#and then ploof
pedgito · 2 years
Could you do a love triangle between reader, Steve and Eddie? Like she can't decide who she's more attracted too and spin the bottle goes south really quick. Because they're jealous when someone dares the reader to kiss the other or someone else.
author's note: uh, yeah...i got carried away. this took on a life of it's own. i also got halfway through and tumblr deleted it and i had retype all of it, so if it seems a little disjointed, i'm sorry. hopefully it isn't too noticeable
cw: 18+ (to be safe), background!ronance, lots of making out and some suggestive touching, but nothing too crazy. there's not any interaction outside of the reader between steve & eddie, other than talking, ect, but i tried leaving the ending a little ambiguous for a reason :p
word count: 3.6k
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You weren’t entirely too sure how you ended up in this situation—scratch that—you were definitely aware of how, but why was the real issue. A small group of teenagers huddled around a fire during of those infamous senior year parties, drinking until you couldn’t see straight and making far too many irrational decisions—which is the how on you ending up here, staring directly at the two boys you couldn’t stop thinking about, sans the few other kids who didn’t really matter—not to you, anyways. You hadn’t spoke to half these kids the entire school year, but spin the bottle was harmless, practically child’s play. What was the worst thing that could happen?
“So, how are we doing this?” Steve asks after a long silence. Everyone shares a glance around the circle, not a single word spoken. “Come on, at least one of you has to have some idea of how to play.”
You sigh, taking the bait. “Let’s do—spinner chooses the person to kiss for whoever it lands on. Fair enough?” There’s a collective shrug from everyone in response. “Great—I’ll go first.” No one argues against it.
It lands on Nancy first, who takes a small sip of her beer—liquid courage, maybe? Though, she already looked like she been through a few by the slight flush in her face. You glance over at your quirky, fast talking friend and an idea strikes you.
“Robin.” You grin, staring Nancy down. Part of you expects Nancy to back out, but she crosses the path to Robin, who sitting beside you. It’s a quick kiss—close mouthed and simple. Nancy offered a comforting smile to her friend before turning on her heels and returning to her seat—and if it weren’t for the four beers Robin had consumed in the time you had been here, she’d be shaking in her converse after being kissed—and by Nancy Wheeler, of all people. You nudge her shoulder comfortingly, watching the blush creep up her neck toward her face. “Alright, who’s next?” Robin asks, desperately hoping to avert the attention away from her.
A young blonde girl who’s name you couldn’t remember spun the bottle, landing on Jason, and to no surprise—she picked herself. You’ve never been more happy that Chrissy wasn’t much of a partier, she didn’t deserve this—Jason really didn’t deserve her. You couldn’t be bothered to watch, eyes averting to Eddie who was just as equally uncomfortable, but it didn’t seem like it was for the same reason. He rarely ever took part in group stuff or socialized outside of his D&D club—but he had you, Nancy, Robin, and Steve to thank for finally helping him branch out—even if it was against his own will most of the time.
Jason took the next turn, spinning the bottle. It spun and spun, lasting for what felt like hours until it stopped on you. You looked at Jason, bracing for whatever stupid choice he was about to.
“Harrington.” He says smugly, smirk covering his annoying face. “You get to kiss Harrington.”
Steve eyes you wearily, immediately feeling uncomfortable with all eyes on him. Luckily, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Had he been the Steve of two years ago, he would’ve had no shame, kissing you square on the mouth in front of the entire school if he needed to, just to prove a point. But this Steve, he was hesitant. You had been through a lot, together and apart.
“Lucky me.” You joke, flashing a sweet smile in Steve’s direction. You chug the rest of the beer, throwing the bottle off toward the other growing pile of empty bottles. You contemplate whether a simple kiss was enough, but the way Jason was staring you down—you just had to stick it to him, shove it right in his face.
Steve’s leg spread slightly as you moved forward, allowing you the space you needed to take a careful seat on his leg, one arm hung loosely around his back. “You can hate me later.” You whisper, hand coming up to cradle the side of his face before leaning in, pressing you lips against his own with all the confidence in the world.
You really don’t expect the pressure the Steve returns, parting your lips slightly. But, he seems to catch on to why you were putting on such a show—he would play along either way. And even if you did have the teensiest of crushes on Steve, you would never find the courage to act on it alone. Steve spent all of his time talking about girls that there was no reason for you to be anywhere on his radar. He sighs quietly, bring you in closer, hand gripping onto your waist gently.
Jason clears his throat awkwardly, “If you two want to get a room that’s fine.” Of course the jerk couldn’t take what he wanted to dish out. You pull away slowly, eyes immediately connecting with his.
“Sorry. Who’s next?” You ask simply, standing to smooth out your shirt where it had ridden up from Steve’s hand. “Robin?”
“Me?” She asks, voice shaken. Robin was always so inherently nervous, but it was part of her charm. "I, uh--Okay."
You could hear a pin drop as soon as it landed on Eddie, the entire group snapping their attention in his direction. He was fiddling with the neck of the bottle, not realizing everyone was staring at him until Steve nudges him.
He laughs lightly, not even the slightest bit uncomfortable. You would never understand how easily he brushed everything off. "Choose wisely, Robin." He teases, pointing a tantalizing finger her direction. Robin forces a laugh, eyes wandering around the group slowly, categorizing every person.
Not Jason, not Nancy, not to mention all the other kids who were vehemently making an effort to avoid Robin's gaze. She stops on Steve for half a second, considering--before she snaps to you. She mumbles a sheepish, "Sorry--I love you, please don't hate me."
But, there wasn't any reason to hate her. It was a game--a silly, stupid little game, right? You shrug, throwing your arms up in the air. "Rules are rules." You assure her, "Pucker up, Munson."
