool and fun!!! i wont hear otherwise idc
ONE OF OUR CHORES WAS TO LIGHT GRANDPAS CIGARS LIKE IN OUR MOUTHS??? LMAO WHAT THE FUCK LINDA why is this getting like weirdly serious is every episode gonna be like this now. are they just a little bit traumatic to watch every single time (also john roberts did A GREAT job voicing in this episode especially this ending scene)
MOSTLY BECAUSE OF TINA RIGHT AND GENE why did i literally start laughing loudly when she said that. god i love louise so much
aww they're babies <3 their relationship is the sweetest. you'll the toughest little cutie in prison
LIKE I SAID CANDY WAS LITERALLY THE SOLUTION those kids will do anything for some candy we all know this. we've seen the show before
gene its not even a question you WILL play coachella someday baby boy. you could probably do anything you wanted
GLORIA APPEARANCE i mean i dont like her but its been a few seasons since she was around. hello gloria is al dead
wait why does gloria have big ass badonkadonks..what who said that
aww the babies all asleep <3 little sweethearts
THIS EPISODE WAS SO FUN AND CUTE??? like genuinely a great episode that was heartfelt AND funny and had a really interesting story element to it as well. louise and linda episodes are always great and i love linda talking about how hard it is to raise good people and how much pressure is on them (and it makes sense that she would be more stressed about making them do chores vs bob because it was her mom who was pressuring her. big bob doesnt give a FUCK) a very fun start to hopefully a great season!!!!
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weirdcat1213 · 10 months
chap 1:
-happy days and everything is going to shit...yeap thats trigun
-i just noticed they have separated rooms and that makes me sad for some reason
-i love to see that rem was nice to everyone but was also getting annoyed by that guy, shes not perfect and I LOVE HER
-ngl, im not sure if the other guys did something
-its so cool to see the scientists joking around for a bit but then getting to see them in silence cuz IT IS a weird situation to be in. you are alone in space and something happened "on its own"..... It makes the situation more serious
-it hasnt even been that expanded in 98 (im sorry for the spoiler ig) or stampede (YET), but rem is so funny. shes more than a living saint and im glad we get to see more of her here. shes the only mom ever
-also i thought knives *fixed* the thing, i forgot he caused it lmao
-arent they adorable? :3 pls dont touch them :3
-"it could end in disaster" you dont say....you dont say....
-BABY KNIVES WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU (ik what happened to him)
-"if you can love someone with all your heart then its alright".........im gonna take so time to think about that cuz....yeah, i guess thats true isnt it?
-oh that doesnt age wel...not even story wise but life wise....if we could only talk with each other
-ok so...is that a fucking ghost? and if it is, did she really appear when knives's faith in humanity was at its peak? really :c?
-great....scientific....discovery.....you say......... so the scientists were ready for another tesla situation....
-pls no pls no pls no. you teach her how to speak and then you do that shit. stop
-by looking at the pictures and descriptions we can say that the scans began on her 13th day of life (multiple scans as the chapter mentions), and 87 DAYS LATER they started to ask themselves if that was correct to do from a moral standpoint...87 days. and just after they started to question themselves she started dying. just 10 days later...fuck
-"we have no desire to rest" WHAT ABOUT YOUR "SUBJECT" THO ASSHOLES
-its never not gonna make me sick how they killed a child in 100 days. thats all it took.
-ajjjj :c im fucking sick
chap 2:
-same vash same
-ily rem but no, thats too fucked up to forgive
-knives, my poor baby :c
-"i wish i could cut myself from everything too" oh mood, i mean what
-ok but rem trying to pick vash up and he refusing has to be so fucking heartbreaking for rem cuz thats her fucking child no matter what
-imagine your child who loved you so much rejecting you like that. i would literally shatter
-"you can continue the experiments with us" vash stfu i swear. catch me actually crying over that line btw im not ok
-INTERESTING how rem says she felt powerless (and i get why) but during the whole thing the crew had so much power over her life
-it fucks me up this is a one year old trying to die of starvation. yeah he looks older and etc etc but hes still less than 2 years old. life is pain. why nightow.
