#and I'm pretty sure I've now ascended
yo-yoringle · 4 months
Neil Newbon on Ascended Astarion
Neil: I do love the fact that I got to create kind of two characters in one.
Blue Owl Medic: I was just thinking that. Yeah, you did.
Neil: So now that the game has come out and the whole thing, we can talk a little bit more freely about the game. No real spoilers, folks, because obviously people are still playing through it, which is amazing, including me. But there is an ascended Astarion, which people probably know, as well as an unascended Astarion. I'm not going to go into details of why, although it is all over the internet, but anyway.
But one of the fun things that I got to do with the directors and the writer as well, with Stephen, and also the other writers that contributed towards Astarion, [is that they] wrote this ascended storyline. And so, when I came across that, I realized that 'Oh, his voice probably changes as well, because his whole status changes and his whole situation changes and his power changes.' So I got to do something else, because that would also be an easy way to switch between one and the other.
And so I decided that, well, I've always talked about Astarion being very theatrical. So what if Astarion's unascended spawn is theatrical, and ascended Astarion is operatic, and I use that as a sort of launchpad. So that one is theatre, one is opera. So the two are the same kind of things, but essentially… Do you know what I mean? It's like that kind of thing.
I offered that up to the directors and they really liked it. Kirsty Gilmore was the first person who I tried it with. I think it was Kirsty Gilmore, who is an amazing director. I'm pretty sure it was her session I did the first Lord Astarion and we set the tone there. And that was really cool.
BOM: And I don't know if that was your choice, but he also holds himself differently.
Neil: Yes, he does, he definitely holds himself differently.
BOM: He stands way more upright, his chest is a little more out
Neil: Yes, that's status. That's all Laban work. We're just using completely different status shift changes as well. So whereas he has a lot of flow and all that kind of stuff and it's theatrical and distracting--it's always 'look over here and don't see how I really feel' with spawn Astarion.
With Lord Astarion, we talked a lot about the idea that the cover is now off completely. So that you see him at his most terrible, and it's completely honest and he doesn't have to pretend anymore. So he loses a lot of the flamboyance and the fun of the theatricality, which is all a distraction anyway. That's all distraction so you don't see how he's hurt and damaged and his vulnerability. Lord Astarion doesn't need that anymore. So we just thought, okay, now *mimics taking off a mask* it's off. He doesn't need to pretend, he doesn't need to do too much. It's all about the status and that kind of stuff.
It was a really fun experience to take a character I've been doing for a long time and then flip it. And that was, again, brilliant writing by Larian, brilliant storytelling by them all and brilliant ideas. So yeah, it was really fun.
--from Neil's February 1, 2024 twitch stream
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flightyalrighty · 9 days
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Infested will return on June 27th. --- Thank you to the following Ascended supporters: @chaogongoozles, @fiiresiidefrfr, @elizard4227, @grogar, Ezzoh, @susivoi, @calculuscacophony, Eros, @ivycorp, @summersdale @borrelia, @mizukiz, @sanicdetails, @combinegrunt-echo-1, Pica, @veeceear, @quackenburt, ItsmeMonarch, @memendoemori, @trans-girl-sonic, & savarsenic
Content Warnings | Store | Ko-Fi | Read On Comic Fury! DISCLAIMER: "Infested" is a horror comic ft. content not suitable for those under the age of 17.
A long-winded looking back on things below the cut:
The first few pages of Infested were uploaded to this blog on March 2nd, 2023 -- Over a whole year ago! I was so busy, too, that I completely missed its birthday (Sorry Infested). Looking even further back than that, the original story was was something I began writing on December 25th, 2022 (Merry Christmas).
It took two years to get to this point.
And hey, not to toot my own horn about it, but completing even one chapter of a webcomic is a big deal. Especially for me. My first webcomic, Fight/Flight, didn't get very far. I completed the prologue, started Chapter 1, and then had to drop it for a number of reasons (I didn't really agree with what baby-me had to say, politically, anymore).
This comic was born from a lot of intense feelings. The story, itself, too. Some good. Some bad.
I had been forced to move away from my hometown, and with that move, I lost the physical connection that I had to all of my friends. I lost the familiarity of a place I'd known for most of my life. I'm now stuck somewhere... Worse. It felt like a cage. Still does. Disconnected from the life I thought I would be living after college. I didn't have health insurance, either -- Got kicked off of it because of the move -- And as a result, I was off my antidepressants.
So there I was, at a pretty low point in my life. I miserable and lonely and every single day dragged on. And on. And on. And I felt so disappointed in myself. That disappointment became self-loathing, and it all kinda spiraled.
Have I mentioned that I'm a huge Sonic fan? I don't think I need to. I'd say it's pretty obvious. But for the sake of this story, I'll say it again: I'm a HUGE Sonic fan. I've been that way since 2003 with Sonic Heroes. The franchise has been in my life for over two decades. I had a monthly mail subscription to Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic the Hedgehog was something that I truly loved more than any other piece of media. It brought me endless joy. Until I didn't.
I had dropped Sonic after Lost World was... Itself. I had already felt pretty irritated with the Meta Era, and Lost World was the final straw. The last bit of hope that the series could recover was snuffed out when Forces was released. It was over. I was done. If Sonic was truly that embarrassed by itself, if they had truly lost touch with what made the series so great, then I wouldn't waste my time any longer. I was so sure that I had to just... Grieve and move on. My beloved childhood game series was dead. Long live the king or whatever. I'd just bitterly read IDW Sonic and think about what could've been. I was lucky to have that comic, at least. Archie had been canceled, too, after all. I was lucky to have my scraps.
Then Sonic Frontiers came out. And it changed everything.
And my god, it was everything. It was everything to me. Flaws be damned, it was everything. To. Me. The spectacle. The serious tone. The vastly improved writing. Kellin Fucking Quinn. It was FUN! It was actually FUN to PLAY. He was back. I was back. Sonic pulled me by my hand out of the ocean of misery I'd fallen into, and he looked me in my eye and he said;
"Hey. You're gonna be alright."
Metaphorically speaking. Sonic The Hedgehog didn't actually literally speak to me -- And sure, okay, maybe it's a little dramatic to describe a game as this great Depression Annihilator but I'm dead serious when I say that, for that time, before I was able to get back on my meds, I was self-medicating with Sonic.
Sonic was all I was thinking about. I reread the Unleashed arc in Archie Sonic, which got me sorta realizing something, and which led to my post where I said something along the lines of "Sonic would hide a zombie bite."
Archie Sonic would, at least. Because he basically did do that in the Unleashed arc of that comic. He let that problem fester until it became an even bigger problem because, ironically, he didn't want to be a problem.
So one thing led to another. I thought more about Sonic becoming a zombie. Bada-bing, bada-boom, Infested was born.
I didn't expect it to get the attention that it did. I felt lucky when the first page I drew Rouge on (Page 6 I think?) blew up. The right people saw it at the right time. I'm extremely grateful for that.
I'm extremely grateful for all of you.
So yeah, one chapter. Woo! Here's to many more.
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glitterjay · 1 month
can u do gynaecologist enha (whichever member u want) with patient reader?
Also can I be🦢anon?
⭒ gynecologist!sunghoon, fingering, head implied (f. receiving) , suggestive content minors dni
⭒ c's note: this is a new approach, and i've never been to a gynecologist before, so im sorry if it's bad ㅜㅜ welcome to the club, 🦢'anon! do let me know if you liked it or not
⭒ due to popular demand, you can find part 2 here
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @enhabooks
you were quite nervous, to say the least, about visiting the gynecologist. you just wanted to get a checkup to make sure everything was right with your body, but since it was your first time, you were shy and embarrassed.
you had arrived at the place of your appointment just in time, walking straight into the doctor's office.
it took you by surprise to see a man. you had told yourself that a woman would be taking care of you, so you shouldn't be so embarrassed by this at all.
he noticed your shocked expression and asked you to take a seat by the desk, adjusting the glasses that were just about to fall off the tip of his nose. "you might have been expecting, dr. kim in here, but she had to go out. i'm dr. park, sunghoon park. there's no need to worry, i'll take good care of you."
his voice was deep yet soft, and it made butterflies appear in your tummy. you blushed, looking away from him and scanning the things adorning the room.
"i see that you came in just for a checkup. is it your first time?" you nodded, playing with your fingers as you looked down at them. the oen he was holding seemed to be from the college he attended and the year of his cohort. to your surprise, it was just a year before you graduated yourself.
"im gonna need you to lay in that bed over there for me, please."
you did as told, still fidgeting with your hands. he was getting ready for your check up, and he had to admit you looked very pretty.
"alright," he sat in front of the bed, and pulled out a robe. "there's a bathroom right over there. you can go change into this so your checkup can start."
sunghoon had started conversation so you could feel less nervous. you had find out he was indeed a year above you in college, and has been working ever since graduation. it was a small world, and you were glad you didn't know him until today, or else it would've been worse.
the latex gloves he's was wearing were close against your sensitive skin. it send shivers up your spine every time sunghoon moved and touched. it was until a small moan left your mouth that sunghoon noticed what his hands were causing.
it was as if an angel had ascended straight from heaven to sing. sunghoon's body count was big, but he had never heard such a beautiful and melodious voice before.
he glanced over at the door, making sure it was locked, and went straight to business.
his long index finger started gathering the juices that were leaving your body, his eyes gleaming at the sight before him. he didn't lose anything, right? after all, both of you would win something.
"your body is perfectly healthy," he said, his fingers trying to stuff back the juices making your cunt glow. was it weird what he was doing? probably, but it had this weird and addictive feeling growing within you, so you didn't tell him to stop.
sunghoon inserted his whole index finger, curling it up as soon as he could. this made your body jump a little, allowing him to hear another wonderful moan.
he kept fingering you for a while, adding more fingers as he went on. as soon as your walls started to clench around him, he stopped.
he lowered the chair he was sitting on, so now his face was right in front of your exposed heat. he was staring at it like a hungry man, and you blushed when he looked up at you through his glasses.
"it looks pretty," he said. "perfectly taken care of, and I bet it tastes amazing too."
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obislittleone · 8 months
Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me
Dbf!Joel Miller x College!Reader
A/n: Listen… I don’t have any excuse for ditching my other three active series except for tiktok made me do it… That, and the CLM series by @macfrog has ascended me to a new level of crazy and I just needed an outlet for it somewhere. Another shoutout to @theatrelove3000 who keeps putting up with my dbf joel shenanigans, they are indeed insane.
Warnings: girl this whole concept should be a warning but anyways… age gap, some fluff, light smut, uncomfortable situations with readers father… probably some editing mistakes bc ya girl is tired ok its 2am
Please be kind to this chapter, I actually like it, despite the horrors.
Decided on the song ‘Mary On A Cross‘ by Ghost for this one bc it fits ig.
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Age gap is approximately 15 years or so, reader is over 21 and joel is about 37
"I think I'd probably only slow'ya down," you chuckled, looking to Sarah who seemed to read the displeasure off your face from your dad's offer. "I'm studyin' to be an archeologist, dad. I don't know nothin' about framin' and all that house buildin'..."
Maybe it had been your dad's idea, but he wasn't the one who planted it into his own head. Joel subtly turned to you and cooly uttered a response.
"You could work on interior stuff with me."
It had been almost three days.
You looked out the window to the front of your house repeatedly to try and remember it clearly. The drive home, the kiss, and how abruptly it ended with a promise to see each other around. You thought about it so often you almost wondered if it happened the way you perceived it, if any details had been skewed in your mind simply because you wanted to keep it there, fresh, untouched. Maybe he thought of it differently... but maybe he didn't.
"Did you bring home the stuff I asked ya?" Your dad came into the kitchen with a smile, embracing you with a side hug and turning to help you unpack the groceries.
"Course' I did, Pa," you handed him the bag with the six-pack of bud and the other one full of snacks.
It was the first Rangers game night, and as per tradition, that meant the company of the next-door neighbors. It had been a while since you'd been around to enjoy it, but now that you were back, there were quite a few more reasons why you were on edge to now participate. It would look weird if you came up with an excuse not to be there, and you knew that. You also knrw that you'd gotten into a rather complicated entanglement with your father's closest friend, and weren't sure what the outcome really was.
Had that driveway light not spooked you both apart, and had that little black stray cat not made an appearance, how far would it have gone? Things were pretty heated, but even still. Would he have said something? Maybe along the lines of 'I've known you since you were sixteen, and this isn't appropriate at all.'
You didn't have time to think about it, you were set to work on helping your dad cook dinner for the soon-arriving neighbors. Dinner and a baseball game, once a relaxing and enjoyable time to bond with your dad, now turned into an anxiety fest where you were convinced you'd have to walk on pins and needles around every topic.
"So," your dad piped up from his silence at the stove, stirring the pot of chili he'd been prepping. "Joel told me he gave you a ride 'few nights back."
You knew it was harmless, and that he wasn't asking for any reason, other than that he was probably curious. You hadn't seen Joel in a while, not since two Christmases ago. Your dad had driven up to Dallas to spend both Thanksgiving and Christmas with you last year, and you didn't come home for summer break given an internship opportunity. You must have seemed different to the man in some way. All grown up.
"Yeah, gave me a ride n' saved me at the bar," you chuckled, trying to seem playful and unsuspicious about the encounter.
He seemed to be confused, his brows furrowed and a funny look on his face.
"Whad'ya mean he saved ya?" he of course was continuing to speak all the while dumping his favorite spices into the pot of chili, looking across here and now to keep engaged.
"Just scared off some weirdo who couldn't take no for an answer," you let a sweet and genuine smile fall across your features, but didn't let it get out of hand. Your relationship with your father was airtight, and he could read you pretty damn well. You weren't going to give anything away, not with what was potentially on the line.
"Glad he was there," he replied with a chuckle, sending you a soft glance. "Never thought you'd have grown up so fast, now I gotta carry a shotgun whenever we go places. Fend off the wild beasts."
His jokes were only so funny now, because in this situation, you knew he wouldn't hesitate to shoot Joel if he found out what had happened. All in the nature of protecting you, but it made you sad to think of the situation that way. Joel wasn't just another weirdo following you around at a bar.
"It's only because I'm so pretty," you did your best to respond lightheartedly, making a quip that would soothe the silence. "And I believe that's yours and Mama's fault, givin' me the genes and what not."
You'd finished chopping a nice garden salad by the time the doorbell rang. You ran upstairs to change your shirt to the Jersey your dad bought you for your birthday, claiming it was good luck for the team. Truth be told, you didn't wanna be downstairs when Joel and Sarah got here.
Sarah was here, too. Her, you could easily handle. You were almost hoping that she would be in a rather talkative mood, that way the attention could be swayed to her inconspicuously. You doubted Joel would even try to talk to you, anyway.
"Lovebug, come on down, Millers are here!" Your dad shouted up, even though he saw you run upstairs right when the doorbell rang to change your shirt.
"I'm comin', hold on," you replied sassily while heading for the staircase.
You got to the bottom and had to take a breath before turning the corner into the entryway. Joel stood there with a sweet smile to you, and you tried your best to hold back the one you wore. It was too bright, too happy to see him. All despite your nerves.
You were quickly embraced by Sarah, whom you paid immediate attention to.
"My lordy, girl," you held up your hand by your shoulder to show the height difference, "last time I saw you, you must've been this tall."
"Dad tells me I'm growing like a weed," she tossed a finger over her shoulder to where he was standing, and you gave him a small glance and a smile.
"Us daughters do have a tendency to grow up," you laughed, slinging an arm around Sarah and pulling her along to the kitchen as your dad and Joel did the same behind you.
Why had you been so anxious? Joel is happy to see you. He makes causal conversation with your dad, but he catches your eye every chance he gets. His expression doesn't change, except for the tug of his lips in a smile that's barely there. Joel doesn't smile too often, except apparently when you and Sarah are around.
It doesn't take long for everyone to get situated with their food at the table, playful banter between Joel and your father filling the air as you made less rambunctious chatter with Sarah.
She's doing pretty well since last you saw her. She was always a bright girl, but as she grew it became more apparent that she would probably excel further than anyone in her graduating class. You were sitting across from a future valedictorian, you were sure.
You'd tried to ask her about her out of school interests before your dad interrupted with a question.
"How about you, lovebug?" He watched your eyes flick over to him with a turn of your head. He added context, given you hadn't been listening to them earlier. "Are you gonna look for a summer job?"
You really should, if you're being honest. There's not much work in your aspiring profession located here, but you weren't as lucrative as you used to be, given your educational expenses.
"I've thought about it," you tilted your head back and forth, and your dad seemed to need more from your answer. "I need to earn some cash before I get back to Dallas, but I'm not really sure where to apply."
Sarah seemed to know where this was going before you did. She'd been around the last time your dad was begging Joel to find some help for the contracting team they worked with. But surely your dad doesn't expect you to build houses, does he? Your dream job is to dig holes in the ground, not fill them in and put homes on top.
"We got some spaces to fill, you should come work with us 'few months. The pay's good and you don't have to stay on long, probably just till the end of July."
You gave him a look, and he instantly knew you weren't interested, but you figured you'd try and justify your reasoning. It was an argument either way.
"I think I'd probably only slow'ya down," you chuckled, looking to Sarah who seemed to read the displeasure off your face from your dad's offer. "I'm studyin' to be an archeologist, dad. I don't know nothin' about framin' and all that house buildin'..."
Maybe it had been your dad's idea, but he wasn't the one who planted it into his own head. Joel subtly turned to you and cooly uttered a response.
"You could work on interior stuff with me."
Did he just-?
"S'not much more fun than what your dad's been doin,' but at least it's out of the sun, and easier to learn."
You were almost dumbfounded. Your dad offering you a job that potentially could give you heat stroke with your lack of experience seemed like the worst idea in the world... but working on interior projects? With Joel of all people? Well, that didn't sound so bad.
You didn't want your dad to catch on, of course. Being so protestant of his suggestion, but then falling right into it as soon as Joel was the one to offer would be a dead giveaway to some sort of favoritism to his best buddy. It simply wouldn't look right.
"What kinda interior stuff?"
He smirked. The motherfucker was smirking. He knew you'd changed your mind, but couldn't exactly just come out with it. He understood, but it was still slightly amusing to him.
"Flooring, cabinets, countertops... 's things like that," he explained, knowing you really didn't care what all it entailed. He was still happy to play along. "S'not as fun as archeology, but it pays alright."
You nodded, acting as though you were turning the thoughts over in your head.
"Well, if you're sure I won't mess it up, I'd be happy to try it out," was your final response. You figured it left some leeway in case your father became suspicious, but gave a good enough answer to end the conversation on.
"That's my girl," your dad clapped a hand on your shoulder in excitement. Truth be told he would very much enjoy your presence on a work site. "I'll go ahead and call Eddie in the morning, let 'im know I found someone to replace Charlie for interiors."
It was said more to Joel, you figured, because you didn't really know who either of those people were. He'd nodded to your dad, taking a sip of his beer and then looking back to you. You smiled sweetly, nobody catching it but the one it was meant for.
"Game's gonna start soon," Joel spoke aloud, drawing everyone's eye to the clock over the stove.
Sarah cleared her throat before jumping in on the conversation.
"About that," she looked to her dad with the same puppy dog eyes she used to use against you. He was just as poor at saying no to her when she pulled those bad boys out. "Sammy texted me to ask if it's okay to stay over at her place tonight?"
Joel sighed. He knew that no matter the attempts he made for her to like baseball, it wasn't her thing. It was summer vacation, and he had no reason to say no, so he didn't.
"Is she coming to pick you up?" He began, fishing his keys out of his pocket to drive her if need be. The girl lived five minutes away, he'd be back only a few minutes after the game started, but he didn't really want to leave.
"I can ask her," she pulled her phone back out of her jeans, opened her screen, and checked her messages.
"No need, I can take you," your voice rang out, standing from the table and taking your bowl to the sink. It was a genuine offer, but it was also to get out of the house and process what just happened with the job situation.
Joel was the first one to stand up with you.
"You don't have to-"
"It's fine," you cut him off, leaving no room for discussion. It was lucky he liked you, otherwise, Joel Miller might have put up quite the argument for such a small dilemma. As was his way, of course. He huffed, but accepted he had been overruled.
"Thanks, then." It was mumbled, but there was gratitude in it.
"We gotta hop over to ours real quick and grab my stuff," Sarah told you, waiting for you to return from the kitchen before beginning to head out through the front door. You'd grabbed your keys off where they hung on the wall before going behind her.
"I'll be back soon," you called over your shoulder into the house, and got a chirped 'alright' reply from your dad.
You walked out passed your driveway, seeing the light flicker on as you both went passed the censor on the ground.
"Y'know, I didn't think you'd have caved so fast on that job thing." She had piped up once you were almost to her porch. You found it only slightly funny that she chose the exact topic which had been swirling in your mind since it happened.
"Not sure I really wanna do it, but your dad made it sound better than every time my dad's talked about it, guess he just convinced me," you chuckled, playing it off in a way that she absolutely was about to use against you.
"That's another thing," she turned to you as she backed into the house through the door, only turning once she was inside. "Since when are you friends with my dad?"
She said it in a joking tone, but having known a few things she didn't about interactions that occurred between you and her father, you felt constricted to answer seriously. Probably with a lie if need be.
"I've always gotten along with your dad," you gave her a confused look, accompanied after by a playful smile.
She grabbed her backpack and opened it, checking to make sure she'd taken all the school stuff out before starting to shove things in, her charger, headphones, etc.
"Yeah but... you're just all young and cool and stuff," she shrugged, turning around to walk towards the staircase. "My dad is all old and boring and only talks about baseball."
"Thirty-seven isn't old, babe. My dad is two years from fifty, and I don't even think he's old, yet. Boring? Maybe..." you reasoned, hearing her laugh before she sprinted up the stairs, giving you time to think of some answers before she asked any more questions. Had she really caught onto you that fast? You didn't think you'd acted noticeably. If Sarah was able to see it, then maybe your dad did, too. You needed to be more careful, in that case.
Sarah returned a few minutes later, her backpack now stuffed and her pillow under her arm. You nodded out the door and headed back to your driveway to open the door for her, seeing as though her hands were full.
The drive after Sarah had been dropped off felt so much longer. Maybe it was just your thoughts, or maybe you consciously drove slower to avoid getting home too quickly. Your dad was waiting, but above that, Joel was there, too. Probably sitting back on the leather couch, relaxing with his feet kicked out on the floor. He usually leaned onto the armrest with his elbow, and held his face against the hand it supported. You'd noticed it years ago. He only ever spoke up when your dad did, usually in reply to him.
He was content simply watching the game in the presence of a friend. It was endearing.
When you pulled into the driveway, you had come up with an excuse to not remain downstairs for the duration of the game. It was too risky, and you weren't apparently as good with self-control as you'd thought you were.
You went inside and hung up your keys on the hook, immediately passing the living room on the way to the stairs.
"Hey, lovebug, you missed the top of the first," your dad called. He knew you liked baseball, so if you were to lie and say you didn't want to watch, he'd know something was up.
"Y'know, pa, I think I'm just gonna watch it upstairs, I forgot I still got some stuff to unpack," you peaked your head into the room to respond, and saw that Joel, just as you had pictured, was sitting in his most usual position on the couch, feet out on the floor, arm up with a hand holding the side of his face.
"Can't you do it later?" Your dad pleaded, but you knew, seeing as how your father occupied the recliner, you would have no where else to sit but on the floor or next to Joel. You didn't trust yourself with that.
"I could, but I might fall asleep if I wait too long."
He sighed, throwing an arm in your direction and shooing you away. He wasn't annoyed, but he'd admit he missed watching these games with you. It had been like a tradition, but if Sarah wasn't here either, he wasn't gonna make you stick around.
"Sure you don't wanna stick around? We could use your lucky jersey down here," Joel piped up, lifting his face from his hand and giving you a pair of soft eyes. That was exactly the reason you would not be staying. He didn't even realize how much he affected you, but you'd make sure he did at some point. Maybe you could just tease him a little.
"You're right, it would be a shame to take the lucky jersey with me."
You walked behind your dad's chair, out of his sight, and tauntingly stripped the jersey over your head, revealing the tight black tank top beneath it, just like that night at the bar. Joel's jaw clenched and his eyes turned darker, even under the bright light of the flatscreen in the living room. You never took your eyes away from his as you slung him the jersey.
"Hey pa, can I get you anything from the kitchen before I go upstairs?" You leaned over the back of his recliner, looking at him upside down. He chuckled and shook his head, trying to move your hair from obstructing his vision.
"We're all good, lovebug," he spoke in addition to his physical response, his laughter dying down as you stood back up. "Come on down if you change your mind."
"I'll probably be down later," you spewed a half-lie. You weren't sure if you would be or not, especially if Joel was still lurking in the living room.
You gave those brown eyes one last look before heading straight upstairs.
You grabbed your remote and flicked on the TV. It was already on the right channel, so you tossed the remote aside onto your bed and flopped back into it. You didn’t actually have anything left to unpack, but they would never have known.
Your phone buzzed beside you, and you lifted the screen to your face to see a text from an unsaved number:
Missin you down here…
You’d never put Joel in your contacts, because in highschool, your friends thought it was weird to even text or call him regularly, but you had his number for years, always just as a backup. You’d known it by heart, now, and nearly had it memorized back then, too, for the times you needed his help.
I’d come back if there was an open seat.
A bit sassy of a response, maybe, but you were hoping he’d understand the hidden meaning behind it… Although, Joel didn’t usually pick up on those things very easily.
Open seat right next to me
Yeah, that’s why I’m up here…
You huffed, realizing it wouldn’t be that easy. The three little dots indicating his next response was on the way slightly nerved you. Maybe he took the last text you sent the wrong way. You didn’t mean it to sound badly.
