#and I knew absolutly nothing about gender so I believed that for a long time
icharchivist · 7 years
why is alluka gender an issue like half the fandom said she actually an boy but wants to be refer as an girl but half said she always been an girl but her family disown her for being an monster
Oh boy oh boy.
(just a note, i use a general “you” in that answer, I don’t talk to you directly nonny, it’s just easier for me to word what I want to say)
Alluka is a girl. There is no debate to have about it. she’s a girl, she identifies as a girl, and the only people refering her as a boy are the same people who refers to her as a monster and abuse her, so they shouldn’t be taken into consideration when it comes to the well being of their daughter/sister.
The narrative is rather clear that she’s a transgirl. A lot of people can talk about it better than I do, but it’s rather clear she was dmab (especially since in the flashbacks she is refered by male pronoums). The treatment by her family, mostly toward Nanika but honestly toward everything Alluka is in general, is really symbolic of a lot of trans people living in a family that would reject them.
So when she says she’s a girl, it means she’s a girl.
Killua is the only member of her family who loves her and respects her, and with the narrative being clear that the family doesn’t know about Alluka at all while Killua knows everything, and Killua had been one of our main characters, a good judgement for the whole show, who’s thoughts had always been as honest as possible, someone we’re supposed to trust. So if Killua says Alluka is a girl? She’s a girl.
If the people who calls her “it” or a monster, who don’t know anything about how her powers work, who isolate her, who are scared of her, who tries to force a narrative on her that isn’t hers, who are a clear parallel to transphobic families, tells the audience she’s a “he”, how the fuck do you want to trust them?
So no, there’s no debate to have about it. None. Alluka is a girl. She’s a transgirl. The narrative is clear about who you have to believe, the narrative is clear that it’s what to do to respect her. And if that wasn’t enough, all the symbolisms go in that direction as well.
So for people saying “she’s a boy who believes she’s a girl”, there’s two solutions: Either they are extremely uneducated on this topic and had a harmful understanding of this kind of situation, or/and they are transphobic.
The manga didn’t spell out the fact Alluka is a transgirl. Because it makes sense and the reader should put it into consideration by themselves. They never say it ontext “by the way she’s trans”, but it’s rather clear in every other aspects that she is. 
So for someone who’s not educated, say, a really young person, or someone who had never been even made aware of the existence of trans people, and if they never had a proper education on how to react in those circumstances, I suppose they can’t know. 
But that doesn’t mean they can actually call her “he”. It means they need to educate themselves.  (If you are in that situation i would bring you to this essay that was written about Alluka’s gender.). 
And there is the case of people being downright transphobic. And for that I don’t have any answer that isn’t incredibly mean, but just fuck off. The narrative is being clear that people who misgender Alluka are antagonists and abusers. If that’s what you want to identify as and be tone-deaf about what people tell you, it’s a problem. 
One last thing: no matter what gender you think someone is, if they tell you they’re another gender, you listen to them and you use the appropriate pronoums. It’s none of your business to judge someone over what they tell you they are or not, no matter how hard you believe it. It costs $0 to actually adress the person as the way they want to be adressed. 
If you believe “she’s a boy who prefer to be identified as a girl”, that’s transphobic, but also it’s not your place to say what their gender is. It’s what they say that matters. 
And a lot of people discussed it, especially people who can connect to Alluka’s storyline better than I do. Listen to them. Understand their points. Open your mind. 
And if people still refer to her as a “he” while knowing all of that, just fuck off.
EDIT: something I forgot to adress bc i forget I have to adress it, is that sort of “but maybe Alluka was dfab but her parents wanted her to be a boy/deshumanized her so they called her a he” - I’m p sure it was confirmed she was dmab (kinda in a tactless way by Togashi, but still did), and more is explored is the essay i linked.
So please don’t.
Take care nonny! 
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bunnyandrabbitkpop · 7 years
The Final Warning pt.5
Bangtan & reader (only bangtan pov)
Gender: Horror, a bit of supernatural (feels like quite a lot finally), kind of Until Dawn AU
Warning: swearing, mention of blood and death (and smoking)
Summary: What was they supposed to do when they accidentally killed there childhood friend ? They were terrified and panicked but maybe they didn’t took the good decision… Now there trapped in their worst nightmare…
Lenght: 6k
A/N: Hi !! I’m back with part 5 guys ! This getting soooooo tense ! I hope the cliffhanger isn’t too hard or too obvious ! Hope you guys like it and even if I don’t go over 5 likes I’m still sooo happy people read my story and like it ! This is amazing thank you ! (I know i get sensitive for nothing but you better get used I’m a lovey-dovey person xD) Enjoy ♥
pt.1   pt.2   pt.3   pt.4
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Yoongi pov
Wait. That wasn't the smartest idea. But I guess we didn't had the choice. What else would we do ? Walk ? He must be kidding. Or he must be desperate because that was insane. How could we make our way through the woods in the dark. Night come quicker in the forest, even with a road, it would be stupid and dangerous. I took a seat beside Namjoon, defeated. We didn't had the choice, without a car, we couldn't come back home, we had to wait until tomorrow, when the police will come back. It's not the first time we spend a night here. This one was pretty creepy tho, but we could make it.
"Where are they ?" I murmured to Namjoon without even looking at him.
I saw him stared at me with confused eyes and I stared back blankly.
"Where do you keep it, you had one left right ? Is it here ?" I continued lowly.  
It took him a while to figuring out what I was talking about, but he finally nodded and showed me his pocket where we could definitly see a cubic form in it.
"Can I have one ?"
"I thought you stopped." He finally spoke.
"I thought you stopped too but you're smell tells me you don't." I retorted.
"Right." He half grinned.
I stood up, followed by Namjoon. We walked toward the door just to be stop harshly by Seokjin. He looked like some crazy door guardian who would kill you if you take a step outside, or a very strict and protective dad who would do the same if his little daughter wanted to sneak out at night.
"What are you doing ?" He spat coldly.
"Just taking a breath." I said, surprised, I didn't expect him to be that harsh actually.
