#am i gonna draw just more brother stuff? Maybe
flyingspicerack · 1 year
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Ichi finds out Mao's birthday is Valentine's Day
i... just started drawing some cute doodles and it got out of hand <3
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#my desire to b productive vs my desire to create horribly earnest narut0 drawings#its just. i have a scene in my head that's like way too complicated to draw. but im gonna draw it anyway#and its gonna haunt me bc the dialogue is clunky. but whatever im gonna do it. this weekend. that is#i said id work on more writing school stuff today but ah i didn't sleep much and i did lots of focusing all day so like#brain is sorta mush now#snd all i can thibk abt is how much i lov 1ruka being narut0s number one dad brother#i just want to create a million scenarios where 1ruka cries over how much of a good kid narut0 is and how much bullshit he has to deal with#i just want someone to feel that pain for him. i mean. i guess thats s4sukes deal. but it feels different coming from a parent#from 1ruka it feels more. i wanna protect u. and from s4suke it feels more. i understand. lets destroy the world together. make them pay#they r the true ultimate narut0 stans. narut0 defense squad. everyone else back the fuck off#k4kashi is a 2nd teir stan. only bc hes got his own weird bullshit in canon. in my head hes also on the narut0 elite defense squad#wtf am i talking abt. ugh i need to sleep. i have to talk to ppl tomorrow. ugh no i should work on stuff#agh. fucj it maybe ill just wake up at like 5am and work on it then. and shift into proper work mode at 9 or whatever#blah. i now understand why i was feeling so like normal before this. its bc i was well rested lmao. im not at familiar levels of#exhausted unstabled energy. lov that for me#unrelated
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noah-be-silly · 6 months
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Some All-star Assistant Noah doodles ^^
Ramblings under the cut beware I am delusional :3 Also my grammar is atrocious-
Probably takes place after RR cuz I would of loved the reality TV pros last line to mean something we were R o b b e d
Noah takes up the offer to be Chris's assistant again and decides to start making his way up the Hollywood ladder :D. He's working hard and we love that for him.
After world tour Chris kinda forgot he put Alejandro in the Tdm so he was converted into a break room table :b. Noah's really busy and kinda needs his own assistant to keep on top of his assistance work, so he cleans him up for simple requests and stuff. He gets a star sticker if he's done a good job :D (WDYM Noah's totally not humanising the robot naurrrrr-) Surprisingly it's his most competent and friendly coworker :b
Noah then gets promoted to Assistant/director/animal handler/robot handler/host for the All-stars season, mostly because nobody is willing to work with Chris again after the last couple seasons (he is so overworked and tired he's in his natural habits,aka on the brink of collapse). I'm not gonna take away the interns tho we love the interns. MENTOR INTERN NOAH OMG THE INTERACTIONS IM INSANE IM GOING IN THE DOME.
But like seriously I want Al and Owen to bond over being younger brothers (hc Owen is a middle child with two older and younger brothers since both have been said in canon) like just let them talk about being left out and ignored but still having responsibility and expectations put on them. Give me Owen who went on TD so maybe his parents could just remember he existed. Give me Alejandro and him getting along ok it could be great I love hating but CMONNNNNNNN ajidjijsijs
I'll probably write more in another post but I'm drawing blanks rn so shuhushhshuhauuhshshsjis
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
Nomads AU! Branch’s second in command..look I haven’t finished a drawing for them yet ….BUT it’s coming
Originally I wasn’t gonna have them in the story. They were just used to be a reason for why Branch was in the feral troll village, but then I got the idea for a brother rivalry between them and Brozone and I was like “OH! I have to do that!!!!!” (I am so sorry I really wanted to make an Oc please don’t unfollow 😭)
Branch’s Second in command is basically a replacement brother? (no one sure what gender they are? So Branch just calls him his brother?with a question mark) Honestly, the relationship is like SUPER toxic, like I’m talking about his second command has accidentally tried to eat him on a couple of occasions and has gotten him hurt multiple times on accident. (They’re also a huge reason on why is kind of more paranoid and aggressive troll that he is today) also they occasionally just bite Branch, maybe on the arm, leg, or just nibbling on his hair (I promise they won’t eat Branch they just like biting stuff) the biting freaks Branch out a lot (poor guys trauma won’t ever leave 😔)
What they look like is basically a description I gave of the feral (trolls?) a while back claws, tail, sharp teeth, messy looking, slitted eyes, and pointy ears the second in command/brother? wears half a cloak that only really covers one of their sides while also having the most stitched together outfit known to anyone in the village, arms and legs basically covered in bandages and scars surprisingly their face is scar free, their hair is similar to Bruce’s with how it cascades down his back, The only difference is it’s way messier and pitch black sometimes say to Branch how it makes them look more like family (which is cute in my opinion) They have shark teeth and sort of just has this look on there face of “I will bite you if you get close to me and if you’re not close to me, I will still bite you.” Their hair has some branches and leaves in it, but still pretty clean. Sometimes they lay on the ground and just pretend to be a carpet (I mean with how much hair they have it just completely covers their body) people have walked over them on accident before.
The second in command/brother? Doesn’t really have a name. Everyone just calls them Thing and that just became its name. Thing is maybe just really bad for Branch’s mental state, but they genuinely do really care for him. I mean the whole reason Branch is here is because Thing got one look at them and said “new little brother” and sorta just kinda adopted him.
Thing is is like the most insane feral (troll ?)(whenever they do something their motives behind it is either baby brother or feed there is an in between ground of just both) Thing is the head of the militia, and surprisingly is the most trusted with the village, due to their survival instinct/ tactics, and overall mindset of protection they’re kind of dumb though (so branch doesn’t really leave him in charge a lot for long periods of time but still trusts them over anyone else)
Random facts Thing owns a mug that says best big brother? on it, and it is like his most prize possession(and only possession) They once tried to eat a troll egg. Their excuse was omelette.(the egg was fine don’t worry) they are basically the most feral feral troll, (which is honestly really hard to do so claps for him I guess) He has tried to eat Creek on multiple occasions, the only reason he stopped is because they now have some weird deal going on (Creek just feed him bits of his hair.) They constantly run on all fours like a gremlin usually having their claws out just to climb trees and over buildings around the village. The trolls and feral(trolls?) just sort of got used to them and they’re weird freaky antics (they’re surprisingly really well respected and a lot of people quite like them… they just get super scared of them) As a kid they basically saw Branch as a pet until after like a week they were like “OK this is my baby brother now.” Similar to how trolls put their babies in their hair they sometimes just put Branch in their hair (Which Branch has gotten used to he just doesn’t mind it as much anymore but still hates it.) Nonetheless, no one is quite sure how old they are or where they came from in the village they just sort of been running around for years and then one day just showed up with a troll.
Thing can speak! Most of the time they prefer to just make weird animal noises or hiss and growl. They really only speak to Branch and anyone who has a genuine concern or anything (I mean he still has to be a good second in command) and even when they do speak it’s always in this raspy sounds like it hasn’t been used in like weeks voice. Has the most broken English ever they also speak in 3rd person quite a bit. (They can’t read and just ask a bajillion questions to anyone about anything or just run their own “tests” on stuff to see how it works)
I’m going to give it to you straight, the only reason Thing exists is so I can have a brother rivalry between them and Brozone I mean Branch’s biological brothers who he loved very much as a kid vs the creature who cared and raised him for 20 years after they left (The scenarios would be amazing!!! 🤩)
Branch and Thing have a very good relationship, Branch really loves them since Thing hasn’t abandoned him like everyone else and raised him with love (never mind how toxic of a home it was and still is)
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platonic headcanons or scenario for yandere Anakin Skywalker? if you write for him of course. i really enjoy your works! especially Bonds (for personal reasons •w•)
Eeee! My first Star Wars ask! You have no idea how excited I am for this, omg. Also Bonds is one of my personal faves to write as well!
