#and the other one is maverique
tfw a thing about your gender, and the seemingly unfitting terminology you've always felt most comfortable with, FINALLY clicks and you feel like you just discovered a fuckin prophecy twist
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starlit-mansion · 2 months
my gender is overall mystery flavor (maverique if you're nasty) but also i feel generally. guy aligned but also i don't do anything that really indicates masculinity in any way. but also i am pretty out as nonbinary. but also no one for the rest of my life will stop calling me a woman and i don't really care enough to do anything about it
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maveriquecultureis · 5 months
Maverique culture is cringing whenever someone asks you about your gender presentation because being forced to choose between feminine, masculine, neutral/androgynous, etc feels so restricting and wrong
maverique culture is!
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Polysexual 🤝Neutrois 🤝 Maverique Old school terms that used to be on every ye olde flag comp(read: pre-2015) but I rarely run into people who actually talk about them or know what they mean and they somehow ended up forgotten to time like what is happening I have been growing steadily more confused over the last few years. Like, what happened?
Anyway I love you polysexuals I love you Neutrois folks I love you Maverique people
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genderqueerdykes · 2 months
you're allowed to love being trans if you:
just came out
havent transitioned and dont plan to
have known you are trans for years but kept it to yourself
don't want surgery or hormones
dont disclose your trans status or genders to other people
dont change your name
never have dysphoria
your transness is tied to your neurodivergence
your transness is tied to your nonhuman identity
dont feel like you have a gender or gendered experience
feel like gender isn't really that important
are intersex
are two-spirit, hijra, or have another cultural gender or expression identity, or "third gender"
are a person of color
are an afab demigirl
are an amab demiboy
have a complex identity
have a very simple identity
cant figure out your gender for the life of you
cross dress
do drag
present socially in ways that are "normal" for your agab
have crushing dysphoria
don't know how to pass
pass effortlessly
are a butch trans woman
are a femme trans man
are demigender
don't like to be reminded you're trans
have a very specific gender
have a gender that's specific to you and you alone
have hated being trans at one point
stopped transition and restarted it at some point
have had to change your gender, name, pronouns or presentation multiple times
change presentation a lot
have a gender that's hard or impossible to put into words
dont want to figure out what your gender is exactly
are plural/a system
are genderfluid, gnc, genderqueer, multigender, polygender, genderflux, neutrois, maverique or genderfuck
are xenogender
are a lesbian or gay
are transneutral
are transfemasc/transmascfem
..... are trans.
every trans person is allowed to love being trans. good day, love yourself today!
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samijami · 10 months
Nonbinary people don't owe you androgyny
Transgender men don't owe you masculinity
Transgender women don't owe you feminity
Transgender people don't owe you gender-aligning pronouns
Genderqueer people don't owe you gender fuckery
Genderfucks don't owe you a 'weirdcore gender'
Xenogenders don't owe you perfect explanations
Genderfluid people don't owe you just one gender
Gay men don't owe you a 'James Charles personality'
Lesbians don't owe you acceptance of your catcalls
Bisexuals don't owe you the denial of their legitimacy
Pansexuals don't owe you to identify as anything other than what they want
Pomosexuals don't owe you a label
Spectrumsensuals don't owe you acknowledgement
Abrosexuals don't owe you just one sexuality
Sapphics don't owe you their history
Androsexuals don't owe you to 'just be gay/straight'
Gynosexuals don't owe you to 'just be lesbian/straight'
Asexuals don't owe you to 'grow out of it'
Aromantics don't owe you affection
Skoliosexuals don't owe you acceptance of your harassment
The legitimate definition for dreamsexual doesn't owe you to be silenced by the weirdo who made the cringe definition
Aegosexuals don't owe you their fine line
Polyamorous people don't owe you how their relationship works
Ambiamorous people don't owe you any excuses
Maveriques don't owe you 'just being nonbinary'
Agender people don't owe you a gender
Paragender people don't owe you a binary gender
Demigender people don't owe you anything but themselves
LGBTQ+ people in every way, don't owe you jackshit.
