#and currently its atlas
vaugarde · 1 year
hgh wanna overhaul a main element of starfall again
#vague spoilers ig but its about how asha gets stranded again#i swear ive had a lot of iterations of it bc its like. convoluted ill admit that#the result is usually the same- she gets separated from atlas and castor and quinn- but the how and what happens#is all over the place#at the beginning of this iteration her parents were forced out of the pmd dimension by [redacted] and asha hatched slightly after#so was born into the situation. then all got picked off til only she was left#then the order of who got picked off kept changing. it was either atlas or castor as the final one#and currently its atlas#but then i changed it so that they all get stranded when asha is a bit older so she knows who [redacted] is personally#and gets more time with quinn before she disappears but everyone still got picked off#and now i kinda wanna remove everyone being picked off and replace it with JUST asha getting stranded#as in [redacted] happens and asha loses all 3 at once. really going into just how much it shook her world#and adds to the mystery of where everyone went maybe?#but also everyone being picked off adds some paranoia..... shes paranoid thats an aspect of her character#and this isnt even getting into the mess that is skylar rn. skylar's backstory is a mess#and how they get there worries me bc i think itll be confusing#sometimes im tempted to just. separate asha and skylar and have skylar come in later#but bc of spoilers idk how itd work#and i love them as a trio#but everything just... feels sooo uneven rn and i kinda hate it#its why u havent heard much abt starfall itself tbh i dont like where its at rn#i might honestly have to just tear out a lot of what i have but idk where to start in making it feel good#echoed voice
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2022 spoilers without context
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 months
Well, I am halfway through the ATLA Live Action series.
I have very little interest in the Gaang, but completely interested in Zuko and Iroh.
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just-gay-thoughts · 8 months
"Oh u want to start getting into reading again"
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I've made a mistake
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crashthemode · 2 years
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i just saw this on twitter and i’m losing it why isn’t anyone else talking about this???!?! their outfits?? the entwined hands??? where does this fit into canon i need answers—
(from the atla colouring book)
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strawbynrobyn · 29 days
Too bad that I'm 5'2" bc I would love to cosplay Kyoshi in a heartbeat
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veggiesforpresident · 4 months
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a scene from chapter 14 of orbital decay
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chiptrillino · 1 year
Chewing that part time pirate zuko... And also the fact that I'm obsessed with yuyan archer Mai. So here's the deal: after the war mai got to do whatever the fuck she wanted because she's one of the fire lord's best friends, who's going to stop her? So she goes to finally learn from the yuyan archers, doesn't take long bc 1. Zuko is surrounded by prodigies and 2. Have you SEEN mai's aim? She has the yuyan technique down in a week
The fire nation advisors are extremely worried about the fire lord at sea, and zuko sees mai, recently fully realized yuyan archer, and goes "she'll be my body guard so you people shut the fuck up". Sometimes mai takes her brother on the trips just because she can
(side note, i think the ship is metal solely so toph can be comfortably on board and still be able to navigate her way around)
Also, i forgot in my last ask, i was going to say that yue absolutely knows who zuko is, not just as fire lord, but as sokka's friend bc like... She's always trying to see where she can help the gaang, she saw when zuko joined and everything since, so when she sees zuko chasing pirates it's not just "oh I'm so bored look at that human trouble" but rather "oh I'm so bored oh wait i can help sokka's friend"
I'm undecided in whether aang is splitting hairs so to say about yue casually coming to the human world, or if he's out there acting as a yue lawyer trying to convince other great spirits to not give her grief but also not follow along on her idea bc... That would get messy very fast
Also. I love azula, i love that she's a menace, zuko leaves her in charge when he leaves and the fire nation advisors and ministers and the like are terrified of that. Azula loves it. She may also have implied she'll have zuko killed at sea (for the laughs and to see if anyone is not scared enough of that possibility. It's useful to know who wouldn't miss zuko to check if they're also actively treasonous). The gaang hears of this and they're extremely uncomfortable by the idea bc they're not sure if azula is being serious each time
honestly, just the threat of "azula is in charge" and she is chuckling in the bg. is like the biggest threat zuko could make. And all ambassadors, diplomat and council man are suddenly at their bestest behavior in a sense of " no fire lord please don't leave us we will do what ever you want"
its pointless though. zuko needs his brake and well. yeha he has mai and tom tom and just who ever wants to come along comes with. beating up criminals is a healthy and productive coping mechanism with stress i think.