Much similar to your approach to Steve, Eddie widens his legs. But, he's perched higher, allowing his head to be level with you while he sat. "It's an honor, sweetheart." His voice dripping with honey, warm and entirely too welcoming--and now you really can't ignore the shiver that runs down your spine. It wasn't the alcohol this time, not even in the slightest.
He yanks you toward him gently, fingers carding their way through the hair at nape of your neck, pulling you in for a slow, searing kiss. You yelp quietly at the action, caught off guard by the way Eddie manhandled you into place--not that you were complaining.
The kiss quickly turns into something else, a mess of tongues and not much else. It was probably time to cut off the alcohol. Robin whistles loudly from behind you, the rest of the teenagers joining in quickly, pulling you both out of whatever trance you had both entered. You quickly stepped back from Eddie, pointedly avoiding his eyes--unfortunately, locking right onto Steve's. Except he's not looking back, he's staring directly at Eddie. And it's then, in the midst of all your drunkenness, that your existential crisis hits you.
Steve was jealous and Eddie wanted to make Steve jealous. It had worked perfectly, assuming by the look on Steve's face. But, what doesn't make sense, is why Steve couldn't bare to look at you now. Eddie coughs softly, causing you to separate further. "Sorry, sweetheart. Kinda got ahead of myself." You wanted to blame it on the alcohol, but it couldn't have been more obvious--the problem was literally staring you directly in the face.
They were both jealous. They couldn't even share a glance with each other anymore, after an entire night of pointless chatting, it was like they couldn't be on further points of the universe, all over a harmless game.
"Well, I think that's enough for one night." Nancy finally says, breaking the tension that had been created between the three of you. "Robin?" She asks, making an effort to hope she would catch on.
"Yep!" She claps, standing up from her spot and immediately snatching Nancy away from the group. "God, please fill me in on whatever is going on with those two." Robin whispers into your ear before she finally flees, following Nancy toward the drink table, against her better judgement.
After a few minutes of silence and stolen glances between each other, no one speaks. You sigh loudly, hands thrown out to your side. "I'm not dealing with you two. I'm not--I'm just gonna go find somewhere to sober up." You weren't sure what had brought out the behavior from Steve--well, Eddie had--but, you hadn't done a single thing to him. And Eddie, he couldn't even be bothered to look Steve's way.
You turn, stomping off into the deep brush of forest, desperate to escape the chaos of the party and calm your nerves. "Wait!" You hear Steve call out, but you don't stop. To no one's surprise, Steve trails closely behind--a quiet Eddie sticking behind, staring at the dirty, scuffed white sneakers he wore.
"Wait, please," Steve's voice is softer this time, but louder, void of all the loud music and chatter. He's staring at you with his soft, brown eyes--the type of look that would make any girl melt. But not you, not now, "stuff got weird back there, I'm sorry."
"Stuff got weird? Is that the excuse you're using?" You ask, entirely unconvinced by what he was telling you. "So, you staring down Eddie like you wanted to murder him isn't important? I shouldn't be worried about that?"
Steve looks away, jaw clenching. "I didn't think it would feel weird. But, I couldn't help it." He replies lamely, still not looking your way.
"Couldn't help what?" You ask, arms crossing over your chest, "Acting like a complete douche? It was a game, Steve." But, you were far past the point of it just being a game--you knew it was more to Steve, maybe not before, but definitely now.
"Just a game? So when you had your tongue shoved down Eddie's throat, that was just a game?" Steve turns toward you, eyes narrowing. You set yourself, brows furrowing in anger.
"So, you are jealous." Steve shakes his head in frustration, back turned toward you. "You're jealous that I kissed Eddie? Steve, I kissed you too, how does that make any sense?" He didn't even have the courage to look at you now, even after being so confrontational. "Steve, seriously?"
"Fuck this." He snaps, turning on his heels and stalking toward you, legs hitting the back of the worn out picnic table, sending you stumbling back, arm extended out in an effort to catch yourself, but Steve's hands are around you before you can even think, pulling you into him.
You hesitate for a split second, seeing his eyes scan over the expanse of your face, silently checking if you were okay--you were furious, but you couldn't help but want to lean in further, the tingle of alcohol filling your body. You sigh into Steve's mouth the moment it touches yours, immediately wrapping your arms around the expanse of his neck, allowing his hands to slip under your thighs and force you to be fully seated on the table now, wrapping your legs around his hips.
His tongue traces a line against your top lip, idle hand squeezing at the soft flesh of your waist, before delving into your mouth like he was a man dying of thirst, ready to bleed you dry. You fight back, lips pressing against his in an effort to gain an upper hand, fingers gently pulling at his hair. Steve moans outwardly, a filthy laugh slipping from his lips at the effort you were giving. "I guess I had a reason to be jealous, yeah?" He asks teasingly, his voice low and soft, only for your ears.
"Shut up." You bite back, pulling him back in for another kiss, leaving you practically breathless.
"Well, seems you two had a couple issues to work through." A voice bleeds through the trees, the familiar crackle of leaves coming closer and closer until..."Didn't think you had it in you, Harrington."
"Eddie." It's a warning. He knows it.
Eddie throws his hands up in defeat before resting them behind his back, slowly stepping closer. Steve was still pressed between your legs, but both of you were glued on Eddie and that stupid smirk he had.
"Don't act so innocent, sweetheart." He chides, his voice soft but condescending in it's tone. "You knew exactly what you were doing."
A step closer, than another, until he's practically kneeling on the bench beside you both, only a few inches away. "Steve's definitely got it out for you--problem is, I do too."
It couldn't have been more obvious, but the reality of hearing it fall from Eddie's mouth has your heart skipping a beat. Two of you bestfriends, two people you loved--it should feel wrong.
Eddie lets out a short chuckle, eyes dark, not soft like they usually are. He wasn't mad, you've known him long enough to understand what that looks like, but this--it was something else entirely. He leans in slowly, lips brushing the shell of your ear.
