#and harry act like an awkward sunflower
justalildance · 1 year
the finale was so underwhelming
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annoyedmothf4iry · 2 years
Why are you friends with Longbottom? ; N.L.
Neville x reader
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Summary; You couldn’t fight with your heart anymore… Some things weren’t meant to be and Neville was too blind to see it.
Word count; 2.8K
Fandom; Harry Potter
Warnings; Swearing, violence, sexual innuendos/talk, brief nudity, depression/anxiety, ultimate fluff 💕
A/n; I'm still getting the hang of this whole 'writing my own fanfic' thing so bear with me pleaseeeee 😂<3 So anyways, I hope you enjoy and if you want to be tagged for more Neville x reader content, just request in the notes and i will get back to youuuu <3333
"why are you friends with Longbottom?" You stared at Cedric until you were blue in the face. While his attention was purely focused on the boys across the courtyard, leaning over the fountain and splashing water in Neville's face. Water droplets trinkled down his freckled face and he squeezed his eyes shut until his face turned the color of a tomato with annoyance.
"why do you keep asking that?" You snapped. Not really happy with your boyfriend right now, you pulled your attention away from him and trying to focus on something else but all you could think about was those boys bullying Nev and it was really really starting to piss you off knowing that he's not going to defend himself either. The temptation of wanting to leave Ced's side to go help out a friend in need is enticing but getting trouble was not on your to-do list today so you didn't know what to do...
You have been dating Cedric Diggory for the past three months and it's been a blissful experience but... something felt off to you. The way he would hold your hand and a grin would grow from ear to ear as he looked down at you and you would just feel itchy under your skin, like you were hypnotized. He was always nice to you, even though there was always people talking about you behind your back, he didn't care for any of it. Ced became more confident with every chance he could to be by your side and, of course, you started to notice. I mean, you weren't exactly in love with Cedric but you did like him for a while now and, yeah, he did indeed liked you back. So why not take the chance and just ask him out but what Neville didn't expect was for Ced to say yes and that's when things turned south.
"so, how's your perfect boyfriend doing, still the champion of your heart?" Longbottom asked, his tone flattened like his heart.
"what the hell does that mean?" Hanging out in the greenhouse or lounging in the library with Neville always seemed to be the highlight of your day, even when he acts like a total asshole by accident.
"n-nothing, it's just" he paused, regretting and knowing what you would do if he answers you wrongly, feeling pang behind his inflamed, green eyes as he waters the plants in front of him. "I'm sorry, sunflower. I didn't mean it like that."
"then, what did you mean exactly?" He studied you for a really long time before trying to think up a lie, anything to try and hide his true feelings. You held his gaze for seconds at a time, inspecting the little gold flecks hidden behind his emerald irises and you thought back to all those other times you would just stare at him during class when he would have his full, undivided attention on a project that he was working on and beads of anxious sweat would guide itself down the sides of his face. His thick, dark eyebrows would furrow, his sharp jawline clenched and your eyes would just trail down to his beautifully sculpted hands holding the potted plant in front of you.
"don't worry about it. What I say doesn't really matter anyway..." His pride was crushed, turning himself back over to the workshop behind him and started to unnecessarily fluff up the leaves until it started to look like a normal, old shrub.
"Y/n? Y/n!" You were grabbed by the shoulders, being pulled away from your recent, awkward memories of what used to be your relationship to the tortured boy across the fountain and only Cedric was in your vision. Your eyelids lifted and Ced's face broke out into a sparkling sweat. "you alright?" you nodded, blinking away the tears as you looked up to see Neville being pushed into the fountain with a big splash. Nev screeched as he fell over and as he was trying to pick himself back up, he pushed his dripping wet hair back with his fingers, his soaked robes leaking everywhere with the slightest movement and you watched as his face flushed with envy. Mental images flashed in your mind and your adrenaline kicked in as you rushed to the scene, mad with power as you grabbed your wand from your back pocket and slid it under your darkened sleeve so no one could see.
"you bastards!" you cried out, swinging your wand up to one of the boys' faces, Crabbe was his name, and chanted out the words for a transfiguration spell which turned the doughy faced boy into a mouse-haired ferret with a quick, magical burst. And as you wanted the other boy, Goyle, to have the same sealed fate, You felt a strong pair arms grab you from behind and being pulled away from your opponents. The mixture sounds of cackling between every peer of yours echoed throughout the cobblestone walls but it was all just white noise to you. You didn't care for the ignorance in others around you, you just wanted to wipe those stupid, ugly smiles off of those assholes before they'd hurt anyone else but someone was keeping you contained.
"let me go!"
"no, not until you calm down." That's not Cedric's voice. "they're not worth it, sunshine." he whispered in your ear, holding your arms down until he took advantage of opportunity to picking you up and swinging you over his shoulder. You squealed when he touched your ass but that didn't mattered when all you could think about was if Ced was watching him do this to you and where he's going with you in the first place.
"I'm not letting you get into trouble because of me. Not again..." he rambled on as he carried you far away from that mess, the mess that you created, the mess that you didn't want Nev involved with but you just kept pulling him in even deeper. You missed hanging out with him and just goofing around but all that ended when you found a new love interest and you didn't want for Neville to get hurt anymore than he should so you just pushed him away...
Longbottom turned from corner to corner, making pitstops to see if anyone was following you guys until, finally, he has reached his final destination before setting you down on a table. He took you to the great hall.
He inspected you, "are you alright, no cuts or bruises?" you swatted his hands away from your face and pushed yourself off of the table.
"no, I'm fine."
"ok, good." He nodded with assurance and flicked you on the nose. You flinched with pure shock that even Neville would do something so childish, so stupid that you can't even be pissed at.
"Ow!" You held the bridge of your nose, "what the fuck, Nev?"
"now, I've known you for years but I never thought you would do something so stupid." You've never seen him so riled up, so infuriated before. It was something that he'd never held against, never held a grudge for but you suddenly realized that anything can happen and that's what scared you the most.
"I know what I was doing-" "OH, do you now?" He couldn't look at you without sobbing and that left you with a pang in your stomach. "because what I just saw back there was reckless anger when actually you had no right to be that mad."
"I had no right?! They almost drowned you and last time I checked, bullies like them deserve to perish so I'm sorry if you didn't want to be saved but I couldn't just sit back and watch. Not again..." You sniffled when crossing your arms and thinking back to all those other times when you had to pull Neville away from Malfoy or Snape and many other villainous characters that he kept bumping into and many other times you just had to get yourself involved with when it wasn't even your fight to begin with in the first place.
"do you even hear yourself right now? Do you even know what you're saying or, I know, is your boyfriend just controlling your thoughts again." He didn't question you when he already knew the answer all along but you were to swallowed with pride to see that.
All you did was put your nose in the air and ignore the world like you've been doing because you knew that letting him in again would bring back old memories of when things were enchanting, bright.
And you wanted to move on, You wanted to stop hurting him.
Nev stepped closer, "what happened to my sunflower, my best friend?" Please don't come any closer... You felt his hot breath on the top of your head. The fresh smell of mint and rose buds wafted all around you and you were immediately pulled in. No boy should smell like that.
You stole what's left over of your confidence, while the rest flew right out of the window, and glanced up at the boy standing inches away from you. His pupils grew the size of coins while you were still counting how many lay spackled over his button-shaped nose of what was his perfectly placed freckles. You wanted to trace your fingertips all his jawline, wanting to feel the stumble that slowly grew on his strong chin but you decided against that.
You words felt scrambled because you knew that the boy in front of you wasn't no more. That all that confidence you knew he had but never used was just it. He just wanted to save it for a rainy day, he wanted to prove to someone that he wasn't just scaredy cat Longbottom anymore and this was it.
"she's dead." Neville grimaced, probably wishing he'd never met you as he stuffed his hands back in his pockets and took some time to process.
"now, I know t-that's not true..." He mumbled under his chattered breath, his shoulders hunched, his head hung. Neville was freezing from the damp clothes hanging off his body. After hesitating, he quickly decided to open his weighed down robes, pealing it off of his body and throwing it to the side. You felt your heart quicken as you watched him strip in front of you without a care. I mean, it's not the first time you've seen him shirtless--oh my, how he always looked good without a shirt--and now that these feelings of yours seemed to take control of your life, somewhere in the back of your mind was dirtier than expected.
As a natural reflex, you slapped a hand across your eyes and turned around.
"what are you doing?" You ignored him, trying to fan yourself of the heat that started to spread through different parts of your body and you needed to cool down. You stripped yourself of your own robes and handed them to Neville from behind with just a swing of your arm.
"here," Seconds past and that's when you felt his gentle touch, his fingertips grazed the edge of your wrist as he grabs your robes and your heart jolted, a warm shiver crawled beneath your spine and down your thighs. You gnawed at your bottom lip, trying to think of things that turned you off but the only that came up was moments, memories of Nev's hand on your thigh and it starts to move upwards...
Turning your head, you body followed and in front of you stood a damp, half-naked Neville. His dark bangs dangled over his forehead, his expressions exhausted but stern. You gulped as you squeezed your legs together when a violent yet passionate surge swam under your stomach. You felt attacked. You never felt this way about Cedric, Never had this yearning, heated emotions for anyone really, but when you see the boy with the crestfallen looks--you just had to melt for him.
His cheeks flushed when he stared back at you. Your movements, like your darkened thoughts, were quite obvious to him. From every quirk to every impersonal habit, he knew you from every side.
"l-like what you see, sunshine" Your heart jumped at that very moment. Of all the things Nev would usually say, of course he just had to tease you at the wrong moment.
"oi, shut up will ya?" he chuckled at your uncomfortable state and you were immediately snapped out of your weird trance. Rolling your eyes and crossing your arms, all you thought about was wiping that smug grin off of his face with your fist but all of that was landslided when you noticed him inched closer towards you.
"you know what I've been thinking about," He now was hovering over you and you hated that, "Us. I miss us." Everything else was white noise. A mix of dizzy spells and dry heat swallowed the air between the both of you. You licked your dried lips leaving a stinging sensation behind.
It's been a while since there was an 'Us'. Before Cedric, there was dancing in the rain, howling at the moon, pretending to be in love.
But what you were most scared of admitting out loud was the fact that you weren’t just pretending… and Nev wasn’t either.
"me too..." you couldn't help your lips from moving, saying these words that your heart couldn't conceal anymore. It was like floating above a warm pool of water. You were drowning in lust, blinded by friendship; two things that never worked well together. Before Cedric, there was waking up next to Neville Longbottom. Wearing Neville Longbottom's sweaters to quidditch games. No relationship needed when you got your best friend by your side.
You smiled. More precious memories that, in the past, you hoped to forget once you got together with Ced but you were still craving for something that shouldn't have existed.
"why are you with Diggory, then?" For Neville, he wouldn't had never asked that in a million years. The embarrassment alone would kill him and probably given him a heart attack but he let his feelings take over again. It reminds of him of something that Professor Moody said once when Nev had to be pulled to the side: "Don't blame yourself just because your heart knows what it wants. Its inside of you anyway. Can't just ignore it."
Your attention was wavered, unsteady. Although you hated when someone would make a pros/cons list about someone they admired, you often became a hypocrite all because you were unsure if you made the right decision. When you would go to bed, you would just lie there staring up at your house's curtains draped all around the bed frame in the shaded dorms and all of a sudden, tears would stream down your face randomly and you wouldn't know why as you fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
You felt as though your life was just like a paper airplane that flew straight into a furnace. All that you felt, every relationship became a constant ticking noise but you just can't seem to reset that clock.
"sometimes I ask myself the same thing" you crossed your arms, pondering your doubts but finally accepting the truth of it all. "You know, it's funny. I convince my heart that it's the right thing to do, to go on being someone I'm clearly not and then I go and fuck it up at the end of the day." You lightly chuckled to yourself, letting your tongue graze the insides of your cheeks while you grinned.
"I can't keep leading you on, I--fuck--I wish things were to end up differently... I wish--wished that we'd end up together but..."
"Please, Y/n" You felt his hand slid in yours, his thumb tracing circles on your sweaty palms. You wiggled your fingers, trying your best to remember his touch before letting go of his hand.
"you know I can't, Nev..."
For one last time, you held his gaze. His once lustful, green orbs were now dewy and painful. It was like you were peering into his soul and then you just stabbed it repeatedly until it was nothing but shattered pieces on the ground.
You sniffled as you caressed his face with your hands. Your chest felt caved in and your breath stilled as you pushed yourself onto your tippy toes until your lips reached his. You squeezed your eyes shut and pecked his lips with the smallest movements savoring this moment forever.
For as long as you've known him, you promised yourself you'd never let him in fully. No matter how bad it was, even if his pride was punctured for a bit, you promised yourself that you wouldn't let him in your darkness.
But, here you were letting him go for one last time.
He held onto your waist for the longest time. With your feet flat on the floor, the kiss was over and you were unfortunately snapped back into reality.
"I-I love you, sunshine,"
'I love you too Nev' You left him standing there as you turned and walked away from him.
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Last Semester – Part 19
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 1,192
Warning: Pregnancy Mentioned
Prior Parts: https://queenshelby.tumblr.com/post/659848352665600000/pairing-cillian-murphy-x-reader-words
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After you received the somewhat strange message from Cillian and nothing else, you decided to drive over to his house not knowing that his boys were staying with him for the weekend.
You were sad, upset and angry about the way he behaved and, of course, you didn’t know that it wasn’t him who sent the message to you.
After you pulled into his driveway and rang the doorbell, he opened the door and stepped outside.
‘I can’t talk now Y/N, the boys are inside’ Cillian said almost surprised that you came to his place unannounced.
‘Why are you doing this to me?’ you asked, upset and angry.
‘Come on, not here’ Cillian said, grabbing the key from the sideboard inside the hallway and closing the door behind him before walking around the back of the house with you into his studio.
‘What the fuck is wrong with you? Sending me this message after you haven’t bothered to make contact with me for two weeks. Are you delusional?’ you shouted with anger as he closed the door behind you.
‘I am sorry Y/N. I don’t know what had gotten into me’ Cillian said, not wanting to tell you the truth about his son getting hold of his phone.
‘I just needed to think about this, about us’ he then said, somewhat confused and unsure whether he should be saying anything at all.
‘I am not doing this anymore Cillian. I am through with this, with you. I honestly am. You are 45 years old and are acting like a child’ you huffed out.
‘Exactly, I am 45. I am fucking 20 years older than you Y/N. How do you think this is going to work out, eh? I can guarantee you that, in about five years, you will be sick of this. I can’t risk that regardless of the feelings that I have for you’ Cillian responded somewhat frustrated.
‘Do you really trust me that little, thinking that I can’t commit to our relationship?’ you then asked somewhat saddened.
‘Y/N, I just think you need to be with someone your own age. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with you to start off with. It was a mistake’ Cillian then said, thinking back at your father’s words and even what his mother had told him after reading the article.
‘I was a mistake. Yeah, thanks’ you said before turning around, tears running down your face.
‘That’s not what I meant’ Cillian said, taking hold of your arms, realising what he had just said to you.
‘Don’t touch me. Fuck’ you growled, hormonal and full of anger.
‘Y/N, I love you. It just isn’t going to work’ Cillian then said and you were quick to shut him off once again, knowing that this wasn’t going anywhere until Cillian became to realise that the social perceptions about your relationship and the obstacles you were facing didn’t matter if your bond was strong.
‘I need to go’ you then quickly huffed out and Cillian gave you a quick nod, his eyes teary and his mind struggling with the thought of letting go of you once and for all, thinking that it was the right thing to do.
When you arrived back home, you were in tears and your father was quick to ask you what had happened.
‘Well, you got what you wanted all along. Cillian realised that getting involved with me was a mistake’ you huffed out, at which point your stepmother looked at you rather concerned.
‘Y/N, he is right though. It was never going to work out. You are at two different stages of your lives’ your father said almost relieved in a way. Yet, you could tell that his mind was elsewhere.
‘Yeah, perhaps one of your other friends is more suitable’ you said sarcastically, knowing that your father’s argument with Cillian had something to do with Cillian’s change of mind. But of course, you didn’t know all of the reasons behind it. You didn’t know about Cillian’s agent having been in his ear for months nor did you know about Cillian’s ex wife’s numerous stunts since she found out about you.
Instead of responding to your somewhat inappropriate comment, your father bit his tongue. He didn’t say anything. In fact, he spoke neither to you nor to your stepmother Lorraine for the remainder of the evening.
The following day, at around 8 o’clock, when you spent the first night in your new apartment in Dublin, you got a call from your stepmother asking whether you knew where your father was.
‘A few weeks ago, before everything turned to shit, Cillian mentioned that his friend Enda was visiting Dublin for a few days this month. Maybe he is having a drink with him at the pub?’ you said, unsure where else he could be.
‘Well, usually he tells me if he goes out and doesn’t come home for dinner’ she said somewhat worried, but you didn’t know what to tell her.
Around the same time when your stepmother called you to enquire about your father’s whereabouts, Cillian heard a loud knock on the door.
‘Hey’ your father said, slightly drunk as Cillian opened the door and their friend Enda, who was staying at Cillian’s house for a few days, walked through the hallway.
‘Hold on, I will get my camera before you start beating each other up. I am going to cash in at the Courier Mail if I get a good picture’ Enda chuckled as Cillian was lost for words, surprised to see your father at the door.
‘I am not here to pick a fight. I am here because I want to have some drinks with my friends’ your father said and, just as he did, Cillian asked him to come inside and handed him a beer.
‘Are you alright? You don’t look so good man’ Cillian said as the three of them sat down in the living room.
‘I am fine. You?’ your father asked politely, but already knowing the answer to his question.
‘Fine’ Cillian said following which there was an awkward silence between the three of them.
‘How are the boys?’ your father then asked.
‘Fine. I can see them again, at least’ Cillian said.
‘Of course, your ex withheld contact again when you and Y/N were seeing each other’ your father said, knowing that it wasn’t the first time that this has happened.
‘Let’s not talk about Y/N please. I have a media engagement tomorrow and need my face intact’ Cillian chuckled.
‘Sorry about that man. I was angry’ your father said, causing Cillian to nod.
‘I deserved it’ Cillian said briefly before Enda quickly changed the topic.
‘So, how is Lorraine? How are your boys?’ Enda then asked.
‘Lorraine, my fucking wife, I think she is cheating’ your father huffed out causing Enda and Cillian to look at him with surprise.
‘What makes you think that?’ Cillian then asked.
‘I fucking found this in the trash. She is fucking pregnant’ your father then said as he pulled the pregnancy test out of his jacket and put it onto the living room table.
‘You lost me there, man. Couldn’t the baby be yours?’ Enda asked somewhat flustered.