-also idk if im interpreting the panel right but i think he *was* going to eat but saw rem in his room so he stopped
-or are those different days? idk
-alright, today you are eating you sick son of a bitch :]
-the panel being blurry on purpose, 10/10
-hes sitting the same way rem did- oh im ending it all
-i feel kinda weird saying this but i just fucking love that story: the metaphor, how she tells it. it really feels like a parent trying to teach a kid something. its sad but feels comfy. i could literally read/listen to her telling that story of the train in her dreams over and over
-[pause for crying]
-its "separated ways" cuz that talk with rem lowkey divided rem i think. knives would be way different if he had heard what rem said. damn it why did he had to faint
chap 3
-"king of loneliness" pls i want to stop crying
-i know he didnt block the memory, i feel it
-yey creepy knives is here....yeyyy....
-amazing transition btw, gives me the yibbies every time
-why he looks so cool while being creepy stop it knives stop it
-idk if im understanding it right, but i think knives did the thing he did in the first chapter but for all ships. it comes full circle
-god i hate when hes right
-im sad to say he looks beautiful and epic. also for the life of me i could not say if that plant agreed with him or not
-yknow what i think she didnt agree to that
-age of chaos wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D
[i took a one day break cuz the volume made me too sad BUT IM BACK BABY]
chap 4
-yeah ig my baby has been to so many funerals if you think about it
-wolfwood: you dont wanna mess with this guy he will break you
the guy in question: :c
-aw his cute little and stupid face :3
-i love to see vash having a good time :') god he needed that
-oh man we're getting sad again
-also yes they take those people who did whatever they did but the bartender is also taking vash in, even the demons get to drink there huh, nice
-why tf is this guy so wise, why is he saying what vash (kinda) needs to hear? amazing, im devastated
-wait so the feathers or whatever hurt??? because of the face he made. SO DOES IT HURT???? NO :C
-knives can you not-
-the final panel its so cute and then there's the fucking speech bubble that says "dumbass" its true tho xd
chap 5
-NOT THE FUCKING FEATHER i dont want to go there
-he looks so tired :c
-oh shit i forgot about that panel of his face wth
-"the last thing i want to do is be a burden to him" STFU WOLFWOOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
-"youre the one who needs to be careful" I WILL CHEW GLASS
-elendira ily sm
-thank you wolfwood for saying trans rights lmao
-oh no his glasses :c
-ah fuck hes awake noooooooooooo
chap 6
-dont you bring tesla into this >:[
-idk whats happening but KILL HIM
-*sigh* i hate when knives is right
-DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT AFTER STAMPEDE MF :C "if they come for us lets just run as fast as we can" YOU ARE MAKING IT SO HARD TO READ THIS MAN
-also yey he regained his eye :3
-:cccccccccccccccccccccc im so happy that talk was in stampede
-also yeah vash hates knives with a burning passion but EVEN THEN he still was willing to give him a chance and live together with him, i cant do this anymore really
-im picturing legato kind of jumping in his metal handbag to move around as if he was in a sleeping bag cuz i think thats way funnier lmao
-:cccccccccc vash pls
-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :c his armmmm
-oh geesus oh god no OH HELL NO
-ohhhhh i see. look at legato being useful lmao /J
well that was certainly a volume
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okthatsgreat · 3 months
hi lee!!!!!!!! ❤️✂️🍎💀🍩🧠 for any oc yyou want to talk about YAYYY! :D
oc ask game!
❤️ - what is one of your oc’s best memories?
URMMMMMMM. a lot of sae's best memories are really tame i think bhgfdghdfj just moments where she could sit back and say Yeah. I am Completely Happy :) BUT the BEST one i think is one she recounts a lot just bc she reallyyy felt like she had found peace. the fishing village near her afi's home holds a yearly festival for fisherman's day that she LOVEESSSS. and IF MY TIMELINE IS CORRECT she got an award i believe in 2012 (??) for her achievements and contribution to her community . and when the festival was over she got to have a long chat with her afi up on a mountain top overlooking the ocean and she holds that conversation very dear to her heart :]
✂️ - what is one of your oc’s worst memories?
