#and the MUSIC
ilumin · 7 months
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I'm crying, they're so silly
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dustofthedailylife · 8 months
Playing an emotional video game with the Genshin Men
A/N: Managed to squeeze a short and sweet Indie game (that hit me in my feels) into my busy schedule at the moment and now I can't stop thinking about playing Games with an emotional story with the Genshin men... There aren't many men included in this brainrot because this was just a random shower thought. I could throw it on my WIP pile and flesh it out at some point if you want.
Neuvillette would put his arm around your shoulder while you start crying over what is going on in the game. And while he wouldn't outwardly cry it suddenly starts pouring outside.
Alhaitham would be surprised to suddenly see tears streaming down your face as you're playing the game. He isn't sure how he should react or console you. He would hesitantly lift a hand and begins stroking your back and put your head on his shoulder in silence.
Kaveh watched you play the entire time and gets heavily invested in the game as well. So when the emotional scene comes up you're both just bawling together on the couch. He's definitely the type of guy who would discuss everything about the game in depth with you later on.
Wriothesley starts massaging your scalp with his free hand as he watches you play. And he doesn't want to admit it but the game too hit him into the feels. So he attempts to hide his face from your field of view and blinks some tears away, while being your shoulder to cry on.
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The Return of the King in 4k
The House of the Healing
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lifeismarvelous · 4 months
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oh the trauma
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erik-christine · 1 year
forever screaming crying sobbing throwing up over this scene
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arensika · 5 months
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Listen to Aavanitro's music please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Pl
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booasaur · 2 years
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P-Valley - 2x03 - The Mercedes Experience
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wangsheungs · 2 years
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as i close my eyes for the final time the sight of that noble deity will appear in my vision once more... 
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kaleidoscopedrawsjpg · 4 months
I did some designs for Hazbin Hotel flash. Please don’t use, I wanna tattoo these eventually (why do I always draw shit no one wants haha fml).
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go-to-the-mirror · 5 months
*emerges from season 1 covered in blood* so, broadchurch
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magicandmundane · 1 month
The way the ending of “The Cavalry has Arrived” paralleled the end of “Aftermath” with Omega off on another adventure in the stars has me so emotional 🥹
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apathyandmischief · 3 months
I came across an article online about the decision to change the Tale of Two Lovers that was titled something to the effect of "a minor change that doesn't make a difference". But here's the thing: it makes all the difference.
I was 12 when Avatar first aired, exactly in the target demographic. I'm watching it now through the lens of an adult who grew up with the show, and I noticed the difference immediately. My fiance, a cishet man, was more excited about the secret tunnel song than anything, but I got stuck on Oma and Shu, and instantly just thought of what it would've been like to hear that so casually mentioned at 12 years old, uncertain of my wlw identity, to have the story of the foundation of the Earth kingdom be of a love between two women. It's so important and I'm so happy they did that.
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cynda-queer · 6 months
"babe wake up, it's time to go into the inn room and rewatch the cut scenes from the final quest of the ffxiv expansion shadowbringers"
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
Just finished phantom hourglass for the 2nd time and oh my gosh I’m just gonna ramble about it
This game is truly underrated and overhated in my eyes. I can understand why some people wouldn’t like it, but oh my gosh this game is so special to me. The first time I played it I didn’t really enjoy it, possibly because I went in expecting the worst game in existence and I was very cruel towards it. But second time around it truly is wonderful to me. Sure the world is a little empty, and the music is pretty weak, but all the good things stand out to me. The good songs slap so hard, the islands you explore after defeating the ghost ship are so much fun, and the bosses and dungeons are incredible.
Surprisingly, the ocean king temple wasn’t that annoying second time around! I didn’t have a guide and it was more fun to just head in guns blazing not knowing what to expect than to have a guide. And it wasn’t agony to go through! Sure, having to redo the puzzles was very painful, but most of the time you were able to make shortcuts with the new items you got. And the last time going through it, hooooo man I love being able to kill the phantoms lol. Makes you feel fearless.
The final bosses weren’t as difficult this time around, mostly since I knew what to expect, but they were still challenging enough to really show the threat that is Bellum and Bellumbeck. And AAAH bellumbeck. Ah bellumbeck.
Apparently you can counter his spin attack with his own? I didn’t know that so you can imagine how much easier it is to fight bellumbeck when you do that dhksdbksbd. Bellumbeck’s spin attack is brutal and unavoidable.
Anyways the ending always warms my heart, the characters warm my heart, and I love this game. It’s made it to the top three despite its flaws, and I adore it to death.
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flusteredfanfolk · 6 months
okay I’m so late to the party but as an adult that saw fucking Trolls 3 alone in a theater of parents and their kids it was validating to have a Tiny Diamond and Branch subplot of still being able to be an adult while ALSO still being able to enjoy ‘childish’ things that give you comfort and I think it’s overlooked because of the goofiness of the way it’s presented as a potential drug metaphor send tweet
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zelda-supremacy · 6 months
it was my birthday yesterday...
i forgot to post it because i got a Nintendo Switch and BotW for the first time ever so I was busy playing it ...
I've gotta tell you, literally like the best game ever 100% please get it if you can 😭😭
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