‘I had a vasectomy four years ago man’ your father said.  
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babyurthendofjune · 3 years
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(n.) the warmth of sun in winter
this is my gift for miss clara (@harryandhockey​) for @meetmymouth‘s holiday gift exchange! clara bub I hope you enjoy this and have a lovely day today filled with lots of wonderful things ❤ also huge thank you to @tbslenthusiast, @bfharry, @meetmymouth, and @sunflowers-styles for being my amazing beta readers and helping me to make this a lovely gift for clara. I appreciate you all so much!
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It’s Harry’s kisses that wake you, feather light against your skin at first, starting with your forehead and working his way down. Lips pressed to each of your eyelids, your nose, your mouth, the edge of your jaw, and your neck. You stir awake just when they venture further down across your chest and then down to dip in between the valley of your breasts. You keep your eyes closed and try to delicately push him away, silently begging for more sleep.
“Wake up, angel.” 
He traps your hand in his, stops it from making contact with his face, kissing across the back of it.
“Harry…s’still dark out.” You whine, voice still heavy with sleep.
“Not for long, c’mon. Made y’some tea, s’gunna get cold.” 
“I’m gonna be cold if I get up.” 
“M’not gonna let that happen. Promise.”
You attempt to burrow back under the warmth of the covers, hands reaching to tug the front of his shirt to lure him back to his usual spot next to you. He’s being impossibly stubborn this morning, pulling himself just far enough out of reach so that only your fingertips brush over his chest. You know by the sound of his voice when he speaks again that he’s already off the bed and you groan at what you know is coming next.
“C’mon, lovie. Want you t’watch the sunrise with me.” He’s gently unraveling the blanket from your grip, standing over you on your side of the bed.
This isn’t the first time he’s nudged you out of bed this early, and knowing him it certainly won’t be the last. You know if you truly wanted to stay in bed, he would let you, leave you alone and drink the tea himself so as not to waste it. 
“Can’t we just..watch from the window in here?” You bring one arm up to cover your eyes now that he’s pulled the blanket away. Even though there’s no light streaming through the curtains yet, you don’t want to catch that bright, pleading glint in his eyes. You couldn’t resist him no matter how hard you tried, a fact you currently hated he was aware of.
“View’s better from the big living room window, you know that. Told me so y’self at least a dozen times before.”
Right. Not only was he charming, he had a collection of anything you’d ever said stored away to use against you at opportune times like this. You had a weakness for very few things; the sky and the man standing over you now being two of the objects you held the most adoration for. 
“Fine,” You toss the covers off, sitting up and throwing your legs over the edge of the bed, trying your best to summon your most annoyed look to send his way, “I’m up.”
“Hey,” He pokes your cheek where your dimple would be if you didn’t still have that adorably disgruntled expression painted across your face, “Mornin’, grump.”
“Mornin’.” You return, blinking rapidly to try to clear your eyes. 
His thumb works over your bottom lip, pulling it back just enough that it makes a slight “pop” when it returns back to its proper place. That earns him half a smile from you. To him, it was a triumph, and he retaliates with one of his own. His is full, stretching his lips wide and upwards with his dimples shining down at you.
That’s all it takes to have the majority of your irritation fading away. By the time you’re on the couch facing the window, tucked away under a fluffy blanket he’s just pulled from the dryer and a warm mug of tea in your hand, you’ve all but forgotten why your brain would even dare to crave more sleep. Why would it when it could wake up to something, someone as perfect and loving as the person snuggled next to you now?
Despite the warmth surrounding you, a shiver rolls over your body. His arms open almost as if on reflex to wrap you in. He takes the mostly empty cup of tea from your hands to place it on the coffee table in front of where the two of you sit, gently guides you to rest your head on his chest, tucked under his chin like you were created to be his and fit so perfectly there. These two simple acts of love had a warmth radiating through you like you’d never felt with anyone else. You’re certain even if you tossed away the blanket this feeling surrounding you now would continue to keep you warm. 
You tilt your head up slightly to place a single kiss to his jaw, and he returns the act of affection by pressing one to the top of your hair, staying there for a minute longer to inhale the sweet scent of you. His better half, his love, half of his heart existing outside of his body. You can’t help but release a deep, long sigh from your mouth, a mixture of relaxation, comfort, and overwhelming love washing over you. 
Harry knows exactly what to expect once he feels you relax against him, knows it won’t be long now before your eyes are slipping closed again and your mouth is dropping open with soft snores against his skin. He rubs one large palm up and down your back a few times before moving to your arm and repeating the same motion there to lull you further into bliss. 
He doesn’t even mind that you sleep through the actual rising of the sun, he just craves the weight of you on his chest and your heart beating against his own. It’s enough for him to observe two of his favorite sights in the same moment; the sky slowly preparing itself for the day ahead and you, hand now clutching loosely to a handful of the fabric of his hoodie. 
Disturbing you is the last thing he would ever want to do, but he would never forgive himself if you woke up later with any complaints from the awkward angle he had allowed you to sleep in for too long. Your pillow was better suited to support your head and he tenderly begins to wake you again, this time with the intention to guide you back to where he pulled you from an hour before.
He’s quick to get the covers tucked back around you so as not to lose any more warmth than you may have on your short walk back to your shared bed. This time he doesn’t pull away when you reach to tug him closer, he’s happy to be lured back to the warmth of the comfort of your body sleeping peacefully next to him.
Just before his own eyes drift shut, he catches a glimpse of your face in the sunlight shining through the curtains, decides that you were wrong; the view is much better from here. 
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Sunflower - Harry Styles AU Series (Volume 8)
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The year is 1977 and it’s officially summertime. Y/N is spending it with her family at the Malibu Breeze Hotel, where she meets, aspiring musician, Harry Styles. The two clash in the beginning, but soon realize they may just need each other in the end. Find out just how life changing one summer can be in Sunflower, a Harry Styles AU.  Here is part 8of Sunflower. Hope you enjoy it! 
Vol. 1 Vol. 2   Vol. 3  Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol. 7 
I stood there, mouth agape, as I watched the random woman press her lips against Harry’s. He quickly pushed her away from him, but it didn’t matter. I needed to get out of there. I had gotten my answer on what I was to Harry and just who he was. I turned on my heel heading out the backdoor not bothering to hear or see what might transpire between those two. I didn’t care.
At least that’s what I kept telling myself. The problem was I did care. I cared a hell of a lot, but I shouldn’t. He never once acted nice to me or acted as if he had feelings for me. Yeah, we shared a kiss, but it’s not like it meant anything. At least, not to him, so it seems. By the time, I made it out to the parking lot of the venue, the air was colder than when I had first arrived.
A rainstorm had blown in, leaving the asphalt dark, wet, and slippery. I had a bit of a long walk back to the hotel and instantly regretted not bringing a sweater. I sighed knowing I better get moving and made my way down the highway.
About a half a mile down the road, I see my first set of headlights shining from behind me. My heartbeat quickened a bit hoping that one, the driver of the car didn’t hit me, and two, they didn’t snatch me off the side of the road either. My last thought triggered my legs to move a little quicker and curse myself for not trying to get a ride with Sarah and Mitch.
I could hear the faint sound of music coming from the oncoming car as they began to slow down. I gulped gripping onto my guitar case, ready to use as a weapon if need be. I highly doubted it would do much of anything, but I’m sure it would buy me some time.
“Y/N!” I heard from inside the car.
I stopped in my tracks, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to.
“I don’t need a ride, Harry,” I told him, not bothering to look in his direction.
“Just get in the fucking car, Y/N,” he said. “You can’t be walking by yourself this late at night.”
“I’m a big girl,” I mumbled.
“Yet, you ran out the door when you saw another chick kiss me instead of confronting me about it?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.
“It’s not like we’re together. We kissed once. You don’t have to answer to me,” I said, turning to face him. “I left because it’s getting late and I need to get back.”
Technically, that last part was not a lie, but it definitely wasn’t the reason why I left so suddenly. Damn him for knowing.
“Look, you’ve got two options,” he sighed. “Either get in the car and I’ll take you back to the hotel myself or I’m gonna follow you the entire way there.”
Rolling my eyes, I reach over opening the door and getting in. I put my guitar in the backseat and looked out the window. Harry puts the car in park.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Before I take you back, we’re going to talk about what happened,” He said.
“I already told you there’s nothing to talk about,” I shrugged.
“So, that’s it, huh?” He asked. “Our kiss meant nothing? You telling me you had feelings for me, was just what? A lie?”
“Fuck you! Why am I being treated like I did something wrong?” I asked.
“So, you admit it. Her kissing me does bother you,” he said.
“Yeah, it does, but it’s fine really. I get it. You’re not a one woman guy. You fuck around with girls all the time beacuse they throw themselves at you, just like I did,” I said. “But I was stupid because I’m going to fuck you. I’m not that type of girl.”
Harry shook his head, “You’re wrong. I’m not gonna lie and say I haven’t fucked myself around, because I have. But it’s not because I’m not a one woman guy. I want that. I want what Mitch and Sarah have, but for some fucking reason I can’t. Because any chick who has ever liked me, likes me for what they think I can give them or that they can brag they’ve fucked me.”
“Then what was that tonight? Huh?” I asked.
“She’s someone from the past. She means nothing,” he answered.
“And me?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
“I-I don’t know,” he whispered. “I can’t-I can’t explain what I feel when I’m around you.”
A smile tugs at my lips, “I know what you mean.”
“I uh, I know we just met and we haven’t exactly been on the best of terms, but…” he started before placing his hand next to mine. “I want to figure out whatever this is… between us… I mean as long as you want to…”
My heart flutters at his words. I’m not sure what I should say to his statement, there’s probably a million reasons why I should turn it down, but what if there’s a million and one on why I should say yes. Instead of taking the advice of my head, I listen to my heart.
“Okay, let’s do this,” I smiled, placing my hand over his.
The next day I woke up with a smile on my face remembering the night before. This was something I noticed I was doing quite a lot lately. Between playing music with the band and spending time with Harry, I was the happiness I had ever been, at least that I can remember.
It had been a while since I spent some time at the pool, so I decided to grab a book and make my way there. Marianne was still sleeping when I left and I’m sure my parents were still doing their own thing. As I made my way down to the pool, someone grabbed my arm, pulling me into a small hallway.
Just as I opened my mouth in protest, I saw green eyes looking into mine.
“What are you doing?” I laughed.
“I’m on break so…” he said innocently.
“So, you thought it was best to pull me into a hallway?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Only so I could do this,” he whispered, taking my face into his hands and pressing a light kiss against my lips.
Smiling into the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, leaning my body into his. This kiss was definitely a lot more tamed than our kiss just a few hours ago when he dropped me off at the hotel. I could have easily ended up in his backseat, but I could tell he didn’t want to pressure me.
“How long’s your break?” I asked in between kisses.
“I’ve got like two minutes left,” he said, pulling me closer to him. “Which leads me to my question.”
“And that is?” I asked.
“Wanna hang out later?” He asked. “I get off at four. I can run back to my place, change, and meet you around 5?”
“You asking me out on a date, Styles?” I asked, playing with the collar of his shirt.
“Depends… you sayin’ yes?” He asked.
“What about rehearsal?” I asked.
“We’d be back before then,” he said.
“Hm.. I guess I can swing it,” I told him.
He smirked pressing one last kiss, “Far out! I’ll see you then.”
Later that afternoon, I got ready for my date with Harry. I had no clue what we were going to do or what a date with Harry actually entailed. I knew Harry wasn’t exactly fancy, so I went with casual. Flared jeans and a cropped ruffle top. I clipped my hair back and put just a bit of makeup on before grabbing my purse and heading down to where Harry told me to meet him.
I only had to wait about five minutes before he pulled up next to me. I smiled hopping into his car, leaning over to kiss him before I even shut the door behind me.
“You look beautiful,” he smiled.
“Thank you,” I blushed.
He smiled turning up the radio and driving away. We drove down the coast in silence nothing but the sound of the radio and the wind blowing through the open windows. But the silence was far from awkward, we were content, just being together. That’s what’s so weird about being with him, as long as I was around him, it didn’t matter what we were doing.
After about a half hour of driving, he pulls over on the side of the road.
“We’re here,” he smiled.
I raised an eyebrow, “And where is here exactly?”
He laughed, “I brought food. I thought we could have a little picnic dinner. I know it isn’t much.. I know it’s not a boat-”
“Hey, it’s perfect,” I smiled squeezing his hand.
He smiled reaching in the backseat for the basket of food before getting out of the car. I smiled following him and jumping onto the hood of the car as we looked out towards the beach.
He hands me a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of coke.
“Thank you,” I smiled, taking off the plastic wrap and taking a bite.
“Oh, I uh… I meant to ask you about this last night, but we had another conversation,” I said. “But I noticed you were talking with a guy after the show last night. You seemed pretty stoked about whatever he had to say.”
“You saw that huh?” He asked. “That’s actually what I was going to talk about during rehearsals tonight.”
“You gonna make me wait me out?” I asked.
“I should,” he laughed.
“Buuut you’re not right?” I smirked
“I can’t exactly say no to you,” he said. “Anyway, he’s a manager at a record label. He said we had potential and he’ll be in touch about bringing in some of his team to hear us at a show in a few weeks.”
“You’re kidding?” I gasped. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“That we have a chance at a real record label, yeah?” He nodded.
“No fucking way,” I smiled. “This is amazing. Wait- why aren’t you more excited about this?”
“Because I don’t want to get my hopes up,” he said. “This is our first real opportunity and it doesn’t feel real.”
I sighed scooting closer to him, “Well, you can be a little excited about it.”
He sighed looking down, “I don’t wanna fail, Y/N. This… making music… It's been my dream since as long as I can remember. I fucking hate working at The Malibu Breeze…but I know if I don’t make it soon, I’ll be stuck there or in some suit for the rest of life. If this doesn’t work-”
I put my hands on his face, making him look at me, “We’re gonna do this. You, me, the band, we’ve got this.”
Harry pressed his lips against mine, bringing me closer to him, as the sun began to set behind us.
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 years
My fav 3 versions/interpretations of South Park characters thing!
I’m so sorry this took much longer than anticipated, I was gonna do it Friday but then I had a panic attack for the first time in forever because my CFS have been real bad lately and I was in such bad shape my BFF had to come and smack me back to life, and Sunday was suddenly full on breakdown day, a bad BPD episode and yeah, it was rough, but today I’m doing better and I realize nobody really cares about my personal issues lol but I just have a need to excuse myself here and I realize that’s kinda dumb but here we are ANYWAYS I hope these are okay, and that these are in no way the RIGHT interpretations, just my personal favorites! 
suggested by the wonderful  @otherluces <3
I’m not gonna lie, I love nerdy, preppy Kyle. Sweater-vests, collard shirts, doesn’t realize how attractive he is Kyle, oblivious to people having crushes on him Kyle, set on Harvard to become a lawyer and fight for justice and argue for a living, yanno? 
I also really like the more dorky and nerdy Kyle, where he has really niché interests that he gets totally invested in and talks about 24/7, loves reading and studying, but not just to get good results, but because he genuinly enjoys it.
The last version I can think of with him, is the tall, lanky and kinda hard to read Kyle. He keeps a lot of his feelings to himself, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them. He plays basketball, he’s good at it too, and while he does well in school and everyone expects him to go into law, he has some totally different dream he keeps to himself for now. He kinda perks up a bit when in smaller crowds, esp with his cloest friends, but he still carries a lot of secrets that some time needs to come out.
suggested by my new fren  @soft-craig-and-tweek ^^
I like Tweek in so many ways these were hard to pick, but I’mma try to narrow it down a bit and not go totally off haha
I actually quite enjoy the jagged, tired Tweek, the one who with help from friends and family manage to get off the meth his parents feed him secretly, but who still struggle with withdrawal, dark bags under his eyes, kinda pale and with sharp features, but he’s still a sweet and kind boy, a boy who wants to make the right choices and change the world to a better place, but who still has a darkness he carries, and the fact that he never gives up that fight is what makes him so special 
and okay I have to be honest, I do love myself some sunshine boy Tweek. This Tweek still has issues, he is maybe even more anxious than the last one, but he’s also just as vibrant and energetic as he is anxious! He is an artist, he paints with bright colors, he composes beautiful, hopeful melodies, he feels everything so much,  and he is a contagious and exciting person to be around. Cannot dress for the life of him. So much mis-match and odd outfits, but it kinda works? 
The last one I’m gonna mention for this wonderful boy, is the more alternative Tweek. He writes obscure poetry, he watches too many conspiracy theory videos on youtube, he draws the monsters in his mind, and he writes the scariest, most hauntingly beautiful stories on the internet, and people online love him. He has no idea how to deal with being popular in that sense, because irl he is the type to not belong to a certain friend group, but he does go along well with most people on a surface level. Dark circles, shaky hands, crooked and cute smiles, baggy t-shirts and ripped jeans. When he first opens up to someone, he really, really does, and he will always support and be there for you. If you deserve it, that is. 
also suggested by  @soft-craig-and-tweek <3 
I love nerdy Nichole who isn’t afraid to show it! Maybe she’s a streamer or youtube gamer even, I can def see her writing fanfiction, and being hella good at it too! Makes quite a name for herself online, and hangs out with the boys a lot irl, has game nights with the boys from Board Girls (even Cartman sometimes), is funny in a sarcastic way, but never mean. 
Popular girl Nichole is also a favorite for me, but not in the “classical” sense. I imagine her to be a sporty, maybe on both the basket and volleyball team, captain for the basket one, she’s a born leader, she’s kind and fair, but can also be strict, and people always trust her to be honest and true.  
Artsy Nichole!! I imagine her in bright yellow dresses and with her hair flowing and free, with flowers in her hair, freckles on her face, a big, genuine smile, a loud laughter that is so contagious, she loves spending time with Jimmy because they have a very similar humor, and she’s a theater kid, she sings like an angel and can act, oh boy can she act, she can make anyone laugh or cry in just a blink of an eye, she’s just a human sun-ray and I love her a lot 
suggested by @kinguidamundo, thank you so much!! 
I love edgy Butters soooo much??? Like, he’s still a kind and bright boy, but he can also stand up for himself a lot more, he likes fashion a lot, he gets tattoos and piercings, he explores tons of ways to express himself, he’s a yes-dude, he goes out on dates a lot, but isn’t ready for a “real” relationship yet, but he enjoys meeting people and testing out himself around different types of people! Also he is a bi icon change my mind jk u can’t 
I have a weak spot for the kind of soft and timid looking Butters too, who wears pastel colors and have big, innocent eyes, he is genuine and kind, but he carries something darker inside, something he isn’t sure how to deal with, something that scares him, but in reality it’s just normal feelings, anger, resentment and fear, but he’s lived his life ignoring them so much they catch him off guard at times. He learns to live with them slowly, and he does so with lots of help and patience from friends and loved ones. 
