#and shes just. blatantly in the wrong for this
winepresswrath · 14 hours
what louis did to lestat and what louis did to armand are connected and that's important to the story but also. it is simply not the same. nothing louis did excuses armand's behaviour, that's not how anything works, but he did not "cross a line" or "poke at armand," he weaponized armand's history of abuse to belittle and demean him. nothing armand said to louis came close- the equivalent would have been "oooh, i'm such a stupid bitch that my husband can beat me half to death and i'll keep crawling back for more even when it endangers my daughter!" it's retraumatizing and deeply destabilizing to hear that shit from your partner. and in response armand should have been like "well this man sucks when he's high and he's high all the time, so i'm bouncing" but if he'd done that we wouldn't have a story, would we?
edit: i've come back to give armand credit for "claudia didn't love you like we did/do. ps. u used her to distract from your own hurt feelings" that shit does hit in a similar way. however "the ways someone hurt you have left you contemptible and weak. they scrawled 'dirty and annoying' all over your soul in red ink and it's never coming off" is just outstanding work. timeless
#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#louis is my special little princess i love him forever and i enjoyed that fight so much#probably my favourite part of the episode#and it had a lot of competition#but tbh the discourse feels almost full circle victim blaming#like yeah what he said was that bad. and he still didn't deserve that#but it was very much that bad#also that was blatantly an addict fight#you do this all the time and then apologize#but it never means anything and you always start up again?#plus louis' little aww i was jus having fun... sorry#they have been on this roller coaster louis has been a tremendously shitty boyfriend armand should leave him!#but there's no amount of bad behaviour where you get to do surgery on your husband's memories torture him for days#and self soothe by tormenting his mistress to death!#if you CAN go you go. and armand can go. that's what he has going for him that claudia for example did not#which is why she does get to murder lestat and his mistress#i mean she could anyway#because i love her#but that's the crucial distinction in their behaviour she's trying to get away armand is trying to make louis stay#they're all monsters. this is not about claudia good armand bad. they are both serial killers. but still. these things are not the same#for the record yes louis was also honestly a pretty shitty boyfriend to lestat but y/k.#was he out there being like oooooohhh i'm lestat i have abandonment issues because my rapist killed himself in front of me#because i'm just that pathetic#he was not.#and if he had it would still have been wrong for lestat to beat him up and drop him from the stratosphere.#tw: sa#tw: abuse
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ambeauty · 2 months
I don’t need a jealous Syd. What I need is Carmy constantly picking the restaurant (Sydney) over Claire. If they stay together after the fridgecident until Claire realizes that maybe the restaurant (Sydney) is really what he cares about and maybe she forced herself on a person who she thought she knew but really doesn’t know at all. It might be a nasty breakup because Carmy doesn’t realize why giving all of his focus and attention to the restaurant (Sydney) is a problem and he’s just trying to please the both of them and if Claire doesn’t get that then maybe she should leave him alone. Claire is like this is not about the restaurant. It’s never been about the restaurant. It’s always been about Sydney….
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
HoO is so funny to me when you actually think about the ages of all the characters. Octavian is 18. Percy and Annabeth are 16, almost 17. Reyna is presumably 16. Frank just turned 16, Jason’s about to turn 16. Leo and Piper are like 15. Hazel’s like 14 and a half, and Nico is 13.
The Death Sibs are both the youngest and oldest on the Argo II. Octavian is a college freshman getting into petty drama with a bunch of high schoolers. He gets told to shut up at one point by a random 8th grader. Everyone is scared of the 8th grader. We Sent A 13 Year Old To Superhell and he came back weirder, Just Like Middle School. TLH was just three high school sophomores being sent to do a task and it going Exactly Like You’d Expect. Percy’s the only demigod on the ship who can legally drive (though Reyna gets her drivers license at some point before TOA). What Is Happening.
