#and here we have liz rambling
minalots · 2 months
Woah that last post popped off………
uhhhh im not a part of the hsr fandom so please don’t. expect more art from me 😭 i just really like boothill’s design but im pretty much just admiring from the distance…..
with that being said: if y’all have any questions/comments yall are always free to leave any in the inbox!!
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juicedbeetle · 1 year
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"I'll make you say my name!"
posted with @bikinibottomdayz 's permission
please don't repost outside tumblr
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finexbright · 2 years
i'm so so overwhelmed by the fact that after twelve years of waiting, i got to see 2/5 of one direction and i just can not believe how incredibly lucky i am and how it all worked out. i really don't want to jinx it but i just want to say how grateful i am. both louis and harry's tours were originally supposed to happen in 2020 when i was about to finish my undergrad back home with no clue where i was going next and at that point i never would've thought that two years later i'd've moved to a whole new country and just two months in, i'd get to see louis. and i got to see him twice and had the absolute time of my life and met some extremely lovely people through that who are now such lovely friends of mine! i also got to see him up close and it's just. i can't even explain. and then, i got to see harry at summertime ball and yes even if it was just a few songs it meant the absolute world to me to be able to see him from as close as i did. my mum adores golden and the fact that i was able to send her a video taken from my phone made me feel so emotional. and again, i met some very lovely people who i thought i'd never meet. and in a couple of days i'm seeing him again and that too two nights in a row and that's something that baffles me because how is this a reality i live in. and the fact that i'll be meeting a few more people from here and i just know i'm gonna have the time of my life. it just feels so surreal to me that in the year 2022 with harry and louis being as big as they are, i got to see them live and see them so close and they're so beautiful and i just. extremely overwhelmed.
i just wanted to say that i'm so incredibly grateful for this space and all the lovely people i've met and talked to on here and just, the love that's here all around is something i will always cherish. 🤍
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funkbun · 3 days
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made some adjustments to my "How many people could’ve died based on the in-game actions they've taken" list, now including some explanations from least to most possible kills. All based on my memory and sometimes looking in the dialogue files.
Starting with the "0 people could've died" tier we have Beffica, Cromdo, Triffany, Shelda, and Wiggle. Their in-game actions realistically wouldn't have lead to the death of anybody
With "1 person could've died" we have Filbo, Floofty, and Clumby. Filbo because he made The Journalist eat a strabby, something they're allergic to and they easily could've died from that. Floofty because they tried cutting their own head off. Clumby because she allowed The Journalist go to Snaktooth, fully expecting them to die there.
"2 people could've died" has Chandlo. You shouldn't try lifting an entire cabin with someone in it above your head.
"3 people could've died" with Wambus. 1. Filbo could've died of a concussion because he made that Bunger ram him into a tree across the map. 2. Threw Cromdo 31 feet as of last Tuesday. 3. Probably would've straight up killed Gramble after Liz n Egg went missing.
"5 people could've died" has Snorpy. While putting a hidden flash bang on someone's body that could be activated by a code word the person doesn't know isn't automatically lethal, as that person was on a raft with 4 other people and could've easily said that code word at any point during that ride on accident, that could disorient everyone and make everyone fall out of that raft and drown n die.
"9 people could've died" with Gramble. Hoarding the singular food source on a island from everyone because you don't want them to them is bad I Think.
"11 people could've died" has Eggabell and The Journalist. Eggabell cause she was the only doctor on the island and when she went missing everyone in town could've caught the worst disease on earth and died, and also the avalanche with Liz (which she didn't cause, but she was the reason why Liz went to try n save her n fell). The Journalist because the Bad Ending exists and they fell head first into a boulder.
And last, but not at all least, we have Elizabert Megafig with 14 to 15 possible deaths! As the Queen of Bugsnax, she could've lost her grip on the island for a moment and cause Everything Bad To Happen At Once. This one is ranged because it depends on whether or not Alegander's on the island at the time (he was shown to go back onto the island in that post credit dialogue scene)
if i got anything wrong here ramble about it in the notes cause again, memory. also this isn't about how "bad" a grump is either btw im just thinking about possibilities lmao
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kwonhoshilvr · 8 months
Super Shy - JWW
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Jeon Wonwoo x fem!reader
I’m super shy…super shy…but wait a minute?while i make you mine..make you mine
Description: Wonwoo and y/n are childhood friends,who are in love with each other,but somethings stopping them both from confessing.
genre: fluff, romance
WC: 700?
Warnings : fluff, didn’t proofread 🫣
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“What should I wear?” Y/n whined to her friends who were on call with her.
“I don’t know? maybe wear those jeans and that sweatshirt..?” Said Liz.
Y/n got ready with the help of her friends and headed out to the restaurant, with her heart beating, to meet up with Wonwoo.However, it started raining halfway through soaking y/ns’ sweater. As she entered the restaurant her eyes immediately met Wonwoos waiting ones.
“You’re finally here you slowpoke..” Wonwoo half scolded y/n.
“Sorry nunuuuu” y/n dragged her words making her cute appearance fasten wonwoo’s beating heart.
“I’ve already ordered for us so let’s just wait.”
“Oh Wonwoo! I have something to tell you..” told y/n.
Wonwoo nodded smiling softly at her, “there’s this boy that I like but I don’t know how to ask him out,” explained y/n. Wonwoos loving gaze faltered when he heard the words come out of her mouth. Y/n kept rambling about how the guy was so perfect for her, however everything she said oddly related to Wonwoo “wait what..? Y/n repeat that again.” Asked Wonwoo.
“he loves gaming and looks like a cat and he’s such a sweetheart I love him so much woo..” y/n smiled looking at him.
Wonwoo smiled looking at her “should we get out?” He signalled the waiter and paid for the meal. With y/n by his side he felt complete, like a part of him that was missing was in place, he felt content.They arrived at a park and y/n rushed off to ride the swings “ WOOO PUSH ME!” She beckoned, Wonwoo laughed while pushing her “i love her so much..”he thought to himself, without knowing he said it out loud.
“Wonwoo I love you too!” She yelled out while slowing down on the swing. Wonwoo walked up to her and smiled, Y/n looked up at him smiling shyly “ahh I’m super shy,”she said to herself.
“ahh come on now you can’t be shy after you said that~.” Wonwoo teased her. “Get up Y/nnie”he said to her.
They leaned in and kissed each other.
The END, realised I’m so bad at ending things lmao 😭 also pls ignore the messages on top i cba to remove it 😭
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lady-pug · 4 months
in the morning (when the day is new)
Chapter II of Wouldn't It Be Nice
Summary: You sustain a head injury while on a mission but Whiskey isn’t fast enough to administer the alpha gel, so your memories of your time at Statesman don’t come back. Instead, you only remember up until the day before you were recruited and your memory ends up being reset every night. Jack makes it his mission to make you fall in love with him everyday (50 First Dates AU)
Pairing: Jack Daniels | Agent Whiskey x Reader
Word count: 3,5k
Warnings: memory loss
Notes: Yay, chapter two is up! And I’m already working on chapter three (I’ll try to have it out as quickly as I can)! I hope you, my dear reader, enjoy this chapter; I had a lot of fun writing it!
Next part | Previous part | Masterlist | Read on AO3
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He stuttered, his breath hitching.
He couldn’t seem to remember how to breathe, something as simple as inhaling was too complex of a task at that moment.
He finally acknowledged Ginger, who was looking at him with something akin to pity in her eyes.
“What happened?”
She grabbed his elbow and practically had to drag him away into a corner.
“What happened, Liz?” he started rambling “Ain’t she supposed to remember by now? Haven’t you shown her that picture of her parents? Why ain’t she-”
“Jack, hey, listen” she interrupted “I don’t know what happened. She woke up, with no recollection of me, like usual. But when I showed her the picture… nothing. She only said she missed them, that’s all. She doesn’t remember you nor me!” she was frustrated, Jack could tell. It was understandable, you were her best friend after all.
“Uhm, excuse me?” you called, still sitting confusedly on the bed “Am I clear to go? Or is there anything else you’d like to do? Any other exams?"
They both turned to you, hesitantly.
“It’s just that I have a job interview today.” you explained, a hesitant although excited smile taking over your features.
“A job interview?” Ginger took a step forward “Where?”
“It’s a-” you hesitated, your smile faltering for only a split second before you recovered “a distillery. Statesman.”
Jack and Liz shared a look. 
“It’s the day we met.” Jack mumbled “Her memories were reset to the day we met.”
“What are you talking about, Whiskey?”
“At the bar out front.” he started rambling, explaining his thought process to Ginger “She, uh, she was upset, thought the interview and trials were no good to actually get her the job. I-I offered to buy her a drink ‘for luck’. But I already knew she was in.”
