#and any shenanigans you want to see them get up to lmk!
scribbling-dragon · 1 year
Watcher’s Nest Café
Chapter 2
The man came back.
The man walks into the café the next morning, smiling cheerily as the bell twinkles merrily above the door, announcing his arrival. He is far too happy for a man whose stolen fiver is still sitting in the tip jar.
(ao3 link)
(2,484 words)
The man came back.
The man walks into the café the next morning, smiling cheerily as the bell twinkles merrily above the door, announcing his arrival. He is far too happy for a man whose stolen fiver is still sitting in the tip jar.
Cleo is alone this morning. Pixl’s in some early morning class that he complains about every time he has to go to it. Scott isn't sure why he complains, because he distinctly remembers Pixl choosing that class specifically because it was early in the morning so it would ‘get it out of the way’ for the rest of the day. He’s actually pretty sure Pixl has done this every single year he’s been at university.
Cleo being alone does not mean she is any less of a menace to him. Even worse is that Pearl is here today rather than Jimmy, meaning they're attempting to make his life more of a living hell than it usually is.
“Good morning,” Pearl chirps, leaning against the counter, “what can we get started for you?”
Cleo is staring at him from the bar counter, their eyes attempting to bore into the side of his head with the intensity of their stare. He does his best to ignore them- looking in their direction will only encourage them in the future and he does not want this to turn into a repeating incident.
“Just a latte, please.” The man holds just his card in his hand this time, wallet tucked securely away somewhere else. Pity, Scott had almost been tempted to see if he could steal something else from him.
“That’ll be three-fifty.” The man taps his card against the machine, all three of them waiting in silence before it beeps.
Scott works on the coffee slowly, dragging himself through the familiar motions. He could do this in his sleep at this point, really- and probably a good thing he can because he feels as though he’s going to keel over any moment now. The morning has been slow too, meaning there’s been no adrenaline kick to wake him up properly and he’s left feeling like he’s swimming through molasses to get anything done.
He sets the coffee in front of the man, who has chosen to wait beside the counter rather than sit somewhere else, resting his hip against the counter. He doesn't look at Scott as he sets the drink down, eyes instead focused on Pearl, squinted slightly, as though he’s trying to think of something.
Scott clears his throat, and the man jumps, hand pressed to his chest. “Geez, man, give a guy a little warning, huh?”
“Your drink is ready.” He gestures towards the drink, nudging it a little closer to the man.
“Ah, yeah, thanks.” The man still seems a little distracted. He’s not looking at Scott and when he turns to find where the man’s gaze has wandered, he finds it fixed on Pearl again, watching her as she cleans the coffee machine.
“Hey,” he drags the man’s attention back to him. “Prefer it if you didn't stare at my co-workers like that, hm?” Pearl’s looking now, one hand still resting against the coffee machine as she watches them. Cleo’s watching too, though it seems less so in concern and more because she wants to be able to recount this to Pixl word-for-word.
“Oh, sorry,” the man laughs, finally picking his drink up. “I just, do I know you from somewhere?” He directs the last bit at Pearl, voice lilting up a little at the end. “I just feel like I've seen you before, but I can't put my finger on it.”
“Really? Can't say I recognise you.” Cleo snickers, glancing between Pearl and their mystery man.
“No, no, definitely someone I've met before. Not many people with an Australian accent out here- where did you go to school?”
Pearl pulls a face at his question. “Don't think you should be asking a random barista that.”
“Ugh, yeah, sorry.” The man winces, like, a full-body wince that Scott has only seen from Jimmy before. “That’s kinda weird, lemme rephrase that: did you go to the Evolutionary Belief Primary?”
“Evo?” Pearl cocks her head to the side, “Didn't think anyone still knew about that.”
Scott has heard many stories about Pearl’s primary school- both Jimmy and Pearl’s primary school. Mainly stories about what a hellhole it was, and how odd a lot of the teachers had been. Last time it got mentioned was when Pearl and Jimmy were talking about it being shut down, though neither of them could figure out what it was for, only that it managed to get into the national news.
“You do know it!” Scott is simply glad that there are no other patrons currently in the café because this man is going to scare everyone away at this rate- seriously, has he ever interacted with people before? “Man, I knew I wasn't going mad- I went there too, knew I recognised you.”
“Uh-huh,” Scott nods along. “Is that all you wanted to know?”
“I- yeah, I guess?” The man looks at him as though he’s only just remembered he’s here. He’s tempted to give him a little wave before sending him on his way, but resists. “Oh my god!” Scott winces away from him, fins flattening to the sides of his head at the man’s outburst. “You were the girl that climbed the trees to read her books!”
“That was me.” Pearl looks at him from the corner of her eye before she looks back at the man. “Weren't you the kid that always snitched on me when I did it?”
The man laughs, leaning back on the counter and setting his drink down. He looks a little red. “Yeah, uh, that was me. It was Pearl, right?”
“Yep!” Pearl rocks back and forth on her feet a little. “Don't remember your name, though.”
“Martyn,” the man, Martyn apparently, grins. His drink is going cold, which is his problem rather than Scott’s. He hopes he has to drink cold coffee. Maybe he’ll stick around and let Scott witness him drinking the cold coffee. That would make everything happening right now worth it. “I'm pretty sure you threw a book at me once.”
“Oh, yeah!” Pearl giggles, making her way over to the counter, nudging her way in beside him. He shuffles to the side, making room for her. He leans a little more of his weight on the counter, easing the weight from his leg- the cold weather certainly isn't helping, and neither is the recent insomnia. “It was a hardback, right? I think some of your blood is still on it.”
“That’s weird, Pearl.”
“Aw, Scott, I've seen your apartment. You have some freaky stuff in there.”
“A mannequin is not freaky.” His mannequin is perfectly respectable, even if she hasn't been used in several years. He doesn't have the heart to throw her away- not after they've been through so much together. “You're just weird about her.”
“She’s stitched together.”
“We’ve had a few accidents over the years,” he shrugs, “she’s old, and I didn't want to buy a new one. She still works perfectly fine.”
“No, Scott, I'm on Pearl’s side with this one.” Cleo points at him with her spoon, nodding sagely. “She looks like Frankenstein’s monster.”
“She’s hardly going to come alive.” He sighs, pushing back off of the counter. “You're just overly dramatic about her.” As no one else seems inclined to do any work around here he grabs the anti-bac from beneath the counter, peering around for a cloth before he manages to find one trailing halfway out of a drawer.
“I swear she moved, once.” Pearl whispers to Martyn, leaning against the counter. He can't tell if she meant for him to hear her or not, so chooses to ignore her either way. The mannequin doesn't even have arms, so he’s not sure how Pearl saw her move.
“So, you a fashion student?” Martyn says, and it takes Scott several moments to realise he’s being spoken to.
“Not anymore.” He continues cleaning the table in the furthest corner- they always manage to forget about it during their rush hours, so he may as well clean it now rather than leave it to gather dust. The leather of his gloves creaks as he grips the cloth a little tighter, swiping it back and forth a few more times. It does nothing but make the table shine a little more- it hadn't even been truly dusty, but something about the man - Martyn - makes Scott nervous.
Silence echoes in the shop for several long moments after that and he continues to clean the tables. He doesn't want to turn around and find all three of them looking at him- he’s glad, now, that this man didn't show up while they were busy. Or maybe he should have hoped that the man did show up when they were busy? He probably wouldn't have stuck around for a chat then, and Scott can't exactly kick him out when he’s done nothing wrong, he’s not even asked about the five-pound note he’s definitely realised is missing by now.
“Hey, Martyn,” Pearl breaks the silence. “Weren't you friends with Jimmy?” It’s a very obvious way to break the awkward silence that had settled over them, but it works anyway, Martyn perking up again as Pearl begins to regale him with the story of the Sheriff Incident.
“Pearl,” Jimmy stares at Pearl, aghast. Tango snickers beside him. “No, please, tell me you didn't.”
“He asked.”
“No he didn't,” Scott brushes past Pearl, on his way to deliver two hot chocolates to the table beside the door. “You offered the information freely.”
“Scott!” Pearl protests. “He didn't need to know that!”
“You didn't need to tell him about that,” Jimmy slumps over the counter, head pillowed in his hands. Tango pats him on the shoulder.
“Hey, it’s not the worst thing she could have told him,” Tango attempts.
“Oh yeah?” Scott steps back behind the counter, casting Jimmy’s slumped over form an amused look. His voice is slightly muffled. “What else could she have told him? What could have been worse than that?”
“She could have told him about the fallout from that incident, you know, with the toys-”
Scott wonders, briefly, whether to tell Jimmy that the man they are currently talking about is still here, sitting in the back corner with a thick textbook and a vaguely stressed look on his face. He’s not sure what he’s studying, but he’s heard enough about the upcoming exams that everyone has that he can probably make a guess to why he’s stressed.
The textbook looks thick enough to be a medicine textbook, but the guy also doesn't give off med student vibes. He’s far too cheerful and awake for that- most of their med students ignore whatever medical advice there is on caffeine intake. Scott normally lies to them about how many shots he puts in their drinks (seriously, he’s not looking for a murder charge, alright?) and just hands it over. It’d do med students some good to get some sleep every once in a while.
So, definitely not a med student, even though the textbook looks heavy enough to kill a man.
He takes the ticket Pearl hands to him, eyes still fixed on the man tucked away in the corner of the shop- it’s normally so easy to overlook that table in the back corner, but he’s found his eyes drawn periodically to it throughout today.
“You do know he’s still here, right?” He asks, if only to watch Jimmy’s head shoot up, eyes blown wide.
“Where?” Tango asks, apparently curious to meet Martyn as well. It certainly was interesting to pin the name he’s heard from Jimmy several times over the years to a face. Though he hardly looks like the type to start a club for policing other students.
“Back corner,” he nods over towards the table. “Your drinks will be done in a moment.”
“Fantabulous,” Tango grins, grabbing Jimmy by the shoulders and pulling him up- though he’s less upright and more hunched over to allow Tango to continue holding onto his shoulders. “We’ll go have a chat with him then.”
“Pearl,” he doesn't even turn his head away from the machine, fins twitching at the sudden absence of sound from where Pearl should be. “Don't touch the music.”
“But all you play is musical soundtracks.” Pearl complains. He can hear her feet scuffing over the floor, dragging herself back towards the till. “Don't you get bored?”
“Don't you get bored of trying and failing?”
“I’ll succeed one day.”
He scoffs a laugh. “Maybe when I'm dead.”
Pearl huffs a laugh. “Not far off by the looks of it,” she’s leaning closer a moment later, hair slipping over her shoulder as she forces him to look at her. “How much have you been sleeping recently?”
“Not enough.”
He sets Tango’s drink on a saucer, shuddering at the thought of how much caffeine it contains- he doesn't shy away from strong coffee, but Tango scares him. Jimmy’s hot chocolate is far less stressful to think about for prolonged periods of time.
“That’s not an answer, Scott.” Pearl’s eyes are sad as she looks at him, the freckles on her cheeks glinting beneath the light, like tiny stars. “Is it about…” she trails off, but the silence is more meaningful than any words would be.
He fixes her with a glare, picking the drinks up. “I'm taking these to the lovebirds.”
“That’s not-” Pearl cuts herself off with a sigh as he walks away. He does his best to ignore the guilt he feels, settling heavy in his chest, brushing it off as he sets the drinks down in front of Tango and Jimmy.
They've sat down with Martyn, Tango listening excitedly as Martyn tells him some story or another. Jimmy looks like he wants to melt into the floor. Tango thanks him for the drinks, and he gets a muffled sentence from Jimmy that could be a thank you but could also be him pleading for a swift death.
He’s just glad that Cleo’s not here this afternoon, leaving the bar counter empty. It looks almost lonely without Pixl or Cleo occupying it with their rocks and their notes. But he’s still glad she’s not here, because while Pearl will continue to look at him with sad eyes in the hopes that he might crack (which has never worked in the past and will continue to not work), Cleo would strongarm any answers out of him, regardless of who is listening. And he knows who he is more equipped to deal with on two hours sleep.
He checks the clock, praying for the seconds to start ticking faster.
(He thinks the clock starts going slower, just to spite him.)
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alvojake · 3 months
you are such a great writer omg… could you do something along the lines of meeting jays parents for the first time and at dinner jay and the reader get handsey and desperate and jay has to do something about it….
「notes」 : anony first off thank you <33 second this ask had me drooling the whole entire time i was writing it, so i hope you enjoy!!
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Hands Off, Hands On | P.JS
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「paring」 : bf!jay x fem!reader 「word count」 : 2.4k
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「synopsis」 : it was the first time that you were meeting jay's parents and at a fancy restaurant at that, however, neither you nor jay could seem to keep your hands to themselves.
「genre」 : smut
「warning」 : making out, choking, mirror sex, public sex, teasing, creampie, mentions of pregnancy, slight breeding kink, unprotected sex (no ma'am), petnames (babe, baby, princess, good girl...), praising, lmk if I missed anything!
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The dinner conversation that was happening around you was cheerful and full of happiness. However, you couldn't pay any attention to it, seeing as your boyfriend's hand trailed the length of your bare thigh. Squeezing the plump flesh every so often and his fingers wandering a little too dangerously close to your clothed core. Every time you thought that he was finally going to touch you, he would move back down to just right above your knee.
You smiled sweetly at Jay's mother when she asked how you liked the food. You told her that it was very new to you, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. However, your hand that was gripping the side of your chair, trying to stabilize yourself, released its vice grip before reaching over to your boyfriend's lap. 
Jay nearly choked on his water when he felt your small hand palming his growing erection. You sat there with your hand over your mouth to conceal the smirk you had plastered over your lips. Moving your wandering hand to pat his back gently, cooing at him to be more careful. He gave you a pointed glare before harshly squeezing your thigh, making your body jolt, and a gasp fell from your covered lips.
“Are you alright, y/n dear?” Jay’s mother asked, concern filling her eyes at your sudden movement. Now it was Jay’s turn to stifle a smirk as you tried to cover up by saying it was just the hiccups.
Your hand then found his crotch once more, grabbing his dick through his dress slacks. He bit back a groan at the sudden feeling before moving his hand further up your thigh, pressing a firm finger to your clit, and watching as your jaw clenched.
This little game of both of yours seemed to have gone on for ages when, in reality, it had only been about ten minutes. Jay was fully hard in his pants to the point that it was almost painful while you had soaked entirely through your underwear, sure that some of it had dripped onto the expensive chair you were sitting on.
Jay’s parents sat across from the two of you, blissfully unaware of what shenanigans the two of you were up to. You should have been embarrassed by what was happening; it was your first time meeting them, after all, but the lust had already consumed you far before you even stepped foot into this fancy five-star restaurant. 
You blamed it on the little red dress you were wearing that Jay had bought for you. The moment you walked out of the bathroom wearing it, your boyfriend had his hands all over you, leaving your body hot under his touch. His kisses on your neck left you wanting more, but you were rudely cut short when his mother called asking when you two were heading to the restaurant. The same little red dress that Jay so badly wanted to rip off of your body and bend you over the nearest surface to fuck you stupid, not caring who could see. But he knew he needed to have a little patience because he knew the moment the two of you got home, you’d be begging him to bury his cock deep inside your dripping cunt.
The feeling of your pretty, manicured fingers stroking his dick through his pants damn near made him cum then and there. That was the last straw; he didn't want to look like some loser who comes in their slacks because of their girlfriend's touch; no, if he was going to cum, then it was going to be into your weeping pussy, pumping his load so deep into your womb.
Jay quickly tugged your hand away from his lap as he felt his high creeping up way too quick, surprising you. He, however, didn’t spare you a glance as he smiled adoringly at his parents.
“I just remembered, y/n brought a gift for you guys, but we left it in the car.” His words came out quickly, almost incoherent, but the older couple seemed to understand, “We’re gonna go grab it and be right back.”
You looked over at your boyfriend, eyebrows scrunched together, confused, “But babe, I didn’t bring any-” You were then cut off when your breath hitched in your throat as Jay harshly pressed down on your clit with his thumb. Quickly picking up on what he was trying to do, your ears started to burn red. Your eyes shifted to meet his parents, “I did bring something. I hope you guys like it.” A slight pout adorned your face, causing Jay’s mother to coo at you, telling you that she was sure that they’d love anything you brought.
Jay pulled his hand away from your needy core, causing you to bite back a whine before he stood from the table, quickly adjusting his pants. Once his chair was pushed in, he walked over to you, holding a hand out. You grabbed it, allowing him to pull you to your feet. Your grip on Jay’s hand tightened as your legs felt wobbly, not missing the smirk that tugged on the corner of his lips.
You punched his side softly as he told his parents once again that you guys would be right back before tugging you toward the front entrance. You weren’t sure what your boyfriend’s game plan was, but as you neared the exit, you were sure he was really dragging you to the car. The thought worried you a little bit. It’s not like the two of you haven’t done it in the car before, but you were in a more secluded area, not surrounded by so many people at that time.
However, just as you made it to the entrance, Jay looked over his shoulder to make sure his parents weren’t paying any attention before dragging you off in the direction of the bathrooms. He quickly opened the door before pushing you inside, and he followed shortly after. When he had the door locked, he turned around to face you, his fingers quickly finding your neck, encasing your soft flesh, and pulling you towards him.
“God, you are such a fucking tease.” Jay groaned against your lips, causing you to whine out, saying that he started it. 
Then his lips were on yours, kissing you with a bruising force, knocking all of the air out of your lungs, leaving you breathless. Jay pushed your body backward until your lower back hit the edge of the countertop. Neither of your hands left the other's body, fingers gripping and pulling at fabric, desperate to feel skin on skin.
“Jay…” You whined out as his lips trailed down your jaw before finding that one spot on your neck that made your knees weak. His hand then moved down to cup your soaping heat, causing a choked moan to leave your lips.
“Gotta be quiet, princess. We can’t have anyone find us now, can we?” Jay cooed in your ear, and you bit your lip, nodding.
Your hands then went to his belt, and you fumbled to undo it. As soon as the button was unfastened, you were ready to drop to your knees, but Jay was quick to stop you. 
“As much as I would love to have your pretty little mouth wrapped around me, we don’t have the time.” He mumbled against your cheek before pressing a searing kiss to your lips; he pulled away with a groan as your hand wrapped around his cock. “Turn around.” 
You didn’t think twice before following his instructions and turning, only to feel your face grow warm when you caught sight of your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were glazed over with lust, your cheeks a shade that resembled a strawberry, and your lips were swollen. Jay smirked as your eyes then trailed up to meet his in the mirror.
Before you could even utter a word, Jay wrapped his hand around the back of your neck, pushing the front of your body against the countertop. A whimper fell from your lips when he pressed his hips against yours, his bulge pressing against your weeping core.
“Fuck baby, you’re so warm, and I’m not even in you yet.” He groaned in your ear, his chest laying against your back.
“Jay, please.” You choked out, wiggling your hips, desperate to feel him buried in you. Jay’s other hand found purchase on your thigh, just below the hem of your dress.
“Please, what, princess?” He chuckled as he bunched up your dress up over your hips, his eyes falling on the black lace panties that were sticking to your pussy, outlining everything. A groan fell from his lips at the sight, his fingers grazing over your clothed slit, causing your hips to buck and a whine to escape your mouth.
“Fuck me already, Jjong, please.” The nickname falling from your swollen lips made his dick twitch.
Jay’s lip was pulled between his lips as he rid himself of his slacks and underwear, letting his rock-hard dick spring free. Your eyes watched him through the mirror, your mouth watering at the sight of his angry red tip. Catching your gaze, he wrapped his hand around his base, pumping himself a few times, causing you to whine, your core throbbing.
Sensing your impatience, he removed his hand from himself before grabbing your panties and pulling them to the side. His thumb pressed against your slick entrance, watching as your juices pooled out.
“You’re so wet, baby. Did I really make you this needy?” He asked with a smug smirk, knowing damn well that he did. You let out a breathy moan as he pushed his thumb into your hole, but he was quick to pull it out.
You were about to let out another whine when you felt the head of his cock prodding at your entrance. A choked moan tore through your lips when he bottoms out completely, your mind going fuzzy as he starts moving at a harsh pace, leaving no time for you to adjust.
“J-Jay- fuck!” His name fell from your lips as he continued to piston his hips into yours at a mind-numbing pace. Jay chuckled as you clasped a hand over your mouth to conceal the moans that were slipping past your lips.
Jay watched your eyes roll back as he positioned his hips until his tip brushed over your sweet spot, a sweet moan muffled by your fingers. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer, not with the way you were clenching around him crazily.
“Jay, I’m close.” You whined, feeling the knot in your lower gut starting to tighten.
Jay moved his hand from the back of your neck to the front, pulling your body up, your back flush against his chest. The new angle had stars clouding your vision, his tip kissing your cervix with every thrust. Your sweet moans flooded right into his ears until you were squeezing his cock so deliciously. 
“Fuck, look how beautiful you are taking my cock like a good girl.” His voice was low and raspy as you lifted your head to look in the mirror. Your walls contracted around him as your eyes fell to where the two of you were connected, watching as his dick slid in and out of you with ease.
Your body twitches when his fingers start rubbing sharp circles on your swollen bundle of nerves. Choked moans leave your lips; Jay’s hand wraps around your neck and squeezes slightly, keeping your noises from getting too loud.
“Cum for me, princess.” He peppered kisses along your jaw as your vision clouded over when your orgasm washed over your body, making your ears ring and knees weak. A groan tore through his lips as your pussy tightened around him like a vice, and with a few more thrusts, he spilled deep inside your womb, painting your gummy walls white. His hips moved slowly against yours, riding out both of your highs until he came to a complete stop, allowing the two of you to catch your breath.
Jay mumbled soft praises in your ear as his hand moved from your neck to rest right under your breasts, holding you close. After a few moments, you muttered something about his parents waiting, causing him to chuckle. He pulled out of your carefully, listening to the soft whimpers that would fall from your lips. Once he pulled out completely, he moved your underwear back in place, allowing the fabric to absorb the mixture of your cum.
He then moved away a bit, letting you fix your dress while he pulled his underwear and slacks back up, making sure he was still presentable. 
“What about this so-called gift I got for your parents?” You teased as you turned to fix his collar, looking up to meet his eyes. He smirked as his hands wrapped around your waist, pulling your body closer to his before leaning down to your ear.
“We could always go home and return in a few weeks to surprise them with a grandchild.” Jay couldn’t help but laugh when he pulled away to see your flushed face; your eyes were blown wide at his words. They made your body feel warm and tingly, taking everything in you not to pull him back down to connect your lips.
Instead, you pinched his side with a pout, “You’re not funny, Jay, plus I just met them tonight.”
“Who says I’m joking, baby?” His voice left an open promise as he leaned his forehead against yours, causing your eyes to flutter shut and your hands rested on his chest. The thought of you walking around with a round, swollen belly, carrying his child, made his dick twitch again.
“Come on, we’ve left them waiting long enough.” Your meek voice broke the silence, Jay moved away only to grab your hand, and you both left the bathroom.
When you got back to the table, you were quick to come up with a reasonable excuse that you and Jay had searched the car front to back but couldn’t find the gift, promising to give it to them the next time you’re able to meet. Jay’s mother just beamed hearing that you wanted to see them again and told you that your presence in their son's life, as well as theirs, was worth more than any gift.
Seeing you with his parents, Jay knew he was locked in with you, not that he really minded. Then he remembered his words in the bathroom moments ago, his body growing tense with need once more. He just couldn’t wait to go home and pump you so full of his cum until he was sure that you were carrying his child.
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @heesitation @riftanswhore
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thewulf · 5 months
A Little Jealous || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - I was hoping if I could get one with Jake Seresin x reader where they're very close to each other and flirt with each other all day and makes everyone sick with their shenanigans but they secretly pine for each other... Read Rest Here
A/N: Good old miscommunication trope :) I love writing Jake. Keep on sending these amazing requests in and lmk what you think below! TY for the request @stuffingbuttsandshit
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 3.3k +
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“You’re being dumb, and you know it.” Natasha rolled her eyes before turning back to the traffic light the two of you were stopped at, heading towards the Hard Deck. Your usual Friday night hangout spot after yet another grueling training session with Maverick. He was kicking all of your sorry asses right into shape.
Leaning back into the seat you refused to look at her instead keeping your eyes trained out the window, “He doesn’t like me like that. He’s not a relationship guy Nat. He’s said it a hundred damn times. Why would I be any different?” Sighing in frustration Nat noticed you toying with the hem of your shirt, a nervous habit she picked up on after only you for a short while.
“Because you’re you? He told me yesterday how much he likes you.” She sighed in annoyance as she kept her eyes on the road even though she wanted to slap some sense into you. She often had to restrain herself from quite literally beating you up sometimes.
“As a friend! He likes me as a friend you doofus.” You added on knowing he couldn’t possibly return the feelings you had for him.
She scoffed while very visibly rolling her eyes at you, “Can’t believe you called me a doofus you dork.” She sighed before letting you continue the conversation, “Listen, all the two of you do is flirt. He’s constantly staring at you when you aren’t eye fucking him right on back. I haven’t seen two people get along so easily before in this line of work. Might as well embrace what you have while you have a chance.”
