#and have your eyes peeled btw:>
the-light-and-dark · 9 months
*I jolt at the voice, bringing my hands up to my chest. I find the nearest play structure and lean against it*
*With pursed lips, I look around, ready to run when necessary.*
When the least is expected, nothing really happens, the wind that gets in here form huge, unseen windows passing by, a short lived cracking sound is heard nearby and a small star from the ceiling falls to the floor, flickering on and off, fighting for it's life before turning off completely.
It seems it wasn't anything serious, but that seems so before a silent chuckle, that you wouldn't hear unless you listened closely enough, came from the darkness nearby, what's it this time?
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alrighty folks! it’s time for your favorite event of the day!!! STATS!!!!!!
Hermitcraft SMP (48)
3rdLife/LastLife/DoubleLife/LimLife (8)
Minecraft (2)
Creepypasta (1)
Empires SMP (1)
TLOZ: Majora’s Mask (1)
The Mechanisms (1)
MindCrack SMP (1)
New Life SMP (1)
Video Blogging RPF (1)
X Life SMP (1)
GoodTimesWithScar (21)
Grian (18)
impulseSV (13)
ZombieCleo (10)
EthosLab (10)
MumboJumbo (9)
PearlescentMoon (9)
Cubfan135 (8)
Docm77 (7)
VintageBeef (7)
Grian & GoodTimesWithScar (5)
MumboJumbo & Grian (4)
No Romantic Relationships (3)
Jimmy Solidarity/TangoTek (3)
Joe Hills & ZombieCleo (2)
Grian/GoodTimesWithScar (2)
Cubfan135/GoodTimesWithScar (2)
Cubfan135 & GoodTimesWithScar (2)
EthosLab & ZombieCleo (2)
GeminiTay & PearlescentMoon (2)
Angst (10)
Hurt/Comfort (8)
Fluff (4)
Happy Ending (4)
Other Additional Tags To Be Added (4)
Hermitcraft Season 9 (4)
Horror (3)
Time Loop (3)
Possession (3)
Paranoia (3)
and, just for sillies, let’s do ratings, warnings, and categories :)
Teen and Up Audiences (22)
General Audiences (21)
Mature (5)
Explicit (1)
No Archive Warnings Apply (34)
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (12)
Graphic Depictions of Violence (4)
Major Character Death (2)
Gen (35)
M/M (9)
F/M (2)
Other (2)
F/F (1)
Multi (1)
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gojoest · 6 months
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MDNI, f! reader, she/her pronouns used, wc: 3.3k, flashback of how you met (1st part of the fic, past tense used, then we jump back to present, divider used to separate the two timelines. both take place on his birthday btw), suguru makes an appearance (as satoru’s wingman :3), established relationship (you’re married & have a daughter), reader wears a dress, first time face sitting + riding (oral, f! receiving), pet names (baby, my love), he cums in his pants, breeding implied at the end (sort of, to avoid spoilers)
a/n: happy birthday to my biggest mental illness ♡
side note: if the story of how you met sounds familiar to you, please note that it was from one of my talk posts from a while ago & i decided to make use of it : )
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what gojo satoru wants — he always gets.
after all, it’s how he made you his as well.
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“satoru, you’re staring way too hard at her”, suguru nudged him on the arm.
“think she noticed, too?”, satoru chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, ears turning slightly red from embarrassment, unsure if it was because he got caught or that it was too obvious he was checking you out.
“very likely. i mean, it’s hard not to notice an annoying pair of blue laser beams persistently invading your space”, suguru mocked. “are you going to talk to her?”
“yes”, satoru firmly replied, without peeling his eyes from you, “i’ll ask her out, i think”
“hey, hey. slow down there”
“nope”, satoru shrugged, almost like a stubborn child disobeying his parent, “i’ve made up my mind — i really want to make her mine”
it was a pure coincidence, or some might say fate, that you ended up in the same restaurant — he was there celebrating his birthday with a small circle of friends while you were present to honor your colleague that had just gotten a promotion at work.
satoru’s eyes relentlessly followed your every move, every gesture, from the moment you walked in and settled on the table next to his. it was rather unusual for him to be this interested in someone simply upon sight, in fact, even desiring to pursue something with someone so immediately. it was always the other way around — women would flock to him because of his looks and peculiar behavior, and of course — his money — but he would turn them down without batting an eye. love and seeking romance were never a priority for him, he did not have time nor any interest in them. but here he was, contradicting himself, being blatantly distracted by your presence while somehow trying to simulate an active conversation with his friends, more than frequently averting his gaze to look at you, his brain busy coming up with a plan to get your number by the end of the night.
it didn’t take him too long to finally make his move. he stood up from his chair and walked over to your table, stopping right behind your seat.
“excuse me”, he leaned in, placing one hand at the edge of the table and the other — at the back of your chair, “hello”, his face mere inches away from yours. taken aback by the way he, a complete stranger, had the guts to get this close to you, you turned to face him with a questioning look.
“i felt like i would regret it for the rest of my life if i didn’t come say hi to you”, he spoke.
truth be told, despite being astounded and a bit put off by his approach, you were slightly intrigued. he was handsome, pretty even — like that one oddly eye-catching cloud in a sky full of thousands that you notice as soon as you look up. the white henley shirt he was wearing made the blue in his eyes pop even more, the v-neck revealing a little bit of his well-crafted chest, just enough to leave you tiny bit wondering about the ridges of his abs beneath.
as much as the scenery up close made your cheeks feel hot, his boldness rubbed you up the wrong way, too much to let it just slide, and you snapped. “is that so? well, now that you’ve said your hi, you can go back to your table and live with no regrets for the rest of your life”, you rolled your eyes skeptically, pushing his hand off the table.
“oh, i am sorry”, he chuckled, brushing his hair back with a hand, “but there are three more things i need to do before leaving, i’m afraid”
you raised an eyebrow, questioning.
“first, let me introduce myself — i am gojo satoru, also known as the man to be your boyfriend, then your husband, and then the father of your children”, he smugly said. your eyes widening at the audacity of his declaration that left you at a loss for words. “second, i hope you don’t mind introducing yourself as well — as you are to be my girlfriend, then my wife, and then the mother of my children — it’s only natural that i know your name”, he continued, “and last but not least — i am not leaving until you give me your number so we can make this all work”
wow. this man was really fucked in the head, you were sure of it — who in the right mind would speak such nonsense to someone they just met? “you have to be joking, right?”, you laughed in genuine disbelief.
“no. i am dead serious”, he replied in a heartbeat.
“is this your move? you pull this on everyone you find remotely attractive?”, you narrowed your eyes.
“actually—”, suguru interrupted, placing a hand on satoru’s shoulder as he approached from behind, “no”, he spoke. “believe me when i tell you this — he’s never been this smooth in his entire life. i know he probably came off a bit creepy, considering the boldness of his actions — hell, even i am creeped out because it’s pretty unusual for him to act like this”, he laughed, glancing at satoru to let him know that he got his back on this. “but, what i’m trying to say is — my friend here seems to really like you as i’ve never seen him be so intense and interested in anyone before. he’s also a birthday boy today — so could you at least give him a chance before turning him down so quickly? you can come sit with us before you make up your mind on whether you want to give him your number or not?”
you thought for a second, weighing the options in your mind — he was pretty, although he annoyed you a little bit by being all bossy and arrogant as if you were compelled to belong to him just because he said so. but there was just something about him you couldn’t quite put your finger on that made you question yourself. were you actually drawn to him? you could say “no” and never hear from him again, occasionally pondering over the what-if’s and should-have’s from this night; or you could say “fuck it” and see where this strange encounter goes, and live your life without regrets — as he would say. there — he was already getting under your skin…
“well”, you sighed, “guess i’m down for that”
by the end of the night not only did you give him your number, but also a promise for a date the next day — the first of many to follow after.
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“careful, you’ll wake her up”, you whisper, leaning against the doorframe of your 3-year old’s room and watching your husband place a soft peck on your daughter’s forehead.
“can’t help it”, he speaks quietly, “she looks like an angel”, before fixing the blankets around her, making sure she’s tucked in all cozily. “the nanny said she cried for papa while we were gone”, he puts a hand over his mouth to stop his lips from trembling, his eyes filled with nothing but love and tenderness, welling up and flowing from the corners.
“she’s such a daddy’s girl”, you sigh, a soft smile present on your face, “next year we can stay home and invite everyone else over — that way we won’t have to worry about missing her bedtime”.
“yea”, he hums, “let’s do that next year”, giving her one last kiss before turning off the night lamp and tiptoeing to you. “come on”, he puts a hand at the small of your back as you both walk out of the room.
“do you remember”, satoru speaks softly into your ear while walking behind you on your way to your shared bedroom, his front flat against your back, the hand at the small of it now circling around to rest over your navel, while the other — reaches for the handle of your bedroom door to push it open, “the night we first met on my birthday?”, he continues after carefully guiding you inside.
you stop in the middle of the room, his arms still wrapped around you from behind, your hands resting over his and playing with his knuckles.
“how can i not?” you chuckle, tilting your head back to let him rest his chin on your forehead, “that was one hell of a fortune telling you pulled on me back then”
“but i was right, no?”, he brushes his lips on your forehead before leaving a soft peck, “see — you’re all mine now, just like i said”, and then another, ”i made you my girlfriend first”, and another, “then i gave you my last name”, and a fourth one, “and then you gave me a beautiful daughter, made me a father”, before turning you around to face him.
“you partly owe it to suguru though — he eased me into the situation, unlike you”, you reply, humbling him like you always do. your head is nestled on his broad chest as one of his hands caress the back of it. still in his embrace, he slowly walks you towards the bed. sits at the edge of it and straddles you on his lap. his palms finding their way to the plush of your thighs draped over his, caressing them tenderly but needily as his fingertips press and then release against your flesh in quick repetitive motions.
“this is because i asked him to give me a hand in case you cut me off”, he admits, tilting his head to meet your lips, not to kiss but just to keep them brushing against each other as you speak. he loved doing this a lot.
“oh?”, you gasp into his mouth, pretending to be shocked to your core, “you wanted me so much that you of all people, the gojo satoru, had to ask someone else for help?”
“you have no idea. if that hadn’t worked, i would’ve fallen on my hands and knees and begged you to take me”, one of his hands reaching the side of your face, playing his fingers on the strands of your hair covering your cheek before tucking them behind your ear.
“hmm”, you doubt, “is that so?”, nuzzling your nose against his.
“mhmm”, he nods, “there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you, i thought you knew that by now. it kind of hurts my feelings that you doubt me actually”, he acts offended, pursing his lips and turning his head to the side to face away from you.
“oh my, what have i done now”, you knit your brows and press your cheek against his, pretending to be very, very sorry about what you just said.
“you made the birthday boy sad”, he huffs a silly, somehow obviously forced, pout, “you’ve got to make it up to me somehow”
“i’d do anything to make the birthday boy smile again — just say the word”, you sweetly pamper, patting the top of his head.
“you promise not to go back on your word?”
“i promise.”
he pulls his cheek away from yours and looks you in the eyes, the blue in his shining with a darker shade of mischief now. and considering the smug smile on his face, you sigh — perhaps you just got yourself played, falling face down into his little trap.
“then”, he points at his own face, “sit on it”
to say you were surprised by his request would be a lie. he’s many times tried coaxing you into doing this in the past but somehow you managed to avoid it, part of you still shying away from it. it’s not like his tongue has never been inside you before. but riding it as if it were his cock seemed way more obscene in your head than anything you two have ever done previously — and you’ve done pretty much a lot.
“well”, you sigh in defeat, seems like the time has finally come, “today’s your lucky day”, you say as you get up from his lap and turn your back — a signal for him to unzip your dress — to which, of course, he immediately complies.
“as it should be”, his crafty fingers work the slider down, slowly peeling the dress off your body and letting it fall on the floor, followed by your lace thong and bra, “it’s my birthday after all”
“the way you always find a way to make things go your way gets on my nerves so much”, you turn around again and push him on the bed and slowly climb on top of him to straddle his chest.
“make a wish before you blow the candle”, you look down at him, your pussy close to his face, the scent of you tickling his nostrils, and he, instinctively almost, takes a deeper breath, rolling his eyes back and hissing with delight.
“freak”, you quickly look away, embarrassed, but he cups your cheeks, forcing you to look at him again, “i want you to look at me as you ride my face”, his voice comes out breathy, “will you do that for the birthday boy?”
you nod into his palms, “you’re insufferable” — “suffocate me then”, he coos through a grin, grabbing your knees to pull you forward until you’re above his face.
“jerk”, you say, but softly, as you lower your cunt on his willing mouth, landing your softness on his face in slow motion, immediately earning a throaty groan from him that shudders through your pussy lips.
satoru breathes deeply in and out with your heat on his mouth, the scent of you hitting his lungs and even below, reaching all the way down to his groin to further nurture his cock already throbbing in his slacks. his hand reaching down to unbuckle them slightly, to give more space for his hard-on to grow freely.
“mowe”, he muffles incoherently into your pussy, grabbing a handful of your ass cheeks to push you against his face, tilting his head up and down, jutting his jaw up and out to meet you.
you whimper at the friction, your clit bumping and rubbing against his nose as his lips are kissing your folds, his tongue slowly poking at your entrance with the tip before darting in — twirling around your walls — and out.
“nghh…s-sa-t-to—”, you barely cry out his name, tugging at his hair, mercilessly pulling him into your heat. as much as you hated to admit it, you loved this position. your embarrassment long gone and forgotten, you ride his face in a haze, your pussy getting wetter against his mouth and your movements — faster and harder each moment.
“heawen on my fongwue”, he groans. if he could speak properly right now, he would probably make the nastiest, dirtiest remarks, shamelessly walk you through every single thing he was feeling as you rocked your hips back and forth, grinding on his face. he would probably say something about your boobs, too. how they looked so pretty jiggling ever so slightly from the movement. he can’t speak right now, yes, but he can still get his thoughts reach you through actions — his hands run along your belly, gripping your breasts from below, squeezing and squishing them inside of his palms.
you clutch his hands with yours, “i can’t hold this position for too long”, and force them down on your hips for support. you hear him say something through a loud groan but it’s barely recognizable — most likely just him cursing “fuck” and “baby” from pleasure under your pussy, but also from the ego boost you just gave him — that he can make you weak but at the same time desperate enough to want to continue — despite your hips giving up — not only with his cock but his mouth alone, too.
you let him take over as you chase your high, weighing on his face as his hands grip on your hips, dictating your every move, composing the tune of your hips. his tongue is no more sliding in and out as he makes you grind harder on his face — it stays in, continuously licking your sweet spot clean.