"Open the window then." He suggested, more like an order than a suggestion.
"It's ok, we'll just be here and we'll let the door open." Namjoon gestured to the door.
"I said, the window." And this time, this was clearly an order.
We both stared at him, dumbfounded until he returned to the couch. I glanced at Namjoon and we shrugged before turning back to the door.
"Are we going to get out anyway ?" Namjoon murmured and I nodded, unlocking as slowly as possible the front door. "You know how he is when he’s mad, don't you ?"
"If the murderer wants to kill us, he'll not make any differences between catching us by the door or catching us through the window. He can kill deer, remember." I almost spat. 
Wasn't it true ? A man... No, a thing that could hang a deer on a tree could easily catch two grown man by an open window. I open the door an took a few step outside, taking a deep breath. Namjoon handed me a little white stick and I took it with a slight nod. I put it between my lips and lean closer to Namjoon for him to light up my cigarette. I closed my eyes as the smoke filled my lungs. It had been so long since I didn't smoke that I almost forgot what it felt like.
"What do you think it is ?" Namjoon asked after a long silence.
I exhale the smoke, eyes locked on the burned car. "I don't know." 
"It should be terrifying."
I shrugged, I actually didn't know since I didn't see the deer or anything, but the atmosphere was strange and it seemed to drive the boys crazy. Especially Hoseok but well, I guess it's not that surprising, it had been a year but he never moved on. He changed so much after that day. I can understand but I missed his old self. Everyone missed his old self. He was so lifless and cold, he was distant with everyone. He was no longer the cheerful Hoseok we knew and I'm afraid that he'll never recover completly.  
I finally took a glance at Namjoon who had his eyes glued to the tall trees all around us. He was playing with his lighter, the small flame appearing and disapearing as his thumb flicked the little button. I stared at it for a while before something hits me. I frown and stared at the car before us. Something was off with that. I stared back at the lighter and took it from Namjoon's hand, bringing him out of his thoughts. I raised my hand and lighten the lighter. I brought it just before my head and closed an eye, superimposing both the flame and the car. And then I understood what was wrong.
"Why is the car like that ?" I said but Namjoon just stared at me with utter confusion and I stared back at him. "Why isn't it in fire anymore ? Or at least smoking ?"
But before he could answer, I walked toward the car to touch it. It was cold, as if there never had any fire. However, the car was clearly burned and it didn't explode so far ago, it was impossible that it turned cold that fast.
"It's cold." I told to Namjoon who didn't seem to understand.
"And so what ? The weather is cold tonight, it's not that surprising." He said, bringing his cigarette back to his mouth.
"No... no there's something else..." I mumbled, looking back at the car.
Now Namjoon was looking at me as if I was some kind of paranoiac. I should actually look like one seeing the way I was eyeing the car.
"It's a dry cold. It didn't rain in days, the air is quite dry and there was some wind after the explosion."
"And oxygen feed fire." Namjoon continued, finally getting what I was trying to say. 
"And where are we ?"
"In a forest. Plus the gasoline it should still be on fire." 
"Or at least smoking"
Namjoon got closer and touched the car as well. "It's freezing." He said in disbelief.
"And no trace of water or anything that could shut off the fire."
"What is happenning here ?" Namjoon asked, running a hand through his hair.
I was turning around the car examining it causiosly when I suddenly stopped. "And it's not over." I said, taking a few steps backward as Namjoon rushed by my side, freezing at the sight.
"What the fuck is that ?" He asked, a deep frown on his face.
I shrugged, reading an other time the clear letters let by the flames on the side of the car.
"This is your final warning." Namjoon uttered at the same time. "What does it mean ? How does it ended here ? Who did it ?"
"I don't have a fucking clue." I hissed, my fist balled and my teeth gritted. "But now we know one thing. We're definitly not alone."
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Taehyung pov
My mind was absolutly blank. I couldn't think about anything, the only thing I had in mind was her swollen face just before me, her gaze piercing my bones, piercing my soul. I told it to Seokjin in the bathroom. I told him about the arrows, about the broken legs, the glassy eyes and the split throat. And I told him I saw her. I still remember the way he looked at me. It was a mixture of sadness and pity, he looked at me as if I was crazy, as if I was hallucinating. I wasn't hallucinating. I knew it was real, I knew it was true. But no one would believe so I didn't say anything else, shutting my mouth and following the orders I was given, mostly in the aim of making me feel better.
Seokjin helped me a lot, I couldn't deny it. I almost died in fear because of him but he helped me more than anyone else. Be able to breath properly was very helpful too, I wasn't hyperventilating anymore and it was a good thing since I felt like I was about to black out everytime it happenned. But still, I wasn't ready, I was completly in shock and I didn't want the guys to look at me as everyone looked at Hoseok. The same look Jin gave me earlier. I truly felt like a crazy man from an asylyum or something.
I stared at my glass while everyone was arguing rather to stay or leave. I agreed with Jungkook, we should leav now, we shouldn't wait or we'll all end up like Bogun, gone in the middle of the night without anyone to look after us. But walk in the woods by night, I had to admit myself that it was kinda crazy. How many time did we did that Jungkook and I and just get ourselves lost. The woods change by night, the nature lives and tricks us. And still, everytime we get to the end of the reserve, we stayed for hours sat sometimes in the middle of the road without any single car passing by. I clearly remembered how creepy those hang outs were by the way, so I don't even dare to imagine what it would like in such atmosphere. 
I lift my head when my name was prononced and soon after, Jimin lead me upstairs, leaving the boys behind. I didn't complained and followed him whitout a world, as always since I returned in the cottage. We went in my room and I sat on my bed, eyes still glassy.
"Taehyung..." Jimin called as he took a seat beside me. "What you said in the woods... That she had returned..." He paused, fidgeting with his finger, head low. Than he looked at me and I saw fear in his eyes, the same fear I felt at that exact moment. "I heard her."
