#and now joon did the same with indigo
raplinenthusiasts · 2 years
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each other's favorite person
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jmdbjk · 1 year
The air is different...
All my thoughts and ramblings have been piling up. I have had to resort to just jotting down notes. Some stuff is already outdated because: already resolved or already happened. Time is moving swiftly yet at a snail’s pace. 2025 is still an eternity away. Yet...
I was talking to my friend the other day and I remarked “it’s like there's been this paradigm shift since (Jin enlisted)... Jin is handling weapons on the daily, Jimin is blonde again, JK is too skinny, Tae eating Mexican food, we're speculating about Yoongi driving military generals around like some sort of movie plot (because we were)... it's like an alternate universe or something.
In this au fic, Jin becomes a sniper on special ops teams. Except during a mission he gives away his position when he starts laughing his windshield wiper laugh. Or better yet, he uses his windshield wiper laugh as an audible secret signal to his fellow green berets...the enemy never suspects... 
Once Jimin enlists, he becomes South Korea’s own version of Mata Hari, exotic dancer turned spy and infiltrates North Korea and returns with the news that their ramyeon sucks. My god, they don’t even put eggs in it. And as I said, Yoongi ends up driving military generals around. Strangely, he’s the chauffeur that won’t shut up and gives them a more simplified and rational viewpoint of how ridiculous this all is. They actually listen. He is also in high demand making individual regiment OSTs. You know, the things they chant while they are doing marching drills...there she was just a walkin’ down the street singing do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do... 
Anyway. Humor is a coping mechanism and last couple days have been very emotional. Someone please write that fanfic asap.
Let’s talk about Slender Jungkook... He’s turned into some sort of mysterious Slenderman of BTS. This gluten-free-meat-restaurant-protein-heavy diet has made him a lean mean bunny. It’s sort of startling to see slim JK juxtaposed next to the others. Especially Jimin who appears to be getting bulkier. Kookie is not filling out his puffer jackets and baggy pants...or even slim pants, as much as he used to. 
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Okay, here’s the deal, I understand there is content in the bank supposedly to last us until 2025... we’ll see... but I already know I am not buying Legos, special coins or Korean postage stamps. Those don’t count as content or merch. Just sayin’. I know they tried to tempt us with Cookie Kingdom nonsense but that was a washout for me.
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What we did get: Indigo merch... we got Jack in the Box merch, we got Wootteo and The Astronaut merch... you know what that means? We will be getting merch for Jimin’s album... and everyone else’s as well. Jimin, if you’re reading this, I will pay money for a nice flowy robe-like garment that screams “Jimin would wear this while lounging on his couch wearing nothing else.” And jewelry, hell yes. Give me some dangly earrings that Jimin designed please. If he comes out with some sort of leather merch, the implications...(closes the door on my imagination before things get out of hand, so to speak.) 
Jimin... I beg of you, please design a robe like this:
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The thought of stuffed animals and pillow cases as his merch... I hope not. 
I know this was days/weeks ago but WTF Yoongi? He is channeling 19th century rakish scoundrel here.
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And Tae’s fo-fo and how he’s definitely catering to the wimmins. Swooning could be heard across the planet when his fo-fo hit the internet. I saw someone say Tae was not channeling Darcy, he was more of a Willoughby. If you know, you know I guess. What got me was the horse... the ultimate phallic symbol.
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Now Taeyang having Jimin feature on a song for his upcoming album. I don’t know BigBang except for some negative things I’ve read. I do know who G-Dragon is. He supposedly has an apartment in the same complex with Joon and Jimin? I might be wrong about that. So we supposedly get to hear Jimin on Taeyang’s song in January. I’ll take anything. We’re desperate here. 
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I know this post was all over the place but that’s how I’ve been this last week or two. This time of the year also does not offer any calm respite either. 
We have even more changes coming. The air is already different with our Jinnie’s military service started. The past was honestly the best, but we need to look to the future, to their future when they return to us in 2025. They will be different. We will be different. Hobi, Jin and Joon have shown us artistically how much they’ve grown this year. We supposedly still have four more artistic efforts coming before the end of 2023. And we have six more enlistment days coming.
My feelings are still raw. I know they were all emotional but my heart is still aching. I have no better words to say about being able to see all of this unfold in front of my eyes than I’m grateful to be part of it, even with how intensely emotional it is. 
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Indigo is so fucking good. Every song is so impeccably made? The production is worthy of a Grammy nomination, the caliber of collaborating artists begs highlighting again, the album's cohesiveness is seamless. Plus the performances? You know what, scratch what I said. RM didn't meet my expectations, he exceeded them. Like, Indigo is objectively one of the best albums released this year and Hobi's Jack in the Box was nothing to sneeze at either, but Indigo is far more polished.
I've not posted lately, partly because I've been having way too much fun with the Namjoon mania right now. I mean yes it hurts Jin enlisted, but I think we had more than enough time to prepare for something that is really only up for him to experience. And I trust he'll be fine because he's a very capable person. I wish him good luck and health the entire time he serves and afterwards, same as I wish for all the guys. And that video of them sending him off was the absolute sweetest thing. Really.
Back to Indigo. Have y'all watched the RM Live in Seoul @ Rolling Hall?
Some weeks ago I'd talked about wanting to attend, but unfortunately I couldn't go. So you can imagine how happy I was when BigHit posted the recording. This live performance video is again, so well made. RM created such a compelling and intimate experience that it translates perfectly on camera.