it's fun seeing you so exited with this au anon, hahah I agree with every addition you bless me with, hahah
I guess aang is splitting hair depending on with who he argues. if it is with humans, he just has a dead tired look in his eyes and just exhausted sighs out, "do i look like i control the moon?" like truly humans are so stupid? You think the avatar can tell a greater spirit anything?
on the other hand, when dealing with La, other greater spirits or Yue himself. he is like... trying to reason with them, which is just... very difficult and nerve wrecking because it's not like spirits do listen. they stay above him, and just want harmony and balance. but yue is for her convenience disturbing the balance. its like a partner therapy. and aang mediating between them. La thought the new yue would be different. and yue wasn't aware what she all signed up with. new compromises were created. aang: good thing i was able to convince yue and la to wait for your sacrifice sokka! sokka: .... my sacri-WHAT?!?!?
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got a little funny post for ya
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some beta designs...
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kismetmoon · 4 months
what if he had like…proper dad drip…
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[ID: a digital uncoloured drawing of an original, stylised Flatland character named Atlas on a light grey background.
Atlas is an isosceles triangle with limbs, a single eye and a star-shaped pupil, a bushy eyebrow, a chip on his top corner, scars on his side and across his eye, clawed hands and a long tail with a V-shaped tip.
He is wearing a hoodie under an oversized leather jacket, wide straight leg trousers and platform boots.
Atlas is standing and turned slightly to the right. He is holding up his left hand as though waving, while his right hand is held down at his side in a horizontal fist. His tail is curled in a C-shape to his right. He has a relaxed, half-lidded expression with his eyebrow slightly raised. He is looking over to the left.
End ID].
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ballerinalouis · 3 months
so much to blame the mcu for so little time
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another aspect of things i think i've at least half mentioned before but now i'm thainking about it again: take "maybe atlas dies ostensibly, perhaps at all truly, because of [whatever thing involving mitzi] while also at least in part to try to protect lackadaisy, &/or his own image" and add, as we could if we consider atlas more relevantly a potential parallel to other characters than as like representing more detached Forces, that maybe he could have (also partially) died to protect at least these two people who we know were, for their part, close enough to him for their part to be involved in his death & have this exclusive knowledge about it & continue to share the secret solely on this connection
like the mystery of it all is important insofar as it plays into Character & Themes, so it's like sure often turning to those things to like reverse engineer hypotheses about the mystery & then see how it holds up to like actual details we have. like that it sure matches "imagine how relevant to Character & Themes it'd be if mordecai was the one who shot atlas" to then cross compare like wow & the silhouette of the gun that atlas left for mordecai upon their first meeting sure matches what we see of the gun mordecai's passing to or taking from mitzi in the [that remains between us] flashback panel that has to do with their secret knowledge of How It Happened re: atlas's death. so like here we are in general with characters who know each other & have personal connections & all their supposed straightforward plans / ambitions concerning business are perhaps in conflict with whether these people they're emotionally invested in will be okay....maybe atlas also took that conflict into account and, for example, if he was assuming lackadaisy would close (but in a more controlled way than if atlas Didn't die, & whatever [dangers surrounding things that have changed such that asa did have something to warn atlas about] stayed focused on him & lackadaisy by extension) he also maybe didn't assume mitzi would try to keep lackadaisy running & would instead just kind of safely liquidate things.
