#and there’s this one account that brings the ship even when a post has nothing to do with it
vroomvroomsposts · 5 months
I’m gonna be a hater for a second…
I have been in multiple fandoms with multiple ships. I have always stuck to my favs and let the other ships be. Why yuck someone’s yum right? (unless it’s like super weird and questionable)
But there’s this one F1 ship that is just getting on my nerves. I’ve never had that issue before, where the existence of a ship makes me so annoyed. And it’s not even a morally wrong or weird ship. And it’s not even because I hate one of the driver in the pair. I love them both, they’re my pookies. But this ship just!! Ugh!!
It was cute at first ngl I even indulged in it a little bit, but it’s just annoying now. Mostly because of the shippers I guess. Because they make everything these drivers do together about the ship. And I also noticed that most of them ship this ship particularly just for the reason that they hate the driver who is most popularly paired with one of the driver from their ship. And it’s so clear how blatantly they hate that driver because they always write him as the antagonist in the fics. And not only that but they are also the bg ship for other ship fics because they also don’t like that driver. I had to stop reading a fic from one of my fav writers bc they just added the ship out of nowhere (which ok is more of my issue) but it was so clear they added that ship because they hated that one driver.
And the tags for the drivers are so unbearable because it’s just about the ship. So much that I had filter the ship name to see any posts about the drivers. I guess I have more issue with the shippers than the ship.
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
So how would the tribes and their leaders react to the grey trolls?
Pacifically Delta Dawn,Queen Essence and King Quincy and Queen Barb.
I read from one of your posts that the grey country trolls were grey because they liked other music genres and were considered criminals resulting them getting kicked out of their home and if I'm not mistaken a few were kids?
How would they react to seeing Delta Dawn since she is mostly likely the one who made the decision.
The (some) funk trolls were researchers that were left behind so how will they feel when they meet Queen Essence and King Quincy,and how will those two react knowing how they became grey.
And how will Queen Barb react to the reasons the rock trolls left and became grey especially since one of them was deaf.
Pop: The Pop trolls try to welcome back the grey trolls with open arms. (They are so happy by the discovery of them Because friendship) Who for some reason aren’t to excited to come back? I wonder why.. (The grey trolls are way to scared of what the pop tribe is like they basically took a break from being “happy”like the others and now see how messed up everything is) The Pop tribe is determined to bring there colors back no matter what (I’m talking loud obnoxious parties, activity after activity, loooooonnnngg hugs that last for days, being braided to another troll who is supposed to be your fun buddy) but after a long time (and tons of reflection) they realize how messed up it all seemed. So they took it slow and let them just get accustomed to everything, a party or two a week and not a lot of loud noises (plus no more tying people together) gradually overtime the grey pop trolls are able to be in the village and not feel overwhelmed (a looooot of insecurity about being grey though)
Techno: Trollex welcomes all the Techno trolls who were lost, left or born in the grey tribe. (He was initially shocked but quickly relieved to find the missing trolls who have been gone for years!! Plus the new editions) He tries to help them as much as he can, ie fixing torn flippers, setting up a new foster system for future trollings, making sure to know who is here or missing every week, overall just trying to help with what he can to make them more comfortable (He didn’t do much wrong with the grey Techno trolls as some of the other tribes besides a few getting separated from the group by currents and no one noticing) but he tries to right whatever wrong there is…..and throw a few raves in their honor he is still a troll he will party. The grey Techno trolls greatly appreciate it and get along well with the other Techno trolls.
Funk: The absolute guilt the royal family has is insane!!! Not only did they leave behind a group of researchers, but they are the ones who asked for them TO BE THERE!!(they did go back and look for them but found nothing) they try to make amends and do whatever to help the trolls, the fact the trolls were grey because of them almost put them in an early grave. They start figuring out ways so that this situation would never happen again (I feel like trackers would be their best option) the grey Funk researchers are a little angry at the royal fam (I mean they left them so it’s a valid response) but they do forgive them on account of why they left (I’m going to say bird attack that forced them to get out of there quickly) and the fact they went back for them🥹 (the fam still does whatever to help like, making therapy a way bigger thing on the ship for others ) they also help the other grey funk trolls get accustomed to the ship and being around more trolls.
Classical: Trollzart would immediately put into action more ways for Symphony Ville to be more accessible for trolls who can’t fly, while also putting in ways for the classical trolls to get around more (I imagine they use walking cane or some form of wheelchairs to get around because like they have the bodies of literal BABIES?!?! Can they even walk on their own?!?) As for the other grey trolls they try to get accustomed to them, maybe put on performances where they show their sorrow and anguish, but also try their best to help them however they can.
Country: Oh boy… Delta is absolutely mortified by her actions. Not only did she kick out a couple of trolls from the flats (sooo much guilt) but they had kids while they were out there, kids who had to survive in the forest for years !!!( I hc that she absolutely loves kids!!) she tried her best to make what she did right (she’s been feeling guilty about it for years) the banished country trolls themselves hold a lot of resentment towards her. I mean who wouldn’t for what she did to them, but after months of holding the grudge and resentment and many many constant apologies and acts of kindness they eventually forgive Delta (there is still awkward tension between the three but they try to put it aside) Delta does absolutely whatever to fawn and show the kids love and kindness since she feels guilty about her being the reason they were grey to begin with. She also helps the other grey country trolls who either went too far away from the flats or got dragged away by predators and got lost cause of it. She tries her best to make amends for all the country trolls and their young. Now she tries to keep track of her people more and has grown a tolerance to all music. The grey trolls greatly appreciate all she does for them and their kids now. (I know I made Delta look like a bad person but this was in the past and to be fair she did lock up Poppy and Branch when she first met them sooooo… I do really love Delta though)
Rock: Barb was angered by the fact some of her people were in the forest surviving for years and grey!??!!! (She seems to be really insecure about being a leader this issue does not help her) she places a lot of guilt on herself because of this and does WHATEVER it takes to make things right!! So she implements a lot of mental health things (more therapy, rage rooms concerts about mental health) anything to bring awareness and to help. For the one deaf rock troll they go immediately to the funk trolls and soon enough hearing aids were made for the little rocker (by the way the deaf troll is like 8, i thought it would make it more angsty that a child left because they felt out of place.. and I was right!!! it makes it sooo much worse) Barb and the rock trolls basically bend over backwards to help their fellow rockers. The grey rockers greatly appreciate what has been done for them and how they got used to their survivalist antics.
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bbbuckaroo · 13 days
At the end of the day who cares if the buddie shippers have a problem with Tommy and keep making up (annoying) theories. We have to realize they exist in an echo chamber and have done nothing but annoy Tim multiple times. Tim loves buddies friendship but you can clearly tell he’s fallen in love with Buck and Tommy’s romantic relationship, which is why he added Lou into these last two episodes ( which isn’t easy as Lou was only contracted for 4 episodes which means having to renegotiate additional contract). We have got to stop letting them annoy us by trying to bring in the cast and crew as a reason to why Lou is hated and why he’s not sticking around. We have to look at the fact and know that they (buddie shippers) will never acknowledge that Lou has been treated very differently than Bucks former love interests when it comes to the cast and crew already.
• There’s a reason why Lou is being included in behind the scenes content.
•There’s a reason why the official account is following along with the main cast.
•There’s a reason why Tim is posting and responding to messages about him.
•There’s a reason who since 7x06 that the cast (Kenny Ryan and Jennifer) have turned away from taking about buddie (romantically) in official media interviews and have redirected the conversation to BuckTommy.
•There’s a reason why Ryan keeps bringing up buddies platonic relationship and calling Eddie hetero.
Sorry for the long rant but it’s just something I thought of as I was reading your other responses.
