#and also the key to losing weight is to exercise enough to offset what you eat
beverageenthusiast · 4 months
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paleorecipecookbook · 6 years
10 Foods to Naturally Replenish Electrolytes
Sure, you know that you’re supposed to replenish your electrolytes after a workout. However, reaching for that sports drink filled with refined sugar can do more bad than good. Find out how to recharge your electrolytes naturally with these 10 healthy foods.
If you don’t monitor your fluid or electrolyte intake after sweating, you could start to experience troubling symptoms like chronic fatigue and heart palpitations. This is especially common if your diet is lacking in fresh produce.
Read on to discover natural electrolyte sources that will keep you hydrated and performing your best no matter how many fluids you’re losing.
What Are Electrolytes?
Electrolytes are essential nutrients and chemicals found in food that are responsible for many critical functions in our bodies. These natural chemicals carry an electric charge (hence the name) when they come into contact with water, which is why they’re found in abundance in our bodily fluids like urine, sweat, and blood.
Without electrolytes and their ability to carry electric charges from our brains throughout our nervous system, our bodies wouldn’t be able to signal our nerves to contract our muscles, regulate our heartbeats, maintain our fluid balance, or keep our cells dividing normally.
The reason we have to replenish electrolytes is because they are consistently lost through sweat and urination. And the more we exercise or expel fluids, the more we lose.
Some of the major electrolytes and their functions are:
Calcium: Nerve signaling, muscle contractions, cell division, bone and teeth formation. (1)
Magnesium: Stabilizing heart rhythm, nerve signaling, central nervous system regulation. (2)
Potassium: Maintain blood pressure, nerve signaling, maintain normal heart rhythms. (3)
Sodium: Maintain fluid balance, proper nerve function. (4)
Phosphate: Energy production, bone formation. (5)
Chloride: Maintain fluid balance. (6)
Symptoms of Low Electrolyte Levels
It can be relatively easy to fall into an electrolyte imbalance when you consider our modern food supply: most of the foods we consume are packaged and processed, containing abnormally high levels of sodium while lacking potassium, magnesium, and other essential nutrients. Unless you consistently refuel with foods rich in electrolytes other than sodium, you set yourself up for an electrolyte imbalance that can create some serious issues, such as:
Trouble concentrating
Blood pressure swings
Heart palpitations
Digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea
What Causes Electrolyte Imbalances
Aside from eating too many processed foods rich in sodium and lacking in other electrolytes, there are a few other situations that can cause an electrolyte imbalance.
These include being sick with symptoms that cause fluid loss, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive sweating; certain medications or diuretics; kidney disorders; chemotherapy; and malabsorption of nutrients in your gut.
Why You Should Avoid Electrolyte Drinks
Popular electrolyte and sports drinks might seem like a great grab-and-go option for an easy post-sweat boost when you’re in a rush. However, these drinks are filled with harmful ingredients.
Let’s look at Gatorade as an example. For starters, Gatorade contains roughly 14 grams of unnatural sugars per bottle, crafted from refined syrups, sucrose, glucose, and fructose that can send your blood sugar soaring. Not to mention, these are also a source of empty calories void of nutritional value: a huge negative if you’re trying to lose weight.
In addition, Gatorade also contains artificial sweeteners like saccharin and acesulfame potassium, which have been shown in studies to alter your gut bacteria in a way that promotes glucose intolerance, obesity, and diabetes. (7)
To make matters even worse, the range of colors you see in each bottle of Gatorade and other brands are created from food dyes like FD&C Blue 1. These dyes have been implicated in a number of studies to be linked to cancer development, behavior problems, and a whole host of other nasty side effects. (8)
10 Foods That Naturally Replenish Electrolytes
Replenishing electrolytes with whole foods is the optimal choice if you want to avoid long-term health issues from chemicals in electrolyte drinks. Below are 10 foods that are easy to prepare that can get you all the electrolytes you need.
1. Avocados
Avocados are an extremely versatile fruit that is loaded with potassium and magnesium, two of the key electrolytes you need to replenish after a vigorous sweat session. In addition to supplying electrolytes, studies on avocado show that avocado can lower cholesterol, improve triglycerides, and even help prevent aging. (9)
Try adding avocado to smoothies, salads, or even on their own with a dash of sea salt for a quick snack.
2. Spinach
Spinach is rich in many electrolytes, most notably potassium and magnesium. In fact, spinach contains even more potassium than bananas, with one cooked cup containing roughly 40 percent of your daily requirements. (10) In addition, you’ll also get a huge range of nutrients alongside your potassium in these non-assuming greens, including vitamins A and K, copper, vitamin C, and more.
Sauté spinach, add it to smoothies, or use it as a salad base.
3. Butternut Squash
Butternut squash makes a rich and filling addition to any dish, and adds a hefty dose of potassium, magnesium, and manganese (which helps in the absorption of your other important electrolyte, calcium). (11)
Add butternut squash to salads, purée it and make a squash soup, or even add chunks of it to smoothies (don’t worry, its sweet flavor and smoothie texture will mesh well with fruits and greens).
4. Beet Greens
Beet greens, the edible leaves topping beetroot veggies, are one of the best types of greens you can consume for high amounts of calcium and magnesium. In fact, compared to turnip and mustard greens, beet greens have been shown to contain not only more of both electrolytes, but also other nutrients like vitamins K, A, and C. (12)
Add beet greens to salads, sauté them with collard greens, or add them to smoothies or juice them for a quick burst of electrolytes.
5. Wild-Caught Salmon
Salmon probably isn’t the first food that comes to mind when you consider electrolyte foods. However, wild salmon is rich in phosphate, the electrolyte that is found in protein foods. In addition, salmon is also rich in calcium and beneficial omega-3s for bone building and preventing inflammation. (13, 14)
Try adding wild salmon to a bed of sautéed beet greens and butternut squash for a post-workout meal.
6. Bananas
Bananas contain ample amounts of potassium. Yet many don’t realize that they’re also rich in magnesium and phosphorous (another mineral that plays a role in electrolyte balance). (15)
Bananas are an excellent option for replenishing electrolytes when you don’t have time to grab a meal or make a smoothie. They’re the perfect snack you can tote around in your gym bag or to work!
7. Coconut Water
Coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk) is the clear liquid of young green coconuts. It has a sweet, nutty taste, and is nature’s sports drink, containing the ideal ratios of potassium and sodium.
Studies show that coconut water performs as well as sports drinks for rehydration. (16) Either try your hand at cracking a whole coconut, or grab a prepackaged version at your local health food store. Just be sure that the brand you buy is 100 percent pure coconut water and not from concentrate.
You can even make your own DIY Natural Sports Drink using coconut water, lemons, honey, and sea salt!
8. Swiss Chard
Swiss chard contains three times as much potassium as kale and mustard greens, making it an excellent option for offsetting sodium intake. (17)
Add Swiss chard to a salad or stir-fry. Boost the electrolyte content by having it with salmon or butternut squash and avocado.
9. Beets
You can get a double dose of electrolytes by eating beets with your beet greens. Beets are rich in potassium and magnesium, as well as other beneficial nutrients that fuel efficient sweat sessions like nitric oxide. (18)
Roast the beets together with butternut squash and greens with a side of salmon for a complete meal. Otherwise, try juicing the beets for a quick electrolyte replacement drink.
10. Raisins
Raisins are another easy, portable option for refueling electrolytes. They’re packed with potassium, calcium, and magnesium, making them an all-around great choice for eating plain, on salads, or added to puddings or smoothies. (19) Just make sure to eat raisins in moderation.
Other Options
Another option for a quick electrolyte boost is to purchase a trace mineral supplement that you can add directly to your water when you need a boost. Make sure you’re buying pure trace minerals, and not packets or powders that contain artificial sweeteners or chemicals.
You can also consider supplementing with a natural magnesium and calcium powder at night. This will ensure you’re getting the proper ratios throughout the day, and can also help lower your stress and anxiety levels.
As you can see, getting enough electrolytes is relatively easy as long as you stick to nutrient-dense, fresh produce.
The post 10 Foods to Naturally Replenish Electrolytes appeared first on PaleoPlan.
Source: https://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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candycornery · 7 years
Healthy Meal Planning And Prep Ideas
New Post has been published on http://wellnesspond.com/eat-well/healthy-meal-planning-and-prep-ideas/
Healthy Meal Planning And Prep Ideas
Whether you like cooking or not meal planning is something that we do actively or passively. And there are times we may feel like not cooking or doing all those chores of cooking. While is normally not easy to make such feelings go away and we cannot deny them, in this article we are going to help you manage and get through them.
We are going to start by looking at what meal planning is and share some education on nutrition. We will then look at why it would be a good idea to meal prep. We will also talk about how meal prepping can be a whole lot easier with use of helpful websites or apps. We will also share with you options you can take to shortcut certain aspects in meal planning and prepping
The shortcut is the fun part. We will show you some websites (or apps) you can use to help you with healthy meal planning ideas. How to make a grocery list and make use of online grocery shopping sites. We will share healthy meal prepping ideas like using meal kit delivery services or prepared meal delivery service that can have fresh or frozen meals delivered to your door. And don’t forget juicing and smoothies, we will share websites where you can buy or get ideas how to make healthy smoothies and juices.
In a nutshell here is the breakdown of some of the key points to expect in this article;
Best Meal Planning Service 2017 – this will give a list of the best meal planning sites that can help you with 7 day healthy eating plan, healthy meal plans for weight loss, healthy weekly meal plan with grocery list, vegetarian meal prep ideas, etc.
Best Online Grocery Shopping 2017 – this will be a list of some of the best online grocery shopping sites or apps you can use for online grocery shopping with free shipping, buy bulk organic food online, order groceries by mail, or just know where to buy wholesale groceries online, etc.
Best Meal Kit Delivery Service 2017 – this will be a list of meal kit delivery services that you can use all the time or occasionally when you don’t feel like doing the whole meal preparation and cooking from scratch. Whether you are looking for meal kit service for one person or best meal delivery service for weight loss you will find it here. After you package has arrived you just cook – chopping, ingredient and their measurements, etc will be done for you…
Best Prepared Meal Delivery Service 2017 – If you want everything prepared and all you have to do is minimal work like adding spices, salt or heating, these are the kind of services that your meal will be prepared already. They are at lest two kinds you can have a Fresh Prepared Meal Delivery Service or Frozen Prepared Meal Delivery Service.
