#and I love ihm :')
pankiepoo · 5 months
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i like fan
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natolesims · 22 days
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Let’s visit Windenburg
First stop: Autumn and Happy. The two dorks are still in love and are enjoying family life very much, thank you. They now have two little balls of sunshine: Carol and Rusty. You may remember this little bit from @whimsicalsimmies‘s rainbowsin gameplay! This is a White multiverse at this point lolol
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vanillashusband · 10 months
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god i lvoe him so mcuh q m q
🧡TAGLIST: @selfshippinglover @sunstar-of-the-north
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strawberri-syrup · 23 days
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my son bread with every disease
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Daniel Sträßer als Matt Westphal in Conti- Meine zwei Gesichter
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westanthewaterman · 2 years
if you want to, could you do some like lovesick damien headcanons? hes my favorite and your writing is so good!!
This is Mayor Attorney because it has to be
follows the DA around like a lovesick puppy, heart eyes and all
everyone who knows them knows how Damien feels except for the DA
Damien likes to get them flowers for their desk at work because he hopes it will make them think of him
if you go to events together (whether as friends or partners) he loves to coordinate your outfits
definitely doodles little hearts with your initials and his on papers he's supposed to be working on
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immortal-cataclysm · 9 months
good god. taranza. my god
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shiorion · 2 years
Simeon, ever so beautiful.
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star-nn · 1 year
"schlaf gut tiger"
Leo ist einfach der einzige Mann jemals
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
Can you tell something about „who’s gonna take you home tonight “ :0
[wip ask game]
hier ist schon ein bisschen was dazu; es ist quasi pwp mit Cotta/Bob, weil ich wollte, dass es dafür auch mal etwas Längeres gibt, und vor gar nicht so langer Zeit hab ich tatsächlich mal wieder etwas dran geabeitet, also wird es vielleicht in diesem Leben noch fertig.
Cotta verabschiedete sich von den Beiden, aber Bob hörte nicht genau zu. Wandte sich stattdessen für den Moment lieber wieder seinem Glas zu, in dem Versuch, sich damit wieder ein bisschen runterzukühlen. Denn seine Gedanken waren gerade auf wirklich interessanten Abwegen unterwegs. "Tja", machte er dann, als Cottas Freunde aus ihrem Blickfeld verschwunden waren, lehnte sich wieder ein bisschen näher zu Cotta. "Dann sind jetzt wohl nur noch du und ich übrig." "Und die anderen hundert Leute in dieser Bar", konterte Cotta.
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schadenfreudich · 6 months
Oh! Ihm ist die Wirkung seiner Handlung stets ungewiss! Ihm ist nicht bewusst, was seine Worte in einem auslösen!
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buckysmith · 1 year
They find you sleeping
Includes: Ghost, Soap, Alejandro and Graves
Warning: none (let me know if i missed a warning)
- He would come home pretty late and because he can’t just call you to let you know he’s coming home, most of the time he would just appear out of nothing
- cough he’s a ghost cough
- You would lay on the couch, next to you the tv remote while the tv is still on
- He would take a picture of you all rolled up in a cozy blanket
- first of all he would turn the the TV off
- after that he would go to the kitchen, closing the door to avoid that you wake up while he makes tea for both of you
- he exactly knows which tea you love so he would make it for you and himself simply an earl grey
- with both teas he would go back to you, placing both mug on the coffee table
- then he would kneel besides you, gently stroking your cheek before placing a kiss on your forehead
- the moment you open your eyes this man falls all over again for you
- the way you look at him even though your half asleep is everything for him
- he can see your love for him
- The moment you’re able to understand that your man is back home and is right in front of you instead of being it just a dream of him you “jump” into his arms
- He gently sits you on his lap while placing his hands on your hips
- you’re the one claiming his lips as yours, kissing him like it would be the last time
- While you both kiss he warps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him
- the moment you both have to pull away to be able to breath he puts his hands gently on your flushed cheeks
- you’re eyes are red now cause of tears of joy
- if he’s already home and he finds you asleep he does those things too
- preparing a nice tea for both of you, sometimes with appetizers or a sandwich is a must
-most of the time he comes home around 1 am so sometimes he finds you already asleep
- most of the time he finds you at the dinner table or on the couch
- he knows you wait for him
- while it fills his heart with joy that you wait for him on the other hand he feels guilty that you fall asleep in such uncomfortable places because of him.