Ginger smiled at the fond, if not a little desperate, way Jack talked about the memory.
“Please, Elizabeth, I’m begging you” he grabbed her hands, fighting the stinging ache in his eyes “help her remember. She has to remember-” he paused for a brief second, not wanting to disclose too much of his feelings, the ones he was still coming to terms with himself “-us. Help her remember us.”
Ginger smiled sadly at him.
“I’ll do my very best to help her remember you, Jack.”
Jack was taken aback for a moment, but he should have known she could read him like an open book. Ginger was a smart woman.
“Thank you.” he smiled back.
She turned back to you.
“Do you remember anything that happened?”
You shook your head.
“I went to sleep last night, and then… I woke up here.” you looked around “Where am I exactly?”
“A hospital. You were in a car accident.” Ginger creatively came up with that as she went.
“Oh god, did anyone get hurt?” Jack couldn’t help but smile, the way you cared for others more than you did for yourself shining through even if you had lost part of your memories.
“You did, dear.” Ginger continued carefully “You hit your head pretty hard. I want to run a few more exams just to make sure you’re okay. It’s best if you stay the night.”
“But my interview-” you started to protest.
“I have a friend who works at Statesman.” not being able to stand the sight of you in distress, Jack intervened “I’ll give him a call, explain the situation and ask ‘em to reschedule.”
Your radiant smile warmed his heart.
“You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Ginger walked back towards Jack.
“She seems to be suffering from a strange case of anterograde amnesia: she can remember things before her time at the agency, but not after. I’ll monitor her and see if she gets any better.”
“Okay.” he nodded, absentmindedly.
Walking out of the lab, Ginger stopped him before he could get too far.
“You should try and get some rest. I don’t know how long it’s going to take for her to regain her memories.”
“Of course.” he nodded, a bit disorientated when thinking about what he should do now “Let me know if anything changes, will you?”
She nodded and he started walking away, his mind clouded and his heart heavy. 
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The moonlight was shining down on your skin. He barely registered the uncomfortable feeling of sand seeping in between his sprawled fingers, all he could focus on was the steady rise and fall of your chest laying next to him.
“I can feel you staring, cowboy.”
Jumping in surprise, he looked at how your now open eyes were staring at him from under hooded eyelids, a small smile playing on your lips.
“What are you thinking about?”
He shrugged.
“Just can’t wrap my head ‘round how dazzling you look, sweetheart.”
You snorted, dissolving into a fit of giggles.
“You’re so corny, Jack.”
“What? S’true!”
Your laughter was radiant enough to light up an entire room, he thought. Maybe he was corny afterall.
Still laying on the sand, you squirmed on your back and wormed your way next to him, perpendicular to his legs, and settled with your head on his lap. He admired your face, eyes closed again, a peaceful look taking over your features.
“What would you be doing if you weren’t an agent?”
The question startled him slightly. What would he be doing if he wasn’t an agent? He took a moment to ponder. Remembering the life he could have had if only those addicts hadn’t decided to rob the very same store his wife was at was too painful. You were one of the few people he felt comfortable enough to talk about her and his baby boy nowadays. He wished you two could have met, he had a feeling you’d have been great friends.
“I think I’d like to be a teacher.”
Your eyes snapped open, a mischievous smile.
“Mr. Daniels, huh?” you smirked “What subject would you teach?”
“Math.” you giggled in disbelief “I mean it! I can solve some killer algebra equations.” you laughed even more, some tears visibly gathering in the corner of your eyes “But if I’m being honest, I’d rather it be kindergarten.”
Your face softened. Smiling at him you nodded your chin for him to continue.
“I love kids. Especially that age, when they’re discovering the world. The faces they make when they find something new and exciting. I’d love to be able to help in that process.”
The look on your face, the pure adoration he could see in your eyes, was enough to bring heat to his face.
“What about you?” he changed the subject “Got any ideas?”
You smiled shyly, averting your eyes.
“With the answer you just gave, mine is going to sound very lame.”
“S’not. I promise.”
Looking back at him, you grin turned mischievous once again.
“When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet, or a biologist, just so I could work at an aquarium.”
“An aquarium?” he asked in amusement.
“Yeah. I really wanted to work with walrus and otters. They are really cute!”
Jack laughed, amused with your thought process as a kid.
“Walrus? Cute?”
“Have you ever seen a walrus?”
“I have” he answered “and all they remind me of is Champ.”
You burst out laughing, nodding your head in agreement. He laughed so hard at your own laughter he almost cried. Once you calmed down, you sat up and turned to look at him, a new glint in your eyes.
“Do you ever think about getting back out there?”
“Out there?” he was confused.
“To dating.”
Thinking about it for a moment, he contemplated his answer.
“Maybe. If the right woman comes along.”
The look in your eyes held something mysterious, something he couldn’t quite place his finger on.
Just as he was about to ask you the same thing, something stopped him. A beeping of some kind.
“What’s that?” 
“What’s what?” you replied, but your voice sounded very far away.
“That!” he turned back to you, but you weren’t there “Sweetheart?”
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He jolted awake, abruptly pulled from the depths of his consciousness. Sighing, he gripped the bridge of his nose, fighting off the tears that were slowly welling up in his eyes, their stinging a painful reminder of what was going on in his life at the moment. What wouldn’t he give to go back to sleep, back to that dream? It was a nice dream, most of it a fond memory he kept close to his heart. It was late at night after a rough mission in Hawaii a few months back, none of you were in condition to jump on a plane and go back to Kentucky, so Champ extended your stay in the hotel by the beach for one more night. Restless from the adrenaline that was still pumping in your veins, you both decided to take a midnight dive in the ocean, which led to a quiet moment watching the stars and talking about life. He wished he could go back to then, when things were easier.
A beeping noise startled him, almost making him jump out of his skin. It was the same sound he heard at the end of his dream. Stumbling around his room, he finally found his phone, which had a bunch of messages from Ginger. Dialing her number, he suppressed a yawn, jumping into professional mode.
“Jack, you might want to come down here, as soon as possible.” Ginger’s voice sounded slightly strained. 
“What happened?” he was dressed and out the door in the blink of an eye.
“Just… get down here.” and with that she hung up.
Almost bumping into several other agents minding their business, Jack quickly got down to Ginger’s lab. The woman in question was waiting for him outside the door.
“Ginger, what happened?”
“I think it’s better if you see it for yourself.”
She led him inside, where he found you, still sitting on the same bed, now wearing a hospital gown.
“Hey!” you greeted them. You eyed him, a confused look crossing your face before you addressed Ginger “Who is this?”
Jack turned to Ginger, confused, but she was already looking at him with a sad smile.
“We met yesterday, remember?”
Shaking your head, you squinted your eyes as if making an effort to try and remember.
“Hmm, no. I think I’d remember meeting you.” 
“What do you remember from yesterday?” Ginger spoke up.
“I went to bed last night and then… then I woke up here” you looked around and Jack felt like he was having a deja vu “Where am I exactly?”
“She woke up and she didn’t remember me, nor where she was.” Ginger turned to him, speaking under her breath.
“Can I go now? I have a job interview today!” you spoke, excitedly.
“Her memories were reset overnight?” Jack spoke, his stomach churning with worry.
“Seems like it.”
“But how?”
The woman before him sighed, and for a brief moment she looked like she had aged ten years in just a day. Walking out of your earshot, outside of the lab, she started explaining.
“Whatever happened seems to have affected her brain’s ability to turn short term memories into long term ones. Sleep seems to be the trigger for the reseting.”
“Is there anything you can do?”
“I can keep her here for a few more days, run a few more tests.”
“Yeah, more tests sound good.” he nodded, slightly disoriented by all the new information Ginger had just dumped on him.
“But Jack.” he hummed in acknowledgment “I don’t think you should keep coming to see her.”
His head snapped back towards her, eyes wide and furious.
“Why not?!” he asked, probably more harshly than he intended.
“I can see this is taking a toll on you. Seeing her like this I mean.”
“But I can’t not see her! That ain’t right! She- Liz, I-I can’t not know, I-” he stumbled over his words, worry and anger at the whole situation threatening to overflow him “She’s one of my best friends. I need to know she’s okay.”
Ginger sighed heavily, having noticed the redness and the glossy shine that had overtaken the man’s eyes.
“You love her, don’t you?” she spoke softly, almost whispering.
His rambling came to a halt, eyes widening as if she had slapped him in the face. He looked away for a moment and gulped, like even thinking about those words physically hurt him.
“Yeah,” he looked back at Ginger “I do love her.” 
“Then let me do my job.”
