#and in less than a week im seeing them in concert
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gibbearish · 1 month
am finally back home and can say without a doubt that i am just fundamentally not built for long distance travel however the train was much nicer than planes
#that being said. pressurized cabins drive me insane a little bit#and also it gives you pretty intense sea legs for a While#like. the ones from the first trip hadnt gone away by the return one. so. might be stuck with that for a few days#we shall see#also ajr live fucks severely#the albums were already incredible but that was a goddamn religious experience#like. idk the way i think abt it is theyre more djs than a regular band esp w their performance showing the making of way less sad#like their music is very electronic‚ theyre making mixes of their own sound effects more than singing in one go#so like. the vocals were a teeensy bit rough at times#notably times it has taken me Literally Hundreds Of Hours Practice to be able to consistently sing along with#and times ive found its literally physically impossible to like. no matter what#idc how big your lungs are‚ there is no human on earth who can do that final run of karma in one breath#much less to An Entire Stadium After An Hour Of Jumping And Dancing And Singing Loud As Fuck#so like i dont blame them for that‚ you dont go to live shows expecting it to be 100% perfect anyways jwbdjsbfksb#the trumpet however. well she was certainly playing sometimes. and was very enthusiastic about her flares.#however. in most of their songs they use midi trumpets to my ear at least#meaning she was likely an addition specifically for live performances and in my personal band kid opinion#prooobably was not in any of the like. higher tier bands? idk just. a lot of the mistakes she was making were hitting as stuff that got#taught out of us the instant we joined any band beyond regular concert#so i would guess she was probably just like. a friend who happened to play trumpet in high school or maybe even just middle school#and they knew that the trumpet parts in their pieces were big and distinct enough that like they /had/ to get a live player#and just kinda. didnt anticipate the audition -> performance gap#like. her tone was really fried the whole time like she was playing as hard as possible#which. she was mic'd. have the sound guy turn her up.#the way they did it made it sound like she was using a mute but not. like she only got the bad parts of a mute from it yknow#her tempo and timing were. bad. theres no nice way to put that one it just Was Bad‚ like the trumpet runs in ajr songs arent. complicated#like. quite literally if you handed me the sheet music right now i would have it down perfect in a week at absolute most#and better than that player on sightread. like. we did so many sightreading drills.#like ill share my band kid creds if anyone cares but i need to emphasize this isnt me being braggy like. they genuinely just arent hard#fuck im out of tags. w/e i think only like one of yall also listens to them anyways so i can leave it there
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cankersoregirl · 2 years
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mooonwalker · 2 years
whats goin on w tbz rn is, once again, unbelievable
#im not like an avid follower of artists schedules or anything like that but even just by interacting w their content on the smallest scale#(follow them on socials)#it was concerning how much shit they constantly had goin on since around their world tour stuff#like they were all over the place. a few weeks after id gone to see them they obv went to other tour spots but then immediately they were-#back in kr to do that concert thing#then back to touring... then the completion of the tour back in kr.... then comeback(s if u count sweet)#and this was one after the other like all i was seein on socials was posts from tbz bc they just. kept doing stuff#n now its reached a point where TWO of the members r on hiatus due to what company claims as general mental health issues#n some of the other members have injuries n stuff. and thats just stuff we know of. like who knows what else is goin on#im not blind to the music industry environment ESP in kpop but tbz r being so clearly overworked#to the detriment of literally everyone involved other than the company#members r clearly struggling. ppl who interact w their stuff can tell theyre not 100% which in turn affects the enjoyment of said content#its all well n good being aware of it and trying to bring it up w to company but like. whats that rlly gna do ykno#n ofc this isnt a one off. in the post i say once again bc its not the first time bht also. its not just tbz#just bc this kind of situation happens relatively often doesnt make it any less unbelievable
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hobie-enthusiast · 11 months
Can I request a hobie x male reader where hobie first notices the reader when he's performing on stage with his band? Hobie thinks his voice is sooo good and is soo hot so he talks to him after the show? Thanks!!
— hobie brown x singer!masc!reader
— fluff, flirting and banter, singer reader, petnames (sweetheart, darling, pretty boy), hobie is shamelessly flirting, pubs and concerts, light cursing (shit like once), hobie calls the reader ‘smokin’, hobie’s bandmates are menaces
— hobie brown can tell when people have talent, so maybe that’s why he felt the need to find you after your show
— woohoo more male reader im so thankful. also so sorry for how long this took to come out life has been a little rough lately lol
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Hobie and his bandmates decided to have a night of pub hopping to look for a new venue. Somewhere free, where they can entertain without worrying about the place being crashed with police and such. They just wanted to play some music.
The last pub they stopped to was a hole-in-the-wall, like most of their locations. A band was already playing tonight, and the energy was seemingly high amoung the patrons. Lights flashed between blue and purple, making the place seem cooler than it was.
“Gonna go find th’ owner!” One of Hobie’s mates shouted over the volume.
Hobie nodded as he was left with his drummer, giving him time to actually analyze the band playing. The music was catchy, similar to what Hobie plays and listens to. The drummer and bassist are smiling and laughing, enjoying themselves and the energy.
Then his eyes land on the singer.
Onstage, you were pouring your heart out. Even for such a dingy place. You were passionate in your singing, giving the crowd your bands best. Your voice was something that easily captivated Hobie. Each word you sung was tugging at his brain, almost as his heart, pulling him in every-time. The way you smiled and smirked, enjoying your little fame with your band, was something he admired.
As the song finished, Hobie gave his own applause. He was seemingly clapping the loudest, causing you to glance at him with a small bit of confusion. Then you smirk, throwing a wink his way with it.
That. Damn. Smirk.
You had Hobie captivated and didn’t even know it.
“Thank you everyone for comin’ out tonight!” You announce, prompting yet another round of applause. “We got one more song for the night. We’ll be back next week!”
With those words, you signal the start of the next song. The crowd seemingly goes crazy, already knowing what you were bound to play. It was a classic closer.
As the song continued, Hobie was seemingly in a daze. One that his bandmate noticed.
“Yo, mate, you good?” He questions, causing Hobie to snap out of it.
“‘s all good. They’re bloody good, ‘ll give ‘em that.”
The other nods “Yeah, ‘specially that singer. I think he was lookin’ at ya, mate.”
Though Hobie waved his friend off, he knew it was true. You looked right at him. You even winked. He had to tell you how good you sounded. How amazing your voice was. How much he enjoyed himself.
This was out of character for him. Of course, Hobie could admit when he sees talent. He can acknowledge it whenever it crosses his eyes. But he doesn’t ever let other bands know he admired them, much less individuals.
The song soon ended, and your band exited the stage to grab some water. You high-fived the others, congratulating everyone on such a good show. Spirits were high, and you couldn’t be more proud.
“Aye, good job [Name]! Want somethin’ to eat?”
“Just grab whatever. I’m gonna head to the dressing room.”
Your bandmates went to grab some food while you headed the opposite way. You were humming a song to yourself, turning the corner. Then, you hit someone, knocking into a seemingly strong body.
