#and then his lovers killer
grandapplewit · 2 years
AU where Vesemir is down South near Novigrad, when he stumbles upon the aftermath of a massacre, with a sole survivor. Now, he may not be very friendly with the Cats, but an injured Witcher is an injured Witcher, and he has morals, damnit. So, he drags the Cat to the nearest cave, patches him up, and waits.
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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Holloweane… save me…
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jimmyspades · 2 months
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merakiui · 1 year
How's sk! jade and sk!Floyd and their darlings doing?
The darlings are…alive. ^^;;; surviving.
Floyd has escaped prison, so no more death row for him. Now he’s living a comfortable, secluded life with Shrimpy. He’s changed his appearance to blend in and everything! He doesn’t want to apply for any jobs and risk being found out, so lately he’s been thinking of moving to the countryside and starting a farm with you. It’s less populated in rural areas, where everyone is so spread out across the land, and there are less chances of being recognized or known (not that anyone would when he looks so different now). He’ll do all the grunt work; you only need to make and jar the marmalades, pack produce, and take turns cooking dinner and doing laundry with him. <3 it’s a perfect life. The first few years may be rough, but once everything’s properly settled it’ll be such a wonderful life! If you’re opposed to that, there’s always appeal in living by the sea. Maybe he’ll look for a nice seaside cottage… Oh, but it has to be big enough to house a family! And it has to be to his Shrimpy’s liking! There are just so many possibilities! Floyd’s very excited to get his life back on track now that he has you by his side.
You and Jade are…tolerating one another. There isn’t much you can do when you’re confined to a single room, but at least Jade’s willing to bring books for you to read (most of them being nature guides) and he cooks yummy, pregnancy-safe meals. When he isn’t teasing you and your relationship with Azul, he’s willing to talk about simple things. Currently, the two of you seem to have settled with talking about hobbies and the content in the nature guides. It’s a little awkward because Jade already knows all of your hobbies (he’s seen them and much more than he’d ever want to see when you were with Azul), but you know nothing of him. But he’s promised to bring Azul’s jacket for you (how nice), so soon you’ll have tako’s coat to keep you content! <3
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vv-ispy · 1 month
anyway my other venti's history shaping how he is headcanon is that as a wisp he was rarely taken seriously — people are kind to him and will put faith in him due to his being an elemental being, but between a little wind wisp vs a storm god, the wisp isn't doing much they're in the middle of the archon war, great strong gods are getting struck down all the time. (Even later as a god he's seen as the weakest god, possibly the god with the unlikiest of origins out of a group who were gods and powerful being before reaching archonhood)
But the bard treats him not as a contender, not as a god candidate, not even as their hope to take down Decarabian but as a friend.
So he doesn't take himself seriously either, he knows he has the power now yes but habits remain and he doesn't want to be a tyrannt, and in the end the most impactful relationship in his life will always be the bard who treated him not for his role or his potential but as a friend to love and cherish and understand
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wr-n · 3 months
GOD i love dustard,,,,, GOD,,,,, yeah,,, yeag,,,,
they're just,,, SO GOOD i cant even,,,,
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tang3r1n · 19 hours
cute idea but hero!chizome grappling with a hopeless crush on all might’s daughter figure (jus a chick he took under his wing izuku style)
like UGH. he’s such an old-school gentleman FUCK. he sends flower bouquets with your favorite flowers and like a 4 page letter with the most beautiful and eloquent language used to talk about how in love he is, and he talks like he’s fucking dying. exhibit a;
“i would lay myself at your alter, goddess, my insides laid out for your tasting, your pleasure— please eat of my flesh, consume me whole and let me feel accomplished as a simple, filling meal for you.
oh i beg of you, let my soul forever intertwine with yours, let me feels the silk of your skin, the heat of your breathe, plunge your hand into my heart and cherish it. sink your teeth into my neck and devour me.
i yearn for you, lovely thing. warmly, obsessively, lovingly, carnally, i can only hope you pity my foolish desires— my insane ramblings of fanatic and desperate attempts to gain your affections. please, please by the grace of all that is just and fair, let me worship you. let me treat you as you want to be.
i pray to no god but that of your body, of your mind, of your soul. there is no religion outside of your teachings, my muse. your word is my law, my written oath, music in the grand hall, the rain, the air, the existence of love. i would sooner accept death and the failure of my life’s work than to even acknowledge the existence of beauty that shines brighter than yours.
i beg of you, let my lowly hands hold you, let my soiled and ugly form touch and feel you, let me court you, my fair woman.
let me love you.”
omfg and he’s so petty. randoms in the street and fellow heroes flirting with you? he’s sighing and scoffing dramatically before completing dissecting their speech patterns, body posture, heroing skills, physical appearance, literally anything he can to make them leave you two alone
i feel like he doesn’t care abt how he looks (i mean duh no nose.) but the second you mention liking muscles he’s suddenly finding excuses to flex and stretch around you non stop, he’s doubling up his workout routine and bulking like a MOTHER FUCKER to see if you’re staring yet.
