the-light-and-dark · 13 days
i've seen some posts floating around about people being confused as to what classifies as robotfucking and to what degree so i decided to take a crack at it and made this chart inspired by the infamous furry chart
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the-light-and-dark · 2 months
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Forgot to post this cuz my head started hurting but pt 2 later whenever shwjsnwje
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the-light-and-dark · 3 months
A wonderful idea sent to me by the lovely @shiorimia ! Thank you so much!
Warning: descriptions of blood and gore
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It was a stupid mistake. A misstep, a wrong turn, confused directions and jumbled ideas of left and right. You went the wrong way, and instead of finding cover, you stumbled into an open clearing.
Your head swivels, scanning piles of broken concrete and drill bits, scattered toys and suspicious stains. Dogday, gripping your shoulders, clinging on for dear life, watches your six in return. There’s nothing but the way you returned, or a door you can see off in the dark distance. One you have no assurance is unlocked and will lead somewhere safe.
But you can’t go back, so might as well move and find another way out.
You take off towards the door, body heavy, lungs screaming for a rest. But there’s no time, not with the distant screech of claws on concrete. You force your leadened legs to move faster, teeth grit-
Dogday’s shout comes too late. Your legs are knocked out from under you in a flash of purple. You hit the ground hard, pants tearing at the knees as you slide across the concrete, hands out to brace you. It’s like a memory, distant in your mind, of playgrounds and laughter turned tears from stinging wounds soothed by a soft voice and soft hands. But no such softness exists for you here.
Instead, your body is shocked by the sudden absence of weight upon your back. Reeling, you push yourself up, seeing a stunned Dogday lying a few feet away. He rubs his head, braced on one elbow, his eyes on you and the bloodied handprints you leave behind.
He doesn’t see the looming figure behind him, the white eyes focused on him, the clawed hand reaching through the darkness in a cloud of glinting red.
You don’t think, and throw your gas mask right into Catnap’s face. It smacks him dead on, and he reels back with a screech of shock and pain.
“Dogday!” You cry, scrambling towards him in a desperate attempt to prevent tragedy. “Duck!”
Such a good boy, Dogday drops at your command, letting you deal with the hissing, spitting Catnap that swipes at him. But he misses, too high to catch Dogday, especially when you throw yourself over him.
Dogday doesn’t quite know what happened. All he knows is that you’re over him, then you’re not. You’re knocked aside, hitting the ground once more in a heavy, concerning thud. But that’s not the sound that bothers Dogday; it’s the distinct sound of liquid splattering across the floor.
He turns, and there you lie. Three marks carve through your stomach, a perfect curve that ends in a spray of blood off your side, onto the floor, like a feathered wing of red. Dogday twists, pulling himself around, dragging himself to where you are.
Catnap hisses and spits at your fallen body.
Dogday gets closer and sees the twist of agony upon your face.
He turns around and lunges at Catnap.
It’s not a fair fight. Catnap has the red gas and sharp claws, but Dogday has a brick he grabbed off the ground and the element of surprise. He swings it down on Catnap’s shoulder, and the cat yowls at the deafening crack that sounds from the impact, skittering off towards the shadows from which he came with a deep limp. Dogday barks after him, rough and enraged and promising more hurt if he came back.
He backs up as he barks, under he bumps into you. Only then does he stop, moving to hover over you as he scans around for any more threats. His body sits tense, fur stood on end, a growl ready in his throat for whatever he might see.
But nothing comes, and the growl melts into a whimper. 
You’re bleeding. His angel, bleeding. Dogday whines loudly, but there’s no one around to help. Poppy and Kissy are somewhere safe, but you’re both out in the open. How is he going to get you somewhere safe? Where is somewhere safe?
Dogday lowers down closer to you. His nose is assaulted with the stench of iron, and he gags. He hates the smell, but bears it for now. He has to get you somewhere with bandages, scraps of fabric, anything to stem the wounds.
He looks towards the door you were running to before. It’s his best bet, and his only option at this point.
Dogday lowers down. It’s hard to maneuver you onto his back, hard to make you lie on your own wounds, balanced over his shoulder to keep you from falling as Dogday crawls towards the door. He moves as fast as he can, thankful for your insistence in making him eat, making him sleep, getting him healthy and strong enough to do this for you.
The door is unlocked, a small miracle. Dogday shoves his way into the dim back hall, growling at the tiny pairs of eyes that turn to the light. The mini critters back away from the big dog’s slow stalk down the hall. He bites at those who get too close, jaws snapping at limbs and tails, all while scanning signs and plaques.
There must be a medical room nearby. There has to be one.