I watched the whole vid in one sitting. Then went to do other things, had friends come over given previous plans, cooked and baked with them, and then we ate everything we cooked watching the Indigo live together (me for the second time that day). There were 8 of us and 5 knew next to nothing about RM (2 of the 5 had "heard of BTS somewhere").
All of us were his bitches by the time the performance was done. One of them ordered Joon's album afterwards.
And the featuring artists who performed? Seeing Paul Blanco pull off those runs live is a must. And I think it's really cool that the artists were able to comfortably interact with ARMYs.
I love his voice. His vocals the entire time was strong, steady, smooth. And let's be honest, a lot of times it's not any of those things. But in this performance Joon is in his element. He's prepared. The material he's working with is almost flawless and its the sort only his genius can produce. When I told y'all that with my background this album makes me feel seen with how tastefully it fuses Black and Korean influences, I meant it. And while I know that other k-pop albums this year have also been incredible at this (Minho's Chase is a recent example), I think it means something more that Joon actually wrote this music. Yes he worked with a team, but everything about Indigo, every song on it, is his invention. And that's so hot.
It's difficult to rank the songs because they each suit very different moods equally well. Right now: Closer, Still Life, Lonely, Change Pt 2, Forg_tful, All Day, Yun, and the bridge of Wild Flower are favourites..
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(Namjoon has the prettiest eyes in BTS)
I love that this album served as the inspiration for Joon to create more music.
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(Translation credit: @/MoonieJoonieee and consider reading the entire interview linked here)
It reminds me of his conversation with Pharrell earlier this year.
All in all, I am so happy for Joon and I feel proud of him. He did so well with this album.
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bookscandlesnbts · 1 month
My Dream Collab For Joon and RPWP Thoughts
I’m beyond excited to get more sad indie boy alternative music from Namjoon because let’s be honest I share a ton of the same music taste as time. I giggle like a schoolgirl whenever he posts a story of an artist I love. I’m so excited that we now know what rpwp means (did I say that I love his brain?) and I can’t help but think about that guy that used to be all over Namjoon’s insta with his face covered with emojis but in settings that seemed private and intimate and if he was the wrong person.
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My preorder fingers are ready. What is my ultimate hope for this album? I’ll put it into the universe. I have been pretty vocal that I haven’t liked a lot of the artists that people want the maknae line and Jimin in particular to collab with. There is one artist though that I would do anything for a collab with honestly any of the BTS members but especially Namjoon in particular (or Jimin because I love him honestly JK would sound great with his voice too) and that person is none other than my favorite artist of all time (alongside BTS):
Frank Ocean.
I haven’t been the same since Blonde dropped in 2016 and I never will be. We know that Namjoon is a big fan because duh he has immaculate taste and of course sparked the stupidest controversy with illiterate kpoppies when he shared Bad Religion by Frank to one of his insta stories. I would literally give anything for a Frank Ocean collab between them, and this album sounds like it would have been perfect. Ugh let me dream. I know, I know, Frank hates his fans though and who knows if he will ever release another album. I stay delulu and hope every year that he will drop including this one, okay. Don’t judge me too much.
But seriously, when I think about Indigo. When I think about Namjoon’s indie boy soul. When I think about his lyrical depth and ear for production. When I think about the title, genre, and themes of this new album. I just really want to hear what Namjoon would do alongside Frank.
And purely for fun, these are my favorite songs by Joonie and Frank.
Namjoon: Wildflower
honorable mention: rest of Indigo and everythinggoes
It’s pretty rare for me to be this obsessed with a title track. I usually prefer some deep album cut, but this is truly a masterpiece and the best part of Indigo imo.
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Frank Ocean: Self Control aka my favorite song of all time. What we won’t talk about is the amount of cope and tears I have shed to this song when Jimin and Jikook enlisted okay bye.
But in all seriousness, if you haven’t listened to Self Control, you must. Be prepared for it to move you to tears. It does for me. Every time. Even if I’m not sad. The production, his voice, the lyrics are all devastating and work perfectly. It’s truly perfection in a song.
Lyric Spoiler to pique your interest:
“you cut your hair, but you used to live a blonded life”
I’ll see myself out because I could write a dissertation about how much I love this song.
honorable mentions: I’m a huge Blonde girlie so really any other song off Blonde but I love all his works. I’d say my other two favorite songs of his that I’ve definitely cried to a ton are White Ferrari and Siegfried.
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misssagustd · 10 months
Unreleased (3)
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HYBE security waves you in after you sign the guest log. Out of habit, you head straight to the turnstile to swipe your card pass, only to realize that of course, you don't have it anymore.
Joon was waiting for you by the couches near the elevator. He wasn't on his phone or flipping through one of the magazines on the table. He was just staring ahead at the floor-to-ceiling window at the other end of the hallway, absent-mindedly cracking his knuckles. Obviously, he hasn't noticed your arrival. You take a deep breath and call him out. "Hey, Joon." His eyes shift towards the direction where your voice came from. He looks at you and a small smile plays on the corner of his lips, his dimple slightly denting his right cheek. He stands up, and you resist the urge to give him a running hug. You suddenly want nothing else but to bury your face in his chest and feel his arms around you. "Y/N. Wow. Uh, wow. You're really - you're really here." You've forgotten how cute he is when he stutters.