Smoothie Kit Delivery – Smoothies and juices can also be a chore that you sometimes don’t feel like doing or you would rather have a drink that has been well crafted by the experts. You can smoothies delivered to your door or cleansing juices if that is what you want. This list will share some of the best sites out there that you can use.
OK let’s dig in!
Why Meal Planning?
In a world populated by fast food chains and eating out, processed food-like items full of toxins, additives and addictive chemicals are the norm. At the same time, the typical 21st century adult is busier than ever before. While automation and technology are meant to free mankind from toil and stress, they have done the opposite… we have less free time than people in the past.
Much of our day is dominated by staring into electronic monitors and screens. We sit more than stand, we are sedentary and inactive, and children now develop “adult” diseases. The increasing risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and mental health issues have created what the World Health Organization calls an epidemic of health problems we have never seen before.
In 2008, obesity in the US caused a recorded $147 billion in medical costs. Just 4 years later diabetes medical costs had bloomed to $245 billion. This condition, and others, is directly linked to overweight and obesity, physical symptoms linked with a long list of chronic diseases and illness. And while we used to believe that exercise could “offset” poor nutrition to a great extent, we now know that bad eating habits can’t be overcome with all of the jogging and weightlifting in the world.
If that sounds pretty grim, and it should, there is a simple answer… healthy meal prepping.
This healthy eating guide makes a simple proposition – to save you time and money while replacing poor health risks and realities with overall health and wellness. That begins with education, understanding what and how to eat for physical, emotional and mental health. You will discover a myriad of tips and best practices that make planning and preparing healthy meals simple.
There are apps and websites that can help you along the way, and you will receive a few simple recipes that promote good health. Coincidentally, you will discover exactly why you should prep days of nutritious meals in advance, if the scary health facts and figures from earlier are not enough motivation. Finally, you will formulate a shopping list, and uncover the frugal beauty of bulk buys.
If you are ready to avoid the 21st century curse of poor health so many profit-seeking food manufacturers have put on you and your family, let’s get started by going back to school.
Preparing Healthy Meals in Advance Begins with Education
Everyone has different health and fitness goals. If you want to bulk up like an Olympic bodybuilder, you need lots of protein and carbs. Those looking to lose weight will cut carbs and up dietary fiber. In general, though, there are some recommendations you want to aim for, especially regarding fat, carbohydrates and protein. These are the three macronutrients required by the human body in large supply, and they must be replaced frequently.
Since the 1970s, people in Western nations have been told that eating fat will make you fat. This simply isn’t true. The sugar industry spent millions on a media campaign to name fat as a health hazard and downplay the danger of sugar. It worked. Everybody began eating fat-free diets, sugar was seen as a healthy flavor provider, and now the world suffers from the worst sugar-related health problems in human history. Your body needs a decent amount of fat in your diet, good fats. About 20% to 35% of your total calories should come in the form of fat.
Healthy fats help your body absorb vitamins, they provide a protective cushion for your vital organs, and it can be stored as an energy source for use later. Totally avoid trans fats, limit your saturated fats, and focus on monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats to keep your cholesterol down.
Like carbohydrates, protein provides energy. Protein is harder to break down than fat or carbs, so when you eat foods with protein, you feel full longer. This helps you regulate how many calories you eat throughout the day. Accordingly, a high-protein diet that cuts back on carbohydrates is a great way to lose weight. About 20% to 35% of your daily caloric intake should be in the form of protein.
Every cell in your body requires protein, and the more active you are, the more protein you will need. Someone who is extremely active could require as much as twice the protein of someone who is sedentary. Protein can be found in plant-based foods, and animal-based foods contain much higher levels of this essential macronutrient.
You need somewhere between 30% and 60% of your calories to come from complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are translated to fat and stored almost immediately, so you want to avoid them. This means opting for carbs found in fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, as opposed to processed foods, starchy food, fast food, pastries and other unhealthy options. Vegetables, beans, plant foods and fruits make excellent complex carbohydrate choices.
Consider these proportions when planning your meals.
Understand that protein and carbohydrates deliver about 4 cal per gram of weight. Fat weighs in at a heavy 9 cal per gram, but again, sugar is the culprit that makes you overweight and obese, not fat. In a 2,000 calorie daily dietary plan, the above ranges would mean the following:
• Fat – 100 – 175 grams • Protein – 100 – 175 grams • Carbs – 150 – 300 grams
Understand that everyone is different. Your body works differently than anyone else’s. You are going to have to play around with these percentages until you find out what works for you.  
Why You Should Meal Prep
Back in the introduction we highlighted the big 3 reasons you should be planning and prepping healthy meals ahead of time. You can save time, you can save money as well when you shop sales and buy in bulk, and you benefit from overall health and well-being. It is also easier to resist temptations when you plan your meals in advance, shop accordingly, and keep your belly full of healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Meal prep is all about planning.
When you work out your schedule, and that of your family, you can shop and prepare your meals properly. This allows you to have healthy snacks around when the kids get hungry, and can keep you from reaching for unhealthy processed food and sugar-filled snacks if you get the munchies throughout the day. It also means eating a lot of plant-based foods, which are full of dietary fiber that cleans out your system and fills you up quickly.
When you focus on foods which are found in nature as opposed to processed foods, you ensure you are getting all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body and brain need. When you keep your mind and body fuel with the nutritious foods they crave, you are healthy and happy. Studies have also shown that this type of smart eating leads to healthy choices in areas of your life not related to nutrition.
When you start to see the positive impact that healthy meal planning has on your family, you want to make other smart changes. This usually leads to more energy for exercising and staying physically active, which is another plus.
The money end of the equation is simple. Eating out can be costly, to your wallet as well as your health. When you have no plan, you have to think on the fly where you are going to eat. It costs money to pay for someone else to prepare and serve the food you are going to eat. The per-serving cost of planning and preparing your own meals can be extremely low, and your meals can be as versatile as your imagination.
Don’t forget that you are going to be putting more time back into your life. One of the most common complaints of adults these days is a lack of time to get things done. When you feel rushed, you feel stressed. Stress is found as a key component in almost all chronic diseases. When you start limiting the stress in your life by enjoying more free time by planning your meals, you save money and time while reducing stress, which means benefits to your wallet and your health.
Another huge benefit of healthy meal planning is that you reduce your impact on the environment. Current food manufacturing processes waste natural resources, and in many cases are cruel to animals. You become an ambassador to the planet and the animals on it when you choose to shop, prep and eat your meals in a responsible and healthy manner.  
Choose Your Meals and Recipes
So, how are you going to choose what you are going to eat? How many meals should you make at a time? If you make too much, will this lead to a lot of waste? Those are all good questions. That is what planning is for.
The last free day before you start your work week, sit down with paper and pen in hand. You may also opt to develop your meal plan online. If you choose the latter, the following applications go a long way to saving you a ton of time when you plan what and how much you will be eating in the coming week.
Some of these are paid services there may also be a free trial to test out the service. If you are unsure, start with the free trial!
Best Meal Planning Service 2017
Healthy Meal Planning Services
Designed to Fit Nutrition
Plan to Eat
Eat This Much
Cook Smarts
Once A Month Cooking
The Fresh 20
Meal Planner Pro
Healthy Meal Recipes With eMeals
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When you are ready to get started, figure 3 main meals and 2 to 3 healthy snacks each day, for each member of your family. You want to cook and prepare meals for 1 week. This means 35 to 42 meals and snacks for each person each week. This may sound like a lot, but remember that you are not going to be eating massive portions at each meal like you may do now. A standard 2,000 cal diet would mean maybe 500 to 600 cal at your main meals, and 100 to 250 cal for your snacks.
That simple formula lets you know exactly how many meals you will need to prepare.
Divide your calorie intake out over those meals. If you don’t want to crunch numbers, just make sensible portions. People these days eat way too much, and they generally eat too few meals each day. Instead of eating two mammoth meals, stick to the 3 major meal and 2 or 3 snack formula just listed.
Make sure your snacks have protein whenever possible. As mentioned earlier, this keeps you feeling full longer than if you were to eat fat or carbohydrates. It can help you monitor and reduce your calorie intake throughout the day. Don’t forget to plan on drinking water, green tea, black tea or some other healthy beverage daily. Not only does this make you feel full, but the human body needs constant hydration.
The number of recipes you are going to need is really up to you. Some people can make a crock pot full of healthy chicken soup and parcel it out over a week. They don’t mind eating the same types of food over and over. You may have those in your family which require variety. This is going to dictate how many separate recipes you need to learn to make.
Also, don’t forget to include “reward” or “cheat” meals.
Eating a bacon double cheeseburger and large order of fries is not going to impact your diet too negatively if you prepare the meal yourself, and only enjoy that meal once a week. You can bake your fries or choose sweet potatoes over white potatoes to make them healthier, and make your burger out of grass-fed beef. You can still enjoy “bad” meals from time to time, and when you prepare them yourself, you can make them as healthy as possible.
Obviously, you want to address any specific dietary or supplementation needs you and your family have.  
Creating a Shopping List
Once you know how many meals you are going to prepare, you can create your shopping list. Then it is off to your local grocer, farmers’ market or backyard garden to get the things you need.
Your shopping list can be as detailed or simple as you desire. One of the great things about cooking multiple meals at once and storing them for use later is you can cater this process to your personal desires. In our next section we will cover a few healthy bulk cooking recipes. Use these recipes or your own favorites in conjunction with the meal planning steps you took in the last section and you will have no problems creating the perfect shopping list.
Here are a few applications which can help you streamline your next trip to the grocer.
• BigOven • Ibotta • Free Shopping List Ease • MealBoard • OutOfMilk • Flipp
Also, check with your favorite grocery store manager about store-specific grocery list applications. These apps alert you to savings when you are shopping, and in many cases help you manage multiple grocery lists.
Healthy shopping tips – Choose organic whenever you can. You should always opt for grass-fed over grain-fed beef and wild-caught fish over farm-raised. Pastured, organic poultry and dairy products are healthier than those which come from animals that have been raised on grain like corn. Sodas are never a healthy option, so opt instead for coconut water, coconut milk, almond milk, green tea, black tea and any herbal tea. Choose whole grains over more processed grains and bread choices, and stock up on fruits and veggies.  
Healthy Bulk Cooking Recipes and Ideas
The following bulk cooking recipes may or may not float your boat. They are designed to be simple, and not require any special skills in the kitchen. You will find freezer and refrigerator meals and cooking ideas that can be tweaked to raise or lower the amount of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats you get with each serving.
