#and i will def die of food poisoning too
violynt-skies · 2 years
Okay I have a lot to say in response to this repost from @cyanisatakenusernamefuckit regarding that lil post I made about sick kusuo, hence the entirely independent post, but just roll with it for a second k cause there’s a lot and I love looking into this stuff. 
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okay so this reply involved a little bit of research on my end (there is a little room for error in what i’m saying bc it wasn’t super in depth so if i’m wrong abt anything lmk)
so after googling i’ve found that most bacteria will die around 60-80 deg C; there are some bacteria out there that can thrive in 100 C heat but whether those can negatively impact humans im not sure
We don’t really know how hot Kusuo can make his fire. We’ve seen him go up to around 93 C in the first episode when he made temp of the thermometer go up to make takahashi seem sick. He can go higher than that as seen when making fire (edit: so about 200C) but what I want to know is exactly how high can Kusuo go and be able to tolerate it.
I think an important thing to remember is that Kusuo is still human and he still has limits and he’s not immune to everything he just has a much higher tolerance than regular people. Take from his fight btwn him and kusuke in Season 3, while the heat energy ray wasn’t enough to really injure him, it did effect him, and he admitted that his arm would’ve turned red had the ray hit him dead on, which isn’t a big effect but it shows he’s not immune, plus he was bleeding some near the end of the fight. So there’s a limit to how much heat Kusuo can take.
edit: it was shown that Kusuo would’ve been burnt by the lava when trying to prevent the volcano which can get up to 1200 C so that’s most likely his limit
That being said, there’s a chance with his genius brain Kusuke could be able to mutate some form of bacteria that could tolerate high heats enough so that Kusuo couldn’t kill it without simultaneously effecting himself, and even if he couldn’t, like you said a biological weapon created by Kusuke probably wouldn’t need to. 
But let’s take a different approach. Instead of bacteria and viruses let’s look at allergies. We’ve seen that Kusuo has allergies and it also impacts his powers in that he’s not able to fully control them when he’s partially sick.
Knowing this, what if Kusuke was able to look at his research (bc he def did a lot of testing on kusuo) and found other substances that kusuo was allergic too. There’s a chance that Kusuke could send Kusuo into anaphylactic shock if he was able to inject enough of the allergen into him or smth similar.
Or let’s look at poisons, as far as i’m aware, i don’t think?? Kusuo is completely immune to poisons, just that he could see if they were put in food. Kusuke’s been able to get the jump on Kusuo a few times so i don’t think it’s out of the question for him to be able to pull something, especially if he had a high dosage of said poison. It wouldn’t even have to be an injection it could simply be poisonous gas, because as we’ve been told, even Kusuo can’t filter out what’s in the air.
There might also just be some substances out there that negatively effect his psychic powers, like how germanium impacts his telepathy. There could be some material that impacts his immunity to substances or just inhabits him. Like a psychic kryptonite.
I wouldn’t be surprised if through a large amount of testing Kusuke would be able to find something that could effect Kusuo. And if Kusuo got sick enough, the amount of control he has with his powers is up in the air so he might not have enough control to help himself.
or if kusuke just found a way to block kusuo’s pyrokinesis with some material, then it’d be much easier to make kusuo sick because again he’s not immune to bacteria and virus’s he just kills them with heat before it can effect him.
Regarding the question about pain, I don’t think it’s that Kusuo is always in pain (tho i wouldn’t be shocked if he has chronic migraines) but again just a lot higher tolerance to pain than regular humans.
and the thing about premonition is that Kusuo doesn’t have control over it and it happens at random. There’s no telling if kusuo would get a warning about a Kusuke scheme or not, and tbh in the past he hasn’t. Half the time kusuo doesn’t really know what Kusuke is up to, and a lot of his plans take him by surprise. Take toritsuka’s demon possession, or Kusuke’s weird ass birthday card, or him taking himself hostage in the cat fight episode. Kusuo was surprised by all of it. So i wouldn’t depend on precognition to warn Kusuo about an impending illness. Theoretically Kusuo might be able to teleport away before things got too severe, but Kusuke could probably plan out something that would make Kusuo not want to leave, or maybe his powers would be so inhabited that he couldn’t.
Fortunately, I don’t think Kusuke would ever try to actually kill kusuo. So i don’t think we have to worry about that, which is great because Kusuke is definitely a force to be reckoned with
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inlustrris · 3 years
If i could run away to the middle of the forest and live like snow white and her dwarfs i would.
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
this isn't for the ask game I'm just curious!! do you have any headcanons for the jedi temple and life there? like do masters and padawans room together or does every person get a separate room (i know canon says it's the last one but who cares haha), is the food in the cafeteria food or too bland, how's education organized, do they have grades and exams, stuff like that!!
ooh, so, I will confess that I kind of lean into whatever fits the story I'm telling? like, if I need it, masters and padawans room together (they 100% do in be that monster you been wanting, for instance, because....well. why miss a moment for baby-wan's life to be worse.), but if I was telling a story that it was relevant that they didn't, they...wouldn't. I don't really care what canon says, tbh, we follow the rule of 'narrativly useful' in this house. I do think that there's a bunch of 'weird' jedi only cultural dishes -- some of which were invented by the jedi, either through 'this is one of the very few places nautolan ingredients will run into tusken spices' sort of cultural cross over, or just from 'we are an order of incredibly athlectic people and need to cram 8000+ calories into every possible meal', and some of which are more 'everyone used to eat this 500 years ago, and we're the only people who still make it on the regular'. I also think that their cafeteria (look I want to call it a tuckshop so bad I need you all to know that I know it's literally just us and maybe the kiwis who call it that but: it's a tuckshop or a canteen if you're being fancy) serves kind of a few basic 'menus' of meals, as it were -- one for herbivores, one for carnivores, one for species like kel dor, etc. Education wise, I think it's pretty standardized up to near-ish padawan age, just because...well, you gotta learn the basics, right? after that I lean towards both 'your master teaches you Focus Specific Stuff like in an apprenticeship' -- so Obi-wan learns Diplomacy and also Lazer Sword Things To Death Fast, quinlan learns Spy Shit, etc -- and also a number of sort of graduated classes, like 'not pissing off politicians 101, 201, and 501', 'flying ships so you Don't Get Stranded' and 'so you're caught up in a ritual sacrifice: how to not die about that'.
I think any given padawan can technically take any class (given they meet the pre-recs; you're not going straight into 'advanced poison detection' if you haven't even passed 'not getting black out drunk after a night out'), but it's sort of like being in a physics degree and deciding to take one semester of, like, contract law. Weird, and your advisor might be like 'uh, please explain and justify this before I sign off on it'.
I do think they have exams, though they're more focused on demonstrating a depth of understanding, rather than 'have you learnt to answer question a with answer b'. If you fail, it's less a 'you suck' and more a 'ok, so lets work out where this didn't click', maybe with a 'hey, you're struggling with [topic] as a whole, maybe you should refocus?' where relevant -- like if you were fucking terrible at medicine, but were studying to be a healer.
uhh, what else... I think that the temple is never actually silent, as such. I think there's def points it's way more busy than others, but I think those points aren't necessarily all the points outsiders might expect. Like, 5-9 am is peak hour in the temple; you have all the diunal species getting breakfast, all the noctural ones getting dinner, everyone getting in from late missions or leaving on early ones. By contrast, 3-7 pm is about as quiet as the temple ever gets.
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Quarantine Headcanons: Akatsuki Edition
I didn’t add Zetsu and Tobi cuz I don’t really know much about them🥴 anyways hope you enjoy this midnight post❤️
• Oh, he’s ready to cry
• Even though he’s always holed up in his office anyways, all the members of his organization are not usually under the same roof
• After three days he’s seriously contemplating killing the whole group and starting fresh with a less chaotic group
• Thank Jashin for Konan
• He gets his work done a lot sooner since he has no meetings or missions to distract him
• Probably ends up with a few new piercings just cuz he’s that bored
• He loses count how many times he redoes his nails, just for some sort of stimulation
• Not like any disease could kill him so what’s the point of this again??
• Overall, his coping skills are practically non-existent
• She’s not overly upset
• She knows how to avoid the stifling testosterone and put an end to conflict
• She bakes a lot at first to pass the time and learn something new
• That only lasts a little over a week before she gets bored (much to everyone’s dismay)
• Does TONS of origami
• Takes the time to learn extremely advanced designs she’d always been too busy for
• A lot of time spent with relaxing with Pein
• She kinda gives up on her nails for the time being
• No one’s going to marvel at them before they die, so what’s the point?
• She is okay with the quarantine but does struggle a little
• He’s worried
• He already has a respiratory disease, he does not need another one
• He plans on dying because of Sasuke, not some hyped up flu
• Is extremely careful
• Masks, gloves, sanitizer, and Lysol everywhere
• Germaphobe™
• If he can, he’ll stay in his room as much as possible
• That one stickler that is like “dId YoU wAsH yOuR hAnDs?”
• He’s usually so calm and collected, but he turns into a frantic hoarder
• Food, toilet paper, and everything he could need all in his room
• Did someone just cough twice?
• That person wakes up in an isolated room where they are locked in for 72 hrs
• His nails go to crap cause he bites them incessantly nowadays
• Poor Itachi is just miserable the whole time
• He has a healthy level of fear
• He’s not going to town every day and exposing himself to it, but he won’t stay completely isolated like his partner
• Really doesn’t care for everyone’s over the top reactions
• He realllyyyy hates being surrounded by all the conflicts amongst the team
• He def misses Itachi since his partner is literally avoiding everything that breathes
• Has to sneak to feed Samehada using his team’s chakra
• Spends a lot of time at the nearby lake since his spot is open
• Kinda confused what the hype is about
• ‘Most people don’t die, get over it’ type of attitude
• He won’t care and no one can make him care
• Okay, but he’s half-shark are human diseases really a problem for him?
• Kisame is chill is nails stay impeccable
• He’s doing alright
• Oh, he’s pissed
• He can’t go on missions and he can’t earn money
• Plus, his dramatic teammates destroying things costing him extra money
• Definitely has a few of Hidan’s body parts laying around
• “If you leave me alone you can have them back”
• At first, he’s okay
• He counts his money all day in self-isolation
• But except for losing money, his finances are stagnant
• He actually gets BORED of counting money. Quarantine is that bad
• He fights Hidan a lot so he can have something to do
• Lots of decapitation
• He makes someone else do his nails he has no patience left
• He copes better than most, but still has a bit of a hard time
• This annoying mofo
• He’s excited
• Spends sooooo much time praying to Jashin
• He tries so hard to convert the others that as soon as they see him they hide
• It only took two days for him to realize it’ll be harder to find sacrifices
• Definitely tries to sacrifice Deidara
• “C’mon, gender-bend, don’t you want to finally be useful?!”
•’He’s not so excited anymore after about a week
�� Is more irritable and confrontational
• Being stuck in close confines with someone who likes to decapitate you for weeks tends to do that to a person
• This masochistic boi. He really exposes himself to it
• Wants to feel the pAiN
• This time Itachi cuts him up (full hazmat suit donned ofc)
• He ends up locking himself in his room
• Spends A LOT of time with Jashin because he knows he’s going crazy
• A stir-crazy Hidan is a more dangerous than usual Hidan
• He honestly has whole conversations with EACH INDIVIDUAL NAIL as he paints them
•He is 100% suffering the whole time
• “Wait, we’ve been under quarantine for a week?”
• Sasori is always self quarantined in his room working on puppets and avoiding the idiots he surrounded with
• He’s happy at first
• He literally doesn’t have to leave his room for anything
• That turns to dread real quick
• Deidara gets bored very easily and there are holes in his bedroom walls and destroyed puppets to prove it
• A little bit of poison puts an end to that problem
• No one really sees much of him during the quarantine
• “Hey… I haven’t seen Sasori in like a month. Is he even alive??”
• You know he collects bodies of the shinobi that died for new puppets
• He’s not scared in the slightest
• He doesn’t have a respiratory system so no worries there
• His nails are probably a new color everyday despite the fact that no one ever sees them
• Oh Sasori is thriving and surviving like nobodies businessss
• Ha! qUaRaNtInE!
• If Deidara wants to leave the base, you’d best believe he will leave the base sauntering out like a true diva
• No one wants to stop him tho
• Deidara doesn’t give two flying fricks if he’s inside or not, he will make ART
• Oh he’s extra chaotic
• Pranks 24/7
• Almost scares Itachi to death waltzing into his room coughing like he’s about to die
• Sasori realizes his puppets are going missing one by one and his poison is… juice?
• Deidara goes missing too
• Pein literally makes him leave for a week
• He destroyed a city so he’s back now
• He literally doesn’t care
• He’s a teen, no flu will kill him
• Goes out of his way to cause trouble
• Until he sees how actually panicked some of his teammates are
• He actually helps out, buying supplies and running a few errands here and there
• Actually takes time to decorate his nails. Explosions painted on and everything
• He’s two steps away from a bedazzled straight jacket and a padded room by the time this is over
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killyourrdarlingss · 3 years
I asked chat who out of the far cry villains they'd have dinner with and I went so into detail and now I'm gonna post it here cause aahwjsks I PUT TOO MUCH THOUGHT INTO IT....
Anyway more under the cut of me rambling
I wanna be that bitch and say Vaas. I wanna fucking say "yeah Vaas maybe" and be blind to the fact he would see me and sell me on the spot, so like, no, maybe not Vaas
Vaas I feel I could distract w a movie, Saw or some shit and be like "Look how fucked up this is" and he'd love it? Because fuck it now it's dinner and we hit it off so we'll (in the universe where I don't get sold) were gonna watch horror movies and laugh at them (also I feel this is every Vaas/Jason fic ever lmfao.) but yeah I feel I could get along w him.
Buck....... I would get along w cause he's a sly bitch, I'm I'm sly bitch and like if I didn't know? He was YKNOW fucked. I would just get along with him since I straight up get along w Australian people, they're just cool lmao. So yeah I'd probably get Kidnapped but Buck would be fun.
Hoyt? Uh. Uhh. Yeah no. I think I'd take one look at him and make up such a bad excuse and run. He's scary but not as bad as Joseph? Joseph is like... so annoying and whispers and it'd piss me off but Hoyt would YELL and it's like. A nightmare. I feel if I didn't know about him tho, I be slightly weary but he's got money so. Yknow.
Pagan is a yes but also I feel he's so intense and his food taste would gross me out so bad and he'd probably kill me because I rolled my eyes and that pissed him off or smth like. ... there's no winning, I could just drink. A lot. He knows how to party for sure and is a dramatic bitch ? Out of all the main bads he's like a 50/50 chance or not dying and I can take that chance, I don't think he'd scare me tbh but I would be so intimidated.
Yuma is def a no, I love her so much but she's so intense I think I'd just cry. She'd also probably offer me a drug and I'd just have to refuse and the thought of it all is just too much to bare tbh. Chance of dying is lower since she seems super chill... just super intense.
DuPleur ... is just? A dude? And I'd stay away from him cause like, he's for sure like okay looking but uhhh fam idk... he's just... eh. I would decline any invite to go out w him.
Joseph scares the fuck out of me, to be honest, and if he tried to get philosophical I would simply LEAVE cause I don't go here sir, bye
Jacob is super charming and I'd get way too interested in military stuff since I was also a military brat, so maybe. I feel we could bond over that
John? I don't wanna think about him, like he probably knows how to party and stuff but the thought of talking real estate w him makes me wanna die. So like. Eh. He doesn't scare me as much as Jacob or Joseph.
Faith??? Is sweet, but she'd probably poison me and give me to Joseph and like I can't have that. Also she's SO valid for like being so pretty and stuff, but girl, I can't deal with your family I'd rather not. Also, her struggles are so different than mine?? We can't even connect so like. Next
Bonus FCND;
Mickey and Lou MAJOR YES LIKE LETS GO TEAR SHIT UPP GIRLSS. They would be the most fun to hang out w... let's go clubbing I've never done it but I know they could convince me
Ethan........ gonna be real I would probably accept a date w Ethan cause he's attractive and like lol daddy issues ? Hi. Literally he could tell me his life story and bitch and I'd be like "that's cool I'm gonna eat but you can keep venting this is a chill space no judgement here." I know I'd survive it cause lmao it's Ethan. But also, he looks just like Adam driver so I'd just fall for that super easy.
New Dawn Joseph is a major no since he's like old asf and I wouldn't even give him a second look. I would wanna hear about how he used to be a cult leader and stuff, that's funny asf, tell me more old man :^) but like honestly ?? If I had to. I would LMAO.
Dennis in any game is an awkward mess who wouldn't show up on time, piss me off and end up crying after 1 drink. 0/10
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say? ooooof. I don’t think i’d buy that. I hardly think people who DO show they have feelings for me are being truthful, so I doubt that.
Do you play video games? haven’t in some time, but I want to get back into it a little.
Do you spend a lot of time with family? oh heck yeah. I have a really great family.
Is your house more than two stories tall? nah, it’s the two stories with a basement.
Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you? I will never raise my hands to another human being. I once dated someone who was a veteran and had severe ptsd. we were napping one time and he got aggressive. that wasn’t HIM though. 
What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!) physically, I suppose I have nice eyes and a decent smile. personality wise, I am warm, friendly, loving, supportive, sometimes funny, very loyal.
What color is your hairbrush/comb? depends which one I use. I have a pink one right now. 
What snacks do you have available in your household atm? I honestly haven’t got a clue. I haven’t been let out of my room in 2 weeks.
Has anyone recently told you that they like you, or find you attractive? yes. it’s weird.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? DEF not. he has been asking me out since we worked together maybeeeee.. 8-9 years ago? 
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you? yes! I am trying to learn how to undo that. it’s not that I don’t want to care about him, but I know and can soooooooo clearly see that he doesn’t care anymore, and it is extremely emotionally draining to watch.
Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female? I wanna say female but idk
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you? scott
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate? couple days ago.
Do you play any games on Facebook? Nope.
What would you like to get a degree in? I have two degrees -- one in psych and one in SLP. 
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? ahahahaha yes. almost always wide awake from 3-6
Would you prefer to read a book, watch a movie or TV show, or play a video game? typically more in the movie/show or book mood.
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater? Both. nothing like that buttery, salty goodness that obvs requires an enormous drink
What genre of films do you like the best? either make me EXTREMELY sad, or romantic.
How many bank accounts do you have? 2
Have you ever had the flu? Yeah.
What is your goal for the next few months? i have several. the only one that can/will be public right now, is to get my lungs back to functioning as they were.
Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? How did it affect your life? yes. I have very bad breathing during sleep. I have had 11 sleep studies done, because my breathing will just stop randomly, which luckily my brain wakes me. it doesn’t really affect my like severely.. I function normally. but shoooooot, if I got normal levels of sleep i’d be a force to be reckoned with.
Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience. Yes. It was AWFUL. vomiting for 2 days straight. it was so gross.
Funny, charming, cute, romantic, smart - choose only 2 for the opposite sex. smart and romantic.
Have you ever let somebody use you? Why did you do it? hmm. I think there have been times where i’ve let people have more access to me than they should have had. or there have definitely been times I’ve been used in school groups. But honestly, I tend to be protective of myself. I stop when I feel enough is enough. 
You can go back in time & change something in your mom’s past - what is it? I would want either Bill to not die, or for her to be spoiled incessantly by someone else.
Do you know anybody who is around the exact same size as you? Who? psh. no. my friends are all tiny which is just not fun.
Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you? Yeah. i found it so fun.
Been on any websites today you wouldn’t want your parents to see? ahahahaha no. 
Which is worse: dusting or mopping? mopping. i hate doing the floors.
Did you pull a senior prank? Not really advised when a homeschooler. 
Did you graduate? Yes. that was a rough, rough day.
Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship? Nope
What was the last song you listened to? i think it was Happier than Ever by billie eilish. the lyrics are ... woof. 
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? 20/12 -- the last time I had insurance anyway.
Is fashion one of your interests? honestly, if I had money, it would be. but it isnt right now.
Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone? It’s getting harder and harder to believe that will be the case. I knowwwww I need to start dating, but every time I go to open up an app, I hesitate and chicken out. I just was so happy before.. its hard to think I could be able to offer anything to anyone right now.
Do you care what people think? veryyyyyy few people. I care about the thoughts of those I genuinely love and respect. However, I still ensure I’m protecting myself regardless.
Is acting something you enjoy? No. 
What was the last thing you broke/sprained? I have a bum knee, so I sprain that from time to time. I last broke a finger.
Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Because of yours? ahahahaha yes. but years ago. never because of mine.
Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language? No. I don’t cuss. 
Whose house, other than yours and your families’, are you most comfortable at? probably either nathan’s or em’s.
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? alix’s family used to yell at me a lot for being fat. that used to mess me up. 
Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? soccer. no, i found the endless running to be unnecessary. 
Did you ever watch the show Full House? yup
Is there a celebrity you are just DETERMINED to marry? no, thats so out-of-touch with reality
Have you ever burned someone’s picture? yes, i have.
What’s the longest hike you’ve ever been on? i think it was 8 hours. I hate hate hate hikes. But, thats because I have really weak lungs, so my doctor says it’s like lighting them on fire.
Would you ever get a lip tattoo? No.
Who is the first person of the opposite sex that pops into your head? kile
Do your parents smoke cigarettes? my mom hasn’t since a teenager. I think my dad does still. though, i dunno for certain.
What does one of your T-shirts have written on it? uhhhh, PTK honors society
Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. Any reptile or insect. <<<< same
Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller? Taller. 
Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Yes. very much so.
Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people? No, i respect people who are truthful saying they either try not to judge, or that they do judge despite their desire to stop.
What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? sooooooo much. it’s small town-y, quiet, safe, lots of trees, family close by.
What’s a movie you cried the hardest during? ps i love you will always shatter my heart.
What’s your favorite restaurant? buona or ashford
Is there a dessert you don’t like? im not wild about pastries.
What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? hmmm maybe that one mrs. pettigrews home for peculiar children.
Underwater or outer space? i’m fascinated by both. typically more interested in the water.
Dogs or cats? both. all of them.
Kittens or puppies? kittens.
Bird watching or whale watching? whales!!!!!!!!
What was your best subject in school? in HS probably history. or science. in college, psych or neuro.
What was your worst subject in school? Math. always freakin’ math.
What is one thing you wish you knew in high school? Uhhh. hm. i don’t think anything. I liked my experience.
Who is your fashion icon? nada.
Diamonds or pearls? Both are nice. I love pearl stud earrings and I really want a simple, one pearl necklace. I am kinda ruined for diamonds for some time. My favorite rings and necklace were diamonds from kile and I just cant bring myself to wear those anymore.