#pjo#hoo#heroes of olympus#riordanverse#my second favorite thing related to this is like every time Hazel references someone's age especially in SoN it's just. blatantly incorrect.#she goes into very specific detail about how she's 14. detailing like exactly how many months it had been since her birthday#and when she died and when she was brought back. just like ''okay. im 14 and a half. got that? good.''#''anyways here's Frank. he's 3 years older than me'' like literal next chapter. we are told Frank is not 3 years older than her.#Hazel: Here's my older brother! [Nico is younger than her in literally every way feasible]#ive just decided Hazel is an unreliable narrator who is just really bad at guessing/remembering how old people are#which like. adhd mood. forgetting how old everybody is.#and she has the bonus excuse of saying her sense of time is skewed from being a ghost for so long#but it's just so funny every time she's just. with the upmost confidence. blatantly the wrong answer.#i want a scene of Hazel looking at Percy and just going ''hm. I bet he's like 20.'' and then learns he's 16#and she's just [surprised pikachu]#also we know it isn't an error that she's 14 cause in TOA she's like ''oh yeah im learning to drive!''#so she's 15 by then#it is however an error that *Nico* is said to be 14 in hoo cause he's 12 in TLO and 14 in TOA#but we know in HoO the reason that error was made was cause Rick hadn't figured out Nico's birthday yet#and he was flipping it between January or March#so he just forgot how old Nico is for a series and then we went back to normal
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yloiseconeillants · 4 months
FEBHYURARY 2024 :: Day 7 - Voice
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But the star has gone, the glamour's worn thin That's a pretty bad state for a state to be in Instead of government, we had a stage Instead of ideas, a prima donna's rage Instead of help, we were given a crowd She didn't say much but she said it loud
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vegfam · 2 years
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JK Rowling shared a heartfelt message, grieving her long time friend and colleague, and i'm speechless at how disgusting TRAs are being in the comments, although this shouldn't shock me anymore.
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papakhan · 3 months
I think in game it's kind of presented that Julie Farkas thinks poorly of, if not outright dislikes, the Great Khans which I guess is fair enough but also reeks of the attitude of the writers viewing drug addicts and raiders as subhuman. And I don't think really it lines up with either the Khan/Follower relationship depicted in game nor does it Follow Julie's reestablished personality. I think she's a little exasperated with them but not enough to warrent the "who? Oh you mean those raiders who used to clash with the vegas tribes 🙄" line that she has about them like cmon girl 1) people are like your only allies outside of Freeside and 2) why are you taking the Three Families side in this??? They're causing just as many if not more issues than the Khans even Arcade has lines about how the Families are exploiting Freeside and I can't think who else she means by "vegas tribes" Anyway. It does make sense for her to be annoyed with how they're causing more drug problems in Freeside but i don't think it makes sense for her to be written in a way that makes it sounds like she's angry with the Khans for *using their precious medical knowledge to make the evil morphine rather than the morally good morphine* when really she should be more angry with House/The Families for causing the poverty in Freeside and the NCR for forcing the Khans into the precarious position they're in while disallowing the Followers from truly helping them. The fact that by the time that Fnv comes around the Followers and NCR's relationship has broken down should be enough for the Followers to revisit relations with the Khans since, as I said, the Khans have been the only truly consistent allies of the Followers and more importantly, the NCR JUST MURDERED ALL THEIR CHILDREN. In this essay I will
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steakout-05 · 25 days
how i feel about TBYS causing a shockwave effect of everyone dogpiling on and harassing Illymation and spreading extremely easily disprovable and malicious misinformation about her and putting her in a lot of danger for literally no legitimate reason