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goth-brushbug · 4 months
This one goes to all trans nonbinary/genderqueer ppl whose identity is constantly erased and put into boxes labelled transfem/transmasc, etc, even by other queer ppl
I love you agender, maverique, neutrois, transneutral, abinary, gendervoid, androgynous, genderfluid, demigender, unlabeled/any other identity that is completely outside of the binary and/or genderless
Pls stay strong, don't let anyone define you
I know there are more labels and that some ppl might use mixed ones like transneumasc. Feel free to interact if this post is relatable to your experience
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cinimuffin · 4 months
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So many dang hearts. Pride/Progress Pride/Intersex-Inclusive Progress Pride Aromantic, A-spec Gay, Lesbian, Aroace, Queer Bi, Nonbinary Polyamorous, Omnisexual, Ace, Xenogender Genderqueer, Agender Intersex, Maverique, Pangender, Genderfluid Neutrois, Bigender Trans, Androgyne, Pan, Queer Platonic Cassgender, Polysexual I always just say cross stitch in the tags but I know these can be used for other things too (such as perler beads as was commented on one of the previous posts). Use the patterns for what you like, go wild, just follow the simple lil' disclaimer please. Usual disclaimer If you use them for anything please give design credit (and also @ me because I would like to see). Intended for personal use only.
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ryanyflags · 7 days
A List of Gender Terms !
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So I disappeared for 2 months, but I finally completed this project! :D (Though I've been making some random posts talking about it, so it's not like I was really gone, or what I was working on wasn't obvious.)
It started off as me having trouble keeping track of a couple gender terms (and also not knowing they existed before, since I've never really seen people talk about them), then I thought I should make a list, and if I was going to do that I might as well post it to help other people too. Which I started out trying to make that list on Tumblr, but I found it too limiting so I moved to google docs, which I also found too limiting (I just couldn't achieve my vision, if you will), and now I know html and css.
As usual, I kinda overdid it, but I think I should be a little proud of myself. I had 0 knowledge of html and css, and 2 months later I've made my own website. (I could have made it much quicker, but I often had to take breaks, a bit overwhelmed by all that new stuff.)
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Anyways, it has a ton of terms on there.
I have sections for nonbinary, abinary, midbinary, atrinary, midtrinary, androgyne, agender, neutrois, maverique, ilyagender, aporagender, outherine, kenochoric, and xenogender.
For 7 categories (sex terms, adult, general term, child, gender quality, gender-quality-in-nature genders, and spectrum / viagender spectrum).
And they all have sources on both Archive Today, Wayback Machine, and if still existing, the original post too. (At least to the best of my abilities, and there are a couple of exceptions that I couldn't figure out.)
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I did put effort into this, but it's possible I missed something. So if I made a mistake anywhere, or if anyone has any extra information to add on, or if you just have some comments, you can tell me. My ask box is open, but comments on this post would probably be fine too.
Also, I checked on a couple of different browsers, mobile too, and read up on web accessibility and checked and all that (I tried using a screen reader, I'm not a pro at it though, so it's possible I may have missed something obvious), so I hope the website itself is useable. But if there's any bugs there, just tell me (it'll be appreciated).
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I'm also thinking of making another compilation, but for flags (for all of the terms listed here), and maybe orientations too, but maybe later haha
I also don't know how to write a image id for the top picture, if anyone wants to write to one I'll add it.
Below the cut is a short little video scrolling through the site.
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themaveriqueagenda · 24 hours
some signs you might be maverique*
1. you feel like terms like "man" and "woman" don't apply to you at all. this is pretty self-explanatory.
2. you have a distinct sense of gender. your gender feels as specific and as clearly defined as manhood and womanhood. you are not genderless.
3. you relate to having a neutral gender, but not entirely. because gender neutrality is a well-known concept, it's not uncommon for maveriques to first explore and relate to that when they first realise they are nonbinary, however neutrality still tends to feel "off" or "not quite right".
4. your gender feels unusual, even to yourself. because maveriquehood exists independently from the gender binary and gender neutrality, it can be hard to put it into words, find history or people you relate to. being maverique can come with great feelings of alienation even from other nonbinary people due to binary expectations. maveriques may feel "weird among the weirdos".
5. your gender is neither in between male or female nor a mix of them. this one is self-explanatory. maveriques tend to feel far away from both binary genders.
6. you don't relate to femininity, masculinity or androgyny. some maveriques don't use any terms that are derived from binary genders, even terms for gender expression or transition goals.