“I just-” he choked on a sob he was trying to supress “I can’t lose her. Not like this. Not again.”
“You won’t.”
“How can you know that?!” he snapped, practically shouting at her.
Her eyes hardened.
“Because I’m the one looking after her. And I’m really good at what I do.”
He deflated.
“I-I’m sorry, Liz. I’m sorry.”
She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her eyes softening.
“It’s alright, Jack. I know how much she means to you.” she said “That’s why you should stay away for a while. I’ll keep you updated.”
“You can’t just expect me to sit around and do nothing, Ging.”
“I don’t. Can you go to her quarters, bring me anything you think might be useful in bringing her memories back?” she asked. “Trinkets, clothes, pictures, anything.”
“Yeah, I can do that.”
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“Do you ever think about getting back out there?”
“Out there?” he was confused.
“To dating.”
Thinking about it for a moment, he contemplated his answer.
“Maybe. If the right woman comes along.”
The look in your eyes held something mysterious, something he couldn’t quite place his finger on.
“And has she?”
“Has who what?”
There was something cheeky, almost bold in your smile.
“The right woman.” your smile only grew, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world “Has she come along?”
His eyes widened, almost the size of dinner plates. You were trying to kill him, he was sure. How could he answer that, without making things awkward for the both of you? He could always lie to save face, but he knew you could read him like an open book and would see right through his lies. Clearing his throat, he thought for a minute or so, before deciding to be honest.
“I guess she might have.”
Your grin turned into a soft smile. Placing a hand on his knee, you turned your body fully in his direction.
The glimmer in your eyes cast by the moon did something to him. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer. With a crooked index finger under your chin, he tilted your head up, your faces only millimeters from each other. 
“I think she is closer than I imagine.”
And then he was kissing you. Closing the gap, he placed his chapped lips on your soft ones in a sweet, almost chaste kiss. It felt a lot better than he ever expected, it even felt kinda… magical. As you pulled back he realized you were smiling at him, your hand running down his cheek and cupping his jaw.
“I certainly hope so.” you said with a dreamy expression before climbing into his lap, knees on either side of his hips. You dived in for another kiss, your hands sliding from his jaw to the base of his neck, gripping his hair. The kiss was a lot more passionate this time. His own hands moved accordingly, the one gripping your chin sliding up to cup your jaw and the other resting on your hip.
“I just want to stay here and kiss you.” you whispered against his lips, barely pulling away “Again. And again, and again” between each sentence you pressed a peck to his lips “And again. And again, until you’ve decided you’ve had enough of me.”
“Not gonna happen, sweetheart.” he said, before kissing you again.
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There was a soft beam of sunlight streaming through the drapes as his eyes opened against his will. That bit of the dream was new, nowhere near part of his memories. He should have kissed you, like in the dream, he now knows he should have. Instead he had cracked some half-assed joke and walked back to his hotel room. Retreating like a coward, he scolded himself for hours later as he laid awake in his bed. A part of him longed to go back to that night and make things right.
A glance at his phone let him know Champ was requesting an all-agents meeting first thing that morning, which made him sigh. It was going to be a long day.
The past three days had been torture for Jack. Ginger ran all the tests she could think of and yet you didn’t seem to be making any improvement. Everynight your memories were reset back to the day you met. He was getting more frustrated by the hour but there was nothing he could do.
Dragging his feet into the conference room, he noticed all other agents were already there, Champ at the head of the table, Ginger standing silently next to him.
“Good. Now that everyone’s here we can start.” Champagne said “Ginger, if you will.”
Ginger took a step forward.
“As you may know, Agent Cider has been compromised in action.” Jack swallowed harshly, still not totally rid of the guilt “After taking too long to administer the alpha gel, her memories of her time as a Statesman agent haven’t returned. What’s worse, since then her brain has suffered some kind of extensive damage to the point where her memories are reset every night. Meaning she believes she’s always going through the same day.”
A hand quickly shot up in the air.
“Like ‘Groundhog Day’?” asked Lemonade, a junior agent who usually compensated for lack of knowledge and experience with enthusiasm.
“Something like that, yes. Except she isn’t aware she has already gone through that day.” Ginger resumed her explanation “The day her memories are stuck on is the day of her Statesman interview and trials.”
“Why are you telling us all of this?” Vermouth asked in that arrogant tone both you and Jack both detested.
“We are going to send her back home.”
Jack stood up so fast his chair almost scraped against the carpet.
“What? Why?” he almost yelled, barely managing to contain his fury and confusion “You can’t just give up on her!”
“Sit down, Agent Whiskey.” Champ’s stern voice left no room for argument, so Jack complied.
“We aren’t giving up on her. According to her, and to the records we managed to recover, she is supposed to come here in the afternoon to be interviewed. Instead of the physical trials soon-to-be agents are usually put through I’ll run exams to see her daily improvement. I’ll also send word to our sister branch in England and see if they can help us.”
“Where do we come in?” Tequila intervened.
“Whatever agent that is on base is to conduct Cider’s interview, everyday until she gets better.” Champ's booming voice explained “Y’all went through that interview already, you should know which questions to ask. Then you are to take her to Ginger’s lab so she can do her sciency shit. And by whoever’s on base I mean whoever’s here” he emphasized, looking sharply at Vermouth, who was rolling his eyes “except for Whiskey.”
Jack’s eyes widened.
“Because Ginger and I believe you’re already too involved and it’s not good for you. Take a step back and rest for a while, son.”
Whiskey went to protest, but Champ’s hardened yet kind eyes stopped him.
“Cider’s first interview is today.” the boss said after a moment “Y’all are dismissed.”
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Sighing, Jack opened the door that led to the bar that was kept in the grounds of the distillery. He sat down at the bar signaling the bartender, an old friend of his.
“Whiskey, neat.”
The bartender narrowed her eyes.
“Are you sure, chief? It’s barely dusk.”
“Just keep ‘em coming.” 
She only shrugged, it wasn’t her problem really, so long as he didn’t start a ruckus or something.
With a long, defeated sigh, Jack laid his head on his arms on top of the counter, hiding his face from the world. His day had been shitty to say the least. First he got the news that Ginger was going to let you go, your memories having yet to return. Then he was notified he wouldn’t be able to see you anymore, that literally every other agent was going to interact with you and help except for your own partner. Except for him. He felt useless. Useless and helpless.
Once the bartender placed his glass in front of him with a soft thud, he raised his head, ready to down the entire drink in one gulp in order to drown his sorrows when something caught his eye across the bar. Nursing a drink and looking just as defeated as he felt, but at the same time just as beautiful as that first time (if not more) was someone he was beginning to lose hope in seeing anytime soon.
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jsprnt · 9 months
Healing Hearts PT.3 | Virgil van Dijk
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Would a fresh start bring you more than just a new job?
A/N: Hey loves! Thank you for the love. Here’s part three. Let me know if you enjoyed <3
WC: 3.608
Summary: Y/N L/N is a very skilled and praised physiotherapist. A certain event pushing her for a fresh start, as a physiotherapist for Liverpool FC. One question always being in the back of her mind: Will she be able to let go of her past and allow herself to experience new things?
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I shove a spoonful of vanilla ice cream in my mouth, contemplating while looking at my screen. "No, you would literally suffocate in that, especially in the club. It's like- twenty-five degrees Celsius over there?!" I exclaim, inspecting the dress, shoveling another scoop out of the tub. "It does look good on her though." Jul chimes in. "Do you have anything with an open back? What about the dress you just got?" Priya suggests. 
Monet had called all five of us for an 'emergency FaceTime', something about a cute new bartender working at the club she usually frequents. "Is the guy even cute?" Liz asks. I raise a brow, that girl had- let's say interesting taste. "He's an absolute snack. I'm telling you guys, he has the most gorgeous eyes, an he's like 190 cm tall and his tatts are so-" My thoughts wander at her descriptions of the man, that doesn't sound bad?
"y/n? Bitch, are you even listening?" I widen my eyes as I hear my name being called by Monet. "Hm what did you say?" I look back at my screen, all of the girls staring, with weird grins. "Why are you all looking at me like that. Guys? You're freaking me out." "What is our lovely y/n thinking about?~" I hear Liz say. "Nothing just occupied with work." I dismiss. "So what dress are you going to wear hm?" I decide to redirect the attention back to Monet. "Rightt~" She mumbles, before she starts rambling on about the dress again. 
We finally come to a conclusion, as we continue chatting. "So y/n any eye candy yet?" I look at Jul, her voice teasing. I stare at the screen for a moment, interrupted before I can utter a word. "Ohh someone cute must've caught her eye. Tell us, who's the babe? Another staff member? Oh my god! A player?" Liz gasps. "The wag life is screaming your name right now."