“Ah.. shit, I’m sorry.” You groan, rubbing your arm.
Well Hobie certainly didn’t think it would be this easy to find you. “‘s alright, swee’heart. Was my bad.”
Glancing up, you come face to face with a really gorgeous guy. He had decorated piercings all over his face, seemingly cool hair, and just such a laid-back aura about him. He was just so easy to stare at.
Then you remember this guy. He was the one you threw a wink at. The one who clapped louder than most for your band’s set. The one who stared at you almost the whole time he watched. He was a fan, if anything, you were confident in your thought.
“Hey, I know you. You were in the crowd tonight.” You point out with a small smile. “Enjoy the show?”
Hobie muses. “Yeah, was pre’ty impressed. You’ve got a killer voice, mate.”
Your face goes red at the compliment. This seemingly effortlessly cool guy was complimenting your voice. The voice you just sung and put out to a small crowd in a tiny pub. That he also happened to have been in.
“That means a lot! I’m glad you enjoyed!”
Hobie shrugged, leaning against the wall. “You’ve got a killer ons’age presence too. And you’re insanely smokin’, s’ you’re pre’ty set, mate.”
“That’s a pretty bold statement from a fan. But I enjoyed it.” You respond, smiling as you shrugged. “Just a guy trying to entertain the masses.”
You had to admit, Hobie knew how to get what he wanted. He said what was on his mind, despite only talking to you for about a minute or two. It was incredibly charming. You’ve had plenty of pushy fans try to get your attention in the worst ways. But Hobie was way different. He talked to you so casually, as if chatting with an old friend.
Hobie smirks as he chuckles. “I know how t’ make a pre’ty boy feel good ‘bout himself.” He says, his eyes watching the way you stand and listen to him.
He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a napkin and pen. He writes something against the wall, causing you to crane your neck to try and see. But he finishes before you can, placing the napkin in your hand with a wink.
Then he walks off, with no more words.
You glance down at the napkin and a small smile plays at your lips. It has an address, phone number, and date on it, with a message at the bottom, written in a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters;
‘bands playing here. come by. text me your next show date. - hobie’
So his name was Hobie.. you liked that name. It seemingly matched the guy you saw, the one who spoke so flawlessly and cooly, the one who seemingly made you almost breathless just by his presence. You definitely had to go to this concert. Had to see him in his own band. It was definitely going to be a sight to see.
You fold the napkin and slid it in your pocket, heading back to your band. While sitting there, you shot the number a text, saving it as well, wanting to inform Hobie of your intentions.
Me (12:32 AM):
thxs for the invite
ill see ya then
Hobie (12:33 AM):
that was quick
never caught ur name darlin
Me (12:33 AM):
its [Name]
Hobie (12:34 AM):
ill see ya, sweetheart
To say Hobie’s messages didn’t have your stomach doing some flips would be a lie. You were excited to get to know this guy, the mysterious pierced guy who thought you were good looking.
Hobie also had a smile tug at his lips after messaging you back. His band took notice, nudging him.
“Get that singer’s number, aye? Ya already look lovesick!”
Hobie rolled his eyes. “What of it?” Was all he said.
Yet even though both of you spent the night with your respective friends and bands, you couldn’t help but have thoughts of each other, awaiting the next faithful day you will meet.
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skylarbee · 8 months
Is it just me but watching the interaction with Miles and Al. Alex seems to not only not initiate a hug he also pushes Miles away while Miles is so eager to talk to him etc. Body language is not good. Also maybe it’s Miles that wants to keep the friendship going. Like we know of Alex wants someone around he’ll have them around and be affectionate. What if Miles is just like all his other exs? Once he loses interest it’s very obvious, the lack of sightings together, lack of physical affection. I really do believe there’s a distance in them. In so many ways. Musically, aesthetically, artistically, insteresta. What if they are just two old friends, who do love each other, but, at least for Alex, they are just not that into each other? I love Milex but im also realistic. What if their friendship isn’t some big breakup but like a distancing? My hopes for TLSP3 is nonexistent. Anyone else care to chime in? Sorry for the incoherence🖤
i understand your concerns lovely, and things are definitely different than before. but even in older concerts when miles joined them, there were plenty times when it was miles who went up to alex, and it's alex who let go first. it would seem like miles wants it to work more, but the fact that he has social media and posts about alex, while alex doesn't also affects our thinking, even if we don't realise it. alex has absolutely no way of telling us anything about miles, and he disappears for long periods of times, no wonder we think he's more disinterested, but this could be far from the truth.
there is one thing that you did get wrong, anon, and that is that miles is "just another ex". the connection they have is something beyond our understanding, and i'm sure most of us have never experienced something even close to what they have. the way they complete and understand each other is something that is hard to believe it even exists. as to alex's body language, he seemed a bit emotional, disconnected and nervous (and still put on a 10/10 show!) for the entirety of the last gig, and it's no wonder why. he was staring off into space and didn't even realise that he was waiting for miles to bring him back to reality. but even after their little handshake before 505, when alex looks equally as lost, he seems to liven up and prepare himself after miles goes over to him. i don't believe he loves miles any less, i think he's still his safe space. their kisses at london night 3 were something else.
while they might not see each other as often as they used to, miles has mentioned a good couple of times that they hang around his place, and anyways, he doesn't have to tell us anything. they might see and talk to each other a lot more than we think. speaking of interests, i want to believe that they're still pretty tight. i remember when miles posted a song on his story and then a few days later it appeared on am's pre-show playlist. this is just one thing, but they've always liked the same things, or if i want to be more precise, alex has always adapted whatever miles was into, let it be music, films, clothes, and whatever else. but let us also remember that time and distance changes people, of course their interests are gonna change too, but this doesn't have to be a negative thing. at least they have new things to share with each other and more to talk about! hahah
i'd love to hear other people's thoughts, but don't be too worried, anon. this last leg of am's tour showed us that they're still very fond of each other. why else would miles describe it as 'paradise' and 'the week of his life'? and why would alex so unashamedly serenade miles for an entire night?
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lovebombs4life · 8 months
the story of us - c.t.h
requested: yes! “Could you do a calum x reader, please?!
They are together since sgfg era (they met at a concert of her) and you could write their story (like timeline)”
a/n: i love this idea so so so much. i’m tweaking some of it just a bit, but i hope you enjoy it :) this took me like 2-3 days to write. i have two other requests i haven’t even started in bc i love this one so much.
cw: swearing, implications of drinking and sexual activities
being a small artist was so exciting, but so exhausting. trying to get publicity and more recognition sucked, with a big capital S.
my life has completely changed when my manger had called me, asking if i wanted to be an opener for an uprising band, 5 Seconds of Summer. of course i immediately said yes.
i had seen them before live. they opened for one direction when they were first starting out. they were incredible, and opening for them would be such a dream. tour started next month, giving me time to catch up on all their music.
their voices were unbelievable. i remember hearing amnesia when i had been broken up with last year, and listening to it now, i no longer think of him. now all i can think of is how beautiful it sounded.
i looked into the band, searching up common stuff about them. calum’s tan skin and tattoos has drawn me in. his hair was beautiful, he was beautiful.
i couldn’t let that distract me from being professional when we met. i pushed aside those feelings, waiting for tour to start.
a month later
i shook with excitement as i was being driven to the first venue. i had yet to meet the boys, and to say i was nervous was an understatement.
as we pulled up to the venue, i could see thousands of girls already standing outside, waiting to get in. my stomach flipped at the sight. sure i’ve performed live before, but this was a lot more than i’ve ever played for. i shook off the nerves of performing, focusing back on my first impression with the band.
the car parked, and i stepped out, walking to the entrance of the venue. i was lead by a security guard to the large dressing rooms. the sounds of laughing and yelling were heard through the door before i walked in.
