#and names for the extras at the DEO
rustingcat · 8 months
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It was a few months later over breakfast with Nia when the request first came out.
Kara and Lena had been working with Brainy on the biological formula for his data-clone they could merge with the big brain in the future. They managed to create something they hoped would work and started the creation process. If along those months Lena noticed the extra familiar PF in the preservation container, she said nothing.
Brainy and Nia spent the first two weeks of their honeymoon visiting different planets before coming back to earth and spending the second part of the month on different cruises. Cat only agreed to the long vacation if Nia were to write at least four detailed articles about her experience on another planet, the possibility and progress of planetary travel for the average person in the near future, reviews of different cruise ships and the difference between cruises on earth compared to other planets. 
The first two weeks after they returned were crazy, there was an all out attack from a conquering army of aliens trying to take over the earth. That ended up being the first combined attack of all of earth's superheroes. A combination they later named the Justice League, utilising the space they created for themselves to plan their next counter attack. Kara later had to update her contract with the DEO, with Lucy's help of course, to legalise all future activities she had with the Justice League and would not contradict anything in her contract with the DEO.
So with everything they've been dealing with recently, she was very glad to share a normal breakfast with her friend.
Nia was telling her in detail the story of her current article, study of the new fashion trends in National City and the correlation to the alien immigrants in the area. Kara was very excited to read it.
In return, she updated her on the Big Brain project, noting that they believed they would finish the first trial in the next 5 months or so.
"I know the Big Brain project is a little different, but do you think you are ready to start testing… you know, actual babies?" Nia asked carefully.
"Yeah, I mean we made sure it's a possibility before starting the project. Although we have yet to test a complete process, obviously." Kara chuckled nervously as she remembered her near click.
"Can you start the tests?" Nia bit her lip, nervously.
"Well, technically yes, but in the– wait!" Kara stopped mid sentence to study her friend. Nia's smile was spreading wider on her lips despite her attempts to contain it. Her excitement was clear.
"You want to–"
"Yes." Nia nodded quickly before Kara could finish her sentence.
Kara put a hand on her mouth in shock. They're gonna start the process. They're gonna start the attempts to create a baby for their friends! They're gonna have a baby in the group!
"Ahhh!" Kara could no longer contain her excitement, jumping off to her feet to engulf Nia in a big hug. Nia chuckled as she tried to stand up within Kara's embrace, somehow failing to do so and ending up in a somewhat awkward position.
"You're gonna be a mum!" Kara exclaimed once she pulled away, letting Nia to stand up properly.
"Yes?" She exhaled. It came up as more of a question.
"You're going to be an amazing mother Nia!" Kara pulled her again for another excited hug. "And your baby would be the cutest baby in the world!"
"Thanks Kara," Nia managed to say, muffled slightly through Kara’s sleeve.
"We'll start right away." She promised and shot Lena a quick text. 
"Wait, as in right now?"
"Of course!" Kara was so excited.
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supercorpkid · 1 year
Where do we go now?
Final part.
Supergirl, Baby Danvers, Lena Luthor x Reader, Kara Danvers x B!D, Alex Danvers x B!D
Word Count: 3500.
Part 1.
They are working hard to bring Kara back. You’ll give them that. They’ve been running around the Tower tirelessly for days. You try and help here and there, but you’re not usually much of a help and with all of this, you’re basically a worthless sack of nothing.
Which is a hard thing to feel, especially in this situation. Knowing that you can’t do anything to bring your sister back, to save her from the nightmare she must be living, the nightmare you all have been living without her around.
“You’re not useless.” It’s what therapist Kelly tells you to repeat to yourself like a mantra. But it’s easy for her to say when she just got a new suit and a cool hero name.
So you stay in the Tower, walking around the place like a damn ghost. Seeing Kara everywhere, but at the same time nowhere around. 
Alex finally takes pity on you and tells you to go help out in the lab, because Brainy could use some extra pair of hands, and you have those and are eager to be at service. But it’s not Brainy you find, once you make your way there. 
Lena is working with something huge, you’re not even sure what it is, when your eyes meet through the lenses of the device. 
And it’s like you’re back there, in front of her apartment, months ago. Mouth agape and unable to move. Shocked and terrified; life looking as horrible as it could get. A chain of apologies wanting to leave your mouth in a rush. Sorry for lying, sorry for breaking your heart, sorry for deceiving your trust, sorry for loving you, sorry, sorry, sorry…
Lena raises her head, looking at you. Face etched with sorrow. Doe-eyed, and so, so soft. She doesn’t even have to say it, because her face says it all. But the thing is, there’s too much to be said, to be sorted, to be apologized for. You know it, and Lena obviously knows it too. 
“Oh.” It’s what leaves your mouth, when you make sense of why you’re here. To help Brainy, even though he is nowhere to be found. “Wrong lab, I guess.”
You take a step back, without breaking eye contact and Lena raises her hand to stop you. But nothing comes out of her mouth. She just looks like she wants to say something, and you don’t know what it is that is stopping her. 
So you keep walking backwards, ready to leave, “Wait. Y/N, please, stay.”
“I should be helping Brainy with some sort of –”
Lena points at the device, and you agree with your head slowly, convinced. So you make your way closer.
“What’s that?” 
"Phantom trapper. I feel like we might need it once we go out there or something.” She looks down, toying with the machine again. Then looks up to you. “I could use your help.” 
“I’m not good at –” you point at what she’s doing, but your mouth keeps going anyway. "Anything."
“Actually I think –” She licks her lips. Moment stretching out so thin between the two of you, anyone would be able to cut the tension with a knife. “you would be perfect for this.”
It’s funny how all of a sudden she looks exactly like your Lena. Like that Lena who asked you a million questions and in so little time got to know all of you. She looks like the Lena you would tell all your secrets, except how desperately much you love her. No, that one you would just leave between the lines. 
But she’s not your Lena, is she? She never once was yours and you got a broken heart to show for that.
You blink your thoughts away, giving her a sad smile. “Ok, so, um, what do I do?” 
She explains what she’s doing, merging a DEO protogun and L Corp’s portal energy, and you pretend you’re following, though you have basically no idea what she’s talking about. But at least you know how to use a screwdriver and that’s what she needs you to do, while she does the actual science thing behind it.
“Um, ah.” Lena tries. She’s been trying to talk to you for the longest time but keeps stopping herself when you raise your big eyes at her. “How – How are you?”
You blink at her. Waiting for the rest. How does she think you are, when your sister is missing and she hates the shit out of you?
“Well, Lena, I’ve been better.” It’s mumbled out of your mouth, without second thought, face going back to the machine in front of you, so you don’t have to look at her while admitting. “There was a time where my sister was home and my best friend didn’t hate me.”
“She doesn’t – I don’t hate you.” She says, voice strangled inside her chest, as you finish what has been asked of you. 
You haven’t seen Lena in months since her (valid) outburst with you. Since she said she hates you, and called you a lying monster. And no matter how much time has passed and how many things have happened ever since, that’s how you still feel around her. You feel like a monster.
You stare at each other for a few seconds. The moment is tension-filled, electrified, all wrong. Everything feels wrong and you don’t know if things will ever feel right.
“I’m not gonna say that I’ve never hated you.” Lena sits on the chair next to yours, and breathes out. “Because at that moment, I did. I hated you for breaking my heart. It took me more time than it should’ve to realize exactly why I was so mad at you, specifically.”
You swallow deep. Eyes filled with tears, heart squeezed in anticipation. 
You weren’t always the most honest person, you admit. Little white lies, always trying to make people feel better, to make yourself feel better. But you never once told Lena a single lie, except the ones involving Supergirl. And it’s fair that she felt betrayed by that, but it hurts you even more to know that it was out of your control all along.
“I felt betrayed by your sister because she was my best friend and lied to me, and sure, I was mad at all of our friends for lying to me too. But you – Y/N, the reason why I was so mad at you is because it felt like heartbreak. Felt like I was being lied to by my person. I know we were never – “ She bites her tongue and you nod.
“We were never.” You agree.
Were never, will never. All the same now.
Lena’s hand makes way to your face, but then something shifts inside her, just like that. And you can see it in her eyes that something changed, you just don’t know what. So her hand never really reaches you, though you can still feel the ghost touch and the burning sensation of almost feeling her again.
“And we will get your sister back. I promise.” 
You can’t hold the tear to fall, but you’re quick to clean it. 
“I just miss her.” 
As to an explanation to why you’re crying, though it isn’t the only reason and you guess she’ll never know all of the other ones that involve her. 
“I miss her too.” Lena confesses, swallows deep right after, searching your face for anger, because she thinks it’s her fault your sister is gone. But you’re sure that even if she never went along with Lex’s plans, he would’ve found a way to do what he did.
So you just nod at her, understanding. Tears falling silently, regardless of the fact that you get it. It doesn’t stop hurting just because she’s hurting too. 
“Hey,” she finally pulls you closer, your head resting on her chest like it just belongs there. “You can cry, my love.” 
And it’s so unfair that she can just use the pet name again after so many months with dead silence from her end and make your heart almost burst inside you from happiness, either way.
“Lena.” It’s a whine out of your mouth, and you wonder if she gets all that is inside it, if she had the faintest idea of what you’re trying to convey with that only. But you don’t know, because you keep crying and crying, face buried in the crook of her neck, while she runs her fingers through your hair, gently. 
“I know, little —“ she leaves it like that, but you look at her with pleading eyes, and she smiles, understanding you perfectly. “You’re fine, little one. It’s going to be alright, I promise.”
So of course you believe her. Even though she is a liar, and you’re a liar, and all that you two have done so far is lie about your feelings and keep secrets from each other.
You let go of her, wiping the tears from your face, and force a sad little smile. “Thanks, Lena.” You tap on the device in front of you. “Ok, I’ve exhausted my abilities on this, so I’ll go check on Brainy.” 