Warnings: manipulation,over-protectiveness,themes of obsession,some implied stalking. Reader is barely trained force sensitive and Anakin has taken a self-proclaimed mentor/older brother role despite them not being a Jedi. Lots of Force stuff, because I love inserting my headcanons.
“Okay, now, I want you to try it with this.”
A comm link is passed to you, and you can see the wear and tear the device had been put through. Chips in the metal, the thin veneer of paint flaking off, a scorch mark on the side.
You take it, your fingers curling around the smooth metal. Anakin is leaning forward, practically hunched over your shared project, and you divert your focus from the Jedi Knight to the comm link in your hands.
“Why do I have to do this again?” You complain tiredly, turning it over in your hands. The metal catches on the calluses of your skin, and you hear Anakin huff.
“Because it’s important. Now try, come on.”
He nudged you with a shoulder, and you nod, breathing in.
It takes so much effort to expand the sense you’ve always had past your own body. Anakin called it the Force, but you just knew it as something you had always had and always known. If it wasn’t for Anakin, and the new tricks and tips he was teaching you, you might have never known that your sense of knowing was anything other than another sense.
The comm wasn’t alive. It didn’t react to the Force the way living things did. Didn’t buzz with it’s own energy. But something in your chest nudges at the internal components, and you suck in a breath.
“It’s.. it’s a wire? Maybe? It feels.. burnt?”
He beams.
That’s best way to describe it. With your senses extended like this, you don’t just see him, but you feel the way he lights up. His sun bright aura (he called it a Force Presence) popped and sizzled, pride flickering across it with a sense of glee.
Your head spins, the surge of foreign emotions making your mind struggle to keep up, and just as quickly as it happened, it draws back, and Anakin looks alarmed.
“Woah, easy! Are you alright?” He leans forward, a hand on your shoulder and you realize you were panting. His eyebrows furrow, and he lifts the other hand, pressing it to your forehead. It’s warm, but you feel how your brow was beaded with sweat. “You must have over-exerted yourself, come on, let’s take a break.”
“You’re normally really against breaks?” You joke, but your voice cracks and makes your head pound.
“Normally, you don’t have Force Exhaustion.” He snorts, easing the comm link out of your grip.
“That’s what that is?”
“Mhm. I didn’t mean to push you so far.”
The statement burns in your chest.
You knew, obviously, that Anakin was used to helping his Padawan, Ahsoka. She had years of experience on you, more skill and ability, and it showed. Simple tasks that she could do with her eyes closed took you hours to even begin to understand, much less the weeks of practice you had endured in order to even turn it into a useful skill.
There's a gentle nudge against your mind, the only real way to describe it, and when you look to your left, Anakin is giving you that stern frown, the one that you knew meant he was more than aware of your thoughts on the matter.
"Stop being so hard on yourself."
"How did you even..?"
"You're pretty predictable, young one." He sends you a sort of half grin, before adding. "Also, your shields are really weak right now, so you're projecting your emotions all over the place."
You groan, and he snorts, helping you stand. Of course your mental shields were down.
"This Jedi stuff is so ridiculous, oh my god."
"Wait until I teach you how to use a Force Push. You're gonna feel like you've pulled muscles you didn't even know you had." The crooked grin he sends you makes you huff, and he helps you sit in the soft chair. You wonder how he ever managed to make so much time for you, how he managed to come visit so often when you knew the war and his duties as a Jedi came first and kept him away so often.
"Not that I don't appreciate it, but... why are you doing all of this? You don't exactly have to help me."
He goes silent. The crooked grin is gone, replaced by a look you can't quite decipher. It's sharp, intense. Blue eyes bore into like he's trying to pick apart exactly why you asked him, like he's trying to understand. His brows slant down, in that stern, angry way they did was he was thinking hard but not actually angry, and you swallow.
"You remember how we first met?" He asks, and you nod.
"The pirates, yeah."
"You remember what you did?"
Not really. Well, you did, but you no idea how you had been able to convince the pirate to leave you alone. You had been pinned down and panicked, and even though Anakin had told you, several times, that you had used the Force to convince the man to release you, you had never been able to replicate it, despite trying.
"Yeah. I remember."
"Good. That was.. dangerous. An untrained Force Sensitive, using a Suggestion? You're lucky you didn't get hurt, or pass out, from pushing yourself too far." For a single, alarming second, there's a spark of rage behind his eyes, at his next words. "Or that the wrong person hadn't realized and made you a target."
You swallow.
You were aware, what happened to Force Sensitives that weren't Jedi. Some went insane, some lived normal lives, some were targeted by Hutts and pirates, some were found and killed.
Some became Sith.
"Yeah. I figured, well, I have the skills, may as well teach them to someone who could use them. Especially given how you lived on the streets for a while." He shrugs, the intensity gone, and gives you a half smile. "Now come on, you need to get some food and water in you, and you can take a nap."
A nap sounded... really good, actually. It would help the pulsing migraine in the back of your head, and you could catch up on some sleep you so desperately needed.
So you let Anakin press a plate into your hands, and let him slide a glass of water in front of you, and when he closes the door to your room behind you and dims the lights, you curl into your blanket, closing your eyes.
Sleep comes easy, and you rest, content.
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ejaysstuff · 2 months
⚠️NOTE⚠️ I am NOT a researcher, meaning I did not go beyond his baike article for this post, so please don't take this post as a concrete, definite description of Jinzha. Remember that there are different versions of mythology characters all the time, and these are simply some of them. I'm only making this so others can have a starting point in designing him!
Any rbs with corrections/additions are highly welcome!!
Throughout my year of Li Brother Illness TM, I've seen some li brother designs which always makes me incredibly happy. However, I still thought it'd be neat if I shared some stuff that helped inspire my headcannons/designs of the li siblings. This one will be about Jinzha!
I hope this gives a little more insight to my beloveds while also generating more ideas for them <33
Jinzha is described as a handsome young man who wears light yellow/white Taoist robes. Sometimes the ends of his Daoist robes is drawn poofy which is so cute,, he is also depicted wearing a golden hair crown (束发金冠). Other figures like Sun Wukong and Lu Bu wear this too, but with pheasant feathers attached to it
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There are also designs that depict him in armor!
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This is an older version of Jinzha, Bodhisattva Jundali Mingwang. He is a Buddhist figure, and can be seen decorated with red snakes and yellow-collared snakes around his body. He also has a spirit snake (灵蛇), which could either mean a magical snake or a fast and precise one. He uses it as a weapon, which I think means he flings the lil guy at his opponent and it just starts biting them (erlang shen strat with his dog)
While this isn't fsyy Jinzha, I still think it'd be neat to include snake motifs in Jinzha's design more,, plus I think it'd tie in nicely with his Dragon Stake :)
(Bodhisattva Jundali also wields other weapons such as a spear, a whip and a polearm that looks similar to a halberd (戟). Jinzha doesn't have any of these in fsyy, but just gonna put these here if you want more weapons to draw him with :>)
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I've shown this weapon briefly here, but I'll show it again so it's much more organized! The Dragon Stake appears time to time in fsyy alongside Jinzha's swords, and is a weapon that can bind any opponent. It's commonly depicted as a pole with three rings. It seems to be able to change its size, growing bigger when in use. In fsyy, Jinzha would sometimes bind the enemy first with the Dragon Stake before finishing them off with his swords.
I was luckily able to find an illustration showing how it looks like in action!
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This weapon was used by Jinzha's master before it was passed onto Jinzha. It's also what was used to subdue Nezha when he tried to kill Li Jing
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More illustrations with Jinzha holding it:
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more illustrations of Jinzha and the stake!
