the-delta-quadrant · 3 hours
"relationships come and go but friendships last forever"
will you speak for yourself please. i hate this being framed as a universal thing. i've lost friends over being nonbinary and my partner stayed with me through it all. you having shitty relationships isn't universal and friendship isn't this magical unbreakable thing.
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the-delta-quadrant · 7 hours
shoutout to people whose queerness has nothing to do with love.
shoutout to people whose queerness is explicitly defined by not feeling love.
"being queer is about love" hmm actually being queer is about defying societal norms about gender and sexuality and does not depend on feeling love at all
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the-delta-quadrant · 11 hours
i'm tired of even other nonbinary people acting as if not having a gender, feeling alienated from the concept of gender, not understanding gender etc. are all universal things. just because you feel like that doesn't mean we all do. "nonbinary people aren't a monolith" doesn't just refer to gender expression, AGAB or other identities, it also refers to what kind of genders we have or don't have.
like i literally heard a nonbinary person say that "the only valid gender is binary trans". granted they were half-joking but uhh i don't think you should say that when "nonbinary means not having a gender" is one of the most common misconceptions about us. you also don't get to erase other nonbinary people just because they experience things differently than you, even as a joke. "the only valid genders are the binary ones" isn't the progressive take you think it is, even if you make it trans exclusive.
you can make jokes about being nonbinary or talk about your experiences without acting like they're universal.
the lateral exorsexism is real.
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the-delta-quadrant · 15 hours
basically saying "abolish gender" is literally saying "abolish trans and nonbinary people" and go fuck yourself.
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the-delta-quadrant · 23 hours
nonqueers: being queer isn't a personality trait!
also nonqueers: *stereotype gay men as creative, lesbians as angry, bi folk as extroverts, trans people as quirky, aces as innocent, aros as distant etc.*
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*cries in ace who has been living in the uk for over 4 years and hasn't made a single friend*
I love it when Aro/aces talk about having amazing friends but we also need to talk about it when aro/aces aren’t able to make meaningful friendships because of their current situation because it hurts
or anyone in general — aro/ace or not it sucks
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i don't get the confusion about the difference between answers 1 and 2. they're like... basically opposites and incompatible with each other, at least the way i interpret the wording.
1 means gender as a whole will be abolished.
2 means gender still exists, but without the shitty rules and hierarchies.
i can't do whatever i want in regards to gender if my gender doesn't exist. i can't identify however i want if my identity doesn't exist.
gender abolition is so obviously a terf talking point and if you look closely there absolutely are parallels between how terfs treat gender and how some trans people do. a lot of the people who forced labels like masculine or feminine onto me were self-described gender abolitionists, because apparently those terms aren't about gender or something.
terfs think "gender isn't real" but will still divide people into two groups based on our bodies.
a lot of "abolish gender" trans people think "gender isn't real" but will still put everyone in some kind of binary, be it masc/fem, amab/afab etc.
every gender abolitionist i've seen wants to abolish gender as an identity while keeping some really harmful aspects of gender around, like gender binaries or bioessentialism.
whereas i'd interpret answer 2 as the opposite: keeping gender identity but abolishing the rules around it.
they are opposites.
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the-delta-quadrant · 2 days
"but how can you be asexual and have sex?"
i'm an atheist, always have been. i've been to church countless of times. i celebrate a secular version of christmas. i am intrigued by certain aspects of religion and spirituality. i prayed. i participated in church youth group and i enjoyed it.
i did all of these things without believing in god.
now read that first question again.
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the-delta-quadrant · 2 days
more gender roles suck and gender abolition is a terf talking point. both of these are exorsexist and transmisic in general. doing whatever we want forever is the only option. then people who want to opt out of gender are free to do so. gender anarchy it is.