What’s that supposed to mean?
Means that I can’t keep my hands to myself.
You quickly rectified the situation, although you might have gone too far. He was taking far too long to answer, now. The little dots that before nerved you would now be your saving grace if it meant he would just fucking respond, already. You dropped the phone on your chest, raising up and down in a scattered rhythm while you wiped your hands over your face. Your phone vibrated over your shirt and you immediately opened it.
I can’t either. Stay up there.
You breathed out a sigh of relief. He was thinking the same things you were, and likely was under more stress for it, given he sat right across from your dad, responding to his comments about the game here and there. Your dad had no idea what was happening right under his nose.
Wasn’t thinking about leavin.
This little back and forth went on, the majority of the game, in fact. It was more-so about the plays then on, because you didn’t have anyone to talk to up here.
Joel thought it a bit funny, your dad would say something oddly specific about one of the players, and then you’d text him right after saying the exact same thing. You’d been a product of watching baseball with your old man for just about ever.
“I’m thinking about gettin’ some tickets over the summer for a game or two. They’re always cheaper in them group packages, you n’ Sarah should come along,” your dad was barely paying any attention to the words he spoke, but they came flowing out anyway, clear and cool. “Could be fun.”
Joel knew that there was only so much group interaction he could handle with you, and you with him. It stands to why you’re upstairs, an he’s down here, fist wrapped tightly around your lucky jersey. All out of your father’s sight, of course.
“It could be. Don’t think Sarah’s much for baseball anymore, though.”
He’d hoped that your dad would drop it. Halfway through his third beer, he hoped the man was a little more than tipsy, and maybe didn’t even mean the words he was saying.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t still tag along,” your dad was definitely still sober enough to keep it up, although the way he spoke became slower. Maybe he was getting sleepy.
“I’ll think about it.”
His response was followed by a hum, then a lull of silence that endured the rest of the game. He sat all the while and thought about his predicament a bit more.
He couldn’t stop thinking about you. It was insane… like you’d leeched yourself to the inner workings of his mind and he wouldn’t be able to pull you off without hurting himself, too. You were just upstairs, and had been texting him. You were within his vicinity, and yet… so unreachable.
He’d wished for you to be down here, or for him to be up there with you. Obviously, that wouldn’t go too well with the man sitting next to him, but he’d be asleep soon. If he could just touch you again, just kiss you one more time, maybe his cravings would be satisfied and he could go about his days… but what would happen if he kept feeling the addictive urge to do more? What if he was never satiated enough to quit you?
The game was called, and you’d texted him a small ‘victory’ at seeing the Rangers had won.
It was wrong, and the presence of his friend beside him was a constant reminder that you were his kid, and he would have a final say. Even though you were an adult, he understood this was completely taboo, and you should be off with guys your own age... but he’s made up his mind about the thoughts spinning in his head.
He didn’t respond, though. Your dad stood up out of his chair, his arms stretching outwards with a loud yawn as he took a few steps forwards, clapping his hand down on Joel’s shoulder.
“I hate to kick you out…” your father joked, a low and tired chuckle under his words.
“It’s alright, I got some stuff to sort out anyway.”
They started making their way towards the door when light but fast footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.
Joel turned quickly, a smile on his lips and in his eyes when he saw you trying to catch your breath after sprinting down here.
“Leavin’ already?”
They both laughed heartily. As if Joel hadn’t been here almost three hours, most of which you spent upstairs. Your heart was beating far too fast for your liking, but there didn’t seem to be a way to stop it. Now that you were present again, in the room with him, you didn’t know what else to do.
“Your dad’s half asleep as it is, if I stay any longer I’ll send ‘im into hibernation,” Joel’s response made you giggle softly, although you withheld most of the laughter, because in all honestly, it wasn’t that funny, and you needed to learn to control yourself.
“He’ll be over next week, we’ll talk about gettin’ you into that job.”
You nodded, turning back to Joel as your dad opened the front door. What were you supposed to do? You couldn’t hug him, could you? That’s too much… maybe just wave, or maybe-
He held his hand out… for you to shake it. A hand-shake. Yeah, sure, fine.
You shook it, but he pulled you in half way, tapping your back once and then letting go.
He just bro hugged you. This man just-
He turned and did the same to your dad, giving you one last glimpse as he stepped out the door. Your dad closed it behind him and you were almost clean out of words to say. That had to have been the strangest interaction you’ve had.
“I’m beat, love-bug. I’m gonna head to bed,” he slung an arm around your neck and kissed the top of your head before turning and going down the hall to the stairs. “Don’t be up too late.”
“I won’t, just got a few things to do.”
You waited approximately ten more seconds before running to the garage door, going as quickly and as quietly as you could through to your front yard. Joel was still on his porch when you got out there, but was about to go inside.
You ran out to the sidewalk in font of his house and called out to him, all the while still barefoot.
“Hey Miller,” you crossed your arms, watching him turn around and lean in one direction. “Did you just bro-hug me? Or did I imagine that?”
He stepped closer to the edge of the porch, leaning against one of the wooden beams closest to him.
You slowly walked up to him, tilting your head to side as you observed his stance. he looked rather good. Hair tousled, body adorning a black t-shirt and some dark jeans. He was a sight, even in the dark light of the neighborhood.
“I reckon I oughta’ try again?”
"Seems like the fair thing to do."
“You’re takin’ your sweet time, baby,” he irked, grabbing gently under your elbow and pulling you up onto to porch once you were close enough.
You smiled to him, and wrapped your arms round his neck, over his broad shoulders. He pulled you close, tucking a head into your shoulder. The anxiousness you felt before fell apart, the rapid beating of your heart slowed, because you were comfortable. You felt immense peace in his arms like you’ve never felt before.
He backed away too soon, but still kept you relatively close to him.
“Was that better?”
“Yeah, I’d say so.”
There was a moment of silence, of contemplation, but it wasn’t stiff, and it wasn’t awkward. It was just there, a nice and pleasant quiet, and you standing still with Joel Miller on his porch.
“You wanna come inside a while?”
Sarah wasn’t home, and wouldn’t be till morning. Your dad was probably passed out in bed by now, leaving the opportunity completely open. You had nothing to lose, no risk to be had.
“Yeah, I think I will.”
He didn’t let you go, he just walked you both backwards until he was able to reach the door, reaching with one hand to open it before stepping slightly to the side to allow you entrance first.
“Ever the gentlemen,” you smiled, walking inside before he followed you in.
“Gotta make up for all that nonsense earlier,” he closed the door, taking your hand and walking to the kitchen. He pulled out a stool at his counter and let your hand fall to your side as he made his way to the fridge.
He pulled out two beers and uncapped them with the tool hanging on the side of his fridge. You think you remember your dad buying it for his birthday one year. You can remember sitting in this exact seat many times before, actually. Never alone, though. Never just you and Joel, and nobody else near.
He slid you one beer an you smiled at him in thanks, taking a sip.
“Last time you had one of these, I didn’t know if you liked it or not,” he gestured to his own bottle, drinking some and setting it down on the counter.
“I don’t know, I think it’s growing on me.”
He looked straight to you, leaning both hands on the edge of the counter. You leaned forward, mimicking his more stern face of features before he said anything else.
“I didn’t wanna say so with your dad around, but you look awful pretty tonight,” he spoke the compliment smoothly, but he had to drop his head after he said it. Seemed that giving you compliments alone in the night was something of a struggle for him, since he was blushing still even when he looked back to you.
“I seem to be feelin’ a lot prettier as of late whenever I’m around you. Think you’re just good for my self esteem,” you paused, leaning back onto the stool to take a drink of your beer. “That, or it's just nice to be complimented by a handsome guy like yourself.”
He didn’t seem to believe you. His scoff was loud and heard immediately after your compliment returned to him.
“You think I’m handsome?”
He’d always thought he was average. Maybe even slightly below. As he got older, that notion grew until he felt that maybe he was beyond trying for a woman on behalf of his looks. Perhaps there were women from time to time that would agree to a date, but there were none since Sarah’s mom who actually stuck around, not until you… but you were different as far as relationships go, because technically, you shouldn’t even be considering one with him.
“Absolutely, I do. Why wouldn’t I?” You were curious, because he was clearly attractive. Maybe you’d spent too much time around the more traditionally preferred young men in dallas, but something about Joel intrigued you that never did with anyone else. Maybe it was the forbidden aspect of what you two were doing, but before that, it was something else. He was rough and rugged, and good looking in a mature way that the boys your age couldn’t mimic if they tried. Those dark brown eyes with little crows feet at the edges every time he smiled were a dead give away to his age, but it was so appealing somehow.
“Don’t know. Guess I’m just old,” he spoke, trying to hide the insecurities that phrasing brought about. He was too old for you, he shouldn’t be sitting here with you you alone and calling you pretty, and yet…
“Maybe that’s a good thing. Too many boys my age are still very immature these days.” And it was very much true. Too young, too immature, and too stupid to see what’s in front of them and really appreciate it. Older men have a tendency to take care of the things they have, because they know that with time they can lose them.
“That so?”
“They don’t even realize what their missin’ out on, do they?”
You shook your head in reply. Nope. Not a single one of the younger guys you’ve dated has treated you with the care you know he could. He’s always treated you with care, before… why would that change now?
“They probably figure there’s a million girls linin’ up after me that they can take a shot at,” you raised your eyebrows and drank some more. Maybe it was just a thought of some past experiences, but this beer was tasting better and better to you.
“I pity them,” he said nonchalantly, without really thinking about it.
“Who, the girls? I mean, I kinda feel bad, but other times, I think we all know what we’re getting ourselves into n’ we just try to ignore the red flags.”
It was meant as a joke, but he was being genuinely serious.
“No, the guys. I pity ‘em.”
“Oh, do you?”
“I do,” he nodded, thinking of the right words to say. “They lost you, didn’t they? Biggest mistake of their lives and they didn’t even know. Pity ‘em just for that.”
You didn’t know what to say. You figured the wide smile you wore was doing a fine enough job, but he wasn’t looking like he had anything else to voice yet.
“You think I’m somethin’ special, Joel Miller?”
He set his bottle down on the counter and walked around it to stand right in front of your barstool. He took both your hands and pulled them to his chest, just holding them there and looking to you with the sweetest expression you’ve ever seen from him. He’s so different than what you remember in your earlier years. He used to be so stoic and serious. Sometimes even a little grumpy. Guess time changes things.
“I wouldn’t be gettin’ myself into sum’ this crazy if I thought anything else,” he mumbled it almost, but he definitely meant it. His words rang true in every aspect of the implications they made. This was crazy, it was very unlikely in the first place, but even still, it was happening. Neither of you backed down, neither of you said no.
“If it helps, I happen to think you’re pretty damn special, too.”
He didn’t respond, just leaned closer towards you, nudging his nose against yours, before letting your lips meet in a kiss. it washed rushed and hazy like the last time. It wasn’t forceful or fast or anything of that sort. It was gentle, and it was meaningful. All the years he’d known you, but never like this. You knew this attraction was new, but it was still real. You wondered how many women pined after him over the years, only for you to now gage his attention when clearly no one else did. The man’s been single since Sarah’s mom left, and otherwise, you didn’t know him to be much of a ‘dating around’ kinda guy. Standing here with him, now, you felt such excitement in knowing he’d pursue you, the off limits woman, over anyone else. It was a true victory, or at least you thought so, sitting on a stool in his kitchen while he kissed you softly, his thumbs going over the backs of your hands that still lingered in his.
When the kiss broke, you inhaled deeply, the scent of him so close to you, surrounding you. He was like a warm blanket you just pulled out of the dryer. He was comforting, and soft, and his skin was currently hot to the touch. You could only hope that you had something to do with that.
“Baby,” he breathed, hands letting go of yours and finding a new home at your waist. You left your hands on his chest, feeling his heart rate fluctuating. “Gotta know something before this goes any further…”
You hummed in response, still trying to even your breath intake. He backed away a few inches to be able to look you in the eyes correctly. He’d spent enough time with you in the past to know if you were telling the truth, and he was going to use it just this once to his advantage.
“What we’re doin’, you sure you’re okay with it?” He knew better than to jump into this without clarification. “Don’t want you feelin’ pressured if you’re not.”
“I want this,” you spoke softly, just loud enough that he could hear. “Promise.”
You had thought you’d been the instigator to this, if memory serves you correctly. Even still, you know now that whatever happens, he won’t take it somewhere you don’t want it to go. This show of good faith was something you could put trust in him over. He’s a good one, you always knew that.
And again his lips were on yours, differently this time. It was a bit more hasty and fervent like the first time, but there was still something different from then that you couldn’t quite decipher.
You absent-mindedly opened your legs and he instantly came between them, letting your bodies become flush with one another. His hands ran up and down your sides, every once and a while dipping to your hips and somewhere below on your thighs.
There was a heat between them that you didn’t realize was there until he came so close to touching it. He never actually did, though, and you were both endeared by and upset about it. He was the one making that heat spread, he can’t just leave it there… but he’s testing his limits, and you think it’s respectful that he is.
He doesn’t want to cross any lines… as if this entire entanglement has not already done that. This situation in every sense of the definition, has crossed the line. Him hugging you that tightly on his porch, him inviting you in after dark when it’s only you and him alone, having a beer with some very personal conversation, and now making out with you in his kitchen. They all crossed the line of what should happen between a man and his best friend’s daughter.
“Tell me to stop,” he mumbled against your mouth, almost as if reading your mind. His hand on your thigh drifted between your legs, just barely caressing the heated pool sitting there, waiting for him. It was still very reserved, and you had to buck against his hand for more friction, but at least it was something.
The taste of him somehow made it worse, the feeling growing inside you without an end in sight. The arousal was evident, but you weren’t sure he would be able to do anything about it, yet. You could tell it was weighing on his mind, what was okay for him to do, and what wasn’t. You would beg him if you had to, you just needed more.
He had an idea, one that could allow both of you to explore this dynamic easier, and one that could potentially keep him from overstepping like he was afraid to.
He removed his hands only for a minute, bringing yours up and over his shoulders before he settled his back down below your ass.
“Hold on,” he told you, lifting you from the seat and walking until he got to the living room. From there, he let the space guide him until the back of his knees hit the edge of the couch. He sat almost abruptly, and when you relaxed your weight onto him, you felt the stirring between his legs as well. You moaned into his mouth at the mere size and feeling of it, beginning to slowly grind down onto him. He encouraged your movements, and used his hands to guide your hips as you went, back and forth, getting into a rhythm.
“That’s it, baby,” he praised, tearing himself away for a moment to expel his breath from his lungs at the new feeling. Your head fell against his, and suddenly it was the movement of your lower half taking you over.
He let his hands move over your body a bit more freely, now, but still careful not to make any harsh movements, or grab in places he felt he shouldn’t linger too long. He knew you wanted this, but something inside him questioned how comfortable you really felt… that was until you started doing the same, roaming his body with your delicate touch, making him feel like the most important man in the world. You could have sworn you marked the exact moment he snapped, rolling his hips upwards into yours shamelessly. It was so deliciously addicting, the feeling of his body pleasing yours, and vice versa. His rough and sturdy hands, though still gentle, ravished any part of you available to him.
The air between you was hot and thick, and you could swear that by breathing it in, you were drawing even more arousal into your body.
The motions kept going until there was a quickening of pace brought on by you both simultaneously. You couldn’t mark a distinction of when it increased, you just knew that the speed you were going wasn’t where you started. All you could think of was that your spend was fast approaching, and you wondered if his was, too.
“Gettin’ close,” you murmured, barely able to get the words out for the moans that slipped passed your lips. “M’gonna…”
He heard you, and understood. Truth be told, he’d started getting hard since that moment on the porch, so this was just nothing but sweet relief to him. He kept on, trying to meet you at your finish.
“Let go , baby.”
You had no qualms about being told twice when it came to him. You gave it up easily, the muscles in your body contracting when you felt the wash of utter ease through every inch of you. He tensed beneath you, but relaxed with a groan of relief right after, and you could feel his length twitch in his jeans.
You just dry-humped Joel Miller on his couch. Like a horny teenager. What the fuck.
The dawn of realization was cut short by his hand softly coercing the back of your neck, bring your lips back for him to claim as he did earlier. Soft, and gentle, no rush, no heat. Just that feeling between you both that started this mess.… and it was indeed a mess.
“You wanna stay over?”
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@justanothersadperson93 @moonchild-warrior @hopplessilse @brittmd115 @michilandcof @untamedheart81 @just-someone-broken @joelalorian @xybil @yvonneeeee
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
return the favor
pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader x frank castle
summary: you're always there when matt and frank need you, no matter what it is, or what time of day. they decide it's time to return the favor, and show some gratitude.
warnings: all of them. every single one of them. swearing, mentions of blood, explicit sexual content (minors dni, seriously this is like x rated), little bits of fluff sprinkled in
word count: 12.6k
a/n: i'm not even going to apologize. y'all know me by now. y'all know who I am as a person. y'all know I cannot be normal about either one of them, and i've stopped trying to be. my inner slut took over when I wrote this, and it is filthy. it had me sweating like a whore in church. I don't even go to church. i'm not even religious, and I feel like I need to pray for forgiveness after this. this baby is over 30 pages, and it is a ride. ;)
this is my holiday gift to each and every one of you precious angel babies. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated! ❤️
also again, i'm still not sure if the glitch with dark mode has been fixed or not but if you're on dark mode, you may have trouble viewing this. I apologize for any inconvenience reading in advance!
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At this point you weren’t sure who started it this time. Honestly, you weren’t even sure if one of them had started it, or if it was just another argument carrying over from earlier. You’d given up keeping score in their little competition of who could be more ornery. It used to amuse you. The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen and the big bad Punisher constantly bickering back and forth like an old married couple, muttering under their breath in exasperation at the others' antics, yet still fighting through all that annoyance to come to the other’s defense if need be. If it had been any other night, you might have been entertained. You might have even laughed at how ridiculous they were being. But it was nearly midnight, you were beyond exhausted, and to top it all off, it was absolutely fucking freezing on top of this roof. 
Why were you even here again? Oh yeah, Frank. He had sustained a pretty nasty cut to his arm after what was supposed to be an easy takedown had turned into a confounded ambush. You’d received a simple text from Matt’s burner phone a little over an hour earlier that had just consisted of the words “roof” and “kit”. Using your context clues, you assumed he meant his roof. You didn’t even give it much thought before you were bracing yourself against the November chill for seven blocks, letting yourself in with your emergency spare key and grabbing the medical kit from his bathroom on the way up. Patching up Matt was something you were used to by now, but you were incredibly anxious as to why he wanted you to meet him on the roof of his building. Was he hurt that bad? Could he not even make it inside? Should you call Claire?
Your thumb hovered over her number as you ascended the stairs, however as soon as you heard the familiar mix of combative voices, you rolled your eyes and shoved your phone in your pocket. Pushing open the door, you were met with a sight you had become all too accustomed to in the past few months; Matt and Frank at each other’s throats. When they could agree on something and both be level headed, they worked well together. Great, even. But when they disagreed, and were fueled by rage and their own devastating egos, it was like a front row seat to world war three. There were times you’d had to enlist Jessica or Luke just to pry them apart, needing an indestructible wedge between them until they could be civil.
It didn’t take you long to figure out that Frank was the one in need of aid. There was a large tear in his shirt that was normally snug around his bicep, showcasing a jagged view of torn flesh that was dripping violently with crimson. You could make out a few other cuts and bruises that littered his face from the light coming off the obnoxious billboard across the street. It was harder to tell when Matt was hurt, not only because his suit was deep red, but also because he hid it very well. Not that Frank didn’t hide it just as well. They could both be standing in front of you absolutely covered head to toe in blood with visible gashes and holes and still insist that they were fine. There were streaks of blood around Matt’s mouth and nose, but he otherwise appeared to be in good shape. Loudly clearing your throat, you dropped the kit onto the floor by your feet and placed your hands on your hips as both men’s heads whipped around in your direction.
“Can you two pretend to get along for fifteen minutes so I can do what you called me here for, or would you both rather bleed to death on this roof?”
Seven minutes. They made it seven minutes. You had just finished the final stitch on Frank’s arm when a snide comment from Matt had him unraveling in anger all over again. Tonight seemed to be worse than usual. You couldn’t tell if it was due to the pain from their injuries, the exhaustion from the recent sleepless nights, frustration from lead after lead that kept turning into dead ends, a combination of all of the above, or what. They were in each other’s faces, noses barely a centimeter apart, trading insults like verbal punches in an invisible ring. You were shocked Matt had even called you to help patch up Frank with the way his mouth was curled into a glowering snarl towards him, fists bunched tightly at his sides ready to strike at any moment. 
“If you had just fucking listened to me-”
“Because you got it all figured out, don’t ya Red? Huh? You think them fancy fuckin’ senses of yours make you better than me? I was takin’ terrorist organizations down overseas while you were gettin’ shitfaced off cheap booze in your dorm, but heaven forbid I walk into a fuckin’ building without your goddamn say so.”
“Goddammit Frank, I can hear things you can’t. Like when there’s twenty fucking men armed with guns in a building that’s supposed to be-”
“Your priest know you use such colorful language? You tell him that when you’re confessin’ on Sundays? You even tell him ‘bout all the people you beat the shit out of for fun? Or you leave all that out, altar boy?”
“This isn’t a joke, Frank. They were armed with way more ammunition than we planned for, and there were more of them than there should’ve been. They fucking knew we were coming. If you would have just-”
“Nah, nah. If you had fuckin’ listened to me, we would’ve been fine. If you weren’t such a goddamn pussy, and let me do what the fuck I need to do-”
As much as you tried to drown them out, their voices only got louder and louder. Rubbing your temples with your index and middle fingers did absolutely nothing to soothe the dull ache that had begun to throb in your head. God, they were exhausting sometimes. It amazed you how much they changed when they were together. Matt was usually more calm and collected, and Frank was usually quieter. As much as they brought out the best in each other when they did get along, they brought out even more of the worst when they didn’t. It was like they both had a perfect blueprint of where the other’s buttons were, and always knew exactly where to press. That dull ache in your head was beginning to glow like tiny embers waiting to spark. Your fingers had gone numb from the cold through the thin latex gloves. Your patience had run out half an hour ago, or long before that if you were being honest with yourself. You were pissed they had the audacity to drag you out of your warm bed in the middle of the night just to act like you weren’t there, waiting for them to finish their childish bullshit. The irritation had been wearing you down from the second you stepped onto the roof and you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Would you both just shut the fuck up already? Seriously? I am so sick of listening to the two of you bitch and bicker about every little fucking thing. I have fucking had it with both of you. If you two can’t get your shit together, I swear to God, I’m going to-”
“What? What are you gonna do, sweetheart?”
If you weren’t pissed off already, the arrogant smirk tugging at the corner of Frank’s lips certainly pushed you over the edge. He cocked his head to the side, staring at you with his dark eyes squinted in levity. One of his thick brows rose in challenge, daring you to continue your rant. 
“Aw c’mon, darlin’. Thirty seconds ago you were all big and bad, runnin’ that bratty little mouth of yours. Now you got nothin’ to say?”
“Get your shit together, or I will beat your ass.”
“I think she means that, Frank.”
“No shit? She ain’t lyin’?”
“Nope. Heartbeat’s steady.”
“Well ain’t that cute.”
The teasing tone of Matt’s voice hitting your ears felt like gasoline being thrown on the fire that was already raging within you. A devilish grin stretched over his mouth, showcasing the dimples in his cheeks that you loved so much. Normally the sight of that smile would make you weak in the knees, but right now it infuriated the fuck out of you. Both men were staring at you in complete amusement, smug grins plastered on their faces, and you wanted nothing more than to walk over and slap them off. 
“Fuck you both.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Matt’s response knocked the breath right out of your lungs, and all your anger with it. Your eyes widened in disbelief as you stared at him, jaw dropping slightly. He had never spoken to you like that. Matt was a natural flirt, that was just his personality. He had definitely said a few things that made you question how he really felt about you, and there were a few “accidental” touches that lingered a little too long, but never anything like that. And certainly never in the voice he typically reserved for interrogating criminals. You were completely stunned in place, brain failing to come up with any kind of response. Even though Matt’s words were phrased as an inquisition, it came out more like a confident statement, like a rhetorical question he already knew the answer to.
Frank’s voice seemed to break the trance Matt had you under, your eyes darting over towards his large figure. Somehow he was now only standing about a foot away from you. When did he get so close? How had you missed that? You were used to Matt sneaking up on you constantly since the man was practically a fucking ninja, but Frank wasn’t as stealthy. He was a lot bigger, moved with more force than precision, and commanded every space he stepped into. 
“You gonna answer him?”
Frank’s eyes bore into yours as he motioned his head towards Matt, the intensity of his gaze making you feel as if you had shrunk several sizes in his presence. Sometimes you forgot just how big he was, and how menacing he could be when he wanted to. There was something gleaming in the darkness of his eyes that you couldn’t place. His features were set in their usual broody state apart from his mouth that was still slightly curved in a wicked smirk. A sudden shiver descended your spine, but it wasn’t from the cold. Instinctively you took a step back, blinking a few times before staring down at your trembling hands as you removed the bloody gloves.
“I don’t…look just…clean yourselves up. Try not to kill each other, or piss off Matt’s neighbors any more than you already have.”
“Your hands are shaking.”
“It’s cold, Matthew.”
“But that’s not why your hands are shaking. Is it?”