“Whatever. I’ll talk to him tonight.” You didn’t want to admit defeat, but you were growing rather tired of going back and forth with her on it. If there was one thing she was it was adamant, and this was the only way to get her to be quiet about it.
Her eyes lit up almost as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing from your mouth, “Really?”
“Yeah, yeah. If it comes up naturally I will.” You nodded your head thankful she was pulling into the bar already. There was a reason everybody from base went here after work, it was close. And you couldn’t be more thankful to be out of the car away from her prying eyes.
She shut the car off turning back to you, “Good enough for me. Now go in there and get your man.” She smirked knowing it’d set you off. She was right of course.
“Not my man.” You grumbled before happily hopping out of her car that was suffocating with her pressing you on the topic of Lieutenant Jake Seresin.
Of course, you’d love to take the next step with him. You practically threw yourself at the guy every time you hung out with him. But he never seemed to take your advances for what they were. Maybe you weren’t forward enough? Or maybe he just wasn’t a relationship kind of guy. You shuddered at that thought. He’d eventually be a relationship kind of guy. When he wanted to be. Why couldn’t it be with you?
When you walked through the front door and over to your usual spot you didn’t spot him right away. Instead, you spotted Bob and Rooster in the corner chatting away about something intently. Sitting down next to them you waited for their conversation to conclude before interrupting them.
“Hey Y/N.” Bob acknowledged you after a minute. You didn’t mind. Your eyes were busy scanning for Jake. Much to your annoyance you didn’t see him. Was he not here yet? That’d be off, he always beat you to the bar. Always saved a seat for you.
“Hey guys.” You nodded at the both of them with distraction written all over your face.
Rooster smiled over at you knowing exactly who you were looking for, “He’s on the other side of the bar with a friend.”
“Who is?” You couldn’t hide the blush that appeared out of thin air just at the thought of Jake. Were you really that easy to read?
“Hangman.” Rooster leaned forward challenging you, “The guy you’ve been looking for since you walked in.” Bob couldn’t help the small laugh that came from his friends joke.
“I have not.” Your eyes looked everywhere but his.
Bradley laughed, “Sure. Go on then. Go get a drink or something. Definitely don’t go looking for Jake or anything.”
You stook quickly, gracious of his out, “Am I that bad of company?” You mocked offence.
“Hardly.” He smiled shaking his head at your usual antics. Rooster had come to like you quite a bit. You were sharp as a tack, deadly in the air and kinder than they usually came. He’d be a fool not to befriend you. An asset he knew he’d need in the future, “It’s our company I fear that is not nearly riveting enough for you.”
You giggled shaking your head at him, “You’re something else Roos.” Before he could reply you walked over to the bar ordering a drink but also looking for the man who’d taken your heart so effortlessly.
When your eyes scanned the other side of the bar your heart nearly stopped when you finally spotted the guy you’d been looking for. He was sitting there talking, no laughing, with a beautiful blonde woman. Your mouth ran dry as your heart rate picked up at a rapid pace. She was absolutely breathtaking. Far, far more beautiful than you could ever hope to even come close to. If he was chatting her up so easily then how in the hell did you ever think you stood chance with man? Nat was right. You were just you.
You’d let Nat’s words get to your head and get yourself into thinking he’d actually want you. How could you have been so damn stupid? Your eyes watched them carefully as they both seemed overjoyed to be in such an intense conversation going on.
It was Penny who knocked you out of the longing stare that had your thoughts consumed so entirely, “Drink?” She asked.
“Uh, actually I’m alright. Thanks Pen.” You waved her off not wanting to get stuck here longer than you wanted.
She gave you a confused looked before turning away back to her paying customers. You walked out in a half daze thinking about the pretty blonde woman who had captured Jake’s attention whole so easily. You’d managed to avoid everybody on your way out including your ever so nosy friend. You decided to walk home, it was only about a half mile back to your apartment. You’d done it a hundred times before. You were just usually a little drunk and not so heartbroken.
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In your mind it was best to simply turn your phone to silent and flip it over while you watched reruns of your favorite shows once you got home. You’d decided it was best to throw yourself a little mini pity party mourning a relationship that’d never be. So that’s exactly what you did. Ignored your phone and watched television. That was your first mistake. Your second was ignoring the knocks on the door. Instead, you turned the TV up just a little louder pretending you couldn’t hear it. Once the heavy banging on the door commenced you knew you could no longer ignore it.
You flung the door open in irritation not knowing who exactly it was but assuming it was Nat, “Would you quiet down? You’re going to get me in trouble…” The words stopped dead in your mouth as you observed Jake on the other side of the door and not Nat. Jake. Shit.
“You didn’t answer my texts.” He frowned giving you a once over scan that you would’ve missed if your eyes weren’t so trained on his. He was checking to make sure you were physically fine. You knew that.
“I turned my phone on silent. Wanted a night to myself.” You answered him before continuing with your own question, “What are you doing here?”
“Or my calls. You ignored my calls.” His frown deepened as he scanned your apartment behind you now. What was he looking for?
You sighed now, getting a little frustrated with his seemingly impromptu visit, “I told you. My phone is on silent in another room.”
That snapped him out of whatever he was doing. You usually didn’t have such a hostile tone with him. Everything with you was usually so gentle. The hostility was left for the skies, “Why? Why weren’t you at the Hard Deck tonight? Nat said you came in with her?” He looked so confused, almost hurt?
You nodded, “I did. I just felt, unwell.” It wasn’t an outright lie. Seeing Jake with that beautiful blonde woman made you more nauseous than you’d like to admit.
“Oh okay.” He frowned giving you another once over, “Are you alright?” He took a step to the side looking almost bashful. Not as confident as he normally came off. It was odd to see him so out of sorts. What was the reason? Surely it couldn’t have been you.
You took a moment to contemplate his question. You were fine, certainly. Just a little devastated for something that would never occur. A future you yearned for that would never begin. But you were fine.
“I’m alright. Why are you here Jake?” You asked once more not stepping away from the front door. Not letting him in but not shooing him away either. You’d usually let him waltz through without a worry, but something was stopping you.
“To check in. I got worried when you wouldn’t answer. You always do.” He answered without a beat. He didn’t look l
“Oh.” You nodded at him. That was kind. That was very much like him, “Sorry to make you stop by.”
He shook his head, “It’s alright.” He kept looking you over. You were playing with the hem of your shirt again. Things were awkward. Uncomfortable. You were nervous and he wasn’t saying what he wanted. Unsure of what to say you just looked down. Not ending the conversation but not making it move forward either.
“Well, goodnight.” You said after a few moments of painful silence. There wasn’t usually this much tension between the two of you. It felt wrong. There was never usually such an air of awkwardness such as there was now.
“No, wait.” He put his hand on the doorframe so you couldn’t shut the door. Not that you were planning to shut it in his face, “Is everything alright Y/N? I don’t… I don’t know what happened or what I did.” He paused giving you a genuine look of confusion and concern. A look you weren’t terribly familiar with from the man.
He was right. How would he know? You were being weird and secretive. And now that you knew he was probably dating that girl you couldn’t air out your love to him. That’d just ruin the friendship you’d grown to love with him.
So instead, you had to deflect a bit, “I didn’t want to interrupt you.”
He turned his head in confusion at that, “Pardon?”
“Uh,” Might as well spit out some of the truth, “Tonight. Was going to tell you I was heading home but then I saw you talking to the woman. She was pretty.” You added the last sentence in almost silence hoping he couldn’t detect the jealousy radiating from your body. It wasn’t easy to hide, no.
He crinkled his eyes together, “Who?”
Was he playing dumb? Could the interaction have been so minute that he didn’t even recognize just how gorgeous the woman was? You bit the inside of your mouth to hide your dissatisfied frown, “The blonde woman you were talking to in the booth?”
He cocked his head to the side. First a wave of confusion crossed his face then recognition of the interaction must’ve crossed as his once confused face turned to realization, “You mean Amy?” His smile turned to a knowing smirk once he put two and two together. Jake was anything but dumb. In fact, he was quite intelligent. It hit him as to why your mood would have turned so sour towards him so quickly.
“Amy?” You asked playing right into his hand. He had you now and you didn’t even know it.
He nodded leaning onto the side of the apartment building, “Yup. She was my commanding officer back in Virginia. We were catching up for a moment.” He nodded his head watching you as he reveled in your realization of who he chatting with. He also knew how pretty she was. Jake had thought so since the moment he had laid eyes on her all those years ago. There was a slight problem though, she wasn’t exactly into men. And she wasn’t afraid to let those around her know it. Apparently, you hadn’t picked up on it though. And Jake decided he’d tease you about it for a bit.
“Oh.” You said again as you took a step back while crossing your arms over your chest. It wasn’t exactly an invitation inside the apartment, but it wasn’t not either. Jakes eyebrows quirked up quickly as he realized he was getting somewhere with you. It was cute. You were jealous. You’d been so good at hiding any emotion he wasn’t sure if you actually liked him back. Nat had assured him that you did, and you were just afraid at showing it. Afraid of the consequences once you dove headfirst in. But this was a sign, albeit a small one.
He bobbed his head up and down while taking a small step forward, “Oh indeed.” He gave you a wry smile as his eyes traced over your face, “She was just telling me about how she and her wife were looking at adopting once they get settled out here.”
Your eyes rose in recognition of what he had told you, “Her wife?”
He took another small step forward, shrinking the already small space between the two of you, “Of three years. I was invited to the wedding. It was nice.” He grinned knowing he had you now. Your little outburst and show looked a little silly. He knew you felt embarrassed because he knew you. He adored you. He had begun to love you.
You looked down letting a small sigh of defeat out. You did feel embarrassed. Mortified actually. This is why you didn’t jump to conclusions. This right here. You stepped away from the door officially inviting him inside. He’d done nothing wrong. And even if he was flirting with a pretty blonde girl he would’ve done nothing wrong. You didn’t have any claim over him. Crap. You’d just made an unknowing mess of everything.
Jake didn’t hesitate at your invitation in. A sort of nonverbal apology he happily accepted. He sat down on the couch opposite of you giving you a smile, “You don’t look sick.” He said to you.
“I feel better.” You gave him a quick nod knowing your cheeks were beginning to flush right in front of him.
“Did your illness have anything to do with Amy?” He pressed deciding he wanted to cross the invisible line between the two of you tonight. Your acting out showed him just how much you actually did like him.
“No!” You were quick to answer, far too quick.
His little grin grew into that signature Jake smirk. The one that was often reflected at you in a much different light. Not like this. Not like he’d caught you doing something because he actually did.
“You sure about that?” He leaned so far froward you were sure he was trying to touch you now. Egg you on. Press your buttons. Cross the line. Maybe Nat wasn’t wrong? Maybe he did have feelings?
With wide eyes you shook your head, “No.”
He scooted over on the couch, so he was sitting next to you now. He reached out, placing a hand on your knee, “You seem… a little jealous?”
Your eyes were staring right at his hand that seemed to engulf your knee. You tried to answer him, really. But when you opened your mouth not a sound would come out. You shut your mouth in an instant before turning to him knowing he was right. You were a little jealous. But did you really have to admit it to him?
He leaned a bit closer to you, running his hand just a touch up your leg, before whispering in your ear, “For what it’s worth, I think it’s adorable that you’re a little jealous.”
Thankful for him giving you a little relief you finally found your words again, “You do?”
The smirk turned down into a soft smile as he saw the lack of confidence in your face. Had he not done enough to assure you of how he really felt? He’d thought he made it pretty obvious.
“I do. I think it’s really cute. Wanna know another little secret I’ve been keeping from you?” He asked you.
Your heart rate involuntarily picked up at that, “Yes.” It sounded more of a whisper than anything else. But you couldn’t quite help it. You were nervous. He made you terribly nervous.
“I think you’re the prettiest woman I’ve ever got to know.” He smiled watching your reaction. It was nice seeing you so expressive with him. You’d always been so cautious and reserved with him. Collected and calculated. But you no longer had to be. Not when he’d been so outright with it now.
“Now, I know you’re joking.” You laughed not so sure of his admission to you. But his face said otherwise.
“Have I lied to you before?” He asked knowing the answer was an easy no.
You shook your head in response, “No.”
He smiled softly moving his hand from your leg to your hand, “Why would I start now then?”
You gulped at the seriousness in his tone and through his expression. He wasn’t lying. He was out here admitting his feelings towards you. Damn. Nat was right. More than right. You were a fucking idiot.
Before you could stop the words that came out of your mouth you finally admitted to him how you’d been feeling, “I like you.”
He smile before capturing your face in his free hand, “A little jealousy always helps.” Brushing your lip with his thumb he studied your face intently, “I like you too. I like you more than you can even imagine.”
A breath of relief washed out of you as the words you’d been dying to hear left his lips, “That’s good to hear.”
He started laughing. A good old hearty laugh that filled you with your own sense of joy and giggles, “Let me take you out on a real proper date darlin’?” He asked once the shared laughter between the two of you had died down.
You nodded quickly, breathlessly as you took in his lovestruck gaze, “I’d like that.”
His other hand joined him as he cupped your face in his embrace. You were truly vulnerable as hell to him, a position you’d tried to avoid from the get-go. But you couldn’t help it. You were falling for him, fast.
“You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you right now pretty girl.”
You leaned towards him without a second thought, “Then do it.”
He thought for a second before shaking his head, “Can’t kiss you without taking you out first darlin’.”
You bit your lip knowing it’d drive him past his breaking point, “Please? You don’t have to be a gentleman tonight.”
He groaned, tightening his embrace on your face as carefully as he could, “How can I say no when you ask like that?”
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mamachasesmayhem
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songbirdseung · 2 months
not you / nishimura riki
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synopsis: out of all the people that could've hurt me, i didn't expect one of them to be you.
warnings: angst and angst and more angst, heartbreaks, toxic behavior, mixed signals, cheating, lmk if i missed anything else.
pairing: riki x reader, takes place in college
wc: 14.7k
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With your phone alarm going off, you come out of the bathroom, ready and prepared for the day ahead of you. Numbers on the clock tell you that you have enough time to eat breakfast, brush your teeth then head to your first class of the day. When we say breakfast, we mean coffee and maybe toast bread (if you're lucky) because that's the kind of luxury living in a dorm gets you. Roommates aren't always the best thing ever but lucky you, you did not get the shorter end of the stick. Because of Bahiyyih, she was a year above you but that did not matter since you two seem like long lost sisters. She's definitely one of the reasons why you are currently mentally sane.
Unfortunately, she'll also be the reason why you meet the one that will make your college life a living hell and test that sanity of yours. Being close to her means you come along to her brothers' dancing competitions, being at those competitions also means you meeting Nishimura Riki...
Here's the thing, there was nothing wrong with Riki, when you first met the rest of Huening Kai's dance group members; Riki was the most kind and most welcoming. He was someone who you clicked with so easily, someone who presented himself as if he was so trustworthy... emphasis on 'was'. Because right now, the man standing in front of you is reminding you what 'hindsight' is.
It started during your freshman year, after gaining a solid friendship with Bahiyyih; she wanted to bring you to one of her brother's performances for the school's event. You never minded going to them because you enjoyed musical art in your own time as well. When you went to see these events, you only ever looked at the group as a whole, judging their skills and expertise. That was until you went backstage to see Huening Kai. His group just won first place and you went over with Bahiyyih to congratulate them.
That's when your life was going to start shifting because when you knocked on the door, Riki opened the door with a warm smile, and gestured you guys to enter. "Hiyyih, nice to see you again" he says in a sarcastic tone, showing the close-ness he has with Bahiyyih as well.
"Oh Riki, I love seeing you around" Hiyyih responds back with the same kind of sarcasm. "This is yn, be nice". You looked up at him, and geez did that feel like an effort to do since he was 6ft tall, maybe even more than that. He smiles shyly as he notices how cute your height difference was. "Wow, look at Riki boy being all shy, that's new". one of the other guys say, which you later find out it was a senior named Heeseung.
"Leave him alone guys before he becomes beet red" Huening Kai walks in and greets you after. You look back at Riki who was still opening the door, standing in the same spot. "You okay there, bud?" Kai nudges him; getting him out of his trance. "What? Love at first sight?"
There you have it, your little meet-cute with Riki, it is also the day that marks the teasing shipping by everyone that knew you two. But that did not stop Riki from sticking around, it's like the teasing only egged him on to bother you as well. Since that day, nothing could have prepared you for the antics and shenanigans Riki would add into your life. But you weren't complaining.
"What's going on with you and Riki?"
"Are you two dating?"
"Do you like him?"
You felt like you were being interrogated by your friends at the lunch table. Since they saw that Riki treated you for boba tea and cake, also they noticed how he would constantly do romantic things for you, which you had to try your best to explain how you were friends and that he was just a natural gentleman.
"Yeah, cause any guy would go out of their way to get you things in the middle of the night, offer to run errands for you, and buy you flowers just because...why not?" At this point, your friends were setting you up for failure since they were not letting you rebuttal and debunk their theories.
"Guys, I swear...we are just friends." shoving another spoonful in your mouth and rolling your eyes at your friends. Look, you had no issue with the constant teasing and shipping but sometimes they can push it.
"Oh yeah, then why is he coming over with a bag of goodies like he knows you're on your period today?" turning around, and yes, he was coming over to your table with a black plastic bag filled with necessities. "Hey yn, I picked up some stuff when I went to the convenience with the boys." He hands over the bag and you take it with a smile. "Wait, why did you-"
"I just took notice to your cycle-" Riki stops himself when he realized how shocked you looked and maybe started thinking that he was a psycho. "Oh- OH wait...did that sound weird...I'm sorry." soon after, you had to assure him that it was okay and that you never expected it.
After he leaves, you sit back down and face your friends who had a certain look and smile on their faces. Some of them raising their eyebrows at you, like they want to say "just friends, huh?"
"Don't even start" warning them but the look still remains on their face. Again, rolling your eyes and focusing back to eating lunch before you had to drag your feet to your next class.
Guess what? you have that next dreaded class with him.
Later, you're in your usual seat, re reading the notes in case the professor wants to suddenly have a pop quiz. So focused that you do not realize that he already sat next to you. "Do we have an exam that I don't know about?" eyes leaving the notebook to look at him, one bicep on the table, head held by his palm. He's rocking the same hip hop fit and classic smirk.
"Why do you have to stress yourself out like this, relax yn" taking the book out of your hands and closing it. Before you could say anything, he places it on his desk and looks back at you. "There's no pop quiz or exam, the professor isn't even coming to class."
"What if there's a substitute and they give us a task?" chuckling, he looks at the wall clock and gives you an ultimatum. "In the next 20 minutes, if no one shows up, let's get out of here and just hang?" This was nothing new, Riki has always proposed this idea to you but never got to happen. So, you always just say yes.
Usually after he would give the ultimatum, the professor or the sub with walk in. To which you see the disappointment in his eyes as he slumps in his chair, along with a "I hate this class".
But this time, it has passed 15 minutes and no one else but your classmates have entered the room. For those 15 minutes, Riki has been mentally planning on what he's going to do or where he's going to take you if you both do end up leaving. Why was he even nervous, he's been out with you, multiple times...but in groups.
Another 5 minutes goes by and before Riki could bask in his victory, someone from the faculty comes in. You smirk and rub his back jokingly. He looks back at you and sends you a death glare. "You hate me that much? You can't even spend an hour and a half alone with me?" As he starts pouting, the professor speaks up.
"Your professor won't be able to make it in today, he also did not leave any task or assignment, so you are free to go." now the reactions are switched, your smirk fading and Riki's pout turning into a smile.
Now, you find yourself in the newly opened cafe in the campus. With a very happy Riki. "Now that I think about it, you're stuck with me for 4 years, and maybe even beyond that. You know...after graduation." He sips on his coffee and whips out his phone. "What if I move schools?"
"Then I'll just have to follow you there." Taking a picture of the food and while you were looking out the window, he snaps a quick picture. "You look pretty, yn." its times like this where you start to question if your friends were right and maybe Riki has feelings for you, but you think back to his interactions with other females; he pretty much acts the same towards them...but does he call other girl pretty and take them out to more than just friendly dates?
"Riki, can I ask you something?" You couldn't let this live on anymore, you had to get a straight answer from him, getting the answer to this 'what are we' situation you both were in.
"Sure, anything."
"Even if it might change our friendship?" He pauses but bounces back quickly and proceeds to shrug. "It can't be that bad, shoot"
"Do you perhaps...like me? romantically?" Looking straight at him. "I just...I'm getting mixed signals from you and I-"
"I do"
"I really do"
From that moment on, your freshman year was occasionally filled with Nishimura Riki.
In the beginning, everything was molded perfectly into your life, nothing seemed to overlap, had a handful academic stress but had resilience. Riki was the addition that you loved. In the beginning.
The first official date happened a week after that talk, Riki decided to go to your dorm room, which was extremely restricted to males, but somehow, he slipped through the wire and convinced you to go on a spontaneous date. He took you to a park and you two had a picnic and played soccer together. It was a fun time, getting to know Riki and him getting to know you on a different level and for a different reason.
The first kiss was when you were at a little group hang out, Riki and his friends separated from you and the others, only to come back with funny disguises; embarrassing you guys by dancing and singing loudly in the middle of the mall and only promising to stop if you kissed his cheek. Which you were going to do but he moved his face so you could kiss his lips.
The first 'I love you' was when it was spring break for freshman year when Riki had to go back to his hometown to visit his family. When you two were saying your goodbyes, you said the three little words.
As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the campus, you and Riki found yourselves standing beneath a blossoming cherry blossom tree. It was the last day before spring break, and Riki's hometown beckoned him back to his family.
Finally, with a soft sigh, you looked up at him, your gaze filled with affection and vulnerability. "I love you," you whispered, the words hanging in the air between you like delicate petals.
Riki's heart skipped a beat as he processed your confession, a rush of warmth flooding his chest. He felt a lump form in his throat, overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotions. "I love you too," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper but filled with sincerity.
A little fast forward to second year, you were now both sophomores; still going strong as a couple. It been roughly 8 months since you two got together in February, during your freshman year. Now we stand in September, the very first day of your sophomore year. First day was always nerve wracking for you, no matter what because you have too much to look forward to but also so many things to worry about.
But still, your main focus and priority was still to be on the grind, work your butt off to get high grades, do extra-curricular activities, but still making times for friends and loved ones.
And that's what you made sure to do, months passed, and you were one of the few students who were on the top of their classes but still manage to have their own private life, to others; you make it look so easy.
"Got time for your boyfriend, or no?" Putting down your book and then sitting down next to you, Riki had a pout on his face, giving you puppy eyes. "You seem to like this book more than me these days" continuing to sulk until you give in and give him attention for the rest of the day.
"I just have an exam coming up, that's all." You try to reason but nothing ever seems to work for Riki, "I still reach out and keep you updated though" unfazed, he simple places his face to rest on his palm, still facing you with the same pout and puppy eyes. Sighing, putting down your reviewers and pens, asking him what he wants.
"I'm not taking you completely away from your study time, I know how important this is to you but take a break, let's go out and get some snacks, then we can come back here and I can study with you?"
Now you knew your boyfriend, and this man does not study. But somehow, still gets decent grades, far from a failing one. "You? studying, that's funny."
"Hey, I'm turning a new leaf, I want to match my smarty pants of a girlfriend." Rolling your eyes as you pack your things. After zipping up your bag, Riki goes to carry your bag for you, along with his.
You really felt like Riki was meant to be in your life and you were meant to be in his. The two of you just seemed too perfect for one another, as said by many people in your life. The support, love, and genuine care you have for one another was something you rarely see in college couples. Others tried to find a flaw in you two but somehow, nothing seemed to come to the light. Sure, there were small arguments here and there but even for your first big fight, you both never screamed nor yelled at ech other to get your point across. It was all clear and patient communication to fix whatever caused the problem. It was never you vs him, it was always you two vs the problem.
"Seriously, have you ever seen a more inseparable pair? They're like two peas in a pod!" Kai says while gesturing to Riki and You
"I know, right? I'm convinced nothing could tear those two apart." Hiyyih nods in agreement
"Yeah, not even a tornado or a zombie apocalypse could break their bond. They're like the ultimate relationship goals." Jay laughs as he watched you two from the distance.
"Hey, let's not jinx it. Knowing these two, they'd probably take on a zombie horde together and come out unscathed." Heeseung raises his eyebrows but says sarcastically.
"Can you calm down; you're stressing me out!" one of the guys on the dance team takes hold of Riki's jittering self. Clearly, he was under stress and pressure to do well in this event. "Yeah Riki, you'll do great, like always" Kai comes up to him and pats him on the back.
"Yeah, but this time, I have a solo part and what if I-"
"You won't. You're literally a born to be dancer and performer." there you are, what Riki needed right now. Walking into the room giving him the biggest hug you could give him but considering the height difference, you were more like a baby bear to him.
"You've got this, Riki. Just remember to breathe and let your passion flow through every movement."
"Thanks, Babe. I don't know what I'd do without you here."
The emcee's voice echoes through the speakers, announcing the next performance. Riki takes a deep breath, centering himself as he steps onto the stage, the spotlight illuminating his figure.
