#and Suzume is the only one I even like. think about often
anothermonikan · 6 months
I wish Suzume was considered Makoto's masterpiece and not whatever Your Name was.
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plushie-sentai · 22 days
King Ohger Drinking Headcanons
Made a little list earlier in reply to @stickers-on-a-laptop but then got carried away in my free time at work and did a whole bunch so. Have fun! I love liquor and spirits (in like. A ooh yummy this is cool bartender way and not in a I love getting drunk way) so this was honestly rlly fun to write!
Character headcanons below the cut with some little stories hidden inside lol
Sorry I’m too lazy to fix the formatting I might do it later lol
⁃ Gira isn’t accustomed to drinking, he’s young and was used to being at the orphanage all the time anyways. When he does drink with the kings he either opts for something nonalcoholic like a glass of sparkling cider or whatever someone hands him. Kaguragi likes to mess with him and give him cocktails that he SAYS aren’t alcoholic but… definitely are. (Kagu learned the hard way the first time he messed with him like this that Gira is a lightweight and ended up taking care of him overnight in Shuggodam’s castle. The only person who knows is Douga since Gira doesn’t remember and Kagu refuses to admit he felt bad about the incident or that it even happened)
⁃ Yanma - drinks watered down bud light ass beer for the longest time. He doesn’t like it, but it’s what his mentor drank and he thinks it makes him look cool. That, and it’s cheap. This is all he drinks until Himeno buys everyone a round of her favorite cocktail of the week and he realizes he REALLY likes sweet stuff. He orders fruity drinks all the time “for shiokara” but if you watch carefully they’re always sharing it and he never finishes more than one shitty beer anymore. Kaguragi hasn’t told him abt craft beer and ipas yet but he knows it’ll rock his world. Absolutely forgot to add that if Yanma DOES order a cocktail for himself openly it’ll always be a jack and coke.
⁃ Himeno - Drinks fancy cocktails all day everyday. They’re usually very sweet, sometimes extra dry depending on the mood, and she loves anything with champagne, but despite how they look they’re always a higher percentage than anything the other kings are drinking. She also loves a good wine and savors any sommelier knowledge she receives from Sebastian, Cleo, Elegance, and of course Jeramie. Her dinner parties are always coupled with tasteful optional drinks planned to fit the meal. At least once she has a drinking contest with Kaguragi and absolutely drinks him under the table to everyone’s surprise (except sebas)
⁃ Rita - Rita also doesn’t drink much, as they aren’t a fan of being drunk around others and certainly don’t enjoy the mood that comes with drinking alone, but once they’re closer with the other kings (especially Himeno, as she and Morphonia get Rita to try all kinds of new things together) they branch out into drinking here and there. More often than not, you’ll find Rita at a king celebration nursing a glass of sake, a Smokey whiskey, or some very expensive vodka on the rocks. Don’t knock it till you try it in the cold of gokkan.
⁃ Kaguragi - Kaguragi of course drinks anything hand crafted from Toufu. His favorite are the Nigori sake and Daiginjo Junmai sake made from the Suzume’s tears rice. Of course, he’s also a big fan of mead! He does enjoy a good craft beer on the occasion, and will often drink whatever Himeno is serving at her dinners, even if it’s not his usual taste. He’s just happy to be included and have an opportunity to mess with the others a little given he has the highest tolerance out of anyone other than Himeno and Suzume and finds himself getting more tipsy while the others are already fully drunk.
⁃ Jeramie - Jeramie LOVES wine. He’s been drinking it for a long time and even has some bottles that he found in his mothers things that he’s never opened (that in my heart him and Gira share at their wedding). He tends to drink a rose or any white wines as he’s cautious of spilling red wine onto his suit, but he does love a nice sweet red blend too. Whenever he goes wine shopping in the different kingdoms he brings a bottle of his favorite reds to Himeno as a gift.
⁃ Racles - Big baby with alcohol. Never drank much due to fear of letting down his guard around others. Will drink whatever Suzume gives him but mostly refuses drinks from others even after the end of the story. When he does drink, he loves Suzume’s Nigori sake or a small glass of orange blossom mead. He does his best to be the “DD” for Gira (or whoever else needs it really but he always says he’s only there for Gira) Is a very loving and silly drunk the few times he has been and always gets snuggly with Gira (familially obviously), Suzume, and Kaguragi. Gira gets a bit embarrassed but always welcomes it happily, and suzu and kagu LOVE the attention and a chance to mess with him.
⁃ Douga - douga doesn’t like to drink a lot since he works a lot, but Gira tries to make sure he and his family are invited to celebrations where douga may partake in the occasional light beer (typically whatever Kaguragi brings bc he knows it’s always good). He used to drink a decent amount when he was younger so he tries to gently help Gira make sure he isn’t gonna over do it… Gira does accidentally anyways frequently lol
⁃ Kogane and Boone obviously don’t drink alcohol but Gira still makes them Shirley temples all the time as a treat (my sister used to make them for me when we had sibling sleepovers and watch mean girls so this is mostly for me lol)
⁃ Shiokara usually drinks fruity cocktails because he enjoys sour stuff and sodas, which he now usually ends up sharing with Yanma while he poses like he’s still drinking just his shitty beer. Shiokara is also a lovey dovey drunk, but no one is surprised since he’s also like this when he’s sober. Shio is also often a caretaker after parties, even if he himself is drunk, and finds himself helping with clean up and getting people home hydrated and safe, despite usually needing a place to crash himself (hopefully into yanmas arms-)
⁃ Sebastian doesn’t drink super often as he’s worried he wouldn’t be able to keep up appearances as an older gentleman, but when he’s with just the kings or just the ishibana squad, he doesn’t mind letting the veil drop. He’s unexpectedly a bit of a flirty drunk, but knowing this he’ll usually remove his makeup before drinking just so he doesn’t accidentally creep anyone out. Even regardless of that he’s still very aware and occasionally charmingly over-careful about people’s boundaries. He usually drinks whatever he is helping to prepare for Himeno as it’s what’s available, but his favorite is Spumante champagne.
⁃ Cleo - Cleo is a conniseur of all things ishibanan, her favorites being cocktails made with crème de violette and/or white chocolate crème liquor. She doesn’t get drunk often unless she’s having a girls night with elegance and Himeno (and sometimes sebas), but when she is she somehow ends up very quiet and only speaks to either give the wisest advice you’ve ever heard or something just completely unintelligible to anyone but her.
⁃ Elegance doesn’t drink pretty much unless Cleo does, so they’re about on par there. They like to share drinks with each other on occasion so they can try everything sebas and the chef came up with for a meal or party. The first time she drinks with the other kings however they learn that she used to be a bit of a partier when she was younger and always has stories to tell about this time. Yanma (and sometimes Kagu) like to challenge her to arm wrestling but they pretty much always lose. Yanma definitely always loses.
⁃ Morphonia may have started drinking when she was a teen (just for shits n giggles) but she still has a laughably low tolerance. She tried once to drink whatever Rita’s drinking but that night… did not end well. Not that she didn’t appreciate being waited on by Himeno and Rita themselves. She’s honestly a fan of the light beers Yanma never seems to finish, and she thinks the fact he won’t admit he hates them is funny, so she drinks them for him whenever he leaves one open. I don’t think Yanma ever notices it’s her drinking them, lol. She loves to party, but she’s a very chill drunk, and definitely prefers an edible to a glass of anything.
⁃ Kuroko - will typically have the first glass out of any bottle opens for Kaguragi, mostly for safety, but he tends to enjoy the same as him other than will prefer to have beer more often than any spirit. Doesn’t drink a lot because he likes to stay on guard for Kaguragi (though he usually doesn’t need it lol)
⁃ Suzume CAN outdrink Kaguragi, and is pretty evenly matched with Himeno, but often prefers to pretend to get drunk so she can pull pranks or gossip or do whatever scheme she has her heart set on. She also loves a good Suzume’s tears nigori sake, and will occasionally partake in an edible when offered by morf. The few times she does get genuinely drunk, she almost seems exactly the same and lucid?? People are very confused by this lol
⁃ Gerojim, like other bugnarak, have “strange taste” when it comes to liquor. His favorite drinks, on the rare occasion that he feels comfortable to partake, are VERY light absinthe cocktails with a lot of sugar, a bugnarak-made kelp liquor (yes it exists irl), and buganarak algae beer (which also exists, tho very little of it lol. A French brand made some in 2022 and it’s BLUE). Despite his size, he is definitely a lightweight, and is very careful about how much he drinks as alcohol tends to have a bit of an aphrodisiac-like effect on bugnarak and gerojim gets very embarrassed about his behavior during previous fun-times. (note: this is based in studies showing that rejected male flies may turn to alcohol when offered combined with a cursory glance at articles about alcohol creating pheromone signals in fruit flies as well. No promises that this is perfectly accurate but I think it’s fun LOL)
⁃ Dethnarak tends to avoid alcohol, as he both doesn’t enjoy most of it but also is uncertain as to the effect it may have on him in larger quantities.Some worm-descending bugnarak are incapable of getting drunk and find health benefits to drinking it, and others are highly sensitive to it and can do major damage to their nervous systems when partaking. If he drinks at all, it’s usually a glass of expensive smoked mezcal tequila on the rocks. (See again cursory google search at the effect alcohol can have on earth worms, also the joke of worms being in mezcal lol)
⁃ Iroki, Nephila, and Karras have girls nights in hakabaka whenever they feel like having a little fun. Given its hakabaka, they can really have whatever they want, but iroki tends towards a very sharp Namazake sake like she drank made from the rice grown by the dybowskis, nephila a deep dry red wine like an aged Cabernet Sauvignon, and karras a nice bourbon brûlée like she’d have to keep warm and cozy in gokkan. They get as pleasantly drunk as they wish, no matter how much they drink. Their nights are always fun and maybe… occasionally involve some spice.
⁃ Akka likes a good IPA and will often bring a case of somethin new to try to hang outs with the nkosopa gang. He doesn’t drink a lot in general and tends not to get drunk just by preference.
⁃ Mayuta LOVES coming up with new fruity and sour cocktails with shiokara, but also really loves a good IPA like Akka since he keeps bringing them to hang outs. She gets tipsy at parties but isn’t crazy about being drunk either. She just likes to have fun :)
⁃ Asuba drinks a lot of seltzer drinks, basically whatever nkosopas version of white claws and trulys are. He’s happy to drink whatever Yanma and shio are supplying as long as it’s not his shitty watery beer, though. He likes a good party and drinks a decent amount while gaming with the rest of the squad. He’s definitely a goofy/clumsy drunk, telling a lot of jokes but tripping over his words and himself.
⁃ Bonus: Grub! - grub kinda drinks whatever’s put in front of him and has a surprisingly high alcohol tolerance. A lot of people think he’s a bit of a pothead but he doesn’t actually smoke or do edibles as he’s not a fan of feeling high. He can be a bit of a sad drunk, so he’s grateful to have a higher tolerance to keep himself in check, but he’s still a big softie caretaker at heart and will help clean up after parties with shiokara if he’s sober enough to do so, otherwise he tends to fall asleep easily past a certain point and he’s a VERY heavy sleeper lmao. His favorite drinks are margaritas and lemon drop shots, anything sour!
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meganechan05 · 9 months
Imma write this down in case anyone wants to write a fanfic on it bc I know that if I do it, it probably won't be finished or see the light of day.
HimeRita Fic based off of Beauty and the Beast.
The Cast and the roles:
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Basically the story follows Himeno, a college student who recently moved to Japan after living with her grandparents overseas to become a doctor there like her late parents.
Finding it hard to live in the dorms, she goes apartment hunting and finds a posting of another college student looking for a roommate. In comes Rita Kaniska, a law student minoring in political science at the same school. Himeno takes the opportunity since the apartment is a short commute and decides to reach an agreement with Rita and moves in.
And the apartment is a total mess with the only clean parts being designated Himeno spots. But considering rent was within her budget and most of the apartments she found were a further commute or out of said budget, she had to force herself to suck it up.
Not like Rita's closed-off attitude is any better.
A story where a young woman finds herself while living in a new country and the law student who has to find a way to open up to their new roommate.
And have I've mentioned that Rita also has to look for an engagement partner before their 20th birthday?
And joining our lovely duo, we have:
Kaguragi Dybowski - Rita's senior since middle school who often calls them to help work at his family's restaurant when they're short-staffed. Often teases Rita about potential engagement partners if they talk a little too much with a customer. He would later then join the others in trying to get Rita and Himeno together. Rita often punches his gut whenever they pick up his intentions.
Yanma Gast - One of Himeno's classmates in general classes who once tried flirting with her but learned they weren't each other's types. He works in the IT Department as a Student Assistant so he's often seen walking around with tech equipment of faculty laptops that need fixing. He's in a video game guild with Rita so the two are rather courteous around each other on campus. He and Jeramie are often teaming up when scheming how to get the roommates together.
Gira Hastie - a fellow freshman majoring in political science much to his displeasure while minoring in theater. Himeno first meets him and learn they have Humanities together while also learning he's an acquaintance of Rita's. It's then revealed he and his older brother also attended the same middle and high schools as Rita and Kaguragi.
