#an actual in person gig
jodievdw · 5 months
Three dudes, a drag king and a nonbinary disaster walk into a bar...
Rockhampton comedy news! So stoked to be supporting Anna Brennan, her drag alter-ego Bruce Highway, Shayne Hunter, Kody Maverick and Max Leishman at the Berserker Tavern on Wed Dec 6:
Catch the cream of the QLD comedy scene with this December's Christmas Comedy Gala. The perfect 18+ night out to celebrate the silly season.
Bring your workmates, your mum...whoever. There'll be drinks flowing, jokes cracking and a grown-up version of the 12 Days of Christmas song. 
Three male comedians and a drag king walk into a bar....what happens? Come along and find out. 
Headliner Shayne Hunter has been crushing onstage for over a decade. In 2010 he was selected for the prestigious Melbourne International Comedy Festival Comedy Zone. He has toured every capital city in Australia, plus South East Asia, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar and Thailand as part of Magners International Comedy Festival. In 2020 Shayne started producing his own original, wild and fast paced show Crowd Control, where eight comedians compete against each other to see who can do the funniest crowd interaction. This birthed Shayne's reputation as one of the best crowd work comedians on the circuit.
Check Shayne out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G36UuNXOrw
Host Anna Brennan and her Drag King alter ego Bruce Hwy have been telling their raw and anecdotal brand of storytelling onstage for ten years. Anna has produced and performed at hundreds of comedy shows; including a ten performance run of her solo show Tinderella at this year's Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
"She's supremely likeable, with a flair for the physically comic flourish. When she's in full flight Brennan is a wonder to behold." Kate Mulqueen- ARTShub. 
Bruce Hwy is on a mission to smash negative bogan stereotypes. He's the loose yet lovable mate we've all got, and feel the need to warn our posh friends about. Bruce Hwy hit the standup scene in April this year and has just launched his debut parody song Marshamallows in the Fire:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AyCuOY6Uxs
Kody Maverick is a fresh, friendly face on the comedy circuit who had the privilege of performing at this year's Melbourne International Comedy Festival. He was raised by a single mum and will be your sister's new favourite comic in no time. 
Max Leishman is an emerging talent who gets away with a lot onstage because audience's can't help but like him. He came runner-up in the 2022 Sunshine Coast Comedy Festival's Laughable competition and is definitely one to watch.
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accidentwithapen · 4 months
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some more gigs in space +closeups of my favorite little grians :3
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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happy new year everyone!! 🌟✨ it's been almost exactly a year since i first tentatively poked my head into this little space here on tumblr, and being part of the wonderful am/miles/tlsp community here with you all has truly been one of the highlights of my 2023 💗
as i'm sure is the case for most of us, it's been a year of ups and downs for me. i've been lucky enough to experience some amazing things (living in a new city, reconnecting with my creativity, getting my dream job, discovering music that speaks to my soul, making new friends, reading some amazing books) and human enough to experience some less incredible things (chronic pain, family difficulties, discovering my dream job is not in fact my dream job, getting long covid, the ever uphill battle of healing from trauma). through it all, this space has been a continued solace and source of joy, where i've met some truly special people and felt part of a little community where i get to have fun and flail and just be me. i can't even begin to express how grateful i am to be part of a space like this, or how grateful i am to everyone here who makes it what it is ✨
i also just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has supported me with my writing over this past year, whether that's through kudos or comments or messages or amazing cheerleading/editing help. one of the absolute gifts of discovering this fandom has been the writing fic side of it. maybe it sounds silly, but writing four walls has genuinely been one of the highlights and biggest achievements of my year. writing has always been something incredibly close to my heart, but my degree left me totally sapped of inspiration and confidence, and i'd been struggling for a while to climb out of that after graduating. something about alex and miles just instantly sparked off inspiration in me that i hadn't felt for a long time, and getting to write about them over the past year has reminded me of the sheer joy of creating and the magic of getting to share that with people ✨
it's something that's finally given me the confidence to pick up my own original writing again too, and i couldn't be more grateful to alex and his wonderful lyrics (particularly the entirety of humbug) and to everyone who's supported my fic ventures for helping me reconnect to and explore my creativity. it's the best feeling in the world to finally feel like i'm coming home to that part of myself and carving out a proper space for it in my life 💗
2023 was far from perfect, but it was filled with so many brilliant moments of illumination and i feel i am leaving it with a deeper sense of myself and my path moving forward. i know it's going to be a rocky one at times, but i am excited for what 2024 holds in store for me - and i can't wait to continue flailing with you all over all things milex and to enjoy all the amazing fics/gifsets/posts/art to come!
wishing all of you a year ahead full of wonderful moments and new experiences and fulfilment 💫✨ i really am more grateful than i'll ever be able to adequately express for this space here, and to all the amazing people i've been lucky enough to get to know through it. here's to an amazing 2024 for all of us 💗💞🩷💓💖💕💝
(the photos above are just a random little collection of ones over the past year that i particularly associate with the various things i've talked about in this post)
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bisquitly · 4 months
What do you mean only thing in my mind is march and Joker out's gigs....
Aka I just last night saw literal dream where I was waiting their gig to start and made friends on the queue
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speremint · 1 year
I posted this minor vent to twitter, too, but I definitely neglect my tumblr these days way more despite myself feeling the most comfortable here.
I’m really sorry for my inactivity, I tbh have hit the point where my mental health and anxiety have been fucking me over physically as well.
This is the 2nd day of insomnia keeping me up all night to the point where I finally dragged my iPad out to try to work, and then just being paralyzed with burnout.
I’m so sorry for not having new art or anything to show these days, my mental health has been in the shitter and I’m like… two years in, now, on trying to find any sort of medication that will actually work for me. So tired of this 💀
I’m going to *try* today. It’s 6 am and tbh I didn’t eat hardly anything these past two days because of lack of appetite, so I might do a sleepless Starbucks run, but yeah.