(forgive me for being vague theres still a lot to be revealed in the rp hgdfjkggfdsjk!!) shes got a few but the WORST one she remembers suppperrrrr vividly just because everything seemed to happen all at once, the town she was living in was going through one of the WORST thunderstorms it had ever had, and she was seconds away from doing something SO rash . GOD awful day for a thirteen year old to have. BUT it was the catalyst for some major changes in her life, so while she would never go back and do that all over again sae can at least acknowledge that it switched what direction her life took DRASTICALLY. it led her to where she is today but that definitely doesnt mean she looks back at it with any sort of fondness gbhdgbsdf
🍎 - what is the oc's relationship w/their parents like?
her afi and amma were her legal guardians for the majority of her teenage years! and anybody within a five mile radius knows that she LOVES those guys. she takes so much influence from her afi particularly and holds him on a very high pedestal of how she should be behaving and what traits she should portray, just because he is an incredibly patient and wise man. her late amma also influenced her a LOT in terms of hard-work and dedication to others, and when she passed it only caused sae to work even harder to support her afi. not to mention sae truly considers her afi to have saved her life which means she feels she owes a LOT to him ghfdjkg
she doesnt speak with her parents!
💀 - does your oc have any phobias?
she isnt DEATHLY afraid of anything but she gets concerned over superstitious things that arent necessarily a problem to other people lmaooo. like for instance she does NOT fuck with bananas because they are considered terrible luck on boats. she rarely sails on thursdays, took the lucky charms off of her fishing hat and placed it around her waist just so the hat won't fly overboard again, never renames a boat, etc. ALL because she doesnt want to invite bad luck on her ship fghsjd
she's also really not a fan of loud noises!! thunderstorms have a tendency to freak her out but it really depends on the day honestly. catch her in a good mood and she can manoeuvre a boat through them easy peasy, catch her in a bad mood and she'll just sort of stare at the floor unmoving for a bit
🍩 - who is your oc's arch-nemesis or rival?
LMAO sae would never admit out loud that she hates anybody enough to consider them an arch-nemesis or rival. ESPECIALLY pre killing game. now does she dislike people? for sure. is this killing game definitely taking a lot of her pent up resentment and making it ten times worse? definitely
🧠 - what do you like most about the oc?
guy that tried so hard to escape the cycle that she is slowly turning into the very thing she was attempting to run from 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 she is NOTTT breaking the loop
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
the hsr swarm person: im level 66 which is why im so confused why im suffering so much; using my gorjus maxed out jingyuan, luocha 6/8/8/8 + all traces unlocked, seele with an honestly really bad build and preservation mc for survival who also isnt the best
im leveling up il dan heng rn but i have NO destruction mats and even less light cone level up mats so i guess we'll be grinding
so i guess a good team then would be ildh luocha and who else??
take my words w a grain of salt because i've really only managed to clear level three a few times and almost beat difficulty 4 but i would assume the main issues is that you need to spend your resources on a preservation unit and debuffer / support.
for jy ESPECIALLY because he's very vulnerable to crowd control. your preservation MC is viable but i'd recommend march 7th over them (or gepard if you managed to get him). a lot of the content in swarm will want to oneshot you so damage mitigation is more important than healing in my experience.
(which makes sense because fu xuan is next and her entire kit is damage mitigation but kjfdksd i digress)
i would say with your current team, drop seele off of your team and use luocha primarily for breaking imaginary shield. replace seele with a semi-built debuffer or support (the best option for both JY and DH IL is tingyun, but pela is also very viable for both. asta also works very well but more for jy than dh il. yukong is Fine but her kit is imo tricky and shes also kind of skill point greedy)
so for team comp recc jing yuan, flex support / debuff (tingyun works best for jy and dh il, as does pela.) / preservation / shielder / luocha.
for dh il i use dh il, tingyun AND pela, and then gepard for best results
after that - it's mostly about choosing the correct path for you based on your team comps. i don't have a lot of experience with elation path in swarm but i hear it does well for jy so you'd have to try it.
you can use destruction path for dh il since you have luocha but i do not use it much since i think it works better for self-sustain characters and i find it very tricky to use. its not impossible but its kind of a suicide mission since it mostly focuses on hp consumption.
me personally, i universally always go for the preservation or remembrance paths, abundance also works very well for this. preservation is preferred for me since i have a crazy stacked gepard lmao. mix preservation with some healing or debuffing blessings and it basically keeps you alive no matter what
remembrance (aka freeze path) is also pretty good because well. it freezes everything and if something is frozen it cannot hurt you but it only works if you have someone like pela, march or geppie.
abundance works well but you have luocha so it might not be as necessary for you. still i would say the blessings for abundance in swarm are wayyy better than the normal SU. it's kind of up to you
either way, always try to go for things that contribute to your path though because once you hit max you can combine paths as well and get more bonuses. having a lot of path resonance is good.