Now that you've gotten a full view of him, you noticed that like Jimin, he has bulked up, highlighted by the buzz cut he's sporting. He runs a hand through his short hair and smiles sheepishly when he sees your wide, questioning eyes. "No, no... nothing to do with enlistment. Not soon, anyway. It's hot, and my hair's just giving me a hard time." Is this the "mess" of a Namjoon that Jimin and Yoongi were talking about the other day? Because you see no mess. He looks...fine. It's the same Joon you woke up with and spent the day with for a good four years of your life.
But the minute you enter rkive, you see the mess. Sheets of papers were scattered on the console, on the floor, and some on the couch. It seems that he was eating before he met you on the ground floor. There's a half-finished sandwich and a can of Sprite beside it. He puts aside two pillows to give you space to sit on the couch. You settle on the familiar softness of the cushion. It still fits your frame the way it did when you slept there while Joon was working his ass off Indigo. When it was time to eat or go home, he'd rub the tip of his nose on yours to wake you up, and you'd open your eyes to his dimpled smile lovingly gazing down at you.
Joon pulls his desk chair towards the couch so he's sitting right across you. "You left without telling me," were the first words he said. But his tone was soft rather than sounding like he wants to pick a fight. "I'm sorryyyy..." you roll the last syllable because your mind was racing thinking of what to say next. You were still gauging his mood based on his stance, which seems quite relaxed considering how things went down three years ago. At some point, you felt more tense than you were supposed to. "I just knew you were in the middle of promotions and other things. And I had to get out before the travel lockdown," you recall. Come to think of it, 2020 was a chaotic year for the whole world.
"You could've at least texted me. Or left a voice message. Even before your plane took off." Again, his tone was soft. You were not prepared for this softness because this was not the last image of Joon in your head. "I know. I'm really sorry," was all you could say. He shifts in his seat so he's leaning forward, elbows on his knees. You avoid making eye contact but you can feel he's looking at you intently. "How are you, Y/N?" Then he reaches for your hand and holds it. You stare at both of your hands on your lap, tears springing from your eyes. You suddenly feel all the bottled-up emotions from the past three years coming to the surface. Does he have any idea of the hell you went through? The nights you cried yourself to sleep? The guilt you have to live with for the rest of your life? How dare he hold your hand like the past three years were nothing?!
You jerk his hand away and give the most hurtful look you could muster. This startles him so he rolls his chair further back to his console. He sees your tears and a look of worry washes over his face. "Y/N. Y/N. Oh god, you're crying. I'm sorry, I don't know how to go through with this. I - I - oh god this is going all wrong." He's no longer cute when he's stuttering.
Your sobs have spiraled out of control to full-blown crying. You wanted to do so many things at once - get up and leave, stop crying, hurl the nearest hard object at him - but you remain frozen on the couch bawling your eyes out. He tentatively puts a box of tissue on the table in front of you, together with a bottle of room temp water. You open the bottle and take a long sip. Once you felt that you've gathered enough wits, you stand up and head for the door but turn around to face him before opening it.
"How can you act as if the past three years have been nothing? Oh, I get it. I'm the only one who's supposed to suffer because I was the one who cheated. I was the one who wronged you and will bear the guilt for the rest of my life. So, how has it been for you, huh? You seem fine! Otherwise, you wouldn't be this relaxed and soft and calm! I guess you've moved on, huh? OF COURSE, YOU HAVE! It's always the dumper who gets the upper hand, anyway. Well just for you to know, Kim Namjoon, I HAVEN'T! I'm still stuck in that memory of you telling me to get the hell out of your apartment! Do you know why I never told you I was leaving for good? Because I know you wouldn't care! What difference will it make? Will you storm through the gates of Incheon to stop me? I know you won't! You wouldn't let a normal girl like me ruin the image of a perfect idol like you."
Okay. That last sentence was not necessary. You know that would sting Joon the most. But you blurted it out already and Joon is a firm believer of what's done is done. There's no point in retracting your words. And sting, they did. By the time you finished your outburst, Joon winced and slumped back in his chair. He opened his mouth to say something but you stopped him before he could get them out. "It was a bad decision for me to come over. I honestly thought it was gonna be awkward for both of us. I did not expect you to act this way. AT ALL." You storm out of his studio, and down the hall to the elevator. Yoongi was just stepping out of it but before he can even say hello, you've already punched the button for the ground floor and the doors slid close.
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Do you think maybe rapline feel more established because they are? Like no funny shit but they literally just are they were all older and artist before BTS debuted and have several solo projects under their belt already before official albums I'm excited to hear the whole album and I like the song but there's also the fact that Joon and Pdogg are credited on majority of the songs
I understand what you mean. I wasn't around when the rap line came out with their mixtapes for the first time, so I don't know if I would have reacted to their debut the same way I did to Jimin's. But I just think that Set Me Free sounded a lot like a BTS song - it had major BTS vibes - and Jimin's styling, choreo, etc. weren't very different from what he does as BTS. But maybe that's just Jimin's own style. However, it means that, to me, Set Me Free feels a bit more like a MOTS: 7 solo than a solo debut. I guess because Hobi and Joon came out with something so different from "normal" BTS, I was expecting Jimin to "shock" me more - and sonically, he did, just not visually. But, also, I think he just looked small surrounded by the dancers? I think his presence was lacking a bit, in the sense that he didn't stand out enough in the MV because it was just a big empty room and dancers crowding him. Maybe that's why I didn't feel like he had the impact I expected?