As the music begins to play, Riki's movements are fluid and graceful, his body seemingly moving in perfect harmony with the rhythm. Each step is imbued with emotion, a testament to his dedication and talent.
From the wings, You watch with bated breath, heart swelling with pride as you witness Riki's mesmerizing performance.
As Riki reaches the climax of his solo, the audience erupts into applause, their cheers filling the auditorium with thunderous applause. Your eyes shimmer with tears of joy as you rush forward to embrace Riki backstage, admiration for him overflowing.
"That was incredible, Riki! You were absolutely breathtaking up there."
There was someone in the crowd who thought the very same about Riki...Remember the talk where your friends were joking how nothing could tear you apart? Yeah, the 'nothing' was there at the auditorium.
It's a typical day on campus, with students bustling between classes and the air filled with the hum of activity. Riki is sitting in a lecture hall, scribbling notes furiously as the professor drones on about the intricacies of a science theory. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and the professor pauses, motioning for Riki to step outside.
Riki furrows his brow in confusion but follows the professor's lead, stepping out into the hallway where a man in a sharp suit awaits him. The man exudes an air of confidence and authority, and Riki's curiosity is piqued.
"Riki, I presume? My name is Hiro Endo. I was at your performance yesterday, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed." Extending a hand
Riki's eyes widen in surprise, his heart pounding with excitement. He shakes Hiro's hand eagerly, his mind racing with possibilities.
"Thank you, sir. That means a lot coming from you. But may I ask what brings you here?"
"I represent one of the most renowned entertainment companies abroad, and I believe you have the potential to be a star. Your talent is undeniable, and I would like to offer you and a fellow member of your dance team an incredible opportunity to work with us."
Riki's heart skips a beat at the mention of such a life-changing opportunity. He glances around, searching for his friend from the dance team, who steps forward with a mixture of excitement and disbelief.
"I… I don't know what to say."
"Take a look at these documents. Everything is legitimate, I assure you. This is a chance for you to pursue your passion on a global stage, with all expenses covered and a generous compensation package."
Riki's hands tremble slightly as he flips through the documents, his mind whirling with the magnitude of the opportunity before him. He looks up at Hiro, his eyes shining with determination.
"I'll do it. I'll take the chance."
Hiro's smile widens, sensing Riki's commitment to seize the opportunity before him. With a firm handshake and a promise of further details to come, they part ways, leaving Riki with a newfound sense of purpose and excitement for the future.
As Riki returns to his class, the weight of the decision he's just made settles in his chest.
As Riki navigates the rest of his day, the weight of Hiro's offer hangs heavily on his mind. With each passing moment, the pros and cons of accepting the opportunity to go abroad to South Korea swirl through his thoughts, leaving him torn between excitement and apprehension.
During his next class, Riki finds it difficult to concentrate, his mind wandering back to the conversation with Hiro and the tantalizing prospect of pursuing his passion on a global stage. He imagines the vibrant dance scene in South Korea, the opportunity to learn and grow as an artist, and the chance to make a name for himself on an international level. But alongside the excitement, a nagging sense of doubt gnaws at him.
As the afternoon stretches on, Riki decides to seek solace in the one person who knows him best: Yn. He sends her a text, asking if they can meet up later that evening to talk. With each passing hour, the anticipation builds, and Riki finds himself grappling with the decision of whether to tell Yn about the offer now or wait until it's officially in writing.
On one hand, he wants to share his excitement and fears with Yn, knowing that she'll offer him the support and guidance he needs. But on the other hand, he worries about burdening her with his uncertainties and fears, especially when the offer is still tentative.
As evening falls and Riki meets Yn at their favorite spot-on campus, he takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. He knows that whatever decision he makes, Yn will be by his side every step of the way. And with her unwavering support, he feels ready to face whatever the future may hold.
"Yn, there's something I need to talk to you about."
You look at him, expression a mix of curiosity and concern. Senses the gravity of his words and braces self for what's to come.
"What is it, Riki? You seem… tense."
Riki meets your gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of excitement and uncertainty "A talent agent approached me. He offered me an incredible opportunity to work abroad with one of the most renowned entertainment companies in South Korea."
Your heart skips a beat at Riki's words, a mixture of pride and apprehension washing over you. You knew this day would come, but the reality of it hits harder than anticipated.
"Wow, Riki, that's… that's amazing! Congratulations!" forcing a smile.
Riki reaches for your hand, his touch gentle and reassuring "I know it's a lot to take in, but I truly believe we can make this work, Yn. We've always been so good at communication, and with technology these days, staying connected will be easier than ever. Plus, think of all the opportunities this could open up for both of us."
Your heart aches at Riki's optimism, knowing deep down that your relationship will face challenges you both can't simply overcome with good intentions and video calls. Again, forces a smile, masking your inner turmoil as you squeezes Riki's hand gently.
Softly "Riki, I appreciate your optimism, I really do. But… but we both know that long-distance relationships are incredibly hard. And with your career taking off like this, I… I don't want to hold you back."
Now it Riki's heart to sink at your words, the weight of uncertainty hitting him like a punch to the gut. He had hoped you would share in his excitement, but now he realizes the depth of the fears and doubts.
"Yn, I… I don't want to lose you. You mean everything to me, and I can't imagine my life without you by my side."
Your eyes glisten with unshed tears as you meet Riki's gaze, voice barely above a whisper.
"Riki, I love you. And I want nothing more than to see you succeed and chase your dreams. But… but I can't ignore the reality of the situation. Sometimes love isn't enough to bridge the distance."
Riki's heart shatters at Yn's words, the realization dawning on him that their love may not be enough to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead. With a heavy heart, he pulls Yn into a tight embrace, holding her close as they silently grapple with the uncertain future that lies ahead.
"Yn, please… just hear me out. I know this won't be easy, but I truly believe we have what it takes to make it work."
Your gaze flickers with a mixture of longing and uncertainty, heart torn between the love you feel for Riki and the fear of the unknown that lies ahead.
"Riki, I want to believe that too, I really do. But… but how can we be sure? What if the distance becomes too much to bear?"
"Because I know, deep in my heart, that our love is stronger than any distance. We've overcome obstacles before, Yn, and this will be no different. We'll make it work, together."
"Yn, I promise you, with every fiber of my being, that I will do whatever it takes to make this work. I won't let our love slip away, not now, not ever. Please, just give us a chance."
With a trembling breath, you nods slowly, a flicker of hope igniting within you. "Okay, Riki. Okay, let's give it a try."
You wake up to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, the warmth of Riki's embrace wrapping around you like a cocoon. With a contented sigh, you nuzzle closer to him, cherishing the fleeting moments of peace before the day's responsibilities pull you apart.
Hand in hand, you stroll through the vibrant bustle of the campus, the chatter of students and the rustle of leaves creating a symphony of life around you. With every step, you steal glances at Riki, committing the curve of his smile and the sparkle in his eyes to memory, knowing that soon they'll be but distant echoes in your mind.
Underneath the shade of a towering oak tree, you and Riki share a picnic lunch, the taste of homemade sandwiches and sweet strawberries a bittersweet reminder of the moments you'll soon leave behind. You laugh and reminisce, savoring the precious hours you have left together before the inevitable goodbye.
As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, you and Riki steal away to your favorite spot on campus, a secluded bench overlooking the city skyline. In the quiet stillness of the evening, you wrap yourselves in each other's arms, the weight of the impending farewell heavy on your hearts.
With a heavy sigh, you press your forehead against Riki's, the warmth of his breath mingling with yours in a silent exchange of love and longing. In the depths of his gaze, you find solace and strength, drawing courage from the unspoken promise that your love will endure, no matter the distance.
In these fleeting moments, Yn finds solace and strength in the love she shares with Riki, cherishing every precious second before they must part ways.
The airport terminal buzzes with the energy of travelers coming and going, but for you and Riki, the world narrows to a single, heart-wrenching moment. Hand in hand, you stand amidst the throng of people, your fingers intertwined as you cling to each other desperately, unwilling to let go.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you gaze up at Riki, your heart aching with the weight of your impending separation. His face mirrors your own emotions, etched with sadness and longing.
"I don't want to leave you, Yn. I can't bear the thought of being apart from you."
You choke back a sob, your throat tight with emotion. "I know, Riki. I feel the same way. But… but we have to be strong. We'll find a way to make this work, I promise."
Your words hang in the air like a fragile thread, tethering you together in the face of uncertainty. But as the minutes tick by, the reality of your impending goodbye looms ever closer, casting a shadow over your fragile hope.
It's only when your friend Kai approaches, his expression solemn yet compassionate, that you realize the time has come to part ways. With a heavy heart, you turn to Riki, your eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Guys, it's time. The boarding call has been announced."
Riki's grip tightens on your hand, his heart breaking at the finality of Kai's words. With a trembling breath, he presses a tender kiss to your forehead, his touch a silent vow of love and devotion.
"I'll never forget you, Yn. I'll carry you with me wherever I go."
Your voice catches in your throat as you return Riki's kiss, your heart overflowing with love and longing.
"I love you, Riki. Always and forever."
With one last lingering embrace, you reluctantly release each other, your hearts heavy with the weight of your farewell. With tears streaming down your cheeks, you watch as Riki disappears into the crowd, leaving behind a void that echoes with the echo of your love.
As you watch Riki's retreating figure, you cling to the hope that one day, your paths will cross again, and you'll find your way back to each other, stronger and more resilient than ever before.
The car ride home from the airport is silent, the weight of Riki's absence hanging heavy in the air. You stare blankly out the window, your mind a whirlwind of emotions as tears trace silent paths down your cheeks.
As the car pulls up to your doorstep, your phone pings with a notification. With trembling hands, you unlock the screen to find a message from Riki, accompanied by a selfie that pierces your heart like a dagger. In the photo, Riki's red eyes and tear-streaked face speak volumes, a stark reminder of the pain you both feel in your separation.
Your fingers tremble as you open the message, your heart breaking with each word.
Riki's Text: "Goodbye, Yn. I'll call as soon as I land. I love you, always."
"Yn, we're here for you. Lean on us, okay?" You look up to find Bahiyyih's compassionate gaze, her eyes brimming with empathy. Around her, Jay and Kai stand in solidarity, their silent presence a comforting anchor amidst the storm of emotions.
With a shaky breath, you nod, allowing yourself to be enveloped in the warmth of your friends' embrace.
As the third year of college unfolds, you find yourself immersed in a whirlwind of classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities, each day passing in a blur of busyness and routine. But amidst the chaos of student life, there's a quiet sense of contentment that settles over you, a reassuring reminder that even in Riki's absence, your love endures.
In the four months since Riki left, you've thrown yourself into your studies with renewed focus and determination, channeling your energy into academic pursuits and personal growth. The days blur together in a blur of lectures and late-night study sessions, but through it all, Riki's presence lingers like a guiding light, his love a steady anchor amidst the tumult of college life.
Despite the distance between you, your bond with Riki remains as strong as ever, nurtured by late-night phone calls, heartfelt messages, and the occasional video chat. Each interaction is a precious lifeline, a reminder of the deep connection you share and the promise of a future reunited.
As the weeks turn into months, you take solace in the knowledge that despite the miles that separate you, your love knows no bounds. And though the road ahead may be long and uncertain, you face it with courage and conviction, secure in the knowledge that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you and Riki will weather them together, stronger than ever before.
The soft glow of your phone illuminates the darkness of your room as you settle in for another late-night study session. With a tired sigh, you pull up your phone, a smile tugging at your lips as you wait for Riki's familiar face to appear on the screen.
After a moment, his face pops up, his eyes lighting up with a grin as he sees you. "Hey, love," he says, his voice warm and filled with affection.
"Hey, Riki," you reply, your heart fluttering at the sight of him. "How's your day been?"
Riki leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. "Busy, as usual. But seeing your face makes it all worth it."
You feel a blush creep onto your cheeks at his words, a warm rush of affection washing over you. "You're such a sweetheart," you say, unable to contain your smile.
For the next hour, you and Riki lose yourselves in conversation, sharing stories about your day and trading jokes and laughter. Despite the miles that separate you, the connection between you feels as strong as ever, each moment spent together a cherished reminder of the love you share.
As the clock ticks past midnight, you reluctantly bid Riki goodbye, knowing that another day of classes awaits you both in the morning.
In the bustling cafeteria, you and your friends gather around a table, the lively chatter of students filling the air with warmth and energy. As you dig into your lunches, a familiar face approaches you, a hopeful smile playing on his lips.
"Hey, Yn," he says, his voice tinged with nervousness. "I was wondering if you'd like to grab coffee sometime? Maybe go see a movie?"
Your heart skips a beat at the unexpected invitation, but you offer him a gentle smile. "Thank you, but I have a boyfriend. I appreciate the offer though."
With a disappointed nod, the guy retreats, leaving you to return your attention to your friends. But as you resume your conversation, a question lingers in the back of your mind, like a faint whisper of doubt.
It's Bahiyyih who voices the unspoken concern, her brow furrowed with curiosity. "Hey, Yn, what if someone else likes Riki? What if people start asking him out?"
Your heart clenches at the thought, a surge of protectiveness welling up within you. You take a moment to collect your thoughts before responding, your voice firm yet tinged with uncertainty.
"I trust Riki," you say, your words a quiet affirmation of your faith in your relationship. "And I trust in the love we share. If someone else likes him, well… it's flattering, but it doesn't change how I feel about him."
Later that evening, as you and Riki settle in for your nightly video call, you can't help but share a lighthearted moment with him. With a playful smile, you recount the encounter at the cafeteria.
Riki's laughter fills the screen, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
You chuckle at his teasing remark, feeling a warm flutter in your chest at his words. "Well, he definitely got the wrong idea. But it was kind of funny."
As the conversation winds down, you both find yourselves drifting off to sleep, the comforting presence of each other's voice lulling you into peaceful dreams. With your phones still on video call, you share a silent moment of intimacy, the soft glow of the screen casting a warm halo around your faces.
The next following months were just like that, Riki and you still communicated. Things were different, that's for sure.
Now, you were in your 2 months of the second semester of third year. Riki was now preparing for new upcoming performances, both of ypu had realized that in this time of year, you both are busy and have less time for one another.
As the clock ticks past midnight, you find yourself nestled in the familiar comfort of your dorm room, the soft glow of your phone casting shadows across the walls. With each passing minute, anticipation builds in your chest as you wait for Riki's late-night video call, a nightly ritual that brings you both closer despite the distance between you.
But as the hours stretch on, the silence of the room grows deafening, broken only by the soft hum of the ceiling fan and the distant sounds of laughter from down the hall. With each passing minute, a gnawing sense of unease creeps into your mind, overshadowing the excitement that had filled you earlier.
You check your phone for what feels like the hundredth time, hoping for a message or a missed call from Riki, but the screen remains stubbornly blank, devoid of any notifications. A frown creases your brow as you glance at the time once more, realizing with a sinking feeling that Riki's late-night call isn't coming tonight.
As the minutes turn into hours, you wrestle with a whirlwind of emotions, from disappointment and frustration to worry and concern. Thoughts race through your mind, each one more unsettling than the last. What if something happened to Riki? What if he forgot about your call? What if…?
With a heavy sigh, you push aside the barrage of doubts and fears, choosing instead to focus on the love and trust you share with Riki. You remind yourself that he's likely caught up in rehearsals or meetings, his busy schedule leaving little time for anything else.
But even as you try to rationalize his absence, a small part of you can't shake the feeling of loneliness that settles over you like a heavy blanket. You long for the familiar sound of his voice, the warmth of his laughter, the comfort of his presence.
With a resigned sigh, you resign yourself to another night spent apart, the glow of the phone screen casting a soft halo around you as you drift off to sleep, holding onto the hope that tomorrow will bring the reassurance and connection you crave.
As Riki steps into his apartment, exhaustion weighs heavily on his shoulders, a testament to the long hours spent at dance practice followed by a whirlwind of classes and meetings throughout the day. With a weary sigh, he kicks off his shoes and drops his bag by the door, his thoughts drifting to you, thousands of miles away in Japan.
Glancing at the clock, Riki's heart sinks as he realizes how late it's gotten. It's already well past midnight, and the thought of interrupting your sleep with a late-night video call fills him with guilt.
With a conflicted sigh, Riki debates whether to reach out to you anyway, knowing how much he craves the connection and comfort of your voice. But as he weighs the pros and cons, a sense of responsibility tugs at his conscience, reminding him of the importance of rest and self-care, both for himself and for you.
Reluctantly, Riki sets his phone aside, knowing that the late hour is no time to disturb your sleep. Instead, he resolves to send you a text in the morning, a simple gesture to let you know that he's thinking of you, even when they're apart.
As he settles into bed, the soft glow of his phone casting shadows across the room, he drifts off to sleep, wrapped in the warmth of your memory.
For Riki, the demands of his dance career and rigorous training schedule weigh heavily on his mind, leaving him little time or energy to devote to anything else. Each day is a relentless cycle of rehearsals, performances, and late-night practice sessions, leaving him drained and exhausted by the time he collapses into bed.
As the weeks slip by in a blur of obligations and responsibilities, you find yourself struggling to keep up with the demands of college life while navigating the increasingly distant landscape of your relationship with Riki. Despite your best efforts to stay connected, communication between you has become sparse and erratic, leaving you feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty and longing.
Each day is a delicate balancing act, a relentless juggling of classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities, all while trying to carve out precious moments to connect with Riki. But no matter how hard you try, the distance between you seems to grow wider with each passing day, leaving you feeling increasingly isolated and alone.
The once constant stream of texts and calls has dwindled to a trickle, leaving you yearning for the warmth of Riki's voice and the comfort of his presence. Each unanswered message feels like a tiny dagger to the heart, a painful reminder of the growing chasm between you.
In the quiet moments of solitude, you find yourself haunted by doubts and insecurities, wondering if Riki still cares as deeply for you as he once did. The silence weighs heavily on your mind, casting a shadow over the once bright and hopeful future you imagined together.
But despite the uncertainty that clouds your thoughts, a part of you still clings to hope, holding onto the belief that love has a way of overcoming even the greatest obstacles. You remind yourself that distance is just a temporary hurdle, and that as long as you and Riki remain committed to each other, you'll find a way to weather the storm together.
And so, as the weeks turn into months, you hold onto the promise of better days ahead, trusting in the strength of your love to guide you through the darkness and into the light. For even in the midst of uncertainty, you know that with Riki by your side, anything is possible.
As you take a much-needed study break, you absentmindedly scroll through your social media feed, hoping for a momentary distraction from the weight of your thoughts. But as you idly flick through the photos and updates, your heart lurches painfully in your chest at the sight of a familiar face.
There, amidst the sea of posts and selfies, is a picture of Riki, his arm casually draped around the shoulder of a girl you don't recognize. The image is a stark reminder of the distance between you, a painful testament to the reality of your fading connection.
Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at the photo, your mind struggling to process the flood of emotions crashing over you like a tidal wave. Jealousy, hurt, and betrayal swirl together in a tumultuous whirlwind, threatening to overwhelm your fragile heart.
With trembling fingers, you tap on the photo, your heart pounding in your chest as you read the caption beneath it. "Fun day out with my favorite person ❤️ #love #happyducky"
The words hit you like a punch to the gut, each one a painful reminder of the intimacy and closeness shared between Riki and the girl in the photo. A sense of betrayal gnaws at your insides, leaving you feeling raw and exposed, as if your world has been turned upside down in an instant.
Tears blur your vision as you stare at the screen, your mind racing with a million questions and doubts. In that moment, as you sit alone in your room, surrounded by the suffocating silence of your own thoughts, the pain of heartbreak washes over you like a tidal wave, threatening to drag you under.
With a heavy heart and trembling fingers, you reach for your phone, the weight of the day's revelation pressing down on your shoulders. Despite the ache in your chest, you muster the courage to send a text to Riki, your fingers hesitating over the keys as you struggle to find the right words.
"Riki, we need to talk. Please call me when you get this."
With a shaky breath, you hit send, the message disappearing into the digital abyss as you wait anxiously for a response that never comes. The minutes stretch into hours, but your phone remains stubbornly silent, devoid of any sign of life from Riki.
As you climb into bed, the weight of uncertainty settles over you like a heavy blanket, casting a shadow over the once familiar comfort of your room. Despite your exhaustion, sleep eludes you, your mind consumed with thoughts of Riki and the painful realization of his betrayal.
With a heavy sigh, you curl up beneath the covers, your heart heavy with the weight of unanswered questions and unspoken truths. In the silence of the night, you find yourself grappling with a maelstrom of emotions, each one more overwhelming than the last.
As you drift off into fitful sleep, your dreams haunted by echoes of Riki's laughter and the warmth of his embrace, you can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring. But for now, all you can do is wait, the uncertainty of the future looming large in the darkness, a silent reminder of the fragile nature of love and trust.
With a groggy groan, you roll over in bed, your hand fumbling for your phone on the nightstand. The sound of its insistent ringing fills the room, pulling you reluctantly from the depths of sleep.
Groggily, you glance at the caller ID, your heart skipping a beat as you see Riki's name flashing on the screen. Without bothering with a proper greeting, you answer the phone with a sassy tone, your words laced with a hint of annoyance.
"What, did you finally remember you have a phone?"
There's a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and you can almost hear the surprise in Riki's voice as he responds, his words tinged with uncertainty.
"Uh, good morning to you too, Yn. Is everything okay?"
Despite your frustration, a pang of guilt tugs at your conscience at the concern in Riki's voice. With a sigh, you relent, your tone softening slightly as you reply.
"Yeah, sorry. I just… didn't expect to hear from you, that's all."
There's a pause as Riki absorbs your words, his voice gentle as he speaks.
"I know things have been rough lately, but I want to talk about it. Can we meet up?"
As confusion swirls in your mind, you can't help but furrow your brow in disbelief. "What do you mean, meet up? You're in South Korea."
There's a brief pause on the other end of the line before Riki's voice comes through, filled with an unexpected urgency. "Just… open your front door, Yn."
Your heart races with anticipation as you rush to the door, your hands trembling with excitement. With a flick of the lock, you swing it open, your eyes widening in shock at the sight before you.
There, standing on your doorstep, is Riki, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as he holds up his phone in a gesture of greeting. "Surprise," he says, his voice tinged with excitement and relief.
Your jaw drops in astonishment, your mind struggling to process the surreal sight before you. "Riki, what are you doing here? How did you…?"
But before you can finish your sentence, Riki steps forward, enveloping you in a warm embrace that sends shivers down your spine. "I couldn't stay away any longer," he whispers, his breath warm against your ear. "I needed to see you."
Tears prick at your eyes as you return the embrace, your heart overflowing with a dizzying mix of joy, relief, and disbelief. In that moment, as you stand together on your doorstep, the distance and misunderstandings of the past few weeks melt away, replaced by the overwhelming certainty of your love for each other.
As Riki takes in the redness of your eyes, concern etches his features, but before he can voice his worry, you step back, breaking free from his embrace. His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he looks at you, searching your face for answers.
"What's wrong, Yn?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You meet his gaze with a sassy smirk, your tone laced with sarcasm. "Oh, nothing. Just stumbled upon a cute little picture of you and your 'favorite person' on Instagram last night."
Riki's expression shifts from confusion to realization, his eyes widening in understanding. "Yn, it's not what you think—"
As you step back into the apartment, the weight of the moment hangs heavy in the air, a palpable tension swirling between you and Riki. But before you can retreat any further, Riki moves closer, his arms encircling you in a gentle back hug. His touch sends a shiver down your spine, the warmth of his embrace a stark contrast to the coldness of your heart.
"Yn, please," he pleads, his voice soft and pleading. "Let me explain."
You stiffen in his arms, your resolve wavering as his words wash over you. Part of you longs to hear his side of the story, to believe that there's a rational explanation for what you saw. But another part of you, wounded and betrayed, hesitates to let your guard down, afraid of the pain that lies on the other side of forgiveness.
With a sigh, you turn to face him, your eyes meeting his in a silent plea for honesty. "Fine," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "But make it quick."
Riki nods, his expression earnest as he takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what comes next. And as he begins to speak, his words wash over you like a soothing balm, each one a testament to the depth of his love and the sincerity of his regret.
Throughout the week, Riki's presence brings a sense of warmth and familiarity to your home, filling the air with laughter and shared memories.
One lazy morning, you wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, courtesy of Riki's thoughtful surprise. As you join him at the kitchen table, he presents you with a steaming cup, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Together, you share intimate conversations over the warmth of your drinks, lost in each other's company as the morning sun filters through the curtains.
On a clear night, Riki suggests a spontaneous adventure: stargazing in the park. Hand in hand, you make your way under the twinkling sky, laying out a blanket to lie on. As you gaze up at the vast expanse of stars above, Riki whispers secrets and promises, his words mingling with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant hum of the city. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the universe, you feel closer to him than ever before.
In a burst of spontaneity, Riki challenges you to a pillow fight, the room erupting in laughter as pillows fly and giggles fill the air. You duck and dodge his playful swipes, retaliating with your own, your hearts racing with the thrill of the moment. Amidst the chaos and laughter, you share a connection that transcends words, a bond forged in the simple joys of being together.