Jeramie Brasieri - A fellow overseas student in Himeno's Humanities class majoring in Literature and minoring in Political Science. He lives with his older cousin while attending school and is very curious about Rita and Himeno being roommates. Moreso after learning of Rita's search for an engagement partner.
Racles Hastie - Gira's older brother who is a Political Science major and works part-time at Toufu Eatery. While curious of the others' schemes, he tends to stay away from them knowing Rita wouldn't hesitate to give him the same treatment they do Kaguragi for even mentioning their situation. Often quite stern with his brother, but can be seen tutoring him when needed since Gira hates his major.
Morfonia - Rita's childhood friend and former roommate who transferred schools closer to her hometown. She actually transferred because of the school's heavy workload and wanted a change of pace. Rita still keeps in contact with her to check up on her.
Suzume Dybowski - Kaguragi's younger sister who works at her family's restaurant as a waitress while also attending culinary school. She can often be seen flirting with Racles despite her brother's protests.
Shiokara - Yanma's childhood friend and roommate. While he's also very curious of the group's matchmaking schemes, he often finds himself trying to cut in if he thinks it's a bad idea.
Oh and to note: KaguRac are both 3rd year college students. Rita, Morfonia, and Suzume are 2nd years. Everyone else are 1st years.
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beesinspades · 11 months
oh my god I haven't been tagged in one of these in what feels like AGES. thank you @the-13th-battalion!
What book are you currently reading? I started the sun and the star but I've been way too distracted with fics, writing, and drawing :(
What's your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? in theaters? I haven't seen many, but I'd say suzume!
What do you usually wear? ever since I tried cargo pants for my milo thatch cosplay earlier this year, I've been wearing almost only that, with a teeshirt or a tank top. I also got my first pair of combat boots and I'm obsessed with them even though I still haven't managed breaking them in. but also I love jeans and a good shirt paired with a waistcoat! and when it's not hot I almost always wear an old man's cap
How tall are you? 5'7 (173cm)
What's your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? scorpio. I share my birthday (not the year though) with the fall of the berlin wall. but also with lillium from countdown to countdown which is a webcomic that you all should read :3
Do you go by your name or a nickname? yes
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? i didn't know who i wanted to be as a child and i still don't. but i do believe teen me would think I look cool at least!
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? eternally single, and I haven't had a crush in years #greyarostruggles
What's something you're good at vs. something you're bad at? I'm good enough at writing (it's the only thing I've got going for me alongside cooking hahaha), and I'm very bad at keeping in touch with friends, especially if we don't share an obsession over the same special interest to start conversation about. which sucks because interests aligning like this doesn't happen often :') i hate how my brain works
Dogs or cats? love dogs but i'll always be a cat person :3
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? this year and one favorite line? mmh maybe this one: “I'm a priest, remember? I’ll show you all the other ways I can worship you.” also I'm really proud of my ace vash pride art!
What's something you'd like to create content for? baldur's gate 3! I'd like to write a fic with my tav and astarion, but ah, I'm not sure I'll manage with all the trigun stuff I already have in the works.
What's something you're currently obsessed with? [glances at current state of my blog, then at my reflection in the mirror: tristamp vash hair, vash glasses, vash teeshirt, vash's gay earring, vash tattoo] do i really have to answer this one
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? nah it's fine so far in terms of things I was excited about
What's a hidden talent of yours? i can blink and whoop i've impulsively spent money I shouldn't have spent again!
Are you religious? nope
What's something you wish to have at this moment? a hug and a miracle cure for my stupidly resilient acid reflux issues
I tag @curiosity-killed, @piyo-13, @wrathyforest, @graphitedemon, but no obligations of course~
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kaeyyraa · 1 year
I feel the need to do an in depth analysis of Suzume after staying up all night putting together all the pieces. It’s honestly probably very innacurate but this is my interpretation of it.
Suzume is obviously a very troubled teen girl who struggles with the grief of losing her mother at such a young age. The chair is representative of her mother and also the different pillars of support in her life. When her mother dies, she loses the chair completely, feeling lost and having no pillars of support in her life at that point in time. She feels disconnected and alone. Eventually she gains back the chair (the pillars of support) but a leg is missing, showing that one of the pillars of support and love in her life is still missing.
Suzume is bound to have continued her life searching non-stop for someone to fill that role, to replace that pillar, to give her the love and support that she so lacks. And that’s precisely what she does until the day she finds Souta.
Now before we get into that I just want to establish the magic of it all. So I believe the worm represents Suzume’s grief (her hurt, her guilt, her anger etc) and the doors represent her wounds. Her grief escapes through her opened wounds, which is the worm escaping through the opened doors. The worm falling and causing earthquakes is representative of her grief hurting the people around her.
Now back to Souta. Souta is clearly a heavily troubled young man. His family’s business is failing, his grandpa is ill and also seems convinced he is bound to be a failure and he’s plagued by his unstable mental state. When he meets Suzume, he goes around closing all her wounds (the doors). And so that’s what they do, they run around closing all her wounds and running away from them but not actually addressing the core issue. Suzume gets attached to Souta very fast because he becomes that pillar of support in her life. He’s closing her wounds for her and she can see that. Him becoming the chair symbolises the fact that he is giving it a new meaning. It is no longer representative of her mother but of HIM. It shows how he has taken on that long lost role in her life.
At the heart of the story, when you take out all the magic, you can see that it’s a story about a heavily troubled 17 year old girl who runs away with a much older heavily troubled man. They trauma bond which is the possible reason for them running away, as they believe that no one else can understand their pain and suffering and only they can see it (like how only they can see the worm). So they discard all their connections and leave to where they only have each other. The funny thing is, they can’t survive just on their own. It’s unhealthy and they simply are not enough for each other even if they think they are the only ones for each other. In fact, although it is given the illusion that Suzume and Souta are making their own way around Japan, the only time they actually ever make progress anywhere is when other people and connections help them, whether that be the bike girl (sorry i don’t remember their names lol) or the bar lady.
Now you may (or may not idk lol) be wondering what the daijin represents in my interpretation. Well the daijin arguably took me the longest to figure out, but I believe it represents the parts of a relationship that care about you, they often have your best interest at heart, they may say things that you don’t like to hear despite them being true, and they may be selfish in the name of obtaining your love and favour. On the other hand, the black cat (idk what it was called sorry) represents the bad parts of a relationship. The parts where you upset them or they upset you. The tough parts that often aren’t talked about. So the daijin and the black cat represent the two sides of a relationship. When Suzume chooses to run away with Souta, disregarding her aunt, her friends and all her other connections, she essentially cuts off her connections and relationships. This is represented by her setting the daijin free from being the gate key (was that what it was called???). Eventually the black cat is also freed from being a gate key.
At this point in the story, Souta sacrifices himself, becoming the gate key. Throughout the story, he had constantly been saying he felt like he was losing himself. This is because him taking on the absent role in Suzume’s life and trauma bonding with her did not help him, it only hurt him more. Trying to save her was killing him. Relationships (the 2 daijin) used to be able to hold Suzume’s grief and make her feel okay, but because she had cut them all off, Souta had to be EVERYONE in her life. That’s why he becomes the gate key. He completely loses himself to a dark place by trying to help her and fix her problems in the same manner he has tried to fix his own — by naively running away from everything.
Suzume finally realises that what they have going on is not working and that she can’t do this alone. With the help of her aunt and Souta’s best friend (more connections), she gets far enough to help Souta by facing her grief head on, defeating it, reconnecting with her previous relationships and restoring the daijin as the gate keys and confronting her lost inner child who is still dealing with the grief. It is also here that Suzume and Souta both proclaim that they want to live. This rivals what they said before about being okay with dying, further emphasising how their mental health has been restored and improved with the help of the connections around them.
At the end Souta says goodbye to Suzume at the train station. This is a good ending, a proper ending. Souta and Suzume, as a couple, were never meant to be. He was way older than her, and what they had was a trauma bond, not a romantic relationship. It was completely unhealthy despite them both loving each other and having each other’s best interest in mind. They shared their time together, they faced their fears and they learnt the strength and importance of all the other connections around them. They still care about each other deeply, but just not the same way they did before. Friends you could say.
This was really long and a bit choppy but I hope it makes sense.
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Golden Globe animated movie nominations are in. Sometimes they surprise, sometimes they baffle... Sometimes BOTH...
All I'll say is, some of these choices are quite safe, and not as beloved as others. Surely NIMONA and TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM should've had slots, no? The Globes are a totally different world, one with a weird history... And sometimes their nomination choices in animated features, and other categories, reflects that. I will say that it's nice that another anime movie that isn't Ghibli got some love here. I myself found SUZUME to be a pretty solid picture, and it's neat to see it - and anything by Makoto Shinkai, really - get some recognition.
And sometimes, the nominations give us a good idea of what the Oscars will nominate.
For the Oscars, my predictions are still...
THE BOY AND THE HERON - Miyazaki, critically acclaimed, easy nomination.
CHICKEN RUN 2: DAWN OF THE NUGGET - The first film is more or less why there's even a Best Animated Feature category to begin with. DreamWorks aggressively campaigned for the film to get a Best Picture nomination, and Aardman more often than not gets nod for a stop-motion movie. Only exception was EARLY MAN, which few people saw or heard of.
NIMONA - Critical darling, infamous as the queer movie that big bad Disney scrapped. Plus, it's fairly progressive. The Oscars sometimes like movies like that, because Hollywood loves to look progressive. (When they're far from it, but that's another story.)
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM - Another critically-acclaimed film, bold art style and animation choices.
I'd be surprised if SUPER MARIO BROS., even though it was this year's biggest animated movie, gets nominated. The critical reception for it was so-so, and it could have a LEGO MOVIE effect where those who are nominating see it as a commercial or something. (Or whatever weird reason the animation branch didn't nominate LEGO MOVIE for Best Animated Feature of 2014.) ELEMENTAL and WISH were not critical darlings, though the former did have fantastic legs and staying power. Still, I see both of them sitting this race out. The last time Disney was left out of the race altogether was for the animated movies of 2011, their offerings that year were a CARS sequel most people disliked and a WINNIE THE POOH movie that no one even saw to begin with. DreamWorks I don't think has much of a shot, either. None of the TROLLS movies ever got nomm'ed and they never get glowing critical reception, RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN was straight up dumped. Do most people even know it exists?
The wild card, I feel, is actually MUTANT MAYHEM. I feel many are overlooking it. But the Academy could be weird about yet another TMNT movie and subsequently pass on it, and go for a safer choice. But at the same time, it was a small sleeper hit and one of the better-received animated movies of the year. It was kinda lowkey how it just showed up, and then took people by surprise. I know I absolutely dug it and put up there with my favorites of the year. I remember some people even remarking that they liked it better than ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE. But I have it in my predictions because... Again... ELEMENTAL, WISH, TROLLS 3, RUBY GILLMAN, MARIO, what else is there really? Does MIGRATION surprise us all? Illumination sometimes gets a nom, and MIGRATION - being from acclaimed French director Benjamin Renner, whose ERNEST & CELESTINE was nominated in its US release year - could be it. Coincidentally, we got an ERNEST & CELESTINE sequel this year... Which could also possibly get the nom if MUTANT MAYHEM doesn't?
I'm gonna say that slot is a three-way fight between MUTANT MAYHEM, MIGRATION, and ERNEST & CELESTINE 2. I feel the other four are secure...
But we shall see... Not that the awards really mean anything in the long run, it's just fun to track. Like watching a race or something, it's not life-or-death, just something fun.
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fairestar · 8 months
the ending of your lie in april.. </3 hold on, howl's moving castle is a BOOK? WHAT? also, your name is made by makoto shinkai!!! i recommend suzume, weathering with you, 5 cm per second by him! :D dragon ball z and naruto is nostalgic, and my love story with yamada-kun at lv999 looks so cute, i just added it to my list!! to answer your question, i like 'darker' animanga :) like jjk, akira, ergo proxy, oyasumi punpun, aot, tomie… but i also love shoujo a lot! i really liked nana recently. I CANNOT CHOOSE FAVOURITES UNFORTUNATELY 😭 maybe naruto, pokémon (ahem you are definitely eevee in my head), or spirited away since those were my "firsts"? ANYWHO, sorry for the my wall of texts but i hope you enjoy my spam eheh very excited for your new post <3
YES! is a book of the same name written by diana wynne jones (one of my favourite books), it is very lovely and brings so much comfort, but it's very different from the movie. i remember i once read someone say the movie is how howl tells the story and the book is how sophie tells it, and that is just so accurate. it's the only occurrence when im happy the movie adaptation doesn't follow the book because it's so nice that we got such different tellings of the same story. and im always thankful to hayao miyazaki for making howl such a loveable character because book!howl isn't as dreamy. aaa, if your name is by makoto shinkai then im sure i will like his other work. i think of that movie often, it had such an impact.
im also more into more complex animanga, im currently watching death note and im surprised at how much i like it, even though light is so irritating. and i am loving jjk, ive just caught up with the manga (let's not talk about it...) and the anime is sooooooo good (the opening???? one of the best ive seen), im so excited for the shibuya incident arc to develop. although i must say that the first season felt like a combination of naruto and bleach (which i have yet to finish but i haven't been too motivated to do so because it is awfully repetitive, worse than naruto when it comes to the flashbacks). and about aot, ive tried watching it countless times but i just can't get into it, but i want to because i feel like im missing out on something good! although because it's so known i think i know about something that happens with eren and it's such a turn down to start watching it while knowing that (if what i know is accurate, but i dont want to make sure because that'd only make it worse).
ive only watched maybe like three pokémon chapters and all of them from different seasons, mostly because of landing on cartoon network when zapping as it was being broadcast so i can't say much about it but i just looked up eevee and it's so cute! i could see myself as it hahah.
and don't worry, i loved your texts! you are one funny individual and im glad we share this many interests!