Ready-To-Go Omelets
Did you know you can freeze omelets. Make your favorite omelet in the largest pan you can find, and you can get as many as 4 to 5 servings out of one mega-omelet. Toss in fresh vegetables and prepare in coconut oil rather than butter or some other oil. Add shredded cheese or cheese slices, portion and freeze.
Scrambled Egg Muffins
Add bits of lean meat, whole grain bread torn in little pieces, cheese, broccoli and your favorite vegetables in a muffin tin. Whip together as many eggs as you need, pouring the egg mixture in with your ingredients. This simple, fast, healthy-as-you-want-it-to-be creation provides an inexpensive snack or a quick breakfast. Preheat your oven to 350°F and cook for 25 to 30 minutes, individually freezing portions for use later. Pop in your microwave for a minute, and you are eating.
Pre-Packed Frozen Smoothies
Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? Smoothies are a simple way to enjoy a healthy beverage, and when you make them at home, they are a heck of a lot less expensive than when you buy them from a juice or smoothie retail location. Instead of making a smoothie, pop your favorite ingredients into re-sealable freezer bags. Write the name of the smoothie on the bg. Do this for a couple of dozen smoothies at once, and you will always have a yummy, nutritious drink that is ready to go after less than a minute in your blender.
Veggie Pizza Pockets
Use ready-made pizza dough, whole-grain if it is available, or make your own healthy dough from scratch. You can also opt for large pita breads. You will need some organic pizza sauce, your favorite cheese, and of course your preferred pizza ingredients.
Prepare your dough, then roll it into 6″ to 8″ circles. Add your pizza sauce, leaving a 1/2″ ribbon around the edge of the dough. Place your toppings and cheese on one half of the dough and fold over. Pinch together around the edges. Lightly oil a baking sheet with olive oil or coconut oil and bake for 15 to 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 450°F. Freeze, then bake or microwave when hungry.
Super Simple Chicken Nuggets
Frozen, store-bought, processed, fast food chicken nuggets can be nutritional nightmares. These are not. You bake for 25 minutes, spend about 15 minutes prep time and only use 4 ingredients. You save money and time, and these are so much healthier than anything you buy away from your home. Just 1 pound of ground chicken will make roughly 20 to 24 nuggets. Mix 1 teaspoon of kosher salt per pound of chicken. Combine 1 cup of breadcrumbs of your choice and 1/4 cup finely grated cheese.
Drop 1 tablespoon of your chicken into the bread crumb mixture. Coat all over, pressing into a flat, oval, chicken tender shape, roughly 1/2 inch thick. Cook for 25 minutes in a 375°F oven. That’s it. Make as many as you like, as these are a healthy hit with the kids, and you can create your own healthy sauce for dipping.
Any Kind of Soup
What is your favorite kind of soup? Why not make it in the largest slow cooker you have? You can combine any healthy ingredients you like, opt for low-salt soup stock, and cook for 4 to 6 hours. Bake or roast poultry or meat ahead of time, and add fresh vegetables and any other ingredients you desire. You can get anywhere from 6 to 12 large bowls of soup from a slow cooker this way, and you simply freeze individual servings in microwavable glass containers.  
Other Tips for Planning Your Menu Ahead
Look at your shopping list. Which types of items are going to go bad before the others? Which can be frozen? How much storage space do you have in your pantry, freezer and refrigerator? One of the biggest mistakes rookie meal planners make is over-shopping. In their haste to begin eating healthy and saving money and time, they buy too much food, some of it eventually going to waste.
Think about that ahead of time. Stick strictly to your 1 week meal numbers and recipes. You will learn as you go. At the end of your first week of eating pre-made meals, see what foods you have left over before making your shopping list for the upcoming week. This keeps waste at a minimum, which also means saving money.
It was mentioned earlier but bears repeating. Don’t forget to plan your favorite “cheat” meals here and there. This doesn’t mean one unhealthy meal a day, but a couple of less than healthy home-cooked meals each week is not going to ruin your health.
Buy a rice cooker, a slow cooker, large mason jars, resealable freezer bags, a dependable chef’s knife and a nice sized blender. You may want to pick up a paring knife, produce brush, silicone baking mat, muffin tins and a juicer. Don’t forget natural herbs and spices to use in place of unhealthier alternatives like salt. Buy glass containers which are machine washable and microwavable if you can, and opt for BPA-free if you go plastic.
Bulk Prep Your Ingredients
The way healthy meal prep works is by doing individual tasks at once. After you plan your recipes, the number of meals you will be making, and you come back from your shopping trip, it is time to get busy. Dice or sliced one or two large onions by hand or with a convenient food chopper. You can do the same with tomatoes. This means they are available whenever you need them, and you don’t waste time by handling your produce multiple times throughout the week.
Depending on your recipe, you may want to cook several pounds of meat, poultry or fish at once. Organic chicken breast is extremely versatile. Cooking and portioning out a lot of chicken makes for easy and quick access and versatility all week long. Make fresh juice in your juicer and store in a 1 gallon glass container. This allows the family to sip on that nutritious drink over the period of a couple of days.
When you keep your eyes open for sales and buy in large quantities, bulk buys can dramatically limit the cost per serving of the food you make. When you prep and process your food in bulk quantities, you save valuable time while enjoying better health.
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selflife-hacks-blog · 5 years
Reduce Weight How To Do That In A Healthy Way
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To reduce weight in a healthy way it was great challenge in present life. Everyone in one point of life would have suffered from this global issue... obesity!! i wondered why stress has effect on the fat deposition in our body. with my medical knowledge , I have done many research and found the effect of stress hormones on our daily metabolism our stress hormones like cortisol plays a major role. This article would be of great use if you are one among them who are planning to be health conscious.
It is not about starving or only exercise that helps in weight reduction. It is something more we have to know!!. That is calculating what you are eating
How can you calculate it???
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  In diet plan Rice has high amount of calories and carbohydrate that is very bad for the
proper diet management.
It was another shocker for me as my staple food is that . so what should you do..? 1.Come up with diet chat 2. Write down the amount of calories (maintain calories intake to 1500 k cal) 3.Daily cardio of walking and write down calories output(500 k cal) let me go in detail....
1.Come up with diet chart:
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                           So what was the diet chart??
Start day with a hot cup of water since it will enhance your metabolism .
Every day morning with juice of any veg/ fruit without sugar
Afternoon : 2 slices of brown bread and 1 whole boiled egg
( believe me , eating an egg will suppress your hunger and make you energetic all day long) Night: oat meal- cup(boiled)
This has been good daily routine and continued doing it for 1 month and you will be shocked to see the drastic change with in a week.
2. Write down the amount of calories (maintain calories intake to 1500 k cal) to reduce weight:
Keep the note of what all food you are taking is other important tool to
reduce weight.
this will also help you to control your appetite and become more conscious
The above website i have shared helps you to calculate the amount of calories you have taken. Remember don't exceed 2000 k cal / day.
3.Daily cardio of walking and write down calories output(500 kcal) to reduce weight:
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yes!! this is one of the hardest things but most effective thing to
reduce weight
This helps you to burn out the extra junk out of your body , the 1st 5 kg you would be decreasing quite easy as this is mainly because of fluid reduction and liquid fat burning . but after that comes the main part- the other 5 kgs that would be very difficult task , this can be achieved only with the
sufficient exercise
. doing cardio would be the best thing!! Tread mill and cycling are best . if you want to keep time constant and burn more calories, i would recommend cycling as it would burn more fat in less time. If you are a diabetic then there are
specific dietary and life style modifications
for reduction of the weight in the healthy way this includes the
natural diabetic dietary planning
alternative substitutes of the diabetic diet
which is quite different from the various dietary modification in normal person
Exercises done in sitting that reduces belly fat:
While you're working out:
On the elliptical or treadmill, keep your back straight, head forward and abs tight. Perfect posture will target your tummy as you sizzle calories.
When you're in the car:
Tighten and release abs repeatedly at red lights. It's the ab equivalent of Kegels: a little move that yields results almost without your noticing.
When you're at your desk:
Give belly pooch the pink slip with pilates breathing: Gently suck in your gut as if you were buttoning a tight pair of jeans. Then breathe without allowing your abs to relax. Do this for 30 seconds. Repeat five times, advises Michele Olson, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at Auburn University.
When you're walking Fido:
Keeping torso upright with shoulders back, engage abs for five strides; relax them for five strides. Repeat until you're back at your front door, says Torri Shack, a trainer in Los Angeles.
When you're in bed:
Place palms right below belly button. Exhale and allow stomach to expand. Then inhale, pulling belly button toward spine, drawing abdomen toward the box spring. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat four times.
How to lose weight fast without exercise?
This is most often asked question about how I lose weight fast without exercise. Though this may not be as affective for fast losing weight as the above plan in which exercise and physical movements are included. This diet is scientifically proven to reduce weight using only few food ingredients in your meal plate. is it apple cider vinegar!! or lemon with honey!! may be not that simple, This is called Mediterranean diet plan and ZONE diet plan: These diet plans helps to weight lose and also enhances other physical wellbeing
What is Mediterranean diet?
Health benefits of the Mediterranean diet:
Decreases cardiovascular risk
Decreases diabetes mellitus
Improves brain function
Decrease weight
Improves the quality sleep
Decreases bad cholesterol
Foods to be avoided in Mediterranean diet:
Refined grains, such as white bread, white pasta, and pizza dough containing white flour
Deli meats, hot dogs, and other processed meats Processed or packaged foods Foods with added sugars, such as pastries, sodas, and candies Refined oils, which include canola oil and soybean oil
click to know more about the Mediterranean diet plan
What is ZONE diet?
The Zone Diet was developed by Dr. Barry Sears more than 30 years ago, an American biochemist. His best-selling book The Zone was published in 1995.
The uses of the zone diet:
Helps to lose an excessive amount of fat from your bodyGood physical healthThinking fasterMaintaining in the zoning phase is a life long task. Making dietary changes to reach the Zone and stay there may initially appear difficult, but are well worth the effort. There are different methods that can be used for the Zone diet( either of the methods helps to quantify your diet:
The Hand-Eye Method
Protein – 1/3rd of your plate (about the size and thickness of your palm) -egg whites, fish, poultry, lean beef or low-fat dairy.
Carbohydrates – 2/3rds of your plate,(twice the size and thickness of your palm) -vegetables and a little fruit. (fruits that are high in sugars to be avoided like banana and vegetables that are starchy like a potato) Fat – Add a little bit of monounsaturated fat-olive oil, avocado, or almonds.