You were too hyperaware of your position now--Steve crowded over you, Eddie pushed in beside you. Steve hadn't even bothered to move, to enraptured by the show Eddie was putting on, almost like he was amused by it. You glance over at Steve, his mouth hung open slightly, still caught up in all the emotion of the moment, his grip never faltering.
"You think Harrington likes to watch? Or maybe he'll join in?" Eddie asks teasingly, eyes glancing toward Steve. Steve's eyes flit toward Eddie quickly, before returning to your own, eyes glossing over slightly. "He does get a little feisty when he drinks, doesn't he?"
"Eddie, just get to the point." You beg tiredly, glancing up toward him now. Eddie smiles, but it's slight, barely noticeable at all. He's thinking, contemplating. But, it doesn't take long before Eddie's leaning forward, chin grasped between his fingers in an effort to maneuver your face toward him. It's surprisingly gentle, despite how aggressive it would look to anyone passing by, luckily you three were completely alone.
"Just couldn't resist another taste, sweetheart." Eddie flirted entirely to well, it was one of his more annoying traits. He flirted with everyone, anything, it wasn't something you ever put much thought into. But, this--this was dirty, this was real. "I'll let myself regret it in the morning."
But, it's you who closes that gap, hand reaching up to graze the side of Eddie's face, fingers catching in one of his curls. Steve's grip on your waist tightens, but he doesn't move, doesn't let go. He hasn't even made a sound. Eddie licks into your mouth, desperate for more of you, teeth grazing against your bottom lip, nipping gently. Eddie was messy with passion in the way that Steve was slightly more coordinated--and the idea that you were even comparing the two was insane, but that was a thought for a later time. There were more pressing issues at hand--like, Eddie pulling away to suck at a particular spot on your neck, allowing you to finally lock eyes with Steve again.
"Can I kiss you?" His voice was rough, eyes drawn to where Eddie was sucking along your neck. You couldn't even be bothered to answer, nodding quickly in response. He pulls you in carefully, the hand that wasn't holding your waist a featherlight touch against your thigh, pulling your leg higher up his hip. He didn't seem to mind that Eddie wanted to join in, but he wanted to make sure his presence was still known. Not like you could forget it--this would be burned into your mind forever.
You sigh, desperate for more and more touch, from either of them. It was driving you wild, the way Eddie was whispering in your ear, taking the time to claim up your skin with his own mouth, all while being devoured by Steve’s, his tongue breaching past your lips, desperate to pull any little sound he could out of you. Words were pointless, you couldn’t even form one. It wasn’t like you were drunk enough to the point where you couldn’t make a rational decision, not that anything was making sense right now, but you were definitely aware.
“Switch me, Harrington.” Eddie sighs out, hand reaching around to grip at the thigh that Steve wasn’t occupying, squeezing at the sensitive flesh. You whine softly, the cold sting of his rings a very prominent reminder. This was Eddie, your best friend, and Steve—also your best friend—how were you going to recover from this?
Steve doesn’t put up a fight, surprisingly, switching with Eddie quickly, hand wandering up your chest, slipping under the thin material of your shirt. “This okay?” He asks into crown of your head, mouth buried into your hair, squeezing at your breast, over the flimsy bralette that covered them.
“So okay. So much better than okay.” You confess, pleasure having taken over your rational thinking completely. You catch the glance that Eddie sends Steve's way, watching his hand disappear under your shirt. And for a split second, Steve locks eyes with him. They could've buried you six feet under at this point, not even feeling like you were in control of yourself anymore. But, the feeling of Eddie's lips brushing against your own has you jolting back to reality, your hand coming up to push his hair out of his face, delving into his mouth, a sloppy mess of tongue and spit, just like before.
It was a stark contrast, the way Eddie was ready to devour you whole, compared to Steve, who was sure of himself, but never taking a step too far without checking in with you. It had you reeling, two of the boys you care about most, drawing sounds out of you that you had no idea existed. You had to stop this at some point, before you three woke up the next morning, unable to look at each other.
You sighed, reaching back to rub tenderly at Steve's arm, pulling his attention away from where his face was buried in your neck, barely grazing Eddie's, but it's enough to interrupt him. He pulls back, eyes softer now.
"We have to stop." You say, regretfully. As much as you wanted to let the alcohol think for you, some things just couldn't get out of control, not this. "We can't do this."
They both pull back slowly, slightly dejected. "Sorry." Steve says softly, attempting to subtly adjust the front of his pants, but he fails.
"Damn, Harrington." Eddie laughs, finally pulling back, fishing his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. "You just keep surprising me."
"Shut up." Steve shoots back, but there's no real emotion behind it. He almost laughs at the absurdity of the situation, not having fully processed everything either.
"I need to get back before Robin comes looking for me." You tell them both, the flick of Eddie's lighter louder in the silence that had settled.
"Eh, I don't know about that." Eddie gives you a playful look, taking a long drag from the cigarette. "She might be a little busy."
"With?" You ask, eyeing him carefully.
"Let's just say, Wheeler was pretty eager to run off with her earlier," He glances over at Steve, then back at you, "and I definitely didn't catch them making out over by the parking lot."
"Damn, I didn't think Robin had it in her." Steve comments offhandedly, seemingly proud of his friend.
"God," You sigh, rubbing your hands over your face tiredly, "this is the last party I'm ever tagging along on."
"Probably a good idea," Eddie says, smiling down at you, "you might end up falling in love with us." It's a lame attempt at a joke, but the way your heart flutters scares you.
"Yeah." You force a laugh, pushing yourself off the table and attempting to walk back toward the wild group of drunk teenagers. The boys trail closely behind, exchanging glances between each other unbeknownst you. Steve shakes his head in disbelief.
"Hey!" You hear Robin yells, jogging toward you. Nancy was close behind her, an obvious pep in her step. You gave Robin a suspicious look, eyeing her up and down. "So, these two ever stop acting so grumpy?"