What color dress did you wear to prom? pink
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? oh sure. I am envious of those with bangin’ bods. I’m envious of those who have great finances. I am envious of those who live life married to their love. I’m envious of people who see kile regularly. But there are difficulties that come with any of those situations.
Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out? not long ago. the whole crushing reality of losing kile just destroyed me. I’m OK now.
Do you need to return anyone’s phone call? ahahahahah. I just reject all calls.
Who are you closest to? My mom and nathan rn.
Have you ever had a bad concert experience? no
Are you currently sad about anything? several things have recently been really saddening, but I’m ok. Ill get thru it.
Have you had any form of exercise today? Its going to be some time before I’m cleared for that. I almost faint from taking a shower and I have to be on oxygen after doing the one flight of stairs. 
Can you handle blood? doesn’t bother me at all.
Has any place hired you underage for a job? yes. I mean technically, I was legal to work in that I was 17, but the company didn’t want to hire younger than 18.
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? not like in public, but at a house or gun range, yes.
Are you currently searching for a job? soon.
Does eating breakfast make you sick? i’m never ever ever hungry for it. I know i should, but its the worst. I don’t even like breakfast foods.
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
Okay! I have a burning question for you, my dude. Music is my life, and I wanna know what kind of music the OPM casts listen to. Thanks, my guy!
I had a feeling this would be inevitable lol. I don’t really know a whole lot about music or genres or anything like that so I’m just gonna give you a rundown of each character individually and some song recs along with that just to smooth things out a little. Thanks for your ask, by the way! ❤️ Now my playlists will be put to good use.
A Brief Rundown of the Major OPM Characters’ Music Tastes:
Blast: hc that he doesn’t even have ears since he never fucking LISTENS
Terrible Tornado: Stuff that makes her feel powerful. Loud vocals and good instrumentals. Also, she’s a little angsty since she’s saltier than the gotdamn Pacific almost all of the time. (Recs: Florence and the Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful, Susanne Sundfør - Delirious, Florence and the Machine - What Kind of Man, Kali Uchis - Dead to Me, Let’s Eat Grandma - Falling Into Me)
Fubuki: some of that real classy shit. Slow songs that are nice to just have a cup of tea with. Nothing too meaty or fast-paced, she enjoys taking a moment to breathe every once and a while since life gets pretty hectic when you’re managing a gang of some 30 hooligans. (Recs: Wes - Midnight Low, any song from Lana Del Rey’s entire discography lol, Florence and the Machine - Grace, The Marìas - I Don’t Know You, Yellow House - Ain’t Gonna Call, Feng Suave - Toking, Dozing)
Silverfang: Stuff from his time. I hc that he was a bit of a party animal back in his prime so he’s gotta have those grooves. Disco to the extremo. Also, another hc: Garou absolutely hates his music. He would play it during training and Garou would contemplate homicide. (Recs: Frankie Valli - Grease, The Edgar Winter Group - Free Ride, KC and the Sunshine Band - I’m Your Boogie Man, Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride, The Main Ingredient - Everybody Plays the Fool, Andrea True Connection - More, More, More)
Bomb: save as Silverfang, although I hc that Bomb was a little more of a nerd growing up. Still, he never missed out on a good party. (Additional Recs: KC and the Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight, The Trammps - Disco Inferno, Tierra - Together, Cornelius Bros and Sister Rose - Too Late to Turn Back Now)
Atomic Samurai: Old shit. Shit older than Silverfang. He’s really not that old, but his soul is fucking ancient and he’s got that classic “grrr music these days sucks” kind of shithead attitude. (Recs: Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle, Dion - Runaround Sue, The Carpenters - The End of the World, The Band - The Weight)
Child Emperor: Upbeat synth. Stuff to listen to while he’s working on his machines and whatnot. Probably has meaty beats to keep him in tune with what he’s doing, like working around a clock. Probably some groovy citypop in there too. (Recs: Taeko Ohnuki - 4:00 AM, Junko Ohashi - Telephone Number, Tatsuro Yamashita - Magic Ways, Hiroyuki Sawano - NEXUS, Superfly - Kakusei, Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love)
Metal Knight: Intrumentals that Disney villains listen to. Deep, dark shit that makes you feel sad. He probably feeds off of negative emotion. What a toolbag. (Recs: Lucas King - Sociopath, Abel Korzeniowski- Table for Two, Max Richter - Never Goodbye, Max Richter - She Remembers, Evelyn Stein - Quiet Resource, Mac Quayle - Adagio in G Minor)
King: video game soundtracks, obviously. Might be some electro funk in there too, as a treat. (Recs: Metal Gear Solid 3 OST - Snake Eater, Mick Gordon - Rip and Tear, Xenoblade Chronicles OST - Main Theme, Persona 5 OST - Last Surprise, Daft Punk - Verdis Quo, Toby Fox - Hopes and Dreams, Disasterpeace - Prologue, iamthekidyouknowwhatimean - Run, Darren Korb - Old Friends)
Zombieman: Dad Music. Old rock that makes you wanna rail some lines of white thunder and dance on top of a car. He’d be reluctant to try out new stuff but does so nevertheless. Just a little bit of weird alternative here and there. (Recs: Poison - Unskinny Bop, Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood, Black Sabbath - War Pigs, Def Leppard - Animal, CRX - Walls, MGMT - Little Dark Age, Pink Floyd - Money, Queens of the Stone Age - Villains of Circumstance)
Drive Knight: Dark synth, obviously. Need I say more? (Recs: El Tigr3 - She Swallowed Burning Coals, Trevor Something - Enjoy the Silence, Greg Drombrowski - Devour, GUNSHIP - Woken Furies, GUNSHIP - Thrasher, Carpenter Brut - Invasion A.D., Kavinsky - Nightcall)
Pig God: this guy probably just listens to ASMR of people eating food lol.
Superalloy Darkshine: Upbeat stuff that’s good for exercise; loving those new jams along with some of the old. He’s got a pretty groovy style. (Diane Ross - Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Saint Motel - Puzzle Pieces, CRUISR - All Over, Barry White - Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up, Sade - Kiss of Life)
Watchdog Man: 10 hour loop of wolves howling on a summer night.
Flashy Flash: classical. Some nice instrumentals to listen to while training. Stuff that preferably doesn’t have any or very little lyrics so it’s not too busy on his ears while he’s fantasizing about killing someone. (Recs: Vaughn Williams - The Lark Ascending, Debussy - Rêverie, Grieg - Peace of the Woods, André Laplante - Une Barque sur L’Ocean)
Metal Bat: Modern alternative. A little bit harder than say, Mumen and Kama, but not as hard as Zombieman or Death Gatling. He’s that middle ground where he’s still got some real bangers, but Zenko can listen as well. He’ll play this stuff loudly as he’s doing chores and working out, no headphones ever. It gets pretty annoying. (Recs: Foals - Exits, The Blue Stones - Black Holes, Solid Ground, CRX - Broken Bones, Jungle - Happy Man, The Strokes - Reptilia, We Are Trees - Girlfriend)
Genos: synth. But not just any synth, some heavy, fast-paced synth that’s just like him: speedy, relentless, and powerful. He listens to shit that’ll make you wanna get up and start killing Terminators. Probably. There’s some other synths in the mix too because we love a three-dimensional king. (Recs: Carpenter Brut - Division Ruine, The Protomen - I Still Believe, Carpenter Brut - Leather Teeth, Gunship - Tech Noir, TWRP - Phantom Racer, Le Castle Vania - Red Circle)
Tanktop Master: Dad music but the type of dad music that makes you think your dad was a sappy nerd back in the day. Long tracks that are good for workouts. (Tears for Fears - Woman in Chains, Pink Floyd - Us and Them, Duran Duran - Ordinary World, Billy Idol - Eyes without a Face, A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran, The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky, Tears for Fears - Sowing the Seeds of Love)
Puri-Puri Prisoner: Pop. Dance music. He doesn’t really get to listen to a lot of music in prison, so he holds on to whatever he can and savors every second of it. (Coldplay - Talk, Bruno Mars - Runaway Baby, Lady Gaga - Bad Romance, Flo Milli - Beef Flomix, Doja Cat - Say So)
Mumen Rider: Hes a lighthearted, soft boy. Likes some fluffy indie tunes. It helps to motivate him when working out or doing hero stuff. He might need to cry every once in a while though, so there’s some sad songs in the mix too. (Recs: Varsity - The Dogs Only Listen to Him, The The - This is the Day, Amarante - Don’t Look Back, Alvvays - Saved by a Waif, The Monkees - As We Go Along, Acid Ghost - Hide my Face, Mogwai - Take Me Somewhere Nice)
Sonic: same as Flash. He’s a little more hip with the times however, so he’s got some more groovy, electronic instrumentals to listen to in addition to some elegant stuff and isn’t opposed to having a little bit of lyrics sprinkled in there as well. In fact, he’s not opposed to uppity pop either. He thinks dancing is frivolous but he secretly does it when he thinks nobody is looking. (Additional Recs: Odesza - Bloom, Pretty Lights - One Day They’ll Know [Odesza Remix], BØRNS - Electric Love, Hembree - Culture, The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the Birds)
Garou: same as Metal Bat. Bang let him have a little MP3 player during his time at the dojo and has since collected a few songs on there. They’re very near and dear to his heart since it’s one of the few good things that came from his absolute disaster of a childhood. (Additional Recs: Foals - Inhaler, CRX - Slow Down, Deep Sea Arcade - Close to Me, Gorillaz - Empire Ants, The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger, Glass Animals - Take A Slice)
Death Gatling: Shit your old Vietnam-vet grandpa would blast on the back of his F150. He gives me self-righteous asshole vibes, if I’m honest. Like, don’t get me wrong, I like Death Gatling, but he seems like the type of trailer park-dwelling sewer rat to carry a revolver into a Walmart for “self defense” and that’s probably the type of music he listens to, too. (Recs: Megadeth - Trust, Megadeth - Angry Again, Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son, Glen Campbell - Southern Nights, Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart, Quiet Riot - Cum on Feel the Noize)
One-Shotter: I hard hc that he had an emo phase he never quite grew out of. He doesn’t quite listen to emo anymore but he’s still into that alternative shit. Homeboy also likes some slow tunes every once and a while because he’s an emotional dude who’s not afraid of a good cry. (Recs: Anything from Blink-182, Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?, MGMT - When You Die, Mazzy Star - Fade Into You, Cigarettes After Sex - Dreaming of You, Yon Ort - Other Matter)
Lightning Max: Same as Genos but without the terminator-killing. Fast-paced stuff because he’s a fast lightning dude. A little more upbeat because he’s not as much as an edgelord as Genos, however. (Additional Recs: Carpenter Brut - Hang’em All, The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize, Worn Tin - Sensitivity, B.E.R. - The Night Begins to Shine, Martin Hall - Different Kind of Love)
Stinger: he’s all about that FUNK! Stuff that gets him moving! Stuff that makes him wanna dance! (Recs: Daft Punk - Doin’ it Right, TWRP - Body Image, Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music, Chemise - She Can’t Love You, Saga - Wind Him Up, Saga - On the Loose, TWRP - All Night Forever)
Okamaitachi: they give me electro vibes! New, modern shit that’s good to dance to or to just sit down and have a listen! Also, some shit that’ll probably play in a coming-of-age teen movie or something. They don’t really vibe with heavy music and that’s alright, babey! Keeping it light and bouncy. (Recs: Tei Shi - Bassically, Varsity - Must Be Nice, Class Actress - Weekend, CHVRCHES - Richard Pryor, Alvvays - Marry Me, Archie, Sobs - Telltale Signs, Goth Babe - Sometimes, ALASKALASKA - Meateater)
Iaian: Nice, low tunes that are good for meditation and to be used for background noise during training sessions. He never really sits down to listen to music, it’s always in the background of something else he’s doing so he prefers to have some soft beats that don’t really interfere with his senses. Tunes so quiet, he sometimes uses them as lullabies; especially since the trauma of losing his arm has since made it hard to sleep. (Recs: Boy Scouts - Saddest Boy, Susanne Sundfør - Mantra, Vashiti Bunyan - If I Were the Same but Different, Starman Jr. - Blue Fairy, Patrick Watson - Je te Laisserai des Mots, Sibylle Baier - I Lost Something in the Hills)
Bushidrill: same as Atomic Samurai just without the shitty attitude. He’s happy to listen to some newer stuff, he just doesn’t like it and that’s okay, baby! Probably some classy shit your wise old grandpa would listen to. (Recs: Dean Martin - Volare, Dion - The Wanderer, Peppino Gagliardi - Che Vuole Questra Musica Stasera, anything from Luis Miguel lol, Franco Micalizzi - Sadness Theme)
Amai Mask: probably just listens to his own music like a putz. If not, he’s listening to the sound equivalent of glittering diamonds. He’s probably got this shit playing at the end of a long day while he’s chilling in a hot bath or something. (Recs: Fergie - Glamorous, Rita Ora - Hot Right Now, Lana Del Rey - Freak, Lana Del Rey - Art Deco, Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards)
Saitama: He doesn’t listen to music much anymore, sadly. He did, however, have a killer motivational mix to get him through his vigorous training prior to becoming a hero. (Recs: Paul Engemann - Push it to the Limit, Journey - Don’t Stop Believin’, College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero, Joe Esposito - You’re the Best Around, Survivor - Eye of the Tiger, The Bee Gees - Nights on Broadway)
Here’s the playlist with all of these songs in order (mostly):
It’s on YouTube because I’m allergic to Spotify. I’ve got a doctor’s note. Also, all of my other playlists are on my little profile thingy so if you want to listen to my pile then go right ahead.
Thanks for your ask, my dude! ❤️ this took up ALL of my energy lol but it was fun.
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emsartwork · 5 years
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ask dump pt. 2
1. Cinderella is bound to the source of craftsmanship, covering glass and metal found along the french Italian border. Pythia, the major fairy of prophecy is bound to the prophecy source, covering time and divination magics. Mulan is the major fairy of war who was training Nebula to take over before the wizards trapped Tir Nan Og, she has the same source as Nebula in Norway. Vasilisa is the major fairy of transformation, her source deals with change and a little bit of time magic, and can be found deep in a Russian forest. Scheherazade is bound to the source that deals with narratives, connection, and some night related magic, in the desert on the Saudi Arabian Peninsula. Maria “La Muerte’s” is the major fairy of life and death, a uniquely dual source in central America, while this source contains incredible healing powers, it also deals with a magic concerning the soul and for a long time people who encountered it were either spontaneously healed or randomly died if they didn’t have the proper magical protections in place.   @drops-of-moonlights 2. nah, it’s just lynphea. I guess the sun they orbit could be called Marigold? but its def a planet not a moon. 3. about 10 years. 4. Yeah I can do a chart for Male magic users and witches! it wouldn’t look the same as the fairies one lol. Yeah no anybody that tried for sirenix while Daphne was tied to it basically died. I’m still thinking on the religion one.... cus like the great dragon is kind of real??? so is it a faith or a reality or both??? Red fountain is a boys only school and they don’t have any satellite schools. There are lady paladins for sure tho!! The alfea staff are either non-human (paladium and wizgiz) or they are a magic wielding paladin (avalon), or they use fairy transformations(faragonda is actually a nymph and griselda uses enchantix primarily). You can only use one transformation at a time, and the enitial act of transforming uses a lot of power that is sustable only because of the looping connection between the core and the wings(like a car battery) so while a fairy COULD switch between transformations at will, they would be absolutely drained and is they push too far could die. 5. most pick their title based on what spells they like to use. Bloom is tied to the dragon flame so that is predetermined, but she could call herself something else if she wanted to hide it. Stella is also tied to the second sun of solaria through her bloodline, but since she’s half luna she calls herself the fairy of the sun and moon. @nondescriptfrenchfry 6. that is the exact mood i was going for, og pythia is NOT sunshiney lmao 7. It was actually just based on which hand would show the bracelet better lol! @x-i-l-verify 8. Thank you! and youre welcome lol i enjoy drawing the girls @greetings-fiends 9. its possible but not advisable because it messes with the magic users head. Most of the transformations are highly specialized and cannot be used at the same time as another so no the bars would be still be separate. 10. I might try to include the magic of joy just based on the pretty outfits, and food is at least....... a real concept....... but sports and paintix are all kinda boring and don’t seem to serve a purpose. I might try to make greenix a full fledged nature transformation since my version of sophix is just a boosted version of believix lol 11. hmmmm.... i”ll probably end up drawing their nymphix forms but idk if they woudl really need it.... i could see bloom earning it because daphne did, and weirdly maybe flora? idk why tho 12. Yaaasss helia  --Helia’s dads’ would let him paint little doodles on their arms and stuff but Helia used to secretly mix paint into his dads’ food because he “wanted the pretty colors to be inside too” and accidentally gave them food poisoning several times before they figured out what was going on lol @jackiewinters 13. nah. there isn’t really a “standard” wedding, usually it depends on where they live (like if a Lynphean and Zenithian are getting married but they’re living on Lynphea they would do a Lynphean wedding) but if its on magix or in a big mixed races city people pick and choose what ceremonies they want.  14. Yes i will!  15. I FEEL THE POWER OF THE OOOoooOOOOCEAN, CONNECTING WITH THE DEEPEST PART OF MEEeh sirenix is a boring af transformation but the song is an EARWORM @simplychillcakes 16. oh wow, so im not super good with stuff like this but i’ll try my best. Lynpheans have rich soothing voices, usually deeper toned with long pauses. Zenithians are snappy, not because they’re mad, but because they are quick and efficient and taking time to breath isn’t really a concept for them. Melodians vary a lot, but all have a very clear, crisp, almost ringing way of speaking. Solarians are loud and quick, usually mid to high range tones. Dominians speak a lot with their throat (think scotish/israli) and have mid range tones. Andros has a lilting (think japanese....weirdly enough) pattern of speech, and their talking speed varies HEAVILY based on their mood @its-all-about-that-fan 17. so Bloom has the great dragon which might be a natural source or might be more etheral but idk. But she would probably use a flame or lava related source. Stella is almost basically able to use danix because of her family’s reliance on the second sun of solaria, so she would probably use that. Aisha would be a major fairy wind and water, so like a cliffside source. Flora would probably use nature in general(like diana) or specifically a source of trees and forests. Musa would probably use the caves under the golden auditorium, and be the major fairy of sound. Tecna could connect to the core of zenith and be the major fairy of electricity and mechanism.  18. mostly good? like every family has its issues.  musa is close to her dad, and he’s come around to supporting her music career but theres still some unspoken hurt there for both of them. Aisha isn’t super close with her parents, as she’s grown up shes tried to get to know them as people, but she still holds bitterness over them isolating her for most of her childhood.  tecna is, by zenithian standards, outrageously close with her parents, which by other standards is decently close. They can go pretty long with out speaking tho it wouldnt be weird to them.  flora is closer to her mom than her dad, not that she doesn’t love him or anything its just she has more in common with her mom.  Stella loves both her mom and dad, and if its just the two of them with out the other parent she has a great relationship, as soon as radius and luna interact tho Stella ends up feeling torn and hurt and guilty. She’s trying to stop blaming herself but that would release her deep seated anger towards both her parents for putting her through that. Bloom still feels a little awkward with her bio parents, but tries to spend every other week on domino when she’s not on a mission or at alfea. She spends the other week on earth. Mike and Vanessa are always pretty flexible with Bloom’s magical oddities, and they encourage her to spend time on domino. Bloom will always have a place with them, but now that she’s essentially moved out, they’re thinking about adopting another kid. 
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nakamatoo · 6 years
Hello! On the latest chapter we found out that the Survey Cops think that Eren is being manipulated by Zeke. Personally, I'm not sure I buy it so I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter :)
Hey there!! Actually you have impeccable timing because I was just about to talk about this in a post LOL so i guess i get to kill two birds with one stone ^^
Okay, so the Idea of Zeke somehow manipulating Eren is an interesting one. I mean you have Zeke, who is notorious for backstabbing and lying to people, having all the cards at play under his control. He has Yelena, who has control over all the Marelyan soldiers and is probably playing all of them like a fiddle to further Zeke’s plans and agenda. He successfully sowed the seeds of mistrust between the people of paradise and of the military government, further gaining more control over the populace without much interference from outside parties like the SC when it comes to his “secret plan”. And now he has Eren, the holder of the coordinate, by his side. And is able to use the rumbling once he and Eren are in contact with eachother.
Now the Question is, what is Zeke’s intentions? And the frustrating thing is, we don’t know. Atleast not yet. But we can kind of find some hints on his mindset of the eldian people, and of the world as a whole, through chapter 110 and past scenes of the manga.
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During the RTS arc, Zeke displayed disgust and anger towards the people of paradise, saying how they were making the same mistakes over and over again and how ridiculous they are for finding justification for some glorious death.
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There’s just bitterness and rage spouting of his words. He views these people as products of a cycle that continues to have them make the same mistakes over and over again, and views their struggles to achieve freedom as some ridiculous concept that will only bring upon their death. There’s no sympathy in these words. There’s not an ounce of desire to want to help them. Because he then treats their deaths as some kind of game for him to enjoy.
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So I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden, after 4 years, he suddenly decides to help paradise out of the kindness of his heart. And i think Levi bests summarizes it in chapter 110.
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He calls out Zeke’s intentions for paradise as nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Zeke obviosly see’s the value of human life as something so small and insignificant, and whatever he is plotting, its def not for the benefit of paradise . Because he doesn’t care one way or another if they live or die. 
But there is someone who does.
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What separates Zeke and Eren is the fact that Eren cares deeply about not only his home, but of the people closest to him He is probably one of the most empathetic characters of this series. Because he cares just too much for his loved ones. To the point that he would do whatever it took takes to protect the people he holds dear and loves.
And Zeke knew this.
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While he might not have directly manipulated Eren to force him to act upon infiltrating Marley, using Yelena, he gave Eren the necessary push to use his sense of urgency againts him and force him to make his own moves againts Marley, ensuring that he could only turn to zeke who is the only one who could help him control his coordinate powers because of his royal blood. Eren is acting with a sense of doing everything he possible can to protect his home from any foreign invaders even if it meant dirtying his hands. The problem here is, what Eren wants, might not coincide with what Zeke is planning. Especially since there is a strong possibility that he already has planted poison in the food and drinks that the higher officials in the military have consumed.
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Thus putting paradise in danger from the inside. Now the real question is, how much has zeke told him about what his plans really are, and did he only tell Eren what he wanted to hear in the chance that he could bring him to his side? Or did he tell Eren everything and is willing to comply with whatever means necessary to help protect his home. But if that were the case then he wouldn’t be killing paradise civilians left and right and be putting them in this kind of danger that could destroy them.