“f-fuck, fuck, fuck…”, you curse loudly, reaching your hands to grab the head of the bed and hammer your pussy harder into his face, squeezing every last drop of strength left in your already cramping muscles until you cum, shuddering on his mouth.
“mfff”, he groans throatily into your hole, sucking and slurping your juices. his hips buck in the air, helplessly searching for friction to soothe his aching cock. his half-unbuckled pants are drenched with precum, leaking out from his tip through his boxers and out through the cloth of his pants, visibly staining them.
you can’t see but it’s easy to figure out from the way the bed bounces up and down as his ass meets the mattress after every time his hips fall down. “how cute”, you utter as you try to calm down your breathing, cunt still resting over his face.
his eyes are half closed, rolling back and hiding their blue away. all he needs is a little push, a little rub, you know it. you know it by the way his tongue has stopped moving inside you, by the way his hands have loosened the grip on your flesh, by the way his shortened moans have grown into one long and steady groan coming from the bottom of his throat — his entire brain solely focused on the muscles of his lower body that is searching, almost beggingly, for relief.
you lean your upper body back a little, just enough to make it easier to reach his shaft while still sitting on his face. “since you’re the birthday boy”, you drag your words out as you place your hand on his clothed cock, feeling the wetness that’s emerged from beneath against your palm, “i’ll give you a hand.”
his ass cheeks tense and squeeze as he presses his hips against your touch, ferociously rubbing his clothed cock on the flesh of your open palm. his groans get louder as he bucks his hips under your hand, pushing them up to meet your hand harder and faster each time — just the way he forces his cock into your tight cunt as he nears — until the last three thrusts that he always prolongs in order to properly and completely pump his seed out.
the inside of your hand feels hot against his clothed cock as he seeps himself out, the stickiness of his cum absorbing itself into the material of his pants and emerging through it to reach the skin of your palm.
you lift yourself up a little only to plop your body down next to his. his mouth, cheeks, chin, even his nose, are covered in his spit and your cum, all mixed in.
“shit, baby”, he laughs, breathing deeply in and out of his mouth, overwhelmed by the whole experience, “what the hell did you just do to me”
“do you really need me to verbalize what just happened”
“no”, you slap his cheek with the back of your hand, softly, before rolling on your side to rest your head on the left side of his chest, kissing it tenderly. “happy birthday”
“it really is”, he whispers, tracing a heart shape over the skin of your exposed cheek with his fingertip, “with you, it always is”
“did your wish come true by any chance?”, you tilt your head to look at him.
“not yet. but i’ll work on it later tonight. for now, i’ll let you catch your breath”
“wait, wait.”, you raise a brow, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“my love”, he clears his throat, “do you remember how i said, when we first met, that you’d be the mother of my children?”
“yea? am i not?”
“children”, he stresses.
“oh.”, it finally hits you.
“one more to go”
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cherubfae · 3 months
hiiiii!!! I was wondering maybe if you wanted….-
hazbin x reader when reader is just tired and just kinda like falls into them- like needing a hug yk
I needa hug 😒😞
(btw i love your work oml- I’ve comeback to your page at least 4times in the past 2hours)
there's comfort in your arms || hazbin x reader
With Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Angel Dust, and Vox
tags: gn!reader, exhaustion, comfort, fluff, pre-established relationship/platonic
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"Oof!" A sudden weight on his back has him twisting halfway around to see who it is. He's not very pleased with the sudden embrace but he's calmed down a bit when he sees that it's you. Alastor peels you off of him, quirking a brow.
"My dear, you look positively worked to the bone. What has happened?" He frowns, a rare trait. He's sending you to bed straight away, can't have his dear friend struggling about when they're so tired!
Immediately frowns, cupping the back of your head. He grasps your shoulders, pulling you back a little. Heavens, it looks like you're on the absolute verge of falling asleep on him! Lucifer holds you close, smiling lightly when your head nuzzles into the crook of his neck. He sighs, delicately wrapping his wings around you.
"I've got you, sweetling. Don't worry." Lucifer hums, stroking your hair gently allowing you to sleep on him.
Frowning, Husk awkwardly pats your back. He hates seeing you so tired. You're a hard worker, you do more than most. Tucking you beneath his wing, Husk makes sure you stay warm while he continues to wipe down his bar. If he can't leave yet, he may get Charlie or Angel to bring you to bed with the intentions of checking in on you later.
"Don't keep pushing yourself so much, kid. It ain't healthy. Don't make me worry about you, okay?"
Keeping you upright was a task all on its own. Your eyes could barely stay open and there was a shake to your legs. That fuckin' job of yours was running you absolutely ragged, something he knows well. He lifts you up into his arms easily, heading off to tuck you into bed.
"Ya really gotta cut back on the hours, sweets. This ain't good for ya."
Eyes going wide, he lightly pats your shoulders. He's pretty alarmed with the sudden display of affection. Vox's lips turn wobbly as you all but seem to go limp against him. With a sigh, he's scooping you up and letting you curl up in his lap while he messes around on his monitors. You can rest there for as long as you need.
"I wish you told me you were so tired, hun. Would've given ya a break."
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pucksandpower · 7 months
I just read No Nut November (absolutely fantastic btw I loved it) and I was so ready during the seduction moment for y/n to use Lando to get off and then deny him anything further "because you don't want to lose your bet" 😂😂
I love you so much for sharing this amazing idea with me (and I couldn’t resist writing an alternate version of that scene based on it)
Original fic: No Nut November
warning: 18+ content
Lando kicks the bedroom door shut behind you as his lips meet yours again hungrily. All thoughts of No Nut November are clearly out the window now.
Your hands fumble urgently with the hem of his shirt, breaking the kiss just long enough to tug it over his head. He returns the favor, peeling off your top and bra in one smooth motion.
Skin pressing against skin, you both groan at the contact you’ve been craving. Lando’s hands grip your hips, steering you toward the bed until the back of your legs hit the mattress. You let yourself fall backward, pulling him down on top of you.
Your lips find each other again as your hands explore eagerly. Lando kisses down your jaw to your neck, nipping and sucking in a way that makes you squirm against him.
“God I’ve missed this,” you breathe out as his fingers trail over your breast.
He hums in agreement, his touch lighting sparks across your skin. Your back arches off the bed as his mouth closes over your nipple.
Tangling your hands in his hair, you guide him lower, gasping when his lips reach the waistband of your leggings. He looks up at you questioningly and you nod eagerly.
In one smooth motion he tugs them off, followed swiftly by your underwear. You’re completely bare before him now and trembling in anticipation.
Lando’s eyes drink you in hungrily. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he growls before diving in.
You cry out as his tongue finds your clit, gripping the sheets tightly. He works you expertly, ramping up the pressure until you are writhing and moaning. Your orgasm builds fast and hard, his name tumbling from your lips.
“Yes, yes Lando! Don’t stop!” You pant out. Your climax crashes over you powerfully, stars bursting behind your eyelids.
Lando works you through it gently before moving back up to kiss you deeply. You can taste yourself on his lips and it makes you impossibly more turned on.
As you come down from your high, you move back down his body with a wicked gleam in your eye. His briefs are obscenely tented now and you stroke him firmly over the cotton, making him groan loudly.
Breaking the kiss, you flip him onto his back. “Your turn now,” you purr, kissing a trail down his chest.
Lando groans, tangling a hand in your hair. “God yes, please ...” He’s rock hard and straining against the fabric keeping him restricted.
Hooking your fingers in his waistband, you free his erection, licking your lips at the sight. “Mmm, look at you all ready for me,” you hum approvingly.
You swirl your tongue around his tip as Lando gasps and clenches the sheets. Taking him into your mouth, you set a fast pace, sucking hard.
“Fuck, baby, just like that,” Lando chokes out, completely unravelling under your ministrations. You feel a surge of power knowing you have him right where you want him.
Hollowing your cheeks, you drive him right to the edge, his thighs trembling. Then suddenly you release him with a pop and move away.
Lando’s eyes fly open. “W-what ... why are you stopping?” He protests breathlessly.
You give him an innocent look. “Oh, did you want to come, darling?” You ask sweetly.
He gapes at you. “You little minx, you know I was so close!”
You grin slyly. “Guess you’ll just have to wait until next month then.” You move back up to kiss him deeply, rocking your core torturously against his painfully hard length.
Lando groans into your mouth, his hands clutching at you desperately. When you break away, he looks utterly wrecked.
“Now go take a cold shower before you lose your little bet,” you pat his chest mockingly and climb off the bed, sashaying your hips on the way out.
You hear Lando let out a string of curses as you leave him high and dry. Chuckling to yourself, you know he’ll be begging you for release again soon enough. But for today, his torment is payback for this silly No Nut November nonsense.
Later when Lando emerges from the shower, you greet him sweetly. “Feeling better, babe?”
He narrows his eyes but can’t keep a resigned smile off his face. “You’re evil, do you know that? Two can play this game though.”
You just laugh and kiss his cheek. “Maybe so. But I do love watching you squirm.” You sneak down a teasing hand to squeeze his ass as you pass by.
Lando catches your wrist, pulling you against him. “Just you wait until December,” he growls into your ear, making you shiver.
As frustrating as this month will be, you can’t deny riling Lando up is fun. Bring on the teasing — you’re quite happy to make him suffer if it means mind-blowing victory sex down the road.
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seeingivy · 5 months
french toast
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
an: enabled by @babiemay thank her for giving me the BIGGEST best friends older brother sukuna brain rot i've ever had in my life. (ooc sukuna again btw)
**part of my best friends (older brother) fic
previous part linked here
based on the seventeen years that sukuna has known you, he figures that you’ve already worked up some type of overthinking storm in your head when you arrive at his apartment two days later. and he knows for a fact that he’s right, because you’re at his doorstep with a pinched look on your face, clutching your purse like you’re about to get robbed. 
“hi pretty girl. did someone make an attempt on your life today?” 
you can feel your cheeks burning at the term of endearment, so phased you can barely coherently respond - or understand - what it is he said. 
“no?” you respond, nearly sweating under his eye contact as he smiles. 
“then why are you looking at me like you think i’m going to eat you?” he asks, annoyed as he gestures for you to walk into the kitchen. 
you feel your head run in a spiral, at the implication of his words, as he places his hands flat on your shoulders, and guides you to sit at the stool on his little kitchen island. the entire ordeal - the breakfast, the fact that he’s peeling off your coat and pressing a kiss to your temple, and the lingering touches - they make your skin burn, almost itch with nervousness. 
he stands on the other side of the counter, leaning forward on his forearms, as he smiles at you. and you try your best to figure out what exactly it is that’s beaming in his eyes as he leans forward. 
“pick your poison.” 
you feel yourself pale. 
he frowns, as he leans back. 
“for breakfast? what did you want to eat?” he clarifies. 
you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“anything’s okay. don’t trouble yourself. i-i can even help.” 
you walk over to his side, pulling up your sleeves and giving him a peachy smile, as he takes the opportunity to step towards you. your back hits the counter and sukuna makes it a point - resting both of his arms at your sides - as he traps you within his hold. 
“talk.” he states, almost sternly. 
sukuna leans closer, leaning his forehead against yours, as he takes a deep breath. it reminds you vividly, of two nights ago, when he pulled you straight onto his lap. and murmured into your skin that you were his pretty girl. and that he was going to prove it to you. 
“talk.” he states, the tone in his voice irritated. 
you look up at him, at his eyes razor focused in on yours, and spot no inclination of irritation on his face. despite the fact that you were almost positive that it was dripping from his tone. though, you always found him particularly hard to read.  
“now.” he murmurs. 
you sigh. 
“what are you trying to do right now?” you ask. 
he rolls his eyes. there’s the irritation you were hearing. 
“make you breakfast.” he deadpans. 
“is that all?” 
“what are you getting at?” he asks. 
sukuna often finds that talking to you is like digging a hole. that it takes patience. because he’s not going to find what he’s looking for forthright. but he knows for a fact that there’s something down there. 
it’s aggravating. but he persists.  
“promise you won’t make fun?” you ask. 
“i will do no such thing.” 
“sukuna.” you whine, crossing your hands against your chest. 
sukuna finds this part of you endearing. because it reminds him of all the different ways he’s seen you. when you were four and barging into his house to play wii with his little brother, explaining barbie movies at the dinner table, and tagging along on his family vacation when he was fourteen. 
and how after all this time, you still have the same tendencies. you bounce your right leg when you’re nervous, tuck your hair behind your ears when you’re finished rambling, and curl your hands into little fists and cross your arms - entirely unable to meet his eyes - when you’re embarrassed. 
sukuna clears his throat, as you look up at him. and you know the expression all too well. that he’ll wait all day if he has to. 
“no making fun. i’m serious, sukuna.” 
“it’s almost like you know you’re going to say something stupid.” 
“don’t call my feelings stupid.” you murmur. 
“well, i’ll keep calling them stupid until you tell me what they are. i’ll be honest if you let me.” 
this is something you can appreciate about sukuna. that he won’t beat around the bush. or say things just to coddle. it’s the same as the other night, where you told him about what happened at the bar, when he didn’t rush to your defense like almost everyone else does. and when it comes to this, you figure that he’ll be straightforward. 
“are you trying to have sex with me right now?” you ask. 
you look at sukuna, specifically at the way his eyes widen, before he breaks out into a laugh. and not just any laugh, because he’s nearly keeling over with how amusing he finds it. howling even. and it makes even more blood rush to your cheeks, humiliated for even bringing it up. 
sukuna grins, lifting his hands up from the sides of the counter and wrapping them around your neck.you can feel your breath hitch in your throat, as you instinctively shut your eyes. he’s going to be straightforward. 
“your feelings are stupid.” he whispers, right into your skin. 
you pull back, staring at him dumbfounded, as he places one of his hands on your waist. and he’s staring back at you, the expression in his face slightly amused. 
“that’s not nice.” 
“i’m not a nice person.” 
it’s frustrating. the tone that he uses with you. it teeters between placating and teasing you and you find it hard to decide which one exactly it is. and it seeps right under your skin, lets your irritation come to a head faster than it usually would.
“okay, well. sue me! you had no problems doing god knows what in my room the other day. and-and then you were making jokes about how you were going to eat me. the second that i got here. and-and you know how you are-” 
“and what’s that?” 
you pause.
