#and you can't give into that line of thought
withleeknow · 3 days
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff; reader has whisker dimples bc this is self-indulgent as hell, written in one sitting and v unedited lol it is once again 2am and i am half asleep. the fake cut mimo has on his cheek in the pics is kind of exactly where my whiskers are lmfao word count: 0.6k
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / masterlist / ko-fi
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"whiskers," minho says, pulling your gaze away from the laptop in front of you.
you roll your eyes half-heartedly, though you do put the device to the side to give minho your undivided attention. he's looking at you expectantly but patiently, like he's just asking you to give him a little love.
this isn't something that you've always liked about yourself, your whisker dimples as the internet has so lovingly deemed them these days. they would come out when you smile, or when your face twists into an unpleasant scowl. as a kid, people often found it odd how you had dimples so high up in your cheeks when others had them around their smile lines. you always felt a little different, a little weird whenever someone pointed this out even if it was only in harmless fun.
when minho first became aware of it, he was absolutely fascinated. he'd made you laugh so hard that you couldn't contain the bright grin that spread across your face as complete and utter joy took over you. you were clutching his arm, giggling at the story he was telling you when the dimples showed themselves, the cute indentations settling on top of your cheeks as if they were the physical manifestation of the happiness you felt inside.
you remember what minho did. he had cupped your face gently in his hands, then traced the soft lines with his fingers as he marveled at you. "you look like a cat," he had said, and you didn't really know what to make of it. it was so early in your relationship that you weren't sure if he was complimenting you or making fun of you like the others had.
but then the stars in his eyes twinkled a little brighter, the delighted quirk of his lips expressing his wonder better than words could. he had kissed you right there, softer and sweeter than he ever did in the short time that you had known each other back then, and you quickly learned that oh, maybe this little detail about yourself that you were embarrassed of your whole life was a good thing after all.
you still don't know the reason minho likes them so much. to you, they've always been something to ignore as best as you can, something to not draw attention to because you don't want people to highlight that maybe you're a little different from everybody else.
even as you sit here, years later with the love of your life who's got a very particular request for you, you're still not entirely sure why he's obsessed with your odd dimples enough to want to see them almost every day. it's a mystery to you and yet, it makes you feel all warm and bubbly inside whenever he sends this simple demand your way.
you adhere to his request nonetheless. when the dimples appear, you watch as a smile blooms on his face, growing bigger and bigger until it makes his eyes crinkle. like an instant boost of serotonin, you think.
minho traces them with gentle fingers, gazing at you in awe as if it's the first time he's seeing you like this. when he leans closer, you can't help but meet him halfway until his lips are tentatively brushing your cheeks. you can't help your own smile either, when it deepens and only accentuates the small moon-shaped dents which he kisses. five times on each side, and then he's peppering kisses all over your face while you laugh and accept the sudden burst of love.
sometimes he calls them whiskers, sometimes he calls them moons.
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 31.05.2024]
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Okay. So the new ep. I was so mad about this line from Stolas I can't lie: "I didn't realize you think so low of me"
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Oh really? What reasons have you given him to think highly of you Stolas? You:
A) Gave Blitz a choice between his career or having sex with you (Blitz's career also supports his daughter and the other IMP employees, their well being was on the line too). And to boot, this proposition took place while Blitz was in a high pressure scenario being hunted down by a crazy serial murderer human trying to kill him. Which Stolas was aware of and watching. He chose that moment to make his proposition and laud the grimoire over Blitz's head.
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B) Constantly make weird fetishy remarks about Blitz's species/race, calling him an impish little plaything and "itty bitty". Also while being weird towards other imps too, using your butler as a stress toy and calling Moxxie, Millie and other random imps "little ones" all the time.
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C) After the power imbalance of controlling his business was set up by you, you proceeded to constantly toy with Blitz despite how much he resisted and showed he clearly doesn't like it. You give him an annoying demeaning pet name he didn't ask for with the "Blitzie" shit. You make crude sexual remarks that make him uncomfortable and make them in front of others too, humiliating him in front of both strangers and people he is close to. You grab at his face condescendingly. You idly use him as an ash tray. You treat him with a completely disrespectful degrading demeanor and there is nothing he can do or say about it that will make you stop - in Loo Loo land when Blitz expresses that he does not want you to attempt to solicit sex that day from him you respond "You are so cute when you are serious" like its funny hes mad about that. All of this unwanted sexual attention is to the point Blitz has a panic button for when YOU specifically show up at his office like what else is there to say really.
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D) You also treat your daughter like shit. You chase Blitz instead of focusing on her even though shes clearly very mentally ill and struggling. You make weird sexual remarks about Blitz, the guy who you're cheating on your wife with which is causing chaotic familial breakdown in the home Octavia has to live in (and Octavia KNOWS its Blitz specifically that you're cheating with she is very aware). She is clearly constantly uncomfortable and yet you put her through that several times Stolas.
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Then you try to do the right thing and free Blitz. Good, great, a step in the right direction. But when hes so unused to you respecting him and thinks you must be lying you have a whiny little breakdown and storm off about it.
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BUT NO WONDER BLITZ THOUGHT IT WAS SOME KIND OF FUCKING JOKE AND THEN WAS LIKE WTF YOU STUPID FUCK. Look at everything you've done holy shit! I felt Blitz's "What the fuck" in my soul. What is with this shows attempts since S2 at a weird perversion of the truth. What is with this pathetic poor me I'm just a poor widdle victim! Act from Stolas. Its just so gross its disgusting.
Stolas was born with his wealth. He was born with immense wealth, connections, authority, and physical power. He never has had to comprehend making the kinds of choices Blitz has had to in order to make rent. And Stolas actively exploited Blitz's class. He actively exploited it along with Blitz's obligations to his employees and daughter, those he loves, to get sex out of him. And then when Blitz sees him for what he is he is a self victimizing baby over it. How slimy can you get?
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tiredfox64 · 3 days
Hello! How you doing? I hope you're having a great day :D
I have a small request based on a funny picture I saw on twitter, where reader asks their crush/lover "Do you like sleeping?" and they're like "...yes?" then reader says "Wow, me too... We should try it together sometime"
I just can't choose which mk1 character, since I love all of them lmao. So I'll leave that up to you! Can be with anyone, sfw or not! your pick :p
Nap Time?
Yip notes: Hello! I’m doing alright, hope you are doing lovely (^∇^). This seems like such a fun idea. And you are letting me pick! Got me squealing.
Pairings: Tomas, Havik, Rain, Reiko x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️:NSFW, choking, biting, overstimulation (a bit), many positions
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Why would you ever trust Johnny to give you good advice? Trusting Johnny is a gamble, especially when you ask him for dating advice.
You were unsure of how to flirt with someone so you had to ask Johnny for help. And the help he gave you…was in the form of memes from Instagram and Twitter. He swore to you up and down that this would work on Tomas. You believed him, just like that?
So you tried it out. It might kill you to try to flirt but at least you made an effort to do so. You were a little nervous as you approached Tomas who was supervising the initiates. Immediately when he saw you he broke out into a smile. Your heart was going crazy from just looking at him. You didn’t realize the loving look in his eyes every time he stared at you. You two had a casual conversation for a bit, just the usual. You took a deep breath and tried remembering which pickup line you would use on Tomas. Something that will capture his attention but won’t be too forward.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you asked.
He looked at you, his eyebrow cocked up in confusion, “…yes?”
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
That was too forward girl! I thought you would be better than me.
You put your head down in shame before quickly walking off. A walk of shame if you will. That meant however that you missed Tomas’ reaction to your flirting. It was super effective! He knew what you meant because Johnny told him before. Thanks, Johnny. He went from his usual pale self to a shade of pink that only a rose could replicate. You’re just gonna leave him like that? All flustered like you didn’t just ask him to sleep with you. He didn’t know you felt that way about him.
You left him in an uncomfortable position. He couldn’t go find you because he had to supervise the initiates. But he was also trying to keep his composure and not think too much about being in bed with you. He can’t think about how his hands would be all over you, feeling your soft skin as his body is pressed against yours. Ah, too late he’s hard just from that. Pathetic. Better hide that.
The moment the initiates were done training he went looking for you. You were in your room, groaning into your pillows from the embarrassment you still were feeling. You thought this memory would haunt you forever. Oh how wrong you were.
Tomas was knocking on your door, still trying his best to keep his composure. You got up and opened the door. Before you could try to apologize for what you said he asked you something.
“Were you being serious? Please tell me you were being serious.” He said in desperation.
You were shocked. The pickup line worked? And he wanted you to be serious? Alright, ain’t you a winner.
You nodded your head and that’s all Tomas needed. He pushed his way into your room and only then did you notice his boner. It’s really hard to hide it with the uniform he has on. Well, go on, fix it. You started the war you better finish it. Get in bed! Scratch that, he will carry you to bed.
Your groans of embarrassment soon became groans of pleasure. And pants. And moans. And whimpers. Everything actually.
The pickup line sure did work. It got Tomas into bed with you, naked and desperate to pleasure himself with your body. You heard him groan and whimper every time he thrusted into you. He had you on your side with his chest pressed against your back and his hand on your thigh. He held your right leg up to have easier access to your pussy. His other arm was wrapped around your neck. He wasn’t choking you but holding you in place. He could choke you if that’s what you want.
You had no idea how long you guys were at it. It was like one second he was carrying you to your bed, the next he was ripping your clothes off, and now he had his dick inside of you. The dick must be good considering you were drooling in seconds and could only focus on how much he was stretching you out.
Don’t count yourself short because Tomas is just as dazed as you. Your pussy was as warm and tight as he imagined. When he first slid his cock in he let out a satisfied sigh, like he was relieved to feel your pussy squeezing him. The passion he was putting into each thrust was phenomenal. It’s like he was trying to fuck his love into you. That love sure was hitting your g-spot and making your moans go up a pitch. Soon your leg was shaking and you were telling him not to stop. He wasn’t planning on it. Tomas was as close as you were.
That pleasure was becoming greater and you both couldn’t handle it. One more deep thrust into you and you both were finished. You heard Tomas let out whimpers and moans as he came inside you. He was still thrusting a little which pushed the cum further into you. You would have been moaning as well if it weren’t for the fact that Tomas started choking you with his arm. You were not complaining. The lack of oxygen with your orgasm was the best feeling you have ever had. You could have sworn that the heavens opened and you were looking at the angels who looked down at you and asked ‘Is he gonna put a ring on it?’ Tomas better put a ring on it because you don’t ever want him leaving your side. Neither does he.
Tomas finally let you breathe once he realized he was choking you which you thanked him for doing. Like the gentleman he is he checked and asked if he hurt you anywhere. You told him to not worry and that you were fine. Once that was over he pulled you close to him and gave you kisses all over your face. He could stay here for hours with you so he could cuddle and kiss you. That lovemaking session sure did a number on you guys. It tired you out that you were soon falling asleep in his arms.
Looks like you slept with Tomas in both ways.
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You’re trying to flirt with Havik? Right…how well do you think that will go for you?
Havik is not an idiot but some things go flying over his head. Using unfamiliar terms might not hit the mark. You have to be blunt essentially. But it’s hard to be blunt about wanting Havik to be your partner and asking to have sex with him. Whoever could do that is a maniac or just extremely bold. That’s not you. So the best you could do is flirt and hope it hits the mark.
You approached him as he was in the middle of looking at weapons. That mace is looking really nice to him. Whatever, you’re there now and you seem to be asking for his attention. Not literally, you were actually staring up at him until he noticed your presence.
“What?” He asked.
“I have a question for you.” You replied in a shy tone.
He fully turned his attention towards you, curious as to what you had to say considering you never got this shy before.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?”
“…yes, why do you ask?” Don’t fuck with him. Havik has no clue what you are getting at.
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
There was a silence that followed. A long, uncomfortable silence followed as he stared at you. His head tilted to the side a little to indicate his confusion. This might have been a failure on your part. What were you thinking? You turned around to walk away only to be grabbed by the back of your shirt by Havik. He pulled you back and held you up by your shirt. You can’t walk away after saying something so confusing to him.
“What does that even mean?” Havik interrogated you.
You didn’t want to answer him. This situation was already incredibly embarrassing for you and it doesn’t help that he wanted you to explain it to him. You begged him to forget what you said and put you down already. Havik was not gonna listen, even you knew that. He wouldn’t let you down until you told him what you meant. In a moment of chaos and stress you blurted out the truth.
“I want to have sex with you!”
I mean I would have lied but good on you for being truthful.
There was silence once more. You watched as Havik squinted his eyes. You were unsure of what he was doing until you heard him let out a dark chuckle. If his face weren’t mutilated you would be able to see that he was smiling. But since he has a permanent smile on his face it probably works out.