AAAHHH idk i just love chizome and need him insanely badly.
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jetaloen · 8 months
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as close as im getting to an smt au...rohan samael and volo heretical priest
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“I hate you so much.” “You look nice today.” "Stupid" “Cute.”
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(Eddie belongs to @xoxoalette • Please dont interact with this post if you are a minor)
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astarab1aze · 2 months
nobody: loux: jus 'cause i ain't kill ya yet don' mean i fuckin' won'
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sachsoup · 10 months
james is so good old fashioned lover boy and either reggie, lily, or Sirius would be killer queen like...
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feral-mouse · 1 year
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Day 5 - Yearning
Cyrus isn't used to people falling for him. But he's not complaining 👀
Dzihiri belongs to @pinedemonsstuff
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the-coincidence-child · 11 months
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"The half breed boy with the smell of a misleading berry on a poison bush, one bite from one and your already finished."
AUTHOURS NOTE- Basic run down, this is a explanation of Aslan's blood as he was born a half breed vampire n human. Basic explanation of Aslan's favourite tactic of escaping danger is misleading his victims, letting them drink his blood and watch as they fall to their knees and die. My sweet lil boy <3 ANYWAY ENJOY
★ꕀ Aslan is already some what small for a 11yr old. Not too short but rather skinny and meek looking, one look and you'd think you'd be able to take him down just like that. But if that's what you think then you're already wrong on so many different levels.
★ꕀ While yes you're right, he isn't as strong as his uncles or father. He definitly can not take down a full breed creature with using just violence and weapons. But his blood can, with just one lick your entire body is filled with a sharp pain in every vein in your body.
★ꕀ It starts off as a bitter flavour, within a minute your taste buds feel sour tingly sensation all over. Once it stains your throat it thickens up chocking you and as you cough for air you can't tell if it's yours or his blood coming out, then it quickly goes swims like tad poles in a stream through your veins you'll feel a slight shock for a moment, then the pain comes in. It'd feel like knives cutting you open but from the inside, mainly in your neck-arms-stomach. Once the process has finally ran through your body enough, you'll begin to feel a sharp numbing as you fall to your death. Your hearing goes quiet as the only thing you can hear are the loud noises of your heart give out on you.
Then you die.
★ꕀ It looks quick but the feeling feels so very slow. Now wouldn't his poisons blood have a odder? Like one close to a zombie, how would he be able to trick people into drinking it in the first place? Now you may think that but remember he was BORN a half breed didn't die and become one.
★ꕀ It's misleading for a reason. His blood has a sweet smell, like freshly cooked raspberry desert that just doesn't have the greatest taste. When he has a cut his scent can run like wild fire, spreading across the entire manner. It's almost a bit too sickly sweet, and depending on how he feels the smell can even change itself. From sweet to savoury and even a minty smell. However it tends to stay sweet. It makes it easier to lead people in this way.
★ꕀ It looks somewhat normal at first, but when you look deeper at it it's a lot darker then a average red colour, and it's incredibly thick and not runny at all. It's very mahogany.
SCENARIO [Aslan gets kidnapped.]
"Asshole..!!" He shouts at the man as he tried to wiggle out of the ropes that confided his little body. The rope pinching and giving him slivers. Aslan needs to learn that maybe walking out alone at this time isn't a great idea, there was plenty of creeps and the vampire hunters his grandfather sent after him loaming out during the cold night. "Ugh..!!" He groaned as he was thrown onto the concrete floor.
The older man giggled, his staff in hand. His smile was all the more troubling to Aslan, when he got a better look at the man's face he realized that this person was one of 'Tougo Sakamaki's' workers. He was rich that's for sure, but it was easy to tell that he was just trying to over throw him in his position in the republican world. Oh course.. Aslan always needs to be caught up in the family business that has literally nothing to do with him. His eyes scrunch up as he watches the man rub his hands together.