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#big rant in the tags incoming hold on to your hats:#i swear drama commentary youtubers are actually some of the most dense people on the fucking planet#like holy SHIT i have never seen a bigger display of collective stupidity than every drama commentary grifter harping on illy based on shit#-she didn't even say that they heard from a guy who sounds like budget ben shapiro. how are you that dense. like how. actually how.#it's just a big stupid game of idiot telephone with how much basic shit people are getting wrong because they heard it whispered from-#-another person. istg if i have to see ONE more person say that ''oh but she's encouraging obesity'' ''oh but she said [thing she literally#-didn't say]!!!'' im going to SCREAM. i am going to throw my phone against the wall if i see one more malicious misinterpretation of a-#-basic statement that even a fucking doorknob could understand with more grace and nuance than these idiots#i swear to god this is all so STUPID#drama commentary youtube is where basic reading comprehension and common sense go to die. it is the 10th circle of internet hell-#-just below 4chan.#anyway rant over glad i got that out of my system.#i hope illy is doing well and that she and her partner and her cats are safe <3#sorry for being so angry. this whole situation literally makes my blood boil and i'm so upset that an innocent person got put in danger-#-because of some nerd emoji sounding wackass blatantly lying about her and being a dickhead#this is the first and last post i'll ever make about internet drama (unless something really REALLY funny happens) i just needed an outlet-#-to scream into for a few minutes#drama commentary youtubers delete their entire channels and leave the internet right now challenge#shitpost#youtube drama
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Can I get your thoughts on this post claiming Mai and Toph are very similar (and that Zuko clicked with Toph immediately because she reminded him of Mai)? https://at.tumblr.com/i-was-talking-to-momo/everyone-else-took-a-really-long-time-to/nyh2nz26iuay
whoooo boy, there are a lot of (sometimes just blatantly untrue) assumptions being flung around in that post.
much of what op says about mai reads more like headcanon than anything actually shown to us in the show (when was mai stifled to "the point of being incredibly depressed and borderline self-destructive"? when do we learn in the show that mai taught herself to throw knives out of boredom? how did mai "never learn to interact with people her age" when she's been friends with ty lee for years and seems to have no problem socializing at a fire nation party?) or is barely substantiated within the show (mai's alleged "repression" at the hands of her parents is told to us - not shown - in a single scene in the third season).
on the other hand, there is actual proof for toph being sheltered and repressed by her parents: we see the difference between who she is on her own/with the gaang vs with her parents. the toph who fights in earth rumble tournaments and picks her toes and speaks her mind without hesitation is not the same toph who wears dainty clothes and allows herself to be led around and meekly obeys her parents' wishes despite her own desire for freedom. there is a clear distinction between who toph feels she has to be, and who she really wants to be, and this is made clear from her very first episode.
by contrast, mai has the same apathetic, indifferent demeanor almost all the time, no matter whether she is with her parents, her friends, or her boyfriend. even in the rare cases that she does show emotion, usually smiling or smirking around zuko, it is undercut by the lack of true understanding and connection in their relationship, which makes her show of emotion feel meaningless and shallow (the only time that mai does seem to show genuine emotion and vulnerability is around ty lee, but unfortunately these moments are too far and few between for me to consider it real depth and growth for mai, much as i ship mailee). unlike toph, there are no real cracks in the facade with mai, which seem to imply that the way mai acts is who she really is, not who she feels she has to be.
i also have to laugh at this part: "Out of the entire gaang, Toph is the one that Zuko understands and empathizes with the most."
toph is the one zuko understands and empathizes with most, huh? that must be why toph was the first person in the gaang zuko felt a kinship with and reached out to - nope, that was katara. well, that's why he opened up about his deepest conflict and trauma to her and she did the same in return - whoops sorry, katara again. never mind, at least zuko and toph took an intimate field trip together related to their moment of connection over their shared trauma - oh wait.
i don't disagree that toph and zuko would have a strong friendship, or that they wouldn't be able to bond over similarities in their upbringing, but unfortunately the show just didn't expound on their relationship as much as it did with zuko's relationships with aang, sokka, and (especially) katara. it's blatantly false to imply that zuko bonded or clicked with toph the most out of anyone in the gaang, and even more so to say that it was because she reminded him of mai - both because toph is vastly different from mai, and because zuko himself didn't truly understand or click with mai in the first place.
ultimately, much of the problem with mai's character comes down to the fact that she's extremely underdeveloped (and the season that tries to expand on her character is also the one where her arc revolves almost entirely around her boyfriend) so comparing her to toph - a main character who received far more depth and development in a single episode than mai did throughout her whole arc - is a task doomed to fail from the start.