Exactly, we shouldn’t and can’t care about what they think. I love your reference to an echo chamber, that’s a great way to put it. I anticipate the more we stop caring and interacting then they’ll end up destroying themselves because they have to get negativity somewhere, even if it’s from each other. You can already see it turning into a Buck vs. Eddie over there.
Tim has literally saved this show, I was honestly terrified going into this season after the dumpster fire of S6. Since he’s come back the show has a new life and he has let the characters truly shine again. And you can definitely tell he is proud of his (and whoever else’s) choice to bring Tommy back. I definitely respect him doing it as a little “experiment” with the two episodes to see how it was perceived and boy did we deliver!
I 100% agree that, among all the other things, we need to ignore their attempts to involve the cast. They know we feel the need defend the cast so they push that agenda. It’s clear they love you and as always it their opinion that matters most!
All those reasons are all the ones I have seen and agree with. This is all very strategic and honestly, the award show reel was what solidified it for me, both having Lou with the fast and having him end it (mostly because we all passed out and they wanted us to see the other cast too)!
Rant away, I really appreciate constructive rants that give others insight into the ship. It really helps us understand the reasons for this behavior which only further helps us ignore it! So thank you for it ❤️
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strangestofthings12 · 1 month
This is going to be a very rambling and venty post cause im tired and annoyed and honestly am just using this to vent my anger/hurt. there is going to be stuff that can maybe be seen as anti tommy/bucktommy (please dont tell me a ship name to put i dont care about if they do have an agreed upon ship name right now) so if you dont want that please just move on. i dont want to fight i just want to yell into the void on a stupid throw away account so i dont bring my negativity stew and come out on my main blog where i just want to enjoy my stuff and just keep happy energy. I dont normally post and try and just find someone who explains it better because im not great and getting what im saying across or understood the way i want, so please bear with me. With that said i will move on to what i want to say
Okay so i have been watching 9-1-1 for years and i love and adore it. Its characters and dynamics and i have always loved found family. Now i will admit that i started watching it thinking that Buck and Eddie were a couple and had a son so i was kinda watching for it. Do i think if i didn't start watching thinking that i would ship them still yes 100%. I have always loved their relationship and i have loved watching both Buck and Eddie grow and start to be happy while also having each others back even at the worst times. Sometimes if i think to hard about Eddie and start crying cause I'm very normal about this show and it characters. Now Eddie is my favorite character in the show and at least in my top five overall favorite characters. I love him and his development and i adore seeing how much he does to just do right by Chris even when he messes up you can tell how much he adores that boy and how badly he wants to give Chris the best life possible. I could write essays about Eddie Diaz trying to explain how much i love him and why and i think words would run out before i could finish making people understand. Buddie is my favorite ship (sometimes second depending on my mood. i would say sorry but Henren and Madney will always be amazing ships and sometimes i just cant stop think about them)(Sorry Bathena i love you too i swear i just cant decide if i wanna kiss athena or be adopted by bobby and athena:( Its confusing) and has been for quite awhile and is one of my overall favorites and its one of my comfort ships.
With that context when bi Buck happened i was so insanely happy and i wouldnt shut up about it. it made me sick. i was so happy for Buck and while i think a part of me will always be a little sad Eddie wasnt his first kiss with a guy i dont think either of them are ready for that. i also understand that it wouldnt make sense for how the story is going right now. Now i have nothing against bucktommy in the show. I have watched the kiss scene and sobbed to much to pretend like i hate them or even dislike them. However I genuinely dont care about Tommy. Hes kinda bland and i forget about him half the time and before they brought him back i completely forgot his name. in my mind he was the one that wasnt as much of an asshole to chim and hen as the other two assholes which wasnt saying a lot. Now I dont dislike tommy nor am i going to act like hes irredeemable because neither Chim nor Hen seem to think hes still that guy and while they dont seem super close they seem to get along so clearly, he's not like that anymore. I have nothing that makes me dislike him nor do I like him. He's just there. He's just the guy buck kissed. Thats all he means to me. I would give up his screen time for Ravi or May or Karen in a heartbeat. because i love them cause they mean something to me. I don't think i thought about the fact that people might actually like him especially not more than EDDIE.
This is where the context matters cause i am to my core a one ship per person girly. I might see a ship and people who like it and even think thats not a terrible ship but i will still only look at content for my ship for that person (ie. i ship Destiel (dont say anything bad about them ill cry<3) but i can see the way someone would also ship Dean and Benny or crowley or Cas and Crowley or Mick but i will ignore the ship and move on and look at more Dean and Cas). normally i will just ignore the ship and move on because im not who its for. If it gets annoying in my tag or anything like that ill block it or whoever is annoying me cause its not a them problem that i dont want to see it. When i start to have a problem is when multiple people arent tagging right for whatever reason or people who are being rude about the ship i like because of their ship. When I started seeing Bucktommy stuff more and more in the 9-1-1 tag i went to the buddie tag cause i dont want to see them. my problem is that when im reading on AO3 and click on a fic tagged Buddie where bucktommy get married. it was literally just hurting Eddie. There was stuff before like id be scrolling though the buddie tag here and see someone saying that Tommy is a better character then Eddie and saying that they hope bucktommy is endgame. Whatever block and move on. Just like always but then people who have shipped buddie for years who ive seen talk about them are suddenly saying that they like bucktommy better. People who started watching because of bucktommy saying they dont like Eddie. People are going to have different opinions but it still bugged me. and then i read that and i was just hurt because it was tagged happy ending and i cannot fathom ever thinking Eddie hurting and pining is a happy ending. So i started to get more annoyed and i hate when that happens especially with a show i love and a character i dont dislike so i tried to just move on but more and more people are taking about it then i saw someone saying that they wanted eddie to die so buck and tommy can have Chris.
I just hate that so many people are jumping on the bucktommy train and saying that they like it better than buddie something that is so good and sweet or saying that they like Tommy more than Eddie. I just dont get it cause Tommy is boring. like yeah we now some about him and he flies a helicopter but hes forgettable he could be a completely different person and next to nothing would have to change. We have seen Eddie at his worst and claw his way back up and hes finally letting himself be open and honest and soft. Eddie couldnt be replaced. Now im not saying Tommy can't be an interesting character but as he is right now?? He just isnt. Hes just as bland as every women (minus Taylor and Shannon) Buck and Eddie have dated and been hated on for no reason!!! Like i get that Tommy is a guy and we got canon Bi Buck and people are happy but those same people turn around and shit on Marisol from what ive seen(I could be wrong cause again i have done my best to avoid). Buddie fans arent safe from that either, cause we all know that Buddie fans do that but so many of those people who hated on them and said they didnt want them with anyone else suddenly decided that they were okay if Buck ended up with any guy. I dont know its just weird and i hate how many people are acting like Eddie isnt always going to be better then Tommy. Part of me wanted Tommy to stick around and help Buck and Eddie figure it all out but now?? i honestly just cant wait for him to be gone cause I want to have fun and read fics for my comfort ship and just chill where i can see all of my ships in the show without buck and tommy being everywhere or people saying crap about Eddie.
I have more to say but most of its about how gratifying waiting and seeing where this whole thing goes(Buddie season 8 PLEASE!!) and this is already why to long and i think im just going in circles and none of this makes sense so ima shut up for now and hopefully this will help it not fester and drive me insane and become a tommy hater
Edit: but i also hate that Tommy calls Buck Evan so he already had some stuff against him rip
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h50europe · 12 days
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When one side of the fandom lies bleeding while the other one is thriving or how I learned about fandom wars the hard way
This is a message from someone whose beloved ship rests forever in the depths of the ocean.