It’s been so hard for me lately, but I have no damn good reason as to why, and I’m sorry y’all.
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mitamicah · 10 months
Guess who’s also going to the Stockholm date now🥹💚
Looking forward to see some of you wonderful kääryle either there or in Berlin🤘💚
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motherhenna · 9 months
yoooo ok that last job turning out to be bullshit might actually be a blessing in disguise because I just landed an interview for an after school theater teacher gig that pays way better~ I went to theater camp every year from ages 12 to 17 and always loved the idea of being a counselor for a program like that, and did backstage / dramaturg work for a play at UCSB back in pre-pandemic 2020 so I might actually have a shot at this. Wish me luck!
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lovvecherrymotion · 9 days
girls when they're cooking and realize it's been a little over a month since the joblr munich meetup and soon it'll be a month since they finally got that jan hug in london and they were being held and taken care of by their friends before and after the gig both times
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charmwasjess · 2 months
send help, I went to a punk show last night an hour away from my house on a school night
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
*Repeating 'I am not immune to propaganda.' while looking at your blog*
GOOD the more people i can convince that scc are actually really charming characters the better i think
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cookinguptales · 1 year
just a little psa!
Just got an ask asking me for my feedback on a disabled character they want to write. I'd usually just reply to this privately, but that's not possible with an anon ask and -- I mean, honestly, I get these requests every so often so it's probably not bad to write a PSA about it.
I talk a lot about disability, and some of that is because I want to vent and/or talk about my life experiences, and some of that really is because I want to teach people and help other disabled people feel seen and understood. That said, it can be a really exhausting thing to talk about, both physically and emotionally.
While I actually applaud someone doing research and asking actual disabled people for input while writing disabled characters, and while I desperately want more disabled characters to be written in general, I feel like there are two really important things to keep in mind here:
First of all, you may be asking about a sensitive subject. Like -- for instance, asking a disabled person about tropes they personally do not like may be asking them to remember situations that have been hurtful, frustrating, or actively physically painful. When they talk about disabled characters being moved without their consent, they might be thinking about times it's happened to them IRL, and people think it's okay because they see it in media. (Looking at you, Stardew Valley.) When they talk about disabled characters falling into "good cripple vs. bad cripple" tropes, they might be thinking about how they've felt the need to try and be the former so IRL people do not perceive them as the latter. To a greater or lesser degree, every trope we hate is one that is written in blood. Like... for me, when I think about tropes I really hate wrt disability, my first thought always goes back to seeing Amour in the theater and having to do the walk of shame in front of everyone else in that theater. Feeling like everyone was staring at me hobbling past with my cane, even if they weren't, because we'd just watched a movie about how people with degenerative diseases are better off dead -- but that they also shouldn't be afforded the right to choose how and when that happens. I felt so exposed and so judged and like I'd been judged wanting. I went home and I sobbed. That is what I think of every time I am asked that question. And while I don't always mind talking about those things... it's kind of a lot to ask of me on demand. Some days I feel up to it and some days I don't. That's why I write about it some days and some days I don't. I really do need to be able to control which day is which, though.
Second, and really more importantly -- what you're asking for here has a name. It has a job title. It is consultant work and/or sensitivity editing. In other words, you are asking me for a thing that I am literally paid to do. This is a paid thing that some people do for their entire living. I only do it as a side gig (and only for authors who are my personal friends, see #1) but like. It's something that is a job. I'm a consultant on many subjects, and I'd expect to be paid for my time and expertise when talking about disability just as much as I would when helping an author design a new religious movement or something. (And I went to college for that!) I know that things feel fuzzy in fandom, especially when origific is on the line. Frankly, they kind of do in the professional writing world, too. What favors you ask as a friend or a fellow fan vs. a professional. Where discussion and meta stops and where consultancy starts. All I can say is that it's something that's up to each person's individual boundaries, and if you're going to be asking for free labor, it's something you should probably only be asking of your personal friends. (Though -- I should probably note here that my IRL writing friends pay me when I edit their work. Because I am a professional editor who freelances for trad pubs as well as working one-on-one with authors. I sometimes offer to do it for free as a gift or in return for something they've done for me, but they are mindful that my labor is valuable.)
I don't mean this to seem mean or angry or chastising. I get it. I remember thinking I could just casually ask these things, too, when I was much younger. But... what's a casual question for you often is not a casual answer for the person you're asking, and it's really not a great idea to ask these things of people you don't even know.
(I mean... I assume. You are anonymous. We may know each other well, which I guess is kind of another level of weird to this.)
Anyway, tl;dr, I hope you have a good journey when writing this character, and I really do think that it's a worthy thing to do. But... labor is labor, y'all, even when it comes from some weirdo on tumblr. If I decide to do it for free, that's fine and dandy! But there's a difference between asking a creative to do work for free vs. just enjoying what's freely given.
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spandexinspace · 2 days
I got pulled into the ceo's office today so we could have a little talk about future opportunities within the company. My boss just might have mentioned me looking at other jobs to him.
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
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romansbeathearts · 3 months
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was going through my screenshots and found these gems
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proton-wobbler · 9 months
Finishing a field job is always bittersweet. Like hell yes Ive finally got the tedious task of vegetation surveys done, but I also heard a single Gray Vireo today after having a season where I'd get anywhere between 12-20 depending on how far I surveyed for the day. Migration has begun and families are moving away. I wish them all the best!
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pawsitivevibe · 4 months
I dunno why everyone says they hate grooming and hand stripping dogs. I find it so soothing. I would probably go for hours if Arthur didn't let me know he was done with it.
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