These moments, filled with laughter, love, and shared experiences, serve as a poignant reminder of the deep connection and affection that binds you and Riki together.
But amidst the joyous reunions and heartwarming moments, you can't help but notice the subtle shifts in Riki's behavior, the fleeting glances at his phone and the whispered conversations that leave you feeling uneasy.
In the midst of a family dinner, you catch Riki sneaking glances at his phone, his brows furrowing in concentration as he types out a quick response to a message. At first, you brush it off as nothing more than the usual distractions of modern life, but as the week wears on, the frequency of his interruptions becomes harder to ignore.
During a quiet moment alone together, you voice your concerns to Riki, your words tinged with a hint of worry. "Is everything okay, Riki? You seem… distracted."
Riki's smile falters for a moment before he offers you a reassuring squeeze of the hand. "It's nothing, Yn. Just some work stuff I need to take care of."
Despite his words, a nagging sense of doubt lingers in the back of your mind, a silent reminder of the uncertainties that have plagued your relationship in recent weeks. But you push aside your doubts, choosing instead to trust in Riki's love and sincerity.
As the week draws to a close, you find yourself unable to shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at your insides. And then, one fateful afternoon, as you innocently reach for Riki's phone to check the time, you stumble upon a series of messages that shatter your world into a million jagged pieces.
With trembling hands and tears in your eyes, you scroll through the messages, each one a damning testament to the betrayal that has unfolded right under your nose. And in that heart-wrenching moment of truth, the painful realization dawns upon you: Riki's distractions weren't innocent after all. He was hiding something from you, something that would irreparably change the course of your relationship forever.
As you hold Riki's phone in your trembling hands, the weight of the truth settling heavily upon your shoulders, you're startled by the sound of the bathroom door opening. With a shaky breath, you quickly set the phone down on the bedside table, your heart pounding in your chest as you scramble to compose yourself.
As Riki emerges from the bathroom, his expression bright and carefree, you force a sleepy smile, pretending as though you've just woken up. "Hey, sleepyhead," he greets you with a warm smile, oblivious to the storm raging within you.
You return his smile with a forced one of your own, your mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions. Despite the urge to confront him, to demand answers to the questions burning in your mind, you hold back, choosing instead to bury your pain beneath a facade of indifference.
As Riki settles onto the bed beside you, his warmth seeping into your bones, you fight the urge to reach out to him, to seek comfort in his embrace. But as you steal a glance at his unsuspecting face, the memory of his betrayal looms large in your mind, a silent reminder of the shattered trust between you.
In that moment, as you lie there beside him, a silent tension fills the air, a palpable barrier that separates you from the man you once loved. And as you struggle to make sense of the turmoil within you, one thing becomes painfully clear: now is not the time for comfort or reconciliation. For now, all you can do is bide your time, waiting for the right moment to confront him and demand the truth.
As the days pass by, you find yourself grappling with the painful truth that hangs heavy in the air between you and Riki. Despite his attempts to maintain a facade of normalcy, his behavior remains unchanged, his frequent disappearances to answer calls or texts a constant source of unease.
Each time he slips away, you can't help but feel a pang of betrayal as you watch him, his smile once meant for you now a cruel reminder of the deception that lurks beneath the surface. And as he returns to the table, his kiss on your cheek feels hollow, a bitter reminder of the love that was lost amidst the web of lies and deceit.
In that moment, as you sit beside him, a silent tension fills the space between you, a chasm of unspoken words and unresolved emotions. And as you steal a glance at his unsuspecting face, a surge of anger and resentment wells up inside you, threatening to consume you whole.
But instead of giving in to the urge to confront him, you bite back the words that burn on the tip of your tongue, choosing instead to keep silent, to bide your time until the moment is right. For now, all you can do is play the part of the oblivious lover, keeping your true feelings hidden beneath a mask of indifference, all the while knowing that the truth will eventually come to light.
I played dumb, but I always knew That you talked to her, maybe did even worse I kept quiet so I could keep you
As the night stretches on, you lie awake in bed, your thoughts swirling in a tumultuous storm of emotions. Beside you, Riki shifts restlessly, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow.
"Yn, what's wrong?" he murmurs, his voice thick with worry.
But you remain silent, your mind consumed by the weight of your own thoughts. You know you should speak up, confront Riki about the truth you've discovered, but the words catch in your throat, suffocated by the fear of what might come next.
Sensing your hesitation, Riki reaches out to gently caress your cheek, his touch a soothing balm against the turmoil within you. "Please, Yn," he pleads, his voice barely above a whisper. "Talk to me. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."
But still, you remain silent, your heart heavy with the burden of your secrets. With a sigh, Riki pulls you close, wrapping you in his arms with a tenderness that threatens to undo your resolve.
"Fine," you finally whisper, your voice barely audible in the darkness. "Just… hold me tight until morning, okay?" And with that simple request, Riki pulls you even closer.
In the depths of the night, as sleep claims you in its gentle embrace, you find yourself drifting into a dream so vivid and beautiful that it feels almost like reality. In this dream, you and Riki are together, happy and content, living out a future filled with love and laughter.
You can see it all so clearly: the two of you walking hand in hand down a sunlit aisle, surrounded by friends and family as you exchange vows of everlasting devotion. You can feel the warmth of Riki's touch, the softness of his voice as he whispers words of love and affection into your ear.
Together, you embark on a journey of endless adventures and shared experiences, building a life filled with joy and happiness. You can see yourselves growing old together, still holding hands and stealing kisses even after decades have passed.
But then, in the quiet darkness of the night, reality comes crashing back with a cruel inevitability. As you stir from your dream-induced reverie, your eyes flutter open to the sight of Riki sleeping peacefully beside you, his features softened by the gentle glow of the moonlight.
In that moment, as you gaze upon his sleeping form, a pang of sadness grips your heart, the harsh truth of your situation looming large in the darkness. You know deep down that the future you envisioned in your dream will never come to pass, that the love you once shared with Riki has been tainted by betrayal and mistrust.
With a heavy sigh, you turn away from him, burying your face in the pillow as tears prick at the corners of your eyes. In the stillness of the night, you grapple with the painful realization that the dream you so desperately clung to will forever remain nothing more than a fleeting fantasy, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been.
In the soft light of dawn, you find yourselves once again at the airport, the familiar scent of departure lingering in the air as you stand on the precipice of another goodbye. But this time, there's a subtle shift in the atmosphere, a quiet sense of resignation mingled with a newfound sense of resolve.
As you watch Riki prepare to board his flight, a bittersweet smile graces your lips, a fleeting reflection of the conflicting emotions swirling within you. You know that saying goodbye to him will be painful, but deep down, you also know that it's the right thing to do.
As you stand at the airport, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy between you and Riki, you can't help but feel a sense of urgency bubbling up inside you. With a glance towards him, you catch his gaze, a flicker of confusion crossing his features as he meets your eyes.
"I know, Riki," you say softly, your voice barely above a whisper, but laced with a quiet determination.
Riki's brow furrows in confusion, his lips parting as if to speak, but no words come out. He searches your face for answers, but you simply offer him a small, enigmatic smile, leaving him to grapple with the puzzle of your words.
As Riki boards the plane and takes his seat, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place in his mind. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, he realizes the truth behind your cryptic message, the weight of his actions crashing down on him like a ton of bricks.
As the plane taxis down the runway, Riki's mind races with regret and remorse, his heart heavy with the knowledge of what he's lost. In that moment of clarity, he knows that he may have let go of the greatest love he'll ever know, all for the sake of fleeting moments of temptation and desire.
And as the plane takes off, carrying him away from you and towards an uncertain future, Riki is left to grapple with the consequences of his choices, knowing that the pain of your goodbye will haunt him long after the plane touches down in a distant land.
As you sits in your car, watching through tear-blurred eyes as the plane carrying Riki disappears into the vast expanse of the sky, a wave of emotions crashes over you like a tidal wave. Tears stream down her cheeks unchecked, mingling with the silent sobs that wrack her body.
Memories of their time together flash before your eyes, each one a bittersweet reminder of the love you once shared and the dreams you two had dared to dream together. But now, all that remains is an empty void, a gaping hole where once there was warmth and affection.
Your phone buzzes insistently, pulling your attention away from the conversation with Jay and Kai. You hesitate, your thumb hovering over the answer button, torn between the desire to hear Riki's voice and the fear of worsening fresh wounds.
Jay notices your hesitation and raises an eyebrow. "Who's calling?" he asks, curiosity piqued.
You shrug nonchalantly, a forced smile playing at your lips. "Just someone from school," you lie, the words tasting bitter on your tongue.
Jay frowns, sensing your reluctance to answer. "You gonna pick up or what?" he prods, his tone tinged with impatience.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you weigh your options. You know that talking to Riki will only make things worse, but a part of you still longs to hear his voice, to find some semblance of closure in your fractured relationship.
In the end, you shake your head and decline the call, your hand trembling slightly as you set your phone back down on the table. "Sorry, just not in the mood to talk right now," you mumble, offering your friends a weak smile.
Jay nods understandingly, but you can see the concern etched in his expression. You know that your friends mean well, but there are some things you're not ready to share, some wounds too deep to be healed by mere words.
As the conversation shifts back to lighter topics, you can't help but feel a pang of regret at your decision to ignore Riki's call. But deep down, you know that it's for the best, that some bridges are better left unburned, even if it means sacrificing the chance for closure.
As Riki steps off the plane in South Korea, his heart heavy with the weight of his actions, he is greeted by a familiar face waiting for him by the gate. But instead of the usual excitement and anticipation he feels at seeing her, there's a knot of guilt and remorse churning in the pit of his stomach.
For the first time, he looks at her and sees not just the thrill of their secret trysts, but the pain and betrayal that his actions have caused another. He sees the hurt reflected in her eyes, a silent reminder of the consequences of his actions, and he can't help but feel a pang of regret deep within him.
As she approaches him with a smile, her arms outstretched in greeting, Riki can't bring himself to return the gesture. Instead, he hangs his head in shame, unable to meet her gaze as the weight of his guilt threatens to crush him.
In that moment, looking at her standing there before him, Riki realizes the magnitude of his mistakes. He knows that he can never undo the pain he's caused you, but he also knows that he can't continue down this path of deception and betrayal any longer.
With a heavy heart, Riki takes a step back, distancing himself from the girl he once thought he loved. And as he walks away, leaving behind the echoes of his past mistakes, he knows that the road to redemption will be long and arduous. But for you, and for the chance at a better future, he's willing to take that first step.
As the months flew by, the weight of Riki's absence lingered heavy on your heart, a constant reminder of the love you had lost and the wounds that still remained unhealed. Graduation loomed on the horizon, a bittersweet milestone marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.
Despite your best efforts to move on, Riki remained a lingering presence in your thoughts, his memory haunting you at every turn. It was a struggle to push him out of your mind, to silence the ache in your heart that longed for his touch and his presence.
But as graduation day drew nearer, you knew that it was time to confront the truth, to lay bare the painful reality of your relationship with Riki. With a heavy heart, you confided in your friends, finally revealing the truth that you had kept hidden for so long.
Their reactions ranged from shock to anger to profound sadness, but through it all, they stood by your side, offering their unwavering support and understanding. With their help, you found the strength to stop seeking updates on Riki, to let go of the need to know what he was doing or where he was going.
As you browse through racks of dresses with Bahiyyih by your side, laughter and chatter filling the air, your heart skips a beat when you suddenly catch sight of a familiar figure standing just a few feet away. Your breath catches in your throat as you lock eyes with Riki, his expression a mix of shock and desperation.
Time seems to stand still as the reality of the moment sinks in, the air heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. For a brief moment, you're transported back to a time when his presence brought nothing but joy and happiness, but now, all you feel is a dull ache in the pit of your stomach.
Bahiyyih's eyes widen in disbelief as she takes in the scene before her, her hand reaching out to grasp yours in a silent gesture of support. She can see the pain etched on your face, the raw vulnerability that lies beneath the surface, and she knows that this unexpected encounter has dredged up a flood of emotions that you had long tried to bury.
Riki opens his mouth as if to speak, but no words come out. Instead, he simply stands there, his eyes pleading for forgiveness, his heart laid bare for all to see. But you know that forgiveness won't come easily, not after everything that has happened between you.
With a heavy heart, you turn away from him, the weight of his gaze burning into your back as you walk away. As Riki takes a step forward, his instinct urging him to chase after you, Bahiyyih steps in his path, her expression a mix of determination and concern. She places a gentle hand on his arm, her touch a silent plea for him to stop and reconsider.
"Riki, wait," she says softly, her voice tinged with urgency. "I know you want to talk to her, but now is not the time. She needs space, time to process everything. This..you, being back all of the sudden"
Riki's brow furrows in frustration, his heart torn between the desire to make things right and the fear of making things worse. He knows that Bahiyyih is right, that barging after you now would only add fuel to the fire, but it's hard to ignore the ache in his chest, the desperate longing to reach out and hold you in his arms.
Reluctantly, he nods, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he watches you disappear from view. He knows that this won't be the last time he sees you, that there will be other opportunities to make amends, but for now, he'll have to trust that time and distance will heal the wounds that lie between you.
As you sit in your room with Bahiyyih by your side, a heavy silence hangs in the air, broken only by the soft sounds of your breathing. You're not crying, but your mind is elsewhere, lost in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and shattered illusions.
Thoughts race through your mind like a raging river, each one a painful reminder of the walls you had built up around your heart in an attempt to move on from Riki. You had worked so hard to rebuild your life, to find happiness and fulfillment in the absence of his love, but seeing him earlier today shattered those fragile walls like glass.
In that moment, all the progress you had made feels like nothing more than a cruel illusion, a fleeting mirage in the desert of your heartache. You realize now that no matter how hard you try to forget him, to bury the memories deep within the recesses of your mind, he will always have a hold on your heart, a piece of you that can never be replaced.
And as you stare off into the distance, lost in the labyrinth of your thoughts, you can't help but wonder if it will ever be possible to truly move on from him. Will the ache in your heart ever fade, or will it linger like a shadow, a constant reminder of the love you once shared and the dreams that were shattered in its wake?
Riki finds himself sitting in Heeseung and Jay's dorm room, his heart heavy with guilt and regret. He knows that he's made a mess of things with Yn, and now he's desperate for advice on how to fix it.
Heeseung, ever the empathetic one, offers words of comfort and reassurance. "Look, man, we all make mistakes," he says, his voice gentle and soothing. "The important thing is that you recognize what you've done wrong and try to make it right. Yn is a smart girl, she'll understand if you're honest with her."
But Jay, ever the realist, isn't so quick to let Riki off the hook. "Come on, Riki," he says, his tone sharp and biting. "How could you let her suffer for months while you did nothing? You can't just waltz back into her life and expect her to forgive you. You've got to show her that you're willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."
Riki winces at Jay's words, knowing that he's right. He's let Yn down in the worst possible way, and now he has to face the consequences of his actions. He knows that it won't be easy, that he'll have to work hard to earn back her trust and forgiveness, but he's determined to try.
With a heavy sigh, Riki nods, his jaw set with determination. "You're right," he says, his voice firm. "I messed up, big time. But I'm not going to let Yn down again. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right, even if it means facing some hard truths along the way."
Jay's sharp gaze fixes on Riki, his expression one of curiosity mixed with skepticism. "What about the other girl?" he asks, his tone cutting through the tension in the room.
Riki's heart sinks as he braces himself to explain the tangled web of deceit and betrayal that he's woven. Taking a deep breath, he begins to recount the events that led him to this point, his words stumbling over the painful truth of his actions.
"I thought I could have it all," he admits, his voice heavy with remorse. "I thought I could keep Yn in the dark while I pursued something with this other girl. But it was all a lie, a foolish fantasy that only ended up hurting everyone involved."
As he speaks, Riki can feel the weight of his mistakes pressing down on him, threatening to crush him beneath their burden. But he knows that he has to face the truth, no matter how painful it may be.
Heeseung listens with a sympathetic ear, his expression one of understanding and compassion. "It sounds like you were in over your head," he says, his voice gentle. "But that doesn't excuse what you did. You need to take responsibility for your actions and make things right with Yn."
Jay's expression remains stern, his eyes boring into Riki with an intensity that makes him squirm uncomfortably in his seat. "You've got a lot of work to do, Riki," he says, his tone sharp. "You can't just expect Yn to forgive you overnight. You need to earn back her trust, and that starts with being honest with her about everything."
Riki nods solemnly, knowing that he has a long road ahead of him. But with Heeseung and Jay's support, he feels a glimmer of hope flicker within him. He knows that he may never be able to fully make amends for his mistakes, but he's determined to try, if only to prove to himself and to you that he's capable of change.
As you step out of the apartment building, your heart skips a beat when you see Riki waiting for you, a hopeful look in his eyes. Your resolve wavers for a moment, the sight of him stirring up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within you.
"I'll walk you to school," he says, his voice gentle and pleading. "I remember how you don't like walking alone."
But you shake your head, steeling yourself against the pull of his words. "I got used to walking alone when you left," you say, your voice firm. "I don't need you to walk me to school anymore."
With that, you turn on your heel and begin to walk away, determined to put as much distance between you and Riki as possible. But to your dismay, he falls into step beside you, his presence a constant reminder of the tangled mess of emotions that still linger between you.
"No matter how far you walk, I'll always follow," he says quietly, his words a whisper on the wind. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right, Yn. Please, just give me a chance to prove myself to you."
You can feel the weight of his gaze burning into your back as you continue to walk, the ache in your heart growing with each step you take. You know that giving in to him would only reopen old wounds, but at the same time, you can't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there's still a chance for redemption and forgiveness.
As you walk to school, the weight of your emotions threatens to overwhelm you, and you find yourself unable to keep the floodgates closed any longer. With each step, the memories of the promises Riki made before he left come flooding back, taunting you with the bitter taste of broken dreams and shattered trust.
"Remember when you promised that we'd make it work, no matter what?" you begin, your voice tinged with bitterness and hurt. "You said that distance wouldn't be a problem, that we'd find a way to make it through together."
Riki's expression softens, a pained look crossing his features as he listens to your words. "I meant every word of it, Yn," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "But I know that I messed up, that I let you down in the worst possible way. I'm not asking you to forgive me overnight, but I promise that I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."
But you shake your head, the walls around your heart still firmly in place. "Words are cheap, Riki," you say, your voice tinged with sadness. "You can't just expect me to believe you after everything that's happened. You had your chance to make things right, and you blew it."
Riki's shoulders slump in defeat, his gaze dropping to the ground as he struggles to find the right words to say. "I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness," he says quietly. "But I'm not ready to give up on us yet. Please, just give me one more chance to show you that I've changed."
You pause for a moment, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air between you. As you finally reach the school gates, the tension between you and Riki hangs heavy in the air, a palpable reminder of the chasm that lies between you. With a heavy sigh, you turn to him, steeling yourself for the answer to the question that has been haunting you since the moment you saw that picture on social media.
"What did she have that I don't?" you ask, your voice trembling with emotion. "Was she worth throwing away everything we had?"
Before Riki can respond, you shake your head, cutting him off before he can offer an explanation. "It doesn't matter," you say, your voice tinged with resignation. "I hope she was everything you ever wanted, everything you couldn't find in me."
With that, you turn on your heel and walk away, leaving Riki standing alone at the school gates, the weight of your words echoing in the empty space between you.
As you take your seat next to Jay in class, the sour look on your face doesn't go unnoticed by him. Concern etches his features as he turns to you, his eyes narrowing with worry.
"What's wrong, Yn?" he asks, his voice low and filled with concern.
You hesitate for a moment, unsure if you want to share your troubles with him. But the words spill out before you can stop them, and you find yourself recounting the encounter with Riki on your way to school.
"He walked me to school," you say, your voice tinged with bitterness. "Like everything's fine and we're still together."
Heeseung and Kai overhear your conversation and begin to tease you mercilessly, their laughter filling the air as they poke fun at your discomfort. But Bahiyyih quickly intervenes, shooting them a stern look that silences them instantly.
Jay leans in closer to you, his expression softening with understanding. "Maybe he's being genuine, Yn," he says, his voice gentle and reassuring. "You know how much he cares about you. And besides, he came over to our dorm last night to talk. He seemed really sincere."
You chew on your bottom lip, the weight of Jay's words sinking in as you contemplate the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there's still hope for you and Riki. But despite the flicker of optimism that blooms within you, you can't shake the lingering doubt and uncertainty that clouds your heart. Only time will tell if Riki is truly genuine in his intentions, and whether or not you're willing to take the risk of trusting him again.
As you return to your apartment, the events of the day swirling in your mind, you're surprised to find the familiar scent of your favorite flowers wafting through the air. Your heart skips a beat as you step inside, your eyes widening in disbelief at the sight before you.
The entire apartment is adorned with bouquets of your favorite flowers, their vibrant colors filling the room with a sense of warmth and comfort. And lying on the couch, nestled among the blooms, is a beautifully wrapped gift with a note attached.
Your hands tremble slightly as you pick up the note, your heart pounding in your chest as you read Riki's words. In the letter, he pours his heart out to you, apologizing for his past mistakes and expressing his sincere desire to make things right. He promises to do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and forgiveness, begging for another chance to prove himself to you.
My Dearest Yn,
As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is heavy with regret and longing. I know that I've hurt you in ways that words can't even begin to express, and for that, I am truly sorry. I never meant to cause you pain, and yet, my actions have led us down a path filled with heartache and uncertainty.
I want you to know that I've spent countless nights lying awake, haunted by the memories of our time together and the mistakes I've made. I've replayed our conversations in my mind a thousand times over, wishing I could turn back the clock and make things right. But no matter how hard I try, I know that I can never undo the hurt that I've caused you.
And yet, despite everything, my love for you remains unchanged. You are the light that guides me through the darkness, the warmth that fills my soul with hope. I can't imagine a life without you in it, and the thought of losing you terrifies me more than anything else in this world.
I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness, that I've broken your trust in the worst possible way. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right, to earn back the love and respect that I've lost. I promise to be honest with you, to communicate openly and honestly, and to never take your love for granted again.
Please, Yn, give me another chance to show you how much you mean to me. I know that words alone can't heal the wounds that I've inflicted upon your heart, but I hope that with time and patience, we can find a way to move forward together, stronger and more resilient than ever before.
With all my love,
Tears prickle at the corners of your eyes as you read his words, the weight of his sincerity washing over you like a tidal wave. Despite the pain and uncertainty that still lingers in your heart, a small part of you can't help but be touched by his gesture, by the lengths he's gone to show you how much you mean to him.
But as you look around the empty apartment, the absence of Riki's presence casting a shadow over the room, you can't shake the feeling of unease that settles in the pit of your stomach. Will he keep his promises this time, or is this just another empty gesture meant to placate you?
With a heavy sigh, you set the letter aside and reach for the gift, the weight of it heavy in your hands. Whatever happens next, you know that the road ahead will be long and difficult.
As you carefully unwrap the gift from Riki, your heart flutters with anticipation, unsure of what lies within. With trembling hands, you peel back the layers of paper, revealing a beautifully crafted wooden box nestled inside.
Your breath catches in your throat as you lift the lid, revealing the contents within. Inside the box lies a treasure trove of memories, each one carefully preserved and presented with love and care.
There are photographs, snapshots of moments frozen in time, capturing the laughter and joy that once filled your days together. Each image is accompanied by a handwritten note from Riki, sharing his thoughts and feelings from those cherished moments.
But it's not just photographs that fill the box. There are letters too, pages upon pages of heartfelt words and declarations of love, each one a testament to the depth of Riki's feelings for you. As you read through them, tears prickle at the corners of your eyes, your heart swelling with emotion at the thoughtfulness and effort that went into creating such a meaningful gift.
And then, at the bottom of the box, nestled among the memories, lies a single red rose, its petals still fresh and vibrant despite the passage of time. It's a simple gesture, but one filled with meaning and symbolism, a reminder of the love that still blooms between you despite the trials and tribulations that you've faced.
As you sit with the gift from Riki in your hands, a nagging doubt creeps into the back of your mind, casting a shadow over the warmth and comfort that you felt moments before. Was this all just a ploy to win you back, a carefully orchestrated act of love bombing designed to manipulate your emotions and keep you under his spell?
The thought sends a chill down your spine, filling you with a sense of unease that you can't shake. You know that Riki is capable of great kindness and generosity, but after everything that has happened between you, it's hard to trust his intentions completely.
With a heavy sigh, you set the gift aside, the weight of uncertainty settling over you like a dark cloud. Only time will tell if Riki's gestures are sincere or if they're just another ploy to keep you under his control.