We had high hopes. It looked like our ship was afloat and ready to explore the seven seas for three seasons. Then, the show got a new showrunner who was very homophobic, and from that point on, the show and our favorite ship went downhill. Even though I'd been in different fandoms for about fifteen years and should have known better, I let myself get caught up in an unprecedented fandom war. Those who favored the Het couple were attacking one half of our ship, not just his character but the actor. Don't think they don't know what's going on just because an actor isn't on social media. We knew some crew members and learned that everyone knew about this fandom war.
The whole thing escalated until the show's final episode, which came to a more than undignified end after ten years. Knowing what he was doing, the showrunner wrote an ending that damaged the show and destroyed our ship. It was bad. There were words like, "Now we're dancing on your grave," and much worse. I was mentally at the end of my rope at that point. Then, the sets were immediately dismantled after the last scene was shot. It's something that happens very rarely when a show reaches some cult status. Our ship didn't even do a joint farewell interview for the fans because the actors left the set quickly and never looked back.
Why am I telling you this? Because I've learned to observe things from a certain distance.
We are fans of the same show but have different priorities and ships. As a multi-shipper, it's easier, I'd say. But those who are running amok right now because their ship is staying in the harbor while another is sailing away with flying colors brings back extremely unpleasant memories to me. But the same goes for those who are just as happy about what's happening and are starting to lose their grip. Please take it from someone badly burned: This is not a competition. This is not me winning and you losing. It's deceptive to think you're on the winning side and make fun of others for it. The tide can turn. We don't know what the showrunner has in mind. We don't even know that season eight might not be the last. Take what we have right now and be thankful for it. Enjoy it while it lasts. But don't be tempted to point fingers and mock others or say, "Your ship will never be canon. Mine already is. Your ship is crap. Mine is better." Also, do not be fooled by the fact that the haters in the fandom are a small group of people who only appear to be many because of their vocality and because some are playing the old sock puppet account game again to make it look like they are many.
I can only tell you from experience that we should treat each other respectfully. Not every Buddie fan is an enemy. Unfortunately, I also see another phenomenon that is becoming more and more common. Fans barely dare to post anything for fear of the crazies in the fandom (which unfortunately exist on both sides). Fans who have nothing to do with a fandom war want to have fun. And if they have a ship, they just want to interact with like-minded people. Which - especially on X - seems to turn into a gauntlet. Because suddenly, Your Rudeness sneaks into the conversation and starts pissing on the timeline. For clowns like this, the block button still works. Getting involved in any discussion is pointless. I also had to pay dearly for this realization.
"Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty, and the pig likes it." - Positive energy is much more powerful than negative energy. If you stay positive, negativity can't touch you. Oh, and I've wrestled a lot of pigs. Other than excessive blood pressure, gastritis, and countless sleepless nights, it didn't do me any good.
Stop participating in dick-measuring contests. Stop bragging about your favorite ship and how the others are nothing but losers. Stop saying we won because we didn't. Again, this is not a contest. We are on equal footing, and we can all coexist in peace. There is plenty of room. For everyone, for every ship, for every fan. Oliver made a single statement for those unhappy with Buck's journey and his current travel companion. He dropped it for good. And I couldn't agree more with the message and how he did it.
Of course, we would like to see more of our ship. Of course, we want the actors to have a relationship storyline to sink their teeth into, and hopefully, we get to see some domestic stuff and some hot scenes. But so far, that is fanon and not canon. So far, there is usually more going on off-screen than we see. We can only hope that this will change. Those who call themselves open-minded and tolerant while going on a witch hunt should think twice about what those words mean, and they should live them and not just throw shallow phrases around.
My wish for the future of this fandom is that it becomes a safe place. Safe as in a h*te-free zone. A place where no one has to be afraid to speak their mind. And a place where you can express (constructive) criticism without getting a shitstorm. Peace out.
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chimggukchim · 5 months
As someone who has been in this fandom for over seven years now, and have watched the timeline as both a non-shipper and someone who saw something different with jikook's bond eventually, I can safely say that most of the toxicity we see now on the timeline was not there before.
And I can also safely say that it is because back then...NOBODY CARED to hype up WRONG TAKES and blatant DELUSION.
And I know that some (possibly even most) of you may disagree, and that's fine, but I'm not going to change my stance.
Toxicity/Insults/Lies...these have always been present, but was kept in the background because no one focused on that nonsense. Jikookers just focused on Jungkook and Jimin, and their bond.
I saw little to no Taekook nonsense to the point that I didn't even know that was a viable 'ship'.
But now...EVERYONE feels the need to be a white knight when they spot the DUMBEST post from the most INSIGNIFICANT account, thus giving it life, and allowing it to spread to the masses, and making the entire thing seem like bigger than it really is. And then the toxicity builds.
People need to understand something:
Toxic People, including toxic Taekookers, Solo Fans, Akgaes, and Antis will NEVER CHANGE their outlook no matter how much you argue with them. NEVER. EVER. They're brainless. They thrive on being toxic, riling people up, and getting that engagement. And what you do when you engage, is give them what they want - Validity.
So please for the love of all that is holy in Jikookland...in the great words of Princess Elsa...LET IT GO.
Don't focus on the 'hate' that shippers are throwing Jikook's/Jungkook's/Jimin's way because that is no longer the reality of their existence.
@taekooklover435 posts that Jungkook is being forced to interact with Jimin while being secretly married with 2.5 kids to Taehyung? Sure, @taekooklover435! You go ahead and believe that. Whatever floats your boat.
What we should not be doing is fighting @taekooklover435 down, arguing that this isn't true, that Jungkook never hated Jimin. That's a lie people spread. Go back and look at real content. Believe the words of the boys. Yada yada yada - It won't make a difference. @taekooklover435 will continue to believe that nonsense, and you just gave them more exposure with that nonsense.
Leave them in their own sorrowful, pitiful well.
Nothing...NOTHING they post will change REALITY.
And likewise, non-shipper ARMYs not posting about jikook content like we would like them to, will not change REALITY.
So why fight all that? Why fight against the one thing that no one can win against?...STUPIDITY!
The only thing we can control is the environment in which we interact with each other. WE can choose to cleanse our timeline of nonsense takes that we KNOW is nonsense yet want to fight and bring it back onto the timeline. WE can live in a very happy, stress-free, peaceful jikookland if WE truly wanted to.
I wish my fellow jikookers can hopefully see some sense and just stop engaging with stupidity.
I know it's hard, and we itch to respond most times, but just think of how amazing our timelines would be if we chose to just engage with each other instead? Hype EACH OTHER'S post up instead?
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fanfic-obsessed · 5 months
Responding to the Talk Shop Tuesdays post!
Leverage x Star Wars. Thoughts?
(I've had vague wonderings of leverage-style clone wars shenanigans but can't really get past "someone talks them into wrecking Palpatine's shit and they do" so I'm just throwing this into the air).
Alternatively, if you also have no thoughts there, favorite way you've written Palpatine accidentally shooting himself in the foot?
Oooh, Leverage and Start wars. I had not had that thought before…now I do. It’s legally required. 
I know you said during the clone wars but post Order 66 immediately came to mind. Let's start with our cast.
Mastermind: Cody (initially this was going to be Obi Wan with Cody being the hitter, but bear with me I think this will be even better). Cody deserts the empire, a broken man, lost everything. He thinks everyone he ever loved is dead.  A few years after his desertion, he gets his chip removed through a series of unfortunate events (though he never actually finds out what it is or what it does). He is drifting through life, doing just enough work to get the money to keep drinking. An honest man. And a smart one. 