With the blood soaking Dogday’s back, he knows he has to find it. A simple red cross, one he’s seen before. He’s taken kids there before, he was taken there by you, when you rescued him. You, who bandaged him and sewed shut his wounds despite your shaky hands and scared eyes, scared to hurt him more. You could never hurt him.
But right now, Dogday knows he’s hurting you.
He claws his way around the next corner, feeling your body gasp and heave against him. “Hang on, angel.” Dogday gasps, spotting hints of red in the dim shadows. “Almost there. . .”
His arms are starting to ache. His back cramps from the awkward angle it needs to keep you from falling. Dogday has felt worse pain. He tells himself this as he pushes himself forward, unwilling to stop. You saved him. Now he must save you. He has to, has to make up for being useless, a burden.
This is all his fault, after all. He should’ve stayed with Poppy and Kissy like you suggested, not demanded to follow you, to protect you. He couldn’t even manage it. And now you’re. . . you’re dying.
Dogday growls the thought away.
The red is a cross, one Dogday nearly cries to see. He snaps at the critters that try to block the way, batting aside those that don’t immediately retreat. The door is unlocked, nearly hanging off its hinges, but Dogday slams it back, sealed into the frame.
There’s a bed in the corner, too high to reach without legs. Dogday chooses the floor instead, easier to get to you. He rolls, letting you gently fall onto your back. 
“Angel.” Dogday whines, seeing the state of you. Everything is red. Horrible, horrible red.
He looks away, and crawls towards the drawers and cabinets. Their contents are picked through, but small bandages, expired disinfectants, rags and tape all remain. It’s not enough, not nearly enough, but it will have to work.
Dogday takes a slow breath, forces down his worries and emotions, and gets to work.
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When you wake up, the world crawling back into your being, everything is sore. Your body loathes to move, but you paw your hands at the squishy fabric beneath you, bundling blankets in your fist to ground your body to this plane. Your head slowly cocks side to side, seeing the dark ceiling, the trash strewn about the floor, the door blocked with a pile of furniture.
And the muted orange arm that lays along your side, connected to the body that hovers just over yours. You stare up at Dogday, but he’s focused on the door, growling every time a soft scratching drags along the wood.
What happened? You remember Catnap lunging at Dogday, then. . . oh.
“Dogday?” You rasp, throat sore and dry.
The toy above you jolts, nearly falling over as he twists to look at you. His hand hovers, fingers ghosting your temple, your cheek, your chin. His noses along your throat, twisting your head this way and that like he expects to find a new injury. 
You feel his hand brush along your stomach. The inhale you try to take feels contained, stomach straining against a barrier. He bandaged you, it seems. You must be in a medical room, one he found and got you both to.
“Catnap?” You ask, too tired to fully form the question.
Luckily, Dogday understands. “I chased him off, angel. We’re safe.” You sigh, only to tense when Dogday growls again, louder than before. “You. . . You shouldn’t have done that.” He shakes his head at your confusion. “You could’ve been killed!”
You wince at his volume. “Dogday-”
“You are not expendable!” He snaps. You feel pinned by his gaze, heated and sharp and digging into your very skin. “Not like me! I cannot defeat the prototype, but you can. So you need to stop being stupid, and prioritize yourself!”
The silence is only broken by his heavy breathing. You can only blink up at him, not expecting such a heavy conversation (or more really, lecture) so soon after waking up. 
You reach up, touching his cheek. Dogday automatically reaches up with you, cradling your palm so you don’t have to strain.
“But. . .” You whisper, guilt stewing low in your split gut. “But he would’ve hurt you.”
A scoff escapes Dogday. He shakes his head, pressing his eyes into your palm as he growls and grumbles and cries. The tears won’t stop, not now that he knows you’re still alive, that he was able to save you after all. Especially not with how simple and kind you are, even in the face of death itself.
“You’re. . .” Dogday huffs, biting back a whimper. “You’re stupid to think I’m worth your life.”
You can only smile. “But you are. You’re worth everything.”
Dogday whines, loud and agonizing. He drops, collapsing finally into the arms you open for him. Your fingers comb through his fur, scratching the base of his ears, his neck, along his jaw, all places you know he likes. He can’t muster the energy to wag his tail, but he huddles close to you, to your whispers of promises, of assurances that you both will leave this hell, together.
Dogday listens, and swears to himself that you won’t ever get hurt again. He’ll work as hard as he must to make sure you never suffer like this again.
No more burdens. He’ll be a proper guard dog to you, or he’ll die trying. You deserve as much.