“you said you know how you are. well, i don’t. enlighten me please.” he clarifies. 
sukuna’s pleased with himself. because he’s figured out exactly what it is, that’s brewing in that head of yours. and naturally, he has every intention to make you mince your words. 
you’re not sure how to say this. if there’s a polite way to call him what he is. 
“i’m what? a manwhore?” he asks. 
“no! you-” 
“you think i’m a horny freak, right? that i want to lift you up, take your skirt off, and have you right here on my kitchen counter?” 
you feel your eyes go wide, as you swallow hard, and feel the nervousness take residence in your stomach. sukuna senses it fast enough and makes his efforts to diffuse it. 
“do you think i would only invite you here because i want you to please me? do you think that’s the only way i can enjoy your company?” 
you can feel yourself getting too overstimulated, your head nearly steaming - at the implication, at the way he’s looking at you, and the fact that his lips are a few feet away from yours - and his smug grin crawling underneath your skin and making you twitch. 
you cover your face with your hands, feeling the warmth on your palms, as you feel his hands curl around your wrists, prying them off of your face. and when you look up at him, at the soft smile on his face, as you can’t help but frown at him. 
sukuna smiles. 
“are you lying to me?” 
you deflate. 
“maybe a little.” 
sukuna secures his hands around your waist, before fully lifting you up and placing you on the counter. and he presses a lingering kiss to your cheek before he wordlessly starts rummaging through different cabinets in his kitchen and the fridge, fully intent on making you the breakfast you were promised. 
you can’t help but watch him, as he muses around his kitchen, slicing vegetables on the cutting board and fruits on the side. at how he entirely discards the conversation you just had like it was nothing. 
from two feet away, sukuna is very, very appreciative of you. because you’re not very proud. and despite your first attempts, you’re honest too. because he knows for a fact that your hesitation to state your thoughts is because you don’t want to write sukuna off as something so…lewd. even if you think it’s true. and that of course, any hesitation on your part comes from something deeper than him. 
the deep seated distaste you seem to have for yourself. though sukuna’s entirely unsure why it’s there in the first place. he slices a strawberry in half, letting the eggs cook at his side, before he makes a residence standing in between your legs. 
he hands you one of the halves of the strawberry, before popping the other in his mouth and leaning into your space. 
“i don’t think you’re a manwhore.” you clarify. 
“okay. i don’t think you’re one either.” he responds. 
you smile.
“but you do think that’s the only reason you’re here?” he pokes. 
“no! no, i don’t think that. i just-” 
you sigh, placing your hands flat on the fabric of his hoodie, as you crumple it into your fists. 
“sorry. i’m not very good at this type of thing. and-and you’re like…you know. reputation. and you obviously have needs! and megumi thinks you’re a womanizer.” 
sukuna snickers, as you release his hoodie, and you deflate slightly. mainly at the fact that he’s not offended. and letting you ramble - and say ten different things you shouldn’t - openly. 
sukuna doesn’t shy away from what exactly it is that you think of him. or what that godawful sea urchin megumi thinks either. because it’s naturally, quite simple. and somewhat true. because he finds it hard to stay in one place for a long time. and as you very keenly put it, he had needs. 
though, that rule, as sukuna was painstakingly reminded of, didn’t apply to you. because again, you transcended any normal guideline that sukuna had. which is why he was keen on making you breakfast two days later, on his day off. and make your favorite, which he specifically remembers from the camping trip. 
“i’m not sure what thing you’re referencing. and make no mistake. i don’t talk in tongues like you do. if i invite you over for breakfast, it’s because i want to eat breakfast with you.” he responds. 
“you were the one who said you were going to eat me.” you defend. 
“you were looking at me like you were scared of me. like how prey looks at a predator before it gets eaten?” 
sukuna pushes off the counter as he starts plating the food onto and feels his ego inflate when you jump off the counter and cling to his arm when you realize what exactly it is that he made. 
“sukuna. i love french toast!” 
“yes. i’m well aware.” 
"how'd you know?" you ask.
sukuna looks over at you, the look in his eyes so devious, that you know you've certainly walked into something by stating it.
"you told us. on the camping trip. you've always been my pretty girl. even when you were fourteen."
you barely have time to even stomach what it is that he said as he lifts both plates as he makes a gesture for you to follow, seating the two of you back on his kitchen island. and when you settle in, sukuna gets to pick at your mind, with the questions that have been stuck in his head for the past two days. 
“before i divulge my manwhore adventures for you, you have to indulge me first. how many guys have you dated? or talked to?” sukuna asks. 
you hate sukuna’s choice of words sometimes. indulge. it’s almost like he knows he’s saying words that make you nervous. that make the sweat accumulate on the palms of your hands. 
“where’d you learn how to make french toast like this?” you ask, deflecting. 
“i asked first.” 
you swirl the eggs around on the plate - moving them from the left, to the right, and back to the left - before you answer. 
“i had a crush on this guy named dean from sixth grade to eighth grade. all of the boys in school got dared to slow dance with different girls and he picked me. it was an awkward four minutes of halo by beyonce but i loved him after that. he was funny. and cute.” 
“did you date?” he asks. 
“oh, of course not. he started liking this girl named kimi in eighth grade.” 
sukuna’s not exactly sure if this is the question he asked. but you keep going. and it’s intriguing to him nonetheless. 
“in my sophomore year of highschool, i had a crush on this guy named parker. he was kind of nerdy, like the stupid type? my english teacher would always put us in group projects together, and when i asked him why, he said it was because he wanted us to get married.” 
“that’s an appropriate thing to say to a fifteen year old.” sukuna bites. 
“no! my teacher had this dream to go to two of his students weddings, that met in his class.” 
“and what killed that extremely inapprorpiate dream, dead in its tracks?” 
“my best friend. we all somehow ended up in the same friends group our junior year. and they kind of started flirting. dated all the way till our freshman year of college.” you respond. 
sukuna curbs the question that comes to the forefront of his mind. because it occurs to him that his plausible answer to it, one that he despises, is exactly what’s going to be the answer. that if they liked each other, you were going to let them. despite the fact that you liked him first. 
“any more for me?” sukuna asks. 
“my first boyfriend was in my senior year of highschool.” 
sukuna feigns shock, as you fight the urge to laugh. 
“have we finally arrived to a real boyfriend?” 
you laugh, as you settle your hand into his underneath the table. there’s something so inviting about him, the way he’s hanging off the ends of your words and listening intently, that makes you continue. 
“we don’t speak his name.” you state. 
“he’s not a good guy. we dated until….my freshman year of college. december. and we officially stopped talking the summer of my sophomore year.” you state. 
sukuna bites the urge to ask every question in his mind. on who this guy is, why you continued to talk to him almost an entire year after, and most importantly, why you haven’t talked to anyone else since. 
except for him anyways. for the first time, sukuna finds himself being the exception. in a way that’s favorable to him. 
“that’s all of them! your turn.” 
sukuna smiles. 
“that’s all?” 
“mhm! it’s kind of boring, i’m assuming. in comparison to you.” 
sukuna concludes one thing. that all three of these men, especially the last, were not deserving of you. in the slightest. and that each one had wrecked a sizeable amount of havoc. he curses himself for not paying attention when he was still there.
“oh definitely. you’d need to stay here all day if you wanted to here that.” 
you smile brightly. 
“that can be arranged.” you respond. 
sukuna leans forward, lips a few feet away from yours, before he speaks again. 
“you like to play hard to get, don’t you?” sukuna asks. 
“what? what do you mean?” 
sukuna places his hands on the rung of your chair, before pulling it flesh with his own. and he tests the waters, by placing his hand on your bare knee, right near the pleats of your black skirt. and he feels you instinctively press your legs together, but make no moves to push him off. 
“i didn’t make the list?” 
you swallow hard, entirely embarrassed. though, your first real crush you supposed is naturally the one that you’ve denied, vehemently, since you were four years old and yuuji asked you in passing. 
because when your eyes lingered on him for too long, after he fixed the wii controls and dutifully handed you both your controllers back - of his wii, that he was letting you play on - yuuji halfmindedly asked the question. 
why are you looking at him like that? do you like him or something? 
it was a joke, of course. because yuuji just asked so he could start the match of wii tennis while you weren’t paying attention. that in the rush of it, you never got to consider the answer to it in full. though you suppose there’s no better time to answer it than now. 
“i have this best friend. his name is yuuji.” you start. 
sukuna’s alarmed. so alarmed that he pulls his hand off of your thigh, retreating it behind his back. 
surely you didn’t really like yuuji. because that would stop whatever it was that was blooming right now. because he was not his brother, despite their identical pink hair. the farthest thing from it actually. 
“i met him when i was four. and i barged into his house because he wanted me to play wii with him. you see, his big brother didn’t really like to play with him so he figured that i was the next best thing.” you state. 
“he had greasy hands. so did you. it was disgusting.” he states. 
“and yuuji didn’t know how to turn on the game. or-or remember which one it was in. so he called his very cool, much older brother, to help us. i’d never met a six year old before, and naturally if i had, i wouldn’t have thought he was so cool.” 
“shut up.” 
sukuna desperately wants you to continue. 
“seemed like the real serious type. kind of quiet. dark blue shirt, black shorts. the socks that only go to your ankles. i didn’t even know that his name was sukuna until a few days later, when he walked with us to school. he didn’t even introduce himself to me.” 
“did you want to know him that badly?” 
“and he fixed the remote, obviously. had some six year knowledge we didn’t clearly. and-and he turned to me. gave me a smile before he handed one to me and walked away.” you state, shrugging at him. 
sukuna’s satiated with your answer. mostly because, it seems you seem to remember the ordeal in as excruticating detail as he has. that you were wearing a pink dress, gold earrings, and a ribbon in your hair. that your skin was the softest he had ever felt, that you were the first girl who had brushed fingers with him when he handed you the remote, save for his mom of course 
sukuna brings his hand back into your hair, feeling the fabric of the blue ribbon in your hair today, matching with the short cardigan that you were wearing. and he wants to keep this one too. yank it out of your hair and secure it to his keys next to the pink one he refused to return. 
sukuna looks down at the fabric, at your hair sprawled over your shoulder. he can make out the length of your collarbone from underneath your tanktop and settles his lips right into divot, before pressing a lingering kiss into your skin and feeling you keel over in his arms. 
“france.” he murmurs, right into your skin. 
“what’s that?” you ask, dazed from the contact. 
“i learned to make the french toast in france.”
he kisses up the length of your neck, making no inclination to stop even as you barely stutter your words out. and for the second time, can't resist and places his hands on your waist just to pull you straight on top of him.
"makes sense. that's just-just toast for them." you mumble.
sukuna can't help but laugh. he's never going to tire of you.
next part linked here
taglist: @ghostreadersthings @porridgesblog  @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks
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joeloverture · 1 month
fair's fair | pervy!dbf!joel x f!reader
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masterlist | notifs blog
pairing: pervy!dbf!joel x pervy!f!reader summary: [no outbreak] joel shoves you in his sweaty pits as a 'joke'. warnings: (18+ mdni) pervy!dbf!joel, age gap (early to mid 20s/38), somewhat mutual pining & sexual tension, joel in a wifebeater and jorts, reader has hair, smacking joel's ass like god intended, degradation, sweaty!joel, musk kink, armpit kink!!!, coming untouched, joel calls reader 'kiddo', 2 spanks, m!masturbation [no use of y/n] word count: 2.1k a/n: in another life, i'd be sorry for this fic. in this life, i am not. as always, a shoutout to the effervescent @lovesickonmybed for moodboard curation + creating this au. love to @seventeenpins for taking a glimpse at this + inspiring me. ty esquire team.... hooooly shit. pls suspend your disbelief if you can't come untouched we're here for a good time not a realistic one. btw you're all pussies for chickening out of the pit fics you 'planned' to write after this esquire photo fell into our laps /j
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You awake to a rattling crash on the other side of the wall that you share with your dad’s combination garage/man cave. With an exaggerated groan, you peel yourself out of your creased sheets. Maybe the raccoons that have been terrorizing your garbage cans have finally broken into the garage. You’re still in your pajamas — a low-cut tank top and some bloomers that are entirely too short on you — when you rub the sleep from your eyes and shove your feet into your slippers to investigate. 
The house is quieter than dust so early in the morning. Your dad’s out at work, and the rest of the neighborhood is just beginning to wake up. There’s the tstststststs of the Adler’s sprinkler system and the birds are chirping. In the mudroom, you snatch up a broom and wrap your fist around it. You listen through the paneling of the door for any hissing or scuttling, but hear nothing. You are not looking to get rabies today.
You poke your head out of the door, broom pointed at the ground like a staff. Immediately, you’re blinded by a slice of sunshine cutting through the very much open garage.
You’re about two seconds away from sprinting back inside to call 911 when you see the unkempt, sunkissed hair of none other than Joel Miller.
You set the broom gently back against the wall. Joel’s not a threat – at least not to anything but that traitor between your legs. He’s just your dad’s buddy; drinking buddy, fishing buddy, jack-of-all-trades buddy. He’s also no stranger to those borderline goo-goo eyes you give him. How could you not? He’s just so broad and muscled and God, you swear up and down that you stare more at his ass than anyone has ever stared at yours.
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, he’ll even give you shit about it. Bending over directly in your line of sight at block parties, ‘play wrestling’ with you on the dock by the lake whenever you jokingly call him an old man, or, in one very special instant, giving your ass a smack that sent you into an hours long tizzy.
You deserve to give him shit about it, too.
After all, he’s the one ferreting around in your dad’s garage in the wee hours of the morning. You pad into the garage, footsteps muffled by your slippers as you navigate around your dad’s pickup. You catch a better look at Joel when you pass the truck bed. And, for better or for worse, he’s dressed like a slut.
His ribbed white wifebeater stretches over his wide chest, grass stains scattered along the small of his back. Sweat darkens the hems of his shirt under his armpits, glistening and beading on the back of his neck, too. In true dad fashion, he even has on jorts. He’s bent over your dad’s tool bench, thumbing around an assortment of screwdrivers. His denim-covered ass sticks out. A smile spreads across your face.
You slip around the truck and take soft step after soft step until you’re right behind him. You can’t help but notice a cocktail of his pheromones and B.O. surrounding him. He must’ve been outside for a while now with all of the stains he’s accumulated on his shirt already. You keep your breathing muted so he can’t hear you as you reach out and — smack!