“Yeah, ok. Sure, yeah.” Lena says, looking like she doesn’t want to let you go. But she does. Because not letting you leave would involve being honest and that’s something none of you can do, apparently.
When you wake up the next day. Wait, actually to wake up, you would need to have fallen asleep, which you haven’t done an inch of. While you repeated the whole interaction you had with Lena the day before. 
My love. Her love. We were never. Might never.
But when you do get out of the bed, in a jump scare from Alex yelling at you that some phantoms went loose and you have to get out from the Tower immediately, you still meet them and hear bits of their meeting.
“I may already have a fix for that, I couldn’t sleep last night so —“ Lena starts and you two share a look, because she wants you to know you’re the reason she wasn’t able to. And you think she can see it on your face that you haven’t either. 
The rest of the meeting is lost with you inside your thoughts. You only come back from it when Kelly tells you she is giving you a ride home, so they know you’re safe.
You don’t want to be home alone, worried sick about what’s happening to them. So you go back to Kara’s apartment, because even though she is not there, some of her still is. 
And it’s unsurprisingly unsettling to be inside Kara’s apartment with no idea whether she is ever coming back. No idea of what’s happening out there with your family, friends, and Lena. So you walk around, thoughts consuming all your energy and what’s left of your sanity. 
When Alex picks you up days later, they have a way to get Kara’s location and are going into the phantom zone to find her. She tries to convince you not to go along, telling you it’s dangerous and they all might get lost there, for God knows how long. But if everyone is in the phantom zone, then what the hell would you be doing on Earth alone? 
“Are you sure you want to come with us? I know you want to be there when we rescue Kara, but stepping into a new dimension isn’t something you –” Alex rethinks her next words very carefully before adding, “signed up for.”
“Signed up for? Are you serious right now, Alexandra Danvers?” You give her a harsh look and she rolls her eyes at the use of her entire name. “Our sister is out there! So you either take me with you or I’ll find a way to go without you.”
So there’s no arguing, no matter how much she tries to.
“Alright, pack up, little rascal. We’re gonna save our sister!”
And afterwards, you think your sister is actually happy you’re there. Rescuing Kara without her little sister around would’ve felt wrong, no matter how protective of you she is.
So you stick around the back, while everyone takes position in the ship and gets ready to go follow Kara into the depths of the universe. 
J’onn mentions that phantoms might try to get inside your minds, making you all very weak by showing you your worst fears. You think you’re currently living them, so you are probably safe with that, at least.
Then something goes wrong, Alex yells for you to follow Lena so you’re not alone and no matter how reluctant you are with being alone with her, in the middle of the chaos and you understanding shit about it, you just follow orders.
You step into the elevator with her, she nods apprehensively at you, somehow trying to ease your mind. When the elevator stops she murmurs, “stay behind me, ok?”
And then she’s just gone.
“Lena?” You ask, looking around. You couldn’t have missed her, she was just in front of you. How could she have disappeared? “LENA?”
She appears in front of you, a heavy coat you don’t remember she was wearing a few minutes ago. 
“Y/N.” Your name is said with so much disdain it burns a hole through your heart and you flinch. “What?” Her long finger goes to your face, under your chin, and she raises your head so you can look her directly in the eye, “you thought I could love you?”
“What —“
“Oh no,” her eyes burning green into yours. “Oh you poor thing,” she cleans a tear that leaves your eye. “You actually thought I felt something for you, didn’t you? What part of I hate you got lost in that little dumb head of yours?”
“You’re being mean.” It’s what you can say after swallowing the lump on your throat. 
“No, you stupid little girl. You’re weak, and immature. I guess that’s why you fooled yourself. I couldn’t even love Kara, the mightiest of heroes. What chance did you have?” Lena’s hands tight around your face, holding it so strongly it hurts your jaw. “When will you finally understand that I do not, cannot, will not love you.” 
What? That sounds exactly like something you’ve thought before.
You only realize that when her hand tightens around your neck and you start losing your breath. 
“You’re not —“ you’re lifted from the floor by the neck. Gasping desperately for air, while trying to kick and push the image from your mind. “my Lena!”
You get up from the chair you were on, look around to see yourself still in the command room. 
“J’onn?” Alex asks, voice small filled with fear.
And you look around to see everyone waking up together from some sort of trance.
“This is real. You are free of the phantom’s powers. You did it. You all did it.” 
But there’s no time to celebrate this win. Not when you’re almost there and everyone starts running around and Lena just pulls up a fucking yellow sunlight blast to recharge Kara’s powers and so on, and before you even realize what just happened,
Your sister rushes to the door, inside Alex’s embrace. 
She’s here! Kara is actually here!
“Brainy get us out of here.” You hear J’onn’s voice and breathe out knowing you are all safe and heading back home. 
Kara’s eyes lock into yours, on the other side of the room. “Get in here, little one.”
And your heart almost stops when you hear her voice, but you run into her embrace and breathe her in. Kara is here. God, she is here. This is all you could have asked for.
Kara is found. Saved. Rescued. Home. 
Well, she goes to her home, not yours, by the way.
“When did you move in?” Kara asks when you and Alex take her home. 
“I — I didn’t.”
She looks around. Her apartment should look empty, lifeless, dusty. But it doesn’t. It looks lived. You left some clothes by the couch, and there’s food on the counter, dishes on the sink, the bedsheets are messy. You look up to her, an embarrassed look on your face. 
But Kara pulls you in and kisses the crown of your head. “I hope you’re staying while I’m here, as well. I could use your company.”
“Yeah, sure.” 
And you should be happy. You should be thrilled. Because Kara has escaped the inescapable, and Lena is back on the team and around, completely forgiven, returned to her rightful role of being Kara’s best friend. 
But something is still off whenever you see her. There’s still things over your heads. Things you shouldn’t have said, things you should have, secrets kept from each other, and feelings, oh, the feelings!
So when you can finally come to life, you just don’t. You still walk around the Tower like a ghost, like something’s missing though everything is already here. Broken and blue, hiding in the background, hoping for someone to notice you, but also praying that no one does.
“I thought I saw you around.” You hear Lena’s voice behind your back, and your heart still beats fast in anticipation. She sits next to you on the floor. “You ok?”
“Yeah, I’m – Sure.” You agree with a forced smile, and she gives you a soft one in return.
“You’ve been hiding.” She says, sure. And there’s no way you can deny it when you have been hiding and you know she has noticed. “So, I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you’re actually ok.”
You bite the inside of your mouth. Holding the tears and the words inside. 
“Kara is back.” Lena points out and you agree with your head. “And I am –”
“You are –?”
“Here.” Lena scootches closer. Rests her head on your shoulder, and takes a deep breath there. Her breath is hot on your neck, giving you goosebumps. “I’m here. By your side. And I never should have left.”
“But you did. Because I lied, because I’m a lying mons –” The word is cut short when her lips touch your neck, soft and sweet.
“You’re not.” Lena whispers next to your ear. Warming up not just the place, but your entire body. “I’ve missed you.”
You close your eyes hard, trying to hold back all that you’re feeling. All the emotions that seem to be trying to get out of your control.
“You said –”
“Some mean things when I was blinded by anger.” Lena finally raises her head, searching for your eyes and encouraging you to do the same. “I’m sorry. I should’ve led with that.”
“I’m sorry too.” You try, because you have tried to apologize before and that didn’t go well.
“I know. I know. And we can spend our whole lives apologizing for what we did back then, or we can just let it go. Move forward. Be honest this time around.” She pleads gently. And you agree with your head because she is right. What good can come from revisiting all the mean things she said to you? All the lies you’ve told her about your sister’s real identity? When she is here, and knows all that and still chooses to stick around. 
“I’ll go first.” Lena whispers again, while her hands envelop yours. It’s sweaty and shaking, so you know she is nervous. “I know I said we were never.” You look down on your tangled up hands, then back at her eyes. “But I wanted to. I –” She takes a deep breath before confessing. “I want to.”
“When Kara was just gone, just like that –” She swallows the tears, but you can’t hold yours back. You never could. “I just kept thinking how I never told her what she meant to me. And then I thought of you, and how I didn’t want a single day to go by without me telling you how I truly feel about you.” Lena cleans your tears, and her touch is so good, so real, you lean into it without a second thought. “I’ve been in love with you for years now.”
“I’ve been in love with you for years.” You whisper back, small and under your breath, but so desperately honest you’re sure she can tell.
Lena pulls your face closer, kissing your tears, then your eyes, your forehead, temple, cheek. 
“Lena.” In a plead whisper and this time you know she understands all that you mean by chanting her name alone.
“I’m here.” She promises, another kiss on your cheek to clean your tear. “And I’m never leaving you again.”
It’s you that cut the distance between your mouths. A soaring kiss you’ve been meaning to share with her for the longest time. Tasting her lips as you’ve always needed to do. Easing her mind like you should’ve done in months, years, íons ago. 
“Where do we go now?”
“Now,” Lena punctuates with a peck on your lips. “Now we move forward.”
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ramcharantitties · 5 months
Other woman
Short angst, Ram(rrr) x reader
You were never mean. You were never mean, never rude, never negative and always wanted the best for everyone. You were clever and polite. You knew how to give love and how to appreciate when you received love. You knew how to keep people happy, but that didn't mean that you always did something to keep people happy. You loved yourself and everyone around you, and it showed. It glowed on your face like the sunlight passing through the honey jar. Then why did the bees sting?
You sat in the dining room. Your husband of a year, Ram, silently ate his dinner beside you. Your plate was untouched and Ram took notice, but didn't utter a word. There was a scent unfamiliar to you near him and it made you barf.
That scent has been lingering around him for a month now. You tried your best to avoid our ignore, considering it to be just something new at his police station. But when you arrive there once, to deliver his lunch, it only stank with old blood and sweat. The only sweet smell was the extra sugar chai. Ram didn't use perfumes, or deos. What kind of smell was this? So feminine, intoxicating and fruity.