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(^illustration credits: 苍狼野兽 on weibo)
(For those who use his wikipedia article, the 'Ganlu Treasure Vase' is this.)
甘露 gān lù, meaning sweet dew, is a special substance that functions like holy water. It is contained in a vase, and Bodhisattva Jundali used this to defeat demons. This one doesn't seem to have a particular design, but it looks similar to the one that Bodhisattva Guanyin holds in her hand.
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I did find some variations of it online though!
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I hope this can give more ideas when drawing Jinzha! There aren't many english sources about him, so maybe this helps make researching a little easier <33
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compressedrage · 7 days
Could you gift us with some Hollow Heads Siblings interaction hc's? Maybe with some redeemed Dark and Vic?
I just love them sm and they need to be happy!! Plus, we don't have enough of them
I agree, we don't have enough of these dorks
I do have a recent post about my headcanons for the Hollowheads as siblings in general, but your ask is a bit different, so I will do my best to think of some more.
I think that despite himself, Chosen picked up some art abilities from his time watching Alan. Once Orange learns of this, he makes Chosen draw with him as a bonding activity. Well, "makes" is a strong word. Chosen is secretly glad to cover up the bad memories associated with art with better ones with his little brother.
There are multiple ways Dark could be redeemed, but no matter which path he takes, it's going to take a bit for Orange and Dark to warm up to each other. Chosen remembers the Dark who was a goof, running around experiencing the world for the fist time. Orange only knows Dark as the terrifying figure who killed his friends. And Dark only knows Orange as the kid who suddenly flipped a switch and shot him into the stratosphere. They both have trauma connected to each other, so they're gonna have to figure that out before they realize how similar they are. However, once they get past that obstacle they are gonna be best friends. Dark is the fun big brother, always down for the craziest adventures.
I have a very hard time thinking about headcanons for Victim in a redeemed sense, because I just don't really know what his motivations are in canon. I haven't gotten a strong sense of who he is, so I don't know what he would do if he ever had a redemption arc. HOWEVER I am also an older child, and know if I ever did something to my siblings and they forgave me, I wouldn't let them out of my sight. Victim might become a bit protective over Orange, but also Chosen and Dark. (this would confuse Chosen so bad; he's literally The Chosen One, he can take care of himself) They have to get used to being cared for, and caring for others.
I think it would be funny if sometimes the older hollowheads forget that Orange might be the most powerful of them all. He doesn't use his powers that much, and come on look at him, he's so little and cute. But then Orange pulls out an absolute devastating insult, or beats Purple in a spar with a crazy move without his powers. Orange was scary before he knew he was The Second Coming, but he also sparks lightning when he gets angry and his older brothers suddenly remember why Dark died.
Dark starts to like Victim because of his affiliation with technology. The amount of cool stuff Victim has access to makes Dark's head spin and they have to make sure Dark doesn't get his hands on any possible weapon technology. He might get carried away and destroy something.
Also on the note of redeemed Dark, he and Chosen probably wouldn't be able to go out in society very often due to them being literal former terrorists. They would hate being cooped up, but it's best for everyone that they don't get spotted and consequently arrested. Because the cops would try to arrest them, and Dark wouldn't be able to resist causing more chaos. He'd just dig himself a deeper hole.
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awaytobeunshaken · 6 months
The More They Stay the Same
Orym is still sitting in the garden long after the rest of them have scattered. He still wishes Fearne had said something to him. He’s not sure if she really wanted it, or she just felt like she had no choice, but either way, it was over now. And she seemed satisfied, seemed to be bonding now, with Ashton, in their shared elemental powers. Good for them.
It did almost make him wish he’d taken up more of the druidic practices of the Ashari. He’d never really had much interest in it, or aptitude to be honest, and deep down he doesn’t really think he’d be as comfortable with that life, but he’s feeling more alone than he has since he started traveling with the old crew, and that's never bred anything in him but regret.
His ears perk up at the sound of footsteps crunching across burnt leaves, and he swivels his head around to see Ashton crossing the platform. Not the Ashton that walked away an hour or so ago; they’ve still got the lava rock arm, but apart from that it’s the same genasi form that Orym first met.
“Hey.” And he could swear his voice sounds smaller than it used to. “You’re back.”
Ashton seems to grasp his meaning, taking a long look at his arm before answering, “Yeah.” He sits beside Orym, bicep not quite touching his shoulder but close enough for him to rest against, if he wanted. He doesn’t, though, keeping his gaze off into the wilderness. “You know this doesn’t change anything between us, right? Between any of us.”
Orym shrugs. “What’s there to change?”
“Just, like, stuff like this, being able to check in with each other… Look, I’m not gonna go off and hook up with Fearne just because everyone seems to think we should.” Orym draws his knees in, hunching over them. “Hey, I mean it. We just both figured out some cool shit we can do, that’s all. I’m not stealing your best friend away from you.”
“I never even realized she was having reservations about it before. She never said anything about it to me. Maybe I’m not as good a friend as I thought.”
“I don’t think that’s true.”
“I would’ve taken the shard myself, if I’d known. I was ready to take it today, if she hadn’t changed her mind.”
“Maybe that’s why she didn’t want to tell you. You, ah, don’t always show the highest concern for your own skin. And yes, I realize what a massive hypocrite I am to tell you that. Still, I’m not gonna lie, that would’ve been pretty cool.” He reaches over to tousle Orym’s hair, in an attempt to approximate Fearne’s fiery mane as best he could with the short strands. “We could’ve been, like, brothers. Or maybe not… fuck, I dunno. This is crazy.” They shake their head like they’re trying to knock something loose. “But I guess a lot of crazy shit has happened today.”
They turn towards Orym, and place their right hand on his cheek, and the stone is rough and dry and yet somehow it feels so alive as it guides his face toward Ashton’s. And Ashton’s lips are cool, and not rough at all, and they settle against Orym’s like they belong there, just for a moment before pulling away.
They’d come to the Feywild in an attempt to slow down time for a moment, but now it seems to have stopped entirely, Orym’s entire world resting between one heartbeat and the next. But as reality reasserts itself around him, he recalls what Fearne told him about what happened on the ziggurat. “So. You’re just giving those out to everyone, now?”
“Not this time.” Ashton’s eyes lose focus, his gaze drifting toward the background. “But, like I said, today’s been weird, so if you wanna just forget…”
They don’t get a chance to finish as Orym stands and leans in for another kiss.
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punsmaster69 · 3 months
frisk groaned as they wiped up a mess of orange juice.
"How did I even manage to miss that badly?"
"We are all a little loopy in the mornings."
"Golly. The cup was RIGHT there... and yet you still missed!"
"Maybe you should leave that to Toriel still, huh?"
flowey laughed at frisk's misery.
"Flowey, be nice."
"...Though, I am more than willing to assist you if you need help, my child."
"I can pour it normally. Just... not right now, apparently."
"like she said - it's mornin' still, and you just woke up. don't beat yourself up over it."
i glance to flowey.
"and don't let any flowers beat you up over it, either."
"I'll say what I want!"
a stern look from toriel.
he huffs and goes back to picking the cereal out of his marshmallows.
toriel gave this a disapproving look too, but it's a regular occurrence.
she helped frisk pour another glass of orange juice, and they slumped back in their chair, deflated. don't know if i've ever seen a kid look more upset while drinking oj.
"Are you still planning to follow Sans home after you eat?"
they looked at me.
"paps won't be back until around ten."
"I'm good to hang out with you until then."
"Flowey, will you be-"
"Staying here."
"I don't want to be around those two nincompoops alone for two hours."
again, an occurrence too regular for her to bother saying anything about anymore. these days, she almost doesn't even notice the insults sometimes. i think everyone else tunes them out a little, too.