ALSO MAKE SURE YOU READ EACH BLESSING CAREFULLY!! i know that is obvious but its a good reminder. understanding exactly what stats you have can make or break your run i find
also and this is just my personal experience but i will always choose curios over blessings if i have a chance because i think curios have better universal effects. blessings can be random but curious are imo more consistent.
i hope this helps!! i can give more advice if anyone wants specifically because clearing swarm is very dependent on ur actual account but i do pretty regularly clear difficult content in game!!!
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slimesaurian · 4 months
im gonna go on a rant in a sec. I'll try to cycle back and edit the top here to cw the post but if it takes too long and I forget or end up missing some im sorry
so a friend of mine just got outed to her ultra religious parents by her fucking shitty ex. it really fucking sucks and I so badly want to [redacted] the dude who did it. It especially sucks because like, I befriended this gal maybe a year into transition and she was still closeted/figuring stuff out at the time but would ask me some stuff about transition and I was happy to help. My first "baby trans" of being a woman who was out.
anyways her boyfriend seemed okay on twitter, tbh was always a bit annoying but then again who am I to judge. Our interactions were alright and it was just neat having some moots. Then twitter shat the bed and I made a lil friend server on discord for people I liked. I ended up sending a invite to both cuz they expressed interest and unfortunately the annoying vibes from boyf were correct. Dude would ping her in the server to get him to respond to their dms and say a buncha yikes things. I think he even mentioned being republican or smth which wasnt a hit in the "leftist tranny" discord server. Mostly he made peeps uncomfy but I was hesitant to give the boot to him because of his connection to someone I liked.
Then there was one point where I was in vc with him and baby trans messaged me saying "hey be careful with what you say around him" and then sent me a screenshot after he ended up going on a tirade against her for expressing interest in piercing her nipples at some point
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1: bullshit lmao
2: very clearly controlling behavior and an implicit threat
at this point, i basically just stopped interacting with the dude in the server. I very much wanted to kick him, both from the server and irl but I was worried about escalating things and putting my friend in danger so I kinda just bit my tongue. eventually they broke up and I asked whether she'd like me to kick him or not and she told me she I didnt have to if I were comfy with him. I still didnt kick cuz I was worried about retaliation but my man was on thin ice, especially because I had just settled into a new place after fleeing a controlling man so I was not pleased with him.
Anyways then I made a joke about being gay in my sapphic tranny server and he was like "Wait, you like MEN????". Honestly, I had never felt like you could hear a pin drop in a digital space before. Anyways yeah I pulled out the boot after that.
Then dude was insistent on vc'ing me to "talk about what happened" and wouldnt stop messaging me trying to set up this call rather than just explain in text. Honestly I got the vibe this was intentional, I've had too many HR meetings to really buy that shit any more. I decided to entertain him just to get him off my back but then he kept pushing me so I eventually said I'll think about it. dude kept pushing and pushing me over text for updates for the next three days where I honestly just fucking ghosted him because of other life shit. Eventually I caved and told him to give me some space because I needed it and he went off about "Do you see how thats better than no response?" and then went on to talk about how "this issue isnt that big in the first place"
At that point I just never talked to him again. I figured his beef was with me and he has no leverage so I'm safe and hopefully baby trans is safe. Anyways fast forward half a year and god damn this girl has blossomed in the presence of other folks helping her through this stuff (if you end up reading this somehow, love you girl 💗). Unfortunately she learns that shitty ex has told ppl she cheated on him and thats why they broke up (girl absolutely has been too timid to pursue anything since, this is 100% a boldfaced lie. But gosh you rly should ask alex out already). She ends up making a very calm post clearing the air about how this isnt the case and she didnt feel safe around him due to the threat of being outed (above). No @'s, no names, just a simple post.
And then her dad gets a text talking about every little thing that could be used against her, from her caffeine addiction (lmfao) to her not rly being christian and eats weed gummies. Oh and, you know, she "wants to identify as a woman and have started taking drugs for hormone replacement therapy". As an aside, the text mentions she's "been dating a man for a year now" and "have sucked a couple of dicks". but who's dick i wonder 🤔. Also she's "never liked women and is attracted to penises" if this werent so fucking awful id be laughing my ass off.