Akhtar mentioned that his Ram Anna is more busy than usual, that he needs to go somewhere for his work first instead of coming home or staying longer at the station.
You were not sure that your overthinking brain was taking you at the right place. You shook your head and decided to eat when you caught the site of something you shouldn't have- the chain in his neck had a pink bead dangling from it. From what you remember, you don't have anything pink. Your eyes didn't leave its sight, wondering how a pink bead could accidentally come there?
You touched it softly, the heat from his body could be felt on the chain. Ram's face went pale when he realised what you've seen. "Where did that come from?"
Ram tried to answer, but stuttered. "Oh- uh that's something, you know that one-"
"Are you cheating on me?" Even you were in disbelief when you asked that. Of course, it wasn't true. Ram has always loved you. Everyone knew that, they knew the efforts Ram puts for you. Showered you in affection and called you his. Supported you when no one else did, making you the strongest person. You should apologise for being so insensitive-
"I am sorry" the three words that left you rooted. The roti in your plate was cold and your fingers froze. You tried to see any aspect of lies or fakeness in his eyes, anything he was hiding. But there was nothing, just remorse. There were three words that filled your heart with despair, and there were three words that once made your heart beat faster and cheeks warm and blush. That was the first time Ram ever professed his love for you.
You slumped back in your chair, crying softly, when he cleared up the table. It didn't even look like he was ready to break it up with the other woman. Or were you the other woman? "What are your relations with her?" You wanted to know more, to understand the situation. Because you were the only one who hasn't given up. Ram sighed. "We met during a case, and I kept meeting her for a few days." That wasn't so bad. Emotions can change; if you try hard, maybe he will stop visiting her. "We've slept together once".
Nevermind. You could feel your heart shattering, listen to it audibly. "Did you even think about me?" You didn't want to sound so, affected. But what could you do? "Did you regret it?" Ram looked at your broken face. He did. But what was the point, if he just threw the so called guilt out the window?
"I don't think I'll, come back to you"
When was Ram planning to tell you this? Where did you lack that you had to face this situation? You stared at him. Everything was perfect, you both were perfect together, he was perfect. The only warmth you had was of your tears. You rubbed your face, crying in your hands. Ram stood there silently, unsure what to do. "Y/n" felt like committing a sin to take your name. You pulled your knees closer to you, hugging them. This wasn't how you planned your life out. Having two kids, sending them away, retiring and going back to the Village. This wasn't your life, but you had to live it.
S/n: why did I write a cheating Ram now? This was a hazed brain sleepy head idea.
Tagging: @vijayasena @yehsahihai @dumdaradumdaradum @chaanv @nerdreader @ramayantika @phoenix666stuff
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its-elvie-innit · 3 months
realizing duolingo is NOT HELPFUL if you don't have a background in languages is so annoying because it was helpful Years Ago they just changed it so it's bad now. I took french for four years, and it's a romantic language so learning Portuguese which is in the same branch makes duo a pretty useful tool because I can point to "um" and "uma" and go ah yeah that's like le and la, and they're letting me know the genders by teaching me man and woman as the first words. But I WOULDNT HAVE KNOWN THAT if I didn't ALREADY HAVE BACKGROUND in a SEPARATE SIMILAR LANGUAGE and also duolingo is SHIT AT TEACHING ME FRENCH because I don't have ADVANCED BACKGROUND IN FRENCH THAT IS WHAT I'M TRYING TO USE DUO FOR, ACTUALLY.
Honestly I'm not even fully using duolingo for my Portuguese information it's literally just a memorization tool to get you introduced to certain verbs. You literally CANNOT understand anything without prior knowledge, so I am half note-taking, half verb tabling, and 0.1% cramming duo lessons for that memorization boost. Duolingo used to have a well of information not even hosted by the application, but instead was manually written by its millions of users to help others understand word contexts, and it was free!!!! Duo didn't have to pay shit for it!!!!! But instead they chose to throw away MILLIONS of comments and discussion links to reduce their shit server costs because bill whatever-the-fuck his name was decided he hates learning actually and fuck all your good information I need two extra dollars to afford a snickers bar in the downstairs vending machine. Look at my terrible owl tiktoks.
And I DOUBLE know this because I was learning hiragana in 2019 and I still remember how to sound out at least a few letters because I only got a couple months in, and they had at least a few good tools to help you understand process and learn the content, but then this week I decided I'd like to learn Korean so I started with the basic course and I can tell you right now it might possibly be one of the WORST english phonetic representations of the language sounds I've ever read. Just a little under half, maybe, of duos spelling work for the Hangul letters are completely incomprehensible because of the completely avoidable letter duplication for different sounds. I'll give you an example:
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Do you want to know how these letters are pronounced? Here's your hint; both sound suspiciously like tah.
For an app that's supposed to be pretty accessible, I would think that spelling the phonetics right would be pretty high up on your list!!!! And yes, I'm very familiar with the very hard t-sounding "d" sound of some eastern European languages, but I am being so serious when I say whoever pronounced these recordings just said "tah" and "ta"!!! It is EXTREMELY hard to differentiate certain sounds, but the thing is these are not the worst offenders. Actually, the Hangul lessons? Yeah, not the letter system on the side? Those are worse.
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These two characters are done in such a robotic sounding way that the only way you can differentiate the sounds is by carefully, CAREFULLY listening to whether the robot (?) does the tongue flick that causes the rolling r at the very beginning of the recording. Otherwise, it's SUPER hard. I would expect you don't mischaracterize the sounds but hey apparently getting a voice actor for character sounds is really hard. I guess. Hey, let me try look this up on YouTube actually. Oh, but for that I would have to download a whole other app to properly write out the words because none of my other apps have a manual writing system and I AM USING DUO TO LEARN THE WORDS. this should be ON THERE.
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Not to mention this character, where the robot JUST says T. It says "tuo". The one that it represents? Deo. I would even call it an Italian passing accent. It's stupid.
This problem is occurring in multiple languages, I'm just pointing it out in Korean because it's so all over the place. There's a character representing "kye" that is just. Straight up a ch sound. That's all fine and dandy but there's another character, spelled with a different letter that represents a CH sound too and it's NOT k. It's all over the place!!!!
In my Portuguese lessons, I can say "homem" all I want and it's still not going to give it to me ever because the robot pronounces it wrong. It's the FIRST word you learn in pr lessons, and you have to pronounce it with an H sound HEAVILY. The robot doesn't do that, but it's the only way duo accepts it during speaking lessons when it picks up other soft sounds just fine. I only know this through trial and error. It does NOT tell you.
The only way I learn anything is through my note taking and it's so so sad because duo really used to be good. But taking french, a language I really love, is a pain because at least once a lesson segment, if not twice I will get a word that I don't know and have never been taught, that has never popped up before, in, like, a picture activity where it shows you an image and you have to interpret the right words, so you can't click and check what it means. And every time I'll report that I've never learned the word, but its not like it teaches me or anything after I've reported it, and you don't get to know what the word means until you get the question right so you might lose all your hearts in a lesson just for nothing, if you end up choosing the wrong option too many times. It's so unenjoyable.
It's not like duo can't be good, it can. It's a fun app! But you don't learn any languages past the first couple of words, without any grammar or base knowledge to start you off. It makes me frustrated knowing that the options available to me are limited bases on the sentence structure I'm already familiar with.
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Charles Spurgeon Preached his Final Sermon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle this week in 1891.
During his 37 years as the Pastor of Metropolitan Tabernacle, Charles Spurgeon had become the most famous preacher of the largest Reformed Baptist congregation in England.
Each time he walked into the pulpit, listeners knew what to expect: the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed freely, fully, and faithfully in all its glory. Indeed, that was the defining mark of the Prince of Preachers’ ministry.
Spurgeon preached from 1 Samuel 30:21-25 on the need for disciples to bear the same crosses as their teachers. In his usual rousing fashion, he charged the believers in attendance:
“This rule holds good with all of us who have joined ourselves to Christ and his cause; we must be partakers with him. I hope we are prepared to stand to this rule today. If there be ridicule and reproach for the gospel of Christ, let us be willing to be ridiculed and reproached for his sake. Let us gladly share with him in his humiliation, and never dream of shrinking.”
These words carried extra weight in the later years of Spurgeon’s ministry. As his fame as a preacher grew, Spurgeon drew increasing criticism and ridicule for his unyielding proclamation of the true gospel. Yet, he was able to bear the weight of this persecution in the strength of the same Savior he preached so boldly:
“If he bids us carry a burden, he carries it also. If there is anything that is gracious, generous, kind, and tender, yea lavish and superabundant in love, you always find it in him. These forty years and more have I served him, blessed be his name! and I have had nothing but love from him. I would be glad to continue yet another forty years in the same dear service here below if so it pleased him. His service is life, peace, joy. Oh, that you would enter on it at once! God help you to enlist under the banner of Jesus even this day! Amen.”
These were the last words Charles Spurgeon preached to his congregation. Less than a year later, the Prince of Preachers went to be with this tender Savior.
May we say with Spurgeon, “Forty more years in His service” to the day we die.
Soli Deo Gloria.
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yushox · 2 years
part 2.1
Other characters
alternative name / prefix / title or honorific / ‹first name› or ‹adopted first name› / pre-marital or deadname / middle name's / ‹last name› - ‹adopted last name› / suffix
• ItsAlyssa ; Alyssa
‹Alyssa› ‹Doll›
Don't have many headcanons about her. I see her as a porcelain doll. Also her never returning to the server made Callahan feel abandoned, he was about to confess to her but she never returned at the time he was ready.
• Michael ; Mikey
‹Michael› Underscore ‹My Beloved›
By Piglin standards he was seen as too young to have a name. Naming another Piglin is seen as a form of attachment, in a place like the nether children die too often to get a name until, at the very earliest - early teens. Traditionally children are seen as expandable strays, they are allowed to roam free all day every day, and settle down with some clan at late teens. Groups like The Orphans might take in such kids and break them physically and mentally until they become completely loyal to their group (they nearly succeeded with Techno, but Phil saved Techno just in time).