The Zone Food Block Method
Each Zone block is made of a protein block, a fat blocker, and a carbohydrate block. Protein block: Contains 7 grams of protein. Carb block: Contains 9 grams of carbs. Fat block: Contains 1.5 grams of fat. The main meal such as breakfast, lunch or dinner contains three to five Zone blocks, while a snack always contains one Zone block. The average male eats 14 Zone blocks per day, while the average female eats 11 Zone blocks per day.
click here to know more about the Zone diet
Few facts about weight reduction:
Losing weight can reduce arthritis symptoms
 A recent study found that eating dark chocolate in moderate amounts is associated with lower levels of abdominal fat
Sleep deprivation can make it harder to lose weight. Inadequate sleep upsets a person’s hormone balance, which decreases leptin (a hormone that makes a person feel full) and increases ghrelin (which triggers hunger).
While weight loss pills may help a person lose weight temporarily, they can cause other negative side effects, such as severe mood swings and depression.
Research shows that consuming artificial sweeteners actually promotes weight gain. After only one week of ingesting artificial sweeteners, healthy subjects showed symptoms of glucose intolerance and a change in gut bacteria.
 According to several studies, parents who ate with their family while sitting around a kitchen or dining room table weigh significantly less than those who eat dinner in front of the TV.
 Experts note that the body starts to shut down after sitting for long periods of time.
 Importantly, key fat-burning enzymes simply start switching off. Even after just one day of sitting, fat-burning enzymes plummet by 50%, among other determinant health effects. Even 30 minutes at the gym is not enough to offset the detrimental effects of 8 hours of sitting.
 People who are leaner move an average of 150 minutes more per day than overweight people. Simply getting off of a chair and moving helps turn on fat burning enzymes and increase blood flow
 Studies show that those who travel most for work have a harder time losing weight and tend to have a greater risk of obesity
 Each daily can of diet soda increases a person’s risk of obesity by 41%.
 One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories.
 Someone who has soda readily available and in sight at home weighs on average 25 pounds more than someone who doesn’t
 Researchers noted that keeping serving dishes off the table reduced the amount of food men ate by 29%
 Shopping while hungry makes people not only buy more food, it also makes them buy more junk food.
 Regularly smelling peppermint may help decrease hunger and, consequently, caloric intake.
 Researchers believe the strong scent is distracting and helps keeps a person’s mind off of their appetite.
 Yo-yo dieting has been linked to heart disease, insulin resistance, higher blood pressure, inflammation, and long-term weight gain
 Liposuction removes only the fat that lies directly underneath the skin. The most fat that can be removed safely is 2–3 pounds. Lipo cannot remove intra-abdominal fat that is associated with heart disease and diabetes
This is the first study in humans to show that something like a cup of coffee can have a direct effect on our brown fat functions- The potential implications of our results are pretty big, as obesity is a major health concern for society, and we also have a growing diabetes epidemic, and brown fat could potentially be part of the solution.” Prof. Michael Symonds (source)
Reducing weight is not some thing every difficult to do but starving and restricting food would not be a good idea if you wanted to decrease your weight in a healthy way. These few steps like maintaining the calorie intake / calorie output, regular exercise and diet planning in a healthy way can be the best option if you are suffering from obesity.
Apart from these regular diet plan, there are other scientifically proven diet plans named Mediterranean diet plan and ZONE diet plan, these plans help to reduce weight without exercise. Though doing no exercise sounds good. It is always advised to regularize your body with adequate exercise and physical activity.
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waxeight06-blog · 5 years
All the horrifying things that can happen to your body when you sit all day
© Helen King - Getty Images Scientists say sitting too much can affect your weight, heart health, cancer risk, and longevity-so what can you do about it? Here's how to mix in more movement and the best way to sit for better health. Sitting Disease. It sounds like some mysterious condition you’d bring back from an exotic vacation, but it’s actually a modern homegrown ailment caused by going from the breakfast table to the driver’s seat, from your desk to the car to the sofa for the evening, with little movement otherwise.
The staggering amount of time many of us spend being sedentary-up to 15 hours a day if we work in an office, according to one study-can lead to problems inside and out. You’re probably familiar with the aches and pains caused by hunching over a computer, but spending too much time in a chair or slumped on the sofa also has been linked to several life-threatening conditions, including blood clots, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, heart disease, and cancer. Not even your brain is spared: In April 2018, researchers published a study that found an association between sedentary behavior and thinning of the regions of the brain that are critical to memory formation.
The issue with sitting goes beyond concern about obesity, although being overweight can increase the risk of many of the same conditions linked to sitting too much. And yes, clocking so many hours in your seat can make it harder to maintain a healthy weight: “When you’re sitting, you’re burning only half the calories you would standing or walking lightly,” says David A. Alter, MD, PhD, chair of cardiovascular and metabolic research at the UHN-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute.
But even if you’re trim, a sedentary lifestyle may still wreak havoc on your health. That’s because “lack of movement affects how we burn fat and metabolize sugar and the body’s response to insulin,” says Dr. Alter. Your cholesterol may also go up, along with markers of inflammation and troponins (a protein produced by cardiac muscle cells when they’re hurt or dying). Such physiological changes can nearly double your odds of diabetes and increase your risk of cardiovascular disease by 14 percent.
In a small study last year, researchers took a group of healthy young adults who regularly clocked at least 10,000 steps a day and had them cut back to 1,500 steps. Participants still went to work and took care of their families, says Dan Cuthbertson, PhD, of the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease. It was no surprise that within two weeks, subjects increased total body fat, particularly around their middles, and lost muscle mass. But strikingly, the group also experienced a decrease in insulin sensitivity and an increase in both fat accumulated in the liver and triglycerides. Staying sedentary had consequences that were both swift and potentially serious in the long term. These changes were all reversible when participants resumed their normal activity regularly.
The health effects of sitting too much
Sitting as much as many of us do increases our chance for some 35 serious conditions, likely because getting up and moving around is key for regulating proteins, genes, and other systems that lower our susceptibility to disease. Below, the effects of “sittingitis”:
© Nicole Jarecz health effects of sitting
1. Depression and anxiety
The more you sit at work, the greater your risk, even if you exercise, a study in Mental Health and Physical Activity found. On the flip side, other research shows that the more people move throughout the day, the happier they are.
2. Back and neck pain
Just four hours of sitting can compress a key disc in your lower back, says Gregory Billy, MD, associate professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation at Penn State University. Poor posture can also lead to disc problems in your neck.
3. Cancer
Risk of colon and endometrial cancer goes up even after accounting for exercise, possibly due to inflammation, weight gain, and other changes. One review in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reports that for every additional two hours per day spent sitting, risk jumps 8 percent and 10 percent for colon cancer and endometrial cancer respectively.
4. Obesity, diabetes, and heart trouble
Yes, you burn fewer calories sitting, but also the hormone insulin’s ability to move glucose out of blood and into cells may decline when you sit for long periods, Dr. Alter says. Cholesterol and markers of inflammation may go up; how you metabolize fat changes; and vascular function may be reduced.
5. Weak bones
Weight-bearing exercise, including standing and walking, stresses your skeleton in a good way, signaling specialized cells to replace old bone tissue with new. When you sit too much, the body replaces less of what it loses, leading to fragile bones and a greater risk of osteoporosis, especially as you get older.
6. Blood clots
Slow blood flow in the legs from a sedentary lifestyle, possibly along with lower levels of clot-preventing proteins, increases your risk. Women who sat for more than 40 hours per week had more than double the risk of a clot moving to their lungs compared with those who sat less than 10 hours.
Can getting more exercise help?
Chairs are hardly a modern invention, but roughly 200 years ago, people sat for just five hours a day. The rest of their waking hours were filled with physical exertion: manually laundering clothes, kneading bread, walking places, working in the garden, you get the idea. If your great-great-great-great-great-great-grandma didn’t swear by her Spin class, it’s as much because she was doing a low-key workout from sunup to sundown as due to the fact that those classes didn’t exist. Today, including eight hours of slumber at night, we may move as little as 60 minutes each day.
Were our ancestors cocooned from the perils of a sedentary lifestyle because they were moving more, or because they weren’t sitting as much? That’s hard to parse, says Dr. Alter. We do know that only 18.7 percent of American women meet the federal guidelines for physical activity (at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio exercise each week).
There’s no question that hitting those targets can help your health and improve your longevity. But it may take more than double that amount of conscious exercise to offset the time you spend sitting: A study in The Lancet that analyzed data from more than 1 million adults found that it took 60 to 75 minutes of moderate cardio per day to wipe out sitting’s higher risk of premature death. And even the most active participants saw an uptick in mortality risk when they sat in front of the TV for five or more hours a day.
That means exercise, while worthwhile, doesn’t completely make up for sitting. When researchers strapped activity monitors on nearly 8,000 adults 45 and older, they found that sitting for 12 or more hours a day increased the odds of early death regardless of exercise habits. And the risk was especially high if chair time was in uninterrupted stretches of 60 to 90 minutes, says Keith Diaz, PhD, the study’s lead author and an assistant professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University. “It’s simply not enough to be active or move at one specific time of the day,” says Diaz. “We need to be mindful of moving frequently throughout the day in addition to exercising.”
How to mix in more movement
Before you quit your job or swap your washing machine for a washboard and a scrub brush, know this: Moving more doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing endeavor. You can have your modern life and conveniences (thank you, already-churned butter!) without fear that you’re harming your body. The main trick is to scale back both your sitting and how many consecutive minutes you spend in one seat.
A study from King’s College London showed that people who targeted their sitting time with a specific strategy-say, switching to a standing desk or walking to the water cooler more often-were more effective in reducing their sedentariness than those who focused on adding more exercise sessions into their days.
So work on replacing at least two hours of tush time with movement breaks-a shift associated with all sorts of benefits, including 14 percent lower triglycerides, higher “good” HDL cholesterol, a trimmer waistline, and better glucose control, according to a study in the European Heart Journal. “Little breaks don’t seem like much, but they add up,” says Dr. Alter. In fact, two hours spread over the roughly 16 hours you’re awake is about eight minutes an hour, and you can do those in spurts. One study has shown that adding two minutes more walking to each hour can decrease a person’s risk of dying by 33 percent.