On a sunny Saturday morning, Riki wakes up early to prepare for the surprise picnic he's planned for you. He carefully selects all your favorite foods and snacks, making sure to pack them neatly into a wicker basket. With a satisfied smile, he adds a bottle of sparkling cider and a bouquet of your favorite flowers to the mix before heading out to the park. - After weeks of soul-searching and reflection, Riki sits down at his desk with pen and paper in hand. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead, and begins to write. With each word, Riki pours his heart out onto the page, expressing his deepest regrets and sincerest apologies for the pain he's caused you. He bares his soul, laying bare his thoughts and feelings in the hopes of winning back your trust. Hours pass as Riki fills page after page with his handwritten words, his emotions flowing freely onto the paper. When he finally finishes, he reads over the letter one last time, making sure every word is just right. The next day, Riki delivers the letter to you personally, his heart pounding in his chest as he watches you read it. - One evening, as you're scrolling through your social media feed, you come across a post about a movie you've been dying to see. You mention it in passing to Riki, not expecting anything to come of it. But to your surprise, Riki jumps into action, surprising you with tickets to the movie for that very evening. He clears his schedule for the night, ensuring that you have his undivided attention as you enjoy a night out together. As you settle into your seats at the theater, Riki reaches for your hand, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. Throughout the movie, he steals glances at you, his eyes shining with affection. - One evening, as you arrive home from a long day at work, you're greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of your favorite meal wafting through the air. Curious, you follow the scent to the kitchen, where you find Riki hard at work, surrounded by pots and pans. He looks up with a smile as you enter, gesturing to the spread of food laid out before him. "I wanted to surprise you with dinner tonight," he says, his eyes shining with excitement. "I hope you like it."
As the morning sun filters through the curtains, you awaken to the sound of your phone buzzing with notifications. Groaning, you reach for it, expecting the usual barrage of messages and emails.
But as you scroll through the notifications, your eyes widen in disbelief at the news that greets you. The message is simple yet profound, a single sentence that rocks you to your core:
"Riki quit his dancing job and came back to Japan for you."
Your heart skips a beat as you read the words again, unable to believe what you're seeing. Could it be true? Could Riki have made such a monumental decision, sacrificing everything he worked so hard for just to be with you?
With trembling hands, you dial Riki's number, your heart pounding in your chest as you wait for him to pick up. When he finally does, his voice is filled with warmth and affection, a stark contrast to the uncertainty that fills your own heart.
"Yn," he says, his voice soft and filled with emotion. "I know that I've made mistakes, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I love you, and I'll do anything to prove it to you."
Tears prickle at the corners of your eyes as you listen to his words, the weight of his sincerity washing over you like a wave. In that moment, you know that you have a choice to make, a choice that will determine the course of your future.
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yanverse · 2 months
I’m curious how the yans would react to their darling suggesting being free use? Some of them would never act right EVER again; but I also think some would start out too nervous to make a move, but once they do it a few times, they become something of a menace.
prrrrr.......free use, you say? i have.......ideas >:) (lmk if u want more! <3)
Elias, Kaito, Lilith, Isabelle, Adrian, Nina
(cws: free use kink, domination, degradation, dressing up, fingering, overstimulation, messy sex)
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Elias obviously needs to keep you around while he's working, and it just so happens that he's also in need of a good secretary for his practice. Win-win! He can have the best of both worlds: keep you close enough that he can see you whenever he wants, and you've got something to busy yourself with when he gives you paperwork--but aside from filing a few things you basically just get to mess around on the computer while he's in session. And unless you're into it, you won't be hearing any questionable noises and thumping through the wall--he's had to rebrand and lost some repeat customers, but he's a taken man now, so no more shenanigans.
Of course, that means you've got a much hornier, much needier cowboy on your hands than you're used to. He doesn't need to jerk off between clients or on his break anymore if the mood hits him midday--that's what he's got you for now, right? He can just waltz out of his office, tap you on the shoulder, and drop to his knees right there. Worried you'll get caught, that someone might walk in early or a solicitor will drop by? Then you just need to stay nice and quiet while he's under your desk. He might just end up leaving indents in the floor from the spurs on his boots, cause it's so easy and you're so accessible and you don't even have to stop working! In fact, if he's in the mood to tease, he might dangle the threat of stopping over your head if you don't keep working while he goes down on you.
But knowing him, there'll be an equal chance of him rushing over, locking the door to the office, and just throwing you over the desk like he can't wait a second longer to have you. There's a reason he's got so much time in between his clients, and it's because there's no better time to mess up his cute little secretary, and make sure you have to sit with his cum leaking down your legs the rest of the day.
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Kaito has half a mind to just sit you on his lap all day. He doesn't have to go out for work, he barely leaves the house as is, and you're around each other most of the time anyways. Why not? He could game or tweak his latest sketches with you settled and comfy on his lap, his cock twitching softly inside you with those pretty mewls of yours perking him up. That, to him, is heaven.
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If that's not the case, though, then sparing a hand to entertain you is just as good. Especially if you're in an argument, or if he's mad at you, or if he's just annoyed but not in the mood to talk about it. He doesn't even have to be paying attention, but more than likely you'll be begging for him to give you some.
With the spare seat next to him and his eyes glued to his computer screen, he only needs one hand to fiddle with his tablet pen as he shades his latest drawing. And all the while he has his fingers buried between your legs, his reactions minimal as you soak his chair with sweat and grab at his sleeve in desperation. You keep cumming all over yourself, you're a mess, and he's already gonna have to clean you up after so at least don't distract him. Each orgasm aches more than the last with overstimulation melting your brain into your skull, but you won't even stop him. You probably could, but why would you? He said it himself: he's gonna clean you up when he's done, you just have to wait until he finishes up. But knowing Kaito, odds are he's gonna make you much, much messier before he actually gets to that part.
Lilith loves providing for you. She loves to make you happy, to come home with money and food and love, and to shower you with everything she has without you having to lift a finger. You love her, you've done enough.
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But when the opportunity to bus tables at her restaurant comes around, it's a hard deal to ignore. Extra income, extra time together, and extra chances for you to socialize and put in some hard work? If you're all over it then she can't exactly say no. A good girlfriend wouldn't say no to such a simple request. It may have her biting her nails at first, but seeing you succeed fills her with a feeling of pride that gives her an extra spring in her step on those extra-hard days.
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But she's lucky that the diner has so few willing waitresses and such a small staff to begin with, because you two can get so close to getting caught with your pants down. She'd never consider getting off at work before this, but with you so present and available all the time...shooting her those lusty looks across the dining room, bending over just a little too far while you're cleaning tables, brushing by her just a little too close while she's taking an order...if she didn't pull you into the bathroom and push you up against the stall, she might just go crazy. Whether it's your hand up her skirt or hers down yours, it really doesn't matter--if you're going to let her touch you whenever she wants, then she has to take advantage of it. Nearly every break soon turns into a chance to get away, her lunch swapped out for a glorious ten minutes with your legs spread, body bent forward, and her tongue making short work of that promise you made that you'd stay quiet.
Isabelle isn't offered the suggestion of free use. You are free use. You're her toy, you're meant to be used, and you're smart enough to know that she doesn't take such a stance lightly. She's not fucking around with any of that touchy-feely, "casual dominance" crap. You'll know she's dominating you because she won't let you forget your place--look away for a moment, let your guard down, and you'll be pounced on before you can make sense of it. Even if she's just finished making you cum for every year you've been alive, she could very well come back into the room after a minute and decide she's not quite done yet. Bathing, showering, eating, sleeping, it's all the same. So long as you're still breathing, there's an incredibly high chance that you won't go very long without her weight pinning you down or your legs pulled apart for her to have a taste. But at least you're still alive, which is more than can be said for Isabelle's other playthings and romantic interests.
You would think that someone as poised, confident, and professional as Dr. Moorwell wouldn't be nearly as intrigued by the concept. Adrian is a romantic, after all--a chivalrous one at that--so you would struggle to imagine him as being so crass and self-indulgent with his lover.
Alas, he is. In fact, he's like a beast while in pursuit of it. Adrian loves to catch you while you're unawares; reading, reaching up for something on a high shelf, organizing his library, taking a sip of your drink, crawling under the sofa to retrieve whatever you dropped, the view makes him shudder and his belt comes off like the buckle is melting. There's always a touch first, a light tap or a brush down your sides to reassure you that it's him, but it's just a formality. The quick smack of his palm hitting your backside is the real test, because so long as your cute little squeal is followed up by a whine or a moan, he knows there's no risk. He can squeeze you, pull you apart, violate those precious, sacred spots so deep they've never seen the light, and it'll satisfy you to the point of making you gush all over him like he's turned the dial of a sprinkler.
At this point he might as well give you the title of housemaid. Your presence in his home reassures such tidy, homely feelings even amidst the stacked clutter and the piles of unread books. Besides, he'd have an excuse to put you in one of those silly, frilly costumes with the headbands and the wrist cuffs, and you could call him--w-well, it doesn't matter what you call him, so long as you prance around as happy and sweet as usual, and look at him with all that love in your eyes even once he's reduced you to tears and trembling legs.
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Nina would be the last person to ever accept such a sinister request. Touch you? Unprompted? Without gloves, or a thorough hand washing, or..? You seriously think she would ever do such a thing on a whim?
That terrible attitude only lasts a few minutes, however, because her complaints are only a farce for how her mind has started working in overdrive. Because you like her enough to ask her for something so lewd. Because you think she's pretty. Because you look at her and think hot, wet thoughts despite her difficult attitude and her insistence on keeping everything clean. You desire her, and that's a feeling that's only come by on very, very rare occasions.
Hence why your request is fulfilled so quickly--like, less than twenty minutes quickly. Less than the time it would take for her to shower and scrub and go through her step-by-step routine in order to touch you, because the waiting is too agonizing and she just has to feel you. To feel your love and your beating heart in your chest, your pulse pounding all the way up your fingertips as you spread her open on your stupid, dirty, filthy hands. The only reason she'll allow it is just because it's you, but don't you dare get a big head! This is just more convenient for her. She'll just take a shower afterwards. But...well, you're coming with her. It'll surely be easier to clean up if you're already in there, so if you think your bathing time from then on is going to go uninterrupted, you'll be very sorely mistaken.
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boy-in-the-stars · 5 months
scollace one shots? my time has come: (sorry if this is long shakdndidk)
-scott being the drunk one like maybe wallace forced him to tag along to a gay party he was invited to and wallace completely underestimated scotts zero tolerance so like scott gets really drunk really fast and wallace has to play babysitter for once while scott is like all over him *bonus hangover in the morning wallace can hold his hair back while he pukes idk I j think thats sweet*
-wallace has like a thing for glasses right? scott coincidently ends up needing reading glasses (he doesn't read but he does need them to read the video game menus on the tv) so one day when wallsce comes home he sees scott playing video games, looking the prettiest and hottest he's ever looked and feels his heart fucking leap and scotts a clueless idiot
- I just imagine that like when they're finally offical, when wallace gets drunk he's like extra clingy and protective like thsts his boyfriend!! his! I imagine he was already protective before but like now he can proudly say to get ur hands off MY bf, when he's on the edge of blackout drunk he's usually rude to any strangers who even look at scott
- this is like wattpad cringe but I eat it up everytime but like idk if it's ur thing and that's totally cool but like the whole pretend dating thingy. this is sobfucking cringe but like just think; wallsce is like popular or whatever so he gets a ton of party invites or just crashes. he gets invited to like a reallyy well known gay party where there's a ton of shit. he's hyped but it's a party where you gotta bring a partner with u for uh...kinky reasons?? idk reasons don't matter but like wallace js like ok np I'll bring scott. it's like a no Brainer so he teaches scott how to act gay and not be...himself. basically an idiot. and they go to a party and shenanigans insue
bro I'm sorry this is so long n it's late like this is rly long sry I j am so hyperfixated. sorry if they're bad they probably are but I hope u enjoy reading this long ass thread 😭😭😭 also I have like sm more so lmk if u want more cause like I could write a novel
Also i love all of these double yew tee eff
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rowiewritesstuff · 2 months
may I request platonic lmk red son x a demon reader who's overall more calm, composed and polite, (but still willing to support shenanigans, just properly planned ones),
perhaps more of a strategist? Thank you for reading this either way
Red Son X Demon Reader (Platonic)
You met Red Son when he broke into your temple. Red Son was looking for some ancient relic and he was willing to kill you to get it. He was surprised when you went to a large room, fished it out of a box, and threw it to him. 
“What? You’re just going to give it to me?” Red Son looked perplexed before grinning. “Of course you would! I’m powerful and terrifying, any low ranked demon as yourself would tremble before me.” 
Often Red Son went over with the excuse he wanted another relic. Something about you just soothed him. The two of you became best friends even though neither of you made it official. 
Red Son brought you to his home to show you all of the tech and plans he had. His room is a mess, papers and gadgets scattered around. You took it upon yourself to visit regularly to clean up. 
Demon Bull King walked in one time to see the two of you. He huffed at you but was glad his son was talking someone else’s ear off instead of his. You were polite enough and cleaned up after yourself, and that’s all he cared about.
Red Son was always talking about some new plan. Most of the time, you’d tell him how it wouldn’t work. Red Son always made sure to get your approval on a plan, knowing that you were more logical than he was at times. He made the tech, you helped with the plans. Most of the time your plans would go well, and the other times Red Son helped. 
The two of you made formidable foes to MK and his friends. You always apologize when Red Son destroys property or says something rude to them. Red Son got angry when you’d talk to MK, telling him not to talk to “MBDF” (My best demon friend). Red Son’s possessiveness got to be too much and you had to sit him down and talk to him about it, and eventually you made friends with MK and Mei. Red Son begrudgingly hung out with them as well and eventually Red Son stopped attacking MK all the time. 
No matter how many years pass, you’ll always be friends- and nothing will take that away.
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gabigabigabby · 1 year
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headcanons | brazil national team
seleção brasileira x fem!reader
headcanons of other countries; portugal / england / argentina
a/n: i've always imagined how it'd be like to be friends with these guys. their group must be so much fun to be with. comfort national team ): lmk if you want a part two with the rest of the brazil guys! hope u enjoy ⭐️
synopsis: headcanons of the seleção brasileira during the world cup 🏆
u and ney met for the first time at the brazil world cup
u had been a fan of his since his glory days in santos and his starting years in barcelona
through ney, u got to know the brazil legends
say ricardo kaká, say phil coutinho, say roberto firmino; say literally any brazil player, u have met them before
no one would dare to touch u because ur ney's friend
that's how powerful he is
he always offers to take u out with brazil during the international break
after training, ney insists u and the guys play a friendly game
u could pick out ur team and all, it's very cute (in my head)
he makes sure u get the best seats to watch the game
he invites u to squad dinner after every game brazil had under their campaign
overall, he's just a really amazing dude
it's a blast to get to hang out w him
besides u and neymar, richarlison is the other dude ur attached at the hip w
u think he's the funniest guy you've ever met
and he thinks ur the prettiest girl he's ever known
u helped him dye his hair platinum blonde for the world cup
yep it was u
he gave u the shirt he wore on the very first match of brazil's campaign
and u wore that shirt every time brazil had to square up until their loss against croatia
i feel like richy is the kind to invite u to his hotel room so he could get a shit ton of room service
kinda weird. but it's actually kinda cute
he would make jokes solely bc he wants to hear ur laugh
if u don't laugh at his jokes, he literally dies inside
he's pretty overprotective
more overprotective than neymar, i'd say
he'd always have his arm around u
his height also intimidates a lot of people so it helps
he just overall cares so damn much about u
amazing guy
vinicius jr
vini's the kind to tolerate everyone's bs
he kinda just laughs at the squad's antics
trust me, the guys are all weird in their own ways
vini's the neutral guy
he's weird
but then again, he isn't
tbh w u, he's only weird when rodrygo's around
every time u would come visit him and rodrygo and eder, he brings along his nephew to the bernabéu
his nephew loooooves u
bc of vini, u have every real madrid kit u could think of
u have his, rodrygo's, eder's, even benzema's
awesome dude, he cares a lot about his friends
ur lucky to be friends w vini
lucas paquetá
okay i lied
u think lucas is the funniest guy in the seleção
don't tell richy
only u would tolerate his antics
every time one of the guys get paired up with lucas on the plane, they'd ask if they could switch w u
bc only u could match w his shenanigans
his wife n kids LOVE u
i cannot stress that enough
they see u as family
tia y/n
u love benício and filippo the same
but pippinho's ur favorite, ur not fooling anybody
richy joins u guys sometimes
he's the same amount of crazy, not to worry
u and lucas would brainstorm different dance celebrations
u were the mastermind behind his celebration after his goal against south korea
u and lucas would send each other tiktoks every day
whether it be dance related or just mad dumb shit
u appreciate having lucas in ur life
u have always wanted a best friend like him
and now that u do, u never want to let him go
u and antony are very parent-like to one another
u both are around the same age
antony being a few months older than u
he wouldn't live it down
"eu sou mais velho que você, respeite os mais velhos, y/n" [i'm older than you, respect your elder, y/n]
"então você admite que tá velho" [so you admit you're old]
u would joke w him ALL. THE. TIME.
"eu apoio todos os clubes, exceto o manchester united. porque você tá nele" [i support all clubs except manchester united. bc you're in it]
"okay, agora isso é apenas maldade, y/n" [okay, now that's just mean, y/n]
all jokes aside, he'd go livid if anybody ever hurts you
physically, mentally, all that shit
he cares so much
his heart is so huge
he wears it on his sleeve
and he's proud of it
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Everything Has Changed — Rhaenyra Targaryen x GN!Reader
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Summary: When Viserys urges Rhaenyra to marry, the princess storms off to her only place of sanctuary, where you comfort her.
Words: 1k
Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Arranged marriage at the end (full circle moment or nah? I don't know), sad Rhaenyra (If I missed anything else, lmk!)
I'm posting this here because my other account isn't showing up in the tags. I have no idea why. This was a request by an anon. This fic can also be found in my other acc!!
not my gif.
“—and I have given you my answer, Father! I do not wish to be married off to some lord!” was the angry reply of Rhaenyra. As her sworn sword, standing outside the entrance at all times in case someone seeks to hurt her came with the job. You can feel the vibration coming from Rhaenyra shuffling her feet, pacing around the room as if that will help her prove a point to her father. Given the King’s opinion on the subject, you believe he will not change it for Rhaenyra’s own desires. Viserys can be merciless if the situation requires it.
Viserys makes a movement with both his hands to show his irritation, both of their voices growing higher and higher. Any attempts of warding away eavesdroppers will be nugatory. “EVEN I DO NOT EXIST ABOVE TRADITION AND DUTY, RHAENYRA!”
Rhaenyra wavered. Her father ne’er spoke to her this way. It was another sharp cue that everything has changed. No longer would her father wave off her shenanigans or flash a proud smile her way as she defies his orders. She became his political headache. That’s all he sees her as these previous fortnights. So she storms out of the room, not wanting to bid a proper farewell. She would show him. Rhaenyra would show him that she will make a new order of things. Wait and see, father. Wait and see.
You were not given time to blink when Rhaenyra ran by, only giving a nod in your direction. “Princess Rhaenyra!” You cried out, shoving past your fellow guards who make no attempt to join you in following the princess, making you curse them under your breath along with whoever brought them here. They don’t do their jobs correctly. The only reason they’re stationed in the castle is because of their names. If they weren’t born in such families, they’d have to work as hard as you. To your dismay, ranting won’t get you anywhere; much less change the decree that they will have a higher station. Rhaenyra is the priority here. You cannot allow yourself to get distracted.
“Stop following me, Y/n!”
“It is my duty, Princess! You’re my responsibility!”
In the end, you lost sight of Rhaenyra. With your weighty armor hindering your ability to catch up, you had to skid to a stop. “Where are you, Rhaenyra?” You remove the helmet from your head, propping the metal against the wall. If a thief were to stumble upon it, there would be nothing you can do. You’re willing to take that possibility, however, if it meant boosting your odds of becoming quick enough to pursue the crown princess should she cross your line of sight.
There is a solitary sanctuary that Rhaenyra might be in. This hunch is the greatest theory you have. Besides that, you could not possibly take another guess on Rhaenyra’s whereabouts. You set off to the direction of the Weirwood tree, keeping yourself on high alert.
You were correct in your assumptions.
Rhaenyra sat underneath the tree, eyes puffy and red like the fire Syrax would exhale, except it was much darker. She sees your shadow approaching and sighs.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, hm?” You drop down alongside your lover, cupping her face using your hands gingerly. Rhaenyra places her own hand on top of yours, wordlessly requesting to keep your gentle touch there.
Her eyes close and she holds her breath. “Perhaps my father wouldn’t pressure me for marriage as much if I was born as a son instead. No one respects me because I am not a boy.”
You shift your hand so you could slip it between Rhaenyra’s quivering fingers. Her grip was loose, dissimilar to your firm one. She was half-expecting you to take pity on her. When Rhaenyra sees nothing of the sort, she isn’t sure if she feels relieved or saddened.
“I do, ‘Nyra. I respect you. You are not a son. You are a warrior; everything a ruler should be. It may be the topic of controversy right now, but I know that when you ascend the Iron Throne, you will prove that all the people who doubted you were wrong. It’s only a matter of time, my love. They will see one way or another.”
Most of the internal battle betwixt rationality and the hope inhabiting the princess’s body was put to a stop. Rhaenyra leans her head on your shoulder, unperturbed by the armor still on your body as a result of innumerable instances of her “accidentally” sleeping on your shoulder after a long council meeting. You would try to move her body to her own bed, where she would not wake up with a stiff neck, but she can always tell when you badly attempt at transferring her to the comforts of her silk sheets.
“But that’s not happening today, right?”
You smile sadly, placing a kiss on the top of her head, silver-blonde waves tickling your mouth. “Not today, my love. We can only hope for someday.”
“‘Someday’ is adequate for me.” She said. Rhaenyra has a lot on her mind, but when it comes to you, she has no trouble sharing her thoughts. She wants to tell you everything, ranging from her secrets to the promises she whispers in your ear when she thinks you are asleep. “As long as they are with you, ‘someday’ is bearable. I want you by my side, always.”
“I am your sworn shield, Princess. My order is to stay close by. It would be hard for me to get away from you even if I wanted.” Although you laugh wholeheartedly, it dies in your throat as you see King Viserys in the pathway, staring right at you. You couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, but you knew you had to protect Rhaenyra.
“Shit.” Rhaenyra tenses. “Father, I –”
You could not let her take the fall for this. “It is my fault, Your Grace. Rhaenyra is innocent. She didn’t do anything wrong. I should not have –”
“Save it.” Viserys says, running his hand through his hair (what is left of it, anyway). I should have known, he scolds himself for not being able to spot it sooner. Yours and Rhaenyra’s lingering gazes were more than just friendly gestures. It was romantic! “Rhaenyra is to wed you by spring’s end.”
What in the seven hells?
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sorikkung · 1 year
what goes on in neverland. ⇝ ch. 6: aftercare, aftershocks, and the aftermath
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word count: 8.9k
pairings: transmasc!reader x Everyone, everyone x everyone (its literally too convoluted for me to try type them out here anymore just see the masterlist for full pairings LOL)
genre: e2l, f2l, smut, fluff and lots of assorted shenanigans. hijinks, if you will
au: battle of the bands!au but make it gay and horny
warnings: nothing really? discussions of top surgery scars and gender identity?
a/n: noticed a lot of chan likers after the last chapter... yall gonna love this one :)
tags: @honeybyunnies @syunderful @absentcaryatid @mingirn (lmk if you want to be added/removed!)
prev | masterlist | next
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Waking up in the bed of your biggest competitive rival is definitely, to say the least, sobering. 
You’re not surprised to find the bed empty next to you, but you are more surprised to find yourself still there. Staying the night was never on the agenda, but neither was really submitting to him, so you suppose compromises were made. The memories flood you with the uncomfortable kind of heat now that the lustful haze has faded, and you are left with nothing but the searing humiliation at how easily you played into his hands. 
Who really won there? You really thought you had him for a moment back there, pressed against the wall and shutting you up in the exact way you wanted him to. It was all going so damn well. He seemed so close to breaking then, you saw his subtle blush and the hitches in his breath, the way he leaned into your touch rather than away from it, the way he had to kiss you to shut you up because he knew you were right. He was enjoying you playing with him, he was excited at the prospect of you having a go at him, what fucking happened to all of that?
Was that an act? Letting you have your moment so it can be even more satisfying when he gets to shut it down? Did he find you cute then, too? Or was it that goddamn golden boy, did he want to seem nicer in front of him still? Did he not want poor little freckles to see him be mean?
Illuminated by only the dim coloured light atop Chan’s bed – a warm yellow-orange, now – you wince as you roll over and check the time. 1:47am, your phone says, which isn’t that long after you would’ve finished, considering the time when you arrived there already. God, he really did take his time with edging you – but before you could wonder where exactly he went, he comes back in with a bottle of something in hand and all his make-up washed off.
“Ah, you’re awake.”
“Were you about to do something to me while I was–?!“
“Shh,” he whispers, putting a finger to his lips, “You’ll wake up the rachas if you start yelling. They’re deep sleepers, but not that deep.”
He seems far too calm for someone who could have been caught doing something dastardly or nefarious, so your mouth falls shut, and he opens the bottle and pours some oil on his fingers. You notice the label on the bottle then, soothing massage oil – and after warming it up in his palms, he gestures for you to turn over.
“Turn around. On your stomach if you want, but you can also stay sitting up.”
He snorts, nodding at your wrists. “You were bound for a long time. Are you not sore?”
When he says it out loud, you are no longer able to ignore the aching pain in your shoulders, wrists, and your back as well, from being stuck in such a position for so long. While you’re no stranger to aches and pains, whether it be for BDSM related reasons or pole dancing, it definitely doesn’t make sleep any easier, and probably what woke you up.