"so, are backwards shoes the new thing?"
frisk paused and looked down.
they started walking again.
"No wonder they felt weird."
"you wanna stop and fix 'em?"
"I'm gonna take them off at your house anyway, so I'm gonna just deal with it until then."
"well, c'mon - this way. i know a little shortcut."
a ball of paper bounces off my skull.
frisk slams their head into the side of the couch, not accounting for the fact that it'd hurt.
uncrinkling the ball, there was the start of a drawing with scribbles where the legs would be.
i folded the page back up, and they loosely smacked it out of my hand.
the paper smacked them in the face.
". . ."
"lady luck's got a vendetta against you, huh?"
sitting bolt upright, they shouted.
"Not just that, but I keep messing stuff up - and then having the WORST luck with just about everything else!!"
throwing their arms up in the air...
and immediately hitting my brother on accident, who just entered.
curling forward into a ball.
"welcome home, bro. you're a bit early."
looking with concern at the human groaning annoyedly on the couch in front of him.
"not just that - their luck's been shot all day."
"And shit."
he sat himself onto the couch and dragged frisk like a stuffed animal to his chest for a hug.
".....Can we just sit here?"
"sounds good to me."
"Nothing bad can happen if I do nothing at all."
"sound logic."
"If you're here, that's good. That happened and I didn't do anything to cause it."
"And I wanna hang out by doing nothing."
"we could at least put on a movie."
"and i'm pretty sure we've got popcorn still."
"we'll do a movie night."
they dumped the bowl of blackened kernels into the trashcan.
they sighed defeatedly.
he opened the cabinet and grabbed the popcorn box, reaching in and... patting the empty inside.
frisk pounded their head against the sink door. i put my hand between the door and their forehead to lessen the impact of the blows.
my brother gently pulls them away from the door by the shoulders, turning them around.
"me and undyne split the last of the chips the other day."
"here, i know a shortcut."
exhaling every bit of air they had, frisk looks between the cash on the counter, and the total on the screen - thirty cents short.
quickly appearing beside them, papyrus moves all their cash back into their bag (slipping an extra ten in) and pats frisk's head as he hands it back.
the way they looked at the machine, you'd think it was about to reject papyrus' card or blow up or something.
it didn't. he quickly waved goodbye to the cashier as he scooped up frisk's items into a bag himself. he passes it to frisk, and they take his hand. with the other, he grabs onto my hand.
halfway down the sidewalk, a branch catches frisk's bag. the bag tears; their chips and candy fall to the floor - sweet tea rolling away.
i stop it with my foot, picking the other items up as well.
"i'll pack 'em. no problem."
taking the torn bag and shoving it into my pocket, we continue walking.
a bit further on, papyrus spots a puddle on the side of the road. spontaneously grabbing frisk and lifting them up, a car speeds past and sprays him with water - i just barely get out of the way.
frisk remains unsoaked, thanks to my brother's quick thinking.
"sometime last night."
"AH. I SEE."
"Thank you Papyrus. I'm sorry."
"maybe we take a shortcut after all."
the rest of the day, papyrus is extremely diligent in making sure nothing else happens to frisk. in the end he secretly seems thankful for the doing-nothing choice.
it really is easier to keep someone out of bad luck's way when they're sitting still.
papyrus makes tomato soup for dinner, deciding nothing can go wrong with that. to be absolutely certain, he cools it to nearly room temp before serving any to them. when frisk almost spills it, he hands them a straw.
"...isn't that a bit much?"
"It's fine. Not like I haven't used one for soup before."
succeeding again, he messages tori to say he'll keep them just until bedtime.
frisk nods in silent agreement.
both me and frisk are impressed at his ability to navigate around unlucky situations throughout the night, but i suppose he 𝗵𝗮𝘀 been dealing with 𝘮𝘦 forever. avoiding messes is basically a special skill of his at this point.
when it was time for frisk to go home, paps was still pretty worried and accompanied them all the way home - apparently even going as far as to tuck them in himself, according to toriel.
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I’ve been gone for so long but I have so much to say and idk how to say it so please be prepared for an absolute mess of an ask lol
First, I just really wanna give appreciation for Super Emeralds (The comic creator) and their dedication to THOAM. I’ve been on Tumblr for just a little more than a year at this point, and I only joined in the first place because of this comic. I got into it way back in… What was it, 2020?? 2021? And I fell in love immediately with the concept! Sonic feeling insecure about his new Werehog form? Chip being an active member of the team and a great friend?? TEAM DARK??? SONADOW DONE RIGHT?????????? Ohohoho! You can bet I was completely on board! I tried my best to comment on every page, because I just love giving positive feedback for things I enjoy, and took note of how Super Emeralds evolved their style as the years went on. I wasn’t there during the beginning, and I really wish I was, but the time I’ve spent following this fun little comic has made me feel so much appreciation not just for Super Emeralds as a person, but for the entire Sonic art community as a whole! Art is a creative endeavor, a passionate career, and sometimes it’s really hard to just. Draw. Comics are especially hard as I’ve discovered. So just… Good job to Super Emeralds for sticking around all these years and for giving us such an incredibly thought out and beloved series. And thank you.
I’ve been a bit absent from Tumblr for the last few weeks due to sickness and lack of interest so I am undoubtedly missing a page or two from the equation but OH MY GOSH. POOR SONIC. Bro wakes up from like a 2-day long nap and the first thing he sees is his little brother screaming in his face at 3AM. He’s so confused haha! I noticed he isn’t as insecure or he isn’t really freaking out as much as I assumed he would way back during the exposition pages. This is obviously due to the confusion and whiplash after waking up as his “Normal” self again, but I feel like it’s just him putting on another fascade around his friends. To an extent, at least. He isn’t aware of the new pink markings all over his body and he isn’t aware of just how worried all his friends were. All he knows is that they know about his new form and they for some reason aren’t acting weird about it, so he’s likely just playing along to make sure nobody gets overly concerned. It just seems like something he’d do. Or maybe I’m just grasping at the angst straws, idk.
Also let’s not gloss over how Omega doesn’t care that Sonic mauled him to death. Let’s not gloss over the fact that Omega clearly cares for the others because of his ignorance to Sonic’s rampage.
Yeah if you couldn’t already tell I’m a sucker for this kinda stuff-
Uhhhhh I don’t really have much else to say, honestly. Maybe I will later, but right now I’m on a time crunch so I gotta keep this all pretty concise. Thank you so so much for reading all the way through, I know this was a really really long one. And again, thanks to Super Emeralds for being able to last this long and not losing motivation for the comic. I know I would’ve given up after just 5 pages! (I actually tried to make a comic of sorts and I literally gave up after 5 pages I am not kidding.)
Aight I gotta go now bye bye!! 👋
ur gonna have a field day in 2-3 weeks depending on when u decide to go on rampage haha
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keitorinrose · 3 months
can you tell us about your trolls x su au or tell us the basics of the story?
Sure! There probably won't be a lot of details because there's a lot of things i still need to figure out.
The idea for the au came because i remembered the song drift away and thought "this is so floyd and branch" and then it spiralled from there. None of this is final btw. things can and probably will change because I don't make aus often. 💀 Also don't think too hard about the su part of this au. Im probably only gonna use the basic parts of it and will barely use anything from the show because I'm mostly focusing on the movie of su and not the serie and epilogue.
I currently only have the roles for the main characters so
Branch is Spinel
Floyd is Steven (but he's still the one who makes the promise with branch even though in su that was pink diamond and not steven.)
Clay is Amethyst
Spruce/Bruce is Pearl
And JD is Garnet
I want to add viva, poppy and brandy too but I don't know which characters they would be yet.
