#and by distancing myself from the fandom and the games
motto-chanto-itte · 6 months
i'm so normal about ace attorney it's crazy!
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no1ryomafan · 10 months
Yknow for most of my tumblr rants I like to keep stuff vague even when it’s apparent what thing I’m aiming at because I don’t like to trash talk people openly who I don’t know or formally knew especially on the most mundane subjects but there’s one particular thing that has been bothering me about fandom culture that I’ve noticed as of late that I gotta rant about:
And that’s the whole ordeal of “you need to consume this series in a certain way” mindset as apart from leading into general bad traits fandom culture has-toxicity and gatekeeping-I feel this is just another reason why some people get easily scared off by getting into certain things.
To further elaborate I wanna first say there’s nothing particularly wrong with advising a set order of things to consume in a series under the context of either:
<someone asked to begin with what order to watch/read/play something <a series has multiple sequels that are connected in some capacity so advising the correct order because sometimes it’s not the “chronological” that’s the correct way
Those cases you are making sure the person gets into a series by following the story the way it’s intended, that’s fine, I’m more so talking about how a handful of certain fandoms are centered a series with multiple canons and they don’t really overlap yet fans try to act authority over how you should consume the media when at that point it’s just a matter of “which series looks the most interesting too you”.
I’ve seen this behavior pop up a bit in getter fandom and while it’s not anything toxic-thankfully-I really don’t agree to the notion of you need to read all of the mangas JUST to understand the Animes when they’re ALL in their own canon. But this post isn’t actually about Getter because the general atmosphere I’ve seen in my own circle is “we really don’t care where you start as long as you’ve seen Getter” which I appreciate and can’t really get too upset over the series discourse, I’m more so noticing this happening in a different older anime fandom I was kinda apart of being Soul Eater.
Now I’ve only seen this said by two people so I’m not gonna claim this is a general thing by the fandom-fuck knows how many soul eater fans there are anymore even if it’s more recognizable than getter-however I get the vibe this is something fans when newbies get into the series advise: To not get super into SE as it be unnecessary, for those who don’t know it’s one of those animes that was unfortunately cursed with “starting off a solid adaption for the first half but by the second half it completely diverted from the manga and the anime content is not only different but inferior from its source” which from what I seen, had a lot of old SE fans advise newer fans to watch the anime up to a certain point aka right where it changes from the manga and than going to read the manga with the stuff the anime didn’t adapt, and than after you finish the manga you can go back to watch the anime if you so choose.
I really, really, REALLY do not like this approach and despite what I said early about “different iterations” this one even worse given the context SE doesn’t have that many canons outside of these and a spin off series.
Literally this entire process could be avoided if someone just said “don’t watch the anime because it’s not a good adaption, read the manga” because even if that sounds gatekeepy it’s at least not a unnecessary back and forth process with the anime being CLEARLY redundant. Sure, SE like 100+ or so chapters but even if watching the anime adapt the first half is faster than reading it, it just makes things needlessly complicated to newer fans.
It’s also not the end of the world if someone watches the show and never reads the manga because guess what? We all like stuff that is FUNDAMENTALLY flawed. People are too worried about their media being perfect when no series is and there’s nothing wrong with liking something that’s a bit messy because people still keep up with series that are hella fucking messy. If they complain about the anime sucking but refuse to read the manga that’s on them, not your issue because they knew what they were getting themselves into if someone was warning them. We also just gotta deal with people not giving stuff we like a second chance after the first time because needlessly shoving a “order” in their face isn’t gonna make them feel inclined to check it out again.
My only advice I can give from this long messy rant of a post that went too far on tangent about something I don’t even know is said by many fans-and if anyone finds this and is active in the SE circles please feel free to correct me-is NEVER advise someone a order of getting into a thing unless there IS canons that do connect with each other by being direct follow ups. Don't get mad at someone for getting into a series from the most confusing or hated iteration, because if they are actually interested they'll want to consume more of it even if they have a weak first impression.
Never force anything onto ANYONE and just welcome new fans with open arms, thats a way to make a safe space even in some of the worst fandoms.
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loregoddess · 1 year
I've been meaning to say this for a while but it kept slipping my mind.
I appreciate your earnest responses on my posts and in your askbox. You're both honest and accepting, and that's something I admire.
I don't even remember when or how we became mutuals, but I'm glad we did. 🙂
Oh, well thank you as well! I have a lot of fun reading your thoughts, especially since you tend to point out things that I hadn't even noticed, and that appeals to my own love of analyzing stories, hence the little comments here and there. I had to take a break from AA for a bit, but reading all the thoughts you've shared is reminding me why I loved the series in the first place.
I think I started following you initially bc of the stuff you were writing about your first Octopath playthrough? Usually when I'm perusing a tag, looking for fanart and other neat things, I only scan liveblog posts and move on, but something about what you were writing ended up being fun to read, so I was like "yeah, this is a cool blog, I want this on my dash." So my best guess would be...Octopath is to blame (affectionately).
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morn1e · 1 year
my medic daughter oc but the way the mercs meet her is in the comics bcuz they have 2 go 2 germany 4 whatever reason(too lazy 2 think of a plot)&that is how they meet her (prob like pick her up 2 go on a hunt 4 australium too idk lol)
no1 not even like pauling @ first knew the dude had a daughter bcuz he never directly said it or maybe has like subtly hinted it but every1 refuse 2 believe him bcuz he looks like the last person on earth 2 b a father
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yvesmiko · 2 years
finally got rid of the genshit layout
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darlingdarkly · 3 months
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Fates Worse Than Death
A Deimos x f!reader Series
Chapter 1
Word count: 5k
Part: 2
OG A/N: Hey, hi! So, tomorrow is my birthday. And for my birthday I decided to write a hugely self indulgent smutty fic for myself and instead of writing one for cod like I’ve been doing and contributing to an already super saturated fandom I have decided to write it for my r6s fandom, which admittedly keeps looking deader and deader, but I know that if I’m scouring the tags for fics then maybe someone else is too and so I’m gonna share my gift to myself in hopes that someone else who’s desperate for content will find it and be glad it’s there.
Second A/N: Hey! So I decided to make this a series actually. This will stand as chapter 1 💕
Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Listen to me 👁️👁️ I need you to heed the tags. I am going to tag the hell out of this thing and if you don’t read the tags then you’re throwing yourself into a mixed bag of whatever the hell and that’s on you. The tags are there for your benefit. Not mine. You have been warned.
CW: non con elements, dub con elements, interrogation, belt spanking, bondage, unprotected climactic p in v intercourse, oral (f!receiving), abduction, hair pulling, fingering, death, blood, mild game spoilers 🤷‍♀️
This is the point of no return, you click this button and you consent to the content on the other side.
This takes place after Deimos has killed Harry but before Rainbow has captured him, if you give a shit about canon events and timeline. Enjoy 💕
The chilly night wind whipped through the leaves, rattling them noisily and aiding in concealing your stealthy movements. You and three other operatives cut through the wooded terrain like silent wraiths as you sought out the hidden compound due north, said to be home to his lair. The mission was simple, get in, extract Deimos and exfil.
You moved quickly and quietly bringing up the rear of the squad. Rifle locked and loaded, the muzzle pointed out ahead of you, strafing for contact. You heard your squad leader over the comms, gruff and clear as he spoke to your contact back on base.
“Rainbow, this is O1, we are two clicks due south of the compound. ETA 15 for contact, are we a go?”
After a moment of measured silence he got a response. “Rainbow to O1, you’re green lit. Standby for evac.”
O1 came back moments later. “Copy that. Over.” There was an audible cut through the radio before O1 addressed your squad. “Alright, squad. You heard the man. On your toes.” Each of you responded in turn. “O2 copy.” A pause. “O3 copy.” You depressed the button on your headset and responded. “O4 copy.”
Soon after, the four of you crested a hill and fanned out over the top of it, laying eyes upon the brilliant glow cutting through the velvet of night like a knife. O1 came through your ear piece and gave curt instruction. “O2, follow me to the east. O3 and O4 you take west. Stick close to the perimeter, plant the charge and fall back. We detonate on my count and breach simultaneously. Do you understand?”
The three of you responded in unison. “Sir, yes sir.” You saw him motion forward and your group began to move, splitting into your assigned pairs and descending upon the compound. You lost sight of your squad mates in the thick of the trees but kept close to O3 as you neared the far west walls of the hidden base. Just as you made the bottom of the hill there was a panicked cry over the comms from O2. “What the fuck is that? O1 we have a disturbance.” There’s a break in his speech, a long drawn out eerie quiet that unnerves you.
“Sir, we’re not alone! I repeat, not alone.” There was a faint scuffle in the distance and a single gunshot before O1 came over the comms, frantic. “O1 to Rainbow, we’re made! Requesting evac. It’s him.”
You and O3 stopped and turned towards the commotion, unsure of how to proceed. There was a heart stopping, pained scream in the distance and you heard Rainbow call to the pair of you over the comms. “O3, O4, this is Rainbow. Get out of there, you’re compromised. Get to evac. I repeat, Get to evac!”
The pair of you took off in the woods, abandoning mission and headed west towards the evac point. You could feel your heartbeat in your chest and had to focus to calm your breathing. At this point it was about survival as you followed close behind O3 and cut through the woodlands for the helo just eight clicks west.