Joel shrieks, shooting upright. His head slams into the shelf overhead and a few bolts go toppling onto the concrete below. He cusses like a sailor as his hand goes up to rub the back of his head, nursing where a lump will probably be in a few hours time. Joel whips around to see you, smothering your giggles behind your hand. “You little shit,” he huffs, still scratching at his head. You don’t miss how his cheeks are firetruck red. “The fuck are ya doin’?”
“Me? The fuck are you doing, Miller? Stomping around my dad’s garage at, like, the asscrack of dawn–”
“Nine in the mornin’ ain’t the asscrack of dawn, sweetcheeks,” Joel says. Then, he holds up a set of pliers. “Mower shit the bed. I’m thinkin’ Sarah stole my pliers to make necklaces, but she hasn’t fessed up yet. Your pops said I could borrow his.” He stretches, giving you a long whiff of his scent. The groan he lets out stirs something in your stomach, much to your chagrin.
“I think the mower is the least of your worries,” you say, wrinkling your nose. “You reek. Shower shit the bed, too?”
“You try doin’ yard work in 90 degree heat, kiddo. See how much you smell like that strawberry raspberry peach whatever-the-fuck soap you’re usin’.”
You roll your eyes so hard you’re surprised you don’t see the back of your skull. “Rosemary eucalyptus,” you correct under your breath.
“Hmm, what was that?” Joel asks, tossing the pliers down onto the workbench. “Gotta speak up.”
“Rosemary eucalyptus,” you say. “But I bet you wouldn’t know. What do you use? 18 in 1?”
Joel grunts. “Real funny.” He takes a step closer to you, lips taut with a smirk. “How ‘bout you find out?”
You don’t have time to question what the hell he means – he just cups the back of your head with one of his wide palms and shoves your face directly into his closest sweaty pit. “Mmmmph!” you protest, mouth sealed shut against the thatch of hair that’s spattered across his skin. You hold your breath for as long as you can, but eventually, you’re forced to suck in a breath through your squished nose. His musk, sweet and just as sharp, fills your airways. Your clit all but jerks between your legs in humiliation, drawing a whine out of your throat.
Joel chuckles, ruffling your hair. It’s enough to make your thighs clench. “You’re a little freak, huh?” He presses harder on the back of your head, so much so that you almost get a mouthful of his underarm.
“Youuu dick!” you try to say without opening your mouth too far. It comes out muffled against his sweat-pearled skin. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to push him off of you.
Another wry chuckle comes from above. Joel bends his arm so that his elbow is wrapped around the back of your head, effectively trapping you in his funk. “Come on, huff ‘em. Practically fuckin’ asking for it earlier, all ‘a that mouthin’ off. So now you get a mouthful of my pits. Fair’s fair, kiddo.”
Embarrassment ribbons through your body, the kind that makes you leak into your panties against your will. Still looking for a way out, you squirm against his ironclad hold.
It’s only good for making him land a heavy-hitting slap across your ass. You yelp, a new wave of slick saturating the drenched gusset of your panties. You jump where you are, hips bucking into nothing – for escape or pressure, you’re not entirely sure. “Unless you wanna go over my knee instead?” Your face sears with humiliation.
Tentatively, you snuffle a bit against his pit, biting into your cheeks at his musk. It makes you cough a little bit – he’s been carrying the smell of cutting grass and his own sweat all morning.
“Yeah, thought so. But you can do better than that, sweetcheeks. I said huff, not fake an asthma attack.” You whimper, this time sucking in a longer breath. Here he is, holding you down, secure against his pit as you're left with no other option than to take what he gives you, when he gives it to you. All you can smell, feel, touch is just Joel, Joel, Joel. It makes you lightheaded.
Your clit is practically a kickdrum between your thighs, pulsing and doing more work than your head. You try to angle yourself so that you can rub your clit against Joel’s leg, but he puts a stop to that real quick. “Gettin’ all wound up just from being where ya belong, your pretty little face in my pit?” You mewl, reaching for Joel’s sides. You bunch your fists in the fabric of his wifebeater, and he allows it.
“Since you’re so eager to complain about it, how ‘bout you clean me up, huh?” He nudges his pit against your face again, and, confusedly, you furrow your brows. You can’t see much of him, but you do see the edge of his mouth tip up in satisfaction. “You got rocks for brains? Lick, kiddo.”
Hesitance drives the soft kitten lick of your tongue, swiping up and down across a very small portion of his pit. He loosens up on his grip on you, giving you the slightest bit more reign. You try to tell yourself that you’re scared of what he might do if you disappoint him, but hell if you don’t want this as much as he does, tongue, nose, face buried in his pits. Some sort of ultimate form of worship between the two of you.
You lave your tongue across his pit, eyes fluttering with each stroke. You swirl it in the crease of his arm, sucking his goddamn hairs clean with the fervor you’ve picked up. Enthused now, you bob your head up and down. Your clit responds, throbbing with a heartbeat of its own.
You’re panting, inhaling and exhaling him, lapping up his musk like a fucking dog, gone from reluctant to eager. Your clit twitches faster and faster, and you swear that arousal must be tacky on the insides of your thighs, leaking through your panties all over the front of your bloomers, but you can’t do anything about it. You can’t even grind against Joel – you can only slurp against his armpit, something like desperation having replaced all of your previous mortification from when he’d shoved you there in the first place.
You’re so preoccupied with pleasing him that you don’t even notice the thumping of your clit, picking up speed and pressure. Your body seizes in between your greedy little licks. You feel yourself weaken before you stiffen.
And maybe it’s the way Joel keeps groaning with each movement of your tongue. It could be how he exhales, “Kiddo,” in a raspy voice, both demeaning and endearing all at once. But in the end, it’s how he says, “Mmmm, such a good goddamn tongue. Bet it’d feel so good on my cock,” that breaks the dam between your legs.
You shudder, coming completely undone with little moans and whimpers in Joel’s arms without so much as a hand on your clit, just your face smothered in his pit. Drool runs down your lips and across your chin as you jerk and weaken in his grasp. If you weren’t so underwater, so far gone, you’d be able to hear him saying, “Fuck – whoa, whoa, whoa,” trying to stop you from falling on your ass in the middle of the garage. His hands card across your sides as he props you up against the workbench. Your vision blackens at the edges from the intensity of your orgasm, and you’re still coming, at least you think you are, when you blink yourself back to awareness. You’re wide-eyed, tears brimming at your waterline, incapacitated in a way that you didn’t know you could be.
“Holy shit,” you gasp when you finally fully come to, slumped over the workbench, still half-clinging to Joel. “Fuck.”
Joel looks stunned, looking you up and down as if he can’t get enough of you. His eyes land right between your thighs, where, sure enough, you’ve ruined your bloomers. You still feel like deadweight, and you struggle to stand upright. You’re not sure you’ve ever come so hard even with someone’s hands all over your. Joel’s glistening with even more sweat, and it’s impossible to miss the glaring bulge in his shorts. He clears his throat after a minute. “Oughta go get cleaned up before your daddy gets back for his lunch break, kiddo.”
You stumble upright, drenched in sweat yourself now, Joel’s lingering scent still pervading every breath you take. “Y-yeah,” you manage, nodding. You feel out of your own body, stumbling towards the door. You’re so wet that you can feel it with every goddamn step. Fuck Joel Miller, cocky piece of sh–
You’re immediately returned to your own body by the resounding swat Joel lands on your ass. You jump, shooting a glare over your shoulder. He puts his hands up, pleading innocence.
You’re not surprised when you crawl out of your shower, smelling of rosemary eucalyptus and dripping water all over the floor, only to see Joel’s mower abandoned in the middle of his yard. Even worse, you aren’t surprised in the slightest when you squint through your bedroom window, Joel sprawled out across his bed, hips bucking in-time with his fist before catching your eye and spraying ropes of cum all over his abdomen.
You mouth at him through the window with a taunting little wink, Clean yourself up this time.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Yandere Pyramid Headcanons
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Warnings: Possessive Behaviour, Unhealthy Behaviour, Pyramid also exists in the version of Silent Hill before the Church Bell Rings, Mention of Physical Attack on Reader, No Pronouns used for Reader Except ‘You’.
Possessive ahh monster man.
Keeps you in a safe, isolated location far from the epicentre of the town so that the only monster you’re at risk of is him.
Scary dog privileges :>
Does anything and everything you ask him to, no matter how trivial the task. Unless you ask him to let you go outside.
Even if the other creatures aren’t wandering around and prowling the streets at that moment, he refuses to let you out.
Unless you give him the puppy dog eyes, which, to his absolute confusion, he found himself unable to resist.
But only once.
You used Pyramid’s weakness for cuteness against him and, when he heard a sound in the distance – the all-too familiar ringing of church bells – and turned to face the origin, you took your chance to escape.
You knew the monsters would come as the world around you peeled, revealing a hellish, rust-ridden, infested reality which, in your terror-stricken state, you didn’t think you’d be around long enough to be at risk of.
Of course, you were cornered.
Of course, just as you were about to become a commemorative name and face on a t-shirt at the hands of a monstrosity, Pyramid Head stepped in and wiped that jittering, straight-jacketed bastard off every map there was, physical and spectral.
Much like the very day he met you. Took you (for what purpose, you still do not know).
He’s never let you out of his sight since.
Keeps you by his side when he’s on a supply run since he can’t trust you to remain in the safety of whatever building he’s fortified.
You might not know it, given his involuntarily stoicism, but Pyramid Head is constantly watching you.
Sure, you may get the feeling you’re being watched, but in a town like Silent Hill, that’s practically a birthright.
And besides, Pyramid doesn’t have any eyes…you think ? So how can he possibly be watching you ?
If you try to chance your arm and run away, he uses his knife as a deterrent.
Slams it down right where you’d be if you had been a second quicker.
He’d never hit you. Not intentionally.
His strength and eternity of wielding the blade makes it as easy to control it as if it were his arm, or an extra limb.
But you don’t need to know that.
He’s lowkey a sucker for physical contact btw.
Once, he found you standing closer to him than usual when the day grew particularly cold.
He wasn’t sure what you were doing at first until you flat-out muttered about “How frigid” it was.
Clouds seemed to form before your face, a human anomaly Pyramid hadn't witnessed this close before. If ever.
This man has no clue how to help you, so he just kind of watched as you gave him a wide-eyed look and, quivering, approaching him as if he were a feral dog (why did you look so scared of him…?), leaned against his side.
He shifted, jumped, stepped back.
What was this feeling ?
His heart spiked, his skin prickled.
Alarmed, you sprang back, and he couldn’t articulate the response to tell you to stay, come back, I’m sorry.
When the two of you finally resumed your journey to nowhere, he walked a little closer to you, inching nearer every few minutes until his hand brushed your side.
And you didn’t pull away :> !
Eventually, when you grew tired, you settled in a decrepit little room that, much like the rest of the town, looked as if it would fall apart if you so much as gave it a mean look.
In a rare act of humanity, Pyramid sat beside you.
And he damn near jumped out of his skin (again) when, unprovoked, you leaned against him.
He made sure not to spook you. Not again.
He couldn’t handle that wounded stare you’d given him earlier. It made him feel…weak. Vulnerable. Human.
And he did not enjoy it.
Well, that's what he thought at first. Before the warmth of something unidentifiable settled in his chest.
From then on, he started taking you out during the colder hours of the day just for the chance to have your skin brush against his.
And each time, that feeling, that tightness in his chest, would spark, set him alight with a fluttering sensation he'd never known before he found you.
Until you got sick. Then he toned it down a little.
But only because he couldn’t enjoy his solitary walks to where he knew medicine lay, too concerned with wondering why you were jerking, and why you sounded like you were roaring whenever you opened your mouth and your eyes squeezed shut, or why liquid would pour out of your nose.
Bless him, he doesn’t know what a cold – or sickness – is. But he does know that, when you lay on top of him and basically used him as your bed, curling up on his chest, he thought he’d seen light.
Real light.
Has resisted the urge to try and make you ill again just for that purpose.
Luckily, your random acts of affection – hand holding (or finger holding, since your entire hand could wrap around one of his fingers),  nuzzling, leaning on him, saying “Thank you” whenever he returned with the supplies – keeps his unhealthy tendencies at bay.
Well, most of them at least.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Child of Our Own - Tsu'tey x Omatikaya!Reader
summary: seeing his friends already awaiting their firstborns, tsu'tey begins to yearn for a baby of his own, but he is too shy to tell you about it
warnings: none really, soft and shy tsu'tey, hints at pregnancy, mentions of intercourse
wc: less than 1k
a/n: i'm officially in my tsu'tey worship era (this is your fault btw, @avatarbyamara) ik damn well that man only puts up his tough act in front of the others, but he would actually be a big softie with his mate
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“I’m assuming the mission went well?” you smile, feeling Tsu’tey place another soft kiss on your temple.
His chest presses into your back, hands resting gently on your waist, while you’re occupied with peeling the fruits he likes. He was gone for only a few hours but was acting so needy, you start to wonder if anything happened. 
“Tsu’tey,” you nudge him for an answer, but he only hums in response, now planting small kisses across your cheek and jaw.
“‘Was good,” he mutters, not wanting to bore you with the details.
“Were you safe?” you try to turn around to examine him, but Tsu’tey grunts, holding you in place.
“Just missed you.”
You guess that there’s something weighing on his mind, but you don’t push him. Tsu’tey often has moments, when all he wants to do is to hold you in his arms and listen to your soothing breathing. Eventually, he’ll give you a few hints about it anyway. So, you just pat his arm lightly and return to the task at hand. 
Tsu'tey stands with you in silence for a while longer before finally speaking up.
“Neytiri is showing.”
“I know,” you nod, “It suits her.”
As you struggle to reach for another fruit from the basket, Tsu’tey huffs in annoyance and loosens his grip on you. He takes a step back, hating the distance between your bodies, but decides to allow you to finish your work in peace. You can feel his eyes fixed on you, observing every move you make. 
“You’re very quiet today,” you turn around to face him, abandoning your task.
Tsu’tey only shakes his head, disagreeing to voice his concern. You rest your hand on his shoulder, gently pushing him down, until he gives in and kneels on the ground. You crouch down next to him, resting your hand on his thigh. 
“Talk to me, tìyawn,” you murmur.