So brozone breaks up. JD, spruce and clay leave and before floyd goes he makes the promise with branch, he stays and one day he'll come back for him. Years pass by and floyd still hasn't returned. Branch's colors are becoming duller as the years go by, he starts doubting himself but never fully gives up hope.
Here's where i struggle a bit with the story because i don't have a reason yet why floyd never came back. At some point floyd reunites with the others but idk the reason yet why branch isn't part of that reunion.
Just like in the song drift away i want branch to get a message that shows floyd and the others so that he realises that he's been abandoned and that floyd broke the promise. That's when branch would go grey. (Idk if I'm adding rosiepuff in this au)
So this is when the su plot comes in. Branch comes with the injector. He fights brozone and in the process everyone gets reset except floyd. When they get reset they're back into their roles before brozone broke up. So clay is back to being the funboy, spruce the heartthrob and jd the leader. With branch i think he would act more childlike or innocent? Because im not gonna make an adult act like a baby 💀
So now floyd has to figure out how to turn his brothers back to normal. I think the order of who comes back is gonna be the same as the movie so clay->bruce->branch->JD.
Oh and the others didn't know about the promise. they didn't know that branch stayed in the garden all those years, Floyd never told them.
Have not thought yet how floyd brings them back.
After clay gains his memory back they go back to the injector and try to turn it off when they realise it's harming the land. They make it worse and now the injector is going faster(?) So they realise they NEED branch to get his memory back or else they can't turn it off.
when floyd manages to bring branch's memory back they talk and he's on their side. He removes the injector and everything seems to be going fine. It's then when branch fears he is going to be abandoned again and thinks floyd will reset him again after he removed the injector so they fight. Somewhere during that JD gets his memory back too. I think most of this part from the movie I won't change. So floyd and branch fight one to one. Floyd sings the song "change" maybe? Idk yet. Branch saying that he can't just make everything better just because he sang a song. He tries to continue fighting floyd but he tires himself out so then this scene happens
Tumblr media
I am changing the lines though. I think something like "i just want my brothers back." Idk
I think that's all i have at the moment. I'll add more to this post if i think of anything. Most of my ideas for this au was me looking at spinel clips and thinking "oh i can draw that with branch!"
I hope this is readable because I'm writing this during midnight and am NOT good at explaining stuff. 💀
If anyone has ideas i would love to hear it! because im not good at figuring stuff out
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trashyswitch · 10 months
Don't Touch Mario's Love Letters
Mario has been writing love letters to Peach in secret, and Luigi quickly finds out about it. Though Mario doesn't always take kindly to teases from his younger brother.
This fanfic was for @elitadream. Here's the link for the fanart this was inspired by.
Though I know you're not part of the community...Come on! They're brothers! So you KNOW they get up to these kinds of things! But despite that, I have huge respect for you, and I salute your drawing abilities. So, I hope you enjoy!
Luigi was cleaning up the boys’ desk and throwing out the garbage bin under the desk. When he had gotten back in the room with the garbage can, he placed it under the desk and sat down at the desk. The last person that had used the desk was Mario. And Mario often loved to cover the desk in papers before writing in his notebook. Why he liked doing this, who knows…he’s always been like that. 
Either way, if Luigi wanted to ever use the desk for anything at all, he always had to clean up Mario’s stuff. Because the man just loves making a mess and not cleaning it up after. He’s been that way since childhood. And Luigi was long used to it. Luigi closed the top of his red notebook and read the front: [Name: Mario] 
[Subject: Writing] 
Luigi smiled and picked it up, before putting it into the desk drawer. But when he picked up the stacks of paper from the desk, a couple papers had fallen out of the stack and onto the desk, before sliding off the desk and flowing back and forth down to the floor. He was about to pick them up and put them back into the stack, but…He paused when he noticed Peach’s cursive writing on the letter from where he was: 
{Dear Mario; 
How has your week been? I hope it wasn’t too busy. You work so hard…you deserve the rest. Are the citizens of Brooklyn treating you and Luigi well? How is your family? Are they also well?} 
Luigi raised his eyebrow. He picked it up and flipped it to the back to read it a little more. 
{Duties resume like clockwork at the castle. The toads made me some simmered fruit for lunch, which really hit the spot. I also got to pick some flowers and replaced the flowers on the table. The first bouquet was dying, which was making me feel down. Wilting flowers make me sad.}
Luigi chuckled and put the letter back in the stack. Then, he picked up the second paper: [Dear Peach; My week’s been a little busy, but not bad so far. The people of Brooklyn are always great to us, but I am very thankful for the rest. And my family’s doing well too. Mama’s just as sweet as ever. So, I was thinking…Maybe we can spend some time together this weekend! Do you have any recommendations for pretty places to go? And do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities the best?]
Oh…My…god…Is Mario seriously considering taking her out on a date?! THIS I have to see. Luigi put the rest of the stack back into the drawer before leaving the room with the letter in his hand. He walked himself up to Mario, holding out the letter. “Hey Mario…” Luigi called, dangling it like the teasy brother he is. 
Mario turned around to look at him. “Hm?” He hummed. 
“What’s this ya got here?” Luigi asked. 
Mario walked a bit closer to see the writing on it. But when he saw the red pen, Mario screeched and attempted to snatch it from his brother. “Where did you-” Mario saw his hand was empty, and the paper was still in his hand. “Give it-” Mario reached up, only for the paper to go another inch higher. “Give it back!” Mario ordered, reaching up. “Recommendations for pretty spots, huh?” Luigi teased. 
Mario grunted and reached up for the letter again, showing a bit more anger on his face as he failed to reach it. “Luigi-” Mario muttered.  “You wouldn’t happen to be setting up a little date with the princess, would you?” Luigi asked, being a nosey little pest. 
“Give it back! Right now!” Mario ordered. 
“What kind of date ideas were you gonna propose to her?” Luigi asked, purposefully flipping the letter back and forth in front of him to entice his brother. 
“None…” He looked at Luigi. “-of your business.” Mario spat back, poking his chest.
“Come oooon, Mario.” Luigi pulled it back up as Mario jumped up to grab it, but to no avail. “Tell me! I wanna know!” Luigi said. 
Mario finally stopped reaching up for the letter, and crossed his arms, clearly pissed. “This is my last warning.” Mario muttered. 
Luigi chuckled. “Or what? What are you gonna do, shorty?” Luigi teased, acting like he had the upper hand. But Luigi wasn’t gonna have the upper hand for much longer. Because Mario reached his hand up one more time, causing Luigi to lift it up higher. But the moment Luigi did that, Mario tickled his brother’s armpit. “Oh nothing…Just this.” Mario replied, poking his armpit a little harder. 
Luigi squeaked and pushed Mario away with his hand, trying his best to keep his other hand up despite being tickled into bringing it down. “WaHAIT! Mahario!” Luigi backed himself up. “Thahat’s cheating!” Luigi told him, his voice going super high-pitched.
“And you’ve made this an unfair game! Meaning tickles are now allowed.” Mario told him. 
Luigi hopped onto the bed to get away from him. “AHA!” He declared, pointing at him. “Try and get me now, Mario!” Luigi taunted him. 
Mario clicked his tongue, shaking his head with a smile. “You just made things so much worse for yourself.” Mario added as he walked up to the right side of the bed. 
“No I didn’t. What are you talking about?” Luigi asked with genuine confusion as he kept an eye on his brother. Mario brought his finger up to the back of the knee. Luigi raised an eyebrow. “What are you-”
He poked it only once. 
“gaaAAH!” Luigi shouted, snapping his head forward. Oh no… Mario started scratching the knee pit with a big smirk on his face. “Did you forget about this ticklish spot, Lu?” Mario asked. 
