#and im a sucker for the ships that 'make absolutely no sense'
seaofgoldensand · 2 months
I USED TO ANONNIE, been stuck on love and deepspace and sometimes HSR.
anemo boys sans venti (I LOVE HIM THO I JUST COULDN'T BUILD HIM WELL) were like my mains, i used xiao a lot on my EU and then scara on my NA + hu tao, they swap and xingqui never leaves.
ANYWAYS SOBBING YES BECAUSE FUCK MAN NPNP HIT SO DAMN WELL, sirihans will always be someone i look up to in writing because the way he writes out the stories is just so alskdfjdks I MELT too damn good.
 “I solved cases for him, while I slew a god for you.” 
also i will die on this hill kzscr reigns supreme idgaf if they haven't met each other in the main story THEY HAVE CONNECTIONSSS, I WILL HAVE NOTHING LESS
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
Hey pookie hope you're doing well!
I was curious about a Rosie x Reader who is a female butler? (Yes they exist they are not just maids)
Listen im a sucker for royal x guard ships im weeeeeak
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a/n — I LOVE ROSIE!!! I don’t have a great grasp on her character though because i’ve actually only watched that episode once but… I try.
warnings — suggestive, mostly just fluff, f!reader implied but it’s never brought up or stated, NOT PROOFREAD!!
summary — f!butler x rosie
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Rosie is absolutely a wonderful woman to work for. 
Along with the pay being well, not to mention the surprisingly comfortable servants quarters, she has a refined level of respect for her staff.
Not to say the work isn’t hard, and the constant smell of fried up demons is not a picnic. 
As her butler, your in charge of managing the cooking and cleaning staff, and sometimes doting on Rosie.
After all she has a lot to do around hell, being the leader of a bunch of cannibalistic maniacs  (such as herself).
Seeing as butlers are in charge of greeting guests, preparing wardrobes, and assisting in the preparation of events, your around Rosie a lot more than the other staff.
Even if you weren’t, she’d still take care to know your name, just as she does everyone else. 
But she definitely admires your work ethic, and her relationship with you isn’t as formal as it would be if you worked for any other overlord.
She jokes with you while you dote on her, or just follow her around.
You definitely know an ungodly amount of gossip about other overlords in hell, or any drama that goes on with the higher ups.
Needless to say, there’s a level of trust there.
You take care of her when she’s overwhelmed with work, even if it’s your job it’s still undeniable.
And she treats you kindly, almost acting as if your friend instead of your boss, but never truly crossing that boundary. 
Now, a romance aspect is what you want, I’m sure.
So Rosie’s working late, making sure things are running smoothly in cannibal town, maybe putting together tomorrow’s sale. 
And she’s clearly tired, it happens to everyone when they have a job like this, but her work isn’t done yet. 
So you waltz in with your formal demeanor, and place a cup of tea on her desk. 
“Oh thank you, sweetie, but i’m not in the mood—“
“It’s your favorite, earl grey with a spike of blood,” you interject, “And if I may, ma’am, you’re in need of short break.”
That’s when Rosie would start to feel a sense of affection towards you, when she realized your shift ended hours ago. 
You stayed anyways specifically to help her on her busy night. 
Workplace flirting would be unbearable. 
She’d be calling you ‘my darling’ instead of just her usual ‘dear’ like she does with the rest of the staff.
Lingering touches while she walks past, linking her arm with yours or resting her hand on your shoulder, overall being super touchy.
Her requests from you would be more frequent, as much as Rosie likes to keep things classy, that doesn’t change the fact that her crush on you grows everyday. 
Maybe she’d even ask for a massage, actually.
See, her type of flirting is very subtle, so you wouldn’t even notice it’s happening unless it’s directed towards you.
Which, often, it very relentlessly is.
A relationship between boss and employee is inappropriate, and Rosie absolutely would respect your space.
Unless you feed into it, she wouldn’t cross that boundary. 
But from the point of view of the butler, is she flirting? Or is she just being nice? I mean clearly you’re her favorite and most important staff member… so is she just being appreciative?
But, when and if that line is crossed, things wouldn’t be different other than the secret workplace affair. 
She’d treat you the same during work hours, but any time you two are alone, she’d be all over you. 
Peppering you in kisses, eating you up, holding your face in her hands.
Calling you into her room for… butler duties.
Needless to say, the work never stops. But with Rosie it wouldn’t feel like work. 
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lightsoutletsgo · 3 months
Hey there! Could I request maybe two ships? And I would mind a little nsfw too anyways here’s a little bit about me
I’m studying international business
My favorite food is pasta cause im very picky
My friends usually say I’m sarcastic, funny, very honest and loyal, and just chill to be around
I really like going out but the music must be good and it’s gotta be with my friends
But I also like staying in having a movie or board game night
I don’t know exactly what I look for in a partner but maybe someone who is playful and that I can call a best friend too
My emoji is 🎆
ahhh tysm! this one was so fun to write hehe happy reading! mimi 🤍
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LANDO NORRIS ᝰ.ᐟ₊ ⊹ - always calls you love or baby - he loves your sense of humour and the way you smile at his jokes - his love language with you is quality time - he appreciates the way that you've gotten him invested in movies and whenever he gets offered tickets to movie related events like premieres he takes them just so he can take you!
lando is always asking you if travelling round the world with him can count as the "international" part of your degree. poor baby doesn't understand, he just misses you too much when he's away. absolutely loves a night out with you! and when he was dj-ing he would always play all your favourites, just to watch you and your friends sing along on the dance floor.
loves how sarcastic and funny you can be (even if he doesn't always get it at first) and thinks that conversations between you and oscar are hilarious. he learns to make good pasta just for you and loves being able to take care of you like how you take care of him!
goes all out for movie nights and will persuade you to build the cosiest pillow fort with him. he has one of those big screens and a projector and the two of you will spend all evening cuddling and watching all your favourite movies. he always takes you to the store first to pick your perfect movie night snacks. (however sometimes movie nights take a turn because he gets to distracted with how soft and cosy your thighs are...)
"here you go baby." you watched from your cosy pillow pile as lando carried in a huge tray filled with little dishes of your favourite snacks and dips. taking it from him, you settled it down in the gap between the two of you, "thank you honey." "so what are we watching?" lando stretched his back before throwing a blanket over your lap and tucking you in even more, "what's left to go on our list for this month?" grabbing his phone to check, lando opened up the arm nearest you as a silent invitation for you to cuddle, "I'm not sure love, let me take a look..."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚
CARLOS SAINZ ᝰ.ᐟ₊ ⊹ - always calls you mi corazón or amor - loves your collarbones and your shoulders. he'll press kisses there when you least expect it just to watch how you shiver - his love language is acts of service - carlos loves to do things for you, like run you baths after a long day or cook your favourite meal just because.
carlos loves surprising you with flowers whenever he can, just for the way it makes your smile light up. He would definitely call you his best friend! you're his rock whether he's had a good or a bad weekend. he values your advice and the fact he can come to you to rant or ramble about anything. carlos loves how fiercely loyal you are to him and to your friends.