Okay, last one, totally self-indulging here, but yeah, happy sunflower boy is also a big favorite. He is more confident than the previous version, but in a gullible way if that makes any sense? He believes the best in people, and if he is proven wrong, he’s willing to try to help them become better people, if they want to or not! This is honestly the version I love most with Stan, Butters being the ray of sunshine in Stan’s life and Stan being the realism to keep Butters grounded and them both supporting each other so much? Fuck yeah that’s the good stuff. 
suggested by @horrorpumpkin, ty sm friend! <3 
Himbo Clyde!!! Jock dude who genuinely loves sports, he’s a team player, and while he might not be super intellectual, he is very socially smart, he is kind and empathic, he is funny and likable, he always tries his best to make everyone feel included, and while he loves chicks a lot, and is a sexual dude, he does it with nothing but respect and admiration for the ladies! 
Bisexual disaster Clydeeee <3 obv being bi isn’t a personality trait, but he is very open about it, he wants to be confident and good at flirting, but goddamn is he a MESS! He’s also a huge supporter of every single relationship his friends is in, he loves love, in all shapes and forms, he is emotional and kind and awkward in an endearing way. 
Can’t leave out crybaby Clyde, can we now? He’s a bit of an awkward bean as well, but he owns it a bit more. He is kinda like a puppy, a cute, excitable and emotional puppy who loves his friends, video games and lazy movie nights, kinda chubby, he loves baking and does it a lot with Tweek, he is also a huge nerd for Harry Potter and totally geek out over it with Kyle and Nichole sdhlksgdhl
suggested by anon! 
First up I guess I should put my high school AU Kenny. I know it’s controversial, but I imagine this Kenny to be more on the quiet side, but not really in a shy way. He’s just a bit of an observer who doesn’t speak unless he really sees fit, and while he still has his crude humor and is kinda rumored to be sleeping around a lot, he actually struggle with intimacy issues. He never imagined them to include sexual stuff, but turns out they do, and balancing being sexually open and curious and having these issues ain’t easy on the boy, let me tell you that. 
This one is kinda heavily inspired by Luces, but I love him as kind and loyal, but also a bit more chatty and charming, but not for his own gain. He wants others to feel good about themselves, in social settings, his friends, during sexy times, he is selfless and good, but he is also living for the moment, he is a likable and wonderful guy, but he does still only REALLY open up emotionally to people he really trusts. Not traditionally attractive, but interesting looking in a way. Lots of freckles, bit of buck teeth with a big gap between his front teeth, messy kinda curly hair, long straight nose. Always wears baggy hoodies and worn out jeans, shrugs and gives that lopsided smile when people ask him about anything personal.
Mysterious Kennyyyy. You think you know him, everyone does, but in reality, very few have seen the real him. He likes people, and he likes to help them, he’s always down to listen to people’s problems and help them, he wants to inspire kids like himself to never give up and think there’s only one path for them, because he knows there is not. Volunteers at the animal shelter with Stan, works part time at Tweek Bro’s and is good buddies with Tweek. Had a early sexual debut, slept around a bit and got his heart broken unexpectedly when he was a Freshman, so there are some walls there now, but he ain’t usually one to turn down someone who’s up for it and whom with he has good chemistry either. 
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
Falling - Harry Styles
*obviously inspired by Falling, which i am OBSESSED with! *italics are from the past, a lot of this story will be from the past. *also, see if you catch some mini easter eggs to other songs from fine line (this wasn’t intentional, but for the timeline to work he never dated camille)
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There’s no point in stopping the tears as they slowly stream down my face. As soon as I saw the tracklist to Harry’s new album I had a feeling this one would bring on the waterworks. Now that the album is officially released, I can hear what he’s been working on the past few months.
A simple word with so much meaning behind it. It’s hard to fight off the memories of our relationship.
“-and this is the lovely, Y/n.” A friend introduces me to a small group of her friends at the party. She managed to drag me away from a conversation I was having to ‘meet some friends’. I smile and wave to all of the new faces, they go around and give me their names in return.
“Harry.” The last one speaks up, he raises his glass in a wave.
Our eyes pull together like magnets. I’m thankful for the darker lighting that is hiding the blush that creeps over my cheeks.
We all quickly dive into a conversation, everyone present being easy enough to talk to. They’re all lovely and fun people.
“I’m gonna go get another drink.” I announce as I get up from my spot.
“I’ll come with, mine seems to be empty too.” Harry grins and follows me back to the bar.
We both order our drinks and wait for them to be made. It takes a while, seeing how busy it is with all of the people here, but neither Harry or I mind. We immediately jump into a new conversation ranging from music, acting, and travel.
“You’ve never been to the UK?” Harry asks, utterly shocked.
“No.” I shake my head, laughing at his appalled reaction.
“How is that even possible? You’ve never had to film over there or anything?”
“I’ve been to Italy and France, but never your neck of the woods I suppose.” I let out a laugh.
He takes a sip of his drink, neither of us have made an effort to move back to the group since receiving them. I can see my friend giving two thumbs up over Harry’s shoulder. I’m sure this was some plan of hers to try and get us to hit it off.
“Well, you tell me when you’re free and we’ll go.” He smiles, “I’ll be your tour guide.”
God, I would love to take him up on that offer.
“Aren’t you going to be awfully busy with your first solo tour?”
“Ahh, you keep up with me then?” He smirks, I’m sure he’s enjoying that little ego boost.
“Pretty hard not to.” I roll my eyes, as if the pop star was so under the radar. “I can hardly leave my apartment in New York without coming across a billboard with your face plastered on it.”
“Well I’m sorry about that, love.”
“Don’t be, it’s a nice face to look at.”
It’s my turn now to smirk and notice Harry slightly thrown off.
“Tour doesn’t start for a month, pick a date before that and we’ll go.”
“You’re putting an awful lot of faith into someone you just met a half an hour ago.”
“I have faith in you, Y/n.”
“And why should I have faith in you?” I tease, “For all I know you could be a very creepy man.”
“Hey!” He laughs, “Haven’t you ever heard of treating people with kindness?”
The first time Harry and I ever met. That first night even, I knew that he was going to mean so much. I was proven correct a few weeks later when we actually did go to London together.
“Home sweet home.”
Harry opens the door wide enough so both of us and our luggage can fit. He’s invited me to stay at his flat, claiming it’s nicer than any hotel anyway. It’s also an obvious excuse for us to spend more time together just the two of us.
“It’s awfully gloomy here, strike one for London.” I joke.
“Hey! It’s late, you can’t judge it yet! Plus we just got off of a ten hour flight, you’re not in the right headspace.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I roll my eyes.
Harry and I have managed to grow so close in the short amount of time we’ve known each other. We met up several more times to somewhat plan the trip, Harry helped me pack claiming he would know what I would need better than I would.
We both laughed until we were crying, trying on the various clothes from my closet. Many random gems, things I’m almost positive Harry wants to steal.
We still haven’t defined what we are. Friends is the easiest way of putting it, but it doesn’t feel quite right. We flirt constantly and were touchy with each other, but we’ve never acted on anything.
“Alright, let’s find you a room.”
Harry takes my suitcase with him as he leads me into the rest of his house. We go up to the second floor and he opens the door to a large room. It’s decorated in simple white with hints of yellow.
“Cute.” I grin looking around the room.
“Y’like it?” He almost seems nervous. Giddy like an unsure child.
“It’s perfect, thank you.”
For the first time there’s an awkward pause. Just a few seconds of what to do, it’s really late and by the sounds of it we have plans for an early morning.
“Well, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, H.”
Harry leaves me to my room and goes to his own, which is conveniently across the hall.  
He wasn’t lying, the next day we are up bright and early. Too early, I might add.
“Y/n.” He taunts my name on the other side of the door.
“Too early.” I grumble, my face still half smashed into a pillow. I don’t even flinch hearing the door open.
“C’mon, Y/n. If you get up now we can go out for breakfast and go to the farmers market.” I feel the bed dip as he settles on the bed.
“Why can’t I sleep in and we just eat here?” I finally turn to face where’s he’s sitting on the edge of the bed, he has an amused look on his face.
“Because I’ve been in Los Angeles for the past two months. There’s quite literally no food here.”
I let out a groan and drop my head back down.
“I’m amazed with how cute you still look while so angry and having just woken up.”
“You’re such a kiss ass.” I grumble.
“Only for you.” He lightly smacks my ass before walking back out. “Let’s go, Y/Ln.”
I get up and look out the large window to see that it’s raining, but it looks like the sun is trying to come out. I settle on a comfortable outfit, tucking my hair back into a low bun. I wash my face and throw on a pair of sunnies.
I nod and we take off. We walk to a diner that Harry loves going too, he claims that he gets cravings for it when he’s back in the states. I have to say, after eating there, I understand his hype.
Once were no longer hungry, we take off for the farmer’s market.
It’s cute to say the least. We pick up some organic veggies to cook with for dinner and we find some cheese and fresh bread.
“H, look!” I cross over from the tent we had been in to the one across the street.
“They’re beautiful!” I trail my fingers across all of the different bundles of flowers.
“I almost lost you.” Harry says after catching up.
“Look at how pretty they are!” I pick up a bundle of sunflowers.
“How much?” Harry asks before handing over more than enough for them.
“Gotcha!” Harry smiles looking down at his phone. I’m sure he’s taken yet another candid picture.
“For someone who doesn’t post on social media, you take an awful lot of pictures.” I bump his shoulder as we continue walking.
“Yeah, still like to have the memories.”
Harry and I spent two more days in London exploring more of the city before we decided to take a road trip to Holmes Chapel to see where Harry grew up. It was a long drive, but it was worth it to see Harry light up.
“That’s the bakery I used to work in.” He points out the car window.
“Don’t you want to stop?” I ask, watching him drive right by it.
“No, it’s kind of become a fan beacon now.” Harry explains.
We continue to drive through the town as he points out more spots from when he grew up. Or we sit in a comfortable silence just looking out at the scenery. I don’t notice we’ve arrived somewhere until Harry puts the car in park.
“Where are we?” I ask, looking at the house in front of us. It’s grown dark out, but the house looks warm and inviting.
“My mum’s house.” He quickly gets out of the car before I can ask a question.
“Harry!” I roll my eyes, following him to the door.
“What?” He grins looking over his shoulder. He knocks and it doesn’t take long for an answer to follow.
“Harry!” She pulls him in for a hug, the woman I can only assume is his mother.
They talk softly to each other and I feel as if I’m invading a very private moment.
“You’ve brought someone home?” She shouts with an excited voice. Without a pause, she pulls me in for an equally tight hug. She knocks the air out of my lungs, but I let out a laugh.
“In all these years, Harry’s never brought a girl home!”
“Mum!” Harry groans, a pink color taking over.
“Come in come in! I’m just finishing up supper.”
She disappears further into the house, once Harry and I step in, I can feel the warmth of the home and smell whatever she’s cooking.
“You brought me home to meet your mom!” I tease, turning to smack Harry lightly on the chest.
“No, she would just be upset if I was here and didn’t see here before leaving for a world tour.”
“Harry, you’ve never brought a girl home before.” I smirk.
“Alright alright, I really like you. As if it wasn’t obvious enough before.” Harry admits, he successfully knocks the smile clear off my face.
“Are you going to say anything?” He asks, suddenly twisting the right on his fingers around out of nerves.
“I like you too.” I smile, “Duh.”
“Thank god.” He sighs, pulling me in for a hug.
“Alright, supper is- oh! You’re having a moment, I’ll go.” Anne rushes back to the kitchen. It would take a blind man to miss the smile and happy dance at seeing us like this.  
“She’s a sweetheart.” I pull back so I can look up
“Yeah, we’re a pretty charming family.”
“I can see that.”
After that it was bliss, Harry and I finally got together. Just in time for him to leave on tour. But we made it work, thankfully. Either I would fly out to whatever city he was in, or when he had extended breaks he would come see me on set. Any time we weren’t performing, we were facetiming. Or when the time differences didn’t work, we would leave each other long voicemails, just longing to hear the other’s voice.
By the time he finished his tour, and I finished my movie, we finally got to date like a normal couple and see each other regularly.
“Coming, coming!” I yell, rushing to my door to see who’s in a huge rush that causes them to knock repeatedly.
“I said-” Before I get a chance to yell when I swing the door open my jaw drops at the sight.  
“Hi, love.” He grins, a bundle of sunflowers in his hands.
“What are you doing here?” I peck his lips with mine and pull him in for a long hug, “You had things to finish up! I wasn’t supposed to get you home for another week!”
“I’m sorry, love, but I lied. I always knew I could sneak away.”
“That’s kind of evil.” I laugh pulling away, but still holding onto him.
“Which is why I have these.” He hands my the flowers.
“Thank you.” I grin, he follows me into my kitchen and watches as I put them in water.
“So, how does it feel to be all finished?” I ask.
“Good, it was really rewarding, but really exhausting. I’ve just been waiting to come home to you to be perfectly honest.”
“Well, here I am.” I smile, I take a seat on his lap. It’s good to have him here.
Beachwood Cafe. The coffee here doesn’t taste as good when it’s not filled with our laughter and deep conversations. It seems bitter without the games.This was our spot in Los Angeles. Early in our relationship we had stumbled upon the place and it became ours. The baristas growing accustomed to our orders and our stardom.
“You’re absolutely mad if you think that’s a word.” Harry says, his voice getting louder and gaining the attention of people around us. As if we weren’t already doing that. The cafe is always busy, but today it seemed like there were lots of people here.
“Have you ever played Scrabble? Of course this is a word!” I argue. Part of why we like the cafe is the bookshelf filled with board games. Every time we come Harry and I pick a new one we’ve never played together before. Today we settled on Scrabble even though it led to us bickering.
“I don’t like playing with a cheater.” He can’t even get away with it without smiling, but we continue the teasing fight for the fun of it. Banter is always entertaining.
“A cheater?” My voice raising as well, “Look it up!”
We both breakout in laughter over how stupid it is to be arguing about.
Still blissfully aware in our honeymoon phase which lasted way longer than any other relationship either of us have been in. If only I had known then how much worse the arguing would get.
“Harry, what’s happened to you?” I ask, tears freely falling to the floor. The tears being caused more by anger than hurt at this point.
“What do you mean?” His words slurred.
“You’re drunk again, of course.” I roll my eyes, leaving him on the bathroom floor to deal with himself.
“You’ve made a fool of me Harry!” I shout, letting my temper get the best of me, “Do you know how embarrassing you were tonight? Tonight was a big deal for me, I’ve never been the lead actress. You now what this premiere meant to me.”
“Love, I-” Harry follows me out of the bathroom into our bedroom. My attitude and hurt seems to have sobered him up a bit, though he is still far from dry.
“You got hammered before the movie could even start!” I huff, “You were loud and obnoxiously shouting about nonsense! Not to mention the fact that you flirted with nearly every person at the bar.”
“Y/n, it’s fine we-”
“No, it’s far from fine. I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately, since when have you felt most comfortable with a drink in your hand? Or a stranger on your arm? This isn’t new for you anymore, you’ve been acting like this for months.”
The silence coming from him proves I’m right.
“If it’s been months, why haven’t you said anything before now. We’ve been dating for nearly two years now, we live together. I would think you’re comfortable enough to tell me you think I’m a drunk.” Harry sasses back.
“I’ve tried! You just get rude or you don’t even remember it in the morning.” I push my hair back out of my face, “The only difference it, tonight was my breaking point.”
I walk to my closet and grab a bag and start shoving essentials in it.
“No, Y/n, wait.” Harry follows me, he takes the bag from my hand and starts pulling things back out.
“Harry stop!” My voice rising louder than it ever has in this house, “Enough. I’m done. We are finished.”
Harry suddenly drops the bag and stumbles back out of the closet. I manage to repack the bad come out to see Harry sitting on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at his shoes.
“I’ll send someone to get the rest of my stuff. You can buy out my half of the lease.”
After that night, I never looked back.
The song ends and I turn off my phone and set it down. I wipe away any remnants at eyes, the tears long dried. Before I can spend any more time thinking about him or the way things used to be, I get dressed for the day. Harry was right about one thing.
I’ll never need him again.
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1dliveshere · 4 years
The Last Summer ch 5
Two days had gone by and it was still super awkward in the bus. Everyone was uncomfortable with what had happened. Harry hadn’t spoke to Kayla since the big blow up. She had tried to but he just would shut it down immediately.
It had been raining literally all day. They had plans but because of the rain it was ruined.
“Why does it have to rain all day?” Maya whined.
“Because Mother Nature decided to ruin our plans.” Louis sassed.
“Louis can you please take a break from sassing today? My brain can’t take anymore.” Eleanor groaned.
Most of the bus chuckled but Louis looked high offended.
As silence overtook the bus, Harry randomly swerved sharply. Sending stuff flying everywhere.
“What the freak dude?! Watch where you’re doing you moron. You almost killed us. Gosh I can’t stand people sometimes.” Harry continued saying stuff under his breath about how idiotic people are.
“Uhhh Harry maybe you should take a break from driving and get some sleep. You haven’t slept much for this whole trip.” Liam suggested.
“Fine. But I’m only letting Kayla drive.” Harry looked at Kayla in the rear view mirror.
“Uhh I guess I can.” Kayla nervously but her lip.
Harry proceeded to pool on to the side of the road and hopped in the passanger seat.
“Okay when we get up here you’re going to have to merge on the interstate.”
“Oh so now your talking to me.”
“Baby I’m sorry. It just really messed with my head. When they started talking about it again it just made it feel like it had just happened and I couldn’t think straight.”
“I hope you know I didn’t mean to let it slip. When Gigi came out of the bathroom I just freaked.”
“It’s okay love. I still love you.” Harry leaned over and kissed Kayla. “How about we park the RV somewhere and have a picnic just you and me?”
“That sounds lovely”
“Okay now that you guys kissed and made up, Harry go to sleep you’re being a butthole.”
“Louis I just told you to chill your sass.”
“Sorry love. I cant help it.” Louis cheesed at Eleanor.
As they were approaching the interstate Kayla was a little nervous as she had never driven on it.
“You mean to tell me in your 18 years of life you have never driven on the interstate.”
“No reason to judge Harold.”
“I’m not judging just shocked is all.” Harry chuckled “Okay so you’re gonna speed up starting now.”
“Harry I can’t do this.”
“For the love of Pete please do not kill us!” Hollered Alyssa.
“Uhh who’s Pete?”
“Niall now is not the time to ask stupid questions. I’m trying to not kill us.”
“Babe I know you don’t want to do this but you’re gonna have to get over at some point.”