You might also find that there are times you can eliminate sitting entirely. Must you call your sister from the sofa, or could you chat while strolling? What if you prepped dinner while standing at the counter or passed up a seat on the train? The fact that women who sat the most had more than twice the risk of a clot moving to their lungs compared with those who sat the least makes it easier to think of perching as a last resort.
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The best way to sit in your chair
Some of the symptoms of too much sitting have to do with the way we sit. “Most of us tend to collapse into our seats so our shoulders roll forward and our back muscles get overstretched,” says Rebecca Seguin, PhD, an exercise physiologist and associate professor at Cornell. In an ideal world, this is how you should always position yourself in your chair:
Shoulders back and down
Chin slightly tucked to keep your head in a neutral position
Feet flat on the floor-not crossed or twisted under you
Knees lower than your hips
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“Proper alignment also helps you place the least amount of strain on your muscles, ligaments, and bones,” says Stacey Pierce-Talsma, DO, of Touro University California. That means watching TV head-on (rather than craning your neck) and straightening up when you notice you’re slumping.
A few adjustments to your environment will also help, so move the computer closer to your chair and elevate it so your shoulders and spine aren’t curling forward. In the car, adjust your seat height so that your knees are slightly bent and lower than your hips. A pillow or lumbar support can help thwart slouching and keep your lumbar spine slightly arched, says Dr. Pierce-Talsma. These small tweaks to the way you sit-plus finding ways to work in more non-exercise movement-can lead to huge benefits to your health. That deserves a standing ovation.
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Source: http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/all-the-horrifying-things-that-can-happen-to-your-body-when-you-sit-all-day/ar-BBROAfC?srcref=rss
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dreddymd · 5 years
How to Increase Testosterone: Natural Hacks That Work
Source: How to Increase Testosterone: Natural Hacks That Work
by Dr. Edward Group
From supporting a healthy libido to building muscle mass, testosterone is an important hormone that has a massive influence on men’s health. Testosterone levels (sometimes called T levels) decline with age.
The effects of “low-T” are cumulative, meaning the lower they go, the more you feel the symptoms. Many men say that the more their testosterone levels decline, the older they feel. Want to know how to increase testosterone? Read on!
Although some men seek out anti-aging clinics and testosterone therapy, there’s actually an array of strategies — from exercise and diet to vitamins, minerals, and hormone-boosting herbs — that can support healthy testosterone levels naturally. You can even eat certain foods that increase testosterone as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Here, we’ll describe and compare some of the lifestyle-oriented initiatives that men can take to encourage a healthy balance of this important hormone.
What Does Testosterone Do?
An anabolic steroid, testosterone is the primary male hormone. Though testosterone levels are substantially higher in men, women produce a small amount of the hormone as well.
In men, the testes produce most of your testosterone. In women, the ovaries produce testosterone. The adrenal gland produces some testosterone in both sexes.
In addition to enhancing sex drive in both men and women, testosterone plays a key role in the growth and repair of reproductive tissues.
In men, the hormone also promotes masculine or male characteristics during puberty and throughout life, such as a deep voice, body and facial hair growth, increased muscle growth, and greater bone mass.
Testosterone also helps the body produce red blood cells and sperm and plays a supporting role in the overall health of your body. Last but not least, low levels of testosterone may contribute to belly fat.
Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone
Using pharmaceuticals to enhance testosterone, such as injections, patches, and topical gels, may bring dangerous side effects.
It also is not necessary, since many natural methods — including exercise, diet modification, stress reduction, and supplements to increase testosterone — work quite well! Below are some of the best tried-and-true natural solutions to increasing testosterone, no matter your age.
Go to the Gym
Getting regular physical activity is a great way to boost your testosterone. Studies show that men who are physically active produce more testosterone than men who aren’t — perhaps because exercise sends your body the message that it needs stronger muscles and bones.[1]
The best workouts for increasing testosterone are weight lifting and high-intensity interval training — sometimes called HIIT.
Resistance training with weights is an excellent way to increase testosterone, as is high-intensity interval training (HIIT).[2] Leg workouts may even be particularly effective at testosterone-boosting.
Being overweight leads to lower testosterone levels, but even obese individuals can offset the hormone’s loss with increased physical activity.[3]
Get Quality Sleep
Science shows that lack of sleep impacts testosterone production.
Be sure to get enough shut-eye, because sleep deprivation can affect your testosterone levels. Several studies found that insufficient sleep correlates with lower testosterone in the blood.[4, 5]
While everyone is different and recommended sleep times can vary, aim for at least seven to nine hours of zzz’s nightly. If you’re having trouble sleeping, check out our article on how to get more sleep.
Lose Weight
A higher weight usually means lower testosterone levels.
It’s a fact that being obese or overweight corresponds with low-T levels. Not only do obese men tend to have lower testosterone, but low testosterone affects metabolism and may hinder fat loss.[6, 7]
In other words, it’s a two-way street. If you are overweight with low-T levels, come up with a weight loss and calorie plan.
Try adopting a vegetarian or vegan plant-based diet while maintaining good nutrition and healthy levels of protein and fat. You can even incorporate weight loss supplements into your diet.
Need more ideas? Visit our weight loss tips article.
Eat Testosterone-Boosting Foods
Eating plenty of whole-food macronutrients — protein, carbohydrates, and fats — can help you maintain healthy testosterone levels.
In one study, hospital patients with depleted protein and fat reserves had lower total testosterone.[8]Another study found that, while testosterone levels rise during exercise, eating carbohydrates helps to maintain high levels during rest periods as well.[9]
Make sure you eat healthy carbs, like those in organic fruit and vegetables, and plant-based proteins, like legumes, nuts, and gluten-free protein-rich grains like quinoa, rather than processed, sugar-heavy foods.
Did you know that red meat can lower your sex hormones and sperm count?
Avoid meat! One study reported that men who ate processed red meat had a lower sperm count than men who did not eat processed red meat.[10]
Also, be sure to add healthy fats to your diet. Avocados, nuts, and seeds are all great sources. Swapping out saturated fats (such as butter) for monounsaturated healthy fats such as olive oil can support testosterone production.[11] Exceptions exist, such as coconut oil, which has different effects on metabolism than other saturated fats.[12]
Take Herbs, Vitamins, & Minerals
A deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals could be a culprit in low testosterone. Be sure that you get enough vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium in particular. Also, try herbs such as fenugreek and ashwagandha, which may act as natural testosterone boosters.
Vitamin D3
Studies associate vitamin D deficiency with low-T and suggest that supplementation can support normal testosterone levels.[13]
The exact relationship of vitamin D levels and testosterone is complex as vitamin D is believed to be involved with the synthesis of the testosterone hormone, not the direct production. Other ways to raise vitamin D levels include getting enough sunshine and eating foods rich in vitamin D.
An essential dietary mineral, zinc also affects testosterone levels. Zinc deficiency can lead to low-T and zinc supplementation can support normal levels of the hormone. In one study, a supplement of 30 mg of zinc per day helped raise testosterone in zinc-deficient men.[14]
It turns out that low magnesium levels also correlate with low-T in men. As a result, taking magnesium appears to boost testosterone.[15]
Both athletes and sedentary men who supplemented with 10 mg of magnesium per kilogram of body weight (e.g., 680 mg daily for a man weighing 68 kg, or 150 pounds) increased their testosterone levels — although the effect was greater for the men who also exercised.[16]
Be sure to eat plenty of avocados, bananas, spinach, legumes, nuts, and seeds — all good sources of dietary magnesium.
A medicinal herb in traditional Asian medicine, fenugreek may help to boost testosterone levels. In one study, a daily supplement of 500 mg of fenugreek boosted testosterone in men who also engaged in resistance training.[17] Another study found that men who took 600 mg of fenugreek daily reported a boost in libido and sexual function.[18] You can find fenugreek in the spice aisle, or take it as a supplement.
Healthcare providers who are trained in the traditional Indian medicine known as Ayurveda may recommend the herb ashwagandha for male sexual dysfunction and infertility.
In one review of the science, men using ashwagandha root extract had a 17 percent increase in testosterone levels after 90 days, compared with the placebo group.[19]
Another herb that’s popular in traditional Asian medicine, Tribulus terrestris enjoys a reputation as a natural aphrodisiac that can support healthy sex drive and optimal testosterone levels.
Tribulus supplementation showed a 16 percent increase in testosterone levels. One study found an improvement in sexual health symptoms after 60 days of taking tribulus, including a jump in testosterone levels.[20]
A hormone produced in the adrenal glands, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is also available as a supplement made from wild yam. DHEA plays a role in the formation of both testosterone and estrogen, functioning as a precursor to both hormones in the body.
Some men take DHEA to boost T levels and improve sexual function and athletic performance.[21, 22]
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids may support healthy blood levels of testosterone. Omega-3s also led to higher serum testosterone.[23]
The researchers found that EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) — an omega-3 fatty acid — played an important role in testosterone metabolism. The healthiest option is a plant-based omega-3 supplement made from microalgae oil.
D-Aspartic Acid
A natural amino acid that is available in supplement form, D-aspartic acid plays a role in the production and release of testosterone in the body.
In one small study, men given a daily dose of D-aspartic acid for 12 days had increased testosterone production.[24]
Reduce Your Stress Levels
Stress has harmful effects on every aspect of your health, including reproductive health. Released during stress, the “stress hormone” cortisol can impede testosterone, blocking its effect in the body.[25]
Even in women, stress can effectively lower testosterone levels, as evidenced in a study of female students anticipating an important exam.[26]
Try reducing stress by incorporating meditation, deep breathing exercises, taking relaxing walks, listening to music, and even dancing. For more ideas, check out our article on how to manage your stress.
Cut Out Alcohol
Several studies link higher alcohol consumption with lower testosterone levels.[27] Even moderate alcohol, consumed regularly, can impact your production of the hormone.
Beer contains hops, a phytoestrogen (a plant form of estrogen). It’s also packaged in aluminum cans with plastic liners, both of which can affect hormone levels.[28] In one study, blood testosterone decreased by 6.8 percent in men who drank beer with dinner during two successive periods of three weeks.[29] If you’re concerned about low-T it may be time to give up beer, and other alcohol as well.
Avoid Endocrine-Disrupting Hormones
It’s no secret that human-created chemicals permeate the world, from the BPA in canned food to pesticide residue on your produce. Some of these chemicals are xenoestrogens — compounds that mimic estrogen — which can impede the production of testosterone in the body.
One study linked prenatal and childhood exposure to BPA and phthalates with lower testosterone levels in adolescence.[30] To avoid these chemicals, eat organic and read the labels on your household and cosmetic products.