Luigi quickly felt the smile fill his face as he hung his head. “MAHARIO DOHOHON’T!” Luigi shouted, bringing up his right knee to cover it up. Now, Luigi knew how to laugh and not lower his arm while being tickled in the armpit. He’d gained enough practice doing that during tickle fights with Mario. But the knee pit was a newer tickle spot entirely, that had been found out completely by accident! And…He didn’t have nearly enough experience covering up his kneepits very well without falling. “COHOHOME OHOHON- IHIHI’M GOHONNA FAHAHAHALL!” He reacted. 
“Oh, I know. That’s what I want.” Mario told him. 
“YOHOHOU SUHUHUHUHUCK!”  Luigi shouted at him. 
“Oh? I suck now?” Mario asked. “Says the one that stole my letter and refuses to give it back.” Mario told him. 
“IHIHI WAHAHAS JUHUHUST-” Luigi felt his knees buckle as he fell onto his back against the bed. “NAhahahaha- Nohohohoho!” Luigi whined, pulling himself into the fetal position as the phantom tickles on his knees continued to plague him. 
Mario jumped up onto the bed and onto Luigi, before pulling on the letter. “Let go, Luigi!” Mario ordered. 
“Neheheveher! Ihihi wahant ahahanswehehers!” Luigi complained, gripping the letter a bit tighter.
“And you won’t get any answers unless you let go!” Mario added, letting go of the letter before tickling his belly and sides. “So let go!” 
Luigi squeaked and threw his head back, laughing and tightening his grip on the letter while extending his legs. “IHIHI DOHOHON’T TRUHUST YOHOHOU!” Luigi argued. 
“Then keep acting like that. See if I care.” Mario said, smirking as he moved his finger to his belly button. “Besides, I’m rather enjoying tickling you.” Mario added. 
Despite laughing and wiggling around, Luigi wouldn’t let go of the letter. In fact, the tickling seemed to only tighten his grip on the letter. 
And Mario quickly noticed this. “Damn…you can’t go down without a fight, can you?” Mario asked. 
Luigi was cackling and shaking his head. “DOHOHOHO YOHOHOUR WOHOHOHORST!” Luigi shouted. 
Mario shrugged his shoulders. “Okay.” Mario took in a big breath and blew a raspberry on his brother’s belly. 
Luigi screamed and laughed rather hysterically, unable to control how outlandish his laugh was by this point. 
Mario smiled. While Mario did enjoy making Luigi laugh like this, he kinda had a mission right now. So, he tried to focus by tickling Luigi’s lower ribs. “Are you really that stubborn to find out the truth behind that letter?” Mario asked with a smirk. 
“YEHEHEHESS!” Luigi replied.
“But why?! You already guessed everything right!” Mario replied, stopping his tickles for a moment. 
Luigi let out a few breaths of relief and looked at Mario. “But…” He looked up at Mario, almost with a look of desperation. “But I had questions!” He reacted. “What kind of date were you gonna come up with?” Luigi asked. 
Mario shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. That’s why I was going to ask her for ideas for-” “Pretty spots to go?” Luigi teased.
“Pretty pla-...Oh…Well, Ye…Yeah.” Mario muttered, blushing. Luigi actually read the intro?! God, this was more embarrassing than he thought… “Truth was…I was gonna try and fix that intro to make it more subtle.” Mario admitted. 
Luigi chuckled. “Yeah…It’s a little ‘on the nose’.” Luigi added. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “Don’t criticize my letter-writing skills.” Mario told him. 
Luigi chuckled as he got up onto his feet. “Alright.” He offered Mario the letter. “I’m guessing you wanna finish it now?” He asked. 
“Yes, I would like to.” Mario reached up to grab the letter, but widened his eyes when he saw Luigi pull it back. “Wha-” 
“Now before I give this to you…” Luigi started. 
Mario sighed and crossed his arms, tapping his foot. “Yes?” 
Luigi smiled innocently. “I must ask: How long have you had a crush on Peach?” Luigi asked him. 
Mario groaned. “I don’t need to tell you that.” Mario complained. 
“Excuse me-” Luigi placed his hand on his chest, showing mock offense. “We are twins! We ALWAYS tell each other our secrets!” Luigi reacted. 
“And you already know what you need to know! Now give me the letter!” Mario ordered. 
Luigi chuckled. “Fine, fine.” He offered Mario the letter again. But right when Mario reached out for it again, Luigi pulled it back. “Oh! I forgot-” Mario wrapped his right arm around Luigi in a chokehold, pulling him down and making Luigi double over so Mario could reach. “Drop it! Or else.” Mario said with an evil smirk on his face. 
“Ow! Okay, okay here!” Luigi let it go, dropping it to the ground. “Mamma mia, you’re strong.” Luigi muttered as he felt Mario’s arm loosen off his neck. 
“Thank you.” Mario picked it up and walked back to the bedroom. 
“...So that’s it?!” Luigi asked. 
“Were you expecting more?” Mario asked, turning around. “Well…I was hoping for a thank you for cleaning up the desk.” Luigi admitted. 
“Wha-” Mario looked in the room, and groaned. “Why did you clean up my stuff?!” Mario looked at him. “I was gonna go back to it!” Mario yelled. 
“Because I wanted to use it! And you never clean up after yourself!” Luigi replied. 
Mario chuckled. “Fine…I’ll make sure the desk is clear when you wanna use it. But in return…” Mario’s head popped out from behind the bedroom door. “You need to promise to not be a nosy-pants and leave my stuff alone.” Mario told him. 
Luigi nodded. “Alright.” Luigi smirked a bit. “So if you don’t want me touching your stuff, does that mean you’ll start cleaning the entire desk yourself?” Luigi asked. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “If it’ll help resist your urge to read my stuff, then maybe.” Mario replied. 
“Oh! Speaking of reading your stuff…” Luigi started. “Peach has some nice cursive, I gotta say.” Luigi added. Mario widened his eyes and blushed slightly. “Yeah…She does. She’s a princess.” Mario added. 
Luigi laughed. “I guess that’s true.” He replied. “But I find it funny that you both prefer to use colored pens to write your letters.” Luigi teased. “Whatever happened to you just using purple or black pens?!” Luigi teased. 
Mario growled. “Shut up.” Mario muttered. 
Luigi thought for a moment. Mario had always used black pens…this had been the first time Luigi had written with a red pen. Wait…Was he writing in red pen for just his letters?! 
Luigi quickly smirked as he connected the dots. Once he did, he walked up to the door. He knocked on it and patiently waited for the door to open. When it opened, Mario was standing at the door, looking completely done with Luigi. “Yes?” 
“Do you write all your letters with a red pen?” Luigi asked. “Yeah, why?” Mario asked. 
Luigi’s smile widened. “Then are you writing your letters with a red pen on purpose so she’ll think you’re cute?” Luigi asked with an innocent smile. 
Mario widened his eyes and stuttered for only a moment…before rolling his eyes and slamming the door on Luigi. But this only made the taller one double over and cackle at him. “YOHOHOU’RE SUCH A DORK!” Luigi laughed, turning away so his back was facing the door and walking away.  
The door opened again. “VAFFANCULO!” Mario shouted before slamming the door again, making Luigi’s laughter go up another octave. 
Luigi eventually turned around and walked to the kitchen as he started to calm down. All the teasing, tickles and establishing Mario’s dorky nature…had made him very hungry. So, he heated up some leftovers while he let Mario be. 
The funny part was, he’s lucky that he can tease Mario all he wants…because he’s one of the only people who can tease him and get away with it without even a punch in the face. If he was literally anyone else, you would get destroyed by the small, but mighty man. But…Luigi is his twin brother, which earned him the opportunity to tease him without even a finger laid on him. 