I was staring at him but what he said lighten my eyes with a glimmer of curiousity. Jimin pursed his lips, eyebrows frown as he continued fidgeting with his finger. "Through the radio, in the attic. Yoongi told me it wasn't her but I heard her voice clearly. She... She was saying 'Do you remember what you've done ?' and after that, the radio died. Do you think all of this is real ? That she's not dead ? That she wants to get revange ?"
I looked at him intently, balancing rather I should tell him or not. He said that he heard her, he couldn't deny now. But maybe it was too much. Is she still alive ? Did she survive after all ? She had all the reasons in the world to hate us but I know she's not evil. Maybe she do wants to take her revange, maybe she just want to scare us. She had always be extremly creative, it wouldn't be surprising coming from her. So much details, everything should've been perfect with her, she saw the world with her very own eyes and that's what made her different. That is why we put her aside during our whole childhood. 
"Maybe they're right. We should get some rest." I said with a weak and raspy voice as I lied down on my bed, turning my back to Jimin.
I didn't wanted to hear about it anymore, I wanted to sleep. If you were alive, then we might still find a way to convince you to forgive us and come back home all together. Even if, deep inside myself, I knew it wasn't that. I felt Jimin sighed deeply and getting up of the bed.
"Take a nap, I'll be back in a minute." He said before walking away.
His footsteps filled the quite room before he shut the door behind him and vanished in the corridor, letting me alone in my bedroom, all dressed up on the corner of my bed, curl in a ball. 
I staied like this for a while, hoping that Jimin would return soon. I wasn't actually quiet serene all alone so I staied as I was, my head hidden on my knees, avoiding to see around me until I hear the door open, but it never did. The door never opened so I decided to get up and change in more casual clothes. Jimin was propably taking a shower or something so I decided to sleep for a while. I didn't know if I would be able to close my eyes after what I saw, but it worth a try. I went to my bathroom and clean myself up. It was so uncomfortable. I didn't like the atmosphere in my room, I didn't want to be lonely and I thought more than once to go to Jimin's bedroom just to feel his presence. I was like isolated from the world here.
I genuinly avoided to look at myself in the mirror, with all the horror movies we watched here, I wasn't able to look in a mirror in a middle of the night, especially when I was alone. And tonight more than ever. My eyes were glued to the sink as I was slowly washing my teeth. My heart started to fasten as I imagine her again. I was afraid that, if I looked up, I would see her behind me through the mirror. I was afraid to see her cold and hateful glare. I was afraid but I wanted to see, so I slowly, very slowly, looked up but I was only welcomed by frantic eyes and sweaty skin. There was just me, no one else. I exahle as slowly as before, then I decided to quicken my pace and go to bed as fast as possible. I washed the toothpaste from my mouth and ran out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. 
The light of my bedroom where still on so I turn on my bedside lamp to keep some clarity and I walked toward the door to turn off the other lights. What I didn't suspect was that all the bulbs exploded just when my hand was about to touch the switch which made me almost jump to the ceiling, gasping loudly as I stuck my back to the wall. I breathed franticaly, looking around like crazy trying to size to the sudden darkness. Hopefully, the moon gave a slight light, enough to accentuate every forms. I staid frozen, trying to find out any suspect silhouette but their was nothing. Not even a single sound.  I calmed down a bit after realizing that I was perfectly alone and I slowly reached out my hand for the doorknob. I was still terrified and I didn't want to spend an other second alone. I grabbed it, taking care not to make any single sound and turned it. I turned it cautiously until it blocked but the door didn't open, no matter how hard I pulled. I stared at the door and turned toward it. I tried several times to open the door, each time harder, shaking it violently and even kicking it but nothing.
"Jimin !" I screamed out, banging on the wooden material. "Jimin ! Jimin !" I called and called again, louder and louder but he never came.
I suddenly felt dizzy because of the hyperventilation. I was breathing so hard that my lungs refused to carry anymore oxygene, making me panick even more. Was it a panick attack ? It felt exactly alike. I leaned my back on the door and fell on my butt, trying to breath but my vision started to blur. I looked around hastily, not knowing what was happening to my eyes, but then my vision came back, from an eye first, then the other, and that's when I understood that what was blurring my sight was nothing else but my own tears now streaming down my face.
"Jimin..." I managed to call one last time, totally hopless, and my sobs filled the silent room.
Did he just... locked me in ? Did he really locked me in ? Was he ignoring me ? Were they all ignoring me ? I wrapped my legs in my arms and started to cry, head hid in my knees. I didn't even heard him lock the door. How could he had done that ? Didn't he trust me ? I wouldn't have gone anywhere so why ?
It was a mess, this whole situation was a mess and all this because Hoseok, who was a total mess as well, decided to come back. Everybody knew that it was a terrible idea but we still did it. And now I will probable suffocate to death either because I was totally unable to calm myself down or because I'll use all the oxygene of this room.
I didn't know how many time I staid in that position, crying, but I felt a slight breeze gently brush my hair, making me lift my head. I looked at the window but it was closed. I just stared with puffy eyes and a defeated expression. I felt like they abandoned me and I didn't know why. I sighed deeply and I wiped my tears with both of my hands.
I wanted to get up and go to bed, hoping that tomorrow, everything would've been fixed but when I lower my gaze, something made me froze. Something that wasn't supposed to be here. I frowned and approach the thing hesitatly, not knowing how to react about it. It was a doll. An old doll with a beautiful dress, the kind of creepy doll that's stare follow you wherever you were. And I reconized this doll. I wanted to touch it, take it and examine it but something else catched my eyes again and this time, it was definitly not a doll. I looked up and suddenly, everything connected in my brain.
"It's you right ? You did this." I said with a shaky voice.
My friends didn't abandon me, they didn't lock me in in the dark. It was something far more than that, something so much more terrifying. A tear escaped my eye again as I finally understood what was happenning here and I had to say that it wasn't pleasant at all.
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Jimin pov
I wished I would never follow Yoongi in the attic. Seriously, first, this place always freaked me out even since I'm a little kid, second, there was Y/n's voice playing on the radio and third, there're a lot of things here that all wanted to forget. I staied still a bit when Yoongi left, assuring me that it wasn't her voice but we both perfectly know it was. How couldn't we reconize her ?