Here’s what i think might happen, and i realize i could be wrong, but i think it would fit in perfectly with snk’s theme of the children repeating the same mistakes as their father.
Back in the Grisha flashback arc, we saw Grisha as this young man who was able to round up people over to his cause to overthrow the Marley government and bring eldia back into power.
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 Similar to how Eren is rallying the people of paradise to his side with the hope of bringing change into their world and to help restore Eldia into power.
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The main difference here is that while Grisha was motivated by revenge againts those who had killed his little sister, Eren’s main motivation is more selfless than that, as I’m sure he doesn’t really care about restoring the eldian empire, as he does protecting his home and family. Plus this Eren has far moved past the revenge driven child that he was in the beginning of the series.
But for the sake of this comparison, lets say that Eren is slowly going towards the same path as his dad. How did that go for grisha?
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He immediately regretted his actions the moment he realized that it put all of his comrades in danger. Not realizing until now that all of this happened because he allowed it and because of his mistakes.
And that will probably happen to Eren the moment he gives Zeke the chance to use the coordinate. Realizing that Zeke has no intention of protecting Paradise, he’ll come to regret that he put his whole home and friends in danger.
Anyways!! phew that was a long answer lol and im not even sure if i correctly answered your question, but i hope i did ^^ Thank you for the question! Had alot of fun writing this.
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: Just had to suffer my sister at her worst but also think she won't talk to me or you now so Janis: 👍🤞 Jimmy: 🎻 Jimmy: Tah though baby 👍 Janis: 🖕 You have no idea dickhead Janis: owe me for how much she blames me 'cos of course Jimmy: we can plan our first date Jimmy: shout you drinks when it happens & work out how most to piss her off 'til then Janis: Decent Janis: have to make it last longer than a few days so she can eat shit/her words Janis: not the date, she ain't that demanding I hope Jimmy: 'ave til school starts, that should be long enough? Jimmy: what sorta dates are #goals for her & her mates Janis: Fine by me, probs a record for that lot honestly Janis: Eurgh, hold on Janis: lemme get into the headspace of a basic bitch Jimmy: & i can serve a record number of frappes to 'em in that time, less time all 'round when it ain't hols no more Jimmy: 👌😂 Jimmy: needs to be bearable for us too Janis: Wasn't betting on it with you for company, babe Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: You love me now, remember Janis: Shh, the more you talk the harder this is Janis: I dunno, every cliche in the book probably, like can't actually just go down the pub, that is not a thotsquad approved #goal Jimmy: hang on, in my house we don't play charades or owt but I'll 'ave a go... 🖕 Jimmy: where did her last bae take your sister? Janis: How many syllables? Jimmy: as many as dickhead has Jimmy: flicks? then we don't have to talk Janis: Tap 'em out, come on Janis: it's two, just so you know Janis: Yeah, that'd work Janis: are you going to make me see something pretentious and artsy or what though Jimmy: you wouldn't like that, smart girl? Jimmy: gotta be a horror film, don't it? That's the cliche Janis: 'course, nothing like a heavy dose of fear to get a girl in the mood Janis: how could I forget Jimmy: food & drinks before or after? since you eat, unlike your sister Janis: After, means there was a chance we got off on the backrow 'fore tucking in to all the garlic or whatever posh food always has in it Jimmy: I can't be back too late though for real Janis: Alright Janis: post it after Janis: doubt our classmates are gonna be hanging 'bout any food place that ain't nandos or maccas so Jimmy: It's your turn on the 'gram, sweetheart Janis: Great 🙄 Jimmy: Fake more enthusiasm when you type out the #s Jimmy: if your sister's likely to be about I'll pick you up Jimmy: say when Janis: 'course Janis: when more's at stake than just your ego darling 😘 Janis: when do you need to be back for real Janis: it doesn't matter to me Jimmy: 9ish at latest Jimmy: but if anyone asks we were out 'til whenever Jimmy: my sister ain't gonna dob us in as liars Janis: Shit man, wha'd'ya do? Janis: 'course though Janis: mine happily would but she ain't that bright, and easily avoided so it's cool Jimmy: nowt like what you're thinking Janis: coulda gone with that Janis: actually sound impressive Jimmy: why? Jimmy: you getting bored of me already, Jessica? Jimmy: 💔 Janis: just saying, bit of inspiration wouldn't go amiss if you want this post to be 🔥 Janis: but don't worry, I'm a pro even if you're not bringing your A game Jimmy: if you need it when the bar's this low, we are doomed Jimmy: got weeks of this yet, girl Janis: shut up, misery Janis: just worried you can't keep up Jimmy: 💔🎻💔 Jimmy: a well deep wound Janis: You want 'em to piss off or nah, boy Jimmy: save your nagging 'til you next visit me at work Jimmy: the audience will lap it up Janis: Yeah yeah, you just wanna fully appreciate in person don't lie Jimmy: rumbled 😍 Janis: Hm, know your type, mate Janis: probably tell me your shifts so I can drop in casual Janis: not dedicated enough to work it out like they have, soz Jimmy: [sends his work schedule] Jimmy: get in before I get sacked 🙄 Janis: are you only the best barista in looks then? 💔 Jimmy: don't be a dickhead Jimmy: you tasted that smoothie Jimmy: but your sister's head bitch is here with her latest male victim Jimmy: I can only be so 😁 Janis: do the world, him and me a favour and poison hers, like 😒 Janis: your manager will understand Jimmy: Is she not immune to most? Jimmy: Looks like she's about to swallow this lad 🐍 Janis: 😷 Janis: Throw water at her, cool her down and she'll melt Jimmy: deal Janis: knew you had your uses Jimmy: she keeps looking at me Jimmy: waiting for my invite to sit down and join in Janis: probably Janis: or she's trying to turn you into stone, run away then, boy 🙄 Jimmy: if she can get anyone hard with one of them looks I despair at Leprechaun country more than I had done Janis: 😏 Janis: Actually funny, give you that Janis: she reckons Jimmy: Funny enough to come save me? Janis: Hmm Janis: How scared are you? Gotta let it get high enough, most hero points Jimmy: I'll let you know when she unhinges her jaw fully Janis: 👍 Janis: quite the party trick Jimmy: go on, I'll ramp up the 😍 Jimmy: make her think you're really irresistible Janis: Think? Janis: Bitch, she knows Jimmy: She fancies you? Jimmy: That explains a lot Janis: I don't know what her actual damage is Janis: would explain the over-the-top homophobia, like Jimmy: I'll show her what she's missing then Jimmy: work appropriate PDA Janis: 😍 when you put it like that Jimmy: gotta pay up Jimmy: like you said, I owe you for Grace Jimmy: how far do you want me to go? Janis: Oh 'scuse me whilst I take a moment to swoon Janis: 😂 Jimmy: Don't take too long if you don't want her to leave Jimmy: which I know you don't Jimmy: she's been chatting shit loudly about you, for my benefit, since she got here Janis: 😒 Glad to know she's as much a cunt behind my back as she is to my face Janis: true friend 💕 Janis: Reckon we can manage to show you're actually interested in ME and not just getting off with any bitch or too pie in the sky Jimmy: Easy Jimmy: Put your hair up so I can take it down that's the most cliche thing I can think of Janis: Sorted Janis: it's up anyway, had to go to the gym after that delightful convo with Gracie Jimmy: If you can keep your sick in your mouth & not over me, I'll remember your name, just for this Jimmy: Jennifer, right? Janis: I know you can read Janis: not that Northern Jimmy: Do you? Jimmy: I might be faking that too Janis: You running every message by your colleague first then? Janis: I should get off with him too, only fair Jimmy: wait til Mona's gone probably Jimmy: what do you wanna drink/eat? I'll pretend it's spontaneous 'cause I can read you so well 💕 Janis: She'd respect it, slutbag Janis: the others would defs not though so I'll be sly with it, don't worry Janis: Clearly a non-shit smoothie is our thing, babe 💕 Janis: and anything with protein, not fussy Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: Take some selfies with me, we'll work out who's gonna post what later Janis: Gotta give the fans what they want Jimmy: gotta give the #haters what they don't Janis: You know it Janis: by the time School rolls back 'round, you're gonna be so forgettable Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: No wishing 'bout it, boy Janis: I get shit done 💪 Jimmy: Don't make me like you Jimmy: Not what we're here for Janis: ��� Don't be soft Jimmy: Do your job & I won't be, will I? Jimmy: 😍 remember Janis: Yeah 😏 Do your best to look dead blue ball'd in these selfies Janis: what could be more #goals than a boy not instantly going off you when you don't spread 'em on first sight, appaz Janis: and our bar is low yeah Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: It's been a while, I can do that Janis: 🎻 Janis: Bollocks has it Jimmy: Hard to believe 'cause you want me so bad but actually has Janis: 🖕 Janis: if you have as many fans as you claiming, they ain't all so unbearable you ain't gone there Jimmy: yeah they are Janis: ⬆ standards, is it Jimmy: standards Jimmy: any Janis: Admirable Jimmy: Piss off Janis: Deadly serious Jimmy: nah you're not Janis: Giving you a few months 'fore you're one of 'em Janis: that's all Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: back to being brutal now then Janis: You want saving from this whole town, that'd cost more than you'd be willing to give, boy Janis: get you eventually Jimmy: I'll be gone before that happens Janis: Yeah? Jimmy: I didn't wanna come here in the first place, I'm not making it my shamrock patch to die in Janis: Me either, mate Jimmy: You better shut up and get a move on before we find owt else we've got in common Janis: 'Less you want me to show up all sweaty and have it be known that's what you're into you'll calm the fuck down and lemme finish Jimmy: If I cared that much what people thought I was into have dressed you before you first showed up here Janis: Cunt Janis: if I wanted unwarranted fashion advice, I'd have stayed home and alked to my sister some more Jimmy: Can't seduce a girl without a leather jacket, by your own reckoning Jimmy: So you're wrong or I don't care, do I? Janis: I'm right, you just like complaining Janis: it ain't like you've been catfished here Jimmy: you've been whinging since you got in my inbox, Jolene Janis: You're the one who's shit scared of falling so you keep 🤐 anything else Jimmy: You don't know me Jimmy: guess again Janis: I'm good Janis: only need to know the fake you tso this isn't a waste of time Jimmy: 💔 Janis: but give me the basic rundown over dinner, yeah Janis: just in case anyone asks when your birthday is or some shit Jimmy: chatting something useful? Who are you? Jimmy: Top one, Julie Janis: Funny Janis: I'll be fucking fuming if it's soon, I ain't getting you anything Jimmy: We'll be over before then Jimmy: When's yours? Janis: 13th October, so same Jimmy: Gutted I can't make Grace share with me as well Janis: 😒 Don't even Janis: basically have to leave the country to get away, no joke how serious she takes it Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎸🎺🎻 Jimmy: you get the whole orchestra for that one, baby Janis: I'll let her know you want the joint party, see how musical you feeling then Jimmy: I've already told you, you ain't breaking my heart Jimmy: do your worst Janis: hour 3 of picking out fucking Janis: napkin colours Janis: and she will Jimmy: nah don't have to listen Jimmy: she don't want any real input Janis: i know you've heard how loud she is Janis: there's no option Jimmy: bollocks Janis: I'm telling you, take my place Jimmy: I'm telling you, customer service has trained me Jimmy: Challenge accepted Janis: Have fun Janis: Imma do one with your fit workmate ✌ Jimmy: You'd have to find one first Janis: Easy Jimmy: if that's your type, sweetheart Janis: Not an amateur like the bitches who concern themselves with you, I've scoped the joint once, I'm good to go Janis: Don't be jealous, you asked for this Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: It's pity not jealousy Jimmy: if you think any of 'em are fit you need your eyes checked at least and at worst, like....scrapping Janis: I didn't know you'd ranked 'em all outta 10 already, my bad Janis: if you got claims, just say, girl code Jimmy: what the fuck is girl code? Janis: Fucked if I know but unsurprised I'm apparently in violation 'cos Gracie ain't getting exactly what she wants 🤷 Janis: ask if you can get a word in Jimmy: tah, mate Janis: I know, she's scary Janis: save your streetcred and keep it hush Jimmy: what street cred? I'm dating you Janis: Actually do one Jimmy: you don't feel no different about me Jimmy: we ain't pretending here Janis: I've had enough of it for one day though so you'll have to have a go tomorrow, like Jimmy: alright, white flag Jimmy: relax, Janis Janis: Whatever, yeah Janis: omw Jimmy: I'll get the smoothie ready so you don't have to wait Jimmy: it's the little things that are #goals yeah? Janis: 💕 Janis: so sweet Jimmy: save it Jimmy: we've got a show to put on Jimmy: Myrtle's really stepped hers up, on the hate & the love Janis: Least she's coming up for air Janis: What's she saying then? Jimmy: not worth repeating when we can just shut it down Janis: I just feel sorry for the lad Janis: his idea of a hot date probably isn't a bitching sesh Jimmy: he looks like he's enjoying himself Janis: 😷 the casualties of the job they didn't warn you about, yeah Jimmy: if you want any food you're braver than me Janis: Given but Janis: ew Jimmy: don't be a dickhead after the white flag's gone up Janis: awh babes Janis: don't you wanna play dirty? Jimmy: like I said, save it, babes Janis: 😏 fine Janis: dry Jimmy: I get it, you want me Jimmy: you can regret that it's fake later Janis: Yeah, be one for the deathbed, that 🙄 Jimmy: I'll bring the orchestra in Janis: you'll be long gone Janis: 💔 can kill, you know Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: alright, Juliet, steady on Janis: 🥊 ain't pulling no Janis: you shoulda done more research, boyo Jimmy: Minerva's meant to be drinking the poison not you, love Jimmy: & absolutely not me Janis: ahh so it's true Janis: you DO pull that stunt on all the girls 😏 amateur Jimmy: call me an amateur after if you still think so Janis: happily Jimmy: Love you too, baby Janis: 🤢 Janis: blow your load that quick we're in real trouble Jimmy: what are you wearing today? Jimmy: 'cause unless you've got the leathers out Janis: 😂 kicking it old school sex hotline okay Janis: gym things, obviously Janis: men, never listen 😏 Jimmy: we're in no danger then Janis: 💔 Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: rude when i'm blowing off the gym juice boy for you Jimmy: if you want to bring him to CG to dangle in front of your enemy, go on Janis: Poor boy Janis: she has enough playthings without my help Jimmy: they'll both be gutted Jimmy: learn to share, Joni Janis: fuck off Janis: had a lifetime as is Jimmy: I ain't an only child Jimmy: you don't get no violin Janis: how many you got, 1, 2 Janis: and you ain't twins with the most annoying bitch in ireland, possibly the world Jimmy: take it up with your Irish catholic parents or whatever Jimmy: probably the pope Janis: how irish catholic do i look boy Jimmy: your ma looks it Jimmy: that'll do Janis: send her to the fucking laundries and bury us all in the mass grave Janis: good luck n all da Jimmy: cheery today you Janis: ain't my fault fallen women don't get you going Janis: what's wrong with you man Jimmy: if that's your #goal we are proper doomed Jimmy: couldn't be more turned off if I tried Janis: tell you ain't catholic Janis: love to hate the sin hatefuck the sinner baby, that's how we're rolling Jimmy: I'm not C of E never mind that Jimmy: there's no god under my roof, girl Jimmy: never been Janis: Lucky you Janis: we're not all #blessed Jimmy: 🎻 Jimmy: my dad will love to hear that we are, tah Janis: welcome Janis: way too soon to attempt impressing parents but clearly that overachiever Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: bring that enthusiasm to my counter, babe Janis: hot Jimmy: like you said, bar's low Janis: low enough you reckon i'm hopping my arse up on it for you, apparently Jimmy: why not? Janis: depends Janis: is it a challenge Jimmy: You gonna accept it if it is? Janis: Obviously Janis: 🥇 Jimmy: Go on then, thrill me, Justine Janis: Easy Jimmy: Easy for you to say now, yeah Janis: Easy for you to chat back now too Jimmy: I'll pretend to like it, difficult as that'll be Jimmy: So doesn't matter Janis: you need me, remember that Jimmy: I've not forgotten Jimmy: don't need to kiss your arse before you get here though Janis: no one's asking you to go that far, tah Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: well you never answered how far you DO want me to Janis: Don't be stupid Jimmy: Not #goals if you slap me in front of Mia, is it? Janis: Not for you anyway Jimmy: Draw me the line Jimmy: I won't cross it Jimmy: Not hard Janis: You're not thick, no sense doing anything more than what's appropriate for the audience, like Janis: why do I have to spell it out Jimmy: 'Cause you hate her Jimmy: So how much do you? Janis: How much do I hate her? Janis: That's a question and then some, like Jimmy: I can make it as hot and her as jealous as you want Jimmy: Like you said, not thick Janis: Yeah? Jimmy: Do the same for me if I ask Jimmy: & yeah Janis: Alright Jimmy: 👌 Janis: I'm here Janis: be hot Jimmy: 🔥🎆🚒 Janis: Oh my God, you actual loser 😏 Jimmy: don't call me a loser when I'm about to help you win Janis: okay okay, teamwork, yeah? Jimmy: I've been putting in work you ain't even asked for being 😍 at my phone this whole time so she knows its you Jimmy: pull your weight, dickhead Janis: admire the dedication Jimmy: match it then Janis: oi 💪 always Jimmy: 🥇 yeah? Janis: Too right Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [After] Janis: Is your phone blowing up too or am I just the un🍀 one? Jimmy: my co-workers are Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: you could be in with some of 'em now for real Janis: Good stuff, secondary goal achieved too Janis: Go us Jimmy: Mia's not gonna put us on blast like a new wave gossip girl, is she? Jimmy: Do without my sister seeing any of that Janis: I don't reckon she would, she shouldn't seem as invested as she is, not cool Janis: she's just shown her little mates, Grace included Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: keep your win without me whinging then Janis: Just get her done for making material with minors in if she does, problem solved 🤷 Janis: not taking my 🥇 Jimmy: we gonna cool things off for not looking to keen or go all in with first date bollocks? Janis: I mean, probably occupy their tiny minds for a bit but leave it too long and I go back to looking #desperate so Janis: still up for going ahead whenever you are Jimmy: day or two? Jimmy: made me want you for a bit but not too long Janis: Cool Janis: I'd buy it Jimmy: more like two and you can act like I'm blowing your phone up Jimmy: tilt your screen 🙄 Janis: For sure Janis: hmu with those 'wyd' texts Jimmy: & impressive selfies Jimmy: you ain't the only one capable Janis: mhmm show me what i'm missing 😏 Jimmy: 🤤 Jimmy: you ran off so quick we didn't take any coupley ones #rookie mistake Jimmy: remind me next time Janis: you know, own personal photographer and hater in one with mia Janis: even if she ain't thinking of my angles Jimmy: she didn't get mine either Jimmy: 💔 Janis: honestly, talk about distracted on the job Jimmy: some people, mate Jimmy: have you looked though? did the job for us Jimmy: & livened up her story Janis: Welcome, if I had to see another generic selfie from her 🔫 Janis: Who knew I was so popular? Jimmy: Me, that's why we're 💕 Janis: All part of the masterplan Janis: I'll skillfully ignore these DM requests, like Jimmy: we've made our point Jimmy: slide into as many DMs as you like, darling Janis: 👍 tah Janis: least let you get a date in, kinda the point Jimmy: point is, you're not gay & I'm not interested in what Mia & co are offering Jimmy: but I won't deprive you of a date now, that'd be so snide Janis: 🙄 gracious Jimmy: we don't have to sit through a whole shit film, do we? Jimmy: as long as we check in & our audience know we're there Janis: you gotta be home by 9 anyway so Jimmy: Mia's not gonna like turn up in shades to watch us in the back row now she'd had a glimpse Jimmy: 'Cause I wanna just eat Janis: Got enough wank bank material keep her going Janis: let's just eat then, I don't care, never nothing good on anyway Jimmy: where's good grub wise? I ain't been nowhere yet Janis: I know places, I'll pick somewhere actually decent, not just #goals Janis: just don't tell my Dad Jimmy: 😍😍😍 tah bae Jimmy: what's your dad gonna do if I chat to him about decent food? Janis: chat how his is better and no one needs a first date at their own dad's restaurant Janis: never mind a fake one Jimmy: 💔 gutted Jimmy: I could've made a 🔥 first impression for you, girl Janis: 😂 gone to your head, lad Janis: don't need to impress him, or any of 'em Jimmy: could though Jimmy: multi talented Jimmy joined the chat 7 hours ago Janis: and the oscar goes to Janis: keep your talents away from my fam, tah Jimmy: Alright, Jackie, you've got a deal Janis: careful, make a habit of it Jimmy: gotta for as long as you need me Janis: 💕 Jimmy: then I'll bin school off & go hollywood 😎 Janis: See no flaws in the plan Janis: big enough town I can go too and blank ya or? Janis: any out, like Jimmy: I'm no expert but I'd guess yeah Janis: Did you just admit you don't know everything? Janis: Omg, definitely isn't you Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: You're the one who tries to chat that you do Janis: I don't try, I just do, babe Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: We were having a moment plotting our new life & you had to be a dickhead Jimmy: ruin everything you Janis: You have to warn me when we're having moments Janis: I wasn't on, God Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: Used it all up for Mia Janis: real love of my life, naturally 😒 Jimmy: You crush me, Josie Janis: I know, I know Janis: I did warn you Jimmy: Make it up to me by naming a decent pub Jimmy: I need somewhere to go after work Janis: Whelan's is a decent shout Jimmy: 👍 Janis: for your vibe Janis: lots of leather, lots of indie but the craic is actually decent and it ain't tourist hell so Jimmy: I'll let you know if you're right Jimmy: know you can't wait to find out Janis: Hanging on the phone, like 🖕 Jimmy: If I find any girls irresistible I'll keep it off the 'gram, don't worry Janis: 👍 Jimmy: this shift is dragging after Mia gate Jimmy: if I text her will she come back? Janis: You mean they're ripping the piss too hard Janis: Obviously she would but can you not Jimmy: leave it out Jimmy: I've handled worse from you Janis: Brave boy Jimmy: Don't join in Jimmy: not an invite Janis: alright alright Janis: is the fit one invited whelan's with you or nah? i need to know if he's got enough bants or what Jimmy: weren't planning on inviting any of 'em soz to 💔 Janis: least i know he's free Jimmy: keep winning today Jimmy: you're welcome, babe Janis: You know Janis: couldn't have done it without you Jimmy: coulda asked your fave barista Jimmy: next time he'll be well ready to take you up on it Janis: not got a dealwith him, have i Jimmy: wouldn't be hard to make one Jimmy: you've got his attention & I can give you his details Janis: don't be a dick Jimmy: What? Janis: Not fir hire Janis: I'm helping you out because you're helping me out, that's it Janis: it ain't that Jimmy: If you like him, get with him Janis: Maybe I will but don't concern yourself with the set-up Jimmy: I'm helping you out 'cause you helped me out, that's it Janis: Well don't Jimmy: Alright Janis: Have a good night 👍 Jimmy: 👌 Janis: [sends restaurant deets] Janis: shall I book this or not? Jimmy: Yeah Jimmy: I'm working 'til 6 but I'll get ready here & come straight to get you Janis: K Janis: See you then then, just bring your selfie A game Jimmy: just get my good side Janis: 📸 or 👊? Jimmy: depends what mood you're in, Jill Jimmy: guess we'll find out Janis: depends on how much of a pain in my are you plan on being Jimmy: depends what kind of day I've had Jimmy: & how much of a dickhead you plan on being Janis: isn't that just my natural state of being Jimmy: when you're chatting yeah Janis: Backatcha Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: better at not Jimmy: but don't need to tell you that after earlier Janis: shame, really Jimmy: why? Janis: That we have to talk to make this thing believable Janis: trust, I'd rather just the other too Jimmy: I can piss off Jimmy: it's believable now Jimmy: don't have to keep chatting away Janis: You said you'd make me look good, and I so do not right now, so you can't get out of it yet Jimmy: I made you look great Jimmy: rewatch the story Jimmy: & what I'm chatting is, some couples barely do, so we don't have to Janis: other lads who want the same, i grant you but you miss all the comments calling me a slag or what Janis: obvs, i ain't trying to keep you Jimmy: I'll follow through, we've got a deal Jimmy: but you don't have to have me as your specialist subject on a quiz show Janis: piss off Janis: i ain't them or tryna be so don't play like i am Jimmy: Ask me what you need & then we don't have to talk for ages Jimmy: job done Janis: I have, where's the bit where I'm asking you 'bout the weather? Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: Jesus Jimmy: he don't exist to me, remember? Jimmy: you gotta listen if you wanna keep this believable, girl Janis: not my specialist  subject, babe Jimmy: 💔 Janis: 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Jimmy: lovely you are Jimmy: remind me to take you home to meet the parents ASAP Janis: yeah thank fuck it ain't real, right Jimmy: if it were I wouldn't offer Janis: if you're trying to put me off, I already know you're a dick Janis: it's not necessary Jimmy: trying to put them off Jimmy: one dinner with you & I wouldn't have to be at the next however many Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 💔 too bad that ain't part of the deal then Jimmy: could be? Jimmy: You agreed to go all in for me when I asked Jimmy: like I did for you with Mia Janis: Ha, you wanna live to regret it just name the time, mate Jimmy: I'll let you know when the next family dinner is Jimmy: My dad's due a new girlfriend about now Janis: I'll do my best not to seduce her Jimmy: Don't let me stop you Jimmy: 'ave your fun while you can, he don't keep 'em long Janis: Gutting, no doubt Jimmy: for who? Jimmy: don't reckon anyone's 💔 Janis: Yeah, I gathered Janis: well not really a sloppy seconds kinda girl but if there's no love lost and that's what you want, like Janis: done is done Jimmy: 💕 last great romantic you Janis: Let it be known Jimmy: hang on, I'll tweet it Janis: 😏 as far as subtweets go, I'm getting worse, babe Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: Just saying, up your game, boy Jimmy: What you want me to do, tweet you a nude? Jimmy: Calm down, Jen Janis: I know even you ain't that cocky, no pun intended, new boy Jimmy: Nah? Janis: Nah, all chat Janis: like I said, sad, really 😥 Jimmy: Hold on, the lighting in here is shit Janis: 😂 #priorities Jimmy: [tweets it 'cos I'll never actually find one] Janis: as if you actually did that Jimmy: when I get snatched by a man with a van full of sweets, on your head Janis: 💔 i'll use that picture on the posters, like Jimmy: edit the lighting tah Jimmy: still shit Janis: you tryna be an insta model or what, mate Jimmy: could be Jimmy: you ain't paying me for my time, rich girl Janis: those skinny tea #ads will be coming in no time Jimmy: 💔 locked out of my account so I'll never know what my Juliet tweeted me back Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: not a nude back so you ain't missing anything good Jimmy: course of true love & all that Jimmy: still gutted Janis: I'll compile screenshots of the most blatant thirsty hoes, can go over 'em on our date Janis: don't say I never do nothing for you Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: making me fall hard for you, babe Janis: I know, gift and a curse, truly Jimmy: its the gym clothes Jimmy: could've warned me Janis: 😏 you never seen a bitch in a sports bra Jimmy: nah Jimmy: its too cold up north for owt like that Janis: 😂 running in all your layers Jimmy: spot on Janis: know it's grim but the sweat would be no joke Janis: dirrrrrty Jimmy: I ain't a runner & I don't know any Jimmy: take your word, mate Jimmy: kills me getting the dog out Janis: all them 🚬 Janis: not a stalker, 'fore you start Janis: tasted 'em second-hand, bit rude Jimmy: 💀💀💀💀 Jimmy: if you get cancer of the 👅 bill me for your medical Janis: 💕 true love Janis: resisted the urge to tell a rich bitch to pay for her own if she hates dying so much and everything, so proud Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: one make out sesh & I'm a changed man, baby #your influence Janis: so gonna quote that on twitter, really shame you now you ain't about to stop me 😈 Jimmy: 'ave at it Jimmy: gimme more warning next time & 🚭 for real though Janis: Better than teacher coffee breath, which is what I was mentally preparing for tbh Jimmy: brutal Jimmy: actually 💔 me now Janis: It's good Janis: you ain't as much of a filthy hipster as I reckoned Jimmy: On the level, Janet, I don't like coffee Jimmy: just need it sometimes 😫 Jimmy: kinda like you & I Janis: No judgment, boy Janis: all got our vices but at the price CG is selling, you'd be better off getting proper amphetamines Jimmy: staff discount is mint Jimmy: but tah for the concern Janis: that's me Janis: lovely Jimmy: had 'em as a kid anyway before I outgrew it Jimmy: nowt to shout 'bout Janis: Good to know you ain't that kinda #cringe Jimmy: what kind? Janis: the 'thinks getting off his face is a personality trait' kind Janis: do what you gotta but don't be tryna act like it should wow me, you know Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: my ex was a bit of that, in the end Janis: yeah, lots are, all fun and games 'til it ain't then it's like a constant fucking comedown or they can't hack it Jimmy: nothing close to fun & games up north, mate, only grim, remember? 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: anyway she's got a kid now so clean up or fuck up Janis: 😬 Oosh Janis: you're not a runaway baby daddy, are you Jimmy: nah Janis: 🍀 Jimmy: friend of her dad's, I think Janis: Nice Janis: not gross at all, sir Jimmy: Like I said, grim Janis: not any better here let's be real Janis: not all little gingers and pots of gold Jimmy: don't tell my dad he moved us here 🤞 Jimmy: and so I wouldn't gatecrash her wedding & offer to raise her kid but neither here nor there Janis: 🤐 Janis: gutting, i doubt her dad's mate is minted or hot Jimmy: he ain't Jimmy: he's 45, works in a factory, smokes more and gyms less than me Jimmy: but my dad is 'bout a year behind the times Jimmy: too late for my objections 💔 Janis: oh girl, no Janis: tragedy all 'round Jimmy: she's on my friend's list if you wanna give her the orchestra Janis: don't worry, entertained enough by my fans rn Janis: don't need to passive-aggressively ruin the poor bitch for the lols Jimmy: so sad to be missing out Janis: you're sorely missed, i promise you Janis: not by me, obvs but you know Jimmy: who by? Jimmy: can't fake it forever, can I? Jimmy: gotta get a real girl one day Janis: You can't wait 'til the date for the list I ALREADY promised yas? Jimmy: I told you this shift is dragging it's arse, Judith Janis: you got tinder downloaded? no doubt sly bitches are swarming already Jimmy: nah but probably should Jimmy: if its that or tell you more of my origin story Janis: I ain't asking, batman, chill out Jimmy: but I'm chatting Jimmy: fuck knows why I've said what I've already said Janis: don't matter, who am I telling? Jimmy: twitter for all I know Janis: nah Janis: give me some credit Janis: not funny, for starters, like Jimmy: story of my life Jimmy: there's a joke in there somewhere Janis: 🎻 Janis: they ain't ready for the inside joke that is Jimmy: I'm still not inviting any other dickheads but come for a drink tonight if you want Janis: Alright Janis: devvo all my besties ain't gona be there but you'll do Jimmy: you can bring whoever I'm just saying I ain't Janis: I'm good Janis: not dealing with the disappointment when he realizes it ain't a threesome with ya Jimmy: #my influence Janis: Truly, babe Janis: with bad lighting and all 🔥 Jimmy: I could've done better but you put me on the spot Janis: 😂 it's alright, couldn't see it, you don't have to hit me with performance excuses yet Jimmy: or ever Jimmy: you're faking it & telling me you are Jimmy: #goals Janis: so much easier Jimmy: so convincing earlier I'm wondering if my ex ever wanted to kiss me 💔🎻💔 Janis: leave it a few 'til you ring her asking Janis: least you can be/pretend to be pissed Jimmy: don't wanna know Janis: unless her type is exclusively really undesirable old blokes Janis: you're fine Jimmy: maybe it is & you're being catfished Jimmy: look like a teen, am in my 40s Janis: I mean, I'm good, I'll call the garda and get mad sympathy and compensation Janis: can't lose, baby Jimmy: stick with me, Janine Janis: why not Jimmy: you don't even have to kiss me tonight Jimmy: wins keep coming Janis: 🍀 Janis: born with it Jimmy: maybe its leprechauns Janis: 😂 Jimmy: if you're Irish why are you so tall? Jimmy: shatters my illusions Janis: Half Brazilian too, and quarter plain old English scum Jimmy: you're a smoothie of a girl Jimmy: lovely Janis: Steady on 😬 call me exotic and stick me on the menu whilst you're at it Jimmy: be better than what's on Jimmy: you taste better than you chat Janis: ha Janis: dread to think how we're representing english in a smoothie...like, blended fry-up or what? Jimmy: tea? Janis: You know I'm actually Scouse with it so maybe you just wanna chop me up and use my blood, like Janis: 😬 #awks Jimmy: Yeah? Jimmy: must be why we have such an affinity Janis: that what we're calling it? 😏 Jimmy: what do you wanna label it? Jimmy: fake chemistry? Janis: Famistry sounds ridiculous Janis: serious suggestions only please Jimmy: sounds like we're gonna do blood tests & tell people their family trees Janis: 💸 Janis: only if i can tell people they're adopted or their uncle is their dad Janis: spice things up Jimmy: only if I can make a smoothie to represent them at the end Janis: 🎨 #artiste Jimmy: fuck mia, if I text you will you come back Jimmy: bored Janis: really? you let me get home before deciding this? 🙄 Janis: and you've sent me/twitter the nude already, how mind-blowing is this text gonna be, like 😏 Jimmy: is that a challenge or a flat out nah Janis: When you working 'til, like 6? Jimmy: Yep Janis: if we're going pub after anyway, guess I could come that bit earlier, what's it matter, like Janis: go forth and text impress, boy Jimmy: walk me, you romantic Jimmy: 💕 Janis: real old school Janis: you want flowers so you can really make all the other lads jealous or what Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: with this hayfever? you're alright Janis: 😍 sexy Janis: can't hack a bit of pollen, love that for you Jimmy: piss off Janis: 😂 Janis: poor boy, stick to getting the pints in, yeah? Jimmy: it's my #excuse for the fans for why you ain't getting no 🎕 Jimmy: & yeah Janis: literally what are you meant to do with 'em anyway Janis: waste Jimmy: watch 'em die Jimmy: like the feelings you caught for the wrong bae Janis: deep 🚬 Jimmy: gonna be a twitter poet if I ever get my account back Janis: i can see it Janis: gonna have to chuck you before then Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: [okay but sends her a really hot sext cos challenge accepted from a moment ago but I can't write it cos I'm me, myself & I so imagine] Jimmy: Screenshot that for me 'til then Janis: 😳 Janis: You want me to get suspended for your filth too? Jimmy: censor it if you must Janis: you can't censor #art babe Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Done Jimmy: with me or my artistic flair? Janis: I screenshotted it Jimmy: I wasn't serious Jimmy: but join me on the ban list I guess Janis: I'll delete it Janis: I did some generous cropping anyway Jimmy: leave it Jimmy: don't wanna look like you regret your choices Jimmy: not #goals Janis: soz Jimmy: nah you're not Janis: i mean, again warn a bitch when it's a joke, yeah Jimmy: I sound good what do I care? Janis: exactly, nothing but favours Jimmy: for you too Jimmy: not gonna look desperate waiting on that date now, are you? Janis: you want a thank you or? Jimmy: I want a fucking drink but I'm too keen Jimmy: not time yet Janis: 'less you're buzzing for another smoothie Jimmy: tasted enough of yours tah Janis: no room to complain Janis: you made it, ash tray Jimmy: I wasn't Jimmy: calm down, rich girl, you're supposed to be nice to your servers now Janis: You reckon I ain't been nice enough to you for one day? Jimmy: depends Jimmy: If I say nah are you gonna be nicer or meaner? Janis: See how I'm feeling, I guess Janis: and how much of a dickhead you're being 😜 Jimmy: 💔 deep wounds Jimmy: you've got the wrong fake boyfriend 'cause I would obviously not act like that towards you, Judy Janis: 😏 my mistake Janis: jog my memory, which one are you then? Jimmy: northern prince charming 💕 Jimmy: gets banned from twitter for you, makes you personalised drinks, hates the same people you hate Janis: Ahh, him Jimmy: what do you drink anyway? feel like I should know even if this round's off the 'gram Janis: Have whatever you're having Janis: not tryna be that easy but I don't drink often enough to be arsed Janis: don't feel special, like Jimmy: Actually so romantic though 😍 Janis: 🖕 shh Jimmy: it's pints either lager, ales or snakebite/snakebite & black Jimmy: I'll let you pick 'cause I am too Janis: twitter feed been knew and blessed, babe Janis: go 🐍 Janis: seems fitting Jimmy: how did you guess I saved the best for last? Janis: The affinity, obviously Jimmy: don't feel special but you're less of a dickhead today Janis: This is like the second time you've spoke to me, judgy cunt 😂 Jimmy: I've had a month of silent judgement going Janis: Well, how can I not feel special now, eh Jimmy: on everyone not just you Jimmy: but yeah if I'd known all I had to do was stage an elaborate fake kiss to make you specifically less annoying then Janis: spoilsport Janis: 😑 Jimmy: I know 💔 Janis: Something like that Janis: twat Jimmy: What? Jimmy: I was giving you a real compliment Janis: Yeah yeah Janis: save it for the 'gram lover boy Jimmy: 😭 Janis: need a drink in you immediately Janis: soft cunt Jimmy: immediately after I get changed out of this uniform 💔 for you Janis: i ain't complaining Janis: EXACTLY what we mean when we say love a man in uniform, right ladies 😍 Jimmy: it gets you going, I felt it Jimmy: or you wanna admit to that just being me? 💕 Janis: nah Janis: 100% the apron and promise of the decent discount Jimmy: Knew it Janis: should be glad, like Jimmy: why? Janis: don't want me falling for you, nightmare Jimmy: better than your sister Jimmy: marginally Jimmy: or are you an entirely different girl when it's real 💘? Janis: fuck you fucking marginally, you can say no tah without associating me with her Janis: guess we'll never know Janis: 💔 tragedy Jimmy: not directly Jimmy: I'm sure I'll see it on the 'gram when you're doing this all for real Janis: knew it Janis: #stalkeebecomesthestalker Jimmy: it's my destiny Jimmy: obsessed with you, Juliet Janis: One fake kiss and it's a done deal Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: gift and curse Janis: will be more careful next time i fake date, tah for the experience, like Jimmy: 👍 Janis: Apparently they're having an emergency sleepover at ours tonight... Janis: my sister fully wants me dead, bye 😂 Jimmy: do you have somewhere else you can sleep or is it a one eye open job? Janis: I'll go to my Grandparents Janis: don't need to wake up to them in my face ready to sacrifice me or whatever nah Jimmy: We could say we're having our own emergency sleepover Jimmy: really put the nail in your coffin Janis: 😂 Janis: amazing Jimmy: what's more goals than sleeping with you and still taking you out to dinner, yeah? Jimmy: You're a really good lay, have a steak 😍 you know Janis: you've got a point Janis: beats a text back, like Jimmy: I often do, dickhead, catch up Jimmy: you can stay here if you think it'll get back to the oracle that you weren't Jimmy: here being my house not this 2nd home, don't sleep at the CG, I would be sacked Janis: 🖕 Firstly Janis: Secondly, probably for the best or we'll have start faking the noises and I don't trust them to not wanna go whole hog and watch Janis: the one with the bog eye gonna put me off Janis: soz hun Janis: lastly it's really fucked with my fantasy that you don't tbh, least keep the little hat on Jimmy: my room's a box, that gonna be a problem for you, rich girl? Janis: I'm an actual basement dweller, it's fine Jimmy: My dad is Jimmy: you'll get on like a house on 🔥 Janis: do my best to avoid him even if the walk of shame is fake, he's not gonna know that Jimmy: might fall for him, have a baby & get married Jimmy: happens more than you'd reckon Janis: 🤢 Janis: not my speed Janis: no offense old man Jimmy: for the best, I look nothing like him Jimmy: & I'm your type so Janis: Obviously Jimmy: I'll be in with my brother, knock on the wall if you need owt Jimmy: another fake kiss, a twitter ban, whatever Janis: 🙄 Clearly you don't me but I trust you to control yourself, you know Janis: don't need to exile yourself on my behalf, like Jimmy: If I don't it'll be three in a bed Jimmy: you don't want that Janis: Ah right, fair play Janis: thought the poor bastard might be like 12 or whatever and like piss off jim Jimmy: my sister is Jimmy: ignore her, she'll fuck you up 🥊 Janis: Noted 😏 Jimmy: could be gay & fall in love with you Jimmy: #awkward Janis: I'll calm down how hot I am Janis: apart from that, just a rabid dog too, yeah? Jimmy: It'd be a way to find out 'cause she's never said but probably best if you look as ugly as possible Jimmy: for all our sakes Jimmy: & its only a puppy, you'll survive Janis: Outing your sister is deffo not part of the deal, no Janis: I'm great with dogs Jimmy: Yeah? Take it with you Jimmy: None of us want it Janis: Awh don't be horrible Jimmy: I'm not Jimmy: we don't Janis: um why'd you get it Jimmy: guilt gift for moving to a new country when its not even the start of the school year Jimmy: we weren't asked, I'd have voted for a better telly or summat Janis: ahh, the infinite wisdom of parents Janis: what you need is more pressure and responsibility at a time like that, for sure Jimmy: probably ask my sister if you're taking it & not her off into the sunset too Jimmy: she hates it least Janis: I would but we're not allowed dogs Janis: Mum's a mad cat lady Janis: probably just needs a bit of training, that's all, it'll be more bearable then Jimmy: 💔 gutted for myself more than you Janis: I'll show you how it's done Janis: My Grandparents have a dog and it was lowkey feral before I started Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: before or after you fake seduce me Janis: Hmm, it's hardly foreplay but the first thing I wanna do after a ride is not go to the park, like Janis: save it for another day, boy Janis: so keen Jimmy: busy night this Jimmy: all I'm thinking Janis: 😏 If you can't keep up say now baby Jimmy: piss off Janis: 😂 disappoint me later, fine Jimmy: fake disappointment won't hurt Janis: had worse Jimmy: me too Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: duet Janis: lovely Jimmy: this might be too much to ask but as far as my sister goes, we're dating for real, alright Jimmy: my brother too if he speaks to you but unlikely Janis: yeah, 'course, I get it Janis: they don't need to know and you don't want them too Janis: if mine knew any boundaries I'd be the same Jimmy: tah Jimmy: they should be asleep when we get back from the pub 🤞 Jimmy: but I know better Janis: 👍 Janis: capable of not being a dick when required, honest Jimmy: disappoint me later, fine 😂 Janis: cheek Janis: i can be a dick to you all i like Janis: not actual innocent children Jimmy: You can be a dick to my dad too, as much as you like Jimmy: I encourage it Janis: Good to know Janis: like you reckoned, doubt I'm a parent pleaser Jimmy: He won't be nice to you so don't be 💔 'bout not winning him 'round Janis: s'alright, even if you gotta tell your sister we're actually dating, not like I expect your Da to buy it Jimmy: it's 'cause he'll buy it that he won't Jimmy: He's the only one allowed to look for happiness in the arms of whoever Janis: I feel you Janis: and I'm offering neither, such a shame, coulda been such good mates Jimmy: gotta get this orchestra on wheels Jimmy: me arms are tired from the in & out Janis: 😒 stamina who Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: so worried 'bout my fake stamina Jimmy: I can go all night when I'm pretending, babe Janis: 😂 whatta claim Jimmy: how do you wanna out us to the world though? Jimmy: play coy like we were pretending we didn't but still got caught or be brazen about me fake rocking your world? Janis: I don't think coy is gonna look very real after all this Janis: not saying we need to announce it to the whole world but you know Jimmy: so pub pics & morning after? Jimmy: let them do the work Janis: Exactly Jimmy: walk this fucking dog with me Jimmy: if that ain't #goals it should be so I don't have to do it Janis: it's a puppy, bitches loves puppies Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: don't know if she'd fit in a handbag Janis: do I look like I'm bringing a handbag Jimmy: just saying fuck knows if she's #goals Jimmy: too late to swap her if she ain't Janis: send me a pic Janis: you must have one Jimmy: on my phone Jimmy: why? Jimmy: hang on, maybe if one of us is also in it Janis: 💔🐶 Jimmy: [sends a pic of Twix and Bobby 'cause it'd show how old he is & how that don't add up to his behavior as has been mentioned so Janis like hmmm] Janis: Adorable Janis: Can work with that Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you want me to come in or meet you there Janis: just got into town Jimmy: meet me there, your fave barista's gone home already Janis: you don't even know which one I think is fit Janis: shameless Jimmy: Yeah I do Janis: if you say you I swear down Jimmy: 😂 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: for real though Jimmy: its Pete Janis: Which one is that? I've not read all your nametags and you swap 'em anyways #bants Jimmy: not knowing names is my thing Jimmy: try again Janis: 😒 really Jimmy: Am I right or not? Jimmy: nowt hard about the question Janis: Why's it even matter Janis: shut up Jimmy: if it don't, answer it Jimmy: you're making it more of a thing Janis: you're the one banging on about it still Jimmy: come on, Janis Janis: Fine, it's him Janis: not like that's a declaration of love Jimmy: you're not the only one who can screenshot Jimmy: can be if needs Janis: die literally Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: love you too Janis: 🖕 Janis: what was i meant to do whilst i was hanging around the other day, like Janis: rank the shitty drinks or what Jimmy: lust after pete was the only idea that landed 👌 Janis: actual idiot Jimmy: now I know I can be more like him, make things easier for you to fake Jimmy: actual idiot is top one Janis: remind me never to tell you anything ever again 😑 Jimmy: bit snide when you know loads bout me now but alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: If you wanna know anything actual, just ask Janis: you coming out with bait questions like which barista is the least offensive on the eyes so Jimmy: whatever, I don't Janis: 👍 Jimmy: Just be better at my angles than Mia Jimmy: 'cause I'm on route Janis: like it's hard Jimmy: after that 🥇 all times you Jimmy: I remember Janis: ain't offering a reminder, so good Jimmy: 💔💔💔💔 Jimmy: don't change your mind when you see how I look #awks Janis: 🙄 Please Jimmy: #pete who Janis: 💀kill me now Jimmy: if you die now you can't go to heaven by calling me pete when we fake fuck? 🎻 hang on in there, baby Janis: Literally gonna leave if you don't shut it Jimmy: tragedy Jimmy: I'm not gonna keep you against your will, not what this is Janis: getting a round out of you first, you invited me Jimmy: you can uninvite me or yourself any time Janis: behave Jimmy: 💔 too late Janis: Come on Jimmy: I don't run, I told you Jimmy: going as fast as I can Janis: the real tragedy Jimmy: not gonna make me learn the violin for real but 👌 Janis: least you don't need lungs for it Janis: fucked if you were planning to take up the sax Jimmy: #savage Janis: true though Janis: deal with it, baby Jimmy: funnily enough my life aint destroyed by a lack of sax Jimmy: change a letter & maybe Janis: alright, dad Janis: such jokes Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: get what you pay for, rich girl Jimmy: this is my lowest tier banter like Janis: feel sorry for the poor bitches doing it just 'cos then Janis: fuck me Jimmy: start a # Jimmy: you love 'em Janis: obvs Janis: any cause Jimmy: raise enough, rehome my dog Janis: actually gonna have to call animal welfare ain't I Jimmy: yeah go on Janis: don't be heartless Janis: could get given to someone worse Jimmy: 😂 Janis: 💔 Jimmy: could get eaten by leprechauns Jimmy: cheer up, Jasmine Janis: say you love her, like Janis: go on Jimmy: why do you want me to lie to you? Jimmy: we at that stage already? Janis: yeah Janis: clearly Janis: make me feel so much better and really what's important here? Jimmy: I 💘🐶 Jimmy: screenshot it if you want Janis: Good enough Janis: and not gonna make a habit of it Jimmy: which bit, asking me to lie or taking screenshots? Janis: I meant the screenshots but I'll think about the lying Janis: Hmm Jimmy: I'm not really gonna dob you into Pete Janis: Duh, you've got nothing to say Jimmy: Bollocks Jimmy: but I don't wanna talk to him Jimmy: keep your sacred tools Janis: Me either Janis: shatter the illusion Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: I know what you wanna do Janis: ew Janis: i said he was fit not that Jimmy: ⬆ standards, right Janis: fuck off Jimmy: alright Jimmy: not through the doors yet so easy Janis: don't be dramatic Janis: just stop talking about him i ain't interested Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: what Jimmy: nowt Janis: alright Jimmy: 🚬 Jimmy: you coming out or staying in? Janis: gonna twos it Jimmy: is that a question or #couple goals Janis: a question, i don't think anyone's glamourized smoking in about 100 years Jimmy: I can Jimmy: If you want Janis: Yeah Janis: Go on then Jimmy: 👍
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proxylynn · 6 years
Chapter 6: Door
It's been a week since the incident with Toriel. I have trained nonstop, practiced my magic, sat through Toriel's teachings, and even took some personal time to meditate on the chaos of my mind. I have done enough work to go up another stat level. I am now at HP 32, ATK 19, and DEF 13. Flowey tells me the next time my stats increase, I should get a point for more defense. I have done so much over so long...And yet after all that...All the things I've been distracting myself with...I've found myself standing at the fated door she fears. I know she says it leads to doom but I sense no danger about it. It just seems to be a normal exit. I'm just staring at it contemplating the idea of opening it over not bothering to. Why? Why am I compelled to be here so damn much? Why do I keep doing this? I could be doing something else, anything else for that matter. I could be reading, sleeping, thinking up new food plans, or even help Toriel with her snail hunts. So why...What's so god damn special about this fucking door?!