“everyone, this is y/n y/l/n, your opener. y/n, this is the band.” the security spoke to me, leaving me with everyone. they all looked at me with soft smiles. my eyes landed on calum, my breathe hitching as he watched me walk through the door.
“i’m sure you already know, but i’m luke, that’s michael there, ashton, and calum.” luke smiled brightly. they all stood up, taking turns hugging me.
“it’s great to meet you guys. it’s crazy that i’m your opener. it feels like i saw you guys opening for one direction just a week ago, but here i am opening for you this time.” i spoke, waving my hands around.
calum chuckles at my actions. i blushed, smiling at them. “we’re excited that you’re here. your music is fantastic, and we’ve already seen some posts from fans saying they can’t wait to see you live.” calum said.
“i’m glad. im incredibly nervous. how long until i’m on?” i asked, looking for a clock. “little less than an hour.” michael piped up, looking at his phone.
my eyes widened, not ready at all. “i’m gonna go warm up a bit, see you all later!” i said, walking into my own seperate dressing room.
i began my warm ups, and before i knew it, i was halfway through my set. “alright everyone, we’re gonna slow it down a bit, and i’m gonna do an acoustic cover, how’s that sound?” i spoke into my mic. the crowd went crazy.
i chuckled as i put my mic back on the stand, grabbing my guitar. “so this is one of my favorite songs actually, and it means a lot to me. it’s called everything had changed, by this super cool chick named taylor swift. if you know the words, sing along!” i announced.
i started strumming my guitar, listening to the muffled screaming through my ear pieces. i smiled as i saw calum watching me from off stage. he gave me a smile and a thumbs up. my heart fluttered.
i turned back and sung the words. i knew my face was red as it was, but if i could see myself i knew i would be bright red. calum mouthed the words as i sung, making me giggle a bit.
once i finished the song, i said my goodbyes to the crowd. i passed calum, giving him a high five. “that was fantastic!” he cheered, pulling my arm back and giving me a hug. i pressed my face to his chest, taking in his scent.
i needed something to subside this little crush that was lingering in my mind. “thanks cal! just thirty more minutes then you guys will be on stage! they’re all going crazy waiting for you.” i laughed.
he watched me as i walked away, going to my dressing room to grab a snack.
soon enough the boys were due to go on stage. i walked around to the side of the stage, watching calum as he plucked the strings on his bass. i sung along to every song, watching calum the whole time.
every so often he would turn his face towards me, watching me as i danced around and sung with him. he would laugh and shake his head slightly.
the concert went on, and i could see some fans pointing to calum as he kept looking to the side. i giggled, thinking how they’d never know he was watching me. it was such an innocent thing, but i knew we’d have to keep things professional in the end.
“alright i want everyone to scream the words to this with us! i wanna hear you loud and clear and i want to see you jump!” luke yelled.
“i just want to say before we start, this song is going to be dedicated to the most gorgeous girl ive ever met. this is ‘she looks so perfect’” calum spoke, winking at me.
i blushed madly as the crowd went wild. after the show, calum handed his bass to a stage manager, and grabbed my hand, pulling me to his dressing room.
“what are you doing to me cal? my mind is going a million miles a minute just thinking of you.” i spoke, running my hand through my hair. he chuckled.
“i know it’s all so soon, but i believe in love at first sight, y/n. you make me crazy.” he spoke, getting closer to me. he held my hips as i wrapped my arms around his neck.
“let’s just see where it all leads, yeah? let time consume us.” i spoke. he nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
this was only the start.
after tour, i kept in touch with all the boys, but especially calum. soon after tour, we started dating. just a few months ago, we moved in together, sharing an apartment.
since moving in together, we’ve had countless movie nights, date nights, nights where we’d cook with each other, sick days, and so many other things. we’d already been together for a year, but it felt like we’ve been together for years.
“y’know, i really love you.” calum spoke softly as he played with my hair. my head was resting on his bare chest, tracing his tattoos. we’d both just gotten done showering, deciding to lay down and get ready for bed.
“i really love you too cal.” i blushed, looking up at him. his sweet eyes stared down into mine, giving me a soft kiss. i put my head back down, listening to his heart beating.
in the morning i woke up in an empty bed, looking for cal. i shifted around, finally getting up. i grabbed a pair of calum’s boxers and a sweater before walking out of our room. i could hear the soft sound of guitar from down the hall.
as i walked into the living room, calum started humming, stopping every so often. i knew he was in the middle of writing. he looked up when he heard my soft footsteps on the floor. “hey! i wanna read you these lyrics, wanna know what you think.” he spoke. i smiled, sitting down next to him.
i grabbed his journal, reading what he wrote. “i’m not sure if i’ll bring it up to the boys any time soon..” he trailed off as i read it.
“we know we’re classic together like egyptian gold.
we love us.
it don’t matter,
be combative or be sweet cherry pie,
it don’t matter just as long as i get all you tonight.”
he hummed it as i read, squeezing my leg. “cal that’s beautiful! you’ve gotta bring this one to the boys.” i encouraged. he blushed, pulling me closer to him.
“it’s about you. doesn’t matter if we stay in or go out, just as long as i’ve got you. as long as i get to love you.” he spoke. i blushed, pushing him back against the couch. i straddled his hips, kissing him.
“why don’t you show me how much you love me?” i asked him. he smirked, grabbing my waist.
“i can take you out, oh, oh! we can kill some time, stay home!” calum sang, watching me as i danced from the crowd. i smiled at him as he watched. he signaled for a security guard to come close, speaking to them briefly before they walked to me.
“calum says he wants to bring you up on stage, follow me please.” he spoke. i nodded and followed. once on the side of the stage, i was handed a mic.
i listened as calum spoke. “i wanted to bring out a very special girl, my wonderful girlfriend, y/n y/l/n!” he announced. i walked out on stage, waving to the crowd.
“hello! i’m going to be honest, i didn’t know calum was going to bring me up here!” i laughed. the boys were still playing. they were at the bridge in valentine, playing it slowly.
calum took his bass off and set it down gently. he walked to me, grabbing one of my hands. “y/n i’ve loved you for the past 3 years, and im forever going to love you,” he began. i turned my head in confusion.