My eyes was glued to the ground. What if Taehyung was right since the beginning ? Ghosts didn't exist but why did we heard a dead girl's voice ?
I lift my head and I met glimmering eyes, making my heart skip a beat. I sighed in relief when I realize it was just a doll. It was Y/n's, she loved it. Nobody did but she loved it. Everyone kept telling her that it was a creepy doll and that it would wake up and kill her in her sleep but she never listen to us. I remember her talking to the doll one day. I overheard her through the crack of her door in this same house. She was saying to the doll the 'she' would never leave her and that 'she' was her only friend. I first though she was crazy but I never forget the feeling inside my guts. I didn't understood what it was when I was a kid but now I knew. It was guilt.
I stared at the doll, my heart filled with sadness and guilt. We never paid attention how much you suffered from our bullying. Even at school, we had made sure you had no friends. And still, you had always kept your composure. I never saw a single tear escaping from your eyes. Even when we were very young and you looked at us with shimmering eyes, nothing would fall from them. I always thought you had no feeling actually. You never smiled, never cryed, and when anger was clearly readable on your face, you never let it out. I thought you felt nothing so it was ok to tease you a bit. 
It was ok until that day. The first year of high school, when your mother called mine completly distraught. When she told my mom you tried to put an end at that. When you tried to put an end at your own life. I remember the look of horror and disgust when my mom layed her eyes on me. She was ashamed. She was ashamed one of her best friend almost lost her daughter because of her very own son.
"See what you've done ? Are you satisfied now ?" That's what my mother told me with a shaky voice.
It actually shook the hell out of me knowing that you almost killed yourself. Even in highschool I still had this naive part of myself that was certain you couldn't feel anything, making it easier to bully you. But when I heard that, I realize that you were just as human as us and that an insult can cause the same damages as any of us. Maybe it would cause even more demages than any of us. And you were at the hospital because of that, because of us. We had visited you just once before our mothers told us it would be better if we didn't come again. And that's how you left our lives for almost three years.
You left like a cannonball letting us all the shame and the guilt we deserved. We weren't even allowed to tell you goodbye before you left for Chicago and I perfectly understood why. I actually wouldn't know how to act if I had to face you after that. But at least, we all openned our eyes and thought twice at what we did to you and we all agreed to be better with you when you would came back. If at least you did. And when you did, you were completly changed, you were an other person an you accepted us without thinking twice. You accepted our excuses and did as if nothing had happenned and it stunned me as hell. I thought you would never forgive us but you did. It was the most kind, courageous and generous thing I ever saw in my entire life time. And now we screw everything up... again.
I didn't stayed that long in the attic and quickly jog beside Yoongi to catch him up and head downstairs. I stop few meters behind him, listening silently with my eyes glued to the ground. I glance at Yoongi when he talked about the dead readio and the man we barely heard. I started to play with my finger as I slowly grew anxious for some reason. Why didn't he talk about Y/n's voice ? I glanced at him few times, I wanted to nudge his shirt and tell him to talk about that, but if Yoongi did not do it, it's because there is a reason, so I staied quiet. I waited until Jin called my name.
"Jimin, go get Taehyung to bed and get some rest too, it's useless to stay up now." Seokjin told me, walking toward the couch.
I nodded slowly and went in the kitchen to lead Taehyung to his room. He still quiet like a dead man, not a single word, not even a glance toward me. I felt sad for him. First Hoseok, now Taehyung. I couldn't bear to see my friends, usually so cheerful and bright, be so turned down. We enter the room and I look at Taehyung taking a seat on his bed. He really look like a robot with no emotion on his face and glassy eyes. I chew on my lower lip, not knowing what to do exactly.
"Taehyung..." I finally called back, taking a seat beside him.
I was anxious so I started to play with my finger, eyes glued on it. Should I really tell him about that ? About what we heard ? He might be the only one to believe me though. But he already suffered enough, I don't know f it was a good thing to tell him. But still, I needed to talk about it. What if it was some kind of warning ? What if I don't tell them and something bad happened. I know I was overreacted but still.
I wanted to tell him, I needed to tell him so I get on. I explained what I heard in the attic. I was so anxious. It was so strange to utterd this. In a way, I still couldn't believed it. I saw Taehyung's stare change as I was talking and I really thought he would believe me. I hoped he would. He was the only one who would. I couldn't help but speak with a shaky voice, I was so afraid but I forced myself to continue, to tell him everything, or at least the more important. I was expecting him to answer me, to, at least, talk about it. Maybe I over estimated him.
I lifted my head again when I heard no reaction. The stare he was giving me shiver. What was he thinking about ? Did he really believed me ? I looked at him with concern but I wasn't able to handle his stare anymore. It was... strange. I know he was thinking hardly, he put this blank expression when he's concentrate but this time, it freaked me out. I don't know if it's because of Y/n and the incident, but he scared me. It made me feel even more anxious and I stared to regret telling him all that.
"Maybe they're right. We should get some rest." He said and lied down on the bed.
My eyes widen as I snap my head to watch his back. What ? That's it ? No ! Why ? I just open up to him ! I just admited that I believed him ! Why is he acting like that ? Did he intempt to give up that easily ? Did he still believe what he told us in the woods ? Or did Seokjin just wash it out of his brain ? Well it's not a bad thing, I understand that he just want to forget about it and just sleep but I needed him. I needed to talk to him. I knew no one else would've believe me... as no one believed him.
I sighed deeply and get up of the bed. I didn't wanted to bother him any longer. He was probably tired and talk about it would just get everything worst. 
"Take a nap, I'll be back in a minute." I said and then walk away, closing the door behind me.
Maybe it was better for him to sleep for a while. He was completly traumatized and I couldn't blame him for trying to forget. I walk to my room that wasn't quiet far from his and I crashed on my bed to scream on my pillow. It was so frustrating. Why is this happening to us ? Why is this so confusing ? We should've never come back here. Why us ? Seokjin's mother could've come instead or even his brother. But it had to be us. The same seven person who killed their friend just a mere year ago in this same damn house.