Grifter: Obi Wan. After the Order goes out. After Anakin. After the birth of the twins, Obi Wan does spend a year or two on Tatooine. But Owen Lars makes a very specific good point, even a single slip up (and there are always slip ups), will bring the Empires attention to Tatooine (They believe Anakin is dead, so it is the Emperor’s attention that Obi Wan fears) and with that to Luke. It is better if Obi Wan is anywhere else. Owen is gracious in victory and agrees to updates up to four times a year.  So Obi Wan, Ben, loses himself. A new name every night, a new planet, a new voice.  The galaxy is a large place and Ben knows how to slip through and around the cracks.  Though no one has made the connection yet, a number Ben’s alias’s are wanted by the Empire, the Hutts, and the remaining Mandalorians (current total bounty’s, in credits, for all of his other aliases almost reaches the Empire’s bounty for Obi Wan Kenobi).
Hitter:  Boba Fett. Bounty Hunter. The only clone who wasn’t (who was a son). Often underestimated because of his youth. Alone by both circumstances and choice (even with Pond's death, Boba would be welcomed by most clones had he been willing to see them as sentient).  He is a teen when our team comes together and is still one of the most dangerous people in the galaxy. At first he barely considers any of these people sentient and is not sure why he is sticking around, but this is also the safest he has felt since his father had died. 
Hacker: Echo. After Tech’s death Echo found that he could not stay with the Bad Batch.  The ghosts of everybody he had lost draped around him, weighing him down, leaving Echo feeling he could not go back to the Rebels or Rex either.  He skimmed enough credits from various Empire accounts that he was able to buy himself a ship, which he then modified. He decided he would find, no matter the firewalls, every scrap of video or information regarding his lost brothers (all of them). That they would not be forgotten. When he found information that was pertinent to the Rebels, or the Bad Batch  he would send it along, but he now worked alone.
Thief: Reva. After the purge Reva hid for hours under the bodies of her friends. Before it was dark enough that her movement would not immediately give her away. Then weeks creeping through the lower levels of the temple before she could find a way to escape (All the while the giggles of her friend echoed in her head- This part of the temple had always been off limits and they had all talked about being big and strong and facing what was waiting in the dark-Reva did not feel big and strong now, but there was nothing more in the dark she feared). She taught herself to step soundlessly, barely touching the ground. She taught herself how to make herself small, or just big enough (just enough to wedge herself into a small, high, space).  It is amazing what one can learn if survival is on the line. Those hours coveted in the blood of her friends, the Force echoing with the horror her family was experiencing, then the weeks in the dark tunnels changed Reva irrevocably. Before she can be found by the Empire, she is found by a Master thief who sees in her his chance to pass on his legacy (Reva is just the right kind of broken).
Now that we have our cast, let’s look at how they come together. 
I love the Leverage Pilot, so let’s use that as a Framework.
Cody is drinking on Ord Mantell, approximately 14 BBY or 985 AAR,  when he is approached a Falleen Noble, who wants to hire him to run a job (though I do not know what the Falleen noble would say, I do imagine Cody saying Nate’s line “You know that part of the conversation where I punch you in the neck nine or ten times? We’re coming up on that pretty quick”). The Noble has hired Boba, Echo, and Reva as the rest of the crew.  The job is to steal back some plans (let's be honest this job does not matter much).  
The Job goes well, but when Echo mentions how well it went, he gets the brush off. Due to the fact that Cody still does not know about the chips, every other member of the crew has issues with clones. We speed run through the Falleen noble gathering them together for one last betrayal and an explosion. 
They wake up in a med ward. All of their DNA is being run. This is bad news. Standard panel would show that Reva is Force Sensitive (though no one else in the room knows that). It would also mark the other three as clones (Even Boba). Though the Empire does not particularly care about employing Clones, they would still pay handsomely for escaped clones.
This is where we veer slightly.  
Reva’s panic in the Force draws the attention of Obi Wan, calling himself Ben right now.  Enough time has passed (and enough has happened that all of their Force signatures had changed) that Ben only just recognizes Echo, and no one else.   For a single moment Ben hesitates, they are not his business (Ben also does not know why he was shot at) and are possibly his enemies.  But there was Echo, familiar if only just, and with him someone who was Force sensitive. A young force sensitive (in Ben’s mind anyone who is the right age that they could have been in the council room that day was someone to protect, because he failed those initiates). 
Ben is very good at grifting, so is easily able to get the four out of there (They also do not recognize him) and get them to a safe house.  There are several moments of uncomfortable silence before Ben greets Echo with a teasing, “Hello There Echo” in his real accent and voice. 
Cody is the one who frowns and peers at Ben (clean shaven), because it couldn’t be…
Echo asks who Ben is, Ben smiles sadly and says “I suppose it has been many years since Skako”
This told Echo next to nothing (he’s been back to Skako Minor a couple of times since the war) but Cody just straight up sits on the floor in shock (Trying to say general and Obi Wan and you’re alive all at once-it is a little unintelligible). When Ben looks directly at Cody for the first time (Ben can’t quite let himself focus on any of the clones, for fear of what he would see)  he realizes exactly who it is.
Ben, by sheer happenstance, manages to sit in a chair. This is followed by Echo needing to explain about the chips and order 66 (“There was what in my head!?!”/”You all had what in your heads?!?”).
I picture them absentmindedly destroying Falleen Noble, in a similar way to the show. They do it because he tried to kill them/did not pay them (Ben took that personally for all of them- Cody: He tried to kill us, that is a bit more important than not paying up Ben<waving a hand>:Trying to kill you is nothing, but not paying you is just rude.) 
I picture that they decide they might as well stay together, and grow into a found family (with Codywan being the exhausted parents) traveling around to help people ala leverage. They cannot and do not start going after the empire immediately. None of them want to draw the attention of the Empire, but if some of their jobs do include liberating people and occasionally planets, well they just have to be careful to not bite off more than they can chew and not to leave any tracks. They also do stop at Tatooine every so often (It turns out Owen likes Ben an awful lot more when he is not camped out in their backyard) so Luke knows them.  
I imagine that when Leia is kidnapped, a few years later, Bail is still able to reach Ben. The Leverage crew immediately go to save her. It is during this that it becomes known that Reva had been in the Temple, had been in the council room. This is very swiftly followed by the realization that Anakin Skywalker was Darth Vader (which none of the crew had known).
This…This is what circles them back around to take on the Empire (a cross between Leverage Season 3 and Leverage Season 4). They still work to help people, but it becomes more pointed. Throughout their new self appointed mission, Ben starts to train Reva, to help her overcome the trauma of the Purge.  
As they are now acting more deliberately against the Empire they begin to come across more familiar faces. Rebels (including Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor). Bail reintroduces them to Fulcrum (Ahsoka has mixed feelings about Obi Wan in particular. He challenges the way she remembers Anakin with rosy glasses). 
It certainly ends with Palpatine staring in abject shock as his empire burns around him.  Vader is being escorted to get correctly fitting prosthetics, from which he will go to prison. Bail ends up taking the Emperor position to start working on turning the Empire back to a Republic. 
Our team keeps going on finding people who need…Leverage
My favorite way that Palpatine shot himself in the foot is in Read the Fine Print  where Palptines first domino was his last, because he did not pay attention to a sub clause in the treaty. 
That was fun. Thank you @somestorythoughts
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kanmom51 · 8 months
I kind of feel it's time to bring this back
Seeing how 3D has resurfaced the JK is straight as a arrow claims are back, I guess it's time to bring back my 3 part "JK ain't gay" expose (and a little bit more too...)
Read these over peeps, if and when you are feeling a little down or doubtful. Cause we all know JK ain't gay...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
This one kind of relevant once again, don't you think?
I said I have more, well here you are:
Different song, same logic.
I am going to end this with these two little points for you to mull over:
JK singing girl (in lyrics he didn't even write himself) means everything but him sucking on JM's ear in front of 10s of thousands of fans, him caressing on camera the hickey he let JM give him, JK sitting for 90 minutes mesmerized and watching JM content totally infatuated, JM flying to NYC to be with JK for his solo debut, going out to dinner for Silver day and then disappearing to CT together (oh, and soooooo much more), all that means nothing?