Glancing up, a slight gasp flew from your mouth noticing that Matt was now standing right next to Frank. His head was cocked towards the right, chin jutted out in your direction, studying you intently. You couldn’t see the beautiful honey brown of his eyes that were hidden behind the obsidian lenses of his mask. His voice had dropped even lower, and your stomach dropped down into a pit of nerves along with it. A sobering thought washed over you that your beloved captivating lawyer was not the one standing in front of you; the Devil was. This wasn’t exactly new to you. Sometimes Matt had trouble shifting back into a level-headed state after particularly bad nights, or when patrols left his adrenaline pumping through his veins like rocket fluid. You had witnessed the battle on several occasions between Matthew Murdock and the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen for control. But this was…different. He was eerily calm and still, and it made you nervous.
“This ain’t like you, sweetheart. Bein’ all mouthy, actin’ like a damn brat, not answerin’ questions when asked. Where’s our good girl, hm?”
The mega-watt grin that immediately took over Matt’s mouth could have put that blinding billboard behind him to fucking shame.
“Oh, she liked that Frank.”
“Did she?”
“Should’ve heard the way her heart jumped. You are our good girl, aren’t you angel?”
The connection between your brain and your mouth had been severed. You couldn’t speak. You couldn’t hardly breathe. Your wide eyes flickered back and forth in dumbfoundment between the two men standing in front of you. Surely, you were hearing them wrong. Were they messing with you? Where was all this coming from? What the fuck was happening?
“C’mon darlin’, use that pretty little head of yours and talk to us. Red asked you a question, yeah?”
There was a hint of teasing that laced Frank’s gravelly voice as his eyes remained fixated on you. Your head was spinning like a rogue carousel and your heart was thrashing to break through your ribcage.
“I…I don’t understand-”
“I think you do, angel. You’re a smart girl, but you’re not subtle. We know what you want, and we’re more than happy to give it to you. Isn’t that right, Frank?”
“S’right, Red. We think you’ve earned it, sweetheart. Takin’ such good care of us, puttin’ up with all our shit, always there when we need ya. We’d like to return the favor, darlin’.”
“See angel, the one thing Frank and I absolutely agree on, is how pretty you’re gonna sound when we ruin you.”
Matt’s confession struck your core like lightning and tore a startled moan of desperation from your throat. His grin stretched even further across his sinful lips, a dark chuckle emitting from low within his chest. Frank’s eyebrows rose a hair in surprise, only for a moment, before that crooked, teeth baring smile of his was back on full display. He joined Matt in sinister snickering, like there was some kind of inside joke you weren’t a part of.
“Do me a favor, Red. Put them damn senses of yours to good use and tell me how wet she is right now.”
There was never a battle with Frank. There was never anyone else fighting for control. With Frank, what you saw was exactly what you got. There was no slipping back and forth, no struggle, there was just…him. Unabashed, unapologetic, shameless Frank. He didn’t hide it when he flirted with you. He didn’t mince words, or speak in riddles. He always said exactly what he meant so there was never any confusing his words or motives. He never pushed it any further than playful banter and flirty remarks, but he also didn’t hide behind the guise of friendly teasing. The order he gave Matt caused your brain to short circuit and you were honestly surprised it hadn’t knocked you onto your knees. Matt’s lips parted slightly, just enough for his tongue to meet the air as he inhaled deeply. A satisfied hum sounded in the back of his throat.
“Not nearly as wet as she’s going to be. But she smells fucking divine.”
“Bet she tastes even better.”
“I can’t wait to find out.”
The next few minutes passed by in a bit of a blur. Frank had thrown you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing more than the duffel bag he hauled around, carrying you down the steps into Matt’s living room with haste. Matt trailed closely behind the two of you, quickly removing his gloves and helmet somewhere along the way. Before you could even register being put back down on wobbly legs, two large hands grabbed your face and a strong pair of lips met your own. Frank.
The kiss was full of passion but surprisingly tender, a sigh of relief echoing in your mouth from him. Frank kissed you deeply, but slowly, wanting to savor the feeling and the taste of you. Matt managed to sneak his hand between your bodies, tugging at the zipper of your jacket and pulling it off your shoulders with ease. He pulled down the left sleeve of your thin sweater, trailing his lips along the exposed skin before nipping and sucking at the junction above your collarbone. The scruff of his facial hair contrasted roughly with the softness of his lips and it made your mind even hazier, a moan tumbling into Frank’s mouth. Matt growled lowly, gripping onto your hips and pulling your ass against his front abruptly so you could feel how hard he was through his suit, earning another whine from you. His hand was nearly halfway into your jeans when Frank reached out to grab his wrist, halting his movements.
“Quit bein’ fuckin’ impatient. We got all damn night.”
“You hear the sounds she’s making Frank?”
“Yeah, and I’d like to hear a lot more of ‘em you selfish little shit.”
You couldn’t help but giggle. Here you were, trapped between two of the most feared men in Hell’s Kitchen, with both of their mouths and hands all over you, and they were still arguing. Your giggles were immediately cut off however when Matt’s teeth sunk down into the flesh of your neck, a surprised moan taking their place. Frank lightly grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head back against Matt’s chest as he caught your gaze. His tongue darted out to wet his lips quickly, motioning his head towards you.
“You want this, sweetheart?”
All you could do was stare up at Frank with half moon eyes. Your brain seemed incapable of manufacturing a single coherent thought. You were too wrapped up in how good it felt to be caged between them. How good it felt to kiss Frank, to be touched by Matt, to be desired by them both. All you could do was feebly nod.
“Need to hear it, pretty girl. Need you to tell us you want us too.”
Matt’s grip on your waist loosened slightly, his nose nuzzling against your cheek as he softly kissed the underside of your jaw and whispered delicately in your ear.
“You can say no, angel. We can all walk away right now, pretend this never happened. We won’t be upset.”
“We never wanna make you uncomfortable, honey. Just wanna make you feel good.”
“Would you like us to make you feel good, sweetheart? Take care of you for all the times you’ve taken care of us? Whatever you want, we’ll give you. Just tell us what you want.”
Frank’s large hand loosely wrapped around your neck, brushing his thumb along your bottom lip slowly as he stared down at you with a timid smile.
“Please what, sweet girl? Hm? Use your words. You want us? You got us. We’re yours. Just say the words.”
Matt slipped his hand underneath the hem of your sweater, tracing slow delicate circles along your hip as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. He placed a featherlight kiss to your burning skin, the edge in his voice from earlier now gone as he whispered sweetly.
“We’re all yours, angel. Always have been. Just tell us you want us too.”
Matt and Frank both put an inch of space between their bodies and yours, as if they could sense how difficult their presence was making it hard for you to think clearly. They were giving you an out if you wanted it. You knew this would completely change everything between the three of you. There would be no going back to how things were before. This decision was permanent, and couldn’t be undone. But God, did you want it. You wanted them. You were momentarily suspended in disbelief that they wanted you too, but you were having an arduous time focusing on why they wanted you, when they had come to this agreement regarding you, and what the morning would look like. The only thing your brain could process was the pure, irrevocable yearning you felt.
You trusted Matt and Frank with your life. You knew you could trust them with your body. The safest you ever felt was in their presence. The safest place you could ever be was confined between them. You wanted them. You loved them. You needed to be consumed by them. 
“I need both of you, please.”
If either of them heard the aching in your divulgence, neither of them acknowledged it. Matt’s fingertips brushed lightly along your sides as he pulled your sweater over your head, eliciting a domino of shivers throughout your body. Your own trembling fingers gingerly pushed Frank’s torn and bloodied shirt up, careful to avoid his fresh injuries along the way. As you sought out his lips, his large hands maneuvered your hips until you were face to face with Matt, his nose brushing against the column of your throat.
“Help Red outta that damn thing, would ya? Otherwise we’ll be here all fuckin’ night.”
A furrow formed between Matt’s brows and his lips parted to protest, but his words were quickly cut off when you grabbed his face to crash your lips together. His hands gripped onto your waist just above where Frank’s had settled, a satisfied groan echoing on your tongue. Matt’s kiss was hungrier, more possessive and needy than Frank’s, and it made your head spin. As your fingers worked at the zipper on Matt’s suit, Frank’s were swiftly popping the button on your jeans and tugging your own zipper down. He left a searing trail of open mouthed kisses from right beneath your ear to down along your shoulder as his large hand slipped beneath the waistband of your panties. Greedily peeling the material of Matt’s suit off his broad shoulders, you instinctively bit down on his bottom lip when Frank’s index finger made contact with your clit. Matt moaned at the feeling of your teeth holding his lip captive, shoving the rest of his suit off with impressive speed leaving him only clad in black briefs with a noticeable tent.
“Goddamn, sweetheart. You’ve got these completely soaked through. I guess Red was right.”
You could feel Matt’s prideful smile against your own mouth at Frank’s words as you threaded your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him even more flush against your own body. He groaned again in satisfaction at the gentle tug, and you were suddenly curious what other delicious sounds you could pull out of him. Before you could experiment, Frank slipped one of his thick fingers inside of you and a loud moan filled the empty space.
“Fuck she’s tight. Gonna have to get you nice and ready for us, yeah? Think two oughta do it, Red?”
“She’s been such a good girl, Frank. Let’s give her three.”
“Hm, she has, hasn’t she? S’pose that way we both get a taste then.”
Your head fell back against Frank’s chest as he pumped his finger slowly, already rendering you a whiny incoherent mess. You could just briefly register Matt kneeling before you, grabbing the waistband of your jeans and tugging them down your legs. His touch was lighter when his fingers slipped underneath the sides of your panties, trailing them along your skin with more precise teasing. Matt rubbed his nose along your inner thigh, humming softly as he ever so languidly pulled the fabric down your legs, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. He gently brushed his fingertips over your ankles, along the sides of your calves, up the backs of your knees, until he had a firm grip on your thighs.
“Looks awful pretty down there on his knees for ya, don’t he?”
Frank was right. Matt did look good on his knees before you, head tipped back and eyes closed in content, lips parted slightly as he inhaled your scent from the source. Suddenly you wanted both of them on their knees for you. Or maybe you wanted to be on your knees for both of them. You reached out with a trembling hand to grab a small fistful of Matt’s hair, moaning softly as Frank slipped a second finger inside you.
“Look so pretty, Matty.”
Matt’s eyes fluttered open, staring blankly up in your direction as a toothy grin took over his entire face showcasing your beloved dimples.
“Not as pretty as you, angel.”
“I think Red deserves a little treat for bein’ so patient, don’t you sweetheart?”
“Yes, Frankie.”
“How ‘bout that, Red? You want a little taste?”
“God, yes.”
“On your feet. You take over.”
If you hadn’t been so wrapped up in your own pleasure, you would’ve been amazed at how quickly Matt followed Frank’s command without an ounce of hesitation or complaint. You whined momentarily as Frank’s fingers slipped out of you, only to quickly be replaced with Matt’s index finger and his thumb pressed firmly against your clit earning another loud moan from you. 
“Open your mouth.”
Once again, Matt quickly complied, parting his plump kiss bitten lips. Your walls clenched around Matt’s finger and a pathetic moan slipped out as you watched Frank shove his two fingers drenched in your slick straight into Matt’s mouth. Matt’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head when your taste met his tongue, eagerly sucking every single drop off of Frank’s fingers. Frank grunted quietly near your ear as Matt moaned softly around his digits. It was the hottest fucking sight you had ever seen.
“Attaboy, Red. Tell me how she tastes.”
Frank retracted his fingers from Matt’s mouth slowly, leaving his lips shining with a coat of spit. His hand quickly found its place once again between your thighs and there seemed to be some kind of unspoken understanding between the two as Matt twisted his wrist to make room for Frank’s hand, allowing Frank to take over stretching you apart as his own fingers worked over your clit to help bring you to your release.
“So fucking good, Frank. Sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever had. You’re not gonna be able to get enough.”
“Like I said, we got all night.”
You could die like this, trapped between two walls of soft skin and hard muscle, their skilled hands working together to bring you absolute bliss. You were thankful they had you completely trapped between their chests because otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to stand. The pleasure was absolutely overwhelming. It was everywhere, all at once, and you weren’t sure if you could survive the fall. You had never felt anything like this. You didn’t even know you could feel like this. That little bubble that normally built up inside you was now simmering like a giant pit of lava inside a volcano dangerously close to erupting. You couldn’t even form the words to warn them, but with the undivided attention of Matt’s senses, you didn’t have to. 
“She’s close, Frank. Keep doing that, right there. That’s it…hold her steady. It’s alright, angel. Just let go for us. We’ve got you, sweetheart.”
“Go ahead, darlin’. C’mon, let us hear those pretty sounds. Don’t hold back, honey. Let us have it all, yeah?”
The edge was painfully far away, just within reach. You were so goddamn close. It just felt too fucking good. You didn’t know if your body was holding out because you just couldn’t handle it, or because it wanted more. Just when it felt like you couldn’t make it, suddenly you were exploding into a million little pieces of gratification and being hurled into the free falling space of absolute bliss. Two pairs of strong hands supported you as you spasmed from the force of the pleasure. Two voices echoed praises and sweet nothings into your ears as you floated outside your own body. Two hearts thudded against your back and chest in sync as they adorned you in their affection. 
Rough calloused fingertips trailed along your cheekbone tenderly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as soft lips traced the shell of your ear. 
“Shh. We got ya, sweetheart. We’re right here, yeah? Easy now, breathe.”
Matt wrapped his arm around your lower back, hooking his other underneath your knees as he pried you from Frank’s embrace and lifted you up bridal style, holding you against his chest. 
“You’re wearing too many clothes, Frank. Get undressed. I’ll take her to bed.”
You weakly brought your hand up to Matt’s neck, wrapping your fingers around the cross necklace that settled between his collarbones. The metal felt surprisingly cool against his heated skin, and the deep inhale you took to control your breathing filled your senses with his intoxicating cologne. You carefully traced one of the scars on the left side of his chest with your fingertip as you crossed the threshold into his bedroom.
“Yes angel?”
“I like it when you and Frankie get along.”
“Tell him to quit bein’ such a shithead all the time, and you’ll get more of it.”
“And here I was about to be nice and let you have the first taste, Castle. Why don’t you get on your knees and put that fucking mouth of yours to good use. Don’t keep her waiting.”
Matt carefully set you down on the edge of the bed, moving to sit right behind you with his chest pressed flush against your back. You noticed the commanding tone he used with Frank was the exact same one he used in the courtroom when he wasn’t in the mood for bullshit or rebuttal. For the millionth time that night, you were shocked when Frank simply grunted in response instead of verbally retaliating, lowering himself down onto his knees in front of you. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of Frank nearly naked before you. You had seen him shirtless a few times when he needed fixing up, but never only in briefs before. The fabric clung to his muscular thighs like a second skin, and it made your mouth water the exact same way it did whenever you saw Matt only in his underwear. Your brows furrowed slightly at the sudden realization that Frank had done exactly what Matt instructed in the living room. Since when did they ever follow each other’s orders? And so easily?
“Spread those legs, angel. Let him see you.”
Frank moved in closer towards you as you obeyed Matt’s order, his broad shoulders pushing your thighs even further apart. His large hands slowly made their way from your knees to your inner thighs, his thumbs tracing the softest circles along your skin. You had always wondered about Frank and what he would be like intimately. For a guy who could take down thirty men with his bare hands without batting an eye, he was incredibly gentle. His touch was delicate and reassuring, like he was afraid he might break you, but wanted you to know he was there. Matt wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you tightly against his chest, his other brushing your hair off your shoulder as he kissed your neck softly. He was more like what you had expected. Dominant and possessive, like he had something to prove. Whether that was to you or himself, you weren’t sure. Maybe it was both. He wanted you to know you were at his mercy, and that you belonged to him. Well, him and Frank. 
The only exception to all of Matt’s rules seemed to be Frank now that you thought about it. He was willing to ignore his own moral compass and religious teachings in certain situations involving Frank. He came to Frank’s defense constantly, even if he knew he was in the wrong and would personally give him shit about his choices later. He relinquished control earlier in the living room and followed every single one of Frank’s commands, something he would never do with anyone else. Frank seemed to be the only person Matt willingly submitted to. And despite his overprotective nature, he was sharing you with Frank. Matt seemed to be Frank’s own personal outlier as well. Frank always worked alone. He hated involving other people in what he did, not wanting to deal with the risks and consequences, and just another person in general. It was easier when all he had to worry about was himself. But he had no trouble dragging Matt into the flames at a moment's notice, and never hesitated to reach out to him for help or backup. No matter how much they fought, Frank always purposefully put himself between Matt and whatever threat was coming their way, even if it was just some drunk asshole in a bar trying to pick a fight he knew Matt could easily win. As much as they argued, Frank did actually listen to Matt most of the time, and Matt secretly took Frank’s advice when he knew he was right. They were both just too fucking stubborn to admit that to one another.
“Now who looks pretty on their knees, hm?”
“Frankie does.”
“Tell him, angel. Tell him how pretty he looks on his knees for you.”
You reached your shaky hand out to cup Frank’s cheek, sighing softly at the way he nuzzled his face into your palm. His deep brown eyes were hooded with lust as he stared up at you lovingly, causing your heart to constrict in your chest. He really was beautiful, especially when he smiled. It had taken so long for Frank to open up to you, for you to get to see the happier and more carefree side of him, hear him crack jokes and his amazing laugh. It was always like witnessing some cosmic phenomena, and it made you feel incredibly lucky he wanted to share those parts of himself with you.
“Look so pretty, Frankie. So pretty.”
A lazy grin captured Frank’s lips as he looked at you, turning his head slightly to press a gentle kiss to your palm.
“Thank ya, sweetheart. But I gotta agree with Red here. Ain’t nothin’ as pretty as you.”
“Tell me what you see, Frank. Describe her for me.”
Even though it was a demand, there was an echo of desperation in Matt’s voice. Frank’s eyes softened a little more as they flickered behind you to Matt’s face, the smile faltering on his lips, lingering only for a moment before he let his eyes trail over the expanse of your body. The look was so quick, you would’ve missed it if you hadn’t been paying attention. 
“She looks beautiful, Red. So goddamn beautiful. Let me show you.”
Frank spent the next few minutes describing you from head to toe in explicit detail like you were a piece of art on display in Matt’s lap. He gingerly wrapped his hand around Matt’s wrist, directing his fingers along every inch of your body in sync with his own words. Your heart swelled at how gentle Frank was being with Matt, and how much Matt trusted Frank with his own concealed vulnerability to guide him. You weren’t sure if it was your own shuddering breaths or Matt’s that were echoing in your ears at the mix of both men’s hands tracing your skin. Frank’s gruff voice nestled between your thighs as he spoke, as if he was reciting poetry to create a clear picture in Matt’s head. You grabbed onto both of their wrists and squeezed gently, nearly on the verge of tears from how overwhelmed you felt by their shared affection for you and for each other. Matt’s voice was almost hoarse as he spoke quietly.
“Thank you, Frank. Now show her how beautiful she is.” 
For the next hour and a half, Frank and Matt took turns on their knees with their heads buried in your needy cunt. They alternated spots, one pressed up against your back teasing your nipples and fondling your breasts with their mouth latched on your neck as they praised you while the other held your hips hostage against their face with your legs over their shoulders, using their skilled tongue to bring you to euphoria. 
Frank took his time with you, slowly delving his tongue inside you over and over as his large nose continuously bumped against your clit. His grip was firm, but tender, letting you rock your hips against his face as much as you wanted as you tugged him impossibly closer by his dark tresses. He grunted every time you pulled at his grown out hair and the vibrations had your thighs quivering and sent your mind into a frenzy. He drew your orgasm out as long as he could, groaning against your core as he collected every single drop of the ambrosia that he wrung from you. 
Matt tried so hard to take his time with you, but he was so overwhelmed by your scent and his own carnal desire that he couldn’t help himself. He had Frank restrain your hands as he edged you, his grip on your hips almost bruising as he dug his fingertips into your skin. He sucked fervently on your clit, filling the bedroom with obscene slurping sounds as he devoured your pussy. Frank helped hold you in place so Matt could get what he wanted. Every time he could feel you about to come, Matt would slow down and give himself a moment to breathe before diving right back in. He didn’t want it to be over so fast, but he also wasn’t fully able to contain his own selfish need. He would’ve stayed buried between your thighs all night if you let him. 
Eventually Frank couldn’t take your pleading cries of his and Matt’s names anymore and lightly slapped at the back of Matt’s head. When he went to pull away again, Frank grabbed a fistful of Matt’s hair and shoved his face right back into your cunt.
“C’mon Red, listen to her. Let her come. You’ve had your fill, you can come back for more later. She ain’t goin’ nowhere. Let her have it.”
As you descended from your third orgasm of the night, your body felt completely spent. Your eyes felt heavy as you struggled to keep them open, not wanting to miss a second of this spectacle. If this was a one time thing, you wanted every part of it burned into your memory for later, because nothing would ever be as good as this. Frank shifted slightly behind you, and you felt the hardness of his cock brushing against your lower back. A slight gasp left your lips once you realized just how long both of them had been patiently waiting for their own attention. Matt had already been completely hard when he removed his suit, and you had felt the bulge in Frank’s jeans against your ass. A spark of energy jolted you awake as you were suddenly filled with the urge to have your own turn on your knees. 
Frank’s grip tightened on your waist when he felt you move at the exact same time as Matt’s hands clamped down even harder on your thighs.
“Where you goin’, sweetheart?”
“I…what about you and Matty?”
“What about us, angel?”
“I wanna make you feel good too.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout us, honey. Red here is finally gonna make it to heaven when you let him inside that pretty little pussy of yours.”
“And Frank is gonna be so fucking satisfied when he comes inside you, he might not be a complete asshole for an entire week.”
You tried your hardest to wiggle out of their grasps but it was no use. They were a lot stronger than you, and they weren’t budging. You whined as they both chuckled at your pathetic attempt to escape them, seeking out the erect tent in their briefs with your needy hands.
“But I wanna touch…I wanna taste you both, too. Please?”
“This is s’posed to be about you, honey.”
“No, that’s not fair. This is for all of us, not just me. It’s just as much for you and Matty. Isn’t it? Don’t you want my mouth, Frank?”
“Fuckin’ hell sweetheart, course I do.”
“Don’t you Matty?”
“I’d love nothing more than to fuck your mouth, angel. But I’m afraid right now, I’m way too fucking hard, and I wouldn’t be able to last. I don’t want to come unless it’s inside you.”
“I gotta side with Red on this one, darlin’.”
Matt’s hand quickly wrapped around the base of your throat as he leaned in to capture your lips, cutting off your protest entirely. He applied just enough pressure to make your head spin, nipping lightly at your bottom lip before soothing the sting with his tongue.
“Next time.”
Your eyes flew open, grabbing onto Matt’s wrist tightly as he loosened his grip on your neck. He was sitting up on his knees now so that you were face to face, a tender smile tugging lightly at the corners of his mouth. Blinking a few times, you turned your head so that you could look up at Frank.
“Next time?”
Frank glanced down at Matt before looking back at you, a shy smile taking over the left side of his mouth. He leaned in to press a soft kiss to your lips, placing his hand at the base of your neck right below where Matt’s was.
“Next time.”
You immediately gave up on your protest and allowed Frank to pull your body up the bed as he moved backwards. You felt giddy with anticipation, your brain going completely haywire as both of their promises rang deafeningly in your ears.
Next time. There was going to be a next time. 
“How you feelin’ honey? Think you can give us one more?”
“Yes…yes anything.”
Matt chuckled lowly at the desperation in your voice as he climbed onto the bed in front of you.
“Such a good girl. Still taking care of us when it’s our turn to care for you. Tell you what, if you help me out of these, you can touch me. But you have to help Frank too. Can you do that for us, angel?”
“Yes, God yes. Please Matty…let me help.”
“Alright sweetheart, go ahead.”
Your nimble fingers dragged Matt’s briefs down his thighs as soon as he finished his sentence, causing you to gasp when his cock finally sprang free and slapped against his stomach. A quiet sigh of relief left his lips. The head was nearly as deep in maroon as his suit and leaking with desire. As you wrapped your hand delicately around the base of his impressive length, a louder declaration of appeasement slipped past Matt’s lips, jaw going slack and hips jolting forward when you swiped your thumb across the sensitive tip. 
“Easy darlin’, Red’s sensitive. He’s been waitin’ patiently this whole time like a good boy. Ain’t he? Be good to him.”
Matt let out a quiet whimper, and you weren’t sure if it was from Frank’s words or the way you were gently pumping your hand around his cock but it had your walls fluttering either way. You could tell Matt was doing everything he could to not fuck your hand, bottom lip caught between his teeth so hard blood pooled beneath the skin, hips stuttering ever so slightly in time with your movements. His face was a mix of lingering agony and pure pleasure and it piqued your curiosity about just how sensitive he was.
“Are you okay Matty? Do you want me to stop?”
“I…just-shit…fuck that feels good. I-”
“Make him come, sweetheart.”
“Don’t be stubborn. You’ll be ready to go again in five minutes and you know it. Stop fuckin’ torturin’ yourself. Go ahead and give him your mouth, darlin’.”
“But that’s not-”
“Would you just shut the hell up? You ever stop talkin’? Consider it a goddamn peace offerin’. I can wait. I’m not as sensitive and overwhelmed as you. Just fuckin’ take what you’re given, shit. You’re gonna come in two minutes anyway.”
“God-fuck…fine. You get to fuck her first, then.”