Or at least, almost killed. 
I opened my eyes at the thought. Was she alive ? Was she really alive ? I rolled on my back and stared at the ceiling. She was alive and we left her for dead. We threw her in the water and just left, doing as if nothing had ever happen. I felt sick, I was disgusted, by myself, by all of us. We had abandonned her for the second time after she gave us her forgiveness. I felt nauseous just at the thought of her livid body lying on the ground, the blood, the silence. It was a nightmare.
I felt something slowly tickeling my temple and reached out my hand to touch it. My own tears. I let out a loud sob and I started to cry harder, louder, covering my eyes with my hands. After a year, why couldn't I get through it ? Not a single minute passed without thinking about what we have done. I tried my best to smile and stay cheerful, hoping that it could help Hoseok.
'He'll never get any better if I get depressed as well.' I always repeated to myself. 'He'll never get through it if you're not able to cheer him up.' so I tried my best. Not even for Hoseok, for my parents too, for my brother, my friends, those who loved me. I didn't wanted to see them sad or worry about me, so I held back my tears and smiled.
I tried to fool them all and it worked. They knew it was hard, but they thought I still had hope, I still believed they would find her. But actually it was eating me alive. Every time I saw her parents or her sister, I just wanted to burst in tears, told them everything. I wanted them to blame us, to hate us after what we did to their daughter. I couldn't handle their soothing words and soft gazes. I wanted them to hate me.
But none of that ever happened because Yoongi's words always reminded me to shut my mouth. He told me not to say anything to just come to them if I needed. I hated how he had this ability to see right through me, to see every little signs of break down. But he still kept me up, he helped me keep my composure. Was it a good thing ? I don't know but was it important now ? We were already monsters.
I cried every single tears I held up for an entire year. I couldn't even stop the tears from falling. But at the end, I just stared at the ceiling, my eyes swallen and my head bumping hardly. Maybe I was turning like Taehyung, some kind of zombie unable to think or even talk, eyes glassy and skin deadly pale. I get up and headed to the bathroom, undressing on my way to get in the shower whitout stopping my track. 
I let the hot water running on my skin for what felt like hours, eyes closed as I tried to shut down my mind. No more thoughts. I had to be strong for everyone's sake. I didn't wanted to be a burden and I will not. I turned down the water and I wrapped a towel around my waist. I stared at myself in the mirror, my eyes were stil swollen and red but at least I wasn't that pale. Thank to the very hot water. I took a deep breath and smiled. But it faded away as I noticed how pathetic I looked like. Who will I fool like this ? My featured slowly harded and I hit the sink out of anger. Why wasn't I strong enough to handle that ? My friends needed me and I couldn't help them. I groaned lowly as I crouch down out of frustration.
I staid like that for a few seconds, watching the droplets fall from my hair and crached on the floor. I sighed deeply and decided to dress up before drying my hair with the hair dryer. What should I do now ?
"Jiminie !"
I snapped my head up at the voice. I looked in the mirror and my eyes widen at the sight. I thought I was dreaming so I blink hardly but nothing change so I turn around in a jump and my eyes widen even more if it was possible. How...? I started shaking hardly as she stared at me with a questionable look. She was here. She was in front of me, fully alive. I run to her and wrap my arms around her. I could touch her, feel her warm and soft skin, hear her heartbeats. Y/n...
"You're here... You're alive !" I sobbed out loud and I heard her chuckle as she pat my back. It feels so good to see her, it was unbelievable.
"Yeah in bones and flesh." She chuckled. "Yah what's wrong cricket ?"
I broke the hug and stared at her, frowning. What is wrong ? Was she really asking what was wrong ? Did she lost her memories ? It could be possible after a shock like that. I smiled at her and hugged her again.
"Nothing. I'm just happy you're here." It was so good to see her again. I would never thought I would be so happy to hear this cringy nickname she gave me.
"Gosh you're so lovey-dovey sometimes. Anyway Tae's calling you." I broke the hug again with a questionnable look. "He needs you don't you heard him ?" I shook my head and her soft gaze slowly turned darker making me step back. "He called you but you didn't came. Why didn't you came when he needed you ? What would the other think if something happened to him ?" Now her gaze was blood freezing. It wasn't her, it was just my crazy mind. "Would you be able to handle that stare again ?" I remember the stare my mother gave me when she learnd about Y/n's attempt and I froze.
No. No it wasn't her. The dryer, which was still turn on, crashed on the floor, snapping me back to reality and I rush past her out of my room. I slamed Taehyung's door open just to be greeted by the total darkness. My heart was beating like crazy as I tried to size my eyes to the dark.
"Taehyung...?" I causiouly called. "Tae are you here ?"
I heard a soft shift and a little groan, making me sigh in relief. He was here. I took a step in to grab the doorknob and close the door but a strange noise catch my attention. Did I just step in... water ? What did he do in there ? Did he forgot to turn off the tap ? Did he...? I quickly turned the light on and as I turn my gaze back in front of me my heart stop for what seem a whole minute. I frantically stepped back, my eyes widen with horror. I stumble and fall on my butt, my head bumping on the wall behind me. But it was nothing for the moment. Tears stared to run widly on my cheeks and all I could do was a deep and agonizing scream.
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bunnyandrabbitkpop · 7 years
The Final Warning pt.4
Bangtan & reader (only bangtan pov)
Gender: Horror, a bit of supernatural, kind of Until Dawn AU
Warning: swearing, mention of blood and death
Summary: What was they supposed to do when they accidentally killed there childhood friend ? They were terrified and panicked but maybe they didn’t took the good decision… Now there trapped in their worst nightmare…
Lenght: 4k
A/N: Hi there ! How are you guys ? Here I am again with part 4 ! Did you wait for to long ? I’m sorry I planned to post it earlier but I decided to add Jungkook’s pov at the last minute so it took me longer. Hop you like it anyway and sorry for the english errors I’ll edit when I had the time. I also have to excuse myself if the pt.5 don’t come quickly, i’ll be busy for a few weeks and I don’t know if I’ll have the time to write. Sorry and thank you to read my fic ! Kiss ! ♥
pt.1   pt.2   pt.3
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Yoongi pov
Insane. It was insane. All of this was. How could a man kill deer ? There was something off with this story. No one could have done something like that, even the strongest man. Maybe Seokjin mistook because of the shock. It could be possible, it might be less than he thought. But still, even if it was that impressive, there was seven dead deer, murdered. I couldn't ignore what he said. Even if it was hardly belivable, I don't know why he would have lied.