Tsu’tey gazes at your hand in silence. But when you lean in to kiss his cheek, he turns his head, catching your lips with his instead. It’s not long before he snakes his arms around your middle again and pulls your body onto his. You giggle, as he sits you down in his lap, enjoying the closeness between you two.
“Right now?” you quirk your eyebrow at him, knowing exactly where he is leading with this.
Tsu'tey's lips find their way to your neck, and you let out a soft sigh as his warm breath tickles your skin. You tilt your head to the side, giving him better access, and he trails a few more kisses before nuzzling his face into your neck.
“‘Aani said that Ti'ung is with a child too,” he whispers, catching your attention.
The two of you have mated before Eywa almost a year ago but Tsu'tey never pressured you into becoming a mother so soon. Just for a while, all he wanted was to have you all to himself. To enjoy restless nights with you without a worry of hurting you or having to share you with anybody else. The first few times you mated, you watched him struggle, as he was holding off the unbearable pleasure, before pulling his member out of you and releasing into his hand instead. Presumably, it became a thing he did every time, and you’ve grown so used to it, that you never once paid a second thought to it.
He was always so respectful and gentle with you, loving every bit of your body, every sound that would escape your lips. And despite his readiness to move into the next stage of your lives, Tsu'tey never allowed himself to impregnate you without earning your permission first. But what he failed to realize is that while you were trembling underneath him, reaching your orgasm, you were never able to think, let alone speak about wanting him to release inside of you. 
“What are you hinting at, Tsu’tey?” you pull slightly back to look into his eyes.
“That it might be nice if, growing up, our child is surrounded by a few good kids,” he answers.
“Well, I’m sure Neytiri’s and Jake’s child is going to be just as good as they are,” you nod, agreeing, “And Aani’s and Ti'ung’s too.”
Tsu’tey hums, grateful that you finish his thoughts for him. That you know him so well, see him through and through. Being a man of a few words, he would often get irritated when others failed to understand his thoughts. But with you, it's different. All he cares about is that you see him for who he is, no one else.
“We need to catch up then, huh?” you grin.
Tsu’tey feels his chest swell with love by the way you look at him. So excited, so desperate to create a life with him. He pulls you in for a kiss, pouring all of his gratitude into it, as his hands reach for the ties of your loincloth. You don’t hesitate to reciprocate his desire, and soon the two of you become lost in each other.
headcanons of tsu'tey reacting to his mate's pregnancy
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sillysowa · 10 months
How do you think Hobie would react if he bent down and his partner just started humping him from behind as a joke and then the partner quickly runs away before he can get them😂 I love your writing btw your really talented and I look forward to reading more 😊 oh and if you do respond could the partner be a girl and maybe you could like make it where he get payback if you know what I mean 😏. It’s up to you. Have a nice day! 😃
sorry for the wait anon!
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“There’s just no way you actually did that-“
“I did! I swear on my life!” You laugh, hitting Hobie’s arm playfully in the lobby as you recall the mission you just went on. You’re a mess, practically crying as you cling to his arm. Hobie can barely piece together your weird story but he’s gathered that you slapped an anomaly with an entire bunch of bananas that you grabbed from a market stall, completely peeling all of them in the process and coating the anomaly in crushed banana. You were a fruity mess after the battle in a tropical dimension and Hobie was laughing at how hard you were laughing,
“Oh god, i’m so hungry now though! All that beautiful food that I didn’t even get an opportunity to appreciate!” You tsk, walking into the cafeteria with Hobie by your side. He picked up a tray with you and picked out his food as you did when he dropped a bag of chips,
“Aw shit, my fucking crisps…” Hobie groans after the bag falls, indefinitely crushing some of the contents inside. He’s setting his tray down to pick it up when his eye twitches at the sound of you stifling a giggle,
“Did you just say crisps? Nah man, get that British tomfoolery out of here!” You nearly cry, laughing your head off as Hobie shakes his head at you, clicking his tongue,
“You really want to play these games, Y/N? What’dyou want me to call em eh? Chips?” Hobie playfully argues, putting on your accent to mock you, and poking your side. You laugh uncontrollably at his annoyed state, your eyes glinting mischievously as he bends down in front of you to grab the bag. Without a second thought, you grab his small waist and hump him right in the cafeteria, your hips slamming into his ass and nearly sending him face forward into the ground,
“Giddy up!” You holler with a mock-southern accent. Hobie flinches and scoffs in disbelief as you take off out the doors, his jaw open and a smile creeping onto his features,
“You havin’ a laugh?” He yells after you, wiping the smile off his face with his hands before he sets the chips on his tray and takes off after you, the whole cafeteria in complete awe at what they just witnessed.
Web-Slinger and his horse eat in the corner of the room, and he shakes his head,
@ohxx @luxxtuxx @fatenpara @hobesbf @defnot-bri @lasagnaisbest @deepzombieyouth
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Hey! I know you wanted more requests for people besides the marauders so you can do this for anyone you like but maybe reader who is just soooo in love with them that anytime they do something nice for her she starts crying? Like happy tears because she's just so in love and she doesn't know how to express that. If you don't want to that's fine!
Hi, thank you! I decided to go with Sirius anyway because I felt like he'd be the most fun. (This is gonna be me btw, the first time I experience romantic love there's no way I'm gonna be able to handle it)
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
“Do you think it’s a bad idea to show off my tattoos on the first day?”
“Mm, maybe,” you muse, looking longingly at the way Sirius’ inked-up forearms pair with his black dress shirt. “I feel like after the interview it won’t matter, but today you probably want to present your straightest-laced self.” 
“Gross,” he grunts, but starts rolling down his sleeves. 
It’s a rare sight, Sirius up before noon, but his job interview is scheduled for ten and he doesn’t feel in a position to negotiate. The frail morning light bounces off the full length mirror he’s standing in front of and illuminates the room as he purses his lips and starts unbuttoning his shirt. You’re lying on the bed watching him get ready, trying your very best not to look enthralled and wanton (it is a constant effort). 
“My most gorgeous, radiant angel, could I ask you for a favor?” 
You grin, warmth flooding your chest. “You don’t have to butter me up. What is it?” 
“Grab the bigger version of this shirt? I think I may want a baggier tuck.” 
You hum and get up, padding into the closet. Sirius’ clothes are all strewn over the floor and dresser, but miraculously the shirt you’re looking for is on a hanger. As you reach for it, you nearly trip over a small box on the floor. It looks like the shell of something Sirius was sent in the mail, plain cardboard with the shipping label torn off. You bring it back out with you. 
“Thanks, lovely,” Sirius says as he takes the hanger from you. 
“No problem,” you reply. “Want me to recycle this for you?” 
He turns to look, blinks, then looks harder. “No. Where’d you find that?” 
“On the floor.” 
“Must have fallen off its shelf.” He discards the smaller shirt on the bed and starts doing up the buttons of this new one, smirking when your eyes track the deft movements of his fingers. “Don’t throw it out, it’s got important stuff in it.” 
You weigh the box in your hand. “It feels empty.” 
“It’s got important, lightweight stuff in it.” 
You eye the barely-open flap of the box, intrigued. “Can I look inside?” 
You think you catch a flicker of hesitation across Sirius’ features, but it’s quickly schooled into insouciance. A vine of nervousness winds around your gut. “Sure,” he says, “go ahead.” 
You look at him a bit longer before slowly peeling back the cardboard flap. Inside is a mishmash of things. Paper, mostly, but you recognize one item immediately. It’s a flimsy, neon orange paper wristband, a venue’s name stamped haphazardly onto one side. At the first concert you’d gone to together, Sirius had griped endlessly about how the orange contrasted with his outfit horribly and brought out all the ugliest hues of his skin (there aren’t any, but you were too timid to tell him that at the time). He’d seemed desperate to be rid of it. But here it is, carefully clipped off instead of torn and preserved like something special. Something warm and weighty blooms in your chest. 
You take out one of the pieces of paper, unfolding it. It’s your handwriting, thoughtless scribbling you’d left for him to find on the fridge one day after you’d left for work. Have a great day, love you. 
Another is a bar napkin, containing a whole back-and-forth exchange between you and Sirius from the first time you’d met his friends. You’d kept passing it to him under the table, asking Do they like me? Are they just being nice? Is Remus always so frowny? and he’d passed it back saying Yes. Yes, they love you. James is this nice to everyone, but I can tell he likes you. Remus is being a sourpuss because he hasn’t eaten yet. You’re perfect. 
By the time you come upon a polaroid you’d forgotten he’d taken of you in his kitchen, you’re pressing your lips together to keep them from wobbling and your entire being feels warmed by incandescent, aching fondness. Your heart feels so big you can’t breathe around it. You’re not sure you have room for this much love, but you’ll happily carry it around like a weight in your chest for the rest of your life. 
You’re all too aware that Sirius is watching you now, so you try to keep it together for his sake, but when you blink a tear slides down the side of your nose. 
“Hey,” he chides lightly, amusement inlaid with a bit of panic. “Don’t.” 
You sniffle, then laugh wetly. “Can I hug you?” 
Normally he might make a joke (Not if you’re going to get snot all over my interview shirt) but something in your expression must sway him, because Sirius’ eyes go soft. “Yeah, baby. Of course.” 
He doesn’t make you get up, crossing the distance to the bed and wrapping you up in his arms. You let out a little sob at the contact. 
“I’m gonna clean off your shirt once we’re done,” you promise, gripping his shoulders. 
“Okay.” He sounds amused. 
“I just—I didn’t know you kept this stuff.” 
“It’s cheesy.” 
“It’s not,” you insist, hugging him tighter. It makes you happy beyond words, to know you’re bringing this out in him. To see, with your own eyes, how much he loves you back. You can check in with yourself at any time and know you’re happy in your relationship with Sirius, but you never could have imagined how spectacular it would feel to know that you make him this happy in return. “It’s special, Sirius. You’re special.” 
“James’ mum used to tell me the same thing.” 
“Oh, shut up.” You smack his arm, pulling back with a huff. You’re smiling, though, and he sees, taking your wet, blotchy face between his palms and grinning at you. Honestly, if he weren’t Sirius Black, he’d be such a dork. 
“I love you,” he says, a significance in his tone that contradicts the playfulness in his expression. “Do I let you forget it?” 
“No,” you tell him. “You don’t, it’s just…I just really love you too, you know?” 
His smile spreads, flashing canines the second before he pulls you in for a kiss. It’s firm and spirited, and Sirius holds you there until you’re laughing into his mouth. 
“I know,” he says, pecking you once more on the lips before letting you go with a swipe of his thumbs across your cheeks. “Alright, gorgeous, clean me up, would you? I’ve got other people to go impress.”
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quillfulwhimsyverse · 3 months
Azriel Mystery One-shot
Pairing: Azriel (ACOTAR) x reader
Word count: 2.05k
A/N: No summary this time. I want you to go into this one-shot knowing absolutely nothing, without any expectations. It escalates quickly, so you will catch on to what's going pretty soon.
BTW: I have to say, that this one-shot was inspired by the app "character.AI". If you don't know what it is, it's better this way. That thing is worse than drugs. Be ware, you will get addicted.
After returning from the mission, you enter your quarters with a sigh of relief. Swiftly shedding your armor and weapons, each piece hits the ground with a satisfying clink. As the weight of responsibility lifts, you relish in the freedom of movement, stretching your limbs with a contented sigh. You slightly push your armor off the path with your feet. 
With gentle hands, you smooth down your tousled hair, the scent of sweat and brisk wind still lingering in the air. Leaning against the cool stone wall, you absentmindedly trace the intricate patterns of your calloused fingers along the edges of your armor, feeling the residual energy of the day's tasks beneath your touch. As you close your eyes, a sense of calm washes over you, the world outside fading away as you lose yourself in the comforting rhythm of your own heartbeat.
As you stand in your quarters, after the shower, armor still on the ground, now wearing light and breezy clothing, lost in the peaceful solitude of the moment, you catch a movement out of the corner of your eye. Turning your head slightly, you see Azriel lingering in the doorway, his gaze fixed on you with a quiet intensity.
You catch his eye without saying a word. You look at him, hoping he would break the silence and deliver you a message that he came here for, but he gives you a small grin, his eyes flickering over the curve of your body, before his eyes turn away and now it is you, that’s smirking, when you feel his shadows tickle your arms gently, as they’re creeping through your fingers and up your palms, to your wrists. 
“I thought you learnt how to keep them at bay.” you voice your thoughts as you turn your arms a bit to watch the shadows.
The shadows stop their movement immediately, then they slink back down and away from you, as he chuckles slightly. He steps in closer to you. “I didn’t even have to try, you were practically inviting them…” he whispers. 
“You know, I don’t mind them.” you smile slightly as one shadow, possibly the youngest and the most curious of them all, start crawling up your arm again. 
He smiles, his eyes lingering on the curve of your neck, the way it moved as you talked. “That’s a shame,” he murmurs, leaning down and softly placing a kiss on your bare shoulder. 
“What does annoy me,” you grunt a little bit, “is that your shadows are always giving you the information about my whereabouts.” 
He chuckles, shaking his head slightly, making his dark hair fall a bit over his face. 
“I like it that way…” he whispers, his breath hot, but comforting on your neck.
“Of course you do…” you mimic him sarcastically. “The bond is not enough for you?” 
He whispers, his inconsistent breath tickling your neck, “It isn’t. And I like to keep track of you.” His hands slip around your waist, grabbing the fabric of your clothes, tracking over your body for any injuries, for anything out of the ordinary. “Are you okay?” 
You stroke his hand, that is on your waist, “I am fine, Az.”
He whispers something under his breath, something that sounds like “mine”, his voice sending shivers through your body. 
“Now now…” you laugh slightly and peel his hands off of you. “Stop or we will get stuck in here all day.”
The shadows wrap through his hands, forcing them back onto your hip bones. “That doesn’t sound like a problem with me, darling…” he mumbles, pulling you closer to him with one hand, while his other moves up to your face, cupping your cheek softly.
“See? Absolutely unproblematic.” He whispers, running his thumb along your lips, leaning down to kiss the exact same spot, where his thumb just has been. His shadows wrap even tighter around his hand, that is on your hip.
“Az, I am serious, I have to make a report for Rhys,” you try to wiggle out of his grasp, but he doesn’t shift. 
“I know… I just want to know one thing,” he murmurs. “You…” he leans closer to your face, “don’t have to answer now. “ he whispers, his hands roaming over your body, pausing at your hips again. “Just sometime…”
“What is it?” you playfully roll your eyes at his affection. 