They all start talking at once. The most I can make out being 'which player?' and a way too enthusiastic 'finally!'
"Hold on, hold on- I didn't say anything yet!" I try to calm them down. "Tell us, are there cute guys?" They insist. I sigh. "Of course they're cute! There professional footballers, some of them are bound to be cute!" I blurt. I raise my hand in a stop motion before any of them can utter a single word further. "No, I can't date them thats super unprofessional. Besides, I just got out of a five year long relationship, can't a girl just be single for a while?"
They look at me for a moment, Priya breaks the silence. "You've never gotten so defensive before? There must be someone you think is cute~" I sigh, they'll never let it go, not now at least. I was the youngest of the friend group by only one year. Though, they loved teasing me like I was way younger than them. 
I open my mouth ready to protest before I'm distracted by two messages popping on my screen. I furrow my eyebrows, confused.  "What is it?" I hear Priya say. "Hold on-" I read the messages carefully. 'You've been added to a group chat named: LFC Staff'' and a 'You've been added to a group chat named: LFC'
"Oh right he told me that-" I mumble
"Who told you what?" The girls ask in unison.  I inspect the group chat members for a second, returning back to the call. My eyes wandering to the profile pictures. 
"They added me to the club group chats." I shrug.  "Really! Can you send me Trent's digits? He's cute~" I give Monet a 'what the hell are you talking about?' look. "You know I can't. Besides aren't you literally getting ready to see the bartender guy?!" I half yell, this girl was playing way too much. 
"Yeah, but I'd like to keep my options open alright?" I stare at my screen, before we all burst out in laughter. "You can't blame her." Jul chimes in. 
I yawn, checking the time '21:57' it read. We all catch up some more before we hang up. I get up to throw out the empty ice cream tub. 
My attention is directed back to the group chat. Surprisingly, most of the guys had profile pictures. I click on some of them, inspecting them a little. Coming across Virgil's. It's not a picture related to football at all, unlike the other guys. Just him sitting at a outdoor cafe with a beer. His sunglasses placed on his head. His muscular arms are visible due to the black T-shirt he was wearing, his tattoo- hold on what am I doing?
I exit the app, closing my tabs before turning my phone off. I need to stop before I start thinking crazy shit. I can't be doing that, right?
I walk into the bathroom, realizing my face looked a little flushed. I try to get myself together by doing my night skincare routine and brushing my teeth. 
I walk back into my room, setting my alarm quickly before throwing myself onto my bed. I sigh at the sensation of my soft bed. The soft covers lulling me into a slumber. 
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I double check the progress reports, making sure everything is fully up to date. So we can send them to the physios of the national teams just in time for the national break. I lean back in my office chair, looking out of the window at the training pitch for a second before focusing again. Everyone had been doing fine physically so far, no serious injuries thankfully. The occasional players walking into my office for some uncomfortable or tense feelings in their muscles. 
It had been about four days since I started, though it already felt like home. The team had been getting ready for the match against Bournemouth, every training day getting more intensive. 
I had also been introduced to another fellow physiotherapist, Dr. Davis or James as he insisted I call him. He hadn't been here my first days since he was on paternity leave as he was just blessed with a baby girl. 
I already knew of his existence. When I applied for this job the description had stated that I'd most likely have to be in de medical room during matches, due to the club already having two physios with a lot of experience on the pitch. I was fine with that, this also was the case at Barcelona. Though, it didn't take them long to realize how good I was so they would make me work on the pitch after a while. 
I save a players report, clicking onto the next one before a knock on my office door diverts my attention. "Come in!" I semi-yell, before being confronted by an anxious looking Virgil. 
I raise my eyebrows in surprise, this didn't look good. "Hey, what's wrong?" I get up approaching him at the door. 
"Hey, sorry to interrupt. We're training and my calf feels pretty tense-" I interrupt him before he starts apologizing again. "Don't apologize! it's my job, remember?" I guide him to the treatment table, he sits there, spreading out his long athletic legs in-front of him. 
I put on my gloves, grabbing some massage oil.  "Your calf you said?" I ask inspecting his leg.  "Yeah, just felt weird I'm sure it's nothing bad but I still wanted to see you. Dr. Woods has his hands full already." He says.  "Smart choice." I say, a smile on my lips.  We make eye contact for a split second. I don't know what came over me, but that made me feel.. Weird? It felt strangely- comforting? 
I mentally shake my thoughts away before I spread the oil on his calf. I massage his calf for a couple of minutes making sure to relieve the tense feeling. 
I take some tissues before wiping away the excess oil on his leg. I raise my head to look at him again. Surprisingly, I find him staring back at me already. He definitely had a staring problem. 
I clear my throat before speaking. "The tense feeling is probably gone. Let me know if you're experiencing any other pain." I smile. 
I take of my gloves discarding them as he gets off the treatment table easily. I turn back around to find his tall, muscular frame towering over me.  He gives me a smile before speaking.  "Thank you doctor, I appreciate it. See you." He says before winking and walking out of my office. I freeze as he turns around, quickly mumbling a small 'bye' as he leaves. 
Oh my god, why the hell is my heart beating so fast? I can't be doing this right now. Not this early. This is the first time I've been single since the age of twenty-one and it has me acting insane. 
I shake my head as if to get rid of my racing thoughts. Sitting back on my chair, trying to finish checking the remaining progress reports. 
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I walk out of my office, deciding to walk out to the training pitches. I greet the staff as I walk past them in the hallways. Finally, stepping foot outside and greeting both Dr. Woods and Dr. Davis as the players are training next to them. 
The three of us are engrossed in a conversation, talking about the progress reports and any issues with the players conditions. 
We're speaking for a while, it's like our surroundings were blurred for a minute. 
But, before I could even register anything, a painful feeling washes over my face. My nose stinging with a seething pain, and before I'm even aware of it, blood starts pouring out of it. Staining my scrubs. 
My hands fly up to my nose, my eyes widening in surprise along with my eyebrows furrowing. I gasp, being totally in shock. Both of the physios staring at me appalled for a moment then back at the direction the ball came from. A very shocked and guilty looking Virgil staring back at us, along with other players he was training a 11 v 11 with. 
Dr. Woods moves quickly, immediately grabbing some gauze and handing it to me. My gazes averts to his hand, grabbing the gauze and holding it up to my nose. Pinching my nose bridge tightly. 
The man guilty of it all runs up to me, apologizing profusely. I look at him, he actually looks like his eyes are going to pop out of his head soon. If I wasn't bleeding out I would've laughed at his expression. 
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I repeat, as Dr. Woods suggests I wash my face with some cold water. Virgil nods immediately. "I'll take you." 
He pries my hands away from the gauze holding it up himself as he leads me back into the building, practically dragging me by my arm. I sigh, this really had to happen to me. This felt like high school PE again, well- apart from the perpetrator not being a stinky popular teenage boy. 
He walks me into the med room, turning on the sink. My hands fly up as I lean forward to wash my nose and the blood off of my face. But, I'm stopped by a determined sounding voice and a hand holding my jaw as the other on holds the gauze up to my impacted nose. "I'll do it, I'm sorry." He says, slowly letting go of the gauze and setting it aside. Grabbing a handful of water and bringing it up to my upper lips and forehead, repeating this until the blood flow had stopped fully. The sensation of his fingers hovering above my lip sending shivers down my spine.
I stand up straight again, as he hands me some tissues to dry my face. Thankfully, I had only worn sunscreen today, due to waking up later than planned. I glance at him, he still looked insanely guilty.
"y/n I'm so sorry- I was way to invested in training and the ball just-" I interrupt before he can say anything else. 
"It's fine I promise, I should've payed more attention to my surroundings. Bedside you'll pay for my nose job, right? I loved my nose." I joke, trying to lighten up the mood. 
A small smile creeps onto his lips, his eyes lighting up slightly. "Sure, I'd do anything." I inspect my nose in the mirror, nothing seems to look off. "You're safe, it doesn't look bad. Promise you'll work on your aim?"
We chuckle, before walking back to the pitch. I'm still holding some tissue up to my nose, just in case. Some players look at us, before they start teasing him. 
"Look at our captain, hurting our precious physio! You're so cruel." We hear Robbo shout. As Joel playfully slaps Virgil's back. 
"It's fine!" I shout, a little nasally due to the tissues I'm holding, blocking my nose bridge.   "He said he'd pay for my nose job so we're in the clear." I laugh, glancing at him. 
I see Dr. Woods walk up to me, as he tells me to let go of the tissue to inspect my nose. I do as he tells me, he sighs relieved before telling me my nose is fine. I glimpse at Virgil again, finding him already staring at my face. A unknown look in his eyes. My trance is interrupted by a concerned looking Klopp. 