• Michelle
‹Michelle› ‹Puffy›
Michaels twin sister.
• Clementine
‹Clementine› ‹Innit› ‹Craft›
Her biological parents are Tommyinnit and Dream. She was born during Tommys exile (that's as much as I am comfortable sharing about her past).
• Shroud
‹Shroud› ‹Innit› ‹Craft›
Later in life Deo will be registered as their and Clementine's adoptive father (platonic Deoinnit marriage is my jam).
• Yogurt
‹Yogurt› ‹Craft Hickory/Was Taken›
It is unclear who their father is, Fundy knew that Dream was having multiple affairs with George during their engagement. So out of revenge he had a few affairs with HBomb (who later became Fundy's catmaid because he eventually got feelings for the fox during the revenge affairs). Personally I headcanon that both Dream and HBO are their fathers at the same time (don't really know how so I'll just say - magic).
• Techie
I have two versions of headcanons for her, but in both she is dead, she remains nameless and only known by Techno, Phil and Kristin, she is referred to only by her nickname (main cause of death - The Orphans):
1) She was Techno's little sister,
2) She was Techno's firstborn, one of the orphans was her parent, and Techno is intended (but not necessarily) as her mother.
Just a few extra names, tell me if you'd like me to add any others.
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frangipani-wanderlust · 7 months
Five Solae
What are the Five Solas, well lets state them.
Sola Fide (faith alone)
Sola Scriptura(scripture alone)
Sola gratia(Grace alone)
Solus christus(Christ alone)
Sola Deo Gloria(glory to God alone)
So what do these mean and why do they exist? Back before the reformation (Luther and his 95 theses) the church and its doctrines where governed by the Catholic Church and the Pope. so the Catholic church has the Bible but it also has its Canon Law and the some other non biblical doctrines Such as Purgatory and Indulgences.
These extra things came about because of the Pope being able to add to the Cannon Law and various other things without referring back to the bible.so when the Reformation came, a new set of founding principles had to be stated en-order to separate the Protestant movement from the Catholic movement, thus we have the Five Solas.
so these five points of principle state what we base our creed on in protestant world.
We are saved by faith alone and no amount of good works can save you without faith. 
Romans 1:16 NIV
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last,[e] just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”[f]
The Bible is the one source of Scripture we use and is the source of all our doctrine. 
2 Timothy 3:16 New International Version (NIV)
“16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”
Grace alone is responsible for allowing you to choose god and salvation and it is not possible to choose with out grace due to our sinful nature, we are no long under the law.
John 1:17
“For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. “
Christ alone is the only way to god, praying to saints or Mary will not allow you to speak to god and serves no purpose.
John 14:6 New International Version (NIV)
“6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
God Alone is to be Glorified, no being dead or alive is to be set above God 
Revelation 15:4 New International Version (NIV)
4 Who will not fear you, Lord,    and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come    and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
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waterb0ttleguy · 1 year
extra bonus doodle
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aka just my 'sona ooo yeah yeah get sona revealed idiot bet you didnt expect an object head did you well guess what here the boy is and yes he has my name as well ( My name being Amedeo but most call me Deo for short)
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sabeelashabir · 1 year
Climbing Friendship Peak: A Himalayan Trekking Adventure with Cliffhangers India
Friendship Peak is well-known for being a launching pad for extreme climbing. Friendship Peak serves as an amphitheater for the tallest mountains in both of these ranges and is tucked in between all the main players from the Pir Panjal and the Dhauladhar. Friendship summit faces Hanuman Tibba on one side and has giants like Indrasan, Deo Tibba, Priyadarshani, and the Seven Sisters as neighbors, to name a few, with a bird's eye view of Manali from the col and the mountain ranges in Lahaul from its summit. There is more to the Friendship Peak trek than just the scenic vista at the summit. It is the tallest mountain of the Lesser Himalayas, the Pir Panjal, and stands 5289 meters high.
Best Time to Visit
When temperatures can soar to 20 degrees Celsius in the afternoon, the best time to travel is from June to mid-October. This is the greatest time for team travel. The evenings are significantly colder, with lows between -2 and 6 degrees. From September to mid-October, the temperature rises to 12 to 18 degrees Celsius during the day and falls to -6 to 4 degrees at night.
Difficulty Level of Friendship Peak Trek
Although we enthusiastically welcome aspiring mountaineers on this journey because of its reachable objective, we strongly advise them to have prior experience because of the degree of difficulty. It has become crucial to have a strong muscular constitution and adjust to the altitude.
Route Map of Friendship Peak Trek
The journey starts in Solang Valley, outside of Manali, and brings you to one of the Pir Panjal range's most well-known trekking mountains. Additionally, the Friendship Peak trek is classified as moderate to tough in terms of difficulty. a fantastic option for seasoned climbers seeking to switch to climbing. The summit is covered in thick snow that is piled on top of lush fields and towering trees. From the summit, one can see Indrasen, Deo Tibba, Hanuman Tibba, Shitidhar, and the distant Dhauladhar range. This could be thought of as an 8–9 day trekking and climbing trip.
Important Points of Friendship Peak Trek
level: challenging (so first-timers’ trekkers should avoid)
This journey must adhere to IMF guidelines and regulations. It won't be an excursion without it.
Correct physical exercise and conditioning are necessary.
03 minimum and 10 maximum individuals per group
Need specialized expedition apparel & equipment for below-freezing temperatures
The most crucial piece of kit is a pair of shoes.
Acclimatization is necessary for high altitudes.
Since phones won't function while you're hiking, we'll give you a radio walkie-talkie instead.
take quality photography equipment because the scenery is lovely (.
Move with less
Plan an extra day to attempt the summit to allow for inclement weather.
Why Cliffhangers India?
We're here to provide you with the best experience imaginable, as seen through the eyes of highly knowledgeable and experienced professionals who are passionate about adventure sports. We are locals working to spread the word about our favorite adventure activities and local companies. At Cliffhangers India, we commit to giving you an encounter you won't soon forget.
You can count on Cliffhangers India, a Friendship Peak Expedition organizer, to give you a memorable time in the Himalayas. According to reviews from different trekkers, Cliffhangers India is the finest trekking company in India that guarantees you a high standard of service and a welcoming environment. The Friendship Peak Expedition will cost around 22,000 INR and include everything from the base station. Get ready for this wonderful Friendship Peak excursion with Cliffhangers India by packing your bags. Along with this, you can do the Hampta Pass trek with Cliffhangers India in Himachal Pradesh.
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meghalayacareer · 1 year
BECIL Recruitment 2023: DEO, Radiographer & Other Vacancy (155 Posts)
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BECIL Recruitment 2023: Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL), Delhi has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 155 Data Entry Operators (DEO), Patient Care Managers (PCM), Patient Care Coordinators (PCC), Radiographers and Medical Lab Technologist (MLT) vacancy. The last date for submission of the application is 12th April 2023. 1. Post Name: Data Entry Operator (DEO) - No. of vacancies: 50 (Fifty) - Qualification & Experience: (i) Minimum 12th passed (ii) Well conversant with computer packages namely Windows, i.e., Word, Excel course of DOEACC or equivalent from any Govt./Recognized private institute. Good working knowledge of Computers and internet/E-mail. (iii) Typing speed of more than 35 words per minute (English) on Computer. - Remuneration: Rs.20,202/- monthly. 2. Post Name: Patient Care Manager (PCM) - No. of vacancies: 10 (Ten) - Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Life Sciences with full-time Post Graduate Qualification in Hospital (or Healthcare) Management from a recognized University. - Experience: At least one year of experience in a hospital after the acquisition of the aforementioned qualifications. - Remuneration: Rs.30,000/- monthly. - Age Limit: Not more than 40 years. on the date of joining. 3. Post Name: Patient Care Coordinator (PCC) - No. of vacancies: 25 (Twenty-five) - Qualification: Full-time Bachelor’s Degree in Life Sciences (preferred) or Bachelor’s degree in any field. - Experience: At least one year of experience in a hospital after the acquisition of the qualification as mentioned above. - Honorarium: Rs.21,970/- per month. - Age Limit: Not more than 35 years on the date of joining. 4. Post Name: Radiographer - No. of vacancies: 50 (Fifty) - Essential: B.Sc. Hons. in Radiography or B.Sc. in Radiography 03 years course from a recognized university/ Institution. - Honorarium: Rs.25,000/- per month. 5. Post Name: Medical Lab Technologist (MLT) - No. of vacancies: 20 (Twenty) - Essential: Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Laboratory Technologists/Medical Laboratory Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Biotechnology) from a Govt. recognized university/institution with two years of experience in the relevant field. - Honorarium: Rs.21,970/- per month. Application Fee of BECIL Recruitment 2023 Only online payment of registration & application processing fees (non-refundable) is applicable. There will not be any other mode of payment for registration & application processing fees. Demand Drafts, Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Pay Orders, Banker’s cheques, postal stamps, etc., will not be accepted, toward registration & application processing fees. Category-wise registration & application processing is given below:  - General - Rs.885/- (Rs. 590/- extra for every additional post applied). - OBC - Rs.885/- (Rs. 590/- extra for every other post applied). - SC/ST - Rs.531/- (Rs. 354/- extra for every other post applied). - Ex-Serviceman - Rs.885/- (Rs. 590/- extra for every other post applied). - Women - Rs.885/- (Rs. 590/- extra for every other post applied). - EWS/PH - Rs.531/- (Rs. 354/- extra for every other post applied). Note: The applicant will bear bank and payment gateway charges on the above amount. How to Apply for BECIL Recruitment 2023? - Candidates are required to apply online through the website www.becil.com only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted. (Before applying for registration candidates are advised to have their Photo, Signature, Birth Certificate/10th Certificate, and Caste Certificate scanned images for upload the file size should be not more than 100kb.) If you want to apply for more than one post against the same advertisement, you need to register once only. The fee chargeable will vary according to the number of posts applied for. - Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new E-mail ID before applying online. - Candidates are required to follow the below process for registration. Registration is to be completed in 7 steps: - Step 1: Select Advertisement Number - Step 2: Enter Basic Details - Step 3: Enter Education Details/Work Experience - Step 4: Upload scanned Photo, Signature, Birth Certificate/10th Certificate, and Caste Certificate. - Step 5: Application Preview or Modify - Step 6: Payment Online Mode (via credit card, Debit card, net banking, UPI, etc.) - Step 7: Email your scanned documents to the Email Id mentioned on the last page of the application form. Candidates will have to upload a scanned copy of their passport color photo, and a signature scan copy; the size of these scanned copies should be within 100 kb and in jpg/PDF files only. Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications. Online Application Link Click Here Download Official Notification Click Here Job Updates on Telegram Click Here Read the full article
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muu-kun · 1 year
[  CAUGHT  ]  receiver catches sending getting flushed because of something they are doing or wearing.  (from deo<3)
Time had managed to greatly escape him. Having little frame of mind in place for how long he had been seated on the other's lap, or how long they continued to chat and mingle well after lefts grew tired, he felt the true amount of hours spent in each other's company was ultimately unable to be determined. What knowledge he did possess, however, was that it been just the right amount of time for him to aquire a SLEEPOVER.