“Why didn’t you say so? We could do that right now.” He said with pure delight. Get to it!
You knew Havik was a freak but you didn’t expect him to be this freaky. Who would have thought that the first position he would pick to do you in was the mating press.
Eight inches slamming into you, damn! Of course, he was going rough. He pushed your legs back as far as they could go so he could go as deep as he could. You were already crying and panting in the first few minutes. He made sure you kept looking up at him. He wanted to see every expression you made and watch every tear slip down your face. Watching your eyes roll back every time he slammed into your g-spot made him want to devour you even more.
Havik was beyond reason. His mind was only on one thing and that was fucking your pussy. You had to stay exactly how he wanted to. Every time you tried to look away from him he grabbed your face and forced you to look at him again. He wouldn’t let go until he got a nice reaction out of you.
“Aww, what a pretty face. I wonder what face you will make when I do this?”
You felt his hand wrap around your throat. Your eyes widened as you stared up at him. The excitement in his eyes was apparent. He squeezed tighter and went rougher. With the position you were in combined with everything else he was doing; it was no shock that you ended up cumming. Strained moans left your mouth as your eyes rolled back. Drool and tears were slipping down your face. Your hands could not take Havik’s hand away from your throat. You were forced to cum on his cock as he choked the life out of you. Sounds started to grow duller but the orgasm you felt was heightened. Every stroke was felt, his dick was hitting every spot down there. You could not ignore the painful pleasure you felt. And when it seemed like you were about to pass out, he let go.
You were trying to catch your breath but it was difficult since he was still fucking you. You were catching your breath in between moans and pants that were hoarse from being choked. Luckily for you, he was close. One, two, three more thrusts and he was golden. He slammed so hard and deep inside you that you could have sworn that he hit your cervix. Havik let out this loud groan that seemed to drag out. His tongue stuck out, causing some of his saliva to drip down onto you. Oh, he was satisfied alright.
Once his little moment of nature’s pleasure was over he pulled out and immediately collapsed onto you. He wrapped his arms around your waist. Tonight, you will be his pillow. You have no choice he is too big to move. Plus he wants to stay in this position with you. You are his girlfriend now. You both had sex that’s how it goes, at least in his head that’s how it works. You heard him lightly snore away. You were happy with the outcome of your pickup line. It worked incredibly well. You slowly started to fall asleep as you held Havik in your arms.
Be careful he drools in his sleep. Wait, never mind, he’s chewing on your titty in his sleep. That’s a bigger issue. At least he does it lightly.
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Ah, going after the high mage himself. It’s an interesting choice to pick a man who might have never felt the touch of a woman other than his mother.
If only you had his confidence you could be better when it comes to flirting with him. Hiding behind a pillar and watching him do magic does not count as flirting. You can talk to Rain but if you try to suggest something or flirt you freeze up. He’ll ask you if you’re alright, you’ll lie and say you’re fine before walking off, and the cycle repeats.
But maybe this time will be different. When the tournament was going on you heard in the background one of the Earthrealmers, probably Johnny, using a certain pickup line on Kitana. It seemed to work since it got a laugh out of her. So it has to work for you, right? You could only hope that this man will get it.
The next time you saw him you ran up to him with a smile on your face. Rain was delighted to see you again. You always manage to make him feel warm on the inside. You get him thinking about you instead of his studies or his duties. You’ll most likely do the same right now. The conversation is going well and you’ve made him smile. Go in for the kill!
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you asked awkwardly.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “…yes? I would imagine everyone does.”
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
The silence was loud.
“You have your own bed, why would you need to sleep together?”
For a smartass he sure can be a dumbass.
You were beyond crushed. Just like usual you froze up. You didn’t give Rain a chance to ask if you were okay, you walked off quickly. You left him standing there, confused and unsure if he did anything wrong.
The rest of the day went on. You stayed hidden in your room after that embarrassing fail. Rain consulted with Mileena and Kitana about what just happened. He went on and on about how he didn’t understand what you meant. He was confused about why you wanted to sleep in his bed. When Kitana asked exactly what you said Rain relayed the pickup line. In a matter of seconds, Kitana and Mileena’s faces changed. They knew what you meant. Rain saw the look they were giving him and asked what was wrong now.
“Rain,” Kitana started, “She was flirting with you.”
“She was asking to sleep with you. You know…” Mileena made the gesture with her fingers that indicated what she meant.
Computing…computing…loading…load-SEX! YOU MEANT SEX!
“By Argus, why didn’t she just say that!?” Because that’s not casual, Rain.
Rain booked it out of there, almost forgetting his water staff in the process. He was at your door in minutes. He kept banging on it with little regard for his hand. You groaned as you picked your head up from your bed. You quickly opened the door thinking there was an emergency.
“Be more direct next time.” Rain said as he pushed his way into your bedroom.
Shall we begin the party?
He can be an idiot at times he will admit that. Let him make it up by taking care of you.
You were facing Rain as he had you on his lap. He thrusted into you mindlessly while his mouth was occupied with your nipple. Everything about you was soft to him. He couldn’t get enough of your skin. His hands wandered all over before wrapping his arms around your waist. Occasionally his hands would move down just to get a handful of your ass. It’s too tempting how could he not squeeze it.
Your breasts were doing wonders for this man. The moment he saw them he pulled you in so he could shove his face in between them. He looked so peaceful as he sucked on your nipple. Your breasts have become his new happy place. Your fingers ran through his hair which made this more pleasurable for him. He doesn’t want this to end.
You sure were enjoying yourself. With the position you were in you were sitting right on seven inches. Seven inches that was going in and out of you at a steady rhythm. Don’t forget the fact that your clit was being rubbed every time he thrusted into you. Hell even when he took a breather and you would start grinding, your clit was getting the attention it needed. You were in a drunken daze, whimpering and pants with each thrust. It felt like his cock was reaching into your stomach. Every time he hit your g-spot you would twitch and bring his face closer to your breasts. You’re suffocating the poor man but he loves it.
Why Rain is so good at this is a mystery. A mystery you don’t care to solve you are happy with living in this cock drunken state.
This party must come to an end. You both had your fun and you couldn’t hold back your orgasm. You felt Rain’s cock twitch inside you, letting you know he was close. You made him look up at you. You saw how his eyes twinkled when he stared up at you. That look encouraged you to start kissing him passionately as the orgasm hit you both. Hot strings of cum shot into you as your pussy clenched around his cock. Both your moans were being muffled by the kiss luckily.
He held you in his arms for a while as your both caught your breath. You got off his lap and immediately collapsed onto your bed. Rain quickly came to your side and brought you in close. He had your head resting on his chest, allowing you to listen to his heartbeat. His heart was beating for you.  
What a romantic evening.  
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Going after a man who only knows war? You’re just brave at this point.
This has to be easy, right? Not many ladies are brave enough to ask out any Outworld soldier, let alone the lieutenant himself. The girls who were brave enough to ask Reiko out were either turned down or he didn’t understand what they were doing. The fact is there are no other ladies trying to go after your man. They see it as a losing game while you see it as a challenge.
You spotted him out on the training grounds with other soldiers. You ran nearby and watching from a distance as he took down his fellow soldiers. Once Reiko noticed that you were there you waved him over. He told everyone to take a quick break as he walked over to you. Once he was right in front of you he questioned why you were around and why you seemed to be waiting for him. You told him you had a question for him.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you said with some confidence.
“…yes? Sleep is important to a man like me.”
“Wow, me too…we should try it sometimes.” You finished with less confidence.
“You don’t want to sleep with me.”
“Oh…” You were quiet for a bit before deciding to walk off.
His skull is too thick I fear.
Reiko stared at you before turning around. His soldiers looked at him like he was crazy. He asked them what they were looking at. They started yelling at him that he fumbled so hard. They asked if he really didn’t want to have sex with a pretty lady like you. They said Reiko was so lucky to be flirted with by you.
“Sex? She didn’t ask to have sex with me. She asked to sleep with me.” He replied.
“It’s the same thing!” They yelled back in unison.
“That’s just stupid! If she just said sex I would have said yes!” Too late, idiot!
Reiko was upset by everyone and everything. He decided to visit you once he was done training with the other soldiers. He found your home and like the weird brute he is, he climbed up to your window. You heard tapping at your window as you were getting ready for bed. You were surprised to see Reiko at your windowsill. You opened the window immediately to let him in.
“Is it really that difficult to ask for sex?” For a man like him, probably not.
You don’t need to do much to get Reiko started, your nightgown was doing the work for you.
Oo look how strong Reiko is. Holding you up as he fucks you against the wall, show off.
He needed to show you how much of a man he was. He’s an idiot, not a heathen who doesn’t need sex. Everyone needs a little bit of fun.
His lips were attacking your lips in a rough kiss as his body pinned your body against your bedroom wall. He held onto your legs and kept them wide open as he thrusted into you. His thrusts were angled a little to allow him to rub against your clit. When it comes to sex, Reiko gives it his all. He never wants to lack. So he’s gonna make sure this will be a night you remember.
You sure will remember. Your pussy will definitely remember and crave his cock again. You will remember how its curved shape was a glorious feeling. Combined with his thick size you won’t be needing any other man. He stretched you out that the pain was pleasurable.
Reiko is a rough lover in general so his thrusts were just as rough. All you can hear is the sound of skin slapping, wet sounds, and heavy breathing. You felt his teeth lightly biting down on your lower lip. He didn’t want to ruin your perfect lip so he moved down to your neck. His teeth sank into your soft skin, littering it with marks. Bite marks were appearing all over your neck and shoulders. Each time he marked you his tongue would run over the mark he just made.
“You’re going to look so pretty when I’m done with you. Can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions when they see that you’re my lady now.” He is such a cocky bastard.
You were loopy but were on cloud nine. The pain and pleasure were a devious combination. It’s a high. A high you could only get from Reiko. He is your drug that leaves evidence of his effects on you.
Highs have to end eventually. You started panting fast as you got closer to cumming. Reiko watched your face as he went faster. Your head went back against the wall while your eyes began to shut tight. Your lovely moans came flowing out of your mouth and into Reiko’s ears. He thought the only noise he ever liked was the sound of his enemies dying. But it seems like you’ve proven him wrong.
Your body went somewhat limp but he still held you up. He’s not done yet. He was still pounding away, feeling how your pussy grew wetting to the point it was dripping. He made you stare up at him as he kept fucking you. He wanted to watch you lose yourself more from this. The sight of your eyes growing wet from being overstimulated was delicious to him. It was enough to send him over the edge. You saw the satisfied smile on his face as his cum filled up your pussy. He was trying to shove it as deep as he could like he was trying to mark you even more.
He held you in his arms as he pulled out. His cum was dripping out of you and onto the floor. Whatever, you guys can clean it up in the morning. You both need rest after that rough session. He placed you lightly on the bed before getting in himself. He laid on his back with one arm behind his head and the other wrapped around your body. Reiko was a satisfied man. What would make him even more satisfied was if you asked to be his girlfriend. You need to be blunt when you ask that one.
Give this man a cigarette he is giving off that energy.
Yap notes: WOO DOGGY THAT WAS A LOT. Had to put my mind into it. Thank you for letting me pick I’m glad to do more of my favorite/ underrated men! It was enjoyable to write. Now I need a nap. Adiós!
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crilbyte · 2 days
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Due to popular demand, here is a continuation of my Alastor Oneshot based on the song "Don't You Dare Make Me Fall In Love With You."
Part 1 𖦹 Part 2
Warnings/Promises: 18+, size kink, soul contract, oral (m & f receiving), first time, confessions, breath play, biting, creampie.
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“Alastor?” You ask as he solidifies and steps towards you.
"Darling," He whispers, a small smirk on his face at your state of undress. "I'm here to make a deal…”
"a deal...? with me?" You ask, curious.
"Yes, my dear," He murmurs, his tone turning serious. "Charlie has informed me that your ascension is nearing. I have come to persuade you to… make a different choice.”
You cock an eyebrow at him. "Oh... she said that?" You ask. "And why... is that?"
Alastor takes a step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Because, I'd be... lonely, without you here. I've grown fond of your quiet presence, and I don't like the thought of going back to solitude.”
You tilt your head. "But you have Charlie, aren't you and her quite close?"
Alastor pauses for a moment at your question, his eyes narrowing slightly. He never thought you would question his reasoning.
"She... it isn't the same," He growls. "I want you, here... always, keeping me... sane." A hint of sadness crosses his face, but it's quickly replaced by a smirk. "Charlie and I have... similar goals. But we are not close. She doesn't need me the way you do... and she certainly doesn't have... my tastes" He says, taking another step towards you.
You give up on this line of questioning and instead start a new one.
"So you want to make a deal for my soul?" you ask. "You get my soul and in return I can have... anything I want?”