"Yeah." You say slowly, glancing over at Nancy, who was forcing herself to hide the obvious smile on her face. "They'll be okay, we talked it out."
"Good, at least they finally figured their shit out." Robin whispers to you, glancing up at the two boys who were both wearing the same pair of shit-eating grins on their face at the sight of their other two friends.
"I could say the same for you."
The look on Robin's face is priceless, sending you running in the direction of Steve's car at the startled yell of your name. "She's gonna kill you for that." Eddie comments, gasping for breath when you finally come to a stop, arm draped over your shoulder gently.
"I told you, she just needed a nudge." Steve smirks, jingling the keys to his car in front of you. "Need a ride?"
It didn't matter if you three ended up in the back of Steve's car that night, somehow in the same situation as earlier, you could regret it in the morning. But truthfully, that wasn't the last time—and none of you ever regretted it.
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dire-vulture · 1 year
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i realized i never really shared my aethers so here we go!
My first hatch was Tae! Who is not my dragon anymore but thought I'd show for posterity haha. The colors just weren't working for me so I traded aer with @ferberus-skull in return for Ploof, the cerise/honeydew girl! I'd been thinking about the color cerise recently and when I saw her I just felt like she was the one for me c:
And my second egg is Alexandria, which she prefers to spell A|ə×&riᾶ .. funky space library devourer hfghg i'm hoping to get a fun accent for that.
Next up is Bleepbloop who I have shown already, my only m pose so far - they were a gift before aethers and I thought could be fun to make into the new breed! The name he came with turned out to be perfect too haha
and my newest addition that I just got tonight is the swampy looking Throwback Thursday! i thought of the name and had to go aether shopping immediately hfhdfg you can just call them Throwback!
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redscorpiocat · 1 year
Random doodle of Zachie
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renri · 2 years
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let's try again…
accountability post 2, electric boogaloo.
(yes, the *actual* second one doesn't count since it was such a flop e_e)
week-end was… a week-end. i did stuff, but not much.
yesterday was to be Organized, with Perco and I doing stuff together each in our part of the house, we had a Plan and everything! But then we had to get him up at 5am becaude of Super High Sugar and all the consequences, and we both got up properly suuuuper late after that, so the day was… not as Planned. I did do lots of work in the Ploof, though: counted the shrimp (nine! when i thought i had ten… so, i lost one. but *only* one, which is a relief, because for the last week or so i couldn't see more than three at once. and now two kinda look like they're carrying eggs… o__o moar babies!? ) and rearranged the plants (including the new ones taken from a lake, growing in white clay – clay good for the tiny pond!) in a more interesting way (for them, the beasties, and me) Oh, also i got rid of the water snails: they were eating WAY too much. I still have a tiny one that came with some plant though ^^° Aaaand the eggs from the big ones i relocated to the Seine.
Anyway. Today: checking on the Ploof and throwing all kinds of Food in there is Done.
Garden Time is over for this morning; now is ALL THE PLANNING. I need to list all that needs to be done before various deadlines during the week— before it rains tursday pm/friday am, and before we go to a wedding on saturday.
After that… Lunch. Then I might try planning Boring Stuff to trick myself into doing some Useful Procrastination somewhere -__-
Also, I need to encourage Perco into tidying up stuff from his summer camp and in his room in general… urgh
Wish us luck…
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ooo saw you asked for more patrick requests. I need something like romeo and juliet vibes. maybe him and like reader is the coach’s daughter.
I am literally obsessed w this concept 😵‍💫
✰ ⊹ ˚.
The ploof ploof sounds of the tennis ball hitting the rough clay over and over could be heard as you made your way along the stone walkway to the court, on your way to watch you father coach his hourly session of tennis.
Unlike your father, you had never shown any interest in the sport, even though it had been displayed and half forced into every corner of your life. You suppose that's why he turned to coaching when he realized he wasn't going to get anything out of you.
You opened the squeeky gate, quietly making your way into the private court hidden deep within the plot of the estate. You sat down on one of the benches as you watched your dad play. The boy he was working with's eyes met yours, and you raised your hand in a wave. He had stopped in the middle of playing to greet you in return, effectively missing his hit and causing the ball to fly right past him and hit one of the shrubs with a force that left a small hole in it.
Your father had been ready to scold him, turning around to find you watching with rapt attention. He swallowed his words, a scowl still present on his face. "I'm gonna go get some water from the kitchen," he said, making his way back to the house and patting your shoulder softly when he passed you.
Patrick took this as his chance to take a small break, making his way to you and plopping down next to you as he hung his head over the backrest with a tired exhale. His head rose once he catched his breath, turning to you with an almost devious smirk. "We have to stop meeting like this," he joked as you scoffed in return. "It's basically the only time we see each other," you reasoned. He made an understanding sound, resting his head against your shoulder which you tried shrugging off with a shimmy.
"You're sweaty," you whined, thinking about the pretty blouse your mother had just bought you. He lifted his head begrudgingly but moved to kiss into the crook of your neck, his nose and hair tickling you. You tried pushing him off, but he only doubled his efforts, his arms wrapping around you to trap you as he left stray kisses against your neck, underside of your jaw, chin and up to your cheek.
You managed to push him off through giggles, trying to catch your breath, but not before he managed to get a few more kisses in. "If my dad had seen us now, he would've killed you," you said, and he shrugged. "He can't kill me, I'm his best student," he said.
"You're his only student."
"Exactly," he smiled, watching the way you rolled your eyes. He shimmied closer on the wooden bench, his arm resting against the backrest as his fingers played with the delicate material of your blouse.
"This's pretty," he said softly feeling the material of the frilly sleeve against his fingertips. "Thank you," you answered sweetly, watching the way his eyes dipped down to your cleavage, the soft pink material of your bralette visible if you looked hard enough. His eyes shifted up to yours once again, smiling coyly knowing he had been caught judging by the matching smile on your face.
