#and then i found
mmvalentine · 2 years
Lover Like Me pt 5 | Feysand
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 ** Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Tarquin makes good on his word and starts messaging me over the next couple of weeks about getting paintings into his gallery. He wants six, says I can pick four but he must have these two specific ones from my Instagram. I agree to it of course, it’s my first gallery. I’d agree to almost anything. Problem is, I don’t have them. They’re at Tamlin’s.
“Do you want me to drive you over?” Rhys says. We’re all at his place, the movie’s queued up but we’re waiting for Mor. Apparently, the last time they started without her she threw a fit and made them play it from the beginning even though they were a half hour in. I'm telling them about the painting situation, but I haven't shown them the photos yet because I want the first time they see them to be in person, in a gallery. Maybe some of Mor's dramaticism is rubbing off on me.
“No,” I tell him. Rhys’s voice is casual, but there’s something about the set of his jaw when he thinks about taking me back to Tamlin’s house, and I know he doesn’t really want to do it. “I can just do something similar.”
“Okay.” Rhys eats his pizza, letting me pick the olives off my pieces and put them on his. It's a symbiotic system we have. I'm sitting in my what has become my usual spot, in between Mor and Rhys, with his pizza box balanced on my outstretched legs and warm on my shins. He says nothing more about the paintings for the rest of the evening.
When we’re all going back to our own beds, I find Azriel leaning against my door.
It's unusal that I speak to Azriel alone, but Rhys has passed out on the couch and only grunted at us when we tried to wake him.
Last week, I stayed back to help him clean up because I got startled by a jump-scare in the movie and kicked the bowl of popcorn clean out of Rhys's lap. We discussed Beyoncé's input to the new Lion King in parallel with Elton John's in the original while Rhys washed, sleeves pushed up and hands sudsy, and I dried, perched on his kitchen bench beside him. He gave me his silver rings to take care of while he worked, and they were huge on my fingers.
The week before that, Rhys got a new armchair and let me have his old one. He helped me carry it back to my place after the movie and we got into an argument about the best order to watch Star Wars in. We ended up playing about an hour's worth of YouTube content to back up our claims. Perched on the edge of my bed, crowding the small screen of my ancient laptop.
Today thought, it's just me and Azriel, and he has a question for me.
“Can you really do another two paintings before next weekend?”
“Sure,” I say, wondering why he’s asking.
“The four you’re bringing. They’re all new ones, right?” His hands are in the pockets of his jacket.
“Yeah,” I confirm. “I didn’t bring any with me when I moved, they’re too bulky.”
“Do you find it easy to produce artwork on demand?”
“No,” I say slowly. “This is probably the fastest I’ve ever made anything.”
“And do you get as much satisfaction with the end result?”
“I guess not.” I peer at him searchingly, still not understanding.
There’s a long pause, and I’m about to ask what exactly he’s doing outside my door grilling me when Azriel says, “I could get them for you, you know.”
I just stare.
“Get… what, Azriel?”
“Your paintings. I can get them from Tamlin’s house without him knowing.” He says it like he’s offering to pick up some milk since he’s doing a grocery run anyway.
My first instinct is to say no. Is to say definitely not, bad idea, we are not poking the hornet’s nest.
"Azriel, I can't ask you to do that..."
Not to mention it appears that I'd being helped out again and so far have still not brought anything to the table for these people.
"I don't mind. It'd be fun, I need to stretch my legs. So to speak."
Problem is, he’s right. I don’t have two more paintings in me. And I just cannot disappoint Tarquin.
“Okay,” I say. Slightly breathless. Unbelieving. Azriel nods, and pushes off the door.
“Do you want to stay here or come with?”
I blanche. “What, now?”
He shrugs. “You got someplace else to be?” I have no answer to that. “Come on then,” he says, and doesn’t wait for me before strolling off. I shoot a desperate glance towards Rhys’s closed door, praying he’ll never find out about this, and follow Azriel into the night.
Azriel’s car is old but in excellent condition. I can easily imagine him working on it, quiet and meticulous, with scarred but loving hands. It purrs quietly through the streets, and I chew on my fingernails as streetlights stroke the hood. I've never asked about the scars and I'm not sure there's an appropriate way of doing so, so I don't.
“Thanks for doing this,” I say. “I know Rhys offered but…”
“But Rhys isn’t exactly cool, calm and collected when it comes to Tamlin.”