Ask yourselves why you are so fast to believe a 14 second blurry clip, which you may have watched a couple of times on your phone screen? Without proper fact checking. Ask yourselves why you are so quick to assume that whoever that is in that clip is JK? That it's his place? That you know, even if by some unexpected chance it's him (it isn't), that the person is his gf? That she's pregnant from him (this one tops the cake. Man is a baby daddy by this account)?
Please apply critical thinking. And most definitley don't just chuck aside 8 years of ongoing continual Jikookery for some lines in a song and a blurry clip.
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mcdynamite · 11 months
mcdynamite's (mc)masterlist
Hello! I finally made a masterlist! This includes the stories I've written both here on Tumblr and on AO3 to make things easier to find. You'll find all of my Steddie and Wolfstar fics listed below, and I will be updating this list as I continue to post more.
Author's favorites are noted with a little 🌟 emoji!
All of the writing I post on here will also be tagged with "#mcdynamite writes" if you want to search for it that way.
(Note: Since I am not currently planning on continuing to write Drarry, my fics for that ship are not on this list, but they are still up on my AO3 account! You can find them here.)
Stranger Things
AO3 Fics: 🌟 Made It This Far (T) - 13k
It’s not ideal, keeping these recurrent headaches a secret from all of his friends, and sure, Steve's had his fair share of days where he’s been forced to just work through the pain, but he’s making it work. He’s managing. He’s fine. In which Steve Harrington is determined to suffer his migraines in silence, alone, and Eddie Munson is determined not to let him. Major tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sickfic (sort of), Steve Harrington Gets Migraines Warning(s): past head trauma, Steve's shitty parents
Tumblr Blurbs: Physically affectionate Eddie (tags: getting together, cuddles, first kiss)
Nancy gives Steve a lil nudge (tags: platonic Stancy, pining Steve, getting together, side Ronance)
🌟 Hawkins assistant basketball coach Steve (tags: pining Eddie, Steve being a hot jock, Eddie being horny for jock-mode Steve, getting together)
First "I love you" (tags: established relationship, soft Steddie, cuddles)
🌟 Demisexual Steve (tags: demisexuality, supportive Eddie, soft Steddie; CWs for discussions of sexuality and references to Steve's past sexual relationships)
Sleepy Steve x Bartender Eddie (tags: established relationship, extremely soft, Eddie being a sweetheart, Steve being a needy dork)
Harry Potter
AO3 Fics: The Scientific Method (E) - 62k
Remus Lupin has been in love with Sirius Black for ages, so when an unexpected opportunity arises for him to have everything he's been dreaming of, he can't possibly say no (even if it's only for one night). After all, it's just an experiment. Nothing really needs to change. Right? In which Remus and Sirius are tragically terrible communicators, Peter just wants to help, and James is forced to reconcile with the fact that his friends may truly be idiots. Major tags: Hogwarts Seventh Year, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication, Sexual Content Warning(s): Sirius's shitty parents, canon-typical werewolf injuries
Until We're Grey and Old (M) - 4.7k
“What on earth are you doing?” Remus asked, a fond, confused smile on his lips. “We’re going outside,” Sirius replied simply, grinning and tugging on Remus’s hand. Remus just laughed, but allowed Sirius to pull him outside and into the rain anyway. “But it’s the middle of the night! And it’s pouring!” he protested with a grin, looking up to the sky as both of them began to feel cool droplets of rain against their skin. It was already soaking through the fabric of Remus’s t-shirt. “I know!” OR Remus has a bad night, and Sirius is determined to turn it around by showing him exactly how loved he is. Major tags: Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mild Sexual Content, Fluff Warning(s): N/A
🌟 As the Moon Knows the Stars (T) - 48k
On the day Sirius Black turned seventeen, he had his soulmark removed in order to protect the soulmate he'd never met from the wrath of his own family. In the eight years since, he's managed to make his peace with living the rest of his life without falling in love. Though he mourns his lost soulmate every day, he's confident he made the right choice to protect them, and no one has ever made him question that. Until, of course, Lily Evans brings her childhood friend along for a pub night, and Sirius finds himself utterly enamored with the kind, mysterious stranger. But Remus Lupin surely has a soulmate of his own waiting out there somewhere, and Sirius won't let himself get in the way of that. He just wishes Remus weren't so damn easy to love. Major tags: Soulmates AU, Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Slow Burn, Remus Never Went to Hogwarts, Neurodivergent Sirius Warning(s): implied/referenced abuse and homophobia (all takes place in the past and is limited to Sirius's shitty parents)
🌟 Hold Back the River (T) - 3.3k
“There are nights where I don’t really dream, or at least, not that I remember, you know?” Sirius continues. “But I can’t remember the last time I dreamt about something that was good. Something that made me happy.” Remus’s heart beats unsteadily in his chest, because this, strangely enough, is not something he can relate to. Remus does have good dreams, on occasion, and a great many of them feature the boy with whom he is currently sharing a couch. He’s done his best to shove them to the back of his mind, whenever he wakes up from them. He relegates them to that ever-expanding box of Sirius-related memories that would be better off forgotten and moves on, only now… Sirius is right beside him, prodding at the box with long, aristocratic fingers, and Remus can feel the lid beginning to slip. Major tags: Post Prank, Hurt/Comfort, Late Night Conversations, Forgiveness, First Kiss Warning(s): dealing with the aftermath of The Prank, mentions of Sirius's shitty parents
(everybody here was) someone else before (M) - 13k
“No?” the man said. “And where might this dashing fellow countryman of mine be?” “Right here, actually,” Remus said with a lopsided grin, finally turning to face the newcomer. “I’m Re-” He stopped halfway through his introduction to gape at the man in front of him. His pale skin was littered with tattoos – most of them black as his hair, which fell in waves that just barely touched his slim shoulders – and the grey v-neck tee he wore left little of his toned figure to the imagination. But none of these things were the primary focus of Remus’s attention. That honour would go to the man’s eyes – grey and sparkling with the vivacity of a summer storm, flecked with golds and blues if one only looked closely enough. They were eyes Remus would recognize anywhere. Because Remus had seen them before. OR A chance meeting in Remus's least favorite city on Earth forces him to reckon with the fact that he may never have fallen out of love with an old friend. Major tags: Muggle AU, Childhood Friends Reconnecting, Sexual Tension/Content, Idiots in Love Warning(s): Sirius's shitty parents, mentioned Jegulus
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findafight · 1 year
tell us the ship, explain your thoughts 👀
Me trying to be vague and everyone immediately perking up like prairie dogs ready for tea alskfnkdkd. Idk I don't think it'll surprise anyone on my blog I've spoken about it in the past. Just got annoyed at it always being there for no reason and not making sense to me one too many times, I guess.
It's r0nance. I simply do not vibe with it at all. I think, if given a sterile au where there's nothing and no one connecting them and no homophobia to worry about, it might be interesting to possibly explore them being attracted to each other but realizing their personalities and goals and priorities clash too much to work out. A bright first fling into maybe-love that fizzled quickly. I've sort of done this in my post o66 sto bin au for them, but I'm probably not going to actually explore it there. (As it's already in the past even during the war for that au)
But in fics that try to be more or less canon/fix it type deal, it really doesn't make sense to me without even mentioning the hairsprayed elephant in the room. Robin and Nancy's personalities don't seem to mesh well, what with Robin's rambling tangents and Nancy's need to focus.
Robin would probably want to do something specific with her life, but she also wants to wander! Her parents are hippies and she wants to visit Paris. She wants to travel in Europe, and probably stay at sketchy hostels and backpack in the mountains, talking to locals that she doesn't have to worry about ever seeing again. Nancy is planning on immediately going to her dream school after highschool and likely pursuing a career right out the gate. She's very driven and focused, wants to go out and seize opportunities that can assist in reaching her goals, and I don't see Robin's dreamier personality traits fitting with that.