“Pleasure doin’ business with ya. Sweetheart, be a good girl and do as you’re told. Let Red have your mouth.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as you parted your lips to take the head of Matt’s cock into your mouth, he was shoving himself down your throat. His hands frantically gripped onto your neck and the back of your head, holding your face in place as he fucked your mouth relentlessly. You opened your mouth as wide as you could and hollowed out your cheeks, wanting to provide him as much pleasure and satisfaction as he had given you. The moans and whines of appreciation that tumbled from his mouth were fucking music to your ears. He looked so beautiful above you, head thrown back in ecstasy and eyes squeezed shut in absolute content. A loud slap cut through Matt’s symphony of fulfillment and his eyes snapped open, slowing the pace of his hips considerably as his brows furrowed in confusion. It took a moment for you to realize that Frank had slapped one of Matt’s hands away from your face.
“Slow down, Matthew. I said use her mouth, not suffocate her. Ease up.”
Your stomach clenched at the hardened warning tone of Frank’s voice. It was also the first time you had ever heard him call Matt by anything other than his nickname for him. Something about it seemed so intimate, and it set your insides ablaze. Matt tipped his head down in your direction, clenching his jaw as he struggled to gain control of himself.
“Fuck…sorry angel, I’m-shit…God just feels so fucking good. Your mouth is so warm…soft. Shit- if this is what your mouth feels like…God-”
You hummed in response, giving his thigh a gentle squeeze and beginning to bob your head to signal for him to keep going. It only took a few more thrusts before warmth coated the back of your throat with a vengeance over and over as Matt finally climaxed. You thanked whatever God was listening that you got to witness the exquisite sight above you of Matt Murdock having an orgasm. It made butterflies erupt in your belly thinking about how soon you’d get to witness the exact same phenomena with Frank Castle.
Matt fell back onto his heels as his chest heaved, panting like he had just ran a fucking marathon. A swell of pride filled your chest as you swallowed every single drop he had offered you, a newfound wave of confidence settling in your veins at the sight of him disheveled before you knowing that you had done that to him. You had brought the Devil of Hell��s Kitchen to his knees and rendered him breathless. And you had no intention of stopping there. 
All night, both of them had been trading control with each other, taking turns in making demands. You weren’t in the mood to trade or take turns. You were in the mood to take. 
As you turned around to face Frank who had a cocky smirk on his lips, you channeled all the power surging through you and shoved roughly at his chest until his back hit the mattress. His body bounced slightly from the impact, the arrogance long gone as his mouth fell open in surprise.
“Take those off.”
“I said take them off, Frank. Be a good soldier and follow your orders.”
Frank’s jaw hung suspended in disbelief. His eyes widened at your command and his pupils dilated slightly. Shock was written clearly across his features, but he obeyed anyway. The second his briefs were down his thighs, your hand was wrapped firmly around his massive cock and he grunted lowly in response.
“You both asked me what I wanted, didn’t you?”
“Yes but-”
“And I said I wanted to touch, didn't I? That I wanted a taste of my own?”
“But we agreed-”
“I changed my mind. You both got to play. It’s my turn. You’d never deny me, would you, Frankie?”
“Angel, we all agreed-”
“Shut up, Matthew. I wasn’t speaking to you. I asked Frank. Frankie, baby?”
“Fuck, course not.”
A cheshire grin split your lips as you slowly worked Frank over in your hand, reveling in the feeling of his velvet heaviness in your palm. His eyes were trained directly on you, watching your every movement. Besides his lust blown pupils and parted lips, he wasn’t giving anything away. The man had been trained to withstand all kinds of torture with an impeccable poker face, but you weren’t having any of that.
“Good. You’re always so good to me, Frankie. You’ve treated me so well tonight, and I know you wanna keep doing that. Don’t you? You wanna fuck me, don’t you?”
“Yes, sweetheart.”
“Then you’re gonna let me play. I can’t have one of my boys taken care of, and not the other. Matthew gets a pass tonight. He was so worked up for so long, and we know it’s hard for him to keep control sometimes. But you’re very good at control, aren’t you Frankie? You’re gonna let me have what he wouldn’t?”
“Yeah…whatever the hell you want.”
“Good boy. Matthew, sit next to Frank. No touching, just listen. You better be ready to go by the time Frank comes in my mouth. Do you understand?”
“Yes…I understand.”
“That’s my good boy. You’ve both made me so proud tonight. Getting along, taking turns, being so good to me, being so good to each other. When I get done with Frankie, we’re all going to get what we want. I can’t wait to have you both. I’ve wanted both of you for so long. Just be patient a little longer, Matty. Let me take care of Frank. He hasn’t gotten to come yet tonight, and that’s not fair to him. Is it?”
Matt crawled around you towards the headboard, settling back against the pillows next to Frank as he stretched his legs out. His chest was still rising and falling rapidly, tongue darting out to wet his lips as his eyes darted back and forth blankly. His cock was already half hard as he shook his head slowly, lightly fisting at the sheets beside him.
“No…no it isn’t. Let him. He deserves it.”
If you could take a picture with your eyes, you would frame the magnificent sight before you above your fucking bed. Frank and Matt, in all their nude glory, shoulder to shoulder beneath you, mouthwatering cocks standing at full alert waiting for your attention. It was impossible not to be filled with condescension when the two most powerful men in all of New York that could easily tear you apart with their bare hands were willingly submitting to your dictation.
Frank stared you down as you lowered yourself between his massive thighs, wrapping your lips around the swollen head of his cock to take into your mouth. He sucked in a deep breath, thighs tensing beside your head as you took him deeper. He was bigger than Matt, which was to be expected due to his stature, but you were determined to fit as much of him into your mouth as you could. You took your time at first, swirling your tongue around the tip slowly before sliding him back down against your tongue. You marveled at the shuddering breaths released from his mouth, but you wanted more.
“Don’t be shy, Frankie. I wanna hear your pretty sounds too.”
It hadn’t taken much to figure out Matt was the more vocal of the two, but you were adamant about breaking Frank’s composure. A quiet grunt sounded from him as you squeezed your hand around the section of him that wouldn’t quite fit in your mouth.
“Tell her how it feels, Frank.”
Matt sounded almost breathless as he spoke, and his eyes were wild with hunger as you glanced over at him.
“Feels good, sweetheart. Feels real damn good.”
“C’mon Frank, you can do better than that. It’s just us. Let it out like I know you can.”
Matt’s words had a fresh wave of arousal slicking your inner thighs. You had so many fucking questions for them. There was clearly something here you were missing. Something they were keeping from you, and you desperately wanted to know everything. Frank’s eyes never left yours, and they were growing darker by the second as if something was brewing behind them. It made your stomach twist with anticipation. You flattened your tongue against the slit on his tip, sucking fervently on the head as your hand twisted around the rest of him. Frank groaned loudly as he weaved his fingers through your hair, giving it a gentle tug.
“There you go. You can pull harder, she likes that. Don’t you angel?”
You moaned in response around Frank’s cock, causing him to let out a heavy grunt as he pulled roughly at your roots. His hips had started to shift upwards in rhythm with your movements, and you’d let him do whatever he wanted as long as he kept making sounds like that.
“Goddamn. You know how to use that mouth, yeah? Shit-no wonder he came so fast.”
“Just think about how good the rest of her is gonna feel. How pretty does she look right now?”
“So fuckin’ pretty. Fuck…wish you could see her. Looks so goddamn good with those pretty lips wrapped ‘round our cocks. Wish we could trade eyes for a minute.”
Only Frank Castle and Matt Murdock were capable of saying such filthy words that also simultaneously warmed your heart. Matt’s lips curved upwards in a delicate smile composed of pure admiration, and it made you melt. You reached your hand out that wasn’t working on Frank to grab onto one of Matt’s, lacing your fingers together and squeezing gently. Frank choked out a moan of surprise when you suddenly took him as deep as you could, feeling his tip brush against the back of your throat and holding him there for a minute until you had to come up for air.
“Fuckin’-shit…do that again. Fuck please…please sweetheart.”
Bracing your palm against Frank’s thigh, you took him once again as deep into your throat as you could, forcing yourself to breathe through your nose. A cry of your name tore through Frank’s chest as he gripped roughly onto your hair, and all at once a steady stream of heat coated the back of your throat. Frank bucked his hips slightly as you swallowed around him, squeezing Matt’s hand tightly as Frank released himself from your mouth.
“Fuck, I want next.”
“Jesus Christ you insatiable bastard, you already had your goddamn turn.”
Matt threw his head back against one of the pillows as he burst into a howl of laughter, bracing his palm against his chest.
“That was before I knew she could do that.”
“Well if you hadn’t been so fuckin’-”
“Boys, please. We’re not finished here.”
“I need a minute, darlin’. Think you just sucked the fuckin’ soul outta me, Jesus.”
Matt absolutely lost it, doubling over in a fit of laughter as your cheeks flamed with heat at Frank’s words. You couldn’t help but giggle, trying to cover your mouth as Frank shot you an insincere glare coupled with a coveted smirk. You hadn’t even noticed Matt had moved behind you until you felt his hands on your waist and the warmth of his breath on your neck.
“Alright, sweet girl. How about you and I start, hm? I bet Frank will be ready to go once he hears those pretty noises of yours. Besides, he likes to watch.”
A sudden gasp flew from your mouth as Matt guided you to straddle Frank’s hips, wondering how the hell he possibly knew that about Frank. God you were reeling with questions.
“I thought he was fucking me first?”
“That was before he got to come. He’s not left out anymore, is he?”
“Go ahead. Be with ya in a minute, sweetheart.”
Frank shot you a wink that would’ve made you fall to your knees had you not already been on them. Matt placed his palm on your lower back, pushing gently so that you were bent over Frank slightly. Frank grabbed onto your hip with one hand, his other coming up to brush his thumb along your cheekbone slowly as he stared up into your eyes. The tenderness and desire in them was so dizzying, it was almost overwhelming. You gripped onto Frank’s shoulders as Matt carefully pushed the blunt head of his cock past your folds, gasping sharply at the slight burn of the stretch.
“Shh…I’ve got you. Just relax for me, sweetheart.”
Matt’s lips brushed delicately along the shell of your ear, and you took a deep breath to steady yourself. A slow moan cascaded from your mouth as he sank his entire length into you, his hand gripping tightly onto your other hip. Matt rested his forehead against your back for a moment once his hips were flush against your ass, an incredulous moan emitting from him.
“Breathe, honey. He’s gonna take care of you, yeah? Ain’t gonna hurt you.”
Frank grunted quietly as you dug your nails into his shoulders, leaving crescent shaped indentations as Matt fucked you slowly from behind. Matt had brought his other hand up to loosely wrap around your throat, pressing his front firmly to your back so there wasn’t even a centimeter of space between you. Matt growled in your ear and it had you clenching around him tightly. 
“Fuck sweetheart…feels even fucking better than I ever imagined. So warm…so tight. Take me so fucking well, angel. So fucking well.”
“You can take Frank too, can’t you?”
Your eyes flew open and you stared down at Frank almost in panic. Matt made you feel so deliciously full. You could feel every ridge and vein as his cock dragged along your walls. You stared down into Frank’s eyes anxiously, all your confidence from earlier seemingly evaporating from your pores. Frank smiled softly up at you, leaning in to brush his lips against yours.
“S’okay if you can’t honey. If it’s too much, s’alright.”
Could you handle them both? The thought seemed ridiculous. Your body was designed to push out a small human, of course you could. But you were nervous. Your cunt had a vice grip on Matt, and Frank was bigger. It would burn, but God it would feel so good once that sting went away. You couldn’t imagine having one without the other. Not anymore. You wanted them both.
“Please Frank…I-I can. I can.”
Matt pressed his cheek against yours as his hand tightened slightly around your neck, digging his fingers a little harder into your hip.
“That’s our girl.”
Frank searched your eyes for any hesitation. He pushed your legs further apart with one of his knees, grabbing the base of his cock and rubbing the head against your clit a few times. Your body jolted forward at the sensation and Matt groaned loudly in your ear. 
“Gonna have to move her a bit.”
Matt pressed his hand against your back until you were laying flat against Frank’s chest, putting his knees on either side of Frank’s. He grabbed onto your hips firmly, raising them a bit so that your back was arched slightly and your ass was pressed against his lower abdomen. Frank gripped onto your waist, pressing his forehead against yours as he positioned himself beneath you.
“Deep breath, sweetheart.”
As Frank pushed the head of his cock through your folds to join Matt, your mouth dropped completely open. Matt stilled behind you as Frank eased his entire length into you inch by spectacular inch. Your mouth still hung open, but you couldn’t make a sound. Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head, and you had to squeeze them shut as you tried to remember how to breathe. A burning sensation seared between your thighs as they both stretched you apart from the inside. It felt like they were fucking splitting you in half. It was almost too much. Matt��s fingers loosened around your throat and his deep voice echoed in your ears.
“Breathe, angel. Let us know when we can move. Take your time.”
You sucked in a gasp of oxygen like you had just emerged from the pits of the ocean. They were everywhere. You could hardly tell where one of you ended and the other began. Frank leaned in to kiss you softly, cradling your face in his large hand. Matt once again slipped his hand between you and Frank, carefully tracing circles over your clit to combat the pain with pleasure. You had never felt so full. So content. So loved.
One of your hands reached behind you to grab onto Matt’s neck as your other gripped onto Frank’s shoulder. You experimentally tried rocking your hips, crying out from the sting of the stretch and the jolts of pleasure that followed.
Matt and Frank started to move their hips in tandem slowly, keeping an intricate pace as you adjusted to having both of them inside you. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. You slowly felt your muscles begin to relax as the tension dissipated, your body feeling looser as pleasure began to overtake the pain. 
“How’s that feel, sweetheart?”
“So fucking good, Frankie.”
Frank’s lips stretched into a proud grin as he brushed his nose against yours, holding your face in his large hand.
“Knew you could, honey. Didn’t we?”
“We knew you’d take us so well, angel.”
Matt pulled back slightly as he felt you getting more comfortable, and your body accommodating them both more easily. He situated himself on his knees behind you, gripping onto your waist tightly.
“Now, ride him while I fuck you.”
Without warning, Matt started snapping his hips against your ass as he drilled into you from behind. A strangled moan of surprise bellowed from your chest, and Frank reached out to grip your waist to hold you steady. You braced your palms flat against his broad chest, whining loudly as Matt pistoned relentlessly inside you. His hand came down hard against your ass and he growled in your ear.
“I said ride him.”
“You heard him. C’mon sweetheart, take what’s yours. Make yourself come on my cock. Show us what a good girl you can be.”
You had half expected Frank to come to your defense like he had throughout the night, but it was like you were back on the roof. Frank was backing Matt, and you had an overwhelming desire to please them both. Gripping onto his shoulders, you began to rock your hips back and forth against his quickly, struggling to find your rhythm with the way Matt was fucking you roughly.
“Move with me, angel. You can do it. Come on, make us proud.”
Frank held onto your waist with one hand and folded his other arm behind his head, staring up at you with the biggest grin on his lips. He was barely moving his hips, letting you do whatever you wanted above him. Matt was right. He did like to watch. He had been letting you and Matt take control for the most part, and right now all you wanted him to do was lose it.
“Please Frankie…please fuck me. Please fuck me like Matty…please…I need your help. Can you fuck me like him?”
Frank’s eyes darkened considerably at your words, and you could hear Matt snickering darkly behind you. Maybe you were wrong about Matt and Frank. Maybe Matt was the one that didn’t hide what he was. Maybe Frank was. Matt hadn’t held back once this entire night, but Frank certainly had. Maybe you didn’t know Frank as well as you thought you did. Maybe there was a part of himself he was concealing. Whatever it was, Matt clearly knew what you were in for better than you did.
“Come on, Frank. She wants to play with the Devil and the Punisher. Let her have it. She’s a big girl, she can handle it. We said we’d ruin her, so help me ruin her.”
Your heart pounded so quickly in your chest you thought it was gonna give out. Frank wasn’t smiling, he was smirking. But it wasn’t the crooked mischievous one you had come to love. No…this one was sinister, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
“Alright, sweetheart. You asked for it. And whatever you want, you get.”
Frank gripped roughly onto your waist to lift your hips before he began to snap his own upwards against yours at an almost inhuman pace. A scream flew from your mouth as he fucked up into you roughly in perfect harmony with Matt who was repeatedly railing into your from behind. You couldn’t form words. The sounds coming from you were downright pornographic and salacious and barely coherent. You grabbed onto his forearms for support and dug your nails so deep into his skin you were shocked you hadn't drawn blood. All you could do was hang on as Frank and Matt did exactly what they promised; they absolutely fucking wrecked you.
The grunts and moans coming from both of them were feral and almost animalistic, tearing from the most primal depths of their chests. They were both gripping and kneading at your flesh with such ferocity, like they couldn’t feel enough of you. You were eager to see the marks they had left tomorrow morning. Frank repeated over and over how good you were, showering you in praise that starkly contrasted with the way he was fucking you. Matt’s fingers never once left your throat, occasionally applying just enough pressure to make you lightheaded. He poured indecent and filthy words into your ear about how perfect you fit around his cock and how badly he wanted you to come so he could fuck you all over again.
It was beginning to be too much. You couldn’t even hold yourself up on your knees anymore. The only reason you hadn’t collapsed was because Frank still had you suspended above him. 
“You gonna come for us, sweetheart?”
“Yeah she is. Any minute now…right angel?”
You couldn’t speak. Couldn’t even nod. All you could do was hang on and fall further and further into Matt Murdock and Frank Castle. Matt chuckled lowly as he pulled your head back against his chest by your neck, brushing his nose along your cheekbone as he inhaled your scent.
“Think we’re fucking her too good, Frank. She can’t even talk.”
“Goddamn if you could see how she looks right now, Red. S’alright pretty girl, we got ya. Go on and make a fuckin’ mess on us. Don’t you dare hold back, yeah?”
“Hold her steady like that Frank. I got her.”
The second Matt’s finger made contact with your clit, you combusted. Your pussy clenched so hard around both of them that it almost hurt. A blinding supernova exploded behind your eyelids and your body suddenly became a live wire, convulsing with every tiny spark of touch. Your lungs burned as you struggled to breathe and all at once you felt like you were floating and made of lead. The distant echo of Matt loudly moaning out your name and Frank howling deeply for you rang in your ears. Your heart fluttered at the thought of your insides being turned into a breathtaking mosaic as the two men you loved most in this world painted you with the most intimate parts of themselves. 
There was an irrefutable peace that settled in your bones once your body stopped shuddering. It felt like you were floating in the middle of the ocean. All the noises around you were jumbled, like your head was underwater. You could just barely make out two voices calling your name. The midnight sky above you was suddenly flashing neon purple and blue, and the twinkling constellations drifting around in front of you morphed into two sets of eyes swirling with deep hazel and dark cocoa. 
“There she is. Had us worried there for a bit, sweetheart.”
Frank’s voice was clear in your ears now. As you blinked the haziness away, both him and Matt finally came back into view. The light from the billboard outside Matt’s apartment was projecting a kaleidoscope of violet and cobalt on the ceiling. You had no idea how long you had been incoherent, but the expression on both of their faces and Frank’s words had you blushing profusely. 
Your voice was hoarse as you spoke. It didn’t even sound like it belonged to you. Both of them exchanged a knowing glance, Matt’s mouth splitting into a wide dimple showcasing grin as he chuckled.
“Hi pretty girl.”
“You alright? Was that too much?”
“I’m amazing. That was…perfect.”
”Hell, I think we can all agree on that. We were worried you weren’t comin’ back to us for a minute there though.”
“I’d never leave you two. I’ll always come back. Promise.”
“Frank, could you grab her a glass of water?”
“Sure thing, Red.”
A tender smile spread across your lips at the way Frank squeezed Matt’s shoulder before making his way out of the bedroom. Matt tilted his head in your direction, eyes fixated almost on yours as he smiled in response. His hand came out to gently cup your face, brushing his thumb lightly along your cheekbone. 
“Where did you go?”
“We did lose you there for a few minutes. We kept saying your name, but you were somewhere else. Where did you go?”
“The stars. Another universe, I think.”
Matt laughed out loud as his grin stretched even further over his mouth, moving to lay beside you as he propped his head up on his other hand.
“We missed you.”
“I found my way back as soon as I could.”
This was the most at peace you thought you had ever seen Matt Murdock look. His hair was disheveled and out of place and his cheeks were lightly twinged pink, but the smile that graced his mouth was absolutely blinding. He looked…happy. Genuinely happy. You couldn’t help but surge forward and capture his lips in a deep kiss. You could feel his smile against your mouth and the warmth of his skin as his hand settled on your waist. 
“Round 2 already? Shouldn’t we wait for Frank?”
“I love you, Matty.”
Matt’s smile faltered only for a second, his eyes widening at your confession. His lips parted as if to speak, but nothing came out. The bed dipped behind you, and you turned your head to see Frank’s gaze shifting between you and Matt. 
“I think you broke him. What’d I miss?”
“I love you, Frankie.”
Frank stilled momentarily, swallowing thickly as he brought the glass of water to your lips and placed his hand on the back of your neck as you gulped generously. 
“Wait…just, let me speak. I mean it. I love both of you. I think I always have I just…if this is a one time thing, that’s okay. I just wanted you both to know. Tonight meant the world to me. I’ve never felt so…happy. No one’s ever treated me so well as you two have and…I really do love when you two get along. I hope that’s not part of this “one time deal” thing. So, Matt Murdock…Frank Castle…I love you. Both of you. If tomorrow morning you both decide you want to act like this never happened-“
“The hell you talkin’ about? Didn’t we say there’d be a next time?”
“Well…yeah but that was-“
“Angel, this isn’t a one time thing. I don’t know about Frank, but I can’t go back to before. Not after I’ve finally had you. It's not a one time thing for me.”
“It ain’t for me either.”
Silence hung heavy in the air after the weight of your confession settled. You suddenly felt self conscious about what you had just admitted, and the urge to run away had your fingers twitching at your sides. Matt tenderly wrapped his hand around your wrist, a gentle smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he stared in your direction.
“I love you, angel.”
Frank slipped into bed beside you, draping his arm lazily over your waist as he brushed his nose along your jawline and pressed a soft kiss to the edge of your mouth. 
“And I love you, sweetheart.”
Your eyes darted frantically between the two of them, still trying to wrap your head around all of the events that had transpired tonight. 
“So…what now?”
“I don’t know ‘bout you two, but I’m fuckin’ exhausted. I say we get some sleep.”
“Frank’s right. It’s been a long night. Let’s get some rest. We can talk in the morning.”
“I’m sorry…did you just…say Frank was right?”
“Don’t start. I’m too tired to put you in your place, and I don’t think you can handle any more than what we’ve already given you.” 
Matt’s tone submissed you into complete silence. Frank chuckled lowly beside you, and you caught his smirk as you met his gaze. He gave a light shrug of his shoulders as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“He may be tired but he ain’t bluffin’. If there’s anything he can do better than take a beatin’ it’s give one. I suggest you behave, sweetheart.”
You closed your eyes for a second as you pressed your thighs together, and Matt groaned loudly beside you. Frank laughed as he pulled the covers over the three of you, snuggling close into your backside as Matt pulled your leg over his waist to get you as close as possible to his chest. For several minutes, you all laid there in comfortable silence, enjoying the feeling of Matt and Frank’s warmth against your skin and the sound of their steady breathing with a promise of more bliss tomorrow. 
“Goddamn, you weren’t kiddin’ about that fuckin’ billboard. You ain’t ever thought to get some curtains?”
“Why would I have a use for curtains, Frank?”
A loud laugh escaped your mouth at Matt’s deadpan before you had a chance to stop it, and Frank’s hand suddenly clamped over your mouth.
“Obviously they ain’t for you, shithead. What about us?”
“Fine. We’ll look at curtains tomorrow. Happy?”
“Fuckin’ peachy.”
Thirty seconds. You had thirty seconds of more comfortable silence before they were back at it.
“You’re fucking joking, right? I mean you can sleep through bullets and explosions and the desert sun, but a billboard is where you draw the line?” 
“It’s right there in the goddamn window, Matthew. For fucks sake, you got a fuckin’ rave goin’ on right now. It might not bother you-“
“Well obviously it can’t bother me Frank-“
“Boys, please. Frankie, you’ve literally slept in far worse conditions. Matty…it is a bit much. We can deal with it tomorrow. Can we please go back to you two being nice to each other and cuddling?” Both of them grunted halfheartedly in response, but it made you smile nonetheless. Because they were your boys. Yours. And no matter how much they drove you, and each other, absolutely crazy, it was all out of love. You loved them. They loved you. Nothing else really mattered.
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luveline · 2 years
baby blurb of spending the night at eddie’s house 🤍
this request was lovely! this was more like the run up but yes it was so fun thank you for your request ♡ fem!reader | 1k words
The first time you stay the night at Eddie's house you almost die. You stand at the bottom of the porch with your backpack on one shoulder and you're so nervous you can feel your heart in your mouth. 
"Don't be a loser," you mutter to yourself. You throw your hands out and make fists that don't make you feel any better. "Don't be a loser."
You're almost pleading with yourself. You'd gotten here at least five minutes ago. Every minute longer spent waiting was another minute of loserdom. 
The door opens and you flinch back, and there your boyfriend stands in his pajamas and converse, car keys swinging in his fingers. 
He smiles as soon as he realises it's you. "Hey! Hey, babe, I was coming to look for you. Thought you'd been murdered."
"Jesus, Eddie," you say, ascending the steps. You stop on the last, looking up as he looks down. There's a secret smile shared between you then. A smile he only gives to you and you only give to him. 
"Was the walk particularly arduous?" he asks lightly. 
"Particularly," you say agreeably. 
He kisses your cheek and catches your hand with little care, tugging you back into his house quickly. 
"It's too cold for you to keep walking over," he says as he closes the door. He tosses his keys in the general direction of a keepsakes bowl and drags you past the living room. 