Alastor smiles again, but more genuinely this time. "Yes... that's what I'm proposing. Your soul, in exchange for anything your heart desires." He says with a grin, sitting down on your bed and holding out a hand towards you. "Do we have a deal?”
You feel the static in the air, the sound seeming to fill your ears like a flood as he leans towards you. You watch as his antlers slowly grow and green scratch marks appear in the air, forming into unfamiliar symbols that flash in and out. You look down at his hand, your gaze steeling before you tentatively reach out, but then pause. Just as he thinks you might pull back, you do the opposite, confidently gripping his hand and looking at him with a determined glint in your eyes.
Alastor chuckles low as you accept his hand and the deal. The static intensifies as he grips your hand back, pulling you closer to him. The symbols in the air flare brightly for a moment before they vanish, leaving a faint glow that's slow to fade. You watch as the green stitching appears in his lips, a gold contract and a quill appearing between you.
You take the pen and sign your name without hesitation. The moment the last letter is written, a flash of green light fills the room and you feel a heavy weight settle around your neck as a neon green collar appears there. The chain attached to it leading to Alastor's still outstretched hand.
Alastor chuckles again as the collar settles around your neck, tugging on it playfully. He brings his free hand up to trace a finger along the chain, watching it with interest before he looks back at you.
"The weight of your decision…” he says. You watch his finger as it slides down the chain, your body leaning towards him. Alastor's finger hooks into the collar, pulling a little harder, causing your body to lean closer to him still. "...is now physically upon you," he finishes, a dark glint in his eyes as he studies you. He leans in close, whispering seductively, "And what could you possibly want so badly you'd be willing to trade your soul for it without a second thought?”
"If I tell you, you can't go back on it right?" You ask, your eyes boring into his. "Just like I can't go back on the deal, you can't either, correct?”
Alastor smirks, a wicked and sinister expression taking over his features. "That's right," he confirms, running his thumb along the collar before letting it fall from his fingers. "Once you've signed the contract, there's no going back. So go ahead. Tell me what is it that could tempt you so drastically. What did you desire?”
You're silent a moment, just staring at him, still leaned in close, before a single word falls from your lips.
Alastor tilts his head slightly, processing your word as you stare at each other for a tense, long moment. Slowly, his lips curl into a small smirk.
"You desire me?" He repeats, an almost mocking tone in his voice, but his eyes tell a different story.
You nod, silently moving forward towards him, closing the distance between you. Alastor watches as you crawl across the bed towards him. Something flashes in his expression, but it's gone just as quick as it came. He moves his hand from your collar to the small of your back, pulling you gently closer by slowly reeling you in. Closer, until your body is almost flush with his, able to feel the rise and fall of his chest under his suit jacket, his lips a breath away from yours. You look up at him, blinking rapidly, mouth slightly open.
"Yes," you say in almost a whisper. "What I desire most... is you…”
Alastor closes his eyes, your words causing a visible shiver to run through him. He's quiet for a moment, just simply holding you close before he takes in a deep breath and finally crashes his lips against yours, a low moan rumbling in his chest. You gasp into the kiss, moaning. Alastor takes the chance to slip his tongue between your lips, tangling with yours as he pulls you closer against him. His hands move from your waist and up your back, pulling you impossibly close as he devours your mouth hungrily.
A groan escapes him as he can feel your tongue fighting his own for dominance. He finds he likes the challenge. Alastor chuckles against your lips, breaking the kiss for just a moment before diving back in, hands slipping up under your shirt to rest against the warmth of your skin. He matches your fight for dominance with his own, a growl rumbling through his chest as you continue.
You pull in a sharp breath as you feel his fingers tracing up your stomach. Alastor smirks, lips still pressed against your own as his fingers continue their gentle, teasing climb up towards your breasts. He doesn't quite touch them yet, just hovering for a moment before he finally presses his palms against them with a low groan.
Your voice matches his as you feel him take hold of you. You wrap your arms around his neck and let yourself fall back onto the bed. Alastor gladly lets you pull him down with you and he presses his body against the length of yours. He continues his attention to your breasts, lips breaking away from yours as he trails kisses along your jaw and down towards them.
You let out a little yelp as he tear ls open your night shirt with his claws, exposing the fact that you didn't wear a bra to sleep. Alastor growls low, the sound turning almost needy as he sees your bare chest. He leans down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth without hesitation and flicking his tongue against it.
"A-ah!" You moan out, gripping his suit tightly as you feel his teeth grazing your sensitive skin. "Alastor..."
Alastor can't help but let out a pleased hum at the sound of his name leaving your lips. He continues sucking and biting gently at your nipple, paying equal attention to both.
Your chest arches into his mouth as you pull your knees up to rest at his sides, nestling him nicely between them as you mewl out sounds of pleasure. Alastor smirks against your skin, his smirk turning into a pleased growl at the sounds you're making.
He purrs in satisfaction at your reactions, the vibrations of his chest rumbling against you as he continues to kiss and bite at your nipples until they're red and sensitive. He can't bring himself to stop, loving the sight that's presented to him; you, almost begging for more as he grinds his hips against yours. The motion, almost completely involuntary, pulls a deep and almost guttural moan from him and he pulls back from your chest.
"What is this...?" he asks, "What is this feeling...?" Alastor's mind is still racing as he asks the question. He presses his forehead against yours, his eyes locked onto you. This feeling is unknown to him and it's only making him want more, he wants to know what this feeling is and how to bring it back.
"It's desire, Alastor..." You say, taking his face gently in your hands. "It's lust." Your voice is a whisper as you pull him closer and press your lips against his. While you had intended it to be a soft kiss, the moment you touch it's as though a wildfire ignites and you both lose yourselves in it.
Alastor gasps against your lips but quickly melts into the kiss as he moans and pulls you even closer. He runs his fingers through your hair and presses his body completely against yours, a feeling that he never wants to let go of.
While he's seemingly distracted you reach down between your bodies and press your hand against the growing bulge in his pants, grinning into the kiss as you find it and hear him moan at its touch.
Alastor bucks his hips into your hand and he moans even louder, his hands gripping onto you tighter as the kiss intensifies. He moves one of his hands from your hair and places it over yours, encouraging you to continue touching him, a feeling that he wants to grow stronger. His excitement sends a shiver down your spine.
"Alastor... have you not..." you begin to ask, tilting my head as you look down at me with a deliciously lustful expression. "Have you never done this before?" You finally ask.
"Of course," Alastor answers without shame. "I've never had any interest in these matters before. Why would I search it out? it only ever seemed a distraction to others..." he tries to sound indifferent, but the look on his face, his panting, they all tell a different story.
"So you mean to tell me..." You sit back up, eyes half lidded. "No one has ever..." You push him back so he's the one laying down now, with your over top of him. "Touched you here...?" You ask, palming him once more.
Alastor's breath hitches as you push him back. His mouth opens, his breath heavy and his tongue moving wildly in his mouth at his desire and arousal.
"No," he admits, letting out a low moan.
"Then please," you say in a low, seductive tone as you unbuckle his pants and deftly deal with the button and zipper. "Let me be the first to show you just how much of a distraction it can be."
"Oh, please do," Alastor says, full with a desperation, a pressure building inside of him. He smirks, the chain reappearing in his hand. "You will be the first, and only ever to touch me like this," he says, breathing hard as you pull out his cock.
"Gladly..." You whisper before licking around the tip.
Alastor lets out a loud, guttural moan as you take him into your waiting mouth. His hips begin to buck up and down, his fingers becoming tangled in your hair. He growls, pulling the chain tighter. You moan into his length as you feel him thrusting into you. His unbridled desire for you making you want to ravish him.
Alastor moans loudly, the sensation of your warm mouth around his cock driving him wild. He pulls the chain tighter, the metal biting into your neck as he thrusts deeper into your mouth.
"Yes doll, just like that," he pants, his voice growing more and more ragged with each thrust.
You press your head onto him, taking him even deeper, relishing in the pleasure you're giving him. Alastor thrusts even deeper at the sudden pressure, feeling himself on the edge of release already. The room is filled with the sounds of his rough, ragged breathing and the wet sounds of your very full throat. He grips the chain so tightly his knuckles are white, growling. You can feel his thrusts becoming less rhythmic and you take him as deep as you can, one final push to send him over the edge, wanting him to experience what it's like to cum down someone's throat.
With a final, desperate thrust, Alastor loses control. He releases the chain and grabs the sides of your head, holding you firmly in place as he climaxes, his moans loud and animalistic in the dimly lit room. He pulls back slowly, gasping for breath. You pull back as well, wiping your lip as you swallow every drop.
"That feel nice...?" You ask.
Breathing hard, Alastor watches you as you pull back with a shocked and satisfied look in his eyes.
"Nice? You have no idea, doll," he purrs, still somewhat breathless. His eyes still lust-filled, Alastor summons the chain to his hand, using it to pull you close for a deep and passionate kiss. He can taste himself on your tongue and it excites him. You take his hand and press it between your legs. He feels how wet you are there, how hot.
"That's all from you…” You whisper in his ear. “I liked doing that for you..."
Alastor moans softly at the taste of himself on your tongue, his eyes flicking down to where you press his hand against you. Feeling how hot and slick you are beneath his fingers sends a thrill through him, and he can't help but rub gently against your clit.
You moan into his mouth, unconsciously pressing your hips into his touch. The sound of your moan sends a thrill through Alastor, and he rubs a little more firmly against you. His tongue delves deeper into your mouth, exploring you hungrily. His mind is racing with desire and lust, and he knows he wants more than just his hand on you.
"Put your fingers inside me..." You say before biting his lip and tugging it slightly.
A surge of arousal shoots through Alastor at your words, and he sucks in a breath through his teeth at the small bite to his lip. Slowly, he slips a finger inside you, testing your wetness, making you let out a low rumble at the feeling, but it's not enough.
"More, give me more..." You beg as you begin to suck on his lip.
Alastor groans at your words, and you feel him slipping another finger inside. He slowly begins to pump them in and out of you, his mouth working with yours as he starts to thrust his fingers faster.
"Fuck yes..." You gasp out. "Another," you say as you suck on your tongue.
"Greedy," Alastor gasps as he slips his third finger inside you, the motion becoming a little awkward as his hand starts to fill you completely. But the noises you make are so addicting, he can't stop, and he starts thrusting faster and deeper. "I want to taste you..."
You break the kiss and give y himou a sparkly eyed look. "You do?" You ask, a little surprised.
"More than anything," Alastor says, his voice rumbling with desire. He's been craving the taste of you for a long time, and he's not waiting any longer. Pulling his fingers out of you, he licks them clean before pushing you onto your back and grabbing your thighs just under your knees.
"Alastor..." You say with a blush, losing some of your confidence now that you're not the one in control.
"No need to be nervous, darling," Alastor purrs as he leans down to kiss the inside of your thighs. Slowly, he works his way up until he reaches your sex, spreading your lips with his fingers to get his first real taste of you.
You pull in a quick breath, strangely embarrassed as he looks directly at you like this.
"Do I make you nervous, dear?" Alastor murmurs, not looking away as he takes his first lick of you. He can't help but moan softly at the taste and starts licking and sucking in earnest. "You're so responsive, it's almost shameful," Alastor chuckles, not taking his eyes off of you as he continues to pleasure you. He wants to see every reaction from the way you blush to the way your eyes close in pleasure.
Your legs begin to shake at the feeling of his tongue. "A-alastor!" You mewl, your hand finding its place on his head.
"Yes, darling?" Alastor groans, feeling the way your hand grips his hair. He loves the possessive way you touch him, and it only fuels his
"Don't stop," you gasp out. "It feels... so good!"
"Oh, I have no intentions of stopping," Alastor growls, feeling himself getting even harder. He can already feel your walls starting to flutter around his tongue, and he knows you're close.
"I-I'm gonna- a-ah!" He can feel as your body writhes in pleasure.
"Yes, cum for me," Alastor urges, wanting to feel you pulse around his tongue. He continues to lick and suck at your clit as your cries reach a fever pitch before slowing down as your orgasm subsides.
The minute you feel yourself coming down you grip him by his collar and drag him to you, kissing him with a determined frenzy. Alastor grins against your lips and doesn't hesitate to position himself above you. He starts to lose himself as you pull him down into a searing kiss. His fingers trace down your body, teasing your already sensitive folds.
As you break the kiss, looking deep into his eyes, your words are quiet but strong. "Fuck me, Alastor..."
"With pleasure," Alastor growls, his eyes darkening at your words. His grin widens as he gazes into your eyes. He can hear the desire in your quiet words, and he's more than willing to give you what you want. Positioning himself at your entrance, he slowly starts to push inside, groaning at the feeling of your tight walls around him. He sets a slow pace, enjoying every second of being inside you. But he knows that soon this slow pace will not be enough. You let your head roll back as he fills you perfectly.