I think @thestobingirlie mentioned that while Robin and Nancy both experience the sexism and misogyny of the 80's, Nancy doesn't experience ableism as Robin does. And she doesn't try to understand where Robin is coming from, only openly appreciating her efforts after she ranted at the hospital director.
Robin rambles! We see her either ramble or give clipped answers ("I'm Robin I work with Steve!") When she's nervous or under stress or excited! We see both Nancy and Steve react to these rambles in different ways. When Robin goes off topic in the library with the conspiracy paper, or talks a bit too much about how much she talks a bit too much, Nancy's annoyed. She's initially dismissive of the national Enquirer esq newspaper Robin brings up that helps solve the case (go Robin!). Robin babbles at Steve a lot, and he never makes her feel bad about it. She rambles about rambling to Vickie and the Muppet joke and he adds little commentary as needed, letting her go, or he cuts her off with a little joke during her rabies freak out. He lets her ramble or lets her know she should stop without being actually annoyed and letting her know that by not telling her outright to stop. (She knows immediately that it's a joke, and she jokes back, although understandably nervously. I love them.)
Them being a background pairing so often is annoying, though to varying degrees. If it's just as Robin's gf mentioned I, like others, just kinda...change it to Vickie's name in my brain lol. But other times it's not and it just. Doesn't make sense why Nancy would be such close friends with Steve (her messy breakup ex!) and Robin and Eddie. That girl has big city dreams, she's getting the hell out of her tiny hometown and not looking back. Let her be free!!
I mean obviously the bit I hate about it is that Robin holds a grudge and Nancy broke Steve's heart, which I don't see as compatible, even if we take into account that it's likely Steve and Robin have no idea Nancy cheated on him, and that Steve is an unreliable narrator and blames himself for the breakup. Steve and his relationships with both Nancy and Robin are so pivotal to all three of their characters that ignoring the history there seems a disservice to the complexities of their relationships with each other.
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annelostshoe · 11 months
Drawings of Psychic and Esper Au, a little bit Concealed/Eclipse Au and Lacuna!Julie, also info for my aus
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Psychic and Esper Au: this one of my au, it’s based on Saiki k, not going to be completely following what happening in the Anime. Might change something. I made a Julie focused au because there are so many aus focuses on Wally, I also thought it would be fun to have Julie be Saiki because why not. I have no idea what I’m doing with this au anymore:0
Concealed/Eclipse Au: I forgot to mention my other, you can see a little of Eclipse sally in the last image. This is more of a Sally foucued Au In this au there is an entity that is possessing the puppets and the entity likes to inconvenience the puppet by going around causing small problems.(Also @kursein has guess correctly on which one is Eclipse Sally) Made this au because of the page seen in this post, kinda just got the idea for it
Altered Timelines au: Basically the backrooms, the wh cast fall through a crack in their universe, ending up in an altered timeline where the cast are different in appearance and maybe personality. (And some don't even exist..) [yeah I didn't want to rewrite what my friend wrote, I just copied and pasted what they said about our au]
Raison d'etre au/my Multiverse au: Julie would always leave her au to interact with other aus, one day when Julie came back she found out her au had been destroyed while she was gone, Julie and Poppy are the only survivors of their au. The other characters are dead, Julie always visits her au even tho there isn't any left for her there she still wants to visit her friends despite the fact they're gone. I would say Julie is neutral as much as she helps, She still causes problems. I made this au because I wanted an au just for the WH au multiverse. There are more characters to be seen tho. Go there to see the blog. This is just my multiverse au honestly, I saw everyone else making one and I decided to join too. Adding on there are other multiversers that I have made beside Lacuna and her Poppy, some of them do have ask blogs. While others don’t have one yet or won’t have one at all.
Ascended Sally au: Sally has ascended and trying to force help the others ascend too, unfortunately they won't let her help them. They keep locking themselves inside their houses during the night and don't go into the forest anymore, but that's ok she will find a way to help them ascend too. The others are try to find a way to bring Sally back to normal but they’re running out of hope.
I will talk more about my aus later on. Adding on to this post I plan on talking about my aus mostly on this account.
keep in mind this my aus, even tho it's based on the og Welcome home, it has nothing to do with the actual canon story of welcome home. Just a couple of aus I made, that's it.
Boundaries and Rules
-fanart is allowed as long it's sfw, if you want to draw fanart go ahead (gore is fine too) and also tag me in the post too, I would love to see the fanart:3
-drawing my aus interacting with other aus is allowed, also with your characters
-shipping my aus with your characters or other aus is allowed it’s depends on what au and character just ask me first before doing that, but Appesect and anything like it is not allowed tho
-character.Ais: I don't mind as I made one for eclipsed Sally but if i were to make more I would keep them private for the most part as I did with sally. With the ais breaking the filter on c.ai I prefer not to make anymore at the moment, at least not on c.ai. Ask first tho
-have any questions about any of my aus or about go ahead ask, I don't mind answering questions, would love to talk about any of my aus
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jiminsass-istant · 5 months
Few days back i was watching reaction video's for jm (i do that once in a while when i miss him nd want to coo over him with other ppl so i watch reaction videos) and this person popped up and it was a taekook reaction video so out of curiosity (I'm stupid) i went to check the comments section and there were comments as how this man has reacted on many kpop ships but think that taekook is far different than others and blah blah (idt i need to tell u what kind of cmnts tkkrs do on these videos) and i said the same thing that nice way to bring views.
You know I'm Indian so i see tens of reaction videos of ppl reacting to Indian stuff like songs, movies, food, culture etc and i know for a fact that those ppl are nowhere genuine or curious about my country but rather use ppl for views (as India has highest population). You can tell the difference who's being genuine and who's just clickbaiting.
If this man had watched other ships in k-pop then there's no way he gonna think tk is different cause those kpop ships has some another level of skinship (which tk don't even have much) and these reactors only gag over skinship. There's hardly anything tae and jk had said about e/o that will make one to think they're dating (like i know this gonna sound mean but there's literally nothing tk had done for e/o or with e/o that could be ship worthy or to think there's something between them). BTS has done not even half the shit those other k-pop ships do so this man saying tk is different tells u that he's just taking views. Like ask him some 2-3 things about jk and tae and I'm sure he won't be able to tell shit about them cause if someone sits on a chair to do just shipping reaction videos then you're just there for views and not beacuse you're curious about knowing them beyond that.
One of the reasons i also don't watch any shipping reaction videos (including jkk) even if they say jkk is different is because i know most of them are just saying it for views.
I hate it when these people bring jm into their ship cause we all know 99% of them hates his guts.
Thank you for putting this here maybe other jkkrs will see it and tell the man to be in his limit. He's giving Tkkrs space to degrade jm same thing one of the youtubers did. His name is something like dj dino or just dino but something like that so this guy once said that jm's promise song is pretty simple nd there's nothing in there blah blah or shit and since then his comment section is filled with jjks (i think he loves jk or praises him alot) which gave space to those jjks to hate on jm (other members too ig) and when he gave review on like crazy nd gave it some 97/100 score all his followers started hating on him to the point he had to acknowledge it and talk about the hate. This is what happens when these ppl give space to hating on memebrs and then it comes back to bite them in the ass. I pray this bites this shipper in the ass too.
A request to jkkrs who sees it to go and tell the guy about the shit his followers be doing. and ask him to stop involving jm in any ships especially tkk cause he ain't anyone's captain nor a baby sitter.
For context, this anon is referencing my deleted post about Ben Kim, the YTube reactor. Reacts to Taekook and gives space for Tkkers to hate on Jimin.
Just putting this ask here so people can go and report his @ss.