There’s a flutter in the air, a woosh of displaced air as something whizzes by and you hear O3 ahead of you begin to panic. “Christ it’s him! Run for it, now!” O3 bolts forward and you’re sprinting to catch up but soon he’s lost in the copse of pines and all you have left of him is his panicked yells and heavy breathing over the radio. “O3, where are you? O3!?!” You hear the deafening discharge of a heavy caliber ring out in the still night and it’s too close for comfort.
You veer away from it and towards the evac. Splitting off on your own as the blood of your last remaining squad member drains from the brand new vent hole in his head and begins to quickly cool in the night air. You can hardly hear yourself crash through the woods, boots scaling over rocks and fallen logs as your breath quickens and terror begins to set in.
You miss the whirring of the foreign object the second time around but there’s no mistaking the calm, collected voice in your ear as he hacks through your comms and makes himself known. “There you are. There’s no hiding. Not for you. Not for me.”
Rainbow comes in low and static-y though the comms and you struggle to make him out clearly. “O4 do you… in O4… Get out! I rep-… Deimos is tra-…. On your posit-….” And then everything cuts. Your comms go dark and you’re officially alone, the last of a nearly dead and shattered squad in the dead of night in the thick of the sticks.
Determined not to die in the midst of these pines you beeline for the green blip on your gps. If you could just make it to the helo you’d survive but as you took a final glance at your position a second blip pinged. A dark red skull just twenty meters back. His deathMARK. You felt a lump in your throat as you realized you’d been made and triple timed it, arms pumping at your sides as you tore through the woods in fear. Pure terror coursed through your veins and nipped at your heels, promising death if caught. There was no capture, Deimos wasn’t known for taking prisoners.
You mounted a hill and pushed out between two huge oaks as you practically slid down the other side. You made huge strides, legs driving you towards salvation as you pushed them to the limit in hopes of escape. You were only four clicks out when you tripped, stumbling over something hard and unseen as you crashed ungracefully to the ground and tumbled in the leaf litter. You scrambled to regain your footing, clawing at the earth and struggling to your feet.
You had just made it up when he hit you like a freight train, violently tackling you and knocking you on your back. The pair of you rolled in the foliage, tumbling over one another in the night and sprawling apart as you came to a jolting stop.
This was it, it was fight or die so you grabbed for the push daggers secured to the straps of your tac vest and faced your adversary. He came up ready to fight, charging forward and lunging for you. You drove forward with a fist, spearheaded leathily by the edge of the knife and swung out to bite at his throat. He pulled back and you sliced through air instead, he followed through with an arm on your elbow and brought your arm down over one thick thigh, breaking your hold and successfully disarming you.
With one knife left you pushed back at his chest and swung forward to attack, hoping to aggressively close the distance and quickly end him but he grabbed your arm with his strong gloved hands and twisted it around until your back was socketed into his chest. He pulled on your limb and brought it down hard over his knee, breaking your hold for a second time and disarming you completely.
You struggled out of his grip and tried to make a break for it, a last ditch effort to stay alive and bolt but he caught a grip on your ankle and you once more went sprawling to the ground, ass over teapot. When you turned around to face death you caught sight of his ballistic mask towering over you, he held the magnum in a tight grip in his right hand and you knew it was over. At least you’d die with your squad, knowing you’d done your best and been outplayed.
But instead of staring down the unblinking black eye that was the bore of his barrel you felt the butt of the .44 Vendetta crash down on your temple before the night stole over you and blocked out all thought.
It wasn’t til much later that you awoke, sluggish, confused and in tremendous pain. The room was bright but cold and when you tried to alleviate the pain in your head by bringing your hand up to soothe it you realized you were bound and secured to some kind of padded platform. Your arms were stretched out and down in front of you, bound together by something strong and without give. Your legs were similarly bound but tucked up beneath you on the padded bench. It was then you realized you were also naked from the waist down. Your chest was covered but had been stripped of your tac gear and uniform and replaced with a stark white tee, your bra was also missing.
You weren’t blindfolded or gagged but when you tried to whip your head around you found it hard to maneuver, only about five degrees of field of view to see on either side and all you could see of that was dingy white tile from floor to ceiling. You struggled in your bonds but stopped as you heard the slow, methodical blows of his boots on the concrete steadily drawing nearer. You stiffened and tried not to think about the view he no doubt was privy to from this angle. He broke the silence first.
“Well she’s finally awake. Don’t struggle, the knots won’t give, I tied them myself.” He sounds smug and confident as he strides up behind you, voice low and clear, not quite deep but thoroughly resolute, the draw of a southern twang peeking out subtly but sophisticated. The venom in you begins to well up in your throat, your teeth grit and body tensing as your anger builds and your hate gestates.
You let loose on him, anger burning a hole in your chest as you feel robbed of your rightful death, you shouldn’t be here still breathing, you should be dead in the woods with your squad, not tied up and captured like some kind of prized war spoil. “Fuck you! Kill me, you bastard!” He let himself come into view, circling around you with his arms clasped behind his back. He was still fully clad in his black tac gear and ballistic helmet, the dark, obsidian lenses of his eyes gleamed deviously in the fluorescent light.
“Can’t get information out of you if you’re dead, now can we?” You ground your teeth in your skull, body trembling in half fear, half seething rage. “You won’t get a damn word out of me, motherfucker! You’ll have to kill me, I won’t talk!”
His head tilted slightly as he tisked, chiding you calmly. “Such a nasty mouth.” He disappeared from view, the dark drape of his cape flowing out behind him, returning to his position behind you as you heard a rustle and the soft tink of metal on metal as he lifted something off of a table. “My godfather was a stern but loving man. He taught me at an early age about duty and responsibility. About discipline and respect. I loved and respected him dearly but as all boys are, I had a tendency to be rowdy and disrespectful at times. He taught me these values with a firm and unyielding hand. Something I think you could use a good helping of.”
You heard the crack of the belt as he brought the two looped ends taut in his hands and immediately stiffened, the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight up. “You’re going to tell me everything I want to know, including the details of your mission, the intel you received and who you received it from along with the coordinates of the Rainbow base.” He stopped and waited for your response, you sat still and silent, mentally preparing yourself for the coming onslaught.
“Nothing to share?” You shifted in place but spat out at him, tongue in cheek. “Fuck you.” Shortly after you felt the first lick of the belt as it cut through the air and cracked across your bare ass, making you jump and yelp. It may have been a far cry from conventional interrogation methods but it was still painful and humiliating. You heard the leather slide in his fist before you felt the second blow, just parallel to the first, aimed and executed with precision to land just beside it on the same cheek. “Fuck!”
He hummed contently. “Tell me what your mission objective was.” He languidly paced behind you as he waited for your answer, when none came he brought the belt down on the other cheek twice in rapid succession, giving you no time to recover. You tried shifting away from the blows but had about a half an inch of clearance for wiggle room, there was no evading it.
He kept it up, pausing and then attacking ruthlessly, periodically stopping before doling it out again, fat, opaque lines began to criss cross on the smooth surface, marking his progress. He questioned you again and you held silent, preferring to suffer through the consequences rather than give in and endanger an entire base of your colleagues for the quicker respite of death. He’d kill you in time either way, it was better to hold out and die honorably than relent for a swifter end.
“You’re resilient, tough little spit fire, I’ll give you that. But you should know your silence has consequences.”
You sneered at him where he couldn’t see. “I don’t give a fuck about me. Beat me, torture me, cut my toes off one by one, I don’t care. You’ll kill me when you figure out I’ve got nothing to say to you and I will die honorably.”
He laughs and it makes a sliver of uncertainty worm through you. “I’m not going to kill you, sweetheart.” The pet name makes you queasy but his response only confuses you. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“When our little talk ends, the door closes. If you don’t tell me what I wanna know by the time we’re through here your life as you know it ceases to exist.”
“I already told you to just go ahead and kill me. I’ll die before I tell you anything that would put Rainbow at risk.” Instead of punching you in the ribs or breaking a finger he just leaned in til you could feel the warmth of his chest settle over the top of your bare ass and it felt much more sinister than any strike or blow.
“Oh sweetheart, there are fates much worse than death.” You still don’t quite understand and he senses you struggling to grasp the full scope of the threat so he takes a break from the spanking and explains it to you in full detail.
You hear him set the belt down on something before you feel his gloved hands caressing your ass, running the covered fingertips over his handiwork and down the swell of your cheeks before dipping lower and skimming the slit of your sex. His fingers come away slick and he smirks behind the mask where you can’t see.
“If you don’t tell me what I want to hear then I’m going to take these-“ You hear a jingle from behind you and know they’re your dog tags, probably scalped from your neck as he undressed you no doubt. “-and I’m going to throw them out in the woods with your dead squad mates. They’ll think one of two things. Either you died out there like a good soldier and some animal, pack of coyotes perhaps, carted your body away or, I finally caught up with you, gave you an ultimatum, and you sold them out from under the rug. Either way they’ll come to the conclusion that you’re beyond saving and they’ll bury you in an empty casket and move on.”
You felt it all coming to a head and the audacity of it came to be too much. “You’re wrong! They’ll never stop looking for me! You think they’ll give up so easily! They won’t stop until they find me! Ohhhh and they will find me! You are so fucked! You are sooo-“
The crack of the belt against your ass cut off your angry rant, the words dying in a pained yelp as he brought the leather down on your ass in an angry torrent. SMACK. SMACK. SMACKSMACKSMACK.