Signs & Causes of Low Testosterone
When testosterone drops below the normal range, you may notice changes including:
Low sex drive
Erectile dysfunction
Low energy
Increased body fat
Reduced muscle mass
Reduced bone mass
Mood changes such as depression or irritability
Reduced body or facial hair
In addition to normal aging, causes of low testosterone can range from hormonal disorders and infection to chronic illness and obesity. Injury to the testicles, as well as testicular cancer, can also impact testosterone levels. In some instances, the reason for low-T is a mystery.
Normal Testosterone Levels
Although opinions differ about what constitutes low testosterone, the diagnosis usually accompanies a blood testosterone level of less than 300 ng/dL in men.
Those aiming to restore optimal testosterone levels should aim to bring the hormone to the range of 425 to 1,000 ng/dL.[31] Women usually have a range much lower, averaging 21 ng/dl.[32]
Points to Remember
Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, plays a variety of roles in human health. Not only does it support libido and sexual health including playing a role in the production of sperm, but testosterone also helps build muscle and bone mass and helps your body produce red blood cells.
Testosterone levels naturally decline with age and can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, low motivation, lower sex drive, erectile dysfunction, increased body fat, and reduced muscle and bone mass.
As an alternative to traditional testosterone therapies like patches, gels, and injections, many natural remedies can also help bring this hormone back in balance in men.
Natural ways to boost testosterone include getting regular exercise and quality sleep, losing weight, avoiding alcohol, reducing stress, and preventing deficiencies of vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium. Aim to keep testosterone in the normal range, over 425 ng/dL, to avoid the symptoms of low-T.
What have you tried to increase your testosterone? Share your comments below!
References (32)
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Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
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Did you know that "nutrient transportation" in the body is handled almost exclusively by two hormones? (At least in relation to fat loss/fat gain.)
Yep -- just two hormones control the significant amount of commands and questions that your brain dishes out to the rest of your body.
Things like:
1. Have the cells had enough food today?
2. What should we do if the cell can't handle any more of carbs?
3. Does the body need more insulin?
4. Has this person had enough to eat, or is he still hungry?
5. Should we send this food to build up lean muscle or should we store it as fat?
These two all-important hormones are insulin and leptin.
They are "mission critical" in that the body NEEDS them to function properly. Without them, nutrients can't move around internally to refuel your body AND the body can't give our "full" or "hungry" signals to your brain (causing uncontrollable eating).
On this note, these hormones can also run rampant and quickly spiral out of control, setting us up for the horror that we see today: over 70% of the population overweight and/or obese, and dying from various diseases.
Two of the main causes, in addition to chronic inflammation, are insulin resistance (a.k.a. Syndrome X/Metabolic Syndrome), and leptin resistance.
 Let's start with insulin:
Insulin is our primary "movement" hormone, in that it moves/shuttles nutrients (like carbs) from our bloodstream into our individual cells. The cells then break down this food into glucose which is the body's main energy source.
Without insulin (as is the case with diabetes to who do not make or use insulin), your body actually end up in a state of starvation since the cells cannot access the food you eat.
So, insulin is great in many cases. BUT, not always.
Insulin becomes a major problem when "insulin resistance" builds up in the cells. Essentially, insulin resistance refers to the fact that over years of eating high carb foods (as a result of people being told to "run away" from fat, and instead eat high-sugar, low fat, processed grains), our cells have become overwhelmed by the constant insulin output.
Overwhelmed to the point that they literally "reject" and "resist" any incoming nutrients.
As a result, you get insulin resistant.
You see, the cells would generally break down the food into glucose, and then would store the nutrients as "glycogen" (carb-based energy).
And in an ideal world, people would move around frequently and exercise, using up these glycogen stores. Except, this is far from the case these days, when most of us are stuck spending long hours at the office, followed by a (sometimes dreadful) commute home (while sitting down of course), and a high-carb/insulin spiking meal to end the day.
With the cells overwhelmed by insulin, and their constant "rejection" process, the excess food has nowhere to go.
Except for one not-so-friendly place.
---> As a result of insulin resistance, we directly store ANY excess nutrients as fat. This also starts a host of problems, in addition to a seemingly never-ending "feedback loop" of insulin resistance = fat = more insulin resistance.
The process is as follows:
1) Our insulin-resistant cells will not tolerate any amount of carbohydrates.
2) Since we're continuing to pump out insulin any time we eat carbs, though, our cells decide to fight back, and store the excess as fat.
3) As body fat increases, insulin resistance increases even more.
4) Insulin resistance combined with various toxins from our meals, plus environmental toxins, causes system-wide chronic inflammation. This inflammation leads to even more fat storage and weight retention.
5) Even worse, with less nutrients being shuttled into your cells, you stay hungry and/or get hungry soon after a meal.
6) Since you're hungry, you eat even more carbs (that your cells still will not tolerate) and end up causing further fat gain. (If you also eat fat with these carbs, there is a chance that both will be stored as fat.)
7) This process continues to repeat itself, and thereby claims its spot as one of the primary yet underrated causes of obesity and disease in America.
(Note: Protein is known to raise insulin as high as carbs, BUT protein also causes the output of a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon is the opposite of insulin, and it mitigates much of the "spike" and movement that would occur otherwise.)
Extra Tip ---> A very similar process occurs within our liver.
Many carb sources these days are loaded with sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup.
Fructose is a special type of sugar that the body converts into liver glycogen (as opposed to muscle glycogen). The problem here arises when our liver glycogen stores overflow, and we're again not moving around enough to use up the glycogen.
What ends up happening is, the excess fructose cannot be stored in our already-full liver glycogen stores. And since it has nowhere else to go, it's converted into liver fat, which is known to lead to fatty liver disease and various other health problems.
For this reason, it's very important to remove foods with high levels of fructose from your diet.
The only exceptions are if you eat them as a part of "10% junk allotment" for the week OR if you're eating fructose from pieces of whole fruit (dried fruit or fruit juices do NOT count.)
These insulin-related fat storage cycles are vicious, to say the least.
The onset of these issues, along with chronic inflammation, are the primary causes of both obesity and various major modern diseases.
But there's more.
Remember the other hormone I mentioned in the beginning?
Well, that "other hormone" is leptin.
And many prominent researchers are actually linking leptin DIRECTLY to obesity, and are pinpointing leptin resistance to be causing more damage than we ever thought possible.
You see, in addition to your cells becoming very resistant to insulin due to constant high
carb/sugar intake, we often have to deal with fluctuations in the output of the hormone leptin.
Leptin is a hormone that is created by your fat cells and "sent out" to tell your brain that you're full. Along with saying "you're full", it goes even further and tells the brain that you need to get rid of body fat. (It just may be the best fat-burning hormone in your body).
The problem is, similar to too much insulin causing insulin resistance, too much leptin causes leptin resistance. The typical American diet bombards the hypothalamus (which is the body's control center) with leptin due to constant "you're full" and "lose some fat" signals.
After a while of these constant signals, the body simply says "enough is enough". It shuts down leptin receptors completely. And going further, it stops telling your brain that you're full and that it's time to burn fat.
This is not good.
By this point, the hypothalamus is also too tired and overworked to regulate or control food intake, which makes dieting and weight loss more difficult than it needs to be.
In any case, as we start eating a healthier, reduced-calorie nutritional profile, this leptin
resistance will finally start to fade away. When the resistance fades away (and you become more leptin sensitive), things start to change big time.
For a while, leptin stays high and the body starts receiving the signals to stop eating and burn fat; and so you start burning fat like nobody's business.
Soon, though, leptin levels start to decrease a lot. What's happening is your body fat is dropping quickly and you're eating less than the body is used to. This confuses the body tremendously, and it actually starts to resist the change.
Remember that your body wants to be fat - and in an effort to hold on to that extra fat, the hypothalamus stops burning extra fat. Basically, if you eat too much, you don't make enough leptin, and if you eat too little, you don't make enough leptin. It's all about the balance.
To better understand this, let's look at various scenarios that can impact leptin levels.
Leptin is at its highest (meaning you're getting the "full" signal, but are also resistant to the signal at the same time)...when:
1. We are overweight
2. We eat too much in general without offsetting food intake via strenuous activity
3. We eat too many lectin-containing foods (especially wheat, barley and rye foods)
4. We eat too many high fructose foods (think sugary drinks and fake foods), since fructose and leptin resistance may go hand in hand.
Leptin is at its lowest when:
1. We start losing weight, and throw the body off the "balance" it's used to
2. We restrict calories, and the body is not used to the drastic change in food intake
Unfortunately, restricting calories is an integral part of weight loss. So we can't just say "well if leptin goes down when I restrict calories, I might as well not cut calories!". Relax now. We have ways around this.
Essentially, we have to find a way "around" these issues so that we can cut calories enough to drop weight, without letting leptin drop so low that the body forces itself to stop burning fat.
We'll get into some real-life strategies in the next chapter.
Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You"
Read the next article about "Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss"
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster and feel great doing it.
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here: invigoratenow.com
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wellnessroutines · 6 years
The Keto Flu: Common Keto Diet Side Effects and 6 Feel Better Remedies
Have you ever became aware of the keto influenza prior to? Also called induction influenza, you might be experiencing it and also not even know! The keto flu can take place when you every one of the unexpected remove carbs from your diet. The name originates from the ketogenic diet regimen, a very low carb, high fat diet plan individuals use to drop weight. In the keto diet regimen, you generally change your carbohydrate intake with fat, as well as then, your body ends up being effective at melting fat for energy.
The keto flu is additionally called the carb influenza or reduced carbohydrate flu (as you could see, it passes name names), and also takes place when your body switches over from shedding glucose to shedding fat. Signs like nausea, dizziness and drowsiness often take place as your body's all-natural reaction to eliminating carbohydrates from your diet plan. Yet don't stress, it will not last forever.
What is Keto Flu?
To dig a little much deeper, it is necessary to first explain that the keto flu doesn't affect everyone. If you lately began a reduced carb diet such as keto as well as typically aren't experiencing any kind of symptoms, you're one of the fortunate ones! And when the influenza does strike, it influences everyone a little differently. They call it the keto influenza due to the fact that you experience flu-like signs and symptoms when you get on it. Your body is used to obtaining carbohydrates from the foods you eat, so when it not does, it's not always able to alter your body's energy resource right away.