“Exactly,” I agree. There’s a brief silence. “Should we… go over the plan?”
Azriel looks over at me then, curiosity sparking in his dark eyes.
“Sure,” he says. “Where are the paintings?”
“In the garage,” I tell him. “Leaning against the wall on the right-hand side.”
“Okay.” That’s all he says.
“Is that it?”
“Yeah, I can visualise the area.”
“You’ve been in there before?”
“I have.”
I don’t say anything, imagining what reasons Azriel could possibly have for being in Tamlin’s garage. Wondering if Tamlin knew he was there at the time.
“Right. So, what do you want me to do?”
“Nothing?!” I whip my head around to look at him. “Then why did you bring me?”
“Because I thought you might want to come.”
And in fairness, I do. I want to be part of taking back things from Tamlin, and not just sending others in to do it for me.
“Can I be the getaway driver at least?”
Azriel smirks. “Can you drive stick?”
I roll my eyes. "Yes I can drive stick.”
“Then sure.”
I’m mildly surprised; I took Azriel to be the sort to be precious about his car and was ready to argue.
“Is there anything else I can do to help?”
Azriel is quiet for a moment.
“It would be helpful to keep an eye out while I’m in there. Text me if you see Tamlin coming round.” He hands me his phone, glances at it to unlock it, and I use it to call my phone so I have his number.
“Anything else?”
“That’s it. This isn’t exactly a complex mission, you know.”
“Right.” We lapse into silence again. Then I say, “Do you do this a lot, then? Missions?”
Azriel barks a laugh, and I think maybe it’s the first time since I’ve heard it. His laugh.
“Not these days. But when we were younger we used to get into all kinds of trouble.”
“Rhys has told me a few stories…”
“Yeah well, we’re reformed now.” He glances at me. “This is a rescue mission, it doesn’t count.”
I gnaw on my thumb nail. The streets have begun to look familiar, and I’m getting nervous. Azriel looks slidelong at me.
“Not getting cold feet are you?”
“No,” I say quickly. Azriel smirks and turns his eyes back to the road.
And I'm not, not exactly. I don't have any qualms about taking my pantings back, but I'm suprised at how anxious being back in this neighbourhood makes me.
“Did Rhys tell you about the time we broke into the principal’s office at school and he was such a bad actor he almost wrecked the whole mission?”
“No,” I say again. A small smile finds me at the thought.
“Yeah, we were sixteen and Rhys was supposed to distract the front desk lady while me and Cassian snuck into the office. We were looking for a set of keys, see, but when we got in there, there was a whole cabinet of keys and we took ages finding the right one. I just remember trying to turn all the little tags over, and Cassian standing at the window signalling Rhys to stall.
“Anyway, Rhys is starting to sweat, he’s trying to charm this woman right, but she’s like fifty-five and not having it. And then the bloody principal walks around the corner and stops to ask what the problem seems to be.”
This is the most I’ve ever heard Azriel talk, and I’m enthralled.
“So what did he do?” I ask.
“He just starts babbling, I don’t know what he was saying but I’m hearing him chatter and then he knocks a cup of pens off the desk and when the Principal stoops to pick them up Rhys falls to the floor like he’s fainted.”
“Oh my god the drama. Did they buy it?”
“Not at all,” Az grins. “The Principal says, ‘Rhysand I don’t know what you’re playing at but you will get up off the floor this instant.’ And then I find the keys, and we wave madly at Rhys before sneaking out. Cassian strolls right in and offers to help Rhys get to the nurse, and the Principal just sighs and lets them go. Meanwhile, I was halfway down the corridor with they key in my pocket.”
“What was the key for?” I’m hooked, and the image of the three of them as teenagers is darling.
“It was to break Mor out of detention,” he said. “At that point, both me and Cass were trying to get into her pants.”
I laugh. “And did either of you succeed?” I tease.
“That, I will let you ask Morrigan.” He winks at me, and I settle back into my seat with a grin.
“We’re here,” Az says quietly, and my smile fades.
Indeed we are pulling into a street I know well, and Azriel parks the car in the shadows of a leafy tree across from Tamlin’s house. He gets out of the car and I slide into the driver’s seat, adjusting the seat and the mirror to my much shorter legs. When Az knocks on the window, I wind it down and he leans on the frame.