“Here’s goes nothing.” Kayla looked over her shoulder to see it was clear.
“AAHHHHHH” she slightly turned the wheel and merged onto the interstate. “Harry I did it!”
“Good job babe” Harry chuckled.
“Thank you for not killing us.”
“You’re welcome Louis.”
As the after noon rolled on no one really did much. Kayla continued on the interstate headed towards Chicago. While some of the others watched a movie and chatted about life.
“-and then Niall literally fell on the ground he was so scared. It was honestly the best moment of me life.” Alyssa had tears streaming from laughter.
“Babe you said you weren’t going to bring you scaring me up again. It’s embarrassing.” Niall pouted
“Oh whatever. It’s hilarious and you’re adorable Ni”
As the bus was overtaken with silence Louis’ road trip play list played the same song for the 4 time in a row.
“Louis I’m playing my music now. I literally can’t listen to this song again or I might kill myself.” Eleanor marches up to the front of the bus and plugged her phone in hitting shuffle.
“AHHHHHHHH” all the girls screamed as ‘She Looks So Perfect’ started playing.
“Turn it up Kayla. It’s the boyssss.”
All the girls, minus Kayla because she was obviously driving, started jumping around.
Then the chorus hit:
“You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down” all the girls were literally screeching so loud that they woke Harry up.
Harry looked around at all the girls and chuckled to himself
“What are you staring at Harold?”
“Alyssa I swear I’m going to disown you as my friend if you call me that one more time.”
“Oh whatever” Alyssa sarcasticly rolled her eyes, “you know you love it”
“Okay so there’s a Verizon in Chicago that we can stop at to get Alyssa a phone. Is that good with you Louis?”
“In all honesty I forgot I even threw her phone out the window, but yeah that’s okay with me”
“Louis you amaze me sometimes.” Alyssa laughed.
Two hours later and Kayla was still driving.
“You know babe you are honestly a pretty good driver. I should let you drive more often.”
“You definitely should” Kayla looked at Harry, “ are you reading my romance novel I brought?!”
“Oh my gosh guys Harry is reading a romance novel”
“Awww Harry who knew you had such a soft heart. Maya squeaked.
“Okay that’s it I’m done” Harry through the book back in Kayla’s backpack.
“Okay I’m getting sick of driving. So I’m parking in this field and we can have our date Harry”
“Can we order pizza?”
“Sure Niall.” Harry gets his phone to call it in.
��How are you doing to tell him where we are parked?” Kayla asked, “kinda difficult when we are in a field.
“Why don’t you just drive a little farther and park in the Walmart parking lot”
“Once again Louis you had a good idea. I’m starting to think it was a good thing that we brought you” Eleanor laughed while Louis pouted.
As Kayla pulled into the Walmart parking lot the pizza man was driving away.
“Niall sit your butt down and chill”
Instead of doing what he was told Niall jumped out of the moving RV started chasing the delivery car waving his arms and screaming.
Kayla finally found a good place to stop and pulled over as Niall was sprinting back to the RV.
“How’d you get him to notice you?” Harry looked at Niall.
“Well you see.... the dude stopped at the stop sign and I jumped on the hood of the car.”
“Niall, you didn’t. Like how am I with the most embarrassing person?” Alyssa wheezed she was laughing so hard.
“Hey at least we got the pizza. Just be thankful.”
“Okay, Kayla I got everything ready, should we go my lady?”
“Yes as long as you never say that again” Kayla chuckled.
As they left the RV to have their picnic in a Walmart parking lot in the middle of Missouri the rest of the group got their pizza and settled down for a movie.
“What do you think Kayla and Harry are talking about?” Louis wiggled his eyebrows.
“I hope they make up all the way so it stops being awkward because I can’t handle another second of being on this bus with them.” Gigi flopped down on the couch with her pizza.
“Babe I hope you know I’m still so sorry about being a jerk to you. I love you more than anything and didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I know Harry, it’s okay.” Kayla smiled up at her boyfriend of two years.
“I know love. You’ve said that ten times now.” Harry chuckled. “ I did have an idea though to make it up to you.”
“Oh really?? What would that be?”
“Well while you were driving I looked over an noticed a huge sunflower field about 10 miles from here. I know your favorite flower is a sunflower so I figured we could all go on a group date or something.”
“Oh my gosh Harold. That’s amazing!”
“Thanks babe. I thought it was too”
Kayla chuckled. “But seriously we are going to have to go to a laundromat somewhere because all of my good clothes are dirty.”
“You and you’re clothes Kayla Boydston I swear will be the death of me.”
“You know you love it” Kayla leaned in for a kiss.
After their date was over Kayla ran into the RV screaming.
All the girls started screaming and running around collecting their dirty clothes.
Soon Harry was driving around a tiny town looking for a laundromat.
“Wait I see one” Liam pointed from the passenger seat.
“Thank gosh. I was starting to thing I would have to wear these sweatpants tomorrow and that’s not a good look”
“Louis since when do you care what you look like?”
“I always have boo” Louis winked at Eleanor.
“I think I just puked.” Alyssa stated.
As they stopped in front of the laundromat everyone piled out with their arms overflowing of dirty clothes.
“My question is how the heck did we go through this many clothes in 4 days.?
“Well that’s what happens when someone spills their drink all over you” Kayla eyes Louis.
“I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again. It was not my fault. Blame your boyfriend who can’t drive.
“Says the one who almost hit a tree two weeks ago.”
“GUYS! Can we just go in here and get this done.” Alyssa yelled.
As everyone went into the laundromat the atmosphere changed. The group who was once happy and looking forward to tomorrow was tired and all around grouchy.
“Guys am I the only one that feels like this trip isn’t worth it. Like I mean Alyssa’s parents literally disowned her.”
“No you aren’t the only one I totally get it. Maybe we are wasting away are lives”
As silence overtook the room the only thing you could here was the slight sound of water swishing and the gentle tumble of the dryer.
“You know what screw this! Why are we all sitting here groaning about this trip. This trip is our last one before we go off to college. Instead of being grouchy and acting like butts we need to make this trip the best thing ever.” Alyssa got up and marched over to the speaker that was sitting in the corner and plugged her phone in. The first song that popped in was, ‘Year 3000’ by the Jonas Brothers.
“Oh my gosh I haven’t heard this song in forever.”
“Oh my gosh let’s GOOOOO”
Everyone jumped up and starting dancing around the room. Screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs.
Quickly their moods lifted. As everyone looked at one another they realized truly how much this trip meant to them. Here they were after being friends anywhere from 7 to 3 years, on their last vacation as teenagers before they go to college. They were so thankful for this trip and each other.
After spending two hours in the laundromat they were finally back on the bus. They ended up just deciding to lock it up and sleep in the parking lot.
As everyone was falling asleep, Alyssa and Kayla were still sitting in the front of the RV.
“I’m so sorry excited for tomorrow.!”
“Me too Alyssa! I feel like we all need this!”
“We got to look fly for pictures”
“You know it boo” Kayla laughed.
Little did they know that tomorrow would change one of their lives forever. Or maybe both of their lives?
Well this chapter was pretty chill. Wonder what will happen that will change their lives?? 😜
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takemedancingmaine · 4 years
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Family Ties
I wasn't sure what I was doing here.
All I really knew was that I was only here for the day. I kept telling myself that no matter how bad it got, whichever way this went, I would be gone by 7 pm. 
It was the result of a dumb impulse decision that I had made after self-defense class on Thursday. I had bought the tickets without properly thinking through just what I was going to say, or admitting to myself any consequences that could come up as a result.
When I woke up Friday in a post adrenaline haze I had been panicked. What had I been thinking? I couldn't tell my parents. There was no way. This was dumb. It was a dumb decision.
Yet for some reason, I brought myself to the airport this morning, went through security behind some of the most impatient tourists I had ever seen, and had gotten on a plane and flown to St. Louis. Truth be told, I wasn't sure if I was actually living this or if I was just having an incredibly vivid dream.
Either way, dream or real, I was now in a rental car on my way to my sister’s apartment near SLU’s campus. 
When I said I didn't think this whole process through, I meant it. Neither Mehar nor my parents knew I was coming home. I didn't even know if they'd be around. But after telling my friends what happened I was inspired to tell everyone in order to really start healing, and that included my parents, my little sister. And I wanted to do it as soon as possible.
Hence my driving across St. Louis in the middle of the morning on a wintry Saturday in February to see my sister before I even knew if she was home. I thought about calling her, but whenever I picked up my phone to call her or even text her, I felt sick to my stomach. How do you bring something like that up over the phone? That was why I had decided to fly down in the first place. 
My stomach was in knots. Telling my friends, telling Niall, had been different. This felt weightier, this felt like it was going to be so much more painful like it was going to be so much more impactful on my recovery, but that such an impact could go either way.
I sat in my rental car for a few minutes after pulling into the apartment complex my sister lived in. I was struggling to compose myself, and I was focusing on my breathing when my phone buzzed in the cup holder, scaring me into action. I took a breath and picked up the phone. 
Cleo: You’ve got this. I love you.
And right when I was reading that, my phone buzzed again in my hand, two new messages coming through in quick succession in our friend group chat. It was the same group chat. I had assured my friends that it would only be more awkward if they were to create two new, separate chats now that Niall and I had split.
Louis: we’re all here rooting for you! Liam: [photo attached] 
Liam had sent a photo of the whole group huddled around a table at a coffee shop: Harry and Ana, Louis, Liam, and Cleo. Harry in his Packers gear, no doubt to annoy Liam even though their season was over. Cleo wearing the scarf I'd gotten her that first winter we were friends. Louis had on the same jean jacket he always wore. It was negative temperatures with the wind chill, and he was still wearing that over a sweater instead of wearing a real coat. They all looked so normal to me that it filled me with warmth. I could almost pretend I was there with them.
They were all smiling, Harry and Cleo were giving me thumbs up, and Ana was toasting me with her tea. It looked like someone was holding the phone, that it wasn’t a selfie. I had one guess as to who was holding it. 
I had my friends on my side, and no matter what happened with my family today, that family, my friend-family, would always be there for me. I took a deep breath and got out of the car, and walked up to my sister’s door where I knocked and waited. 
“Ruby?” It was Ashley, one of my sister’s roommates. 
“Is Mehar here?” I asked. 
“Yeah, let me go get her,” Ashley said. “You can come in.” I followed her and waited just inside the door. Mehar’s apartment was cozy and reminded me a bit of Cleo’s with twinkle lights and candles everywhere and endless blankets in a bin next to the sofa.
“What the fork are you doing here?” My sister said as she came around the corner and stopped short when she saw me.
“I can't just pop by and surprise my little sister?”
“Not if you live five hours away you can't.” She looked at me skeptically.
“I just really needed to see you,” I let the words fall out in a whoosh as the truth pulled them from me. “I really needed my sister. So I thought I'd just... swing by. I’m only in town until my flight at seven.”
“What's wrong?” She took a step toward me. My sister looked like me, she was more slender, but we had the same features, hers were angular where mine were rounded, but they were the same nonetheless. We had the same nervous ticks, even though our stressors were different. We had the same ability to look at each other and be able to understand when it was no longer a joke or a jest, but when it was serious.
Mehar took one look at me and knew I wasn't here for anything light.
“Come here,” she said before stepping close and pulling me into her. I held my sister for a while. I held her, breathed in her familiar scent, and felt my whole body relax at her proximity. Mehar and I were always teasing each other, but when it came down to it, I'd do anything for her, and I knew she'd do the same for me.
Eventually, we pulled back from each other and she gestured for me to sit down at her breakfast bar.
“You wait here. I'll be right back.” I nodded and watched her disappear around the corner and into her room.
In the minute and a half it took her to return, I had counted the number of vowels on the grocery list on the fridge five times. There were thirty-two.
“I found this at mom and dad’s,” Mehar was saying as she strolled back into the room. It was a card. I could see that much. Mehar stood on the other side of the breakfast bar from me and gestured for me to open it as someone joined us in the kitchen.
He was tall, probably just over six feet, and he had stunning green eyes and short, wavy blonde hair. His athletic build was noticeable even under the SLU tennis T-shirt he was wearing. What I noticed first though, was the way he looked at my sister as he stepped up beside her and reached for a coffee mug. 
“Andy, this is my sister Ruby,” Mehar began. “Ruby, this is Andy.”
I knew him from her descriptions of him, but what I didn't know was how he felt. That look I'd witnessed just now had me certain he wasn't just using my sister, that whatever she was experiencing for the first time, it wasn't one-sided. I looked between him and my sister and then smiled.
“Nice to finally meet you, Andy,” I said as I watched him blush at my words. He glanced down at his feet and then looked back up at me.
“You as well, Ruby,” he said. “I've heard so much about you.”
“All good things, I hope,” I laughed.
“Only good things,” Andy said back. “You're what she talks about most of the time.”
“I wouldn't say most,” Mehar half-heartedly defended herself. “A lot, but probably not most.”
“Oh, probably not,” Andy teased her, sliding his arm around her waist.
Mehar made a face and rolled her eyes at him. “Ruby, do you want breakfast?”
I looked at my watch. “Meh, it's 10:42.”
“Brunch then,” she amended with a shrug.
“I can do brunch.” I nodded, holding back my laugh.
“How do you take your eggs, Ruby?” Andy asked as he headed to the fridge. “I’ve been told I make a pretty good omelet.”
“I could go for an omelet.” I nodded and as he got to work with the eggs and Mehar got started on making French Press coffee after turning on some John Mayer over her speaker, I remembered the card in my hands. Looking down at it I realized that it was Mehar’s handwriting on the envelope. It wasn't sealed either, so I slid the card out.
The front was just sunflowers, no message, so I opened it and started reading. It was a graduation card from when I'd graduated high school. It was from Mehar to me, but I was fairly certain I had never seen it before.
I started scanning the text of the card and immediately was fighting back tears. She wrote about how proud of me she was, how excited for my future endeavors she was, and how she knew I was strong and brave and destined for good things.
I let a tear slip down my cheek before quickly wiping it away and re-reading the card before closing it and sliding it back into its envelope. When I looked up my younger sister was watching me, a freshly pressed mug of coffee in her hands, held almost to her lips as she inhaled the aroma.
“I found it in a book I had been reading at the time. I must've used it as a bookmark or something. I hadn't seen it since right before your graduation, but I felt so guilty having it and not giving it to you…. I was going to mail it, but you being here to read it works too.”
I just looked at her, at the card, and then her again, hoping that my look could convey just how I felt. 
My little sister gave me a watery smile and strode around her counter and hugged me tightly.
“I love you, Ruby,” she told me. 
“I love you too, Mehar,” I said back. 
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“So what really made you come here?” She asked now. Andy had just left to go to practice and we were on her couch together re-watching an old show we both knew well. 
Andy hadn’t been kidding, he made so much food for us and everything was delicious. I was stuffed and happily so. He was also very kind. He and Mehar seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces: the two of them had inside jokes and were instinctive toward one another. At one point, he looked up at her and without a word refilled her coffee and added the proper amount of cream and sugar for her.
Seeing my sister in an easy routine with someone was like watching a little green alien stroll out of a spaceship and act as if everything was normal: something felt out of place, but maybe that was because it simply hadn’t happened before. Mehar said, for years, that she loved her lifestyle, and I know she still does like that lifestyle, but this feels different. Andy has been around for a bit, knows things about her that she’s not let other boys know, she didn’t seem hesitant to introduce us either, and I’d never before met someone Mehar had been with, in any capacity. 
I know I kind of forced her hand by just showing up out of the blue, but she seemed completely at ease with the situation. My sister blew me away with her adaptability. Just a few days ago she was telling me that she actually liked a boy and that she wanted to change her whole life plan, but as was typical to my sister, she took the whole experience in stride.
I looked down at the mug of tea in my hands and then looked up at her. 
“What is it?” She asked. 
“Well, there’s a couple of reasons,” I said softly. When I had told my friends, my voice and resolve had been strong. Right now with my sister, I felt weak. I had spent all of my life protecting, or trying to protect, Mehar from the bad things in this world and telling her this meant exposing her to bad things as well as exposing her to my own personal darkness. It felt counterintuitive. 
“Okay,” she nodded, compelling me softly to continue. 
“I’m going to stop by mom and dad’s after this, because one of the things might just be easier to say to all of you at the same time,” I tell her. “I don’t know if after the week I’ve had I can relive it twice.”
“Ruby, you’re starting to scare me.” She leaned forward, toward me and put her hand on mine for a moment. 
“Niall and I…” I trailed off. Even that phrase hurt to say. “We’re,” I started again. “I broke up with him.”
“You what?” Her voice that had been soft before was a little harsh when she asked that. I looked up at her and saw her eyes harden, too. 
“I broke up with him,” I repeated it, feeling the sting of it, again and again, a thousand little cuts on my skin every time the reality struck me.
“He’s… Ruby, Niall is the best guy you’ve ever dated and you broke up with him?” She was incredulous, and just as I expected her questions started coming fast. “Why? Did he hurt you, like was he abusive? Did he cheat on you? What about Louis, are they still friends? How could you just… break up with him? He was in love with you.” 
I closed my eyes and swallowed the lump that rose in my throat when she said that. “I know he was. I loved him, still love him.” I paused and took a breath, but nothing was making the discomfort in my chest recede. “He didn’t hurt me, in any way. He didn’t cheat on me. Louis is trying to figure it all out right now, but he’s still friends with both of us,” I answered some of her questions. 
“Then how could you?” I flinched. “Do you even know how much he loved you, Ruby?” My sister was hard, I’d known that always. We used to have fights when we were younger, too. This though, this felt different. This wasn’t a superficial fight over stealing each other’s clothes or makeup. This was something deeper and more meaningful. 
“That’s kind of why I had to do it,” I whispered. 
“So were you just stringing him along?” 
“No!” I shook my head rapidly. “No, of course, I wasn’t. I,” I opened my mouth and nothing came out, so I closed it and thought for another moment. “I’m just trying to sort myself out first. I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on with me so that I don’t hurt him along the way.” 
“You’re so selfish,” she said now and I recoiled like I’d been physically slapped across the face. My sister’s dark eyes were narrowed as they looked me over and I couldn’t help but feel the chill in the room. 
“So we’re going to Mom and Dad’s, now? And then you’re leaving at seven?” She asked, turning the TV off and grabbing my and her mugs, practically ripping mine out of my hands, before heading to the kitchen where she discarded them in the sink.
“I guess so.” I nodded.
“We should probably drive there separately,” she called from her room. “I mean, logistically their house is closer to the airport, so if you have to return your rental car I can still drive home.”
“Okay.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and wiped away the tear that escaped. 
“Alright, see you there.” She came out of her room and swiped her heavy jacked off the peg by her front door, and then handed me mine before she opened the door and gestured to me to head out.