Your father's voice nearly made you jump in your seat, the two of as quickly and subtly as possibly moving to create some chaste distance. "Your parents are here," your father said. You quietly watched as Patrick gathered his things, bidding a soft goodbye to you and your father before he made his way along the walkway back inside.
Your father filled Patrick's old spot, sitting down next to you with a grunt. You spared him a smile which he returned before he sighed rather loudly.
"What were you two talking about just now?" he asked, trying and failing to sound nonchalant about it. You only shrugged, your hands nervously smoothing over the material of your pants. "Nothing special," you said before looking up at him. He nodded, hand rubbing over his face in thought. "I don't want you getting too friendly with that boy. Too close, if you understand what I mean," he said plainly.
You scoffed, immediately swallowing the sound when you saw the way his eyebrows raised. "You don't have to worry about that, Dad," you lied. "But even if it was the case," you continued, "what's the problem with that? I mean he comes from a good family."
Your father frowned. "His family's entitled, he looks like the type to carry the same mindset. I don't want you with someone like that." You wanted to correct your father, but you knew that would just be digging a deeper hole for yourself and confirm his suspicions. So you only nodded, knowing you were counting down the days until you got to see him again.
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8. Make a splash, pool fun - Mermay Day 3
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Simsfileshare (no ads)
Patreon (no ads, always free)
MerMay Day 3: Make a splash, pool fun. (See the full MerMay prompt list I follow on my Instagram).
About the posepack:
Make a splash and have fun with these unisex pool poses for mermaids and Sims!
Placement and tips:
Place the teleporter on top of the pool water to have them line up correctly. Place the Teleporter knight not in the middle of the float, but in the float as shown in the image.
The floats do move up and down with the water. Pause the game when to water/float is at it's highest as shown in the image.
Sims' silhouttes morph underwater, try different angles to perfect your underwater shot.
Syboulette's Donut Float which can be found here: Ploof Pool CC 
Terms of use:
- Don't change the poses, adjusting to fit the frame/bodytype is allowed.
- Don't reupload the poses.
- Don't place them behind a paywall.
- Don't claim the poses as your own.
Please let me know if there are any issues (other than the known ones) so I can work on it.
I would love to see your merfolk and Sims with these poses, feel free to tag me on Instagram @TheSerenadeOfShadows  or Tumblr @TheSerenadeOfShadows.
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tomfowlery · 25 days
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Pipe and Ploof: Freelance Hellions (Collab with @/ploofy_doofy on Instagram)
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plottwiststudios · 1 year
Women of Xal - %15 off
It’s time for some gay alien politics. 
[steam] [itch.io]
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Seen this CG yet? No? You should! That’s right, year two of the game being out means it’s time for our second Steam Summer Sale, let’s gooooooo! 
Guide Xjena up the political ladder to the coveted position of Matriarch. Or guide her into a knife repeatedly! That’s fine too! In an alien society where lying is impossible, make sure you utilize your powers to rewind time as you choose the best path forward.
A visual novel with many significant choices and four major endings: two bad, one neutral, and one good. Plus a bunch of ways to accidentally end things early.
12 character arcs with options for romance and/or friend routes! 7 women and 8 men. 
Aro/Ace and Poly runs! One player in our Discord mapped out the maximum number of dates they could go on in one run. 10/10 speed dating strats.  (How do you get the Discord link? Well, that happens to be in game.
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Many, many bugs have been either squashed or gently relocated outside since launch. Some still haunt us, but we’re working on it.
Steam Achievements very soon??? We figured out how, we just gotta... do it. lol
Want to get to the gay faster? You’re in luck! We’ve added a whole new mode to the game: Steamer Mode. If you want to skip the exposition at the start and get right to the interesting stuff, this mode offers you a streamlined early game - at the cost of missing a few clues along the way, of course. 
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Curious what our team has been up to since Women of Xal’s release? Well.... mostly recovering from moving, if I’m honest. We’ve keeping our heads down and working at our boring day jobs while tossing around ideas for future games and stories in the background. We plan to have the script for Women of Xal’s sequel completely written before launching the Kickstarter, but we’re also looking at things like art books, novels, a 15 minute horror game, Patreon.... maybe even a silly little mobile game for collecting ploofs. Or snakes. One of our founders really likes danger noodles. 
Until then we’ll just wait.
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(I had a big work meeting today and I’m loopy lmao ~Shald)  
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fjordfolk · 10 months
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justash02 · 1 year
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Pairing; Wilhem x Fem!reader.
A/n: I’m so obsessed with this man, Edvin has my heart so I just wanted to make a little smut with our boy Wilhem. (Kinda weird to say that bc my dead grandpas name is Wilhem-) I think Wilhems sexuality is still unlabed pls if not text me and I’ll delete it. (Writing this at work btw-)
I’ve been texting Wille all break and I am confident to say that we are good friends at this point. His taking his break up with Simon don’t well… like at all.
Ever now and then I see him out side of class and he just looks drained from all the emotions he’s feeling. And I definitely can’t blame him. He’s having a bomb of emotions at this point that he has no clue how to deal with.
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Seems like I’ll be of to the store, I put my phone back into my pocket in a swift move and turned on my heels.
Later that night I went over to Willes room, number 15 and knocked on the door. I heard shifting around in the room and second later a tired looking Wilhem opened the door.
His dirty blond hair hung in front of his face as his brown eyes pierced mine own. He opened the door fully so I could come in and closed it later.
“Is he that bad?” Wille could only scoff as he grabbed his laptop, “Hes fucking awful, like, every thing he does disgusts me.” Ploof, he laid on the bed close to me. His body heat instantly warmed me up making me drop my eyes a little at the comfort.