You giggle as you go. "It wasn't that bad." 
"Whatever, I'll come and get you anyways. I think I actually had, like, a conniption. Kept thinking you'd been Freddy Kreuger'd." 
"That guy with the knife hands?" 
"He was a total perv." 
"He was also a murderer," Eddie says, pushing you gently towards his unmade bed, the space he'd left behind still warm. "I'd say that was the worse part of his character." 
"That's 'cos you're a guy." 
Eddie sits right at the end of the bed and rubs his hand over his cheek like he's thinking before he collapses into the sheets, his arm thrown towards you. You reach over and take his hand, to his evident delight. His eyes close. 
"What are we gonna do all night?" he asks. 
You laugh, startled, because you've been sort of worried he might want to have sex and you're not sure you're ready, but his words are far from salacious. He sounds genuinely puzzled. 
"Well, what do you want to do?" you ask. 
"I don't know. I've never had a girl stay the night before." 
"Nope. You're my first," he says, grinning, and there's a put on lightness to it that lets you know he's aware of the double entendre. 
You smile and hide your nerves well. Just because he made a sex joke doesn't mean he wants to actually mess around. You've hardly gone very far. You're only here because he'd called you and said he missed you, which was… an entire other thing. Fondness for him so fierce that you'd barely thought twice when you said, "Well, I could come over."
He's so pretty, you think, looking over the white valley of sheets to his pale face. He's pretty, and he misses me when I'm not around, treats me like dynamite when I am. Maybe I shouldn't be so worried about everything.
You've been in his room before. Now, in the dark, it's different. It feels smaller. 
"I really did miss you," he says, like he can read your mind. You fail to suppress a grin as he pulls your hand to his mouth and leaves it there. His kiss is almost absent-minded, a soft press of his lips and then more silence. 
"I missed you too," you say, because you do, all the time.
You don't know if it's what you're supposed to do but you curl up into a ball next to him. Your smile feels almost sticky with fondness, like you have to peel your lips apart to talk. "I really missed you. I'm glad you missed me enough to call me."
"I'm glad you missed me enough to come. I really am gonna come and get you, next time." 
You sniff. "Sure, s'long as you don't smoke first." 
He grins. "Deal. No high driving." 
"Thank you."
He kisses your knuckles again though with more purpose this time and then drops your hand to his chest, face to the ceiling. 
You look up too. 
"I'm trying to think of what we're gonna eat." 
"What do you have?" 
He chuckles and it's a burst of sound. "Who knows. Fucking… condiments?" 
"Condiments," you repeat, throwing your free hand to your forehead with a dramatic, dreamy sigh. You drop the act quickly, which only furthers his smile. 
"Fuck it. We'll get pizza or something." 
"We could watch A Special from the Spectrum," you suggest. 
Eddie sits up and let's go of your hand, but only so he can lean over you, hands braced either side of your waist. "Now why would you wanna watch that? You don't like Dio." 
"I don't not like Dio. Just don't see why you'd leave Sabbath to-" 
Eddie slaps his hand over your mouth. "Sacrilege." 
"I didn't even say anything," you protest, muffled by his fingers. 
"I could feel it coming." 
You kiss his palm and he gets a warm look about him, his eyelashes pinched in the corners as he squints with a smile. He moves his hand to your cheek, the damp stripe of your kiss sliding over hot skin. 
You're expecting a messy, slow kiss. It's a surprise when he starts, tiny short kisses like seeds over your features, your cheeks and your chin and your bottom lip. They flower, tingling warmth under your skin as he pulls back. 
"You're seriously something. You look…" he dots another kiss close to the corner of your eye. "Really pretty." 
"Eddie," you murmur. 
He pulls back and you grin at each other. 
"Wait until you see me in my pajamas," you joke. 
He gets impossibly brighter. "I can't wait. Seriously." 
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orinfucker · 8 months
devilish intent
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summary: being an adventurer in the lower city was growing quite boring, so why not sneak into the home of the devil himself! surely nothing could go wrong, right?
warnings: darkish content, manipulation, rough sex, throat fucking, threesome (harleep & raphael), degradation, dom!harleep, dom!raphael, biting, blood, overstimulation, begging, dumbification, fem!reader, breath play, dacryphilia, dubious consent, hair pulling, slight praise
note: i dont think there are words to describe how filthy this is. i've been working on this for awhile cus i was trying to find inspo but i'm pretty happy with how this turned out! enjoy <3
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this is was a comically bad idea. what led you to make the decision to sneak into a devil’s home? boredom - an emotion that many other people would deem easily avoidable. a normal individual would go to a bar, perhaps take a walk around the city, maybe even find a companion for the night; but not little old you.
you’ve heard whispers around the streets of people sneaking into this so-called ‘house of hope’. at first, you brushed it off as some silly fairytale - there was no way that normal folk could find a way inside a devil’s house. well, that was until you had stumbled into the devil’s fee on a particularly stormy night. you had just stopped there to wait out the weather, allowing your now soaked clothes to dry off in the midst of this peculiar shop.
you found yourself carelessly browsing around the store, observing the various skulls and mementos scattered across tables. “ah, welcome to the devil’s fee!” a feminine voice spoke from behind the wooden counter, drifting your attention from the objects to the woman herself. “oh, um, hello!” you awkwardly replied with a wave of your hand, approaching the owner at the counter. she watched the way you nervously shuffled over towards her, an eerie grin manifesting itself on her face.
“are you looking for anything in particular, dear?” she paused, “or perhaps somewhere in particular?” you looked at the woman with a confused expression, what did she mean by somewhere? with a shake of your head you replied, “oh no, just waiting out the storm!” the woman frowned, but soon she began to smile again. “you look like quite the adventurer; have you ever considered going somewhere more, extravagant?” a sense of intrigue flooded your body before you sheepishly nodded at the strange woman. “where exactly are you talking about?” thunder erupted the moment you finished your sentence, your body twitching from the loud sound.
“why, the house of hope, of course!” she exclaimed with excitement in her voice. “i have the means to get you there without a soul knowing.” it was a convincing offer, you hadn’t had much excitement in months - so why not give it a shot? “i assume you’re not charging for free?” the girl laughed with a shake of her head. “of course not, i’ll take you there for the right price.” she hesitated before continuing, “fifteen thousand gold and i’ll give you the instructions.” you nearly choked on your own spit; fifteen thousand? maybe you were stupid, or just insanely desperate, but before you could think even further you were handing this stranger a pouch of gold.
“a pleasure doing business; here’s the instructions on how to make the portal, just head upstairs and it’ll all be there for you, dear.” her finger pointed to the staircase at the right of the counter as she handed you a small book, a piece of paper and a golden key. “ah, thank you..” she smiled at your pause before replying, “helsik, dear.”
you gave a polite nod before ascending up the stairs, a feeling of anxiety coursing through your veins the closer you got towards the door. you slid the key helsik had given you into the hole, a soft click! signaling that it was unlocked. you breathed in heavily before finally stepping into the room, rows of bookshelves filled the walls as various tables flooded the corners.
your eyes caught sight of a pentagram drawn in blood on the floor, the one you assumed you’d be using to enter this devil’s home. you began to read the list of items you’d need to grab as you aimlessly searched around helsik’s room to find them. after locating the variety of objects, you began to align them on the pentagon in accordance to how it was described.
you noticed how each item lit up into a hue of orange the moment you placed them on the point of the star, almost like they were set on fire. once the final object was placed, you watched as the wooden floor transformed into what you assumed was a portal; a void of black consumed the center as the rest of the star glowed a bright orange.
‘this is such a bad idea.’ you thought while placing the instructions back into your bag, your eyes scanning over the mass of black you’d have to eventually step into. with a nervous sigh, you stepped one foot into the center, and felt your enter body get sucked into the ground. your eyes squeezed shut for just a moment, and before long you felt yourself land onto what you assumed was your destination.
as you slowly opened your eyes, a wave of heat washed over you; beads of sweat beginning to spill from your pores. you finally began to take in your surroundings, a series of pillars pulsing with some sort of magic stood in each corner of the room you’d appeared in, and a massive door placed itself at the front of the room.
you slowly approached the door before lightly pushing it open, revealing what you assumed to be a dining room of some sort. various plates of food were scattered across the table, making your mouth salivate for just a moment. your legs began to move on their own as a sense of clarity washed over your mind - you had never seen a place like this on all of the journeys you’d been on. after walking throughout the halls for a few minutes, you stumbled across a doorway that was blocked by a magic barrier.
a frown appeared on your face, but you quickly noticed a opening that led to the outer parts of this odd place. you approached the ledge with caution before clumsily jumping onto the rocks below, steading yourself before walking amongst the ragged path.
as you began to grow closer to the blocked off room, you noticed a bed was placed against one of the walls. ‘must be the owner’s bedroom.’ you approached the railing fairly quickly, hoisting yourself atop it before quietly dropping to the floor. your eyes quickly caught sight of something— no, someone laying on the bed you had saw earlier.
anxiety rushed through your veins as you started to plan out your next move, maybe they wouldn’t notice if you snuck towards the doorway. with a shaky breath, you began to stealthily walk towards the front of the room. “and where do you think you’re going, little mouse?” your entire body froze in terror, a gasp escaping from your throat. “u—um,” you stuttered, unable to form a coherent thought to reply with.
“aren’t you just a cute little thing.” the voice spoke, their tone bordering on erotic. you finally found the courage to turn and face them, your entire body flushing with pink as you did so. their skin was a deep red, wings splayed across the pillows as horns protruded from their head. the most striking component, however, was the skimpy bondage that brandished their body.
a daring smirk spread across the devil’s face as their eyes seemed to see right through you, eyeing the entirety of your being. “i, um, didn’t know there was someone in here.” you finally spoke, trying to claw your way out of this mess before anything extreme happened. the devil was silent in response, the same expression cast upon their face as your eyes moved between them and the doorway. “i’ll just, um, make my way out of here!” a laugh erupted from the creature before you heard a creak come from the bed, signaling they were moving about.
“oh raphael is going to love this.” they spoke before leaning against the headboard, one of their arms resting behind their head as they peered at you. “come pet, i must know why you’re here.” with a nervous sigh, you walked towards the bed, sitting on the edge carefully before fiddling with the skin on your fingers. you felt their gaze burning into the flesh of your thighs before finally shifting to your face, their tongue coming out to lick the skin of their lips
. “go on, tell me why you’ve come.” you paused, unsure if you should be truthful or not. “i was, uh, bored.” silence filled the room, and for a moment you thought this might be where your end is, until laughter began to echo throughout the room. “oh that’s, that’s quite the reason!” the devil calmed themselves before leaning forwards, one of their hands brushing against the plump of your leg before landing on the sheets besides it.
“this is very naughty - what shall i do with you?” they paused for a moment to think, before a sinister grin clouded their expression. “how about we play a game, hm? if you win, i’ll give you everything you desire.” you looked at the devil, an anxious feeling rising in you. “and if i lose?” they stifled a laugh before trailing one of their hands against the side of your thigh, “well, you’ll enjoy yourself much more if you do.” you looked into their eyes for a moment, getting lost in them as they trailed their hand further and further up your thigh until it brushed against your center.
a whimper caught in your throat, and before long, you whispered a quiet yes, allowing the devil to play whatever game they had mentioned. they smirked before standing up from the bed and walking towards where you sat, towering over your quivering form.
“on your knees, pet.” your entire body felt like it was on fire, lust flowed through your veins as you felt yourself obey every word that left the devil’s lips. as you shifted from your spot on the bed, a hand rested itself on the top of your head, guiding your body to its knees. “such an obedient toy, we’re going to have lots of fun together.” as they reached to pull down the fabric that covered their cock, they paused for a moment before bringing their free hand to cup the underside of your chin, tilting it upwards so you could look in their eyes.
“would you like to know my name, mouse?” you nodded, feeling yourself melt into the devil’s touch. “i am harleep, raphael’s personal incubus.” harleep noticed your head tilt at the mention of raphael, forgetting that you had zero idea of who he was. “raphael is the master of this house, pet. it’s quite impressive you managed to get here without him noticing.” they watched you nod in acknowledgment, unaware of the consequences there would be when raphael did return home.
“such a naïve girl you are.” harleep whispered to themself before finally tugging down the fabric of their underwear, revealing the sight of their hardened cock. your eyes widened at the sight, and you felt yourself grow nervous at the thought of having to take it. harleep guided the tip of their cock to your lips, pushing it past them before finally entering your mouth. “gods - that’s it, take it down your throat.” your eyes glossed over with tears the further harleep’s cock moved down your throat, the incubus letting out low growls as they began to slowly thrust into your mouth.
trails of saliva began to drip from the sides of your mouth as their thrusts became more rough, the tip of their cock brushing against the back of your throat with each move of their hips. all you could do was gag and moan around them as they used your mouth like it was some toy, their hand tangling into your hair to support the weight of your head.
“you take my cock so well, pet. maybe i should- ah, keep you around.” you whimpered around their length, unable to utter a word as they sloppily fucked into you. harleep’s grip in your hand tightened as they started to let out animalistic moans, their head leaning backwards while the speed of their thrusts quickened. within a moment, you felt them push once more into your throat before feeling hot spurts of cum spill from their cock.
warmth filled your mouth as the liquid began to dribble down your throat, burning the flesh of it in the process. “good girl - swallow every drop of it.” you could barely breathe as harleep’s cock stayed pressed against the depths of your throat, forcing you take all of their cum. once they were satisfied, harleep finally removed themself from your mouth, leaving you to cough up wads of spit onto the ground below. they watched in amusement as you wiped the saliva from your lips, a look of disgust in your eyes as you peered up at the incubus.
“is that,” you began to cough once more, your throat aching from the abuse harleep had caused. “is that all you wanted?” before they could respond, you caught sight of their eyes drifting from your own to the front of the room, their expression shifting from lustful to one you couldn’t quite read. confusion washed over you until suddenly, the sounds of heavy footsteps began to approach from the doorway. “ah raphael, welcome home.” harleep finally spoke, and it was at that moment you realized how incredibly fucked you were.
raphael was about to greet the incubus before he finally noticed your disheveled form on the ground, his eyebrow cocking upwards as he looked over at harleep for a brief moment. “harleep, who is this pest on the ground?” the devil glanced back over towards you, eyeing your body before finally putting the pieces together in his head. “it seems they found a way in here, i’m shocked you didn’t notice them here sooner.” raphael hummed before approaching you, your body quivering in fear as the man crouched in front of you. “it seems harleep has already had their fun with you.” he paused for a moment to think, and you thought that maybe he would have some mercy on you and allow you to leave.
“i—i’m so sorry for intruding in your home, mister.” your voice was barely above a whisper as you spoke, too nervous to allow yourself to speak any louder. “please, please let me leave; i promise to never come back here again.” you were practically begging at this point, your eyes pleading with the devil to have sympathy towards you. raphael looked towards you with a dark smile as you begged, enjoying how desperate you sounded before finally reaching his hand out to cup the side of your cheek. “i can’t just let you off easily, little mouse. you broke into my house uninvited - i think you deserve to punished.”
you shook your head repeatedly at his proposal, trying to yank yourself away from the man’s grip on your face. raphael clicked his tongue at your resistance, an annoyed sigh brushing past his lips before allowing himself to stand up, releasing his hold on you. “how disappointing, i expected you to be more compliant.” as he spoke, you took this an opportunity to attempt an escape, your legs shaking as you tried to make a run towards the door.
seconds went by before you felt the grip of a hand on your arm, a scream erupted from you as your body was thrown face down onto the bed, another hand knotting it’s way into your hair to hold your weight. “looks like we have a brat on our hands.” raphael hissed out, his nails digging into the flesh of your arm. you assumed harleep’s hand was the one in your hair, their grip bordering painful as drool began to leak from you lips from the pressure. “they were such an obedient thing for me.”
your legs thrashed around the sheets as you attempted to free yourself from their grip, yet it proved to be futile as you felt a heavy slap against your rear - causing a whimper to escape from you. raphael leaned across your backside, his lips brushing against your earlobe before whispering into your ear, “unless you want to get hurt, i suggest you stop squirming.” your legs went stiff at his threat, any resistance you once had vanishing from your mind. a satisfied noise left raphael as he placed a kiss against the back of your neck, lifting himself up from your backside.
harleep’s grip released from your head, allowing you turn it to the side to glance at the incubus, their eyes already piercing into your own. raphael’s hand gripped the back of your pants as he harshly pulled them down to your ankles, your clothed cunt now on display for the devil. his hand hand came up to brush against the fabric, rubbing the length of your cunt with his palm. whines slipped past your lips as his ministrations continued, you teeth sinking into your bottom lip to muffle your noises. “aht, don’t hide your voice from us, mouse.” you heard harleep say from besides you, their body now sat next to your own on the silk sheets of the bed.
you hadn’t realized your hips grinding back into raphael until a heavy hand came to grip your waist, stopping your movements completely. a finger slipped past the fabric of your underwear, teasing the lips of your pussy before dipping into your dripping hole for just a moment. “such a needy thing, aren’t you?” raphael spoke from behind you, his finger slowly thrusting in and out of your cunt while moans began to leave your mouth. “shut— ngh, up.”
suddenly, you felt raphael grip a handful of your hair, yanking your body until it was flush against his own. “shut that bratty mouth of yours.” a wave of confidence washed over your body while a smirk appeared on your face as you spoke. “make me.” it was silent for a moment until the grip in your hair lessened, the hand now trailing to wrap around the entirety of your throat, the pressure of it cutting off your airflow. one of your hands flew up to grab raphael’s wrist, desperately trying to move his hand away as tears welled up in your eyes from the pressure on your neck.
you caught sight of harleep moving to stand in front of you, one of their hands coming up to caress the sides of your cheek, wiping away the tears that now stained your face. the incubus slowly leaned down and captured your lips in a messy kiss, their teeth digging into your own as blood began to spill from them. your mind felt dizzy from the two sensations - raphael’s hand gripping your throat as harleep’s lips pressed against your mouth; it was all too much for your body to handle. not even a second later, you felt harleep break away from you as raphael’s hand released your neck, a sigh escaping you from the relief.
heavy breaths were all that filled the room as you slowly came back to your senses, your eyes blinking away the tears that were left. you felt raphael’s lips brush against your ear as he leaned forward, his hand still resting against the flesh of your neck. “are you going to behave now?” you quickly nodded your head in response, not daring to disobey the devil after his display just moments ago. his free hand began to trail down your front until it slipped into the fabric of your underwear, his fingers drawing slow circles on your clit. “words, pet.” whimpers left your lips at his ministrations, and you desperately tried to muster up a response. “y—yes, yes!”
a satisfied noise left raphael as his fingers began to quicken, your head falling limp against his shoulder at the sensation. you suddenly felt harleep’s fingers sneak into your underwear as well, teasing your aching hole before finally slipping them into you. moans escaped you repeatedly as the two toyed with your cunt, your eyes rolling into the back of your skull as you felt harleep’s digits reach the deepest parts of you. “you’re squeezing so nicely around me, mouse.” harleep exclaimed, the thrust of their fingers quickening as they heard you whimper at their words.
“what a filthy girl you are.” raphael groaned from behind you as his free hand began to slide underneath your shirt before finally reaching your breasts, his fingers roughly pinching at your nipple. jolts of pleasure coursed through your body from raphael’s touches, your stomach beginning to ache as your orgasm began to grow closer. “ngh— ‘m, i’m gonna cum!” you moaned, the walls of your cunt pulsing with every move of harleep’s fingers against them. your clit ached at the pace of raphael’s digits against it, your thighs squeezing against the two’s hands from the stimulation.
sweat dripped from your forehead as you felt the cord within you threaten to snap, just one more thrust and you’d be thrown over the edge. but, with no warning, you felt both of the creatures movements pause, their fingers sitting idly against your cunt. you let out an annoyed whine from the loss of movement, your head leaning back to peer at raphael with begging eyes. he looked down at you for a moment before switching his attention to harleep, a smirk growing on his face as he began to speak.
“do you think our pet deserves to cum?” raphael asked the incubus, his fingers beginning to tease your clit while he spoke. harleep thought for a second, staring into your doe eyes before looking back at the devil. “perhaps we should make them beg, hm?” raphael chuckled at their response as the two returned their focus to you.
they both looked at you, seemingly waiting for you to say something. your mind was clouded, not a thought swimming around in the innards of your head. “go on, beg.” you finally heard raphael say, his fingers speeding up the pace at which he toyed with your clit. harleep’s fingers began to move inside you as well, their eyes focused on watching them thrust in and out of your hole.
“pl—please!” you managed to huff out, trying your best to convince the two to let you release. “how cute.” without warning, you felt a slap against your cunt, a shocked whimper echoing off the walls. “but i’m not convinced, try again.” you sucked in a heavy breath, still recovering from the impact on your pussy. “please, please let me c-cum.”
harleep thrusted particularly hard after your words, a choked sob escaping you as their fingers brushed against your soft spot. “you can do better then that, little mouse.” once again, you gathered whatever words you could muster up. “pleasepleaseplease! need to— cum, can’t hold it!” you were practically screaming at this point, the knot in your stomach growing bigger and bigger as they started to speed up their movements. raphael’s lips brushed against your earlobe, his hot breath making the skin flush with red. “cum for us, pet.”
time seemed to slowed as your release finally washed over you, a series of whines and whimpers flooded the bedroom while your body shook with pleasure. the two devil’s continued to work you through your orgasm, their fingers abusing every part of your cunt. all you could do was allow yourself to be consumed by the feeling, every touch on your skin felt like pure bliss as you calmed from your release, the fingers of the two creatures finally letting up.
raphael left a row of kisses along the side of your neck while harleep consumed your lips in a fiery kiss, their tongue exploring the cavity of your mouth. you moaned into the incubus’s mouth before they moved away, your breath being taken away from the messy kiss.
your body melted into raphael’s as his hands began to caress your sides, allowing you gain back some strength. there were no thoughts left in your mind at this point, all you felt was lust and pleasure coursing through your veins. harleep took one of your hands within their own as they guided your body towards the bed, positioning yourself in their lap while they leaned against the headboard.
raphael watched as the two of you relaxed into one another, your back pressed against harleep’s front as their hands rested on the top of your waist. you could feel harleep’s cock pressed against your back, the organ slowly hardening the more you shifted against the incubus. the bed sunk as raphael crawled over towards you, his hand massaging the flesh of your thigh as he kneeled in front you.
your eyes began to feel heavy as you laid against the incubus, exhaustion washing over your body as your eyelids began to droop. “wake up, pet.” harleep spoke from behind you, their hand wrapping around your front as they trailed it down towards your sensitive cunt. raphael began to slowly open your legs, his tongue coming out to lick his lips at the sight of your pussy.
harleep suddenly took hold of your hips, lifting your body up to hover right above their cock. you could feel the tip brush against your clit, causing a whine to slip from your lips at the feeling. raphael watched as you attempted to squirm away from the incubus’s hold on you, your legs shaking as they practically straddled harleep’s cock.
harleep easily overpowered your movements, their hold on you tightening as they began to lower you onto their dick. you could feel your hole stretching open as you sunk down further, your fingers digging into the sides of harleep’s thighs the deeper they went. “t—too much!” raphael smirked at your words, watching as harleep’s cock was only halfway into you. “you can take it, dear.”
you took a deep breath in before finally feeling harleep’s cock bottom out inside of you, a hearty groan leaving them as their nails dug into the flesh of your waist. “so tight.” they practically growled out as your cunt squeezed against their length. your back was flush against harleep’s chest, ragged breaths leaving you as your body attempted to adjust to the foreign feeling.
harleep slowly started to grind their hips up into you, their cock brushing against your cervix with each move of their body. choked sobs left you as they continued their movements, and you could already feel an orgasm bubbling up inside of you. raphael crawled closer to your body as his hand moved up the length of your thigh before finally landing on your clit, his fingers slowly brushing against the nerve to add another layer of pleasure.
moans flooded from your lips as the two continued their assault on you, your cunt burning as harleep’s cock began to slowly thrust in and out of you. “cum— gonna cum!” you felt raphael’s fingers speed up at your words, his face drawing closer to yours before crashing his lips against your own. you whined into his mouth while his tongue slipped into your own, exploring the insides of it before quickly moving away.
harleep’s lips brushed against your ear before whispering a quiet ‘cum for me’ into it. your entire body shook with pleasure as you came, whimpers leaving you as your cunt spasmed against harleep’s cock. raphael’s fingers slowed and moved away from your swollen clit, a smirk on his face as he admired your current state. harleep, once again, grabbed the length of your torso to lift you off their cock, a hiss escaping you at the feeling.
sweat dripped down your forehead as your eyes connected with raphael's, his brown ones scanning the exhaustion present on your face. "turn around." he commanded, and you immediately obeyed. once you had adjusted yourself, a heavy hand landed on the small of your back before pushing down slightly, signaling for you to arch.
raphael's other hand was busy rubbing to fat of your thigh, watching as your cheek connected with the silk sheets right below harleep's cock. with a snap of his fingers, the remainder of his clothes vanished, leaving his hardened cock to press against his stomach. you could hear the bed creak as he positioned himself behind you, his cock now brushing against the flesh of your cunt.
you sucked in a quick breath as you felt raphael slowly entering you, a moan leaving his lips as your hole clenched around him. your fingers curled into the sheets the deeper he reached, the tip just barely brushing against your cervix before bottoming out. one of harleep's hands came down to soothingly pet your head as you let out a plethora of muffled sobs, your body shaking at the sensation.
raphael pulled away for a moment, his cock almost leaving you completely before thrusting back into you completely, the both of you letting out moans at the feeling. he moved at an almost monstrous pace, not giving you a moment to catch your breath. "s-slow down!" you could hear him laughing at your words, one of his hands now tangling itself into your hair as he pulled your body to press against his chest.