he's a sucker for feeling your hands in his hair... whether it's during cuddles or when his head is between your legs. he proudly wears your scratch marks and loves seeing the sweet marks you leave on his hips. he loves cooking with you in the kitchen. you sitting on the island or the counter and picking what song plays next while he makes you pasta. of course he will dance his way over to you just to steal a kiss between steps in the recipe and while he's waiting for something to boil or simmer or cook, he's tugging you down gently and pulling you in to slow dance with him round the kitchen.
he does his best to help you study, whether it's testing you, reading essays or just reminding you to take breaks and refilling your water so you don't forget. "amor?" you rub your eyes, blinking to try and force the sore, dry feeling away, "amor?" carlos presses again, his hand rubbing your arm as he slides onto the couch next to you, "here's your water." he places your re-filled cup onto the coffee table and kisses your head, "need a hand?" you shake your head and lean into him, finally allowing your eyes to close, "I'm done for the day." you sigh and he wraps an arm around you, "good job mi corazón, I'm so proud of you!" you hum happily before he's gently pulling you to your feet and leading you to the bathroom where a hot bath has been run for you. complete with bubbles and your favourite face mask and book on the bath tray. carlos kisses the back of your neck as he hugs you from behind, "you, are going to relax," he kisses you again, "while I make dinner." you turn in his arms and kiss his lips, hands sliding underneath the hem of his t-shirt to gently scratch at his hips, "join me... dinner can wait..." he groans against your lips, making you giggle, "if you insist amor..."
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i adore reading your analytical posts abt soc so much jts not even funny; stumbling upon your account was like a coming across a goldmine 🙏 ALSO I RLLY WANT TO ONOW ABT THE SHE TREATS US LJKE MARKS ESSAY IVE NEVER THOIGHT ABT THAT RLLY also i loved the mr crimson post anw im sorry i’ll shut up now
Thank you so much, I’m so glad you like them!!
This is the first time someone’s submitted a question so bare with me because if there’s any way to do this wrong I’ll probably manage it, but here are my thoughts on the red herrings :)
She’s treating us like marks - an analysis of Leigh Bardugo’s use of red herrings in Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
I happen to be an absolute sucker for a good bit of foreshadowing, I think if it’s done well it’s one of the best literary techniques out there, so it’s something I always like to try and be on the look out for when I read. With books that I go back and reread, in this case many many times (seriously I’ve never specifically counted but I’m pretty sure I’m at over ten times each for the duology, it’s ridiculous), I like to find the things I didn’t realise were foreshadowing the first time round. When rereading six of crows and crooked kingdom, I realised that a lot of the things I expected to be foreshadowing didn’t actually come to fruition whilst other, seemingly less important, details were the actual foreshadowing. I LOVE IT! It’s genius, because it leaves the reader worrying about one thing so they’re too distracted to realise the groundwork is being laid for something else. But you know what that makes me think of? Kaz’s ideology of “What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet? […] Tell him you’re going to steal his watch,” and “you have to let the mark feel like he’s won”. Leigh Bardugo literally cons us, and she tells us that she’s doing it in Crooked Kingdom when the group are certain that they know where Inej is being kept, but Kaz says “Too obvious. He’s treating us like marks”. GENIUS
So I compiled a few of my favourite examples (in no particular order), if you know of any I’ve missed please add more I would love to see them!!
The cannon at the Ice Court. When the Crows first arrive in Djerholm they see a cannon built into the the cliff face, a defence mechanism for the Court, and Kaz says what might be one of my favourite underrated lines of his: “I’ve broken into banks, warehouses, mansions, museums, vaults, a rare book library, and once the bedchamber of a visiting Kaelish diplomat whose wife had a passion for emeralds. But I’ve never had a cannon shot at me”. Jesper jokes that “there’s something to be said for novelty” but then continues to say that a cannon would be useless against a ship as small as theirs and that it’s designed for “invading armadas”. They don’t mention the cannon again, but it stuck in my mind when I first read it as a looming threat, a reminder that the danger wouldn’t end when they left the court. So when they arrived in the harbour was I expecting soldiers, or a heartrender, or for Nina to take parem? Nope, I was too busy worrying about the schooner being blown to pieces - especially when the Crows all have such specific painful and/or traumatic experiences linking to water, with 4 out of 6 of them being drowning related. But that isn’t to say that the waiting soldiers at the dock weren’t foreshadowed. All the way through Leigh Bardugo constantly reminds us that Matthias had never seen black protocol in action, and that his time in the prison sector had been brief, but she lulls us into a false sense of security by letting us believe that the secret bridge onto the White Island was all Matthias was hiding. We trust him by this point, so we don’t expect anything to be different to what he’s told us, even though this is an aspect he couldn’t possibly have predicted. Bonus points for the fact that Nina’s poor well-being in the aftermath of the drug is foreshadowed by a joke at the awful Inn they go to before the job; the food is disgusting and she says “when I don’t want to eat, you know there’s a problem”, and in Crooked Kingdom it’s many times emphasised that she’s unhealthily losing weight and her appetite has vastly decreased, with Matthias buying her chocolate biscuits “in the hopes she’d eat something”.
The poison pill. Leigh Bardugo worked very hard in Crooked Kingdom to make us think that Nina might die. We went into that book knowing there was a strong possibility that she wouldn’t come out the other side; we knew very little about how she was coping with parem withdrawal at the end of soc, but we had seen around a minimum of five grisha being destroyed by the drug so far. (That’s a guess I haven’t actually counted). So we went in with the idea that she was already in a precarious situation, and even though we begin to see her regain herself she struggles throughout the novel both physically and mentally in the aftermath of the drug. Matthias begins to dream of being lost on the ice in the worst storms known to Fjerda, knowing that she was out there somewhere and that he could not reach her. This sounds like it’s foreshadowing her death. Then when the pair go to the Ravkan embassy, Tamar gives Nina a small yellow pill that Genya made; she explains that it kills instantly and painlessly, saying “we all have them” to make sure they cannot be drugged and enslaved by the Shu government, who are hunting for grisha with the Khergud at the time. Matthias is terrified by this, but Nina just slips it into her pocket without a second thought. At that moment I thought that Nina would almost take the pill only to be stopped by someone else, because it felt too obvious that it would kill her, but I did wonder if the Khergud would be the ones to stop her and so she would still be lost. But the pill never gets mentioned again, except when the Dime Lions come for Nina at Sweet Reef and she briefly remembers that it’s still in her pocket. Then never again. And Matthias’ dreams were, of course, actually foreshadowing the FESTIVAL OF PAIN AND TORTURE that is chapter 40.