"Does it look bad?" He asks Dr. Woods, before he gets reassured. Klopp turns towards Virgil, a semi-scolding look on his face. "Pay attention next time yeah?" He doesn't seem to be angry as he smiles at him, patting his shoulder. "I will big boss." He smiles back, the mood being way lighter than before. 
I'm told by both Dr. Woods and Dr. Davis it's best to go back to my office. The sun wouldn't be doing good for my sensitive nose. I walk back to my office, sitting onto my chair again. I shouldn't have never gone out to the pitch, I huff. 
I look outside of my office again, the pitch being on clear display as I can see the guys train.  I can't help but let my thoughts wander again, the feeling of his fingers on my lips and face, washing a strange feeling over me. Making my heart beat a little faster...
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I walk out of my office as training ends and the players don't need any help. I make my way into the changing room, putting my clothes on again as I discard my bloody scrubs. 
Todays outfit was a midi-skirt and a cropped top, to accommodate the sunny weather. I grab my bag, leaving the changing room and walking up to Clara at the reception to chat a little bit. We had grown closer since I started working here. I had also found out we were similar in age. 
"Heard you got hurt?" She says, a slightly concerned look on her face. "How did you know? I did, but I'm fine really." I reassure her.  "Well I heard it from other staff. Something about Virgil taking care of you?" My face flushes slightly at her choice of words. "Yeah, he made my nose bleed so he helped. That's all." I say. 
We're interrupted by the loud chatter of the players walking out of their locker room. We turn our heads seeing Trent, Darwin, Robbo and Dominik speaking to each other. They walk up to the reception, asking me if I'm really fine. I reassure them again, telling them I'm fine. 
"Let the Captain make it up to you." Trent says, a smile on his lips. "Huh? what do you mean?" My question is answered by Dominik. "He feels bad since he hurt you." I open my mouth to respond before being greeted by the sight of Virgil. He walks up to us, greeting Clara and me. The guys walk out soon after bidding us goodbye and I'm left alone with Clara and Virgil.
I check my watch, before telling them I'll have to go. I didn't have any place to be as I just wanted to be home. "Oh yeah me too, I'll walk out with you." He suggests. I give Clara a hug before I turn around, not missing the wink she gives me. What did she mean with that? 
We both walk out into the parking lot, as we both walk up to our cars. "Your nose is fine right?" He says. "Yeah completely fine. You don't have to worry anymore." I say. 
"Let me make it up to you. Let's have dinner sometime, my treat." He suggest. I raise my eyebrows. That doesn't sound too bad, besides who would deny a free dinner (with a cute guy)? 
"Sure. Text me when?" I say, he already had my number since we both were in the group chat. "I will, see you tomorrow doctor." My heart leaps at the thought of having dinner with him. Would that be a date?
We both step into our cars as we leave to go back home. I'm driving back home as my phone starts rigging. Cutting off the loud music coming from the speakers. I keep my eyes on the road before glancing at the number. It wasn't one I saved. Though, I did recognize. It's was him. I hesitate, my brain having an internal argument, my finger hovering over the accept button. No, I can't just accept his call. I can't forgive him. I should just forget him, and he should forget me. I click the decline button. Sighing in relief. This is going to be difficult. 
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I'm sitting in the canteen, munching on my food as I'm scrolling through Instagram. Catching up with what my friends and people I knew posted. I like Priyas new post, commenting on it about five times, practically screaming at her about how good she looked. I sigh, maybe I should've just went back home after Barcelona. I missed my girls. 
"What's wrong doctor?" I recognize the voice, it's Mo. I look up, seeing the guys place their trays on my table. Some players in their own world as I can see them tease and banter with each other. Me and Mo hadn't had many conversations yet, though from the few we did have I already knew that he was super kind. 
"Nothing, just missing home and my friends." I say, picking at my leftover vegetables. "Oh- I get that, I also miss my home all the time." He says, relating to me."Well at least I'm not only one I guess." I say before I'm interrupted by Darwin. "We all miss home even though we live here." he tries to reassure me in Spanish, giving me a kind smile. I give him a smile back, man these guys were nice. 
The topic of conversation gets totally changed as hear the other guys talk about the national matches coming up. I look down at my food again, picking at my potatoes before eating them. 
"y/n you won't be off then, right?" I glance at Joe, shallowing my food down. I shake my head. "No, I'll stay here. I was told players here mights still need me, so I decided to not take time off then." He hums in acknowledgment. 
"You'll support us though right?" I hear Cody say, his Dutch accent making me remember home. I place my hand on my chest in a flattered motion. "Of course, I loved watching the Dutch games in the stadium. Watching it from here will be fun as well."
"You've gone to our national matches?" Virgil asks. "Yeah, Frenkie and Memphis always invited me to go and watch them. Since I got super close with them. I just went with my friends." I shrug, referring to the players back in Spain. 
The table erupts with small 'ohh's. I take another bite of my food. The table continues chatting about different topics, but I can't help but feel someone staring at me across the table. I glance back, my eyes meeting with Virgil's brown ones. 
They were insanely beautiful. I find myself struggling with looking away from them as they practicality make me want to melt at the sight. I clear my throat quietly before looking away. 
I walk back to my office after lunch. Making sure I finish my paperwork in time to greet our new transfer: Wataru Endo. 
I walk down into the medical assessment room and knock on the door as I hear a 'come in'. I'm greeted by the new transfer and Dr. Davis.  
"Hi, I'm y/n. One of the physiotherapists. Welcome to our club." I give him a kind smile as we shake hands and he greets me back. I discuss some things with Dr. Davis as we continue Wataru's assessment. Though, we're interrupted by a exited Mo, who walks in to greet the new transfer. He greets us as well, before telling Wataru he is in good hands. We all chuckle, finishing up the assessment an hour later. 
I get home tired. Sighing as I finally can take off my shoes and wash off my make up.
I jump into my bed, checking my phone for any messages I had missed. I read the messages the girls had sent in our group chat, responding to them. Scrolling back down to check my earliest notifications. I furrow my eyebrow as I see four missed calls. Obviously it's him again. I click on the number to block him, hoping he'll just stop bothering me...
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Cricut: are there any characters you've had to "cut" from a story? Are there any moments/chapters/stories you've had to "cut" entirely?
Thanks for stopping by! (From this OC writing/ask game)
Cricut: are there any characters you've had to "cut" from a story? Are there any moments/chapters/stories you've had to "cut" entirely?
Draft One had the elderly couple Lizzy and Ted (Liz and Charles in Draft Two) that I realized made Carla and George redundant in Draft Three, so they're no longer included. There were also a lot of side characters planned for Draft Two, but most never saw the light of day to begin with. Any other characters evolved into a new one.
I try not to cut full stories, since they usually evolve into something else. But I have cut moments and chapters from TSP. Here are some from Part One (only including Draft Four and Five):
- flashback chapter where Gwen and Lexi meet in their math class (established earlier, we didn't need to see it)
- flashback chapter where Noelle and Lexi met in theater class (this is just no longer canon; we see them meet in gym now)
- flashback chapter where Rose and Lexi met (just unnecessary in general)
- the original chapter in which Gwen met everyone in the Aequales (changed powers, names, personalities, and it was also lame so just rewrote it)
- originally there was one scene with Lexi and Ash in the training room that used to be in Lexi's POV (I realized it was unnecessary so rewrote it in Ash's and combined it with the previous chapter)
- like three separate angsty chapters with Lexi during her feud with Ash that I cut and replaced with two Ash chapters in this plotline (I have no idea why I was married to Lexi's POV in this plotline for so long)
- originally Carla told Ash her backstory before we saw it (realized this made it redundant and cut Carla talking about it)
- I also had Jedi's sister be revealed to be Inutilia as well two years later before they left (redundant and unfair to Jedi)
- Robbie had this odd arc where he hid his personality and interests (unnecessary and unrealistic and a little cringe)
- a scene where Gwen and Ash interacted in band class (was added for padding; I planned to cut it)
- a fun Mario Kart scene where they set up the Halloween party (lame, broke it into two other chapters)
- post Halloween party scene where Gwen and Akash officially start dating (decided to just put this in the party)
- Rose asking her mom to go to Lexi's party original scene (replaced it with something that I think is more compelling)
Thanks again!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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minalots · 11 months
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Stop. Stop I need to cry my eyes out. What the FUCK.
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awritersometime · 8 months
Villains are the plot, babe
Sally Mckenna x Fem reader
Just you coming back home from uni and having your girlfriend taking care of you.