As for the rap line being more experienced, that means nothing tbh. Jimin has been an artist for a long time. He danced before debut and he's been a singer for a long time now. Jungkook felt like a soloist on the WC stage and in the Dreamers MV and he doesn't have much more experience than Jimin - he hadn't even chosen or written the song (I'm not sure why he's credited but his contribution was probably small).
Lastly, PDogg is credited in most BTS songs, even solo songs, like in Indigo or JITB, so him being credited tells me nothing about Face and doesn't particularly excite me - it actually makes me a bit apprehensive. And Joon likely was involved in writing the lyrics, which don't necessarily make a song sound good. But I am also looking forward to the album and have come to like Set Me Free. Actually, it wasn't that I disliked the song initially. I was honestly more disappointed in the visuals and choreo because I prefer Jimin's dancing to his singing and the MV to me didn't deliver in terms of choreography or visuals.
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
I had sent you an ask but maybe it got lost in customs (read : notifications) but Happy December anwesha! How are you holding up after Indigo??
I am so excited to talk to you more throughout the month ❤️
- snowglobe
Hi Snowglobe (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Actually 👉👈 that ask didn't get lost (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
I did receive it and thought that I would answer it later and then I kind of got in my emo phase (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)
And it got buried under other notifs... But coincidentally today morning I thought that may be I am forgetting something and then I remembered your previous ask and was going to answer it but got busy again (⁠ノ⁠ ̄⁠皿⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠⌒⁠=⁠=⁠ ⁠┫
Anyways!!! I am here now!
Happy December, snowglobe ❄️
I haven't listened to the full album yet tbh. I am listening to it now. And then I will read the lyrics.
But honestly so far, since I watched Wild Flower this morning I am feeling kind of fuzzy inside... like you are in love and it's making you sad?
A couple nights ago I had a dream of Joon and it was just so intimate... He was backhugging me the entire time and we talked and giggled and I showed him the gifts I bought for him and I could really feel his warmth seeping into me.
I haven't been the same ever since and now that Indigo is happening idk how to keep my emotions in check. 🫠 I always have such vivid and movie like dreams (like it's an almost complete story) and my dreams always affect my feelings a LOT.
Keeping that aside, I really loved the ideology behind Still Life that he explained during the tiny desk concert! And I love the song too! I also really love Lonely, Wild Flower, Forg_etful and Yun!
How are you? What are your feelings about Indigo?
And I promise (please God let me keep it) to be more present and talk with you more 🥺💜🌼
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jungkookfeelz · 4 years
Not What You Expected 6
Description: After years of dating Min Yoongi and starting a life together, he ends your relationship out of nowhere. Will you finally find out why the love of your life left you in the cold?
Words: 3K
Notes: Well that’s that. If you have any questions, or suggestions for future work, message away! I hope you guys enjoyed this series, I can’t tell you how thankful I am with all the support so far. Thank you so much. ^.^
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"Why the fuck are you laughing" Yoongi yelled, it wasn't time to play games with him, he wanted answers. You understood that this was a serious situation, but you couldn't help but start to laugh. You doubled over and held your stomach to relieve some of the pain. You were thinking of something completely different but finally understanding why he left you made you question everything. As soon as you stopped laughing, you wiped a tear and looked at Yoongi, who is glaring at you with a raised hand holding still his phone to your face 
"Because Yoongi, that" You pointed at the phone "is my brother"
"He's your....what?" Yoongi stuttered. How could he not know that was your brother, you have been dating for so long and haven't been told about your sibling?
"My brother, I know I didn't tell you about him and I will take responsibility for that, but why wouldn't you ask me first? Why do what you did? You could have talked to me, like a mature adult, I was going to tell you when I surprised you in America that I met with my brother but you didn't give me that chance" You put your head down, looking at your hands. You had to close your eyes and count to ten in your head, you needed to be calm
"Since when do you have a brother? " Yoongi diverted your questions. It didn't make sense that you could have a brother and not tell him unless you're lying again, which was the best option he could go with. "Why are you lying to me?"
"I'm not lying to you, but you don't get to ask me all these questions after everything" You demanded. You wanted to tell him, but not because he forced you too. "All you really need to know...to help you deal with your bruised ego is that I always had a brother but had a falling out with him because of my parents selfishness and didn't want to burden you with knowing my past that even I don't want to remember" You were pissed, you would never lie. You promised him from the day he asked you to be his that you would never lie to him, you would never go back on your word even if you weren't together anymore. "I wanted to move on, and you gave me that chance to be the person I have always wanted to be, I didn't want to remember how shitty my life was before I met you and the rest of the boys. It is my fault that I didn't tell you but that shouldn't have been an excuse for what you did to me...I trusted you and you took that trust and left me in a foreign country to fend for myself and try to get home on my own, not even bothering to give me one fucking phone call to make sure I made it back safely. I have always been there for you, did everything for you, and for you to automatically assume that I could betray you like that is just disgraceful" You took a moment to breathe before continuing your rant. "and how fucking dare you belittle my name in my own workplace, get me fired and laugh about it, you turned our treasured relationship into nothing in front of people who I considered my best friends and some random fucking stranger, who by the way I know you only brought to antagonize me. I have never been as disgusted by a person's actions as I am with yours." You sneered, pointing a finger at his chest. You couldn't explain how good it felt for you to finally tell him what you have been feeling for months, you now were the one breathing heavy, your face hot with too many negative emotions. You didn't cry. That, you were proud of. 