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
about the ask i wanted to send before you posted mayumi, i noticed that you don't really mention the relationship dynamics between your prisoner ocs that often meanwhile i have this whole like relationship chart somewhere and wow there's so much drama going on, so i was wondering, what kind of relationship they all have? are there any prisoners who are friends? are there any prisoners who hate each other? do they get along well in general or they don't like each other that much?
(also, does mayumi like haku the most because he's, like, the most well-behaved prisoner here? i wonder what she thinks about prisoners like ichiro or akane then jsdksklsl)
Ichiro ♡
He isn't close to any of my prisoners and hardly acknowledges them actually. He doesn't have any friends, and he doesn't have any enemies (though he secretly finds Rin's whiny personality annoying). For him, the rest of the prisoners are just...there.
Though he would classify Noa as his "favourite" prisoner per say, since she's the only one he can tolerate that will indulge his childish questions. Daisuke and Kiyoshi are more than willing to entertain him too, but he doesn't like them much.
Akane ♡
Ichiro is weird and creeps her out when he spaces out with his gaze trained on her corner of the room. Hey, she knows she isn't exactly the best kid around either, but Ichiro is a different breed on his own. Even so, she can't help but feel a protective urge wash over her whenever he makes his strange pouting face where his lips pucker slightly and his eyes widen. He looks like a lost, clueless puppy. Damn it! It's not like he's her younger brother or anything. Stupid feelings.
Other than Ichiro whom she denies having a soft spot for, she's fine with Suzume, Haku, and Noa as well because they mind their own business. If any of them tried to talk to her, she'd prefer it to be Haku because he's straightforward and concise.
All the other prisoners annoy her in their own unique, infuriating ways. Kiyoshi and Mayumi are nice towards her, but their polite and friendly personalities rub her the wrong way. She thinks they're faking being nice for a reason. Are they?
Daisuke ♡
He's friendly with everyone! But he isn't actually close with anyone...
He tries to be nice to Ichiro and Akane, striking up conversations and humoring them and such. But Ichiro ignores him and Akane ends up getting pissed more often than not. Is he doing something wrong? Maybe he's old enough to be out of touch with teenagers already? Haku and Rin aren't any better. They both mostly ignore him too. TwT
Suzume, Yui, and Noa aren't very comfortable with him either, despite his efforts to get along with them. Hey! He's just flirting playfully. He doesn't actually mean anything by it.
As for Kiyoshi... Well, Daisule avoids him because cops make him nervous. Isn't that how it is for everyone? And for Mayumi? She unnerves him, so he avoids her too.
Suzume ♡
She wouldn't say she's close to anyone? (Despite that, the women of Milgram seem to like her very much.)
Yui approaches her often and offers to do her skincare. She thinks Yui might just want someone to doll up, so she agrees because why not? And Noa likes to stick to her side, so they end up standing next to each other in silence most of the time. She doesn't understand why Noa does that, but she's not about to ask. Mayumi is really friendly with her too, and she doesn't quite know what to do about that.
Haku ♡
He's not close with anyone. He's just popular with the adults because he's a responsible child. Almost like a role model for the other teenage prisoners, though it's obvious they aren't interested in learning from him. He goes through the motions in Milgram lifelessly. No one here interests him much. He misses his brother.
Yui ♡
She likes to say that she's friends with everyone in Milgram! (Haruto will clarify that she's WRONG in a heartbeat.)
Suzume is the prisoner she's closest to. She likes to do her skincare for her! Suzume has such a pretty face, like a doll. She's doing her a favor by making sure her skin stays soft and supple. <3
She likes to approach Noa and Mayumi too. Girls should always support girls after all! (But they don't seem to like her very much...)
She has a special annoyance reserved for Daisuke and Rin. They have the ability to ruin her mood with their general existence just like that. That's certainly an impressive feat on it's own.
Rin ♡
He's not close with anyone, nor is he very interested in getting along. He acts like his usual self as always, nitpicky and demanding and hypocritical. The only one that can reign him in is Noa, because she's so nice and sweet to him and reminds him of a certain someone. Unfortunately, she doesn't like to spend much time with him.
Noa ♡
She's really shy and awkward, so it's hard for her to be close to anyone in Milgram. Suzume is quiet and doesn't seem judgmental though, so she feels comfortable enough to hang around her most of the time. Mayumi isn't so bad too!
Daisuke likes to flirt with her, along with every other woman in Milgram. But he unnerves her, so she avoids him.
As the somehow appointed big sister of Milgram, she finds the kids approaching her often (except for Haku). Ichiro likes to ask her questions about whatever has caught his fleeting interest this time, and Rin has been tailing her around like a lost puppy ever since she returned something that he'd lost. She doesn't know how to deal with them at all! But she's pretty sure pushing them away isn't going to do her any good, so she just goes along with their whims for now.
Kiyoshi ♡
He's friendly with everyone in Milgram! Not everyone seems to be as friendly to him though. Such as Ichiro, who likes to ignore him. And Akane, who thinks he's being suspiciously nice. Not to mention Daisuke, who has a tendency to cut their conversations short.
He's on good terms with just about everyone else (though he secretly finds Yui and Rin a little annoying). He enjoys his occasional friendly conversations with Suzume and Noa. Mayumi is the only prisoner he could truly call his friend though.
Mayumi ♡
Yep, yep! Mayumi likes Haku because he's the most quiet and well-behaved prisoner in Milgram. She's on good terms with with Suzume and Noa too. But they can't compete with Haku who sits quietly in a corner and does his chores without being asked to. XD
As for what she thinks of Ichiro and Akane... She's nice and polite with everyone, but judging by the thin smile she wears whenever she's around them, she's not very comfortable. Ichiro is...weird, to say the least. And Akane is always so jumpy and aggressive. They remind her of the children at the ward that would always act up (she always wondered what was going on in their lives to make them so distressed). She's not equipped to deal with them at all.
As for Daisuke, Yui, and Rin, she prefers not to approach them. If they come to her, she won't be so rude as to chase them away! But she isn't exactly excited to keep talking to them.
Ooh, I can totally imagine her being friends with Kiyoshi though! They both stick to their ideals and have (unfortunately stressful) jobs that center around helping people. I think they'd get along well! :D
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carrie-tate · 2 years
Hello! I just wanted to stop by and say hi, how are you doing? 💜💜💜
Also I have a few oc related questions for you (I thought they would be fun to answer and ask)
• Which one of your OCs would go on a huge shopping spree and buy lots of fashionable clothes and accessories?
• What is one of your oc x character ships "ideal date" like? (In other words what is the perfect date for them)
• (I thought this question would be funny) How would your OCs react if they met Itsuki (who is a vampire) for the first time?
Hiii! I'm fine, I just dropped out of social networks a little, nothing new ^^ and how are you? 💜💜💜
Well, Rudy immediately comes to my mind, because they are still a shopaholic, as for me (so it’s better not to let them into the stores alone, haha) Come to think of it, Chris is also quite comfortable with such outings (although considering that he is a phantom a thief… I doubt that he will Buy at least something) And the female part of my OCs is either too modest to buy clothes or accessories (and they will almost have to be dragged by force) and the other part - they don’t care and are not very interested in similar, which is even funny x>
Well, I'll still try to come up with something for each pair (I only have 3 of them, not much work) Thea x Cilan: they are both quiet people who don't need much pomp or solemnity (although I'm not sure about Cilan, he is still a very bright person and it may turn out that he also can be a "Dating Connoisseur" or something like that , heh) so more likely for them "ideal date" may be a simple movie night exclusively in each other's company. Hailey x Frankie: it's more complicated, but I think for a couple like them - a classic date in a cafe or something like that (not necessarily a candlelit dinner, but also an option). Hailey is a reserved person who rarely goes out in public, but with Frankie she feels completely at ease in such situations (at least if someone from the Foster house does not decide to make sure that their date goes well and that Mac and Bloo don't ruined everything) Chris x MMK: "ideal date" for them is definitely a clear cloudless night, stars in the sky, a park, and long, long conversations about nothing (despite the fact that in ordinary life these two are more short-tempered (and often tease each other. Mostly Chris) in a romantic sense that these two can be very simple and romantic)
Ooh, interesting question. In fact, the most prominent reaction will be "Gee! What are you, a vampire? Bite me, plzz? That's hecking cool!" on the part of Mizu, since she generally refers to those people who do not consider mysticism to be something terrible, but rather cool. Thea and Hailey will be wary at first, but then they will realize that Itsuki is a good guy and will generally be positive towards him. The rest are even more boring as they will immediately treat him normally (Chris, Rudy, Leroy, Suzume, Essie, etc. in general guys with a positive attitude towards strangers) Although Chris may at first doubt the veracity of Itsuki being a vampire
By the way, did you know that vampires are actually irreflected only in mirrors made of silver? that is, in water or in modern mirrors, they can see their reflection (I don’t remember where, but I kind of read about it…)
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miss-writes-a-lot · 8 months
Tsukimi (Formerly titled 'Something Beautiful)
(This took forever and it's not how I pictured it turning out, but it was taking too long, and I have late start classes soon and didn't want to forget about it. Might go back and rewrite/edit this in the future. Content warning for implied harm to animals and illegal animal trapping)
The chill already starts to crawl up the base of Keigo's spine and reverberates across his wings the second Touya cracks the window a smidge. Suzume feels it too. Keigo sees her shiver a bit in the rearview mirror despite sitting on the opposite side of her arsonist father. Though given how tightly her brows are knitted together, he can tell that it's not just the cold that's preoccupying her mind.
He smiles sympathetically at her reflection, "You doing okay back there, Suzi?"
Suzume's eyes flicker up to meet his in the mirror. There's a brief flash of anxiousness before she forces a tight, closed smile – an expression that makes Keigo's stomach turn with gross familiarity.
"I'm okay!" She nervously chirps back.
"Are you sure? If you're not feelin' we'll, we can go back to the hotel–"
"No!" Suzume’s face burns red and she hides herself in the oversized jacket Touya lent her, "S-Sorry…"
"It's okay, Chickadee."
"You wanna tell us what's up?" Touya asks.
Suzume sinks further into the hood of the jacket, pulling her knees to her chest. "'m nervous 'bout going and seeing Pippa-chan again…"
Keigo's own worry softens into a smile, "Yeah, it's been a while since we've been out like this, huh? And you haven't seen Pippa since…?"
He trails off, turning his head to Touya. 
"Damn, it had to be a couple months at least," Touya says, carding a hand through his hair.
"What if she doesn't wanna see me anymore? What if she doesn't like me anymore…?"
"Oh Su, I'm sure she'll be plenty happy to see you again."
"She thinks I'm boring…"
"She doesn't think you're boring, Su," Touya states, "She’s probably itchin’ to see you real bad after all this time. Heck, I bet you that little bunny’s bouncing off the walls at the thought of seein’ you!”
Suzume slowly lifts her head, “Yeah…?”
Touya nods, “Anytime I call Tenko and you’re at school, I always hear Pippa in the back yelling about how badly she wants to see you again.”
Suzume brightens, fully unfurling with even a small smile starting to form on her face. “Really?”
“Really, kid. Pippa’s crazy about you, and even if you’re doing nothing, she’ll still just love being with ‘cha.”
She’s starting to grin, kicking her feet happily as she looks intently out the window at all the passing cars and people walking to and from the park venue. Keigo turns back to Touya, mouthing a sweet ‘thank you.’ Touya throws him a quick glance before he picks up his hand and presses a kiss to the top of his hand.
Ignoring the lie that Tenko and Touya can call as often as he says they do without a, the intervention of their parole officers and b, without trying to make fun of each other for the entire conversation, Keigo can’t help but smile at the fact that his daughter has already made so many wonderful and somewhat loud friends at only five-years-old. If it were something he had been allowed to dream about, his younger self would have killed to have had actual friends his age who were just happy to see him and could distract him from the large crowds of unfamiliar people in an equally unfamiliar place (well, somewhat unfamiliar).
He tries not to be envious of it, tries to linger on what could have been, and focuses on what he has now. He has friends and while a lot of them have a rapt sheet a mile long, technically so did he, and they were the best friends anyone could ask for– ones who can quite literally kill for him. His daughter is doing things he didn’t experience until he became the adult he is now, and better still, she doesn’t need to do these things for a PR stunt or because someone told her to. She gets to do (mostly) anything she wants. She gets to choose.
And that’s all he ever wants for her.
The parking lot is full, both with cars and people. Keigo can already hear the beginnings of Touya’s grumbling about how they should have left earlier instead of trying to find the right haori that matched Suzume’s kimono. They miraculously find a spot to squeeze into near the entrance of the park. Suzume hands off Touya’s jacket to him with her little hands before she grabs her little bag and slips out of the back. Keigo and Touya follow, Touya going to the trunk to pull out the picnic stuff and Keigo helping Suzume try to navigate her first pair of zori.