“I really don’t expect anything to go wrong,” he says. “But if you see Tamlin coming out, call my phone and let it ring twice. I’ve got it on vibrate. Lock the car when I’m gone, just remember to unlock it as soon as you see me coming back.”
“Okay. Just remember that there’s a door into the garage from inside the house, so he doesn’t necessarily have to come outside to get in.”
“Right. Thanks.”
“Also, there will be quite a few paintings so maybe just grab them all.” But Azriel shakes his head.
“I don’t want them to be conspicuously gone. No reason for him to come looking for them.”
“Right.” My nails are in my mouth again. “I’m not sure where in the stack they’d be. Do you need to see the photos of the ones we’re looking for?”
“Yeah may as well have another look.”
I show him, and he nods. And then he’s gone, loping off in the dark so I can barely see him even though I’m staring after him. A minute later, I don’t see him but I see the movement of the garage door. I admire how quickly he’s picked the lock.
After that, time drags. My eyes flick between the blue numbers on Azriel’s dashboard, and the shadows in the windows of Tamlin’s house.
My old house.
It’s very strange to be an outsider here. I lived in that house for three years and it was my home, too. Even if I never quite felt comfortable there.
As I’m sitting here, the car is suddenly flooded with light from behind. It goes dark again, and I turn to see Tamlin’s car pulling into the drive way.
I had seen figures in the house and assumed Tamlin was in, but of course there were always staff around. Tamlin wasn’t home- but he is now.
I swear under my breath and fumble with my phone. I dial Azriel’s number and let it ring as instructed, but it doesn’t seem like enough. I suddenly empathise with sixteen-year-old Rhys, dropping to the floor of his Principal’s office.
So I clench my teeth and dial a number I thought I’d never dial again. He picks up on the third ring.
“Hi Tamlin,” I say.
“Feyre, where are you?” He cuts the engine, and makes no further movements toward the garage.
“I’m… it doesn’t matter where I am. I’m calling because… because I heard you were looking for me.”
“Of course I’m looking for you, you just disappeared on me. I’ve been worried sick.”
It's chilling how genuinely concerned he sounds. I'm angry that I feel this tug of guilt, and remind myself that concern does not count when on a turn of a dime he could just as easily be throwing things at my head again.
“I didn’t just disappear, though," I remind him. "I told you it was over. It’s not my fault if you didn’t believe me.”
“It can’t be over, Feyre. We were engaged. That doesn’t just go away.”
I swallow, and am very glad to be alone in Azriel’s car. This is a fact I hadn’t mentioned to Rhys or any of the others. I had left the ring on Tamlin’s nightstand with a note.
“Yes, well. We’re not anymore.”
I watch Tamlin get out of the car and pace back and forth. I watch the garage door crack open.
“You’re being ridiculous,” Tamlin says. “This is all just a misunderstanding. Come home, and everything will be okay.”
“No, Tamlin,” I say. “I’m not coming back. It’s over. I’m just calling to tell you not to look for me anymore.”
Tamlin turns on his heel and walks back toward the house. Azriel takes this opportunity to slip out, closing the garage door behind him and folding into the shadows. My heart leaps into my throat.
“I will never stop looking for you,” Tamlin growls. “You belong with me.” He turns again and walks back the other way, but Azriel is nowhere to be seen. I unlock the car doors.
“Good bye, Tamlin,” I say, and although it’s a stall tactic I feel it’s a conversation that needed to be had.
“You’ll never have it so good,” Tamlin snarls. But I hang up before he can get nasty, and when Tamlin spins and throws his phone against the wall, Azriel slips into the back seat. With two canvases tucked under his arm. Tamlin gets back into his car and drives it into the garage, and Azriel and I speed off into the night.