Yoongi didn't say anything, just staring at his ex-lover wide-eyed. He never knew that you had a terrible childhood, he understood why you didn't tell him but it hurt knowing that you suffered and he didn't know. He wonders what could have possibly happened between your family that teared up your relationship with your brother but he knew he wasn't in any position to ask anymore. Yoongi never expected to hear this, he never realized what kind of situation he put you in since America, he was so worried about his own feelings that he forgot to make sure you were okay, he even told the rest of the guys to never contact you even though they really wanted to, he went as far to go through their phones and delete any contact information they had to reach her. 
 He knew there were no excuses for his actions, he formed his mouth to say something, anything but he knew that he couldn't make the issue any lighter. How did we come to this?
You ran around the kitchen grabbing and throwing ingredients in a mixing bowl. Yoongi was finally coming home after a two-month tour with Bangtan and you couldn't be more excited You wanted to bake him a cake but it wasn't going to great, you lost track of time and realized that Yoongi was coming home in about two hours and you haven't even picked a cake yet. You grabbed a cup of flour, in the process of walking to the kitchen island where the mixing bowl was, you tripped which resulted in all of the flour to land all over your body
"Oh no," You moaned, you looked down at yourself, dissatisfied with how you looked. You put down the measuring cup and tried to wipe yourself down, not caring about the floor. 
"What is going on?" You whipped around and saw Yoongi standing at the doorway of the kitchen with a suitcase beside him. He smiled at your cute appearance before opening his arms, inviting you to a hug. You grinned from ear to ear before running at him at full force, tackling him. He caught you with ease and hugged you tight to him
"I missed you so much baby" He mumbled into your ear, chuckling at how disastrous the kitchen looked
"I didn't even hear you come in" 
"I can see you were preoccupied
"Hey! Don't tease me, I wanted to make you a cake but it's not working" You frowned, getting out of your boyfriend's grasp. 
"Hey, hey it's okay let me help you" He grabbed your hand before dragging you into the mess. He took an egg in his hand and looked over at you, you were trying to figure out how to clean up the kitchen, he walked right behind you and cracked it on your head. You gasped in shock, jumping in surprise. 
"What's next? Milk?" Yoongi chuckled, reaching for the milk
"NO! What are you doing?" You screeched, Yoongi cocked his head to the side in confusion
"I thought we were making a cake?"
"Yeah, in a bowl. Not on me!"
"But I thought you're my dessert" Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing at you blushing in embarrassment. 
You giggle and shake your head "Oh my god you perv" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Yah, Taehyung stop it" Yoongi muttered, trying to sleep as Taehyung had kept poking his Hyung to wake him up "I'll kill you" the younger boy laughed at his Hyung's threat, not believing it for a second. After a few more pokes Yoongi has had enough 
"You little shit" Yoongi jumped out of his seat and tackled Taehyung to the ground causing a bunch of giggles to burst from the other guys in the room. What made Yoongi stop was when he heard something clatter to the ground, right away the room silenced. Because Jin was the closest to the two boys on the ground he picked up the black box that fell out of his friends pocket
"What is this?" Jin asked what everyone was thinking 
"Well since it's out, I guess I have to tell you" fiddling with his hands, Yoongi looked at all the boys in the dressing room slowly getting ready to perform as they were about to go on stage in their world tour, currently performing in America. He got up and patted his jeans clean from falling on the ground. "I'm planning to propose to Y/N, and I need your help" Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the rapper, clear shock on their faces. 
"Holy shit, seriously? I didn't know you were ready for that yet" Namjoon spoke first
"Yeah, are you sure you're ready for this?" Hoseok asked after the leader. Yoongi didn't hesitate to express his emotions. He isn't normally good at that but he needed to let his best friends know.
"I love her, I can't imagine my life without her. She means everything to me, I would drop everything just to be able to wake up next to her every day" but before Yoongi can finish his small rant they were interrupted by their manager, telling them they had to get on stage.
"Let's do this" Jimin beamed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  After the successful show, they all went back to their dressing rooms to cool down before going back to their hotels to rest. Yoongi took out his phone while the rest of the guys were busy getting ready to leave and saw a missed call, realizing it's a number he didn't know he ignored it thinking it's probably a scam. Dropping his phone, he took off his jacket and set it on the couch beside his chair, fanning himself. While he was wiping off the sweat on his face his phone started ringing. He glanced at his phone, he noticed it was the same number as before, he frowned deciding to answer it anyways. 
"Hello?" Yoongi answered
"Hello, Mr. Min Yoongi, this is Kim Ha-Joon, a reporter from the Indigo Korean Media Company, I have some information for you, are you alone?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion
"What is this about?" 
"I have some information regarding your partner Y/N, I just sent you a document regarding her activities while you were on tour. Since this is my job to report this to the media, I decided to tell you in advance...as a courtesy, unless you're willing to pay me to keep quiet, please look at the document that I sent. Call me back when you have come to a decision, hope you had a pleasant day, goodbye" The line went dead.