Being that it is her first moon-viewing festival, it is only fitting that she wears her first kimono to it. After literal weeks of indecisive internet searching and shopping, she finally found one she wanted – a pretty sky-colored thing with golden flowers printed on the bottom and sleeves with a matching obi to boot. 
Keigo also decided – at the very last second – to dress up for the occasion, digging out the same deep red and gold kimono he had worn five and a half years prior while his husband stuck to his all-black ensemble in case someone here recognizes them – Keigo having pinned his wings to his back just before they left.
“I think I’m getting it,” Suzume says, wobbling on her slightly elevated shoes.
“You sure?” Keigo asks, slowly trailing behind her.
She nods. She steps forward, trying to take bigger strides and she immediately trips over her feet and starts to fall forward.
“Never mind, I don’t. I lied – I lied!”
Keigo quickly launches forward and catches her by her torso before she can faceplant into the concrete.
"You okay?" He asks.
"I think I need my real shoes."
Keigo chuckles, "Yeah, I think you do, too. Hey Firefly, can you grab–"
"Lemme out! Lemme out! Lemme ouuuuuuut!"
They all turn their heads to the line of cars opposite of them. Standing at the back of a black Lexus trying to wrangle their impatient daughter are the Usagiyama-Shimuras. Tenko holds Pippa as tightly as he can muster while Rumi adjusts the blue and pink comb in Pippa's hair.
"Pippa – hold still!" Rumi exclaims, trying to catch her daughter's bobbing head.
"But I wanna goooo!" Pippa whines.
"Hey, you're the one who wanted to be pretty like Mommy. Now hold still!"
Rumi manages to get the decorative comb in her daughter's hair before she breaks out of her father's grip.
"There! You're free now. Was that so bad?"
"Yes," Pippa replies, fists on her hips and a confident nod.
Rumi playfully rolls her eyes, catching sight of the other trio. She grins and waves to them. "Hey!"
Keigo and Suzume wave to them. Pippa looks up, her jaw immediately dropping as she zeroes in on Suzume. She grins, and Suzume grins back at her. Pippa gets into a running stance, pushing off her back foot, and propels herself forward. 
She flies across the parking lot and holy shit, Keigo forgot how fast she is. He reaches down to scoop Suzume up into his arms before she can ram into her with all of her force. Pippa screeches to a halt at Keigo’s legs.
“Hey,” she whines, making grabby hands at Suzume, “Gimme!”
Suzume giggles as Keigo moves her around while Pippa hops around trying to grab her. Rumi and Tenko rush across the parking lot to meet them.
“God fucking – Pippa!” Tenko gasps.
“Papa!” Pippa replies much more cheerfully.
“Don’t do that,” he says.
Pippa just giggles in response.
Rumi sighs, shaking her head. “Sorry, Kei. She got really excited when she heard that you guys were bringing Suzume with you.”
“Told you,” he whispers to Suzume, “No prob, Rumi. Suzume’s happy to see you all too. Well, mostly Pippa.”
Keigo sets Suzume down. Pippa immediately grabs Suzume and wraps her up in a bone-crushing hug that just makes Suzume laugh even more.
“You look very cute, Pippa-chan,” Keigo says.
“I know!” Pippa proclaims, “I wanted to match with Papa but he didn’t wanna wear a kimono ‘cause he’s boring.”
“Yeah, I know how that feels,” he replies, pointing at Touya with his eyes.
“Hey, boring’s keeping us from getting swarmed by paparazzi right now,” Touya faux chides as he throws their picnic shit over his shoulder.
“Ah ah ah! I believe it was my husband’s expertise that found us a town where barely anyone knows us,” Rumi says, grabbing Tenko’s hip and pulling him close.
“Hey, let’s not forget I’m the one who came up with the idea to come all the way out here in the first place,” Keigo says, gesturing to the entrance.
Pippa groans, “Oh my god, no one cares. Can we please go now?”
“Alright, alright. Lead the way, Pip Pip,” Tenko coincides, immediately regretting his decision when Pippa grabs Suzume’s hand and pulls her along the crowds of people entering the park.
The adults hurry after the two with Rumi being the only one able to keep pace with them in spite of her elevated shoes. Keigo’s wings are itching to break out of their confines so he can ensure they don’t end up getting lost, but he tries to keep them – and mostly himself – placated.
They maneuver through the claustrophobic crowds and the long lines outside the food and game booths along the treeline. Pippa breaks through the people and gasps, pointing to the grassy clearing with the other people.
“I found a spot! I found a spot!” she shouts. She grabs Suzume’s hand and pulls her toward the middle of the field, Rumi following them.
The two girls tumble into the grass, limbs splayed out to protect their place until the adults meet them there. 
“Good find, Pip!” Rumi exclaims. She picks up the little rabbit girl and places her on her hip. Suzume sits up and dusts the grass off of her kimono. She makes grabby hands at Keigo when he finally pulls up to the spot.
“I need help.”
Keigo chuckles. He grabs her hands and pulls her to her feet, “Up you go.”
“Thank you.”
“Suzu-chan, come get dango with me!” 
“Pippa, we just got here.”
“But I’m hungry.”
Tenko sighs, opening his arms, “Give her here. I’ll take her.”
“You sure? Don’t you wanna sit and chill for a bit?”
Tenko waves her off, “You’ve been taking care of her all day. Don’t worry, I got this.”
“Oh, do you?” Pippa asks dramatically, getting a few centimeters from his face to stare at him with playful intensity.
Tenko slowly turns his head to her, looks at her blankly for a few seconds before he blows a raspberry into her cheek, causing her to squeal. 
“Yes. I do,” he looks down at Suzume, “You wanna come?”
“Um,” Suzume anxiously looks back at her dads, “Can I?”
Touya nods, “ ‘Course, Su.”
“Stay close to your uncle Tenks, okay?” Keigo says.
Suzume nods.
Keigo looks up at Tenko. "Keep her steady, yeah? She's not good at walking in her zori yet."
Tenko nods. He holds out his hand for Suzume and together, the three walk in the direction of the food stalls in the wooded area. Keigo watches them disappear among the crowd. His stomach can’t help but twist a bit as he begins to lose sight of her.
A pair of firm hands trail up his arms and grab him by the shoulders, pulling him back into a hug.
“Hey,” Touya’s voice rumbles in his ears, “You okay?”
Keigo nods, “Yeah. I’m good.”
“She’s gonna be okay. Nobody’s gonna do anything to our kid with Ten around.”
“I know, but…she’s our kid, you know?”
Touya chortles, “I mean, yeah? I was there, remember?”
Keigo elbows his side, “You know what I mean. I worry…”
Touya turns his head to press a soft kiss on his cheek, “I know. I do, too. But we gotta let her have fun once and a while. God knows we could have used it…”
Keigo nods, nuzzling into Touya’s neck. “I hope she’s having fun…”
“Babe, she’s with Pippa. If she isn’t having fun, she’s probably having a full-on stroke.”
“Oh yeah, she’ll do that to ya,” Rumi says, laying out the picnic blanket.
“Have you been listening to us this whole time?”
“Kei, I’m literally only a few steps away from you. Of course, I’ve been listening.”
Touya rolls his eyes, murmuring “Dumb bunny,” as he goes to sit on the blanket.
“Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to bring down the mood.”
Rumi waves him off, “You’re fine. You’re just being a dad. It’s actually really sweet, you worrying over Suzume like that.”
Keigo hums, “What can I say? She makes me a huge sap sometimes.”
Touya snorts, “More like all the time…”
Rumi laughs, “Don’t worry about it! All kids make us saps, hell – the number of times I’ve cried at the dumb cartoons she makes me watch is fucking abysmal and you can’t tell me that that little blue dog doesn’t do the same to you!”
“I don’t know what you’re fucking talking about. I had a perfectly happy childhood.”
“Bull. Fucking. Shit.”
Keigo laughs from the side as Touya and Rumi bicker back and forth, some of his anxiety starting to melt away the further he gets lost in their conversation.
‘She’ll be fine,’ he thinks, starting to unpack the food that Pippa had been too impatient for, ‘She’s with Tenko and Pippa. She’s fine and having fun. And so should you.’
He cracks open a beer, cheers to no one but himself, and prays to the gods that his internal mantra proves to be true while he waits for the trio to return.
“Dan-go! Dan-go! Dan-go!”
Pippa and Suzume chant the entire 5-minute walk to one of the dango stalls. Pippa started it first and Suzume joined in not long after, but now her arm is starting to hurt from fist-pumping the air and she can tell that Uncle Tenko’s starting to get tired of it as well. 
They finally decide to stop when they reach the nearest Dango place with a pretty long line in front of it. Pippa’s ears droop and her chin drops onto Tenko’s shoulder. She groans.
“This is gonna take foreverrr!”
Tenko sighs, “Yeah, it might. Better get comfy.”
Pippa pouts on her father’s shoulder. Suzume simply stands quietly beside them. She doesn’t mind waiting. Waiting just means she doesn’t have to walk or take big steps in her high shoes for a little while.
However, waiting also means she is now acutely aware of how many people are at this moon-viewing festival thing. From what her papa told her, Tsukimi festivals aren’t this big. People usually celebrate at home with their own little shrines and offerings. 
Maybe the people here just really like the moon. 
She likes the moon too, though she probably wouldn’t go all the way out here to see it. It’s cold here – even with all of the layers she’s wearing, there’s a chill running up her little fingers and the base of her neck. 
And now, some of the people are staring at them. She doesn’t like staring, but they aren’t just staring at her. 
She follows their eyes up her Uncle Tenko to Pippa who is still on his hip. They stare and whisper to each other. Some of the other kids passing by point at her and say things before their parents hurry them along while still staring. Suzume looks up to see if Pippa sees and they lock eyes.
Her ears droop. Any excitement drains from her face as she hides it in Uncle Tenko’s shoulder, gripping his black hoodie tightly.
Uncle Tenko slips his hand out of Suzume’s and moves it to rub soothing circles into her back, glaring at the people staring at them. Suzume shuffles to hug his leg and hide from their prying eyes as well.
“You okay, Pip?” he asks quietly.
“‘M not hungry anymore,” she mumbles into the soft fabric of his hoodie, “I wanna go.”
“You sure, Bun?”
She nods, gripping him tighter, “I wanna go.”
“Okay, okay. We’re going. We’re going. Come on, Suzume. I can take you to get Dango later, yeah?”
“It’s okay,” Suzume says. 
It’s too overwhelming with all of these people, and she doesn’t want Pippa to be sad anymore. She doesn’t really care about the dango anyways. She isn’t even all that hungry.
Uncle Tenko reaches down, takes her hand, and they start walking out of the line. Suzume keeps her eyes on her feet so she doesn’t trip and fall over herself like she did in the parking lot. That, and it helps her keep focus off of the people staring at them as they pass.
They’re almost in the clear, grass starting to show up beneath her feet, when Pippa starts to talk again. She doesn’t hear what she says, but the next thing she knows, Uncle Tenko lets go of her hand as he starts struggling. She looks up to see Pippa, squirming and kicking to get out of his arms. Maybe she changed her mind about getting dango?
That idea immedietatley goes out the window as Pippa jumps out of his arms and races toward the treeline and into the brush at top speed.
“Pippa!” Uncle Tenko shouts, “Shit – C’mere. We’re goin’ after her.”
“Yes, again. Come on.”
He scoops up Suzume – because there is no way she’s going to be able to keep up with him in these shoes – and they dash into the woods. They follow the sound of crunching leaves. Suzume tries to keep track of the dot that is now her friend that bobs between bushes and tall trees.
“Pippa! Pippa, come back here!” Uncle Tenko shouts.
“She’s over there!” Suzume says, pointing to a small clearing up ahead.
They find Pippa crouched over something, moving back and forth with her hands anxiously hovering around the mysterious object. Uncle Tenko screeches to a halt, sets Suzume down on her feet, and runs to Pippa’s side. Suzume awkwardly shuffles to meet her as well.
“Pippa!” he yells again, “Don’t go running off like that! What’s gotten into you?”
She ignores him, still continuing to fret over the thing in front of her while her head scans the area.
“Pippa, what’re you–?”
That’s when they hear it. 
The squealing. 
Tenko and Suzume move to the side and see a small, white rabbit in front of the rabbit girl. Its back left foot is caught in a trap. It’s one Suzume’s seen around her neighborhood in her backyard – a simple one made out of sharp string that cuts into the animal’s leg. She winces, hiding her face in her uncle’s leg at the sight of the bloody line wrapping around its ankle.
Tenko stares in shock, “Pip..how–?”
“I heard it,” Pippa says, “I can hear all of them.”
“All of them?” 
Pippa nods, pointing around the brush with her ears twitching. “They’re in there somewhere. I can hear them. Someone’s hurting the bunnies, Papa. I have to help them. They’re hurting really bad.”
Uncle Tenko sighs. Suzume releases his leg as he goes and crouches down in front of the trapped rabbit. He pulls up his sleeve, reaches out a hand, and pinches a bit of loose string between his fingers. The two girls watch anxiously from the side. The string disingrates cleanly between his thumb and pointer finger, leaving the bunny unscathed but still startled. He scoops the injured animal in his arms and hands it off to Pippa.