Luigi swallowed and blushed a bit. Well…that’s not entirely true…The man did tickle him to get him to the ground and then chokehold him to get the letter back…But that’s just brotherly revenge for you. 
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angelbornaltruist · 1 month
ykw, I should be sleeping but instead I'm gonna say that I have SEVERAL g/t themed stories I would like to write and post here but unfortunately I have as much drawing skill as a grain of dust. So I'll just vomit some of my ideas here :) lmk what you think please, ask me whatever questions u want abt it, and if you feel inspired to create something from this, awesome! I like seeing the things I create inspire people
Also I want to add that I am exceedingly lazy, so many of the titles are just the two main characters with a conjunction between them.
1. Lyra and Tristan
A story I've been working on for quite some time, this one takes place in a dark fantasy world loosely inspired by dark souls and the old fairytales of hans christian anderson and the brothers grimm! In it, the world is dying, and giants and humans threaten to wipe each other out in the wake of a massive war. Our main protagonists are a giantess and a human boy who try to overcome their differences and out an end to the violence. There's a lot of fluff and goofy adolescent awkwardness with this one, and some kinky stuff too for the freaks in this community (me. I'm the freak). In this story I want to cover themes of overcoming hatred, the power of love and the importance of foolish hope. Also beeg lady kisses and cuddles are an important theme but anyway
2. Juliette and Willow
In a world where a third of the population was dramatically reduced in size by a mysterious virus, shrunken people are treated as pets and slaves at best and food at worst. This is a world I really want to cover in a lot of different ways, with a lot of darker tropes like vore, slavery, and other stuff, but Juliette and Willow is a sweet story about sweet things! Juliettes a simple office worker with a history she's trying to forget, and Willow's a ragged tiny who's on his last legs when Juliette finds him on the street one fateful day.A lot of mother-son fluff in this one, with some light sprinkling of overcoming trauma and found family.
3. My Little Knight - A Series
A series of blurbs and short stories where the main scenario is different people with tiny knights! I love knights, like a lot, and I love g/t stuff almost as much, so this is more just a chance to throw these two loves together! We've got princesses giggling and fighting over flustered tiny guards, we've got dragons kidnapping new iron-clad pets, and other stuff I'm too sleep deprived to talk about lol. Easily a more comedic series I want to do, more about silly fluff and goofy scenarios and beeg ladies than anything else.
That's just some of the stuff I wanna do for the community on this site. If u like what u read, or if u don't, please let me know! And if u want me to go to sleep so I can get to work on some of this stuff asap, please let me know! Consider this my official entrance into the g/t community. Ish. Maybe later I'll introduce myself or something, idk.
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enderon · 5 months
All day every day all he wants to do is tell me about trolls and draw brozone and I got really into trolls by osmosis ESPECIALLY since I went to see trolls three just for him so anyway PLEASE tell me about trolls because I have never wanted to hug branch harder than I did in trolls three. He built the hideout
I feel like you maybe got cut off a bit, but that's okay, cause I think I know what you were gonna say, and yeah, breaks my heart too.
Gonna put this under a read more, cause it's gonna be a lot.
First things first, one of my absolute favorite things about this series is how the world looks. And I don't just mean in terms of it being a fantasy world, I mean how things literally look like felt and stuff. Someone described it as looking like an 'arts & craft' project and I agree. Heck, I am in love with the orbeez water from this last movie. What a fun touch.
On a similar note, love the character designs. Very wild and versatile, willing to do fun and funky things and break the mold. Especially with the trolls! While World Tour gave us different races of trolls, with different looks and anesthetics, Bqnd Together showed us that even trolls of the same race can look really versatile, and I love that. My favorite species design, though, has to be the vacationers. I love the holiday muppets.
Also, in terms of versatile designs. I have to mention how refreshing it is that I was able to predict that Bruce was gonna be fat as an adult, after all of the emphasis placed on his abs originally, but that his gaining weight is never brought up, not even as an insult. None of his brothers ever give him crud about it, and Poppy even still sees him as the heartthrob, even with his chunky dad bod. That's some positivity right there.
Poppy and Branch!! I can not say enough about how much I love their relationship!! They are genuinely really cute and also really healthy. I was so happy that they didn't pull the same crud so many other studios do and shoe horn in some random and unnecessary relationship drama in this film, especially after Branch's subplot in the last movie was about their relationship. They're solid in this film. The only time they have conflict is about Branch not being super open (and even then it's not a huge issue and Poppy is clearly understanding that he's not fully ready yet and is even willing to make a joke about it when he is) and Poppy's lack of understanding of the complexities of sibling relationships. Other than those two minor conflicts, they are solid. She can tell right away at the beginning that something is wrong and bothering him, he is able to manage and bring her back when she starts getting too excited and worked up, and over all they just work to better each other. Heck, even uber positive, everyone needs to be friends with everyone, Poppy stands by his side when he chooses to abandon John, Bruce, and Clay, not trying to convince him to go back and forgive and give them a second chance. She's gonna stand by him. We love a solid relationship. And I personally love that they didn't get married or even actually propose in this one, despite the teases. It's really good for kids to see representation of a healthy relationship where they don't jump into marriage and instead take their time.
Poppy's relationship with both Viva and Bridgette. The fact that even after discovering she has a literal sister in Viva, she stills considers and calls Bridgette a sister. We love girl friendship. Especially when Bridgette finds out Viva is Poppy's sister, deciding that automatically makes them besties too. We love it.
I love that, other than the very mild road block of trying to keep them at Putt Putt, Viva isn't a villain. She's deeply traumatized, but not evil. She and Poppy really do genuinely get along and love each other, and I love that so much.
And while I mention a good Sibling relationship, I must also mention the more complicated by expressing my appreciation that, despite them being shown being closwer, Branch doesn't automatically jump to help when he finds out Floyd is in trouble. While he admits to Poppy, after some pushing, that of all the brothers, Floyd would be the one he would help, this is still hesitant, and I think appropriate. Floyd still left him and never came back. The only one who ever mentions coming back is John Dory (having come back too late, after the trolls had escaped the tree). So it makes sense that, despite them being closer, Branch would still hold that resentment towards Floyd and be hesitant to help even him.
Also, I have to mention something: the way that John and Branch are weird parallels. They're the most similar, in being isolated survivalist. John is the oldest who's treatment drove everyone away. Branch is the youngest who thought his performance drove everyone away. It's so sad and poetic, I love it.
Last thing I will note for now is how much I love the trolls series for its female villains. Barb wasn't really a villain in the end and had a redeemable reason for doing what she did, but Chef and Velvet both were unapologetically selfish and awful for completely their own gain. I love that for them.
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purplekoop · 4 months
FINALLY saw Mutant Mayhem, and it was really good!!! I might wanna give it a second watch later along with other Turtle stuff rewatches and do a more in-depth review then, but I'll say the spoiler-free highlights now.
The obvious striking thing is the film visual style, which going in I knew broadly as "like Spider-verse", but that feels like a gross oversimplification for this movie's fantastic look. It's a mix between grungy realism, rough sketchiness (my mom said it looked like one of my drawings, which, yeah I'll take it), and oddly some vague claymation vibes? The turtles especially feel like chunky molded clay in the best way. It's a super cool style that definitely stands out on its own but still feels thoroughly Ninja Turtles despite not quite looking like any one individual prior incarnation. A bit of 2012 with the grungy blockiness, a bit of Rise with the vibrant expressive animation, and a heaping dosage of just general "this would've been the coolest thing ever in the 80's."