You clenched against the pain, trying to curl up on yourself but of course it was no use, you could only sit and take it. When the onslaught ended he continued.
“You didn’t let me finish. Either way… no one is going to come looking for you. And I think I’m starting to like you so instead of killing you, like you’re dying to have me do-“ You feel the return of his fingers, the cool leather of his glove soothing against the heated stinging welts already swelling on your cheeks. Then they glided down and you felt his fingers spread your lips and when he spoke this time he sounded different somehow, louder and clearer.
“-I’m going to keep you all to myself. I’ll house you, clean you, feed you. During the day I’ll keep you tied up in here, my own sweet little stress relief, make the walls of this room echo with screams of a different caliber for a change.”
It wasn’t until you felt the flat of his tongue glide up the length of your sex that you realized why he sounded so much clearer, he’d taken his mask off and now he was casually eating your pussy, tongue dipping in between his fingers spreading you apart so gently, a stark contrast from the harsh belt treatment he’d been afflicting upon you moments before.
He hummed into your pussy and you squirmed against the heat of him, simultaneously freaking out yet undeniably turned on as his tongue probed you and his hands caressed the cheeks of your ass. He pulled away and you weren’t sure if it was a sigh of relief or a whine of protest that built a home in your throat, kept at bay only by the last mustering of your will.
“So sweet. When I was a boy growing up in Birmingham, I used to play in the sugar cane fields for hours. Me and my friends would cut away stalks from the edges of the field for a taste. You taste just like that, fresh cut sugar cane.” You shuddered in his hold and told yourself it was all psychological warfare, it changed nothing. When he had the information he seeked he would cut you down just like he did all the rest.
You felt him step away from behind you and come up to your side, his hands trailing like fire along the length of your body as he did so. He reached under the platform you were tied to and suddenly your arms pulled forward in front of you, forcing your chest to pull forward and press against the bench. Your ass raised up high and unshielded as you felt the collective wetness of his saliva and your slick coating your lips, chilly exposed like this, but it doesn’t take long before he’s resumed the position and you feel his hot breath fanning against it, rewarming his meal.
“We’re gonna have a lot fun, sugar cane.”
“So.” Lick. “Much.” Lick. “Fun.” Lick.
You couldn’t help the moan that escaped, at this new angle he had access to the fulty of you and his tongue dipped down and swiped at your clit on the last lick making you momentarily lose yourself in the white hot pleasure of it. “Fuck!”
“I intend to.” You don’t grasp until much later the meaning of that, lost to the way he eats you so slow and sensual. He chuckles behind you and you know now, without a shadow of a doubt, that he intends to keep true to his word because he’s stopped questioning you, stopped beating you, just content to sample his new toy. Your life is over, because you won’t give up Rainbow and you won’t tell him a goddamn thing and your stubborn honor has damned you in a way that was worse than death and now you’ll spend the rest of your days keeping his cock warm until you’ve gone insane from it.
Taking his time and savoring the taste of you on his tongue, you feel the first press of his padded fingers prodding your entrance. Gently pushing forward til he was in just up to the first knuckle, sawing them in and out slowly and twisting them in your heat as his tongue stayed latched to your clit, suckling it.
“Deimos!” He rewarded you with an open mouthed kiss to your clit as he pushed his gloved fingers further into your depths, exploring them as your back arched nice and pretty for him as far as your binds would allow.
He pulled his tongue away to your dismay but kept his fingers buried in you, stilling their movement but curling them inside you to press teasingly against your sweet spot. “Got some new insights for me, sugar cane?”
Your lips were sealed shut as far as that was concerned but your resolve was waning, you recognized the point of no return you were quickly approaching and despite the horrible implications of your future, there were just too many good men and women with their lives on the line for you to justify the alternative.
So you shifted shamelessly to push back on his fingers, eyes squeezing shut as you tried to focus on the pleasure and not the humiliating position you were quickly failing to resist against. He recognized the move as you made it and gave you what was to be his last warning.
“Let me put it in no uncertain terms for you. When I come right in here-“ He flexed his fingers inside you to demonstrate his point, eliciting a high whine from you. “-your time is up. You can sing all you want but past that point you’re no longer your own woman. You’re mine, do you understand?”
You didn’t even consider your freedom for the briefest of seconds, just nodded solemnly as you accepted his terms, though little they mattered. Although he’d seen your nod it mustn’t have been good enough as you felt the all too familiar crack of the leather, jolting you from your thoughts and bringing you back to the present. You clenched down on his fingers, eyes rolling in their sockets at the euphoric sensation.
“I need a verbal answer.” Your grit your teeth for not the first and certainly not the last time dealing with him. “Screw you!”
He laughed, it was easy and carefree. “All in good time, sweetheart. I’m gonna enjoy my meal first.” With that he seemed to be done speaking, leaving you to stew over a decision you’d already made and ruminate in the consequences of it. He dove eagerly back into the heat of your sex, plunging his fingers enthusiastically in and out of your pussy while his tongue lapped at the juices that seeped out around them.
He watched as your toes curled in on themselves, mouth dropping open where he couldn’t see and expelling breath in a silent moan. He proved to be skillful in a manner of ways and this seemed to be no exception to the rule, making light work of bringing your pleasure to a head and threatening to throw you over the edge quicker than you’d like to admit.
You fought for control of your body but it was a battle you were unavoidably losing as he pulled his fingers free and replaced them with his tongue, pushing it deep into you and occupying his hands by rubbing circles over your clit with his thumb. It was a devastating sensation that pulled your muscles taut, your head raised up off the padding and tipped back as far as your restraints would allow as you suddenly came violently.
He spurred it on, lapping at your sopping wet slit and never ceasing the movements of his thumb, making you shake and really test the strength of your ties. He drove you through your orgasm, not even slowing as you began to plead with him to stop, it was too much. When you thought you’d tumble head first into a second one he finally relented, leaving you gasping and panting as you vaguely heard him shucking his pants behind you.
You felt something hard and blunt at your entrance as he slid his cock up to you and rifled it up and down your slit, wetting the tip and enjoying the light springy jump that coursed through you every time his head hit your clit.
“Last chance, sweetheart. As much as I’d hate to lose your company, you’re running out of chances to secure your freedom.” You could hardly focus on his words, still caught between struggling to catch up from your first mind blowing orgasm and steeling yourself against the promise of a second one if the way your pussy was trying and failing to catch his tip and suck it in was any indicator.
He lined himself up and pushed forward, causing you both to moan out together as he stretched you open on his girth. “Fuck me, you are sweet.” He slid home, hips pushing flush with yours as you adjusted to the way he seemed to fill you out perfectly. Your head dipped as he began a steady, unrushed rhythm, slapping his hips to yours every time he drove it home.
You had stopped breathing since he’d entered you and suddenly took one huge sucking breath in, filling your lungs just to immediately expel it as a broken but pleasured moan. He growled behind you and you could feel it vibrate through you in a whole new sensation, overloading your senses, coursing white and blinding in its intensity.
“Please!” You had no idea what you were begging for but it just felt so right, losing your sense of self, reduced to nothing more than nerve endings. He reached forward and grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling back and taking out the slack as your back arched to accommodate his hold.
“Oh god!” You could hardly imagine how you must look, head cocked back and slack-jawed as he split you open from behind. Each thrust was precise and calculated, wringing you for every last drop of pleasure until your mind went blank and your whole being submitted to the fucking.
He leaned forward, breath hot and heavy right behind your ear as he spoke and he must’ve known you were a goner because instead of trying to extract information he just spoke of the future. All the ways he’d bend you to his will, how he’d break you and build you back better in his image.
“It’s truly a shame we met under these circumstances. Under a different light I’d have enjoyed training you, honing your skills instead of wasting all this potential such as it is. Under me you’d have made an unstoppable operator. Now you’ll never see combat again.”
For some reason this truth had only now dawned on you, some deep part of your brain had held out hope of escape or retaliation or vengeance but cock drunk beneath him you knew it was hopeless, he was absolutely right and you were ultimately fucked.
As if he’d been holding back he renewed his vigor and began to pound into you from behind with abandon. Your mouth was dry and your knees were screeching at you from below, despite the padding, but all you could focus on was the pool of pleasure building heavy in your gut. There was no turning back from this, your mind screamed for you to do something but any other thoughts were beyond you and so you expelled them with the rest and took your fate as it sealed, securing a chokehold around your throat and brought you to heel.
You came around his cock, the second world shattering orgasm of the evening and much more all encompassing in its magnitude. You were certain you felt your heart stop, lungs burning for air as you clenched down around him. Seconds later he followed, coming with a half moan, half growl as you squeezed him for all he was worth. White hot spend filled you from the inside out and it was as blissful as it was damning.
The game was up, you were his. You stayed like that, riding the bliss and eyeing up the defeat that swelled up to take its place as it faded. He pulled out of you slowly and you felt his seed drip from you, slide down your thighs and puddle on the bench below you. You hardly heard him as he cleaned himself up and redressed. There was a click as the door to the room opened for the first time you were aware to hear it and two men stepped into the room.