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I hop off the bus, that stops me right in front of the Cortez, and I crack a smile, when I notice Sally waving at me from the window of her room. I rush inside and I quickly greet Iris and Liz in the process. I almost trip in my steps, but I manage to keep my balance, “I thought we were clear about no more murder suicide in here!”, Iris’s voice comes loud and clear, so I sigh and slow down a little. She tells something to Liz, but I can't decipher what it is about, as I take advantage of her distraction to walk briskly up the stairs towards the room 69.
I easily push the door open, and my eyes light up when I see Sally standing there, "Hi", I say, a tiny bit out of breath. I blow a lock of hair that has just fallen on my face and the blonde grins in amusement, “Always in a hurry, aren’t you?”, she puts out the cigarette, throwing it away. With a flick of her finger, she prompts me to come closer to her. I drop the backpack at the entrance, and I spring into her arms. She catches me like she always does. I wrap my arms around her neck, and she holds me by my waist, "I missed you, kitten", she mumbles softly, when she pulls away to take a proper look at me.
I lift my chin and I look into her eyes with nothing but love and affection, "I missed you too", I pout, and lift on my tiptoes to squeeze her one more time. She chuckles; her hair gets in the way as we hug, but I love it, “So clingy today”, she teases, nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck, "I always am”, I point out, “I simply got good at hiding it”, she gives me a nod of her head, smiling wide, “I see”, her tone is amused and pleased at the same time.
“What have you been doing?", I wonder, and she rolls her shoulders, "I played the guitar, had a couple of drinks…", she trails and I scoff, "drinks?”, I repeat, rising an eyebrow. She groans and gives me a look as to say -- don’t start that, but I can’t help it, “It’s not ideal to have drinks at 10 am", I mumble and as I do so, she has the audacity to mimic my rambling with her hand, “So mature really”, I roll my eyes at her ways, "In Europe it was much later than that!", she is so sure to have a point, I crack a smile, “Too bad we aren’t in Europe”, I poke her chest and she narrows her eyes at me.  
"Don't act like that", she warns, and I bite my bottom lip, in the attempt to keep a straight expression on my face. She is harmless, I know that for a fact, "Like a mature person you mean?", I cross my arms, proud to be able to stand up to her. A grin plays out on her face. She presses her body firmly against mine and we click so nicely like puzzle pieces. She cups my chin, guiding my gaze into hers. Her lips brush softly against mine, and I allow her to take me in our sweet bubble as she kisses me tenderly. Her hand slides to my hip, her fingers taking a firmer hold on it, and a moan comes out of me, “You’re just a little kitten that plays the feral one”, she mumbles in my mouth, “unsuccessfully…”, she fake pouts and I gasp. When she mocks me like that, I feel both aroused and annoyed at the same time.
“Rude”, I mutter and she laughs lightly. I pretend to be offended; however, my stupid subtle smile betrays me too quickly, "I've missed you all morning, so now--", her hand travels on my lower back and I shudder slightly at the touch, "behave yourself like the good kitten you really are", she mumbles teasingly. I feel her fingertips slide in the back pockets of my pants and give a squeeze. I lick my lips and she bites her bottom lip as I do that. Her eyes darken a bit, and she bows her head and I tilt mine to the side to kiss again.
As she keeps squeezing my butt, I moan in her mouth. I cup her cheeks, gently stroking her skin at the same time. She taps the tip of her tongue on my front teeth, and I melt at how sweet her requests to come in is. With a smile on my face, my mouth parts agape. Her hands come up to my hips once again, and she fiddles with my sensitive skin. I squirm a bit, but I don’t dare to pull away, "Look at you, being so obedient and tender” she coos, before capturing my tongue in her mouth, sucking on it.
This woman is going to be the death of me.
I giggle softly partly because of what she’s just said and partly because she is touching me in sensitive spots, “You speak as if I was a pray”, I say playfully and when she doesn’t deny that, I shake my head, “Not just a pray…”, she trails. Her eyes twinkle as she speaks and plots. She swipes her tongue over her teeth, getting a taste of me in her mouth, “my pray”, before I can say anything she bends down a little so she can grab me by my butt and lift me up. I squeal and squirm, although I know she wouldn’t let me fall, “Jesus Christ!”, she chuckles at my cussing while she intentionally makes a turn onto herself, holding me like a potatoes’ sack, “Please, please, AH!”, I keep giggling, partially in panic considering I’m upside down facing her butt and my head is spinning.
“Please, what?”, she wonders, faking innocence in her tone. I groan and I cling to her clothes, “Put me down!”, I beg her. She spiders her fingers over my butt just to tease me a bit further, also pretending to lose her grip on me, “Mhmm, I don’t know…”, she trails, “blood is rushing on my brain as you think”, I retort and she sighs amusedly, “So dramatic”, she walks towards the mattress and then drops me there. I have hair all over my face and as I move it away, I take a glimpse of her mischivious smile.
“You’re… a villain”, I retort while she crawls on top of me unbothered, “If I’m the villain, you’re the good one?”, she wonders and pushes me down as I try to sit up. With her hand pressed on my chest, my heartbeat speeds up. She softly lies on top of me and her leg slides in between mines. I feel trapped and vulnerable, but oh boy, if I like it. “Perhaps”, I mumble, she hums and licks my lips, “But you love the villain, don’t you?”, her voice sounds like velvet to my ears. I nod, unable to give her a verbal response. She grabs both my wrists to move them over my head, “Use your words, kitten”, she starts a trail of soft kisses from my chin to my neck, occasionally sucking and nibbling on the skin, “Mhm”, I try to move my arms, because I want to hold her as she does so, but she doesn’t let go of me.
“I do”, I say tentatively. She looks up at me questioningly, “Be more specific, precious”, she teases and racks her fingernails along my underarms. I hold my breath and my mouth falls agape, when her knee pushes a bit in my center, “I l-love you, Sally”, I whimper, “That’s what I thought”, she mumbles, kissing me hungrily on the stomach, “Say it again”, she urges, kissing her way up my body until she reaches my face and my lips. Despite having let go of my hands, I feel paralyzed on the spot, as she touches me with both tenderness and firmness, “I l-love you”, I indulge and she seems to be aroused by those words, when she lifts her watery gaze on me.
She leans her forehead against mine, as she smiles. A soft, tender smile after kissing my lips and the tip of my nose, “I love you more, little one”, she slides her hand in between my legs and I whimper once again, “How about we take this off, babe?”, I nod so quickly, that she chuckles. Her fingers proceed on unbuttoning my jeans, and as second thing she pulls down the zipper. The fact that I’m wearing loose pants allows her to slide her hand where it’s needed the most without much effort. Goosebumps erupt all over my body, when her fingers graze the outer of my already soaked labia.
“My, my, is this all for me, kitten?”, she teases, gently stroking up and down. My breathing gets heavier when one finger brushes against my clit. It only takes a split second for me to see the stars, “You’re so beautiful”, she says in the sweetest tone possible. I blush and lick my lips. She sees that and kisses me again, without stopping the sweet torture on my clit. I can’t help but moan into her mouth, “Sally…”, I can barely speak, although I find some strength to take a hold onto her clothes, “You’re so nicely wet”, she hums almost to her own pleasure.
“P-please…”, I cry out, and she gently hushes me, “I- I’m c-close”, she kisses my face lovingly as she thrusts a finger inside of me, soon followed by another. Her thumb keeps circling my clit, “Eyes on me”, she instructs firmly, noticing my eyes shutting close. I try to follow her orders, but keeping my eyes narrowed is all I can do. My moans get louder, and she kisses me to swallow every one of them, “Such a good kitten you are”, she adds another finger, and curls it right after. I squeak her name in pure bliss, “Oh, fuck, yes!”, she smiles amusedly, “I want to taste you properly”, she later adds, and I swallow at her words, “Can I?”, she is so sexy when she asks me for permission. I nod eagerly and she doesn’t waste a single moment before pulling down my pants, letting it slide on the floor. When she notices I basically already came, she bites her bottom lip, “Mommy is so hungry, you have no idea”, she says calmly, and I groan, feeling it building up once again just by the way she speaks to me, “You’re such a villain...”, I sway my hips towards her, and she laughs at my pathetic attempt, “You may be right”, she says in a sing song voice, “but remember, villains are the plot babe”, she disappears between my legs and I feel her pulling at the fabric of my panties.
I hold my breath when she licks my slit from down up with crazy slowness. It feels like a stroke of a feather, I shiver, “Fuck, Sally…”, she repeats the gesture, flipping her tongue up and down flatly on my wetness. She hums in delight and tells me how delicious I am. I let out a chocked sob when she gives firmer licks on the tip of my clit, while her fingers parts me open.