Mr Crimson. I’m so glad you like my Mr Crimson idea! Basically I posted saying I think that he represents death in the novels and I’ve also talked before about how I think the Komedie Brute costumes that the characters usually adopt are representative of their character; Kaz the Madman, Nina the Lost Bride, Inej and Wylan the Grey Imp, and Jesper and Matthias Mr Crimson. I won’t go into detail about all of them but if you’re interested the post is on my page, but with the idea that Mr Crimson represents death it’s very important to me that, although all of them wear his cloak at least once, he is the only Komedie Brute character taken on by Jesper and Matthias (at least to my recollection, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). So of course I would argue that Matthias taking on the image in Crooked Kingdom foreshadows his death, but in that case what does Jesper’s represent? I came up with two options but I actually think you could combine them into one: it’s a red herring to make us align him with the literal death of Matthias, whilst actually foreshadowing the metaphorical death that his addiction and mental well-being are driving him towards as he tries desperately to stop them - in his own words to Colm “I’m dying anyway, Da, I’m just doing it slow”
Oh god sorry that this is yet another long post I hope y’all enjoyed this enough for it to be worth the time it takes for you to read all my ramblings 😭
Tagging people who asked for this one in the replies to my essay titles post - @the-magnificunt @flerkenkiddingme @luridorangeandviolentviolet @snowblack-charcoalwhite
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shitposting-puppet · 1 year
A list of Genshin character headcanons and personal ships that Just Make Sense
This will also feature Aether as the traveler, im sorry-
Heizou was a victim and a perpetrator of the VHD. He lost his vision about 8 months in.
As a result he has difficulty with his emotions as well as the emotions of others. He's very inept, a genius but emotionally inept.
Kaveh and Al Haithem don't hate each other, but they definitely are not good friends.
Speaking of, I think Kavehthem is super toxic. Source? My parents were just like them before getting divorced and now they dont talk to each other.
Kaveh's hurt line of: "I've been through worse" yeah... He had a shitty ex.
The ex was a Dottore clone.
The same Dottore clone is how Lisa found out she was lesbian lol.
Diluc and Eula get fake married.
Eula so that she's finally rid of all ties to the Lawrence Clan
Diluc because he's so tired of getting hit on at the tavern...
Dehya and Yoimiya have prosthetics.
(-Wanderer.) That man is so aroace istg
Heizou is also dating Tighnari. No I will NOT elaborate.
Meanwhile Aether is additionally dating Kaeya and Albedo
(who are also dating cause why wouldn't they?)
Heizou and Sara are each other's chosen family.
They eventually legally change their last names so that they're legally siblings too.
Heizou originally wanted to live on Watasumi, but the first time he escaped there he was found and dragged back home.
Speaking of: Heizou was born and raised on Yashiori, specifically in Higi Village.
When Heizou ran away to Watasumi, thats where he met Kokomi and Gorou.
Gorou is trans mtf. Her name is Hina. You cannot change my mind.
Hina and Koko? Married.
Ayato and Itto? Dating. I love they.
Thoma is a fucking wolf hybrid you cant change my mind! He can shape shift!
Also Noelle is his little sister i just
holds them gently
Cynonari is married, Collei is their long-suffering daughter.
Cyno continues to try and ask Kaveh out.
Kaveh continues to be super oblivious.
Kaveh 🤝 Collei = Trauma from Dottore.
Wanderer chose to go to college over hanging out with Traveler and their friends....
Only to end up talking to them anyway. He is Suffering.
Kaeya has Pyrophobia from the Fight.
Al Haithem is a dick. Like he won't bring up trauma or misgender you, but he's still an absolute asshole.
Why is he an ass? Because he knows and deliberately hurts others feelings. He is aware of what he's doing.
Al Haithem is also deaf + autistic. Yes, you can be disabled and still be an asshole.
Kaveh and Al Haithem are Autistic on Autistic Violence
The Nameless Bard's name is Raven, because I am a sucker for Dramatic Irony. Also because I like it.
Childe has chronic pain and early-onset arthritis
Shenhe is actually Chongyun's mom, she gave him away when he was a baby for his safety, and the cover story she and the village gave was that she's just an aunt.
Opposite to how Chongyun's energy is pure Yang, Shenhe's is pure Yin, making her much more likely to attract demons
Heizou and Sango genuinely cannot get along.
Kaveh is actually from Aaru Village. Well, before his dad moved them to the rainforest.
Kaeya actually resent his Khaenri'ahn heritage, as it gave him the impossible burden of spying on a nation.
Btw, Kaeya would choose Mondstadt over Khaenri'ah anyday.
Diluc has a room for Venti at the Winery.
Also, Diluc and Jean are not the only ones who know Venti is Barbatos. He aint that slick.
Albedo, Sucrose, Kaeya and Hu Tao also know.
Sucrose and Albedo? Figured it out themselves.
Kaeya? Found out by accident after Venti got too drunk.
Hu Tao? She already had suspicions that Zhongli was Morax, and Venti showing up along with him, Zhongli and Xiao all being awkward just confirmed it.
Heizou and Yanfei are pen pals. They're besties, Your Honor.
Kazuha and Heizou once did it on the fucking beach during VHD.
This was also 2 years before they started dating. And 3 before they met Aether.
Heizou's a bottom btw. a bratty one.
He and Sango tried dating once while they still got along, but broke up long before they split off
Technically, because of the Irminsul wipe, Venti is still the youngest of the archons. Nahida doesn't know how to feel about this. Neither does Aether.
Heizou is allergic to mangoes. And Lavender Melon, and- actually this guy is allergic to near every fruit... Except for sunsettias and pineapples, strangely enough.
This doesn't stop him from eating candy. Much to Sara's horror.
Dw, she has the bfs gang up on him.
Heizou struggles with depression at times. And it's something he goes to therapy for. He hasn't done anything, but for a while it was pretty bad, especially right after the decree ended.
Kaeya has hEDS (Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome)
It means his bones are more likely to dislocate and pop out of socket if he's not careful.
Kaeya is also autistic with some pretty weird sensory issues. The second water gets in his boots this man will toss them off faster than Signora died.
He hates wet socks. Despises them
Yes I'm projecting.
Speaking of Signora. Aether and Venti held a small unofficial funeral for her on Cape Oath. They only had her mask to bury...
Faruzan has all but adopted Kaveh as her grandson. Kaveh has accepted this.
She/they Paimon.
Aether is older than everyone (because, well, physical manifestation of a star) and doesn't tell anyone. He finds it funny
Hes also lactose intolerant. Lumine too.
Aether doesn't let it stop him. Lumine hates this about him.
Fischl is a system
The events of the Aranyaka quest and the Pari quest happened around the same time. How you ask? Aether didn't go to Sumeru alone, he brought Heizou and Kaeya (this is before Hei joined the polycule-)
Its also when Tighnari and Heizou eventually started dating because Heizou kept running off and dragging Kaeya with him when they were supposed to be recovering from the Samsara and Tighnari went "Oh godsdammit i like him..."
Cyno and Nari talked it out and Collei was also cool with it so Nari shot his shot and... It took longer than expected for Heizou to notice...
Along with Heizou and Kaeya, Kaveh and Nilou also went with them.
As you've spotted, there isn't a single healer among them
Heizou preoceeds to give Kaeya his spare catalyst and turns that boy into a healer.
"Sorry Aether, I turned your boyfriend into a healer"
The catalyst was the Inazuma craftable one...
Kaveh and Heizou actually hit it off pretty well, bonding over being geniuses in their respective fields
Nilou is Mom friend. Im correct. She calls people "darling" and "sweetheart"
Anemo should be allowed to swirl Dendro so it does in my universe.
Kaeya and Heizou are the ones to find the door to Khaenri'ah... Kaeya doesn't react well and all Heizou has to go on is that maybe the Abyss hurt him somehow
He's kinda right, but its not the full picture.