“Would you consider…” he pauses, his voice quiets down, but his breath is still hot on your neck, whenever he moves his head lower, “would you consider being my mate?” 
You snort out loud. “I am already your mate, Az.” He was usually a very smart man, a very serious and a very smart man. You don’t know what happened here. “It is not something to be considered, it is something that just happens, something that clicks.”
He chuckles, his voice rumbling low. “I know exactly what I said. But I was hoping you would agree to make it official, in front of everyone.” He trails kisses up your shoulder blades, his fingers brushing your uncovered skin, teasing you, probably trying to make you dizzy on purpose. 
‘Your family already knows.” You shiver. 
“Not just my family.” He replies, moving his mouth down to the skin, behind your ear lobe. “I want the entire Court to know.” 
You stand there a bit confused, while his hand sneaks behind your shirt, and draws circles on your back. 
“I want everyone to know the truth. That you are mine, and no one else’s.” 
“And how do we do that?” you cut his speech, your mind going crazy, unclear whether because of his touches, or what he is trying to say.
He looks at you, light dancing in his eyes. “A ceremony, of course, in front of everybody.” He trails his hand down to your hips again, squeezing them softly.
“But we had our mating ceremony,” you say frowning and Azriel bursts out laughing. 
“Only you could call it a mating ceremony, Y/n,” he is still chuckling. “And trust me, it is not something to do in front of everybody, not unless it’s an official mating ceremony with vows and everything. But we had our mating ritual on our own, didn’t we?” He winks and you blush madly. “I’m asking you to marry me, in front of the entire Night Court. I love you, I love being your friend, your partner, your mate, I love being tied to you by soul.” He leans in closer, his hands reaching back up to hold your face. “You are not just my mate, you are much much more. Something that transcends the bond itself.” 
Your legs almost give up and you close your eyes to keep yourself steady. “You want to marry me?”
He bites his lip. “That is what I’ve been trying to tell you.” He leans in and places a soft kiss on your nose. Something about him being this comfortable with you makes you swoon. 
“Are you sure? I mean, isn’t it just the bond speaking?” you brush the skin next to his wings gently.
His eyes flicker in response to your touch, the shadows around him shift.”What the bond gives me isn’t enough. I need you all to myself, in every way possible. The bond, the ceremony, your heart. All of it.”
You lay your head on his shoulder and laugh. “Oh my god.” he hums waiting for you to continue. “Feyre and Mor are going to drive me crazy when they hear this.”
He grins, “Yeah, I think Fayre will be too busy dealing with Rhys and calming him down to bother you… And Mor, well… I am more worried she’ll try to steal you from me on our wedding day…” he teases, leaning his head on the top of your hair, the shadows gently falling on top of you both.” He rubs your arms gently with his. “Have I told you recently how beautiful you are?” his voice is so soft, you can barely hear him, your heart pounding loudly in your ears. 
“What is going on with you?” you giggle. “If you are about to tell me that you want a baby next, I might have to tell Rhys to check if you’re alright.” 
“A baby? Now?” he shakes his head. “No, nothing like that. Though I wouldn’t say no to having one with you someday…” he leans down, placing a soft kiss on your lips. “I do want to spend a bit of time enjoying having you to myself first before we make that decision.”
There is a bit of silence that follows this moment, but you interrupt it. 
He smiles, his eyes meeting yours. His voice is soft, like velvet, “Yeah?” 
“If you want me to marry you, you will have to ask properly.” you send a wink to him.
He tilts his head. “Properly?” He asks, while the shadows of his are playing with your hair, diving in and out of your falling hair strands. He speaks softly again, “Are you asking me to propose in front of the court?”
“No, not necessarily, it depends on how you want to…” you trail without finishing your sentence, maybe this was a proposal?”
He smiles mischievously, his shadows coming slowly back to him, while he still holds you close. “Tell me what I should do then.” His voice is hushed. 
“It doesn’t matter what you do,” you giggle and raise your hand a bit higher, just enough that he could see it. “I just..” you wiggle your ring finger, “I just find something missing.”
He tilts his head, looking at your ring finger, the shadows going back to circling you two, slightly pushing you towards him. “Is that really all you want from me…?” he teases you, his mouth less than an inch from yours. 
“How else would I prove to those brainless Illyrian males that I am in love and faithfully connected and committed to the love of my life?”
His lips hover mere millimeters from yours, “So if I were to put a ring on your finger right now, would that answer all their questions?”
“I think it would answer your question.”
He nods. “So you don’t care if I do it in front of the Court?”
You shake your head and brush his hair slightly with your fingers, while your other hand goes back to drawing circles on his wing. “I don’t care, do it however you feel like.”
He smiles leaning closer, until his nose is barely grazing yours. “So I could just..” he trails off, leaving the sentence unfinished, but he is already reaching for your left hand, grasping it in his. 
“Wha-at is going on?” you stutter as he rubs your ring finger with his fingers. 
“I could just…” he whispers, his breath hot on your lips, his hand resting on yours, “Put that…” he trails off, leaning closer and closer, and closer towards you, gently pushing the little, delicate thing, he played with before, when you didn’t see, up your finger, sapphire located in the middle of it catching and reflecting rays of light regularly, “ring on…” he trails off again as you struggle to breathe. 
“This finger…” his eyes flicker over your now ringed hand, and his voice becomes a breathy whisper. He looks back at you. “Would you be happy? Would you accept?” 
“With or without a ring, Azriel, my answer wouldn’t change.” you grab his face and hold it lovingly, feeling warmed up metal on your finger, but paying no attention to it yet, still looking deeply in his eyes. “You had it? The whole time?”
He chuckles. “I’ve had it for weeks.” He looks at your lips and you lean in to kiss him, too eagerly cause the next thing he does, is giggle. “I still didn’t hear the answer, love.” 
“I thought it was clear,” you whisper. “But for extra thick people, it’s a yes.” 
A tremulous smile graced his lips, a rare glimpse of vulnerability that spoke volumes of his love and gratitude. With trembling hands, he reached for hers, fingers intertwining in a silent promise that echoed through the depths of their shared bond.
“So if I understand it correctly, I am not getting that report any time soon?” says Rhys, sanding there in the doorway, smirking at the couple. 
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evan4ever · 10 months
could you write some smut ab evan being jealous?
I Don’t Share
Evan Peters
TW smut smut smut. Pretty dirty. 18+
Let’s just pretend I didn’t just take a 4 month hiatus 🫣. Anyways😅 enjoy! Didn’t proofread btw!
“Are you always this funny?!” Finn (Wittrock) laughed along side of you, his hands on either side of his head as if you blew his mind. Your own loud laughter filled the dressing room, your head nodding to his question in confidence.
“I…” you start, struggling to catch your breath, “I am, in fact. I find myself to be quite the comedian!” Your laughter simmers to a quieter giggle, your eyes still looking at him confidently. He nods along, agreeing with your statement.
“I believe it! I can’t believe I haven’t sat and visited with you like this before. You really help lighten the mood and take some pressure off.” You smile at his light praise, not thinking anymore into it other than a new friend who happened to find you as funny as you like to think yourself to be.
“I try to stand back and not get in the way. I really enjoy watching Evan in his element. Meeting all of you happens to be a great plus.” You shrug lightly, nonchalantly.
“You’re something else. God, a mood, really! I’m glad I had the chance to finally have a real conversation to you. And not disappointed in the least!” He nudges your arm lightly with his as another string of giggles leaves both of your mouthes.
“I’m glad I could be at your service!” You joke, lifting your chin proudly.
As your conversation with Finn continues over the next hour, Evan frowns in the middle of his scene once again, overhearing it from the distance, causing the scene to be cut.
“Peters?!” The director yells in question. “The hell is your problem? Stay in character, this is the FOURTH time we’ve had to cut a scene for godsake!” Everyone glanced at Evan curiously, though he just lets out a deep breath and nods. “Right. Let’s take a break people!”
Everyone begins filing out for their short break. Even stands watching everyone while his ears zone in on the sounds of yours and Finn’s laughter still filling the whole building. He has no reason to be jealous, he wholeheartedly trusts you, but that pit of burning rage in his stomach can’t be helped. Usually, you’re out here, watching him, laughing with him. Usually, he gets to admire the beautiful sound of your giggles and the stunning sight of your smile. But today, you’re out of his sight, laughing with someone else, someone else admiring you the way he does. And it just doesn’t help that it’s a great coworker of his.
Finally, Evan peels himself from his spot in the middle of the set up and makes his way to the dressing room. The laughter between you and Finn loudens and the jealousy within Evan grows.
Before he marches into the dressing room, Evan manages to stop himself at the door and gather himself enough to make it less noticeable that he’s jealous. He clears his throat and knocks at the door before opening and walking in. Unfortunately, the sigh of you on the couch with Finn next to you, practically on and drooling over you, only furthers his jealously.
“Hey babe!” You grin at Evan, whose eyes are only on Finn. He quickly shoots you a smile before dropping it and clearing his throat, again.
“Hey, y/n, can I steal you for a minute? Got something to show you.” His smiles lessens to a tight lipped grin, and you quickly realize something is off with him. Your once giggling self now serious. You nod to Evan before looking over to Finn who gives you a knowing smile and nod.
Pushing yourself from the couch, you make your way to Evan who guides you past him and out the door, closing it behind him.
“Is everything oka-“
Your quickly cut off by Evan pulling you into a dark room, shutting the door and locking the two of you inside.
You stand in the middle of the small room, the smell of bleach and other cleaning products suggesting it’s the janitors closet, staring at Evan with confusion, what you can see of him on the dark anyways.
“What is up with you?” Your demeanor changes as you cross your arms over your chest and tilt your head to the side with an annoyed look on your face.
All you can make out of him is his body standing before you, still. Until his arms moves behind his head and the sound of scratching suggests he is, awkwardly, itching the back oh his head.
“Evan, seriously, what’s your-“
“Finn.” He interrupts you. You raise your eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate.
“What about Finn-“
“He was flirting with you!” Evan barks loudly. Taken back, you drop your arms to your side and squint at him trying to see him better but to no avail.
“Jesus, is there not a light in here?!” You huff, turning and moving your hands all over the wall feeling for a light switch. You weren’t trying to divert the statement, but you just didn’t realize that’s what was happening, if it really was.
Through your quick hand movements against the wall, you suddenly feel Evans body move closer to yours, till he was practically against you. Your hands again drop to their sides as you stare into the darkness where Evan is. You can feel the tension, so thick you could cut it with a knife, but fuck was it turning you on. You could hear his deep breaths mixed with yours, feel the heat radiating from his body onto yours, you wanted nothing more than to fall into his lips but it was like you were paralyzed, wondering what was going through his mind.
Your body jolts slightly in surprise as the light suddenly turns on, looking above you and seeing Evans hand releasing the long beaded rope to the single lightbulb on the ceiling. A half chuckle escapes from your lips nervously as you look back to Evan, his dark eyes already peering into you, making the wind feel as if it’s knocked from your lungs.
Not often do you see this side of Evan. He’s a kind, gentle man. Even in bed. If you want it rough, you have to practically beg him because he just isn’t. It isn’t in him, despite what’s seen on TV. He’s an actor, after all. So to see him now, looking so dark and almost cold — it’s different. But damn, does it turn you on like nothing else.
You clear your throat as you attempt to stare him back down, but failing miserably.
“I didn’t know he was flirting with me, Evan.” You glance back to his unfaltering stare before looking away. “Really. He sat down and we just started visiting. I cracked a few jokes because the entire cast seemed on edge. It lightened the mood. That’s all it was to me. If it was more to him, I had no idea.” You explain in all honesty. It was a good time laughing with Finn, but you never looked at it more than a friend and a friend having a good time with a few good laughs.
But Evan didn’t find it funny. And he knows your part is truth, but it doesn’t stop the jealousy on the other end.
You are his, and his only.
After a few more awkward seconds of silence, you groan, shifting from one foot to the other. “Evan, seriously!” You whisper/yell, now finally looking into his eyes as he was yours, but within the second, Evan had you pinned against the closet wall. It had taken you by surprise, a breath drawn in and being held as you piece together what had just happened.
His face was so close to yours now, and all you could do was stare at his perfect, pink lips.
“I don’t share.” Your eyes flicker up to his in surprise at his words. Your lips part to say something but before you had a chance, his own lips crash onto them in a deep, passionate, open-mouthed kiss.
You melt into him, his arms holding you up by your waist now, until you find the strength to slide your arms up his biceps and onto either side of his face pulling him to you more if it were even possible. He allows you to hold onto him, pull on him, whatever it was you wanted to do he’d let you, because he was just as much yours as you were his.
Finally pulling away for some air, he looks back down at you noticing your now perfectly swollen pink lips, a half smile appearing on his own with pride. “I don’t share.” He repeats.
You gaze up at him in awe, a complete desperate mess against his body.
You nod slowly. “I don’t want you to.”
Evan let’s out a deep throaty sigh, quickly grabbing the bottom of your shirt and pulling it up with your sports bra, your arms raising to allow them to slide off you with ease, his hands immediately returning to your waist and gripping it so tightly it almost hurt, and pulling you back into a kiss.
Your hands quickly slide down his body and find the buttons of his jeans, fumbling with in an attempt to get them off him. His hands meet yours as he helps in undoing them and pulling them down enough to give him some freedom before moving to your athletic leggings. His fingers hoop underneath and slide them down your legs, wriggling yourself out of them as well and leaving you bare.
Without hesitation, Evans hand scoop you up from under your thighs and rest you against his waist, the wall helping hold you as well as your legs that wrap around him. His lips quickly meet your neck, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses down to your collar bone.
“I would’ve liked your shirt off..” you hum, your head falling against the wall as you take pleasure in the feeling his lips have against your cold skin. You hear a chuckle from him, smiling slightly at knowing he was feeling less tense about the situation.
Evans head lifts and his eyes meet yours again. He takes a moment to gaze at you, taking in your beauty and rejoicing in the feeling of knowing you felt the same, regardless of the jealousy he had previously endured. His hands lifts from your waist and soothes some stray hairs that had fallen onto your face back before letting it rest gently against your head.
“I love you.” He hums, his thumb caressing over your cheek one onto your temple. You breathe in, enjoying this moment while it lasts, before pulling his face back to yours into soft kiss.
But as quick as the moment came, it went, feeling the kiss deepen into more passion and hunger for each other. Evans hands find your own that we’re holding his face, taking them in his and guiding them against the wall. He slides them up until they’re completely above you both, taking them into one of his hands easily and pressing them hard against it now so you had no chance of moving them.