There was a moment of nothing before you felt two firm hands wrap themselves around your arms and loosen your binds. They held you up til the tips of your feet hardly grazed the cool concrete floor and stationed on either side of you, held you up for inspection. You lifted your head to see him standing before you, dog tags dangling from one fist and the belt folded over on itself held tight in the other.
“I can’t say I’m disappointed in you, soldier. You stood your ground and that commands immense bravery. But you knew the rules and now you’ll reap what you’ve sown. You mustered up enough strength to gather saliva in between your lips and spit at his face. It didn’t quite make it and landed at his feet but you could hear a smile in his voice as he commanded the men at your side to carry you up to his quarters. He’d be seeing you again very soon.
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h50europe · 7 days
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When one side of the fandom lies bleeding while the other one is thriving or how I learned about fandom wars the hard way
This is a message from someone whose beloved ship rests forever in the depths of the ocean.
We had high hopes. It looked like our ship was afloat and ready to explore the seven seas for three seasons. Then, the show got a new showrunner who was very homophobic, and from that point on, the show and our favorite ship went downhill. Even though I'd been in different fandoms for about fifteen years and should have known better, I let myself get caught up in an unprecedented fandom war. Those who favored the Het couple were attacking one half of our ship, not just his character but the actor. Don't think they don't know what's going on just because an actor isn't on social media. We knew some crew members and learned that everyone knew about this fandom war.
The whole thing escalated until the show's final episode, which came to a more than undignified end after ten years. Knowing what he was doing, the showrunner wrote an ending that damaged the show and destroyed our ship. It was bad. There were words like, "Now we're dancing on your grave," and much worse. I was mentally at the end of my rope at that point. Then, the sets were immediately dismantled after the last scene was shot. It's something that happens very rarely when a show reaches some cult status. Our ship didn't even do a joint farewell interview for the fans because the actors left the set quickly and never looked back.
Why am I telling you this? Because I've learned to observe things from a certain distance.
We are fans of the same show but have different priorities and ships. As a multi-shipper, it's easier, I'd say. But those who are running amok right now because their ship is staying in the harbor while another is sailing away with flying colors brings back extremely unpleasant memories to me. But the same goes for those who are just as happy about what's happening and are starting to lose their grip. Please take it from someone badly burned: This is not a competition. This is not me winning and you losing. It's deceptive to think you're on the winning side and make fun of others for it. The tide can turn. We don't know what the showrunner has in mind. We don't even know that season eight might not be the last. Take what we have right now and be thankful for it. Enjoy it while it lasts. But don't be tempted to point fingers and mock others or say, "Your ship will never be canon. Mine already is. Your ship is crap. Mine is better." Also, do not be fooled by the fact that the haters in the fandom are a small group of people who only appear to be many because of their vocality and because some are playing the old sock puppet account game again to make it look like they are many.
I can only tell you from experience that we should treat each other respectfully. Not every Buddie fan is an enemy. Unfortunately, I also see another phenomenon that is becoming more and more common. Fans barely dare to post anything for fear of the crazies in the fandom (which unfortunately exist on both sides). Fans who have nothing to do with a fandom war want to have fun. And if they have a ship, they just want to interact with like-minded people. Which - especially on X - seems to turn into a gauntlet. Because suddenly, Your Rudeness sneaks into the conversation and starts pissing on the timeline. For clowns like this, the block button still works. Getting involved in any discussion is pointless. I also had to pay dearly for this realization.
"Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty, and the pig likes it." - Positive energy is much more powerful than negative energy. If you stay positive, negativity can't touch you. Oh, and I've wrestled a lot of pigs. Other than excessive blood pressure, gastritis, and countless sleepless nights, it didn't do me any good.
Stop participating in dick-measuring contests. Stop bragging about your favorite ship and how the others are nothing but losers. Stop saying we won because we didn't. Again, this is not a contest. We are on equal footing, and we can all coexist in peace. There is plenty of room. For everyone, for every ship, for every fan. Oliver made a single statement for those unhappy with Buck's journey and his current travel companion. He dropped it for good. And I couldn't agree more with the message and how he did it.
Of course, we would like to see more of our ship. Of course, we want the actors to have a relationship storyline to sink their teeth into, and hopefully, we get to see some domestic stuff and some hot scenes. But so far, that is fanon and not canon. So far, there is usually more going on off-screen than we see. We can only hope that this will change. Those who call themselves open-minded and tolerant while going on a witch hunt should think twice about what those words mean, and they should live them and not just throw shallow phrases around.
My wish for the future of this fandom is that it becomes a safe place. Safe as in a h*te-free zone. A place where no one has to be afraid to speak their mind. And a place where you can express (constructive) criticism without getting a shitstorm. Peace out.
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k-s-morgan · 8 days
TGSTLTH related
Ok so I decided to do it here cuz I don't know will AO3 allow me to write essay hahahahah 😂😂😂
I don't even know how to start this. I've been reading fics for 13 years straight, like I don't remember the period of my life where I didn't read them cuz I always have some ship active and I'm crazy BL fan. Only a small number of them can make me crazy to the point I don't wanna sleep, eat, skipping my obligations, killing the pain and your sebaciel did everything. I haven't felt like this reading fic..,maybe ever? This is totally another level of me being fascinated by some writer.
I adore sebaciel, I'm in fandom since 2016 but the biggest problem I had with their fics is that - either people go too much OOC with them orr they rush up the things between them, going quickly with sex and feelings. It bothered me so much so I was crawling for good SC fics as crazy!!
After some break with SC, I came back to ao3 and saw your long fic. I started reading it but I dropped it after 3 chapters, I got bored cuz I thought you are gonna just re-type manga and do classic thing which another people do. Quickly, I got disappointed with another one and idk how but I decided to give your fic one more chance and dear lord......that was one of the best thing I have ever read. Maybe even the best.
Like, how smart are you? What's your IQ? Your manage to explain me some things about Kuro plot which I haven't udnerstand by myself. And the way you write Sebaciel relationship. That's everything I have ever wanted. Everything. They have normal conversation and that's it, that's all I need cuz there is everything. I feel electric every time when they talk, fight, do things together, goood the little touches svbjhsdjvbvbvbvbvbsdjvhbdf. I was tense whole fic. I read it for like 10 days, abandon everything until I finished it and now I feel sad ahahhaahha. But you are really something special, cuz I always used to say that manga itself is the best fiction cuz Yana knows the best how to create good Sebaciel energy. You, next to Yana, did the best job. You kept them as they are, never broke the character, and that's what I am most grateful. Slow burn, with drama and angst, love and attention, all misunderstanding, you put all necessary spices for 5 star meal. My fav part is when Ciel told Sebastian to add slamming doors to his most dramatic moments of his life ahahahahahahhaha 😂😂 I laughed like crazy, they are so precious♥ And I really wanted kiss to happen when Ciel lied Sebastian about another demon, that was sooo svbjhsvjhjhvbdf. But okay, you know the best, I trust you fully with this♥
The fact that they are ready to kill each other before they have normal conversation about their feeling is my fetish. I am in love with toxic things. Ciel ready to throw all game just to prove Sebastian that his value is not only his soul, right after he told himself for 1000 times he needs to stay on distance..... I LOVE ITTTT!!! I also need to say that you find PERFECT balance for good plot and romance. Your games and their cases...I just don't know, deep bow for you queen🔥💯After all, you didn't retype drama ahahaha but you manage to keep it canon without changing anything but still adding your spices so it's not ordinary Kuro plot we see every day....
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I just have one question. From time to time, I was like a Bard ahahhaha, so sick of their games and my head hurting me, but on a good way. I am clear about Ciel but what about Sebastian and his disgust for Ciel's nicer, soft, emotional side? I know Ciel doesn't have it a lot, but would Sebastian still be grossed out about it as he was at the beginning of a contract or not? Keeping in mind that he is more and more obsessed with a boy?
So, that's all. I don't know how to use Patreon/PayPal, but for you I'll try cuz I only have credit card and that's all I know ahhahaha, I like to keep money in my hands😂 I'm sad about the situation in your country and all under - war countries. It's not bringing any good for anyone, specially for civilians. I hope you are okay and I wish you alll the best, the good karma must hit you really quickly cuz you made one person really, really happy here♥
Looking forward how will you finish this story, have a nice day❤
PS - this is the longest comment for fic I have ever left ahhaha, it's crazy how you got me sooo hyped up bjcvsdghvbds.
Hi! Ooh, thank you so much for your amazing, wonderful essay! I can't tell you how happy it made me! I think the electricity was already started being cut off when I got it, so I could see I have some really lengthy ask, but it wouldn't load. It was the torture of the most delicious kind :D
Like you, I've been reading fics for ages now, and the moments where I find some fantastic story that won't let me sleep or work or even blink are always the happiest and the brightest spots I remember. So it's extremely flattering to know that my story has become something similar to other people.
I love writing about smart characters, but most of them are definitely smarter than me! The benefit is that since I'm writing, I can think and plan everything in advance. In real life, I only wish I were as quick-witted and inventive. Alas, the best ideas and arguments come to me when they are no longer needed.
I love slow burns, and I love characters who abhor the idea of expressing their feelings, so Ciel and Sebastian have the most perfect dynamic in my eyes. I feel like I could spend the eternity just enjoying their Gothic world with their games, arguments, plots, and so on. Them antagonizing each other only to instantly team up against the common enemy is my most favorite thing in the world.