Numb, and not just from Mehar’s response but also from the fact that I was about to tell my parents what happened to me, I made my way over to my rental car and climbed inside, feeling like I’d just been in battle: all of me was tired and sore. I let out a sigh and watched as Mehar peeled off in her car and then made to follow her. 
Now that I was standing in my parent’s foyer the reality of what I was doing came crashing down. I could hear them fussing in the other room over Mehar. My mom had been upset about my coming home, as I expected she would be. She was upset she didn't know ahead of time, upset I wasted money on just being here for a day, upset that I looked so muscley because then I would never find a man.
It wasn’t like I didn’t expect any of that. 
“Ruby,” my father called my name as he stepped into the room. My parents never really approved of how I chose to live my life, but the most vocal about that was my mother. My father was upset I wasn’t closer to home, upset that I wasn’t making as much money as I could potentially be with my degree, but my father was softer than my mother.
“Hmm?” I hummed and looked over at him. He was greying around his temples, his reading glasses were up on top of his head, and he had one of the kindest faces. I remembered all the music we would listen to together, thinking about all that he taught me while Mehar and I were little, thinking about how this news would affect him. 
“Your mother made tea,” he said.
We slipped into the kitchen. Mom and Mehar were sitting at the island, sipping tea, and Dad joined them. I stood alone on the other side while I filled my teacup and stayed there, across from them. 
I didn’t have Cleo there with me this time to be my rock. I had to be my own rock. I had to somehow get through this without her. 
I wasn’t sure how to tell the story again, so I just sort of, started talking. I started with what happened and ended with how I was going to self-defense classes and getting into a healthier mindset. I left Niall out of it all, but I knew Mehar could tell I was leaving him out.
Once I was done talking, I settled in and waited for their reactions. 
My mom, predictably, had a bit of a meltdown. She lectured me on how I should have told her sooner, how big cities aren’t safe, how she told me that over and over again and that she knew something bad like this was going to happen.  
I stayed silent throughout it all, accepting it as her way of coping. She thought she was right, and I wasn’t going to change her mind. I knew better. I knew I just had to let it play out and that she would calm down to her usual level of distaste toward Chicago eventually.
My father was angry. Not toward me. Okay, a little of it was toward me. He argued that he could have done something, and was angry that nothing had been found in regard to the case they opened to find whoever did this to me. My father was headstrong. You have to be when you move across the world and have to assimilate and make a life for yourself. But I’d never seen him angry before. He stormed out of the room and my mother followed suit, leaving me with just Mehar.
“And I was such an asshole to you this morning,” Mehar breathed out. She looked shaken, and I felt a pang in my heart. 
“It’s okay,” I told her. “I understand why.” Truly I did. I wasn’t upset with her for being rude and upset with me. I understood it. I absolutely knew what I had told her was a big deal, and much like Louis, she had reflexively turned cold at my news. 
“I’m your sister.” She shook her head. “I should have given you the benefit of the doubt.”
“Mehar,” I reached over to her. “It’s okay. I promise.”
“But what I don’t understand is why you kept this from me?” She sounded hurt. “I’m your sister, Ruby. I… I would’ve understood. I could’ve been there for you. I could have helped you. Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I was scared,” I told her. “I was afraid that if I told you then the whole thing would control me and take over my life. I didn’t see that keeping it a secret was still enabling it to take over and control me.”
“Maybe I could have helped you realize that sooner,” she said. 
“You? Probably.” I nodded. “You’re pretty strong-willed and incredibly smart. Especially now that you’re shifting to focus on research psychology.” 
“I just wish I could have helped you. I wish I had been there for you.” She bit her lip. “I feel a little betrayed that you didn’t let me in on something as big as this. We tell each other everything, Ruby.”
“I made a mistake,” I admitted. “I don’t know why hiding it was my first instinct. I don’t know why telling everyone now feels so counterintuitive. I’m kind of flying blind here, Me.” I bit my lip and shrugged. “It’s not like you’re taught how to go through this kind of thing in school.”
“You’re right,” she said. “It’s not like you were prepared. But haven’t I been a good enough sister to you? Did I do something to make you think you couldn’t trust me?”
“No. You’re literally the best sister, Mehar. I love how open we are with each other. I love how much we give to each other and help each other. I don’t- I don’t know why. I know I can trust you. It wasn’t about trust. It was fear. I’m your big sister, Mehar. I’m supposed to protect you. How could I protect you when I’m damaged?” 
“You think you’re damaged?” Mehar asks. “You think you can’t still try and protect me? I’m strong because of you, Ruby. How else do you think I came to terms with changing my future? I thought about what you would do, how fearless you are. I can’t- I don’t know how you don’t realize that I am who I am because of you. I would never judge you. I wouldn’t have thought less of you. And yes, I’m always going to appreciate you trying to protect me, but sometimes, I’d like to return the favor. I’d like to protect you. I’d like the opportunity to be able to help you and I never get that chance.”
I was at an actual at a loss for words.
“I’m not saying there’s going to be a next time of these proportions,” Mehar continued. “But next time anything happens, anything, Ruby, you have me. You have me to talk to. You will always have me to talk to.”
Our father came back into the room and without saying anything wrapped me up in a tight hug. 
“Ruby,” my father sighed. “I’m really glad that you’re okay. I’m glad that you’re strong and that you’re going to those classes.” 
He pulled back after another long moment of holding me, and kept me close, but looked into my face. “You’re happy, right? You’re still happy?” 
“I am,” I told him truthfully. “I may have hurt the people close to me by not telling them what happened earlier, but I’m working on that, and I’m happy with my job and my friends.”
“That’s the important thing,” he said before pulling me into another tight hug. Physical affection was weird for my family, at least coming from my parents and aimed at Mehar and I. This though, this was somehow something my father knew I needed, and I accepted his hug gratefully.
“Mom’s never going to let me get on that plane tonight, is she?” I asked.
“I will talk to her,” he assured me. “She won’t be happy about it, but deep down she knows the city, your friends there, make you happy. She won’t like it, but she’ll let you go.” 
“Thank you, daddy,” I sighed. I tightened my grip on him and then let go. 
“Of course, Ruby.” He smiled and gave me a pat on the arm. “I’m going to go talk to your mother, then maybe we can get some takeout before you have to be on your flight,” he said.
“Maybe,” I said back as he stepped out of the room again and Mehar gave me a crazy look as she looked between me and where he’d just left the room.
“Who was that? That certainly wasn’t our dad,” she scoffed. “There’s no way. He must’ve been abducted by aliens or something.” 
I barked out a laugh. “Your guess is as good as mine.” 
“That’s why you broke up with Niall then, isn’t it?” She asked, cautious to keep her voice down, wary of our parents possibly listening in. 
I nodded.
“You kind of told me the events in reverse order,” she said. “I might not have been so mad at you if you’d explained why before you told me you broke up with him.” 
“Well.” I shrugged, unable to explain myself. I’d done so much explaining this week.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m still really mad at you. You didn’t tell me about a huge life event and you also failed to factor in logic when breaking up with the world’s most perfect man for you.” 
“If Niall and I are meant to me, then maybe it’ll happen when I’m healthy enough for it,” I explained. “And if not,” I stopped when my voice broke. “If not, then he taught me so much about myself and what I deserve and what a healthy relationship looks like.”
“I’ve met him,” she said with a smirk. “I’m sure he’d drop his entire life if it meant he could have you back.” 
I laughed. 
“I’m serious,” Mehar came over and wrapped an arm around me. “He’d be a fool not to. He’s also absolutely smitten with you, Ruby. I doubt even something like this would change his mind.” 
“Healthy people move on from things, Mehar. I’m preparing myself for him to have moved on from me.”
“Healthy people do move on, but love is a funny thing, Ruby. I wouldn’t sell yourself short.” 
“Alright crazy lady.” I rolled my eyes at her and laid my head on her shoulder. “Let’s talk about you and Andy some more.”
“You like him?” She asked.
“I think he’s great,” I told her truthfully. “Neither of you is trying to change the other, but somehow you fit together so well anyway. You seem to be in a really good place.” 
“I am,” she said. “I think I’ll have to let mom and dad calm down from this a little before I tell them I’m moving away, going to grad school. I looked into graduate programs, by the way. Michigan State apparently has a really great program.”
She was baiting me. I knew it. I still took it.
“You can’t go to my school’s rival!” I gasped. 
“It would only be for their graduate program,” she defended herself. 
“Still, Mehar,” I groaned. “They’re actually the worst.” 
“Their psychology program isn’t.” She poked me in the side.
“Are there any other schools?” I asked, desperate.
“Northwestern doesn’t have a masters, but they have a PhD track,” she shrugged. “Their undergraduate program is amazing though. Same with U Chicgao. Their master’s program has a pretty good reputation too, but if I wanted the best it looks like I’d be moving to North Carolina.” 
“This sounds like it could be bad or really bad,” I complained.
“Carolina and Duke have the number one and two masters programs in the country. I realize that means it would be harder to get accepted, but I’ve started working with my professors on their research and I’m doing really well in all of my classes. I just have to keep working.”
“I have so much faith in you,” I wrapped an arm around her and sighed. “I’m excited for whatever comes next for you.”
“You too,” she told me. “We’ve got the world ahead of us, Ruby.” 
“We really do,” I agreed.
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In the end, our mother had come down and had dinner with us before I had to leave. She also told me she was glad I was okay but kept reminding me and dropping not so subtle hints that the city I chose to live in was dangerous. It was nothing I couldn’t handle.
Sitting on the plane on the runway I kept thinking about something Mehar had said. She had told me she thinks she wasted her potential staying close to home for undergrad instead of going to a harder more competitive school where she could’ve been pushed more, be better prepared for graduate school. 
I argued that because of her decisions, she found friends, experimented with different walks of life to choose from so she was certain that she knew what she wanted, and she found Andy, who–if nothing else–was introducing her to a lifestyle she had never tried before. Something I assure her she would be able to keep up with if she moved to North Carolina or, hopefully not, Michigan. 
I was thinking about it because we all end up on the right path somehow or another. Whether it's straightforward because we’re certain we know what we want, or whether the wrong paths teach us lessons that we didn’t even know we needed to learn, I don’t know. 
What I did know was that my sister, who repeatedly told me she was still very much mad at me, would be okay. She kept trying to tell me the same thing, too. I knew she was right, but I was still working through the consequences of my decisions and that was going to take some time and was a lot less straightforward than I’d hoped it would be.
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archangel-icarus · 4 years
icarus | bnha oc info
▸ ʙ ᴀ s ɪ ᴄ ɪ ɴ ғ ᴏ ◂
∥ ғɪʀsᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇ.
∥ ʟᴀsᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇ.
∥ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ᴏʀɪɢɪɴ.
their mother actually chose the name. michael is of hebrew origin and means "who is like god". michael is also the name of an archangel in the bible.
the last name harris on the other hand, is of anglo-saxon descent meaning "son of harry". harry being a derivation of henry which means "home-ruler".
∥ ᴀʟɪᴀsᴇs.
god - michael does not have a god complex and has been called a god under ironic circumstances. they are a tad cocky in nature and finds the nickname mildly amusing.
micha - a more or less gender neutral name that they tend to use on occasion. they primarily use this nickname when around friends or classmates.
baby/baby face - this adorable nickname refers to the fact that michael has a somewhat soft yet androgynous appearance, looking both masculine and feminine all at once. there is also the fact that when around those close to them, michael may act childish.
∥ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴀᴄᴇ.
human ; white
∥ ᴀɢᴇ ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴀʀsɪɢɴ.
sixteen (16) ; sagittarius - as a sagittarius, michael is bold and truthful. they tend to say whatever it is on their mind, even if it may hurt.
∥ ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ.
5'7 (170.18 cm) ; 126 lbs (57.13 kg)
∥ sᴇx ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ.
male ; genderfluid
∥ sᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
panromantic homosexual
∥ sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ sᴛᴀᴛᴜs.
∥ ᴀғғɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴs.
first year at UA (transferred from an American school with the help of their father)
∥ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴏғ ʙɪʀᴛʜ.
los angeles, california, united states
∥ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ʀᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ.
musutafu, japan
▸ ʀ ᴇ ʟ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ s ʜ ɪ ᴘ s ◂
関係 ∥ 家族 ∥ 友達
∥ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ.
carolyn was their mother's name. michael barely remembers her face but is aware that they are a near spitting image of her. she disappeared when they were young and hadn't been found since. their father rarely ever talks about her as a result. she was the only parent with a 'real' quirk, which had both of her arms transform into dove-like wings.
∥ ғᴀᴛʜᴇʀ.
michael's father, samuel, has a quirk that allowed him to turn his fingers into writing tools such as pens or pencils. he never saw it as a real quirk per se seeing as he looked up to those with flashy quirks. like all people, he fell in love. however, he grew distant and cold towards his wife not long after michael was born. he has a great dislike towards michael as a result but tries to make things work when out in public with them.
❝ it's not that i don't know how to cry. I just can't cry in front of other people. ❞
▸ ᴀ ᴘ ᴘ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ◂
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ᴇɴʜᴀɴᴄᴇᴅ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇs.
their shoulders and upper back appears more or less defined as the result of their wings when they manifest.
∥ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴛʏᴘᴇ.
static p on youtube
∥ sᴋɪɴ ᴛᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇxɪᴏɴ.
fair toned with a porcelain-esque appearance. they are clean of acne for the most part and there is no signs of any facial hair (with the exception of eyebrows and eyelashes).
∥ ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ ᴀɴᴅ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
michael has golden yellow doe eyes. their eyes have also been described as being doll-like, naturally round in shape.
∥ ғᴀᴄɪᴀʟ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
they have well defined features. during their youth, michael had been described as looking like a real life angel which gradually evolved into them having the appearance of a greek god or statue. their overall facial shape is a heart.
∥ ɴᴏsᴇ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
they have what is called a celestial nose shape which remains unaffected by the use of their quirk.
∥ ʟɪᴘ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
a natural pink color that matches the faint blush that dusts their features from time to time. the shape of them overall is what could be considered wide.
∥ ʜᴀɪʀsᴛʏʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ.
pale blond hair that falls a bit past their shoulders, grazing their shoulder blades. the hair itself is naturally in loose waves and appears thicker than in actuality.
∥ ғᴀᴄɪᴀʟ ʜᴀɪʀ.
∥ ᴇᴀʀ sʜᴀᴘᴇ.
they have average sized ears that aren't physically affected by their quirk but their hearing is heightened during the period of which they have their wings out.
∥ ɴᴀɪʟ ᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ.
their nails are pristine and almost always clean, whether they have a clear coat or painted nails. however, they tend to get nervous or antsy at times which result in them biting at their thumbnails.
∥ ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴛʏᴘᴇ.
∥ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴍᴀʀᴋs ᴏʀ sᴄᴀʀʀɪɴɢ.
they have a few freckles dotted about their figure, most of them being located on their shoulders and stomach.
∥ ᴘɪᴇʀᴄɪɴɢs ᴏʀ ɪɴᴋ.
they have no piercings or tattoos but michael always enjoys joking about having a tramp stamp and willing to 'prove it'
∥ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ɴᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇs.
▸ ᴛ ʀ ᴀ ɪ ᴛ s ◂
∥ ʟɪᴋᴇs.
they enjoy the energy that comes with social events and being around other people. michael is also seen frequenting local thrift shops and anything vintage.
∥ ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs.
michael despises having to sit still and any quiet places. they also dislike anything too frilly or poofy. that and the feeling of velvet.
∥ ʜᴀʙɪᴛs.
they bite their thumbnails when nervous or antsy. michael also has the tendency to tug at their sleeves, hair, or hands when talking or standing.
∥ ᴘᴇᴛ ᴘᴇᴇᴠᴇs.
disorganized spaces and when people completely miss the trash or recycling bin.
∥ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ sᴄʜᴇᴍᴇs.
warm colors, golden or toasted. primarily yellows, oranges, and browns. also a soft, pastel blue, kind of like the sky.
∥ ᴀᴇsᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄs.
generally the 50s or 90s when talking about eras. fragrances would be the air when it's about to rain or warm blankets and sheets. lilies and sunflowers would best suit them.
∥ ғᴇᴀʀs.
the future, actually sitting down and thinking about what they would be like a year from now, two or five, maybe a decade from now. those thoughts never end in a purely positive way so they tend to push them away as much as possible.
∥ ᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀ·s.
the fear of love (or falling in love) phobia is known as philophobia. The word originates from greek “filos” which means 'loving or beloved'. individuals who suffer from this phobia fear romantic love or forming emotional attachments of any sort.
∥ ᴅɪsᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛs.
the feeling of velvet or the general feeling of suffocating in awkward situations.
∥ ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛs.
touch. whether it be the brief brush of a hand or a full on bear hug, michael needs physical contact.
∥ ᴅᴇsɪʀᴇs.
stability in an emotional sense. michael needs the reassurance that their friends and loved ones are with them for the right reasons. they yearn for as much physical contact as possible.
❝ when I say I am okay, i expect someone to take one good look at me...and realize i'm not. ❞
▸ ϙ ᴜ ɪ ʀ ᴋ ᴅ ᴇ ᴛ ᴀ ɪ ʟ s ◂
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ɴᴀᴍᴇ.
owl wings
∥ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴏʀ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴ ɴᴀᴍᴇ.
the archangel hero : icarus
there's nothing too fancy about the reasoning behind the name. the greek story their heri name is reference to tells the story of the son of daedalus who to escape imprisonment flies by means of artificial wings but falls into the sea and drowns when the wax of his wings melts as he flies too near the sun.
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ᴛʏᴘᴇ.
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ʀᴀɴɢᴇ.
close to mid-range
∥ ᴀɢᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴀɪɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴡ.
michael was roughly four (4) years of age when their quirk manifested. they were in their backyard with their aunt, who was tossing them up into the air 'like a bird'. they kept making various bird noises as a joke when a pair of owl wings sprouted from their shoulder blades. both michael and their aunt were startled but they were also excited to 'actually be a bird'.
∥ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ᴜsᴇʀs.
their mother has a set of dove wings and hawks has a similar quirk but the difference being that michael's wings aren't connected to them via their mind/telepathy and they are unable to 'fly'.
∥ ᴇxᴘʟᴀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ/ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ.
the user is able to manifest a pair of owl wings near their shoulder blades that spread out and covers their arms in an almost shield when brought together. the user must also wait from anywhere to twenty-five (25) seconds to a full minute for the wings to fully form and spread out.
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ sᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜs.
they are able to slow their fall by spreading out their arms and perform a sort of gliding action.
∥ ϙᴜɪʀᴋ ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇssᴇs.
michael's wings aren't strong enough to grant them the ability to fly. there is the possibility of flight in the future with more training.