of course, more difficult to speculate re: mordecai, like, oh yeah perhaps atlas had some genuine affection for his wife, right, but mordecai's official labels are all along the lines of like, bookkeeper, gunman, bodyguard. safe to say mordecai has the emotional investment re: atlas / matters surrounding him, but less so that atlas did in turn, when even with atlas being this deliberately Overall mysterious figure to us, we're looking at things like "wow maybe atlas is looking slightly towards mordecai when the latter's just gotten partially hit by a couple of shotgun blasts after another day on the lethal situations job" as like the potential biggest indication of possible warmth and it would be more of a stretch for atlas to assume "well if i die, mordecai will be totally fine" as for him to assume that mitzi would not, in fact, try to run lackadaisy. seems plausible that another theme that could be emphasized with mordecai here is "oops mordecai has the reasons to try to reconcile his situation with his feelings, while atlas just has to go 'wow he's effective at successfully fighting for his life / killing these guys who meant to kill him. sure could be useful for me to keep putting him in that position'" i.e. mordecai wants to find emotional value in someone seemingly looking out for him, whereas if anything atlas may as well actively try Not to care about mordecai besides as a business asset. including if/when he involves mordecai in his death, which could sure be as emotionally impactful for mordecai as it apparently was/is, while for atlas it could Just be like "well i could always trust him & the whole thing is he's really good at killing someone" and that's that. or maybe it's still this mix of like "yeah i'm Using you, and for incredibly demanding & dangerous purposes. but i'm also giving you my literal shirts, sure" nonzero bit of giving a shit still. possibilities. but still seems like mordecai (and mitzi, really) was much more emotionally invested, and thanks to atlas being such a mystery, we get this tension of like, how much of a misalignment is there between how much they cared and how much atlas really did / how much they think he did?
but anyways tl;dr would sure be yet more drama if atlas figured mitzi could be safe when he died but it's like whoops that sure wasn't guaranteed even by that Ultimate Backing Out. Themes
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spacedlexi · 1 year
been rewatching atla recently and its wild to finally recognize Just How Much this show impacted me not only artistically but also just like.. fundamentally as a person
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bryverros · 2 months
i actually have a weird thing where i produce a shit ton of sketches for atla and its like i make at least a page w shitty ass sketches per day (3000 x 3000 px canvas), obviously most are rather unrefined and id first die than allow them to see light but the fact remains. probably the peak sketching for me, ive never sketched that much
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evienyx · 1 year
I kinda forgot how you came up with fractures, i know for a fact that you said it started as an au of another fic but I want to know it's origins
I mean, I started writing Fractures back in summer of 2019 (which is insane, let me say), when I was 14.
It is now 2023, I have just turned 18, I've gone through an entire pandemic and started college, and have written over 270,000 more words for this story.
It's kinda hard to remember where it initially came from, and the best thing I have to really go off of is the author's note on Chapter 1 and notes that I wrote for myself when I first started this story.
So, from what I can gather from those and what little I remember:
Most of the idea for Fractures came from the idea I had about what ATLA would be like if Zuko hadn't been there in the first place, but had been off doing something else. The first big problem that came up for me was the fact that Aang would still need a firebending teacher, and if Zuko wasn't there, Iroh was likely off with him, and therefore not available.
So, I started trying to figure out what I could do to separate Zuko from Iroh for pretty much the entire length of the show without making it too weird. From there, I realized the easiest thing would be if Zuko had never been sent to capture Aang in the first place. I decided that the easiest thing would be to simply throw Zuko into prison since the Agni Kai, make sure that Iroh hadn't been there at the Agni Kai, and go from there.
At that point, my interest had shifted from how the Gaang's adventures changed to instead being solely Zuko-focused. I wrote and published a one-shot of the start of the AU I'd made, but I kinda left it at that. There were people who commented wanting more, but I didn't really believe in my abilities to actually write a story of a larger scale. I also didn't know if there was any interest left in ATLA in the middle of 2019. The idea of writing it interested me, but if I was going to do that, I was going to go all in on it, and I didn't know how I felt about that.
The thing that really tipped it for me, if I'm being honest, was reading Towards the Sun by @muffinlance. Seeing an ATLA author succeeding and holding an audience, specifically in the times before the ATLA Renaissance because of Netflix, inspired me a shocking amount. It was the kinda thought of "well, if Muffin can do it, then so can I!" Which, to be fair, totally ignored the fact that she was a fully grown adult at the time, while I, 3.5 years later, have just now reached 'adult' status.
Still, it was enough for me, and so I wrote the next chapter in one night, published it, and we were off.
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ruinatlantis · 3 months
Not to be extremely controversial and invite rage but despite both having flaws as adaptations, avatar did a much better job with it.
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