As for your question, right now, Sebastian would be thrilled if Ciel were to show a softer and more vulnerable side - at least in relation to him. Well, a part of him would feel the automatic need to mock him for it anyway, some habits don't die easily, but Sebastian's feelings have evolved a lot, plus Ciel is cold more often than he is not. So Sebastian treasures every word of praise, every hint of appreciation and need because they are so rare - he's come to crave them, and he has memorized all known cases of them by heart.
And no worries about supporting me! I really appreciate you taking your time to leave such a fantastic review, it made my day!
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Am I the Asshole for trying to rewrite a group of problematic characters that are a part of a culture I know little about/want to learn more about?
I've been a fan of a small group of characters from a game with a notoriously toxic fanbase since I started playing it about 3 years ago. About 2 years ago, I learned that they are a victim of orientalist caricatures of the middle east. Sort of a Disney's Aladdin type deal. I had a pretty bad reaction to that information at the time bc I have a very bad reflexive "please don't label me as a bad person for the things I enjoy" personality, but have grown a bit and distanced myself from the fandom since then, and want to reclaim these characters since I feel the creators don't care that much about the stereotypes they're perpetuating.
Problem is, I have no idea what I'm doing. I understand what orientalism is and have done small amounts of looking into what that culture is actually like, but I'm not the best at research and don't want to accidentally slip into my pre-baked internalized biases and end up getting hounded on for it. I do plan on doing some more reading before finalizing plans and doing anything with the concepts, but that fear in the back of my mind is still holding me back from fully embracing this project of mine. It doesn't quite feel like this is my battle to fight, but I hold these characters close to my heart in spite of their less than savory origins.
What are these acronyms?
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persephoneprice · 2 months
my one pet peeve of the hunger games fandom is the fans that have negative things to say about lucy grays accent. as a girl who grew up in a holler in the appalachian mountains- i hate y’all’s comments on her accent. growing up, i hated my accent. i did everything i could to not sound like a ‘hillbilly’. i was embarrassed by it, i believed it made me sound unintelligent. i took in what the media said about my accent and my people and i internalized that to the point where i hated my culture and wanted to distance myself as much as possible.
lucy gray’s accent is my accent and it feels so great to see a character sound like that and not be the stupid, hick character. appalachian people are not a bunch of inbred, stupid people.
i love lucy gray. i love her voice and her accent and her sayings. and personally, i think rachel zegler did a great job. I haven’t seen a single person from my area who thinks otherwise.
i know it sounds trivial and stupid, but for me and other little appalachian girls it does matter.
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captainsophiestark · 3 months
For The Team
Ithan Holstrom x Reader
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Fandom: Crescent City
Summary: Ithan's new girlfriend is about to experience her first sunball game since she started dating one of the players, but they might have to establish some new traditions first
Word Count: 1,533
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: Requested by anon! Functionally a sequel to Presentation Problems and Nosy Best Friends, but it can also be read independently! Also this is just vaguely set in Crescent City, it doesn't fit very well at any specific point in the timeline lol
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I scanned the crowd anxiously, looking for any sign of my boyfriend. I was hoping to catch him before he went into the locker room, but there were so many people here for the first sunball game of the season that it was impossible to pick him out in the crowd, despite his height.
Something needed to be done about that.
I hopped up on the first rock I found, going onto my tiptoes for the best possible view. I could see better, but there were still so many people I couldn't pick out my boyfriend. I huffed, then decided to change tactics.
I weaved through the crowd of people until I got to the slightly less crowded tunnel to the locker room. Technically, nobody but players were allowed to come down this way, but right now I didn't care.
I turned, a little worried I'd have to defend my presence to somebody, only to find my beaming boyfriend Ithan Holstrom heading my way.
"You're not allowed to be back here," he teased. I beamed back at him, rushing to close the short distance between us. Ithan wrapped his arms around my waist as soon as I was close enough, pulling me to him and kissing me deeply. I ran my hands through his hair as he moved me back until I gently hit the wall. I could've stayed like that forever, but after a few long moments, he pulled back.
"Sorry. I hate to cut this short, but I kinda need to go get ready for my game."
"I get it," I said, leaning up to kiss him again all the same. I pulled away more quickly than the first time, giving him a bright smile as I did. "For luck."
Ithan laughed, leaning in to rest his forehead against mine. He had an absolutely beaming smile on his face, which made my heart race.
"Are you excited?" I asked. "First game of the season and all?"
"Of course. I always am. But I'm even more excited that you're at this one."
I smiled. Ithan and I had just started dating a few months ago, and we'd met not long before that. This would be my first sunball game as his girlfriend, and I couldn't wait to cheer him on louder than anyone else in the crowd.
"Me too. You're gonna crush the other team."
We shared a smile, and I let my hand come up to cup his jaw, lightly stroking my thumb across his cheek. He leaned into the touch, but after a few moments, he sighed.
"I need to go." I frowned, and he gave me a forehead kiss before taking a step away. "I do have a little surprise for you though. Stay here, I'll be right back."
I leaned against the wall as he turned and ducked into the locker room, biting my lip and trying not to give in to how giddy Ithan made me feel. As promised, he was back a second later with a bundle of red fabric in one hand. He grinned my favorite million-watt smile as he held it out to me.
"What's this?" I asked, laughing a little as I took it from him. I held it out in front of me and found myself holding Ithan's jersey, the color he wouldn't be wearing today.
"I thought you could wear it," he explained, rubbing at the back of his neck. "For luck."
"Of course I'll wear it! I love it." I beamed at him, then glanced quickly up and down the hallway. We were alone, at least for now, so I wasted no time whipping off my shirt and putting the jersey on in its place. When I looked at my boyfriend again, I saw him staring at me in awe, his mouth hanging slightly open. "You might wanna close your mouth, babe."
Ithan huffed a laugh, meeting my eyes with clear, shining love in his.
"Have I mentioned lately how much I absolutely love you?"
"Actually, yes," I laughed. "But I can always stand to hear it again."
"Well, I absolutely love you. And I'm so sorry, but I really do have to go now. My teammates are already giving me shit for being late when I left the first time."
"I know." I leaned in to give him one last kiss, my chest practically exploding with love for the male in front of me. I pulled back, beaming at him as I started backing down the hallway, towards the stands where our friends would be saving a seat for me. "I'll meet you on the field after your win!"
Ithan huffed a laugh. "I can't wait!"
I winked and blew him a kiss, then turned to finally head off to my seat. I was practically floating on cloud nine as I made my way through my fellow students to a spot in the front row.
"Finally!" My friends laughed as I squeezed in next to them. "What took you so long?"
"I know what took her so long. She was wishing Ithan good luck!"
Heat rose to my face and I looked down, fighting a smile, which was more than enough to confirm my friends' suspicions. They started laughing, teasing me good-naturedly, but thankfully the players took the field before they could really dig in.
The first sunball game of the season had officially begun.
I was fairly new to sunball in general, but that didn't stop me from screaming and cheering like a maniac for every second of the game. Ithan had given me a crash course on the rules when we watched a pro game a few weeks ago, and I picked up more and more as the game went on. I screamed every time we scored, every time we needed to disrupt the focus of the other team, and every time the refs made a bad call (or at least, one we didn't like). By the end of the game, my voice was almost gone, but it had been worth it.
We'd won.
As the last seconds ticked off the clock, I screamed with everything I had left, my voice breaking as I roared with the rest of the crowd. I wasted no time running down out of the bleachers with the rest of my friends in celebration, a whirlwind of people and emotions crashing like a wave onto the grass. The other team sulked off, giving us space to spread out and lose our minds.
I immediately started scanning for Ithan, trying to find him like I had before the game began amidst a now even rowdier crowd. And like last time, he found me, wrapping his arms around me tightly from behind and burying his face in my neck.
I laughed, not needing to turn around to know it was him. He kissed my cheek, then gave me enough space to face him, both of us beaming like fools.
"You won!" I cried, deliriously happy with him. His answering smile was as bright as the sun as he leaned in and kissed me for all he was worth.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling them in his hair and deepening the kiss like we'd done outside the locker room. I heard some wolf whistles and shouts from our friends, but Ithan and I ignored them both. When we finally pulled apart, our eyes never left each other's, bright smiles still on both our faces.
"You're my good luck charm," Ithan declared. I laughed again and shook my head a little.
"What are you talking about?"
"All our scouting reports said we had no shot at winning this game. They destroyed us last season. The only difference today was I had you in the stands."
Warmth bloomed in my chest as I beamed up at my boyfriend.
"Well, I'm happy I could help." I paused, thinking for a minute, then fixed Ithan with a wicked grin. "...Does that mean we have to keep our pre-game ritual the same every time now?"
He matched my grin with one of his own. "Actually yeah, I'm pretty sure it does. It'd be bad luck to change things now, and I don't want to sacrifice the team's season."
"Oh, of course not. I need to make out with you in the locker room tunnel before every game from now on. For the sake of the team."
"For the sake of the team."
Ithan and I shared a smirk before his teammates and the rest of our friends got sick of letting us have our moment, instead pounding Ithan on the back in congratulations and shouting with the rest of us. My boyfriend just wrapped an arm around my waist and held me close as we let ourselves get swept up in the excitement of the rest of the crowd.
As we finally headed off the field together almost half an hour later, most of us headed for an immediate celebration party, Ithan leaned in and whispered just loud enough for me to hear, and no one else.