He surprisingly remained very cheerful of the opportunity to create a nice little set up on the couch for himself to claim. In the past, he had quite a habit of acting on bitterness when not allowed into the bed of those already welcoming enough to even offer the option of spending the night. In the particular instance involving Deo, however, he'd volunteered it on his accord. They'd spent so much of the day attached at the hip --more specifically in a manner from crude-- so he sought out no reason for they shouldn't have gotten their own time to unwind into a proper slumber.
Once satisfied with the draping of a blanket and pillow atop the elongated piece of furniture, he sought to retrieve from his bag proper sleeping attire. On average, he always liked to carry in his bag some extra pieces of clothing for any kinds of purposes; however, on peering into it, he'd seemed too wild and impulsive to assign a pair of shorts to go alongside a considerably boring pair of seamless boxer briefs contained in a ziploc bag.
What options he had to persist without a pair of shorts were too unfavorable in his opinion. Either he would need to sleep in his jeans, which was a no from the start. Or he'd have to make do with only a t-shirt to provide minimal coverage over an admittedly very short pair of undergarments. Pass to that one as well. Logically, all that remained for him to be able to do was pester Deo for a pair of pajama pants that preferably came with a tie to adjust to his smaller waist size.
He'd known that the other had already separated himself to get ready for bed as well, and yet it would seem that natural knocking etiquette escaped him by the manner in which he barged into the private space of the other's bedroom to make his request. By all accounts of his act of inconsideration and carelessness, could he really have had any merit to complain about things seen? Luckily, in perhaps both their cases, all he'd manage to take sight of was the taller male resuming a standing position as modestly one could be called when adorning only their underwear.
Already on its way into a presumably awkward and embarrassing situation as is, Muu aided in traditional Muu fashion by hastily removing the t-shirt covering his upper half, and tossing it to the side with the intention of putting them in even playing fields as a matching set. Frankly, the pair of them were both men as is, and he had on all technical accounts been in proximity to the other male in lesser states, so really he felt no rise in any kind of elevation-- uncomfortable, ashamed, or anything overwise-- in regards to the pair of them sharing a space in comfortable, sleep appropriate states of undressed. If anything, the most he felt at all was a bit jealous that boxers worn by the taller male were much cooler in design and cut than his fitted, plain colored boxer briefs.
Oblivious to any existing inconvenience on the part of him intruding, the blond ventured forward on shrinking the amount of separation between them until he could successfully grasp the base of the patterned undergarments worn by his fellow man. There was something about them in conjunction to their earlier interaction between another involving decided upon pet names, and of just the expansive amount of affection offered by the individual he believed to be a demon that altogether drew him to the conclusion that Deo was cuter than he recalled him ever being before. Where he previously thought of them as being devil-like in nature, his more present mindset was soft in a way more comparable to that of a Sanrio character. An unexpected observation, yes, but not an unfavorable one.
"Oooh.. It got hearts on them just like Valentine's day.. Pretty.. Still, Muu very sorry to walk into your room to be making you have shame for dressing into jammies. If it be making you feel better, I say very safely to you that red is very good color for you. Oh.. and you would you lookey there? I see me a belly button. I'm gonna get it!!"
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bricktonki · 2 years
Gramps slang
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(maejumal harabeoji daege bangmunhasiro ga.) Grandpa, is it okay to have some more cake? 할아버지, 케이크를 조금 더 먹어도 되요? (harabeoji, keikeureul jogeum deo meogeodo doeyo?) Our grandpa lives in the countryside alone. (uri harabeojin honja sigoreseo salgo gyesyeoyo.) This word means grandpa from your mother’s side. This way, you’re creating the word 외할아버지 (oeharabeoji). When you want to be specific you are speaking of your maternal grandfather, you can add 외 (oe) in front of 할아버지 (harabeoji). Usually in everyday life, Koreans only use 할아버지 (harabeoji) to refer to all the grandpas in their family. 할아버지 (harabeoji) “Grandpa” in Korean (Father’s side)
You can listen to this audio to know how to say “grandpa” in Korean correctly and differentiate its spelling from its pronunciation. As discussed above, the Korean word is spelled as 할아버지, however, this is pronounced as. The word for “grandpa” in Korean is pronounced differently than how it is spelled. The Korean word for “grandpa” can be spelled as 할아버지 (ha-ra-beo-ji) in Korean. Together, they form the most common term for grandpa, 할아버지 (harabeoji)! How do you spell “grandpa” in Korean? Then it is followed by the word for “dad,” 아버지 (abeoji). Just like how to address grandma which is 할머니 (halmeoni), the first syllable in “grandpa” is 할 (hal). However, in the case of grandmother, this term is not used that often, as it is extremely formal, and you will do great with just using 할머니 (halmeoni). It is super easy to remember since the formal term only comes with one extra syllable! 님 (nim) in general is a formal attachment to someone’s name. Now you know how to say “grandma” in Korean, let’s learn its formal version, grandmother. (maejumal halmeoni daege bangmunhasiro ga.) Grandma, is it okay to have some more pie? 할머니, 파이를 조금 더 먹어도 되요? (halmeoni, paireul jogeum deo meogeodo doeyo?) (uri halmeonineun sigoreseo salgo gyesyeoyo.) However, you do not need to worry about using 외할머니 (oehalmeoni) in everyday situations. In a technical sense, the word 외할머니 (oehalmeoni) specifically means your grandma from your mother’s side. You can use 할머니 (halmeoni) whether you’re talking about your grandma from your father’s side or your mother’s side. 할머니 (halmeoni) “Grandma” in Korean (Father’s side) This word is pronounced the same way as it is spelled. Now that you know how to commonly say “grandma” in Korean, you can also listen and practice how to pronounce it correctly through the audio below. You will do fine learning just using 할머니 (halmeoni). That’s just one word so far but there are a few ways of saying grandmother or grandma in Korean. However, take note that this term is different from what is used to refer to a middle-aged woman. This specifically means grandma in English. However, if romanized, this word can also be spelled out as “hal-mo-ni.” “Halmoni” in KoreanĪs briefly discussed above, in South Korea, the most common way to say grandma in Korean is 할머니 (halmeoni) also often spelled as “halmoni”. In Hangul, you can spell the word “grandma” as 할머니 (hal-meo-ni). This means that whether you’re staying in South Korea or just visiting, it’s important to know how to address your own grandma or a Korean grandma in general if you see one. Whether you are referring to a Korean grandma or to your own grandma, there’s a common term if you want to say “grandma” in Korean. Now we’ll move on to the words you use specifically for your grandmother and grandfather in Korean. However, if you’re referring specifically to your great-grandpa, you can call him 증조부 (jeungjobu ) and 증조모 (jeungjomo) for your great-grandma. You can address them as 증조부모 (jeungjobumo ) in Korean. We’ll also learn about how to call your great grandparents in Korean.
If you want to say “grandparents” in reference to your mother’s side, you can add 외 (oe) to make 외조부모 (oejobumo).Īnother way of saying “grandparents” on your mother’s side is 모성 조부모 (moseong jobumo).Ĭan't read Korean yet? Click here to learn for free in about 90 minutes! “Great Grandparents” in Korean 조부모 (jobumo) is usually used in reference to grandparents on your father’s side. If you put them together, you get 조부모 (jobumo). 조부 (jobu) means “grandfather”, while 조모 (jomo) means “grandmother”. The word grandparents in Korean for the paternal side is generally expressed as 조부모 (jobumo). The words you use depend on which side these family members are on. There are two different ways to say grandparents in Korean.
3.4 “Grandpa” in Korean (Mother’s side).
3.3 “Grandpa” in Korean (Father’s side).
3.2 How to pronounce “grandpa” in Korean.
3.1 How do you spell “grandpa” in Korean?.
2.4 “Grandma” in Korean (Mother’s side).
2.3 “Grandma” in Korean (Father’s side).
2.2 How to pronounce “grandma” in Korean.
2.1 How do you spell “grandma” in Korean?.
1.2 “Grandparents” in Korean (Mother’s side).
1.1 “Grandparents” in Korean (Father’s side).