∥ ᴅʀᴀᴡʙᴀᴄᴋs ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴍɪᴛs.
if the user is drenched/soaked with the wings present, they will be unable to retract them until dried off. as previously stated, the user is unable to fly but can glide to lessen their fall.
∥ ᴄᴏsᴛᴜᴍᴇ.
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∥ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟɪsᴇᴅ ᴇϙᴜɪᴘᴍᴇɴᴛ.
the material that covers michael's shirt/top is made with special fabric that allows their wings to manifest without ripping or tearing.
∥ ᴄᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ sᴛʏʟᴇ.
they have a mixed combat style which fluctuates between offense and defense depending on the current situation. their years of taking ballet classes during their childhood helps as well in terms of agility and flexibility. to describe their actual way of combat would be a combination of dance (ballet and breakdancing being the main inspiration) and martial arts.
∥ sᴛᴀɢᴇs.
not necessarily unless you count the minute or so it takes for the wings to fully form.
∥ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴᴇʀs ᴍᴏᴠᴇsᴇᴛ.
the user is able to summon their wings as well as put them away.
∥ ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇᴅ ᴍᴏᴠᴇsᴇᴛ.
they are now able to hover in place roughly two (2) feet or about sixty (60) centimeters off the ground for at most fifteen (15) minutes. if michael was to leap off of something a bit taller then they could hover at a higher height but for half the time.
they are currently working on flight but have succeeded at gliding from building to building with a running start.
∥ ʟɪɴᴇ ᴏғ ᴡᴏʀᴋ.
michael knows that not everyone can be a hero but they sure as hell can try and achieve it. they are in class 1B at ua but also is fine with becoming a sidekick.
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yourfeminist · 5 years
All of the asks. If you don't want to answer some that's fine, I'd be interested in all of them ☺️
Hell yeah i’m down! Thank you a lot! Have a nice day or evening! 
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
Well I woke up today and I thought I had to work at 8AM but I didn’t need to work so that kinda sucked. But otherwise then that I’m fine! I need to do a few things today so I look forward to do that! Thanks for asking 
lemon; what’s your comfort food?
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song?
Rich Girl by Daryl Hall & John Oates!
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of! 
I recently discovered Billie Eilish and she’s pretty cool. But other than her I don’t remember any new album I listened to
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
Well my parents are divorced so ngl at my dads I feel more home because there are a lot of other people and I enjoy that. But when I’m at my moms I really love my room and that feels like home too. So I can’t decide :)
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home?
My (girl)friendgroup and one friend specifically that always makes me feel like home. When we are at the same party I always feel less awkward or uncomfortable ( I have social anxiety and sometimes it’s really acting up). So I’m really glad that he has that feeling. 
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
We can talk about everything but still we don’t always do. We have a great friendship and sure do love each other but we don’t say things like that to each other. We also see each other pretty often. One of my best friends💕
golden deep; what’s your favorite season?
This anwser always changes but atm It’s spring! I really enjoy the weather where you don’t have to wear a jacket just a hoodie because of the sun! Yup really love that. OH AND everything starts to grow again :)
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
Watch youtube video’s, watch a few episodes of a show, reading and mostly relax!
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
yup I do but this girl right here is kinda dumb because I never talk to anyone because I have this feeling that when I do I bother other people. And I know I don’t but still I won’t do it haha. But I’m working on it! So if anyone has the same feeling feel free to come to me or ask me how I’m dealing with that.
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings?
Both! But I prefer evenings a little more. Because then I see my family and friends more ( i know cliche :p)
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything?
BROOKLYN NINE-NINE!!!!!!(cool cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt) And I’m watching Teen Wolf for the second time haha
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
Right brained!
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it?
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Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh! 
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent?
Hard one!! I really like Irish ( @bleubelle249SO YOU BETTER HAVE ONE :PPP) and Scottish! But ngl I reaaaally love Australian accents, so hot.
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other?
Nope I don’t mind tbh. But dark hair and dark eyes are plus !
scarlet; describe your current crush/es.
Dark haired, dark eyed 6′2 and his name is Noah Centineo and he doesnt even know I exist :). But other than him I don’t have a crush!
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like?
A walk at a park and maybe picknick and a fun activity and dinner later in the afternoon and for the night a movie! But tbh everything is okay, I’m not that hard to statisfy.
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
Anything the other person want to do! 
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
Yes I would. I would only kiss someone if they want to (CONSENT KIDS, ITS IMPORTANT) and I also would accept one if I’m comfortable. But there needs to be a connection tho. Otherwise a quick  peck on the cheeks.
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
That I’m working on myself to become a healthier (mentally) me.  Because it took waaaaaaaaaaaaay to long.
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
My drivers licence! 
violet rose; what does your dream house look like?
A very cozy house. Nice, warm with a library and a lot of plants and flowers! A big garden with both sun and shadow. With a few neighbours. And I would love to live at a dead end next to meadow!
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down?
Somewhere in England, USA or Australia. Maybe somewhere else in Europe, don’t know.
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
That I finished college. I’m financial stable and that I worked hard for the things that I have. I don’t like doing things the easy way.
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
Český Krumlov in Czech Republic
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
A week ago. I just felt good. Don’t have a reason for it.
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
That I was dating a collegue who is also a friend. it was a really weird dream but I didnt tell anyone because my friends ship us hahahah
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each?
I don’t yet if I want kids (or that my partner does) but if I would have kids I want 3 em. And both a dog and a cat!
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could? Yes I like my name (Anouk) and no I will not give myself a different name because I don’t think an other name will fit me.
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
Depends on my mood what it is; like a candle or perfume or deodorant. But probably vanilla, lemongrass and citrus.
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
Earl grey!
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
SUNFLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!! And a few trees and nice flowers that grow each year.
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
yes probably. I secretly would love that haha
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
Tall, nice skin, long arms and long legs and my stomach kinda has a sixpack.
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
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Probably something like this. But with more high grass. And I soflty hear the wind and a few birds chirping.
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
80% of my life is! What do I think might make it better? Me. But don’t know how yet.
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
1. Italy2. Australia3. New zealand
Yes! They are all three on my bucket list so I will for sure visit them!
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
Yes I speak: Dutch, Frisian and a tiny bit of German. And I really want to learn Spanish!
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
That’s way to hard for me to choose. So i am not going to give you an anwser :p
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far?
I am reading the Game of Thrones books. Currently reading A Clash of Kings (second one) 
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
Coco!! And all the Harry Potter movies!
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
Nothing haha
umber; have you drank enough water today?
Not yet! But it’s still morning so don’t worry!
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent? 
I don’t vent a lot. And if I do it’s not a go to person. Probably my dad or anyone else from my family or friends
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
1. Animals2. When people are happy3. When people are smiling 4. Music!5. Kian and Jc (shout out to them, they are youtubers)
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
That I’m a very relaxed person to be with. My friends told me that when we had a test I’m made them less nervous. And I really like that.
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
I would rather not post one but I’ll guess I will post one
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There ya go!
Thanks again!
8 notes · View notes
maylovexhs · 6 years
Author’s Note: Oh look another song fic. At least it’s in Harry’s point of view this time. Tell me if you want a part two. Feedback is always welcomed. Enjoy loves! xxx M
Song: Arctic Monkeys- Snap Out Of It
A quarter passed two. She was late.
We’d promised to meet exactly at two. If anyone who was supposed to be late, it was me. Y/N knew that and usually each time I was she would criticize me. I never saw it from her perspective. What was wrong with being a couple minutes late? I realized that now. Actually, I realized it while I was on tour.
Y/N was my best friend. She still is my best friend. Thanks to the tour, we haven’t talked as much. Yet it feels like we have been inseparable forever.
Y/N always had a strange effect on me. She was unlike any other girl. She was confident in herself. Independent. Intelligent. Lighthearted about almost everything but serious when it came to important issues. She was as witty as me. Actually, more. She was the exact opposite of me yet she wasn’t. She complimented and understood me perfectly. She was the only person I wanted to be with. In a romantic way from now on. It took time and distance to realize that. Once I did, all I had to do was wait for today. I wanted to tell her in person. I hope my bouquet of sunflowers would help persuade her.
“H!” I heard Y/N shout my name in my ear as she hugged me from behind.
“Y/N” I said, blushing as I felt her against my back.
She let go of her hold on me with her stepping away. I turned around to her. God, she looked better from the last time I saw her. She had bangs. She didn’t tell me she had bangs. She was back to wearing her favorite black leather jacket. I had so much to ask and tell her.
She placed her hands on her hips and smirked at me.
“Missed me?” She asked, blushing a little.
I smiled at her. I stared into her eyes. I missed how friendly playful her eyes were.
“How couldn’t I?” I asked her.
Y/N closed her eyes while pursuing her lips out to the right. She looked to me.
“Liar” She stated.
I chuckled.
“Is that for me?” She asked, pointing to the bouquet in my hand.
“Umm . .yeah” I answered while handing it to her.
She bit down at her bottom lip.
“Thanks” She said to me. “Shall we get lunch?”
“Of course” I smiled. “You choose”
She winked at me. She walked passed me.
“As always, H”
What's been happening in your world?
What have you been up to?
I heard that you fell in love
Or near enough
I gotta tell you the truth…
“I love it” I compliment Y/N on her bangs. “I’m s’urprised”
Y/N raised an eyebrow at me.
“Why?” She asked me. “Thought I couldn’t pull it off?”
“No” I answered. “Jus’t thought yeh hated bangs. Didn’t yeh swear yeh never have them?”
Y/N smirked to herself.
“Yes . . .” Y/N began to say. “But speaking of things I said I never would do. . .”
This was taking a sudden turn. I still didn’t tell her about why I wanted to see her. I hoped she would react positively to it. I just needed the right moment to tell her.
“Remember how I said how I’m taking a break from the dating scene?” She asked me, placing her shoulders on the table.
“Yes” I smirked at her.
She reached for her cup of coffee. She held it near her chest.
“I’m dating someone now” Y/N mumbled under her voice.
“What?” I asked her, not trusting what I just heard.
She was dating someone? How can not she mention this to me earlier? She never talked about this over the phone. I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to tell her I wanted to be with her when she was already with somebody else. She could at least hinted at it before. It made no sense. She made no sense.
Y/N took a sip of her coffee. She set the cup back down on the table.
“I’m dating someone” Y/N repeated, trying to smile through her embarrassment.
“How?” I asked her, attempting to hide my shock and disappointment. “When did this happen?”
“When you were on tour” Y/N told me. “We met right after you left”
I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms at her. It was no use trying to hide my feelings. Y/N had a gift of reading into people and being honest. That’s what made her and I click on so well.
“What’s the matter with you?” Y/N asked me. “Bitter because you’re the single one now?”
I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
I get the feeling I left it too late, but baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
This was no time for her to make jokes at me. I was in pain. I just disguised it with anger and confusion. The real question is what was the matter with her. She changed. Completely. It was like she was put into a daze that she needed to snap out of. I wanted her to snap out of it. I wanted to grab her by her arms and shake her old self out. I wasn’t going to do that or say anything she wouldn’t want to hear now. I couldn’t. It was my fault. I should have told her earlier. I should have realized that I wanted to be with her earlier.
I shook my head at her.
“I’m jus’t shocked” I somewhat lied. “You never told me’h this before”
Y/N looked to the side, pursing her lips again. She always did that whenever she was in an awkward or tense situation. She looked back to me.
“Can I tell you it later?” She asked me. “I wanted to tell you when I show you the new place I got”
If that watch don't continue to swing or the fat lady fancies having a sing
I'll be here waiting ever so patiently for you to
Snap out of it
I raised my eyebrows at her.
A new place? She got a new place too? What else had happened while I was gone? Time was against me. It was swinging to my favor then it stopped. I had become a prisoner to it. I had to pretend to wait patently in misery and pain until Y/N is finally broken out of this spell. She needed to be snapped out of it.
I faked a smile to her.
“Why not?”
“This is it?” I asked her looking at up the townhouse. “Yeh always preferred to live in a building”
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“I told you H. I changed” Y/N said, unlocking the door and opening it.
It wasn’t her place. It was their place. Her boyfriend and hers. They moved in together last week, Y/N said. She as well as told me that his name was Shawn and he worked for a law firm. Shawn. I couldn’t help but think of it as a prick name. Why would she date someone called Shawn? Worse, why date someone from a law firm? Y/N was practically begging to come home to having an argument every night.
I followed Y/N up the stairs of the townhouse. Their apartment was on the second floor. The more she told me about them, the more strange and disgusted I was by it.
“Excuse the boxes” Y/N said as she walked in.
I walked in after her, shutting the door behind me. I scanned the apartment. It was half full of boxes. At least she wasn’t hiding that from me.
“Do you want a drink? Tea maybe?” Y/N asked me.
I gently shook my head at her.
“No thanks” I answered her.
She went into another room which I assumed was the kitchen. I slowly walked around the place. She had already hung up a few photographs on the wall. I stopped walking when I came across a photo of Y/N and a tall brunette man. They seemed to be at an office party. He must have been Shawn. The way she looked at him in the photo assured of it.
I shook my head and looked away from the photo.
Forever isn't for everyone
Is forever for you?
It sounds like settling down or giving up
But it don't sound much like you girl
Nothing made sense to me. It’s been a few months since Y/N met him. I knew Y/N wasn’t that stupid. I knew her. She wouldn’t move in with a person she had just began to date. In fact, I’m was pretty certain she wouldn’t move in with a person that fast even if that person was her soulmate. I knew Y/N wasn’t that person who would immediately settle down with someone she knew she was going to be with forever. She was independent and wanted her freedom away from her relationships. Freedom was essential to her. She seemed she was giving up everything she wanted for some guy she met a few months ago.
“You’re sure you don’t want?” Y/N asked, walking back into the room.
“I’m s’ure” I said to her.
“Okay th-“
“Why did yeh move in with him?” I asked Y/N, cutting her off.
“What?” Y/N asked surprised.
“Why did yeh move in with him?” I repeated my question.
Y/N raised her eyebrow at me.
“What do you mean?” She asked me. “I love him. Why shouldn’t I?”
I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
I get the feeling I left it too late, but baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
I rolled my eyes and bit down my lip in frustration which Y/N took attention of. She crossed her arms at me.
I didn’t want to fight or upset her but I couldn’t be the only one noticing what was going on. I knew I couldn’t be. Y/N knew it except she was too prideful and stubborn to admit it on her own. If the only way she was going to admit it was having to fight with her, then i had to take the chance. I already lost the chance to tell her my feelings about her. I wasn’t going to risk this.
“What was that look about?” Y/N asked me.
“C’mon Y/N, you can’t be that oblivious” I said to her.
“H, what the hell are you talking about?” She asked me.
“You know what, Y/N” I told her. “You turned into a completely different person!”
“Excuse me?” Y/N raised her voice a bit higher at me. “My relationship does not concern you. Never has. Never will.”
“Well it does when you’re acting different towards me” I pointed at to her. “And since when it was wrong to care about a friend?”
Y/N rested her arms down.
“A friend?” Y/N asked me, sounding offended. “You don’t sound like a friend now. A friend would allow me to be happy. A friend wouldn’t try to fuck the one thing that’s going right in my life!”
If that watch don't continue to swing or the fat lady fancies having a sing
I'll be here waiting ever so patiently for you to
Snap out of it
Fuck up the one thing going on in her life? This relationship of her was this one thing? She couldn’t be that ignorant. She was the one making the mistake. I was trying to help her before she realized how much of a mistake she had made. What did she want me to do? Wait forever until she realizes it herself? I couldn’t. She needed to snap out of it right now.
I closed my eyes, shaking my head at her. I opened my eyes, looking at her.
“I’m trying to help you” I mentioned to her. “Yeh really think I would fuck yeh over? I want yeh to be happy”
Y/N rolled her eyes at me. She turned and walked away from me. I decided to follow her.
Under a spell you're hypnotized
Darling how could you be so blind?
(Snap out of it)
Under a spell you're hypnotized
Darling how could you be so blind?
“Y/N, yeh can’t be that blind” I said as I followed her. “It’s like yeh hypnotized or under a spell”
Y/N turned around to me.
“So what if I am?” Y/N yelled in my face. “All that matters is that I’m happy! Can’t you just let me be happy?”
I noticed her eyes were watery. Teardrops began to roll down her face. I stepped back away from her realizing what I had done.
I made her cry. I made Y/N cry. I made the woman I love cry.
“I’m s’or-“
“Just get out H” Y/N ordered, cutting my apology off.
I nodded my head gently. I looked down.
“I’m s’orry” I said under my voice.
I turned and walked away from her. I slammed her apartment door shut once I exited her place.
She was right. I wasn’t a friend. I never could be after that.
108 notes · View notes
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Another active list of ideas for me to update as they come to me. This one is all about Halloween Decorations/Haunted House ideas. I always prided myself in making a house people would find memorable, enjoyable and scary. Some of these concepts are basic idea that requires a little bit of setup and other are larger projects that may need the whole damn street to be on board. Have a read and let me know what you think OR if you have any ideas to suggest to my list.
Alien Crash Site
I always loved the crash landing decorations. They are rare and obviously take some effort to set up but if someone puts the effort in, they often come out looking like the best house on the block.
If I had money and time I would love to construct something like crashed Tie Fighter or Pelican (Halo) on the lawn but since those ideas are expensive, I am thinking to construct a UFO saucer out of aluminum or sheet metal with a little glass cockpit on top and maybe a rubber alien corpse on the lawn somewhere with dry ice for a smoke effect.
Best idea for a costume is a Men in Black look or a Hazmat Suit. We are there to cover up the alien sighting and make sure everything is transferred to Area 51 without being contaminated.
Effort: Medium
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Chemical Spill
Chemical Spill has been an idea I been kicking around since High School. Men in yellow suits walking around with cannister and using metal tongs on both side to hold it. This would be more a skit then it would be an actual haunted house as we walk up and down the street with our gas masks only to drop the container and have the smoke (dry ice again) spill out into the area and the two of US flee in terror or act like we were dying from the fumes. This could be very fun and of course some people might not like the joke but fuck em. 
Effort: Low
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This idea feels simple enough; Brooms, Cauldrons, Floating Candles, School Spirit and so on. Harry Potter does well as an idea not because its so unique but rather because the world is so rich and it has become as big as Star Wars, Star Trek, and Lord of the Fucking Rings. This will excite the Potter Fans to see a house with the four houses of Hogwarts represented. While the initial idea is to keep it to one doorway to deliver candy, I also thought a Sorting Hat puppet might be cool leading the kids to different candy bowls representing the different chapters in the school.
It’s all really up in the air with lots of different ways to build the Harry Potter Haunted House. I would be excited to explore/do all of them over the course of a few years.