Also, this reactor even reacted to Jungkook smoking video and even used it as a thumbnail for that video. The title was something like "jk doesn't give a fu¢k". Idk.
Frankly, reactors like this should be bullied into deleting their videos. Where are the army bullies when we need them? Too busy looking at humanlouvre art maybe, lol.
Seriously though, how does that art account have 350k + followers? The art is so bad. So cringe. The fetishization is off the charts. The military related art? Yikes.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
The fact that Noah tweeted about shipping Byler over anything during the pride month, specifically in in the "gay day" (July 3rd), was totally intentional. He and his team knew exactly what they were doing.
And the fact that a Netflix account juxtaposed it over a TikTok edit of their talk in Will’s room… I’m sure behind the scenes it was something along the lines of him being advised to do it and a graphic designer being advised to play around with it for one of their few very overt byler posts.
If the goal was to not lead people on with a queerbait that will never happen and with an audience that for the most part wasn’t open to it initially anyways, they failed.
If the goal was to hide in plain sight to get people warmed up to it bc they were scared no one in the audience was ready for this upcoming revelation, they succeeded.
What’s so hilarious is that antis discredit it bc it’s Noah and they hate Noah so anything he says or does they downplay or discredit pretty much entirely.
Like i remember seeing someone get so salty on Reddit in a post bc of Noah saying stuff on his lives recently. They were like UHH can he stop messing with people!! They have to convince themselves that he’s disrespectful and breaking the rules and completely unserious, to comfort their own doubts.
That’s also why Noah was sort of the perfect scapegoat for introducing most fans that are hoping for it now, to be open to it in the first place. Bc people that are open to the possibility, are going to see stuff he says and be intrigued. Whereas the bulk of hardcore antis are going to convince themselves it’s nothing deeper bc to them Noah has no importance beyond frustrating them, bc in their eyes his character ruined all milkvans scenes. All he’ll ever be to them is a nuisance that doesn’t know his place…
Let’s remember this is a multi-million dollar production. He wouldn’t be out here saying stuff over and over and over cryptically unless he was given permission to. He wouldn’t be met with silence at con’s when byler comes up, only to keep bringing it up more defensively, like they’re building that up so definitely ship that… that was so fucking obviously his first attempt at subtle damage control bc he was getting in person confirmation most fans were not ready for byler incoming. Why get defensive about it otherwise? He could have took that as an opportunity to avoid queer-bait allegations?
But now look where we are? All bc Noah couldn’t keep his mouth shut. And they HATE him for it.
And that tweet was the most obvious ploy of all. Yeah most will discredit it, but plenty will start looking deeper as a result of his very obvious byler advertising. And that has continued to snowball deeper ever since, to the point where milkvan isn’t even liked by the majority anymore while byler is being more and more acknowledged as a possibility every day.
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
I’m sorry to bring this up if it makes you feel unoriginal but I love how many troupe headcanons we share
-Divine is the costume designer
-Brumm has feelings for the master
-Grimm cannot cook to save his life (Brumm, a seasoned chef, has actually banned him from the kitchen on account of him burning one too many recipes) and only knows how to make tea
It’s just nice to know I’m not the only one with these thought processes lol
Though it does make me curious. What species of bugs do you headcanon Brumm and Divine to be, and where would they be from if this was our Earth? Also, do Divine and Leg Eater still get together in this AU, and if so, does Leg Eater still… meet his rather unfortunate end?
Oh no don't worry, it actually feels really nice that people have similar headcanons! I know Brumm having feelings for Grimm is pretty common but the other two are such a fun coincidence! I love that.
Something about Divine to me just screams "she loves fashion" (maybe it's the fancy mask?). And rewatching The Hunger Games, Effie's character gave me even more inspiration for my interpretation of her. So I headcanon her as quite eccentric and flamboyant, very much a perfectionist with an eye for beauty. She wouldn't be as shallow or manner focused as Effie, though, I do imagine she has a bit of a snark to her. But that bright, energetic personality, and her impressive talent for costume design, definitely made her very popular in the Troupe. She's very involved in the costume making process from start to finish, she wants to make sure each Grimmkin gets a costume that fits them perfectly, and she'll contribute during the sewing process, instructing her crew and assisting them in any trouble.
Brumm's feelings for Grimm were initially just a small nod to the relatively popular ship of these two, but it evolved over time into something that explores both of their personalities to a slightly larger extent. It emphasizes Brumm's loyalty and commitment, but also implies that deep down he wants something more. He lost his family before Grimm invited him to the Troupe, and one of those dead loved ones could have been his partner. Perhaps there were similarities between that partner and Grimm which eventually made Brumm have feelings for him. But then you might wonder: how much of it is genuine, and is it possible that he's just projecting his loss onto Grimm? I doubt he knows the answer himself, but at least Grimm was clear that he wasn't interested and spared Brumm the trouble of figuring it out. So he got the confession out of his system, and was able to sort his feelings out and move on. Well, at least mostly. I think he does still feel attraction towards Grimm, Brumm's subtle glances at Grimm's body whenever he lifts his cloak tell you that much, but that's nothing new for Grimm. He made his body desirable on purpose, so he's used to it, and in his eyes those stares don't mean anything. But at the very least Brumm realized that he needed to move on from his feelings towards Grimm, so those glances aren't as emotionally driven as they were in the past. Just a quick look to admire, that's all. Or so he says.
I made a post about Grimm being terrible at cooking already, so I won't repeat myself. But that is when our headcanons differ a little bit. While Brumm is definitely better at cooking, I wouldn't call him a seasoned chef. The Troupe has its own dedicated cooks so he doesn't visit the kitchen that often.
As for the second half of the ask. I mentioned before that I don't see the "bugs" in the AU as actual bugs (insects). To me they're just fictional species, though some of them do resemble real life animals (bugs or otherwise). So neither Brumm or Divine are an existing real life species of bug, though Divine does take heavy inspiration from termite queens (though she isn't actually meant to be a termite queen in my eyes, shes still a fictional creature). Brumm? He's definitely more mammalian in my eyes, maybe a bit bear like? Or perhaps he'd resemble something like a badger a little bit.
I'm not sure how to answer the Earth question, especially since, again, they are a fictional creature species to me. But maybe I could mention what kind of regions they're originally from.
Divine would be from a warmer region, maybe something resembling the mediterranean climate. Warm and dry summers, and cool and rainy winters. She's definitely from far away relative to Hallownest, Grimm would travel the whole world back then so that is why the two first met. She doesn't handle the Hallownest cold very well, you'll very rarely see her outside during the colder months, and she wears a lot of outfits with furs.
Brumm is from a colder region, something like taiga. His home land definitely had a lot of forests and long, cold winters, which made him adapt very quickly to the climate in Hallownest. He's covered in fur similarly to Grimm, though his isn't as much for show as it is to protect him from harsh temperatures. Consequently, his home isn't that far from Hallownest.
And lastly, no, I decided that Divine and Leg Eater don't meet. There is a lot about my Divine that I changed from canon for personal preference reasons. The charm making process in particular is... A bit too much for me personally hahaha. And I headcanon my Divine as gay, so she wouldn't be interested. Lucky for Leg Eater haha.
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tiny012 · 10 months
Going through the comments on anything Seiusa related is just painful. Why is it that this ship attracts such delusional fans?
Just like that last comment on the comment subthread on the Am I not good enough sence on IG?
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Because people try excuse and invalidate the vaild criticism of that character by spinning it. Instead of liking that character but holding that character accountable for their actions.