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the-light-and-dark · 7 months
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Made this for funsies, art and AU by @pillowspace ^^
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
Everything is basically the same, but the Creator of Sun and Moon has a kid (Y/N) and Sun and Moon's original purpose was to protect and entertain Y/N. Now, a few years later, Y/N goes and revisits Sun and Moon, who now work as Daycare attendants.
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
New master post!
DNI with this blog if you are sensitive to the topics that may get discussed here or are present to send hate. Please do not come here to attack or harrass anyone, not even characters in the AU as I will immediately block you. Do not send hate towards others either, you can interact with each other through asks, but do not DM someone to send them hate, I do not allow that, I want this to be a safe environment for my AUs.
Certain topics are to be avoided here, and to be respected. The author is not responsible for anything that happens if you visit this domain, come here at viewer discretion!
Head up!! This blog contains gacha life 2 content, if not comfortable with the gacha fandom, please make your leave!! If not...
Welcome! This is a rp blog as mentioned!! Anyone is welcome to ask questions, but if I don't feel like they're appropriate for this blog or getting completely off subject I will delete them/block you!
No shipping in this blog please!(Only platonic forehead kisses, hugs, cuddles, head pats, etc)
Keep on subject, this is a reader/asker story. Whatever you say affects how the characters may respond/reply to you!
You may be any kind of anon, no need to ask. But please try not to make overly lemoned jokes- the characters get easily uncomfortable with those...
Please read the rest below sending an ask, thanks!!
Writing/gacha requests are open for characters I have!!
List of characters:
-Fige nights at Freddy's (Sun, Moon, Eclipse (fanon and canon), and more(including other game characters, not just from security breach)
-Poppy Playtime (Dogday, Catnap(in works), others are still being worked on)
-More coming soon
Things I will write:
Reader x (character name) (platonic, no romantic ships)
Platonic relationships
Horror/gore(not too much)
Slow burns/fast burns
Anxiety and insecurities help and advice (personal experience)
And more!! ^^
Things I won't write:
Preg (all ways)
Body horror(way too far only)
Massive gore
Lemon ships/stuff
List updates somewhat frequently. Things may change. Pay attention..
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
*I blink at Vanta’s grinning face, still trying to make out their features*
Uh…hey, do you know where the Sun guy went? He was the first one I saw…
"Oh, you mean Sunny? He was never down here though, last I've seen him, he was up on the play structures, playing with himself before well... The lights went out and yeah..." Vanta looks somewhat surprised themselves, their face shifts a bit and their eye color splits, glowing brighter, just slightly but now more visible that one eye, the right, is pink meanwhile the other is purple. Ah, sharing control... That's it...
"Sunny is just finee! He always says he is when we check on him, and Moon is pretty busy to even see! We usually just hang around during the night, because that's when Sunny is MOST active!" Chirp gesturses wildly around themselves, speaking a lot louder then Vanta does, and in a more positive mood, seemingly unaware of what's going on behind the scenes. They lean back and float about, giggling to themselves.
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
*I nod* Huh. Okay. Hm…can I call you and your…person…uh…you can be Vanta and the other can be Chirp?
*I purse my lips, awaiting response.*
"Mhmm... Just a moment..." The first voice turns it's back to you, talking to itself quietly, hands gesturing wildly with no real aim for a few long minutes before they come to a stop.
"So... The names are quite fitting, we happily accept them, just don't get ahead of yourself even so... Chirp might just explode in rambles.... And that lasts for hours..." Vanta doesn't look so pleased thinking about it, leaning close to you, a serious expression for a moment replaced by a grin as they lean back, obviously satisfied with whatever they've done, which is not much.
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
*I cross my legs and sit more comfortably, looking up at the figure*
I’m…confused. Sorry, I don’t know how this is supposed to work. *I chortle, scratching my neck a bit*
Am I in danger here? There was a different voice not too long ago…
"Nope, you're fine, uhhmm... I forgot we don't have an actual name, our culture uses other languages, which we saw humans cannot understand, but you can call us however you want, and as for the other 'me', they're fine, still here" The figure points to their own head, pausing to let you process it, fiddling with something you cannot make out even in this short distance.
"They just go silent randomly, but I can tell they're bored so they're still listening, of course, but they don't truly wanna talk any more, even if we share thoughts, they're just eerily silent, and it doesn't happen so often, while it isn't out of the ordinary, it's odd all of a sudden, but they're always weird, so I'll take a guess that they haven't slept and probably fell asleep now.." The voice explains, sighing audibly and pinching the top of their nose, obviously disappointed in... Their other half? Partner? Twin... Whatever... Not listening-
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
*I squint at the figure*
Yes, I can. It’s just…dark.