“Well, now that you mention it…”
“Come on then. Turn around.” His voice doesn’t carry any sternness, nor does it even hold much impatience, simply just having a task he plans on accomplishing and getting straight to the point. You comply.
His hands on you are gentle, but firm, pressing down at the tightness in your back with enough pressure to make you moan softly, but he doesn’t so much as make a snarky comment about it. He’s surprisingly silent as he works, focused on the task at hand, and you wouldn’t mind the change of pace if not for how hyperaware it makes you of every sound you make.
“It’s okay,” he murmurs softly, “you don’t need to hold back that much. The walls are thick enough.”
“It’s not the rachas I’m worried about,” you mutter, uncharacteristically self-conscious despite not even facing him, but you can’t deny his massage feels good. When his skilled ministrations slow down to a halt, you cast a glance at him over your shoulder.
He’s smiling at you.
“What, worried ‘bout little ol’ me?”
You whip back around with such ferocity your neck audibly cracks. “Asshole.”
He chuckles lightly, then gets back to massaging your shoulders, a little gentler this time. “I’m not big enough of an asshole to tease you during aftercare, tough guy. You can relax.”
Aftercare? It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, having done similar acts of aftercare yourself and having received it more times than you can count, but something about receiving it from Chan of all people is puzzling. Last time you checked, you were having hate sex. Not that you hate him, really, that would be a pretty strong sentiment you currently only really hold for Felix by merit of him being Eric’s flaky ex-boyfriend, but you don’t exactly like him, either. Well, you like pissing him off, and you like competing with him, and you like getting reactions out of him, and maybe you like his artistry as well, but that’s about as far as it goes.
Oh, and you like his body, too, that’s a big one. The way his hands work the tension out of your shoulders is positively divine. Suppose he’s a pretty face, too. All up until he opens that big mouth of his.
“You say that, then you teasingly call me tough guy again. All men do is lie, huh?”
“Tch, you’re one to talk,” he scoffs, pressing harder with his massage, but not too hard, so it’s welcomed. “Besides, I wasn’t teasing. You’re tough.”
You wait for him to elaborate on that, but after a long moment of silence staring at the figurines on his headboard and the flickering triangular lights above it, you realise that was where his comment ended.
“You’re welcome,” he hums simply, definitively, then shifts you on the bed to turn back around and face him again so he can take your wrists and begin massaging the oil into them too. He doesn’t even so much as spare your face a glance, but it’s not avoidant. It’s focused, and just a little bit tired, too, you realise, noticing the crease in his brow.
You frown. Something about the silence feels so damn intimate – even more so than the actions itself, which you suppose are just him going on automatic after dominating someone. After all, giving aftercare is often the aftercare in itself for dominants, too, so maybe he’s doing this for himself as well.
He pauses to look up at you. “Got something on my face?”
As intimate as the silence felt, getting caught staring is far, far worse.
“Yeah,” you snort, throwing up snark as a reflex, “Ugly.”
It’s a bit harsh, you think, and the way he cocks his head makes you think he’s disguising a wince, but he looks back down at your wrists as he continues to massage them anyway.
“You wouldn’t be in my bed right now if you really thought I was ugly.”
He’s right.
“You’re right,” you echo, not really wanting that to be the hill you die on anyway when you both know its not true. That isn’t a good look on you, either. “It was a joke. I don’t sleep with ugly guys.”
“I know.”
He wraps up and pulls away, and you find yourself missing his touch as soon as it leaves you. Which is odd, because once again, you don’t even particularly like him, nor were you even expecting aftercare, and he’s already doing more for you than you would’ve bothered doing for him.
Or that you did for Felix.
The silence stretches on, and that thought grows louder. Is that what this is? Considering how Lino obviously told Felix what you messaged him, you wouldn’t be surprised if Felix told everyone else about your night at the Prism in excruciating detail, too. Based on how Chan acted with you tonight, it seemed far too deliberate for that to not have been the case. The look he gave Eric while kissing up on your neck? Hell, he had to have seen that. That’s right, he was there, he must have seen it and–
“Feeling a bit better? Want me to massage anywhere some more?”
His face is as open as you’ve ever seen it, expecting to hear a genuine response. There’s no more attitude, no more competition, no more sexual tension – despite the fact that you’re both still half naked, you in only the unbuttoned shirt you didn’t take off before he bound your wrists, and him still gloriously shirtless, just sitting in his underwear. He looks a lot less intimidating without his make-up on anymore, either, the softness of his features really bleeding through, and without such a cocky expression either, he looks like a whole different person.
The lingering soreness is more of the pleasant kind, now that he’s worked his magic, but you nod anyway. Just so you don’t have to look at him again. You shift back around. “My back’s still pretty sore, actually.”
You feel the bed shift behind you as he shuffles onto his knees, and presses a hand between your shoulder blades to push you down, and you lie onto your stomach without a word.
“Does that hurt?”
“What?” He already lifted his hand, he can’t possibly think he shoved you too hard. Is your back supposed to hurt while lying on your stomach after being bound like that? “Um, yeah. Kinda.”
“Your scar, I mean,” he says plainly, blinking at you dumbly when you peer over your shoulder again to look at him. “I mean I know it’s healed, at least, it looks healed enough, but still, pressure on such a large wound…”
“Oh, that- that’s fine,” you reassure him, plopping your head back down on the mattress and letting your eyes fall shut. “Bed’s soft. Didn’t even think about it.”
“Alright.” He throws a leg over you to straddle your hips, this time massaging your lower back as well, and while you asked him to continue mostly just because it felt nice, you now realise how much tension you had down there, too. “Can I ask how you got it?”
“My scar?”
“Yeah. I mean, I know what top surgery scars look like, but that looks a bit more violent. Makes me wonder if it was something else.”
“Ah.” You fall quiet, not really sure what to say. That you asked for it to be that way? Doesn’t really sound all that impressive when you put it like that. He’d probably ask why, too, and you aren’t sure how you would explain that to him, either.
“You don’t have to tell me,” he says, stopping only to crack his knuckles and pour more massage oil onto his palms before resuming the massage, “Was just curious.”
“You said it was pretty,” you breathe out, not daring to open your eyes and look at him. “Guess you’re not bad at dirty talk, huh. Suppose it is pretty violent looking in reality. I like it that way, though.”
He pauses – his words, not his hands – for a short beat before responding. “Pretty and violent aren’t mutually exclusive, you know. There can be beauty in violence, sometimes.”
“Yeah?” you huff. “Sounds like something a pretty violent person would say.”
He presses down extra hard on your shoulder and you grunt, knowing it was entirely on purpose. “Says you, tough guy. You’re a little menace.”
“Who you calling little? First freckles, now you – you guys sure do like pulling the height card for a bunch of garden gnomes. Glad to have someone shorter than you for a change? Congrats, he’s not even a cis man.”
“What do you identify as, by the way? Do you consider yourself a man, or...?” Chan asks genuinely, once again dodging your attempts at provocation. He’s getting quite good at this, and that bothers you, because provoking him was the entire fun of him, but you suppose now is too nice of a moment to really push it.
“Man enough. Man sometimes. On Tuesdays, maybe. On Wednesdays I’m just a gendery enigma.”
He chuckles. “What about Thursdays?”
“Hmm. Guy, but in the same way you call an animal friend you find on the street a little guy, y’know? Just a dude.”
His signature giggles are back, and you find yourself smiling and cracking your eyes back open before you even realise it, hazy. You can’t remember the last time you felt this relaxed since the whole competition started.
“And on Fridays?”
You yawn loudly, letting your eyes flutter shut again as sleep threatens to tug away at you once again, but you know you won’t fall properly asleep while he’s still touching you. “Gender on Fridays… that’s between me and God.”
He laughs properly at that, catching himself quickly and keeping it quiet as to not disturb his roommates, but you feel an oddly swelling sense of pride at being able to make him laugh like that. Maybe he won this game of wits you played in bed, but he can’t deny you’re at least funny.
“Alright, I’m getting tired,” he yawns as well, rolling off you and flopping back onto the bed next to you. It’s only then when you notice the bright red lines adorning his back, and gasp at the sight.
“Holy shit, Chan, your back.”
“Yeah?” He looks over his shoulder at you with a simultaneously sheepish and smug grin. “Suppose you didn’t get a good view before, huh?”
“No, I’m not— okay, I am appreciating the view, but dude, I basically mauled your back, does that not sting?”
He wrinkles his nose, twisting his torso this way and that experimentally. “A bit. It’s not bad, though.”
After he took care of you so gently, you find yourself wanting to take care of him at least just a little – just to even the playing field, so he can’t chastise you for not knowing safe kink practices, or otherwise flip it on you somehow. At least, that’s what you tell yourself when you get up and ask him if he has any ointment for it.
“Yeah, like an antibiotic cream, or something. I broke skin, Chan. There’s a bit of blood. The least you should do is get it cleaned so it doesn’t get infected, especially if you’re gonna sleep without a shirt.”
He yawns again, stretching out and then wincing slightly, no doubt at the fresh scars adorning his back now. “Get it cleaned, huh? I don’t suppose you’ll do it for me?”
You bite at the inside of your cheek. “Is this a test?”
“A test? No, it’s a question. Do I have to get up and do it myself or can I stay here?”
“...Where’s the ointment? Or should I just use water?”
“Bathroom’s around the left corner, in the cabinet behind the mirror.”
It’s exactly where he said it was, so you return with a damp cloth and ointment in hand, and seat yourself behind him on the bed. This is certainly not your first time tending to your own scratch marks – or claw marks, as Kevin likes to call them, joking that the band are your scratching posts – so you fall into the process rather quickly. A gentle wipe-down before applying the cream, that’s all it is, you could do it in your sleep.
Your heart is beating out of your chest like it’s about to erupt.
You know why. It’s not a Chan thing, you know that for sure – it’s the same when taking care of your bandmates, too, as there is something so sacred about the whole process that’s almost tender. It’s the vulnerability of it all, and you’ve since gotten more adjusted to it with the others, but without any trust built between you and Chan, it feels significantly more potent than usual. Risky, almost.
Maybe it is a Chan thing.
Silence drags on and neither you nor Chan do anything about it. Out of tiredness, probably. You wouldn’t call it entirely comfortable silence, though; for some reason, tending to him feels even more vulnerable than him giving you the massage. You suppose you can’t really keep pretending like you hate him while you’re treating the wounds on his back that you inflicted, and you’re not sure what this means, anymore. You don’t know what any of this means, or how you’re supposed to be feeling about this.
“There,” you finish, closing the cap on the cream shut. “All done.”
“Thanks,” he mumbles, shifting around on the bed to get a better look at you, and you find yourself unable to hold his gaze. He shrugs and simply flops down onto the bed. “’Think I’m gonna go sleep now… oh wait, did you want like, undies or something–“
You snort. Undies. “You’re not kicking me out?”
He tilts his head up just enough to drowsily stare at you in confusion. “No? Not when you look like you’re about to melt right into my mattress. But hey, if you wanna uber home or something, go for it. I’m not keeping you here.”
He rolls over, slipping under the blankets and curling himself around a large pillow. Cute, you think. He looks even smaller like this. You wonder how you must look for him to make such a comment, how much of the number he did on you is visible, but you know you won’t get any sleep tonight if you stop to check in the mirror now.
“Yeah, I’ll take you up on the undies.”
“Aight.” He yawns again, stretches, clearly falling asleep already as he grabs you a spare pair of boxer briefs and tosses them at you as he slides back into bed. Once your shirt is on the floor and you are under the blankets with him, you find yourself subconsciously gravitating towards his side of the bed for warmth, to which he responds by turning over and draping himself over you instead of the pillow. It reminds you so much of sleeping with Sunwoo, Eric or Mingi that you find yourself lulled right back to sleep at a record speed.
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If waking up in the bed of your rival was sobering, waking up in the arms of your rival is like a bucket of cold water to the face.
What is worse is that it takes you far too long to realise it, at first. Sleeping with strong arms around you is your norm, so you don’t really question it as your sleep-fogged brain slowly starts turning its gears, and you practically jolt when you pull your head back and realise you’re snuggled up to the one and only Bang Chan and pointedly not one of your bandmates.
“You’re not Sunwoo,” you blubber out, sliding away from him on the bed, and Chan just drearily groans and rolls over, pulling your half of the blanket with him.
“No. M’not.”
He stays still there, so you suppose this is your cue to get out, make your walk of shame, et cetera. Not that it was ever really a shameful walk for you, it being more like a walk in pride at the accomplishment of the notches in your belt, but Chan being who he is and his roommates being who they are make you finally understand why they called it the walk of shame in the first place.
“Where y’goin?” he mumbles, peeking out at you over his blanket as you start picking your clothes back up and getting dressed – still in his underwear with yours discarded on the floor somewhere, but at this point you consider leaving it behind as a prize, just so you can get out of there quicker.
“Where do you think? Home. Unless you’re up for round two? I’m warning you, I won’t go easy on you this time.”
Chan laughs out loud, wide and bright and fucking humiliating. You threatened him and he’s laughing at you. You scramble to get your things quicker. You need to leave, and you need to leave now, before you can dig your own grave even deeper.
“Have brekkie before you leave, at least!”
You pause to gawk at him, curly hair now free from its chemical restraints and sticking out in every which direction, his softer face illuminated by the morning sun. Who is this man?
“Breakfast? Seriously?”
He stares back at you like you are the one out of your mind.
“Yes? Do you not usually have breakfast? It’s the most important meal of the day, you know.”
“I pissed you off, tossed you around, let you bring me home and fuck my brains out, and now you’re making me breakfast? Chan, do you like me or something?” you guffaw, the only reasonable conclusion you can come up with using the limited brainpower you have access to before noon. Seriously, who the fuck does mornings these days? It was either that, or he’s trying to kill you with kindness and make you feel bad. Ha. Like he could ever.
Chan furrows his brow, recoiling in mild disgust and confusion. “No? God, is that what you think? I’m literally just being a good host. You stayed the night, I had my way with you, now I take care of you. It’s not rocket science, y’know.”
It’s not rocket science, he says, but trying to make sense of him is looking more and more like a complicated algebra equation you failed in math before dropping out. Why does he feel the need to take care of you? You’re not his responsibility. He doesn’t owe you anything. You were mean to him on purpose and he knows it, so he might as well have tossed you out on the curb as soon as he got off. Maybe called you an Uber if he wanted to be a gentleman. But this?
“What do you mean, why? I just said why! Have you never had someone be nice to you before, or something?”
“Wh– of course I’ve had people be nice to me before, I’m not that pathetic,” you scoff, folding your arms. “Just not after I’ve gone out of my way to aggravate them on purpose.”
Chan just snorts. “Maybe you should stop aggravating me on purpose, then.”
“So that’s what this is!” The final piece of the puzzle clicks into place, and you stare him down intently – or maybe that’s just the morning glare in your eyes. “You’re trying to kill me with kindness, aren’t you? Think being a good host will make me go easy on you? Smart, but I have less of a conscience than you seem to think I do–“
“God, a man can dream, I guess! No,” he sighs your name in the most exasperated tone you’ve ever heard from him, “this isn’t some evil plan to take you down as a competitor, I’m literally just being nice. Because I like being nice to people. Is that really so hard to believe?”
“You don’t have a reason to be nice to me. I sure as hell ain’t nice to you! Every time I think you’ve grown some backbone you–“
“Oh please, that is not what you were saying last night,” he interrupts, finally starting to lose his cool. Good. You hate fighting him when he’s so clear-headed. “You wanna be so tough and scary so bad, but you insisted on cleaning my wounds before bed–“
“Oh my god, you are in love with me, aren’t you?”
Whether you actually think Chan harbours any sort of romantic feelings for you leans heavy towards no, but the accusation is one you can think of very few people who wouldn’t get a rise out of. Not to mention how funny it is to see them flounder to prove themselves just for you to twist everything they say against them.
“In love with you? Are you seriously that self-obsessed? No, no– I’m not falling for that, you know I’m already–“ he cuts himself off this time, realising the hole he just dug, but it’s too late.
“So you are in love with Felix, you admit it!” you cackle victoriously, clapping like a seal. “You’re right, we already knew, but I sure wonder if Felix does. What was his Instagram tag again? Lix something?”
“Sure, go ahead and tell him, like he’d believe you,” Chan huffs, “You’re not subtle either, tough guy! ‘You’re not Sunwoo!’ Hm, I wonder why you’re thinking about waking up in his arms.”
“We sleep together, genius,” you deadpan, rolling your eyes, “the entire band, we all sleep together, I did not think any of us were subtle about that.”
“I know that, but why is it Sunwoo’s name specifically you think of first thing in the morning, huh?”
Fuck. Why is it Sunwoo? As soon as you ask yourself that, your recent conversations flash through your mind, and you sure as hell are not about to let Chan of all people know about that.
“Because your arms felt like his, it’s not that deep!”
“I don’t mean this in a body-shaming way, but his arms are like half the size of mine. I’m not exactly convinced.”
“Then don’t be! I have nothing to prove to you.”
“You really don’t! So why do you keep acting like you do have something to prove to me every time we meet?”
His words slice through you like a hot knife through butter, and it takes a second too long to come up with a response. He’s right. You fucking hate when he’s right, and you would sooner edit a Wikipedia article to win an argument against someone when you’re in the wrong than admit it to him.
He sighs. “I don’t get why you have such a raging hate boner towards us. I know Eric has beef with Felix and we’re neck and neck in the Battle of the Bands, and you get your kicks out of provoking people, but you seem to think that I – or the other guys too, for that matter – would act against you if you slipped up enough to give us a chance to. But we’re not like that.”
We’re not like you, is the unspoken message there, but you hear it loud and clear. “Why wouldn’t you? Felix still has something to prove, that much I can tell for certain. Lino was quick to spill my secrets as soon as he had them. Hell, Changbin threw me over a table for something entirely consensual and even went as far as to slut-shame all of us. Like, riddled with diseases? Really? You’re no better than we are just because we actually own up to being assholes, you just lack the self awareness.”
Chan tilts a brow up at you, then it furrows into a puzzled expression. “This is what I mean about you bringing out the worst in people. Lino went for it because he knew you’d definitely do the same, and Changbin... he doesn’t start fights as often as you’d think he does based off of your experiences with him. They’re usually justified. Though I will admit the slut-shaming wasn’t, he was just trying to get some sort of edge over you since he didn’t know you knew about Hyunjin’s career. He’s actually done sex work in the past too, got his fair share of STI’s, it’s not an insult that comes from a place of actual prejudice.”
“Oh, so its all blatant hypocrisy then! Wow, that’s sooo much better, you guys are such morally-correct heroes.”
He rolls his eyes so hard you think he got a glimpse of his brain, then pinches the bridge of his nose in barely concealed frustration. “Okay, yes, sure, he’s a hypocrite! I’ll admit to that! But you’ve had something to prove since before any of that happened, so I’m just wondering why exactly you expected us – why you expected me – to be some sort of villain from the get-go! Why do you want me to be the bad guy so bad when I’m just trying to be nice to you and make you some goddamn breakfast?!”
You see he has reached his wits end, and it’s no longer a noble attempt to defend his team but a cry for help to save himself. You knew your verbal spars had more behind them than he tries to act, but now he can’t pretend like he’s their infallible shield anymore. Nor can he pretend his little posse are all virtuous saints. In a way, you finally won, you made him crack.
So why does it feel so much like losing?
“Because I just don’t get why you don’t,” you confess in an aggravated sigh, “Other people would! I’d argue that you should, given it all! It feels— it feels wrong to have you just, clean me up and make me breakfast when we’re not even friends! We don’t even like each other! Like, this goes above and beyond even for just a Tinder hookup!”
Chan barks out a dry laugh. “It’s like you really can’t comprehend the concept of someone being nice to you. Have you never had someone properly take care of you before?”
“I have! My band take care of me better than I could even ask for. But that’s the difference, they’re mine. They’re my band, I mean, we have a bond even deeper than family, we take care of each other because we love each other. What reason do you have to take care of me of all people? I haven’t given you a single reason to and yet, you do anyway.”
“You think people need a hard-earned reason to be nice to you?” Chan remarks back at you, and it shocks something deep inside you with an ice-cold chill. Yes? Maybe? That would sound stupid if you say it out loud. Would it? It makes so much sense to you, though. People can be nice without reason sometimes, but not to people who don’t deserve it.
Not to people like you.
“I... I’m not saying people can only be nice to people once they’ve done something to earn it, I just mean that people aren’t usually nice to people who have given them a reason – or in my case, multiple reasons – not to be. If someone hurts the people I love, I’m not making them breakfast, I’m kicking them to the curb when I’m done.”
“I know,” Chan deadpans, no doubt thinking about Felix too. “That’s where we differ then, I guess. I don’t filter who I’m nice to based off of some invisible tally of who deserves it or who doesn’t. I choose to be kind because it’s how I want to be, not because it’s what someone does or doesn’t deserve. I’d like to say that all people deserve kindness, but even I cave and deliberately deny people of that sometimes. I’m only human, yeah? We all are. Even you. So I’m not sure why you’ve convinced yourself you’re so unworthy of my kindness that you lash out at me for it. Have you been wronged that much?”
He says it so casually and gets up to wash his face in the connected bathroom like he didn’t just cover you in paper cuts then drop you in a pool of lemonade and salt. Have you been wronged that much? Hell, have you been wronged by that many? You think back to your family, then your former friends, their friends, your peers. You think about your band, all runaways or renegades from similar surroundings, and the safety you found in them being like-minded individuals. How you all met because you were all so scorned taking the road not taken, so driven yet so lost.
Society has a way of chewing you up and spitting you back out into more pieces than you started off in, then expecting you to pick them up and glue them back together yourself, as if you are the one who did it. That’s just how life is; there is no childhood without hardship, no adult without trauma, despite the best efforts of many and the lack of effort of many more. Everyone has their own demons to fight, all while fighting for their lives in the blender that is late-stage capitalism and man-made prejudice.
You know all this. Yet when Chan asks, ‘Have you been wronged that much?’ Part of you thinks that all of that is bullshit and somehow you and your band have ended up being through hell and back for no other damn reason than drawing the short straw in the hand dealt to the rest of the world.
“I don’t... I...”
You struggle to find words for the emotions you are feeling – rage, grief, sadness, bitterness, envy, but there’s something else in the muddled pit of them all that doesn’t quite fit with the others. Hope, maybe? That’s a dangerous emotion, but that’s rarely stopped you before. You wouldn’t be where you are today without it. Fear? Closer, but what for? Relief? At what?
Chan walks back out of the bathroom with a hand towel around his neck, then right past you towards the kitchen.
“Come on. I’m making pancakes.”
Feeling like you don’t have much of a choice not to – or a reason not to, for that matter – you follow him, plopping yourself wordlessly down on a stool on the outer side of the counter.
He doesn’t say more as he takes out the ingredients and gets to work, a simple recipe but nonetheless homemade compared to the pre-made pancake mixes you use back home. You take the chance to observe your surroundings, spacious yet rather cluttered with the various belongings of the multiple men in the household, and that is when you remember you two are not the only occupants currently home.
“Are the others still asleep?” you ask, and he just shrugs while pouring batter onto a fry pan.
“Probably. We’re not usually up before noon, but I’ll make some for them to have for lunch.”
“Did I wake you, then?”
“Yeah. But it’s fine. I got more sleep last night than usual, honestly.”
It will never not be jarring to you, the difference in the kind of conversations you have with Chan. You’re either arguing with blades drawn, or you’re laid completely bare with nothing but an emergency razor blade hidden under a band-aid on you, conversing like you actually know each other. Like there’s any sort of closeness or trust between you. You don’t know if that is just because you’re more used to fighting him than not, or because something about Chan with his guard down makes you feel even more exposed than ever, or if it’s the things he’s done and said in the past twelve or so hours that changed the air between you. There’s discomfort in how comfortable it is, a juxtaposition you have no idea how you got to.
“Don’t get much sleep, huh?”
He nods, scarred back still facing you as he cooks. “Not usually. I tend to stay up late until I’m exhausted enough to maybe catch some sleep when I finally go to bed, then try to sleep on and off until it gets too hot at noon and I just give up. Well, not all the time, I do get uninterrupted sleep some nights, but the staying up super late and getting up late is pretty consistent. So yesterday I went to bed kinda early.”
“2am kinda early, huh?” you snort, and he chuckles.
“Yeah. Earlier than five, at least.”
The relatively comfortable silence from last night returns, and you find you don’t hate it as much this time. It’s still rather foreign, but not as deeply unsettling as it was before, so you are content to just take in the view of his half-naked form cooking a gigantic stack of pancakes until he finally plates and serves.
“Eat up, then.”
You do.
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You have been dreading returning home since the moment Eric threw his little fit last night, so you are already bracing yourself for metaphorical impact – the impact being rancid vibes more than anything else – from the very moment you open the front door to your apartment.
What you find instead, is a messy-haired Han with the buttons on his shirt done up one buttonhole too low, skewing the whole symmetry of the shirt sideways. If the bruises on his jaw and neck are any indicator, you’d guess this is Sunwoo, Wooyoung, or maybe San’s handiwork, but given that it’s your apartment he’s coming out of, you put your money on Sunwoo.