Other major high point is just how... exceptionally pleasant the movie is. It's arguably the most light-hearted Turtles incarnation to date, even beating out Rise in terms of friendly vibes... well, barring the bottom-shelf swears and on-screen puke, personally could've gone without the latter but oh well. From the moment we see the turtles we get to see how much this movie appreciates the mundane, with dialogue, visual details, and quick gags that just... I dunno, feel natural? Like, this movie pulls of an astounding amount of reference humor that feels like it'd be irritating if it weren't so believably honest. Yeah, if they were teenage brothers they would say Mikey's head looks like a mix between Hey Arnold and Stewie Griffin. Of course they would. Also the "cringy" music choices rubbed me the right way too, again this movie's tone is so sincere that I can't help but love these too. My mom also specifically cited this as a high point. The "pleasant vibes" praise extends throughout the movie, but I think going fully in-depth on that point would require spoilers. Rest assured, this movie's an exceptionally feel-good watch.
I guess only critique is one I saw coming but because I was dodging spoilers I didn't have the full expectations for. I heard vaguely that there were gonna be a lot of classic mutants showing up for this movie, hence the title I suppose, but I was worried it was gonna be a Spider-Man 3 kind of situation where it'd be constant bad guys that don't leave much individual impact. Which... is both true and not true for this movie. It's not THAT detrimental by any means, but I do still wish the individual characters got to do more. I like what they do get to do, but only a couple actually get to do much, even Bebop and Rocksteady barely have a few lines despite being THE mutant bad guys and having some of the biggest celebrity voices. I think maybe even two or three of them could've been cut and their presence wouldn't have been missed, but I can also appreciate the novelty that these characters probably wouldn't get a big screen debut otherwise. I dunno, maybe I'm just petty these are all classic picks and aren't new characters from my eras of turtles. Fishface for the sequel, come on folks if I believe then you can too.
On that note though, I am hoping that obvious sequel bait goes somewhere, because this movie deserves it. I wanna see this incarnation again, which... I mean I'm pretty sure did well enough to where it's already in the works? If Spider-Verse is gonna be a trilogy (still haven't seen Across yet btw) then this movie certainly deserves at least one followup.
But yeah, great movie! I think I do have to put this as my favorite TMNT movie ever now, so uh... sorry to the original two live action movies and none of the others.
(also I was gonna do a season 1 review of TMNT 2012 but I started it a while ago right as I finished it early in January but then it got overwhelming and I didn't have as much as I wanna say so I don't know what I'm doing with that yet, I might move on to season 2 but idk there's still a lot I wanna say about the show but I still don't know the format. Also expect Things I Love #4 about a completely unrelated show I'm due to finish a rewatch of soon)
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buggxd · 2 years
The reader in the story is gender neutral soo yeah this is rly bad I wrote this when I was half asleep soo yeah :0 ALSO this was longer than expected ☠️☠️
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I’m making this at 5 am and it’s ass I’m bored and can’t find anymore Rory fics on here or Wattpad or even ao3 soo yeah. Also kinda off topic but his hair is so cute in the movie🫶
Summary Ig: Rory has a crush you and gains enough courage to tell you how he feels with a letter.(THERE IS A TIME SKIP WITH HIS AGE BUT THIS IS A FLUFF!!)
Rory and you had been friends since grade school you’re both now in your sophomore year and he’s slowly been growing a crush on you for about a year or two now quite a while he honestly thought it would go away like every other crush he’s had but it hasn’t he really feels like he’s grown a connection with you.The two of you are really close you always hang out and cheer him up when Benny and Ethan don’t wanna hang with him or when he’s feeling down and he does the same with you, Your both always there for each other. He’s been feeling more attracted to you lately the way your hair bounces when you walk or your hand when it brushing against his fingers as you both walk to each of your classes or the way your leg touches his when you sit with him at lunch or the way you meet him every morning and smile or hug him tightly before taking the bus home or the way you call him late at night just to talk about the most random things he can go on forever thinking of all the things he absolutely loves about you and the things you do, He honestly feels as if he needs to tell you his feelings towards you. It was Sunday around 3:23pm and Rory was thinking of how he was gonna confess to you he thought of a couple different ways like texting you,telling you on the phone, telling you in person and meeting up before or after school or even on the weekend but he finally thought of something that would help him fully express himself using his words, he was gonna give you a note! He was gonna write how he felt about you and then get an envelope and draw hearts and stuff on it and then he could just get to school early and leave it in your locker. He got his school binder a blue pen and crayola markers he started to write down all the things he likes about you, or well most of the things and then he started to draw little random things on the bottom half where there was already 5 lines left he drew cats Hearts stars smiley faces and a ton of random things and then drew you and him as little stick figures holding hands once he finished he folded the paper and got a baby pink envelope and put the note inside and wrote “to:y/n from: Rory AKA R-dog!:)” He glued a paper heart the was a pretty red color to seal the envelope and neatly in one of his backpack pockets being careful not to crumble it at all after he zipped up his backpack and started to play some random video game to pass time until he eventually fell asleep. The next day he woke up extra early and made his way to school there were maybe four to 6 people roaming the halls he made his way to your locker which was conveniently next to yours he took the envelope and tried to slip it into your locker through the hole/slit (idk wut their called?? If they have a name) he looked around the halls making sure no one was in there and tried to get it in again he finally got it after struggling for quite a bit after he was done he went to go find Benny and Ethan to tell them his plan but waited a bit since he got to school a little too early After finding the two brunette boys and telling them his idea Benny and Ethan stayed quiet for a second and then they started to laugh Rory went from a smile to a slightly annoyed face “what?! Why are you guys laughing?!?” He asked half annoyed half embarrassed “she DEFINITELY doesn’t like you back man” Benny said “yeah her with you?! She probably like you like a brother type friend y’know?” Ethan said slightly out of breath “C’mon guys she DEFINITELY is into ME!!” Rory said sounding for embarrassed and sad this time “yeah sure ‘r-dog’” Benny said laughing a little and emphasizing on Rory’s nickname “forget it!” Rory said annoyed and walked to his locker and saw you already had opened the letter and we’re smiling ear to ear with the darkest shade of pink on your face while reading it he walked away slightly nervous to approach you he ended up walking into the bathroom. Soon the bell rang and you made your way to your 1st period class along with other students you walked in and saw Rory sitting in the spot next to your usual seat.
You smiled at him and sat down class was going by painfully slow your 1st period was math and you had a sub and the class working on a stupidly easy math packet for extra credit it had about 4pages and you finished mid way/almost the end of class you had seen Rory was struggling so you gave him you packet and he gladly copied once he was done you asked him to turn in both of the packets he did as you asked while he was turning them in you pulled out your notebook and a pink ballpoint pen and started to doodle random things onto the paper and when he came back at peeked over and complimented you’re mini doodles “hey y/n/n can I borrow a pen?” Rory asked you nodded with a slight smile as you reached into your bag and pulled out a blue,green and red ball point pen and placed them down on the desk you both drew on the paper and you had an idea you tore a little piece of a different paper and wrote ‘I like u 2 :)’ with your pink pen and drew you and Rory as stick figures holding hands and drew hearts around them you had leaned your head over the desk so your hair and shadow was blocking the pierce of paper once you finished you folded it and waited til the bell rang to hand it to him once you did he read it immediately and his face felt so warm and he felt all nice and fuzzy inside.
Rory got his lunch and sat with you the two of you talked and ate your food and all of a sudden Rory said in a soft happy voice”sooo.. you like me?” You looked at him “yeah” there was some silence before the blond boy spoke again “wannagooutwithme” he said all in one breath “of course!!” You said a little too loud out of excitement he schooled closer and the two of you held hand and talked til lunch was over, Throughout the rest of the day the two of you were super close holding hands giggling and blushing and overall being one of those cheesy couples but neither of you cared.
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