"Are you going to stare at it all day or open it?"
I don't even flinch at Flowey's voice, mostly because I'm the one that let him loose down here.
"I'm contemplating a Schrödinger's cat scenario."
"A what?"
"Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox. The scenario presents a cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur."
"Let's say this...A cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor, such as a Geiger counter, detects radioactivity, such as a single atom decaying, the flask is shattered and releases the poison, which kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other. It's at that point the whole multiverse theory of things happen wherein one universe's timeline I open the door and in another I don't. Basically, this would be a hypothetical group of multiple separate universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, the physical laws and the constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called the 'parallel universes', 'other universes' or 'alternative universes'. But that's another barrel of fish I don't want to waste my bullets on shooting."
I look at Flowey and confusion paints his face. I can literally see the gears in his head trying to turn but are stuck from the info dump I took on him.
"In essence, I have at this moment both opened and not opened the door. Only when I make a choice does the timeline split. Thus creating universes that are similar up to the point the choice was made but differ on the path that reflects what I did. If I open it, that world doesn't. If I don't open it, that world does. That make sense?"
"...What the hell is Toriel teaching you?!"
"Oh, none of that. This is the sort of thing I'd look up for fun or out of boredom when I was on the surface."
"Wait, hold up...So you're telling me that you are actually smart?"
"Never said I wasn't. What gave you any indication that I was missing brain cells?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the lack of listening to reason and the idea of hugging the homicidal monsters that try to kill you! That ring any crazy bells for you?"
"To be fair, there is a fine line between genius and madness because they share the same places in the mind. Psychologists have discovered that creative people have a gene in common which is also linked to psychosis and depression. So who knows? Genius and madness have something in common. Both live in a world that is different from that which exists for everyone else. So maybe I am nuts. Or maybe I'm just seeing things others can't. There's a fine line between brilliance and insanity, my flower friend. And I have erased this line from my life in my own subtle way. Hehehe..."
"The creepy giggle tells me different."
I sigh through my nose and turn on my heels.
"I guess this is a world where I..."
[You hear a faint clicking sound.]
I pause and listen.
[You hear it again.]
"Looks like the cat lives!"
I spin around and kick the door hard, parting it open.
"Geez! You know you could've pushed it open, right?"
"Now where's the fun in that?"
[knock, knock]
"Sounds like an opportunity. Best not keep it waiting too long."
"You are so corny sometimes."
I smirk, letting my curiosity get to me and follow the sound. With the door open, the dark path before us is cast in enough light so we can see. I bet Toriel uses her fire to see down here. Flowey dives into the ground and I wander down an extremely long corridor. And I do mean very long. Light no longer reaches the point where I am so I feel along the wall for guidance.
"Yo, flower-boy, you out there?"
"Just a bit further...You should be able to see me soon."
"Why's that?"
"There's a small hole in the ceiling that light shines in from."
"...For real?"
I get distracted and slam my face into a brick entry frame.
"Son of a bitch!"
"You okay?"
"I don't know...hoping my nose isn't broken."
I crawl into the room and meet up with Flowey who has sprouted on a small patch of grass growing in the sunlight that managed to pierce the mountain.
"Here, let me see the damage."
"Is it bad?"
He puts his leafs on my nose and wiggles it a litter, earning a little wince from me.
"Hmmm...I don't think it's broken. But no guarantees about getting black eyes."
"Great. Like that'll help these raccoon eyes."
[knock, knock]
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Flowey held my full attention so much so that I didn't hear the knocks coming from the exit door across from us. This door, it's archway holding the Delta Rune like the last door.
"Do you know who is doing that?"
Flowey shakes his head.
"I know a lot of things, but that one I don't. I learned not to go beyond that door the first time I tried."
"Oh...Well, here's hoping curiosity doesn't kill this cat."
He groans as I move over to the door that's a good 20 or 30 feet away.
[knock, knock]
"Who's there?"
There's silence.
"I said...Who's there?"
No...Did I really just get set up for a joke? Fuck it. Might as well play along.
"Doughnut who?"
"i doughnut recognize your voice. ya must be new."
Clever. Very clever. Not very funny, but clever. Okay mystery monster, two can play at this game.
[Knock, knock]
"...who's there?"
"avenue who?"
"Avenue ever knocked on this door before?"
It's both a joke and a real question. First, there's snickering, but it doesn't last long and they sigh as composure is regained.
"heh...yeah, i do knock here often. but normally the old lady is the one who responds. where is she?"
Why do I feel like being a jerk right now?
"You mean Toriel? Oh, I killed her..."
"you what?!"
"With kindness. And if you're not careful, I just might slay you with sweetness too, buddy."
There's silence on his end.
"Oh come on. It was a joke. Like I'd really hurt the lady that took me in and calls me daughter. That would be the biggest bitch move in history."
"...that wasn't funny."
"Yeah...It left a bad taste in my mouth."
"best wash your mouth out with soap."
I sigh and lean my back against the door.
"So you chat with mom often?"
"we talk sometimes. she's mentioned you a little bit."
"Anything interesting?"
"nothing much...just...the two of ya got into a fight not too long ago."
I rub my face.
"Of course she'd bust that out to someone she'd figure I'd never meet."
"can i ask why?"
"Why what?"
"why'd ya fight?"
"She thought I was leaving her."
"...were you?"
"*scoff* No! Why would I leave? I have her, fucking mom of the millennium. What moron walks out on someone that gives a shit over someone so pathetic? The humans that fell before me were dumb shits to want to leave."
I kick the dirt in annoyance.
"You okay over there?"
"I'm fine, Flowey! Thanks for asking!"
He's paying attention to me only because it's what Toriel wants. He's sort of became her little spy.
"flowey? the fuck is flowey?"
"Talking flower that's been my buddy since I fell down here. He watches out for me. Teaches me how this world works and junk. Not a bad dude for someone with a weak sense of humor."
"ya fell down here, huh? so you really are a human."
"Last I check, yes."
"that's funny."
"i'm actually supposed to be on the watch for humans right now."
"You don't say."
"but...y'know...i don't really care about capturing anybody."
"Good to know."
"capturing is too much work. it's way easier just to kill ya."
I tense up a little bit.
"And this went south real quick."
"relax. i'm only fucking with ya."
"Tell that to the other monsters that try to kill me."
"they must suck at doing so, as by law, you should be dead right now."
"Good luck on that happening."
"why ya say that?"
"Because of all the crap I've been through, I can honestly say I can't die. I get hurt, yeah, and pretty damn close to good Sir Death, but never do we meet. Only pass by one another like old friends saying hello before continuing on. *sigh into a groan* The fuck am I saying? Probably creeping you out by getting all deep and shit. Forget I said anything."
There's silence again.
"Yep. Scared you away. Go figure. Great job, Lynsie, ya idiot. No more than two minutes into a conversation and you say stupid crap."
I drop to sit on the floor. I belong in the dirt anyway.
"...wow, kid. that was...heh, ya sound nothing like what the king said you humans were like."
Part of me is glad he didn't leave. The other part is embarrassed because of the shit I said.
"While I can't say I'm like other humans, I'm glad to not be lumped in with such a dumb bunch."
"from what the old lady told me, you've been showing mercy to each and every monster ya come across. that true?"
"You sound as confused by this as everyone else."
"that's because it's not how things work down here."
"I know. Almost every day, someone reminds me that this is a kill or be killed world. But I don't see why. Why is it like that? I don't have to go around killing to become stronger. Nor do I want to end someone's life. Monsters are cool. And while I'm down here, in a place the world doesn't remember, I'd rather make a home than a tomb."
"you actually like it down here?"
"Better than being up there."
"man, how fucked up was your life before if people trying to kill you makes it better by comparison?"
Now is my turn for silence.
"kid? ya still there?"
"...I don't talk about personal shit to people I don't know properly yet."
"fair enough. the name is sans. sans the skeleton."
"Sans? Like Comic Sans the font?"
"you got a problem with my name?"
"Nah, dude, it's cool. I like that font."
"Your name is cooler than mine."
"what's your name?"
"Lynsie. It's an old name that comes from the United Kingdom. There are many different ways of spelling it or pronouncing it. One way is the old Scottish habitational name from Lindsey in Lincolnshire, England. This is first found in the form Lindissi, apparently a derivative of the British name of Lincoln. This was later added to the Old English element 'island' as a reference to the Isle of Linden Trees since the place was virtually cut off by the surrounding fenlands. The surname was taken to Scotland at an early date and is the name of an important and powerful Scottish family. The Irish later adopted it as an equivalent of various Gaelic names."
"damn! ya know a lot about your name."
"That's not the lame part yet."
"Before the mid-twentieth century, it was solely a male's name."
It's quiet for a moment before I hear laughter.
"hahaha...ya got a guy's name!"
"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. It's my name and I have to live with it. So enjoy your fun, ya cheeky ass."
"heh...i'm a skeleton, dummy. i don't have an ass."
Hearing that makes me grin evilly.
"Oh really? Huh...Well, that's rather disappointing."
There's a sound like he choked on air and I laugh loudly.
"Oh my god...I so wish I could see your face right now!"
"fuck you!"
"I bet you would, but you probably don't have a dick for that either!"
"*snarls* you cocky lil' shit!"
"*snickering* Sorry...I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself when the joke was presented before me."
"can ya speak up? i can't hear you over the sound of my shattered pride."
"Ah man...Don't be that way. Tell ya what...Take a free shot at me. I promise not to counter it."
He gets quiet in thought and I wait for what punches he'll throw my way.
"how old are ya?"
"i said, how old are ya? i wanna know so i don't weird out some kid and piss off mommy."
"Smart move. I'm twenty-eight."
He goes quiet and for some reason, it feels unsettling.
"okay...i think i got something."
"Hit me with your best shot, bone-boy."
"alright...are you an archaeologist?"
"Why do you ask?"
"heh, because i've got a bone for you to examine."
I bite my tongue and he laughs.
"hehehe...yeah, that's what i thought. my jokes are too powerful for ya. try to remember that before ya step up to me again, kid."
I smirk to myself.
"Is that a challenge?"
He snorts.
"ya really want to pick a fight with me?"
"A fight, no. I'd rather pick your bones. Starting with your funny bone. I hear that one can be rather humerus."
There's a pause that becomes a chuckle.
"girl's got jokes...i like that about a woman."
"This explains where Nanny gets her jokes from. But it seems you hold out on her when it comes to the hard stuff."
"is that a good or bad thing?"
"A good thing. I find her humor cute when she does it right. You, however, are on a whole other level. I'd say god tier of jokes."
"flattery will get ya nowhere, kid. still nice to hear it though. it's also nice to hear someone else that likes sans-ational jokes."
"Heh...There might be a door between us, but you're the adorable one here, buddy."
He pauses for a moment.
"not sure you'd be saying that if ya ever saw me."
"well...i'm a skeleton."
"...ya do realize it kinda sounds like you're flirting with me, right?"
"Really? I thought I was just being cute."
Was I really flirting? It didn't feel like it. Wouldn't I know if I was? One man's flirt is another girl's compliment I guess.
"are all humans as weird as you?"
"I like to think I'm one of a kind. But being realistic, there are probably others like me out there. The universe is a pretty infinite place. Who's to say such things such as multiple 'me's wouldn't be a thing?"
"getting nerdy on me now?"
"I'll be nerdy if you geek out with me, bone-boy. That is...If you can get on my level."
"kid, ya got no idea what you're asking for."
"I don't know about that. We seem to have some great chemistry going on here."
"don't say i didn't warn ya."
"You didn't."
"...okay, now i won't feel bad about this."
"Bring it on!"
"fine...since ya brought up the whole infinite universe thing, then i take it ya know about multiverse theory."
"Funny enough, I was just talking about it earlier."
"then you understand the possibilities don't just extend to two worlds being made by a single choice, correct? any and every possibility that can or could happen makes a world. so there's this world where we're having this conversation, but another world where we aren't. a world where you didn't fall down here and someone else did. a world where you fell but died. a world where ya got killed by the first monster you met. even a world where you kill every monster ya see. anything, any little change or subtle difference here and there, makes up a whole other world. so if you think about it, one universe can have thousands upon millions of alternate timelines made up of varying changes."
"Dude...And here I thought I was the deep one."
"s-shut up!
"You're right though. All of that is a possibility. Like a hair with split ends, each branching path is different but still part of that same universe it originated from. It's fascinating to think of the crazy things that could be. Like, can you imagine a world where this was reversed? Where humans were forced underground and monsters ruled the surface?"
"hmmm...sounds nice."
"Or a world where humans and monsters switched race."
"me as a human? i bet i'd be hot as fuck."
"Or a world where this was all just a story someone made up for a video game or fanfiction."
"oh my god, could you imagine the shit that would make? random weirdos shipping people left and right regardless of lore, relationship status, or even blood. what a bunch of freaks."
"Dude...You guys know what shipping is down here?"
"uh...let's just say a lot of human trash ends up down here. some of it may or may not be things called anime and manga."
"...Got a favorite?"
"*snickers* Nice. Oh! Or a world where we swap roles with relatives/spouses."
"nah. screw that one. i like being the older brother."
"You have a brother?"
"just one. and you?"
"Human or monster?"
"On the surface, I got an older bro and a younger sis. Down here, I consider Flowey like a bro. Not sure how old he is. Oh! Do ghosts count? 'Cause I got this spooky little kid that talks to me sometimes too."
"Eh, but enough about me. I've been prattling on for too long as it is. I wanna hear about you. This bro of yours got a name or am I digging too deep for my own good down here?"
"heh, i don't mind. a guy as epic as my bro needs his reputation to precede him."
"He's that cool?"
"the coolest."
"his name is papyrus..."
"Like the font?"
"it's a skeleton thing. tradition if you wanna call it that."
"It's cute."
"*gruff* anyway...my brother, papyrus...he's a human-hunting FANATIC."
"Sounds like I'm in trouble if he sees me."
"damn right. he isn't second in command of the royal guard for nothing."
"Most impressive. You must be proud."
"hell yeah, i'm proud. my bro is the best. no one messes with him unless they're looking to die."
"Awesome. That must mean as the older bro, you're a badass too."
There's a pause.
"y-yeah...i...i'm a real tough customer."
"You don't sound like you really buy what you're selling."
"i don't want to talk about it."
"Very well. I'll only say this...If the world beyond this door is as dark a place as everyone tells me, then I must admit to being envious of your ability to not only survive in such a world but to be able to share life with a sibling no less...That alone tells me you are far stronger than you know."
There is no sound for a long time after that. I want to think this skeleton named Sans is thinking over my words. In a world where people kill to gain strength, sometimes a little pep talk goes a long way.
[knock, knock]
Guessing we're back to this. That's fine. We can joke if you want us to.
"Who's there?"
"Sans who?"
"are ya freaking kidding me? how did you forget me so fast?"
"*giggles* Never, bone-boy. I'd never forget someone so punny."
"heh. glad to hear that, kid. if ya really like my jokes, then be ready for more. i've got a skele-ton of them."
I smile to myself, finding peace in this moment.
"This is nice."
"eh, not a bad way to kill time on my end either."
"If it's okay with you...I wouldn't mind this being a thing. Not trying to make this weird or anything. I just...I feel comfortable talking with you."
"ya know...you seem rather trusting of monsters you don't know."
"I like to think showing some kindness can be a nice way to open more doors than being a huge cunt."
"are you sure that's a smart idea? being nice around here isn't a good thing. it's seen as a weakness. and weakness is seen as a big ass target for others to off ya. like, you could literally open your front door and witness a monster get killed because it was justified on the grounds of the dead one being 'too weak'. and that's something ya gotta live with. knowing that everyone's always watching ya. wanting ya dead and waiting, just waiting, for the first sign of weakness so they can kill ya."
"I know. But it's just how I want to be."
"so you know that one of these days, your 'kindness' is going to get ya killed."
"Heh...I have no doubt that you're right. But...I think I'd be okay with that."
Where the heck is this coming from? Why am I opening up like this?
"I'm being weird again, aren't I?"
"just a little."
"Sorry about that. But if you think I don't have my guard up, then you're the one that's too relaxed right now. I'm on my toes each time I leave the house. I've had to convince many monsters in here that I'm not worth the EXP. So many encounters, so many repeated actions and words. But it's not like I'm not learning from all this."
"what does that mean?"
"For a while now, Nanny's been teaching me how to do soul magic. I know only a few basics, mostly because humans can't do magic like we used to. Yet one of these tricks is to sense or see souls and reading its feelings."
I close my eyes, concentrate, then open them slowly. Looking at the door, I see a faint upside down heart come into view, a bit blurry due to being on the other side of these huge doors, but there all the same.
"I can see you, bone-boy. Your soul feels confused, much like anyone else down here that I've met so far. So, I can't really say you're a good guy or a bad guy. You're like on this strange middle level I can't pinpoint. This is why it seems like I'm not on my guard. I don't see you as dangerous...for now anyway."
"you can see me huh? then what am i doing right now?"
"I see your soul, not your body. There's still a door in the way, dingus, and I don't have x-ray vision. But if I had to guess, you probably just flipped me off. Am I right?"
"clever bitch...but x-ray vision would be a pretty cool power to have. though you wouldn't need it when it comes to me or my bro."
"Why? You boys naked or something?"
I hear what sounds like a scuffle then pounding on the door. That must have got him pretty good.
"no, we're not naked! why would ya even ask that? are ya some kind of freak?"
"Been called that most my life. So, maybe?"
"look, i'm just...nah. ya know what? forget it. i ain't gonna spoil it for you."
"Oh? You make it sound like we'll be seeing each other soon."
"maybe we will, maybe we won't. but that's up to you really. the doors to the ruins can't be opened from the outside."
"Dumb design flaw."
"so if ya do decide to show yourself out here, i guess that means you'll have to fight the old lady again."