“you’re the most wonderful person i’ve met in my life. you’re the one who inspired this song, and what feels like millions more. you’re my muse.” he continued, letting go of my hand and grabbing something in his pocket. he set his microphone down, getting on his knee.
my eyes widened. i handed my microphone off to a stage hand, turning back to calum. he held a small velvet box, opened to show a beautiful diamond ring. “will you marry me?” he yelled to me over the sound of the crowd. i nodded my head quickly, my hands over my face. i got down to his level, holding out my left hand. he slid the ring onto my finger, pulling my face in for a kiss.
tears fell from my eyes out of excitement. “i love you!” i yelled to him. “i love you!” he yelled back.
he was the one i was going to spend the rest of my life with.
it was CALM release day. calum and i have been together for five years now, and married for a year.
our wedding was very private, but we took plenty of pictures to share with the fans. i’ve never been more proud of calum.
calum was at another interview today, and of course i was by his side the whole time. i stood off set, watching as they talked about the album. “what’s your guys’ favorite song off the new album, and why?” the host asked. they all looked at each other, thinking of their answers.
“easily mine is wildflower. y/n was a big inspiration for that song, and she even helped us write and produce some of our music. which i want to mention, her new album comes out in two months!” calum smiled at me.
after the interview, he captured me in a tight hug. “you have no idea how proud of you i am, cal.” i kissed him. “and you have no idea how proud of you i am, y/n.” he spoke as we walked to the car, leaving for the next interview already.
once we got home from celebrating the album, calum and i decided to relax in bed having a movie night. we decided on watching ‘juno’, one of our favorite movies.
“have you ever thought about having one?” calum asked. i looked up at him confused. “one what, cal?” i questioned.
“a baby, y/n. have you ever thought about having one?” he explained. i smiled at him. “of course i have cal, i’ve always known i’ve wanted to be a mother some day.” i watched his eyes flicker to my lips.
“what about having a baby with me?” he held on tight to me as he asked. i nodded my head. “all the time. it’s been in my mind since before we got married.”
“what do you say we make one?” he said, stroking my hair. my eyes widened. “now? shit if you’re down, let’s do it.” i laughed. he climbed on top of me, and i prepared myself for the night ahead. calum was a determined person, and i knew he’d go all night if it meant getting me pregnant.
a few weeks later i had woken up, feeling like absolute shit. i sprung up from the bed, running to the bathroom. while throwing up everything from my system, that moment, i knew i was pregnant. since that night i had stopped drinking alcohol and switched to decaf coffee just to be sure of no issues. calum had stopped smoking, and we could do was wait to have a positive test.
once done, i quickly scrambled to grab a pregnancy test from under the sink. i did my thing and set it on the counter, result side face down. “calum?” i yelled from the bathroom.
he hurried into the room, thinking i was hurt. “are you alright? what’s wrong?” he asked, grabbing my face, holding me close. that’s when he had seen the test on the counter.
“you really think..?” he started. i nodded my head. “i woke up with morning sickness. i know it may not mean anything but, i don’t know, ive just got a feeling.” i said. he held onto me, standing with me while we waited.
i grabbed out my phone, setting up my camera to record our reaction. i was so sure, but at the same time it could’ve been nothing.
i had taken some videos before, and they were negative, but that was me just waiting to see if it’d happen. of course, calum was with me during each, but for this one he held me tighter.
“ready?” i asked him, the video already recording. “as i can be.” he replied, smiling. i grabbed the test from the counter. “okay. one, two, three.” i spoke, flipping the test over. i studied the lines, but quickly saw two solid pink lines. i covered my mouth, showing calum. his eyes widened grabbing the test from me, looking at it for himself.
“we’re pregnant.” i stayed, watching him set the test down. he grabbed me, squeezing me tightly. “i’m gonna be a fucking dad!” he cried, kissing me.
“we’re gonna be parents!” i squeaked, tears slipping from my eyes. i grabbed my phone, ending the video. i took a picture of the test, and sent both to my family and calum’s.
we were flooded with congratulations from our families. we waked back to the room, laying with each other. we both posted the video and the picture on our social medias, announcing to the world that we’re going to have a baby.
nine months feels like a life time, but also so short once you have your baby. on november 8th, 2020, we had our beautiful baby boy, charlie.
calum and i spent every waking moment loving him, and loving each other. being home from the hospital was a relief, as we were able to finally have alone time from friends and family.
this was the start of our small family.
5sos5 released just a few months ago, and charlie was soon turning two. time has flown by, but everything is absolutely perfect.
luke had brought up the idea for calum and i to make another version of ‘Older’, knowing our voices went well together. we decided to do so, and released it. the song was beautiful as it is with luke and sierra, but it felt so much more special now that calum and i had an official song together.
calum and i sat together by our fireplace, enjoying the warmth in the cold weather. we had just found I’m pregnant again, and we’re basking in the love of each other. charlie was asleep in his crib, the baby monitor close by incase he started to fuss.
calum got up, grabbing my hand to come with. he walked me to the kitchen, grabbing his phone out. he searched something up before hitting play, and propping open the refrigerator door. “you’re so cheesy. i love it.” i giggled.
he grabbed my waist, clasping one of our hands together. i rested my other hand on his shoulder. he swayed with me, just as we did for our first dance after getting married.
he kissed the top of my head, holding me close. “you’re so perfect, y/n. i’m so in love with you.” he spoke softly.
“i’m so in love with you cal. you were meant just for me.” i spoke, pressing my lips to his.
“as forever comes closer,
hope the world will spin slower,
i don’t want to get older.
i don’t want to get older.”
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lesbianaglaya · 9 months
wait hi please elaborate on your process of gift giving, im taking notes
happily :)))
planning ahead. okay so it depends first of all on how well you know the person. for my close friends + family (who are generally the people im getting gifts for) i try to listen and make note of when they mention something that might be a good gift! for example my mother was just talking about a rice pearl bracelet she had as a child that she wore till it fell apart. I know a local jewelry store that is both in my price range and makes things in my mother's style, looked on their website, and found a very similar bracelet that i could afford. gift found! planning also involves thinking ahead . im getting that for her for christmas, which is months away, but i know near christmas she'll be reluctant to mention things like that because people get weird about wanting gifts. it can also be less intense than that. my friend's birthday is this week, but a few months back i saw a necklace I knew she'd like at a charity sale and bought it. having the present ahead of time aslo helps prevent desperation in the days leading up to the event!
asking. It is so totally cool to ask people what they want. often they will prevaricate but if you say i am getting you a gift no matter what and you will be helping me by giving me ideas and they will concede. for example here my friend likes wool socks. i knit. i make them wool socks as gifts. i know to do this because i said 'i am going to knit you something. what would you like' and they told me! if youre worried about ruining the surprise the trick is to elevate their suggestion. to continue with the socks example, im not only making my friend a pair of wool socks, but i found a 1950s mens checked sock pattern that really fits their style! even just the added historical aspect, i know, will make my friend more excited about the gift.
utility. i think this is what really matters actually. i try to always find a gift idea that the person will absolutely use. fun little kitschy stuff is fine especially if youre in a rush, but its never going to be really exciting. giving people something that is helpful really makes receiving the gift exciting. getting someone who sews a needle book, or someone who loves music concert tickets allows them to see as soon as they get the gift how it makes their life more fun, or easier, or solves a problem for them. utility is used pretty generally here — a bracelet isnt necessary, but i know my mother will wear it. the goal is to find something that wont sit in a drawer forever till it gets donated.
for people you dont know as well, gift cards are great. try to figure out something they will (again) find useful, get them a gift card, and then elevate it by including a handmade object like a piece of embroidery, homemade cookies, a handmade pretty paper box, etc. if youre not at all able to make things thats also fine! this is where utility can be let go a little. go to a local souvenir or gift shop and find a small thing that suits their taste. this immediately makes the gift card feel way more personal and thoughtful. If youre short on cash, for people close to you offer a service: a baking day with your mother, a movie night with a friend where every time youre the one who gets up to refill drinks, a scavenger hunt youve invented at a free museum together. the real key is a personal element. even a handmade card that suits the person can be more exciting to receive than an expensive gift that isnt their style or taste.