"What the hell" Yoongi muttered to himself, quiet enough for the other boys to not hear. He pulled the phone away from his ear and went into his Email, to see what kind of document the reporter was talking about. As soon as he clicked on the photos his heart stopped. Y/N was photographed walking into another man's home with the timestamp of 3:17pm, the next photo was her walking out at 5:12pm hugging the man on the front porch, another waving back at him before getting into her car. He started to shake, his breathing wavered. He didn't know what he was seeing, all he knew was that it was making him sick., he wanted to throw up. Yoongi quickly walked out of the dressing room and into the bathroom across the hall, pushing the stall door open with a loud 'bang' he fell to his knees and released all the pain into the toilet bowl. 
It's been a few days since Yoongi found out about you, about your betrayal. He didn't tell any of the other boys yet, pretending that everything was okay, even though you did something unspeakable, he protected you. He still loved you. Yoongi was walking through the hallway, taking his time to meet the other boys in the dressing rooms. Apparently, there was a surprise that he needed to be there. He didn't want to be around anyone but he couldn't really tell anyone, making his emotions go crazy. As he walked closer to the room he heard laughing, but more specifically...your laughing. The innocent giggle that passed your lips. Yoongi couldn't help it, he felt outraged, how could you laugh like you did nothing wrong? He dashed into the room, looking around quickly before spotting you, laughing with Jungkook. 
“You shouldn’t have come here Y/N” Yoongi sneered “I didn’t want you to come here, nobody did, you’re just getting in our way” Yoongi didn’t even hesitate, didn’t stutter. He looked at you with hatred, no matter how much he wanted you here he couldn't stand another second pretending nothing had happened. “Get out” Yoongi held his ground he didn't want you to see the pain in his eyes as he said this. Yoongi knew that the guys were going to freak out on him later on but he didn't care. Yoongi noticed your face pale when he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you out of the room knowing you wouldn’t say or do anything to stop him. As soon as you were out of the room Yoongi slammed the door in your face. He stared back at all of the bewildered faces of his band members
"What the fuck was that Yoongi!?" 
"What are you doing!?"
"Why would you do that!?" 
He could hear a few of the members scream at the same time. Seeing you made him snap, his eyes started watering and his breathing shook, he couldn't hold his pain in anymore, he started sobbing, turning around facing the door he just kicked you out of. His heart shattered. The rest of the members forgot about the situation with Y/N, making the health of the broken rapper in front of them the number one priority. They wrapped their arms around Yoongi and comforted him, they all fell to the floor only hearing his loud sobs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You waited for a response for a few minutes now, watching Yoongi stand there, flabbergasted. You sighed, pushing your hair back from your face. 
"Yoongi, you need to respond at some point, I don't have all day" You stated
"I...just...I don't know what to say, is that actually your brother?" He managed to get out. 
"Are you serious? You still choose not to believe me? you're so infuriating" frustrated, you put your hands on your hair and pulled, walking back and forth in his small studio. 
"You can't blame me, this is...this is a lot to take in, you were supposed to trust me, we were in a serious relationship, you should've talked to me" 
You glared at him "I could say the same for you" at your statement, Yoongi visibly cringed, he couldn't tell if it was because of what you had said or the terrifying look you had given him. You were too tired to stand anymore so you walked over the couch by the desk and sat down, putting your hands on your face, leaning forwards onto your legs. You didn't know what else to say, you had said practically everything you wanted him to know. 
Lost in your own thoughts you didn't notice Yoongi sit next to you on the couch until you felt his knee touch yours. You tense up trying to move away from him slowly to not gain his attention. You straighten up to be able to get his form into your line of vision, to make sure he didn't come any closer. You didn't know if you would be able to stop yourself if he touched you, really touched you. 
"I'm..I'm sorry Y/N"
"I don't need your apology, I needed an explanation" You looked at him again, seeing him look so defeated and guilty you gained confidence in yourself "and so I got that, maybe it's time that I left...for good" when he didn't respond you got up sighing, you at least thought he would put up a fight after finding out that you didn't actually cheat on him. He grabbed your wrist before you could get anywhere and stood up slowly
"Is there any way you can forgive me?" His voice was quiet, he wasn't confident in himself anymore.
You took a few moments to think about a response, wanting to give him and yourself the right answer "I think so...in the future" nodding your head towards him. Yoongi frowned
"Do you think you could ever take me back?" 
"No." You didn't hesitate. You don't trust him anymore, no matter what he could do to change your mind you wouldn't be able to. You know what he can do when he feels threatened and you don't want to be on the other side of his wrath anymore.
"Oh," he pulled his arm back like he was electrocuted. No matter how much he deserved this he didn't want to hear it. 
"I'm sorry" You didn't have a reason to be but felt like it was appropriate to say it at this time, Yoongi shook his head, telling you he understands where you are coming from, he wouldn't go back to himself either if he were you. "I have to go now, take care of yourself Yoongi, don't make the same mistake with the next lucky girl to capture your heart" You smiled. You wanted to leave this conversation on a good note, somewhat. It broke your heart to say goodbye to him but you knew it was for the best, for both of you.
"...goodbye Y/N" he whispered, his voice cracked saying your name. You turned around quickly not being able to look at him anymore and walked towards the door, you opened the door and let yourself out, closing the door behind you quietly before leaving his life for good.  
Admin Min <3
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jmdbjk · 2 years
My impressions of...
Jin’s video titled “Me, Myself, and Jin ‘Sea of JIN island’ Production Film” and has nothing to do with his photo folio LMAO... BUT WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR US TO SEE THIS BEHIND OF THE CREATION OF SUPER TUNA????? CHAMCHI!