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the-delta-quadrant · 2 days
ich hab komplexe posttraumatische belastungsstörung
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the-delta-quadrant · 3 days
bye bye, bi-bi
for real though, this reminds me of how some germans will call people who are both allosexual and alloromantic "alloallo" which is so weird to me because "allo" without a suffix is generally understood to mean both
just saw someone use the term "entirely bi" for someone who is both bisexual and biromantic, and nope, we're not fucking doing that. we're not gonna frame bi aces and aros and aroaces as inherently less bi according to allonormative standards. no.
i'm asexual. i'm bi. i am FULLY and ENTIRELY bi. my asexuality does not cancel out any part of my bi-ness. my lack of sexual attraction does not negate the attraction i do experience.
this is why i dislike split attraction terminology because none of my orientations/attractions is "split off" from anything. they're all whole.
i'm fully bi and fully ace. stop trying to cut me into pieces.
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the-delta-quadrant · 3 days
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unusual vulcan name
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the-delta-quadrant · 3 days
i've been around during Ace Discourse Times so i'm very biased towards allo queers. not saying nonqueers don't do shit but i have not personally been a target of a harassment campaign by nonqueers for being asexual.
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the-delta-quadrant · 3 days
no because my relationship isn't defined by sexuality and it could easily do without. defining it as sexual makes me feel repulsed tbh. we sometimes do sexual things but that doesn't mean our whole relationship is sexual, that sexuality is at the core of it or the defining part of our relationship. it's just.. something we do sometimes
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the-delta-quadrant · 4 days
i follow a lot of those new poll accounts, many to vote myself but also some others just out of interest and they all make it pretty clear that all the polls are to be answered by people of a certain identity, like mspecpolls are for mspec people only, nonbinary-polls is only for nonbinary people etc. and for the most part people seem to respect it and choose the results button if they don't have that identity...
except for the ace one for some reason? i keep seeing allosexuals of all kinds answering, but like... those polls aren't for you? there's an aro polls account too and i don't see alloromantics randomly vote on aro polls. heck i'm not even alloro and i don't even vote on them except they're specifically for quoiros. but for some reason when it comes to asexuality all boundaries go out the window?
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the-delta-quadrant · 4 days
happy lesbian visibility week!
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you can get these and more lesbian pride merch here ❤️🧡🤍🩷 https://freakshop-2.creator-spring.com
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the-delta-quadrant · 4 days
most trans people who people like to call "non transitioning" actually do transition, but people don't want to acknowledge that not all transition is medical
changing your hair is transition
deciding to shave or grow your body hair is transition
doing something different with make up is transition
changing your new wardrobe is transition
changing your name is transition
changing your pronouns is transition
coming out to people is transition
even just accepting your own transness without telling anyone else is transition, as it changes how you see yourself
it's almost impossible to be trans and truly non transitioning, even if that transition might be non medical, non visible or entirely self contained
all kinds of transition are valid.
there are also things that aren't necessarily associated with transition that an individual may consider to be part of their transition, like working out to make their body look different, getting piercings and tattoos and so much more
there are so many ways of transitioning besides surgery and hormones
"non transitioning nonbinary/trans person" is just code for "i don't consider your transition to be real because it doesn't fully fit into what cis people expect"
"some parents would rather have a non transitioning trans child than one who does" like yeah no shit. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child who doesn't come out, doesn't change anything about themself. not their name, not their pronouns, not their hair or wardrobe. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child who never talks about being trans so their parents can pass them off as cis. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child that is in the closet. of course a lot of parents would rather have a trans child who stays in the closet so they don't have to deal with their transness. but you all mean "non transitioning" as in "not medically transitioning" and that's not true either. trans people get kicked out of their house for doing as little as changing their pronouns. and if you say you're doing literally anything as part of your transition/because you're trans, people will absolutely give you shit for it, while a cis person can do the same thing and it's no biggie. social transition is not accepted at all.
there are some weird trans people out there who will completely dismiss people's life saving transition steps as "non transitioning" because they don't fit cis ideas of transness, it's disgusting
when i say "transition" i'm always including medical transition and social transition, as well as anything else an individual may consider part of their transition that doesn't necessarily fit into the two boxes
also can we stop acting like social transition isn't also constantly under attack
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