See just a little heist.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao @achernarlight @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @hopefulacademia @story-scribbler @fandomstalker27 @realbookloverproblems @dealfea @s-tormwitch @cretaceous-therapod @whenyadoesntcutit @scatterbrainedgirl @whoever-you-choose-to-love @endlessdaydream @themoonthestarsthesuriel @rarephloxes @timesconvert @mis-lil-red @alerialumina
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princeshilo · 15 days
sometimes im like "wow holy shit im being really fucking annoying. i should stop talking" and then i pull out my magic 8 ball and it says "youve always been annoying and your friends chose to talk you anyways. youll be fine" and im like wow thanks magic 8 ball. and then the ogre attacks me
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ruhua-langblr · 4 months
Duolingo Sucks, Now What?: A Guide
Now that the quality of Duolingo has fallen (even more) due to AI and people are more willing to make the jump here are just some alternative apps and what languages they have:
"I just want an identical experience to DL"
Busuu (Languages: Spanish, Japanese, French, English, German, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Arabic, Korean)
"I want a good audio-based app"
Language Transfer (Languages: French, Swahili, Italian, Greek, German, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish, English for Spanish Speakers)
"I want a good audio-based app and money's no object"
Pimsleur (Literally so many languages)
Glossika (Also a lot of languages, but minority languages are free)
*anecdote: I borrowed my brother's Japanese Pimsleur CD as a kid and I still remember how to say the weather is nice over a decade later. You can find the CDs at libraries and "other" places I'm sure.
"I have a pretty neat library card"
Mango (Languages: So many and the endangered/Indigenous courses are free even if you don't have a library that has a partnership with Mango)
Transparent Language: (Languages: THE MOST! Also the one that has the widest variety of African languages! Perhaps the most diverse in ESL and learning a foreign language not in English)
"I want SRS flashcards and have an android"
AnkiDroid: (Theoretically all languages, pre-made decks can be found easily)
"I want SRS flashcards and I have an iphone"
AnkiApp: It's almost as good as AnkiDroid and free compared to the official Anki app for iphone
"I don't mind ads and just want to learn Korean"
"I want an app made for Mandarin that's BETTER than DL and has multiple languages to learn Mandarin in"
ChineseSkill (You can use their older version of the course for free)
"I don't like any of these apps you mentioned already, give me one more"
Bunpo: (Languages: Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Korean, and Mandarin)
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littleguysdaily · 8 months
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viaalterego · 7 months
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elliesbelle · 3 months
emily gwen, the creator of the sunset lesbian flag that we’ve come to commonly use, still continues to live in poverty.
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multi-billion dollar companies have used their design and made profit from it, and yet they have not seen a cent for their creation.
i’ve been friends with emily for years, and i have not once seen them be financially stable the entire time. i’ve seen them homeless, unemployed, starving. right now, they need our help more than ever.
please consider donating to emily’s ko-fi, especially if you’ve used their design to create something and profited from it.
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barblaz-arts · 2 months
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"Mom, the princess is flirting with her hotel manager again!"
-- some cannibal kid, probably
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sufficientlylargen · 7 months
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cadaverette · 6 months
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Three darling daughters #girldad
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antdays · 5 months
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called "four hour video essay about plagiarism" 😳 you'll be zonked out of your gourd💯
me: yeah whatever. i don't feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude i swear i just saw brian deer say that exact sentence before
my buddy hbomberguy, pacing: james somerton is lying to us
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hansoeii · 9 months
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we go just right.
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drumlincountry · 6 months
I was at a Palestinian solidarity gig last night & the one Palestinian artist who was going to perform had COVID so the organisers asked around to see if there were any Palestinians who'd like to say a few words instead.
A local guy who was born & raised in Gaza offered to speak. He started with "I'm an engineer. i'm not a poet or a politician. I don't... do public speaking… I had no idea what to say when I came up here. So i'm just going to tell you about the street I grew up on."
And then he did! He went down the street building by building. He told us about the ice cream shop on the corner, the grocery shop, the charity that supports people with intellectual disabilities. He told us about the people who he knew growing up, the families who still live in the different houses. He told us about the university buildings and about his friends who quit being accountants to start a band together. All on that street.
All of which is gone now, by the way. Bombed to dust.
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krafterwrites · 4 months
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Yo mama so inactive she deactivated
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thinkingabout-girls · 4 months
im tired of online discourse. look at this family of quails
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tearlessrain · 1 month
please help me- i used to be pretty smart but i’m having so much trouble grasping the concept of diegetic vs non-diegetic bdsm!
gfkjldghfd okay first of all I'm sorry for the confusion, if you're not finding anything on the phrase it's because I made it up and absolutely nobody but me ever uses it, but I haven't found a better way to express what I'm trying to say so I keep using it. but now you've given me an excuse to ramble on about some shit that is only relevant to me and my deeply inefficient way of talking and by god I'm going to take it.