“Here. You keep him safe and help me find the rest, yeah?”
Both girls grin and nod.
Together, they scour the forest looking for rabbits stuck in traps. Some are in the string traps, others in little boxes that Pippa breaks open with her foot – her grin growing each time she releases one into the wild. Suzume spots out the ones really far or really well hidden behind the thick bramble.
They’re done by the time the sun sets and the sky has adopted a light periwinkle color. Uncle Tenko leaves the flash on as they open the last box with the last rabbit inside. It hops out easily, bouncing back into the brush without so much as a glance back.
“Alright, looks like that was the last one,” he says, rolling his sleeves down, “Time to head out, girls. Your mom’s been texting non stop about us.”
“Wait, what about this one?” Pippa holds up the injured rabbit from before up to him, “he’s still hurt!”
“We can take him to the vet tomorrow to get him checked out. Once he feels better–”
“We can keep him?” 
“No. We are not keeping him.”
“Oh, we are so keeping him,” Pippa says to Suzume.
“We are not. Keeping him.”
“I can keep him,” Suzume says.
“I don’t think your dads would want to keep a bunny in their house either, Suzu. They’ve already got Pippa to deal with when we come over.”
“Now, come on! Before it gets really dark.”
The trio hike their way out of the forest. By now, only the lanterns remained up and strung along the trees. The food and game vendors had gone and everyone’s sitting in the grassy field. When they get there, Pippa’s mom and Suzume’s dad are already starting to get up in their direction before they see them.
They both run over to them, Keigo scooping Suzume up in her arms and Aunt Rumi coming up to hug her husband and daughter – and her rabbit.
“There you are!” Keigo exclaims, her other dad coming up to join him, “Where have you been?”
“We found a lot of bunnies in traps in the woods and we were letting them out,” Suzume replies plainly.
“I found this one! I’m calling him Hito!” Pippa exclaims.
Aunt Rumi turns to Uncle Tenko, “Babe, when I said I might wanna have another kid, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”
“We are not keeping him,” Tenko deadpans.
“Too late! Already named him! He’s ours!”
Touya puts his hands up, “Look, let’s just be glad that everyone’s safe and nobody died tonight. I’d call that a win for us, yeah?”
The adults make non-committal hums in agreement.
“Great. So let’s go see this stupid moon or whatever, eat, and go home, yeah?”
The group makes their way back over to the blanket. Suzume crawls into Keigo’s lap. He folds his arms over her and she leans back against his chest with Touya wrapping an arm around his waist. Pippa’s sitting in her mom’s lap with Hito in hers. The park goes quiet as everyone turns their heads up to the sky to the bright and full moon in the sky. Suzume and Pippa trace the shapes on the inside to see if they can find the rabbits pounding mochi.
“I found one!” Pippa whisper-yells to her. Suzume grins back at her.
Touya slides a small container of food to her, making her realize just how hungry she had been this entire time. She digs in without even glancing at the utensils.
“Moon’s pretty,” she whispers through a mouthful of rice.
Keigo hums in agreement, “Yeah, it is. Just like it was the last time we went.”
“When was that?” she asks, looking up at him.
“Before you were born. We just found out we were gonna have you and I wanted to go and see it before we did.”
“Oh,” Suzume looks down at her food for a second before she looks back up at her dads, “Can we go again next time?”
Keigo’s brows arch in surprise for a second before his face softens into a smile. He reaches down to peck a kiss on her forehead.
“Sure, baby. We can.”
She goes back to eating and staring at the moon, still trying to find the shape of the rabbit within the moon’s glow.
(Might also do a prequel to this and then edit this because it's bad. Next up is something shorter and hopefully better.)
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borrowed-twenties · 3 years
“Love is the expression of the one who loves, not of the one who is loved. Those who think they can love only the people they prefer do not love at all. Love discovers truths about individuals that others cannot see.”
- S.K.
One of the things I most appreciate in Konjiki no Gash!! is how it handles the concept / idea of “love” with great care.
More often that not, it takes the form of a universal kind of love, like when the African tribesman tells Dufort that “you’re the one whom we love” [Chapter 275]. Gash’s empathy for Dufort during the fight @ Faudo, I feel, is the pinnacle example of this.
Imo, this kind of love sinks deeper roots than more ‘conventional’ types of love - since it extends kindness & compassion to those who may not be easy to love, or maybe didn’t even seem deserving of it, initially.
It is also a perceptive kind of love, that is capable of seeing through everything - even through a person’s solitude / (mis)deeds, to the pain nestled within.
& this is also why I’m a real softie for the gradual friendship/relationship between Kiyomaro & Suzume, which I feel also typifies this dynamic, so much.
love is the expression of the one who loves, not of the one who is loved ;
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those who think they can love only the people they prefer do not love at all ;
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& love discovers truths about individuals that others cannot see -
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i to am waiting for the new oxenf-rca (ok that was definitely one of my worst, shhh) game, and in the meantime I would love to hear about any and also all oxenfree ocs. please i would like to know all about them
SORRY FOR THE DELAY. finally getting around to answering asks!!! I hope your doing well!! thank u so much for asking about my silly little ocs cause I would love nothing more than to talk about them frankly. okay. guy who has a whole game in her head vc: I’m normal and this is a normal amount to think about things. I do have art for them but I’m on mobile rn and don’t have it saved, so ill fix it later!
anyway, for lack of a better title i refer to this as everfree. just with my name. it kinda works tho! and in my head it exists and it’s also connected to my friends oxenfree ocs which also make me lose my mind. himi doesn’t have a tumblr that im aware of, but she said i could talk about them also :] here’s an unofficial rundown of the characters. if more people are interested i can post their art and stuff later !!
suzume (she/her): the player character/protagonist. suzume tsurumaki is a girl just back from her first semester at college when she returns to her childhood home, her friends, and her long-time boyfriend, Avery. Suzume struggles to fit in to a place that once felt so comfortable and deals with trying to figure out what she wants out of life versus what everyone else has always wanted for her. Throughout the game, players can build, alter, or break off the relationship with Avery and her other friends, depending on their choices. (The divorce of it all ahskdhdks)
avery (he/they): suzume’s long time boyfriend and the boy next door who, unlike suzume, stayed in town after high school graduation. passionate but often distractible and unsure of himself, avery tends to grip on tightly to what he has in a world that seems uncertain. They care deeply about Suzume, but struggle to adjust to long-distance after so many years of being only a few houses apart.
micha (they/she): suzume and avery’s friend and self-designated “relationship counselor”, Micha is always ready to answer any question… even the ones no one actually asked them. Outspoken and proud, Micha considers themselves an expert on all things, despite not exactly having any evidence to back most of her claims up. Still, despite their eagerness, they have good intentions.
luna (she/her): micha’s twelve-year-old sister, who they’re “stuck with” babysitting on the island while their parents are both working the night shift. like many children, luna believes she’s 1. more knowledgeable than pretty much anyone ever and 2. certainly more knowledgeable than her older sibling, thank you very much! luna tends to be curious to the point of vaguely uncomfortable, and is an avid fan of warrior cats (as she will bring up constantly on the island).
raine (they/them): raine makes out the last of the group! pessimistic and sulky, raine acted as the vice-president for avery’s astronomy club in high school (in which both of them were the only two members) and has been “stuck with” the group since sophomore year. they have a tendency to make things worse, both on purpose and accidentally, by always assuming the worst case scenario. In high school, raine was the kind of person who’d prefer to shove themselves in the locker “before anyone else had the chance”, whether anyone was ever planning on it or not.
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shiyoneko · 3 years
[TL Summary] Hanasaki Miyabi Marshmallow Reading (4/8/2021)
Get To Know Hanasaki Miyabi!! I’ll do QnA Marshmallow! [Hanasaki Miyabi/Holostars]
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I reccommend watching the stream too!
He first greets the fans by telling them it’s been cold lately. After a cute head swaying and the usual KonbanMiyabi~, he then mentioned how there are new people who starts watching him lately, or maybe even those who had following him for long, and might not know who he is – for he doesn’t know himself much either, said by him – and he direct this stream for those who wants to know him more deeper.
There are many marshmallows sent to him and he might unable to answer it all.
 ・The mallow sender is very fond of Miyabi’s cuteness; The part of him that shows how good he is at games, the part of him that is nice to his Hanamigumis, the part of him that likes Temma a lot, the part of him that can’t read kanji well… The more they see him from different angle the cuter he looks and they wonder how can he be so cute and what is Miyabi’s own definition of cute.
Miyabi answered with how he doesn’t actually aiming to act cute, he’s just living as he is. He just showed how he actually is. So he concluded that probably he’s probably being cute just by living. He described it with how you usually saw a beautiful flower blooming on the side of the road and thought how cute it is.
Tho, he doesn’t like it if he’s being praised cute too much.
By re-reading what the mallow sender thought of him as cute, he said maybe to this person’s eye, he’ll probably be forgiven for almost anything at this rate; even if he ate his food messily and can’t clean it by himself, or when he got very fat, the sender might just think of it as cute.
Chat: I wouldn’t like messy eating… Miyabi: Yes! That’s how it should be. I think I’ll be a goner if you all don’t get angry for what I did wrong. So you all should get angry to me if I got overboard, okay. I think human is like that.
Comment: Then please don’t mute yourself when you’re sneezing Miyabi: That is one of the only thing I will never do.
Looks like even if we throw him red SC, he won’t change his mind.
 ・The sender wants to know what kind of bag that Miyabi usually use when he go out.
He answered, when he was in elementary school he used a aqua blue and white backpack with a strap of stuffed Disney character doll on the side. After he entered middle school, he felt a little embarrassed wearing it and decided to use a shoulder bag. He sometimes still use shoulder bag until now. And now, for some reason, he goes back to occasionally using the aqua blue and white backpack. He likes how it can hold many goods at once. And what he usually use now is a red, white, and blue colored backpack. And he still bring the same stuffed Disney character doll. He also said he put the Kyomu Suzume keychain too.
His mother had said to him that wouldn’t his age doesn’t suit for him to still hanging around a character doll on a bag, and he replied with “But I like it!!” In the end, his interest is still the same from when he was a kid.
Chat said that dolls has no age limit and he agrees. He also imagines a situation of him meeting someone wearing the same character doll strap and will quietly say in his heart “Ahh, you too huh. That doll is cute, I understand~!” and wouldn’t it be exciting to see someone who brought the same goods as you!
He also imagines a future where people with Holostars goodies glancing at each other’s merchandise and form a conversation of fellow Holostars fans, and said how exciting it will be – tho since Holostars had released their own goods, he find it possible to do even now –
 ・The sender told him about the new Among Us map and wondered if Holostars will play it again.
Miyabi answered this question vaguely by saying he’s preparing for things and told us to wait for it.
  ・The sender has bought food from convenience store a lot lately and wondered about Miyabi’s recommended convenience store items.
Miyabi answered with how he likes and often goes to buy stuff from convenient store. He mentioned how there are many types of convenient store, but the one he goes the most is Seven Eleven. He recommended a section beside the onigiri section, in the French bread section where you can find bread with cream cheese and salmon filling. Tho, he mentioned how it depends on the place whether they stock the same food or not. The next on his recommendation list is salad with pork shabu-shabu, and he also recommended season-limited food and drinks, like zavas cocoa and the likes. He also recommended flank steak. Also microwaveable squid, or those that could be use as side dish like smoked salmon. And spicy dried squid. For the drinks, he recommended cola. He told of normal occurrences he usually had where, despite all of the food and drinks mentioned before, when he reached the cashier he’ll eventually buy more goods and the total price would be over 3K. And after he got home, he’ll eat it all in just a day. Especially if there’s an update to the game he played.
Chat: And this is how you gained 5kg weight… Miyabi: Stop it everyone! It’s supposed to be membership-only secrets!
In the end, he admitted it and said he would like do a diet. He said if there’s a convenient store nearby, Temma will definitely go there too but alas there’s none near his house.
 ・The mallow asked him what does he likes from Temma.
Since it’s embarrassing for him, Miyabi decided to keep the answer in membership-only content. Instead, he told the viewer to ask Temma what does he likes from Miyabi.
 ・The mallow asked what kind of clothing does he usually wear when going outside, and who’s the most stylish out of all Holostars members
Miyabi said he often wears parker and mentioned how he likes checkered pattern. His pants and shirts are mostly checkered. (Tho, not all full-checkered) He also used to wear jeans, but the jeans he bought last year no longer fit him and realized that he’s gaining weight. As for the stylish member, he mentioned Astel is a stylish one. He also mentioned Shien is also stylish, but both Astel’s and Shien’s style are different kind of stylish. Aru-san’s is just Aru-san-like. He doesn’t know much about Temma’s yet, since the two rarely met offline. Miyabi said how Shien’s style is able to bring out his personality with a sense of adultness and not too eye-catching. The other day when they both went out, Miyabi saw the sneaker Shien was wearing and it was white-purple, and he felt a strong Kageyama Shien-ness from it. In the end, he keep glaring at Shien’s shoe. Miyabi said he likes shoes. When he wanted to ask Shien where did he bought the shoe so he can bought the red-yellow one, chat told him that it was a birthday gift from his fans. When chat asked about shoe size, he refused to tell it since he doesn’t want people get surprised if they knew his shoe size is bigger or smaller than what they imagined.