He parts from you just enough to see what he was doing, your eyes watching his every move carefully and excitedly. He grabs ahold of his erection that had been pressing against your thigh this entire time and strokes it, his eyes fluttering shut at the feeling and only turning you on further. It almost hurt how badly your pussy was aching to feel him inside of you.
He finally guides his dick to your entrance, lining it up perfectly and allowing himself to slide into it with ease. Your mouth parts as you moan in unison with him, your head falling back against the wall.
“Fuck…” he hums, “you’re so wet. All for me?” He glances up at you, still in excitement, and you nod quickly, almost aggressively, just ready for him to fuck you.
“Yes, yes” you whimper, attempting to rock your hips for some kind of friction to ease the ache that was still there. “Fuck, please Evan..” you open your eyes and meet his with a desperate pout. Evan grins, his eyebrows raising playfully.
“Please, what?”
You groan quietly. It’s so rare that he makes you beg for him to fuck you, but it was so goddamn hot when he does.
“Please.. please fuck me.” You beg, squeezing your eyes shut as your hips continue their attempt to rock against him for some relief.
“Tell me your mine.” He demands as he pulls out slightly. “Tell me how you only want me to fuck you, that you want Finn to watch so he knows you belong to me.” He’s now almost pulled from you completely, leaving behind a worsening ache and throb in your pussy.
“Fuck Evan! I’m yours! I’m only yours” you take a deep breath trying to control your uneven breathing and trembling, “I want Finn to watch you fuck me so good that he never wants to look at me again” you whine, fulfilling his wishes. You gasp loudly as he thrusts back into you hard, pulling out immediately after.
“Keep going.”
You meet his eyes, surprised with the complete dominance he’s taken right now. And you were happily going to oblige.
“I want Finn to see your cock fucking my dripping cunt so he knows just how wet you make me..” Evan slams himself back into you causing another moan to escape, “I want him to know just how good you make me feel, I want him to know that no one else can fuck me like you do.”
Evan repeats his thrust into you, speeding up with every word that leaves your tongue. His grip on your wrists tighten so much that it’s sure to leave a few marks, but the pain is nonexistent as you disappear into the complete ecstasy feeling that overtakes your body.
“Fuck, yes… I want Finn to watch you make me cum all over your dick.” You moan out, the sound of his hips slapping into yours so loud that surely, everyone has to hear it.
Your legs wrap around his waist tighter as his thrusts grow faster and sloppier. His head falls against your chest, his free hand gripping your waist tightly to keep you in place.
“He’ll know only i can fuck you like this..” Evan repeats your words in a deep groan, his teeth taking your delicate skin on your chest between them and nibbling hard, until a dark purple mark is left. “Only I can mark you when and we’re I want.” He moans, kissing the bruise and resting his forehead against you.
“Fuck yes, don’t stop fucking me Evan” you whimper, your fingers attempting to grip onto his that are still holding them. “I want you to make me cum so good that he can hear it from in here.” You beg.
He grins against your skin, releasing your waist and letting his hand find its way between your bodies until it stops on your clit. He quickly starts circling it with his thumb, your mouth parting in a gasp and your body jolting at the new overpowering sensation.
“Oh right there, yes Evan, fuck!” You whimper put more moans, Evan moaning at the beautiful sounds you make and speeding both his thrusts and his thumb up to help you reach your high. “Oh god, I’m gonna cum” you nod to him as you feel the knot in your stomach tighten more and more with every move he makes.
With one final hard thrust, you crumble into him as your orgasm takes over your body, a long string of moans filling the small closet as your high makes Evan reach his, pulling out and stroking his dick to ride his out, his thumb working on your clit to ride yours out.
As your moans quiet, your legs shake as they attempt to keep themselves wrapped around his waist. Evan slowly releases your wrists from above your head and carefully helps you stand, his hands holding your waist again for support as you catch your breath. You lean yourself back into the wall, lazily smiling up at him as you watch him tuck himself back into his boxers and jeans.
He glanced at you as you watch him on awe and shoots you a nearly embarrassed smile before reaching down for your clothing. He hands your shirt and bra to you before bending down and opening one pant leg and letting you hold onto him as you slip your foot into it, then he opens the other pant leg and slides them up onto your waist. You take a moment to put your shirt on, then lean back into the wall as you stare at each other.
“I’m not sure where that came from..”
“It was hot.” You cut him off. He blinks a few times, his cheeks reddening before pulling you to him into a hug. Your arms wrap around him gently but tightly.
“You never have to worry where my head or heart is at Evan,” you reassure him, feeling him nod into the crook of your neck. “There is not one person on this planet that could ever make me want to give you up. You’re all I could ever want.”
You hear him sigh, feeling his body relax more into your hold.
You hug each other for a few more minutes before finally pulling away, meeting the others eyes.
Evan clears his throat and looks around the room. “Um, I’m pretty sure the whole studio heard us so… sorry for what’s to come when he walk out.”
You press your lips together tightly trying to hide the embarrassed smile, but nod firmly and take ahold of his hand in yours.
“We walk out confidently.” You state, glancing up at him as he tries to stifle the laugh, only making you giggle with him.
Tags: @evanpetersmood @witchsbitchestime @demxnicprxncess @yes-divine-ruler @shjjpm @evanpsrealwife @iruzias @jangsuzchap @quicksilversg1rl @submissiveforahsmen @angelmenace @lovelizzie-blog1 @justa19 @daylas-life @simp4petermaximoff @totta69
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Can I request more 2012? I really like your table tease story with Donnie BTW! My request is what do you think would be good turn ons and turn offs for the 2012 turtles.
Turn Ons and Turn Offs (18+)
2012!Turtles x reader
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A/N: Of course you can!💚 And I’m happy that you liked it😘💜 These focuses mainly on the spicy stuff, but there’s also some general relationship aspects in there. As you know, not all turn ons has to be strictly sexual💙❤️ 💜🧡 (Btw, thought you all should know I wrote this while listening to Shady Lady by Ani Lorak).
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All characters are aged up.
Warning: Talk about sex, and possible break ups. And spelling. My head did a upsi every once in a while.
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Turn Ons:
Your admiration for his leadership skills is evident, and Leonardo is drawn to your determination to better yourself, just like he always tries to better himself. He finds your disciplined nature and eagerness appealing, often finding himself lost in admiration as you dive into whatever you’re passionate about.
Your respect for tradition and loyalty to your friends resonates with his own values. Your ideas of a relationship matches up with his, and both of you found that you had the same goals for your love lives.
When you let him geek out and take an interest in his sci fi series, board games and martial art rants. It made him weak in the knees to have you sit next to him, listening intently to all his words.
Leo likes to view himself as an independent leader with a mind of steel, making the decisions and leading the flock. But, he did like it ALOT when you took control in the bedroom. It gave him a change to relax, and, well, you looked hot as fuck on top of him.
But as much as Leo LOVED it when you took control during intimate times, it made him feel like a true man and a real leader, whenever you looked to him for protection or help. It made you look so small and cute, and he could just eat you on the spot.
Training you. More than once a small training session between you and Leo had turned into a heated makeout.
Calling him Sensei. Leo will lose his shit and become dominant very quickly.
Your eyes. Leo loves to watch your eyes during sex. Both of you made a big deal out of looking into each other’s eyes during your climax.
Teasing. Him or you? It didn't matter. Leo just had a thing for teasing and foreplay, finding it amazing the longer it lasts.
Turn Offs:
If you did not understand his role as a leader and what it meant to him, Leonardo was OFF. Leo is committed to his given role, and he can become frustrated if he senses any disrespect towards their mission or disregard for his orders. That same goes for his partner, if they decided not to see how important it is for Leo.
He values structure and organization, so if you're too spontaneous or disregard the importance of training and preparation, it might put a strain on your relationship. It’s not that Leo doesn’t like a few spontaneous things, but he has a daily routine that he needs to follow.
Leo doesn’t like it when it gets too messy in the bedroom. Sure, he can get into the kinky stuff, and bodily fluids tend to get involved, but it has to be easy to clean. So it’s a big no when it comes to bringing food into the bedroom. Maybe something to drink so you can keep going, but other than a few snacks for movies, no food.
Degradation. Leo likes it when you call each other things; good boy, good girl, Sensei, slut has even been used, but he will never talk down to you. He’s not against talking about how much one of you was loving it, but peeling each other apart with words. Never ask or expect him to call you dumb, stupid or something worse, because he won’t do it.
If you bleed, either from a bite or Leo being a little too rough with you, he shuts the whole thing down. You can say you liked it, but Leo wasn’t having it. Blood meant pain, typically a pain that was way stronger than any pleasure. Leo did not like it, fearing that he was hurting you too much.
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Turn Ons:
Your fiery spirit and unwavering determination catch Raphael's attention from the start. He's drawn to your confidence and independence, finding your willingness to stand up for what you believe in incredibly attractive.
Raphael appreciates your straightforwardness and isn't afraid to engage in some friendly banter and teasing with you, loving the challenge you present. Nothing could get Rapg in the mood, like when you returned his comment with an even fiery one, continuing back and forth until one was the ultimate winner. That winner tended to be the dominant one that night (even though Raph tended to take that role from you very quickly), or some very hot brat taming.
 Just like playful banter, playful fighting could rail Raph up so easily, trying his best to keep you pinned to the ground. He found it adorable to watch you struggle against him, and at times he would let you think you had the upper hand, before he pushed you to the ground, smiling mischievously at you, your flustered expression keeping him going every time.
Rough sex is his favorite kind. Though he would never try to intentionally hurt you, he did have a thing for hearing you whimper and plead for him, often turning into a whole game of dirty talk.
Begging has Raph spinning. He could lose his mind, just to the sound of your begging. However, if you really want him to enjoy it, don’t beg straight away. Make him fight for it. That’s the most fun part.
This man LOVES spanking. It is the sound, and the way your flesh jiggles afterwards, and the reddening of your skin, almost matching the color of his bandana. Raph loves watching your ass turn red during doggy style, calling it proof that he has been the one doing this to you.
Sex outside the bedroom? This man will do it anywhere with you. All you have to do is ask, and he will do it.
Turn Offs:
While Raphael admires your independence, he can become frustrated if he feels like you're shutting him out or keeping secrets. He values honesty and loyalty above all else, so if he senses any deceit or manipulation, it could lead to some serious clashes between you two. He can easily become insecure, overthinking very quickly, and make up ideas in his head, based on things you once said. Just talk to him, it makes everything easier.
Raph’s not a fan of overly clingy behavior and needs his space to process his emotions. That does not mean that he doesn’t want you around, but sometimes, when he’s mad at his brothers, he just needs to punch a punching bag first, before he tells you what's going on.
Raph loves to choke you doing sex, but if you choke him, he will pull away. Make sure he’s okay with it before you do it, otherwise he will start gaining some real trust issues when it comes to your intimate activities. He may be open for it one day, but he NEEDS to know it before you get down and dirty.
Stay. AWAY. From. His. ASS. No finger, no nothing. He ain’t doing it. Nope. Nuh-uh. Your butt, hell yeah! But his butt? FORGET IT.
His tail too! Ask first, otherwise, he will get aggressive or just walk away.
If you as much as joke about getting down with one of his brothers, his done. Leave. Raph is a pretty insecure guy, so a small joke can easily break him. Don’t do that to the poor guy. He’s trying his best.
You can get your ass spanked and your throat used and choked, but he will never make you bleed. He wants you to enjoy it just as much as him, so as soon as you tell him you don’t like it, he will stop. He will shut the whole thing down, even if you protest, deciding to spend the time cuddling instead.
As much as Raph loves to do nasty things with you, don’t you dare tell anybody. It’s not because he doesn’t want people to know that you two are intimate, but he just doesn't want people all up in his and your very personal business.
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Turn Ons:
Donatello is captivated by your intellect and curiosity, often finding himself engrossed in deep conversations with you about science, technology, and the mysteries of the universe.
He's drawn to your creativity and innovative thinking, appreciating your unique perspective on the world. Your passion for learning and exploring new ideas resonates with his own interests, creating a strong intellectual connection between you two.
Donnie is a BIG fan of phone sex. Masturbation together over the phone or sexting when you couldn’t be together. He loved it all. If you’re in the mood, just send him a pic and he is ready. He can fix whatever he was working on another time.
He has a thing for seeing you in his color. A purple shirt, or maybe even surprise him with purple underwear, and he will be ON. Sometimes he will even let you wear his bandana, maybe even wrapping it around you during sex. He just loved the sight.
Donnie LOVES dirty talk. All of it. He can be so sweet and caring on any other occasion, but during sex, he can talk so nasty to you, making you wonder where all that came from. But in truth, he had always been like that. It just took a person he trusted to bring it out of him.
Neither you or Donnie have a set role when it comes to sex. You feel like being submissive? Sure, then he’ll dominate you until your world starts shaking. Or let’s say that you feel like dominating, Donnie will happily be submissive, begging and pleading for you.
Let him watch you. Please! He finds it so hot!
Your purple genius turtle likes to try out news in the bedroom. He has a very open mind when it comes to your sex life, and will pretty much try anything you bring up, and things that has been thinking about for some time.
Turn Offs:
Donnie doesn’t have a lot of sexual turn offs, most of them having something to do with the maintenance of a relationship. But he will NEVER do anything you don’t want him to! Never ever! If you don’t want to, he will throw the idea away, prioritizing your comfort way more.
Donnie values honesty and transparency in a relationship, so if he feels like you're hiding something or being evasive, it can cause some tension between you two.
When it comes to relationships, he's also not a fan of recklessness or impulsiveness, preferring to carefully analyze situations before taking action. He wants to talk to you first, going through all the pros and cons, making sure that both of you are on the same page, and that nothing is left in the unknown. If you disregard safety protocols or act without thinking things through, it could lead to some disagreements.
Donnie is not always available, even though he really wants to be. Since he’s the only one that knows how to fix a toaster, his help is often needed in the lair. Therefore it would really discourage him in the long run, if you didn’t come down to visit him.
Cut him off during his long rambles about the newest thing he was working on, or show a general lack of interest in his work, and Donnie will quickly find himself rethinking the entire relationship. It’s not a lot he’s asking for, and his trying his best to make space for you in his life, so if you can’t give him that, is it even worth it?
Break some of his work on purpose, and he will feel like you have betrayed him.