I rushed out of the room without even paying attention if they would have follow me. If there was a thing I agreed with Seokjin was that we had to go as soon as possible. I went in my room to unpacked my things as quickly as I could.
"Go get your things Jim." I said when I noticed his small silhouette by the door.
He disapeard in a blink of an eye. Soon after, I was ready to leave this damn place. I went downstairs where the others were, Jungkook standing with his bag already on his back and Hoseok and Namjoon sitting on the couch. Jungkook looked at me with a glimpse of hope, probably glad to leave this place.
"We're leaving. Now." I said, taking Hoseok's and Namjoon's bags to give them to them.
They both looked at me with those glassy eyes but I didn't pay attention to it, I turn to the stairs to see Jimin rushing down, closely followed by Jin and Tae. We all had our things, now it was time to leave. I took the key car on the kitchen's counter and handed it to Seokjin.
"But wait, wait." Jungkook said, stopping in his track toward the door. "What about Bogun ? We can't let him out there."
"Don't worry 'bout him, he leaves here 24/7. It's not a pinch of drakness that will frighten him." Seokjin answered him.
"Tae said he was kinda abducted." Jimin lowly added.
"He got a gun, he's gonna be ok. Now let's get going."
Seokjin open the door and everyone rushed outside but the second we all passed the door, a strong light and a deafning sound caught us by surprise, making us almost fall to the ground. An explosion. It was the sound of an explosion, the blow, the heat, the light, the boom. It was a fucking explosion. When I open my eyes, I felt like a stone crashed on my shoulder, breaking all my hopes. The car was on fire. It litteraly exploded just before us. We just stared at the car unable to utter a single word.
"What..." Seokjin breathed out, shocked. "How...?"
I stare at the flames, my body shaking by the rage that was taking over me and without even noticing it, I was screaming. "FUCK !!"
"What are we gonna do now ?" Jungkook asked, panicked.
"L- Let's go back inside... W- We'll find another way." Seokjin stuttered as he headed back inside the cottage.
Everyone followed him but I stayed still in front of the car, eyebrows locked together in a deep frown. I was boiling. Who ever did that, I swear the god they're gonna regret it. I'm gonna make them pay for that. Maybe I was overreacting, it was just a car, but at this exact moment, I felt like someone tried to make a bad joke on us and it was frustrating to not be able to do anything.
"Hyung... Let's go inside." I heard Jimin said, catching my arm to drag me inside, but I didn't moved an inch.
He stared at me, utterly worry to see me as tensed, but I didn't care, I just turn away and burst into the chalet. I climb the stairs without paying attention to all the interrogative stares and questions to me, I just made my way upstairs. I than stop in the middle of the corridor, looked up to see a little knob on the roof. I pull it and a foldable ladder fall down. I quickly climb it and I walk toward the stuffed desk and sat on the chair. 
"Hyung what are you doing ?" Jimin asked out of breath.
"Calling someone." I said as I turned on the big radio transmitter before me.
I turned some wheel as the crackling sound filled the room. I took the mike and put it in front of my mouth, hoping to hear a voice at the other end of the radio but nothing.
"Did somebody hear me ?" I talked to the mike. "This is Min Yoongi, me and six other people are stuck in the Kims' cottage. I repeat, we have no way to go home, did someone hear me ?" I wait but no answer. "Our car is dead, I think this is not an accident, our car explode before our eyes, we are not alone." 
I continued to turn the wheel and speaking when I heard something. I almost jumped of my chair and both Jimin and I quickly lean closer to try to understand what the voice was saying but the crackling was to loud to hear a distinct word. I push the button of the mike to speak again.
"I can't here you clearly, please, come to get us, we are not alone. I repeat, we. are. not. alone."
The voice tried to make its way to us, but the crackling was still too noisy. I bet heard the word 'morning' and 'car' but I'm not sure. Still, if they meant they want to get us tomorrow morning, we'll have a problem.
"We can't wait 'til tomorrow ! You have to get us now !" 
Even if they didn't said that, it was still good to say. I don't know why I felt the urge to get out of this place, this atmosphere was suffocating. The last word I bet heard before the line went off was 'wait' and it made me slap me hand on the desk. We didn't had the time to wait ! Was it so complicate to take a car, drive here, take us and go back to civilisation ? I let myself fall back against the seat back and I sight loudly, letting the soft continuous crackling filling the silence of the attic. Jimin had his eyes glued to the ground, nervously playing with his finger. I stared at him for a second, but some jolt in the radio's crackling bring my attention. I first thought it was nothing, but a detail made me think that, maybe it wasn't just that. I bet heard something humming. A pitched sound, like a female voice. It was very low so I lean forward to hear it better. It was clearer and clearer and it was definitly a woman's voice. 
"-ember... -one... Do you... -ember... -at you... -one..." I frowned at the voice, not sure what it was saying, but it seem to repeat something over and over again, until the entire sentence was clear enough to understand. "Do you remember what you've done ?" Than a loud bang ring and the radio went off.
Jimin and I looked at each other, utterly confused. I tried to turn on the radio again, but there was nothing to do.
"It's dead." I said defeated.
"What was that ?"
"I don't know... Maybe someone making a cruel joke on us." I took a glance at a nervous Jimin before getting up and headed to the ladder.
"It sounds like her voice..." He bearly uttered.
I stopped in my track. "It's not." And than I get out of the attic.
It was. It clearly was and I knew it. But I wanted to believe it was not. It couldn't be possible. Maybe someone recorded her voice and put it in the radio God knows how. We did a lot of video recording when we were together, it was probably that. What else ? 
