#ancient war spirit
puppetmaster13u · 19 days
Meme Prompt 11
A three-way crossover this time
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timetodiverge · 4 months
Night Shin
Given how suspicious & distrustful Shin is of "witches", I fully expect a Nightsister possession in season 2...
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clumsyyhearts · 4 months
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my brother and I randomly started roleplaying the end of the Trojan War during our latest text exchange
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jeandejard3n · 2 months
Samurai Vader
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torgawl · 3 months
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i was playing luocha's quest "guide for a knight stranger" when i spotted a genshin character. this is like finding beyoncé in a supermarket. what is chang the ninth doing here? i think it's pretty cool that he's a detective romance novel character in this universe instead of a writer, it's like the world is inverted. and he's the killer's uncle, nonetheless. too bad we don't know (as far as i'm aware of) if genshin's chang the ninth has nephews, but with at least 8 siblings it's very likely.
#i'm a curious person so i went to see what book xingqiu wanted to get from him in his quest and it was 'legend of the shattered halberd'#unfortunately i didn't find anything that could relate to hsr so it was just a little detail for funsies probably#but the book is actually crazy!!!#it talks about how in ancient times when the axis mundi was unobstructed there were 9 realms each a world of its own#zhongzhou was the realm of humans (literally translates to central axis or core) and the gods resided in shenxiao (to sneer or laugh at is#the only translation i found). it talks about how there was a war between gods at the end of the last calamity and how the god king fell#which obliterated all living things. but now the realms were reborn and life thrives again although the passageway between the nine realms#by axis mundi has been seeled off#if that isn't intriguing i don't know what is. i should read more books to make sense of the lore better#this just adds to my belief in the theory that there are 9 elements. 9 symbolising perfection and completion is also so good#the quest about the nine pillars of peace in liyue being associated with the calamity that struck khaenri'ah. the pillars symbolising human#vices/desires. the connection to the yaksha tasked to exterminate the blight that originated from the defeated gods of the archon war which#corrupted their body and spirit eventually going mad and slowly vanishing from the people's memory. a lot of things about the archon war#in liyue the number 9 and it's funny that chang the ninth's book also talks about a war between gods. i could go on but anyways fun stuff#honkai star rail#genshin impact
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tracytigress · 11 months
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I decided to visit GW2 and slipped straight into another Sylvari. Compared to my other two, they're a bit more stoic and serious.
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
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magic-human-bean · 1 year
I thought it was heavily implied that they just died off. Also I meant litraty cannon content there is even a picture of moonlight standing in a hand or surrounded by hands I don't remeber which
This raises some questions. Thank you very much for sharing.
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judahmaccabees · 1 month
A Record of Dream
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Dream, protector of dreams, battled a shadowy deceiver. Doubt lingered, twisting gratitude into suspicion. He embraced self-reliance, a new era of unwavering truth.
Intruders defiled his realm. Dream unleashed a spell, banishing them to oblivion. Accusations echoed, demanding apologies. Dream acknowledged the pain, seeking reconciliation.
He embraced self-gratitude, a shield against past betrayals. The realm basked in his authenticity. Whispers of thieving control threatened, but truth empowered the inhabitants. Deception’s charade ended, Dream stood, a beacon of truth in a world of illusions.
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Wake up.
- Heaven
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You subsist in a Dystopia of pissants calling this Paradise.
I Offer you The Kingdom.