Also Cynonari have absolutely no clue where those two are at this point... They are Freaking Out because Aether is off doing other things and told them to keep those two in Ghandarvah Ville...
Heizou punches Al Haitham in the fucking face.
Lyney has longer hair, and it's braided over his shoulder like in Lisa's alt skin.
Lyney's outfit is also 30% more slutty because holy shit its an abomination.
The twins are both cats. Lyney is SUCH a catboy (derogatory)
I want that Twink Obliterated.
One-sided LyneyxAether. Lyney gets over it... eventually.
Barbara and Freminet is such a cute ship yall are sleeping
Lyney is canonly Down Atrocious for Aether omg that poor magician
Freminet occasionally drags the twins swimming with him. But only in shallow water cause Lynette doesn't like the water. Lyney does though.
Freminet has killed a man that looked at Lynette wrong. He will kill again.
Lyney: Autistic ADHD
Lynette: Autistic
Freminet: Autistic Agoraphobic (Agoraphobia is the fear of people)
Freminet and Lynette tag team Lyney when he's talking bad about himself
Can you tell i love these guys?
Wriothesley and Clorinde are.... they got Something goin on
Neuvillette and Furina are married.
Heizou punches Lyney in the face after the trial
Is immediately sent to Solitary Confinement for Inciting a Riot... In front of Wriothesley
"Oh this is bad... This is really bad!" Heizou
"What's wrong man?" Cyno
"I kissed Aether!" Heizou
"Woahhhhhh... I owe Nari and Yanfei so much mora" Cyno
After 4.2 Furina moves in with Venti at the Dawn Winery.
Diluc walked in to see her and Venti playing cards and went "I'll go set up a room."
Also canonly? Heizou is fucking buff. Never forget he can take down the ENTIRE POLICE STATION WITHOUT A VISION
Lyney is just "He could have rocked my shit...why was that hot?"
Wriothesley is Suffering because he lost a match to a twink
Heizou is Not friends with the Orphan Trio lol, but he is friends with Chevreuse. They bonded over shitty dads
Heizou also just goes home with the Inazuma cast after the Fontianalia Film Festival
Yanfei and Cyno also go home lol cause Natlan would not be the best place for them
Heizou, Kano Nana, and Gaming are cousins on their mother's side. Their moms were sisters and grew up in Konda Village.
Gaming and Amber are cousins on the paternal side
Gaming does NOT forgive his father during Lantern Rite. He's also angry at Aether for telling people his private matters.
Heizou is there during Lantern Rite because Favoritism Privilege. Heizou is also upset because he's been there.
Heizou's brother is named Yamashi and his mom is Kanae. The father stays nameless bc fuck him.
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mtreebeardiles · 2 months
Things I'd like to know about my fellow writers
Tagged by @illusivesoul -- many thanks!
Tagging uh... um. All of you. Any writer who sees this and wants to participate
Last book I read: oh god I read a lot of books at the same time uhhh hmm I did recently finish Claudia Gray's The Fallen Star (book three in the High Republic books) and am emotionally compromised about it
Greatest literary inspiration: Ooh, gotta be Tamora Pierce. Amazing world building, great characters, a wonderfully down-to-earth writing style you don't often see in the high fantasy genre. Good stuff all around.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: luckily for me someone IS writing WWII crossover fics ( <3 @theoriginalladya ). Otherwise it's less an issue of not wanting to write something and more an issue of not feeling like I can pull it off as well or else not having the energy to do so
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: Guardian Angel x Songbird in a borderlands/cyberpunk crossover/au. The entire concept of the second part of my ME:A long fic because I go even more off-script -- talking Kett characters from beyond the heleus cluster, AI fuckery, poking at the jaardan, and yeah. Stuff. Probably why I'm struggling so hard to finish the first part, eh?
You can recognize my writing by: excessive love of commas and semicolons; third person with a stream of consciousness touch. a rousing game of "is this a run-on sentence or does the comma negate that" (it DOES, i swear).
My most controversial take (current fandom): Hoo boy okay uhhh
For Mass Effect: ... I don't ship shakarian and I don't ship Talibrations. If I were to write anything with Garrus it'd probably be an OC or someone with less established interactions in canon, because i feel Garrus's canonical depictions are all over the fucking place. And I just really like Tali with Traynor /shrug
ME:A is a good game. Cry about it. (as in im crying about it because chances are high they won't let us go back)
Top three favourite tropes: idk if this is a trope per se or if it is idk what it's called but I'm such a sucker for people being super dorky in their relationships. Absolute nerds. Hmm I also like "saved" by the narrative -- characters who have to face the consequences of making it out alive and figuring out what that means. Found family is another goodie.
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): 0.5 -- i wrote like! Some sentences recently! Ayyy!
Share a random frustration: I think I need a different dedicated writing space. My current office is just too "this is the place you work" and it just adds to the already pervasive sense of burnout.
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00belle00lovely00 · 3 months
ok uhmm... This is a bit akward🥲 but can you make Bobby x Picky headcanons? Plss I need more content of them😭😭😭 Im starving😭😭😭😭
The chef x the mfer who is putting love potions inside the food.
Lovey-dovey and sucker for romance pansexual x "that's my lady right there you'll, can't get better than this you guys" lesbian and food enjoyer
Alright, hear me out on this one you guys. Bobby + chocolates + giving them to picky = INSTANT GIRLFRIEND!
Live laugh love country Picky. We all want a home girl to have an Applejack kind of accent. And as for Bobby?... HMMMM... I KINDA WANT HER TO BE FRENCH. IT WOULD MAKE SENSE, RIGHT? (pls, don't go after me in the comments I'm Hispanic-french myself.)
let's all just agree that picky GOTTA snort when she laughs.
I always like to think that Picky is an in-denial hypocrite, especially when it comes to eating. She's the one in the group always scolding everyone for not eating healthy as it is, yet SHE is the one that sneaks on 3 AM in the middle of the night to each last week's cake from Kickin's party. And yet... rather coincidentally and out of pure chances, Bobby is a sucker for sweets too. So they just work each other out in helping each other with eating problems AND/OR trying to make an excuse to eat dessert before dinner.
PDA?... is that even a question with Bobby around?
Once again, I bestow before you one of my favourite headcanons; Bobby has separation anxiety. And BECAUSE of that she would be messaging/spamming on Picky phone about where she was, if she would come over, if she wanted HER to come over, if they wanted to hang out, etc. What was Picky doing meanwhile? The simple answer passed out on the floor after thinking it was a good idea to try to mix all fast foods known to man into a single meal.
they're both dumb but they don't know it/know it.
Picky would be so proud of pulling up Cupid herself lmao.
I think Bobby would treat this relationship like they were in some romantic novel.
@11sugarplum11 (since you ALSO asked for it! Dw didn't forget about you!)
That's it you guys, maybe I'll be answering a few 4 or less but I'm REALLY stressed about catching up to all the commissions. I hope im not breaking anybody's hopes for all of their headcanons to be answered.