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finneganmikkelsen9 · 2 years
hermes mini kelly 10
Hermes Mini Kelly Outfit Some of us spent lockdown poring over funding purchases. According to Lyst, demand for Hermès baggage as a complete has spiked 430 per cent. So although purse usage was at an all time low, more shoppers than ever had been shopping some severe trophy pieces. Undoubtedly essentially the most well-known and sought-after type, the Hermes Birkin bag first made its debut within the Nineteen Eighties. The bag bears the name of English actress and singer, Jane Birkin, after she described her perfect bag to Hermes chief government Jean-Louis Dumas on a chance assembly on a flight from Paris to London. The church ceremony happened the next day at Monaco's Saint Nicholas Cathedral, presided over by Bishop Gilles Barthe. The Prince and Princess left that evening for his or her seven-week Mediterranean honeymoon cruise on his yacht, Deo Juvante II. Kelly died at the age of 52 at Monaco Hospital on September 14, 1982, from injuries sustained in a car crash the day past. Ideal for night put on, it successfully works as a chunk of jewelry. This heirloom piece is a tour de pressure of Hermès craftsmanship, its iconic H-closure reworked by a constellation of 444 sensible, pavé-set diamonds with a total minimum weight of eight.57 carats. Elegant in kind and sensible in operate, the Constance enabled women to hold their bag on their shoulder and keep their arms free. The Hermès Constance was designed by Catherine Chaillet greater than 50 years in the past. Unchanged in the half century since, the purse contains a dramatic, oversize H-closure. This Kelly, within the Sellier style, is in Vert Jade epsom leather-based with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, two straps with entrance toggle closure, single rolled deal with and detachable shoulder strap. The inside is lined with Vert Jade lambskin leather-based and has one... This Kelly, in the Sellier fashion, is in Gold epsom leather with gold hardware and has distinction stitching, two straps with entrance toggle closure, single rolled deal with and detachable shoulder strap. The Hermes Kelly 20 Bag then again mostly appeals to ladies who’d wish to own and maintain a mini model of their go-to bag! This bag is ideal to convey around during formal events and night events since it can carry your evening essentials! Even although the scale is too small to turn into your everyday bag, you simply wish to have one in your wardrobe. “Curating a handbag assortment could be very very comparable to curating an artwork assortment,” says Koffsky. Whether you’re an Hermès newcomer or an avid collector, the bag you select ought to be based in your personal style. With a lot uncertainty this yr and for the foreseeable future, it has been a balancing act between the intense and the frivolous…but during uncertainty, the frivolous is often a necessary escape. With that in thoughts, I am so thrilled to put in writing for you once more; it’s okay to be mild. The new model was smaller in size and boasted more female curves. The epic saga of the design came to a decisive crossroads within the year 1958. To do it, MGM once once more must lend Kelly to Paramount Pictures. Kelly was adamant, and threatened the studio, saying that if they did not permit her to do the film she would pack her bags and go away for New York for good. Kelly additionally negotiated a extra profitable contract in mild of her current success. In the film, Kelly performed the wife of a washed-up, alcoholic singer, played by Crosby. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/mini-kelly-bag.html Named after actress and real life princess Grace Kelly, this bag is made with some sort of magic. Not solely has it managed to remain only a stylish as it was in the 1930s when the type made its debut, the Kelly additionally has major covetable cache—even if it’s not your type, you presumably can't deny you’d be part of the road to get your arms on one. And because of its latest reboot, that line is about to get longer. Over the many years, Hermès has used a variety of materials from the mundane to the really spectacular. With the rise in the online resale marketplace for Hermes bags, many have turned to Luxe.It.Fwd as Australia’s most trusted online vacation spot for pre-owned luxurious handbags, shoes and accessories. If you are desirous to put cash into the final word in iconic luxury with out having to pay the complete retail price, shop our great vary of authentic preloved Hermes bags at Luxe.It.Fwd. wikipedia handbags If you don’t have the funds wanted to purchase your dream bag immediately however don’t need to miss out, we provide payment via Afterpay and Zip at checkout to permit you extra time to pay off your bag. This Kelly, within the Sellier type, is in Rose Confetti chevre leather-based with palladium hardware and has tonal stitching, two straps with front toggle closure, single rolled deal with and detachable shoulder strap. For collectors of Hermès purses and jewellery, the Exceptional Collection is the final word in desirability. Capturing the attention of devotees worldwide, and achieving record-breaking costs, these rare pieces are the ones to look at when they appear at auction. The purses within the Hermès Exceptional Collection combine the products of two of crucial ateliers — leather-based items and jewelry — and thus symbolize the top of Hermès luxurious. With ready lists stretching into the years for certain objects when new, second hand Hermes baggage are among the most represented of the designers within the resale market, both in Australia and Internationally. With a fantastic range of authentic Hermes luggage, free and fast delivery within Australia, and straightforward returns if you don't love the bag for any reason, you'll have the ability to shop with true peace of thoughts. Surely you’ll find the exact classic or modern hermes kelly mini you’re looking for on 1stDibs — we’ve obtained an unlimited assortment for sale. When she bought the traditional she mentioned it was her first-ever Chanel so I would not put it past her to purchase fakes again. A rose backyard in Monaco's Fontvieille district is dedicated to the reminiscence of Kelly. A hybrid tea rose, named Rosa 'Princesse de Monaco', was named after her. She is commemorated in a statue by Kees Verkade in the backyard, which options four,000 roses. Prince Rainier also established the Princess Grace Irish Library in her memory, containing her private collection of over 9,000 books and sheet music. Avenue Princesse Grace, "the costliest street on the planet", is named for her, as is Boulevard Princesse Grâce de Monaco in Nice, France.
0 notes
mycatismyeditor · 2 years
Zygoat, the E plot I wanted in Supergirl...
Small disclaimer before I go into this, I have not watched every episode of Supergirl. I’m still struggling to finish season two because of the writing and I’ve seen other episodes here and there. So grain of salt for all this in that regard.
That being said…
One of my favourite world building things in any kind of ongoing series is what I tend to think of as the E plot. You’ve got like the overall series mystery or villain plot which is like the A plot, then B plot is like the main character growth or romance, C plot is the secondary character growth thing, D plot is the inter relationship thing among side characters usually the other romance or friendship that’s growing, and then there’s the E plot…
That reoccurring bit of filler that mostly seems to be a dialogue link that has some kind of payoff later, like the swan in Hot Fuzz (or really anything in Edgar Wright movies). Those recurring characters like the cabbage man in Avatar the last Airbender. Or the mystery of how Gibbs gets the boat out of the basement in NCIS. They’re those little bits that make a world feel bigger and the characters lives more real.
Or you can just think of it as the extras or everyday or… entertaining? Look there’s a lot of E words that could apply here and I’m not a professional okay. Key is it’s stuff can be easily cut for time but is also usually really good for showing character interaction or personality and make great callback jokes in later seasons.
In Supergirl, speaking as a writer (debatable claim I know) but I felt like we were missing those E plots. We got a lot of filler but not much of it felt… like actual good E plot world building content type filler. Especially when it came to the DEO and Catco. I dare you to name three agents of the DEO (without looking them up or that aren’t in the main cast). I can name one, Vasquez. Wait two, there’s apparently a Pam in HR, and I know this because it’s the one bit of E plot level world building I remember on the show.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about there it’s from S02E14 the scene where Mon-el announces he and Kara are dating and Alex says they have to watch a video on harassment. I love that bit because that’s exactly the kind of thing you do have to fill out in a workplace even if it is a secret government organisation. It also showed character differences between four of our main cast, and because it immediately made me think of Archer.
Supergirl as a show just felt like a show that needed more E plot, fun callback or world building extras. That extra chaos that the characters could play against. There’s been a few bits here and there (mostly Supercorp scenes from what I've seen) but as a show it often felt like it was really missing… consideration with these things. We needed more time with the characters and seeing them interact instead of moving from plot point to plot point with no added anything. The episodes feel crowded with too much plot that never paid off and not enough… character room. We got plots with the characters shoved into it instead of the other way around a lot of the time. We needed game nights where they talked about the latest villains and references to other people who live and work with the team. That one agent whose desk that's always a mess, or that barista who never gets Nia's coffee order right but he’s cute so she never says anything, or even like the name of Lena’s head of security being mentioned after yet another attack on her life.
Personally I like when there’s lots of little things with connective payoff not just world building extras. Which is why I of course have one of my own because I am a self indulgent fanfic writer and what am I here for if not to find problems with canon and then share my solutions. So thank you if you read this far because it was mostly an introduction to…
Zygoat, the E plot I wanted in Supergirl
Kara arrived at the DEO and found Alex watching as several agents in full biohazard gear took stuff out of a fridge and dropped it into biohazard bags. Kara sniffed and immediately gagged.
“Oh God- what is that smell?” she asked covering her mouth.
Alex sighed.
“Whatever has been in the back of the fridge for ten years.”
Kara gave her a concerned look.
“Last month the biological research team didn’t fill out a request form for a replacement fridge in time. Then instead of coming and telling me when they ran out of space so I could put a rush on their request they decided to use the one in the staff cafeteria without telling anyone, and then they forgot to take it all out when they did get the replacement.”
Kara looked increasingly concerned.
“Today Agent Henderson knocked one of the containers over and an unidentifiable purple goo exploded out of it’s container covering the back of the fridge then started glowing. So of course now the entire fridge is considered contaminated, and we’re going to have to get it scrubbed for any kind of residue before it can be used for food again and apparently Dr Hawler is missing a goat embryo.”
“Why would she have a goat embryo in the lunch fridge?” Kara asked horrified.
“It’s in a little jar she puts it on top of her lunch so no one steals it.”
Kara gagged again.
“That’s disgusting.”
“Normally I would agree, but considering the things I’ve seen removed from this fridge in the last ten minutes, I’d prefer the embryo.”
Kara turned around to not be looking at the fridge.
“Okay so I just came about…”
- J’onn glared at the paperwork in front of him as Kara walked over to Alex.
“Why does J'onn look so… angry?” Kara asked.
“Do you remember that incident with the cafeteria fridge?”
“The purple goo explosion?”
“Yeah, so because we had to throw away everything we told everyone to just put in a reimbursement claim for the cost of their lunches and the DEO would just pay them all back. That turned out to be a mistake…”
Kara gave her sister a sympathetic look.