"So what's the final verdict on your first real sunball game?"
"I loved it. I'm now fully obsessed." I paused, turning to meet his eyes and give him a mischievous grin. "And I can't wait for the next game."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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carlyraejepsans · 11 months
What's your interpretaion of Chara? I mean the one that we see at the end of the genocide run. Because I've seen some people now say that the one we see at the end of that route might be an entirely different species (as an actual demon) and I kind of want to hear your opinion on that
oh they're just human, but most importantly I'm of the very strong opinion that, fandom aside, you can't fully separate yourself from chara. they're the watsonian quantification of our role and influence within the game. undertale as a metanarrative lives in this precarious balance between worldbuilding that stands on its own, and its nature as a videogame, thus it being created to Be Played By Us. it makes some aspects of its world kinda wobbly. take the LOVE/EXP mechanic, for example. there's not really a reason why LV 20 should be the maximum LV you can reach, after all, there's still plenty more people we haven't killed. that is to say, no reason other than establishing when the genocide run is fully locked in. and the moment you try to apply that mechanic objectively to the rest of its world and its characters, it begins to flake apart. but i think chara is the most effective use of this kind of metanarrative in undertale.
there's this really weird moment at the end of the mother games where the game breaks the 4th wall and calls to the player directly. the games gather OUR name (and i mean our ours, the person playing the game at the moment) in... well, very silly ways. like a friend of one of the main characters calling for help on his school research about player names. it's not so much integrated into the plot, as a way to create a touching moment of connection directly between player and player characters (we pray for the safety of ness and his friends. lucas thanks us and says he's so happy to meet us in the endgame) that is not extended anywhere else in the game.
i didn't have the vocabulary for it before playing these games myself, but now i'm pretty much convinced that the fallen human/"chara" in UNDERTALE was a direct response to those moments in earthbound and mother 3. I don't need to recount those moments in the game where it becomes obvious that the intended way to name the fallen human is giving them your own name or nickname, but even if you don't do that, by the end of the game, you're meant to think of frisk as "chara" and "chara" as "your character". that's where the main plot twist of the story jumps off from.
and well... that IS what they are. "your character". the true character, in fact. so instead of the game breaking the 4th wall and calling to YOU, player, across the screen in a way that is alien and separate from the story, the game calls to YOU, THROUGH chara. through your character. remaining within the confines of its story and characters.
chara isn't us, WE are chara, and chara is the spirit of the first fallen human who died and was reawakened when frisk fell in the underground. when we play the game, we play AS "chara" controlling/guiding frisk through the underground (not gonna get into the chara/frisk dynamic here, that's a WHOLE 'nother can of worms).
however, there is an exception. because you see, although chara is meant to represent our actions ingame, we... aren't chara after all. we are real people playing a videogame. and because undertale is such a heavily meta game, it does, indeed, go there. acknowledging us as a separate entity, outside of this world, and more powerful than anything it has ever seen, and the way the game does that is through the genocide run.
it's not a coincidence that LOVEing up as a mechanic results in you "distancing yourself", as per sans' speech pre-judgement. if chara represents us in-game, then genocide is nothing but us pushing that link connecting us to its breaking point. because chara is who we are in the game, killing people is making THEM stronger (we can't get stronger ourselves, we're not fictional characters), but because EXP and LV make you distance from yourself, we are also making them independent. severing them from us and our will. it's kind of a negative parallel to our journey in pacifist, where chara is established as "not frisk" once and for all and THEY get to go on living their own life. hopefully. sorta.
so... yeah! chara is our true character in undertale and, aside from the genocide run, which tears the two of us apart, we have almost no reason to treat them as separate. and yes, that includes the violent acts. i am a narrachara/non-evil plotting mastermind chara believer through and true, but posing them as some hapless victim in our hands is... I'm sorry I can't take it seriously. it was a necessary overcorrection with the way they used to be treated by fanon back in the day, but it is an overcorrection nonetheless. YES, they might kill people. yes they might do that to their former family/friends, for very much the same reason asriel, as flowey, did. they were not the most adjusted person to begin with, but more importantly than that, the SOUL we see in undertale isn't theirs, it's FRISK'S. flowey says as much. when we defeat his omega form, the 6 SOULs disappear. when asriel died, the monsters started at 0 human SOULs, not 1 (ie: chara). chara is as soulless as asriel was when he was rein-cornaceaeted (lol) as flowey, with their ability to feel love and compassion stunted.
and with the added context of the SAVE powers removing consequences to their actions, and the repetitive nature of the game becoming tiring, well... we know what THAT did to flowey, right?
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In Pursuit of Happiness | Various Genshin Men x Reader SAGU AU
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A/N: Hello everyone and sorry for the extremely late update. Real life has really decided to kick me in the butt. At this point, I’m not sure where the story is going to lead us because I don’t know where we’re going. I’m going to need a beta reader later or something. But in other news, I’ve been trying to make a discord server for anyone that’s interested in this story and sharing ideas, getting along, Simp for genshin characters share tips for the game. :3
Not beta read/proofed, we die like Signora
Word count: 3381
Tags/Warnings: Female!Reader, Child! nephew Reader, God!Reader, Cult AU, Fluff, Romance, Found Family, and many references to other fandoms
First>> Next>>>
Summary: The task of an aunt is no easy thing, especially towards a rambunctious and curious nephew who can not sit still. After a bad car accident, the two of them awaken in the world of Teyvat where Y/n must do her best to not only keep herself and her nephew alive to find a way back home but to also beat back all kinds of suitors and become the pseudo mother to every child she meets and her nephew befriends.
CHAPTER 3 – Meeting the Geo Archon
It wasn’t a good day to wear a skirt as the cool breeze was blowing more than normal. But that didn’t stop Y/n from wearing any shorts underneath. Little else mattered as she heard her nephew laugh, hearing it echo with the winds and making the lands of Liyue and Tevvat glow with joy as the two waltzed through the skies.
She had always wanted to try this out ever since she saw Howl’s Moving Castle, but it would be better to try it out with a handsome partner. One can only dream.
“Weee!” her nephew’s cries of joy and his glee were heard by Teyvat as it hummed. The land, skies, and seas were calm and watched their beloved creator and her heir slowly descending towards the ground, flowers and leaves moving to bloom fully to soften their landing. Thanking the plants and the winds, Y/n knelt to fix [Nephew’s name] clothes and hair, avoiding the childs playful swats.
“Auntie! I can do it myself!” he pouted and continued to push the young woman’s hands away as she smoothened the ruffled-up hair, earning a small chuckle.
“I know, but I want to. There’s going to be few chances left that I could do this when you grow up. You’ll grow big and won’t need me anymore.”
They might have struck a lot towards the child as he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, enveloping her in a hug as his face reached only to her stomach, surprising the woman but welcomed the affection, gently stroking his hair and back.
“I think I’ll always need you.”
Living with him as made Y/n think he was a son to her. Out in public both back home and here, many thought they were mother and son. The amount of times she corrected people was laughable, but she couldn’t deny the warmth in her heart – how highly the boy thought of her.
Pulling away, she held his hand once more as they made their way back towards the Hilichurl camp hideout where the Hilichurls and Billy were waiting for them.
The first to notice their arrival was a Lawlchurl Y/n had affectionately called Mufasa. He made a slight noise that alerted the rest of the camp and saw the two as they all cheered and started to give out food even before the announcement.
“Well, it seems you’re all celebrating already but he’s in good health, everyone. Thank you so much for helping me take care of him.” The entire camp cheered, Billy the Hydro slime bounced up and down as he nuzzled against the young boy who was giggling. Teyvat showed their happiness by glowing and emitting more flowers that the boy enjoyed.
It was a blessing to hear the laughter and joy of the Divine Creator and their heir.
Amber eyes followed them, watching from a distance as he didn’t want to startle the Hilichurl camp. It was one of the biggest ones he’s seen, with towering huts and homes, platforms, and towers as tall as some cliffs he made during the Archon Wars. How was this able to escape detection, he wouldn’t know. He noticed that his camp was far from the main paths that led to the nearest villages and Liyue Harbor. It would have been easy to pass by the camp without knowing its existence. But he could understand the mass attempting to protect Her Eminence and her Heir.
For thousands of years, he has seen and cared for the numerous statues of the creator all around Teyvat (mainly Liyue) – one of the perks of being the oldest of the Archons. He has visited the shrines dedicated to their benevolent god. He had once been in their divine presence before and after so long of their absence, he could never forget the radiating warmth or the glowing of Her Eminence when she bestowed blessings or created life. He had seen her fight numerous times when otherworlders or even outer Gods attempted to take Teyvat for theirs – he wondered how it would be to fight alongside her.
He was Morax.
How could he face her when he took part in the Archon Wars, the destruction of Khaenri’ah… events that he knew His precious Creator vehemently protested against. The death of so many of her creations by his hands due to misplaced grief…
“Auntie! Let’s play! Or we can go out again with the Hilichurls! Or better yet! Let’s hold a party!”
“Oh? What kind of party would it be?” Tilting her head to the side, the young woman decided to entertain her nephew, smiling as she knelt down to his height, right before he wrapped his arms around her, the woman picking him up with ease and spun around, earning a few laughs and giggles.