“Damn. You too huh—”
“I was just leaving!” he blurts out, shoving past you and speed-walking away while still putting on his layered jackets, and you snort and close the door behind you.
“Let me guess, that was the work of one man starting with a ‘Sun’ and ending with a ‘woo.’”
“You know it!”
He calls back at you from the kitchen, and you realise the mop of dark hair you spotted on the couch is not him and his permed curls, but simply Wooyoung’s atrocious bed hair. Or maybe sex hair. Could be either or, with him. Walking into better view, you notice the whole band is here already, seemingly waiting for you with Eric standing between the two couches expectantly.
“Ah good, you’re finally here!”
He sounds less than thrilled, and the rest of the band don’t seem all that excited either, barring Sunwoo’s aura of smugness at having his plaything leave moments prior. The tension in the room is palpable, like mugginess on a humid day, except the windows are wide open and the constant drone of the fan on in the background makes the would-be silence even louder somehow.
“Oh boy,” you groan, “if you’re going to grill us all on sleeping with the enemy, frankly I do not want to hear it.”
“You think I wanted to hear Jisung screaming out Sunwoo’s name repeatedly last night and calling him oppa?” Eric guffaws, as if that’s somehow your fault. You take a quick glance at the man in question, who only looks even more proud of himself, so you snicker at him.
“Wow, nice.”
“No, not nice, what the fuck you guys! Is there anyone here who didn’t fuck a stray kid last night?!”
You look around the room at the others, only thinking you and Sunwoo did, but the only one who cautiously raises his hand is Kevin. You figure Wooyoung and Mingi probably got Changbin to crack with the added influence of Lino, but your eyes widen at San.
“Whaaat? That Hyunjin kid was testing my patience. Though I can’t say I wasn’t curious after his stream—”
“Seriously guys, did everything they said just evade you? They dissed our music, our message, Wooyoung and I’s dancing, our sex lives— and you’re going on and fucking them instead of fucking them over? What the fuck you guys!”
Wooyoung just shrugged. “I sure fucked him over his boyfriend, I think he appreciated the view—”
“You’re not even taking me seriously at all!” Eric roars, eyes flaring, but he’s right. You aren’t. You don’t think anyone else in the room even is.
“It’s hard to take you seriously when you’re trying to come at us for who we choose to sleep with. Like, I thought we agreed that what we do with other people is none of each other’s business, and it’s extra hypocritical when you were the first to do so this time. Last year we literally fucked a homophobe from the rival band to humiliate him and now you’re drawing the line? Just say you’re upset about Felix still and be done with it,” you tell him with scalding bluntness, and you can see the hurt visible all over his face. It does make you feel partly guilty, but you meant every word you said. Suppose you didn’t hear everything the others said once you were preoccupied with Felix and Chan, but you don’t think it would have changed your path of action regardless.
“Fine then,” Eric hisses, bitter and thoroughly done. “Fine! Fuck them all if you want, have one big fat orgy in our living room for all I care, but don’t expect to touch my ass once you’re done with them. Kevin, you’re the only one left with hole privileges.”
Kevin wrinkles his nose and raises a brow, puzzled. “But I’m a bottom?”
“Good! Then don’t use them! An extra fuck you to the rest of them!”
He storms off after that, slamming the door to his room behind him, and you all take a collective sigh at his little temper tantrum. They aren’t anything new, but he usually isn’t this unreasonable, but you all know why. Felix. It always comes back down to Felix, the first love who broke his heart into so many pieces he is still trying to glue them back together. You feel sorry for what he is going through, you really do, but that doesn’t mean you are going to let him walk all over you and lash out like that.
“So. Movie night?” San suggests to break the tension, and the others are quick to nod and mutter in agreement.
“Definitely not here, though,” you pitch in, Eric’s loud trap music blasting from his speakers through the closed door, right on cue. “Let’s give him some space to cool down.”
“I’ll stay here,” Sunwoo suggests, “Just in case he needs to talk it out while we’re still gone.”
“Let me,” you offer, “I’m not huge on movies anyway—”
“Respectfully, I think he’d rather talk to anyone but you,” Kevin interrupts with an apologetic frown. “You did kind of fuck around with his ex without him. I don’t think he wants to confront how jealous that made him. He still misses him so much.”
“I know,” you sigh, sinking down into the couch, wedged between him and Mingi. At this point you have already accepted movie night is not going to happen until you have talked this all out with the others. “I think it’s more than that, though. When I was talking to him about it while training him on pole, he said the rest of the kids made him jealous, too. Because those are all effectively, and I’m paraphrasing this bluntly, mind you, but they’re basically his replacements. His and the rest of their dance crew that he left. He wanted me to fuck Felix with him to prove that he too had moved on and met cooler, hotter and more talented friends to make music with, so he could feel in control again. But I think it backfired on him as soon as they started winning and rubbing it in our faces. At least, based on his outburst just then, that’s my guess. Still needa ask him directly, preferably once he’s let off some steam.”
Mingi plays with your hand as you talk, his large ones easily encasing yours and tracing patterns along your skin. “Sounds about right. Maybe we should stop sleeping around with them, then. It’s not like we’d have much of a dry spell without them, as hot as it is I don’t know if it’s worth making Eric upset.”
“That’s treating the symptoms, not the root of the problem,” you point out, noticing the way he stays fixated on your hand, not looking at you, but more so, not looking at Wooyoung. “That’s the thing I don’t get about monogamy. People will go to such lengths to make sure their partners don’t get jealous, instead of trying to unpack why they feel so bad about seeing someone else with them. Like, clearly he has a lot of insecurity about being replaced, or other people being better than him. I get that. So we just need to show him how much we value him, and how irreplaceable he is to us. How fucking with other guys doesn’t change that.”
That seems to stir something within Mingi, gears turning in his head visible on his face. You hope that it’s the realization you think it is, because while Mingi has never been the overly jealous type like Eric is, you know from many late nights drinking hot chocolate on his shoddy balcony that his insecurities are just as loud and all-consuming sometimes. You haven’t had the chance to properly check in on him since his fight with Wooyoung in front of you, but you hope he can read between the lines nonetheless.
“Huh. And how do we do that?”
“We put him in control again,” you say decidedly, nodding. “A position of power, of some sort. Make him the star of our next stage, build it all around it. Let him run it, even. And of course, him permitting, suck his dick till he’s shooting blanks.”
A unanimous chuckle ripples through the room at the last part, knowing full well how the combined effort of the six of you could make that a very easy feat.
“He did call us here to talk about our next stage,” Wooyoung hums thoughtfully, “I think he wants to do another special stage like we do at those dance clubs, with you taking over drums and Sunwoo on bass so he and Mingi can dance with me, if I were to guess. He seemed particularly torn up about their comments on dance specifically, which makes sense given how that’s how Felix left him.”
“What did they even say about your dancing, anyway? I didn’t catch that, was too busy arguing with—”
“Sneaking off to suck Felix’s dick in a hallway, we know,” Wooyoung snorts, shifting himself into his usual seat, that being Mingi’s lap, and leaning against his chest. “They said I danced like my sex appeal could make up for a lack of talent. Which is whatever, honestly, I just used that to make Changbin admit he still found me hot and eventually lead to bringing him home – amazing ass, mind you, he wanted to top so bad and I damn near let him but—”
“Okay, okay, details later, what else did they say about us?” Knowing each other inside out means that the tendency to cut each other off is never taken too personally, given how much you all have the tendency to ramble.  You’re grateful for it, because at times like this, you need to get straight to the point. “Did they insult Eric’s dancing too?”
Wooyoung grimaces, lips pursing into a line, and that is enough to confirm your suspicions. “...yeah. To be fair, Eric did bring it up first. He was taunting them about their dancing and how they should go compete in dance competitions instead like they used to in Force – but oh, that’s right! Felix left Force, and for this, and he implied it was because he knew that they’d never make it in an actual dance competition without Force. So they dragged him and the rest of Force through the mud, saying maybe the reason they disbanded as soon as Felix left was because they knew he carried the team and they were nothing without him. You can imagine how hard that would have hit.”
You poke your tongue at the inside of your cheek. Can’t exactly say their response was entirely uncalled for, then, but at the same time, Eric made a solid point. Why didn’t they just enter dance tournaments instead? You remember Eric going to compete in a whole ton of them between Force and Triple Z, the dance crews he was in with Felix and Wooyoung and Mingi respectively.
Force since disbanded with Felix’s departure since he acted as the glue that held the crew together, the other members closer with him than each other, while Triple Z still meets up sometimes, but a lot more casually than they used to now that most of them aren’t studying anymore, and have a lot less free time working to pay rent. Especially with the Battle of the Bands coming up, you don’t expect they will be doing anything big for a while now. At least that meant Eric finally stopped overworking himself between all his commitments.
You think about the week prior he spent learning a whole new medium of dance just to prove a point, and you quickly retract that thought.
“I think I know just what he needs,” you speak up, the puzzle clicking together in your head one piece at a time. “Not just what he needs, what this competition needs. An even match.”
“An even match?” San echoes, and you nod, noting the way he looks slightly disheartened, but you continue before he can think that the band isn’t a worthy competitor to the current reigning group.
“An even playing field, I mean. They’re doing something completely different to everyone else; that’s why they’re winning, because they can’t be compared to anyone else. We just need to give them something to compare to. Another dance group. Four of us are already some form of dancer, and the rest of you are fit and fast learners. If we spend the next week on the grind, we can make a dance performance out of one of the old tracks Kevin or Mingi produced for Force or Triple Z that never got used– and if we let Eric run this little boot camp, he hopefully will feel like he’s in control of the situation again and that we still value his opinions and role on the team.”
“So... your vote is basically plagiarism then,” Wooyoung snorts, crossing one leg over the other with a playful flourish, almost kicking you in the face in the process. “I’m interested. In fact, if we want to really boot camp this, we should all take the week off work. I think I can help cover the costs that may arise from that one.”
“No way!” San gasps, eyes quickly widening while the rest of you glance around at each other, not getting the memo. “Don’t tell me that sugar daddy you were talking to is actually legit...?”
“More than legit,” Wooyoung preens, evidently rather proud of himself. “I found out how to squeeze even more dough out of him. He loves seeing me in fancy designer brands, he has no idea I just stole half of it and have been using the generous allowance he gave me to spoil Mingi instead and buy other sorts of useless shit and necessities. So I just pretend I’m this fashionista diva who only wants to wear the most exclusive of designer, and even with all the money he’s giving me, it doesn’t give me the connections to get limited edition pieces from exclusive collections... and he gets them for me, of course, and do you have any idea how much those kinds of things sell for?”
If there was one thing you always admired about Wooyoung, it was how clever that sly fox could be when it came to things like this. Trust Jung Wooyoung to milk rich old men for all they’re worth, but still not consider that microwaving rice three times would make it into a solid brick. The duality of man.
“Why haven’t you told us earlier?!” San seems almost offended, lips falling into a pout. “That’s huge! You’re basically rich now!”
“Ew, gross,” Wooyoung wrinkles his nose, “I’m not rich, I’m exploiting the rich. Big difference. Don’t lump me in with those bastards! I didn’t tell you all yet because I didn’t want to get my hopes up in case it was a scam or he ended up being dangerous, but... I think we’re in the clear now. I’m still going to pole dance because I love it and I don’t want my only source of income to be reliant on some old rich man’s whims, but I can afford to take a week off and pitch in for you guys too. I might have to leave periodically if he calls, though, but luckily I already know how to dance. I’ll catch up quick.”
“It’s a plan, then,” Kevin speaks up, and the relief it fills you with is immense; you were the most concerned about his reaction to the idea, as he was the least inclined to heavy physical activity out of all of you, but you figure you must have been underestimating him – he may be no dancer yet, but Gaga nights at the gay club have him vogueing like he is one. “We make our next stage a dance stage to rival theirs, and Eric gets to put us all through dance hell? Good thing I started working out…”
You look around the room for any signs of protest, but luckily enough, everyone seems to be on the same page. You see a particular spark in Wooyoung and Mingi’s eyes – for completely different reasons – that make you think this really is the right path to take.
“Going once, going twice… agreed, then!” You clasp your hands together, determined. “Someone pick a movie, and we can tell Eric when he feels like speaking with us calmly again.”
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a/n: not gonna lie this might be one of my favourite chapters so far hehe those chan scenes were extremely fun to write. anyway if you havent already, let me know your thoughts thru this google form or even through an ask, either or can be anonymous if you want (tho if you want me to reply to your form responses, pls do sign off w ur @!) as always reblogs are always appreciated and im always down to talk in depth abt these characters if any questions or brainrot arises. LOL
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its-malarkey · 8 months
I’ve been randomly consumed by the concept of an LMK Gravity Falls AU (thanks to YouTube comments) Here’s what I’ve got so far:
MK- Dipper
Mei- Mabel
Macaque- Stan
Wukong- Ford
Red Son- Pacifica
DBK and PIF- the Northwest parents
Spider Queen- Gideon (I’m so sorry Queen 😔 but you do both build a mech and serve the main antagonist before turning against them and also exist mostly as a minor annoyance aside from your one big moment)
LBD- Bill
Sandy, Tang, and Pigsy all kind of vaguely fulfill the concept of Soos, Wendy, and Stan but not so much in a story manner
-MK finds the staff (which had been left behind much like the Journals, except Macaque left it where it was because he couldn’t lift it) and unlocks his powers in messy and chaotic ways so he and Mei train on FFM with Macaque
-Macaque is pretending to be the Monkey King, claiming he “started going by Mac around mortals, might be easier for all of us if you called me that too”
-MK and Mei get into various demon-related shenanigans thanks to MK being Monkey King’s successor. Macaque himself rarely shows up to help with those unless they’re in actual danger because he doesn’t want it getting out that the Monkey King is missing and that the Six-Eared Macaque is impersonating him
-Macaque: “I can’t lift the staff or use my Monkey King powers anymore because I passed them on to you. Heh, it’s okay, gold never was my color anyway”
-he and Wukong had their big falling out under the mountain, and after that, they didn’t see each other for ages. LBD grabbed a hold on Wukong’s mind during a thoughtless, impulsive move of his, and while she can’t quite possess him without her full power, she can feed his negative emotions and whisper thoughts into his head. He knows this and calls out to Macaque for help with “a curse” without explaining why (as usual)
-Macaque, the simp he is, arrives to help and immediately gets met with an LBDified angry Wukong ready to kill him. Mac, confused and upset, can’t keep up with a full-powered not-holding-back Wukong, and loses his eye. He panickedly pulls him into a shadow portal that he can’t control because his powers are going haywire with his panic and fear. He’s been dreading Wukong’s return, but in recent years, he’s gotten concerned and been trying to locate him because if Wukong hasn’t returned after this long, could he be… gone?
-Wukong chooses to spend time hunting down information on how to end LBD instead of returning, and he gathers the rings of Samadhi. He returns to FFM where he senses Mei (ya know, descendant of Ao Lie and all that), only to find Macaque fighting with a strange kid filled with Wukong’s own glowing light and power. Immediately assuming the worst, he jumps into the “fight” to stop it
-Mac is terrified, and Wukong is just terribly confused because he doesn’t know why he’s THAT afraid of him, the two haven’t even seen each other since their big argument… right?
-MK and Mei jump in to protect Mac and Wukong is, again, terribly confused
-MK: “Who the heck are you?”
Wukong: “Uh… I’m the Monkey King. You have my powers, don’t you know who I am??”
MK: “What? Nah, Mac’s the Monkey King”
(Macaque is very stealthily trying to escape)
Wukong, just befuddled: “Wh— no, I’m the Monkey King. Indisputably. Always have been.”
Mei, who was a little suspicious anyway but still liked Mac: “Prove it. Pick up MK’s staff.”
Wukong: (smirking) “Easy.” (It is in fact very easy) “See, kiddo?”
MK: (jaw-dropped, turning to Mac, who suddenly looks very guilty) “You LIED TO ME??”
Mac, rubbing the back of his neck: “Well—“
MK: “Dammit, I should’ve known Mac didn’t make any sense as a nickname. If you’re not Monkey King, who even are you??”
Wukong, before Mac can say anything: “His name is Macaque. Well, the Six-Eared Macaque is his full name, but— he’s definitely not the Monkey King. He’s a trickster, but,” (baring his teeth) “I never thought he’d stoop to stealing my identity.” (He looks at Macaque, who’s frozen) “Lazy identity theft, at that. What the hell have you been doing with my name, Macaque? Dammit, it’s been YEARS. How petty can you GET?!”
Macaque, finding his voice to be angry: “PETTY?! You TOOK MY EYE!”
-Wukong is, again, as always, confused because he would remember doing that… right? And Mac doesn’t elaborate and they continue bickering (with escalation) until Mei and MK break it up and explain what Macaque has been doing with them and how he hasn’t done anything evil and has, in fact, only been good
-Wukong settles down and decides he wants claim on training his successor which sparks an argument until they agree to compromise. Wukong, as typical, doesn’t tell anyone about the Samadhi fire. They end up bickering a lot during training
-LBD finds them anyway and starts the ritual and kidnaps Mei
-after getting Mei back, they have to all work together to beat her using the Samadhi fire, and they end up having to use it on her while she’s inside of a vessel that isn’t the child she was possessing (because no children murder). Macaque makes the sacrifice in Wukong’s place
-I’m not sure how it ends, but Macaque does come back :))
-the end, it’s 3:30AM and I have many more thoughts but am so so eepy
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proxxinlmk · 11 months
Do you have any OCs? 👀
I do !! I hope you're ready because I am so sorry this is gonne get long and probably not at all what you expected from asking me if I had ocs
I have at least three lego monkie kid OCs, though most aren't fully fleshed out or are just concepts for now. I tend to create the character but develop their story or what I'd want for them later after I've drawn them enough haha
An OC I've shown before is Charlie ! Granted he's one of the few who aren't fully fleshed out lol
But I think this time I'll talk about the OC I use as my profile picture since she's kind of the main one I use or draw offline and have been planning to post about at some point :) ( she's kinda like a hyperfixation for me LOL ) I'd like to apologize in advance because I kind of ramble and feel the need to explain like everything ( ie. what inspired the thought, trying to explain the "vibe", things that don't need explaining but for some reason I feel like clarifying, etc ) and it doesn't always make sense or I'll suddenly just start.. explaining in an almost basically writing fanfic kind of way?? Anyways I'll just get into it- :,D ( also most pictures will be basically be at the bottom if you wish to just see those instead of reading, warning it will be a LOT of scrolling- or I'll make a separate post afterwards with only the pictures also a lot of them are before i discovered how to draw them in a way I liked lol )
So uh, a little backstory to her creation is that she mainly started as a self-insert type of OC and the original idea for her creation came from my various AI chats with the LMK bots so a lot of her lore or interactions with characters is just self-indulgent and most some of it just doesn't make sense or feel like too much but I just do things because it's fun ^^" ( OCxCanon included, a lot of it actually- I am cringe but I am free even though I still feel shame when I do it lol ) and also she is my first LMK OC and what caused me to eventually come up with more so there's that
I would pick some things I liked from the different chats and things I noticed that stuck regardless of which chat it was from to try to keep her sort of consistent
So the first original rendition of her is named Cherry which basically served as a normal friend to the crew, just that one friend who isn't involved in all the fights and is just there to feel like they live a normal life whenever they hang out, y'know? :)
"did you get into another fight again?" "yeah.." "don't worry, we can watch movies and have popcorn while i patch you up" "thanks,, 🥺"
She initially met the group because MK was kinda flung in through her window by a bad guy of the week and she ended up sticking around the group because they kept conveniently bumping into each other. Cherry would be visiting a store and BOOM monkie kid shenanigans pull up right in front of her so she just sighs like "I'll come back next month when the store fixes I guess."
Before I knew how I wanted her to look, I used a picrew to get the basic idea down
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This would be her design until I decided to change parts like her hair color and clothing color ( pictures will come up later )
You've probably noticed that "Hey she doesn't look like she does in the pfp?" and yeaahh that brings me to the next part, the main part namely lol
So uh I ended up making an AU where she has powers instead.. even though she has barely anything going for her enough as is ;v; But honestly if it weren't for me creating this alternate version of her she probably wouldn't have as much backstory as she does now-
See, this AU version of her is obviously named Cherry as well, but because I needed to differentiate her from her original counterpart for my friends cause they'd get confused who I was talking about I ended up calling this alternate version Yingtao, which yeah is still Cherry but just in chinese :)
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So basically she's just how Cherry would have ended up if she was born with powers instead but she actually has a story going for her, this is where she becomes more of an actual OC instead of being a self-insert but also where a shit ton of OCxCanon begins happening, she gets an almost Y/n x various treatment except it's only with the Monkeys lmao Also I try my best to be linear with the explanation but sometimes I just forget to mention some things and then bring them up later once I remember lol
Before Yingtao was born, a long time ago her great ancestors made a deal with a fox demon and so the fox agrees to this deal, only they wish to be immortalized forever by living through the family, providing them great powers. However, if the body the fox demon possesses cannot handle the fox, they will die and the fox will move onto the next descendant. ( I have yet to decide why the family makes the deal in the first place, but it was probably a power or protection thing, and the fox end of the deal was also thinking I was still thinking about ) Throughout the years, the fox's powers grow exponentially with each new vessel as it carries the previous vessel's abilities that they may have developed, and at some point the fox is so incredibly strong and powerful, that the family has nearly died out because it cannot find a body that's strong enough to hold all of it anymore, especially since only one person can be a carrier at a time.
Something happens to Yingtao's family, leaving them scattered or split apart, with her parents giving her up in hopes that she'll be safe from whatever horror had befallen her family. Yingtao lives in America because one of her parents were American, so because she is now an orphan, gets put into the system. ( I think her family was getting executed because most found the fox demon to be a curse and they thought by wiping them all out the fox would die as well or they were seeking a way to harness the powers of it ) And things were great, until they weren't.
Yingtao is the new carrier of the fox demon, though she is completely unaware of that fact. Though others have noticed instances in where she suddenly feels hot to the touch, or showcases physical strength that a child should not have, though they are just fleeting moments and don't last long. This becomes an issue because Yingtao accidentally injures another child, and this event causes everyone there to be fearful of her, thinking it the work of the fox within her. They start calling her names and overall just being shitty to her because she's different than them, because she's harmful and dangerous, a threat. Yingtao is isolated from the other kids, or just outright ignored for the lack of knowledge over her heritage, assuming she "should know better" and outright favoring the other children.
Tired of being treated like this, Yingtao runs away from her "destiny" and the orphanage at a young age, refusing to accept their words as truth, not just because of their harsh words but also because she fears hurting others. Hopping from place to place and barely surviving on scraps, she somehow makes it to Megapolis in China by the time she's 18, grateful to be far from her original home in America and is just stealing to survive or sleeps in alleys for shelter. By now Yingtao has long forgotten about trying to find out her heritage, and if anything, hopes not to dive into it because it just reminds her of her times at the orphanage and the memory of unintentionally harming another child, she suppresses these memories whenever they arise. Yingtao is on the streets for a good while, focusing mainly on stealing to make enough money so she can afford a living space for herself on the quieter side of the city. She eventually ends up succeeding, but is soon overwhelmed by the new surroundings, only just now processing the full weight of her actions of running away and realizing just how little she actually knows what she's doing. Yingtao ends up having a breakdown in an alley on her way home from these thoughts and realizations.
MK had been following one of his delivery routes, passing by this alley but stopping upon hearing her cries. Honestly a little startled by seeing a random girl crying in an alley, but he doesn't hesitate to try to cheer her up, even trying to offer her some candy he had saved to prove his trustworthiness to her.
He succeeds, officially becoming her first real friend and they start to hang out, even introducing her to his family friends. After hanging out for quite a while, the spark of a crush develops in her heart but she doesn't really realize it.
Sometime between being MK's friend for a few weeks she somehow meets Macaque?? ( I don't have an explanation for why he's alive yet, but I'll come up with one eventually but I guess a start would be to say that I considered him to be alive even before A Hero is Born and only stays in Megapolis at first to make sure LBD doesn't reawaken but also to keep hanging out with Yingtao lol )
Macaque is of course cautious of her at the start, but after finding out she knows pretty much nothing about JTTW so has no knowledge of Wukong or himself because she's from the west, decides she isn't a threat and just kind of vibes with her as a sort of breath of fresh air, free from worrying about being perceived as evil or anything like that in general. Just a fresh start with no strings attached, no need to hide himself or pretend. They become pals and have their own little meetups here and there. ( Bonding over their upbringings and similarities maybe? )
At some point MK info dumps about Wukong to Yingtao after finding out she doesn't know anything about his hyperfixation idol, so it leads to her just happily listening to his rants, remembering everything she can that he's mentioned. MK doesn't know anything about Mac at this point, so our favorite six-eared monkey isn't brought up to her. Yingtao also doesn't tell any of this info to Macaque cause she doesn't see a reason to. ( funnily enough I had this info written down before finding out MK didn't even read JTTW because S4 didn't exist yet to tell us that so now it makes sense lol )
I should mention that I wrote these events with the thought that they happen before A Hero is Born, but it's undecided because a lot of the ideas I had in mind or wrote seem really cool to explore with them being set after LBD instead because some things make a little more sense
Once MK unlocks his powers, he doesn't have much time for Yingtao anymore, busy with training and all the other hijinks that happen during S1, so she just kind of hangs back, maybe meeting up with Mac more often. ( I like to think she was going to play the same role as OG Cherry was intended to up until her powers act up )
Yingtao's life is flipped upside down once her powers suddenly begin to flare up on occasion in the forms of random fevers out of nowhere, an early sign showing the awakening of the fox. ( This may have been because of being exposed to large amounts of power via MK and Macaque )
MK is understandably worried about these sudden fevers, but neither him nor Yingtao know what's up so nothing is done about it other than giving her rest and medicine in hopes she recovers.