"slow down?" raphael questioned, a hint of mockery in his voice. "you say that, yet your clenching around me so nicely." you could feel his breath against your ear as he spoke, your fingers now digging into the skin of his thigh. harleep watched in amusement at the scene unfolding in front of them, their hand wrapping their cock as they began to slowly pleasure themselves at the sight of you two.
that familiar knot in your stomach began to bubble again as raphael roughly fucked into you, your walls burning as he refused to lessen his pace. he could sense that you were close to cumming at the feeling of your cunt spasming around him, and he took that as a chance to guide his fingers down towards your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves with haste.
"fuck- raphael," you realized far too late that his name had slipped past your lips, yet you felt no shame in doing so. the devil chuckled as his hips pounded against your own, amused at your fucked out state. "so desperate, hm?" a whine was all you replied with, drool dripping from your lips as it pooled on the sheets below you. "you know, ngh- i think i'll keep you, mouse." raphael spoke lowly as he felt his own release approaching.
you whimpered at his words, the thought of having this again made your body shiver with arousal. "oh you'd like that, wouldn't you?" you nodded eagerly, not quite understanding what you just signed up for. "my own little plaything," he paused, his eyes connecting with harleep's for a moment before correcting himself. "our little plaything." just as his words finished, an orgasm washed over you, your body convulsing at the pleasure.
raphael quickened his thrusts at the feeling of your release, growls leaving him as he felt himself grow closer to the edge. just as he was about to pull out, a grin spread across as face before he leaned forward, his lips brushing against your ear. "do you want me to fill you up, pet?" you almost came again at his words as you nodded, your cunt clenching in anticipation. "pleasepleaseplease-"
he let out a small chuckle, "such an eager pup." raphael sped up his thrusts once again before finally feeling the knot snap inside of him, a whine brushing past his lips as his seed began to spill into your cunt. mantras of his name left you at the feeling of his cum coating your walls, the pleasure was unlike anything you had ever felt before. raphael stayed inside of you for a moment, allowing himself to come down from his high before finally slipping out of you.
your body fell limp against him, a feeling of numbness washing over you as you tried to regain some of your senses. raphael waited until your breathing had calmed down to move away, his clothes reappearing the moment he stood from the bed. "harleep, be a dear and get them washed up." the incubus hummed in acknowledgement as they also stood from their spot, beginning to search for a fresh pair of clothes for you to wear.
raphael's eyes drifted from harleep to you, admiring the number he had done on you. "get some rest, pet. i'll be expecting you to be ready for another round once i've finished my work for the day." he leaned forwards to leave a quick kiss on your forehead before turning to leave. "and harleep," you heard him say gaining the other devils attention, "do be gentle on them while i'm gone." your eyes widened, turning towards the creature who let out a chuckle in response.
"no promises, they are truly irresistible."
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Prompt: Prank
Word count: 657
It had been a joke.
A stupid, 'harmless' prank.
It hadn't been that malicious, he knew, because nobody knew.
Well, except Sirius and his own roommates, but they had nothing to do with it.
But Snape and a couple of his cronies had thought it would be hilarious to throw Regulus into the Black Lake.
And he was wearing his school shirt. His white school shirt.
And when it became soaked with water, it had turned see-through. See-through enough to see the binder underneath.
And suddenly, his secret was out. The secret he'd been working for years to hide.
And the worst part about it?
James Potter had been only fifty feet away.
Close enough to hear Snape disgustedly exclaim about the outline on Regulus's chest.
James Potter, who he'd had a massive crush on for ages. Who was finally looking at him instead of Lily fucking Evans. Who had been flirting with him the past few weeks.
He'd wanted to scream. To shrink upon himself. To disappear forever.
But instead, he'd run.
He'd run all the way to the top of the Astronomy Tower, trying to avoid the entire population of Hogwarts. If he was lucky, he could live there until graduation and then become a recluse, writing or living off the land, (even though he hated nature).
But of course James Potter ruined that plan.
Because all too soon, he heard a voice call, "Reggie? I know you're up here!"
"Fuck off, Potter," he replied softly, trying not to let his voice betray his embarrassment and hurt.
"Fat chance," James replied, ascending the last step and trying to meet his eyes.
Regulus started stubbornly downward. "Why are you here, Potter?"
"Well I would have been here sooner but I had to deal with Snape first. The month of detentions was well worth it," James said with a small chuckle.
Regulus didn't look up.
"Stupid prat will be bald for at least a month. There's no counter-curse. He doesn't even have eyebrows."
He couldn't help himself. Regulus gave a single snort.
"Reggie..." James murmured, gently touching Regulus's elbow.
He looked up, ice-gray eyes meeting hazel. He almost gasped at the intensity of the look James was giving him.
"...I wish you had told me. I...I'm not gonna lie, It made me a bit mad that you didn't."
And there it was. The admission that James felt differently now. That they would never work. "Well, obviously it's not that easy, James. It's not easy to just tell people, especially when they react all horrified like Snape or you!"
James looked bewildered. "Hor- Regulus, I'm not horrified! I just wish you had told me because I would have told you ages ago that it doesn't matter!"
Regulus froze at that.
"I mean, it matters. Like obviously, it matters that, erm, you have to deal with...I dunno, all the things you have to deal with. And all the stupid people, like Snape. Like...your feelings matter, right? But-" James started to blabber, mistaking Regulus's silence for anger.
"James, stop."
He stopped.
"Why...why did you come here?" Regulus asked, heart hammering in his chest.
James looked confused, like the question was unnecessary. "I wanted to be sure you were okay!"
"But why did you come here? Rather than send Sirius? Or Evan or Barty?" Regulus pushed.
The taller boy raised his eyebrows and turned a bit pink. "Oh, erm...I mean, I think I've been pretty obvious about how I feel, haven't I?"
"About?" Regulus breathed, allowing James to move closer to him, to completely take up his space. But he smirked, because he had, of course, been flirting back, and he snaked both of his arms around James's neck to make his own opinion clear.
James grinned. "Menace."
As their lips met, Regulus decided maybe he and James could become recluses together, because he was not allowing the other boy out of his arms anytime soon.
171 notes · View notes
xhoneygirlxx · 10 months
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Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
summary: all the phases of your relationship with Eddie. Based off of the song 'Woman' by Mumford and Sons.
warnings: reader and Eddie are both in their 20's. talks of bad upbringings, bad relationships, reader gets cheated on. swearing, fluff, angst, smut. 18+ MINORS DNI. if there are any grammar errors, no there's not :) the ending feels rushed so lets not talk about it.
a/n: hi guys i'm honey and this is the first time I've written something since I was 15. I'm not new to this fandom but this page is, so I hope to write more things over time. Please be kind to me or else I'll cry.
The golden rays of the sun filter in from the open window, cascading a pretty glow into the bedroom. A gentle breeze flits through the room, carrying the songs from the birds in the trees. Eddie’s not too sure what time it is, how long he’s been awake, or if he even fell asleep, all he knows is he’s been staring at you. He knows how creepy it might be to do so, he just can’t help it. How beautiful you look shimmering in the morning sunlight like some sort of religious being, a true picture of a goddess laid beside him - his own personal Aphrodite. He marvels at you like you’re a painting on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. His eyes trace over your features, soaking them all up so he can remember you like this for the rest of his life. Everything about you is perfect, a statue carved from marble by Michelangelo himself.
He’s intoxicated by the scent of you, the vanilla soap you used the night before when you took a shower after work, filling his nose with every breath he takes. His fingertips slowly drag along your skin as he maps out the slope of your body. His touch is featherlight, too worried that his calloused fingerprints will ruin the softness of your skin. He always wonders how you manage to be so soft all year round, albeit knowing you always moisturize, he likes to think it’s all you and not some expensive ass lotion.
Your hair is a bit messy from being tossed and turned on all night, and yet it has never looked so perfect to him, he would never mention it to you knowing you’d scoff in disagreement. Every once and a while, your eyebrows pull together or your lips twitch. He likes to think you’re dreaming of him.
Eddie is one hundred percent sure that if it wasn’t for the steady rise and fall of your chest and the soft snores falling from your lips anchoring him to the bed, he'd ascend into the clouds above. Eddie Munson is not a religious man, but he thanks whatever God is up above for sending an angel like you to him. He never understood the people who hand out pamphlets about religions, devoting their whole being for their God, but now he does because he’d do it for you. The poor son of a bitch would build churches and museums in your honor, scream from rooftops, move mountains, and ultimately sacrifice himself for you. Even if it’s sacrilegious to pray to a statue of you, he’d do it every day and night, asking for salvation. No, he wasn’t a religious person but for you, he would be.
From the time Eddie was born, the cards that were dealt to him were just unfair. His mom and dad never loved each other, always screaming and fighting every day creating a war zone instead of a household. After his mom left and his dad was shipped off to prison, his Uncle Wayne took him in. Although he and the older man loved one another, they never really said it, only ever showing it by doing little things for each other. Every father’s day he’d save up money from doing odd jobs around the trailer park to get Wayne a new mug. Wayne always picked up new patches for Eddie to sew on to his clothes or guitar strings anytime he had the extra cash. It was unspoken but they knew they loved one another like father and son.
When he got to high school, girls never looked his way and if they did they never wanted to keep him. Doing whatever they could for a deal on some bud and leaving. It became a routine for the metalhead, he’d get off, they’d get cheaper weed, and they’d go their separate ways. Eddie knew he was disposable and that was fine with him. Hell he was used to it by now, his parents didn’t want him, the girls at school and the hideout didn’t want him either, but he had Wayne and his friends. That's all he needed. Until he met you.
It was a shitty September day, the kind of shitty where it’s nothing but gray clouds and no hint of the sun. Leaves had started to die away, slowly falling one by one just to be picked up and whirled around by the wind. The chill of the air started to colder by the time Eddie had left work. If the weather wasn’t miserable enough, the customers he’d dealt with definitely were. One by one they crept into the shop, complaining about popped tires and arguing over wait times. Also, it didn't help that the garage was getting colder with the changing weather. No matter how many layers he wore, it never subdued the throbbing pains in his back and knees. Yeah he had a pretty shitty day but it wasn’t something a new book and a cold one would fix. When he approached the small bookstore on Main Street, he could feel the relief wash over him. Making his way over to the new release section, he picked up what he had been looking for.
He was busy reading the back cover of the book to notice you walking down the aisle. To be fair, you should have been paying more attention to where you were going, but the books in your hands had your attention, stopping you from seeing the cute man that you were close to coming in contact with. With a loud thud, your bodies collide causing you to drop the books you’d been holding. Eddie immediately bent down, picking up what had been dropped, too busy apologizing for being in the way to even see who he was speaking to. Then he heard your voice, so saccharine and smooth it knocked his breath from his chest. Finally moving his gaze to you, he was blinded by the light you had brought in. To this day he jokes about it, telling you how you’re the personification of the sun on a cloudy day. He’s sure he made a fool out of himself with the way he tripped over his words and blushed too hard any time you spoke. It didn’t matter though, because you’d giggle and he’d redden more and more. That day Eddie left the bookstore with his new book and your number clutched in his palm.
September 20th, 1987, that was your first date and that date would be seared into Eddie’s brain for the rest of his life. He called you earlier that week asking if you’d want to get coffee, and you were quick to agree. Never being on time for anything in life, Eddie made sure to arrive twenty minutes before you planned on meeting. To say he was nervous would be an overstatement, he was a god forsaken mess. Knees shaking with every passing second, palms sweating from pure anxiety. Ever the gentleman, he ordered you a coffee, something the barista had whipped up after he told them he didn’t know what you liked. Taking a seat near the window, he instantly regretted guessing your order. God what if she doesn’t like it? What even was it? Cinnamon, caramel, peanut? Oh Jesus, you were probably allergic to nuts. Good going Munson, you just killed your date, he thought to himself.
Before he could throw the drink away, the bell above the door chimed. When he looked up, he swore the gates of heaven opened up. The pretty white dress you wore swayed with the small breeze that followed behind you. You’d look heaven sent. When your eyes met his, you lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree, a big smile etched on your face to prove it. You were so pretty and it made his heart beat out of his chest. He’s sure he looked like a total goof, like a giant puppy excited to see their owner coming home. All the thoughts he had in his brain, the opening line he had thought up to say to you, had all been thrown out the window.
By the time you had made it to him, he had been standing up. Before you could reach for a hug or handshake, his arm shot out with the cup of coffee he had bought you, the same one he was about to throw away twenty seconds ago.
“I um, I got you a coffee.” His cheeks turned pink as he handed you the cup. Then all the thoughts of your possible nut allergy came back. “It’s cinnamon caramel peanut or something. If you don’t like it I can get you a new one.” You laughed and he didn’t care if it was at him or with him, because he would do anything to hear it again.
“It’s perfect, thank you.” You smiled again. “It’s a cinnamon dolce latte, by the way.” He tilted his head in confusion, wondering how on earth you knew that. When you turned your cup to show the black sharpie, he dipped his head in pure embarrassment but then you giggled again and he didn’t feel as bad.
The two of you sat in the corner by the window for what felt like hours, talking about anything and everything. Eddie told you about his job at Frank’s garage, about his friends and uncle Wayne. The metalhead turned bashful when he mentioned his D&D group, but he was quickly relieved when you told him how cool you thought it was, always wanting to play yourself as a kid but your brother never wanted to teach you how. He told you about his sweetheart and his band, how he used to think he’d be a rockstar one day. With every little detail he told about himself, you looked at him with such adoration and it made his heart squeeze.
He sat and listened as you told your story about packing up your car and leaving your old life behind. You needed a new start you told him, one where you could truly be happy. Once you’d gotten here, you found a cozy little house on Biel Street. Apparently the man who sold it to you, is the nephew of the woman who runs the floral shop in town. Within a week you’d gotten the job. It was definitely a change up from your old life, switching out pencil skirts and kitten heels for your office job to jeans and sneakers for your new laid back one. City life was definitely different from the small town you’d chosen but it’s what you needed.
You’d recently ended a two year relationship with your shitty ex and even if it didn’t seem rational at the time, you quit your job and moved on. He didn’t push much on the topic of your ex and neither did you but you made sure to reassure him that you were over the whole situation. Eddie learned that you had a brother living in Chicago and your parents had long moved to Florida after they retired. The metal head made sure to make mental notes of every single thing you told him. How you won’t talk in the morning until you have a sip of coffee, how you like to annotate your books even if it’s frowned upon by others, and that you hope to get a cat one day.
He walked you to your car that night, even though it was twelve feet away from his own. The look in your eyes was the same way he felt, neither of you wanted to leave. Trying to drag out the minutes as long as you could, you leaned against your car door fiddling with the sleeves of your cream colored sweater.
“I had a really good time Eddie,” sincerity dripping from your words. You looked so stunning standing there, highlighted by the moon and glow of the street lights.
“I did too,” blush creeping up from his neck to his cheeks, “I hope I’m not being too forward, but would you like to go out again sometime?” He hoped you didn’t hear the nervousness in his words.
“Yeah,” you said sweetly, “I’d really like that.” You beamed up at him and he was a goner.
That night, you kissed him.
No drug could give him the same high the way your lips on his did. On the drive home, his cheeks ached from how much he grinned. When he got into bed that night, he stared up at the ceiling forcing his brain to play out the events over and over again.
“She kissed me.”
The heat coming from the Harrington’s fire pit wraps the backyard in a blanket of warmth, beating off the nipping bite of the mid October breeze. The sky above is clear of any clouds to hide the small twinkle of the stars, the moon hanging high above the backyard. The leaves fall from the trees in red, orange, and brown piles. You and Eddie had been seeing each other almost every other day since that first date. It had been a month to be exact, not like Eddie was counting the days or anything.
For the past couple of weeks, you had been the discussion of every conversation he had with his friends. They wanted to know when they’d get to meet you, if you guys were officially dating, what you were like. Honestly, he kicked himself the first time he brought you up because he knew there would be thousands of questions to follow. Eddie knew that it was because they cared for him, wanting to make sure that whoever he had been seeing had their seal of approval.
So when Steve mentioned having a bonfire last weekend, he knew it was a secret ploy to meet you. You talked about wanting to meet his friends, yet he was terrified at the idea of you meeting the gaggle of idiots. Dustin would probably bring up some embarrassing memories, like how he shot coke out of his nose at lunch that one time. It made his head spin with every embarrassing thing that he’s ever done in his life, all the things that would pop in his head at random times that made him full body cringe.
The minute he brought it up to you though, you jumped up and down excited that you’d finally get to meet them. He knew he couldn’t say no to you, especially when you had that look of giddiness. Eyes big with elation, infectious smile, clapping your hands together, kind of excitement. God, he could never say no to you.
Now you’re here and you can’t be any happier. Eddie stands across from you, separated by the dancing flames of the fire. He’s standing with a beer in his hand, the story that Robin and Steve are telling becomes background noise. He’s honed in on you, on the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh. Max and El are talking to you about something he can’t hear, whatever it is you’re drinking it right up. Butterflies dance in his stomach at the sight of you. You’re enjoying the people that Eddie enjoys, and it fills him with so much pride. His favorite people are getting along, all in the same space. If his nine year old self could see this backyard right now, he’d be blown away. Everyone here cares for him, and he cares for them, something that he never thought he would have.
“It’s kind of creepy to stare ya know,” Steve’s voice cuts through Eddie’s internal monologue. The long haired man takes a swig of his beer trying to pretend like he didn’t just get caught like a child with their hand in the cookie jar.
“I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about man,” he mutters out. Avoiding any eye contact with the people in front of him, taking interest in the sight of his scuffed up reeboks.
“Oh man, Munson’s got it bad,” Robin butts in. Heat from embarrassment creeps up Eddie’s face. He hopes no one notices, ready to blame it on the warmth of the fire beside them.
“Guys stop it,” Nancy chimes in, “I think it’s sweet.” The brunette sends him a small smile. The metal head sends her one back in a small thank you.
“Never thought I’d see Eddie Munson have heart eyes over a girl,” Robin mumbles over her red solo cup. Dustin nods in agreement.
“Yeah it’s kind of gross, to be honest.”
“Shut it, Henderson,” Eddie hissed, “besides, there’s nothing wrong with having heart eyes for my girl.”
He looks over the group and he’s met with silence and wide eyed stares. Raising an eyebrow, he turns to see what’s caused everyone to suddenly shut the hell up. When he turns his body, he goes rigid with the sight of you. When did you get over here, you were just talking to the girls on the side of the fire. He wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole. He just called you his girl and you weren’t even boyfriend/girlfriend yet, at least you never officially talked about it. He can’t read you and it’s scaring the ever living shit out of him.
After what feels like an eternity, he sees it. The way your eyes glitter, how you're biting on your lower lip fighting off the impending grin that’s due to break out on your face. Your arms wrap around his body, and you snuggle into him. His heart starts to beat again, this time it feels like it’s beating too fast.
It doesn’t take long for the group to move on to another conversation, slowly forgetting the awkward pause that just happened. Eddie’s mind races, scrambling to find the words to say. It doesn’t matter because you’re speaking before he can.
“I like that,” your voice is soft when you say it, yet he can still hear it. He glances down at you and you’re already craning your neck to meet his brown eyes.
“Yeah? And what’s that?” He’s surprised how cool he’s being for someone who just embarrassed himself in front of a whole group of people.
“Being your girl.”
After making it official, Eddie pondered the thought of you meeting Wayne. He knew it needed to happen, he just didn’t know how to go about it. This was all new to Eddie, he never had a girlfriend so he never had to worry about this kind of thing. So for the past week he practiced how to go about asking you, reassuring you it was okay to say no if you thought it was too much too soon. He had the perfect plan, he’d ask you when you were having movie night at your place, casually bring it up over dinner, and go from there. It was a good plan, but Eddie is an idiot and he can’t help but fumble when he’s around you. His palms were sweating and his knee bounced at an obnoxious rate, if you noticed you never mentioned it. He doesn’t even realize he said anything until your chewing stopped, going completely wide-eyed. The first thing he thinks of doing is running, bolting for your front door leaving you in the dust, but then you kiss him. All the anxiety leaves his body the minute it happens.
At first he thought it would be simple, invite his uncle over next weekend and order take out for the three of you. Then you scoffed, telling him you would die before you would have his uncle eating take out when you had a perfectly good stove. That whole week, you’d call him after work asking what his uncle liked and disliked, if he had any allergies or personal preferences. Out of the pair of you, you were more enthusiastic about the whole thing, and it made his worry subside. However, your enthusiasm slowly became overthinking every small detail.
Music blasted on your radio, loud enough he could hear from behind your front door. When you failed to answer the knocking after a minute or two, he let himself in. That’s when he found you standing on tiptoes, feather duster in hand, reaching for the picture frames on the mantle hanging above your tv. Your hair was pulled up into a bun, frizzy and damp from sweat. Your shirt sleeves were rolled up to your elbows and one of the legs of your sweatpants had been awkwardly pulled up higher on your calf than the other. Your usually clean apartment looked even more sterile now, walls looked brighter, and the air smelled even more clean than before. When you had called him earlier to ask if he was still staying the night, you mentioned that you had taken the day off to have a personal day. He thought maybe you’d relax or go shopping, he did not imagine you taking the day off to sit and clean every square inch of your house.
Leaning on the door frame, he took this time to quietly admire you. The way you sang the words of whatever Madonna song was playing, how your hips swing to the music, how you wipe your brow every once and a while when a sweat bead drips down. He can’t help but feel giddy when he watches you, heart growing bigger and bigger, like the grinch, with every second that passes. He wants to pinch himself sometimes because he is so lucky that he has you. You’re so fucking beautiful and you chose him, even though you could have anyone you wanted, you still chose him.
You jump almost ten feet in the air like some cartoon the minute you notice his presence. It makes him laugh and you clutch your heart trying to catch your breath.
“Babe, what the hell? You gave me a heart attack,” you walk over to your stereo, turning it down to an acceptable level. You set your duster down on your coffee table and make your way over to him. Rolling down your sleeves and trying to push down all the frizziness of your hair, he takes notice that you're shy, like he’s not supposed to see you like this.
“Sorry baby, I knocked but you had that god awful music playing,” there’s no real malice behind his statement. He makes his way over to you, making sure to take his shoes off first. He pulls you into a hug, relishing the way his face fits in your neck. “Hi baby,” his voice vibrates off of your skin. You're the first to pull away and he misses your warmth.
“As much as I want to hug you, I’m a disgusting mess,” you complain.
“Ex-cuuuse me, ma’am, but you are no such thing,” he gasps, placing a palm over his heart acting as if you wounded him. His little act pulls a snort from you and it makes him beam.
“What’s all this anyway,” he questions, “Don’t tell me you did all this work when you took the day off.”
You shrug your shoulders, trying your hardest not to look too bashful, “I wanted to clean for Sunday. Ya know, make a good first impression on your uncle.” His chest swells with pride at the thought of you doing all this just because you’re meeting his uncle.
“My sweet girl,” he coos, “You didn’t have to do all this. Your house is already spotless as it is.” Your face rests in his palms, your shoulders dropping with ease at the action.
“I just want it to be perfect,” you whisper and he melts. If he was being honest, he could cry over the whole thing. No one, especially a girl, has ever done something so thoughtful for him. The last time a girl has ever done anything relatively nice for him, was in sixth grade when Stacey Leannski gave him a pencil when he forgot his.
He grins, shaking his wild curls, “Babe, I can assure you that Wayne is going to love you, washed walls or not. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to curl up on that lovely couch of yours and watch Grease for the millionth time,” He jokes, you roll your eyes swatting at him. You agree, but only after you take a quick shower to rid yourself of the sweat and grime of the day. He accepts, telling you he’d order pizza while he waits.
Now showered and pizza devoured, the empty box sitting on your table to prove it, you two sit in the glow of the television in front of you. You’re sitting side by side, head resting on his shoulder, your attention on the movie. He feels overwhelmed by you, you're taking over all of his senses and he’s not sure how to handle it. The scent of whatever you used in the shower floods his nose, the heat of your body burning into his side, the softness of your bare legs on his, it’s all too much and he feels like he’s going to explode.
Eddie isn’t a virgin, far from it, so he knows what it’s like to burn with that desire, leaving your house after heavy makeout sessions, foot to the floorboard racing to get home to take care of the situation in his pants. Albeit not having sex yet, which he was one hundred percent fine with, he definitely felt aroused by you. Christ, you were the face of all his fantasies when he was in the comfort of his own home, hands down his pants, your name falling from his lips in quiet chants. This wasn’t that feeling at all, this was something completely different and it terrifies him.
He’s shaken from his train of thoughts when he notices the weight of your head on his shoulder is gone. He turns his attention to you, you’re all bright smiles watching Frankie Avalon serenade Frenchie. His eyes fall to your lips as you mouth the words, plump and pretty enough for him to kiss you. The illumination from the tv falls around in a halo like way, hair still damp from your shower, your shirt two sizes too big, you look ethereal like this. For a second the world goes quiet, time seems to pause, it feels like it’s just the two of you, and that’s all that matters to him at this very moment. That familiar ache returns, this time it’s stronger. The beat of his heart is erratic, the sound muffled in his ears like there's big clumps of cotton in them. His breath hitches, and his eyes bug out with realization. This isn’t an overwhelming feeling of arousal, oh no, that’s not what this is.