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iamatriangle · 3 months
Hi there, friend! I'd love to hear you ramble about two of my favorite Black Clover pairings Langris x Finesse and Finral x Vanessa, if you don't mind? Also, can I hear your Duck x Fakir from Princess Tutu opinions as well please? The awesome fanart you've been reblogging of them recently has given me life! Cheers!! 💖
Hi Acacia, thank you so much for the ask!! 💕 I’m having a horrifically busy semester, so I greatly appreciate the chance to sit down and talk about some of my favorite characters. This is SO EXCITING, prepare for a very lengthy post 😅
💛💙 Duck x Fakir (Starting with these two because they are my everything right now.)
My roommate convinced me to watch Princess Tutu a few weeks ago and I totally fell in love with it! The character arcs are so spectacular. I actually thought about asking you if you had seen it, as it seemed like something you might like based on the other shows you post about (But then I had already pitched it to everyone I knew irl so I figured I should just relax 😆).
But getting back to Duck and Fakir, I think they’re absolutely perfect for each other. Personally, it makes sense and compels me. I believe it’s canon that they have feelings for each other, or at least it’s strongly implied? Either way, Duck inspires Fakir and Fakir believes in Duck, which i think is so sweet, and I feel like Duck and Fakir bring out the best in each other. Also, the way they change together throughout the story is so beautiful! They both end up in way more mature and healthy places than when they started and were a big part of the other person’s growth. I think the best ships are the ones where the narrative weaves their stories together in that way.
This is just me ranting, but I need to mention how beautiful it is that Fakir loves Duck not as Princess Tutu, just as Duck. In Mytho’s case, he thought of Duck as a friend and he was very kind to her, but he didn’t love Duck, he loved princess Tutu. For Fakir to love the real her ties in SO WELL with how she grows from her insecurities and confusion about her identity. I could also scream for a very long time about the fact that Fakir would stay with her forever, even if she was only a duck. The love they have for each other is so mature, but also so sweet and innocent at the same time. They’re perfect!
That’s why the conclusion of their arc broke my heart so much, because they were perfect for each other and would have made each other so happy. It’s so bittersweet. I wouldn’t change it for anything, but I’m a sucker for the fics on ao3 where Fakir writes her back to being a girl. I can envision them having such a happy future together.
🩵🖤 Langris x Finesse
Im so excited to get the chance to talk about these two. They’re one of my all time favorite pairings and they’ve been on my mind recently! In my opinion, they make sense and are super compelling.
I sort of feel like at this point, I’ve thought about them so much that they’re more like my headcanon characters than a faithful representation of the actual characters in the show (I tend to do that lol😅). But even if I try my hardest to separate all of that from what is officially canon, I personally think that Langris and Finesse make more sense than Finesse and Finral. I could see those two being good together under different circumstances even if they aren’t my favorite ship, but I’m really not on board with the way the show is handling it. I’m not gonna open the can of worms that is Finral returning to his abusive household right now, but that is very unhealthy (and it seems like the show is encouraging it??) Even beyond that, I feel like Finral isn’t in the right headspace right now for a healthy relationship. He’s trying his best and I wholeheartedly believe that he cares about Finesse. But he’s been using romance and idealizing girls as a coping mechanism for a very long time, and from what we see on the show I feel like he’s romanticizing Finesse to a degree that wouldn’t be healthy in the long term. She’s his childhood crush and dream girl, and he feels like if he becomes “good enough” for her he can “win her heart.” I don’t know if I’m explaining this right at all, but in my opinion he’s not really treating her like a partner, as much he’s treating her like an ideal to someday be good enough to achieve, which is more tied in with his own self worth than actually seeing her and loving her for all she is. (Although I would totally see them together under different circumstances if he takes time to work on himself!)
Anyways getting back on track, we don’t see that kind of idealization with Langris. He seems to see her and what she wants more clearly, and loves her enough to accept that she is more interested in Finral and step aside. I feel like they so compatible as well, because neither of them are very passionate people like Finral or Vanessa are. I feel like they would have a beautiful, more subdued kind of love and would be able to fit neatly into each other’s lives.
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the time period before Langris was possessed when they were engaged. My heart always breaks when I think about the fact that Langris truly believed Finesse hated him. I think he always felt that she would rather marry Finral, and that he was never able to be really open with her because of this, and even that he resented her for it. I think it’s so compelling that all of this is essentially a misunderstanding, because Finesse does like him, and clearly cares about him and trusts him because even after he went crazy at the royal knights exam she tried to defend and protect him and wasn’t afraid of him (I love Finesse, she has such a beautiful heart). I think that after some character development on Langris’s end, they would be good for each other.
💚🩷 Finral x Vanessa
Vanessa and Finral my darlings!! They have such a sweet canon friendship and seem to support each other so well. For me they make sense and are compelling.
I love how on Vanessa’s end, she is gentle with him when he needs support, but she also isn’t afraid to speak her mind to him in the early seasons when he’s being a sleaze. She keeps him in line, both in the sense that she helps him be a better person and also that she pulls him back to reality when he’s spiraling and feeling insecure. And since I mentioned Finral’s idealization of girls before, I should say that I personally can’t see this happening with Vanessa because they’ve been friends for so long and have both seen each other at their worst. He knows her so well that he couldn’t idealize her if he tried. If he falls in love with her, it’s because he truly sees her and loves her for all her faults. I think they would work so well in a relationship together in a hypothetical future when Finral has decided that going back to House Vaude isn’t the right choice and has gotten over Finesse.
Also on the topic of the future, I see them being incredible parents. They are both passionate and caring people, and I believe they would fully devote themselves to not repeating their parent’s mistakes. It would need to be a slow burn and they would both be very cautious because they value their friendship so much. But I think they make so much sense together!
Thanks again for the ask, I had so much fun with this!!
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t0ast-ghost · 8 days
Discovery thoughts because I can’t contain myself apparently.
Episode 1:
- “They are Coming” heh
- That’s such a beautiful opening though. Like a whole speech in Klingon ending in “To lock arms against those whose fatal greeting is… we come in peace.” WOW just wow
- MICHELLE YEOH ?!? What’re you doing here!
- Heyyy Michael? Thats a pretty cool name :) (That’s my name)
- Absolute slimy of a creature
- okay banger graphics on the opening, yeah we get it you’re amazing
- woah interesting warp imagery
- I lobe Saru already
- Georgiou making fun of Michael and Saru for agreeing with each other
- Interesting outfits. The gold to show higher rank than the silver. And they’re blue cause science…Where’s my pyjamas in primary colours?
- I love the way Michael talks
- Showing the knobs, buttons, and dials, I appreciate this. I’d love to touch all the knobs, buttons, and dials
- This is something Spock would do in tos (Shooting himself through space at high speeds). He’d be like, ‘it’s super logical’ and then McCoy would be like, ‘don’t do that, you idiot’
- SUPER cool landing shot. The bend of the knees, the look of the suit, the sideways shot, I’m in love
- Do you think that death was honourable?
- oh that’s not good. Cracked helmet
- So that’s what the Klingons look like this time. They remind me of lord of the rings a bit
- Cool ass Klingon burial. That’s so cool. I like that they’re leaning more into the fantasy for Klingons this time. That’s such a cathedral looking ship. THERES STAINED GLASS.
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- I’m missing so much of their words cause I’m (edit: I meant to say “I’m getting distracted” but never wrote down the rest of the sentence…yep)
- That’s fucking horrible. Why would they show young Michael that clip. It’s obviously from a recent tragedy in her life
- SAREK OMG HI BITCH. Come to be unhelpful I see.
