#and theyre so nice and funny
moldwood · 4 months
i love dnd with my friends they all make such great characters. i need to draw my ocs more and that also means drawing others ocs more bc i love them
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troynabed · 4 months
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hey bro, is it cool if i write and perform a comedy set entirely about our life together that no one else understands just so i can see your beautiful smile
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a-mongooose · 1 year
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A dump of things I drew since the last post! i am so normal about them. I AM SO NORMAL   ABOUT THEM . totally not making cosplays of julie and sally . it is not true  ! if u want to use as pfps, feel free to! just pls credit me :p alsooo if you have any requests for the silly goofies, my asks should be open, go crazy in there 
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comradekatara · 1 year
katara will see an elder, any elder, and be like “is anyone gonna respect them” and not wait for an answer. sokka could be like “katara they are literally stealing candy from babies right now,” but if they are above a certain age she does not care, in fact she is like “sokka how could you even say that!! the audacity!! that is a respected member of the community!!!!” like the closest she comes to realizing someone old sucks actually is with pakku, and even then she is inexplicably happy to find out that he’s gonna be her step-grandpa. meanwhile zuko sees literally any old person and is immediately like “ew i didn’t know raisins could talk”
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thescreaminghat · 3 months
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two moods in the dungeon
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judasisgayriot · 2 days
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The... sweaty Patrick/scent kink Peterick compilation extravaganza? x / x / x / x / x / x (again huge shout out to ppl who helped me find sources! <3)
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ninjasmudge · 5 months
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(ocs) she is teaching him how to behave in polite society and its not working.
from this post
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saltycharacters · 1 month
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[ID: Digital artwork featuring Shimazaki Ryou from Mob Psycho 100, with some cameos from Serizawa Katsuya and Reigen Arataka. First drawing has Shimazaki in a casual pose as he rests one hand on his hip and the other grasps his white cane. He's wearing a short pink dress with a leather jacket, heels, some pointy jewlery and leggings, smiling smugly. The next image is a rough comic following Shimazaki as he infiltrates Serizawa's home, the text above it stating "Headcanon: Shimazaki likes to teleport into Serizawa's house and steal his food bc he's too nice to stop him". The first panel shows Serizawa flicking the light on, asking in exasperated disbelief, "Shimazaki. Whya re you in my kitchen at 3 am" as Shimazaki casually responds with "Heeeey bud don't mind me just doing a late night food run". Next panel has Serizawa and Reigen sharing a couch as Shimazaki rumages through the kitchen in the background, the words "After Reigen moves in" written near the top. Reigen is facing the kitchen with a confused glare, angrily questioning, "WHY is he in our apartment" while Serizawa stares at the tv in tired acceptance as he responds with "Ignore him". Shimazaki, from the kitchen, inquires "Yo Serizawa did you change the location of the pretzels I can't find them", followed by "3rd cabinet to the left" from Serizawa and a "Thanks" from Shimazaki. End ID]
Shimazaki headcanons for the win
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kittycrumb · 22 days
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what is this girl doing 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ i hope she doesn’t start speaking french next
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the-meme-monarch · 2 days
i'm this universe's peter parker but instead of being bitten by a radioactive spider i was bit by a just really mean cockroach. my hero name is they-roach i guess
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syrupyyyart · 27 days
Biggest folley of Motley and why it got so difficult for me to write was because I kept getting so caught up on trying to represent every aspect of their stories all at once anytime there were on screen, when really I need to remember that they are in fact Just Little Guys
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unidentifiedfroggy · 2 years
beta guardians really said the brilliant yet tormented mom lalonde who turns to drink in the face of impending doom and a daughter she’s never known how to connect with. bro strider who is the dark reflection of dirk who in some fucked up way wants to love dave but is too fucked up and influenced by cal and should really not fucking raise a child. grandpa harley who is larger than life and magnificent and has been absent to everyone for his entire life and left his daughter to grow up alone on hellmurder island. and also nanna egbert
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
my notifs recently got me thinking about the very random concept of "what if there is a second, secret CHB. directly below normal CHB." and i ended up brainstorming it in the discord.
context for how this originated: one was just a random notif on my post talking about the tunnels under the Hephaestus cabin, and the other was some tags from @drksanctuary on my fake readriordan article mentioning the idea of a chthonic demigod camp.
so. my brilliant (read: "smashing my 2 brain cells together") idea: the elaborate and seemingly infinite tunnels under cabin 9 are remnants of an abandoned underground CHB that exists directly underneath camp. It's basically just normal CHB except in a big cave system, probably connected to the labyrinth somewhere and has the separate tunnels, and instead of the Olympian cabins it has chthonic cabins. there's probably also some infernal nymphs and etc down there too. since all chthonic demigods can learn to shadow-travel they probably used that to get down there, and a lot of chthonic demigods probably have geokinesis just by nature, ergo the tunnels (for when they don't want to shadow-travel, or can't).
in brainstorming with the discord we decided it could be cool if some of the cabins lined up with the above-ground cabins, either for thematic purposes or associations or whatever. Like there's maybe a Hermes and maybe Poseidon cabin in the chthonic CHB too that just link to the above-ground ones, but also like Persephone cabin lines up to Demeter cabin because of course it does. and maybe Hecate cabin lines up to Cabin 8 cause Artemis is sometimes 1/3rd of Hecate. Maybe Angelos cabin is beneath Cabin 1, and Zagreus cabin is beneath Cabin 12. Things like that.
The other ones i thought of were either Hypnos or Thanatos cabin lines up with Apollo, because twins, and the other is just right beside it (because twins). And Charon's cabin is beneath Cabin 9, ergo why the tunnel system connects to it (because Charon. Ferryman. Surface access. It makes sense in my brain).
#pjo#riordanverse#headcanon#headcanons#au#< go figure which you wanna classify it as#this is entirely silly musing but it actually kind of works out nicely cause there's far fewer chthonic deities#than there are technical-olympians#so honestly you could get away with having the secondary chb only having a few extra cabins compared to the 12 usual cabins#it definitely wouldnt be any more than the 20 cabins it has by TOA#also for silly thematic reasons i do think itd be funny if despite everything cabin 13 is still inexplicably cabin 13 in underground chb#like. it shouldn't be. that doesnt make sense. but it is. what's the numbering system for the other cabins? who knows#negative numbers would be interesting. cause theyre underground#i do already have the hc of there being a secret extra cabin aboveground in chb nicknamed ''Cabin 0/Zero''#that's a little ways into the woods and kinda run-down cause it goes unused and basically why it exists is because#the ''12 olympians'' is actually inconsistent throughout ancient greece so there's a non-zero chance they could have a demigod show up#whose parent *is* technically one of the 12 olympians but they dont have a cabin for them - like Enodia. ergo: spare cabin#anyways all this musing is intentionally very silly#i just think itd be funny for chb to find out there is a second. more goth chb that is otherwise identical#literally directly below them. for no reason.#''why'd they made a second chb directly below the first one?'' ''idk underworld/chthonic reference i guess''
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byler quarantine au where theyre on zoom for school and the one class mike and will have with each other they pin the other to stare at them while they do the lesson but they both start realizing that they look very smitten while theyre supposed to be learning until theyre both convinced the other is in love with their teacher,, thus ensues chaos, jealousy, and the moral quandary of your best friend being in love with a teacher
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empyreasheart · 3 months
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drawings i made inspired by a convo in the tags with @vaguely-annoyed
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cycle-hit · 24 days
mahiru: "you know kotoko-chan, i always wanted to have siblings!!"
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