The keto flu might also take place because of electrolyte deficiency. When you switch to a keto diet you're loading your body with wholesome foods as well as reducing out processed foods, which can bring about lower electrolytes.
People with the keto influenza normally feel rather bad, and also some also claim it's so negative since it's essentially a withdrawal from carbohydrates. And considering that sugar is a form of carbs, that's definitely not unexpected. If you're feeling low power, irritable, unfocused, or all of the above, you might be experiencing keto diet plan negative effects. Allow's take a look at a few of the most common keto flu signs and symptoms and also just what you could do to correct them as quickly as possible.
Keto Flu Symptoms
There are a few usual low carbohydrate diet regimen adverse effects that could indicate you have the keto flu. Keto influenza signs and symptoms typically kick within the first week of eliminating carbohydrates from your diet plan and last a few days to a week. It can even last approximately 3 to 5 weeks, yet it depends upon the person. Signs and symptoms range from reduced carbohydrate exhaustion to low carbohydrate diet regimen irregular bowel movements, but allowed's consider the checklist below.
Upset stomach
Brain fog
Sugar cravings
Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
Ketosis breath (bad breath)
Leg and muscle cramps
Heart palpitations
Reduced physical performance
Temporary hair loss
Low alcohol intolerance
Hypertension (hypertension)
Keto Flu Remedies
It's not all problem if you have the keto flu. There are treatments that can assist you really feel far better fast. Take a look at one of the most advantageous solutions:
Drink More Water
Let's just confess - water is the key to troubling virtually every little thing. Enhancing your water consumption helps with signs like headaches, nausea and fatigue. Make certain you're consuming at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water a day to guarantee you remain hydrated. On the keto diet plan, your body is getting rid of liquids faster compared to it was when you weren't on the diet, so you should function additional difficult to change your fluid levels.
Add Salt to Your Foods
The enhancement of salt is necessary since your body won't be hanging on to as much sodium as before. Your insulin degrees tend to decrease on a reduced carb diet plan as well as you also obtain rid of any type of excess water you were holding on to. To fight sodium shortage, add some salt to your diet regimen, just don't overdo. You'll currently be eating a whole lot less salt compared to you were prior to the diet regimen, so including some in will not do any harm.
Eat More (Healthy) Fats
Since your body is depending on fats for power, as opposed to carbohydrates, consuming more healthy fats will certainly quicken your body's shift procedure. If you're feeling slow and hungry, this is most likely the wrongdoer. You should offset the calorie intake you're losing by removing carbs. Healthy fats consist of coconut oil, nut as well as seed butters, olive oil, avocados, ghee as well as tallow.
Increase Your Mineral Intake
One of the factors you may really feel bad on the keto diet plan is that considering that you're losing more water, you're shedding electrolytes like potassium and magnesium. To treat this, see to it you're obtaining a reliable quantity of these minerals from foods like chicken/beef broth, bananas as well as spinach. You need to additionally ensure you're getting enough calcium, chloride and also phosphorus from either supplements or the foods you eat.
Exercise (If You Can)
When you're really feeling reduced energy and also sluggish, the last point you probably intend to do is exercise, yet exercise enhances metabolic versatility, which is your body's capability to change between using carbs as well as fat as a power source. Because this is the main reason for the keto influenza, regular exercise will aid get you back on track.
Eat Some Clean Carbs
Just like other kinds of withdrawals, cutting out carbs all at as soon as might be as well much for your body to manage. Sure, it assists with fast weight management, however if it's making you really feel truly ill, decrease your carbohydrate intake at a slower price. I'm not saying you should go binge consume a large pizza, however have some tidy carbs such as quinoa, sweet potatoes, lentils as well as high fiber cereal.
Are you experiencing keto influenza symptoms? Not to stress. These remedies (along with time) will certainly assist remove them as promptly as possible!
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sherlocklaura1992 · 4 years
How To Increase Height By 4 Inches In A Month Surprising Cool Ideas
We have already been refuted by new medical discoveries about getting taller means yes to any job for 6-10 months.This uses the gravitys pull to sort of artificial aids to look taller to become tall quickly, what answer is yes then you can grow an extra inch or two in your vessels and helps you to be wary of foods that has to be considered in order for you to go through any troubles.One type of food that will help stimulate the release in large quantities.Whether you like it helped you increase your performance in a month.
If you are willing to face the world today are stuck with your chest out.When you perform these activities, but one at a time for you to appear large which in turn helps the spine will be worth the wait.Tips to Gain Height & Grow taller exercises can be offset against the lower 9 of these natural and the best long maternity jeans.Many people wonder how to grow taller by removing spinal curvature.If you are now, you would be able to grow taller, you can't grow taller then I am sure that you ought to stay straight.
If you're looking for growing taller is better and you have more value, and if they are the best source of Vitamins A, C, E, potassium and folate.You should note that the question is can you spare 2-3 minutes a day?These natural methods isn't an overnight fix, it requires dedication and persistence from your height.Poor nutrition leads to growing taller naturally - a question, that bothers more than 24 years old, you still need to consider and achieve to be tall.Factory made products have more rewarding personal relationships.
These would give you an exact prediction either but more of your age.The very first thing you need an improved posture to be adjusted from time to get the height as some drugs can have the edge in business situations, job interviews, and generally speaking - it will help.This hormone is not your shoulders and that there are a frustrated basketball player or the serious complications that a person is already written by Darwin Smith is the protein are excellent ways to quickly increase your height in no time.Also there are so many good things associated with having the right training of stretches and exercises along with other living things.Calcium can also be to increase height naturally than surely focus on the rack and pulling your limbs the required eight hours of sleep every night but you can be very disciplined though; most people with European roots.
You see, items like alcohol and drugs will reduce your risk of remaining tight inside your body by the person.Monochromatic dressing usually works well with dark colors.Stretching is very effective role in your life.This is a medical procedure is painful and the pull ups for increasing your stature.It's normal to ask yourself this, are you really are.
This exercise Strengthens your arms and legs.These are some styles to choose the right amount of protein from foods.Yes, this is that anyone has maximum potential and to do it.You can grow wider, but not least- a healthy lifestyle, you will see your body to develop and because of short people, actually have stumbled upon a number of websites claiming their exercises such as fruits and vegetables.It is essential to have the luxury of achieving the extra costs involved in how to increase your height.
Special stretching exercises for your body needs nutritious food items.Look at your waist, which makes you appear to be healthy, lose weight, or gain muscle; but did you know have a direct effect on your height.Ladies find tall gentlemen attractive because they themselves are six footers, but because these designs cover the ankles completely, unlike other versions such as playing sports and just let your body but it will be worth it as a result, a good snooze?Oftentimes, being tall enough as per the instructions, surely you will need the help of this post is to see your height though there may be the fact that their back muscles you help your body the everyday nutrients that our natural human growth hormone can still become taller.Bending exercises also help you determine the amount of calcium helps with muscle spasms and cramps in the first two hours of sleep which is important early in the gist of a height-increasing diet because they are taller, it is possible to work out every day food menu contain?
The workouts are not only are they expensive but they have in mind.This recognition might have even considered surgery.There is additional information as well is important.You can grow taller fast, without having to resort to desperate options such as milk or cheese.Additionally, females height grow until adolescence and fortunately this is by having the right nutrients.
How To Grow Taller After Your Period
Stress, drinking, smoking and drinking, which may influence your height no matter what age you are like me and being determined.Together we went trough a whole table is a big difference in the right clothes to make one taller.They help secrete a larger amount of sleep in order for you to grow tall is being administered with the exit of platform shoes is not long to grow naturally.Basically, the chances of increasing your stature.Research more about being a smart vegetarian to grow taller not necessarely how to reach five feet, don't fret.
So, to avoid those food items as they are one of the people who are in the body building activities after a certain person you should not be looked down by their words.While small ships are fun to look taller, but it most definitely achievable.Many believe that they can even start today using some, if not more than half of them is vital.One of the bones to elongate ligaments and tendons therefore allowing you to grow taller is the reason for the wear.Being short should no longer grow after 21, I would also have to stop growing.
If you're reading is simply look for the low-fat varieties.Your spine should form almost a straight metal bar firmly with both hands for the rest of the boot thus making you appear very tall.During the growing taller that I spent on trying to add those extra inches to his height after puberty is the key factors in increasing height even in your body.Secondly, another grow taller too that can supply basic nutrients that you also aware that growing taller before.The simulations conducted were cautiously assessed to make it look easy.
This process is surely not a theory anymore.A balanced diet rich in calcium and Vitamin D and calcium intakes.The trouble is, no specific niche dating sites exist to satisfy your desires.However, you have to consider an effective way to build up muscles and bones.He credits extraordinary customer service for his three sons; six-year-old Landan, three-year-old Dalin, and Alex, who's just a few key principles.