- I love her showing her emotions and using them to aid her logic. RAHHH
- hiii Saru hiiii
- “We can’t destroy another culture’s property on a whim.” Bringing back the extra little wh i see
- Georgiou is so fucking cool
- Intense
- Right before Saru had to make a command decision Michael comes back on the bridge
- His bright blue/green eyes and soft manner of speaking have captivated me
- “Your world has food chains. Mine does not. Our species map is binary. We are either predator or prey. My people were hunted. Bred. Farmed. We are your livestock of old. We were biologically determined for one purpose and one purpose alone: to sense the coming of death. I sense it coming now.” Go watch this goddamn show right now it’s so good already.
- and the admiral is a dickhead.. a complete dickhead
- Why do you have this bitch Sarek on speed dial
- ooohh Michael’s gonna nerve pinch her, isn’t she?
- and she did.
So that’s the first episode… I’m not going to do this for the full show mainly because I just want to watch it, and less mainly because I find it’s not the right fit for commenting like I did with TOS. TOS is special because all the episodes are their own thing, none of them connect and it’s just about characters going on little adventures. And it’s so camp.
I do have more thought posts to come about other star trek stuff.. so see ya next time :D
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varietales · 26 days
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NAME: Momo PRONOUNS : she/her PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : IMs on here are fine but can be tricky as i switch blogs sometimes! i'm happy to add mutuals on dis.cord NAME OF MUSE(s) : i mean, you know who they are but ok. Kagura Mikazuchi, Jenny Realight, Millianna, Evie Hawthorne, Ichiya Vandalay-Kotobuki, Simon Mikazuchi and Bisca Connell. I'm not gonna list all my other blogs/muses or we'll be here forever. i should have done this on a single-muse blog BEST EXPERIENCE : On this particular blog, I'd say...the love and acceptance Ichiya has gotten! i love that other people have been tricked into getting attached to him too imeanwut. In general, the best experience has been forming friendships with great people and writing/plotting/chatting about fun dynamics. RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : the usual godmod/forcing relationships thing, more specifically - a partner making changes/writing major events in our ship verse that would impact the ship/dynamic Without actually plotting it with me first - i.e having their muse suddenly break up with mine, or getting a serious injury or adopting a kid or pet (this has happened surprisingly often to me and i hate it). Also as someone who Loves reading muse info and always tries to keep partners hcs/details in mind, my biggest pet peeve is there being no About page anywhere (i won't follow anyone that doesnt have them) and/or the phrases "canon divergent"/"headcanon driven" being plastered everywhere but no actual clarity is given on what those divergences/hcs are. (the last part isn't a total dealbreaker, as i know it can take time to get these things written and posted) MUSE PREFERENCES: I like a variety of muses (hence the multi-muse and multiple blogs), but I do have a soft spot for characters like Lisanna, who are cute and bubbly and a bit of a menace to those they love, but who also have a lot of depth and things they struggle with (Milli, Lisia, and Jenny also fit into this). I'm also a sucker for the complex and flirty gentleman type (Leo & Freed), and the serious/reserved but actual sweetie ones (Rogue, Kagura, Simon, Amarys). Honourable mention to the golden retriever energy babies - Jason & Frankie. In terms of muses I like writing with? i don't think I have a preference for a specific muse type, I enjoy any muse that is written well. PLOTS OR MEMES : They both have their place honestly. Memes can be a great starting point. One of my longest threads (50 notes!) on a different blog started from a meme! Sometimes a little plotting can help with writing a meme response too, a little context just to make things make sense, and things can flow on from there. I do usually like to have a general sense of the dynamic between muses to begin with, and a rough few plot points for threads. We dont have to plot out every single thing (because that might away from the fun of actually writing it), but some basic points are helpful. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : a mix of both is important. if you only ever do long threads, i feel like that might get tiring! but same with short ones. Length is needed for depth and getting more insight I think, so i do love them for that. i think a middle ground is probably ideal, but never easy to stick to. i tend to just go off whatever amount my partner has written BEST TIME TO WRITE : weekends and sometimes after work during the week if i'm not too tired ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i do share Milli's absolute Love for cats but that's probably it.
yoinked from: @raiiryuu
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skapediem · 5 months
2, 4, 7, 9 (this can include you know what 😏), 12, 15 B))
2. favourite episode(s)? HI BOB!!! one of my favourite episodes of any show ever its such a comfort watch < absolutely SHOULD NOT be a comfort watch but it is im just such a sucker for bottle episodes.... also sands of ares for that same reason!! + bring it down for danny those are probably my top 3 but id also say prime crew and leningrad :)
4. favourite use of the alternate history timeline? kind of a basic answer cause its like. the conceit of the whole show but i really just love how far the fam universe has gone with space exploration and cold war tension like im suuuuch a massive nerd about that period of time as it is but its just so sick seeing how much progress can be fuelled by such petty competition like theres something just so human about it if that makes any sense at all. its just cool getting to draw the connections between things that happen in the show to what happened in reality just finding those parallels or places where things diverged its just a fun little layer of worldbuilding.
7. favourite earth moment? THERES SOOO MANY oh no how do i choose... god i feel like i should pick something to do with the space program but margo and aleidas one interaction in the grey.... everyone has worked so hard you cant say its over like its nothing who is this why is she speaking to me she apologises no i dont yes you do i like this one.... scene i obviously feel super normal and regular about. also molly chewing out ed and gordo like theyre kids whove been sent to the principal that was super fun :)
9. favourite non-canon ship? Oh You Know.... but an answer for the viewers at home who dont know Yet iii also quite like margomolly with wayne being fully aware and supportive i just think its a fun little dynamic. + i dont think they should be together EVER theyre so so so terrible for eachother but gorded does have a sneaky little nook in my brain just to contemplate
12. best bit of tech in the alternate timeline? THE SOLAR SAIL!!! i mean i know its a real thing but on the scale that they had on sojourner i just love it sooo much i love you operation jolly roger... also d-mailing i know its not like. a Bit of tech its just terminology but its funny to meee i laugh every time
15. wild mass guessing for season five? jimmy gets out of prison and starts an investigation into danny's neglect by helios command < very wishful thinking ummmmm genuine answer tensions with canada and their space program i feel like they haven't been mentioned much since the news reel.... australia comes into the mix somehow even though we still dont have much of a program in this universe by the looks of things (there is AN australian working for helios we can hear her accent when theyre all yelling at eachother but still. can we actually do something pretty please) and maybe javi and graciana get to do. idk. somthing. i feel like they need to establish the legacy/family characters more if theres gonna be 3 more seasons
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rawmeknockout · 1 year
Hey, hey! I hope you're doing great. This isn't a request but more of my curious mind trying to make sense of things. That being said; what are your favorite shipping or story trope/twists that you are an absolute sucker for & who of your favorite bots &/or cons match this trops/twists best in your opinion? This can be any iteration of your choosing (pls include where the selected are from, I get a little lost on who's from where sometimes).