Effort: Low to Medium
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Plants Vs Zombies
Perhaps a dated idea since the age of Plants VS Zombies is about 4 or 5 years behind us now. I still love the idea of placing 5 lawn mowers in a row, toss up some sunflowers with faces on them and create some defensive plants that are a throwback to the game.
This will take some effort as I will have to A) Burrow my neighbor's lawnmowers B) Build the plants from the game C) Make some dummy zombies to pull the whole damn thing together! The great thing is this is all work and very very little play. Rick’s Garage and the Quarantine Zone require a commitment to character, this is all about setting it up and letting people look at it and say. “Oh yeah, that was a thing once.”
Effort: Medium
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Rick’s Garage
It should be noted I don’t look or drink like Rich Sanchez but when I want too, I can sound EXACTLY like Rick which I think is a great opportunity to troll some trick or treaters who come to my door.
Open garage, light on, stool out in the middle and me sitting there working on a new invention. Of course, there is a pickle on the desk and a large cardboard circle nearby with a light projected on it with a green lava lamp like effect to make it look like a portal.
The setup is simple enough and a treat for the fans of the show who will pick up the little easter eggs around the garage I would make IE the portal gun, the Plumbus, the butter bot, etc. Of course, the real fun would be acting like a dick.
*Clears throat for Rick’s Voice*
“Oh.. ohh another ninja, great. You look pretty pale to be Japanese. Just another white kid appropriating another peoples culture, huh?”
“You’re all really good parents. Filling your kids up with sugar when we’re the fattest country in the world. Say hello to type 2 diabetes for me.”
“Jesus a bunch of teenagers! I guess no one is getting laid tonight. Go home, watch a movie and do some dry humping until one of you works out how to lose your virginity in the most awkward way possible.”
Effort: Low
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Wonderland Tea Party
The Wonderland Tea Party idea was something I came up with a few years back. Giant mushrooms, a long table on the lawn, and a few method actors playing Alice, the Teacup Mouse, Mad Hatter and me as the March Hare. Naturally, the insane people would be the Hare and Hatter talking crazy to one another across the table. Alice would be the go too person for candy being the only sane one at the table.
If the decorations were done right, I can easily imagine Cheshire cat smiling from the corner of the roof, a tiny door on a nearby wall and lots of other practical effects decorations to pull the scene together. This is another Haunted House/Decoration that really requires people to get into their roles while we have a tea party on my front lawn. I hope to find a girlfriend crazy enough to do this with me.
Effort: Medium
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Quarantine Zone
This is something I been wanting to do most on the list. The Quarantine Zone is a nothing short of interactive Trick or Treat experience. A culdesac converted into a zombie outbreak zone. At the opening of the street, some rented chain link fences to block the sidewalks, a white quarantine tent and people dressed up as soldiers to hold the checkpoint. On the other side of the fence, the neighborhood has turned into a zombie epidemic with shamblers walking about, corpses on the lawn and other practical effects to give the end of the world vibe.
The Trick or Treaters come to the white tent where they meet a soldier who will be their escort to one, two or three candy houses. Using an air compressor we can blast them with air to make it seem like they are going thru a decontamination room. The soldier will use his airsoft gun (unloaded) to shoot a few shamblers who will drop to the grass as he leads them to some “safe houses” where some survivors are locked away and giving away king size candy bars. I always imagined one house could have someone who is bitten and slowly turning, another house could have a survivor who died but their candy bowl is still there (small candies) and the last house be a man or woman who is afraid to open the door but the soldier convinces the kids to yell trick or treat to let them know they are human.
I imagine how interactive this all would be for the kids and having the soldiers communicate with the survivors with walkie-talkies. Also having a few houses open where zombies can shamble in to take their break and let another actor step out to play the undead for a few hours. It's a dream and one which I love to have come true one day.
Effort: Very High
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As always thanks the reading and feel free to share your own ideas or leave notes that I can add to my list.
Regards, Michael California
3 notes · View notes
queenshelby · 3 years
Roommates – Part Five
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 1,056
Warning: None
Note: This plays in 2020. Please interact. Your interactions and comments mean a lot to me.
After Cillian retreated from the kitchen to escape from this awkwardness and have a shower, you stood in the kitchen with Lindsay on your own, helping her chop up some of the vegetables.
Whilst you tried to mind your own business, you couldn’t help but glance over at her on several occasions.
She had long blonde hair which smelled like fruity shampoo and her appearance was almost immaculate. Her make up highlighted the contours of her face while her necklace was the perfect length to elegantly make her breasts stand out.
Unlike yours, her breasts were big and round and her skin was pale. She looked like a model and you could certainly see why Cillian was attracted to her.
In addition to this, she was smart and Cillian certainly enjoyed the company of women with a certain kind of intellect.
‘I was surprised when Cillian told me about you moving in with him for now’ Lindsay eventually said after you were preparing dinner together in silence for about ten minutes while Cillian was in the shower. You weren’t quite sure what she meant by this since Cillian barely mentioned her name since they started sleeping with each other. How much did she know about you, you wondered?
‘I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Lindsay. We’ve been friends for many years and there is nothing between us’ you said, reassuring her, thinking that she might be feeling threatened with you being around him on a daily basis.
‘I am not worried Y/N. This sounds horrible but you aren’t exactly his type’ she went on to say, causing you to put down the knife and look at her with some confusion.
‘Good, I am glad’ you eventually chuckled before inhaling sharply. Whilst you believed this to be true, you were annoyed by her comment. After all, she barely knew you.
‘I remember him saying to me that he doesn’t like tattoos on women’ she then explained before telling you that Cillian thinks that tattoos are tacky.
‘Did he say that?’ you asked surprised and a little upset.
‘Sort of’ she then confirmed which is just when Cillian returned to the kitchen.
Over dinner, Cillian was rather quite while Lindsay did most of the talking, boring you to death. It was obvious to you that she didn’t like you and wanted to mark her territory and you certainly didn’t understand how Cillian could listen to her talk about clothes and fashion for at least an hour.  
Little did you know that Cillian didn’t listen to a word Lindsay said this evening. In fact, his focus was on you and he couldn’t help but watch you running your tongue piercing against your teeth as you listened to Lindsay talk. It was obvious to him that you were bored by what she had to say. Yet, he couldn’t get his eyes of you and his manhood began to stir once again.
This was getting ridiculous, he thought. How could he be around you for the remainder of this never-ending pandemic, he wondered.
His cock twitched and strained against his tight jeans as he looked over towards you and thought about you calling out his name as you were pleasuring yourself in the bathroom earlier.
He didn’t know why you did it and whether it meant anything. He was desperate to ask you about it, but decided that he couldn’t because then you would know that he was watching you.
As Lindsay continued talking and ran her hand over Cillian’s thigh suggestively his mind began to ponder about whether or not you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
‘Cillian?’ she eventually repeated, which is when he snapped out of his thoughts about you and looked at Lindsay.
‘Do you want to watch a movie?’ she asked again and he nodded.
Half an hour later, you were sitting on one lounge with Cillian’s dog while Lindsay and Cillian sat together on the other.
You tried hard to concentrate on the movie, but couldn’t help but glance over towards your roommate and his visitor on numerous occasions.
His arm was wrapped around her and you could just sense how she enjoyed the feel of his warm skin against hers. She was breathing in his scent while his nose was leaned against her beautifully soft hair.
On occasion, she would move a little and look at him, kissing him gently while Cillian was caressing her face and, eventually, watching them like this, kissing and cuddling, became too much for you.
You were jealous and this was a feeling that was unfamiliar to you when it came to your friendship with Cillian. You knew that you shouldn’t feel this way but you did.
‘I am going to bed’ you eventually blurted out, causing Cillian to look at you with big eyes.
‘Are you alright?’ he asked, looking at his watch. He knew that, normally, you wouldn’t go to bed before midnight and it wasn’t even 9 o’clock yet.
‘Yes, just tired. Have a good night you two’ you said, forcing out a wink before disappearing into the nearby bathroom to brush your teeth.
‘Good night’ Cillian and Lindsay both said quickly before Lindsay pressed her lips onto Cillian’s lips once again.
But Cillian didn’t feel anything when he kissed her. For him, the past hour was like acting out a script, a love scene of some sort with several takes. He was going through the motions while his mind was elsewhere.
‘We should probably take this to the bedroom too, don’t you think?’ Lindsay asked.
‘Yes, sure’ Cillian huffed out in response and, just as you came walking out of the bathroom, you saw Cillian and Lindsay disappear in his bedroom.
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127 notes · View notes
crossedbeams · 6 years
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<<1.10 Fallen Angel ———————————  1.12 Fire >>
I’m salty today and what better way than to transfer that into something positive than to finish this long overdue and almost certainly irrelevant recap of Eve. Read on for children who are almost as scary as their acting is bad, prison aesthetics and idiotic blithering by me.
The fathers of creepy children are being exsanguinated on opposite coasts and Mulder wants to know the aliens have upgraded from cows. IVF suspicions run wild and with a little help from good old Deep Throat, the terrific two suspect genetic government experiments gone wrong may be responsible for the shenanigans. When the creepy kids go missing, things escalate and soda becomes a very dangerous refreshment...
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Let’s go...
Ah. The X-Files, the show that is always a scenic autumnal bath for my eyes…. And where under the leaves there is probably a dead person eaten by a molewoman or an alien. Honey? I’m home.
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We find ourselves in an idyllic suburban neighbourhood, (always bad news on screen), where very concerned joggers approach an underdressed child and her stuffed animal. It’s hard at this stage to decipher whether the kid is creepy or just a really bad actor but the suspense synth hardly encourages us to give her the benefit of the doubt...
They head to the backyard, where peppy jogging neighbour fails to notice that the kid’s dad is dead coloured, posed like a corpse and basically, stereotypically and obviously dead... until he claps him jovially on the shoulder causing a tragicomic half slump of dead dad, and exposing vampiric looking marks. The kid screams, not sure why, she’s way too far away to see anything. This is the point at which I begin to suspect that she is both a bad actor AND entry #224 in the Vancouver local listing of Creepy Kids for Hire. Move over Conduit boy!
This week we only wait 2.5 mins for our special baby Agents to materialise, Scully dressed as a Catholic grade schooler and Mulder wearing a tie designed, as far as I can tell, to look like mushroom soup with licorice allsorts floating in it.
Their poor fashion choices don’t seem to put them off them though, and we zigzag between lip biting (Mulder), making weird moany noises (Scully), and the level of inter office eye contact we’ve come to expect from these fluffy baby agents all set to a soundtrack of cattle mutilation chatter. And our series first (!) cow slideshow!
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Scully is still naive enough to ask why Mulder believes cattle mutilation is linked to aliens. Give it a few weeks and you’ll realise that aliens is pretty much always the answer to “Why….” on the X-Files and that eyebrow is the only appropriate response before you just go with it.
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I can’t wait :D
As Mulds and Sculls traverse some stairs, I realise that creepy kid #1 is called Teena. Spelled the same as Mulder’s mum. Because apparently the X-Files name bank isn’t only shallow in the male department. Also is Teena a normal spelling in the States? Here it’d only really be Tina….
I then get distracted by Scully in the biggest of purple coats. I’d love to see S1 Scully’s closet. A symphony of oversized pastels with overcoats to clash… don’t worry though hon. You’ll get some style later though for the bargain price of two (2) family members and also your ova. Poor Scully.
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Scully also looks incredibly young in this scene, speaking all soft to the kid. Moments like this I struggle to believe that Mulder “never saw her as a mom” until Home. She’s all melty round the edges even though the kid is weird and creepy.
When creepy Teena starts talking about red lightning, the massively coached and unnatural pauses in dialogue and the trouble pronouncing exsanguination are just so glaring you can’t believe that this kid’s innocent charade will hold up as long as it does. But it all adds to the creep, just in time for…
**bring bring ** Scully leans in to kiss her spoopy partner tell Mulder there has been another murder. Darn. Seriously though. Close talkin to the power on uuuungghhh right here. No wonder this fandom is so thirsty.
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We’re in Vancouver San Franciso, still in giant coats, for another exsanguination and what we now know is death by digitalis. Mulder says that the two estimated times of death were at the “exact same time” and I chuckle to myself like the pedant I am. Estimates cannot be exact dumdum. It also takes the edge off him mansplaining timezones to Scully. SHE IS A MEDICAL DOCTOR DAMMIT. 
This scene has very nice warm, sunsetty lighting which is nice as our Spooksters demonstrate why the X-Files department is always over budget; they’ve flown cross country to do two laps of a crime scene while reading a file aloud and the kid they wanna question isn’t even in town. Where is she? I’m glad you asked, coz remember that sunny warmness? Well it’s over.
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Back on the east coast, creepTeena is getting outcreeped by a thunderstorm and what appear to be disembodied footsteps at her door. We see nothing but a flash and then the door is open. It’s tense and I’m pretty sure this is never explained, raised as a concern beyond “she got abducted”?
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A new day means new suits, Mulder in a tie inspired by parquet flooring and Scully in eggshell and pinstripes and a brown trenchcoat named regret. It’s a lot to process and they still don’t seem overly concerned about Teena’s kidnapping. Despite his post Samantha abduction PTSD, Mulder’s only contribution is a dramatic sky point and the suggestion the cops need to look up, but then dun dun dduuuuunh - there’s another one.
Sinister Cindy in the house. Literally.
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She informs them she has lived there “since she was born eight years ago”. Zero inflection with that info and a sentence structure as unnatural as the phenomena Mulder wants to blame. Deffo a rent-a-creepykid. 100%. The woodenness only adds to it.
Commence super awkward kitchen convo where they Mulder and Scully try and fail to find a tactful way to imply Cindy might not be this grieving wife’s legitimate child. A birthing video is offered and declined. Thank god. Imagine is CHris Carter had to watch rushes of an actual woman’s vagina with a female child emerging. 
Mrs Reardon’s insistence that Cindy was daddy’s girl is pretty horrifying once you know how it ends. Damn creepy kids. Listening in while watching politics, Cindy is infinitely creepier than Teena and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not for this kid “actor”.
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Back in the car and Mulder is still pretty blase about Teena’s abduction/kidnap, though I forgive him because his flippant potato/potahto is adorable and he does hang out in the bushes to try and protect Cindy from getting nabbed sending Scully off to the IVF clinic alone. Ahh... the foreshadowing is out there.
At the Luther Stapes Medical Centre, a doctor mansplains IVF to Scully. She does not punch him. Another way that she is better than me.She does however, maintain super intense eye contact with him for the entire walk and truly it is a miracle she doesn’t fall over.
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The next scene is pretty uneventful except that I can honestly say that Sally Kendrick is the last human I would want toying with my cervix. She’s...robotic and it looks like she has to work out how to sit down like a human. She could give Theresa May lessons.
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Back at the hotel there’s some funky camera panning that I am here for and also I think there is some dialogue but let’s be honest.... this is more important 
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Yes Professor I would like some extra credit and may I also just smooth your poofy hair.
Even Scully knows it. Hence her confusion at being ushered out, for no obvious reason. She just wants to look at him and maybe get inside his shirt and ... and... Mulder’s “what’s a girl” is cute.... but this is cuter. (even more overanalysing of this scene here for ya glasses lovers). 
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Instead of meeting a girl, Mulder meets Deep Throat in an excessively aesthetically pleasing place. Honestly, Eve is a beautiful episode. Despite the creepy kids and imprisoned women. (Eve Aesthetic here). DT seems very concerned that Scully not be invited and while I’m sure that this has some link to the possibility of spy!Scully, it reads more as jealous older manfriend wants pretty Mulder to himself. And honestly I get it. God, fic has ruined me. Anyway, enough of that, enjoy this picture of pensive waterside Mulder and try to recall the specifics of the Deep Throat reveal. Project Blah. Boys called Adam. Girls called Eve. Clones. Bad. Disaster. EVE-il is at work. ¬¬ (sorry)
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Mulder has brought sunflower seeds because meeting an informant without snacks = rookie error. 
The important thing to note is that Deep Throat basically sets the stage for the Super Soldier Arc and everyone forgets about it when they actually get to the super soldier arc. God, for a continuity pedant, my fave is SO problematic!
Deep Throat finishes by telling Mulder he’s scored him front row seats to what’s left of the whole fucked up thing.
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Cut to the most aesthetic Institute for the criminally insane and after some hot DAMN camera angles we get panic buttons and a tromp into the deeps where they keep all the government created monsters, including Eve 6.
I just wanna take a moment away from my snark and give a huge shout out to Harriet Harris who is SO good and creepy in this episode. A lot of the Season 1 extras/bit parts are average to the extreme and honestly, Harris makes this episode. Without her eyeball biting, jerky, wild eyed delivery, this ep would be as mediocre as the creepy twin actresses.
Now we’ve got that out of the way - we find out that Eve 6 screams when the lights are on but is fine with  an industrial sized flashlight being shone all up in her face.  Nobody’s ever got a good look at her... except presumably the person who undoes her straitjacket so she can pee? And now Mulder and Scully.
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Eve 6 is my fave Eve tbh. She’s this perfect mix of terrifying and pitiful, alludes to the telekinetic connection that the younger Eve twins later reference, and is the kind of proof of government misdeed that and older Mulder and Scully despair of, delivered while they’re way too young in their partnership to do anything about it. She tells them that Eves are into suicide, psychosis and murder, and on exiting, our baby agents still don’t suspect the kids.
(Break for actual analysis) It struck me during this scene how this case tunes into both Mulder and Scully’s demons. For Mulder, it’s the missing girls and the incarcerated Eve represents a scenario that could explain Samantha’s absence in the most horrifying ways. What if she is a locked up experiment just like Eve 6? For Scully it’s a visceral representation of her struggle between scientific duty and Christian morality. The creation of Eve 6 is an aberration against both good scientific practice AND the divine right of Good to control life and death... and yet she is also a victim who did not choose too be engineered and while Scully tries to question her, maintaining composure, this face/stress swallow really says it all.
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Just to double the sucker punch we cut to Cindy asking the lord to take her soul, her mother looking on with a mournful doomladen stare before telling her daughter how special she is. Cindy is unmoved, because she is special(ly evil) and Mama Reardon leaves, bereft of her husband and unacknowledged by her kid. We get it Chris Carter. Genetic experimentation BAD, family GOOD, foreboding, CHECK.... now can we just-
Mulder Scully stakeout! There is no iced tea in the bag and when Mulder posits that the adult Eves 7 & 8 did done the murders, Scully pulls this face, and mutters without much conviction that she was beginning to suspect the girls. 