“What did you get your crown prince?” He asked raising his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm, “we agreed you wouldn’t abuse that power anymore with me.” He just laughed at looked at me as I pulled my rainbow bag onto the bed.
“I got you some cherry soda.” His eyes peeked up from the bag as he instantly sat up, “All those are mine?” I nodded and handed them to him. “Wait… how did you know I love cherry?” He asked smiling.
I could feel the heat travel up to my cheeks as I coughed a bit. “U-uh, you told me a few weeks ago. I have a pretty good memory of my friends and what they like.” He stared down at the soda and back up at me and smiled.
“You’re the best, might keep you all to my self.” Sadly you’re just joking. “I also got you some Chips and some candy.” He leaned over and instantly his cologne filled my senses. Weirdly enough his whole excisions screams comfort.
“Wait, does this mean you didn’t have dinner?” He suddenly asked, I just shrugged but he definitely wasn’t having it. He picked up his phone and called the Royal court.
“Hey, Jan-Olof. The food in the cafeteria hasn’t been that good lately and I’ve started to notice that it affects my studies, could you can me some (Fav food) and could you make it two portions? I’m extremely hungry.” He said, I heard Jan-Olof agree on the other side of the line as Wille closed his phone with a smug smile.
“You did not just call the Royal Court just for food-“ I said laughing, he just laughed with me and started scrolling through the movies.
“Horror?”, “meh, everything I’ve seen on Netflix was shit.”, “Romance?”, “You want me to be that miserable?”, “Comedy?”, “Eehhh I don’t know.” This went on for ages until we decided on The Hunger Games.
“You’re so lucky I like you.”
“You Royal people just don’t have taste.” I said winking. He smiled and avoided my gaze until Jan-Olof knocked on the door. I quickly hid and waited till they were done.
“Thank you, bye Jan-Olof!” Wille said waving the older man goodbye. “Here you go darling.” Oh- I heated up a bit and took the bag from him. “wait, how did you know what my favorite food is?” I asked Wille.
He just shrugged and winked at me before tearing open to boxes of food, he grabbed me a small bed table for my box and set the laptop in front of us.
“Don’t you want it?” I asked pointing to the table, “Nah, I don’t trust you with food on my bed.”, “Ok, rude.” He just laughed and started playing the movie.
After a while we were both finished eating and we had moved a bit closer to each other. I regretted coming here in just my tank top and some shorts as the cold air creeps in the room ever now and then.
“Uh Y/n.. want a sweater?” Wille asked flustered, “Mhm?” I looked at him seeing him already looking at me, but he wasn’t looking at my face.
I followed his vision and they landed fully on my breasts, my hard nipples showing through my tanktop. Oop- my hands clapped around them accepting his offer only to have Wille not respond.
“Have I told you I’ve never been with a girl before, like sexually?” He asked, his eyes still not leaving my now covered breasts, he slowly looks up with something in his eyes I’ve never seen before from him.
“N-no, you haven’t… didn’t think it was appropriate to ask the crown prince that…” I said, his lip got caught between his teeth as he ran his hand though his hair. “C-Can I.. maybe…” His voice was soft and insecure.
He glared over at my lips before inching closer, moving so slow as if he was giving me time to push him away in need.
“Wille…” I whispered, he gently closed the gap between us and kissed me, it was soft and gentle. His hand slowly moved to my face to cup it as I kissed him back.
I moved my arms around his neck and pulled him closer and he pulled me into his lap. His lips still ever so gently moving against mine. Fuck, what the fuck am I doing?
“W-wait Wille.” I said pressing against his shirt covered chest, “I’m not going to be a rebound, you’re not thinking straight.” I said as confident as I could. Did I mean it? Partly? Would I still let him fuck me even if I would just be a rebound? Yes.
“I-“ BANG, before Wille could finish the door of his room swings open revealing Henry, I quickly pushed myself off of Wille and covered myself up with his blanket feeling extremely exposed at the moment. “Hey we are going to prank- oh shit- uh, hey, y/n. Uh, I uh, I didn’t mean to cock block I promise.”, “Henry.”, “Yes?”, “Leave.”, “Yes sir.” Henry blurred out and threw the door closed.
The rooms was silence for a few minutes, the sound of Wille’s clock next to his bed was almost echoing through the room.
“I’ll go get you-“
“Maybe I should go-“
Panic seemed spread through Wille as he jumped up standing in front of me, “N-no don’t leave.” He said, he turned around and grabbed me a sweater and signed me to put my arms up.
I looked away and did what he asked as he put the sweater over my head. “Don’t worry about Henry, he won’t say anything.”
I just hummed, scenarios filling my mind as Wille sat down with a puff next to me. Silence filled the room once again as Wille started moving uncomfortably next to me.
“You good?”
“Y-Yes just- I’m hard…” oh. “I get it if you don’t want to do anything anymore, here.” He said handing me the laptop, “I-I’ll just be in the shower- you know… getting rid of this.” He said, I just nodded I stared into space a bit but I couldn’t keep my mind off of the feeling of his lips onto mine.
I could feel the heat getting more bothersome as I heard the shower turn on, just thinking about the unholy stuff he’s probably doing at this moment makes me completely insane. Truth is I’ve always thought Wilhem is extremely attractive and I think he knows I like him.
I leaned back against his pillow and closed my eyes, I started imaging how good his fingers would feel as they fucked into me. I could heard Wille soft groans and moans and that made me lose my mind.
I slowly stood up and moved closer to the bathroom, his delicious whimpers filled the room as I softly opened the door. What on earth was I doing?
I pulled my hair out of the bun I made earlier and stepped inside, I gently closed the door trying to be as quiet as I could and started undressing myself.
I was so far into my daze that reality doesn’t even set in anymore as I stepped in behind him, I slowly laid my hand of his waist as he jumped a bit. He turned around and his brown eyes met mine.