"Oh, Alastor..." You say in a low moan, your leg raising so you can caress him along his side with your ankle.
"You're so tight," Alastor groans in pure bliss at the feeling of your walls around him. He takes his time to get used to it before slowly starting to thrust in.
"Is it anything like you thought it would feel...?" You ask with a smirk.
"No. Better," Alastor answers with a smirk before thrusting deeper and harder, his hand finding its way to your throat, applying just enough pressure to send tingles down your spine. He continues to pound into you, his hips meeting yours with every thrust.
"Ah..." Your chest swells as he grabs you, the feeling of danger, despite knowing he wouldn't truly hurt you, thrilling.
"You like it rough, don't you?" Alastor growls, feeling you tightening around him. He can tell how much it turns you on.
The grip on your throat tightens slightly before he let's go, leaning down to bite and suck on your neck, leaving marks that will soon be visible to anyone who sees you. He can feel your whole body shudder as you loudly moan, the pleasure mixing with the pain in a delectable way.
"You've gotten even tighter, my dear," Alastor groans as he continues to thrust into you, his other hand finding its way to one of your breasts, squeezing and pinching the nipple while his mouth is busy on the other side of your neck.
"Fuck..." Your voice is low, every thrust forcing a new moan from you. You dig your nails into him, scratching up his back until hands are in his hair while your legs lock around his hips, effectively driving him even deeper into you.
"Yes, just like that," Alastor groans, his thrusts becoming more frenzied as he feels you clenching around him. He enjoys the feeling of your nails on him as it drives him even closer to the edge. "Leave your mark on me..."
You look up at him with pure lust in your eyes and pull his head down beside yours, biting into his neck as you grip his ears, rubbing their soft fur. Alastor groans and growls at the feeling of your teeth, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he feels himself getting closer to climax. He can't help but rub himself against you, loving the feeling of your grip on his ears and the way you seem to cling to him.
You begin to feel his antlers growing and let him pull back just enough to see that they're not the only thing. His whole body is transforming, the pleasure seeming to cause him to shift into his wendigo demon form. You lick your lips as he steadily grow in size, quickly dwarfing you, his hand able to almost wrap completely around your waist. Where anyone else might be frightened, he can tell from the look in your eyes that you're excited.
"You like that, do you?" Alastor growls, his voice deep and otherworldly as he shifts into his demonic form. He can't help but smirk at the look of excitement in your eyes and takes a moment to relish in the feeling of his body transforming and growing larger.
A shiver rolls down your body and you take in a slow, deep gasp as his cock grows proportionally inside you. He were big enough before, now you feel as though you might actually lose you mind as he fucks roughly into you. Alastor growls as he feels himself filling you more, loving the way you seem to writhe and moan in pleasure. He grips your waist tightly with both hands, holding you like a toy, as he begins to thrust into you harder and faster, his body shaking with every movement.
"You feel as fragile as a twig..." he says gruffly, his voice a growl.
You look up at him, your eyes clear just long enough to say the words "break me” before they roll back into your head and your tongue lolls out of your mouth.
Alastor's eyes light up with both surprise and desire at your response, and he grips your hips unbearably tighter, growling in pleasure as he begins thrusting into you with all his might, every movement shaking your body and cracking sounds begin coming from the bed. Alastor's primal lust overcomes him as he begins to thrust into you harder and faster, almost punishingly so. He wants to hear those words again, craves the feeling of dominating and controlling you.
"Again..." he grunts, losing himself in the pleasure of the moment.
"Break me!" You growl again, louder this time.
Alastor's eyes glide shut as he relishes in the feeling of controlling you, dominating you completely, breaking you just as you asked. He thrusts into you harder still, his own growls and moans mixing with yours, filling the room. You begin to feel the knot in your stomach forming once more, growing tighter and tighter with every thrust.
"Alastor!" You scream out, "l-I'm gonna cum!"
"Yes...yes, cum for me..." Alastor's eyes light up at your words and he thrusts into you once more, sending you over the edge.
"Oh-oh-oh-! A-Ahh!" You feel yourself come undone around him, your whole body quivering from the strength of the orgasm his incredible cock sends through you. He watches as your sexed out face falls to the side, still groaning with every thrust he forces into your weakened body, tears of ecstasy in the corners of your eyes; your body shaking and trembling beneath him, your moans echoing in his ears.
Alastor watches you in awe, your face a picture of pure pleasure as you cum onto his cock. He watches as he continues to thrust into you, prolonging the pleasure and the intensity of your orgasm. He loves the sight of you, completely broken and exposed beneath him, completely his. Then, suddenly he feels himself release into you, his thrusts slowing as he reaches his own peak. "Yes...yes..." he murmurs, unable to tear his gaze away from you.
Your eyes widen as you feel him begin to spill inside you, there's so much that it's as though you're body can't fit it all and you can feel it gush out around him and onto your thighs. You let out a long moan, looking up and into his eyes.
"Yeeesssss..." yoy say in a sultry voice. "Cum inside me... Fill me… claim me..."
Alastor watches as more and more of his cum spills into you, filling you up completely and giving you no choice but to accept it. He loves the sensation of you fully beneath him, completely taken by him, and the way you look up at him as he cums is like a dream come true.
You feel as though you may pass out, both from pure ecstacy and exhaustion. Alastor smirks, satisfied by the sight of you so completely spent beneath him. He slowly pulls out of you, watching in satisfaction as his cum spills out of you and onto the sheets, marking you as his.
"You are mine," he insists, his demonic grin still plastered on his terrifying face, green chain in hand.
"Yours..." you whisper with a smile, trailing your finger along the chain.
Alastor watches as you admire the chain, almost like a predator eyeing their prey. He loves how submissive and obedient you are, especially after he's just made you cum so hard. With a breath he begins to return to his normal size, face relaxing into more of his usual grin.
"Is this what I'm to expect now that you own my soul?" You ask playfully.
Alastor smiles wickedly, his eyes gleaming at your question. He leans down to whisper in your ear, his warm breath giving you goosebumps. "If you behave and obey, yes, much more of this awaits you."
"Hmmm..." You hum happily. "Then I'll do my best to not disappoint."
Alastor chuckles darkly at your reply, his grin only widening. "Good girl," he purrs, running his thumb along your cheekbone affectionately. He leans down to give you a kiss, marking you as his and leaving no doubt in your mind who you belong to now.
"Remind me to thank Charlie tomorrow," you mumble. "She played her part perfectly."
Alastor smirks at your words, his expression darkening slightly at the mention of her name. "She is your friend, and yet she played a part to trap you into a deal with a demon?"
You look up at him with a sly grin. "It was no trap," you begin to explain. "I told her to go tell you I was going to heaven."
Alastor raises an eyebrow at your words, caught off guard by your reveal. He looks impressed by your cleverness and cunning, though still slightly wary of the meddling demon belle. "and why did you do that," he asks, running a hand through his hair with frustration.
"Because I could tell you were hiding something from me, and I figured if I was going to get it out of you, I'd have to force your hand."
Alastor smirks at your words and leans back in his chair, eyes locked with yours. "Well, you certainly did that," he says with a laugh. He has to admit that he's surprised and impressed by your plan, even though it had been a risky move on your part.
"I never had any intention of redemption," you admit. "I couldn't leave you if I wanted to..."
Alastor looks at you with intensity, a mixture of emotions flicker across his face. He's both relieved and touched by your words, though he'd never admit it. His mind races at the implications of what you've just said. He leans in closer to you, his voice dropping lower. "Then prove it,"
You lift the chain up as though it's proof enough. "As long as you own my soul I can't ascend to heaven, even accidentally. I'm stuck here will you for as long as you want me around... which I can only hope is eternity."
Alastor's eyes widen as he follows your movement, his gaze tracking the chain in your hand. He reaches out and takes it from you, running a thumb over the cold metal, his mind racing with thoughts of what this means for the two of you.
"I'm yours Alastor. Yours and only yours. And... I hope that I can say the same for you?" You give you a gentle, hopeful look.
Alastor looks at you, his expression softening as he takes in your appearance. His eyes scan over your face, memorizing every detail, every curve, and every freckle.
"You already own me," he admits in a low voice, his fingers tightening around the chain. "You did the day you set foot in my line of sight. I have never wanted anyone like this, and I dare say, I don't think I ever will again."
You shiver at his words, smiling. "Good..." You whisper, letting your arms wrap around his neck.
Alastor wraps his arms around your waist, his movements slow as he pulls you closer. He feels a strange sense of relief wash over him as he holds you tightly, feeling your body pressed against his own.
"I promise to protect you, to keep you safe from anything that might harm you," he hums onto your skin. "I will be the only one to touch you like this... And in return, you are the only one I will ever allow to touch me the same."
You blush; this decoration more intimate than any you'd ever have expected. "I love you too, Alastor..." You sigh happily, nuzzling in closer to him.
Alastor's eyes light up at your words, and he feels a warmth spread through him. He tilts his head down, pressing his lips to your forehead with a gentle smile on his face. "Sleep well my dear," he whispers, holding you close as you drift off in his arms.
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Taglist: @shadowqueen1318 @liveontelevision @honestlyshamelesskid @bad-and-drawn-that-way @lonelynmisunderstood @shcrou-sei @l0liamk @tasha-1994 @cosmiccandydreamer @memoire-du-ciel @alastorssugar
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volensnolenss · 3 days
friends who like to do this
summary: 𝗌𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗎 𝖽𝗈𝖾𝗌𝗇’𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾;
content: 𝗆𝖽𝗇𝗂!𝗇𝗌𝖿𝗐, 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖻𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖿𝗂𝗍𝗌, 𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁 𝗌𝖾𝗑, 𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗑, 𝗆𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗋𝗒, 𝗃𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗒;
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you and gojo are satisfied that you are friends with benefits, because it does not harm anyone and no one is responsible. but lately, satoru has noticed that he doesn't like it when you communicate with other men; a feeling of strange ownership or jealousy pierces him.
“cmon, tell him you can't come.” gojo roughly grabs your chin and approaches you, harshly stretching you out with his thick cock. "satoru- mhmm” mascara drips from your eyelashes, leaving lines on your cheeks. your fingers wrap around his hand and through the blurred look you see only the silhouette of his blue eyes, which glow brighter with each bump of his hips against yours.
“and these are all you can say?” he growled, sinking his cock deeper, piercing your tight walls with a series of his convulsive strokes, “just admit that you're jealous of me.” you moan louder when his free hand squeezes your aching hip.
“it doesn't matter anymore” his lips draw an ardent line along your neck and you tilt your head back, giving him as much space as possible, “mine, you're only mine” gojo whispers, biting your skin, leaving purple spots on it. you smile through his whiplash movement and the pressure of his shaft on your weak spots.
“so you’re smiling?” he grunts when you squeeze his cock. your breathing becomes ragged with each of his thrusts against your soaked pussy, “wa-ait, baby, ‘m gonna do something” satoru grins and finds your phone under the sheet; without slowing down, he still plunges his cock deeper without stopping, filling all the soft and sloppy space.
“no, don't you da-” his thumb rests on your clit, casually playing with it and you're meowing under him while he dials manami's number.
“do you think he'll be upset?” he scoffed and hands you a phone, the beeps of which echo. you bite your lips, trying to stifle your moans and hoping that he won't pick up his phone, but suddenly you hear his voice.
“yes?” you snatch the phone out of gojo's hands and try to talk. he lifts your hips slightly and thrashes you, waiting for your actions.
“nanami.. honey, i can't come” you immediately hang up and throw your phone away as gojo presses your knees to your chest,
“what did you say? fuck, take my cock, angel. i feel your pussy is clenching” his thoughts get confused one by one as he approaches orgasm.
you already don't care so much about everything you said that you canceled the meeting — you just want to be fucked by him and that's it.
“satoru!” you scream out his name as he completes his thrusts and groans muffled, filling you to the brim, “do you feel it?”he pushes the tip of his veiny cock into you, “cum all over my cock.”you exhale with a groan when his grip weakens and your body is now in complete ecstasy.
you're getting yourself cleaned up again after what Satoru did to you. he looks at you surreptitiously, “so?” you pick up your clothes and turn around at his voice.
“you psycho.” he rolls his eyes and clicks, but you immediately finish, “but with a big dick.”
352 notes · View notes
daenysx · 3 days
Heyy! ♡ Idk if you take nsfw requests (and if you don't that's perfectly fine), but could you possibly write a fic where Aemond comforts reader in their bed leading up to more after hearing rumours about Alys but reassuring her that they're not true?
i'm taking nsfw requests, thank you for requesting angel!! i hope you enjoy this ♡ requests are open
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader, smut
aemond presses a kiss to your knee and suddenly you forget what you say.