"I doubt that. There might be some yelling or other shit like that, but we learned from what happened last time. That isn't happening again. I am not fighting her. I barely made it as is."
"oh yeah? what's your LV level? had to be pretty high to withstand her attacks."
I hear what sounds like a spit-take. Guess he was drinking something.
"one?! you're only a level one and you survived a fight with the old lady?!"
"The power of plot armor."
"no, seriously! how did you not die?!"
"I told you. Friendship. They say it's magic."
"you...you have to be bullshitting me. no one gets in a fight here and both people get out alive. at the very least, someone's badly hurt and forced into submission. but..."
"but...the old lady...she told me what you did."
"And that was?"
"ya tried to talk to her...ya tried to be nice...she said at one point...you snapped..."
I feel my heart falter and not start up again after a couple seconds.
"ya tried to kill her...didn't ya? was that a lie?"
I pull my legs up to my chest.
"...Something happened at that moment. I don't know what it was. I felt...I felt this deeply seeded despair suddenly raise from the depths with such force and it consumed me. I was blinded by this feeling. I was in so much pain...I wanted her to feel it...Feel the hurt that I was experiencing...But I stopped myself before I did something I'd regret. That's not me. I'm not a killer. It's not who I am."
"but for a moment...it was."
I hold my breath.
"even if it was a moment of weakness...the intent was there. you were going to kill her."
"...Stop it."
"don't think of it as a bad thing. ya wanted her to listen to ya and she wasn't. what better way to get her attention than to come at her with a knife?"
"Stop it!"
"oh, i'm so sorry. am i hurting your feelings? is the big bad human gonna cry? or are ya gonna try to kill me too?"
"I҉ ̶Ş̨A̛̛I̡D̀ ̡̀͜S̛T̕͜O̷҉P̸͟!͜"
I hear gasping, both from him and Flowey, as I try to keep myself in control.
"Stop it! I'm not a killer! I don't want to hurt anyone! Stop saying I'm bad! I'm not like that! I'm not! I'm not! I'm not...*whimpering* I'm not a bad girl...Please...Just...Stop..."
My chest hurts.
"h-hey...settle down. look, i shouldn't have said that shit. just...don't go getting all teary-eyed over it."
It feels like there's a vice on my soul. Shit, this is bad.
"Fuck...Getting worse...Flowey! Go get Toriel!"
"What? Why?"
"J̶u̷st ̸d͡o̵ it̷!̕"
Flowey dives into the ground and I slam my head back against the door.
"human? what's going on? hey! talk to me, damn it!"
I grip my chest in one hand and claw the ground in the other. The pain is breaking past my tolerance.
"kid? ya there? what's happening? say something!"
"*roar* M͏҉a̴m̵a̛͞!"
The loud thunder of Toriel's running stampede can be felt before I actually hear it. I'm a wincing mess by the time she comes into view. Her expression is one I was expecting, overprotective concern.
"Child? What is happening?"
I don't think I can talk without making noises of pain, so I opt for a different way of communication. I show to tell. Meaning, I pop my soul out and now we both can see the damage. The small green heart is dulling to faint swirls of black that are creeping in.
"*gasp* Oh no...Not again...Do not fear, my child. I shall help you however I can."
"M̡ak͠e̷ įt͟ s̸t͞o͠p...M͝ake i͞t̶ st͘o̵p͟ ̴be͟f̛ore ͜I ̢d͘o͢ so̴m̴et͜h͠i͢ng͞ ͞b҉àd..͠.I̶ d̶on̕'t ̵w͠a͝n̨t̛ t͘o̡ do ͝a̴nýt̴hi̛ng̶ ͢ba̡d͢.͡.."
She terrified. I can see it in her eyes. She has no clue what to do. But I can tell there's an idea in her head and she scared from it. Now I'm the one that's worried. I'm worried because...I'm wanting her to do the idea she has. I want her to do something, anything if it'll keep this darkness from spreading out and taking over again. Forgive me Toriel...I trust you...But I'm scared too...So don't hate me.
"W̡h͢a̷t͝ ̡arȩ ͜y̶o͡u̡ doinģ? ͡H̴e͢l͝p̶ me̕.̀.̨.Do͡n'̷t͟ just͞ ͟s̡tar͡e at̕ m͟e li̢ke ̡I̛'͟m som̴é ̨s͢ìde͟sh̕ow͏ ̸fre̡àk..͘.Do̕ so̴m͢ęthi̧ng b̷e͟fòre I d͞o!̵"
The darkness is gathering more, removing color from the soul. Knowing what happened last time, when that black soul formed, she reacts in desperation.
"Forgive me, my child!"
Her hands go around my throat and start squeezing. Naturally, instinct has me trying to stop this. My fingers claw for her hands, my legs kick out, my body overall thrashes in its desperate need to breathe so it can live. All this made even harder against the door. Most likely scaring the shit out of Sans. If he's still there that is.
"Shhhhh...Hush child...It will be okay. Do not fight this. I am helping you as you wanted me to. Now settle down and go to sleep. All will be better when you wake up. You will see. I promise. Things will be better. *crying* So just do as I say and sleep!"
I can normally hold my breath for around three and a half minutes underwater, with that only being about two minutes on land. This is minute four and my lungs are burning with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns! Air isn't the only thing cut off in this choke. The blood supply to my brain is also being cut off. I...I can't move...Getting hared to form thoughts...Sight fading...Please stop at making me pass out and not strangle me to death or break my neck...okay mom?
"*weak* T҉hank̡ ̛yo͞u̴.̨...nanny...."
My limbs fall motionless and my head lolls back like a rag doll. The last thing I see before everything disappears when my eyes go looking at the back of my skull is her sad face and all those tears.
Toriel on her end gives it a few more seconds before releasing the human's throat from her grip. There is no life in the body now and the soul flickers faintly as the black ebbs from it before slowly sinking back into its host.
"*whimper* What have I done? How could I..."
"holy shit! did ya just kill the human?!"
Sans's sudden voice startles her.
"Sans?! W-What are you...How long have you...?"
"been here quite a while really. been chatting with your 'daughter'. is she...ya know...dead?"
Good question. Toriel wasn't trying to kill but as a Boss Monster, her strength can be immense even when controlled. Slowly, with trembling fingers, she reached out and felt the human's neck. It took a bit of searching, the small beating was very hard to find, but it was there none the less...a pulse. Toriel heaved a heavy sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness...She is still alive."
"geez...well, that's some good news."
"Are you not a sentry that hunts humans?"
"Would it not please you knowing of her death?"
"and have to do my job? fuck that. it's too much crap and paperwork. not like anyone will believe me if i show up with a human soul. fuckers will think pap did it and i'm just the errand boy making his delivery. believe me, i like it better when no humans fall. that way, i can just nap the day away."
That made her smile. Sans had been a friend of sorts over the years. They met by random timing when she was walking around and he knocked on the door. One thing leads to another and a small bond was made over bad jokes. Sometimes he'd bring her books and read them to her, or play silly word games. But she enjoyed the company that he was, even if it was short lived. He can't be at this door 24/7. He has a home and a brother to tend to. A family...Much like the human had now become to her.
"so...mind if i ask what happened?"
She pulled the unconscious human into her arms.
"Her soul...It does something I have never seen before."
"like what?"
"It changes color."
"And moments ago, it tried to become another color. The bad one I told you of before."
"ya mean the black soul?"
"never heard of a black soul before. i don't even think it's in the official books."
"I have not seen one either till this child. Only in rumors during the war did whispers of black souls reach my ears. Relentless humans of power that were like the berserkers of myth. This child...I have been caring for her a long time now...She is not like those beasts I heard of."
"but her soul turns black, right? that's when she...snaps?"
"I do not understand why or what makes her flip like that. There is so much she does not tell me about her past. So much pain she keeps hidden to herself. I...I think it comes from her suffering."
"...then...what are ya gonna do?"
Her hold on the human tightens.
"I will do my best to quell the demons of her past and keep her soul pure. She is not a violent human by nature. It is not in her to do harm."
"but what if she does? what if one day, ya can't fix her and she goes nuts? do ya really think ya got it in ya to kill another kid? and one ya call family no less?"
She goes quiet.
"tori? you okay?"
"Sans...If the human ever comes through this door...Could you please, please promise me something?"
"...tori, ya know how i feel about making promises."
She trembles, clutching the human in her motherly embrace.
"Please...*sniffling* Please...As long as she remains the good girl that she is...Do not harm her or turn her into the Royal Guard...Show her the mercy that she has shown others."
"you're asking me to keep a very big promise."
"I'm not finished..."
She bites her lip in knowing of the next words to leave her.
"But...But if she changes...If her LV ever increases or she loses herself to the darkness of the Black Soul...I need you to spare her from becoming that which is feared...Please...If she ever stops being my child...Do not let her remain in such misery. Can you do that for me, Sans? Can you be strong for me?"
"I beg of you as a friend and not order you as your Queen. I...I cannot bring myself to do harm to humans anymore. I cannot allow my husband to collect another soul and bring about more pain. I just...I cannot do this for much longer if I know nothing is going to change. This child...She is the first ray of light to come to this hellish world in so long...If her light goes out, then I cannot see myself going any further..."
"hey! don't say shit like that! ya can't throw in the towel over some stupid human!"
"This human is my daughter! My only living child! She is all I have left in this world of the family I have lost! And I will not live with knowing I was still too weak to save even a single life that I hold dear!"
There's silence for some time as she calms down.
"Forgive me...I am not as strong as I once was. I should not have to burden others with my problems."
She stands up and turns away from the door.
She pauses.
"i...*sigh* i promise."
"You...You will?"
"i ain't gonna like it. but i can try to keep a socket on her if she ever does leave the ruins. it is my job, after all, to look out for humans."
She smiles softly.
"Thank you, Sans."
"don't thank me, tori. i ain't doing this because ya want to put your hopes and dreams into the kid. i'm doing it because i don't want ya to beat yourself up over some stupid shit and end up dusting yourself. we monsters died enough in the war and die enough now that it's over. don't go hurting yourself over a human or i'm gonna bust in there and beat the crap out of the both of ya! ya got that, old lady?!"
She can't help the giggle that escapes her.
"You are a good friend, Sans. I hope you can be as good a friend to her as you are with me."
"*scoff* whatever. i gotta get going anyway. papyrus will be stopping by my station soon and i don't feel like being yelled at for the next hour or two. so...chat with ya later, tori."
"Take care, Sans."
She listens as he leaves, the crunching of snow fading in the distance.
"Are you still down here, little flower?"
Flowey peeks from the grassy patch.
"Is it safe? Is she okay?"
"For now, she rests. You were with her when this happened, yes?"
"Tell me, do you know what caused her to shift?"
"I...I couldn't hear everything. I was here and she was at the door, talking to him. It looked like they were having a good time. Then...She...It looked like she was getting sad. Then she was shouting that she wasn't bad and refused to kill. It looked like she was fighting the change but wasn't sure she could. So she had me get you."
She thinks as she begins to head back to the house stairs.
"Come, little flower. We must make sure she is well before she wakes."
Flowey nods and sinks into the ground to return to his pot at the base of the stairs. Toriel soon follows, picking up his pot while heading upstairs and bring them to the child bedroom. Here is where the three remain. Toriel and Flowey monitor the human, making sure she's okay until she wakes up. Although for Toriel, the waiting wasn't the hardest part. In fact, waiting made it worst. The more time passed, the more her neck began to show the bruising of her hands. The guilt weighed heavily in her stomach.
The world is dark again, cast into the shadows of an unending emptiness. I must be about to dream of that voice again, the jerk. How many times have I had this dream already? Eight? Nine? Maybe ten times now? Who the friggidy fraggle knows. But something feels a bit off. The cold isn't so bone-chilling as it normally is. This is different. I can move. I can see my body. I am more than able to experience this place in thought alone. This world isn't just all nothingness. There is a single gray door.
Curiosity compels me to open this door without even thinking. It was like the odd call to go down to Toriel's basement. A strange force pulls me inside, causing the door to shut and disappear as though it never was. There's a sudden flash that blinds me for a moment and when my sight returns, I find myself in a gray room...but not alone.
There's a much taller than me figure at the back of the room facing a wall with its back to me. Its body is shrouded in black with the only color I can see being the bleach white of its head. Vaguely the faintest hint of red around collarbone of its neck, a sweater maybe? I know better than to alert this figure to my presence. I concentrate and try to read its soul, but I can't find it. There's a spot where it should be yet no heart appears in my vision. Is it damaged or something? What the hell is this thing?
Suddenly it perks up, turning its head to look my way. Yep, called it on the red being part of a turtleneck sweater, but that's the only part there is as everything else is coated in blackness. It gives me a twisted smile and its eyes light up red, all of which is even freakier looking due to the cracks on its eye sockets, one going down from his left eye the other going up from his right eye.
Nope! So much nope right now! Fuck this! Fuck this dream! Fuck this guy! Fuck my life! Fuck everything!
I attempt to move, only to discover I can't. The familiar chills of death run down my spine as this thing turns completely to face me.
"💧⚐ 🕈☜ ☞✋☠✌☹☹✡ 💣☜☜❄ ☞✌👍☜ ❄⚐ ☞✌👍☜📪 ☹✋❄❄☹☜ ⚐☠☜📬" (SO WE FINALLY MEET FACE TO FACE, LITTLE ONE.)
Don't show any weakness to this fucker. All he does is mess with you. Send all power reserves to the deflector shields! God, I'm a nerd even when I'm giving myself a pep-talk!
"☟💣💣💣📬📬📬❄☟✌❄ ☜✠🏱☼☜💧💧✋⚐☠📬📬📬❄☟✌❄🕯💧 ❄☟☜ ☞✌👍☜ ⚐☞ 💧⚐💣☜⚐☠☜ ❄☼✡✋☠☝ ☠⚐❄ ❄⚐ 💧☟⚐🕈 ✌☠✡ ☞☜✌☼📬" (HMMM...THAT EXPRESSION...THAT'S THE FACE OF SOMEONE TRYING NOT TO SHOW ANY FEAR.)
God dingus damn it!
"❄⚐ 🏱🕆❄ ✡⚐🕆 ✌❄ ☜✌💧☜📪 ✌☹☹⚐🕈 💣☜ ❄⚐ 👍☹✌☼✋☞✡ ❄☟✌❄📪 ✋☠👎☜☜👎📪 ✡⚐🕆 💧⚐🕆☠👎 👌☜ ✌☞☼✌✋👎📬 👌☜ ✞☜☼✡ ✌☞☼✌✋👎📬" (TO PUT YOU AT EASE, ALLOW ME TO CLARIFY THAT, INDEED, YOU SOUND BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID.)
Don't ask stupid questions! For the love of God, resist the urge to ask...
"Why? And how is that suppose to put me at ease?"
You fucking idiot!
"⚐☟📪 👎✋👎 ✋ 💧✌✡ 🏱🕆❄ ✡⚐🕆 ✌❄ ☜✌💧☜✍ 💧✋☹☹✡ 💣☜📪 ❄⚐ ☟✌✞☜ 💧🕆👍☟ ✌ 💧☹✋🏱 ⚐☞ ❄☟☜ ❄⚐🕆☠☝☜ ☹✋😐☜ ❄☟✌❄📬 ☟☜☟📬📬📬🕈☟✌❄ ✋ 💣☜✌☠❄ ❄⚐ 💧✌✡ 🕈✌💧📬📬📬" (OH, DID I SAY PUT YOU AT EASE? SILLY ME, TO HAVE SUCH A SLIP OF THE TOUNGE LIKE THAT. HEH...WHAT I MEANT TO SAY WAS...)
He rushes at me so fast I'm not even sure I saw actual movement. All I know is now I'm pinned to a wall that he's holding me to.
"✋ ✌💣 ☝⚐✋☠☝ ❄⚐ 🏱🕆☹☹ ✡⚐🕆 ✌🏱✌☼❄ ✋☠❄⚐ ☠⚐❄☟✋☠☝ 💣⚐☼☜ ❄☟✌☠ 🏱✋☜👍☜💧 💧⚐ 👌☼⚐😐☜☠ ❄☟✌❄ ☠⚐ ⚐☠☜ 🕈✋☹☹ ☜✞☜☼ 👌☜ ✌👌☹☜ ❄⚐ 🏱🕆❄ 👌✌👍😐 ❄⚐☝☜❄☟☜☼✏" (I AM GOING TO PULL YOU APART INTO NOTHING MORE THAN PIECES SO BROKEN THAT NO ONE WILL EVER BE ABLE TO PUT BACK TOGETHER!)
"🖂💧❄✋☞☹☜👎 💧☠✋👍😐☜☼✋☠☝🖂" (*STIFLED SNICKERING*)
Wait...Did he just...
"☟☜☟☜☟☜📬📬📬☞⚐☼☝✋✞☜ 💣☜📬 ✋❄ ☟✌💧 👌☜☜☠ 💧🕆👍☟ ✌ ☹⚐☠☝ ❄✋💣☜ 💧✋☠👍☜ ✋ 🕈✌💧 ✌👌☹☜ ❄⚐ ✋☠❄☜☼✌👍❄ 🕈✋❄☟ 💧⚐💣☜⚐☠☜📬 ✋ 👍⚐🕆☹👎☠🕯❄ ☼☜💧✋💧❄ 👌☜✋☠☝ ✌👌☹☜ ❄⚐ 💧👍✌☼☜ ✡⚐🕆 💧☜☠💧☜☹☜💧💧📬" (HEHEHE...FORGIVE ME. IT HAS BEEN SUCH A LONG TIME SINCE I WAS ABLE TO INTERACT WITH SOMEONE. I COULDN'T RESIST BEING ABLE TO SCARE YOU SENSELESS.)
He puts me down and my knees give out much to his interest.
"💧☜☜💣💧 ✋ 💣✌✡ ☟✌✞☜ ⚐✞☜☼ 👎✋👎 💣✡💧☜☹☞📬 🕈✌💧 ❄☟✌❄ ❄⚐⚐ 💣🕆👍☟ ☞⚐☼ ✡⚐🕆✍" (SEEMS I MAY HAVE OVER DID MYSELF. WAS THAT TOO MUCH FOR YOU?)
"I think I just shit out my heart..."
"☟💣💣💣📬📬📬💧🕆👌☺☜👍❄ ✋💧 ☜✠❄☼☜💣☜☹✡ 💧🕆👌👎🕆☜👎 🕈☟☜☠ 🕆☠👎☜☼ ✋☠❄☜☠💧☜ 👎🕆☼☜💧💧📬 ✋🕯☹☹ 💣✌😐☜ ✌ 💣☜☠❄✌☹ ☠⚐❄☜ ⚐☞ ❄☟✌❄ ❄⚐ 🏱☼☜✞☜☠❄ ☞🕆☼❄☟☜☼ ✋☠👍✋👎☜☠❄💧 ✋☠ ⚐🕆☼ ☞🕆❄🕆☼☜ ☜☠👍⚐🕆☠❄☜☼💧📬" (HMMM...SUBJECT IS EXTREMELY SUBDUED WHEN UNDER INTENSE DURESS. I'LL MAKE A MENTAL NOTE OF THAT TO PREVENT FURTHER INCIDENTS IN OUR FUTURE ENCOUNTERS.)
He offers me his hand while I get my breathing back under control. Dear lord, he fucking almost scared me to death. He went from zero to Satan in nothing flat. I better keep my cool around him for the sake of my health and sanity. When I'm able to stop shaking, I cautiously give him my hand and I notice something odd about him. Well, more than usual I guess. The parts of him that are white appear to be like bone yet different. There are also holes in the palms of both hands like something's missing or was taken out. He jerks me off the floor with ease. The guy is strong for looking like a stiff.
"☜✞☜☼ ❄☟☜ ⚐👌💧☜☼✞✌☠❄ ⚐☠☜📪 ✌☼☜☠🕯❄ ✡⚐🕆✍ ☜✡☜💧 ✌☹🕈✌✡💧 ⚐☠ 💧⚐💣☜❄☟✋☠☝📬 ❄☟✌❄🕯💧 ☝⚐⚐👎📬 ✋❄ 💣☜✌☠💧 ✡⚐🕆☼ 💣✋☠👎 ✋💧 ✌☹🕈✌✡💧 ✌👍❄✋✞☜📬 ✋❄ 💧🏱☜✌😐💧 ❄⚐ ✡⚐🕆☼ ✋☠❄☜☹☹✋☝☜☠👍☜📬 ✋ ☹✋😐☜ ❄☟✌❄📬 ✋ 👍✌☠🕯❄ 💧❄✌☠👎 ❄✌☹😐✋☠☝ 🕈✋❄☟ ❄☟☜ ✋☝☠⚐☼✌☠❄ 🕆☠👎☜☼👎☜✞☜☹⚐🏱☜👎 💧👍🕆💣📬" (EVER THE OBSERVANT ONE, AREN'T YOU? EYES ALWAYS ON SOMETHING. THAT'S GOOD. IT MEANS YOUR MIND IS ALWAYS ACTIVE. IT SPEAKS TO YOUR INTELLIGENCE. I LIKE THAT. I CAN'T STAND TALKING WITH THE IGNORANT UNDERDEVELOPED SCUM.)
"Thanks, I guess? Not really sure what's going on here. But quick question...Are you...?"
"✌ 💧😐☜☹☜❄⚐☠✍ ✡☜💧📬 ✋ 🕈✌💧 👌☜☝✋☠☠✋☠☝ ❄⚐ ❄☟✋☠😐 ✡⚐🕆 🕈☜☼☜☠🕯❄ ☝⚐✋☠☝ ❄⚐ ✌💧😐📬" (A SKELETON? YES. I WAS BEGINNING TO THINK YOU WEREN'T GOING TO ASK.)
"How do you figure that?"
"✋ 👍✌☠ 💧☜☜ ✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜ ☞✋✠✌❄✋☠☝ ✡⚐🕆☼ ☝✌☪☜ ⚐☠ 🏱✌☼❄💧 ⚐☞ 💣✡ 💧😐🕆☹☹ 🕈☟✋☹☜ ✡⚐🕆☼ ☟✌☠👎📪 🕈☟✋👍☟ ✋💧 💧❄✋☹☹ ✋☠ 💣✋☠☜ 👌✡ ❄☟☜ 🕈✌✡📪 ✋💧 ☞☜☜☹✋☠☝ ✌☼⚐🕆☠👎 ❄☟☜ 👌⚐☠☜ ✈🕆✋❄☜ ✋☠❄☜☠❄☹✡📬" (I CAN SEE YOU ARE FIXATING YOUR GAZE ON PARTS OF MY SKULL WHILE YOUR HAND, WHICH IS STILL IN MINE BY THE WAY, IS FEELING AROUND THE BONE QUITE INTENTLY.)