To conclude the answer about what does he wear when he goes out, normally he doesn’t go out much either so there’s not much of it. He mentioned that he has about another 9 of the same white shirt he’s wearing right now and regularly changed it based on time and circumstances (refers to his 2D model, not his rl shirt)
Chat suggested him to buy outfits online. Miyabi said that if he were to buy clothing, especially shoes, online we can’t measure out the size for our size. Shoe size can also change depends on the maker/designer. He doesn’t do online shopping unless for things he really wanted.
He likes Nikes. When he was gonna search for a particular item, he didn’t realized his browser was on the stream screen. He panicked and quickly closed it, and said that now everyone knows he usually uses Yahoo search engine.
 ・The mallow asked about is his character setting of not being able to be 18 is the same being forever 17
Miyabi said it’s a very important question. If he told about it, he might be erased from this world. He leave to viewer’s own imagination.
 ・The mallow asked does he likes chocolate mint or not. Miyabi: Now then, question! Does Hanasaki Miyabi likes chocolate mint or not!
*drums roll*
Miyabi: The correct answer is………………………..I really really like it!
When he goes to Baskin Robbins, he usually orders chocolate mint too. Chat: Then, that means I need to fight Miyabi Miyabi: Why?! I don’t want a fight. Will this be a world-scale war?
Some chats said that they really hate chocolate mint, and Miyabi said that it’s not nice to bluntly said show your hate, especially if they’ve never tasted it before. Chat linked it with coriander (teasing about Miyabi’s curry topping stream) and Miyabi said coriander gave him another different punch that sent him straight into a temple. When chat said that he will someday conquer coriander too, he’ll maybe try going into temple and eat it there to see if he can do it. Or other alternatives of eating stuff based on coriander and not eating it straight as a topping, just like there are people who didn’t like the actual tomato but are fond of tomato sauce.
Chat: I’ll be waiting for the coriander picnic at temple Miyabi: I need to search for temples that can support streaming first then ww
 ・This marshmallow asked what words he usually use when he does egosa.
Miyabi checked his recent search bar in twitter and mentioned みやびくん (Miyabi-kun),  ゆるすた(Yurustars), 花岸 (Hanakishi), ホロスタ(Holostars), 花咲みやび (Hanasaki Miyabi), 花咲の森 (Hanasaki Forest), 住人スタンプ (Hanasaki Forest’s Residents Stamp), 花見組 (Hanamigumi), モンハン (Monster Hunter), モモコブロッサム(Momoko Blossom).
When he checked the Momoko Blossom word, his eyes fell upon a fanart that depicts Momoko Blossom gijinka and showed it on stream. He said its really really cute and showed his Miyabi-ness, especially the ribbon part. He decided to RT and liked it. He also wanted to see more gijinka of other forest residents too. Miyabi mentioned that he always like gijinkas. He showed another cute fanart on stream and thanked the author.
 ・The mallow asked whether Miyabi is a streamer that tends to remember his fans or not.
Miyabi said that he quickly forget people’s names, but if the person came to his stream a lot and commented, he’ll tend to remember them. Also people who mutter on Twitter a lot, draws fanart, and other stuff. If he see a new name on his stream he will know that they’re newcomers too. He encouraged people to comment more during his streams so he can remember their names.
Chat also mentioned that they usually remember other viewers’ names.
 ・The next mallow: I love you, Miyabi
  What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
Miyabi answered that he ate Jiro Instant Ramen at 3 am, but he can’t remember what he ate for dinner. He’s able to remember Jiro Ramen because it left a huge guilty feeling in him for eating it at midnight and could possibly make him gain more weight, especially he’ll sleep after that. Miyabi mentioned that Jiro Ramen also has vegetables in it. A chat said that sleeping after you fill your tummy is the best and Miyabi agrees. Apparently he drinks all the soup too and is guilty for adding up more fat for him to burn.
A chat recommended him to store the soup for the next day and then add rice and eggs on it, and said it’s enough for 2 portions. Miyabi said it’s a great idea and will try it next time.
 ・The next mallow asked is it annoying to send a letter to him every month.
Miyabi answered not at all, in fact he wants fans to send him one every day. Chat said that the letters are most probably gonna be compiled and sent at the same day. Imagining that, Miyabi becomes a bit scared. A chat asked whether the content of the letter will be checked by management before it reached him, and he answered yes. So there are instances that if management finds the letter dangerous, they might block the sender. Temma and Shien had told him about how great season-based letters are and Miyabi agrees. He mentioned that his letter will be compiled in the office and sent to him once every 3-4 months. He said that the last time he received his new batch of letters is a week or two weeks ago (judging from this stream’s date, it’s probably about April 1st or March 25th) and the letters he received that time were new year greetings. And so, if fans wanted to send regular letters, he suggested sending it every 3-4 months. He mentioned that his, along with Holostars, will have 2nd anniversary soon and he said he will receive a batch of letters that time too.
 ・Next mallow asked him about foods he recently hooked into.
Miyabi answered that lately he’s been buying soy milk. When couldn’t finish all the milk, he’ll put them in dishes like hamburg and annin tofu. He’s been trying to make soy milk-based dishes. A chat asked what does soy milk taste like, and Miyabi described it as tofu being squished and mixed with a bit of sugar. He also said soy milk hot pot is great. It’s a hot pot with a soup of soy milk with consommé, with chicken breast meat and Chinese cabbage put in it, also put a bit(?) of cheese in it and it’ll be super delicious. He reminded us that we shouldn’t put too much cheese for such a healthy dish. He said he’s been trying to cook by himself lately and made omurice, tho the dish he’s good at making right now is still instant cup ramen. He really likes cheese and would put them into hot pots, mentioned how it’ll taste great with tomato hot pot. He tried to not do that too much, thought.
He shared a story of where he tried experimenting what ingredientsb suits pasta more to his liking, and found out about ochazuke-no-moto pasta recipe. He claimed it as delicious and everyone should try it too. After you boil the pasta and drain the water, you put it in ochazuke-no-moto soup and warm it. It’s also cheap. He said he made it a lot when he was in middle school, but not recently.
 ・The next mallow asked about Miyabi’s first impression on other Holostars members, like their fashion impression. They also wanted to know Miyabi’s fashion as well.
Miyabi said that the first Holostars member he had met offline was Roberu. He described his first impression on Roberu as… still Roberu. When he was alone waiting for everyone while looking at his phone, Roberu suddenly greeted him with his usual tone, while Miyabi was all surprised and greeted politely. The next member he met was Rikka and Aru-san. He described Aru-san as… still Aru-san. His character model wear a pretty uniform-like clothing, but the offline Aru-san he saw wore a more free style clothes and Miyabi thought “So Aru-san can dress like this too.” He also wore masks and glasses and to Miyabi it was a bit scary and didn’t believe it was Aru-san at first ww Rikka’s is just Rikka. The next members he met is Astel. Miyabi said he was scared when meeting him at first “This is… the aura of an extrovert! This is bad!” Miyabi’s introvert radar rang danger signs ww But after Miyabi talked a bit with him, he realized Astel is stil Astel. On the way home, he got on the same train as Astel and talked about the future for a bit until they both reached their own destination. The next member is Shiepi. He said he likes Shiepi the most. They both likes the same thing and able to talk about the hobby, and Miyabi could talk with Shien more easily. He could feel more calmer when he was talking and being beside Shiepi. The last members he met are Izuru, Temma, and Oga. Miyabi described Izuru as the one who is much kinder and calmer than others. Mentioned how Astel Izuru are usually loud when they stream together, but offline Izuru is very quiet, he’s like a cat. Sometimes Izuru whispered to him that the town is scary, and Miyabi finds it cute. Miyabi said his walking pace is fairly slow, Izuru would sometimes turn at him and asked if he’s tired. Even after Miyabi told him to go on ahead, Izuru adjust his pace and walk along with Miyabi. It is a surprising side to him. As for Oga, Miyabi described him as someone who has big bro energy. His build is big too, but despite that he keeps tries to keep talking in a friendly matter to Miyabi, and is very kind. The last is Temma, but he doesn’t really understand him yet. When he first met him offline, Temma was very nervous and he couldn’t talk much with him. Miyabi mentioned that he met offline with the others are not personal, and was actually a Holostars offline meeting, so he didn’t have much time alone with Temma to understand him further. When he glanced at Temma, he always looked like his gaze was heading towards somewhere far away. He was shaking in the corner. Miyabi tried talking to him, but both of them were very nervous. Next time Holostars do an offline meeting again, Miyabi is determined to properly talk to him.
 ・The next mallow asked where would he go when Miyabi and Temma went outside together.
Miyabi said it’s probably restaurants and such. Mentioned that the only personal offline meeting experience he had was with Astel and Shien when they go to Disney together, and the only member that he met offline just the two of them is only Shien, watched the new Fate: Grand Order movie. With Temma, both are probably will be too nervous to talk to each other and made it awkward, so they’ll bring a third-party, Aru-san to come with them and have lunch together. He said it’ll be much more easier to talk if there’s more people.
 ・The next mallow asked Miyabi to beg cutely so the sender could give him pocket money and spoil him more and more.
He has a side of losing interest of doing something when he were told to do it, so he apologized that he won’t do it. He do likes and wants money but directly asking for it to his viewers felt wrong, so:
Miyabi: …Give me money, please. Ww
Chat: *Superchats Shower
Miyabi thanked all of the superchats and said he’ll use it as funds for Hanasaki Forest.
 ・The mallow sender noticed that there’s many bird-like creature in Hanasaki Forest and asked what kind of bird does Miyabi likes
Miyabi answered with bird thight, bird liver, bird skin, bird wings, parts of birds that could be eaten. Was surprised that they weren’t talking about birds to eat, but living birds in general ww
He said that a warbler has been living nearby his house and he often heard it’s chirps, and start liking warbler. He also likes penguin, chicks, and sparrow. He likes cool-looking birds like eagle and owl. He mentioned that when he was still in elementary school, he kept a pretty big peacock. It was gone when he graduated. He wanted to try eating a big fried egg using ostrich eggs and wondered how many servings he could make with just using one egg.
 ・Next mallow sender noticed how Miyabi chooses his word carefully in minds of the person he talked to and could sense kindness from it and is awed by it. They asked whether that kindness of him is just natural or he tried to be as careful as possible when talking to people, and said they wanted to communicate to people as kind as him.
Miyabi said that it could be coming naturally from him, but there’s one point in his life that made scared of people to the point he couldn’t go outside of his home. That made him developed a personality that tries to observe the person he’s talking and finds out what could possibly make this person happy and sad and angry, and tries to blend in with the people around him. He don’t know if this could be called kindness, since all he wants to do is get along with everyone and don’t want any fights. He has confident that he can befriend newcomers easily with this trait and he might be the best to read the room. He said by being afraid of people and observing them that probably we could get less fearful of them.
But because of this, he also said that collabing with Holostars members are quiet difficult. But he decided that it’s fine for him and thought that it’s one of the good part of Holostars.
 ・The next mallow mentioned that Miyabi always changed his (L2D) outfit not bounded by the current season and asked if there’s any particular reason when he wanted to change outfit, or is it just depends on his mood.
Miyabi said that he didn’t think much of it. He decided on the spot what kind of outfit he’ll use before stream starts. Tho there are times where he wanted to fit his outfit with the theme of his stream, like marshmallow reading such as this might draws in more new viewers who is curious of him so he want to wear his default outfit, or when he plays horror games he’ll use casual clothing like his summer outfit to give a feeling that he’s playing at home.
That was the last mallow! He said that it’s still not enough and he plans to do more at a later date. There are still many mysteries of him that he himself still doesn’t know too. For those who want to know more of Hanasaki Miyabi’s charm, he encouraged you to watch his streams more.
 Thank you for reading~
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casualcatte · 3 years
[RP Journal] January 12, 2021
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I’m not even sure I have the words for how wrongly everything went this evening. From the meeting with the Night Raid to whatever was going on with Siannault Tavard and Rae-Hann.
The meeting in and of itself wasn’t bad. I just felt like I was stepping out of my involvement right when they might need me most. I promised Rae-Hann, though.  I told him that once I was done with this last bit with Ollie I was well and truly done. I know he worries about me and I know he just wants to keep me safe. I was raised that you always keep your word to the people you care about most.  Rae-Hann has enough trouble with trusting people and letting them close without me breaching that trust when he extends it to me. 
My only saving grace is that I feel like I’m leaving V’hala Helsi in good hands. Between Tetsuro Wulf, Nan’to Vaadrage, V’ari Tia, Siannault, and Rae-Hann my presence and contributions seem superfluous really. What have I really accomplished since being involved? I played distraction for E’nijah Suzume during the warehouse investigation, learning little to nothing of value except for, perhaps, the presence of the Disgruntled Transient.  After that, I followed up with that transient, only to find out that Rae-Hann and Siannault had gone before me, not that I begrudge them getting involved. I simply wish they’d told me so we could coordinate our efforts. 
(Courtesy cut -- This is a LONG one folks, hang on to your seats!)