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Seokjin pov
"Breath in..." I said, taking a deep breath. "Breath out..." I blow all the air in my lungs.
I stare at Taehyung just before me doing as I told, slowly recovering some colors. It was good to see, he will soon be able to talk and even react again. "How do you feel ?" I asked him, hoping to have an answer, but the look he gave me was enough.
He wasn't ready yet, he was still in shock. I patted his head and get up, taking a glance at the second floor. I know what Yoongi was doing, it was the best to do right now. Without a car, it's almost impossible to make it through the woods. It would take ages to reach the main road, and still, even if we made through it, in the total darkness, there's absolutly no soul passing by this road. We just have to wait for backups, nothing else. And there's probably someone or... Something in the woods. Something really dangerous. Strong enough to kill seven deer, smart enough to destroy a car. Cause hell, this wasn't an accident. Cars don't explode just like that, someone did it. I looked at my friends, Namjoon and Hoseok sat lazyly on the couch and Jungkook and Taehyung now in the kitchen, the last one drinking the glass of water the younger seems to have gave him.
I sight, feeling utterly tired and desperate. I hoped some good news would come when I saw Yoongi walk down the stairs, but his entire self told me there were none. 
"So ?" I asked Yoongi when he joined us in the living room.
"The radio is dead." He said. "Guess someone heard us but they seem decided to wait until tomorrow."
"What if we can't wait till tomorrow ?" Jungkook said, taking few steps toward us. "We have no choice." 
"Than let's wait." I said, looking at everyone.
I frowned when I saw Jimin. His face was livid with a worried gaze fixed to the ground, his hands shacking violently. I saw him took quick glance at Yoongi, as if he wanted to tell him something. I wonder what. 
"I don't want to wait ! I want to leave, now !" Jungkook protested.
"How ?" Yoongi spat, clearly annoyed. "Should I remind you that our car exploded ?"
"Than we'll walk !" The younger slaped his fist against the kitchen counter, a deep frown on his face.
"The road is several miles away from here, it would take at least an hour if not even more and by night it would be insanity to go in the woods." I said, staring at Jungkook.
I knew he was afraid, we all were, but we didn't have the choice. We were stuck here and walk in the woods to reach the road was insane. We would never get through it and even less with Taehyung in this state.
"What should we do than ?" Namjoon's voice raised and I looked at him.
"Wait and get some rest. The police will come back tomorrow, they'll bring us home." I tried my best to be rassuring, there were no point at frightening them even more. "Come on it's not the first time we sleep here all alone huh ?" "But it's the first time someone destroy our car." Yoongi said, not really convinced.
"We don't know if it's a someone, it might be an accident, I was suppose to do a checkup because of a problem with the engine." I saw Yoongi stare at me skeptical but I just shoot him a glare telling him to keep his mouth shut and, fortunatly, he didn't say anything else.
Panic leads to stupid acts and stupid acts lead to even more danger so it was useless to do such frightening speculations. I was aware that the problem I had with my car wasn't enough to make it expose like that, but if it could ease some minds, than it will be a mecanical problem and nothing else. For our safety, it was better to stay inside and lock every issues so this psycho outside will not come in. 
"Ok than. Let's wait." Yoongi finally spoke, taking a seat beside Namjoon. I sighed and I went to lock the front door and the back door in the kitchen, as well as the huge bay window in the second living room. We better be cautious. Who knows who's this mad man outside. Or what is it. I stared for a wile through the window. Where the hell was Bogun ? 
"Jimin, go get Taehyung to bed and get some rest too, it's useless to stay up now." I said while I walked toward the boys. 
Jimin looked at me but lowered his gaze before nodding shyly. I shoot him a rassuring smile as I stare at him dragging Taehyung upstairs. They both looked terrible, they needed some rest, especially Taehyung. I came near the couch and I laid a hand on Hoseok's shoulder.
"You should too." I said, looking uturlly concern.
It should be hard for him to be here. Y/n was his girlfriend. I don't even know why he insisted to come back. His face was so cold, so lifeless.  
"I'm fine." He spoke blankly.
It was definitly not a good idea to come back here. Firstly because of this thing outside, secondly because of what happenned. We shouldn't have came back. It would have been so much better if we never have came back ever again. All this felt like a trick. A huge trap to get us all here. A very successful trap. 
"You should Hoseok." Yoongi said, trying to convince him but the way Hoseok slowly turns his head to him, with this sharp gaze, gave me chills. 
"I said, I'm fine." He said in between his tightly clenched jaw.
"If you say so." Yoongi shrugged. 
I let my hand fall from Hoseok's shoulder and I start wandering in the house. Not knowing what to do to kill time. Too nervous to have a sleep, too worried to leave the door out of sight, too concerned to leave the boys alone. I stared at the front door, hoping to hear Bogun's voice screaming behind, his loud knock filling the entire house, saying everything was OK, saying there was nothing in the woods, saying we were safe. But it didn't happen.
I heard Jungkook grumble and angrily letting his back fall from his shoulder. He shoot me an upset glance and stormed into the bedroom we liked to call our little sanctuary. It used to be Tae's siblings' bedroom since their the youngest but they hated being downstairs so we change the room in a huge cinema room with fluffy pillows and blankets all over the ground and a huge TV with tons of dvds. It was Y/N's idea. Tae's sibilings just slept upstairs in their brother's room while Taehyung just slept in random rooms when he didn't wanted to stay with them. Mostly in Hoseok's actually but he wasn't the only one who wanted to sleep in this room so after getting kicked out, he usually ended up in Jungkook's or Jimin's. It was the good old time, when we were still young and innocent. After Y/N came back from USA. Where everything was finally good.
I heard Namjoon and Yoongi low chatting but I didn't understand. I wasn't listening at all, too focus on whatever was outside. I didn't even see the both of them heading toward me. But the second they reach the door, I shoot them a deadly glare.
"What are you doing ?" I spat, my voice coming out harsher than i thought.
"Just taking a breath." Yoongi said, staring at me half confused.
"Open the window then."
"It's ok, we'll just be here and we'll let the door open." Namjoon spoke this time. "I said, the window." I commended harshly.