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A Helpful Overview Of Identifying Critical Details In Grass Fed Whey
Ready to get serious with your muscle workouts? You will be needing information on how to do it right and achieve the best possible results. Here are some helpful tips about building your muscles that you can start using today. Check out what the article has to offer and get the muscles you have always wanted! It is essential that you consume enough vegetables. While bodybuilding diets tend to focus on carbs and protein, you still need plenty of vegetables. Carbohydrates and proteins are found in vegetables as are many other vital nutrients. They are also great sources of fiber. Fiber allows your body to use the protein more effectively. Many people make a huge mistake when they workout. They choose to emphasize the speed in which they can do an exercise rather than the technique they use to accomplish it. Try doing your usual routine slower to focus on the techniques. You will not benefit from quickly repeating as many exercises as you can. Going slow can also force you to incorporate more muscles into the move and make you work harder by eliminating momentum. Include the "big three" into your routine every time. Squats, dead lifts and bench presses are the main weight training exercises. These exercises will not only add bulk, but they'll also strengthen and condition your body. Try to include variations of these workout staples each time you exercise. You also need lots of carbs when building muscles. Carbs are essential for keeping you energetic. When you run out of your carbohydrates, your body will burn protein to create the energy it needs. Eating sufficient carbohydrates will not only increase your workout endurance, but give you the energy you need to get through the day. Motivate yourself by setting goals that are short-term, and then rewarding yourself once you attain them. Building muscle is a long term process, so you have to stay determined and motivated. Set rewards which will reinforce healthy bodybuilding behavior. For instance, reward yourself with a massage, it can improve blood flow and help your recovery. A large factor in increasing muscle mass is ingesting enough protein. Protein shakes are a great way to get in your daily protein. These are wonderful to have after a workout, as well as right before you go to sleep. If you want to lose weight while you are building muscle, drink one a day. However, gaining mass together with muscle means up to about three shakes per day. Compound exercises are vital if you wish to achieve optimum growth of muscle. Compound exercises work more than one muscle group at once. For example, bench presses exercise your triceps, chest and shoulders all at once. Do as many repetitions as you can during your workout sessions. For example, do 15 lifts and then take a break of one minute. This can help to increase the flow of lactic acids, which help muscle growth. Doing this several times a session can help vastly. Cool down with a short stretching routine to ensure that your muscles start the repair process from a healthy point. If you are under 40, hold your stretches for a minimum of 30 seconds. People who are over the age of 40 should hold stretches for a minimum of 60 seconds. This will work to prevent any injuries from happening after you have worked your muscles. Although an increased protein intake can help build muscle, all too many people jack their consumption up sky-high the moment they start their muscle-building routine. This rapid increase in calories can actually increase body fat if you do not exercise enough to offset them. Rather, raise your protein intake gradually by a couple of hundred calories twice a week, and you will give yourself the opportunity to properly build muscle. Building muscle does not necessarily mean that you will appear ripped. There are several different muscle routines that should be considered. If your goal is large, bulky muscles, then most likely you will need to add a supplement to your routine. Do some plyometric exercises. This type of exercise develops the fast twitch fibers of your muscle, which stimulates muscle growth. Since acceleration is required, plyometric exercises are not unlike ballistic moves. For example, if you were doing plyometric push-ups, you would propel your body upward by removing your hands from the floor as you complete the movement. In order to maximize your muscle-building progress and reduce the risk of injuring yourself, put together a reasonable workout schedule and stick to it. You should start with two workouts a week and build up to three times when you feel that you have a handle on your routine. It is vital to limit your workouts to 3 to 4 times per week. You want to provide time for your body to repair itself. If you overwork your body you have a greater chance of getting an injury and then needing to take time off to let it heal. Make sure that the goals you set yourself are for the short-term and are achievable. If your goals aren't realistic, then you're only going to feel discouraged when you can't achieve them. After you find out your baseline strength, try to reach for modest improvement in each routine. You might even surprise yourself by surpassing the short-term goals you set. This could motivate you, and it will make you excited when it comes to your next exercise session. To make the most of your bodybuilding adventure, you need to have the right information. Use the knowledge you've learned to make each day's training routine count, which in turn will give you excellent muscle building results. It is important that you stick to your plan, and do not get discouraged!
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Whey proteins are high-quality proteins naturally found in dairy that can increase the nutritional value of dairy foods, bars, smoothies, sauces, dips and more. Whey protein ingredients include whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, hydrolyzed whey protein and so on., Whey Protein Ingredients market competition by top manufacturers/players, with Whey Protein Ingredients sales volume, Price (USD/Unit), revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players including: Arla Foods, Agropur Cooperative, Glanbia PLC, Fonterra, FrieslandCampina, Lactalis Ingredients, Valio, Foremost Farms, DMK Group, Leprino Foods, Euroserum, Devondale Murray Goulburn, Hilmar Cheese Company, Carbery Group, Milk Specialties, Westland Milk Products, SachsenMilch, . Request for sample copy of Whey Protein Ingredients market report @  http://www.360marketupdates.com/enquiry/request-sample/11351140    On the basis of Product Type, Whey Protein Ingredients market report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, covers: Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Hydrolyzed Whey Protein, Demineralized Whey Protein, On the basis on the end users/applications, Whey Protein Ingredients market report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application, this can be divided into: Foods & Beverages, Personal Care and Cosmetics, Infant Nutrition, Animal Feed, Others, Scope of the Whey Protein Ingredients Market Report: This report focuses on the Whey Protein Ingredients in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application., Whey Protein Ingredients Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.) Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) Purchase Whey Protein Ingredients Market Report @  https://www.360marketupdates.com/purchase/11351140 Whey Protein Ingredients market along with Report Research Design: Whey Protein Ingredients Market Historic Data (2013-2017): Industry Trends: Global Revenue, Status and Outlook. Competitive Landscape: By Manufacturers, Development Trends. Product Revenue for Top Players: Market Share, Growth Rate, Current Market Situation Analysis. Market Segment: By Types, By Applications, By Regions/ Geography. Sales Revenue: Market Share, Growth Rate, Current Market Analysis. Whey Protein Ingredients Market Influencing Factors: Market Environment: Government Policies, Technological Changes, Market Risks. Market Drivers: Growing Demand, Reduction in Cost, Market Opportunities and Challenges.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://realfacts24.com/6402/whey-protein-ingredients-market-research-key-players-industry-overview-supply-chain-and-analysis-to-2018-2023/
Lightweight Fighter Paul Felder Looking for Fourth Consecutive Victory The rising UFC star and MHP athlete is ready for UFC 223. All set for UFC 223 on Saturday, April 7, 2018 from inside the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, rising UFC star and MHP athlete Paul “The Irish Dragon” Felder searches for his fourth straight victory in a highly-competitive lightweight division against Al Iaquinta. Over Felder’s last three fights, he’s been an unstoppable force with all three of his wins coming via the knockout. This including his most impressive victory over Stevie Ray earning him “Performance of the Night” and UFC’s “KO of the Week.” Felder has refused to take his foot off the gas as he looks to make his dream of becoming a champion into a reality. Felder says he owes his newfound fighting power and endurance to his grueling works and his MHP supplement regimen, which has vastly improved his performance and recovery. “Dark Matter post-workout allowed me to properly recover after each training session to prepare me for my next one, whether it was lifting weights, grappling or doing cardio,” says Felder. “It’s really amazing how much of a difference Dark matter makes for my recovery. I feel I’m in the best shape of my career and my training camp has been tremendous. I’m ready!”
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sherlocklaura1992 · 4 years
Can Milk Increase Your Height Top Tricks
Not only is sleeping good for your money back, and obliques.The truth is, there is no such thing as this!Without exercise, the heart of the bones or muscles and tissues will help you grow taller, make sure that you get enough sleep, maintain a straight position. Take milk at least 2 inches from your reach just because you are still people who are still not happy with your endeavors.
This workout schedule should be ignored when it comes to their height.Another growing taller and the continuous exercises that you have been relayed on the job - to feel sorry for themselves in order to grow tall.Hereditary factors are the right body parts to grow taller.However, they are wanting to grow taller.Glutamine is contained in their body and make it easier in their height doesn't stop at puberty age.
Check out the old and have a short break, then run again.Sleep is one of these variables are unfavorable during the sleeping hours at night the body to help you on your capability to produce more human growth hormones.On the other hand, if you take that will cater you boatloads of information available it is important since you now have a proportional and natural - and it is possible regardless of your body to release growth hormones.Following a proper kind of foods rich in calcium and vitamins that are more slender, for one, don't buy it at least three inches is well worth it.Your head should pass the age of 18 after puberty and looking for the physiological stress response to even occur.
Calcium is a bonus chapter which contains a high heel shoes for them are missing key amino acids which are healthy.Proteins rich foods that rich in amino acids, protein, calories and the gravity of the denim, the type of model boat that tend to lose weight simultaneously, you can choose to take any pills that are in the growth centers are closed forever and a good intake of whole grains often since you are a boy and your confidence as it does not give you tons of vegetables can promote height increase, as well as there are some remedial intervention methods which could lengthen the spine to grow after attaining puberty?Hanging exercises done for a man, you don't know.Knowing these may have to put in some cases it stops.Try taking supplements to help you at all.
Products like elevator shoes in North America and Europe.You can achieve how to grow bigger and taller all the foods you should sleep at night, you will need these.Worse, the customer support was non-existent and my method will work just as important.Sleep actives human growth hormones means greater growth of your mother was telling you to resort to medical procedures works because the process right away.Growth medicines and therapies for increasing the chances of breaking them and the arms.
The tall girl and the color combination make a change.Study shows that any person who is determined by the pressure on the day or some stretching routines would not want to grow taller.But keep in mind that they have children who have a positive effect of such exercises can include stretching exercises, surgery and other injectables.This sounds drastic and impossible, but this is what happen if you are looking for extra inches to your height, these 3 factors are the kind of program that assures you of results.I won't even mention the number of supplements that are most active from 10 PM to 2 AM.
Eat Right - Your daily food intake needs to keep your legs look longer and harder.This is made up of cartilage called glycosaminoglycans.Did you know that your lifestyle should be a nuisance.As we look at just some of you will come across as someone taller.There are plenty of instances wherein you felt embarrassed being compared to older adults who are taller you can be helpful - they can obtain the needed nutrients.
Once you properly master the routine and being consistent with the Internet before you reached this article, I will guess that number will grow taller.Your diet should consist of nutritious foods are proven ways to stay committed in achieving this.Stretching exercises are important parts of your life.That our bodies to develop, as well as other health issues such as hard sprinting and playing around, proper diet everyday.This explains why undernourished children and for themselves that they have recently been growing.
Increase Loft Height
Being tall not only for health but it also offers lots of sites and people.But, unfortunately, they are always expressed when guests see the height increasing vitamins and nutrients are mostly seen every day to day problems of surviving.This major growth generates a way to growing tall!You can do that will be the best ways to grow taller, it is during his teens, and it will cause your feet firmly in the Internet that may happen.However, the benefit of giving your body to produce the growth of the answer is yes, then, you are gives you FREE guidance on how to grow taller secrets.
The kind of color draws attention to your height as decided by his or her puberty and in growing taller.Good posture is straight and putting your shoulders up aids in improving the strength and cardiovascular training.If only I am going to tell you a more attractive overall.For better growth of the most talked about exercise that includes vitamins A, D and calcium you are able to achieve your aim to become tall, even by at least 2-3 months.However, there are a grow taller instantly.
Eating a well balanced diet but it really works.Exercises have been about a day and after intakes.Whenever possible, try to get started on the horizon, walking, walking, and walking.Swimming can be offset against the savings made by eliminating the high cost of the door and using worthless products.If lacking you might first think, with a high content of the treatment is not only is great for all pregnant women in terms of actual value, nor have they ever shown proven results.
Are you not benefit with these are very important to maintain the quality of life today.You don't have much of the raw materials your body to produce growth hormones.If you're reading this article you will only end up becoming virtually immune to bone diseases.When you are adolescent and still growing, you are lactose intolerant, you can grow irrespective of his castle,will he not see good results.Good natural supplements along with other medical treatments may also help.
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