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9hikers · 7 months
star beast was fun but i do wish the jokes abt the doctor previously being a woman were less like... "oh stupid male-presenting timelord" and more "the doctor's gender is Alien and their pronouns are fucking/guess"
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twistwhisker · 4 months
all this to say that no one is claiming that everything was 100% mapleshade's fault or that characters like oakstar and ravenwing and even frecklewish don't bear responsibility on what happened, but to say that mapleshade is enitrely blameless is just factually incorrect.
"mapleshade is a victim of oakstar + thunderclan's bigotry and should not have been exiled for her half-clan kits. exile put both mapleshade and her kits in indirect danger. it was wrong of oakstar to exile her and wrong of other characters to support this decision." is true
"mapleshade made the active choice to cross the river, with her kits that were easily winded from swimming in calm waters, during a severe rainstorm while the river was severely flooding. this is something that no one made her do and something that directly resulted in the death of her kits." is also true
people are often both victim and aggressor. traumatized / victimized people often make poor decisions that end up hurting people they care about. and you can acknowledge that they have been hurt themselves without pretending they did nothing wrong or that they didn't hurt others
it's not "victim blaming" to say that mapleshade shouldn't have crossed the river with her kits. victim blaming would be to blame the victim for the actions of other people. for example, to say that mapleshade is at fault for her exile because she had a cross-clan relationship would actually be victim blaming, because you're blaming the victim for someone else's actions. but crossing the river was a choice made by mapleshade and mapleshade alone, despite knowledge of the danger to both herself and her kits.
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iwatcheditbegin · 20 days
It’s kinda crazy how Taylor can write the most literal on the nose lyrics and then throw in a cheeky line and enough people will take that as the literal part.
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Can we all agree that Raphie needs a mother figure the most?
Why would he need a mom when there's a perfectly good Leo right there?? Basically the same thing
Jokes aside, yeah most continuities I can agree. The one that needs an extra parental figure most is usually Raph. Though I believe all of them would've had a higher quality life/childhood if they had a mother. Mikey, Donnie, and Raph would be such momma's boys, and I think that would be so sweet.
But context and character dynamics are important, it really only works in theory. So most likely a continuity with a healthy relationship between Yoshi/Tang Shen and they got mutated together or they stay together after only one gets mutated. All things considered a single mom wouldn't fare much better then just Splinter. But a Splinter that falls in love after mutation could work well too. An unhealthy/toxic dynamic wouldn't help in the slightest.
April often "sort of" fills the mom role, mom role adjacent like older sister or loving Aunt, and is usually the best at nurturing Donnie more then anyone else. Casey is often helpful giving Raph a mirror and helping him regulate his temper, but he's not much a parental figure and usually an honorary turtle sibling. Plus the lesson is usually Raph teaching an adult to control themselves which isn't fair to Raph who is always a child. They all need one-on-one time with a parental figure that isn't meant to further their ninjutsu.
2003 Splinter is exempt, he's not perfect but the literal "has always been a rat, never human" Dad is the only one that regularly just hangs out with his kids and watches them play games or just watches movies/tv with them for fun. And if his kiddos are in danger he's absolutely right there trying to protect them.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
oh, you know. just the “main” couple of the show invalidating each other’s feelings in the span of one scene. this literally happens back to back.
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maybe… now hear me out… maybe this is the duffers showing us how they aren’t really partners in their relationship, and how the aren’t loving each other in the way they should if it ends up with both of them being dismissed and hurt like this. they are trying to offer and ask for comfort, but can’t meet the other halfway because they aren’t really listening to the other. mayyyyybe because they are trying to hold onto a relationship that was never supposed to be romantic in the first place, and now they are carrying with the extra baggage and they don’t know how to deal with it without letting it crush them in the process.
but… you know… just a thought.