I blush and yank my hand back, which makes him smirk.
"💧🕆👍☟ ✌ ☠✌🕆☝☟❄✡ ☝✋☼☹ ❄⚐ ☞☜☜☹ 💣☜ ☹✋😐☜ ❄☟✌❄📬 ✌☠👎 ✋🕯💣 ✌ 💧❄☼✌☠☝☜☼ ☠⚐ ☹☜💧💧📬 🕈☟✡📬📬📬🕈☟✌❄ 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 ✡⚐🕆☼ 💣⚐❄☟☜☼ 💧✌✡ ✋☞ 💧☟☜ 😐☠☜🕈✍" (SUCH A NAUGHTY GIRL TO FEEL ME LIKE THAT. AND I'M A STRANGER NO LESS. WHY...WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER SAY IF SHE KNEW?)
I'm getting too flustered for this shit.
"Buddy, I am so close to slapping you that it ain't even funny."
"☠⚐ ☠☜☜👎 ☞⚐☼ 💧🕆👍☟ ☼☜❄✌☹✋✌❄✋⚐☠📬 ☠⚐❄ ☹✋😐☜ ✡⚐🕆🕯👎 ☟✌☼💣 💣☜ ☜✞☜☠ ✋☞ ✡⚐🕆 ❄☼✋☜👎📬" (NO NEED FOR SUCH RETALIATION. NOT LIKE YOU'D HARM ME EVEN IF YOU TRIED.)
"Are you implying that I'm weak?"
"☠⚐❄ ☜✞☜☠ 👍☹⚐💧☜📬 ❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 ❄☟☜ ✞⚐✋👎📬 ✌ 🏱☹✌👍☜ 👌☜❄🕈☜☜☠ ❄✋💣☜ ✌☠👎 💧🏱✌👍☜📬 ❄☟✋☠☝💧 ☹✋😐☜ 💧❄☼☜☠☝❄☟ 👎⚐ ☠⚐❄ 💣✌❄❄☜☼ ☟☜☼☜📬 ☠⚐❄☟✋☠☝ 💣✌❄❄☜☼💧 ☟☜☼☜📬" (NOT EVEN CLOSE. THIS IS THE VOID. A PLACE BETWEEN TIME AND SPACE. THINGS LIKE STRENGTH DO NOT MATTER HERE. NOTHING MATTERS HERE.)
Joke detected. Proceed with being a dork.
"You're wrong."
"☟💣💣💣✍" (HMMM?)
"Everything is matter!"
I laugh nervously as he blinks at me a few times. Wow...My lameness has hit new lows. This is around the time Flowey or Chara would mock me for it. I sigh in defeat, only to perk up when I hear him slap a hand over his mouth. He's trying not to chuckle but the hole in his hand doesn't really help.
"❄☟✌❄📬📬📬❄☟✌❄ 🕈✌💧 ✌🕈☞🕆☹📪 ☟🕆💣✌☠📬" (THAT...THAT WAS AWFUL, HUMAN.)
"Then why are you laughing, sir?"
"✋❄🕯💧 ✌ 🏱✋❄✡ ☹✌🕆☝☟📬" (IT'S A PITY LAUGH.)
"Heh. If you say so. Figured all skeletons had easily tickled funny bones. At least, that's the impression I got from Sans anyway."
He flinches upon hearing that name.
"Judging by that reaction, I seem to have struck a nerve. Rather interesting considering, as a skeleton, you don't have the guts for such things."
A small amount of red dusts his cheekbones and he groans at my increasingly bad puns.
"❄☟✌❄ 👌⚐☠☜☟☜✌👎📬📬📬✌☹☹ ✋❄ ❄⚐⚐😐 🕈✌💧 ⚐☠☜ ✋☠❄☜☼✌👍❄✋⚐☠ ✌☠👎 ☟☜ 👍⚐☼☼🕆🏱❄☜👎 ✡⚐🕆 🕈✋❄☟ ☟✋💧 ❄☜☼☼✋👌☹☜ 💧☜☠💧☜ ⚐☞ ☟🕆💣⚐☼📬" (THAT BONEHEAD...ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE INTERACTION AND HE CORRUPTED YOU WITH HIS TERRIBLE SENSE OF HUMOR.)
"So you do know him? Cool. Does he randomly get pulled into weird doors in his dreams too?"
"☠⚐📬 ✡⚐🕆 🕈✋☹☹ ☠⚐❄ 👌☜ 💧☜☜✋☠☝ 💧✌☠💧 ☟☜☼☜📬 ❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 ✌ 🏱☹✌👍☜ 🕈☟☜☼☜ ⚐☠☹✡ ✡⚐🕆 ✌☠👎 ✋ 🕈✋☹☹ 👍⚐☠✞☜☼☝☜ ❄⚐ 💣☜☜❄📬" (NO. YOU WILL NOT BE SEEING SANS HERE. THIS IS A PLACE WHERE ONLY YOU AND I WILL CONVERGE TO MEET.)
"So...This is going to be a thing with us then? Me randomly popping in and saying hi?"
"✌ ❄☟⚐🕆💧✌☠👎 🏱✌☼👎⚐☠💧 ✋☞ ✋🕯💣 ☠⚐❄ 💣☜☜❄✋☠☝ ✡⚐🕆☼ ☟✋☝☟ 💧❄✌☠👎✌☼👎💧 ☞⚐☼ 👍⚐💣🏱✌☠✡📬" (A THOUSAND PARDONS IF I'M NOT MEETING YOUR HIGH STANDARDS FOR COMPANY.)
"That's not what I meant. Don't take it the wrong way, I'm just confused by this...whatever this is. I recall each of these moments. Each time we chat. I'm not even sure these are dreams anymore based on I'm able to vividly remember all this. So finally meeting the owner of the voice that comes into my head is throwing me off a little. I'm not very good at making the best first impressions."
"✋ 😐☠⚐🕈📬 ✡⚐🕆 👍✌☹☹☜👎 💣☜ ✌ ☼✌👍✋💧❄ ☞🕆👍😐📪 ☼☜💣☜💣👌☜☼✍" (I KNOW. YOU CALLED ME A RACIST FUCK, REMEMBER?)
"*nervous giggles* Oh yeah...heh...I...I forgot about that. My bad?"
He sneers a little before regaining composure.
"❄⚐ 👌☜ ☞✌✋☼📪 ✋ 🕈✌💧 ☹☜💧💧 ❄☟✌☠ 🏱☹☜✌💧✌☠❄ ✋☠ ❄☟✌❄ ✋☠❄☜☼✌👍❄✋⚐☠ ✌💧 🕈☜☹☹📬 💧⚐ ✋🕯💣 🕈✋☹☹✋☠☝ ❄⚐ ⚐✞☜☼☹⚐⚐😐 ❄☟✌❄ 💣⚐💣☜☠❄ ✌☠👎 👍✌☹☹ 🕆💧 ☜✞☜☠📬 👌🕆❄ 💣✌✡👌☜ ✡⚐🕆 💣✌😐☜ ✌ 🏱⚐✋☠❄ ✌👌⚐🕆❄ ☞✋☼💧❄ ✋💣🏱☼☜💧💧✋⚐☠💧📬 💧👍✌☼✋☠☝ ✡⚐🕆 ☟✌☹☞ ❄⚐ 👎☜✌❄☟📪 🕈☟✋☹☜ ☜☠❄☜☼❄✌✋☠✋☠☝📪 ✋💧☠🕯❄ ❄☟☜ 👌☜💧❄ 🕈✌✡ ⚐☞ ☝☼☜☜❄✋☠☝ ✌ ☠☜🕈 ☞✌👍☜📬" (TO BE FAIR, I WAS LESS THAN PLEASANT IN THAT INTERACTION AS WELL. SO I'M WILLING TO OVERLOOK THAT MOMENT AND CALL US EVEN. BUT MAYBE YOU MAKE A POINT ABOUT FIRST IMPRESSIONS. SCARING YOU HALF TO DEATH, WHILE ENTERTAINING, ISN'T THE BEST WAY OF GREETING A NEW FACE.)
I guess if he's willing to forgive and forget, I can be a big girl about this too.
"Then allow me to introduce myself. Greetings good sir, I am Lynsie. Might I be so bold as to ask who you might be? Since this will be a reoccurring and continuing thing."
"✋ 😐☠⚐🕈 ✞☜☼✡ 🕈☜☹☹ 🕈☟⚐ ✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜📪 ☟🕆💣✌☠📬 ✋🕯✞☜ 👌☜☜☠ 💣⚐☠✋❄⚐☼✋☠☝ ✡⚐🕆 💧✋☠👍☜ ✡⚐🕆 ☞☜☹☹📬 🕈☟✋👍☟📪 ✈🕆✋❄☜ ☞☼✌☠😐☹✡ ✋ ☟✌✞☜ ❄⚐ 💧✌✡📪 ✋🕯💣 ✌ ☹✋❄❄☹☜ 👎✋💧✌🏱🏱⚐✋☠❄☜👎📬" (I KNOW VERY WELL WHO YOU ARE, HUMAN. I'VE BEEN MONITORING YOU SINCE YOU FELL. WHICH, QUITE FRANKLY I HAVE TO SAY, I'M A LITTLE DISAPPOINTED.)
"You've been watching me? Wait...I'm disappointing? What? How? Why?"
"✡⚐🕆🕯☼☜ 😐✋☠👎 ⚐☞ 👌⚐☼✋☠☝📬" (YOU'RE KIND OF BORING.)
"I'm boring? How the hell am I boring? Did you not see any of the crap I've been through?! Did you not see Toriel need to strangle me?! How the fuck is that boring?!"
A cheeky smirk plays on his face...that cocky son of a bone!
"☟☜☟📬 ✋ ☟✌👎 ✌ ☞☜☜☹✋☠☝ ❄☟✌❄ 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 👎☼✌☝ ✌☠ ✌💣🕆💧✋☠☝ ☼☜✌👍❄✋⚐☠ ⚐🕆❄ ⚐☞ ✡⚐🕆📬" (HEH. I HAD A FEELING THAT WOULD DRAG AN AMUSING REACTION OUT OF YOU.)
My eye twitches.
"I'm just a toy to you, aren't I?"
His expression changes to a more serious one.
"☞✌☼ ☞☼⚐💣 ✋❄📬 ✌☹☹ ☟🕆💣⚐☼ ✌💧✋👎☜📪 ✋ ☞✋☠👎 ✡⚐🕆 ☼✌❄☟☜☼ ✋☠❄☜☼☜💧❄✋☠☝📬 ❄☟✋💧 ☼⚐⚐💣 ✋💧 💧☜🏱✌☼✌❄☜ ☞☼⚐💣 ❄☟☜ 🕈⚐☼☹👎 ✡⚐🕆 😐☠⚐🕈 🕈☟☜☠ ✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜ 👍⚐☠💧👍✋⚐🕆💧📬 ☠⚐ ⚐☠☜ ✌☠👎 ☠⚐ ❄☟✋☠☝ ☟✌💧 ☜✞☜☼ 👌☜☜☠ ✌👌☹☜ ❄⚐ ☼☜✌👍☟ ☟☜☼☜ ☠✌❄🕆☼✌☹☹✡📬📬📬❄☟✌❄ ✋💧📪 ⚐☞ 👍⚐🕆☼💧☜📪 🕆☠❄✋☹ ✡⚐🕆 ☞☜☹☹📬" (FAR FROM IT. ALL HUMOR ASIDE, I FIND YOU RATHER INTERESTING. THIS ROOM IS SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD YOU KNOW WHEN YOU ARE CONSCIOUS. NO ONE AND NO THING HAS EVER BEEN ABLE TO REACH HERE NATURALLY...THAT IS, OF COURSE, UNTIL YOU FELL.)
"You're suggesting that this place is a dimensional rift or pocket dimension that solely consists of this room and only this room."
The grin he gets is creepy.
"✋ 😐☠☜🕈 ✡⚐🕆 🕈☜☼☜ 👍☹☜✞☜☼📬 ✡⚐🕆☼ 🕆☠👎☜☼💧❄✌☠👎✋☠☝ ⚐☞ 💣🕆☹❄✋✞☜☼💧☜ ❄☟☜⚐☼✡ 🕈✌💧 ✞☜☼✡ ☜☠☹✋☝☟❄☜☠✋☠☝📬" (I KNEW YOU WERE CLEVER. YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF MULTIVERSE THEORY WAS VERY ENLIGHTENING.)
"I have a basic understanding in most scientific studies. It's amazing the kind of stuff I end up looking up when I'm bored. My most recent studies being string theory and multiverse theory."
"❄☟☜☠ ✡⚐🕆 👍✌☠ ☝☼✌💧🏱 ☟⚐🕈 ❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 🏱⚐💧💧✋👌☹☜📬 ❄☟✋💧 ☼⚐⚐💣 💧❄✋☹☹ ☜✠✋💧❄ ⚐☠ ❄☟☜ 💧✌💣☜ 🏱⚐✋☠❄ ✌💧 ❄☟☜ 💣✌✋☠ 👎✋💣☜☠💧✋⚐☠ 🏱☹✌☠☜📪 👌🕆❄ ✋💧 ☠⚐❄ ✈🕆✋☜❄ ⚐☠ ❄☟☜ 💧✌💣☜ ☹☜✞☜☹📬" (THEN YOU CAN GRASP HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE. THIS ROOM STILL EXIST ON THE SAME POINT AS THE MAIN DIMENSION PLANE, BUT IS NOT QUIET ON THE SAME LEVEL.)
"Hmmm...Like a weak rip in the fabric of the blanket of time. This room is still connected by the loose threads but isn't fully patched in, if you mind such phrasing."
"☜✠✌👍❄☹✡📬 ✞☜☼✡ ☠✋👍☜ ✌☠✌☹⚐☝✡ 👌✡ ❄☟☜ 🕈✌✡📬 💧✋💣🏱☹☜ ✌☠👎 ☜☞☞☜👍❄✋✞☜📬" (EXACTLY. VERY NICE ANALOGY BY THE WAY. SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE.)
"I try. But I do believe we are missing a very important part of this equation."
"✌☠👎 🕈☟✌❄ 💣✋☝☟❄ ❄☟✌❄ 👌☜✍" (AND WHAT MIGHT THAT BE?)
"How the heck am I here? I'm just a mere human with the weakest amount of magic you can possibly imagine. How could I possibly be capable of inter-dimensional travel?"
An inquisitive look falls to him, his pinprick eyes close in thought. It's not a bad look on him. Kind of charming actually. Very natural looking. Did I stump you, mystery man?
"✌ 🏱⚐💧💧✋👌☹☜ ☜✠🏱☹✌☠✌❄✋⚐☠ 👍⚐🕆☹👎 👌☜ ✌💧❄☼✌☹ 🏱☼⚐☺☜👍❄✋⚐☠📬 ❄☟☜ ☞✌☹☹ 👍⚐🕆☹👎 ☟✌✞☜ ❄☼✋☝☝☜☼☜👎 ✡⚐🕆☼ 💧⚐🕆☹ ❄⚐ ❄☼✡ 🏱☼⚐❄☜👍❄✋☠☝ ✡⚐🕆📬 ✌❄ ❄☟☜ ☼✋💧😐 ⚐☞ ✡⚐🕆☼ 👌⚐👎✡ ☹✋😐☜☹✡ 👌☜✋☠☝ ☼☜☠👎☜☼☜👎 🕆💧���☹☜💧💧📪 ✡⚐🕆☼ 💧⚐🕆☹ 💣✋☝☟❄ ☟✌✞☜ ❄☼✋☜👎 ❄⚐ 💧✌✞☜ ✡⚐🕆☼ ☜💧💧☜☠👍☜ ☞⚐☼ ☼☜💧☜❄❄✋☠☝ 🏱🕆☼🏱⚐💧☜💧📬" (A POSSIBLE EXPLANATION COULD BE ASTRAL PROJECTION. THE FALL COULD HAVE TRIGGERED YOUR SOUL TO TRY PROTECTING YOU. AT THE RISK OF YOUR BODY LIKELY BEING RENDERED USELESS, YOUR SOUL MIGHT HAVE TRIED TO SAVE YOUR ESSENCE FOR RESETTING PURPOSES.)
Now I'm the one confused.
"What do you mean by that?"
"✡⚐🕆 🕈✋☹☹ ☞✋☠👎 ❄☟✌❄ ⚐🕆❄ ✋☠ 👎🕆☜ ❄✋💣☜📬 ✋🕯💣 💧🕆☼☜ ✌ 👍🕆☼✋⚐🕆💧 💣✋☠👎📪 💧🕆👍☟ ✌💧 ✡⚐🕆☼💧☜☹☞📪 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 ☜☠☺⚐✡ 👎✋💧👍⚐✞☜☼✋☠☝ 💧🕆👍☟ 🕈⚐☠👎☜☼💧 ⚐☠ ✡⚐🕆☼ ⚐🕈☠📬" (YOU WILL FIND THAT OUT IN DUE TIME. I'M SURE A CURIOUS MIND, SUCH AS YOURSELF, WOULD ENJOY DISCOVERING SUCH WONDERS ON YOUR OWN.)
Wait, what does he mean by this? The why is he speaking in like some vague character in a game?
"I...I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. Can you be a tad more specific?"
"✌💧 ✋ 💧✌✋👎📪 ✡⚐🕆 🕈✋☹☹ ✋☠ ❄✋💣☜📬 👌🕆❄ ☞⚐☼ ☠⚐🕈📪 ⚐🕆☼ ❄✋💣☜ ✋💧 ☠☜✌☼✋☠☝ ✋❄🕯💧 ☜☠👎📬 ⚐🕆☼ 💣☜☜❄✋☠☝💧 ☠☜✞☜☼ 💧☜☜💣 ❄⚐ ☹✌💧❄ ☹⚐☠☝ ☜☠⚐🕆☝☟ ☞⚐☼ 👎☜👍☜☠❄ 👍⚐☠✞☜☼💧✌❄✋⚐☠📬 ✌❄ ☹☜✌💧❄📪 ☞⚐☼ ☠⚐🕈 ✌☠✡🕈✌✡📬" (AS I SAID, YOU WILL IN TIME. BUT FOR NOW, OUR TIME IS NEARING IT'S END. OUR MEETINGS NEVER SEEM TO LAST LONG ENOUGH FOR DECENT CONVERSATION. AT LEAST, FOR NOW ANYWAY.)
I can feel it happening. I'm regaining consciousness.
"Wait! You never told me who you are and why you're here? I have so many questions!"
He gives me a crooked smile and pats my head like an elder sibling would.
"❄☟✌❄📪 ☹✋❄❄☹☜ ⚐☠☜📪 ✋💧 ✌ ❄✌☹☜ ☞⚐☼ ✌☠⚐❄☟☜☼ ❄✋💣☜📬 👌🕆❄ ✋ 🕈✋☹☹ ✌☠💧🕈☜☼ ⚐☠☜ ⚐☞ ✡⚐🕆☼ ✈🕆☜💧❄✋⚐☠💧📬" (THAT, LITTLE ONE, IS A TALE FOR ANOTHER TIME. BUT I WILL ANSWER ONE OF YOUR QUESTIONS.)
He leans down and we lock eyes, my heart stops in mid-beat as I forget how to breathe.
"✡⚐🕆 💣✌✡ 👍✌☹☹ 💣☜📬📬📬☝✌💧❄☜☼📬" (YOU MAY CALL ME...GASTER.)
His eyes flash and I'm consumed in the light.
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yugirl-with-dragons · 6 years
omg could you do 5d's pokemon headcanons i would absolutely die
I never really made a Pokemon AU, but I drew a pokemon-go thingie once! Anyway I def have some headcanons for you if you don’t die on me x°D
In the Satellite there are some urban pokemon, but they’re pretty hard to approach (especially iron, electro, poison and dark types)
Security patrols to confiscate pokeballs
exchanges between Satellite and Neo Domino are illegal
the only way to become a trainer is to literally befriend wild pokemon (which is basically impossible)
however, you still can’t win badges since 1) there are no gyms in the satellite 2) you can’t register your Pokemon
Yusei met a Shinx in the junkyard when he was a kid (he defended it when it was being attacked by a bunch of angry trubbish); it ran away still hurt at first, but when Yusei came back, the Shinx was still there, and it seemed to recognize him; Yusei tried to approach it, but it still kept distance; Yusei kept coming back in the junkyard to find some pieces for his constructions and almost every time, the Shinx was around (it even stole his lunch once :V poor Yusei, he got electrocuted hahah)
one day, the Shinx saw Yusei running and hiding nearby, followed by older people (armed) and the Shinx attacked everybody, saving Yusei; from that day on, Yusei kept bringing the Shinx some food until the pokemon started following him home (long story short, they became friends)
Crow had found a Pokemon egg abandoned near the harbor; it didn’t hatch for a long time bc it was too cold (it was dying..), until Crow brought it to Martha’s; when it hatched, they found out it was a Murkrow!
Jack actually has a Machoke (with a pokeball), he won it with a bet but they’re besties now lol (when Jack goes to Neo Domino, he manages to make it evolve into a Machamp, plus he gets strong new pokemon)
when Yusei is 18 (aka when the 5ds events take place) Shinx has already evolved into a Luxray (Yusei might decide to “capture” it before going to the city bc Luxray wanted to follow him at all costs)
Luxray totally helps Yusei with his mechanical constructions!!
Crow’s Murkrow becomes a Honchkrow during an important battle :v
GUESS WHAT’S CROW’S FAVE MOVE (exactly, Flight!)
The twins have a set of matching pokemon (Plusle and Minun, Volbeat Illuminse, etc)
BUT RUKA ALSO HAS AN ADORABLE TOGEPI (it’s gonna be pretty kickass when it evolves bwhaha)
that’s all for now x°D anyone who wants to make additions is very welcomed!!
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 5
401. Some say that high school is the best time of your life. Was that true for you? nah, it was definitely college for me. 402. What do you find yourself encouraging others to try? new foods, traveling to places i’ve been, beauty products etc. 403. Which is better: Mel Brooks or Woody Allen? eh, i don’t know either of them enough to choose. 404. When was the last time you were up all night? yesterday. 405. __ is life. The rest is just details. Fill in the blank. such.