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Except Mulder then says “no no and here is why” and Scully just goes with it. The whole delivery at set up of this scene feels very Season 1, by which I mean Scully vacillates wildly between submitting to Mulder’s experience and being done.with.his.shit, Mulder gets all the big lines/theories/feelings/hunches and Gillian especially (and David to a lesser degree) seem unsure how to play their nuances and dynamic. Essentially it all becomes irrelevant because CRISIS takes precedent but being the super-nerd I am, this stuff fascinates me as evidence of them still learning their characters. No way S5 Scully gives up on a plausible theory so easily, even if it makes 8-yos into suspects. If cats can be evil, these staring, soulless kids can be too.
Cue Mark Snow jangles and Cindy and her similar to Teena’s bunny rabbit run away from her terrifying wall dolls and many crucifixes towards the window where she makes terrifying eye contact with Scully’s binoculars before getting grabbed by someone who is considerate enough to announce themselves by turning on the lights?!.
Mulder will take the back! (any time Mulder. Any way ¬¬ ) and sets off with his almost convincingly held gun/torch combo while Scully takes the indoors. This is, invariably, only going to go one way.
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Sally Kendrick/Eve? leaps through the window where Mulder confronts her by asking her which Eve she is, allowing her a chance to pull a gun, shoot at him and escape and this is why you don’t want S1 Muldo and Sculls handling your home invasion. I mean who holds their gun like this, takes out a psychopath and ends the day without a hole in them?
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Fox “Thinks he can outrun a car” Mulder is who. 
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I love his idiot face though.
Despite the fact that Cindy didn’t struggle/scream/react to her apparent kidnap at all, Scully’s remaining focussed on the adult Eves in support of Mulder’s dismissal of her earlier theory... well I already said it but - *sigh*
After Scully briefs the police and Mulder tries to reassurea distraught Mrs Reardon that her increasingly abnormal daughter will be found we get the kind of side by side, meaningful  moment that I am here for all day long. Except that the height difference is so extreme that they never actually get Scully in focus!
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And Scully’s “and then what” brings us back to unsettling truth that even if the kid gets found, things aren’t looking good for her given how much murder is in her genes. Poor Mrs Reardon.
Very X-Files, through-the-motel-sign shot and we see Sally Kendrick taking Cindy into motel to meet Teena. The girls look... creepy... and Kendrick looks weirdly and simplistically happy given that she has multiple abductees, severe genetic issues and the FBI on her back. Maybe poor old Sal just wants a normal life? Unlucky girl, this is the X-Files, no happy ending for anyone EVERR. Except possibly a two-faced rapist who likes Cher but that’s for another time.
Back to Sally Kendrick who is rocking a poloneck and showing a remarkable lack of nutritional concern for someone supposedly a genius. Pretty sure 8 cartons of fries are no better for psychotic murder-kids than regular ones. She begins to explain that she was pretty hopeful that she’s evolved the murdering out of her second batch of Eves but turns out she actually made it worse! Let’s pop a check in the box for “playing into popular concerns about genetic testing” and “reasons you shouldn’t do it yourself”. She tells Cindy and Teena she’s “disappointed” that they’ve done murders ahead of the curve. They are not bothered which is unsurprising given they don’t know her/are psychopaths.
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Aesthetically this scene is very pleasing and the lack of stilted kid dialogue “we just knew” vs. long sentences definitely adds to tension. As does the total lack of background music. Hearing even these fairly limited actors candidly and remorselessly admit to murder is effective. And Kendrick’s slightly desperate plea that they not think that way, that they be “better” as she designed has the double effect of showing her own Eve-y instability and her very human desire to not have made a horrible mistake in creating this terrifying she-devils.
Sorry Sal.
Genetic destiny’s a bitch
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And the X-Files narrative demands that when you play god you get dead. unless you’re the CSM in which case you probably drink digitalis and kale for breakfast to aid skin regrowth. Bye bye Sally Kendrick. Thanks for the creepers.
On attending the crime scene, Mulder and Scully are midway through being told that the scene is undisturbed when they hear stuff breaking. This prompts some X-Files-Action-MagicTM and some truly outrageous faces by Gillian.
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What is most disturbing on rewatching is that with the scene secured, Scully confirms death and Mulder goes to gaze out the window while the Creeper twins cower and cry on the floor. Noe we know they’re guilty AF by this point, but in the narrative DumbScull and MulderingItOver haven’t quite got there because they’ve been too busy gazing at each other so we have two children just whimpering in the corner while Scully pokes a corpse and Mulder mulders about. 
Scully does eventually go and pat them. And again I say fuck you CC and anyone else who “didn’t see her as a mother”.
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Mulder volunteers to chaperone the creepsters to hospital and beyond and the guy in charge kinda just goes “meh”. Pretty sure some liberties have been taken with child service procedures but hey, at least this means we’re almost at the crescendo moment. Right?
Having loaded them into the car, where their spiffy red outfits match the velour upholstery and promised they’ll talk about “what happens next” (again, is this really FBI jurisdiction? Fox Mulder counselling bereaved kids seems like a HORRIBLE plan to me) , Scully and Mulder note the girls attachment and somehow miss the horrifying expressions of murder on their creepy little faces. 
Again though #aesthetic
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Cue some spangly night driving music, Mulder looking all pops over a red vinyl steering wheel, Scully playing mom and the creepsters plotting murder in the back. Ver ver X-Files. They pull up to a used car lot masquerading as a rest stop and go for a group wee,Mulder makes the rookie error of a) hyping evil kids with sugar and b) letting them order a murder weapon, and as soon as Scully’s distracted, one of the creepsters, possibly Sinister Cindy creeps out to spike the drinks. 
Now at this point, honestly, I’m questioning the kids narrative motives. Yes they’re murderous, but aren’t they also meant to be hyper intelligent? Amd getting marooned at a nowhere rest stop, with the corpses of two FBI agents seems SUPER dumb. Like they’re a bit small and loudly dressed to hitch a ride to Vegas and make it on the strip. What gives, creepsters?
The waitress tries to stop her plan by insisting she wait to take the soda until it’s paid for, but is way too easily placated by the kids excuse. Stick to your guns lady, you might just stop a murder.
Although apparently nobody is paying any attention because THIS ISN’T SUSPICIOUS AT ALL IS IT?
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Apparently Mulder doesn’t think so, even knowing digitalis is sweet and that there is something weird afoot, he doesn’t question his super sweet diet drink or the kids totally normal and not at all weirdly resistant to drinking sugar free soda and just does this. Seriously it’s like he wants to die in agony.
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Scully’s not much better, simply commenting on the “syrupy” taste. MMhmm. Bitch. You’re a medical doctor with a previously voiced suspicion. Quit sipping the murder juice.
Fortunately, after some suspenseful drawn out paying and a forgotten key excuse, Mulder FINALLY twigs when he finds some green goop on the table. Apparently murderTwin is cackhanded when she pours and Mulder, having licked the poison just to check it’s murdery enough (I just cant even) rushes outside to karate chop Scully’s drink away from her in a way so unsubtle that the creepers escape.
Which is actually great news because it gives us all the chance for a nice dark, X-Files bread and butter cat and mouse around a truckstop, cool lighting and tubey-arty stuff sequence. Which I’m here for. 
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Despite some pants ruining puddles, the twins are quickly apprehended except for some gun wielding truckers interfere because in this universe regular citizens can hold law enforcement at gunpoint and prevent them doing their job/identifying themselves and anyway everyone almost gets shot and the kids run off again. I should probably insert some pithy political point here about arming the kids too but I’ve been writing this review for 84 years and I don’t have the energy.
Fortunately, at this point Mulder and Scully rediscover some investigative nous and having flashed an ID and truckboy, they trick Sinister and Creepy into thinking they’ve sped off after a school bus. Mulder goes full on child catcher and nabs them with a “gotcha” and is finally deaf to their “we’re just little girls” plea.
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I’d like to take a second to flag up his response “that’s the last thing you are” because he’s wrong too. They are little girls, as well as psychopaths, and everyone’s insistence that they must be one thing or another is a device for narrative obfuscation as old as the bible. The appearance of beauty/youth/innocence is not mutually exclusive of the presence of malign intent or evil. Just ask Henry James/Oscar Wilde. Or me. I literally wrote a dissertation on this so. Yeah. They can be little girls and killers Mulder. Don’t be reductive.
But I guess we do need the simplicity of “this kid is evil” otherwise Mrs Reardon ripping her daughter out of a picture and burning it would be more conflicting and we’re only on season 1. 
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Likewise the disturbing concept of two eight year olds in a secure prison. I mean yes thy’re creepy but - duh duh dunnnnh - rescue is at hand! Eve 8 shows up for them and once again thy “just knew”. This is the kind of X-Files ending I love. This is the kidn of story I would have loved the revivals to pick up. Imagine (recast) grown Cindy and Teena, off doing murdery clone stuff. Yep. Okay. I’m done now. This is the end. 
Except the score. Which is...
A solid “C” Grade (26/50)
Plot 6/10 - It’s entertaining and a good idea but I penalised it because it depends on Mulder and Scully being super slow on the uptake. That said, they do actually solve the case.
Mulder  6/10 - Mulder is in charge (thanks S1) and presents a mess of grieving brother, heroic car catcher and good cop. Good, in character stuff but not exceptional.
Scully  4/10 - Scully seems to forget she’d an MD and a badass here. She lets Mulder talk her out of (correct) suspicions, gets taken down in the action scene and generally second fiddles. She’s a cute mom but not the Scully we want to see.
USP 3/5  - This was an ambitious idea, beautifully presented, and while it didn’t quite get the polish to make it iconic it is memorable, creepy and a good representation of S1 bread and butter eps. 
Other Characters  5/10 - These points are all for Harriet Harris. None for you creeper twins. None for you.
Bonus points 2/10 - One for being aesthetically pleasing. One for the dorky, cute, feeling out Mulder/Scully moments (motel urnghh) and also their mom and pop act at the rest stop.
That’s all for now folks. I’ll probably have the next one done this decade. Fire. Goodie.
<< 1.10 Fallen Angel ———————————  1.12 Fire >>
74 notes · View notes
Sunflower - Harry Styles AU (Volume 6)
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The year is 1977 and it’s officially summertime. Y/N is spending it with her family at the Malibu Breeze Hotel, where she meets, aspiring musician, Harry Styles. The two clash in the beginning, but soon realize they may just need each other in the end. Find out just how life changing one summer can be in Sunflower, a Harry Styles AU.
   Here is part 6 of Sunflower. Hope you enjoy it!
Vol. 1 Vol. 2   Vol. 3  Vol. 4 Vol. 5 
Word Count: 1.9K
“Oh, this is so wonderful, honey,” My mother exclaimed as she twirled by hair around the curler. “William is such a gentleman and this could bring on great things for you.”
“It’s only dinner, mother,” I sighed.
“Yes, yes, I know, but I really think he might have an eye on you,” she smiled.
I rolled my eyes. It didn’t take long before both of my parents found out about me having dinner with William later. The dinner I never said yes to, might I add. Of course, they didn’t know that and I probably should have told them, told William that I wasn’t interested, but the words wouldn’t leave my mouth. I could tell my parents, especially my father, were ecstatic about me hanging out with William and his friends.
My father because he thought it would help me make up my mind regarding Boston and because it would put in a good word for him with his boss. My mother because she could already picture a wedding with grandchildren running amuck down the line. I wanted neither of those things, at least not right now and not with William.
As my mother continued doing my hair and makeup that she insisted on doing once finding out the news, my thoughts wandered to Harry. He had looked so miserable, so annoyed and angry today. It really felt as if we were making progress and he was being less like how he was before, but today proved that it’s still the same.
Maybe he was just embarrassed with me being there. Seeing him having to wait on William and his friends… on me. Jasper never said anything to me, mostly because he was too busy sailing the boat. Rehearsals would be after the dinner, I wondered if either of them would say anything to me or bring up the events of the day.
Part of me hoped for a yes while the other was perfectly okay with them not uttering a word.
“There we are,” she smiled. “You look absolutely beautiful, Y/N, just gorgeous. William is going to be floored when he sees you.”
Mother moved out of the way, letting me be in full view of the mirror. My eyes widened as I looked at the reflection in the mirror. A reflection I didn’t recognize as me, not in a bad way though. I had never really been one to worry about makeup, mostly out of laziness and feeling like it was just something society made women feel like they needed in order to get a man and for cosmetic companies to make money.
But seeing myself in just a bit of blush, lipstick, eye shadow, and mascara, it was like my confidence level rose about four levels. And my hair was pulled back with a few strands of curled hair framing my face.
“Wow,” I uttered.
“See, I told you just adding a little bit to your face can make the most amazing changes,” she smiled. “Now, for your dress. I have the perfect one for you.”
My mother rummaged around through her closet for a few moments before pulling out this beautiful sunflower yellow dress. It was a halter top with a sweetheart neckline that flowed out just above the knee.
“Try it on,” she smiled.
I took the dress from her going into the bathroom to change into the dress. Once it was on, I tied the long ribbon around my neck and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress fit me perfectly and the color matched perfectly with my skin. I found myself smiling as I looked at myself in the mirror trying different angles to make sure everything did look alright.
Being all dressed up for once in my life made me feel special, beautiful even, but my heart sank knowing that all of this was happening for the wrong person.
Arriving at the Dining Hall for dinner with William was weird, awkward, and stressful. I wanted it to be over before I had even started. However, if having dinner with William wasn’t already bad enough, Harry and his band… the hotel house band was scheduled to perform. I nearly dropped my glass when I saw Harry and Mitch making their way towards the stage.
“Interesting, hopefully that one is a better singer than a waiter,” William joked.
I looked at him.
“Oh, um, the one there, I think he’s name is Barry… he was on the wait staff on the boat today,” William answered.
“I know and he’s name is Harry,” I told him.
“Eh, doesn’t matter,” he shrugged.
My hand gripped onto the menu a little too tight causing a small crease to start forming.
“Good evening and welcome back to another evening here at The Malibu Breeze Hotel. We hope you’ve had a lovely day and we thank you for spending the rest of your night here with us,” Harry said into the microphone.
The opening notes of the first song started playing as I looked over at the stage. Harry’s eyes were closed while he took a deep breath, something I noticed him doing every time before he opened his mouth to sing. Most people probably wouldn’t even notice because he does it so discreetly, but I did. I always do.
“Speaking of our day out at sea,” William started. “Did you enjoy it?”
“Um… I mean… I guess. I’m not really a boat person,” I told him.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize,” he said. “Perhaps we could stay on land next time,” he laughed.
Mentally, I rolled my eyes, physically I gave a small nod and a smile.
The rest of the dinner went exactly how I thought it would. William talking about Boston, himself, his dad, shoving food in his mouth, etc. And just when I thought our little date was over and I could finally get out of there, William stood up from the table walking over to my side.
“Join me for a dance?” He asked, holding his hand out towards me.
“Um, actually, it’s getting pretty late, I should probably get going,” I told him. “I have plans, remember?”
“Oh come on, just one dance. Besides what’s wrong if you’re a little late anyway, you’re with me,” he smirked.
I had the urge to smack him right then and there, but I saw my parents at their table out of the corner of my eye. Even though they weren’t looking in that exact moment, I knew they had been staring throughout the night. I sighed going against my better judgement and what I wanted by saying yes.
I placed my hand in his and he practically pulled me to the dance floor. I gulped feeling Harry’s gaze on us when we got there. I didn’t dare look at him, afraid of what I might see. William wrapped his arm around my waist and held my hand with his other one. William’s face sat near my ear and I could feel his warm breath against my skin. A shiver ran down my spine, but not in a good way.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered into my ear.
His hands were slowly inching their way down from my waist. He knew what he was doing, placing his hands ever so subtly on me. I stood there frozen, my body willing to push him away, but nothing would move.
“How about you forget about those plans of yours and we head back to my room?” He asked. “So we could have a little more privacy to get to know one another. I could show you some more information about Boston, too.”
“Um, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I told him. “In fact, I should uh… be going now anyway. Excuse me.”
Not sure how, but I finally was able to maneuver myself out of his arms and out of the dining hall. I needed to get out of there, but I wasn’t sure where I would go. It was too early to head to the cabin for rehearsals and if I went back to my room, Marianne might be there and ask me about tonight. So, I took off my shoes and went out to the beach instead.
I found an empty beach chair that was still left out in the sand. I sighed sitting down, letting my head fall into my hands. I wanted the night to be over with and I knew first thing in the morning I would have to tell my parents that whatever they wanted me to have with William was never going to happen.
My hands rubbed at the side of my neck almost as if I was trying to wipe away his words and the remnants of his breath. I heard someone walking up behind me. I could stand up, ready to run, thinking it was William. But it wasn’t, it was Harry standing there, still wearing his suit with his hands in his pockets.
“W-What are you doing here?” I asked him.
“Are you okay?” He asked. “Did he-”
“I’m fine,” I said, shaking my head. “So um… you saw-”
“The two of you dancing? Yeah, it’s kinda hard not to when you were on my dance floor,” he said, kicking at the sand.
I sighed, “Look, I don’t get you or what’s up with you. Why do you always do this? You act like an ass to me, and then you’re fine and it’s like we’re finally moving past that and then today, you treated me like you didn’t even know me.”
“Me?” He asked. “Y/N, you’re the one staying at the big fancy ass hotel with your Daddy and his money. You’re the one who gets to be Daddy’s little girl by day and sneaks around playing in some band at night. You’re the one playing two sides here, not me.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it!” I told him. “I told you this isn’t a fucking game for me! I’m serious about being in this band because it means something to me and because you mean something to me.”
“Oh really? Cause you could’ve fooled me when his hands were all over you and he was whispering in your ear,” he snapped.
“I pushed him away and left when he did that! I don’t want him,” I snapped back. “I never wanted him and I sure as hell didn’t want to go to dinner with him.”
“Then what do you want Y/N?” Harry asked. “What do you want, right here and right now, what do you want?”
I closed the remaining distance between the two of us. Sand covered my feet and my shoes felt heavy in my hands. My heart raced a mile a minute and my stomach felt like it was in knots, but I didn’t care. For the first time in my life someone asked me what I wanted for myself and because of that, I had to be completely honest.
“You,” I whispered. “I want you. I want the band… I want the music… I want all of it, but mostly… I just want you.”
I stared up at him, his eyes glistening as the moonlight lit up his face. His previously slicked back hair was now blowing freely in the breeze. I waited what seemed like forever for him to say something, but he never did.
He simply took my face in his hands and pressed his warm lips against mine while the waves crashed along the shore behind us.
Soo... word count wise this update was a little shorter. I thought about making it a bit longer, but I kinda like where it ended. But this does make me want to ask, do y’all prefer the longer updates 2k-3k word counts or shorter ones like 1k-1.5k? 
Let me know! :) 
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