"you know." he starts. "you know you're the only one."
you shake your head, your head on pillow with your leg in his hand.
"there's no one but you." he says again. "how can there be when i'm literally wrapped around your finger, huh?"
he kisses your thigh until he reaches the waistband of your tiny shorts. you cup his cheek with the last piece of strength you have. "that's not what they say, aemond."
aemond places himself on top of you gracefully, his face right in front of yours. "look at me, sweetheart." he whispers. "you know me. you know what you mean to me. do i look like i'd thrown everything i have with you just to have an affair with that woman just like they say? i'm not a fucking idiot nor a cheater."
your hand lingers on his cheek. "i know you." you start. "but i don't want people to spread rumors about you, about us like this. i don't want them to picture you and alys in their heads as if you're-"
"shh." aemond whispers. "i know."
he kisses your lips lightly. "people will talk. i can't always stop their words but- i can prove you how wrong they are."
you lean in to kiss him, he accepts the kiss greedily. he holds the back of your head, deepens the kiss. you close your eyes to him, you want to forget everything you heard, everything you saw. you believe in aemond and your love but you're frustrated with people's boldness, how can they claim to know anything about your relationship? how can they try to spread false information about your boyfriend?
aemond breaks the kiss, he spreads your legs with kind hands. he leans into your belly, his breath warms your skin. "it looks like my pretty girl needs some convincing, yeah?" he whispers against your cunt, his voice makes your head spin. he kisses your belly. his kisses draw a line from your belly to your cunt, his lips curve upwards when you squirm.
he takes off your shorts quickly, you put your calves back on his shoulders. he looks like a statue, all muscular and flawless. his hair tickles the skin of your thighs as he leans more, his chin grazes the top of your cunt and you arch your back.
"relax." he says. "i'll make you feel good."
"i know." you mumble. it's not the first time he eats you out, definitely will not be the last with the enthusiasm he shows towards the act. he brushes a slow kiss on your skin to start and brings his fingers to your center.
"aemond-" you whisper when he spreads you open. he looks pleased, you can almost feel how you drip down on the sheets. you squirm under his touch again, he gives you a lick to begin with.
"please." you say when he doesn't continue. you push your hips against his lips. "please, please."
he likes the teasing part the most, the slow and cautious seconds to get you where he wants. he opens his mouth to catch your wetness, you take a deep breath when his warm tongue licks your skin. you let out a moan of his name, he's so fucking good at it. it's maddening, so insane; the thought of him doing this to another woman. there are people out there who believes this shit?
aemond starts sucking your swollen bud, his fingers keep playing with you at the same time. you lift your head from the pillow, your hand goes to aemond's head to keep him still. he hums against you, such a pleasent sound. he doesn't move his head, his tongue is warm as he keeps licking your wetness.
"aemond-" you start, his two fingers find your g-spot and you feel him press against it relentlessly. you are really close to lose yourself, the wet sounds coming from between your legs increase and your heart beats faster.
your boyfriend has always been a quick learner, he is the most ambitious person you know and when he wants to be good at something he doesn't stop. sometimes you think he knows your body better than you. he reaches the places you can't reach by yourself with his long fingers, his fingertips press gently but firmly against your skin.
"please- i can't-" you mumble incoherently. aemond looks up to you, his eye glints with a burning desire. his tongue keeps your clit between his lips at he keeps stroking your g-spot, you make a loud noise when he stops suddenly.
"come for me." he says firmly. he sucks your clit once again, his fingers inside you. "now."
you are on the edge of insanity, clenching hard around his fingers as you come. it's both a relief and madness, the way he holds you when your sight goes blank, how he presses himself to bed just to give himself a second to focus on you. he is undeniably hard but he has a point to prove.
you lay on bed, eyes closed and body limp. the stress and frustration coming with those rumors were hard on you, you can't even lift your head to see aemond. he kisses your thighs as you come down from your high, he lays next to you. his eye looks at your relaxed face with the hope of affection.
"i never wanted you to hear them." he says lowly. "i don't want them to ruin what we have."
you manage to turn to your side. opening your arms, leading him towards your chest to put his head on your shoulder. he wraps his arms around you in a second, kisses the soft skin of your neck as he inhales your scent.
aemond sounds a bit more terrified than he aims to show. sometimes it feels like you are the only thing in his life that makes sense, he looks at you and can't believe his luck. the thought of your relationship could be ruined because of some stupid business dinner he had with alys rivers makes him sick to his stomach. don't they see how he looks at you? his eye sparks every time you enter a room. he would give anything and everything you ask from him, only to see you smile to his direction.
he has fallen hard for you and selfishly he wants to keep you to himself. he keeps the details of your relationship secret mostly to keep you from harm. maybe that's not enough. maybe he should let everyone know. he doesn't know what to do, right this moment in your arms, it's only your warmth and your lips against his skin that he can think about.
"it's not your fault." you say, playing with his hair. "i shouldn't let these rumors affect me. i think i was- caught off guard. it's not that i believe into their words it's just- the thought of you and her."
aemond wrinkles his nose. "there's no such a thing, my love." he rubs his nose to your skin. "please."
"i know." you say when his arms tightens around you. "i believe in you, only you."
aemond's heart takes a leap every time you say something precious like this to him. he'll hold onto that feeling no matter what happens. god knows it's the only think that keeps him sane these days.
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san8ny · 17 hours
Knee Socks.
an: i got like 2 other works lined up, but here’s some slowburn, emphasis on burn; the smallesttt of nsfw at the end by ellie; ARCTIC MONKEYS REFERENCE?!
Ellie's gaze involuntarily flicks downwards, her eyes taking in the sight of your shorts riding up your thighs. She's mesmerized by the softness of skin, the curves of your body, the way you’re innocently watching the show— you, who was unaware of the perverse heat Ellie was supressing herself, rubbing her olive toned thighs together in an uncomfortable manner.
She wants to reach out and touch, but she knows that's the last thing she should be thinking about. She's already a mess of emotions as it is, and adding desire to the mix would only make things worse. Surely it wasn’t her fault to think like this?
"Are you comfortable?" Ellie rasps out, unable to help herself from asking the question, who wouldn’t? A pretty girl sprawled on her comically animated bedsheets, her plain black work shorts hugging her upper thighs, revealing soft inner-thigh pudge with little stickers of celllulite,
“uh-huh” you reply back sweetly, looking over your shoulder to where Ellie sits against the pillows near the headboard while you’re layed on your stomach near the foot of the bed, I’ll get a better view here you’d told her earlier when you two got back from work and began hanging out at her place. Oh, did she mention you two met eachother at work?
She still remembers the way she would follow you around everywhere when you were showing her around the place, teaching her the ropes. Ah, make sure you don’t get here thaaat late, ‘aight? Manager is pretty chill but she’s kinda bitchy during rush mornings, you’d said with warm eyes and a downturned smile right before walking away.
"Good," Ellie replies quietly, now being brought back to where you two currently lazed on her comforter. She can't help but also notice how your shirt has ridden up slightly, revealing the ittiest sliver of your lower back. She sucks in a sharp breath, her eyes glued to the exposed skin. She wants to trace her fingers over the soft expanse of flesh, but she forces herself to stay still.
“When are they gonna kiss already?” You exclaim clearly edged on from the show, your elbows giving up as you face-fall fully onto the bed now; the fabric of your shirt slightly twists around your waist, “All this talk is making me wanna sleep.” you say muffled into the bed,
The said bed creaks ever so slightly as Ellie scoots forward, “That eager to see people make-out? Crazyyy..” She snorts, finding her hands lightly beginning to massage at your calves.
You melt into the touch, airily giggling as you back up into her alittle; it wasn’t uncommon for you two to massage each other after a long shift yall worked, We’ll save money you told eachother that day.
propping your head up, you lay it on folded forearms instead, the attention on the show is long-gone; all that could really be focused on was how skilled the auburnette was as she kneaded at tensed muscles; Had the temperature gone up? You groan when her hands roam up your thigh, now making their mark at somewhere that had been sore for time, a slightly healed injury you’d gotten during an accident at work where you pulled a muscle,
“Yeah? Right ‘ere?” She mumbles to you, readjusting her position on the bed to slightly hover over the back of your hips as she works deep circles into place you hadn’t even thought were knotted, “Mhm..” you hum back, glossy orbs now closed as you enjoy the sensational warmth that came over your body. God, she was a pro.
Ellie’s hands now began to climb to your hips, her thumbs drawing figure 8’s with the rest of her digits tightening a grip on your sides for a moment before letting them go in short pulses. By now, her face was lined up with the back of your neck, slight hairs standing up as she lightly blows at it; a cheshire smile on her stretched lips when she notices the scrunch inbetween your brows. She wanted you to feel this as much as she was,
“Feels s’good Els..” You sigh contentedly, fluttering your eyes open and turning your head slightly to the side as you look to where she was above you, her upper body fully now pressing, and laid on your back by now.
Ellie’s face was lightly flushed, canines biting down on her rosey, chapped bottom lip as they drew slight blood; How could feeling you up feel so good for her if she wasn’t even the one feeling it? The sight brought a small smile to you as you sat up, Ellie now seeing the initiative to sit back down on her haunches rather than her knees, and not on you importantly. You slightly lean in, brushing her slightly sweaty bangs away from her forehead; “Thank you for that. I really needed it.” You gently say, cupping her cheek before dropping it down to grab your phone, looking at the device,
“Ugh, ‘almost 12, I gotta get going. See you tomorrow at work?”
Ellie doesn’t even realize how dazed she looks before running a clammy hand down face in an attempt to wake herself up, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll pick you up actually.”
You nod as you two make yourselves out of her dark room, and into the dimly lit hallway, towards the front door, “Okay! Bye Ellie, I had fun by the way!” is what you tell her as you skip over to your car.
She doesn’t even say a ‘bye’ back before hastingly slamming the entrance shut, sliding down the door as she buries her face in her once balled up palms; she spreads her thighs slowly, noticing the growing wet spot on her shorts as it dawns on her what just has happened.
You had her so fucked up.
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spookypete-94 · 2 days
Dark Horse- Husband and Wife
Part 4
Start of a mini series. Reader is a single mother, working double shifts at a restaurant. Father of the child starts to become a problem while reader is at work and Price offers a solution. Slight age gap between reader around 25 and Price around 35. MDNI! This chapter contains light smut towards the end, not necessary to continue the story.
This one is a little rushed I feel. Wanted to write more, but limited on time and didn't want to keep everyone waiting for an update.
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Searching your closet for the best outfit you owned was proving difficult. You hardly ever splurged on yourself for anything that you deemed wasn't worthy of your job. Honestly, fresh white long sleeves and black slacks being most of what you owned. Standing there in your towel, tiny water droplets falling to the floor dampened your carpet. Finally, you had found it. An old dress you had for the baby shower for Abel. It was long and white made from cotton lined with blue flowers. Setting it out, to slip on after your hair and makeup are completed.
It was hard for you to even look yourself in the eyes. Nervous about being a married woman at the end of the day, but you were doing it for Abel. John seemed like a man that would hold his word, surely, he would be a good husband… There was no denying there was attraction between the two of you, but would it be enough to make a good marriage?… Shit, should you write vows? What was expected of you here??
After perfectly working yourself up and deciding you had enough makeup on and hair styled, you went out to find Abel eating a bowl of cereal at the counter.
"You all ready for you big day?" Asking him, you started to gather your other items.
"You look pleasantly ready for yours," A familiar voice announced themselves. Looking over you saw John sitting in front of 2 cups of coffee that he had got to go, one for you and one for him.
"John!" you exclaimed startled. He started chuckling, your face full of surprise. You looked back and forth between him and Abel. "Not that I'm upset that you are here… but how did you get in?"
"I let him in," Abel said turning to you looking at your shocked face.
"Abel, what have I said about unlocking the door?"
"He's not a stranger ma," Abel defended himself, making you shake your head and sigh. Oh, the irony.
John who had found the scene amusing chuckled harder, sliding the coffee to you. "I did tell him it was me when he asked who I was, the door was still closed."
"I suppose," you grumbled, giving Abel a side eye while smiling, feigning annoyance still. "He is the only other person you open the door for, ok?"
"After today I would hope you would give him a key." Abel said, quickly proud of his witty response.
"Abel!" Was the only thing that could come out of your mouth while John laughed loudly in the background.
"He's a good kid, like how he thinks." John grinned at you, making you roll your eyes even more. They were going to get stuck in your head today.
"Grab your stuff, let's go," You ushered to Abel like normal in the morning. "Can't have you missing your field trip."
"Absolutely not," he concluded making you laugh.
"Glad to see you're in a good mood today."