“A dance party! One with music and food! Lots and lots of food!” Though he was ecstatic, [Y/n] could see the sadness on his face and in his voice, looking back at the slimes and Hilichurls sensing the young boys want for friends to eat with them. This world wasn’t kind to monsters like them..
They disliked seeing the boy saddened by anything, he greatly valued their company and friendship from what the young woman noticed.
They’d have lived among cities and towns once but… she couldn’t accept how people treated the Hilichurls and slimes, some saying that they were simply monsters with no thoughts.. living among other people also meant that she accepted being a part of this world. Half of her did want to since she didn’t want to go back to such a mundane life where her life was just… average. Doing the same thing every day all year round and repeat. It wasn’t appealing. The other half wanted to go home as she missed many things, one of them being her family. And her nephew had to go back too for he sorely missed his parents even as he put on a brave face for his aunt.
Holding him close again, she hummed gently as Billy and a small Dendro Slime hopped alongside her as she walked towards their hut.
Zhongli smiled at the child’s desire. And frowned at the lucky Hilichurls and smiles that were around the Creator. It was natural for all creatures to gravitate towards the Creator, he was one of the lucky few that got so close long ago. He remembered her showing unconditional love and though some wished to be considered a favorite, she never chose anyone. These actions made everyone instantly love their Creator and dedicated themselves to follow them. He remembered during those times how he wanted to prove his loyalty to their World, their Eminence. What could he do to prove to them that he was faithful and loyal.
Some feared being selfish but would it really be bad to be selfish just once?
He saw an opening to get close and he made his move, making sure to be unnoticed as he had to have the two in his vision in fear of them leaving again.
“Auntie, why do we keep moving? I want to stay in Liyue.” The young boy laid his head against the womans lap, pouting as the said woman giggled, her hand running through his hair gently.
“Because soon people of this nation… the Qixing, the Millilith, and even possibly the adeptus will know that we’re different. Before we came here, I read stories where though some people appeared like their god, they were chased away despite being the real one. It’s my job as your guardian and aunt to keep you away from danger.”
He wouldn’t dare!
The thought that he or anyone in Liyue could turn away their Divine Creator would be preposterous. To dare harm or turn away the Creator was blasphemous!
“Do they think we’re bad people? Is it because we’re those Gods they talk about?”
“That’s part of it. But even if you are, don’t let it get to your little head. Remember, with great power-
“Comes great responsibility. I know, Auntie.”
The young heir was intelligent – a hope for the future. Though it was the desire of everyone to have him live happily, live innocently and never let him see the hardships that Teyvat has seen.
Seeing his chance, he made himself known as he quickly stepped in front, knowing that he’ll shock his beloved creator and her heir as they audibly gasped, the woman quickly holding her nephew close while the two slimes appeared in front and were waiting for their word to attack and defend – even going so far as to even let the Hilichurls know of the intruder before the man suddenly knelt to the ground, his forehead touching the ground.
This was his chance!
To show his unwavering devotion, his adoration. His love for the Divine Creator that helped him keep sane for so many years. And the glee to be the first of the seven to find her.
“Your Grace! Though I’m unworthy to be in your presence, please hear me out.”
[Y/n] held [Nephew’s name] close to her as the mysterious man appeared. Billy and the Dendro slime didn’t waver as they were serious in their job. [E/c] eyes stared down at the man that was basically kowtowing in front of her – the man was quite tall though she couldn’t be too sure just yet. His skin was fair, short dark hair with a long fringe to his right and amber tips. There was a section of his hair that ends towards his waist. But [Y/n] knew one thing….
He was handsome.
And [Nephew’s Name] knew it too as he was willing to hear the man out. Besides, he was a mission and he was sure that he may have found a worthy person to make his aunt happy. Wiggling out of his aunts grip, same as when they first met the Hilichurls, he hopped down and slowly walked towards the man as his head was still touching the ground. But [Nephew’s name] was quite certain that the mysterious man wasn’t going to hurt them. He raised his hand slowly and [Y/n] was behind him, watching with batted breath and to ensure nothing happened to the boy. The small hand gently touched the mans hair, curious as he ran his fingers through it slowly and patted him gently, the man moving to look up at them.
Seeing them this close, it was there that Zhongli finally shed tears.
His despair for many years have now been rewarded in seeing his God, his beloved.
Her glow, though dimmed by her mortal form, he could clearly see it – the envy of the stars and the moon in the night skies. Her stare – it was said to hold mass kindness and wisdom, a far away look that knew about the past, present, and the future and even beyond worlds.
Standing before him was the very God that he devoted his victories to in his younger years, the very God that made all of Teyvat and Celestia mourn from their disappearance.
[Nephew’s Name] was cheering in his mind as the man was indeed handsome. Gorgeous even! If he wanted to, he could set him up with his aunt! He had to play his cards right!
“Mister, are you okay?”
It wasn’t the words of his beloved but the voice of the child that brought him back.
The Heir.
The Divine Creator talked constantly about their relatives, about their siblings and how one of them gave birth to a child, the very child that was in front of him. A child that everyone agreed to be the God of Youth and Innocence.
He truly fit the role as he was bestowed with perfectly as there was childlike innocence in his eyes but he could see a hidden mischievousness too. How easy it was for him to see through his sorrow and the Divine Creator just standing behind the child and looking at him with concern. Concern for him, a lowly Archon that has worshiped her for millennia.  
The Geo Archon felt tiny fingers wipe away the tears from his eyes as he stared gently at the boy who smiled widely.
“There now! Hey, do you want to hear a story? Auntie always said that the tears always turn to gems or even become stars. I like stars so when I cry, I wish that they soon go so high up and hope that they shine the brightest so people can wish on them or even be homes to others!”
This wishful thinking earned a giggle from the woman, making the two slimes then relax a little as they then nuzzled against the boy who giggled as well.
“Well, its bad for a growing boy to hold back your emotions. Ah, sir, you may stand. I’m sure it must hurt your knees being in such a position.” Her Grace was benevolent just as he remembered!
He stood just as he was told, though amused by the child’s pout before he went back to his place beside his aunt, holding onto her skirt and hand as the two slimes stood at each side of the two.
“I’m sure you have plenty of questions, oh man of Liyue. Or… could I call you Morax? Or… what name are you comfortable with?”
In the year of being in Teyvat, there has been access to public libraries like in Mondstadt, and Sumeru. There was also the people of Liyue talking animatedly about the history and culture of the land and even the Gods that once roamed everywhere, but not so much as the Lord of Geo, Rex Lapis. But others tend to call him Morax as well and if her research was correct, the Mora of Teyvat was named after him.
One other thing that [Y/n] learned was that the Geo Archon was known to have many disguises but one tell of his was that each disguise had his signature Geo Amber eyes.
“Your Grace…” Though it shouldn’t surprise him, Zhongli was speechless. But then again, she was the Divine Creator. The Lady that created All should be the last one he should be surprised in their actions.
“I am still the governing Archon of Liyue. Rex Lapis will do. But I also go by the name of Zhongli.”
“I see. Well then. Zhongli, there is something I must ask of you.” [Y/n] smiled gently, the Geo Archon looking almost hopeful.
“You must pretend you never saw us here today.”
He didn’t think it was possible to hear one’s own heart break until today. Could he have done something wrong? Surely not. He couldn’t have when he has been a faithful follower all these centuries. Could Barbatos and Baal say the same? Or even the others? Well, he could see the Dendro and Cryo Archons, but to his degree of devotion?
“Your Grace. I can’t do that. The people of Liyue… the people Across Teyvat. They are searching for you and the young Heir. Surely, someone of your stature and his deserve comfort and a safe haven other than in the wilds!”
[Y/n] sighed as she held onto her nephew, closing her eyes to think for a moment. She was sure now the Hilichurls heard their voices but she didn’t want a fight to break out.
“Yes. I understand that but…” Could she play around with the people’s faith here? This sounded sacrilegious. It could be just a coincidence that she happened to share the same face – the same likeness – as the great God of this world. If she waited long enough, maybe the real one will come and she could even ask if they could send her and her nephew home.
“But… I am not ready to take the mantel of being Teyvats God. It has been a year, yes. However I must think of my nephew. He is still young and confused of the responsibilities he will have one day. I don’t want to rush him towards that blind. Though I have full faith in all of you, there are just something where it needs to be me to tell him.”
‘Okay, that sounded mature and reasonable. Not sacrilegious either. Maybe he’ll take this answer.’
“But, Your Eminence! We are your faithful creations. Your burdens are our own and if there’s any way we can help, then we’ll gladly do so!”
Faith is said to be strong, also depending on the person or being. Reading more, Morax or Rex Lapis was said to be one of the most, if not the most, faithful of all the Gods that still live among Teyvat. If anyone that was still alive in the time of the first appearance of the Creator that was faithful to the God, it would be Morax.
“And I am grateful for such loyalty. However, my nephew is my top priority. As I said before, pretend that you never saw us. But, that doesn’t mean that I have forgotten you and the others. May we meet again, oh Great Geo Archon.” Carefully holding onto her nephew, [Y/n] swiftly ran out of the hut, Billy and the Dendro slime following behind as the two soon took to the skies like earlier.
It didn’t seem right to give the Archon hope, but it were the words that might give him comfort. The following days, she has noticed that some powers were coming to her. And though she was in denial, that first day with the Hilichurls starting in Mondstadt with her blood being gold was an indicator that she was who the people of Teyvat say she is.