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ughgoaway · 4 months
Hi ace! I saw the few anons who were anxious about going and honestly same.
Im having an awful depresive episode and they last a few weeks always and i dont know how am i gonna go to the concert
oh love, I'm so sorry. I know exactly what you're feeling, and so do so many other people. honestly, I think so many more people are anxious than they say- concerts are really fucking overwhelming. especially when you're already feeling shit.
I've personally had to miss 2 concerts due to my mental heath, and whilst the decision sucked, I knew it was the one I had to make. I didn't want to associate an artist I loved so much with that level of uncomfort, so I decided to give it a miss on that occasion.
but that is a very hard decision to make, and I was very lucky that I was able to make that decision, financially and mentally. I had a support system that reassured me it was okay and I could afford more tickets next time they toured.
as for what might help, I personally find it easiest if I know every detail of what is happening the day of the concert. it just makes it so you have one less thing to think about. another thing I find help is contacting the venue, or googling, to see if they have spaces for people who get overwhelmed. so many places have quiet rooms to take a step away.
also remember, you don't have to go. if you decide you just can't do it, that's okay. if you get to the venue and have to turn around, that's okay. even if you get halfway through the concert and need to leave, you are allowed to to that. there is no doubt in my mind that after this touring hiatus the boys will be back touring. there will most likely be another opportunity to see them!
but I know having to make that choice is fucking awful, especially when you want to go but your brain just won't let you. I hope you manage to go to the concert, my love. but even if you dont- it's okay <3
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just-rogi · 2 months
this is so stupid but im depressed, and im angry im depressed because i want to be happy right now you dont understand. i have been struggling so fucking bad these past few months when my health went downhill and i had to go on medical leave, i couldnt see my friends for so long, and i stopped getting paid and its fine i have money saved up but i feel insane guilt at spending any money on anything at all for pleasure while im off work. like ive dropped hundreds on doctors appointments in the past two months and cant rationalize concert tickets or shit. ive been having just bouts of anxiety and grief and i can manage them because i know HOW to manage them but its just frustrating doing all the depression upkeep when i WANT to be happy. i turned twenty two last month and i havent celebrated my birthday since i was in fourth grade because of reasons, and i was really scared of being let down so i just dont celebrate, but this year i begged my closest friend- i dont want a party i dont want people there, i just want to not be alone, and not be sad and i want to listen to 22 by taylor swift. and due to an emergency she had to cancel on me at nine pm the night before and i was so upset about changing plans i just wasnt able to regulate my emotions or be there with my other friend who showed up at my apartment unexpectedly, because i wasnt emotionally ready to be happy, i just didnt want to be devastatingly sad. I have been waiting to play 22 by taylor swift on my 22nd birthday for at least a decade. its so fucking stupid, its SO fucking stupid, but i was so disoriented and depressed that i cant bring myself to listen to it which is dumb because its not even a good song but it was supposed to be happy. my grandmother was the only member of my family who wished me a happy birthday, and less than a week later was easter and i wasnt invited but all my siblings were there. and im trying so hard to go for walks and talk to friends and go to the library and make art, but i keep going to doctors appointments and i cant do shit i used to be able to do and i feel so isolated at home... and it just kinda hit me... im not excited to listen to the new taylor swift album tonight. what the fuck. im taylor swift girl. im like THE swiftie friend. there were people in highschool who only knew me because i loved taylor swift, hell even on tumblr i was known for my stochastic terrorist taylor swift post that went viral, and.... i dont care. Its not even that i dont care- its that i actively dont WANT to listen to the album tonight. my phone lock screen is a sylvia plath poem, i have a full shelf of just my favorite poets, like poetry and taylor swift are my favorite things in the world and everyone knows it... and im not excited. what the fuck. i want to be excited again. i want to be happy about this. im sick of doing depression manitence and going outside and eating fruit and taking showers and going on walks. IM ANGRY BECAUSE IM SICK AND I DONT HAVE ANSWERS AND EVERY WEEK IS A NEW DOCTORS APPOINTMENT AND I DONT EVEN GET TO BE HAPPY ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT???? cmon man its hard enough i just want to be feeling something again. i deserve to be happy about this so why am i miserable and apathetic. i get it. im a swiftie and taylor isnt even that good and its not even something special because she releases new music every other week..... but man... i want to be excited about something again. its not my fault this time- i did everything right and im still just so fucking sad i cant cope
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bluupxels · 1 year
hi simblr long time no see (a week) but im back! also hit a little follower milestone??? we’re at a little less than how many people were in my high school graduating class which is a little insane to think about but my brain cant really comprehend scale and numbers so its fine 😁 i dont really have anything to post im still just kinda getting my life together a bit bc i had a long ass week but ill be around here a little
sharing my paramore concert pics/experiences under the cut hehe ugh i had so much fun
boston calling was SO fun i’d never been before but it was like 90F/32C i was dying. got to see bleachers too but i didnt take any proper pictures, jack antonoff the man that you are....
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we were pretty far back and i couldnt see the stage bc we weren’t about to be standing in the pit for 8 hours but i could see the screens so it was fine. someone next to us was like “this is why i love boston because everyone’s so short” and my 5′2 ass was just like damn...
okay onto madison square garden yEAHHHHHH. my phone camera quality is so bad i hate you apple.