Because literally that sence was them inserting themselves in a situation they still knew nothing about. Instead of being a friend,supporting her and getting her out of the rain after she vented ,they have to insert themselves into the situation and make it into about them when it was about her. And what kills me is people is like " Well Mamo ghost her so they was just being supportive" in like he actively CHOOSE not to respond back to her and be absent when it wasn't the case. Like they totally forgot seeing something hitting the plane BEFORE we find out from the person who spoke to him last what happen to him. Because he actually was a damn ghost because he was dead. Like they are always trying to bring Mamo up to prove a point that he was toxic meanwhile S.A.D was good to her even if they didn't understand what " I have a boyfriend " mean and was actively trying to shoot their shot. Also didn't understand how to ask people before signing them up to something....
Edit: Comments like the one I'm about to post is the reason why I don't like that sence.
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Usagi is literally breaking down in the damn rain finally venting that she miss Mamo ,that she's trying to be strong and keep moving but it been so damn hard for her to not have her support system and how seeing that rose finally broke her because of the shit she has dealt with in StarS season (alone) and you care more about the person who literally inserting themselves and putting their feelings first more than hers??
My heart will ALWAYS go towards Usagi.
Because its about her and her feelings.
Edit again: I found another comment tread on a different post but it still about Am I not good enough.
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It always trip with the " They did more for her in one season than Mamoru did in four seasons" line. Yes the 90's anime did Mamo dirty campared to his Manga/Crystal counterpart, but its reaching to say that S.A.D did more for her than Mamoru and they only choose what they just want to see in sake of excusing the criticism. Because Usagi's birthday episodes in S? Baby if it wasn't for him she would have been more fucked as being her only line of defense.( Twice in this season.) Hell the way he's been acting most of S so far as the only one besides her pulling their weight.
But the OP of the comment come back and gave and excellent rebuttal to that person.
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That is a masterpiece.
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pythianoracle · 3 months
PSA About Some Shady Shit on Tumblr
This post is to bring light to some shady marketing on tumblr. This is not about an individual, but rather as a company posing as an aesthetic/meme account in order to get people to buy from their shitty drop shipping company.
I am making this post because I am sick of covert marketing and drop shippers over charging for the same stuff that can be found for cheaper and by the actual company. I am also concerned for the possible hazard of drop shipped items that need to be food safe in order to use.
Tumblr user @/my-kawaii—world is a drop shipping company pretending to be an aesthetic blogger who happens to “find” links to all the products in posts. All these links lead to the same drop shipping company website: Lavender Constellation. Under the cut is evidence to support my claim.
Alt text has been added for accessibility.
Hey, so I’m really not one to make posts like this, but I saw something that rlly sketched me out that some people may want to be aware of.
So, someone I follow reblogged this really cute teapot that my-kawaii—world posted!
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[ID: a screenshot of a tweet reposted by user my-kawaii—world on tumblr. The post reads “losing my mind over this frog teapot my best friend gave me”. Attached to the tweet are two images showing a green frog teapot with two black tadpole cups. ID END]
Seems innocent enough, right? But then you scroll to the end of the post.
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[ID: A screenshot of the bottom of the previous post by my-kawaii—world. Attached is a link to a storefront in green and pink text that reads “**Update For the people asking I asked her and she bought the frog tea set HERE🐸. ID END]
I thought “dang, a ton of people must have been asking them if they went to all that extra effort”, so I decided to check the tags.
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[ID: A screenshot of the post reblogs with the user names blocked out in red to respect privacy. From top to bottom, the tags read: #cat #basically #cats and #haha. ID END]
Why would people be tagging this with cats if it has nothing to do with cats? Looking further, if you open up a reblog, you see this.
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[ID: A screenshot a reblog that shows a different tweet. Punctuation has been added to alt text for readability. The tweet reads as follows: “Me: Invents a device to talk to cats. Cat: Oh god, finally you understand me. When ever I meow for hours it’s because I want wet food. I know this was so opaque for you. Me: No no, I knew you want wet food the whole time, but you can’t have it whenever you want. Cat: (blank space) Me: (blank space) Cat: first of all, fuck you,”. ID END]
They’re retroactively editing their high note posts to give more credibility to the shit they’re selling. Here is the listing on the linked website
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[ID: a screenshot of a website called “Lavender Constellation”. The website has a light purple background with darker purple text. The listing image is of a green frog teapot with two black tadpole cups on a pink background and labeled “TEA SET FROG & TADPOLE”. The item’s original price is listed as $149.95 USD and is listed as on sale for $79.99 USD. ID END]
Wow isn’t it so cool that it’s on sale right now? Save over $60 USD? What a steal! They also offer free world-wide shipping and have a coupon code you can use. Crazy.
Upon further digging, the real teapot is the frog from the サンアート aka sunart brand, specifically from their parent and child collection. And guess what? You can get it on Amazon for less than half the price, even after the “sale”.
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[ID: a screenshot of the same green frog teapot and black tadpole cups listen on Amazon. At the bottom are options to select, including Frog Parent, Elephant Parent, and an additional one that is cut off. The frog parent is $32.96 USD and the elephant parent is $26.22 USD. ID END]
I looked into the brand and they seem to specifically make ceramics additionally, the options to pick less popular options that I don’t see nearly as many bootlegs of make me pretty confident this is the actual product.
This is far from the only post they’ve done this with. Looking at their blog, you’ll see a sea of ads for their original posts, all linking to the same store:
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[ID: A screenshot of a post by my-kawaii—world. The post is cut off due to the size of the device it was taken on. In the screenshot, there is an image of a silver sword ring with a skull on the pommel and a chain connecting the pommel to the cross-guard. Below the image is a link that red, bolded, and underlined text that reads: “OMG, I FINALLY FOUND THE RIGHT WITH FREE SHIPPING!!!!”. ID END]
And then following the link, we get taken right back to the Lavender Constellation website:
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[ID: A screenshot of the same Lavender Collection Website from before with a pale purple background and darker purple text. The listing photo is of a person’s hand with a silver ring in the shape of a sword. It has a skull on the pommel and a chain connecting the pommel to the cross-guard. The listing is labeled “STAINLESS STEEL GOTH SWORD RING” in purple text. ID END]
If you go to their page, you will see a ton of other examples of this. Hell, I have even more examples, but I feel this post is long enough as is. I’m frankly fed up with people doing this shit, especially charging over double the price of an original product for a shitty knock off.
I’m not going to comment of the safety of these products (i.e., if the knock off teapot is food safe or not) because I don’t plan on buying one to test for lead, but that is a genuine risk you have when buying drop shipped products. For example, counterfeit makeup is well known for containing chemicals that can be harmful to the skin due because they’re much cheaper than the skin safe stuff. Here is a research article that discusses some of the harmful effects that unregulated, counterfeit makeup can have on your skin. The article is open access, so don’t worry about being blocked by a paywall.
Again, I don’t know if the counterfeit teapot is food safe or not, I haven’t been able to find any posts discussing the bootleg, or even Lavendar Constellation as a whole, but with stuff like this, it’s much better to be safe than sorry.
I am positive my-kawaii—world and Lavender Constellation are not the only people running operations like this on tumblr, I’m sure there are a shit ton more. Most will probably run the same way as my-kawaii—world. Essentially if you go to a page that posts a ton of cute, aesthetic products and they link to the same website for every single thing, it’s probably a drop shipping scam.
I’m not someone who thinks I’m “morally superior” for buying only name brand stuff, hell I own a few bootleg plushies, but items that need to food safe are not something I personally would fuck around with. And even if these bootlegs are food safe, the fact that they are charging over double the price of the original is so ludicrous and inexcusable.
Personally, I recommend blocking the @/my-kawaii—world account. Don’t micromanage people who have already reblogged from them unless they’re a friend, mutual, etc. Basically, don’t harass strangers who happened to reblog the original post or the edited post. Just get the word out there about this account.
Do I think my post will shut down their site and drive them off Tumblr? Probably not. But the more people that know about this specific scam and scams like it, the better.
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