"Oh, oh! They do! And confirmed too!" The not so smart, as assumed, voice cuts in before the other could speak, letting go of gravity and leaning back as if they're leaning back on a bed, letting out a excited giggle.
"Well, we can see you clearly, though the darkness might not be the problem, it might be us in general, or I mostly, because ever since that other stupid shadow came by we were just fine fitting in with humans, now we look like ghosts, like before we got our magic to work properly, which is... Weird..." The first voice states, the other doesn't reply, and so they just stare at you then at themselves, they do glow but not much it seems.
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
*I furrow my brows at the voice, or rather, voices, and tug on my jacket*
Who’s there? *I ask while staring in the direction of the silhouette. It’s tall, but that’s normal to me*
"Is it blind?" One of the voice speaks, the other quickly cuts it in a much quicker and serious tone.
"That human is not a 'it' dumbo! The human obviously has a name... Which we don't know!" The other voice states, and suddenly goes silent.
The silhouette falls off the high bridge and in front of you, not even touching the ground, but perhaps leaning a little too close to you for comfort, seeming to inspect you.
"Does 'the human' even hear or see us at all?" The much more silly yet childish voice responds back to the silence.
"I guess? Hello? Are you able to see us?" The second voice asks, flashing their ghostly hand in front of your face.
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
Moon's silhouette comes into view, and he drops onto the play structure, his way of doing so not so visible at first sight but still there, his own wire retracting as quickly as it came.
Moon's eyes glow dangerously so, he looks at atherflame before looking to Sun, remaining silent before he blinks a few times, shaking his head side to side, snapping his attention back to you, stepping in front of Sun, a hand spread in front of his counterpart as protection.
Purple eyes stare deadly at you, obviously waiting for a response before he decides to just remove you without warning, which would be easier done then said to him, his teeth are razor sharp, outcasting any kind of weapons you could see around here, flashing at you, obviously as a threat to not make even a move.
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
*With a sigh, I look around warily and decide to sit down where I’m at. I wonder where Sun went. He was just there!*
Oh, boy. This is great.
"Yep, it is horrible not gonna lie, it's a maze itself, what can I say?"
The voice seems to echo, mostly from upwards, where you can see several bridge connecting the two structures you're hiding in between of, colors dull in the darkness.
"Just ignore that, I am a bit tricky myself, what can I even add-"
The same voice responds to itself before a soft, dimly glowing silhouette appears on the nearest bridge, leaning onto the rope edges of it, cupping it's own chin in both hands, a grin of knowledge on it's face. Is this place haunted as well?
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
‘I funked up I funked up I funked up’
*I just watch as sun ran off, not knowing what to do.* well Ather… you really screwed up this time.. oh what do I do, what do I do? How do I fix this?
Soon enough, Sun stands up, wiping his face on the small cape around his neck, smiling suddenly when you can see soft, purple eyes in the darkness not so far off, getting closer and closer but suddenly disappearing midway, however, Sun's enthusiasm still doesn't go down as he backs away from the edge quite a bit.
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
Hello? Is someone there? *I look at the darkness nervously, giving a barely noticeable frown to it*
If someone’s there, I could use some advice… social interaction is one of my worst skills, and I think I need better skills for when I wanna do…
The silence hungs around, little glowing stars making way for light coming from the far off ceiling, which has probably no limit at this point. The stars, the real ones from outside can be seen, small clouds passing by at a snail's pace, the moon shining brightly.
The clouds slowly gather up, darkening more and covering the moonlight, leaving you in the darkness and trust of the handmade stars hanging off non-visible hangers and strings.
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
*I jolt at the voice, bringing my hands up to my chest. I find the nearest play structure and lean against it*
*With pursed lips, I look around, ready to run when necessary.*
When the least is expected, nothing really happens, the wind that gets in here form huge, unseen windows passing by, a short lived cracking sound is heard nearby and a small star from the ceiling falls to the floor, flickering on and off, fighting for it's life before turning off completely.
It seems it wasn't anything serious, but that seems so before a silent chuckle, that you wouldn't hear unless you listened closely enough, came from the darkness nearby, what's it this time?
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the-light-and-dark · 8 months
*looks up at Sun*
You good?
For a moment it's silence, and then what seemed to be only a flashing image dissipates, a loud shout is heard from on top of the structure far off, and shifting is heard in the darkness nearby.
"Little rabbit, little rabbit... Where are yooouu?~"
The voice echoes everywhere yet it doesn't seem to have a owner, and neither does it sound familiar to any animatronics or criminals banned form here... Who is it?
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