“Auntie, why did you leave him? He seemed so nice!” [Nephew’s name] cried out as he climbed onto her back and held on tightly. She glanced back and smiled gently.
“Because what he was asking of me was something I’m not ready for. Besides, the day that we must go home might be here sooner than you think.”
Isekai anime and manga taught her much to be weary of who to trust and how much to reveal. And if worse comes to show that she must be cunning to enact revenge. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but it never hurts to prepare.
“We’re going far away, nugget. We’re going to have to work on a disguise for each other. Think of it as Halloween all over again.”
“Yay! Halloween!”
The next stop of their adventure was the nation of Sumeru, where the green forests met with their vision and made them audibly gasp. They have been here before but every time they step foot in the forests, there was a singing being heard either by Teyvat themselves or the beings that inhabit the forest.
Unbeknownst to the two, a certain amber eyed Archon was running around Liyue in hopes to find the Divine Creator and her nephew. How could he take his eyes off of them and let them leave after he just discovered them?! Though he wasn’t in touch with Celestia, he was certain the higher powers that his beloved God was a part of would surely punish him.
He hasn’t been this frantic since the Archon wars, protecting his people and sheltering more ever since Havria was killed and her followers fearful for their lives. Every second mattered, every second with every action meant the difference between life and death as sought protection for the mortals he was caring for as well.
Though he was certain that Teyvat would care for his beloved God, there was the voice in his mind that spoke of the untold dangers that might come from extreme devotees or even, dare he say, sacrilegious zealots – people that were adamant that the Creator never existed. To them, he would show them the Wrath of the Rock. How dare they when he himself has seen Her. And he has seen Her with the Heir this time.  
He will remain hopeful of seeing her again. And the next time he will come across Her path, he will be sure that Liyue will be the home that they deserve – for it is said that wherever the Creator decides to descend will be showered with grand favor other nations will gladly go to war for.
A/n: Zhongli is going to be a simp but that's okay UwU What will happen next? Btw, I just now made it to Sumeru sooo~ will we meet Al Haitham? Cyno? Nahida? Kaveh? Who's to say~ We still got the men in Mondstadt, Inazuma and Childe. And the rest of Liyue cause we only met Baizhu and Zhongli. Everyone, good luck pulling for whoever you want! I'm pulling for Al Haitham~!
I tried tagging most of who I could but it wasn't letting me qwq
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starlightshore · 4 months
i think enough time has happened that i can talk freely about Undertale Event...2! if you haven't watched it, uhm. Please do!
Undertale Event
I voiced Dr. Alphys and I did all the artwork.
The only two real fangames were:
Sans the Game
Giga Sans
Everything else was made by a couple of friends (and a guest submission, GTA Sans) and me.
Here's my 4 trailers if you just want to see them isolated.
for an explanation to what the hell this even is under the cut:
This is a parody of UnderEvent, a yearly Nintendo-Direct like showcase of Undertale Projects. I know people/have particpated in this since the first year.
While I try my best to keep to myself in the fandom, I do talke with people and dive a little bit into what's going on. I know the words "dust-trust" and "last breath" but i could not tell you what specifc AU they are each. I'm not good at video games so I only really play the big ones (UTY, TS, and most recently Delta-traveler). So like, I'd say i'm halfway there to knowing the basics of whatever the hell is going on in this fandom lmao!
I love how weird and silly this fandom is. I've got my own gripes about different aspects (cough, Sans Therapy: sans has mental illness the fangame was made in part with my extreme frustration with how the fandom handles the topic of mental illness. Like, seriously, cut that crap out...)
but anywayz off my rant for the day, there's a lot of this fandom I can admire from an, admittedly, confused distance.
I'll actually refrain from talking too in-depth about my thought process on the trailers as we plan on doing a commentary edition for the video. That'll be fun!
As for if we'll have a sequel...?
We have no idea yet if we are. I'd only want to make one if we can justify its existence. If you're in the fan-project community and want to be involved, please reach out to me! I can't guarantee we'll let you in as, as I said, I don't even know if we're making a sequel yet. But I love the idea of making a bigger, badder, and more ambitious sequel!
Alas for now I must go...... I'm writing this the night before and i'm sleepy lmao. Hope you enjoyed the video!
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thehellsystem · 9 months
the varigo is killing me rn.,,. . do you have head canons
WRITING A VARIGO FIC RN SO YES Varian just never stopped being afraid of blood. So, one time, Hugo got hurt during the trials. Bleeding all over the place kind of injury. "Did Varian help him?" "Did Varian support him?" Varian dropped like a rock to the ground and Nuru and Yong found them knocked out and one of them covered in blood and they were like "...what is WRONG with these adults?" Playing Pokemon Violet DLC,,,,, Varian would have a Galarian Zigzagoon and Hugo would have a Zorua. They hate each other Olivia was NOT for Varigo. She was over here going "Nope that is MY Hugo, I have had him all to myself for years and you can't have him" and Ruddiger was entirely ready to have another human to feed him apples so they were just fighting each other. Still very bitter about having to share their people, though. AUs... thinking about aus Specifically a Star Rail au where Varian is Mara-struck. That appeals to me. I could write that. But I don't want to share vat7k with people that like hsr because nothing is scarier than having a popular fandom in your fandom of like, twelve people. SPEAKING OF HOYOVERSE GAMES Varian would have a cryo vision. Since they stand for conflicted ideals most of the time, he'd probably get it during the snowstorm. His ambition was to save his dad, but he wanted to listen to his dad so badly. Hugo would PROBABLY have a pyro vision. I think he'd get it after Varian got posessed, because most of his life was spent doing mindless thieving. The second he could focus on something else, he realized how much he just wanted a calm life. He looked at his crush being posessed and went "I am NOT doing this again! Jesus!" Varian listens to Michael in the Bathroom on repeat at 12am every night and Hugo is So Tired of it. He's a Heathers fan and cried listening to Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise) from Mean Girls. They like horror movies but are both objectively afraid of them. In the bad way. Varian watches that one really fucked up episode of My Little Pony and is out for the rest of the year on horror movies. He kins Stygian.
Varian and Ruddiger copy each others expressions. Olivia noticed this and got EXTREMELY jealous, so she started doing it with Hugo. They both have their little vermin copying them. Hugo does not have Can Eat Spicy Food Swag. He only has White Boy Swag. Hugo and Rapunzel do white girl shit together. Rapunzel loves Varian very much, but she and Hugo are posing together for Instagram pictures and buying Starbucks and going to Target. Hugo with a braid is real to ME because I feel like that reminds him of Rapunzel. Varian thinks it's funny. ON THE SAME NOTE Hugo does not understand Rapunzel. He doesn't understand people who do nice things for no reason. If he's doing something nice, it's because he expects favors back. Even if the favor is just something like a kiss from Varian or a good pat on the back from Eugene. Rapunzel will give him little gifts and he panics because he doesn't know what she expects back from him. Varian has to explain that she's just That Nice. He's very concerned. They participate in actively sitting in each other's laps. Ask them when the last time they sat in an actual chair was and they stare off into the distance and have a flashback scene in their mind. Hugo is objectively uncomfortable to sit on but his scrawny twink ass is just laying on Varian whenever possible. Royal meeting and they don't have an extra chair for him? Don't worry gang, he already has one!
They are both deranged! Yippeeee!
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pansear-doodles · 8 months
Cancelling a majority of my rain world projects
I really didn't want to do this. After the incident, for a while I thought I could just easy out on it by just checking in on people who are still okay with me, but that'll only drive more stress, and frankly- I hate that my life forward in this fandom is a guessing game. I value a lot of people in this fandom and now... a lot of them are gone. Just like that. I can't stop them and... that's okay.
I figured that- in the end. I think it would be better that I cancel these projects, and assume that anymore new ones I make would involve people who are those that are accepting of me and do not distance from me after everything. I don't want to create forced things, especially when furthering the kind of interactions that introduce discomfort from both sides.
Unfortunately the cancellation of these projects involve the outputs of people who are chill with me, but I believe that those people who are chill with me would be fine with myself prioritizing my health and safety over things that aren't made out of sheer obligation.
It sucks, but in order to move forward, I have to let things go. These projects included. Please do not blame the people who were responsible for these causations. Do not harass them.
If this brings any comfort, not all projects are affected. The MAP will still go on (and I'm so thankful to have a lot of supporters regardless of everything) and I'm certainly not cancelling my Anthro AU projects over this (but... projects involving modcats... I don't know...).
As much as a lot of things hurt, I won't back down myself completely just because I disappointed some people. I must have courage. I have the right to exist and share my work to everyone and enjoy these experiences. They may mean nothing to others, but to me, it means everything. It is my passion after all.
I'm not making this post to be a woobie nor this is me desiring clout or whatever. I think it's best to address what will happen to these projects from there on out directly.
Notable projects include:
Shipping punnet square
Pride Month Requests
Different artist scugs in the same drawing
Sticky Note walls (it just hurts to look at some of the messages now)
Drawbox Sharing (but... I remain to see the drawings for my eyes for myself, even though some of them really hurt.) ; In turn, I'm closing the drawbox.
Thank you for understanding. Here's to hoping a good future and projects that can come to life and find their own finish lines.
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