I see black when she starts doing that, “I’m gonna—“, I can’t finish, because next thing I feel is her blowing hot air against my clit. I twitch when she later captures my clit in her mouth, sucking on it slowly but steadily, “M-mommy, p-plee—aseee, AH!”, she grins against my pussy as she alternates kitten licks to gentle nibbles. When she unexpectedly captures my clit between her teeth, I let out a shriek of pure bliss.
“Come for me”, she voices inside of me. The vibrations take me to heaven. I scream her name when she unexpectedly thrusts a finger inside of me, at the same time flicking her tongue on my slit, right and left, up and down, “Oh, bloody hell!”, I scream once reached the climax. My muscles finally relax and I’m left all sweaty and vulnerable. Sally cleans me up with a couple of extra licks. My entire body trembles, and I cover the blush on my face with my palm, “You’re a goddess”, I breathe. She wipes her mouth and looks up at me funnily, taking my hand away to see me, “I thought you said villain”, she points out laying down next to me. She racks her fingertips through the damp hair on my forehead, and I shrug innocently, “I changed my mind”
Sally can’t help but chuckle and scoops me closer to her, tenderly brushing the tip of her nose against my own, “The softest goddess I’ve ever met”, Sally’s eyes open wide at that. She is surprised by my confession, “I am NOT soft”, she grumbles, however, her eyes are smiling. I hum quietly, feeling my eyes getting heavier, “Mhm, yes you are”, I voice, nuzzling in her neck. She lightly shakes her head, watching me fall asleep with adoring eyes, “Only for you”, she whispers, holding me closer.    
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scover-va · 10 months
Its late enough in the evening/early enough in the night where its not prime posting time but not too late and therefore i can post abt my silly fnaf au without feeling fear. Anyways since i am remnant’s biggest hater (you cannot have spirits be both a being and an essence. You cannot. It doesnt make sense. Its magical glowy mental stuff in metal but somehow it turns into a physical being to kill william? We dont need a scientific explanation for ghosts and possession oh my god) and also continue to get aneurisms from whatever is going on in the books. So voila. Fnaf au. Au and not hcs bc since i ignore so much canonical material i think saying hcs is missing the mark by a long shot. I refuse to interact with canon fnaf however
ANYWAYS so uh. I dont have a concrete, solid idea im running off of that i can use as a summary here. It’s essentially me carefully fitting together things that personally interest me, and also rewriting bits of canon that bug me. And also giving a major rewrite to security breach. I’ll get to that eventually
For now however im starting with what ive dubbed Era 1, from the 1970’s til 1993. Take some Fredbear’s time designs for now
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(Quick notes: I hate the common mrs afton interpretation so I’ve decided to go the opposite route and give william a ‘take no shit’ wife he loves very much instead of a woman who mopes all day every day, aunt jen from the books is being replaced mostly because i forgot she even existed, and also elizabeth and evan are twins in this au)
Bonus stuff under the cut bc this is already very ramble-y and long
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Character profiles for the Afton and Emily adults! Since it’s a family diner I figured it’d make sense to. Well. Have the two families as the main employees.
As well, as of 1983: Michael, Charlie, and Sammy are all 13, and then Evan and Elizabeth are 8. Ik liz looks kinda tall but im p sure i accidentally made her a bit bigger scale wise than the others
And finally, an additional doodle
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nellie-elizabeth · 6 months
Ooh and #16!
#16 - A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
This one is soooo hard!! I think I'll go on a little Maria DeLuca defense ramble here. I have watched the first two seasons of RNM so many times now, and one thing I think is interesting is how much wiggle room there is in the interpretation of what Maria knows, and when she finds it out.
We know that she doesn't know about Malex when she and Michael first sleep together and she's starting to develop feelings, and then she gets the vibe from Alex that he's "hopeful" and realizes that Alex's "Museum Guy" is none other than Michael Guerin. We see her say to Liz "Alex is in love with him."
But what we never see on screen is any confirmation at any point that Maria is aware that Michael and Alex have recently been hooking up. For all she knows, they had a high school fling 13 years ago and Alex is harboring feelings. Michael even says "it's over, it's been over" to her, seeming to imply that this Alex stuff is ancient history.
So I think it's totally reasonable to assume that Maria only ever has extremely incomplete information about Michael and Alex's past. That she isn't aware that there's still something kind of going on, that she's stepping into the middle of a messy break-up of a strange situationship, rather than that she's pursuing romance with Alex's old ex from high school.
I'm not saying this to absolve Maria of all responsibility, or anything. I definitely think she could have asked more questions and really talked things over with Alex before pursuing Michael, but... I don't know! I just think it's fascinating that according to what we see on screen, we don't know if Maria is at all aware that Alex and Michael have just recently, in the past couple of months, been hooking up!
So much of their situation is predicated on a serious lack of healthy communication. I hold all three of them at least partially responsible for the mess they find themselves in! Use your words, y'all.
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eyeballsoup7310 · 7 months
Okay I watched the fnaf movie and I have… a theory? A rant? okay SPOILER WARNING PAST JERE HAS FNAF MOVIE SPOILERS
I need to rant about all of the Elizabeth parallels okay okay so Vanessa seems to be taking place of Elizabeth as William’s darling daughter but here’s the thing.
This movie also features Ella. And we haven’t seen Ella in SO LONG. If you haven’t read the trilogy books, spoilers for that too, but Ella was an animatronic made by Henry to house Charliebot’s ‘soul’. But then circus baby (also a Charlie vessel) hets possessed by Elizabeth. But Elizabeth still has access to the memories programmed into Ella.
Ella was created to be a vessel for Charlie, for a dying man’s long dead daughter. And then, in the movie, she almost becomes a vessel for the soul of Abby, Mike’s little sister/daughter figure.
So we have a total of three potential strong references to Lizzy, with Vanessa being Will’s daughter, Abby being Mike’s little sister, and Ella being a vessel for a sort of liz stand-in.
If we DO get another fnaf movie, I think Elizabeth will feature prominently, cuz I don’t buy that they just COMPLETELY erased her and replaced her with Vanessa. Either that or Vanessa’s real name is Elizabeth, and there’s more to her backstory we’ve yet to see— but revealing she’s will’s daughter so clearly feels like they’re showing their cards too early.
Either this or I’m just going a bit crazy searching for Liz/CB references cuz she’s my favorite character. I don’t know, I left the theater like twenty minutes ago I’m probably just rambling
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kikithedeceiver · 7 months
For the Milgram ask game. How about question 2, 7, 12, 18, 21 for Mikoto :3
milgram character ask game !
Fine my next fav, Mikoto...and John because you can't really talk about one without the other.
Also disclaimer: I'm a singlet. Just saying in case I offend anyone and feel free to correct me on anything I say wrong. Last question sort of get personal as well, so adding a read more.
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
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Can't really choose because:
Mikoto looked so damn at peace here since he's finally able to catch a break
The devastation John felt when he finally realised he screwed Mikoto over big time for what he thought was good for him still hurts me every time I see this scene
7. favorite relationships with another character if they weren't in milgram, the way you'd imagine or would like them to be?
I do have this whole ass AU living in my head where no one is a murderer and living a healthier life, but still coping with their trauma of what could have led them to murder. Also it's more Amane-centred but ANYWAYS.
In that AU, where Mikoto isn't working in an exploitative asf company, yet still enjoys his line of work and can support his fam, I can see him trying to hang out with the rest of the cast from Milgram. Just anytime when he's off work, he'll catch up with whoever wants to chat for a bit. He'll go out with anyone! Maybe with Mahiru as she chats away about what's happening in her life, with Fuuta to just let him vent and maybe watch him play some arcade/mobile games, with Kotoko to just chill. Oh, there's still the smoking group! Night out drinking (Mikoto just gets non-alcoholic drinks tho).
As for Mikoto with John, I guess he'd try to come to terms that he basically has a headmate living inside him, but still try to stay optimistic about it. He knows John is looking out for him (no murder in this AU here), and he's working on communicating better with him too. Mikoto tries contacting him by writing stuff in a journal, and after a while, John also writes back. He also leaves sticky notes around their home to remind Mikoto to take care of himself.
Also also, John is here to listen to whatever is upsetting Mikoto, which he refuses to show anyone. Only John knows, and he comforts him as best as he can. Making sure Mikoto is tucked in, doing the chores around their home as Mikoto rest, etc.
12. what do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
I really hope I'm not saying anything wrong here, but here goes...