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llycaons · 1 month
truly do find 'perfect' sweet little kids who exist to be cute and protected extremely boring to the point of aggravation but alluka DOESN'T fit that description because she's been neglected and isolated her whole life, she is soul-bonded with a horrifying (to many) and nearly omniscient being, she is endlessly sweet and loving to really only one person, and she STANDS UP TO that person when he hurts someone else she cares about!! she may not have a lot going on but her character and personality contrasts her situation so much to make it really striking. and I'm a sucker for close brother/sister relationships!! so sue me!!!
#not to harp on this again but I would argue despite having similar roles as children supporting the protags and acting as#characters whose very existence means important plot or character things regardless of their personalities#alluka IS better-written than a-yuan. there is genuine conflict there. she has her own loyalties and motivations#on a plot level she may exist to 1. solve a problem 2. separate killua from gon and 3. introduce DC magic#but it doesn't feel like she exists to simply fill a shallow shipping-adjacent role quite so blatantly#or maybe I'm biased against using kids as shipping fodder.#or reducing an entire murdered family to one kid who's only referred to as the son of two unrelated characters. and whose survival#is only of value bc it helps gets them together idk!#I also really dislike how 'good' kids are treated by the narrative.#etc. etc. anyway authority figures and her own parents and siblings hate and fear and disrespect and misunderstand alluka.#and they are wrong! fuck them! it's always felt like togashi's had the backs of the kids he writes#it's um. anti-authoritarian not rly in its themes but in its general approach I think?#hm. can't rly elaborate rn as im sleepy#but alluka's sweetness isn't grating or irritating it's a breath of fresh air in the nightmare that is her home life#and it's a precious and wonderful thing to see her so affectionate with a character we the audience love so much but who has struggled#for so long to leave his past behind and do be a normal kid#her love and her kindness isn't empty or meaningless it's the lifeblood that killua needs to#have a healthy relationship w his best friend#bc it lets him step back and have more than one important person in his life#and he sends that love right back to her!!!! killua isn't just someone starved for love he's starved TO love!#the unconditional love the rest of his familiy has long denied him....he and alluka and nanika all find it with each other#and it's the most beautiful and special thing in the entire series I think. or one of them#cor.txt
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justablah56 · 10 months
oh my FUCKING shit , I am about to absolutely fucking *punt* this group of boys in my sign language class holy fucking hell .
#just blahs#okay this may just be bcs i havent ever really seen ableism irl#but legitimately what the fuck#the teacher for my sign class is completly deaf right ? and there's these three guys in the back corner who are literally just .#the single most offensive people i have ever had the displeasure to exist in the same space as#the teacher will teach us smthin about deaf culture and they'll fully just be like 'oh haha why don't they just say it ?'#or today ??? as soon as shes not looking at them theyll just yell insults at her .#and then obviously *she can't hear them bcs shes **deaf*** and one of em will do the dumb highschool boy laugh like 'haha yell it louder'#aND IM LITERALLY ABOUT TO CHUCK MY PENCIL AT THESE ABLELIST PEICES OF SHIT#or theyll mock the way she talks or theyll just blatantly ignore what shes trying to teach#and my friend who knows a bit of sign bcs her dads deaf was obv fast at spelling her name and one of em calls her a tryhard#because shes actually putting effort into this class .#like literally what the hell is wrong with you . this isnt a required class . you *chose* to be here so shut the fuck up#and i dont even know what the proper thing to do here is . like . do i tell the teacher those boys over there are being dicks ?#do i just walk my 5'0 ass all the way across the class to smack them upside the hesd ?#do i throw the pencil at them ?#i dont know what im supposed to do here but FUCK im so pissed off about this#im literally just trying to learn this language and they are making it so difficult bcs every other minute theyre over there yelling#fucking hell#ableism#anyways .
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hauntrobins · 3 months
sean mckeever when i get you
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