7. you feel like your gender is "just you". some maveriques feel like their gender is truly unique to themselves, cannot be separated from their being and is best defined as "just them".
8. you simply like the term or flag. if you've already narrowed down a few terms for your gender that are similar and could all apply, it's totally valid to choose your label on the word and/or flag you find most aesthetically pleasing.
don't know what maverique means? check the pinned post on this blog.
*of course a lot of these "signs" also apply to other genders, and not all of them will apply to every maverique. this is in no way meant as a checklist you must fulfill to be maverique, merely a guide that may help people figure themselves out. especially multigender maveriques may have different experiences from the above.
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demimaverique · 20 days
Officially coining maverism/maverist/maverinism/maverinist (the maverine/maverique equivalent of feminist/feminism. Just presenting both variants as options, though I prefer the first one) as a political ideology that advocates for the rights and recognition of maveriques (and potentially other abinary people as well) to help progress towards gender equality
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spacefledgling · 5 months
Demifluid Combo Flags
Hi, everyone! I made some demifluid combo flags to indicate which gender one has that's static. I know others have made similar flags before, but I couldn't quite find what I was looking for and wanted to be thorough.
I'm happy to add even more combos if anyone requests one. I'll also happily post combos with demifaun, demifaunet, demifae, demifaer, demiflor, and demifloren upon request. (I already made them but didn't want to clog anyone's dash more than I already am).
Anyway, here they are:
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Demifluid man on the left, demifluid woman on the right.
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Demifluid neoboy on the left, demifluid neogirl on the right.
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Demifluid proxvir on the left, demifluid juxera on the right.
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Demifluid agender on the left, demifluid neutrois on the right.
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Demifluid androgyne on the left, demifluid maverique on the right.
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I know a lot of people have question about the different between the different outherine genders/qualities, so I'm making this post to explain them as much as I can:
[PT: Aporinity]
A quality for genders defined as being separate from male, female, and anything in between, while still being a strong and specific gendered feeling.
It can be both a specific quality or an umbrella term for qualities that are comgender and abinary.
It is not:
Feminine, masculine, epicene, femmuline or androgynous
A lack of gender
Beyond the concept of gender
Aporagender can be:
Comgender neutral (and when it's purely neutral is not outherine)
Relative to neutrality and other non-outherine abinary qualities
relative or comparable to femininity, masculinity, etc
Born of the combination of a brand new quality and a neutrality or of one of those with one of the main qualities.
Some specifically aporine genders are:
[PT: Maverinity]
A quality for genders, like maverique (from which is derived) characterised by:
Gender autonomy
A strong sense of gender
The lack of any kind of connection to pre-existent qualities
It's not:
Beyond the concept of gender
The lack of gender
A combination of genders
Derived from pre-existent midbinary or abinary concepts
Some maverine genders are:
Autonominity or gender autonomy
[PT: Autonominity or gender autonomy]
This quality refers to genders characterised by:
Being defined by oneself, without the imposition of outside structures and authorities.
The re-definition of pre-existent qualities, gender and roles through a personal, individual lens.
In this last point lies the difference between this quality and maverinity; while maverinity is only itherine, autonominity/gender autonomy can be umbine or preterine too.
This can also be used as an umbrella term for all the qualities charaterised by autonomy, including maverine genders.
Some autonomine genders are:
Egogenders (autonine)
Maverine genders
Alithix (As it's defined by personal authenticity)
[PT: ilyaginity]
It refers to genders, like ilyagender (from which is based) with:
A tangible presence of gender
Fully disconnected from pre-existent qualities/concepts
Some ilyagine genders are:
[PT: Autoninity]
It referse to qualities an genders characterised by being exclusive of an individual person (or system)-
These genders are collectively called egogenders and are characterised by:
Complete autonomy from pre-existent concepts
Individuality and personal autheticity
Relation to one's personhood or systemhood.
[PT: perainity]
A quality for genders characterised by:
A complete disconnection to the fem/masc/neu trinary
The presence of gender
The lack of confusion or apathy regarding one's gender.
It's not:
Feminine, masculine, neutral or any combination between them.
Agender or quoigender.
Some peraine genders are:
Péra or Peragender
[Pt: Atraeninity]
This quality exist in relation to both masculinity and femininity, but rather than existing in between or as a combination of them, as it's the case of androgyny, epicenity, effemininity or femmulinity; it exists in opposition and confrontation to/with them, as if forming a triangle.