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i didnt get the exclusive msg shirt but its fine *twitches*. and YES hayley did have to stop the show bc people were getting rowdy and i recorded the whole thing. boston calling crowd was so much better tbh even the people next to me at msg were rude as fuck. i was sobbing at both shows i literally love paramore so much you guys you dont understand.... the last time i saw them was in 2014 for monumentour with fall out boy (minor flex) and before that was 2013 which was my very first concert and thats IT!! literally the only concerts ive ever been to have been paramore....
this was also the first time i’d ever been to nyc and i did it alone bc i dont think things through ever. i got there the afternoon of the show and then left the same time the next day so i didnt actually get to see much but i still had fun. and i knew new york was like on another level but i thought living in boston would have prepared me a little... it was truly something but i think my gay speedwalking, walk rage, and resting bitchface helped me blend in. when going out of your comfort zone pays off hmm much to think about
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
Cute Jk airport pics. Yoongi disease verse live. It's so good and hes so hot omg ah! this concert yoongi was iconic bc wet ginger hair yes. Also how would ot7 do no nut november? (kinda off topic but i have a new pet peeve for fics that use nut instead of cum as a noun/verb. read 3 fics with it recently ew. it turns me off omg) Assuming they're all in a relationship with a different mc. Who starts it/challenges the others? Im thinking jk lol. Who wins? Who loses? Maybe the agreement is that they text the ot7 gc if they lose lol. I want to read them casually texting during the challenge. Maybe teasing each other or something lol. Does their mc tease them or not? What is the sex like after they win/lose? I'm imagining rough sex and manhandling omg.
idk how yoongi didn’t pass out with that one 😭 but that ginger yoongi was such a cultural reset my whole life suddenly got better after that day
okay you’ve opened up my mind, there are so many terms used in fanfics that just ruin the whole story. i don’t care how good it’s been, first of all nut. what the fuck. that’s not sexy or hot you’ve ruined the perfectly good smut and it just reminds of someone musty that still like sexually shy and won’t say like cum or something, even seed is better than nut and sometimes that one makes me wanna cry— depends on the day. second, baby girl. i absolutely despise that name, i’ve never said this but it gives me the ick and i never use that term. it’s not cute, and if anyone were to ever call me babygirl then their out of my life. next, the wattpad classics- rod, member. EW my skin crawled writing that, say cock please i beg you 😭 dick is less sexy cool but better than member. i saw someone say meat stick once that was the end of me.
anyways back to the original point— jungkook would probably be the one to suggest it 😭 i feel like taehyung would say he’d do it but then not care and then fuck his m/c into oblivion, probably lie just to keep jungkook happy.
jungkook’s determination knows no bounds so i think he’d be able to go like a week but you also know he’s horny as fuck and maybe just seeing his m/c in a towel after a shower is all it takes for him to snap. she probably isn’t even like trying to tease him, but you know he can’t keep his dick in his pants and you know he’d be super frustrated and take it all out on her, mending her into any position he sees fit because if he’s going to lose then he’s doing it properly
yoongi would probably be just fine, busy working on something, maybe one of the other members try and set him up, getting his m/c to wear like his favorite lingerie, maybe sending him nudes as he’s working in the studio. kind of off topic but i think yoongi would like non-sexual nudity, like he’s able to appreciate his m/c’s body without it instantly turning him on because you know he’s super sentimental and just likes the idea of freely seeing her body
taehyung horny as hell i don’t care, that man would lose on the first day. and you know he fucks dirty, sloppy kissing, spit shiny skin and multiple loads of cum into his m/c that he’ll finger into her afterwards just because he likes to see her squirm in overstimulation
namjoon uhhh idk that’s a hard one i feel like he’s super horny but also i feel like he could live without sex? idk where that thought came from because you know that man knows how to fuck. i’d give him… 2 weeks, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t let his m/c edge him before he takes a super cold shower, making sure he at least pleases his baby even if he can’t cum inside her
jin would forget. be like 3 days into the challenge and then completely forget he was trying to beat jungkook because i imagine he’s also a sex fiend and definitely a pleasure dom, maybe throwing her over his lap for a good spanking when he remembers he was meant to be doing the challenge
hoseok i think… would get through the whole month. when he does something he does it perfectly. he’d still like finger his m/c or shove a dildo up her cunt but i doubt he’d cave no matter how much his m/c liked to tease him
jimin i’m not sure actually. maybe fail on the last day, a little whiny as he asks his m/c to just ride his dick because he can’t take it anymore and he just wants to feel close to her, getting hard again at the feeling of her cum soaked walls as he fucks his cum back inside her
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byuntrash101 · 1 year
Just saw ur post about depressed at work and went like, "mood". Is your job hurting you or is it something else...?
first of all thank you just for reacting to this i was just kinda just screaming into the void with this post like idk i didnt even know actual people would see it so thx for just checking on me this means the literal world <3
i try to keep my blog as much "good vibes only" as possible so if anybody reading this post dont want to be bummed out (which i understand) dont read under the cut
to put it simply yes. yes it's my job.
like i've been knowing this job was the problem for a rather long time because i was super stressed all the time and all it wasnt fun but like i only truly understood when i went on vacay some weeks ago it was the FIRST TIME that i enjoyed my days off without stressing about work and/or just ended up actually working FOR FREE because i was stressed that too much work would be waiting for me when i get back. that time i was literally stranded in the ocean and i didnt have a choice to just let go and not worry about work it felt AMAZING. i've been having non stop headaches and panic attacks and i didnt have ANY while i was on vacay. i remember so clearly thinking at some point wow that is what life is about...
and yeah so im gonna quit. like freal. yesterday they anounced us something again and i know this new thing will result in more work and im sick of the pressure they constantly put on us because they treat the clients like literal infants and we have to find every way possible to make them satisfied. so that was the last sign i needed from the universe to get the fuck out.
sure im well paid and can afford to travel and go to kpop concerts and buy the things that i want but honestly at what cost? no amount of money is worth the mental and physical torment... because at this point my stress level is constant and so bad that im noticing physical repercussions.... and yeah not worth it.
so im going to quit. ill look for an other job i know grass is not always greener on the other side but there MUST be a side where the color of the grass suits me! coporate life is a bitch honestly and clients are the worst i love my team so much ive been holding on for so long for their sake because my colleagues are the greatest but honestly none of them deserve to go through what they put us through. they should all quit.
i dont wanna settle. i can find better. (honestly none of us should ever settle for less. lets know our worth. we are bad bitches <3)
so yeah ill make an anouncement soon about an incoming writing hiatus (i will still be reading and reblogging and lurking like the cave troll that i am) because i'll be looking for a job and that takes a lot of time and i still have my current job i have to go to (unfortunately).
sorry for the unsolicited rant... but yeah BUT because im a person that focusses on the bright side... other than my shit job! everything is good! im okay if it wanst' for that my life would be perfect! dont worry too much about me <3
also i've seen your recent post your job also sounds complicated. i hope you're ok too <3 dont hesitate to rant to me lets both talk shit about our company together. lets bond over hatred <3
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cigarretteluvr · 9 days
journaling a count down to twenty one
seven days: I turn 21 soon and it feels like the end of the world. Well, 20 felt like the end of the world too, but that's because I was 19 and didn't know any better. 21 is the Big One, the one i've waited my whole life for. The one where you are deemed to society really an adult: "legal." I guess that legality scares me. I've used my youth as a crutch for so long that I feel like my immaturity has to dissipate during this countdown. And until yesterday I didn't even feel like celebrating 21- and even today I barely do. It feels wrong, worse, it feels empty. How do I celebrate this birthday when every time I blow out the candles I wish he would be here? And when I check my phone at midnight, I'll just be looking for a missed call?
Maybe I should be mourning my adolescence instead of a boy. But I can't help but feel thats just a small piece of a bigger picture, because if I had the love of my life by my side for 21, I don't think I would care very much about the death of my adolescence at all.