No one outside. We didn't know who was there with us, we didn't know where was Bogun or what happenned to him. That was too dangerous. What if they just vanished in the dark without a single sound. What if the thing sneaked in the house while they're outside ? I shoot them an other deadly glare and Yoongi raise his hands up, defeated. I groaned lowly before walking to the living room. I sat beside Hoseok, whom didn't moved an inch, on the couch.
"This is insane." I muttered, a hand massaging my forehead slowly.
How could something like this happenned ? Was it a joke ? Did the deer were real ? Were everything was real ? Did Bogun really disapeard or is it just a bad joke from him and mom ? It didn't feel true. Nothing felt real. What was we afraid of ? A hunter ? Hunting our deer in a natural reserve ? A crazy hunter who liked ripping animals' faces appart ? Ok, that was scary. But I still wonder what happenned to Bogun. He wouldn't leave us like that, without saying a single word.
My phone's ring dragged me out of my thoughts. I instinctively get it out of my pocket and frown. A message ? But there's no signal here, like, not in any part of the woods. Not even Internet. It was Mrs. Jeon 's idea, she proposed to make this place somewhere where we could reconnect to each other, talk and play without any phoned or something. No social media, no work. Well we quickly found a solution by bringing tons of dvds and video games. Anyway, receiving a message was strange, but what was stranger was the sender. Y/n. After her death, we left her phone in the cottage, as if she forgot it. Now the police had it so no one would have used it. Even for a joke. 
I took a glance at Hoseok, his head was lying on his hand, he looked absolutely done. I wouldn't be surprise if he ends up falling asleep. Well at least he wouldn't see it. Not sure how he would react at this. I open the message and what was writien made my heart races.
Bad kids should be punished.
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Jungkook pov 
I was boiling. Why the hell couldn't we leave this place ? Why did the car have to burn ? Just, how ? Was it a trick to scare us ? I was leaning against the kitchen counter, stunned by Seokjin's attitude. Why was he actting like everything was ok ? Nothing was ok. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself, nothing was ok and he knew it. I wanted to shout, to scream at him to make him react, to alarm him. We had to leave. He said it himself, so why did he want to wait now ? 
"Wait, wait... Yeah so we can be killed one by one just like Bogun..." I mumbled angrily as I let my bag fall from my shoulder.
I catched Seokjin's eyes but all I could do was shooting a deadly glare at his worried expression before leaving the room, taking shelter in our sanctuary. The door slaped and I just crashed on the pillow floor, sighing angrily as I rubbed my brown hair.
What a great idea ! Let's wait until the deer killer come and get us all. The car surely didn't exploded by itself and the deer... Well, how ever they had been killed, it's certainly not in a very natural way. There was something off with all of this that makes me feel like we weren't totally safe around here. And this feeling in the woods. What was that ? Boo looked so scared. I, myself, was scared to death. This feeling deep inside my guts, this feeling of danger, this scent of death. No, it was unbelievable. It couldn't be true. It shouldn't be true. Whatever was this feeling, it was just my imagination. Boo might have seen a wolf or something like that and get scared, this dog is scared of everything anyway. 
I lean deeper in the mattress and start to look at the dark of the night, the slight moonlight piercing through the trees to crash in the room, giving just enough light to see the wild shadows of the leaves dancing on the walls. The scene was so peacful right now, I wanted this to last forever.
"You can't come here everytime Taehyung invade your room you know ?"
I opened my eyes and stared at the smily silouette by the door. "Why not ?"
Y/n came closer and she laid beside me, joining her hands under her head and closing her eyes.
"Because someone else might want to crash here to find some peace." She smiled, staring right inside my eyes.
"Then maybe we can find this peace together." I smiled back.
"Only if we watch Fight Club !"
"Ash again ? Don't you ever get tired of this movie ?"
"Never ever. It's the best movie in the world." She slaped my arm as she sat up.
"I don't want to watch it, I want silence." I said teasingly, putting a finger on my mouth. 
"You're boooring !" She laid down again and rolled on her side to face me. "What were you thinking about ?"
I stared at the ceiling before turning my head to look at her. "Nothing and everything."
She paused. She seemed thougthfull, as if something was bothering her in the back of her mind. I just stared at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking, waiting for her to speak again. 
"Aren't you nervous ?" She finally spoke.
"About what ?" I said a bit confused.
"About... That." 
"That ? Y/n this isn't a big deal." I chuckled, turning back to the ceiling.
"It is ! What if I fail ? What if you fail ? What if we both fail ?"
"Me ? I never fail. And you won't fail neighter, you're a freaking smart ass, how would you ?"
"That's not what Namjoon used to say." She pouted.
"Namjoon ? He was a stupid kid trying to act smart." I chuckled teasingly. 
"You're dumb." She giggled, slapping my arm again.
"You'll not fail, if you fail then shame on you !"
"Stop this you dumbass kid !" She laughed lightly, hitting me playfully.
I opened my eyes slowly, feeling utterly tired. I looked around but no trace of Y/n. A dream. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I wonder how long I slept. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. 10 pm. Well, it was a very tiny nap. Wish I slept more, at least time would have passed quicker. I streched a little before getting up. I was wonder either getting out of here to see the others or just stay here and watch a movie, or play a video game. It would past time and I wouldn't think to much of what happened. 
I was ready to get out to ask who wanted to watch a movie, but the TV turned on by it self, making me jump. I stared at it, dumbfounded. It was a snow screen but there was something run behind, as if it was a very old censored channel. I took a better look, trying to figure out the sound and images the TV was showing and bet have reconized the movie for seeing it thousands of times. Fight Club. I took a glance at the dvd lector but it was turned off. Ok, that was strange. I took few steps towards the TV and as soon as I approche it, a loud sound filled the room, a loud bip as if the TV lost the signal.
I covered my ears, surprised by such a noise and when I looked up at the now black screen, I saw something flickering in it. I narrow my eyes to see what was it and then, everything stopped. The noise and the flickering and I could clearly see what was written now.
It's all your fault.
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