"Fufu..~! Once I send a picture to Tougo letting him know I have his little grandchild he'll have to give up his position and give it to me instead." Aslan looked at him as if he had two heads, it did startle him a bit when he said grandchild. That's not really public that he's Karl's grandchild but seriously did he really think he that all he needed to do was this? He's more stupid then looks to think that Karl would really give a shit about him. He scoffs. "Are you stupid..? Do you seriously think your gonna get rich from him giving you just one position? Please he has more jobs and stuff. He'll always have more then you."
"Shut your trap kid. I didn't bring you here to be a smart mouth, now.. Hmph..!!" Aslan squealed as he was being lifted up into the air from the air, hanging from the ceiling. "I don't care about allat, I just need the money. And you're my one way ticket to that.. Now smile!" A big flash went off, Aslan closes his eyes from the blinding light as the man took two or more photo's of him.
"Tut..! Who the hell uses those kind of camera's anymore huh? Are we in the 60s still? Damn you must really need that money if you're using that old rusty thing." He said in snarky tone.
"(..It's obivous I can't get out this ropes the noughts are too well done and it's way to tight right now.. I can't fight my way out of this. I'm gonna have to see if this man is just as sad as he looks in order to do the other plan.. Phew... This really is a pain.)" He thought, in a almost sarcastic way he rolled his eyes listening to the man gloat about how rich he'll be within the next few hours. That gave him some time to loosen the rope around his body but not loosen them enough where he'd fall. "You know I've seen pigs get food more successfully, hehe.. I was gonna compare you to one but that'd be a bit insulting..." He pauses. "To the animal at least." He grinned however it was quickly wiped off with a big hit to his cheek, the diamond staff cutting it open.
The fruity sensation filled the chamber room, "Haah.." A heavy breath fell from the man's lips as the smell hit his nose digging it's way inside his nose they found themselves edging the tip of his taste buds. "Y-you smell.. You smell incredible..!!" He shouts, seems Aslan's plan might be going into the right direction. "Haha.. Hahaha..!! Seems I've got into something deeper, I should show these pictures to him tell him I'll give you back but then run away with you the minute I get the position!!" He began heaving, like a dog in heat. The thought made Aslan sick to his stomach, being used like a tool. No chance no way in hell he thinks.
He flinches when the man steps closer. His body grows tense his fake fear was almost too real, grabbing his face pulling it up to show the very deep cut on his left cheek. "Sick bastard.." He mumbled. "But.. I guess you have a little taste, because you little plan isn't going to go very far."
"Hoh? Such confidence, I like you kid. You're perfect little meal for me to feast on." Kneeling down, he inhales more of Aslan's smell before licking up the dripping red gush, "Nn.. Cough.. It's.. Bitter? What the hell is this voodoo---" A loud thumb was heard, his own heart beat reacted to quickly to it even Aslan heard it. "Gwaaahh..!!" His screams became rasp the more amount of seconds past by, his veins appeared all over his body they were now red the mans neck turning pink as he scratched and scratched hoping to ease the excruciating pain. Coughing up who knows who blood he drops to his knees hands on his neck his agonizing pleads could break down the walls around them, even this whole house.
And as it all happened, Aslan watched it dead faced his crimson eyes shining and glowing bring light to the room. He watched like a snake does from far away his body still like a statue. And as the man finally gives out, his final eye contact being with his sharp eyes he finally dies dropping to the floor Aslan closes his eyes for a second from the loud THUMB. He very nonchalantly manages to wiggle out of the ropes dropping he shakes his body before wiping his blood stained face. "Gross.. I got man spit on me." He moves the old guy on his back looking through his pockets in search of a key, and to his excitement he grabs the many keys from his pocket, and also finding himself some gum. "I told you. Wasn't going your way."
Popping a few in his mouth he drops the container to the ground as he blows a bubble in his mouth running to the door unlocking it, the young boy runs away escaping the mansion successfully.
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gonkaccino · 1 year
alright I’ve got it. I figured it out. The funniest way to resolve the Adam Martin case without any of the Sadeckis going to jail and fulfilling the known one-season restriction on Elijah Wood’s role.
Misty confesses her love to Walter, he reveals he’s been gay (and manipulating her into admitting she killed Adam) all along! Surprise, Misty! It happened again! From there it’s zero hesitation into using his established interest into Adam/illegal methods of gathering evidence to frame him -- not Shauna -- as Adam’s killer.
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dollsuguru · 3 months
i love my vamp!reader so much they’re such a goober
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mikomiio · 11 months
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My killer needed an enemy and I've only created Damon about 2 days ago but I love him and I would die for him
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