This feeling is you, picking and carving away at his heart, hollowing out a spot for yourself. This is you pouring yourself into his veins, circulating yourself through his bloodstream. This is you squeezing the air out of his lungs, sucking it right out of him for yourself. This feeling is you branding yourself on his soul, leaving your mark on him for the rest of his natural born life.
That night, he didn't get any sleep. He’s too busy with the feeling of your body pressed to him, the warmth of you seeping into his skin. Even with the heaviness of his eyes he can’t seem to shut off his mind, too busy thinking about how in love he is with you. He’s not sure when he’ll tell you this, but he hopes when he does, you feel the same way.
Eddie was going to jump into the nearest traffic if he had to spend one more second in the grocery store. The lights were starting to get too bright, the music a little too loud, and he swears it wasn’t as packed in the store when you got here - which was like an hour ago, but who’s counting. He wanted to say something, he really did, but when he gazes over at you he can’t bring himself to burst your bubble. Your bottom lip sits between your teeth while you hold two different cans of vegetables in your hand, eyes bouncing back and forth between the two labels. You looked so adorable standing there, it almost makes him forget about wasting his whole Sunday morning there. Almost.
“Baby,” he coos, “Just pick one, yeah? I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Ringed hands wrap around your waist, pulling you into him as he rests his head on top of your own. You sigh, pulling your body away from his, too soon for his liking.
“I know you said your uncle doesn’t like green beans but I’ve never made a stew with peas before. I mean I know you can use both, I just, I don’t know,” you ramble, pouting your bottom lip out and it takes everything in not to kiss you stupid.
“Wayne is a grown man, he can pick around them,” Eddie reassures you. He spots the look of hesitation on your face. Before you can argue your next point to him, he wraps his arms around your waist once again. “I promise you, he will love it no matter what. Now stop worrying that pretty little head of yours and let's get a show on the road, I have a hot date to get to,” He bops your nose and you blush. “There she is,” he says, “There’s my girl.”
“Okay but,” you put more emphasis on the last word, “If he hates it, I’m blaming you,” You playfully scowl at him. Placing the can into the cart, Eddie grins at you in victory, “That’s okay babe, I can handle the old man for ya.” You roll your eyes at him and he pretends like he doesn’t see the small crack of a smile growing on your face.
Eddie was right, like he knew he would be, Wayne loved your cooking and even better, he loved you. Wasn’t so shocking to be honest, you’re a wonderful person and everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you because of it.
The air of the night is a lot cooler than before, the sky much darker now that the sun had been replaced with the moon. The store bag filled with leftovers you packed for Wayne, rustled in the wind. The two men make their way to the truck, even though Wayne told his nephew multiple times he did not need to be walked out, the younger man ignored him and followed him out anyway. Not much is said between the two, Eddie overthinking what he would say to Wayne. Obviously he knew he needed to thank him, not only for coming, but for not embarrassing him.
“I just wanted to uh, thank you. Ya know, for coming over and stuff. Really ‘ppreciate it.” He fidgets with his rings. Eddie’s not sure why he’s so awkward saying a simple thank you, this was the man who raised him for heaven’s sake.
“ ‘re welcome kid,” Wayne gruffs out. Reaching for the handle on his truck, he places the bag of food on the bench inside. There’s another small pause as he reaches into the pocket of his old scuffed up carhartt jacket, pulling out his pack of reds.
“You love ‘er don’t cha?” He lights the cigarette that sits between his lips, taking a long drag and letting out a small cloud of smoke. The question makes Eddie’s eye’s bulge out of his head. He’s a blubbering mess, tripping over his own words not knowing what to say. His cheeks burn harder when his uncle chuckles.
“I taught ya well son,” Wayne slapped his hand on his shoulder, “treat her right, ya hear? She’s too good of a girl, don’t wanna see you breakin’ her heart.” Eddie nodded dumbly to Wayne's words.
While Eddie makes his way back into your home, he mulls over what the hell just happened, he just got the shovel talk from his own uncle. When he opens the door, he’s met with the sight of you. You’re standing at the sink, that adorable little dress you wear moving with you has you sway back and forth, humming a tune. His uncle's words ring out in his head. There was no way he would ever break your heart, he knows he never could.
The colder weather of winter makes its way across Hawkins, leaving trails of snow in its path. As cold seeps into your home, so does Eddie’s things. His shampoo bottles, deodorant, some of his clothes residing in the space in your drawers and closet that you’d left for him. He hadn’t officially moved in, it just seemed easier if he left some clothes over when he’d stay the night.
Your limbs tangle beneath the fortress of blankets that lay on top of you. Hushed voices and quiet laughter fill the room, like two small children sharing secrets at a sleepover. Eddie savors the feeling of your fingertips tracing lines onto his skin.
“Did I ever tell you the full story of why I moved?” You keep your attention to the tattoo that sits on his chest. He answers with a shake of his head, muttering no. Eddie knew the story you told him was a half assed attempt at pushing the subject away and he was never going to push you for the real reason, knowing one day you would do it when you were comfortable enough.
You take a deep breath, readying yourself for what is to come. “Well, as you know I have an older brother. My parents, they were really big with supporting him, ya know? Like they were always going to his baseball games, pouring all the attention on him.” You force yourself not to meet Eddie’s gaze, opting to trace random things on his exposed chest.
“He’s the golden child, the apple of their eyes, and then there’s me. I wasn’t anything special, just kinda there. Anyway, they were never really worried about me because as they said, I always had the option of marrying rich,” a dry laugh escapes your throat, “While my brother, he had something going for him. He was a star baseball player, and they knew he’d make it big. But then he got injured and couldn’t play anymore.”
“When my brother decided to work for an engineering company in Chicago, my parents felt like there was nothing left for them to do, so they retired and packed their shit. They just left me there, and it hurt for a while, I mean I was out of school by that point but still. The idea of them not wanting to stay for me, that shit fucked with me.”
Before he knows it, the light blue pillow case that sits under your head is now stained dark blue with your tears. Eddie’s seen you cry before, just last week you cried while watching The Breakfast Club, but this was not the same thing. Fat, heavy tear drops, rolling down your face, snot leaking from your nose, kind of crying. The sight itself makes his own chest constrict and all he wants to do is wrap you up in the biggest hug.
“I ended up getting a really good job at this company in the city. I was so proud of myself too, I was making a lot of money, and I had my own place. I ended up meeting Paul, my ex, at the bar one night. He was charming, handsome, and dressed well, so I thought he was safe. It was good for a while, really it was but looking back it was so bad, Eds. Like you wouldn’t believe the shit I put up with, but yeah I found out he was using some of the money I had hidden to buy his girlfriend gifts. That was only part of it but that was the straw that broke the camel's back, I guess. Anyway, I found out when I found him fucking her in his bed and the next day, I packed my shit and left. God, I guess you do end up like your parents after all, huh?”
When your eyes meet, the flood you had been holding back finally breaks. Without a second thought, he’s holding onto you as you sob into his neck. You never told him the full story on Paul, but what you did tell him, he wanted to find the guy and beat the piss out of him. The idea of someone, let alone your own parents treating you the way they did breaks his heart. He wishes he could take the pain away from you, he’d carry the weight of it on his own back if he had to.
Eddie’s not sure what to say or if you even want him to say anything, so he doesn’t. His hand pets the top of your head, soothing you, like a mother does to her baby. A flashback pops into his own head, him as a child in his bed, crying because his parents fought again. The memory of his mom coming in and rocking him, the way he’s doing now, easing his tears with a slow song. So he does the same for you.
Slowly, the vice grip you had on him eases up, and your sobs reduce to small hiccups. He doesn’t stop until he hears your breath even out. When he’s sure you're sleeping, he takes a second to appreciate you, for bearing your soul to him, removing the barriers that blocked him out. He vows to himself that night, that he will protect you from anything and everything for as long as you both live.
The glow of the Christmas tree lights reflect off of the living room window. Outside, small flurries rain down, coating the ground in layers of white. The scent of hot chocolate and cinnamon fill the small living room. It looked like an elf had thrown up everything jolly in your home, littering every square inch in something holiday themed.
Eddie wasn’t a big holiday kind of guy, never really having a reason to go all out for them when it was just him and Wayne. He thought you were going to have an aneurysm when he told you, with the way your face twisted up. You were quick to tell him that you’d be more than happy to have him over to celebrate, have his uncle join in the morning, and then meet up at Steve’s to have dinner with the group. Eddie wasn’t too thrilled on the idea, not because he didn’t want to spend it with you, but because he knew he wouldn’t be able to afford a bunch of gifts. Albeit you reassured him that you didn’t want anything, he couldn’t help but feel like you were lying to make him feel better. It wasn’t until he realized that you were not doing this just for him but you were doing it for both of the lost childhood you had, he agreed.
The two of you sit across from each other by the tree. Small boxes and bags hid underneath the fake branches, sitting pretty in the light of the colorful bulbs that hang. The uneasy feeling settles in his stomach when he looks at them. The amount of gifts that sit with your name doesn’t hold a candle to all the things that sit underneath for him. It was decided that you’d pick gifts out for each other and open them at the same time. Doubt fills his brain, but it’s quickly shut off when he sees you with the box he placed in your hands. You shake the small box back and forth, tongue poking out in concentration trying to figure out what could be underneath the paper.
Over the next few minutes boxes and bags are passed back and forth, paper ripped to shreds, and piled of gifts surround the both of you.
Beside you sit your pile of opened presents. The Cure’s ‘Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me’ album, a pack of colorful fuzzy socks, your favorite candy, a new mug with a black cat painted on it, Fannie Flags novel ‘Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe’, along with highlighters and new pens for annotating.
Eddie’s pile isn’t as neat as yours, all haphazardly thrown next to him with care. A pack of new socks because he never seems to have one's without holes, a pair of new work boots, a new Metallica band shirt, a sketchbook and pencils for his D&D doodles, a bottle of Calvin Klein’s ‘Obsession for Men’, Anthrax ‘Among the Living’ album, and a pack of guitar picks.
“These are perfect, thank you baby.” A dimpled smile appears on Eddie’s cheeks. Leaning over to reach you, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
“You’re welcome. I love everything you got me. I promise not to finish my book too fast.” You joke. There’s a sense of pride written on your face. He’s not sure why he was so nervous for this, when he’d get to see you like this, truly like a kid on Christmas morning.
He can’t relish in the feeling too long, when he sees you grabbing a hidden present from under the tree. You hand him the small box, the red ribbon mocking him from where it sits in his hands.
“Sweetheart, you didn’t have to get me anything else, I thought we said-” before he can finish, you tut his response away, waving your hands for him to stop. “Shush, it’s nothing big I promise. Now open it.” He can’t refuse when you look at him like that, cheshire grin shining brightly at him.
He pulls the ribbon off, letting it slowly fall to the floor. Opening the box, he’s met with a golden shine. A key sitting in a bed of tissue paper, confusion is written on his face when he pulls it from its place, the box falling to the floor with a small thump. When he looks up at you, the once confident look you had is now replaced with a meek expression.
“I just thought, ya know since you’re here all the time it’d make sense for you to have your own. I just want you to have it in case I’m not here or something.” Your statement trails off. Before you know it, he’s tackling you in a hug. Wet sloppy kisses are placed on your face and you swat at him, giggling telling him to stop.
“This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever given me, you know that?” He’s hovering over you. You beam up at him, wrapping your finger around one of his curls.
“You say that, but you still haven’t gotten your last gift.” You tease and he sits up, letting you up from your position on the floor.
Standing up, you hold your hand out to him. As you pull him along to your room, his heart is in his throat. He burns with embarrassment, feeling like an asshole because you’ve gone above and beyond for him and he has nothing for you in return. When you make it to your room, you gently push him on the edge of your bed, making him sit down. You nudge your way in between his legs, craning your neck down to meet his eyes. Before he knows it, the giant sleep shirt you were wearing is now on the floor, leaving you in the prettiest thing he’s ever seen.
You stand there, red lace hugging your body, every curve he’s dreamed of seeing, are now in arms reach. He’s sure he looks like an idiot, drool falling from his mouth, Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat. You were such a sight to see, standing there, shy as can be, looking like a wet dream.
“You can touch me, Eds.” It takes him a minute to realize what you just said to him. He slowly lets his hand reach out from you, tracing the intricate detailing the lingerie that sits on your body.
Standing to full height, he kisses you, so soft and slow. When you reach your hand down to brush over the front of his groin, it picks up a notch. Gnashing teeth and tongue, he feels like a feral animal and if he doesn’t do something soon, he’s going to bust in his pants like a teenager. He takes his time laying you down on the bed, too scared that you might break if he goes any faster. The clothes he wears are starting to become too suffocating, constricting his every movement. His clothes are off in a flash, sitting next to yours on the hardwood floor.
Eddie thinks he’s lost his goddamn mind, he must be having a realistic wet dream or something, because there is no way on earth this is happening. He’s waited for this moment for the past two months, imagining every single detail, but nothing would prepare him for the real thing. He’s hovering above, looking down at his perfect girl, wrapped in the prettiest dainty ribbon of sorts. Eyes going crazy trying to get every single detail memorized, scars, birthmarks, dimples - he wants to learn it by heart.
“ You‘re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” He doesn’t just say it because you’re half naked underneath him. He says it because you are the most beautiful woman he’s ever had the pleasure of meeting. No playboy model, no random hook up, no groupie could hold a candle to the beauty you have.
“You’re the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen,” You look up at him through your lashes, puffy red lips stretched into that Colgate smile he loves so much.
He wants to hold those words with him for the rest of his life, lock them away for safekeeping. You have no idea what you do to him, how much you mean to him. You’ve dug your way into his life, flipping it completely upside down, and unlocking a side to him he never knew he had.
“I’m so fucking in love with you, sweetheart.” It’s out there, piercing the air like bullets from a starting pistol. Eddie’s the most vulnerable he’s ever been, giving you his heart on a silver platter. You’ve got him in the palm of your hand, able to crush his soul at any moment.
Reaching your hand up, you cup his cheek, rubbing your thumb along his cheek. He’s bracing himself for rejection, ready to tuck tail and run, but it never comes.
“Good, because I’m so fucking in love with you, Eddie Munson.” His eyes search your face, waiting to hear you tell him it was all a joke. He doesn’t, instead he sees you, just as vulnerable as him. Just two scared people of being hurt, letting their guard down, opening up themselves in the most raw way.
“You’ll still love me in the morning?”
For the first time in his life, he makes love - hands cradled together, foreheads touching, sweet nothings being shared. He doesn’t even notice when he starts crying, not until you wipe away the tears staining his cheek. He would be embarrassed but this is you, the girl who’s stolen his heart and invaded his whole life. When it’s over, you hold him, whispering sweet praises to the metal head.
When the morning light peaks through your curtains, you’re still there, holding onto him like you did when you fell asleep. You didn’t leave, didn’t regret the words that were shared between the two of you. Your promise rings in his head - always.
The bitter cold of March couldn’t beat the icy atmosphere in the car. No matter how many times Eddie called your name you refused to answer, turning your body more and more towards the window. Eddie knew something happened, he just didn’t know what. The night started off fine, meeting with friends to get food and drinks, big laughs and stories passed back and forth at the table. At some point something happened and you weren’t laughing anymore. Your big smile and bright eyes are replaced with a look he’s never seen before. He tried to get you to talk, begging you to just say something, only to be met with a scoff and crossed arms.
Pulling up to your house, you didn’t even wait for him to shut off the car to exit the car, slamming the door hard enough to make Eddie flinch in his seat. He wanted to puke, he hated this, he hated that he didn’t know what was making you so angry and he hated that he didn’t know how to fix it. Releasing a big puff of air, he follows you inside where he’s met with more slamming doors.
He doesn’t want to bombard you, so he decides to wait in the kitchen, where he starts to pace back and forth. He feels like he’s eight years old again after the first time he’d ever gotten in trouble at school, sitting outside the principal’s office in one of those uncomfortable plastic chairs, watching the clock go by as he waits to be called back. Although he’d get used to the feeling over time, he would never forget that first time, the way it felt when his stomach knotted up, shaky hands and trembling legs.
He hears the familiar click of the bathroom door open and he freezes, your figure ascends down the hallway, shuffling your feet along the wooden floors. Your hair you spent hours on styling to perfection is now thrown into a bun, your mascara now leaving black streaks on your face from crying, the outfit you took forever to pick out is now replaced with a pair of sweatpants and an old shirt.
Eddie watches as you reach for a glass from your cabinet, filling it with water from your faucet. At that moment he thinks it’s better if he keeps distance by staying in his corner of the kitchen, not wanting to approach you and scare you off. Screaming and yelling, that’s what he’s used to, standing in the middle of the battle front, dodging bullets left and right. Hurtful words being spat, so sharp and full of toxins, ready to leave scars after all the dust settles.
Silence, that was the real killer. It was the calm before the storm, the thickness in the air that made it harder and harder to breathe. It’d sneak up behind you, wrapping its hands around your throat, and slowly squeezing the oxygen out of your lungs. It was the uneasy feeling you get right before you head into the woods at night. It was able to sweep the rug out from under you, pulling you further and further into the darkness to no point of return.
He wants to say the right thing to you, he wants to mend the damage that’s been done, wrap you up in bandages and make it all better. He wants to pull you into shelter from the storm going on inside your brain, to hold on to you for dear life so that you don’t get sucked up in the twister of your thoughts. It’s written all over your face, the hurt, the anger, it’s all there for him to read - like a clue being left behind for him to find. There’s a war starting up inside of you, he can see the smoke signals from here, calling out for help. He wants to break in and stop it from happening, but he can’t - the brick wall that he worked endlessly at to break, is now back up again. This time it’s harder to tear down.
Although he’s never been the first in the firing line, Eddie’s armed and ready for the first hit. It feels like one of those western movies his uncle Wayne used to watch - two cowboys, guns drawn, ready to fire any second. The biggest showdown known to man is happening right here, in the small yellow kitchen of your home. There would be no shoot out this time, no knife-like words to leave damage, no wounds to heal. This time, you’re the first to put your gun down, wave your white flag in surrender.
You don’t tell him you hate him, you don’t tell him to get out and to never come back, you simply hug him. It throws him for a loop, the ticking time bomb that stood before him, defusing itself right before his very eyes. The rain that clouded over him is now washed out by the chirps of the birds, sun pushing its way to be seen once again. There is no fight to be won anymore, there is no mass destruction left in the wake of battle, left to be cleaned for another day.
He can feel the shaking of your body, vibrating with the cries you muffle in his shirt. The situation might be over, but you are still wounded from before, begging for some kind of mercy.
“Baby, you gotta tell me what’s wrong. Tell me how to fix it.” He can smell the hair spray that sits on your hair, from where his nose rests. His big hand soothing you, rubbing over the cotton shirt that drapes your back. He means the words he says to you, he wants you to let him in again.
Your answer is hard to understand, obscured by the fabric of his shirt where you’ve shoved your face to hide.
“Sweetheart, you gotta speak up so I can hear you,” He coos at you. His sweet tone coaxes you out from your hiding spot. Pulling your face from the comfort of his chest, you peer up at him.
“Please don’t leave me.” It sounds so dejecting when it falls from your lips, like you're begging him with everything in you. It breaks his heart to see you like this.
There’s some parts of your brain that Eddie hasn’t explored yet. The darkest corners of your mind, so dark you’d need a flashlight, decorated in dust and cobwebs. All the secrets you’ve yet to reveal to him, filed away, locked behind a door - the key thrown somewhere for him to find. Eddie knows there’s parts of you that you don’t want him to see, too scared he’d criticize you the way people before him did. That was the thing though, he never would, no matter how scary or fucked up you thought you were.
“Honey, I’m not going to leave you, okay? S’just - I need you to tell me what’s going on, tell me what happened.” He’s pleading with you, trying to pull it out of you. Whether it gets him any further or not, it doesn’t matter, he just wants you to see he’s trying, trying for you.
“Will you still love me in the morning?” You’re retreating, going back behind that big brick wall. As much as Eddie wants to scream and shout for you to stop hiding, he knows that the storm within is at bay, at least for now. So he lets you retreat, lets you rest knowing he’ll be back hammering, no matter how long it takes.
“Always,” It’s hushed, quiet like the small flurries that fall outside of the window. Plump lips meeting the top of your head. Eddie knows he’s not getting any more out of you, both too winded and tired from the events tonight.
Cracks and fractures left behind from the people before him, it’s going to take time, he reminds himself. So many times you had told him it was best if he runs away, there’s too much damage and he deserves someone better. He thinks you’re wrong, you are someone better, you just can’t see it. You don’t see what he sees, the girl he fell in love with, he wishes you could because you’re the best thing that’s ever graced this fucked up planet. He’d plant you in front of the world’s biggest mirror if he had to, but he knows that you’d still only see half of what he does. So for now, he’ll keep reminding you until he’s blue in the face. Always.
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I'm currently doing an playthrough making all the choices I've not yet made, and because I made sure to distance myself from it as much as possible, it's been… making me feel and do things that are very unusual for me.
So far this Tav is a terminally submissive drow: a third son who knows nothing besides being used, throws himself under even the slightest display of authority, and just cannot say no for the life of him, especially to any women. He pretty much just does the last thing that he was told, and that includes dropping his clothes and getting on his back (or knees) for whoever orders him to, whenever they desire.
Between Minthara, Ascended Astarion, and Dark Justiciar Shadowheart, he's gonna be the camp bicycle, and I think as little as they'd all respect him, all three of them would hate the arrangement of sharing. They would all gladly slit the other two's throats for daring to lay a hand on their fucktoy, but they're all willing to pretend to play nice.
For now. As long as their worthless little cumslut can keep them all satisfied, and none of them breaks him…. or, at least not beyond repair.
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HotD Take: the Targ Men and the Women who try to control them in this Society
Seeing all the promos and the trailers for HotD season 2, I have this prediction that the Targaryen men this season are going to be increasingly difficult to control, especially when the women try and keep them in line.
Now there are a lot of factors that would go into that mentality in this world so strap in and hear me out.
Also spoilers from the Fire and Blood novel.
So, as I've pointed out repeatedly in my other takes, the World of Ice and Fire- or Westeros anyway- is a patriarchal society. So the sexist idea that men are naturally superior to women is ingrained in our characters in some form or fashion.
And the Targ men- be they Team Black or Team Green- are no exception to this societal influence.
Daemon for example, while the guy has a tendency to eschew Westerosi values in favor of his ancestral Valyrian traditions- something that definitely borders along the lines of Targaryen Exceptionalism- he was likely still influenced by Westerosi society on some level. When his brother Viserys ascended the Iron Throne, and having no male heirs, Daemon was seen as Heir Apparent, and there was this expectation Daemon would sit the throne next if Viserys failed to produce any sons....
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That's why OTTO of all people- in the book anyway- suggested Viserys name Rhaenyra heir after the death of Queen Aemma (temporarily anyway with the expectation that Viserys would remarry and work on producing sons) because he was scared of the possibility of Daemon being king and becoming a second Maegor the Cruel.
So when Daemon was officially disinherited the guy didn't exactly take it well. Whatever his feelings are for his niece, I have to imagine the idea that he was replaced by a young girl probably felt emasculating.
Speaking of Daemon feeling emasculated in this society, I would recommend reading this post on tumblr who goes more into detail in how this heavily influenced his attitude and contempt for his first wife Rhea Royce (basically it discusses how Daemon was in the prime of his life in this point in time and he was basically married off to the Lady of Runestone in a similar way a highborn lady would be sent off to marry some Lord in a distant land like a broodmare).
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Taking what we do know of Westerosi patriarchal values, I have this feeling that even though he married Rhaenyra and loves her with all his heart, I think the idea of having to bend the knee to her- the idea that she will outrank him as Queen of the Iron Throne and him her consort- doesn't sit well with him on a subconscious level.
The fact in Episode 10, when Daemon was ordering people out and about to prepare for war with the Greens, only for those orders to be overridden by Rhaenyra THE Queen, I'm pretty sure he felt that to be emasculating. (I'm actually wondering if actor Matt Smith is channeling some of his Prince Phillip persona from The Crown into Daemon in this regard).
I also do want to point out that Daemon sees much of his brother in Rhaenyra at that moment- he sees Viserys' weakness and passivity- when she refuses to take the initiative and put the Greens in their place before the conflict escalates any further. This, along with the fact that he realized that Viserys never saw Daemon as a true heir, factors into the way he lashed out and choked Rhaenyra.
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(There are people in this fandom that have headcannoned that this isn't the first time Daemon has displayed this type of violent behavior towards Rhaenyra...given the age gap as well as the uncle/niece relationship and those inherit power dynamics AND Daemon's volatile unpredictability I wouldn't exactly be surprised if that was the case).
I predict as the Dance of Dragons begins Daemon is going to be more and more difficult to keep in line, especially by Rhaenyra (actually I feel this will be especially the case leading up to Blood and Cheese). Rhaenyra may be queen, but Daemon will make it known to their supporters that HE is the king.
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Meanwhile on the Team Green side, the Hightowers, as I've mentioned in an earlier post- being the lords of Oldtown, the seat of the Faith of the Seven- they're the most heavily invested in Westeros' patriarchal values. Not just the men, but the women as well.
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As much as I have sympathy for Alicent, the way she's been victimized by this society, the way she was married off to the king at a young age (without getting so much as a say-so), having to perform her wifely duties and produce children at a young age too, she has also perpetuated many of those patriarchal values.
When her father was sent away, Alicent took it upon herself to instill in her oldest son Aegon that he will be king after his father since that is what the people will expect. Aegon will be king because he is a man and male heirs will always supersede any women claimants.
She instilled this into Aegon as well as her golden child Aemond (I don't exactly know how much of this she would have instilled into Helaena but since Alicent had her married off to Aegon I think there is a possibility she's made allusions to Helaena that her brother husband will be king and their children will be next in line for the throne).