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SO. the way diegetic and non-diegetic are normally used is to talk about music and sound design in movies/tv shows. in case you aren't familiar with that concept, here's a rundown:
diegetic sound is sound that happens within the world of the movie/show and can be acknowledged by the characters, like a song playing on the stereo during a driving scene, or sung on stage in Phantom of the Opera. it's also most other sounds that happen in a movie, like the sounds of traffic in a city scene, or a thunderclap, or a marching band passing by. or one of the three stock horse sounds they use in every movie with a horse in it even though horses don't really vocalize much in real life, but that's beside the point, the horse is supposed to be actually making that noise within the movie's world and the characters can hear it whinnying.
non-diegetic sound is any sound that doesn't exist in the world of the movie/show and can't be perceived by the characters. this includes things like laugh tracks and most soundtrack music. when Duel of Fates plays in Star Wars during the lightsaber fight for dramatic effect, that's non-diegetic. it exists to the audience, but the characters don't know their fight is being backed by sick ass music and, sadly, can't hear it.
the lines can get blurry between the two, you've probably seen the film trope where the clearly non-diegetic music in the title sequence fades out to the same music, now diegetic and playing from the character's car stereo. and then there are things like Phantom of the Opera as mentioned above, where the soundtrack is also part of the plot, but Phantom of the Opera does also have segments of non-diegetic music: the Phantom probably does not have an entire orchestra and some guy with an electric guitar hiding down in his sewer just waiting for someone to break into song, but both of those show up in the songs they sing down there.
now, on to how I apply this to bdsm in fiction.
if I'm referring to diegetic bdsm what I mean is that the bdsm is acknowledged for what it is in-world. the characters themselves are roleplaying whatever scenarios their scenes involve and are operating with knowledge of real life rules/safety practices. if there's cnc depicted, it will be apparent at some point, usually right away, that both characters actually are fully consenting and it's all just a planned scene, and you'll often see on-screen negotiation and aftercare, and elements of the story may involve the kink community wherever the characters are. Love and Leashes is a great example of this, 50 Shades and Bonding are terrible examples of this, but they all feature characters that know they're doing bdsm and are intentional about it.
if I'm talking about non-diegetic bdsm, I'm referring to a story that portrays certain kinks without the direct acknowledgement that the characters are doing bdsm. this would be something like Captive Prince, or Phantom of the Opera again, or the vast majority of bodice ripper type stories where an innocent woman is kidnapped by a pirate king or something and totally doesn't want to be ravished but then it turns out he's so cool and sexy and good at ravishing that she decides she's into it and becomes his pirate consort or whatever it is that happens at the end of those books. the characters don't know they're playing out a cnc or D/s fantasy, and in-universe it's often straight up noncon or dubcon rather than cnc at all. the thing about entirely non-diegetic bdsm is that it's almost always Problematic™ in some way if you're not willing to meet the story where it's at, but as long as you're not judging it by the standards of diegetic bdsm, it's just providing the reader the same thing that a partner in a scene would: the illusion of whatever risk or taboo floats your boat, sometimes to extremes that can't be replicated in real life due to safety, practicality, physics, the law, vampires not being real, etc. it's consensual by default because it's already pretend; the characters are vehicles for the story and not actually people who can be hurt, and the reader chose to pick up the book and is aware that nothing in it is real, so it's all good.
this difference is where people tend to get hung up in the discourse, from what I've observed. which is why I started using this phrasing, because I think it's very crucial to be able to differentiate which one you're talking about if you try to have a conversation with someone about the portrayal of bdsm in media. it would also, frankly, be useful for tagging, because sometimes when you're in the mood for non-diegetic bodice ripper shit you'd call the police over in real life, it can get really annoying to read paragraphs of negotiation and check-ins that break the illusion of the scene and so on, and the opposite can be jarring too.
it's very possible to blur these together the same way Phantom of the Opera blurs its diegetic and non-diegetic music as well. this leaves you even more open to being misunderstood by people reading in bad faith, but it can also be really fun to play with. @not-poignant writes fantastic fanfic, novels, and original serials on ao3 that pull this off really well, if you're okay with some dark shit in your fiction I would highly recommend their work. some of it does get really fucking dark in places though, just like. be advised. read the tags and all that.
but yeah, spontaneous writer plug aside, that's what I mean.
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