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Dreamers music video... a tad cheesy but visually stunning, the opening was very opulent and sparkly. JK, his sweet, adorable self, looked awesome all the way down to his stompy Prada boots. His portions of the video included much diversity and inclusion. Flags from all nations. People of all nationalities. Women at the forefront. All invited. JK dancing through the streets gathering the peoples of the world behind him in a convoy of togetherness.
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Mr. Fahad’s portions, very representative of his culture I suppose. He seemed very isolated on his ship with his dancing crew. I understand that in his culture, it was believed that the earth rests on the back of a whale so perhaps that’s where the whale shark comes in the picture. He had a scene where it appeared to be snowing? Or was that hell freezing over? I was confused...anyway. Moving on before I say too much because I’m too ignorant about it.
This is strictly my opinion... I love sparkly things and all but because I already have prejudices involving this entire event I can’t fully endorse the music video, glittery palaces and pearl encrusted whale sharks notwithstanding. That’s just my gut feeling (minus a gallbladder at that). I need more input from Jungkook and hopefully in the future we may get some behind the scenes or something where he can speak a little bit about his degree of involvement and not just what he said during the WeLive he did right after the opening ceremony. 
Indigo... I feel like I am going to have the entire album on repeat for a long time. Again, just my opinion off the top of my fool head: Joon... inadvertently or on purpose... going for the critical accolades and less for the popularity award but we’ll see (he may very well score highly in both aspects). Actually, he doesn’t give a shit about any kind of award, as he should. I feel like some or all of this album will get Grammy nods next year. Have not heard one note from it yet either. That’s some kind of wild (and maybe unfair) expectation isn’t it? Yoongi, Jimin, Tae and JK are gonna have to really bring it. Let’s not count out Jin’s The Astronaut as perhaps a collab nod next year. I am sure I will have a lot to say after Indigo drops next week.
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Bangtan Episode: Hobipalooza... it’s how emotional I get when the members go onstage for their solos... did the same for Jin in Argentina.... so, so incredibly proud of them and to see them being so humble in these behind the scenes. 
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Just when I think “well that’s a wrap” on whichever member’s work, they drop something else on us. Which is great because one year after Super Tuna and five months after Hobipalooza we are still getting to see more and more. That means we might still get to see things like this for Indigo next year or a year from now... and we still have Yoongi, Jimin, Tae’s solo work and possibly more behinds from Jungkook’s Dreamers work and anything else he may be working on. I was a little worried about a dry spell in 2024 but maybe it won’t be bone dry. Hoping and fighting!
One more thing... who the heck’s kitchen is this?
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misssagustd · 10 months
Unreleased (2)
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"Noona, I had concerts in three countries in Asia and you never went to one of them. I told you just email me and I'll send you the QR tickets." Yoongi would not let you off the hook for ditching his offer to watch one of his shows. He's now pulling the noona-dongsaeng card to get you to watch one of the Korea legs of his tour. "Come to the last day! The final final!" This got you confused as fuck. "The last final final?! Jesus Christ, Yoongi, get the name of your tour right." You can tell he was laughing silently by the short gasps of air he was taking. "The announced dates are just two - June 24 and 25. But the other three I'll announce on the 25th. Surprise!" You roll your eyes at his humor. "Noona, you said I'm your bias even if you dated Namjoon! Come on, I promise it will be worth the flight to Korea. Don't you miss us?! The maknaes do - more than Joon!" This concert means so much to your bestest friend in the world, so how can you say no? One of the things you feared you'd lose when you and Joon broke up was your friendship with Yoongi. After all, they've been literally together more than half their lives. Thankfully, Yoongi was the kind of person who can balance friendships no matter how complicated they seemed.
You left Korea a month after you broke up with Joon. Yoongi and the rest of the guys kept in touch, but they were careful not to mention Joon or any of his whereabouts. Yoongi did say that Joon had a complete signed set of his album, Indigo, ready for you, but they were now stuck in Genius Lab because Joon didn't know you'd left for good. "Get your albums when you come here. There's a vinyl, too. The white boxes look so out of place in my studio," he complained. "So when is the final final final?" you ask. "August 6! But stay longer after the concert. I don't have much time to go out between June and August. Hyung's getting married and I've other stuff planned. We miss you, stay with us a bit longer." Hearing Yoongi say that suddenly made you miss them all, too. "Hmmmkay. How about August 1 to 10? Or 12? Two weeks should be enough! I might not have a job waiting for me when I get back." Yoongi was so happy, you can imagine him happy-dancing all over his studio. "See you, noona!!! I'll get the team to send you the QR ticket for August 6. Wooohhhoooo!!!"
It's been three years. Everything felt familiar, yet also new. You were surprised you still knew how to navigate your way around Incheon's arrival area, and even more surprised that you can still carry a decent conversation in Korean with someone who's not Yoongi. Normally you would've just taken the shuttle bus or taxi to your hotel, but Yoongi sent a car for you, which was already waiting at the exit bay. You drive through familiar buildings, streets, malls, and restaurants. On the flight here you were expecting to be flooded by unpleasant memories, but they seemed distant and nonexistent as Korea's rush hour welcomed you back.