I’d gotten angry with them the night I found out, which should honestly surprise no one.  It’s well-known that I have a temper, but somehow I’m supposed to just plod along docile as a sheep and let people run roughshod over an operation and efforts that we’ve been painstakingly putting together for weeks without being informed until they were good and ready. And it’s not like /they/ could claim they didn’t know, I’ve kept them well-informed since all this started. So, yes, I got angry, I got belligerent. 
To top it all off, they did this not half-a-bell before we opened the Stars Rest Inn for our public tavern night. So, not only did I have to deal with that, I had to put on my best inn-keeper’s smile and go serve people for several hours on top of it with naught but that to dwell on!  
But that was weeks ago and I’d long since moved on from then.  I never heard from Siannault at all, except through Rae-Hann who was understandably worried that the man had become withdrawn, preoccupied, uncommunicative. Out of everyone in the whole world, I would have expected Siannault to talk to Rae-Hann, but for days, weeks afterward there was nothing with Rae-Hann seeming even more sick and worried each time I saw him.  And it rankled.
Rae-Hann has been part of my life since long before Edgard, long before the Twins, before the Night Raid, and before Siannault.  If anyone means the most to me, it’s that silly, grump-faced mystel from Norvrandt.  We’ve been through a lot together, overcome a lot of things together.  If he wasn’t so clearly into men, I might have fallen for him once, but I think I rather like being his friend and student with him instead. Our friendship has grown a lot over the past year or so -- but whatever happened tonight may ruin it irrevocably.
When I was young, I grew up in the Hunt. My world, my upbringing, was about survival. To that end, my mother was ruthless and hard when it came to my lessons and learning the ways of the world. “Tough love” my father called it, hard truths that needed to be heard in order for me to get better, to improve -- to survive. While I don’t believe I’m quite as ruthless as Maora, I do operate under the same principles of honesty, telling people hard truths, and really making them look at things.  For most, this works, but there are some on the rare occasion who simply can’t handle it.  Now, I know my truths are not absolute, they aren’t the be-all, end-all of anything.  At the end of the day, they’re purely my opinions, which people are more than free to throw out with the trash if they don’t agree with them.  If people ask me for my opinions or my help, though, I like to think they know me well enough to understand that.
So when Rae-Hann sat Siannault down in front of me, telling him “we” wanted to know what was going on with him, that “we” cared about him -- I thought that was Rae-Hann’s way of asking me to step in, to help him get to the root of whatever was going on.  After all, Siannault hadn’t responded to /him/ in any way, so what, really, would be the harm?  I watched, though, as Rae-Hann reached out to him, again and again, and that elezen just sat there barely replying to anything. The more it happened, the more agitated Rae-Hann became. I couldn’t take it anymore.
If Siannault wouldn’t react to Rae-Hann’s gentle, loving insistence, I thought for sure he’d respond to being provoked.  Questioned.  Insulted.  Something.  /Anything/ to show some kind of reaction that he gave a damn about us. About Rae.  Siannault went and puked in the sink.  Said nothing.  Did nothing, except heave what little contents of his stomach existed.
Rae-Hann eventually grew so frustrated that he lashed out at me, which I don’t really blame him.  If someone was taking Edgard to task in front of me, I’d probably have some choice words to say to them too.  Regardless how much it might have been deserved, no matter how much it might have just been a ruse to get Siannault to /react/ to something -- it still stung. Like I said, Rae-Hann has been by my side longer than anyone else, his opinions, his thoughts of me, carry more weight than most.
Everything always has to be about you, he’d said, as if everything I did had some selfish motive. I didn’t want to ruin your cozy, idyllic life at the inn with all the shite that goes on outside it.  I /know/ the world is chaos; I don’t need to be shielded from it.  I’d rather people be honest with me about the good and the bad in their lives rather than constantly hiding it until I find out about it anyway.  It happens eventually, so I really don’t see the point in perpetuating the fiction when the truth is just so much easier to face head-on.
It’s neither here nor there, though. Even by that point, Siannault had reacted to nothing but the kitchen sink, even pulling away from Rae-Hann when he asked after him.  The Starlight Gift I’d given to Siannault before all this started sat unopened on the counter.  Nothing.  Nothing.  And nothing some more.  I was doing more to upset Rae-Hann even further than I was to getting through to Siannault, so rather than do any further damage, I took my leave.
My steps took me down to a small beach alcove not far from the Rest.  I listened to the sounds of the sea and the night-song -- and wept.  I don’t cry often and it’s usually only when something goes on in my Found Family that’s so intensely hurtful that I can’t help it.  Rae-Hann saying those things cut deeply.   None can hurt us quite so well as those who are closest to us.
Was I selfish?  Did I truly make everything about me?  I started going through everything I’d said, done, or taken on over the past several moons, mentally combing through them with a fine-toothed comb.  Why was I helping V’hala?  Why was I helping Edgard?   Or Rae-Hann and Siannault?  It wasn’t for glory.  It wasn’t for fame.  It wasn’t even for gil.  Or even their gratitude.  I just wanted them all to be free of whatever plagued them.  Free, content, and happy -- as I was.  Letting go of my past, letting go of the Saurotaun, was one of the best decisions I’d ever made.  Once I let that go, things in my life suddenly snapped into place as if waiting for me to finally unload the ballast of my tragic history.  Was it selfish to want that for other people?  Especially when it’s the people I care about most?
All these thoughts were tumbling around in my head when Edgard Beaumont found me. Together, he and I had a long talk about everything that had gone on and we both agreed that sometimes -- there really is nothing you can do.  No matter how helpless we feel to look on and watch the people we care about suffer, sometimes it’s the only thing you /can/ do.  They have to be ready to take on the problem /themselves/ before they can ever really hope to let others help them, otherwise, we’re fighting a losing battle from the onset.
As we talked, we spoke of my own shortcomings when it came to being protected. He tried to make it clear to me that just because other people have traumas that make them want to be overprotective and overbearing doesn’t mean that they feel I’m incapable or inferior.  What other reason could anyone have for putting someone behind them like they’re weaker or more vulnerable?  Edgard explained it simply:  For love. 
“You know I'm not going to jump haphazardly in front of you at the slightest risk,” he’d said. “But I would risk my life for you without thinking twice, Aultena. I said it the day I told you my feelings, and I'll say it again. If something happened to you, it would shake me to the core."
It wasn’t about protecting /me/ from harm -- it was about protecting /themselves/ from pain.  It had nothing at all to do with me or my skill, but everything to do with the depth of their own feelings. Why had I never realized this before?  Surely, someone, somewhere had explained it in all the times I’ve fought with people about it.  Perhaps I wasn’t being receptive.  Perhaps I just plain wasn’t listening like I should have been.
I’m far from perfect and I’ve made a lion’s share of mistakes. I’ll probably make plenty more before my time in this world is done.   One thing I’ve always been good at, though, is owning up to my actions when I realize I’m in the wrong. 
Once Edgard and I parted ways, I returned to the Stars’ Rest only to find Rae-Hann and Siannault still there, still arguing from the sounds of it.  Yet, no sooner than I arrived, Rae-Hann announced that Siannault was leaving and the elezen did with a finality to it that said he wouldn’t be coming back.  As he made his way out the door, I tried to apologize, both to him and to Rae-Hann, but neither of them were having it.  Rae-Hann was too angry still and Siannault still too apathetic.  So nothing at all had changed from my presence or my absence.
My heart ached for Rae-Hann.  Things had been so right, so content over the Starlight holidays, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy -- which is honestly saying a lot for Rae after everything he’s been through.  If he blames me for what happened, I can hardly blame him.  He’ll need someone to blame; he’ll need someone to be angry with.  And that person will never be Siannault, even though this could have all been solved so easily if he’d just talked to Rae-Hann as he’d asked.  Pleaded.  Begged.
So I’m content to let it be me.  Our friendship may not survive this, but these are the sacrifices we make for family.  For the ones we love. 
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sparklyjojos · 4 years
CARNIVAL DAY recaps [10/13]
Today’s recap: Finally some explanations, or: the R language, bulls and deers and horses, and everything’s connected.
26 Jul 1997 — 01 Aug 1997
(Amagi Hyouma was one of RISE’s guests along with Ryuuguu Otohime, Tsukumo Nemu, Christmas Mizuno, Yaiba Somahito, Diana Hosey, Hanto Maimu & Kuraimu. During their time in the Sanctuary, they learned the identities of the Rainbow Sophists.
Below is Amagi Hyouma’s testimony. [Originally in first person.])
Hyouma had never seen this Fabian woman before, but she seemed to believe (or convincingly pretended to believe) that he was Yemon. She claimed she didn’t know any Yakuma Suzume.
Well, it was true that Yakuma hadn’t shown himself since that day when Hyouma had been taken to the Sanctuary. White even said Yakuma was “no longer here”.
Hyouma pointed out how weird it was that only JDC-related people were chosen to be RISE’s guests. Fabian answered that they didn’t need anyone else; JDC was important, even more so considering the Billion Killer had chosen them for his first attack. Japan would play a great role in the events too, especially the Japanese language. R language had a very similar base to Japanese, but was much more fluid and freestyle, resembling the kind of language young people in Japan spoke these days. Basically, Fabian claimed that Hyouma had been already unknowingly using R language.
Just like Japanese words are often written and pronounced in many different ways, R language also has “the rule of no rules”. For example, the tower of the Moonbow Palace is called Tow Dreamer, a mix of English-like words “tower” and “dreamer”. However, this name is written 夢幻想塔, which would normally be read mugensoutou. The kanji convey “a tower where one can dream”, and mugensoutou also points to the infinitude (mugen written 無限) of their fuhrer (soutou written 総統).
...which sounded horribly farfetched to Hyouma. Was this entire R language just puns? Fabian claimed that it conveyed the entire history of humanity, and using it—seeing the meaning hidden in Japanese words—could help uncovering the world’s secrets.
At least they got an explanation for why all the guests were young adults from Japan [Yaiba is like forty, but I guess he still counts]. Diana Hosey came from the USA, but she had been secretly taught R language by her father Theodore, who always told her it was just Japanese.
Done with their conversations with the Sophists, all the guests returned to the round table and talked about what they had learned.
Since the Rainbow Sophists had been wearing masks and acting like the S-detectives all the time, none of them knew the true identities of the others before (only RS and the Master had known). This round table talk was the first time they learned about who their fellow executives were.
Yellow Bishop turned out not to be Ajiro after all. But then where was Ajiro? He’d been missing ever since the explosion. Hanto Maimu got that strange phone call allegedly from Ajiro, but it was just Tanna Sazen using his voice mimicry. Tanna would sometimes pretend to be White, and other times share a single role of Yellow Bishop with Theodore Hosey. (There was a bit of chaos when Tanna was chased off a cliff that one time, but he knew how to survive the fall, and then he simply cancelled the pursuit by calling the pursuers as Yellow Bishop.) Tanna hadn’t anticipated his child would inherit his knowledge, so RISE investigated the Hantos just in case.
Everyone wanted to know where Ajiro was (Hyouma especially). Yaiba had come up with a theory almost by accident. Back when he had been in Russia, the boy Amano noticed the number on the train engine was 999, which was 666 upside down. Inspired by this, Yaiba thought of the word Russia (Ro-shi-a), also turned it around, and it became A-shi-ro… Ajiro. Maybe Ajiro and Russia were connected? This would be just a ridiculous wordplay in any other situation, but Hyouma couldn’t laugh it off now that he’d been told about R language.
Seeing that the detectives wouldn’t leave the topic alone, Black said they would have a chance to see Ajiro soon.
Indeed, when they met by the round table some time afterwards (with Black, Red, and the real White also present), Ajiro was there and alive. However, he was seated in a wheelchair, unmoving and unresponsive, his eyes completely unfocused, like an empty shell of a person. White explained that they had been keeping him locked on the Russian space station Mir. No proper astronaut training and long-term isolation resulted in this sorry state. White claimed they had had no choice but to keep Ajiro in space, just like they had to drag Christmas through hell, and that it was all for the future of humanity.
It wasn’t impossible for Ajiro to return to his former self, but it would require everyone’s help. Maybe his friends would manage to break through the mental wall that kept him isolated from the outside world, and Ajiro would go back to being the JDC representative they know and love.
And speaking of JDC… White casually informed them that JDC had been created by RISE. Not directly created, mind you—that was Ajiro’s doing—but RISE had pulled all the necessary strings to cause the events to run like they wanted.
The Ajiro Family Murder Case, the Saimon Family Murder Case, the Geneijo Murder Case and the Locked Room Lord Murder Case, the bombing of JDC—all of them had more meaning than the detectives suspected.
If they wanted to know more, they should get around to bringing Ajiro back to his former glory.
No matter how much they talked to Ajiro, he wouldn’t respond, but they never gave up. They recounted their times together at JDC, both joyful and sad. They all stayed in the same room with him as long as they could, then established shifts.
Two weeks passed and nothing changed. They even got a pack of Ajiro’s favorite cigars and put it in his lap, but he still didn’t react.