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Turn Ons:
Your fun-loving nature and sense of humor immediately click with Mikey's laid-back personality. He's drawn to your adventurous spirit and willingness to join him on spontaneous escapades around the city. Mikey loves your positive attitude and ability to find joy in the simplest of things, often finding himself laughing and smiling more when you're around.
There’s many ways to get Mikey in the mood, one of the easiest ones being just telling him. Whisper in his ear and tell him you’re in the mood, and you’ll find that he too will be in the mood. It doesn’t take much more than that.
Something as simple as cuddling could get him going. Hug him in a certain way that reminded him of how you would press yourself against him, and his mind would go wandering until he couldn’t contain his excitement anymore.
Dress up in something revealing, and Mikey will not be able to keep his hands from himself. Especially something that puts focus on your chest. It will definitely help with this boob man.
There’s no way around it, but Mikey will bring food into the bedroom, and he will find a way to involve it in your acts. Licking syrup off of each other, or maybe eating ice cream from your chest. If Mikey can think of it, he will do it.
Mikey genuinely wants sex to be fun and enjoyable for both of you. It is a light hearted and pleasurable affair, and he will not see any reason to stop before you and him are satisfied… for the time being.
Sneaking around in the lair and in the city above can also really get him going. Mikey can’t help it. The thought of getting caught did some very interesting things to him.
Does Mikey like to be a little submissive sometimes? Yes, yes he does.
Roleplay? YES! This man LOVES it! Anything creative in the bedroom and he is hooked!
Turn Offs:
Mikey is not a fan of negativity or pessimism, preferring to surround himself with positivity and optimism. He understands that not everything is a dance on roses, but if you continuously point out the negative, he can find himself growing quite bored or maybe even tired of the relationship.
If there is one thing Mikey can’t stand, it is when he is forced to put a damper on his imagination and creativity. Tell him no to a good roleplay one too many times, and he will become quite agitated.
Mikey understands that sometimes life gets serious, he does not like it when his sex life has to be serious too. Mikey is not against intense intimacy with eye contact and all that, but let him have fun dammit! Can’t he have fun, then what is the purpose?!
Stick to one position for too long, and Mikey will get bored. And once Mikey is bored, the mood is gone. Keep it interesting, listen to his suggestions and have fun.
Keep Mikey stuck in the bedroom for too long, and he will - you guessed it - get bored. If you won’t sneak around with him, he will feel utterly lost in boredom. It takes a lot to make Mikey rethink a whole relationship, but with everything combined, he may be getting close to that point.
And the worst of them all. Probably the one he would put as the base for a break up; make him feel or call him childish. Now, Mikey wouldn’t care if his brothers called you and Mikey immature and childish, but if you called him that, along with sucking all the fun out of his life, Mikey would call it quits. He wants to have fun with his partner, and if his partner refused to do that, he wouldn’t want to be with them.
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peachsayshi · 1 year
How would your yandere version of gojo react to someone who’s being sneaky to reader? Or just to someone who constantly messes with her? Have a nice day btw
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ minors / ageless / blank blogs dni
gojo notices that you've been uncomfortable lately. he can't quite pinpoint what's bothering you, but he definitely can't keep ignoring the helpless look in your eyes.
"baby, what's wrong?" he asks one night.
you were peeling carrots, quietly preparing a delicious dinner to share with your lover. you started making these slow cooked meals about three weeks ago. comfort food, satoru thought to himself, but your dwindling enthusiasm over one of your favorite hobbies chips away at his heart.
you give him a small smile. "there's nothing wrong" you chirp, but your boyfriend grits his teeth at your pathetic lie.
you turn to glance back at the discarded orange ribbons, only to pause once again when you feel his large hand slowly caress the back of your palm.
"c'mon, you've got me all worried..." he insists, trying his best to reign in his frustration.
the front of your brows lift with concern, and he immediately leans forward to kiss away the tension. you breathe out a heavy sigh, carefully placing the peeler onto the cutting board before turning to face him. your fingers shake when you reach for the fabric of his shirt, and the pace of satoru's heart quickens at your odd behavior.
his mind runs rampant with the worst possible scenarios, but what he finally hears from you only fuels his anger.
he didn't know that you were being harassed by your new boss.
"he's just awful," you complain, shaking your head out of frustration, "he makes all these inappropriate comments, completely disregards any personal space that I have and leers every time I'm alone in the room with him. the whole thing makes me uncomfortable and I don't know what to do about it. I'm up for a promotion soon - I'm...worried if I say anything, then...then it might ruin everything I worked so hard for."
satoru's blood boils. his entire body feels unnaturally hot. he doesn't like that your voice sounds so small, so uncertain, and it blinds him with absolute rage.
the thought of another man having the audacity to ogle what belongs to him makes his stomach flip.
when your panicked eyes glances up at him from underneath your pretty lashes, is when he feels your grip tighten around his shirt.
"it's fine, satoru," you plea out of desperation, "I didn't want to tell because I don't want you to get upset about this. I'll be out of this department once I get my promotion. I just have to put up with his crap for a little while longer."
satoru doesn't have anything to say- he just stares at you with dead, cold eyes. his body is stiff when you stand on your tiptoes to brush your lips over his, and he only relaxes when he parts his lips to invite your tongue.
"you're not mad at me, are you?" you murmur, and he instantly shakes his head no.
"I'm just upset that you're having such a hard time," he exhales, and finds your waist to give you a reassuring squeeze. "I promise I'm not mad."
he eased your mind, however, it didn't stop the war waging inside his own.
unfortunately for him, he is still satoru gojo - the man has so much power and influence as the head of his clan, that he can't exactly just walk up to the piece of shit and knock his teeth out.
after all, he had to play by the rules of dealing with a non sorcerer.
one call to the ceo would easily solve the problem, but that option felt far too easy for him. instead, he spent every spare moment digging deep into the man who was stupid enough to fuck around with you. he gathered every ounce of information that he could find to potentially ruin his life, and then used it.
an envelope sent by an "anonymous" person was dropped off to your boss's home, revealing to his wife the series of texts between him and his many, many mistresses. satoru delighted in finding out that he was soon kicked out and living at a hotel.
that's when satoru began the fun little mind games. he would show up in the middle of the night knocking on the door of your boss's room before disappearing. he did it repeatedly for days, until the man began looking visibly distressed.
satoru would randomly appear at the foot of his bed, standing there like a ghost in the night until the man would wake up in sheer terror, but by the time the lights were on, the sorcerer had already vanished.
satoru would call him rat all hours but would never speak a word. he smiled with amusement when the man eventually broke down, begging to whoever it was on the receiving end to please leave him alone.
satoru would follow him from the office back to his hotel room every single night, keeping a safe distance to ensure he remained hidden in the shadows, all the while gleaming with pride as he watched the man shake with fear.
you were none the wiser to your boyfriends menacing shenanigans.
you came home one evening with a smile plastered on your face, a smile that satoru missed dearly, and he pretended to act pleasantly surprised.
"did you have a good day, angel?" he asks with a gentle kiss.
"I did actually!"
"that asshole isn't giving you a hard time anymore, right?" your boyfriend questions, embellishing his concern while feigning ignorance.
"actually, he backed off, but I definitely think it's because he's preoccupied with his upcoming divorce. he's been in really terrible shape lately..."
satoru shrugs his shoulders with indifference, "can't say I feel sorry for him..."
"I heard through the grapevine that he's submitted his resignation letter. although, it could just be petty office gossip..."
the corner of satoru's mouth twitches into a grin. he playfully taps the tip of your nose before leaning down to kiss your cheek. "well, all I can say is good fucking riddance."
please check pinned for requests x
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yourfatherlucifer · 3 months
MDNI - Pirate!Hongjoong
Ft. Seonghwa and Yunho
fucking god… 😩 btw this may seem cnc but its completely consensual, reader is just hesitant, he's not used to the pirate ways, and is in the closet.
please REBLOG
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The very aggravated prince was thrown down into the brig, his body practically hogtied together, "You won't get away with this! My father will have your head on a silver platter!" He snarled and thrashed.
With a giggle, the captain of this ship approached the small cell, "That's so cute, but unfortunately for you, you won't be going anywhere, pretty boy. I have more uses for you than some gold for my crew." He grinned.
Hongjoong paced around the brig, his head facing towards the ceiling, "As the pirate king, I need a..how can I say this, a plaything? No..a cocksleeve is more like it. Someone who can entertain myself and my crew." He quickly slammed himself onto the bars with a laugh, which startled the prince greatly.
"Having a royal was the perfect choice." Hongjoong peeled himself away.
"What on earth are you talking about, vile pirate? You couldn't just find some woman, not a man, a crown prince at that?" His eyebrows furrowed in disgust.
"Are you shaming my sexuality, little prince?" Hongjoong's gaze darkened with anger, "I'm a pirate, we don't like women aboard our ships. They're bad luck."
The prince rolled his eyes, "No, I'm not shaming you, but why me?"
"Because. I can."
Hongjoong walked away and whispered in his crewmates ear, "Bring him to my quarters and stand guard outside."
With that Hongjoong left and the other man unlocked the cell, cutting the rope on the prince's legs. He hoisted him up very roughly, "Let's go, pretty boy. You're in for a fun time with my captain, lucky you." He smirked and pulled him up the stairs to bring him up-deck.
Seonghwa shoved the prince into Hongjoong's room and shut the door behind him once he left and stood guard outside. The captain smiled and pulled him to his bed.
Hongjoong pulled a knife out of his boot and sliced off the rope on his wrists, "I need your hands free for what I'm gonna do to you." He smirked as he climbed on top of the confused man.
"Wait, I didn't agree to be your cock-" He cried out as he was interrupted by Hongjoong grabbing on his bulge.
"Are you sure about that? Because I saw the way you were looking at my lackey. Don't tell me the good little prince is hiding in the closet?"
His face flushed red in embarrassment and pushed gently on Hongjoong's chest, "Shut up, pirate!"
"Tell me your name, crown prince."
"It's M/N.."
"Well, M/N, I'm gonna ruin you for any woman and for any chance of you giving heirs to your kingdom. You're mine now."
He whimpered beneath Hongjoong and straightened up his body.
Hongjoong sat up and pulled down his own pants just to pull out his cock, slighty startling M/N in the process.
"Oh my-" He tried to scramble away.
"Calm down, pretty boy. You can handle it."
"How is that going to fit!" He scoffed.
"Really? You think this is far too big to fit inside? Well then, looks like I'll have to introduce you to someone later." He chuckled as he yanked down the prince's trousers and threw them wherever.
Hongjoong's fingers danced around M/N's tight ring and slowly pushed a couple in, receiving a loud moan from the prince in response.
When he deemed he was ready, he pushed his cock in with a grunt. M/N let out a couple tears from the stretch and wrapped his arms around Hongjoong's neck.
Hongjoong watched as his cock sunk repeatedly into M/N's ass, with a crazy grin, "Fuck, you're practically pulling me in. Wanted a cock that bad?" He giggled.
M/N let out several assorted moans and cries each time Hongjoong slammed his hips against his.
Hongjoong pulled his own shirt into his mouth to get a better view of his assault on M/N's hole.
After a few more thrusts, Hongjoong flipped M/N into a doggy style position and called out for best mate, Seonghwa.
"Seonghwa, get your ass in here and get undressed!" He barked out.
The male walked in, slamming the door behind him and stripped himself of his clothes, cock already hard and standing at attention, "Yes, Captain?"
Never stopping his thrusting, he looked back at Seonghwa, "Get underneath him." He growled and turned back to M/N, "You're going to fuck him with me."
"Yes sir." Seonghwa climbed underneath the nearly fucked out prince with a grin, his hair sticking to his forehead and his eyes rolling into the back of his head each time Hongjoong hit that perfect spot.
Seonghwa pressed their cocks together and gave them a couple tugs before letting go and guiding his cock to M/N's already occupied hole. It was a hard stretch, especially with M/N's protesting.
"Wait! I can't take two at once!"
"You can, and you will." Hongjoong growled as he felt Seonghwa's cock slide against his inside of M/N.
Both men were jackhammering into the poor prince as he fell on top of Seonghwa's chest, he felt like he was in heaven, he was very overstimulated but didn't care. Being fucked by two cocks was the best thing in his opinion. Hongjoong was right. He was definitely hiding in the closet and was more than happy to come out if this was the result.
M/N was leaking so much cum from his cock onto Seonghwa and he couldn't help it. Not with the way they were fucking him, like he was a doll and nothing more.
Hongjoong suddenly stopped and grinned mischievously, "Sorry to break your fun early, Seonghwa. But, I need you to go get our biggest, tell him..I have a plaything for him. Then go back to guard duty."
Seonghwa sighed and pulled out, and slipped out from underneath the weak prince, "Fine, but you owe me." He grumbled and threw his clothes back on and left.
Hongjoong also pulled out and tucked himself back into his pants, leaving the limp boy on the bed, "Like I said, I'm gonna introduce you to someone." He walked over to his desk chair and watched as the naked prince laid nearly asleep on his bed, "Don't fall asleep, I'm not done with you, pretty boy."
A few minutes passed and a very big man walked in, "Captain?" He approached Hongjoong's desk.
"My bed. Have fun." He grinned and watched as Yunho slowly turned around to see M/N, "He's all nice and stretched out for you. No need to be fragile with him."
Yunho smiled, "Thank you, captain." He walked over to the prince and took his massive cock out, "Hey there, just lay there. Don't need to do anything. I got it." He pulled M/N's hips to his as he faced down on the bed, too weak to move, he didn't even feel like turning around to see how 'big' this man was.
Yunho roughly pushed his cock in, stretching M/N with his girth and length alone.
M/N groaned and squeezed the blanket beneath him, "So big.." he muttered and squeezed his eyes shut as Yunho fucked into him, his hips angled in such a way that he was doing nothing but slamming against M/N's prostate, repeatedly.
Hongjoong watched with a grin, fisting at his own cock without a sound from his lips.
But by the time Yunho had cum, M/N was already falling asleep, and Yunho was still rock hard.
"Sir, he's passing out, little thing can't keep up with me." Yunho chuckled.
"Then pull out and return later, he can't consent if he's asleep. I'll call for your comeback." Hongjoong sighed in annoyance and waved off Yunho.
"I'll clean him up." He grumbled and watched as Yunho left.
Hongjoong then walked over and leaned into M/N's ear, "I have five other men who will love playing with your hole, pretty boy~"
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