- if you happen to be a deep sleeper he just picks you up (no matter the size, this man is strong strong) and brings you into your shared bedroom, gently placing you on your side of the mattress
- but if not he kneels besides or in front of you
- if you’re on the couch he gently strokes over your cheeks while he mumbles sweet nothing to you
- he praises you, kissing your forehead, cheek, lips until you wake up
- the moment you open your eyes a smilie appears on your lips
- you mumble his nickname, still half asleep
- and he whispers your nickname back
- after that he just takes you with him into your shared bedroom not wanting to wake you up
- but sometimes you visit him on his base, sometimes he’s there sometimes he’s not and if he’s not you wait for him
- but then it happens from time to time that you just falls asleep in his office
- so to come back to the base, walking into his office and seeing you sleep on his chair, couch or simply the floor means so much for him
- no matter how hard his day was, to see you so peaceful eases his feelings
- he would take some pics of you, maybe even show rodolfo how cute you look while you’re asleep
- this man is a sucker for you
- he would come home pretty late, but the light would be still on and he would thought you’re still awake
- He would call out to you as he slipped off his shoes but wouldn't get an answer, which would worry him a bit
- He would look for you and would finally find you laying on the couch, sleeping peacefully
- He would smile at you and would take a picture
- after that he would grab a cozy blanket, carefully lies himself beside you and covers you both up
- He’s a oven so especially if it’s winter you would snuggle up to him, mumbling in your sleep how much you miss ihm and that you wished he would be here now
- that would made him juggle a bit, not because you misses him so dearly, no, because you look so innocent and cute while doing it
- he would whisper in your ear that he’s there, that he is already next to you
- your sleep head would only mumble that it can’t be and that he’s a dream
- He wouldn’t response to it, knowing you’re to tired to notice he’s real
- you both would sleep the whole night on the couch, only for him to get kicked from the couch because you thought he would be some kind of creep that broke into your house only to notice it’s your husband when it’s already too late
- after that you would be very sorry and embarrassed
- a lot of cuddles after that are a must
- This man is a workaholic so most of the time he comes home and you’re already asleep
- But he knows that no matter the time he has a nice meal that waits for him
- He loves to watch you sleep
- no not like a creep but it eases his mind, to see you so peaceful so innocently is for what he fights for
- He would just sit next to you, smiling or maybe softly stroking your cheek
- He doesn’t want to disturb your peaceful slumber so he would only pull you closer to his chest, watching you till he falls asleep too
- he’s and early bird too so he’s already awake while your still sleeping
- for him it’s a win situation cause he can watch you till he has to go to work again or to leave you for a month or more
- in his chest plate there’s a picture of you sleeping in his arms, he always looks at it when he’s not home especially if he can’t sleep
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deutsche-bahn · 2 days
Kurzer Monolog ausgelöst durch den Satz "the queer experience is often defined by pain" incoming.
Ich bin in vielerlei Hinsicht unfassbar repressed. Might be the loving embrace of my father's Bauernfamilie, might be my very own, very arrogant fear of judgement. Unverständnis und Ablehnung sind mir absolut nicht fremd. Vielleicht war ich in Sachen Akzeptanz ein kleines bisschen ausgehungert. Aber seitdem ich mir, was meine eigene Identität angeht, auch nur das kleinste bisschen Offenheit abverlange ertrinke ich praktisch in... ja, Akzeptanz halt. Ich weiß, dass die "du bist wirklich, wirklich nicht alleine"-Rede fast schon ein Klischee ist. Klar, schon gehört, I know. Aber dann bist du auf irgendeinem Festival, und vor dir steht ein Typ mit Vollbart den du höchstens ein, zwei Mal getroffen hast und zieht sich die Biker-Handschuhe aus weil er dir zeigen will dass er Nagellack trägt. Oder irgendwer kommt nachts auf irgendeiner Feier angekrochen und fragt ganz vorsichtig, in diesem ganz bestimmten Tonfall den ich inzwischen wittern kann wie ein fucking Trüffelschwein: "Hey, darf ich dich was fragen? Bist du eigentlich auch..."
Idk, ich will nicht rumsülzen. Ich wurde vor kurzem auf sehr, sehr dumme Art gegenüber meiner Familie mütterlicherseits geoutet. Das war was wovor ich echte Angst hatte. Bei meinem Vater bin ich mit 16 mit so absoluter Selbstverständlichkeit für was ähnliches rausgeflogen, er hat so reflexartig mit Boshaftigkeit reagiert dass ich es in keinster Weise hinterfragt habe. Ich habe es damals einfach als natürliche Reaktion hingenommen. Ofc, was will er denn sonst machen? Womit hast du überhaupt gerechnet? Und meine Familie mütterlicherseits war... ok? Ich weiß nicht, warum ich tief im inneren immer noch mit derselben Reaktion gerechnet habe. Aber sie waren einfach, ja, ok damit.
Ich glaube ich hätte bereits vor langer Zeit ahnen müssen dass alles irgendwie ok wird. Als ich 16 war, kurz nach dem Vorfall mit meinem Vater, outete sich jemand in meinem Bogensportverein. Der Typ war Mitte 20, KFZ-Mechaniker und Metalhead. Anschließend kam er zu mir (ich war, wie gesagt, 16, repressed as all hell und in keinster Weise out), und sagte, dass ich ihm somehow den Mut zum Outing gegeben hätte. Damals fand ich das primär wild, und sekundär fucking mortifying, weil holy shit how do you know tell me your secrets is it that obvious- Rückblickend interessiert es mich nicht, warum und wie er zu dem Schluss gekommen ist. Es war strange, aber es war ein kleiner Lichtblick in Sachen Offenheit.
Letzte Woche konnte ich tatsächlich darüber lachen als jemand assumed hat dass ein Freund von mir mein Partner sei. Vor ein paar Jahren hätte ich das einfach nur panisch abgestritten. Hey, es wird tatsächlich einfacher. Man findet seine Leute.
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yoruio · 2 months
Where is my friend, the smiley!!
I love ihm,, like what if you helped him after he got toasted :o
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(btw feel free to request stuff if yalls want :> i luv all the smiling critters!!)
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