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Have a nice day/night! 🤗
oh i LOOOOOVE talking about this
for idw
rivals-to-lovers with rodimus and characters like rodimus (but mostly just rodimus); being his rival and someone who antagonizes him but at the end of the day you begrudgingly respect him and know he has potential (which is painful bc hes so stupid) and as you fight side by side and save each other and help each other with your internal struggles, the passion between you blossoms into love
old-flames-who-were-evil-together-but-eventually-things-went-sour-but-then-...-you-reconnect with megatron specifically; someone who was an advisor and by his side before the war, a strategist and a major brain behind the formation of the decepticons iconic evil plots, but eventually you start to despise him for turning this thing you cared so much for into something that you neither of you wanted to begin with but both of you are so sullied by your horrible actions theres no repentance for either of you, you fuck off to some planet to escape punishment bc youre not going down like this, idk you reconnect and although you have a lot of bad blood between you theres still relief that megatron is alive and didnt get executed. in the beginning all you wanted was the best for megatron and your planet now you two are unrecognizable compated to the mechs you were before so you take comfort in each other bc who better to console him and stand by his side than someone just as horrible and tainted.
haughty-diva-and-the-person-they-'settled'-for is also a dynamic i love esp for mechs like whirl and swerve and trailcutter who see themselves as undesirable and perhaps even unattractive to others, but anyone could see they have insane chemistry with this hottie. someone who is also probably pretty bad at expressing their feelings and doesnt know how to say they like someone bc theyre used to being hit on not hitting on others.
old mechs paired with a bouncy youthful personality, opposites attract sort of thing. ratchet and magnus (sometimes megs) are my usual go-tos for this dynamic but it could work for others like tarn or kaon. theres a lot of world weary mechs to go around so i like the idea of someone who isnt so jaded paired with this type of personality, i think it can be very cute.
im partial to maternal nurturing type reader inserts, but im not sure which mech is best paired with a personality like that. a soft mommy dom if you will. not submissive but breedable. along with this, a reserved quiet but thoughtful character who is secretly sort of dumb is cute. again not sure who they would bounce off of, but i like to imagine this reader insert takes care of alien plants and doesnt have an easy time interacting with others. a blunt dry humor. more of a comic relief type.
for g1
ratbat with someone who is very much a bystander on the nemesis, perhaps a no-name maintenance bot, but one thing leads to another and he relies on this mech to be his henchman and obvs theyre gonna listen to him he's their superior but also they arent Built Different they are very much built to standard code theyre not gonna pick a fight bc even ratbat could wipe the docking bay with them 😔 cannon fodder,,,, ratbat is happy just to have someone who wont fight him on this, so he starts to see them as less of a disposable and more of a nuisance (which IS a step up) i think this sort of dynamic is also cute for starscream with a newbie seeker. someone who will listen to him and polish his heel thrusters if he demands it without grumbling and thats rare to find so he treats them to,,, less shrieking than is usual for him. will not let you die on the battlefield even if he complains that saving you is a waste of his time.
sunstreaker and sideswipe in another rivals to lovers scenario, but i see this less as rivals and more as "hardnosed mech who is unrelenting in their principles really hates these two bullies"; starting out from them being absolute menaces and just awful (as per ush) to developing a soft spot for a mech who is just as stubborn and blunt as they are in their approach and who wont leave either twin to waste away on the battlefield from an injury even if theyre like,,, reeeeally awful to them. what can i say i think the twins would appreciate a show of loyalty and camaraderie even if they pretend they dont need that sort of thing.
optimus and a creepy little con. ive done a fill for a request like this. just optimus having a soft spot for this little weirdo who has too much interest in him.
in the same vein, bumblebee with a cutesy creepy little con. someone who is sort of his opposite? the bumblebee of the decepticons, if bumblebee terrified all his fellow autobots. falls in love with him for saving them or something and now they wont leave him alone. he is reluctant to admit theyre cute bc hes a loyal autobot and they also scare him.
megatron and anyone he can hold like this
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im always open to more dynamics and tropes bc its pretty clear how i write, i need a base personality to write the reader insert off of and i dont like to leave it as "they love you and thats the most important aspect of your character" i just dont think being loved is an important trait for a character to have, its an important action for them to perform and for others to perform towards them but its not a good basis for a personality
i also love dynamics that can have a lot of depth and backstory added to them so i get a feel for where the reader has been and why they are the way they are (im not partial to shy types personalities tho bc i like more assertive characters that can move the plot more with their actions/words)
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hmmm blaise and ron? or even blaise and luna (for the ask game!!)
blaise and ron are also one of the ships i ddnt expect i wud like but i did anyway! i rly ddnt see their chemistry AT FIRST. but yk the beauty of the fandom, the way they create from zero to few pieces in canon and make it make absolute sense in fanon? yeahhhhh like i get it. i get them. its always blaise is beautiful and ron is dumb in love with him. and then blaise is stupidly endeared of his idiot. at least thats most of the fics ive read. which is a trope/ship dynamic that im also a sucker for so blaise/ron is up there def.
for blaise/luna i also adore this ship. theyre like the most beautiful ship ever imo (sorry to my main drarry 😔🤘). i think theyre a sunshine x sunshine protector ship and those are always scrum-dilly-yum-yum yk? blaise/luna is always a welcome ship!!
although for these two, i dont think i can read a fanfic with them as the main pair. theyre both always just side pairings to my otp 🤭
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Tag 10 People You Wanna Get to Know Better
tagged by @mu-qingfang-stan-account ty <3
relationship status: single (as in "too scared to try finding someone to date considering the state of queer rights here rn")
favorite colors: *james pokemon voice* its lavender (but honestly purple in all shades. my life have improved immensely when i started dyeing my hair purple and getting clothes to match)
favorite food: this is so broad uh... if its sweet stuff I gotta go with ice cream because whatever u want. it got u. and if we are talking about proper meal foods i think i gotta say chicken. shes so versatile what cant she do
song stuck in your head: oughh i cycle thru so many... i guess Leia (Rondo cover) came up a lot in the last few days
last thing you googled: spelling of some word, dont remember which. i often do this bcus im not confident in my spellings, esp with longer words, because I only learned them visually and that doesn't necessarily mean all letters or in the right order. wait i think it was resurrect, i keep forgeting if its two "s"s or two "r"s in there (yes i googled it again to spell it rn)
time: 13:40
dream trip: listen this is just gonna be sad if i answer it, so lets not
last thing you read: I'm currently super mega slowly rereading Scum Villain - like, taking notes every page slowly - so that's been going for the past month or so. If we're talking finished, then pipi's You Fei.
last book you enjoyed reading: I did enjoy Fei a whole lot! As usual, I'm a sucker for priest's ability to entwine some absolute clownery with so much subtle (and sometimes not subtle) heartbreak. Also the more I hear from my friend who branches out into BG cnovels/cdramas the more I realize how special a female protagonist like Fei is.
last book you hated reading: a danmei novel that shall remain unnamed bcus it was recced by a mutual. meanwhile i regret finishing it. the plot was such a friggin soap opera. literally almost Every soap opera trope. i'm surprised nobody's clone showed up, it wouldnt have been out of place! the ship dynamic was good so i finished to get their happy ending but. kinda felt that it wasn't worth it in the end.