The text ends with "I'd suggest confronting [deadname] about this since they're clearly out of your control and could learn a lesson about insubordination and respect". Not rly being subtle there bud. Anyways, me and my friends have spent all fucking day making sure our gal is safe and has a place to stay and are emotionally supporting her and I'm just so fucking angry. Her entire life has been uprooted, her autonomy violated, her existence endangered because this fucking prick decided he wants to be a petty motherfucker. For the record, she has temporary housing and is safe right now, but she's going to come out of this with such deep scars.
I think the worst part is, is that he's got a lot of trans women friends/mutuals. He was practically bragging about it in my server. Other trans womrn are in danger around this man and his vindictive rage but I dont have the energy to do anything more than try being there for my friend and help her through this. I'm just angry and sad and worried and tired. I hate this man. I hate people like him. I hate the fact that he will more than likely never face any sort of consequences for ruining someone else's life. I hate that society makes him feel comfortable where he is. I fucking hate.
I'm trying so hard to not succumb to hate and become this jaded feral beast but it's just so hard. its so hard seeing everyone i care about in this fucked up world get hurt over and over and over again. It's so hard seeing all this violence and pain and choosing to fight back with love. Every time someone i love is hurt it feels like a chunk of my flesh is taken along with it. a core of my being is robbed because I need to help. i need to be there. i need to counterract the world. but its not enough and itll never be enough and ill just wear myself thinner and thinner each day until all thats left is my bones bleaching in the sun. but what else can i do? the rabid dog gets put down. i just want to be safe and help my friends be safe and i want us all to live.
i dont know any more.
I think one of the worst parts is knowing that it's within my power to hurt him back. Like, he's told me the general area where he lives in the past and it's honestly not hard to narrow details down from there if you're dedicated. I could realistically make this fucker fear for his life. But then I'd be one of those radical violent transgenders who dared to bare her teeth at the society that uses and beats and breaks and kills her kind. I have to rise past it. I have to choke this rising bile in my throat back down and be a good girl for a chance to be granted the fucking right to live. I have to sit and feel my heart break and break and break and break and break every single day so some smug white boys won't ever have to experience the fear of god for the slightest moment.
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alicentsgf · 1 year
hi i was the otto anon and ty for ur lovely response! it makes so much sense to me! i dont think otto is good overall but like you said i do think his fear about rhaenyra was justified. it’s just so odd to see people who arent alicent stans (or outright hate her) think otto is the worst man but think viserys is some poor old man? like i’d say the least horrible man who is a major player is criston but people act like hes worse than actual groomers and rapists in canon 😭 do you think in s2 there will be a more equal footing in showing the greyness of each side? or do you think itll be next to impossible because of the corner they wrote aegon into? thanks again for answering, i hope youre recovering from covid well!
hello again!! some more great questions! and thanks so much thats so sweet of you i still have a cough and stuff but im feeling a lot better x
it ultimately comes down to lack of context. like... it really does. because as i said otto and corlys are functionally similar but we're given far more context for corlys. especially emotional context. and criston killing joffrey was like... at least a little bit more justifed than daemon killing rhea but people treat them as similar occurances because of the lack of context. if i point out daemons a murderer people bring up criston and joffrey and like, whatever, murder bad and all that, goes without saying, but joff was Really pushing it going up a guy he didnt know and kinda threatening him by saying 'i know a secret that would get you dishonoured and executed if it got out'... that was not very smart. and we can see how it suddenly all seems to have gotten out of cristons control so he goes a bit crazy with fear and shame, kills a man in public, and then immediately goes off to try and commit suicide? this is a man in fucking crisis lmao.
whereas daemon just decided rhea had become too inconvenient and had to die - and unlike joffreys murder it was totally premeditated. but as often is the case in this show the consequences faced (in this case those of a white cloak taking the virginity of a princess) werent made obvious (especially since criston so readily admitted his indiscretion to alicent just before this) and so criston could be seen as completely over the top in his reaction to joffrey later on? ...but it was his entire life and legacy being threatened yet again. like im not excusing it, but his reaction is not as disproportionate as people like to imply - at that moment joffrey represented the possibility of losing what little he still had left.