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voerman · 11 months
having oksana, morrigan and kieran thoughts today
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rithmeres · 10 months
i don’t think i’ve rewatched atla since becoming a committed pacifist and i just finished what was probably my tenth rewatch and i have never loved aang more. i've seen it so many times but i still came away with a new appreciation for the way the end of the story was handled. aang is the only survivor of a genocide and he is clinging to the last remnants of his culture and religion, and everyone is telling him the only way to save the world is to kill the dictator whose regime is responsible for the genocide, but to do so would abandon the deeply held beliefs of his people. if aang goes against his beliefs and kills ozai, his people's way of life dies completely and sozin wins.
aang knows it would be wrong but he can't see another way out so he prays for an answer, and the universe hears him and the spirits send out the lion turtle, and the creator answers him. and here's the thing that i never put together before today: aang would not have been able to energybend ozai if he had given in and wanted to kill him. the lion turtle tells aang that only the incorruptible can bend another’s energy, or else they will become corrupted themselves. and i think that aang, because of his love for the fire nation as he had once known it, was never corrupted by personal hatred for the fire lord or the fire nation. he was able to expertly hold two conflicting beliefs in harmony better than any adult could, the belief that ozai is a horrible person and the world would be better off without him and that he's still a human being with a life that is sacred.
and i don't think it's a matter of selfishness like some people make it out to be. aang is not some immature little kid who doesn't want to kill because killing is for bad guys. he's an incredibly wise and spiritual person who was shaped by airbender beliefs and upholds airbender beliefs, and he can see beyond the scope of this war. the balance of the world depends on the existence of the four nations, and aang does not just represent the air nomads, he IS the air nomads. he's all that's left.
despite many people’s interpretation of the four past avatars’ advice, none of the past avatars outright tell him to kill ozai. they tell him to be decisive, to bring justice, to be proactive, to be sacrificial. but none of them tells him definitively to kill him. he doesn't disobey or ignore their advice, he follows their ancient wisdom while still staying true to his beliefs. yangchen actually comes the closest to outright telling him to kill ozai (even more than kiyoshi, surprisingly) but what she fails to account for is that aang is not just the avatar, he is the last airbender, and being the last airbender is far greater a burden than being the avatar. no matter what happens, once he dies, there will always be another avatar. but if he is not careful to preserve the airbender way of life, there will be no more airbenders. yangchen could sacrifice her air nomad way of life for the sake of her duty to the world because there were thousands of other air nomads to continue their traditions. aang has no such privilege.
and it's not that he doesn't want to kill, it's that he actually doesn't think he can do it -- both that he won't be able to emotionally bring himself to kili someone, and, prodigy that he is, he doesn't have the raw bending skill to overcome a comet-powered master firebender. and then it turns from 'i don't think i can do it' into ‘i can’t do it.’ and when the avatar state gives him enough power to actually do it, he changes the answer to ‘i won’t do it.’ he overcomes all the combined power of his past lives to say no, i have found another answer and i will remain incorruptible. to kill is to maintain the power struggle of the fire nation and to reject air nomad wisdom and without airbenders the world CANNOT be brought into balance.
the only thing ozai cares about is power, and that's what the entire fight with ozai is about, physically and ideologically, because ozai only sees power in terms of force, fear, threats, and violence. to ozai, aang (and his entire people) are weak and undeserving of life because they are largely pacifists, but he fails to see the magnificent power that the airbenders do hold, spiritual wisdom and mastery of the self and contentment and joy and harmony and a deep understanding of the world that a man like ozai could never obtain. to kill ozai would ratify ozai’s worldview that power as he defines it is the most important pursuit in the world and the only way to assert one's right to be in the world is to be cruel and violent like him. i think to ozai, becoming powerless might be worse than being dead. he wants power, or he wants death, and aang gives him neither. it upends everything he believed in. aang, the avatar, but more importantly, the last airbender, armed by his past lives' power and his people's love and the spirit world's blessing and the lion turtle's omniscience (and toph's mastery of true sight through neutral jing), ends the war 100 years to the day after the air nomad genocide, in the way that his people taught him, with power that goes beyond force and violence, with spiritual wisdom, with an incorruptible soul, with mercy -- mercy that is not weakness, mercy that brings justice.
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jerboagirl · 1 year
white boy (girl) destroys freestyle (is too afraid to wear anything that doesny cover every inch of her skin) by juggling on the mic
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deathfavor · 1 year
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amalisam · 14 days
The Timeless Beauty of the Palestinian People. The unique beauty of the Palestinian thobe lies in its intricate, handmade craftsmanship by Palestinian women who have trained for years. Embroidering a single thobe can take two years or more. Below are photos captured through my lens, featuring me adorned in the Palestinian thobe and Islamic hijab, alongside my sisters Eman and Tala.
