#and he apologizes TO THE HORSE
br1ghtestlight · 11 months
that scene where tina is hanging out with tammy zeke and jimmy jr and tammy stole linda's margarita mix and acts like she's getting wasted meanwhile gene is like is there actual alcohol in that and louise is like no mom uses it to fill the hummingbird feeder 😭😭
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Results from the ‘Who is the tallest MDZS Character poll! Thank you all for voting!
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Prompt 28
Jaskier is sure the last hurdle to winning Geralt's heart is to finally make Roach like him. So he gives her apples and sugar cubes, and braids her hair, and cleans her hooves, and brushes her fur, and buys her new tack, and pets her every chance he gets, and he can tell that slowly but surely, she's starting to like him! Now he just has to wait for Geralt to fall in love with him! Jaskier eliminated the one problem that Geralt would reasonably have with them getting together. "If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands!" Ah. Apparently there was... more wrong with Jaskier than he initially thought. Roach meanwhile watches as the flowerman who gives her all the best treats walks past her sobbing. Where's Geralt??? Go fix the flowerman! She waits a while but... Geralt isn't coming. Geralt can handle himself. prettycolorflowerman cannot! He is stupid!!! So she follows him. Geralt returns to what was their camp, already feeling like shit for blowing up at Jaskier, only to find that- What th- Did Jaskier steal his fucking horse!? Jaskier is already a town or two away, and is done performing in exchange for a room, when he looks outside and sees Roach. Did Geralt come back for him!? He always hoped that- Oh.. No. He didn't. It's... just roach? Is he in trouble? No she's certainly in no hurry to leave. Perhaps she just wandered after him and needs to be told to go back to Geralt. She's not moving- Entice her with treats! Not working. Do the special little whistle Geralt does when he needs her! Not working. Shove her toward where she came from. Not working. Fuck! How is Jaskier going to give Roach back to Geralt without... Without seeing Geralt!?
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feykrorovaan · 8 months
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She was arrested for public acts of horseplay,horsing around, and three acts of lollygaggin'.
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marcobodtlives · 4 months
Horse Riding Shenanigans
(Glass Door Shenanigans)
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retrograderesemblance · 4 months
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stackthedeck · 1 year
if you're spider-man fanfic does not have a moment where Peter does this
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and he's 100% right then I'm sorry you and I have nothing to say to each other
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leafdoodles · 3 months
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waugh-bao · 4 months
Keith talks with Don about bringing Charlie back into the studio and Ronnie and Jane Rose chat about Keith going to visit Charlie and Shirley the next week (1993/Video with custom captions)
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beevean · 5 days
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the hallmark of Peak Fiction is shoehorning a very serious conversation about a very serious past conflict in an unrelated scene, in the form of snarky banter played for laughs, so that the writer can pretend they listen to audience feedback, while not needing to fully think of addressing the issue and fully sweeping it under the rug because it would be inconvenient to paint the involved characters as dumbasses/vile. Bonus points if it literally goes nowhere and it can be removed from the scene without affecting the flow of the dialogue.
And if it makes me want to eat my own bones because I feel the urge to beat the involved characters to death with a nailed bat, that's just a plus :)
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bubbledtee · 6 months
lana calling me a horse girl like it’s even an insult to me
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scoobydoomidnightblue · 10 months
I can’t even with how when the monkees are at the beach they’re just all like asleep under an umbrella or something while Davy sits there playing in the sand like a three year old. Like what is he doing? Little boy things, picking sand up and putting it down. He’s having a good time, but like, did a director tell real Davy to do that? Show-Davy just likes to play in the sand like a little one.
I’m sure peter comes over and plays with him sometimes, maybe micky goes and runs around. Or he bothers Mike, who’s sitting there watching them all with his sunglasses on because he is the dad™️, and sitting under the umbrella because if he steps out of the shade, he burns like a bitch cause he’s so pale.
If the “kids” aren’t all occupied, Mike sometimes has one in his lap because it’s sunny and beach naps are nice and Mike is always good at giving cuddles. He’s got long arms, he could hug all three.
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nancyheart11 · 3 months
DAY 17: hostage situation (Abel) (continuation of day 13)
Abel was moving before the paper he’d dropped could hit the floor. Both of his companions jumped at the way the door hit the wall behind him. He didn’t bother saying a word, too busy grabbing his gear and moving to where they suspected a Yiga base to be. The banana brains had already taken his son away before he was healed and now they took Tillie too. “Woah, hey what’s wrong?” “They can’t hurt Tilleth, i’ll kill all of them if they laid a single hand on her” Rusl immediately fell silent and picked up the pace. Abel felt the hot knot of anger in his stomach ease, just the slightest amount, knowing he had skilled warriors who were on his side in all this. A small piece of him wanted to cry out at the unfairness of it all, that his wife had survived the calamity while he’d lost both his children, and he’d almost gotten Link back only to lose him again, now Tilleth was in danger all for what? Fierce finally caught up and, after seeing the dark look on the others faces, simply huffed and lifted them both in his ridiculously strong arms. “Which way little survivor?”
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askaceattorney · 7 months
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Dear HyperDragoonHx,
Outside of forgetting how dark it was outside at the time, me acting on impulse instead of revenge to save Kitten's little sister or how little time I had to think about restraining her, I must ask you something.
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Am I correct that I'm hearing you say that you are more angry that I created a "fake identity" as a Prosecutor in the name of revenge that was petty at worst and throwing coffee at them is worse than blaming them for the death of a mentor that meant so much to them?
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I'll let you think on that. I've already admitted my guilt on my wrongs and reconciled with Trite. I don't need any approval from you.
- Godot
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Any time I stumble across a fic with the tag "Bakugou Katsuki/Consequences", it's mute on sight lmao
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ransomnote · 4 months
genuinely sometimes i look at pictures of my mom when she was younger and i wish i was never born. el oh el.
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