406. Are people too complex and different to be categorized? yes definitely. everyone has a story. 407. Is it good to have pride in your own race or does that separate people from each other because it makes them think of everyone else as 'outsiders'? it’s great to have pride in your own race, especially if you’re spreading some knowledge about your culture to others. as long as you don’t look down on any other race, i feel like it’s totally acceptable. 408. What fictional story would you like to live through? harry potter i guess. 409. Are cats or dogs smarter? haha idk. 410. Have you ever guessed someone's password and broken into their diary? nope. 411. What teacher, if any, has effected you the most in your life? maybe my art teacher. she was a little crazy but she really helped me understand that i had potential. 412. Are you more easily bored or excited? both tbh. 413. What's the bravest or most daring thing you have ever done? traveled 14 hours by myself to dubai. nothing spesh, but it was a first for me. 414. "What's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?" (- Adam Ant) some people would beg to differ. 415. If your man or woman served you breakfast in bed as a treat what would you want? the typical big breakfast: eggs, sausages, bacon, beans, toast, hash browns. 416. What do you do only when you are upset? cry. 417. What's the oddest CD in your collection? an aqua remixes album. 418. What's the best diary name you ever saw? none that i can think of. 419. What would your friends be surprised to learn about you? i watch a lot of stupid shit on youtube. 420. Who owes you an apology? no one really. 421. Who deserves an apology from you? no one lol. 422. How would you like to treat your kids differently from the way your parents treated you? i’m happy with the way my parents treated me tbh. 423. Which do you like best: 60's, 70's or 80's fashion? 80s. 424. What is the worst pick up line ever used on you? ‘do you wna come up to my room?’ ‘no, i have a boyfriend.’ ‘so do i.’ fuck off lol. 425. Of the following, which word best describes you: inventive, kinetic (energetic), light-hearted, mature mature. 426. Do you own a record player? Do you use it? no. 427. How easily do you make friends? it depends. if i’m in a group of people who don’t know each other, then yeah pretty easily. it’s harder for me to make friends with people who already know each other. 428. What is the difference between having character and being a character? you’re not exactly being your true self by being a character i guess. 429. Are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch? anything that stings. 430. Do you care about your weight? yes, def. 431. Did you/will you go to the prom? i went. 432. Have you ever wanted to date twins? haha no. 433. What one thing would you change about high school if you could? nothing. maybe study harder. 434. If you came with a warning label, what would it say? brutally honest. 435. Are you artistic and creative? i’d like to think so, but i’m losing my touch. 436. What were you (probably) doing on this date last year? same shit, probably working. 437. What are you obsessed with? makeup. 438. What was the last compliment you received? i like your lashes. 439. Do you have any brothers or sisters? one sis. 440. Who would you like to be alone with right now? my boyfriend. 441. Do you push people away when you really want them to come closer? nah, i hate that reverse psychology shit. it never works. 442. Is a prenuptial agreement necessary or does it take the romance and trust out of marriage? i think it takes the romance and trust out of marriage for sure. 443. Do you lie your way out of things? not usually. 444. Are you better at talking or listening? depends on the person. probably listening. 445. What will only happen to you once in this lifetime? turning a certain age. 446. Know of any conspiracy theories you think might be credible? haha no, i hate that kinda shit, i’ll be obsessed with it for a good week. 447. What are the most beautiful words that have ever been spoken to you? nothing, just nice compliments and stuff. 448. If it were legal would you own a human slave (race unimportant)? no thanks. that’s terrible. 449. Have you ever read your own writing at a poetry reading? nope. 450. What is one simple thing that gives you the happy shivers? planning a holiday. 451. What do you do for exercise? a bit of everything. i’ll do treadmill, cross trainer or bike and then do weights. 452. Would you rather have a strict teacher with a sense of humor or a lenient teacher that doesn't teach? lol wtf? who the fuck would choose the second option? 453. If you ever have a baby what might you want to name it? haven’t decided. 454. If you won free tickets to a concert from a radio show and had to choose between Inxs, Poison, Blondie and Moby, which would you choose? omgggg. if i had to, prob moby. 455. Are you a good cook? not good, but i like cooking. 456. Do you prefer when things come with no assembly required, even if they are a bit more expensive? depends how much more expensive. 457. Start a sentence with the words: what if what if i got paid for doing these. 458. Are you more spontaneous and unpredictable or loyal and routine? loyal and routine. 459. What is the highest number you can count to in your head? meh. 460. How do you go about losing weight? eating healthy and exercising. 461. Do you have street smarts? i guess. 462. Do you have a lot of common sense? yes. 463. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? cookie dough. 464. What's your favorite movie that involves dancing? save the last dance. 465. Would you ever want to become a guest on a talk show? If yes what would the show's theme be? yeah sure. idk what the theme would be, anything that i’m plugging. 466. Do you like the way you look naked? no. 467. Have you ever dissected an animal? yes. 468. Who do you know who is brilliant? my boyf. 469. Who do you know who is dull? haha. 470. Do you ever think about time travel? not really. 471. What is one interesting fact you know? you’re more likely to die by a coconut falling from a tree and hitting your head than being killed by a shark. 472. Do you talk to yourself? Do you talk to your pets? only in my thoughts. yeah sometimes i talk to my dog. 473. Do you believe that humankind has a future in space (will we live there some day)? possibly. probably not in my lifetime though. 474. Would you rather wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty or more delicate outfits? depends where i’m going. 475. How do you 'live life to the fullest'? taking risks, doing a lot of things you’ve never done before and aiming to complete your bucket list. 476. Are you sloppy or a neat freak? i’m in the middle. 477. Would you rather have a trunk full of nickels or half a trunk full of dimes? half a trunk. 478. What is the worst mistake you've ever made? idk. 479. Are you in good health? not really. 480. Are you patriotic? not really lol. 481. The greenhouse effect is bad for your health. i can see that. 482. There are about as many molecules of air in one breath as there are hairs on your head. crazy. 483. The Miss America pageant started out as a contest in which people decorated wheel chairs and one chair was judged the prettiest. cool. 484. To remove a tattoo a physician can place a small balloon under the skin, which is inflated so that the tattooed skin gradually stretches. Then they cut the stretched skin away. lol i’ve never heard this. 485. Cock fighting is a sexual sport. well, it can be. 486. It is the warmest time of the day during the hour that the sun is the highest in the sky. oookay i think i’ll leave it here unless there’s anymore questions in this survey. 487. Certain scientists specialize in studying cow farts. 488. The brilliant colors (reds, oranges, yellows) across the sky that we get from sunsets are caused mainly by pollution. 489. In Grimm's original fairy tale, Rapunzel is pregnant. 490. Dracula was the first movie about a vampire. 491. The inventors of Corn Flakes, the Kellogg brothers, ran a school for delinquent youth. 492. "Kemo Sabe" means "soggy shrub" in Navajo. 493. Sir Thomas Crapper invented the toilet. 494. The Earl of Sandwich invented the Sandwich. 495. Some Chinese alchemists were trying to invent an immortality medicine and accidentally invented gunpowder instead. 496. The human body is made of about 99% water. 497. Bubble gum contains rubber. 498 This survey to the zero power = 0. 499. Most lipstick contains fish scales. 500. There are 86401 seconds in day.
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A Haven in Tartarus
I'll try to be as detailed as I can while not over-complicating my explanations and overwhelming you! Okay, that's easier said than done...
The Plot
Food ran out a week ago. Water just ran out - the water covering the planet is gone; dried up. In desperation to keep the pony race alive, you make a rash decision - and sell your soul to Scorched Forest, the ruler of Tartarus. In other words, the devil
She strikes a deal with you: complete the tasks she sets for you, she will keep you from malnourishment and dehydration deaths.
One goal in particular she sets for you - kill Celestia and Luna. If you succeed, she has promised to revert the apocalyptic events that occurred a decade ago and restore the world to its former glory.
If you fall out of line, you will either be severely punished (with debuffs) or eliminated entirely.
There are two possible endings:
   1. You complete the missions and restore peace.
   2. The party dies in failure, and the planet as you knew it will never return to its glory.
The Rules
Inform us before you take a hiatus! Example: From June 9-16(or 18) I will be on vacation and a week or so hiatus.
This is a stat-based RP. If you don't like RNG, this isn't for you.
No complaining! If you fight with other members, I won't hesitate to kick you out. (Thus killing your character)
Tying in with Rule 1, we won't pause the game for you. All that happens is your character will be protected from debuffs and damage.
As for interacting with Scorched, it only be only after each respective task. Please do NOT try to speak to her outside of those instances!
All dice rolls are done by me. When they are necessary and I haven't seen that yet, PM me! (Not while I'm on hiatus)
Speaking of hiatus. If you badger someone to participate during a hiatus we were aware of, I WILL kick you out.
As for post length...i have a lenient minimum of 3-5 sentences.
Mechanics - Stats
There are eight different stat types, listed below:
Melee ATK
Melee DEF
Ranged ATK
Ranged DEF
Health Points
Each stat can have a value of 1-20(except HP which is 10-200), which is calculated by the roll of a d20. Each stat has corresponding skills whose percentage chance of getting used varies depending on the stat level you have.
Stats go up by random amounts(decided with a 3-sided die) every level you gain, more on levels below. Offensive/Defensive stats are used namely for Targets or Bosses. Stamina, Speed, and Smarts are mostly for navigating.
Skills, Levels, and Passive Abilities are described below.
Mechanics - Levels
You begin at Level 1 and can advance up to Level 100. You gain Levels after each Task given to you. Not much to say except Levels increase your stats.
Mechanics - Classes
There are 4 different classes to choose, each with different stat boosts, stat penalties, and Skills. They are described and listed below. NOTE: Skills are listed in another section immediately preceding this one!
Boosts: +4 Smarts, +2 Speed.
Penalties: -4 Melee ATK, -2 Ranged ATK
     2. Dancer
Boosts: +4 Speed, +2 Ranged ATK
Penalties: -4 Ranged DEF, -20 HP
     3. Brute
Boosts: +4 Melee ATK, +20 HP
Penalties: -4 Smarts, -2 Melee DEF
    4. Farmer (Credit to my friend @asksparklingcider on tumblr!)
Boosts: +4 Stamina, +20 HP
Penalties: -4 Ranged DEF, -2 Smarts
Mechanics - Skills
There are 2 Skills for every class. Each Skill has a 10% chance to activate at a halfway point of 10 stat points, and goes up 5% for each extra point. It caps at 65%. However, if you fail a Skill, you get a Debuff. Now, I shall list the Skills that go  with each:
Hacker Skills:
- Analyze: Find the best way to navigate a terrain. On Fail: -40 HP for this task.
- Infiltrate: Hack a security system, On Fail: -4 Smarts for this task.
Dancer Skills:
- Allure: Distract the opponent. On Fail: -4 Stamina for this task.
- Sacred Salsa: +4 to all stats for the party for this task. On Fail: -4 all stats for the party for this task.
Brute Skills:
- Ravage: Deal 200 Damage. On Fail: -100 HP.
- Wreck: Deal 500 Damage. On Fail: -500 HP.
Farmer Skills:
- Forage: Find wild vegetables and recover 40 HP. On Fail: -40 HP for this task.
- Produce: Grow food and recover 60 HP to everyone. On Fail: -60 HP for everyone because you grew poisonous mushrooms.
Mechanics - Passive Abilities
There are 4 Passive Abilities that activate randomly at the start of each battle. When one activates, the d20 is rolled. If the roll is a 1 or 20, the effects take place. Otherwise, nothing happens. Each character only gets one and cannot change, so choose wisely!
   1. Scan - Tells you what class the boss/target is weak to.
   2. Quick Thinker - Gives you an extra attack before the boss/target attacks.
   3. Like A Rock - Gives you +50 HP for this fight.
   4. Body Shield - You can take an attack that would kill an ally once this fight.
Mechanics - Weapons
Again, akin to Abilities, you may choose one, and only one, weapon! They each have a damage rate based on your stats, so pick strategically! There are three kinds of weapons:
   1. Ranged
   2. Melee
   3. Long
In each category there are two weapons. Each has varying stregths, so I'll repeat, choose carefully!
Ranged -
   1.  Longbow. 30 Damage +10 per Ranged ATK point above 10,
   2. Crossbow. 50 Damage +20 per Ranged ATK point above 15.
Melee -
   1. Broadsword. 40 Damage +10 per Melee ATK point above 10.
   2. Claymore. 80 Damage +20 per Melee ATK point above 15.
Long -
   1. Spear. 20 Damage +10 per Melee ATK point above 10. 30 Damage +10 per Ranged ATK point above 10.
   2. Javelin. 30 Damage +20 per Melee ATK point above 15. 50 Damage +20 per Ranged ATK point above 15.
Mechanics - Fights
Almost done! Now I just need to explain fights. They are turn-based; I control the target. (I will always tell you HP, their stats, class, and weapon.) Party always goes first.  
Every boss/target has a class, and a class weakness. Party members get class weakness too. Here is the system:
Farmer > Dancer > Brute > Hacker > Farmer.
This is when you will make small posts dictating a single, short attack. No need for much banter here.
Fights are pretty simple!
How To Enter!
I will only accept 6 people. If you want in, please follow the below steps!
   1. Comment on this post, linking your posted OC on this site and PM me. I will determine your stats. Keeping track is on YOU!
   2. Allow me time to consider you. If I get over 6 people wanting in, this may take time, especially due to my planned hiatus.
   3. You will receive a message back with your stats and confirmation you get to play if I choose you! (If I don't get 6+ it's highly likely you'll get picked anyhow)
List of people currently registered:
   1. asksparklingcider - Lavender Spectrum (Hacker, Scan)
Stats of the party:
   1. Lavender:
MATK: 2 (-2)
MDEF: 10 (5)
RANGATK: 20 (16)
SPD: 5 (12)
STMNA: 15 (15)
SMARTS: (15)
Please ask any and all questions! This can change as I receive constructive criticism! 
(This is a tumblr AND MLPForums RP! Find a way to communicate!
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
Mark the bands you’ve HEARD OF. Not just the ones you like.
ALTERNATIVE: Breaking Benjamin Paramore Panic! At The Disco Linkin Park The Academy Is… Coldplay Three Days Grace Yellowcard 30 Seconds to Mars Chevelle
COUNTRY: Rascal Flatts Carrie Underwood LeAnn Rhymes Garth Brooks Dixie Chicks Kenny Chesney Tim McGraw Faith Hill Shania Twain Johnny Cash
EMO: Hawthorne Heights Chiodos Forgive Durden Amber Pacific The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus From First to Last Senses Fail Underoath Something Corporate Hit The Lights Dear Whoever
INDIE: The Hush Sound Eisley Death Cab for Cutie Dashboard Confessional The Killers Yeah Yeah Yeahs Hot Hot Heat Gym Class Heroes Franz Ferdinand Modest Mouse
METAL: Slipknot System of a Down Disturbed Metallica Guns n’ Roses Lamb of God Slayer Hatebreed Killswitch Engage
POP: Teddy Geiger Ashlee Simpson Kelly Clarkson Jesse McCartney Avril Lavigne P!NK The Veronicas Daniel Powter James Blunt Natasha Bedingfield Ryan Cabrara
POWERPOP/PUNK: Hellogoodbye Cute is What We Aim for Cartel The Click Five Fall Out Boy Rise Against Good Charlotte Bowling for Soup Relient K Anti - Flag Simple Plan All Time Low Forever The Sickest Kids
RAP: Ying Yang Twins T.I. Paul Wall TuPac Jamie Foxx Ludacris Lil’ Jon Outkast 50 Cent Kanye West Notorious B.I.G Young Jeezy
SKA: Reel Big Fish The Specials Caddies Rancid The Sublime No Doubt Madness Operation Ivy Bob Marley
ROCK: Taking Back Sunday All-American Rejects Motion City Soundtrack Avenged Sevenfold Angels and Airwaves Evanescence My Chemical Romance   Drowning Pool Green Day Blink-182 Madina Lake
CLASSIC ROCK: The Beatles Led Zeppelin The Rolling Stones Van Halen The Who Pink Floyd Def Leppard Queen Poison AC/DC
HOUSE/ELECTRONIC/DUBSTEP: Daft Punk Deadmau5 Skrillex Excision Tiesto Basshunter Flux Pavillion The Bloody Betroots Zedd Feed Me Bassnectar PANTyRAiD Knife Party
Gryffindor: You are loud. You like going to school to see your friends. You’ve had more than a couple detentions. You always have something to do on the weekends. You like to be the center of attention. You get above average grades in school. You’ve been called bossy before. You’re a bit of a daredevil / you like an adrenaline rush. You are athletic. You are one of the best players on your team. You would do anything for your loved ones. You like the color red. Your favorite class is Transfiguration or DADA. You would never break a promise. TOTAL: 6
Hufflepuff: You have many acquaintances, but only a handful of good friends. You get average grades in school. You’ve been called boring before. You don’t like to brag about your achievements. You value honesty. You don’t mind working hard to get what you want. You like the color yellow. You have a job. You are athletic. You are a team player. You are in the middle of the social totem pole. You are easily amused. You like helping others. Your favorite class is Herbology or Divination. You like the music played on the radio best. TOTAL: 11
Ravenclaw: You get good grades in school. You like to read. Dumb people annoy you. You are creative. You’ve been called a know-it-all before. You hate cheating. People often want you to help them with homework or projects. You are more into the creative arts: theatre, dancing, drawing, etc. You are extremely logical in your way of thinking. You are considered shy or quiet by people you don’t know. You like the color blue. Your favorite class is A History of Magic, Charms, or Care of Magical Creatures. You tend to over analyze things. You can focus and pay attention well. TOTAL: 8
Slytherin: You are very competitive. You like the finer things in life. You think welfare is a waste. You’ve made fun of someone in the past week. You’ve been called a snob before. You think the end justifies the means. You’re not afraid to say something to someone else’s face. You tend to think people are a bit jealous of you. You’ve made someone cry by just saying something to them. You tend to root for the villains in movies, books, etc. You are very good with words. Above all, you want to be successful in life. You like the color green. You love to win. Your favorite class is Potions or DADA. TOTAL: 6 You are: hufflepuff
You have eaten fish food. You have eaten dog food. You have eaten cat food.  You have run into a glass door. You have eaten an ant. You have eaten grass. You have licked a tree. You have polka dotted underwear. You have pink underwear. You had contests with your friends to see who can create the nastiest burp. You have screamed a random word in public. You wave at people you don’t know You have flushed the toilet because you were bored. You have slapped yourself out of boredom. You sing the “FUN” song. You hold conversations with a pillow, blanket, stuffed animal etc. You dream of llamas coming out of peoples’ butts. You think people who eat brains are cool You sing karaoke even though you know you’re horrible. You knew/know how to spell “supercallafragalisticespialadosious” by heart. You make up your own words and use them with people who have no clue what they mean. You have had your hair change a different color. You have fluffy socks and you have wore them so people can see them. You have hugged a random person. You have ran up+down the stairs cause you were bored. You have created a puppet show with your socks out of boredom. You have imagined people saying “bla” and blowing up. You just tried imagining people saying “bla” and blowing up. You are addicted to the Anamaniacs theme song. You were/are addicted to “The Pinky and the Brain” theme song. You have stared at your ceiling for over 10 minutes. You talk to yourself. You have conversations with your imaginary friends. TOTAL - 12
Take your total and multiply by 3 “I am 42% Immature”
–START– You get bad grades. You have had a pet die. You cry yourself to sleep at night. Your parents are divorced. One or both of your parents are dead. People think you should be happier. You don’t have that many friends. You have never been out of the country. You have never been out of the state. You are allergic to a food. You are allergic to fur. You worry too much. Total: 4 (Running total: 4)
You always feel sad. You think you’re bad at what you do. You are afraid of the dark. You are afraid of heights. You don’t have a pet. You have had a dream where somebody died. You have never had a boyfriend/girlfriend. You have less than 3 friends irl. You don’t get an allowance.  You don’t get food everyday. You are shy around new people. You got/get bullied. Total: 9 (Running total: 13)
You don’t have your own room.  You don’t have a cell phone. You wish you didn’t have a sibling. You wish you had another sibling. You are an only child. Sad music makes you cry. Sad movies make you cry. You have been to the hospital for yourself. Somebody in your family smokes. Somebody in your family is an alcoholic. You have been in a car accident. Somebody in your family has been in a car accident. Total: 8 (Running total: 21)
You have many chores. You have had a bad sickness. You have been in a bad storm. People think you’re crazy. You have never been to a concert. You don’t have cable. You don’t have a Facebook. You fear your death. You don’t believe in the Easter bunny. You have been rejected by your crush. You sit alone at large groups of people. You look at the ground when you walk. Total: 6 (Running total: 27)
You have written a sad song. You have a small house. You never met your dad/mom. You don’t have a good relationship with one or more of your family members. You can’t sing. Your parents are unemployed. One or both of your grandparents are dead on your dads side. One or both of your grandparents are dead on your moms side. You don’t get parties on your birthday. People have judged you by how you look. You have never been to Disneyland/world. You have never seen a play. Total: 6 (Running total: 33)
Now take that total and multiply it by 2   New total: 66
According to this meme, my life is… 66% sad. 
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nerdsbianhokie · 7 years
I keep thinking about Superfriends DnD!! Like the facets of personality people get to see through the stream and do the fans try to suss out who everyone actually is? Does Lucy ever successfully seduce something in game? (and is it one of the others in director sanvers?)
I am sure people try to figure it out.  Only people who actually know who Supergirl is do figure it out (the DEO agents never bring it up, but everyone knows that everyone knows).  The general populate tends to think it’s other superheros, and that, for whatever reason, this is what superheros do when they aren’t out saving the world.
They don’t role for relationships between characters, although the three def will get together in the game through extensive scripts and character development.  It garners a mix of hate and people thanking them for rep and all.  And a lot of weird and/or creepy fanart.  Like, we’ve got a half-elf, a dragonborn, and a half-orc.  It’s...interesting
I figure Lucy has to succeed at some point, especially since it goes on for years.  She does end up with a few people and creatures around the world who are absolutely in love with her, including a bugbear that threw itself in front of a poison dagger for her, a barmaid who gives the entire party free food, ale, and lodging whenever they visit, and a gold dragon.
(Listen, I have a negative nature modifier, but I once cuddled a wolf with a Nat20, and now have a wolf companion who will defend me to the death (he did once die, but we brought him back to life) so something like that happens for Lucy)
The first one, though.  They were talking to what would become a boss, and Lucy, of course, just goes ‘I roll to seduce’ when things start to go south.  Vasquez allows it, expecting Lucy to fail, like she always had, and, well Nat20.  They completely avoid the campaigns boss battle and Vasquez is too done to be salty about it.
They had to end the session there, cause the table and the chatroom were too riled up to actually continue.
But, in general, she completely fails and gets slapped in the face/stabbed quite a bit.
(Don’t ask me who the boss is, or anything like that, I don’t know quite that much about D&D yet)
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