His cheeks were bright red but he quickly recovered and held out his hand for me to take. His wet warm hands cupped mine as he pulled me into him. I felt his dick press against my leg as I let out a gasp from surprise.
He didn’t say anything instead he just inspected my body and curves, his long fingers traced over my skin as he soon got a look of my stretch marks, “You’re beautiful…” he said in awe.
If I didn’t know he was so head over heels for Simon I would think he actually meant it. I caught my bottom lip between my teeth as his lips make their way to my neck, I sigh left my lips. God he was so good.
“Im starting to think you want a different shower than this.” He said, the cocky tone in his voice didn’t help me much, I could feel myself getting more and more hot and bothered as he cupped my butt messaged my cheeks roughly. His lips soon left my neck and intertwined with mine again.
“Do you need me to prepare you?” He asked against my lips, the words were rushed and hastily. I pulled away and gazed down to his cock, I reached over to it gently cupped it making his breath hitch.
His pretty pink tip looked so nice and red almost angry, he was the perfect size in my opinion. He seemed to be well groomed which was definitely a plus point. Finally a guy who takes care of himself.
“I don’t think so.” I whispered as my mouth started to water. He smirked and wrapped his arms around my legs pulling me up against the walls he sat me on the little seat as he roughly spread my legs.
“Be a good girl for me and keep your legs open for me?” He asked but it seemed more like a order, he cupped his dick with his hand and slowly started leaning closer to my entrance.
“Are you sure?” He whispered extremely impatient, “yeah-“, “No I mean like. Are you sure you want to do this and risk falling in love with me?” He said smirking. I laughed and smacked his chest.
“Cheeky cunt-“ I couldn’t even finish my sentence as he thrusts his cock in, I gasped and wrapped my arms around his neck making him lean closer.
He sighed almost out of relieve as he felt my pussy welcoming his cock so nice and good. He leaned his forehead against my shower and gently kissed the skin there.
“Fuck, Y/n/n. I might cum faster then I thought I would.” He said laughing a bit. “I don’t mind,” I whispered in his ear, “Do whatever you want baby.” He whimpered a bit at the nickname making me smile.
Soon he started thrusting his hips back and forth just hitting the spot making my eyes rol back a bit, I could just feel that my reaction was giving him the confidence he needed because soon he tried to hit the spot more and more just to get reactions out of me.
Soon the sounds of skin clapping filled the room, the wet noises and the steam around us added to the passion we were both feeling.
“F-fuck, Y/n-“ He fucked harder into me, he fucked into me so good that I almost forgot about being quiet. But as close as I was to cumming too I couldn’t help but let my mind wonder off to the fact that I am very much I love with him.
No y/n you can’t do that to him, it’s not fair-
Hé leaned over closer then before and pressed his thumb against my pearl of nerve, flicking it with the most concentration that he could have at the moment as he was getting more and more pussy drunk.
“Ah- shit… Wille.” I whined out, he sped his speed up a bit and with that his thumb went faster too, pushing me over my edge.
My legs started to shake, my eyes began to water and I couldn’t hold the loud moan that left my lips. He quickly grabbed my chin and planted his lips on to mine in another kiss. But this kiss felt different. Almost as it.. it was love?
I purposefully squeezed my walls around his cock making him groan as he fucked out my high, “Cum in me.” I could see the hesitation in Willes eyes for not even a second before he cummed. He was shaking in his legs at the powerful orgasm he had and fucked into me just to get the last drops of cum in me.
“F-fuck.” He groaned, his cum filled me to the brim making me feel ever so full. He pulled out and he sat on the ground of the shower. He pressed his legs against his chest and covered his face.
“Wille?” I quiet sob come from the boy making me worried, I choice to ignore the cum running down my legs as I sat on my knees in front of him. “Wille? Are you okay? This doesn’t have to change our friendship.” I said placing my hands on his knees leaning slightly over to see his red eyes as tears ran down his face.
“I-I think I’m having a p-panic attack-“ He gasped as he lets go of his face, his eyes quickly met mine as he keeps gasping for air. I quickly placed one hand in his chest to feel his heart and one of his cheek.
“Wille, im here, you’re ok… I promise.” During his gasps more tears start falling down as he completely breaks down. “I-I’m not ok.” He whimpered out. That broke my heart. His bottom lip started shivering and his eyes shot all over the place as he tried to find something else to focus on.
“C-Can you just hold me?” He cried out and he reached out his arms, now tears were running down my face as I quickly wrapped my arms around the boy. “I-I think I’m in love with you.. but also with Simon. I don’t know what to do anymore.” He said crying.
With pain in my heart I knew that he would pick Simon over me any day and that I was just a one time thing to me.
A rebound.
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galaxytoons · 2 months
flops on you
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10 notes · View notes
renri · 2 years
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4 notes · View notes
saulgoodwoman6 · 7 months
What too much Vanoss does to a mf
I've watched way too much Vanoss back then to the point i can quote a lot of things in his videos "CHIPOTLE!!!" "PUNCAKE!" "BULLET PLOOF GRASS!" "Banana Bus!" "HOODINI"
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ephise-peres · 3 months
3vale but Re:vale are pets AU
Ban: Yuki, get away from the vase.
Ban: No.
Ban: Yuki, no.
Ban: YUKI!!!
Yuki: *purr*
Ban: No, I won't pet you. I'm mad at you.
Yuki: Meow🥺
Ban: ...
Yuki: 🥺
Ban: Okay, come here. I'll clean that up later.
Ban: Momo, the bath is for me, don't try to get in it.
Momo: *obedient dog face*
Ban: Okay, I'm leaving the room for a minute. Be good.
Momo: *obedient dog face*
Ban: *leaves the room*
Ban: MOMO!!!
Momo: Woof🥺
Ban: No. I'm mad.
Momo: 🥺
Ban: Okay, want a treat?
Ban: Out of the bed, you two, I'm going to sleep.