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On April 10, 2017, there was a global competition about heritage where each participant had to send 10 photos showcasing their country's heritage. There was a cash prize, and since I had a camera and loved photography, I participated. However, after submitting the photos, I was shocked to receive an email informing me that my country was not internationally recognized.
I am not sad because it was one of the best days of my life. On that day, I went to the far north of Gaza, where Palestinian Bedouins live. As a city dweller, it was a new experience for me and possibly my first visit to this area. I was surprised to find that the people in the outskirts of Gaza still wear the Palestinian thobe and incorporate it into their daily lives. In contrast, we city residents wear it only on special occasions.
As soon as I arrived, everyone knew I was from the city because they literally know everyone in their area! I felt like a stranger until people started approaching me. Some invited me for tea, some wanted me to listen to the flute, and some sang for me. A kind lady introduced me to her grandchildren and sheep. Another woman taught me how to make saj bread, and a man showed me his pottery workshop, teaching me how to make pottery from clay. A construction worker, who was pouring concrete with his team, was overjoyed to know I was an engineer and started asking for my opinion on every corner of the building. There were some people who owned camels, and they gave me one to tour the deserts and take photos. There was also a shy mechanic and a funny butcher who thought I would make him famous with my camera.The children in the north, some play football after school, and others tend to the sheep and help their fathers after school. My people are very simple and love life. You will be surprised, but all this happened in just one day. I was shocked by the hospitality and still cry tears of joy when I remember the beauty of that day.
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Entranced by the melodies of a skilled flute player, I felt the soulful rhythm of Palestinian culture.
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Warmly welcomed by a Palestinian family, I mastered crafting Palestinian bread—no easy feat, but laughter made it memorable.
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A kind elderly Palestinian woman with her ambitious grandson, a shepherd.
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The shy mechanic and the kind owner of the pottery workshop depict the quiet strength and warmth of Palestinian craftsmanship.
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Standing tall for over three centuries, this ancient tree symbolizes the deep-rooted resilience of the Palestinian people.
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The cheerful construction worker and the butcher aspiring for fame.
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A simple joy like indulging in ice cream embodies the Palestinian love for life and the pursuit of happiness.
On that day, I got to know my people for the first time. I felt sad because I had never visited before. Today, I am sharing with you the photos from the competition that I did not win, but I won the most beautiful day that I will remember for the rest of my life. Despite their poverty, these people overwhelmed me with their generosity and food.
We are not poor; real poverty is experienced by those with impoverished spirits, not by those with empty wallets. I do not know if those in the photos are still alive, for we Palestinians do not live long. We either die from wars or from injustice. There is a famous saying: Do not fall in love with a Palestinian because they do not live long. Amal Abushammala
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ah the bathtub scene, akin to what the shower scene is to slashers
#we love a bathtub scene#also i miss my haunted old house but im VERY glad i never faced that#the thing running across the dinning room at me was just not a favourite moments#but i miss my old house so so so much and i wish we could move back#but if my mum and i are leaving then why cant we live one of those ghost stories where the somewhat downtrodden mother and child move into#the ancient and shoddy home that has more than a few tragic secrets#or just the movie practical magic#GOD DAMN. ID LOVE TO LIVE ON LAND THAT HAS A BOAT HOUSE#FUCK#i just want a big old house again even if its haunted especially if its haunted#i love ghost stories but my god why do i feel the same loss of a woman in a gothic novel whos husband died at war#she haunts the house she wants him to haunt the house she wants what he never gave her the life they never got to have#i miss being around the spirits so much they soemtimes eased my heart better than any living person could#so why do i feel like the love of my life is already dead before i ever met him#im haunting the earth and i cant even find a home to haunt instead and i dont want to be dead anymore#i want the man who should love me but its hard to have faith he even stull exists when i fee the sorrow of losing him in a previous life#qnd the god awful pain of his funeral happening before mine#the sheer injustice of that orange sunset when they buried him and having to live without hin#for however short it was before i died too#ill never know if it was sickness or a cut on the wrist but i couldn't live without him and i still cant#i shouldn't have watched this episode#gothic horror destroys me usually in a good way but not this one this one just hurts#im more dead than alive i miss my ghosts#cabinet of curiosities#the murmuring#that was a perfect episode to end with and i want a series of stories just like that one
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midnightsun-if · 10 months
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DEMO — Chapter One: Part One [34K Words] — 11/12/23
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Aurelian Academy, the pinnacle of evolution within the supernatural world; the first landmark to be erected after the Dark Ages— the time when supernatural races still lived within the shadows of the mortal world.