During a meetup with Mac, Yingtao gets a fever when talking to him and woozily sits down against a wall. Mac realizes what's happening and helps her out, teaching her ways to calm her "fever" without outright telling her the source of the problem because he doesn't think she's ready yet. This advice he gives her helps, but Yingtao notes how he seems to know more than he lets on, so she occasionally asks him for advice and he begins to teach her some small tips to keep her problem at bay such as meditation, breathing techniques, and even fighting skills. She's confused why she needs to know how to fight for a fever but listens, finding this useful for future stuff anyway. ( He is aware of her fox because he can see through her, similar to Wukong's true sight. )
After a while the "fever" isn't as bad anymore and Yingtao thinks it's over, thanking Mac who awkwardly accepts said thanks knowing in his head that she wasn't quite done yet.
Meanwhile MK had been telling Wukong about Yingtao occasionally during their training, expressing his worries for his friend's fevers on some days. This obviously gets the Monkey King curious, wanting to meet this girl his successor brings up, and after much convincing, MK finally gets Yingtao to meet up with the king himself. Which is of course awkward for her but she does her best to be polite, Wukong trying to ease her up and tell her that she can just be casual with him.
Wukong had caught scent of Yingtao's fox demon as soon as she stepped foot on his home but he hadn't mentioned it at all yet, wanting to bring it up later to see if she knew and discuss about it. He had initially been wary of the girl, thinking of the situation with his Master and LBD again, but after talking to her long enough came to the conclusion she was just clueless about her hidden potential.
However the great sage had been unaware of how far along she was in her awakening, so it was a great surprise when she'd suddenly collapse onto the floor in great pain right as the two were starting to get along.
I hope I'm not too descriptive with this scene? I mean I'm not the best at describing these types of scenes anyway but I don't exactly know where the line is drawn for being too graphic or not so I hope to keep this simple enough to give an idea but descriptive enough to be better understood
Basically Yingtao felt a great spike of pain in her chest, causing her to begin coughing and crying out, feeling as though she couldn't breathe and thus rendering her immobile and on the floor. MK is actively reaching out to her, ready to jump in to comfort Yingtao but Wukong steps in front of him, holding an arm out to stop the boy, saying something about how they can't help her.
Even as she bursts into flames, screaming in pain at feeling like she's burning from the inside out, making MK feel even more guilty about not being able to help in anyway. ( Just a note, this is one of the scenes I wondered whether would be better set after LBD. I thought maybe MK would comment on this being similar to the Samadhi fire. But I also thought maybe this scene was still set before LBD and Wukong only briefly mumbles about it being like the Samadhi fire under his breath where MK doesn't notice OR where MK does notice and eventually brings it up in S2/S3 about remembering Wukong saying that before. Another smaller note, but I had this idea of her bursting into flames before I actually saw where it's revealed that Mei has the samadhi fire and it was only after I saw the episodes that I figured this scene could reference it lol )
This event of Yingtao bursting into flames is actually what each vessel had to go through, a way of testing their compatibility and ability to handle the current powers of the fox. Because the fox's power grows exponentially with each descendant, this is why it was harder for newer generations to survive or handle it because it's power at this point is becoming kaiju levels. So if Yingtao didn't die from these flames, it would show she is capable of controlling the fox and taking these powers as her own. Her body flickering between her normal appearance and her "fox form." ( Another thing I thought of before S4's release lmao )
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Unsurprisingly Yingtao survives, the flames dissipated but left weakened and exhausted, laying on the floor and struggling to hold herself up. MK looks to Wukong, silently asking for permission and the Monkey King nods, a sign that it was safe to touch her now and MK does NOT hesitate, holding her up looking worried as fuck. Yingtao isn't awake for long, passing out immediately and after resting for some time at Wukong's place.
When she finally wakes up, she's questioned instantly by them, mostly Wukong, about what happened. Yingtao expresses confusion and fear, unsure of what that was and why it happened. Wukong explains it to her, or at least, explains what he thought it was, going into detail about the flames and the fox she harbored.
"why do I care about dead guys from over a hundred years ago? 🤨" "because those dead guys left you a gift" "YOU MEAN A FUCKING CURSE????" "same thing"
Both MK and Yingtao are reasonably surprised. Seeing a positive opportunity, MK tries to be optimistic about this new information, commenting on how they could both train together now, lightening up the mood. Yingtao, although appreciative of MK's idea, wants to shut the idea down. However, before she can even get a word in of her opinion, Wukong answers MK for her, saying that while Yingtao would be under his supervision and he'd be willing to train her, it'd be separate from MK because, according to him, the two need different types of training. This visibly deflates MK but he's still happy for his friend anyway because at least she's close by.
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Yingtao is uncomfortable with the idea because while she trusts MK with her whole heart, she barely knows Wukong. After all, they only talked that one day and it was basically the day where she went into a short coma. Wukong reassures her that the training "won't be so bad" and that he'll help her control her newly reawakened powers.
So now we've reached the arc where Yingtao is training unwillingly to control her issues, finding out that they often come out during moments of great emotional turmoil or just when she's experiencing a lot on her mind or in general.
Wukong is trying to teach Yingtao but his ways of teaching her are more like he tells her what she needs to do but expects her to do it alone or sort of "figure it out" as if she's learning some sort of lesson, which doesn't help her all that much and makes her feel as if she's on her own. That, or he isn't even actually teaching her and is instead bothering her when she's trying to focus because he just has some really bad timing and gets bored watching her sit there meditating.
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( a very simplified drawing I did a long while ago )
Wukong only does it because he can't help but be curious about her because she still hasn't fully opened up to him yet so he's trying at any opportunity to get her know her better. He finds it'd be much easier to teach her if she would just let him in and stop holding him at arms length.
Between these sessions with Wukong, Yingtao goes to Macaque to train as well, telling him about what happened and completely missing the way Mac's face scrunches up at the mention of Wukong. He's afraid she might turn on him now. Though he is pleasantly surprised when she in fact, doesn't, because she still isn't aware of his relationship with Wukong because again MK only told her about Wukong's great feats, not the entirety of JTTW. So then Mac begins teaching her as well, in a way that she actually understands much easier than Wukong. ( They both taught her the same thing, just Wukong phrases it poorly or in a way she doesn't understand lol )
I forgot to mention that sometime between meeting Macaque and meeting Wukong that Yingtao has developed a full blown crush on MK, becoming a little more aware of her new feelings for him. Yingtao occasionally talks about MK to Mac, just praise after praise about the boy and getting all flustered and shy as she gushes about her close friend. Macaque finds her to be adorable in this blushy state, sometimes teasing her about it and develops a small crush on her.
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( Another note, but this is another thing where I thought that maybe it would've been better for Yingtao to have met Mac sometime after MK gained his powers because it'd add on to why Mac was cautious of her because he'd know full well who MK was and be extra wary due to her affiliated with the Wukong's successor, not wanting to be found out. This is also why I imagined that perhaps MK doesn't always tell Yingtao of his adventures and stuff, probably feeling bad about some things coughs like when he got some powers stolen by Mac coughs so he didn't think to tell her about him )
This is the part where I cackle and reveal that this entire time I had been very obviously writing Yingtao's story as an almost comedic love drama. It wasn't my intention originally but I had too much fun writing OCxCanon so all of it stuck lol
So regarding dynamics sorta:
It is uncertain whether or not MK feels the same affections for Yingtao, but there are moments where it seems like he might. It's just hard for either of them to tell because they both just write off most of their interactions to be purely platonic since they've always been really close with each other. Close enough to hug, hold hands in public, having their foreheads touch when comforting each other, things like that.
As for her thoughts on Wukong, Yingtao sees him as fatherly/brotherly, not necessarily to herself but sometimes she just straight up thinks Wukong acts like a dad/brother to MK. He's also just sort of her teacher from her perspective, and she isn't actively trying to get to know him but it isn't like she avoids him either. ( Yingtao primarily thinks Tang and Pigsy as MK's dads though. )
On the other end, Wukong also is sort of developing a crush on Yingtao too as time progresses, enamored with her personality and will and he finds it amusing and fun that she doesn't hold back on her remarks towards him just because he's a legend. ( Granted he has no idea she literally didn't even know who he was until MK told her and even then she doesn't see him as "all that" XD )
Macaque likes Yingtao for similar reasons as Wukong, finding her quick wit and strong-willed. Her determination is admirable as well. Especially loves when he teases her or makes a sarcastic comment and she retorts back with one of her own, it makes light banter easy. Plus they relate to each other and are each other's comfort a lot of the times, reminding each other that they aren't as bad as others make them out to be.
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Both Wukong and Macaque like to tease her, just Wukong does it more frequently given Yingtao's at his temple/mountain more often. ( I made this a key factor of her relationships with them because my mom once told me that monkeys like teasing dogs in reference to my baby brother playing with me and like Yingtao's technically like a dog because of the whole fox thing, canines y'know? )
I've also thought maybe Mac calls Yingtao nicknames like Plum, Blossom, or fruit/flower related nicknames ( cause cherry blossoms yk )
And Yingtao calls him Mac, Mac n cheese, or like Mango, maybe even calling him Plum too sometimes
Also Wukong calling her Peaches or other sweet names meanwhile Yingtao mainly callin' him Sun or Wukong because she's not super casual with him yet. Maybe calling him Sunshine in an almost mocking way that's lighthearted ( also maybe Impulsive King because she gets kinda sassy with him sometimes lol )
I like to imagine that before Yingtao met MK she had a very obvious "American accent" and wasn't very good at speaking Chinese and by meeting him she'd gotten better at speaking the language because he started teaching her ( with the help of Tang and others of course as well, but mostly MK )
Completely unrelated to these dynamics but eventually Yingtao would accept the fox as part of her. She and the fox are a complete match, so she pretty much is the fox. I know I made the fox out to be its own person, but actually after testing the compatibility with Yingtao it merged with her soul or something like that. Because the fox immortalized itself by feeding off its vessels' souls, so all the fire abilities are soul flames or just powers fueled by souls. This kinda means that because Yingtao is the fox, she's immortal and because of the exponential powers of the fox, it basically multiplied all the souls it had harnessed, I often joke that it would make her as much, if not more immortal than Wukong. Though I haven't decided if I actually want this to be true because she's already powerful as is and while I love making absolutely overpowered OCs I didn't think it'd click well with LMK.
Her main story or thing to get over is "what if I'm not the same person? what if I hurt someone?" as she learns to accept the fox as part of herself instead of trying to reject it like she'd been doing her whole life. So sort of unlike MK, she actually is learning to try and embrace her destiny. Only she changes it to what she believes is right for her, not unlike S4 where Macaque tells MK to follow his own path.
Oh and I don't have any sort of ending for her planned or if there ever will be, I mostly just use her for scenarios so it's unsure whether or not this will for sure be her timeline of events lol
I know there is like so much more stuff written for Yingtao compared to Cherry but like I swear I have things written about her too 💀
I love the idea of "i don't need to be heavily involved to be relevant + i don't need cool superpowers to kick ass" it has it's own good slice of angst of "am i good enough? am i a burden? am i getting in the way?"
but also Yingtao is just "your life suddenly ripped apart at the seams + constant struggle and fear of hurting people + slow and steady embrace of who you've always been" and I know I described Cherry as chill, laid-back, movie nights + patching up while Yingtao seems to be.. well, not that while cussing out her ancestors💀
they have the same personality I swear- just Yingtao is more upfront with it because her struggles are physically manifested so she has more blunt and loud moments of sass whereas Cherry's is an internal struggle and so her sass comes as light jabs here and there
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A fun thing to note here that I purposefully did with the designs is that I made Cherry's under shirt color black while I made Yingtao's white. It was a completely conscious decision :D
While I know Yingtao would probably look really nice with a black shirt, when making her I just thought she needed the white to show she's definitely got good in her despite her whole fox spirit thing going on, plus it was kind of a small nod to the way her hair inverts to white as well when in the fox form
Cherry meanwhile has the dark shirt because while she is a civilian and all that, she's gotta be tough if she wants to be able to protect herself and others
So yeah I was sort of doing an almost ying and yang thing when drawing them
Some other pieces I've drawn are these
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this very obviously a reference to Yingtao's past I was listening to Christmas Kids and suddenly had the brilliant idea to draw this
Yingtao being the part with "You'll change your name" because I quite literally changed her name for the AU and Cherry being "or change your mind" is also a way to show that the two don't act very similar or that Yingtao's mind is "changed" due to her different upbringing compared to Cherry
In the next panel I purposefully drew her as Cherry because the idea is that they're the same person, just ending up different due to running away from their past. But also to show Yingtao changes her hair to avoid being associated with it in the next panel. The last two are sorta self explanatory lol
Some other doodles of me mainly practicing how to draw her
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This one I tried to show how they're still the same person, just with slight differences :)
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And this one was just a cute scenario I thought of
And with that I'm finally done talking about Yingtao/Cherry ( I mostly refer to her as Yingtao because she's the one I draw the most lol )
Again so sorry about how long this got but I didn't realize I wrote so much until like 2 hrs later and it was a little too late to back out, so I just went all in LOL
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fairydares · 10 months
figure this blog could use a pinned post now
[There's a chance I follow you if you follow me, but it'd be under my main username: @underestimated-heroine]
pfp is the character Guts from Berserk. Theme (on desktop) is "Oscar's Theme."
***How to find any post on Tumblr via tags (requires desktop, handy to have in the Fairy Tail fandom imo)***
***Incomplete, informal FT fanfic rec list***
-i block art reposters and anyone who reblogs them too often to be a mistake. period.
-in the same breath: if i share any kind of reposted fan content it was absolutely, completely an accident. if you have the time/inclination please lmk if i reblogged a repost and i will delete
-on why we don't link our kofis etc. specifically on AO3 (idgaf if you make money off fanfic. in fact, have at it...just not thru AO3 because it endangers our archive.)
-This blog is firmly Pro-fiction, by which I mean "pro the right to let people enjoy fiction as fiction," often called pro-ship. This includes being against anyone who says "pro-ship romanticizes [x]" or "don't like don't read EXCEPT [anything]." I am also defending stuff I personally find disgusting and wouldn't read with this statement. (My own words & more on this, non-graphic cw/tw for basically all the depraved content this discussion entails.)
*tbc I don't like to make DNI's Like This, but due to some personal life experiences, a harassment campaign I went through once upon a time over a (not even sexual) fic I wrote, and some troubling trends and language I now see in this fandom, I feel the need to be clear and also show some solidarity with darkfic writers and enjoyers.
Nalu Week 2024 official post--it's from July 1st to 8th, and this is a really good year to participate with the dissonance between what we want and what canon 100YQ is giving us, isn't it?
My Writing
*have never opened up my inbox for fic recs. might someday, if anyone's even really interested, but not right now*
-(Mis)Communication: Gajevy week prompt I wrote f o r e v e r ago, it feels like! AO3 Rating M. Basically Levy misses Gajeel on a girls vacation with Lucy, Juvia, and Cana & tries to sext him. shenanigans ensue.
-Chasing Tails: scrungled-ass Next Gen fic. AO3 Rating E. Premise is that the NaLu child, Nashi, wound up on Our Earth as a child then forgot her family, Fairy Tail, and Earth Land by the time she was 17. Then Natsu finally finds her. Lots of the original beloved FT characters are missing in the beginning and there's a mystery as to why that is. Believe it or not, this fic is supposed to be more humor than anything, at least to my heart. Updates are going slow right now but I'm getting better chapter by chapter, and I'm determined to finish.
-Ice and Igni: feral baby mammoth next gen fic based on the Stone Age Omake, which fascinates me. AO3 Rating M. premise is Greige & Nasha "discovering each other" sort of like Natsu and Lucy did, with the necessary premise feature that the male and female tribes were separated long ago under mysterious circumstances (why do i love doing this?)
-Reminiscing on the Hard Road: a Gruvia one-shot where I basically give one version of events that might have led to Juvia and Gray getting together through memories. Couple-angsty, breakup & makeup fic with a happy ending.
There are others, but i don't feel they're worth mentioning. if you're intensely curious you can find them on ffnet. all fairy tail, for now.
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moonbunnyame · 1 year
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Here she is! My lmk sona!
I'll give some basic info for now and then make random fun facts as I go.
So she'll mainly be referred to as Ame just so it's easy for myself (I don't trust myself with names of a language I don't know, would hate to accidentally be disrespectful).
Anyway she's like an idol I guess??? Not sure if I wanna go in the tradional sense for idols or more on the influencer angle. Either way she would be known at least, and she's a bit infamous for how drunk she gets WGEJFHFJ.
Like she's not an alcoholic, but everytime she does to the anti gravity arcade (which I hc is like a Dave & Busters so it serves alcohol) she ends up getting wasted and needs a babysitter. She doesn't cause a ruckus but it's better to be safe than sorry dfhwkejf
So the main person I ship her with is Nezha, so nows a good time to block if that makes you uncomfortable. No hard feelings. Anyway some backstory rambling-
So I don't to fully reveal everything right now, but essentially she is a reincarnation of someone and that someone is connected to Nezha (this someone is not based on any character btw, just clarifying just in case). Anyway so how they met was thanks to Mei and Mk, as they usually hang out with Ame at the arcade. They ended up dragging Nezha with them one time (because I also hc that he hangs out with them on very rare occasions) and introduced the two. Nezha of course instantly could tell she was a reincarnation and tried so hard not to ball his eyes out. And before he could say anything the two young adults ran off, leaving him on babysitting duty essentially when Ame inevitably gets drunk again.
After that first night it became common for him to visit the arcade at night, mainly watching out for Ame as she did her drunken shenanigans. He basically became a bodyguard dhskdhfj not like he hates it really as at least he gets to see an old friend again. Even if she doesn't remember her previous life.
I think that's as much as I can remember for what I have in my head. If anyone wants to know more you're free to dm or send an ask! I really do wanna talk more with others about ocs and self ships and such.
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wingspun · 2 years
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dropping in a day late with nothing to show for it bc i’m a fool 😭 hiya hiya i’m melo ( 21+, s/h ) with my butterfly baby kang nabi!! she’s been in pelican almost all her life, went to a ~big city~ for university & made a big ruckus about leaving... & then popped back into town after graduation to take over her grandparents’ butterfly farm so it turns out she wasn’t leaving forever & ever ever ( dramatic goodbyes galore! ) 🤡 all i have is an about page but !! below the cut are some fun & exciting facts & plots!! please drop a like or an im if you wanna plot, or lmk if you’d like my discord!! 💖
her parents were both busy busy people, so she grew up a latchkey kid for a while before moving in with her grandparents who did have the time to take care of her
being raised by her grandparents did mean she got a little more spoiling than she was used to, so she’s got huge pampered only grandchild energy now
honestly was probably a bit of a class clown too so if something dumb’s happened, she’s usually somewhere in the middle of it
got her BIG BREAK going to the big city ( to be plotted where hehe ) for university on a scholarship & she made a hella big deal of it. dramatic goodbyes, last minute confessions of all her crimes, the whole shebang before she left
& it was super exciting & life changing & all that... except not as much as she thought? thought the city would change her but she came back & was like huh. nothing feels different tho. she’s still the same kang nabi!
so yeah! she’s back in stardew to learn the ropes from her grandparents to take over their farm, named nabi’s hutch after their very precious grandchild ( & bc i wanted to make a tiny pun ab the butterfly hutch from stardew )
chara inspos are heedo from 2521, dusik from hccc, heidi from the book series hehe
in my head she’s a bit impulsive but quite a determined person? self-assured & knows what she can ( rarely can’t ) do, sometimes comes off kinda spoilt / headstrong & will attempt to charm you as unsubtly as she can to get what she wants. a speedy go getter—though sometimes it backfires, when she jumps to conclusions or makes a hasty decision or just wants instant gratification
but also a huge lover of just!! being here & vibing & happy!! we’re young & its ripe for mistake making and lesson learning!! nabi’s excitable & loves doing big & exciting things but also loves tiny things like keeping an eye on a bud when it’s about to bloom or run around in the rain
pelican town residents she told her true & honest thoughts about them ( or maybe some secret wrong she did... anything good/bad is cool hehe ) but now she’s back & kinda embarrassed
OR high school nabi confessed to u ( or broke up w u? ) in that heck it, i’m moving!! kinda way & 😭 if u see someone running away with a suspicious scarf over her head...
the one person who’s been getting mysterious postcards for the past few years bc nabi scuffed up her grandparents’ address
good ol childhood friends please her class clown in crime!!!! they’ve learnt every single soshi choreo together & that’s a bond that’ll never be erased
university friend ( from a more metropolitan place!! ) i don’t have any thoughts on where she went except big bustling metropolis so i’d be down for some fish out water shenanigans from nabi while she was in the city / ur muse while they’re in stardew now?
in the same vein!! a grump she’s dragging out to enjoy life & lighten up, run around & splash in rain puddles!!
she works at the butterfly farm/conservatory so plots around that would be fun!! do you think she looks like a lil butterfly fairy?? maybe u like the tranquility?? are u terrified & running outta there screaming bc u thought this was just a garden & a horde of flying terrors have descended on u?? possibilities are endless hehe
an honest sort of first love?? i haven’t finished 2521 but pleas
no thoughts head empty but let’s brainstorm hehe
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cookinguptales · 1 year
Hello all! I'm awake and conscious and ready for some fun Friday the 13th shenanigans.
Before I get started, I'll make my feelings about tarot clear like I always do. I am not psychic, and idk if I even believe in people being psychic. I definitely don't believe that I can tell your future through cartomancy. But tarot, like horoscopes, works well because it operates based on very vague and basic ideas that cater to most people's lives. Most people think about love and money and friends and creative projects, whether positively or negatively. It's easy to see yourself in the cards because the cards are based on very basic human tropes.
All that said, I don't think that's a bad thing! It's like that old saying, y'know? If you want to make a choice, flip a coin -- then think about which outcome you were rooting for. I think that tarot cards and their archetypes can appeal to almost anyone, but in very personal and different ways. I think that can be something that helps you organize your thoughts.
So, y'know, if I say something vague and it makes you think of something specific, maybe that's a thing that you need to be thinking about. Maybe it's near to the top of your thoughts for a reason. I don't think anyone should make important decisions solely based on a tarot reading, but if you find yourself "rooting" for a certain outcome, maybe that's something you should pay attention to.
I'm not psychic and I don't know your life -- but you do, and you should listen to yourself!
Anyway, just my two cents. I'm about to order pizza and start the movie, but I'm also opening my askbox up to tarot requests.
Here's how it works:
I am pulling 13 tarot decks from my collection to celebrate Friday the 13th. These are in a random order currently, but I suppose they'll be revealed as people choose them.
Send me an ask with a number 1-13 as well as something that'll identify you. Like an emoji or something, idk. (I say this both because I get a lot of anons for this and because if I just get a bunch of "13"s, they all look the same in my notes and idk what people are responding to.)
If you've seen me do this before and have a specific deck you'd like to request, that's fine, too! I can't make any promises, but if I have it on-hand, I'll be happy to use it for you.
As usual, I will be doing both serious and silly readings! If you'd like me to do a reading based on the traditional readings of the cards, please let me know that you'd like a serious reading. If you'd like me to make up some harebrained reading based on the images on the cards, like a skeleton Halloween party or some torrid love affair between people buying far too many swords, I'm happy to do that as well! Just let me know you'd like a silly reading!
I have decks in my collection that are either full 78-card decks or Major Arcana-only decks. A lot of people only like to use the former for readings as it can provide a more nuanced and traditional reading, but a lot of other people don't care! If you have a strong preference either way, just let me know and I'll swap out the random deck you've chosen for one that fits your needs.
To combine the last two points, I also have a lot of very silly decks! A lot of those are Major Arcana-only, but not all of them. I think it's fun to do tarot with something like Gravity Falls or Lisa Frank or The Muppets or one that's exactly like the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot but all the humans are replaced with like. Parakeets. If you do not want a silly deck, be sure to let me know about that, too!
Uhhh, I think that's it! If you think there's anything else I should know, just lmk! I'll just be doing basic three-card draws, so let's have fun with it. I've already had my nap, so I'll probably be going all night. That said, I'll probably get kind of drunk and silly as things go because I fully intend to drink through these movies. So if you want me fully lucid, get in on the ground floor.
Okay time for pizza and.... Jason? I think that Friday the 13th is Jason. It's my first time watching them and I will be livetweeting them on twitter. lmao
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