"Dinosaurs and you are happy momma, that's why." he said, skipping away like he normally did to the end of the sidewalk. The statement made your head turn to him to look. Had he really noticed what you thought was a subtle difference in you? Were you really that unhappy? It made your heart hurt to see that Abel could tell the difference.
John gave you a longing glance seeing your hurt behavior before reaching into his pocket and grabbing his key fob to his car to unlock it. The lights flashed on a fancy black car parked in front of your house.
"Are we going in that?!" Abel asked where John nodded at him in response.
"Sure are."
"This day just keeps getting better and better!" Abel exclaimed, getting into the backseat.
You then smiled seeing him gleam and shine in the backseat, an extreme flip flop just happened in your emotions. It made your nerves unsettle again as you approached the car preparing to get into the passenger seat.
A large hand stopped you from reaching for the door handle making you look up at John.
"I get the doors." Eyebrows raised at you telling you he would take no arguing about it, making you take a step back so he could clear the door of you.
It made the heat rise from your neck into your cheeks. Trying to hide it, you buckled yourself in turning around to make sure Abel did. John slid into the driver’s seat starting the car causing all kinds of lights and gauges to light up as the engine came alive. It was different not walking to school and seeing all the other people pass by in a slow blur. Sure, a car would be nice in your life, but other things take priority over other means of getting around. This just feels like a luxury.
John pulled up in front of the school for drop off. Stepping out of the car, you chased Abel up the front steps. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Slow down!" You said waiting for him to stop before giving him a hug. "Got all of your stuff still?" Looking him over just to be sure.
"Yes," he groaned, finding all of this unnecessary. Your final glance over completed, you titled his chin to make him look at you. "I love you; I hope you have a good time. We will be the ones to pick you up tonight since it’s the weekend." With that, you got a brief hug before he turned and ran off in the direction of the front doors. Making sure he got inside; you turned and saw John leaning against his car. You stood still a moment, taking him in. He wore a long white sleeve shirt, a blue tie and blue matching slacks to go with. Truly, he was handsome. But the smile he was giving you was warming your heart, a hand gesturing out to come to him. Answering his plea, you approached where he again opened the door for you to sit down in his car. Smoothing out the dress, the pearl ring catching your eye. You didn't even have a ring for him… A frown on your face.
He must have noticed this as he got in and sat down. "You alrigh'?"
"Yeah…" you mumbled out, your left hand tucking your fingers down, trying to hide what you really wanted to say.
"Out with it." he firmly but gently, he said turning to better face you.
"Don't have a ring for you, don't have vows for you, don't even have a key made for you-" you blurted out with haste, a hand reaching over to squeeze your hand.
"All of those things will come with time, sweethear', don't stress it. Can pick a ring for cheap at a pawn shop, keys can be made in minutes. We don't have to say vows, the Judge can tell us what to say. It's gonna be alrigh'" his hand reaching over and brushing across your left hand, finger rubbing against the ring.
"Do you not wan' to do this?" He asked as if it was his worst fear, to either make you feel like you were obligated to or perhaps didn't want this.
Taking a few seconds, you shook your head "No, I want this…I think. You seem like a good man, but it’s confusing to me. To have anyone treat me so kindly."
This time it was his turn to frown, the damage and abuse you had withstood from your ex clearly shining through all your cracks right now. And he intended to fix it.
"Everyone deserves to be treated like this by one another. Especially the ones who love their children so much. Who have been through it all and still remain good in this fucked up world… Whatever that man has done to you, ends now. I'm going to show your son how a real man loves and protects his woman.." He said leaning over, an arm wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you to him. A warm kiss was placed on your temple before he rested his own forehead against it.
"You sure you want this? Are you ready?" he asked again, trying to make sure you were confident in your answer.
"Yes," you nearly whispered out, fighting off the tears not wanting to ruin your make up you hardly ever wore.
Kissing you one more time, he let go, putting the car in drive before heading off in what you assume was the direction of the courthouse.
The paperwork was more than you had expected. Had to present ID and sign through what felt like stacks of sheets of papers and told to sit in the hallway and your names would be called.
"How old are you?" you asked.
Favorite color?"
"Dogs or cats?"
"Dogs. Interrogatin' me now?" A slight laugh to his question.
Meekly you answered, "Just realize I know nothing about you.... besides your food order."
"I will tell you all you wanna know then."
Spending a half hour you learned a lot about John. He joined the military right out of school, it being no doubt where he wanted to go with his life. No siblings, his mother and father both passed leaving him without immediate family. He traveled a lot for his job, gone for periods of time.
Next, he learned about you. Your upbringing. The favorite things you enjoyed in life. The hardest part the details of how your ex had got you drunk before raping you and causing you to get pregnant. Watching the anger flash across his face, and hands squeezing tightly on the wrinkles of his pants.
"As terrible as it was, and as he can be… I don't regret it. Abel is the best thing out of my life even for the circumstances."
John's eyes softened, his hand reaching back over to yours. Thumb stroking the back of your hand.
"I'm sorry it happened to you like that and so young."
Shrugging you tried to brush it off. "It's aright… sometimes I just wish he would disappear." You stated more for yourself. He wanted to say more but was interrupted as your names were called. It now became a thought John would catalog away for now, something he might return to later if the chance arises.
Standing up, he reached for your hand which you gladly took, walking next to him, matching his stride.
You could see the judge's mouth moving, words supposed to be coming out, but it sounded like garble to you. Your heart pounding loudly in your ears, the anxiety rushing through your veins causing what sounded like static.
All of it was simple, but still somehow more extravagant than what you thought you would ever deserve. The moment finally came that you had been stressing about all morning, turning to face John away from the judge seemed to fix that issue. His blue eyes and calming smile soothing you, all fret finally leaving. His words echoed true.
"I, John take you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."
The words seemed to have rung a bell in you, causing peace to quell within. This was it, it was real, it was happening. Pure Bliss. Mirroring his words you repeated them back to him, holding true.
"Do we have rings to exchange?" The judge asked glancing over to John and a slight shake of his signifying his answer. This was all so fast- the last item on your list but making the top of it now. "Then you may kiss your bride." The judge stated, smiling, removing his glasses a way to watch the event before him.
John stepped forward leaning down and kissing you sweetly. So much different from what had happened last night on your couch. Standing up on your tippy toes to kiss him fully back before breaking away.
That was it. You're done now. Probably the craziest thing you have ever done in your life besides giving birth. Hand wrapped around yours, John led you back out the court room and waved off those that congratulated you both. Grateful to be back outside you took a deep breath in filling your lungs. Your mind flashing over to think of Abel. You did this for him, you will protect him. John was grinning, the very best smile of his you had seen yet making you match it back.
"How's it feel to be Mrs. Price?" he asked arm wrapping around your waist.
"Like a whole new person," your tone joking.
"Have a whole day planned before we pick up Abel," John said checking his mirrors before pulling out.
"Like what?'
" 's surprise wife," he said reminding you, smiling still.
"No hints whatsoever?"
He drove out of the city, taking you into the countryside. "Where are we going?" You asked trying to get anything from him. "Almos' there." was his answer before pulling down a bumpy lane. He drove slow not wanting to cause a rough ride, giving you a good glance. Trees surrounded the lane, giving shade over the car, bits and pieces of sun peeking through periodically. The car finally came to a stop pulling into what seemed like a random piece of land. John sighed, parking it and turning over to face you while he popped the trunk.
This whole thing seemed strange, but you were putting faith and trust into John that there were not ropes and trash bags in the back he was going to stuff you in.
"Going to explain now?" You asked with an arched eyebrow. "I bought this piece of land. Wanna build a house and move us all here. Have you be in charge of it while I'm gone." You were rendered speechless.
"You what?"
And John calmly repeated himself, knowing it had shocked you. Letting the words bounce off of you, you looked out the windshield eyeing the property.
"One more time…" you repeated. This whole thing had to be a fucking dream, you were in a coma, there is no way you just hit the jackpot in luck with finding a man and him building a house.
And again, he repeated it, a snicker in between words.
"You can't be serious."
"Very serious, wouldn't joke about that."
Tears stung your eyes this time, falling desperately.
"Oh hey, I didn' mean to make ya' cry." Trying to hold you in the car.
"Not sad John, I think these are tears of joy," you answered awkwardly laughing while feeling like a fool. A fit of giggles ensued you both.
"I've never had something as nice as you." you said, looking at him, trying to stop crying.
"Makes any difference, I've never had anything as nice and good as you either…" before leaning forward and kissing you with so much love and passion.
"My husband," you said hand stroking through his beard. "Hope your ready wife," he said getting out of the car coming over to open yours.
"For what?"
"To be wined and dined." Hand extended to help you out, next grabbing a blanket and basket out of the trunk of car. He had packed an extensive picnic. A bottle of wine, cheeses, crackers and deli meat to make sandwiches. Even stopping to find a small cake to celebrate your wedding day.
Bellies full, he laid down looking up at the blue sky, watching clouds roll by. Slowly you joined him, head laying on his chest joining him. Hand reaching over to lay on his heart, feeling it pound in his chest. Slowly it moved south, settling on his thigh, making him look down and over at you.
"Careful bird, I'll make you sing," he lovingly threatened you. "Think I want you to make me," you confessed to him. Before you knew fully what was happening, he was braced over the top of you. Knees strong columns over your sides and pinned your wrists above your head.
"Wanted this from you for so long," he had hissed into your ear before biting your pulse point in your neck, just enough to make you moan out. Running his tongue across it, soothing what he had just done to you. "Watching you run around that restaurant," one hand pinning your wrist while the other slipped behind you roughly grabbing your ass. "Look so good while being a good little waitress, the way you flirted with me even though I am an old man compared to you. But you're an even better mother. You gonna give me one?" he asked grinding into you, his clothes causing friction giving you all kinds of sensations.
He was dirty talking you… and you liked it.
"Whatever you want," you admitted, doe eyes looking up at him.
"Yeah? 'Cause I'm your what?" Smirking while he looked down at you, tone smug.
"You're my husband."
"And you're my wife. You want to give me children?"
"Yes." Dutifully answering him, making dry hump into you again, this time your dress fully out of the way feeling more of his hard cock press into you.
"Such a good wife," he said pulling your dress up, and over your head. Leaving you in the lacey set you had picked out.
"Wanted this, huh?"
How could you not?
"Such a gooood little wife," he coed into your hair before slipping into your panties, making you arch.
Gasping, you both continued, him getting his want of you and your fill of him. Lying next to him on the blanket after, feeling his hand stroke up and your side lightly with his fingers.
"Will give you the world, love. Going to make this all right for you." It was here your heart linked with his, knowing you fully made the right choice.
Captain John Price Masterlist
Taglist @cutiecusp @angeldemon28 @simplyymee98 @beebeechaos @cadotoast @talooolaaloolla @lhhlver @hon3y-cloud
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ebodebo · 2 days
summary: you're in a secret relationship with your brother's bestfriend.
a/n: HI! i was tagged to do #cali's namless challenge created by @the-californicationist to celebrate her reaching 500k on ao3! congrats cali and hopefully you all enjoy what i cooked up:)) (make sure you guess who you think it's about in the comments lmao) ALSO this is actually way longer that it's supposed to be, so i apologize. i just can't summarize to save my life!
if you want to particpate.. check out cali's blog linked above for the rules!
18+ Content
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Crossing Lines
Heavy gray clouds obscured the sky, the trees and bushes were bending and whipping in the wind, rain was pouring down, splashing off the pavement. You peered out of the car window, you were resting your head on, observing rain droplets that slid down the window, listening to weather forecasters talking about the massive storm to come. You carefully observed the droplets, delicately choosing the one you thought would win. Silently, you cheered your drop on, but, alas, it was too slow.
You heard your parents talking in the front seat about the graduation you were attending. A military graduation to celebrate the recruits, your brother included, hard work and dedication through basic training. An outstanding achievement indeed. But something you had been dreading.
It wasn't because you weren't proud of your brother—no, no. It was because his best friend would be in attendance to watch him graduate. It might not seem so bad, but you had been secretly with him for four months and counting without anyone knowing. Though you hadn't really talked to him in a little over a month since he'd been doing some "top secret work," he would say, and service was terrible where he was. 
"We're here!" Your mom chimed from the front seat, absolving you from your thoughts. You open the car door to immediately be met with raindrops falling onto your skin, offering you some sort of comfort. 
You follow your parents closely as you all walk into the venue. Large tables covered in red satin tablecloths and large flower decorations were among the first things you saw. It was honestly quite beautiful. Flags hung slightly over the large arched windows, still giving you a view of the pouring rain outside. 
You followed your parents to a table with a white nameplate in the middle with your last name on it. Taking your seat, you noticed a group of people hovering over the door you came in through, each greeting whoever came in. You tried to move your head to look at the person who walked in, but all the people obscured your view.