It's mentioned a lot by fans already that they wished John wasn't the stereotypical bad alter that's always shown in media, but hey, he has layers and more personality than just assumed to be a cold, ruthless murderer, so we got that! I guess what I wish talked about more is how stress from work is a factor in why John committed the murder for Mikoto's sake. There are reasons behind why the murder happened, and honestly, I think it's the company Mikoto worked at that caused this whole thing to spiral out of control for them. Doesn't justify murder, but I can see why John did what he did when he believed what he did was to relieve Mikoto's stress, thus saving him.
18. which non-deco vocaloid songs do you think suit them?
I'm still thinking, but I think Lost One's Weeping fits Mikoto well. Mikoto tried so hard to do well and please everyone, but he is finally cracking since what he tried to pursue wasn't what he thought it would be, and now he's lost. However, I thought of The Servant of Evil fits John as well since he's willing to die for Mikoto if it meant no further harm would come to him.
21. do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
...You're really asking me this.
In a sense, yes. It's very personal and I don't want to get into too much of it here, but I just want to protect whatever goodness I have in myself while continuing to exist. I want that part of me to be happy, that's all.
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sugar-omi · 10 months
(If you don't wanna post this feel free not to but I was kinda inspired but way to afraid to come off anon and respond to the original pokemon ask)
I totally agree with the concept that in a pokemon based our life au cove and mc would catch each other pokemon but here's my thought. Not sobble or wishi-washi but what about a young cove telling mc his favorite flower is the white poppies like in the original game. And young mc remembers and goes out of their way to catch him a white flower flabèbè. And little MC tells cove, "I know moving somewhere can be scary but now you have another friend for when I can't be with you." And cove treat the flabébé with like the up most care will very rarely have it actually battle but is always in his party (with exp. share ofc). He can never bring himself to evolve the pokemon even if mc reassures him that they wouldn't mind. (Imagine battling cove wiping out the rest of his team only to face off against a lol 100 flabébé. RIP ur team). And when one day cove asks you to marry he sends his flabébé to get bring you to him on poppy hill. Instead of proposing with the the flower himself he has his pokemon hold the ring. And he says something cheesy like, "You were my first friend and you gave me my second friend. You've always looked out for us and we both love you." But yeah come would move heaven and earth for that pokemon just because mc went through all that effort and we know he's the most sentimental man on earth.
Side note- I could totally see like a 13 year old Lizze ironically gifting cove a Sobble for his birthday. Like just a pokeball in a box with a note that says, "A cry baby lizard for my sister's cry baby boyfriend". But secretly she hopes they get along and that he likes it but Liz can never resist being a little mean.
P.S. So sorry to ramble about a topic you don't know in your ask box but I was kinda feeling it.
P.S.S. Love your writing and your blog
P.S.S.S. If anybody is interested I have some ideas for pokemon cove would gift mc lol.
HE SO WOULD DO THAT TOO, pls.... he drives me wild
also its okay!!! trust me i love when ppl ramble to me abt anything, my friends have gone on many tangents n i have to them too, n we're all friends here<333 so pls tell me abt all your little thoughts, I may not know anything but I do know Pokémon is the shit n if I had enough brain compacity I'd learn it myself but I'm still vv happy to hear everything you or anyone has to say abt anything bc trust me it's all fascinating n I'm over here w star eyes LMAO
n tysm🥹 knowing ppl like my writing makes me very happy<3 writing is very rewarding and some days are tough for me but getting to make myself n others happy w all my little word spills makes me feel good💞💕💞
also YES!!! we'd love to hear abt your Pokémon cove ideas, omg that's how he and mc bond when he first moves into town.... crying
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becauseplot · 11 months
Hi hi hi :D
My header was gettin crowded so I figured I might as well just make an intro post lmao.
My name is Curly! You can call me Curly, or becauseplot, or bp, or bitchass---anything along those lines will do <3
I use he/she/they pronouns (in no particular order, go nuts) and I am not a minor!
Below the cut: interests, style of posting, tags list/system, ao3, and more! (Important bits are bolded!)
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The things I'm Normal:tm: about
QSMP remains a background interest of mine but it's still beloved. Faves are qphilza (rly just ANY philza rp characters) and qcellbit. I also love DSMP, TotK, and BotW. Sometimes I'll jumpscare you with a Sherlock Holmes post just because. (Holmes and Watson have my whole heart. They <3)
I'm also in the middle of watching Ordem Paranormal! I've watched AOP, OSNF, and am making my way through OPD. Liz my beloved.
I am nothing if not long-winded (if you couldn't already tell from the length of this lmaooooo)
I like+reblog+tag pretty much EVERYTHING. So sorry if I clutter your notifs, I just have the inexplicable urge to add Every Post to my Hoard.
I talk a lot in tags. Like, a LOT. Also, my posts have a tendency to ramble. I have thoughts and internet access and that is a very ill-advised combination <3
I do swear a lot!!! Always know that if I'm swearing I am never genuinely mad/upset I do it for the funnies and the funnies only.
#organized (not really)
I do have a tagging system but it's kinda!! Wonky!!! I'll organize it one of these days I swear. For the most part, if you want stuff (qsmp-related) I've saved on...
a specific character: "q![character]" (yes even the npcs like the eggs)
duos: "[______] duo" (or their ~special~ duo name, ex "codebreakers", "crimeboys", etc)
shipping content: the ship name lmao
clips: "qsmp clips for the soul"
funny/neat in-game/webcam screenshots: "qsmp reaction images"
I also save stuff about major arcs and special events under specific tags, so keep an eye out for these too:
"qsmp festa junina"
"qsmp spiderbit wedding"
"qsmp election event" (stuff to do with the whole election arc)
"qsmp dinner event" (the election dinner with the imposter eggs)
"egg-napping part 3" (posts to do with the egg disappearances, mainly the first few days and the black concrete)
"happy all the time" (happy pills arc)
"a dose of reality" (the end/aftermath of the happy pills arc)
"q viva mexico" (mexican independence day event)
"qsmp dia de muertos"
"qsmp purgatory"
"qsmp purg finale" (or 11/18, what we thought was a finale)
"purg 2 electric boogaloo" / "qpurgatory 2" (AWWW SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN)
"@v@" (qforever possession stuff)
qsmp prison event
q2024 opening (YOOO HAPPY NEW YEAR)
A couple other tags!
"qmongus" (qsmp amongus lobby)
"qoutlast" (qsmp plays outlast trials)
"qtwitter” (twitter posts, usually does NOT include event updates tho)
“qsmp event updates” (HERE are the event updates!)
"twitchcon paris" (mostly stuff about qsmp cc's meeting up)
"qsmp brazil meetup"
"qsmp vegas meetup"/"twitchcon vegas"
"qsmp french alps meetup"
“streamer awards 2024”
"fruit mountain tournament" (cellbit's fruit mountain tournament!)
"qpositivity" (positive posts praising qsmp, for when the discourse and neg gets to be too much <3 )
Another random tag I have: "the dynamic of all time" - Posts that give me vibes of a character/relationship dynamic but nothing specific enough to tag it as a given character. I just think they're neat :]
I've watched O Segredo na Floresta! Most of my posts about it are tagged under “curlyosnf”
Bear in mind you might get a wall of text in response. You have been warned.
I remember my ao3 login sometimes
My ao3 is BecausePlot! I haven't been super active recently, but if you're interested in some of my stuff, here's a list of my 10 favorite works atm, from most to least recent <3
Relative (QSMP x Ordem au) (au is tagged: "TWLITFAU")
The Calm (Spiderbit fluff)
Miss Me? (f!Cell shows up at f!Felps' apartment)
Waking Up On The Wrong Side of the Bed (c!Phil in QSMP)
Insanity (q!Cellbit character study)
An.G.E.L.S. (OSMP x Antarctic Empire, Military au)
Danse Macabre (Parentsduo <3)
But You're Not Yourself (c!Phil and c!Techno raising c!Wilbur)
A Helping Hand (Phil gets adopted by a flock of crows)
Take My Hand (Retelling of the handcuff scene from BBC Sherlock: Reichenbach Fall)
Leaving a comment on the fic itself or in my askbox is the best way for me to talk to you and say thank you for reading! Let me appreciate you ya nerd!!
Other Schtuff
My pfp is from GranadaTV's Sherlock Holmes adaptation (with Jeremy Brett), specifically the episode The Greek Interpreter.
My banner is by wolfythewitch (from the Creature animatic I think?? I honestly don't remember lmao.)
My favorite color is green (if you couldn't tell), my favorite animal is horse, my favorite flower is dandelion, my favorite imagery to play with in writing is space/universe/atoms/stars/etc, I'm studying mechanical engineering and physics, I do shitty drawings on super rare occasions, and, last but not least,
If you are a dick about anything you will simply be blocked.
Peace and love on planet earth <3
If you have any questions, send an ask! I hope you enjoy your stay :D
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