I wonder if he would forgive my juvenile impulses if I were to act on them. I wonder if he's as desperate for me if I am for him, and if I asked him to come running he would, because, it's my birthday after all. And we can still chalk it all up to being kids, and being dumb, and being in love and helpless. But I remind myself he probably would think I'm toying with him, or being mean, or being immature. I wish he knew better of me, but I am known to be prone to indiscretion.
I don't even know what I want from him really- anything might do. I guess, really, I want to come back to my place after ordering my first drink (a dirty gin martini) and see his number on my screen as soon as the door shuts, and hear him wish me happy birthday with that nickname he calls me. and in that voice that still gives me butterflies, he would ask me what i did and i would tell him, and it would be normal, just for a call. And maybe then 21 wouldn't be my saddest birthday.
I know that's a fantasy, and i'm barely owed a thought, much less a present. But that, I guess, is my birthday wish this year. Maybe it's bad luck to tell you. But no matter what I blow out the candles to, no matter what I present I get, nothing will compare. and maybe I just need to come to peace with that. But a little part of me hopes, telepathically, he'll know exactly when my door will shut, and my phone will light up with a familiar number, one that will always mean more than 21.
five days: i bought my tiara, it's gold and a little kitschy, but i'm excited to wear it and be princess for a day again (or in my case, a week). 21 is feeling a little more exciting and a little less real. i'm not really sure how to compose myself, i'm not really sure how to feel about it, who to celebrate it with. i've picked the obvious choices but it just doesn't seem right. nothing about this birthweek really has felt right.
im having a birthday party tomorrow and i cant help but think about what additions he’d have to my playlist. he’d probably add something i hate and i would convince him it doesn't work but add it anyway. i was thinking about him crashing my party, the drama. and how he probably would if he could. i thought about the betty of it all, and what i would do if he did. i kept myself awake all night last night thinking about it- not contemplating my answer, just getting excited by it.
i find myself looking for thoughts to distract myself with all day, but they always catch up with me at night. if i plan this party i wont think about it, if i book concerts i wont think about it, sign up for internships, make a checklist with whatever other thousand things i can do in a day and do them. yet i think if he called me right now and asked me to marry him i would-- which is crazy. but it's true. once the distractions run out, once it's summer and i'm alone in my big apartment, and i've done everything i can do by myself in a day, and i don't feel like going to a bar or a club or even out of my room, i'm going to be smearing blood on the walls wishing he was mine. writing poetry about him like they're manifestations and confessions. i'll probably be distracting myself for the rest of my life. what a life.
three days: i got told yesterday by a drunk person that im interesting, because i think things should be so i make them be. and they said that they think that’s admirable, but ultimately wrong. i laughed at them and went back to my friends to dance to faneto.
but it’s true. not that its wrong, but their observation. i never paid much attention to it, i think thats just the way i am and i dont analyze things like that about myself because, well, it is what it is. i think the world is what i make it to be, and that is just my nature, and if i dont like a rule i wont follow it, and if i think something should be a certain way, it is to me. i guess i do live in my own little world. my own constructed little world.
i love living in my own little world. life is nicer here, things make sense here. i have fun here. i can find peace here in whatever chaos i construe.
i wonder how many people admire that about me— is that what people admire about me? have they just not been able to put it into words? he did, he tried anyway, but i guess never said it so succinctly or matter of fact. when he told me there was nobody else like me, that he loves the way i live life, i wonder if thats what he meant and i just might have never understood it until now.
and im turning twenty one (if you havent caught on) and i wonder how that will change. i wonder if it will change, because for a while now i’ve felt like ive been aging backwards. i was told when i was younger i was an old soul and mature for my age. now that im older im told im a free spirit and incredibly youthful. and i dont know if i did that out of my own volition or if i was a special experiment from the universe. i feel like little me felt the agony of a middle aged adult with a 9-5. and now- while i might only be twenty (one) and this might just be how twenty (one) year olds act and feel- i think im childish and naive and getting moreso by the day. and while everyone grows up and matures around me they can call me and use me as a “feel young quick” drug whenever they please, and im just too aloof to understand that that’s not what friendship is.
and i wonder if thats why i feel so lonely? it seems like while people might admire that about me, the own little world of it all, they’ll never understand it, or really resonate with it. they go along with my bits and my quirks- but thats all they really see them as: bits and quirks. im chalked up to quirky and fun, and i thought those were compliments until now. now i realize i might just be completely misunderstood and left to fend for myself in that little world.
it wasnt always this way, i used to have someone by my side who saw me for me and not as some character, and i loved him more than anything and for a million reasons, now including this. and im out of his life and he’s out of mine, and its my birthweek and im realizing all of these things about myself and about life and all i can do about it really is talk into this void and hope someone may care enough to listen. but im still making that birthday wish when i blow out all my candles and hopefully in three days it comes true. he’s still my best friend in my heart and hes always with me in spirit.
i feel so many things— so many conflicting things. angst, misery, bliss, joy, anxiety, peace. but thats what it is to be a girl in her twenties, im learning.
24 hrs, 20 mins: this time tomorrow i'll be at a dive bar named after a pastry in my favorite little town, getting excited to order my first drink at a real bar. a couple hours after that i'll be coming home wondering about a call, and i don't know which i'm more excited for (yes i do).
i'm writing this with my tiara on and i can't believe its almost the end of birthweek. it's almost the end of twenty- which is crazy in and of itself. twenty was so full of love and adventure and learning and change and happiness and tragedy. but i loved every second of it. my favorite memories will be suck in twenty, even though i know i'll make more. the golden ones live in twenty.
not only is my birthday creeping up but so is summer. i'll be here for a good chunk of it- the way we had planned together- and i'll be entertaining myself however i can. keeping busy, but we already talked about that. summer is my favorite time of year i think. I love winter with all my heart, i love who i am in the winter, i love the memories i have with winter, i love how winter feels and smells. but the year never starts until summer. my summers are dreamy and exciting and chaotic in the best way. i love the heat, i love the air, i love the freedom. it's gemini season and i was raised in the sun, how could you expect any less from me?
and while i might be mostly alone this summer, i refuse to let it go to waste. i'm being given access to the rest of the world, i'm alone, and have nothing but time to do anything and everything i love. and even though i was supposed to do it with him, i'll do it in honor of him instead. in honor of the dazzling summer we once planned for ourselves. It seems like a summer in socal is what my life has been leading up to, as dramatic as that sounds. but i feel ready- i am ready. i'm ready to be twenty one, i'm ready to pretend to be an adult with my apartment and my responsibilities and i'm ready to chase my dreams after manifesting them for so long. maybe this is just jupiter, or the moon, or the tiara, or gemini talking, but i'm so ready for all the blessings the universe has planned for me. i'm ready for the lessons i'll learn in this new era. and maybe it'll all lead me one step closer to him. so i'm ready for it (or so i think right now, at least. i still have a good chunk of time to change my mind. but i don't think i will).
this took me 20 minutes to write, so now this time tomorrow i'll be celebrating twenty one, i'll be waiting for my drink, and i'll be feeling a freedom i'll likely only feel a few times more after twenty one. and i'll close my eyes, and make my birthday wish even through that feeling.