You sat with your hands in your lap, playing with the ring on your middle finger. "He's here, honey!" Your dad announced to your mom. You turned your head to see him waving to your parents, walking towards them. You hadn't seen him for a while, but, God, could he get your pulse to quicken just as fast as the first time you'd met.
He reached them, and your mom gave him a hug. "Were all those people greeting you?" she laughed out, playfully hitting his arm. "What can I say? I'm kind of a big deal around here," he joked as your dad brought him in for a hug, too.
You slowly stood up. "Hi," you quietly said, suddenly feeling shy. He looked down at you, a smile tugging at his lips. "My, my, what do we have here? I can't believe you came." He chuckled, bringing his arms out to hug you. "It's my brother's graduation. Of course, I came." You laughed, wrapping your arms around him.
"Fuck. I missed your laugh." He quietly grunted near your ear before he let go. You felt hot goosebumps travel down your arm at the roughness of his voice. You heard a female voice call your boyfriend’s name behind you; you turned to see a pretty brunette waving her hand in the air. The sight made your stomach drop. He nodded to her. "Scuse' me." He politely said, gently touching your mom's arm. 
He noticed your soured expression, which you didn't realize you were making. He let out a soft laugh before pulling out his phone, pointing to it to signal you to take your phone out. You quickly pulled out your phone as he walked away, typing on his.
Peabrain: She's the captain's daughter. You're the only woman for me. Got that?
Me: good because i thought i was going to have to kick someone's ass. mostly yours though. 
Peabrain: Ouch, baby. 
Peabrain: I would never do that to you. Your brother would fucking kill me if I did. 
Me: i would fucking kill you if you did. 
Peabrain: I know. My tough girl. 
You felt yourself heat up at the sentiment. "Is everything okay, honey?" your dad questioned. You quickly looked up to meet his worried expression. "Huh? Oh, ya, just a little hot." You picked up one of the graduate pamphlets lying on the table and fanned your face with it, silently cursing your boyfriend for getting you all hot and bothered. 
❀・。.。* ❀ *。.。·* ❀ *·。.。* ❀ *·。.。* ❀ *。.
The ceremony had been going on for about an hour, and there was definitely at least one more hour left. Though your brother had already crossed the stage, you had to stay and wait for the other graduates to walk.
You noticed your boyfriend sitting beside some other military personnel in the front. God, he was so hot. His hair was slightly messy from running his hand through it too many times. He was in a tuxedo with a red tie, and his legs were spread pretty wide, giving you a nice view between his legs. You looked up at his face to see his eyes were focused on you, a cocky smirk on his lips. Your eyes widened as you shifted your attention to the graduates walking across the stage.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, so you discretely reached for it and looked at it under the table.
Peabrain: Meet me in the bathroom.
Me: ya right. 
Peabrain: Bathroom. You, Me. Now.
Me: i'm not listening. blah blah blah.
Peabrain: I will drag you in here.
Me: you wouldn't.
Peabrain: Oh, trust me, I would. 
Me: fine. you're so needy.
Peabrain: You have no fucking idea. 
So, that's how you ended up sitting on the sink of a cramped bathroom. "This fucking dress." Your boyfriend purred, gently pooling the fabric up around your waist. He connected his mouth to your neck. "What do you have against my dress?" You questioned, bringing your hand up to thread through his hair. 
He brought his lips to kiss along your jaw until he reached your lips. "It's short. I could see your thighs when you sat down." He groaned into your lips. "Why were you looking that low?" You whispered, tone dripping with seducation. He didn't answer; he just grabbed the back of your head and pushed your lips onto his. 
As you were kissing, his hand dropped to graze your lower thigh, slowly going higher and higher until he was grazing your cunt over your underwear. You let out a soft moan before pulling away slightly.
"We shouldn't be doing this here." You breathe out, lightly massaging the back of his head with your fingers. 
"No, I agree. This is just despicable behavior." He stated as he slipped his hand under your underwear to draw soft circles over your dripping cunt. "Just despicable," he breathed into your ear. You let out a moan as you pull your hands out of his hair to grip his shoulders. "I mean, anyone could walk in." He said as he leaned closer, his lips hovering over your ear. "They could see my fingers in you." He whispered as his finger slipped inside you. "Fuck." You choked out, gripping him tighter. 
"See you begging me for more." He lightly nipped your ear, carefully pumping his fingers in and out of you, grazing your sweet spot. You quickly connected your lips again, his tongue battling yours. You jump a little at the sound of a ding from your phone.
"Leave it." He said, gripping your jaw to bring your lips back to his. You nodded and continued kissing him. His fingers are now pumping a little quicker in you—another ding. You groan. "Let me just check real quick." He groaned and begrudgingly pulled his fingers out of you. 
Stinky: Hey, sis! Where’d you go?
Stinky: The ceremony ended early. Mom and Dad want to grab some dinner. Food sucks here.
Me: hey! went to the bathroom rq. be right there!
He peered into the mirror to see who was taking your gaze.
"Mmh. Should we tell em' ?" He sarcastically said as he threaded his fingers through your hair. "You're an asshole." You roll your eyes as you carefully jump off the sink. You look up at him. "He could kick your ass, you know?" You matter-of-factly say. "Something tells me I could take 'em,' " He plainly states, wrapping his hands around your waist.
"You wanna come eat with us?" You question, raising your hands to gesture for him to bend down. He obliges as you bring your hand up to fix his hair. "Mhm. Are we gonna sneak away to the bathroom during dinner?" He questions, with a smirk.
You pull your hands down and rub them over his chest. "Ya.. and I'll even let you finger me under the table." You seductively say. 
"Really?" His eyes brighten. 
"No. Not really." You drop your hands as you let out a laugh.
"You're a cruel woman." He pouts. 
"Fine. Maybe I'll let you play footsies with me under the table." You say as you turn to fix your lipstick in the mirror.
"Deal." He instantly says, bringing a smile to your lips.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
also, just tagging everyone on my taglist! so, this has nothing to do with who the story is about...
taglist: @artemis-b-writes @starsofang @sceletaflores @yuenity @minihotdog @theloneshadow24 @harpsinfinity @mrs-marc-spector @babygirl-riley @contractedcriteria @yyiikes @hilmiponken @bleached-punk @IMASLUTFORFICTIONALMEN @chonkaydonkay @lunars-somehow-alive @gowno1wysrane
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quietsamurai98 · 1 day
Rewatching Dot and Bubble, a few lines really jumped out at me after seeing the ending.
Spoilers below the Read More
Lindy @ The Doctor: "You. I blocked you. Didn't I block you? I knew it. I did. I thought that you just looked the same, but you're— How did you do that?"
First viewing: That's... Kinda weird? Is she faceblind or something? Or just stupid?
Lindy @ her friends, talking about the Doctor: "Guys, I— I know this is wrong, and when this is over, he is gonna be so disciplined— I can't wait— but just give him a shot, okay? I think he's not as stupid as he looks."
First viewing: She's... oddly upset about the Doctor hacking into the bubble? Why is she so worked up over that? And wtf do you mean "as stupid as he looks"?
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tocomplainfriend · 1 day
Oh no
TW - racism and Slavery, power dynamics
really meh. IDK why they went mecha with the cherubs. The energy of the fight and how much it lasted was really lacking. I'm annoyed still by the "GUYS STOLAS IS SO SAAAAAD" bullshit. Why is the thumbnail so bad? I thought it was fake.
There is not an understanding of classism or power dynamics or anything.
Blitz was right, Stolas is a privileged asshole that constantly reduced their relationship into something sexual and belittled blitz, in remarks of him as a lower / IMP. Stolas did a scenario where Blitz job depended on them having sex. The series is creating a scenario where Blitz needs to love Stolas back because Stolas is so UWU sad baby that 'loves' him.
The main reason i hated the re-write of Stolas and blitz meeting-is because is exactly this: (something I've been aware of for a while.)
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This exact situation of white slave owners making the kids of their slaves play with their white kids (I originally got introduced to this idea for a long form criticism of the Princess and the frog Story from Disney). IDK why would you make a scenario where there is inequality to the imps and how they suffer racism- if you just want Stolas to be in the right and Blitz in the wrong
I do not care if Stolas is sad and his life (even tho better because he is rich and has a literal book that gives him powers, vs being an IMP that could die, suffer from property and any possible scenario they are exposed to- or be a slave servant to the richer people because they were born imps.) he doesn't get to freed from all his wrong doings. No matter how depressed he is, his power is still higher and over Blitz. And creating a terrible scenario for blitz or any Imp for that matter.
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They are really going for the plot line of But Stolas is a good rich privileged person.
Also, a scenario where the discriminated x privileged... There is the direct connection to the "what about everyone else".
If a non discriminated against person with big power is not bigoted to the person, the one they fell in love with. Does only that one discriminated person get saved from their social situation? Does everybody else still suffers because they don't happen to be the one. But what if the privileged person still discriminates against those people, but not their "special one".
Also... if you get a scenario as the discriminated one where you get to be saved from your situation, that's fucked. This person loves you if you say yes to them then you don't have to deal with being poor and as oppressed by the system but only you! Your entire group of people lives in the same conditions as you... If you say no, then you'll go back to being oppressed. This person on power hold power over you still. How much can you wight in with your own problems and boundaries, if the other one can throw you away into your old way of living. Can you leave the relationship? If you leave, you can get all the things you did with the privileged person cause maybe they don't hate you for being from a certain minority group, but the system over all hasn't changed. Can your group of people only get better life conditions by loving the pre-existing group in power? Those that person even like you, or do they like the power they hold onto you? Or maybe they like your race for your race more than you as a person.
Just a thing in the writing of this kind of story.
Also, character can have flaws, but they need to be recognized as flaws in writing.
Stolas are constantly victimizing himself (just like any sad privileged asshole would). He can't take the fact that if blitz is angry at him is for a reason, because he doesn't see his treatment of his as a bad thing. Cause in Stoals pov he enjoyed having power over blitz and calling him an IMP and forcing his romanticized view of the situation on to him- But Blitz was pulling a fast one to get money, This rich guy who he got gifted to as a slave playmate now is holding his job over his head in exchanged for sex, the same guy constantly does sexual advances towards him even when he explicitly says he doesn't want that (remember all of Loo loo land episode?), he gets call plenty of imp based "petnames" (“My impish little play-thing”) from a guy that can literary buy imps as slaves any day, suddenly he has to reciprocate his romantic feelings because he is sad, and apparently he wanted something more even thought he made it entirely empty and sexual all this time.
Stolas fake apologized, got fairly screamed at and victimized himself.
And apparently calling him out is bad for Blitz to do? Victim blaming.
I think by the last episode, they are going to kick Stolas out of the castle, technically putting him in a similar social position to imps with nowhere to go. Even if it doesn't magically work that way. -and Stolas is going to be "more sad and more in the right, so Blitz has no ground to complain now, right!?" ...
The way all of this episode and series is written tries so hard to delete any negative feeling against systemic problems, classism related issues, etc. if it's against a character the series wants you to like. If it's Stolas then he did nothing wrong, the power dynamic doesn't exist... if it is Mammon then he is a terrible person holding his power over others' capitalism sucks... oh but not Stolas tho! If it is Ozzi there is no power dynamic over a disabled imp, constant searching for appreciation from someone he fells is above him (like he tried to get with Mammon, because Ozzie is a good highly privileged person. No bad things to look out for! Fuck capitalism, but I'm one of the good rich people, no criticism is possible!
All that bad stuff could that people in my position of power is awful! But I would, could never do that! Because I'm a good one! Hmm
If you don't see the problem here, you may be a problem or may be justifying something terrible.
Also, funny enough about the short of Millie and Sally... I can't believe you only get content of a female character AND MILLIE IN SPECIFIC in extra side content that Viv didn't even care enough to write herself... and also the short gave me nothing new about her, I got more for Sally (and finally something normal! More than a line and she gets to have a character).
I hope there is a better episode for her.
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s0fter-sin · 13 hours
the 141 recovering brainwashed!soap but he’s just a shell of his former self; never speaking, never moving without orders. he never even blinks; just stares straight ahead with his unnatural green eyes.
but ghost can't accept that.
price and gaz can't stand watching ghost torture himself day after day; visiting soap in his cell for hours at a time, trying anything he can think of to bring back his sergeant.
he shows him pictures of the 141 but soap thinks he's being given targets and moves to eliminate them before ghost stops him. he brings him his journal, tries to trigger his innermost thoughts and feelings he never shared with any of them, but after he reads it, soap summarises it like he's giving a mission briefing. impersonal.
it's late when ghost finally calls it; low and defeated after another long day of being stared at with eyes that don't see him. he isn't thinking when he pulls his mask off and harshly scrubs over his face, grinding his palm into his eye.