“Apparently Agent Newman had a quinoa salad and goat cheese gnocchi.”
“Newman?” Kara asked clearly disbelieving. “The guy who thinks lesbians are all vegans, women belong in the kitchen, and once ate a chicken leg out of the bin?”
Alex nodded.
“Yeah, he’s on his final warning by the way, so if you hear him say anything else like that please file a complaint so we can fire him. That’s paperwork I actually do want to fill out.”
Kara saluted to her sister.
“Anyway he’s claiming for forty eight dollars and seventy three cents because he supposedly got it from the vegan cafe on the corner that charges eight dollars for coffee.”
Kara whistled. Alex sifted through some papers.
“And Agent Drew reportedly had a steak for lunch. He wants fifty. I saw at least five ham and cheese sandwiches go into that bin and six tubs of yogurt but apparently only Ned from accounting is honest enough to admit it.”
Alex sighed and looked up.
“So, what did you…”
Mon-el moved quickly out of the way as an agent stormed past.
“What’s his-”
“Lunch thief,” Winn said. “Third time someone has apparently stolen his sandwich this week.”
Mon-el made a face and turned back to Winn.
J’onn stopped and looked down at something beside Winn’s desk.
“Agent Schott what is-”
“Lunch thief protection,” Winn said picking up what looked like a toolbox. “Turns out Agent Smith wasn’t lying. He apparently changed where he put his lunch and so mine got stolen instead. This is my protective measures. It requires a ten digit password and my fingerprint, ain’t nobody stealing my cake today.”
J’onn sighed.
“Well it’s also a trip hazard so put it in the staff room or your locker.”
Winn sighed and left with the box as J’onn turned to the others to continue the briefing.
Kara arrived in a rush and stopped seeing the serious look on Winn and Alex’s faces as they watched something on the screen.
“What are you two doing?” she asked.
“A matter of great importance,” Alex said her eyes still focused on the screen.
“Someone stole her lunch,” Winn said.
Alex punched him.
“Ow!” Winn yelled glaring at her.
“Seriously?” Kara asked laughing.
Alex glared at her.
“Maggie packed it for me. It was clearly labelled and I even put it right at the back so people wouldn’t be able to see it and now it’s missing. I want to know who was dumb enough to steal from me.”
“Okay,” Kara said slowly. “Well once you’re done with that very important mystery I have…”
Kara walked over to stand next to Winn and looking at Alex glaring at an agent.
“What’s happening?”
“Interrogations, the lunch thief is getting bolder. They took three lunches today.”
“They also did it without getting caught on camera which is kinda impressive.”
Kara nodded as Alex walked over.
Kara approaching Winn as he’s talking with another agent.
“Sorry man. I’ve scanned it for a dozen possible ghost like things and it’s all clean.”
The agent sighed and looked at Kara.
“Has she looked?”
“Looked at what?” Kara asked.
Winn sighed.
“Agent Quinn thinks his locker is haunted.”
“Oh, by what?” Kara asked.
“Agent Newman’s anger poltergeist at being fired.”
Kara made a face.
“I swear there’s something in there. I can hear it but whenever I open it it’s gone,” Agent Quinn said sounding genuinely spooked.
“I’ll have her use her xray vision to check it for you before she leaves. Back to your post now agent,” Winn said getting up and gently pushing the agent away.
“Is he okay?” Kara asked looking after him.
Winn nodded.
“He’s new. I’ll just have him scheduled for a random psych eval. I think he might be struggling with all the alien stuff we handle.”
“Have you found the lunch thief yet?” Maggie asked holding out a pizza to Alex.
Alex made a frustrated noise.
“Whoever they are they’re somehow besting an entire intelligence agency. When we do find out who’s doing it I’m not sure if I should offer them a promotion or shoot them for causing so much trouble.”
Maggie laughed.
“I had a similar problem in a share house once. I laced cupcake frosting with laxatives and left them on the bench with a note saying do not eat.”
“Did it work?” Alex asked.
Maggie shrugged.
“Well I came home and all of my housemates were suffering the affects so I never found out the main culprit. But no one ever stole my food again.”
Alex smiled.
Kara stopped and lowered her glasses looking at the agents hosing out the fridge in the parking lot.
“What happened to the fridge?”
Alex sighed.
“I tried Maggie’s advice… It did not have the anticipated results. So now agents Adams and Brown are cleaning what seems to be very wet animal droppings out of the fridge. Dr Hawler wants to test it for evidence. I’m just starting to think that fridge is cursed. Maybe whatever it is spread to Agent Quinn’s locker.”
Kara gave her a concerned look.
“His shirt was destroyed from inside his locker. No evidence of anyone going near it.”
“What are you doing with… leaves?” Kara asked.
Winn looked at the small box stuffed with leaves.
“Oh we’re going to burn sage in the locker room to try and appease the ghost in Quinn’s locker. Wanna join?”
Kara shook her head.
“No thanks. As tempting as that sounds I’ve gotta finish an article for Snapper about…”
And then we get a mystery payoff filler episode!
Kara comes to the DEO to bring Alex dinner as she doesn’t trust the cursed fridge. Kara makes some comment about no job to big or too small for Supergirl then they hear a scream. They run towards it and see Agent Quinn on the floor of the cafeteria clutching his bloody face.
“Quinn what happened?” Kara asked rushing to the man’s side.
He starts babbling about a monster in the fridge. He just went to get out his salad and then it attacked him. A horrible vicious monster with fangs and flaming red eyes and evil horns. Alex gets out her gun as another two agents run in.
“An agent has been attacked. Lock the building down, no one in or out until we find whatever’s responsible.”
The agents run off. Kara and Lena look at each other and nod.
(Have some kind of main plot discussion as they search)
Then Kara says she can hear something around the corner. Alex nods and Kara flies around the corner diving on the ‘monster’. Alex comes around the corner gun raised and ready.
“Oh Alex, it’s awful,” Kara said turning around smiling and holding a baby goat.
“Goatzilla!” Kara said in mock horror.
Alex lowered her gun with a sigh.
“If that turns out to be Hawler’s missing goat embryo I’m going to have to start believing in the resurrection,” she said.
Kara smiled and hugged the goat.
“Poor baby. You’re not some evil monster are you. You’re just a scared little-”
There’s a loud noise and the goat vanishes in a rush of purple.
“Teleporting goat,” Kara finished.
Insert more Danvers sisters content or just have shenanigans of them trying to find where the goat vanishes to. Which turns out to be Agent Quinn’s locker.
Progress to them running tests on the fridge and locker with Winn. More inter character talk as they run tests on the fridge and Agent Quinn’s locker.
“I told you it was haunted!” Quinn said as another agent bandaged up his head.
Alex sighed.
“By a goat Agent Quinn, not a poltergeist,” she said exasperated.
Results come back and apparently there is some kind of pocket dimension between the locker and fridge that they can’t see or access, but the goat can teleport into at will.
“Is it possible there’s something else in that pocket dimension?” Alex asked.
Winn shrugged.
“No way to tell.”
“So something actually dangerous could just come crawling out of it at any time?” Alex asked.
Winn gave her a look.
“Like, potentially… But it’s unlikely.”
Alex does a long exasperated sigh.
Final scene of the episode has Kara carrying the goat into a containment cell now full of straw with the fridge and locker inside it. She carefully puts it down with a final pat and smile before leaving and closing the door. They all look at the baby goat happily exploring the new enclosure.
“So are we calling her Goatzilla?” Kara asked.
“No,” Alex said immediately.
“Zygoat?” Winn suggested.
Alex and Kara look at him surprised.
“What, you said she was probably Dr Hawler’s embryo. Zygoat totally works.”
Kara looked at Alex.
“Zygoat,” she said with a smile.
Alex sighed and looked back at the enclosure.
“Zygoat,” she agreed.
Later references:
Kara and Alex talking at the DEO but in the background there’s just two agents with a bale of hay. Then have Winn racing over and slip on the hay to be caught by Kara using superspeed. Then Alex is yelling at Agent Johnson to come sweep up the hay before someone gets injured. They have OHS procedures to follow.
“Supergirl!” Lena said in surprise. “Uh, why do you have pears?”
“Oh they’re for Zygoat. I like to bring her a treat sometimes.”
“She’s a goat in the containment cells. There was a whole thing with a pocket dimension and- You know what nevermind. I was just coming to check about the…”
Colonel Haley looked at Alex.
“Could you explain to me why I have a prisoner care request for a goat from an Agent Quinn?”
Alex smiled.
“Zygoat,” she answered.
“Excuse me?”
“There was an issue with appropriate storage of alien objects that led to a goat that could teleport between what was at the time the staff fridge and one of the lockers via a pocket dimension. As we cannot determine how big the pocket dimension is, or what else might be in it, we have the goat, fridge, and locker in a containment cell. The goat was named Zygoat at the time and has become a bit of a mascot here. Some of the agents think she might be lonely so would like to adopt a second goat as her a friend.”
Colonel Haley was quiet for a long moment.
“That answers my second question,” she said looking back at her paperwork.
Before Crisis:
“Where were you?” Alex hissed.
“I went to check on Zy and Scape,” Kara replied frowning. “What’s happened?”
(Yes the second goat is called Scapegoat, sue me)
After Crisis:
Kara stopped and looked at Alex.
“Did Zygoat make it?” she asked.
“What?” Alex asked confused. “Oh the immortal teleporting goat, yeah we celebrated her birthday last month with a special cake and everything.”
“Immortal?” Kara asked.
Alex looked at her then nodded.
“Yeah, Lex told us to shoot her when we found her to prevent her bringing anything else from the pocket dimension. The bullet went in, but did not come out, she didn’t even bleed. We think it went to the pocket dimension.”
Kara gave Alex a horrified look.
“I take we didn’t shoot Zygoat in the past.”
Kara quickly shook her head.