At the end of a shift, Yaiba left the room to call the next pair, leaving Hyouma alone with Ajiro. Though Hyouma had stopped smoking a few years ago, in this depressing situation he decided to help himself to a cigar, which mostly resulted in a fit of coughing. Then he noticed something—tears were running down Ajiro’s cheeks. Unsure of whether or not this was just an instinctual reaction to smoke, Hyouma experimented some more, until Yaiba came back with Otohime and Nemu and yelled at him for tormenting the patient with smoke—but then Ajiro just slightly moved his finger. After a short time of Hyouma desperately calling his name, Ajiro slowly moved his hand, then wiped his own tears.
“...don’t have to be so loud…” he murmured. “...I can hear you…”
Ajiro’s mind was back in working order in a few days more, but he still had to undergo two weeks of physical rehabilitation. He told everyone that he’d been able to hear everything they said to him even when he couldn’t respond, and he promised to do his best to help them solve all the mysteries around.
At the beginning of June, they all sat at the round table: Ajiro, Hyouma, Yaiba, Nemu, Otohime, Maimu with Kuraimu, Diana, Christmas, and also Black, White and Red. With Ajiro around, it felt strangely like yet another meeting at JDC.
Ajiro recalled the day of the JDC explosion. He clearly remembered sitting at his desk, his assistant Mito Muramasa working nearby. Then came a rumble and vibrations like an earthquake—and then Ajiro was suddenly floating in a small room in outer space. He did consider the possibility that he’d been rendered unconscious by the explosion and then transported to space, but it seemed to him like there had been no lapse in his consciousness. He really was just instantly transported from Kyoto to the space station. But how?
White only replied that there was a lot the guests didn’t know about the world. When people saw something they couldn’t understand, they would often give up on thinking and just believe in transcendent beings.
White tried to move to the topic of Beasts and Gods (or rather, those two groups and a third type that is neither), but he could see that Ajiro was more interested in how much influence RISE had on JDC, so Beasts and Gods would have to wait.
Ajiro could see how RISE could have been the masterminds behind Geneijo and the Locked Room Lord. But what could they gain from the family cases of the Ajiros and the Saimons? It’s true that his own family’s case had inspired him to create Nihon Tantei Club. It was also the first time he came in contact with Saimon Ryuusui, which would lead to getting involved in solving the Saimon murders.
White added that after that case, Nihon Tantei Club was renamed to JDC. Both the organization and Ajiro became famous as the ones who solved “the crime revolution” that was the Saimon Family Murder Case. Basically, had that case not happened, JDC would need much more time to become well-known.
All those great cases also led to Tsukumo Juku becoming famous and revered. The one who contributed to solving the Saimon Family Murder Case! The one who solved both Geneijo and the Locked Room Lord! Propelled by the trust and popularity given to JDC and Ajiro, Tsukumo Juku quickly gathered recognition as the God of Detectives.
And that was exactly what RISE wanted. They needed to raise Tsukumo Juku to become the world’s greatest detective so he could stop the Crime Olympics. That was RISE’s end goal, after all—it’s not them who wanted to kill everyone, but “the union of 666 worst evils”, Akuren.
(This was the first time the detectives heard the name Akuren, so Black Rook explained more about it—see Black Rook’s testimony from earlier.)
Way back when, RISE realized that Akuren was about to attempt the destruction of humanity once more. RISE got their hands on the Crime Olympics plan so they could hopefully mitigate the impact. Back then, the plan was a bit different; the Crime Olympics were supposed to start in July 1999 and last seven months, resulting in the human race being wiped out by February 2000. The Crime Olympics were eventually moved to three years earlier.
In order for RISE’s own plans to work, they had to keep Akuren’s trust, and so had no choice but to really prepare the Crime Olympics using their trump cards of Alive, the Billion Killer, and the Cosmic Bomb. Thankfully, Akuren didn’t plan on killing everyone instantly—they wanted to drown humanity in evil and despair first—and they determined a time limit before the Cosmic Bomb would drop.
Akuren wanted to make sure everything would go smoothly, so they sent one of them to oversee RISE’s actions—a man with the code name Tsukumo Jaki. He was actually White’s younger brother, Endou Masato. The detectives may have known him as their fellow Yakuma Suzume (actually an imposter).
Christmas wondered whether that minotaur “Great King Enma” he had met wasn’t also this fake Yakuma. According to legends, if you lied to Lord Enma, he would cut off your tongue. This could be connected through a wordplay to the Tongue-cut Sparrow, Shita-kiri Suzume, the same folk tale that Juku had used to guess that Jaki was Yakuma Suzume. Also, the first kanji of the name Yakuma (役間) could be read as en, making the entire name Enma. (Again, this seemed like just another strange wordplay, but knowing all that stuff about R Language…)
What about the horse mask man and the deer mask man that had assisted Enma? Otohime recalled that the short story Another Joker had a horse and a deer in it. That was specifically a man-eating horse, so maybe it was a hint about all the cannibalism in Shangri-La.
Lemuria admitted he’d been the one wearing the deer mask. He stated he was actually Jaki’s loyal underling, and it had been on Jaki’s orders that he first entered RISE and became Red Knight. The horse mask man who cooperated closely with him and Jaki was someone the detectives didn’t know. He had stayed behind and died in Shangri-La, as his role in the plan had ended—just like the horse in Another Joker, he ended up reduced to a pile of bones.
All those animal masks… Why would Minase Nagisa wear a bull mask when she killed Juku? Sullivan explained that the mask was the symbol of RISE’s leader, something they had inherited from the organization before them. Similarly, RISE’s second and third in charge were a deer and a horse. The bull mask symbolized that the wearer’s actions were done in the name of RISE’s leader. Nagisa was chosen to kill Juku because of her hatred for the man and her familiarity with the terrain around Gensoukan, and though she died from Alive in the process, she managed to fulfill her mission. Jaki’s true goal in killing Juku was stopping RISE’s secret plans—preventing the God of Detectives from ending the Crime Olympics early.
But why would Nagisa hate Juku so much? Black explained that when Juku had solved the Locked Room Lord case, Nagisa’s brother Dakushoin Ryuusui’s name was irreparably tarnished. Juku even personally confronted Nagisa afterwards and stopped her from hiding critical evidence. Cosmic and Joker further hurt Dakushoin’s reputation. With all that frustration already present in Nagisa, Jaki just had to redirect it all towards Juku.
But there was another reason why Nagisa wanted to kill Juku, the same reason why Fuumonji Jouka was killed, and it would be protecting someone’s (the third writer’s) true identity—but that would be explained later.
Ajiro noticed that something didn’t seem right. If Lemuria Sullivan really was working together with Jaki, that is with Akuren, then why were Black and White casually discussing RISE’s plans right in front of him? White admitted that no matter how stealthy RISE tried to be, Akuren still managed to know their every step, so there was really no point in hiding their true goal anymore. Both groups knew the other was ultimately an enemy, but RISE was still useful. After all, it’d be hard for Akuren to achieve their goal without the Cosmic Bomb.
Ajiro stated that it all seemed to have a single point of origin to him, though he didn’t yet know what it was exactly. RISE, the Sanctuary, the Billion Killer cases, Alive, the Cosmic Bomb, Beasts and Gods… White only responded that they would learn everything later. For now, they would make a short stop in the Moonbow Palace, and then the detectives would be taken to Heaven / El Dorado in the depths of the Mariana Trench.
With this, the meeting concluded. When Hyouma saw the news afterwards, he learned that Yuiga Dokuson had disappeared after leaving a strange message that he was the Billion Killer. However, Black said that Dokuson’s actions had nothing to do with RISE, and that it was still too early to talk about the actual Billion Killer.
(And in the latest news…)
...the number of Alive victims have been falling since New Years and finally reached zero in July. It’s estimated that 240 million people died from Alive, making it the worst pandemic to date. WHO and CDC announce the end of Alive, but warn that it can possibly come back. It’s still unknown how the number of infections diminished so rapidly without a vaccine in place.
[>>>NEXT PART>>>]
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polar-stars · 5 years
5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 for Takayuki Hojo and Mika Aldini please? (Hope you don't mind me asking a second time)
I don’t mind at all ! I absolutely love answering these :DDD
Thank you so much for the ask !
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color? 
I wanted his big sister to be the blonde one, which made me give Takayuki his purple hair almost automatically. I also thought it suits him more since he’s the more serious one out of the Hojo-siblings anyway. Also, given that he was introduced and described before Suzume was, I think his surname plus his hair color very quickly truly established him as Miyoko’s son. 
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color? 
He got Miyoko’s hair color which meant, I would give him Terunori’s eye color and I kind off like the combination a lot. 
7. Is there any significance behind their height? 
ashdAHDFJFGGF Takayuki is 1.57 m by the way and weLP. Making Takayuki a shortie was originally mostly my major way of establishing who his father is ahdhd as Terunori is definitely the most notable, male character in Shokugeki who is short. So I thought introducing a purple-haired, very short male + Terunori’s brown eyes would quickly give away that he’s Terunori’s and Miyoko’s son.
Also….I want to make my height-jokes. Lots and lots of height-jokes. Which also comes with another plus that Takayuki is very entertaining when angry so giving him a topic he’s especially sensitive about, is also just a good add-on for comedy. 
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
His outbreaks of anger mostly. Hotheads are fun to draw and to write for me and Takayuki is a goldmine in that regard. It’s also a lot of fun when you pair a hothead with a calmer, more laidback character which is a purpose that both Suzume and Kazuo can fulfill. 
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry? 
He gets compared to Suzume quite a lot and people tend to point out that his achievements thus far are not as grand as Suzume’s back when she was his age. Also many students of Totsuki just see him as Suzume’s little brother and nothing else. 
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
He made something very spicy again in Trainings Camp, despite him learning in his Shokugeki against Kimiko that he shouldn’t be only focused on that. And he won’t be anymore, but meep…I could have portrayed that a lot, a lot, a lot better in Trainings Camp. (Autumn Election Premlins, I won’t fail you I hope)
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
He plays World of Warcraft (a game that me, Lea, barely knows anything about because she does not like Multiplayer-Anything but YEET). He plays a Pandaren and his favorite expansion is “Mists of Pandaria” because of course it is (it’s also my favorite expansion but its kinda also the only one I watched a Let’s Play of so)
Faction-wise, I honestly don’t know. I can very well see him play for the Alliance as well as the Horde, tbqh. So I still gotta think about that. 
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
What a loyal and good friend he can be. He can be hard to befriend, as his temper and his often way too quick judgement do make him bit of a jerk sometimes but he’s not in anyway truly ill-intended. And usually with Kazuo, Takayuki’s protectiveness, loyalty and care show the best. The moment you attack Kazuo, you’ll be attacked back by Takayuki. Plus, while he does roll his eyes a lot at Kazuo’s overblown romantic ideas, he does still attempt to fulfill the role as wingman and genuinely hopes his best buddy will get with Mika, even if Takayuki does not particularly like her at first. 
Mika Aldini
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
Mika is a fanchild where I did not really have two options like with all the others ahshd With her it was clear that she was going to be blonde, given that both Takumi and Ikumi are. All what it really came down to was which shade of blonde it will be and it became Ikumi’s blonde because I decided for Takumi’s eye color for Mika’s eyes. 
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
Now here I had a real choice: blue or green. Though I really didn’t think all too long about this question and rather quickly decided on Takumi’s blue eyes. A. I think its a very beautiful shade of blue, B. Hiroshi had already been designed and I liked to connect the two Aldini cousins through their similar eye-colors much like their brothers were before them. 
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
Mika is 1.65 m (taller than her mom at her age) tall. Out of the three main girls (the others being Kimiko, ofc, and Kaori) it makes her the tallest as Kimiko is 1.63 m and Kaori is 1.61 m. I mean, given that its just centimeters we’re talking about here, its not really all that noticeable but I still like the idea of Mika being the tallest of the three ovo. Their moms have a similar height-relationship btw, with Ikumi being the tallest out of Ikumi, Erina and Hisako and Hisako being the shortest one. 
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
Mainly what also made me laugh mostly about her father. Just the constant challenges towards Kimiko and how easily embarrassed she can be when something is not going according her plan, or when Hiroshi calmly sets her straight. 
Her temper is also fun, but I think I established by now that I generally find hot temper fun. 
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
The fact that I can’t decide on an end game for her and both of their options have their fans. 
Her crush on Hiraku, because Mika deserves better. Also I won’t treat this unrequited crush as some joke to laugh about like poor Ikumi’s crush on Soma was constantly portrayed. There will be some comedic moments related to her crush sure, but they won’t be about the fact that Hiraku does not feel the same way but rather Mika’s own attempts of keeping it a secret at all cost in front of people who clearly know. (I hope that makes sense)
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
The love-triangle kind off a little bit ahshDHD Because now I can’t decide of who will actually be her end game. 
Think is, I initially had settled with an option, but then the other option started gaining fans as well and now I am just like ovo;;; Because I honestly also like both. 
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
The Italian Cuisine RS basically runs after her, begging her to join but she stays faithful to the Don RS. 
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
I think how strong and soft she is at the same time. She’s fiery, confident and battle-hearted and she will not back away from any challenge presented to her. Mika truly has spine. When it comes to the matters of heart, she’s insanely girly in her ideas about it while also very shy about it at the same time. And I find that side of her very endearing, even though it can be a factor that can hurt her. Combined with her strength, she will stand up again. 
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