Your phone rings. It's Yoongi video-calling you from his studio. "Are you here already?" He asks as he lowers the volume of the music. He was obviously working on something. "Yeah, maybe 15 more minutes to the hotel." He looks at the clock on his desk. "Cool. Jimin's coming off from rehearsal in an hour. You up for dinner with us?" Honestly, you just wanted to sleep because your supposed to be early-morning flight from Manila was pushed back to the afternoon, but dinner sounds good, too. "Your treat?" Yoongi scrunches his nose at your question. "I know you'll say yes if I say yes, so yes."
After checking in and unpacking some of the clothes you brought, you realize you have time to spare so you take a quick shower before heading out to dinner. Yoongi already texted you the name of the restaurant, and the same car that fetched you from the airport will bring you there. Apparently, he hired it for your entire stay here. "So I wouldn't have to think how you'll get back to your hotel in case I can't drive you," he said.
When you got to the restaurant Yoongi and Jimin were already there. You've video-called Yoongi frequently over the years so you already knew what he looks like, but seeing Jimin's built for the first time took you by surprise. "Jimin-ah!!! You've been working out!" He looks up from his phone and gives his signature eye-smile laugh. "Yaaaaaah! So good to see you again, Y/N!" He stands up and gives you a tight hug. "We thought you forgot about us already. Good thing Yoongi-hyung has these concerts otherwise we'd have to find a reason to go to you to Manila." Yoongi motions to the empty seat beside Jimin. "Are we waiting for someone else?" you ask as you take a seat. You catch Yoongi and Jimin exchanging a quick uncomfortable look with each other, then Yoongi looks at you. "Nope, just the three of us."
You catch up mostly with Jimin and how he's been doing since his Billboard feat. Yoongi was silent most of the time that you and Jimin were talking, but you notice him glancing anxiously at his phone several times. "Yoongi, you okay? Are you waiting for someone?" He looks at Jimin again, then the latter shakes his head as if to say, "Give it up, hyung." Yoongi sighs and leans back in his seat. "We asked Joon if he could come and join us - just me and Jimin. But Tae slipped in our group chat that you arrived today, so..." Jimin sighs. "So he hasn't been replying to us for the past two hours." He continues after taking a swig of his beer. "We just thought it was a good idea for him to see you again. He was a mess after your breakup. Wouldn't leave the studio, wouldn't go out with us. It's like he was on auto-pilot, only smiled and talked and socialized when needed at work." "Otherwise, he's dead," Yoongi added.
You wanted to hit Yoongi and Jimin on the head. Of course, Joon would back out the minute he knew you were joining them for dinner. It was not a "good idea" at all to set him up like that with his ex after not seeing her for three years. But you say nothing and just shake your head. "Don't bug him. If he doesn't want to see me, it's okay. He's not what I'm here for, anyway, right?" You raise your glass for a toast and smile widely at Yoongi.
On the ride back to the hotel, you think about how Jimin and Yoongi described Joon post-breakup. This is the first time they've talked about Joon openly - mostly it's about his album or upcoming projects. You can't imagine Joon being a mess because, between you, he's always the composed one. He isn't easily fazed by chaos and would still manage to have time to hear out your problems even if he's got a million things running in his head already. You admired this about him, but he said he only became like that because he was exposed to pressure at a very young age.
Your phone buzzes and a familiar number flashes on the screen. You blink once, twice. The call was about to end when you slide the green icon to accept it.
"Hey." There's no mistaking that deep voice, almost talking in a whisper. "Are you really here?"
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Hi everyone, I see all your asks and will get to them in the next few days. 💜 Be patient with me. Lately I’ve been super busy with work and life and will be traveling for most of today and tomorrow. Once I’m settled at my destination and have closed the deal, I’ll finally be able to have more time for Tumblr. I’ll respond fully when I can, but to quickly answer some now:
- Yes, I caught snippets of J-Hope’s performance at MAMA and it looks like he did really well. I’ll watch the full thing soon.
- Yes, I heard about how ARMYs forced first the AMAs and now Spotify to do the right thing. The way the media establishment has always treated BTS needs to be studied and I reckon is about 60% of the reason why the BTS fandom is the way it is.
- I’m listening to Indigo right now (for the 9th time or so since release) while on my way to the airport and I really like it. It’s the sort of sound I was expecting from Joon and every collaboration delivered as close to perfection as is possible with that sound. I do have some problems with it though (lol), and I wish Joon tried out more genres but overall, it’s an absolutely solid first instalment given; the sound, lyrics, production quality, performance potential, etc. I’m seeing it’s also doing very well critically as several music critics just seem wowed by it.
- The deleted Reddit thread is yet the latest example of the same tired old conspiracy theories k-pop stans use to cope with the idea of BTS and ARMYs. It could give taekooker theories a run for their money. Those theories haven’t changed in years and they get a sort of renaissance every 2 years or so with every new wave of entrants into k-pop spaces, ironically a wave that’s primarily driven by BTS’s musical reach.
- For the people who sent in asks recently highlighting their concerns with New Jeans treatment from k-pop stans after noticing more similarities after MAMA, I meant what I said when I asked those who were curious to pay very close attention to how k-pop stans and the wider k-pop establishment treats New Jeans, because I saw some similarities with the response to BTS 9 years ago. Yes I think the reception to the group is predictable given what that group seems to represent. But your eyes aren’t lying to you, what you’re seeing is really happening and yes k-pop stans have done that and significantly more. But the girls will be fine.
I’ll give fuller responses in a bit! 💜
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