“No! We just made a containment cell into an enclosure and adopted a second goat as her friend. I used to bring them pears as a treat on Tuesdays!”
Alex nodded.
“We did all that too, just after the immortal thing was discovered and Lena stepped in to forbid anyone testing her immortality further on the grounds of animal cruelty.”
Kara kept walking.
“That man is…”
“Hey William, have we shown you the goat yet?” Nia said carefully guiding William away.
“The goat?” he asked confused.
“Yeah, she can teleport. It’s really cool. We got her from a secret government facility. It's actually a really weird story.”
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morgana-pendragon · 3 years
dude, I'm in no way interested in supergirl but i wanna know about supercorp. Who is the other woman? Why do people ship them? What's their dynamic? What's their story? I'm hella curious. Also i feel the angst from your reblogs to my dashboard 😂
okay. buckle up.
i’m not 100% sure who you mean by ‘other woman’, so i’ll give you a quick run-down on both
kara zor-el:
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aka kara danvers, she was 13 when krypton exploded, sent to earth to protect her baby cousin, kal-el. he made it to earth safely and was raised by the kents, became superman. kara’s pod was knocked off-course and sent to the Phantom Zone, a place that is vast nothingness where time does not pass. she was there for 24 years before making it to earth, still aged 13, while kal-el had grown up. he was unable/unwilling to take care of her, and left her with eliza, jeremiah and alex danvers, who raised her. she worked as cat grant’s assistant in season 1, promoted to journalist at catco media in season 2.
lena luthor:
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younger sister of lex luthor, daughter and step-daughter of lionel and lillian luthor, respectively. her biological mother drowned when she was 4, prompting her father to take charge of her. she wants to make a name for herself aside from her family’s rather bad one, notoriously known for being alien haters. but most people treat her unfairly, given all of her positive intentions and accomplishments. ceo of l-corp, formerly luthor-corp, she works to further the wellbeing of humanity.
why people ship them:
lena made an observation the day after she met kara, saying she thought kara was a journalist; kara, having been ruminating on a career, immediately decided to take up journalism.
after kara wrote a positive article on her, lena filled kara’s office with flowers — “overflowing” it.
after making a difficult decision to save supergirl’s life that resulted in the death of her ex, lena confessed to kara that she was having negative feelings that she feared; kara wrapped her arms around her and promised to always be there for her and never leave her.
weeks after meeting her, lena gave orders to her assistant that kara was to be let into her office “right away, whenever possible”.
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when confronted with a detective who wanted to (and did) arrest her, lena asked for kara to stay with her; kara, as supergirl, never once doubted lena’s innocence and worked tirelessly to prove it (and did!).
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after cat grant, ceo of catco, steps down and decides to sell it, lena purchases it, otherwise kara would’ve lost her job (though the reason she gave was pissing off a mutual annoyance of theirs); after their falling out, lena sells catco to an old friend of hers.
after morgan edge tries to kill lena by crashing a plane that she is on (in the process of saving her, supergirl refuses to let lena’s hand go), she abandons him on a shipping container in the middle of the ocean.
morgan edge also tried to kill lena by poisoning her coffee; kara risks her identity by flying lena to the deo (department of extra-normal operations) dressed as kara danvers, not supergirl.
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supergirl gives lena a watch with a button on it that, when pressed, emits a sound at a frequency that only kryptonians can hear. these watches are usually reserved for family members and close friends of the supers.
whenever supergirl saves lena, she holds her in a bridal carry, with lena’s arms wrapped around her neck, a parallel of kal-el/superman and his wife, lois lane.
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(this isn’t really a reason but lois and lena share many similarities, the most apparent of which [to me anyway] is that they are both brunettes with the initials LL)
parallel gifset by @lena-luthor of various romantic pairings in the arrowverse, one person bringing the other a bag of big belly burger: oliver queen/felicity smoak — arrow; barry allen/iris west-allen — the flash; querl dox/nia nal — supergirl; alex danvers/kelly olsen — supergirl (for further proof, the first two couples are married with children) | the last gif is kara & lena. (also this one with some more moments that just tie it all together much better than i ever could)
hugs hugs hugs (courtesy of @drunklenaluthor)
they constantly refer to each other as their ‘favourite’.
lena invents things that save supergirl’s life, including an attachment to her suit that rids her body of kryptonite and protects her against it.
lena is frequently invited to danvers family holiday dinners and game nights.
some direct canon quotes for your perusal: “well, supergirl may have saved me, but kara danvers, you are my hero.”; “i know that you believe that everything is good, and kind, and that is one of the things i love about you.”; “you’d trust me?” “whatever else has happened, i know what’s in your heart.”; “if you want to get to supergirl, you’re gonna have to go through me.”
honourable mention: pretty ladies 🥴
their dynamic & their story:
their relationship starts tentatively, but blossoms quickly despite lena’s family and kara’s friends scepticism about lena’s intentions.
they have regular lunch dates, text each other (heart emojis included), can be seen hugging and swaying in place. they comfort each other, are fiercely protective of one another, not unlike a couple.
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after kara’s identity is revealed to lena by her brother in the season 4 finale, their relationship deteriorates in the stereotypical way a romantic one does; they’re both incredibly sad, stare longingly at photos of them together, pull away from one another, lash out.
an alien called mxyzptlk gives kara the chance to go back in time and view alternate realities in which she had told lena her secret at various other points in time, which she took him up on almost immediately.
after an ultimatum and an agonizingly long period of time, lena apologises to kara in the penultimate episode of season five and they start to rebuild their relationship.
in the season five finale, lena puts herself in front of a kryptonite dagger aimed at an immobile and unaware supergirl, offering her life for kara’s.
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in the season six premiere, as kara prepares to sacrifice herself at the hands of lex luthor, lena refuses to let her, even going so far as to anticipate her brother’s actions, programming the Lena Luthor Protocol into the Fortress of Solitude, a robot with a yellow sun emulator that attaches itself to the crest of the house of el that sits upon kara’s chest. 
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lena was the last person kara said goodbye to before she fought with lex, a fight she did not believe she would survive.
after kara is sent to the phantom zone by lex, lena implores alex to tell her girlfriend, kelly, about kara’s secret identity, in the process implying that kara is her person, the same way that kelly is alex’s. (— @lesbianlenas)
um anyway they’re soulmates thank you for coming to my ted talk :)
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hamzilla · 3 years
Maybe a oneshot where Baby danvers has some really bad stomach pain so Kara finds her curled up on the couch and rushes her to the hospital. The doctors kind of brush B!D off saying its nothing so B!D is devastated and Kara is pissed at them? You can decide what happend next.
Stomach Pains
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supergirl masterlist
pairings: sister!kara danvers x baby danvers!reader,
warnings: hospitals, cursing, crying, stomach pains, angry!kara, protective!kara, mentions of periods, mentions of cramps, kidney stones, mentions of taking medications,
The first thing Kara heard when she entered the threshold to her apartment was the pained groans of her younger sister. "Y/n?" The blonde asked immediately rushing to your side. "Kara..." You whimper looking up at your older sister with glazed eyes. "What's wrong, kid?" Kara asks removing some hair stuck to your forehead by sweat. "It hurts, it hurts so bad." You says before letting out a tiny groan and some tears. "Hey, hey. What hurts?" Kara says as she wipes the tears from your face. You just squeeze your eyes as point to your stomach. "Stomach hurts. Hospital? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Kara asks, already speeding around her apartment to gather supplies for a hospital bag. From what you could see she packed some snacks, water, blankets, clothes, and extra chargers. When she was done packing she threw the bag over her shoulder and carefully picked you up before walking towards the balcony. You groan as she lifts up but she quickly shushes you. "Okay. Ready?" She asks looking down at you. You reply with a groan and she nods before flying off. Kara lands behind a building next to the hospital, before rushing as fast as she could without her speed. 
“Ma’am, my little sister needs help.” Kara rushed out to the nurse at the front desk. “What’s wrong with her?” “She’s having unusual and extremely painful stomach pains.” “Is it it possible that those pains are period cramps?” Kara looked down at you as you weakly shook your head no. “No it’s not, she’s not on her cycle.” “Well, would she have any idea what it is?” The woman spoke finally tearing her eyes from the monitor screen and looking at the to of you. "No." You say weakly. "Well, if you don't know what it is then you'll just have to get an appointment set up." "We don't have time for an appointment, something could be very wrong with my little sister." "Ma'am, if there is something wrong with your sister you will just have to set up and appointment to find out." The receptionist gives a smile before returning back to the monitor screen. Kara looked down at you to see your sad eyes. The blondes jaw clenched as she walked out the hospital. 
When the two of you got back behind the building you two land at she looked down at you with a soft smile. “Let’s head to the Deo, alright. Maybe go see if Alex can help?” “Mhm.” Was answered before a groan as nuzzled more into her side. “Alright.” She hummed before taking off again.
“Alex!” Kara yelled walking into the Deo. Agent Danvers looks up from the round table she hears her named yelled. “Supergirl, Y/n.” The brunette says suprised as she starts to follow Kara to a hospital room. "I don't know what's wrong. But we went to the hospital and the lady was being a bitch." Alex nods to her younger sisters rambling as she and another doctor hook you up to a bunch of machines.
It had been two days and the doctors had just figured out what was wrong with you. You have a kidney stone. "So, I all I have to do is pee to pass it?" You ask the doctor. "Not necessarily. Sometimes it depends on the size of the stone. Yours is a little less than 3 millimeters. On its own the stone will take about 31 days to pass. But I'm gonna prescribe you some silodosin, it's and alpha blocker that will help the stone pass faster with less pain. But I also recommend that you take an over the counter pain medication to help sooth the pain until the stone passes." "Thank you." You say to the doctor as they hand you to prescription. "Can she go home now?" Kara asks the doctor. "Yes." Kara cheers happily as she lifts you up. "Kara, gentle." The blonde blushes as she sets you down, only for you to be pulled into a much lighter hug from your oldest sister.
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