Momo & Yuki: 🥺
Ban: No, you are not sleeping in my bed. I bought you nice beds, use them.
Momo & Yuki: 🥺
Ban: Ugh. Fine.
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hazel-of-sodor · 19 days
Something Holy This Way Comes
Ch.2 Secrets
Other Stories
Other Chapters
Progress on the restoration of the Glain route was progressing quickly with the extra engines. They had reached a small farming village named Tawel, high on the cliff overlooking the sea. Seagulls lined the cliff edge, crying angrily at Screech's presence. One started hopping towards her. Screech opened an eye to stare at the bird. The gull stopped for a moment, but then hopped forward again while looking the giant in the eye.
The seagull's flock turned to watch it sail away towards the ocean.
"Screech!" Mali said admonishingly from the station platform
Screech closed her eye.
 "The skyrat should have known better." She said lazily.
The seagull returned and landed on Screech's snowplow, squawking in indignation.
Screech eyed the bird in irritation.
Mali giggled.
 Screech slowly scooped up a pile of snow with her tendrils. The seagull failed to notice the tendrils moving until it was too late.
 The seagull's head popped up from the snow angrily. 
Screech rumbled in satisfaction. Miss Morgan exited the old station, stopping to take in the sight.
"I see you're getting along with the locals." She said amused.
Screech flicked a tendril at the seagull who hopped over it with a squawk.
Screech glared.
"Any progress with getting a new engine?" Mali asked, hoping to distract Screech before she gave into the whisper's urging to unmake the bird.
Miss Morgan nodded, "Yes, finally. We're negotiating for an engine from the Western Region. They're supposed to arrive middle of next year."
"So long?" Screech asked without looking away from the gull.
"The engine is being sent for overhaul at Swindon," Morgan explained. "They will come here once overhauled and we'll have a chance to buy them if we're satisfied."
"You know they will try something to sabotage the trial."
Miss Morgan locked eyes with the eldritch giant, "which is why you will be watching over our new engine when they arrive."
A smirk slowly dawned on Mali's face, "They don't know about Screech."
The whisper cackled.
Miss Morgan's grin was predatory, "No they don't. I suspect the only reason they are sending the new engine is to find out what's changed on our railway. Before her arrival, we were struggling to keep the trains running."
"And when they find out about me?"
"That's the best part," Morgan smirked, "they'll never believe it. It doesn't matter if their spy sees you, according to their records you were scrapped."
"Because I was." 
Freda spoke up from the cab, "Normally that would mean you were dead. Not on a distant railway with reality-breaking abilities."
"Technically I am dead."
Gwyn snorted, "You're awfully solid for a ghost." He said, rapping his knuckles on the side of her tender.
Screech looked back, unimpressed. "I was cut into pieces by burning axes before those pieces were melted back into raw metal. The fact death failed to drag me beyond does not mean I am alive."
"I would think that's exactly what it means."
Screech locked gazes with Mali, "Little Thief, every second I must hold back my true form or risk reducing your mind and body to ash in an instant. I am no longer of this world, I am of the beyond. Your very being is unable to withstand the true weight of my presence. If I were to ever slip, you would not die, you would be unmade."
Mali swallowed nervously, "So no startling you then."
"It would be unwise."
The seagull squawked in apparent agreement.
Mali went to speak then hesitated.
"What is it, Little Thief?" Screech rumbled.
"You say you confine yourself to your physical shape..."
"Do you not believe me little one?"
Mali shuddered as her bones rattled from Screech's attention. "If that shape is confined...how large are you actually."
Screech rumbled a laugh, the sound's echoes triggering an avalanche on the nearest mountain. Her eyes burned blue as she ever so slightly relaxed her grip on her form.
"Avon is taking on water while Enid complains about her snowplow fitting awkwardly."
Miss Morgan blinked, nonplussed, "Avon should be at Din by now."
"She is."
The humans were silent for a long moment as they understood what she was saying.
Miss Morgan finally shook her head ruefully, "I suppose that keeping anything from you is a lost cause."
"Only if I know to look." Screech admitted as she shifted slightly, "It's why I didn't recognize Tyto's approach. I can only focus on so much at once, although saying my name will normally get my attention.”
Mali jumped, "Wait does that mean you know..."
"Yes," Screech said bluntly
"Oh." Mali sounded very small.
Screech rolled her eyes, "I am hardly in the habit of spilling others' secrets."
"...Thank you," Mali said quietly.
Miss Morgan raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.
Gwyn looked at Screech thoughtfully, "How far can you reach if you try? say..."
"You had better not be asking one of my engines to spy on my meetings with the Other Railway." Miss Morgan said flatly.
"I don't trust them," Gwyn said seriously. "You know they want us gone. Removing you would accomplish that."
"They're not murderers Gwyn." Morgan frowned at him. 
"Screech existence says otherwise," Freda said quietly. There was an awkward silence.
"She has been in no danger." Screech finally said.
"...you were already watching." Miss Morgan sighed in resignation.
"I was."
"...thank you." 
It was quiet for a moment then Mali tentatively asked, "Any progress on the Argol line?"
"We hope to begin work on restoring the Argol Line in the spring. " Miss Morgan said, stretching, "By then Seren will be able to assist, and the first trains could be running by Autumn. They'll only go as far as the first station, but the sooner the lines open, the sooner it can help pay for its renovation.
"Will we have the engines to serve the line by then?" Freda asked.
Miss Morgan nodded, "I spoke with the North Western Region and the Chester and Holyhead board last night. The North Western is sending us another engine to help restore the old lines to Glain. Once the line is reconnected, the CH&R has promised to help run the trains until we're on our feet.
"Do they know about Screech?" Gwyn asked.
"No." Miss Morgan shook her head, "Tyto and Ceri promised to only tell Eagle. Screech will remain our ace in the hole for as long as we can manage."
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