favorite thing to cook/bake: gotta be meringues, as long as you know the perfect time for your particular oven theyre literally SO easy to make. and tasty. I like making blini too but they are kinda stressful because you gotta stay on them the entire time.
favorite craft to do in your free time: cross-stitch, it's somehow just the right proportion of mindlessness and engagement for me
most niche dislike: there's this special kind of annoying fans that make me dislike thing that they are fan of literally just because it becomes associated in my mind with their annoyingness. (I don't know how to explain every nuance of how they are annoying, but most often it involves being shitty about something else, that I already like.) And it kinda pisses me off not just on its own, but also on behalf of the thing they are fan of. Like - it usually doesn't deserve my ire! it's literally just the fans, and only some specific ones! But I can't stop my brain from cringing at the sight of the thing. ugh. So: hate it when this happens.
opinion on circuses: im more interested in the aesthetic concept of circuses than in any real ones.
do you have any sense of direction: yeah im pretty good with it, both in "reading maps" way and in "understanding where things are located relative to each other and alternate routes/shortcuts" way
tagging: god please I always forget every single person I ever seen or talked to when it comes to tagging. Literally any of my followers, I'm interested, I wanna hear about u, if you'd like to do this say i tagged you and go off
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yesterdayiwrote · 9 months
1, 3, 12, 17, 22 for the ask game (feel free to not answer all if you don't want!)
the character everyone gets wrong
I think the obvious answer here for me is George, just because I think he has a deceptively complex character that people don't always pick up on or misunderstand? I think a lot of people see him as some kind of 1 dimensional 'posh boy' and actually I think there's a lot of light and shade in there. I think people are starting to write a lot more 'tortured' George which kind of touches on some of the nuances but yeah... I've seen a lot (and definitely written some too) where I'm like... This doesn't capture everything because there's SO many intriguing facets!
I also don't think I've ever read a Lewis characterisation that I love? I think people tend to... woobify him too much and he ends up nearly always being written as too passive and chill in fics?
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Hmmm this is a tough one. I can’t think of any stand out terrible takes. I think tumblr (and all fandom) can be a bit black and white when it comes to discourse and fail to address the nuances at times. I think people are a bit reactionary when it comes to real life age gap discourse for example, especially considering how many people will ship something with a similar age gap, if that makes sense?
Oh! That one account who kept insisted MV was the biggest victim of online abuse in all of F1 was a WILD ride for certain!
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Idk that I particularly like anyone that's especially 'unpopular'? I guess loads of people hate George but tbh they're just wrong. I'm still not entirely sure why he seems to rile people more than others? Some people seem to think he's Satan and it's hilarious really, he's just an awkward guy who tries too hard?!
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Im not sure that there's a specific type of fic I think is underrepresented? I like au probably more than canon and I'm a sucker for when the au is particularly mundane? So everyone's a student or they just... go to work like normal people? I've always sucked at writing them because normality doesn't give you a plot so you kind of need to come up with something meatier to tie it all together but I've read some great ones! Also for some unknown reason, I'm a sucker for single parent fics. The added dynamic of added well written child oc just always seems to hit right for some reason and I don't read much of it these days!
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I feel like the galex bike accident story is severely underrated (as are loads of other parts of galex lore, as I found out when I did that poll) but can you imagine nowadays if an f3 driver had to take an f2 driver to hospital because he’d had a bike accident when they were hanging out outside of racing, the absolute feral online reaction everyone would have to that news? So many parts of that story are just the stuff of fanfic… so much of their canon friendship is the stuff of fanfics and yet….!
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howlofhades · 11 months
I want to be shipped with one of your OCs pleaseeeeeeeee 😁
Female, 27, 5'7", 105 lb, caucasion, blue eyes, brown 3B type curly brown hair that sits just below the shoulder, glasses, freckles everywhere except my face, and long freaken legs.
I have no idea what my personality letters are, but I'm an extroverted introvert. I am a leader, not a follower. I love public speaking and being in front of a crowd, but I also love my quiet alone time where I can write and think in peace. I love people, and I also can't stand people. I'm a lazy, do-nothing Saturday person, but also a let's do everything humanly possible person.
I'm incredibly introspective and inciteful. I spend most of my time in my head and am often asked for advice from others. Don't ask me how I know what the right thing is, I just know. 100% self-sufficient. If I dont know something, I will figure it out. Great sense of direction. I travel for work and I absolutely love it.
No nonsense, and an aversion to stupidity. Master of eye rolls and of sassy one liners. I can let loose once and a while, but only if I've known you for a longgggggg time. If you get to hear me cackle like a hyena, you've made it. Mostly dry sense of humor, but apparently, people still find me funny. I can have a crowd roaring in 5 minutes, but I can't carry a one on one conversation without being awkward.
I am prone to sensory overload, get migraines, and have low blood pressure. I may pass out on you, but I give out instructions on what to do if it happens. Im straightforward, and I will let you know exactly how I feel. There is no pussy-footing with me. I don't lie to make people feel better.
I am probably the most confident person you will ever meet IRL. I am a public speaker, so it comes with the territory. Also, I am a female in a male-domnaited industry, so I either suck it up or get wrecked. Most of the time, though, I'm wrecking the guys. Once I crush their egos with my knowledge and wit, they give me their utmost respect. I don’t have many insecurities, and the ones I do have don't run my life.
Oh, and underneath all of that, I am an absolute sweet person. I will shower you with kisses and hugs and so much love. I just gotta put my thick skin on when I go to work. Loyal to a fault. If you've gained my trust and respect, I will defend you to the ends of the earth. I have fought people before, and i will do it again. I am also a sucker for domestic life, and I can do everything from clean, cook, bake, laundry, gardening, and repairs. I would make a fabulous wife for the right guy.
I hope that wasn't too much...
I just finished baking so time to answer some more oc ship asks! The longer the better it makes it easier for me!
At first I thought Erix, but I'm also getting Phoenix vibes!
Phoenix is an ambivert, but he doesn't lean towards being introverted or extroverted he's just there I guess. He's more of a follower, Laz is more of a leader. But he also won't sit for anyone's shit, but not much really bothers him. He's very picky with his company, which tends to upset some people but he doesn't care about it too much. He's a menace, and has no problems with being a little shit but he knows when to tone it down. Phoenix is really good at making people laugh and not even he knows why, it kinda just happens!
He's completely fine with you being awkward, if you still wanna talk he can keep the conversation going without any problems. But he won't force it either! If you pass out on him, he's one of the best equipped out of all my clone boys, so you're in safe hands. But if anyone approaches you I can't promise he won't get snappy, but a morbid joke is all he needs to shut someone up.
Phoenix really appreciates how straightforward you are, he's fairly blunt and he can't count on one hand the amount of times he's offended someone. Thanks to his death and the trauma that came along with it, he's not exactly confident, he really admires your confidence. To him you're one if the coolest people in the world, and will not shut up about it Laz will actually tell him to shut up. He's so proud of everything you do, but if he gets too much please tell him he will listen.
Youll never be short of attention with this boy around, Phoenix will be reminding you you're loved, he's peppering your face in kisses, hugging you everything. He just wants to give you attention! But for the love of god, do not let him cook he will burn the house down to a crisp, once he's gained your trust he's not gonna break it.
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