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allamericansbitch · 11 months
hi sarah! my eras tour show next week is going to be my first concert. do you have any tips or suggestions about things i should keep in mind? also what is the schedule like? i know the show starts at 6:30 but when does taylor come on?
omg so excited for you! depending on how much you wanna see the openers, i'd recommend getting there earlier than you think due to traffic and finding your seat, plus bathroom lines are very long so if you'll need it, you'll have to make time for it. maybe try and get there by six? plus add in 30 minutes of extra travel time for traffic.
so like you said it starts at 6:30 but that means the openers start then. taylor doesnt go on until 8 normally, the bathroom lines are the longest right before she goes on stage so that's why i recommended using them beforehand. also! dont use the first bathroom you see when you walk in or the one right by the entry to your seats because thats the one everyone uses, feel free to go up a level or down the hall towards a less populated or visible area because it'll probably have a wayyyy shorter line, i did that and it was a lifesaver.
during the show i dont have many tips, just haver fun and be mindful of the people around you.
now getting out, if you wanna avoid all the mess i'd recommend leaving right as taylor hits that last note of karma (or before then- im assuming you wanna see as much as possible tho), you'll get out just before everyone else and miss the traffic and you wont be sitting in it for hours in the parking lot!
hope you have an amazing time!!
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youngshiney · 1 year
how i would run sm: Red Velvet edition
back to the series with the next logical group, Red Velvet. sm's first group after Exo and my ult girl group, similarly under a cut as per last post
triple debut (2014-2015): so to start, i actually dont mind Happiness as RV's debut and that its ot4. Yeri was really young, so i wouldnt really change those first two eras (Be Natural is my beloved but its a single and a remake so it doesnt count as their first cb in my eyes). what i would change is the schedules and some promo.
firstly, like Exo i think RV would have benefited from some sort of webtoon or lore comic starting at the second debut for ICC bc thats when we start to get hints that something in Cake Land isnt right. i have a lot of thoughts on RV lore/storyline which we will cover in the upcoming kwangya post (after nct and aespa posts bc they are integral to my version of kwangya).
second, Seulgi should have solo debuted in 2015 between Dumb Dumb and the lesbian christmas song (Wish Tree was iconic and we love Lee Jooyoung). shes been RV's ace since pre-debut, everyone knew and loved her and acknowledged her talents, and she was in multiple mvs of her sunbaes (Henry's Fantastic was the best). Seulgi being the first solo RV member feels right in every way, and while it would be very different than what we got for 28 Reasons, i think that might be partially a good thing.
the start of the success era (2016-2017): Russian Roulette was perfect and i have nothing to say about it. The only thing I would have done differently for them in 2016 was pushed for more solo/unit content, like station songs, vlogs, arts and crafts vids? like just stuff where theyre having fun and hanging out with no pressure. the main 2017 change tho is Joy solo debut. sm is so fucking stupid for NOT capitalizing on the attention Joy got from The Liar and His Lover, a show all about how perfect and amazing she is as a singer! like have her prepare and record between Red Flavor and Peek a Boo and have Peek a Boo pushed back a week or two. the concerts were a good idea, but they really should have capitalized on Joy's performance more. im still annoyed she hasnt properly debuted especially bc clips of her singing from TLAHL was what made me look into RV in the first place and why Joy is my girl ult of ults
Bad Boy (2018): id push Bad Boy back a little bc the time between PaB and BB feels too short, especially going by my plan. other than that, no major notes since the eras were pretty good and the concerts were a good idea. maybe a bit more of a rest after RBB bc of the short turn around time between that and the Japan cb + NA tour
ReVe Fest pt.1 (2019): the Ellie Goulding collab was amazing. ReVe Fest day 1 was a mess, and i say that as a Zimzalabim supporter. the styling was horrific and it all needs to go, the mv should have been more circusy and less performance vid imo, and the song is fine but maybe a less chanty chorus? ReVe Fest day 2 was good and idk why people hate Umpah Umpah bc it was cute and summery like it should have been. and then the Finale, Psycho was one of the best eras taken from us too quickly. i mean the only thing to change is to stop wendy from falling bc that killed the whole momentum and their careers for a hot minute.
the hiatus (2020): now to be clear, i am not blaming wendy for her injury or suggesting she should have come back early. its good she rested and healed properly and came back slowly to make sure everything was okay. every idol should do that. that being said, we should have gotten an ot4 album even if it was just a mini. the girls basically did nothing for a whole year waiting for her and it really did hurt them/their momentum. they should have had more solo content through the year alongside the like two group things, then Seulrene debut in june like originally planned, and then and ot4 album in fall or winter.
back on track? (2021): ot5 being at smtown was great and got everyone hyped to see the group after a full year of hiatus and they teased a cb at the performance. and then wendy killed the hype by doing her solo debut 4 months later with a ballady slow song. and she had the audacity to be like "omg i feel so bad for making everyone wait and then doing a solo" like girl wtf?? anyway gripes about her aside. Queendom was cute, but it felt lackluster after the long wait and felt more like a b-side than a title. also the mv/concepts teased all this magic and powers and a whole universe only to give us literally nothing after the first minute. why were they in a post office when the teasers were about the antique shop?? i would have changed the mv a lot to either expand on the magic or fit the teasers better.
ReVe Fest pt.2 (2022): sm cancelled the concert (rightly) bc the girls got covid but then never rescheduled bc there were "no venues open" even tho the same thing happened to dream and they got rescheduled in like two weeks so what the fuck is that about? um anyway they should have done a concert after Feel My Rhythm but also not named it ReVe Fest bc theres no point and they arent connected. ALSO FMR was beautiful and all but what happened to the ballet concept which wasnt in the mv and why did they not expand on the weird half story with Dark Queen Seulgi and the garden etc? also also FMR felt like a b-side too which was disappointing especially after queendom. and im skipping ahead to birthday bc that was actually the biggest let down of the year. the concept/teaser photos had literally nothing to do with the mv or song, the song itself was easily their worst title and did not sound good in any way, the mv styling wasnt great for pretty much everyone, the cake ver selling out before preorders even ended and before they showed us what it was/what was in it was super annoying. birthday is the biggest let down era imo and ESPECIALLY after the beauty of Wildside. Wildside was the only release in 2022 for RV that i actually 100% enjoyed from the style to the mv to the song to the plot in the mv. like it was perfect and exactly what we should have gotten as a Korean title and era. i would have absolutely done something similar for birthday, especially with the grunge outfits/concept
future plans/ideas: Yeri and Irene solo debuts, Seulrene cb, Joy actual debut this time, more solo schedules especially for the actresses, more Yeri vlogs, Seulgi cb with a better song, my highly indulgent KaiJoyYuta trio, an even more indulgent trio of Seulgi/BoA/Yunho, i think thats all i have off the top of my head.
next week nct u and the way nct overall would function before we get into the actual units
0 notes