this is a problem the greens face time and time again. there just isnt enough explained about how this world is stuctured, so they often look like their fears are unfounded. for example the laws around bastardry arent made clear at all. i dont think people understand that if alicent had accept for helaena to marry jace... if he was later declared to be a bastard then any children they had together would also be illegitimised. and thats just one of the better outcomes alicent could have hoped for... i still cant quite fathom why she was framed so negatively for protecting her daughter? they never even let her vocalise that she would be afraid for helaena; they let the audience believe shes bastardphobic for no good reason she just wanted be a bitch.
i think they've admitted they are going to try and balance the scale more next season. whatever that means. but idk if they actually understand what the issue is with the writing so far thats making it all skew so heavily in favour of rhaenyra's contingent. im worried they'll try to make the greens more superficially sympathetic instead of investing in storylines that flesh out the world around them and show why the greens actually have very legitmate fears and desires.
the aegon thing is definitely a problem... i havent seen the og quote so correct me if im wrong but i think TGC said something about it undermining aegon's character to make him a rapist because very few will want to invest in his growth over the series after that. and... yeah. agreed. i have so many criticisms of the way they dealt with aegon, not least because its just kind of insulting to the audience to make that kind of person rhaenyra's competition, as if the audience needed to be so heavy-handedly manipulated in one direction. i still hope we're going to see some extreme evolution from aegon but ultimately even if we do its always going to be bit overshadowed by these early decisions.
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zevranunderstander · 1 year
okay but while i think they are funny, the kinds of posts where people ask an ai where they are and the ai says "i dont know your location" and then ask "wheres the nearest McDonald's", and get an answer, don't understand what the AI is saying, lmao.
the chatbot itself does NOT have your location. it just makes an api call to google maps, and returns whatever google maps says. chatbots arent usually very smart, so when you insist they are lying, they usually go along and try to find a "plausible answer" to your question, which is dangerous because that answer can sound very correct, but be very very wrong, if you play around with chat gpt a bit you probably already ran into that scenario
computers do not think like humans, even if we try to get them to, so for an ai the reasoning is "you want an answer to something i cant make an api call for" -> "i dont have access to that", and "you want to know something i can do an api call for" -> "here is your answer", the ai does not see these as logically connected at all and it doesnt understand that having your location is needed to know where a McDonald's is near you, because it doesnt even take care of that logic, let alone understand it
but when you then tell the ai "you know my location data" or "you are lying", the computer does something called "prompt insertion", so it just accepts you statement as real and tries to work with the statement, but the ai isnt usually very knowledgeable, so it just *guesses* to find a likely solution, like "oh, sorry for the confusion, i am actually using your ip adress!", which isnt true but the computer doesnt really understand the concept of "truth" like we do as humans, etc.
so like. what i am saying is not that corporations never lie to you or that chatbot ais are actually 100% harmless but like. yall kinda need to understand how they work or yall just sound like the kind of boomers who make these "technology is the devil and children do not know what a book is bc they are always on their phone" kind of thoughtpieces
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Hello darling!
Honestly confessing your feelings/not knowing how to do it if at all is such an uncomfortable situation and so painful sometimes. Wednesday could torture me and I'd prefer it to confessing. (Please abduct me Wednesday)
Wednesday not threatening you as much as others equals her practically saying "I like you, we are friends".
Lol I love that Wednesdays first thought to everything is murder. Lowkey same, people cam be so annoying 🙄
Oooh R isn't scared by Wednesday and even kinda enjoys torture facts. Two psychopaths have found each other!
A poem is a genius idea to confess to Wednesday. She's a great writer so if she doesn't appreciate it, nothing will ever impress her.
"After the 27th trashed page" are we talking about R here or was that you trying to come up with the poem? 😜
OMG A PUPPY!!! WE GOT A GOLDIE PUPPY!!! This is the best story ever! Well after the Thing pranks of course. But a puppy!
Yess we dognapped the puppy. That's exactly what I would do. Well done R! Wednesday will be thrilled 😂
Yoko, I love you girlie but let R take the puppy home in peace.
"I'm pregnant" BITCH WTF?? THATS THE BEST YOU COULD COME UP WITH?? Holy shit that was funny and just so stupid. At first I was gasping at my phone and then laughing. I love slightly dumb characters.
A beautiful and poetic name. Let's hear it! ...Choklit. I... I'm speechless. If R thinks THAT is poetic and beautiful then maybe writing poems isn't the correct thing to do...