"don't worry, johnny; we're still fixin' each other's problems," he promises, little more than a whisper as he tries to summon the energy to leave johnny behind. again.
he pushes himself to his feet, his hand on the door handle when-
"what's my problem?"
ghost freezes, something like grief - something achingly closer to hope - chilling him. he slowly turns and though soap is still starring ahead, there's a faint light in his altered green eyes.
"the mask," he forces out. "take it off."
he knows there's no way to remove the mask - the muzzle - from his sergeant's face. it's too high-tech, even for them; the biometric scanner too advanced for any bypass they know of.
it's just another way he's failed him; bringing him home still bound in their enemy's chains.
soap- jolts; a sharp, almost painful looking flinch jerking his body.
"show my face?" and his voice has changed; no longer the monotone delivery that's haunted ghost's every waking moment.
it's smaller. uncertain. recollection of a memory half-destroyed.
"yes, johnny," he breathes.
soap moves unprompted for the first time since they found him; running his finger along the edge of the muzzle where his skin bulges from the pressure, half-visible scars hidden beneath the harsh metal.
"ugly," he murmurs.
ghost immediately shakes his head, almost stumbling back to the table; haphazardly throwing his mask on it. "quite the opposite," he insists.
it doesn't matter if he has no lower jaw left at all; johnny could never be ugly in his eyes.
agonisingly slowly, soap's eyes shift to the mask. he takes in the balaclava and hard shell skull like for all the times he's looked at it since his rescue, he never truly saw it. his lids fall in less of a blink and more stage curtains closing; slow, heavy, requiring effort and no small amount of strength to open once more
"good... to see you again..." he trails off, his hand shifting up to the top of his shaved head; nails digging unforgivingly into his scalp
"simon," ghost finishes for him; that horrid grieving hope tearing at his heart
soap's fingers flex and a drop of blood trails down his forehead, over the ridge of his nose to catch on the muzzle. "s-simon..."
his nails dig deeper, the drop falling to the table just to be followed by more and ghost aches to stop him but he's terrified to interrupt him. terrified to lose him now when he's so close to something.
soap's bloodied nails scratch down the crown of his head, following the line of his stolen mohawk until they come to rest on the back of the muzzle and ghost's heart drops.
they can’t get it off.
they can't get it off and he doesn't know how to explain that to soap; doesn't know if he can stomach watching soap pull at the monstrosity holding him captive, the inevitable bloodbath as the edges cut into his skin.
"show my face," soap repeats.
"johnny..." ghost begins weakly, reaching out to him but he doesn't know how, doesn't know if he even should-
the muzzle clatters onto the table.
the biometrics they couldn't bypass, the fingerprint they needed that they were so sure belonged to makarov.
it belonged to soap.
how cruel to torture him with freedom he didn't understand he could take; didn't even understand he could want.
just the kind of sick game makarov loves.
ghost doesn't know what's louder; his heart pounding in his ears or the long, uninhibited breath soap takes.
his eyes fall shut as he leans his head back with it, the blood still dripping down his face as he straightens through his exhale. his lower jaw is a mess of scars where he fought against the previous iterations of the muzzle, the corners of his lips cut through and cracked.
but the green in his eyes is duller; that light sparking brighter as blue struggles to break through the glow.
ghost's never seen anything so beautiful.
"good to see you again, johnny."
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asidian · 2 days
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Why hello, Edwin. That is some very specific knowledge about what happens if a Misery Wraith gets ahold of you.
Followed up by Charles spotting two of them while he's in the Doll House coming to retrieve Edwin from hell.
The fridge horror of this throw-away line early on and then that two-second glimpse later in episode 7 is incredible, honestly. Those two tiny things, and you can put the pieces together.
Because these things aren't fast. Creepy, sure, but it takes one of them five whole minutes to walk down a hallway in the Case of the Devlin House.
So let me set the scene:
Edwin has been running. He's been running for years, or maybe for decades already. Hope has slipped away. He's tried everything he knows how to try. If he just sits here, maybe the demon won't chase him anymore. Maybe it will spare him a little bit of pain.
Yes, it means that he's giving up. Yes, if he stays he's never going to get out. But trying just means terror, and agony, and he's done that so many times already. He can't do it again.
So he sits himself down, tucked up against some wall somewhere, and he stays perfectly still, because if he stays very still, he won't be hunted.
And the Misery Wraiths come closer bit by slow bit, drawn by that loss of hope, until they're finally upon him. And then, somehow, no matter how much he thought it couldn't get any worse, it gets worse.
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sitp-recs · 3 days
Drarry fics where Draco is absolutely whipped for Harry? Especially love when everyone seems to know it except for Harry. Thanks! :)
Hi there! It’s hard to see Draco let Harry do whatever he pleases even when he’s pining ahaha but I do have a few suggestions. Would highly recommend eidheann and lettered as authors who usually write fics with a hopelessly in love Draco:
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by hiimcibee (T, 19k)
Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
And Back Again (Where You Belong) by eidheann (E, 16k)
He thought back on their previous handshakes, and smiled faintly at the fact they always seemed to mean so much more to him than they did to Potter.
Whoo Knew? by oceaxe (E, 18k)
Despite having had a crush on his Auror partner for years, Draco's been biding his time and waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his case. But when Harry subscribes to a new wizarding personals service, Draco gets a wake-up call.
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident by lauren3210 (E, 19k)
In which Harry thinks he’s a playboy, everyone else knows better, and Hermione will kill Seamus if Ron tries to collect on that bet.
Nothing But You On My Mind by Moonflower_Rose (M, 21k)
Potter has been in Australia on an internship for almost a year, and Draco cannot wait for him to get back home. They'll finally have a chance to talk about their feelings for each other. What could possibly go wrong? Loads, as it turns out.
The Green Vial by eidheann (E, 31k)
After months of seeing Harry Potter walk into his Apothecary disappointed and hopeless, Draco offers to carry the baby that Harry can't. Now he's just got to hide the fact that he's been half in love with Harry for years.
dirtynumbangelboy by magpie_fngrl (E, 39k)
After Harry’s unfortunate encounter with his ex, Draco Malfoy makes him a proposition. Draco wants his parents to stop matchmaking him and Harry wants to make his ex jealous. All they need to do is simply pretend they’re in love. Problem is… Draco already is.
Another Heart Whispers Back by slytherco (E, 53k)
At twenty-five, Harry Potter is still a virgin and sorely lacking in options to change that state anytime soon. To help him find a plus one for Ron and Hermione’s wedding, and maybe kill two birds with one stone, Harry’s friends set him up on a series of blind dates. The only problem is, there’s something not quite right with each of their candidates.
Harry Potter Gives a Shit by talithan (E, 58k)
“Where are you headed?” “No place special,” Draco fumbled, and flushed further. But then: “I can change that,” said Harry Potter.
Finely Drawn Lines by The_Sinking_Ship (E, 61k)
Draco doesn’t consider himself an artist (though the dozens of sketchbooks lining his shelves might suggest differently). Yet ever since Potter returned to Hogwarts, accepting a teaching position alongside Draco, his drawings have taken on a rather singular focus.
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (E, 104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
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shaunashipman · 12 hours
what gets me is that date scene was a literally under a minute long which isn’t a whole loft of time exactly of dissect the inner workings of their daddy issues. the minute they had, they used it to its full potential because we had:
- buck and tommy being casually domestic together on their date night in, which while nice, wasn’t like a super fancy thing and shows that this is probably a common occurrence for them. (especially when you see episode 9 and Bobby’s mention of buck going to visit tommy after the shift)
- buck telling tommy about his day, tommy making a joke about the dedicated hospital wing but recognizes that buck is not okay so he ASKS him pointedly how HE is
- buck shares the close relationship he has with bobby and this seems to be the first time they’re delving into that and so of course tommy wants to understand better, hence why he says “your dads alive”, buck replies exactly and tommy gets an understanding buck doesn’t have a great relationship with his father (also I have to add buck sharing how he sees bobby as a father with tommy is a big deal esp considering the buck bobby scene last episode where bobby tells buck tommys good for him soooo)
- tommy then shares his OWN experience after that, bounces off of what buck says to add to the conversation and open up to his boyfriend about his own past so he can get to know him better too. it was a moment where they were both vulnerable (the Gerard mention in particular i 100% believe is to set up an arc with tommy in season 8)
Now at this point there isn’t a whole lot of time left in the scene like maybe 20-25 seconds? they can exactly like I said sit there and examine and analyze their childhoods and their fathers so the tone switches to a more light hearted vibe because it would be weird to end it on a heavy note AND simultaneously it gives us more insight into their relationship
- buck suggestively says the daddy issues line which again, how anyone interpreted that as him wanting to continue a serious discussion is beyond me when again, the scene has hardly any time remaining
- tommy picks up the vibe he’s putting down and tells him he doesn’t have them (he clearly does have daddy issues so again, we know this isn’t about the actual trauma but about sex and what they both like/dislike )
- buck once again responds suggestively with the “you think I do”
- and then tommy with his infamous “God I hope so” - leaving buck giddy and smiling because he got exactly what he wanted
tdlr; We got domestic bucktommy, tommy backstory, both of them being vulnerable with each other, Tommy recognising he was not a good person in the past under Gerard, a set up for a tommy storyline with Gerard in some way for seaosn 8, bucktommy flirting, bucktommy matching each others freak and both very much enjoying it, bucktommy showing they can read each others moods like??? all for his in a scene that was under a minute
that scene was such a masterclass of Show Don't Tell. they had 55 seconds to get across how they're doing and where they are in the relationship and they did it. we can see that they're comfortable with each other; that they're okay with opening up about vulnerable topics but haven't had in-depth conversations on some, like buck and his parents; we can even see some of how they communicate, with tommy relating to buck's admission with similar thoughts of his own father and father-figure (something we've seen tommy do before, and is a lovely subtle showing of his personality); and then we get confirmation that yes, these two have fucked already, and are clearly compatible in that department too.
plus another sprinkle of foreshadowing with gerrard.
in 55 seconds.
that is called economy of time/space/whatever the rule is i can't remember rn. the show doesn't always get it, but when they do it is golden
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antianakin · 3 days
Do you have any thoughts on Yoda's “Miss them do not, mourn them do not,” line to Anakin in ROTS?
I'm aware of the context in which he gives it, that being Anakin wanting advice regarding concerning premonitions he's been having, while also being vague about them due to how they concern the subject of a relationship he knows very well is forbidden to a Jedi. And I don't consider it the crux of his advice there - I feel like he's ultimately trying to tell Anakin to accept the inevitability of loss and learn to move on from it, a lesson he'll inevitably fail at - but I have recently had someone claim to me that the line indicates the Jedi reject the idea of a grieving process (as if they aren't shown holding or attending funerals in TPM and TCW).
Part of what fans don't always understand about Yoda is that he can't always be taken LITERALLY because he is intended to be someone whose dialogue makes you think. The fucked up grammar and syntax is there by design to force you as a listener to think about what he said more.
So what Yoda is saying very literally amounts to "don't feel bad when people die because instead you're supposed to feel happy" when what he means on a deeper level is "don't lose yourself to your grief and instead accept that death is a natural part of life that no one can change" with the added comfort of "the people you love will rejoin the Force which you can always literally feel and connect to."
The other line of Yoda's that I think gets taken too literally is when Yoda makes the comment to Obi-Wan about Jedi becoming arrogant in AOTC. Taken literally, Yoda is condemning the entire Order, or at least a certain generation of it. But I think the subtext of it is supposed to be that Obi-Wan PERSONALLY is becoming arrogant and it's something he should think about and reflect on, especially as it relates to his relationship to his younger student.
We see a good in-universe example of the process you're intended to go through in Rebels where Kanan throws out the "do or do not, there is no try" line at Ezra without having any clue what it means and he has to admit to as much when Ezra asks for an explanation. But by the end of that episode, he's been forced to think about it more and he DOES get it and is capable of explaining it to Ezra. It was a line that seemed simple, which is why he thought he could just say it to Ezra and have it work, but it didn't do anything until Kanan took the extra time to really think about what Yoda MEANT by it and how to apply it to his own struggles. Taken very literally, Yoda is telling people not to try which feels very negative and discouraging. But it's not a line that's meant to be taken literally in the first place and anyone who's thought about the line and the context of it for longer has figured out what Yoda is actually saying, which is more about the importance of commitment to a goal.
So when Yoda says "miss them do not, mourn them do not" to Anakin, you COULD interpret it literally as an indication that the Jedi have no sort of grieving process, but I think that's doing a disservice to Yoda as a character and the way his dialogue is often intended to be understood on a less literal level.
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