Alicent also goes out of her way to cover up for Aegon when he does uh...certain things that would definitely look bad if brought to the light. That incident with Dyana ring a bell to anyone?
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To Alicent's credit she does assure the poor girl that she believes her story and gave her the means to escape her abuser and also giving her the Westeros version of Plan B to prevent any unwanted pregnancies, but at the same time Alicent basically made it known to Dyana that no one else would believe her if she told, that she would be branded a slut who intentionally tried to seduce Aegon since they were alone and that she is trying to destroy his reputation.
This doesn't change the fact that Alicent IS COVERING UP AND ENABLING HER SON because a man's reputation is more important than the person he caused harm to...but I digress.
Alicent certainly has a complicated relationship with Aegon, but she seems pretty close with Aemond. Along with her, Otto, and Criston, Aemond's father figure, the way these three have embraced many of the chauvinistic attitudes pervasive in Westeros (Criston may be a disgraced knight who broke his oath but he still takes the other parts of his oath and his knight training seriously which includes protecting women and children), I'm fairly certain Aemond has absorbed many of those ideas as well.
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With Aemond actually, when he was sent to go find Aegon, Aemond made an allusion to Criston that he is next in line as a second son and if Aegon wasn't found in time, then Aemond would be waiting to take the mantle as king (and yes, I'm aware that Aegon has sons of his own, and I did write a post discussing that, link is HERE if you want to read that).
I also bring this up in part to bits of the last HotD season 2 trailer where we see Alicent try to reason with her sons, especially Aemond, but it doesn't look like she's getting to him:
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Aemond: Would you not have us prevail? Alicent: NOT like this!!
This tumblr post actually points out that when Aemond feels his mother has become TOO emotional to make any decisions on her own because she has become 'blinded' by her love for Rhaenyra (Alicent is definitely NOT a repressed lesbian...not AT ALL...she said sarcastically), which makes her a fool; therefore, he needs to take charge.
Alicent reinforces the patriarchal values to her sons- which I predict will yield some unintended consequences on her part- yet at the same time she tries to do what she can to keep them in line, even more so in Episode 9 when she was insistent that Aegon spare his sister and reject his grandfathers counsel to do otherwise.
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Alicent, honey....you just gave your son the crown, the throne, and the absolute power that comes with it...what makes you think he's going to listen to you after that?
As the much beloved GoT fan favorite Tyrion Lannister said to his sweet sister Cersei when she came to realize she couldn't control her king son despite being Queen Regent:
"It's hard to put a leash on a dog once you've put a crown on its head." -Tyrion Lannister
I get the impression that will be a similar case with Aegon once he gets more and more used to his power as king.
I predict he'll begin to ignore his mother in favor of doing what he wants (I'm also predicting that when Aegon had his grandfather dismissed as Hand of the King, Alicent will probably urge to reconsider this decision, but he'll just laugh and say no).
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One thing that resonates with me from all this was what Rhaenys said to Alicent in Episode 9 when Alicent tried to persuade Rhaenys to renounce the Velaryon's support of Rhaenyra in favor of Aegon. Alicent brings up that women don't rule the realm but they can do their best to guide the men who, gently away from acts of violence. Rhaenys had this to say in response:
"...yet you toil in service to men. Your father, your husband, your son. You desire not to be free, but to make a window in the wall of your prison. Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?" -Rhaenys Targaryen
This is actually a pretty powerful quote, in my opinion, because I feel it basically sums up Alicent's life up until now. She was a young girl who has only done all that was expected of her. She married the king, had his children, raised those same children, all in the name of a higher purpose, and all at her father's behest.
Yet it never did once occur to Alicent the possibility that she could've sat the Throne. (now thinking back to Episode 8, it was Otto who sat the throne for the Driftmark petition...Alicent NEVER took that opportunity not even once).
It never occurred to Alicent that a woman could have power, despite being a woman herself.
And here she is trying to guide the men in her life, the same men who were either influenced by Westeros' societal values, and she herself had reinforced those same values, and she is reaping the consequences from all that, and will probably continue to reap them in the next season.
And I think on some level Alicent understands this, that is how her life ended up because all she ever did was do as she was told, at least that seems to be the case when she confronted her father in Episode 9 prior to Aegon's coronation:
But I think at this point, Alicent feels that it's too late to change anything, this is the way things are, and she needs to keep reinforcing it (it is kinda difficult to change course on your beliefs even after having the epiphany she had, old habits die hard after all).
I bring all this up to showcase how this society influences our characters, it influences how they were raised especially in the confines of Westeros' upper class gender roles and it will influence how our beloved Targ men will end up doing as they will and no one will be there to control them and put them in their place, especially if it's the women around them who try to keep them in line.
I'm fairly certain this will go along the ways of how we see Blood and Cheese play out as well as the Dance of Dragons.
So I've said what I wanted to say, and hopefully this will be the last I talk things HotD related before the season premier (Not including my HotD/Witcher crossover updates of course).
So we're good? Good!
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sparklepirate · 9 months
Alright, final thoughts on Inheritance.
Eragon continues to be the guy of all time. I love him. He really displayed a maturity in this book that I think supersedes anything we've seen of him in all the previous books, and just like... His strength really is that he is compassionate and thoughtful towards everyone. Even Murtagh, now, too. He had the realization of how close he was to sharing his fate, sought to understand him, and that was ultimately what led him to realizing his true name had changed, tearing down Galbatorix's wards, etc etc. I don't know that I could properly articulate everything about him here, but Eragon definitely became the hero he needed to be by the end of the series, 100%. He is the only person who could've possibly thought of the final piece of magic to defeat Galbatorix. Even the dreams of starlings are equal to the worries of a king. Ahhh, it's so good. ❤️ I'm so proud of him.
On the other hand, Barst was some bullshit. Bro. Like, on the one hand, it was a very good climactic battle for Roran to participate in, and his triumph was the perfect culmination of his character- cunning in battle, cunning in strategy, the intelligence and charisma to sway everyone around him into cooperating and working together, sheer determination so intensely strong that he was able to crush and Eldunarí with his bare hands. His role was perfect! But Barst as a villain was kinda... Well, first of all, he came completely the fuck out of nowhere. He wasn't mentioned at all until they were already on their way to Uru'baen, and then he was only MENTIONED. They didn't hype him up enough before the actual battle in my opinion. And ONE human and one Eldunarí being enough to beat the QUEEN OF THE ELVES in hand to hand combat...? I mean, I guess that could work but... Ehhh... I dunno. It kind of felt like an excuse for Islanzadí to die, and Roran to triumph more than anything. It was cool, but it was probably the weakest part of the plot in my opinion.
That said though I think it's pretty safe to say this was my favorite book of the series. I'm having trouble recalling all the iconic shit (I took a pretty long break from reading about halfway through the book) but there was soooo much cool stuff in here. The Nasuada being kidnapped and being helped by Murtagh arc is GOLD, Vroengard was amazing, and all the battles were SO well written??? I need to study these books more closely just to learn how to write compelling fight scenes. Honestly, it's gripping stuff. I was on the edge of my seat, despite knowing how everything turns out.
Nasuada is amazing, Arya is amazing, Saphira is amazing, Roran is amazing, MURTAGH is amazing... I think I already liked basically every character in this series going in, but I somehow like them even more now that I've read it again. Everyone is so good, and interesting, and I want to be everyone's friend. I think the only character I liked less this go around was Orrin (sorry to my Orrin stan friend out there). That said, though, I don't dislike him, I think I just went from positive to neutral about him.
Orrin honestly just didn't get nearly as much screen time as I remembered? We only see him a handful of times throughout the book and each time the only thing he's doing is getting drunk and making an ass of himself, though... Idk, he also has a point? He has his own unique point of view, and his own unique experiences that lead him to his own ideas of how to conduct things, and it is definitely kind of true that like no one ever really listens to him or takes him seriously, despite being the King of Surda for w while at that point. I don't think there was a more graceful solution to the division of power/territory after Galbatorix was killed than what was decided upon, because like... Realistically, Orrin was never gonna be high king. He had good reason to assert for the throne, sure, but actually ascending to the throne? That is SUCH a far reach for power, unless the aim was to assimilate Surda in and have all of the humans under one crown. Nah, Nasuada giving up territory and ascending to the throne was the better choice, even if I do empathize with Orrin's point of view. It seems like Nasuada did as well, because even though she was persistent, she seemed to be gentle and sympathetic with him. He even had his line about like... "Why do you even want to do this?" "None of you would understand." Idk. Very interesting, but not tremendously notable compared to others, and he definitely was a bit of an asshole at times.
Murtagh my beloved my BELOVED I'm honestly just gonna make a whole separate essay post about him because his shit is Complicated™️ but one little note it was such a small detail at the end but I love that he said to Eragon "Hey check in on Arya about killing Shruikan. It couldn't have been easy for an elf to kill a dragon." And Eragon hadn't even THOUGHT of that and Arya probably would've been the last thing on his mind but he still was just so thoughtful. He is thoughtful like his brother and he cares so deeply and AHHH!!! And actually I want to see him and Arya be buds. I think they would have a cool dynamic. And also I love that he never once hesitated to acknowledge Eragon as his brother and just wanted to be with him and finally Eragon also acknowledged him as a brother too that last scene with them was just so good 🥹
Also I love how Thorn's like only spoken line in the whole series (until November) is to boop Eragon on the forehead and say "Hi. Thank you for not killing my rider. :)" and Murtagh is just like "Yeah thanks for that. 😒"
Love how quick Saphira and Fírnen hit it off lol. They really played tag and wrestled for like five minutes and then were like "Alright we're gonna go fuck like now see y'all later ✌️" And Eragon's like "Is this??? Okay???" And Saphira's like "Pfft dragon's don't mate for life 🤷‍♀️" Their little romance was so cute.
CAN WE FUCKING TALK ABOUT QUEEN AND RIDER ARYA??? That shit is by FAR the wildest endgame decision Chris made because like. That. That's so fucking. Oh my god??? Like, one, poor Arya!! She just wanted to be a rider and have adventures! She probably would've either spent her time happy herrying eggs across Alegaësia, or she would've gone with Eragon to Mount Arngor, but you can NOT convince me that she would be particularly happy as queen. She's grieving the loss of her mother that she barely had a relationship with, and denied the other eleven leaders for a full week before they convinced her to do it!!! Girlie!!! You deserve to be happy!!! And, two, the obvious point of holy shit that is such an enormous power imbalance in favor of the elves. Like, there is a REASON the riders were separate in the first place!! And, you know, Galbatorix JUST died and now there is another rider/monarch and it's the ELVES who have historically been both the most powerful race, and the race with the best relationship with the dragons. And Arya is the ONLY RIDER LEFT IN ALEGAËSIA!!! Because Eragon is gone (and stubbornly convinced that He Shall Never Again Return Oh Woe Is Him) and Murtagh is... Also gone to an extent. He at the very least holds no political power. Basically everyone hates him, and those that don't can't do more than, like, pardon him, for whatever that's worth. I just can't see this not rubbing people the wrong way, and not coming to an eventual head. Nasuada and Arya are both great, but I just get the feeling there is going to eventually be some sort of conflict between them, no matter how much neither of them want it. I do think Arya is perhaps the least corruptible person, other than maybe Eragon but... I don't knowwww maaaan it's complicated!!
Also I regret to inform everyone that rereading the last little bit did make me ship Eragon and Arya a teensy tinsy itty little bit. Just a liiiiittle bit. Like idk the last fairth and the telling each other their true names and calling each other their true names and Eragon's grief at leaving and his vow to love her forever and her insinuation of maybe one day just got to me alright???
There were a lot of cool magic things in this book! Like the pocket space that the Eldunarí were kept in? Cuaroc's body? More shit that I'm forgetting? God I would just love, like, a magical encyclopedia or something idk. Lots of cool shit. And artifacts!! I want to learn about more magical artifacts.
Also at my Galbatorix stan mutual? I'm a certified Murtagh Girlie™️ and therefore obligated to hold a grudge but like. I do get it. He is a... Very competent villain.
Alright I think that's it for now but. Wow. Man oh man. There is a reason I love this series. I'll probably think of some more things to talk about later, and I'm gonna be participating in the Big Bang, and I'll probably post about The Fork, The Witch, and The Worm as I reread that but yeah!!! Can't wait for November!!
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tatekane · 6 months
I've been reading the comments on reddit about the megabases and burnout, and the take that megabases are "facades", just there to look pretty with no function. Read that continuously it gets exhausting.
I don't know how to form my thoughts I'll just dump it all here:
First eyyyy Scar giving props again to Pearl and Bdubs that they aren't MC builders anymore they've ascended to great artists.
That leads me to the thought of megabases, there are ppl in HC who treats MC as a canvas, they genuinely enjoy building and if making megabases is their thing let em, no need to harp on that it has no function, yes it does it's their outlet and most importantly their art. If someone is building something big just to follow an imagined template in HC that's their misconception and if a viewer is complaining about this, there are hermits they can watch that has a different take, like Zed (have you seen the zedvancements?! amazing), Joe (tho he was building the massive pinball machine this season, it was a passion project for him), Etho, xB, Beef (his maps were mega xD, he loves doing it tho).
I remember Bdubs in s7 he was building his wonderful town and Grian told him it wasn't a megabase so he built his mountain and massive castle (btw is this why ppl thinking HC is about megabases?) Bdubs never appears to burnout when he's building. His solo series "Building with Bdubs" he's even challenging himself to build massive... my point is, there are ppl who geniunely likes building and ppl thumbing their nose at it are hurting the builders of HC.
Grian is the most prominent one who has megabase burnout, he always enjoy building when they are novel or is tied with lore. Grumbot, his bottle under the ocean, his stores, treesa, Cherry Tree in a pot, etc. Maybe stick with that (these are mostly relatively smaller builds).
The burnout comes from self-inflicted "rules" like megabases and what "content" will make the viewers engaged. Content is something they have to deal with because it's their job... they just need to do content that they enjoy. I'm pretty sure the hermits are brainstorming in their meetings. They will come up with something good.
AND I see this a lot too on reddit, ppl who are asking "Isn't HC vanilla?" passive-aggressively pointing at DO2's doors, cards, keys etc. now if you made Tango do those too in map form or have him make more farms for unique items for the treasure/shards, imagine the restocking... Tango would definitely burnout especially with how much those doors/custom items made him happy. He has done A LOOOOT for season 9. It irks me when ppl question if they are vanilla.
Let the hermits have their custom item models for their hats/elytra/weapons it adds something to their content and those simple things invigorates them and we enjoy their silliness with it.
*cue Bdubs gasping* "but we're vanilla!" when they requested for rain/snow to be shut off when they were ice racing.
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25 Days until Tears of the Kingdom Release. Is it really? Haha the smaller the number gets the more I doubt reality. I've just been waiting for this game for so long that even with all the marketing and the trailer analysis it's hard to believe its actually happening.
Spoilers under the cut for the last batch of screenshot trailer analysis.
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So this tear has the recall chicken symbol on it. I checked. Zelda also has the Master Sword with her. Either she's fixing the sword and that's something only she can do or Zelda is in the past so the sword isn't broken yet and she is leaving something there for Link.
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Ganondorf, mummy version I'm assuming, spewing red malice stuff but much brighter red this time. I wonder if Malice is just Ganondorf's version of fuse. Link gets green glue and Ganondorf red. After this there is a shot where the red stuff hits the sky and starts summoning monsters. The trailer transitions it to make it look continuous but once we get into the game we'll most likely find that it's separate cut scenes or different parts of the same cut scene but not continuous. Honestly, I think this might be where Link and the Master Sword get attacked but I'm still not giving up on the possibility that the malice emerges from the Master Sword outwards as Fi looses control on Demise.
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I'm pretty sure I mentioned the lack of lynels in the other analysis I did. Welp here they are with their massive antlers (oof on the damage those things will probably cause) and the sword looking thing sticking out of one of their heads. I wonder what fusing Lynel horns to shields, swords, or arrows will do. I think I'll fight some just for that.
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What else do I have to say? It's the main man, Ganondorf. I can't wait to kick his ass again.
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Never seen this enemy in any of the Zelda games I've played. However, I will look forward to this boss fight/mini boss fight and whatever skill or item we need to defeat it. Maybe ascend or some ice weapon? I heard that ascend works on certain enemies and I'm very curious about which ones. It'd be interesting if this enemy tries to swallow Link and Link just ascends through the roof of its mouth.
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This is Hylia or some version of Zelda from the past (yeah I'm aware that Hylia is technically a version of Zelda but whatever.) I think she's very pretty, super amazing, and very strong considering she laser beams a bunch of Molduga with no sweat.
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RIJU!!! Look at my girl double wielding swords (Can we do it too as Link? Nintendo?? I wanna duel wield.) Riju appears to have grown into her own and mastered her lightning powers without needing the Helm. I'm so proud of her and I can't wait to fight along side her.
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I can't tell you how cool it is to see that Link will be working and fighting alongside other citizens of Hyrule. The resistance in Twilight Princess walked so that TOTK NPCS can run. At least that's my hope. Also neat looking sword Link.
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Now this part of the trailer nearly gave me a heart attack. I was like no freaking way will the new champions literally fight besides Link and not just in a cut scene. How sick is this? Of course, I heard some people say co-op but I don't think that's what's happening. You see the blue glowy stuff on Sidon? Yeah it was on Tulin too. I think the new champions might be like summons, automated companions. I think Nintendo took the wolf link amiibo and the Yunobu follow quest and beefed it up. I'm very excited about it.
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So Riju doesn't have a tear that we can see and they haven't shown Yunobu but Tulin and Sidon have different tears. I'm very curious about what these things do. I'm also amused that Sidon got blue and Tulin green considering the colors of Mipha's Grace and Revali's Gale. I'm not sure about the symbols on them since I don't think they correspond to any of the abilities icons unlike recall. Anyway, it's just another thing that can't be answered until the game is out.
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Giant fire gleeok or three headed evil dragon or whatever it's called, it's a sick looking boss that I can't wait to fight. Also the weapon that Link is using looks so other worldly. It's got the shape of a wing and its probably ice related. I wonder what enemy Link got it from but it does remind me of Naydra so maybe it's a dragon part? Nintendo really popped off with the Fuse ability.
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So Ganondorf is most likely what this mural figure represent but look at the Hylian (i think it's a hylian, could be a Zonai) beneath him. I think the figure with its hand raised represents either Link or the person who owned the ancient hand and sealed Ganondorf.
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It's a bit hard to see but see these four warriors? I think they might represent the four champions since these guys are the only warrior figures in the middle of the horde of monsters. The warriors that aren't yet in the midst of monsters must represent the other NPCs, the citizens of Hyrule that are also fighting back. I think the mural is neat and I wonder where we might see it in the game.
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Lastly, Zelda holding the Master Sword and saying "You must find me Link." The first time I watched the trailer I went "Zelda?? If Link has to find you then where the heck are you??" And that's where time travel to the past is looking like a more and more likely theory. The only other theory I have involves realms/alternate worlds since A Link Between worlds exists and so do the Twilight and Silent Realms. But again, I think we'll just have to wait and see what the game has in store.
Thank you for coming to the end of this analysis with me. I'm ecstatic to have my questions answered on May 12, 2023.
Edit: It has been brought to my attention that Riju does in fact have a visible tear and I even posted a picture where it is visible. Guess my brain was so focused on how badass she looked while duel wielding swords that I missed it. Welp that's three for three tears so I'm expecting Yunobu to have one.
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thelikesoffinn · 22 days
hiiiii so have you heard about astarion actually having DID? (dissociative identity disorder in case you don't kno) ive seen that a few times on tiktok now and i thought i finna ask you about it because that shiz is wiiild to me. like girl wtf.
TW: Dissociative Identity Disorder He's got...what. Just what.
What in the world is TikTok cooking up now? Like, what in the world? I myself don't use TikTok, so I've never heard this before but damn. Damn.
Flower, I'm not gonna lie, this confuses me more than the 'his crying is a sign that not ascending is the bad choice'. Because this? This is wild, you're so right. This is more than wild, this is the wildest shit.
DID is such a highly specific disorder, why would anyone get the idea Astarion could have that? (Once again, I'm not standing in the way of anyones headcanons, play around as you like, but heavens, no. I don't see that at all.)
Over the entire game, I haven't seen a singular sign that could point towards DID. And yes, sure, one could say 'well Alters are meant to protect the system to the shift is not obvious so Astarion's alter called Astorian could just be hiding it really well' which...yeah, okay, that's true I'll hand them that but there's other signs apart from the shifting alters that Astarion simply doesn't display.
He might have some common comorbidities, but if we go just by that he could have pretty much any other disorder known to man because so so many of them come with the same comorbidities. That is why diagnosing people accurately is so difficult.
Also - DID is developed in early childhood. Mostly in children before the age of nine who experienced extreme trauma. And yes, while Astarion WAS abused and his abuse would definitely be enough for that, he wasn't a child. I mean, come on, he was 36. And yes, that is young for elves but it's still a blown arse adult. It just doesn't make sense.
And, can I just step away from my social worker self and into my writer self for a hot second? I usually try not to, but it's necessary here.
Astarion's trauma and the resulting behavioural patterns exist to add complexity and depth to his character. They are devices used so that he isn't just the campy cunty vampire. We are supposed to see his layers, to see that he is more than just the rude pretty boy. We are supposed to make connections between his behaviour and how Cazador treated him, which is why his behaviour is as obvious and textbook as it is. It's a glaring neon sign made for us so that we understand the character and endear him to us.
That is why they are there.
Anything used in a story is there for a reason. Everything is used to drive the story forward and carry it into the authors chosen direction. It would make absolutely zero sense to give Astarion a disorder as rare, as misunderstood and as interesting as DID and not mention it. That would be so. much. wasted story telling potential.
It just doesn't make sense, absolutely not.
And I'm not saying DID wouldn't make for an interesting story - quite the opposite. I think the community could thrive on some destigmatisation because all the DID characters I've ever seen were crazily homicidal maniacs and it'd be nice to see a character that is displaying DID in the proper way, but Astarion simply isn't it.
He really really isn't.
TikTok is throwing around wild theories every day it seems, I'm really truly baffled!
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plutoyoni · 22 days
riize group chart - a reading (mostly observations lol)
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(this is kind of unstructured tbh and will basically just be me making note of random things i notice in the chart 😌)
💮 the first thing that stood out to me was their aquarius rising - i personally haven't seen a kpop group with an aquarius in their ascendant. aquarius is all about modernity and trends - i would say this is illustrated in that distinctive 'gen z feel' that people usually mention when it comes to them (astrologically this is because gen z - generationally - have their uranus and neptune in aquarius).
💮 their midheaven falling in their 11h also indicates their public perception (midheaven) is highly reliant on their presence and image on social media (11h) - i'd say this is seen in their modern and unique marketing style that makes heavy use of tiktok and trends.
💮 the 3h aries chiron can signal some damaging rumours as chiron is all about wounds/painful events (especially in a volatile sign such as aries) and the 3rd house is all about the spread of information and communication - ultimately seen in the rumors that led to seunghan's departure from the group.
💮 this is also exacerbated by that 8h sun-mercury conjunction which is indicative of hidden (8h) information (mercury) coming to light (sun). (might indicate possible scandals in the future - i'd have to check the transits to be sure).
💮 but they have a very dignified and well-placed moon! their 4h taurus moon-jupiter conjunction is probably why everyone immediately felt very soft and protective over them they have a very notable familiarity that people respond to.
additionally, a dignified moon (because the moon exalts in taurus) and benefics in the 4h (i.e. moon and jupiter) in the chart of a public figure is usually a good indicator that there will always be a place for them in the hearts of the general public 💌.
💮sagittarius midheaven and 9h libra mars definitely shows why they hit it off with international audiences, they even have their rising at a sagittarius degree too! this usually gives great appeal with foreign people as sagittarius rules over foreign lands - a very worldly and laidback feel.
💮also midheaven at a libra degree (7°) - known for their pretty boy-ness.
💮 there's alot of virgo/taurus energy here too so a definite feel of being more grounded and down to earth.
💮 the 2h pisces saturn and neptune can show that they had some trouble finding their footing in the beginning, like the actual construction (2h) of the group was possibly difficult (saturn) and unclear and required some sacrifices (pisces) at first. which we are now aware of regarding shotaro and sungchan initially being nct members without a unit before riize's inception.
💮 also them sharing a saturn sign with sm and sm's saturn falling into their 2h and them debuting during sm's saturn return (which I'd gladly expand more on in a future post!) all point towards sm likely heavily valuing/investing in them (2h) or just seeing them has highly useful to their longevity (saturn) in some way.
💮 lastly, a jupiter-uranus conjunction is a goldmine for easily standing out, since uranus rules over uniqueness and jupiter gives abundance and great luck - especially since uranus and jupiter are the rulers of their ascendant (aquarius) and midheaven (sagittarius) too , the general public sees them and just knows they're Different.
💮 also a 12° leo venus is a very glossy heartthrobby placement so there's that as well lol
thanks for reading!! i enjoyed doing this and their chart honestly reminds me a bit of nct 127's chart lol
(thank you sooo much for the love on the previous posts <3333 i wasn't sure they'd be received well so im so grateful that they were enjoyable! also i'm really sorry for the 2 month disappearance 😭 since the last post I've since moved homes and also had with a huge blow of creative block which i'm working through now so posting will definitely be on a more flexible and regular basis :D)
i hoped this was enjoyable - im not sure how many people are familiar with riize - im quite new to them myself so this might not be wholly accurate (if so - please correct me)
i really enjoyed writing this !
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