Who the hell is Edgar?? Poe poe poe... (Eurovision Song Contest reference. My impulse control is also non existed. Sorry to all Americans who don't get this amazing reference)
Personal failure as a poet. How come when you come up with such poetic names like Choklit??
Lol more exercise. I feel called out again... My small dog can outrun me too.
Ha, I knew it! LOL The werewolf line!! That was savage and utterly hilarious!!! Even Wednesday thinks so.
Choklit is the best wingman ever!
...a few lines above I said I like a slightly dumb character. That's me. Hi. I didn't understand a word Wednesday was saying about the poem. Wtf is a masculine or feminine rhyme?? I really know nothing about poetry...
Wednesday said yes!!! The poem was a success 🙌
For Wednesday I would also use the hell out of Google to impress her. Well done!!
i have no experience confessing to a crush but that shit seems so stressful 😭😭 (“please abduct me wednesday” is killing me btw) but a poem seems like a terrible way to do it idk. maybe that’s just cause i can’t write one well LMAO. and yes!!! a goldie! one of the three breeds i know of<3
the way “i’m pregnant” was just the first thing i thought of while writing SJSHSJ. i meant to change it but i guess it’s a good thing i didn’t 🙏 and yeah choklit is….a name!!! lol. the eurovision song reference was everything btw. that song was a Bop.
pls i had to read so many article and explanations about all those poetry terms (besides alliteration) because my stupid ass was just not comprehending it…poetry is so much more complex than i thought it was, respect to the poetry girlies bc i’m never touching this stuff again 😭🤚
thank you for reading‼️ your reactions are everything<333
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villa-kulla · 2 years
Gus and howard interacting after the whole shoot out like. The absolute stress of the time leading up to the meeting and the actual meeting! Howard having to face the man he helped try to kill. Gus viewing howard as an actual threat instead of just some pretty face. God would he try to kill howard??? Like heres his enemy happily prancing around w his guy under his arm (i think lalo would be too possessive to let people assume howard isnt his bc then what if someone tries to hit on him like there is no way there arent any gay people in those pool parties and Howard isn't bad looking.....okay thats a different ask about howard and the pool parties and the poor guy who tries to hit on howard before he realizes who howard showed up w/ and lalo does his whole haha im just here to talk :)) but like gus knows killing howard would HURT lalo but it would also hurt him? Is he willing to take the mantle of being someone elses Hector? Yes i am being absolutely normal about these guys.
omg missed this message so sorry just saw it now, but yessss obsessed with their first interaction post fic 'cause they'd HAVE to meet again. I see Howard kinda frantically tap dancing like 'soooo here we are again, isn't this funny, just us two pillars of the community involved in all this, hey remember last time how I tried to steer you to your death, at least we both understand it's business not personal ha ha haaa' and Gus just slow blinking and letting him run his mouth, and finally delivering some super cold one liner I haven't thought of yet lol, and just walking away leaving Howard feeling extremely awkward and unsettled, but hey, fair enough.
and yeah while I do love love love the idea of Lalo being gay or bi and having it be this open secret in the cartel, part of me feels like it's only as long as he doesn't push the envelope. So even if people suspect there's something going on there betwen them, I don't know if cartel pool parties are a bastion of allyship lol, I see them playing it cool. But as you say, "Howard isn't bad looking" (minor correction, howard is a SMOKESHOW I'm sorry it took 6 seasons for me to realize it, but in my defense 'NAMAST3' is a hell of a mood killer), and I could totally see some curious cartel guy getting his flirt on, cornering Howard in the kitchen and bragging about all his hits, like "you wouldn't believe what these hands can do" and Lalo appearing out of nowhere and hacking off one of the guy's hands with a meat cleaver and watching it fly through the air like "ha ha yeah wow that is a good trick"
Anyways back to Gus lmao, ugh yes that would be a fascinating dynamic of how he gradually sees Lalo and Howard, and the rage, but also envy he might feel at seeing they're partnered up, and having this opportunity to hurt the salamancas as much as they hurt him handed to him on a silver platter, maybe wanting it emotionally because it would be satisfying, but it wouldn't be the SMART thing to do, and Gus is nothing if not careful. "but like gus knows killing howard would HURT lalo but it would also hurt him? Is he willing to take the mantle of being someone elses Hector?" okay.......this sentence is fucking with my mind a little and I need to lie down forever now, oooof </3
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