Here a quick graphic I made visually explaining the relation between femininity, masculinity, androgyny, epicenity and altraeninity:
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Altraeninity is characterised by:
Being midbinary.
Being described by a sense of "pure androgyny
A feeling that your gender "matches" femininity and masculinity or male and female, while not being derived in any way from them
A sense of gender
There are also qualities, like Ambiguity/ambiguinity, pandrogyny, ainulinity, aineminity, etc that can be considered ouherine or not. I'll put them in a different post.
Part two
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redtail-lol · 6 months
Updated views on "third gender" because I'm fully ready to put the feelings I've had to words.
I don't want to use it to describe myself anymore. Me, being aliagender/aporagender, do have a gender separate from man and woman, but it is not third. Because many other genders have existed before it. The term "third gender" is binarist, and is akin to calling all non-democrat, non-republican political parties third parties even when there are more than one. It also ignores that some people who are in between masculinity and femininity might feel they have a gender of their own, and just because it is a combination of the two or lies in between them doesn't make it not it's own thing. So I do not want to describe myself this way
I have also learned a lot more about how it's been used not to self identify, but more often to speak on other cultures and label their genders as "third" by comparing them to white european culture. It is, as the coiner of Maverique said, "prescriptivist" (quotes because it was their words, not because I'm mocking them). As such, I do not feel comfortable using it, even if I myself live in a binary gendered culture.
WITH THAT SAID, I still think people who say "nonbinary isn't a third gender" (or in some cases I've even seen "nonbinary isn't a magical third gender") are usually being shitty 9 times out of 10, because the way they use the statement isn't to point out that the term third gender is colonialist, but to erase the existence of nonbinary people who have genders that are fully not "man" and fully not "woman" and have no relation to them. To invalidate being attracted to nonbinary people because all nonbinary people are just men and/or women or agender. To defend the existence of nonbinary people who are men and/or women, at least partially, at the expense of nonbinary people who aren't (if you wanna say "nonbinary is an umbrella term for identities like bigender, genderfluid, demigenders, androgyne, and agender" after saying it's not a third gender, you gotta add maverique, aporagender, and/or outherine to the list, and why not throw in xenogender too). The very real and valid critiques of the colonialist usage of third gender does not change my mind on the erasure of outherininty, maverinity, and aporinity.
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the-delta-quadrant · 8 months
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ok so i found this chart and i have no idea who made this, but multiple things are incorrect about this.
1. abinary is defined as "not male, female or in between", yet the circle labelled abinary is shown to overlap with manhood and womanhood*.
2. that circle is labelled "abinary/aporagender/neutral" as if these are all interchangeable terms. they're not. abinary is bigger than aporagender, aporagender is bigger than neutral. abinary includes everything that's disconnected from the binary, which also includes xenogender and could include agender. aporagender is a specific subset of abinary which is decidedly not agender. neutral is a specific kind of aporagender. these should all be separate circles within each other rather than a single one.
3. this leads to a different problem, that is maverique being put inside the circle labelled neutral. maverique is, by definition, not neutral*.
4. atrinary is somehow shown to overlap with manhood*.
5. the orange circle is labelled "maverique/outherine" as if these are interchangeable. they're not. maverique is a single specific outherine gender. outherinity is an umbrella term for a whole lot of things, and it's not exclusively abinary. outherinity is defined as a catetogy that's separate from the common 4 categories (masc, fem, androgynous, neutral) while not being xenine, or uncommon combinations of those 4 categories (e.g. feminine and neutral).
*i know multigender who combine those things within them exist, as well as people with complex genders that are seen as "contradictory" (like abinary manhood), but these might be too complex to put in a simplified gender chart like this, and people who identify as combinations of these would usually have to put themselves on multiple places on that chart.
i do love analysing gender charts, ngl. like, despite these faults, it's still one of the best and most interesting ones i've seen so far, and the only one to include xenogenders.
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Are you...
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Tragmat is a gender based on maverique in that is not agender, but also not related to the binary genders in any way, and is based on a strong emotion. Tragmat is a peaceful gender that is at ease with who they are. One does not need to think about their gender, nor justify it to others, they accept it for what it is: unique and tranquil.
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