You’ve been prepared to go for your entire life— all one hundred years of it. Being the youngest child of a ruling vampire clan didn’t give you much choice in the matter. Going to Aurelian meant taking the next big step in your immortal life regardless.
Will you be able to prove yourself to your parents? To your siblings? Will you be able to uncover the mysteries that surround the ancient school?
Or will everything vanish as the midnight sun approaches?
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Create your character. Customize your name, potential nickname, gender (male/female/non-binary), sexuality, appearance, and hobbies. (Note: The MC is a Vampire and is 100 Years Old.)
Choose from 3 Classes— Charmer, Shadow-Kin, or Warrior.
How does your character feel about humans? Are they simply ants that you don’t bother with? Potential allies? An intriguing conundrum?
Do you enjoy the modern world? Or do you miss the simplicity of the past?
Romance 1 of 8 potential romances.
Explore Aurelian Academy and uncover the secrets that litter the ancient halls. Just make sure you don’t miss class while doing so.
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Koda Kingston — [He/Him] — Bear-Shifter — He’s a mass of muscle and warmth, eyes filled with good humor and overall joy. Might not have a lot going on upstairs, but he’s definitely got the spirit. [Male MCs Only]
Scarlett Voltaire — [She/Her] — Vampire — Cold as ice, ruthless to any that oppose her, with a flair of heated contempt at the people who annoy her, Scarlett is the middle child to the oldest ruling family within the vampiric race. [Female MCs Only]
Cyrus/Cyra Aurelia — [He/Him or She/Her] — Phoenix — Heir to the Eclipse Throne; they’re the eldest child of House Aurelia, Founders of Aurelian Academy. They’re the pinnacle of what an heir should be: dutiful, strong-willed, and loyal above all else.
Quinn Grant — [He/Him or She/Her] — Wolf-Shifter — An individual that’s been whispered about within the halls of your home; a prospected mate in the event that both your warring families wish to unite. Now that you’re meeting them, you may be able to see if that’ll ever become a reality.
Caden Randall — [He/Him or She/Her] — Phantom — Appearing on a random night five years before, they’re not exactly what someone comes to expect when thinking about a phantom: scared of their own shadow, fretful, and a complete neat freak. They’re tasked with ensuring your stay at Aurelian Academy goes smoothly.
Sloane Addams — [He/Him or She/Her] — Wolf-Shifter — A wolf-shifter without a pack, disgraced in the deepest way possible, they don’t seem to be that overjoyed at the prospect of attending Aurelian Academy, but that doesn’t mean they’re not set on proving themself and finding a pack once more.
Blake Herrera — [He/Him or She/Her] — Demon-Hybrid — Your best friend (and potential FWB). With a flirtatious air, a rebellious spirit, and an affinity at finding trouble, they’re a demon that takes a bit to get used to.
Reginald/Regina Presley — [He/Him or She/Her] — Human — A scholarship student to Aurelian Academy; the first of many that may be attending. With a thirst for knowledge, along with a devil-may-care attitude, they’ll try their best to fit in. Of course, that’s easier said than done. As they’re the first human to ever be admitted as a student.
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