#always the same tired shit
kingkatsuki · 21 days
Yeah short skirts and crop tops are sexy— but there’s just something about a man that finds you so attractive wearing clothes that shouldn’t be considered typically sexual. Like baggy sweats or his old, worn shirt.
Those plain, boring outfits that aren’t planned and are just thrown together for comfort and practicality that have his dick throbbing for you as he imagines bending you over the nearest surface.
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thottybrucewayne · 5 months
When I say "I'm rooting for everybody Black," I mean I'm including Black people who are usually overlooked outside and within the community. Black people whose Blackness becomes conditional the second they confront other Black people about bigotry within our community (Transmisogynoir, Transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sanism, etc.) not abusers and coons...
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moghedien · 3 months
less people should be writing myth retellings and more people should be writing myths
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lucindasthighs · 1 year
hmmgh thinking about laurance but his shadow knight powers connect him to the environment. And he HATES it.
He wants to pretend that he's not changed, that he can go back to a normal life- But he can hear the tremble of the earth as the memories of old gods vibrate through it; he can sense the withering of plants, the decay of corpses in his vicinity.
The feeling he hates the most is the burning, vicious hatred in the back of his consciousness. It's not his - it's old and faded, like the imprints of letters in a worn book. Sometimes, he can't even tell it's there. But he's quickly reminded when he gazes at Irene Aphmau, and it flares with intensity, like an old wound that never healed.
It's not his...right?
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
do fandom people realize that gleefully firing off mean little zingers at the socially accepted online target of the week for clicks is functionally identical to the way high school bullies use cruelty for clout, or do they lack that level of self awareness?
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thegreatcrowdragon · 3 months
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I genuinely did not notice at first but they swapped his eyes around? I know it’s concept art but I’m curious on why
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sad-boy-mono · 4 months
Y'all if I'm being honest, I'm so tired of seeing aro/ace discourse on my dash ToT
As someone who's on both spectrums I need everyone to shut up and be normal or fuck off and die k tank yewww byeee <3
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bitacrytic · 5 months
Korean school violence dramas are always like:
see this poor girl? she's been beaten everyday and dragged across the classroom floor because her mother sells fish. Look at her, she can't afford a new uniform because the rich bullies have torn hers and now she's coming to school in sportswear. Her family is about to be thrown out and she's just watched her older sister sleep with a loan shark to keep the family's debt at bay. She can't read, can't eat, can't think because she's poor and the bullies are ruthless.
being rich isn't fun because... when the rich bully goes home, he has to sit at the huge, beautiful dining table and eat alone because his father is too busy to eat with him. uwu.
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dootznbootz · 7 months
ABSOLUTELY NOT FINAL PRODUCT and unedited but have a little bit!!
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Idc if it's OoC, let me have this 🥹 Call me out on some historic shit but this STAYS. Don't worry he's still a little shit as he literally fucks with Laertes right after this!
And remember when I said I would write a SNIPPET with the "Odysseus gives baby Telemachus a lemon to see his funny face"? Yeah I fucking lied, this will NOT be a "snippet".
It'll be long af and I'm nowhere near done as now I've decided to make this a domestic bliss fic as well to show the "wonderful life Odysseus has to leave behind when he goes to war" because I'm a dumb bitch who likes making and adding more shit than needed.
I'm also a glutton for fluff so that's what this is! Like I said, unedited af and not done!
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the-n3w3st-g1rl-g1rl · 9 months
I'm realizing that the fact that Rudy and Noelle call Kris "Krismas" implies that Christmas is still a thing in Deltarune's universe. Like, it's not called something else or anything. So even though their religion centres on an Angel, I guess Jesus is still part of at least a religion in their world idk I'm tired
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monodive · 1 month
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mitsuki91 · 23 days
Do you really in the same breath call Coriolanus a mysoginist etc and then use the "but Tigris grow up in the same way and turned out fine" argument for justifying his evil? As in, he was born evil because they both have the same starting point but Tigris at the end is fine and Coryo not?
Like... Why do you toss out of the window their differences? Like the fact that Tigris is older or a woman? Because in a distopian patriarcal society (and we see this even in the fact that Coriolanus talks about "heirs" for the family and not once think that Tigris could pass the name to her future children, for example) their role in the family is so different, some prejudice are so ingrained and starts in the family (Coriolanus had to male Grandmaam "proud" by being succesfull like his father, and Tigirs is never held to the same standards for example), that it's impossible to reduce everything on "the same background".
Think even about Tigris's work. Yeah, Fabricia is bad, but her job seems to me like "this is my dream so I endure it" and not "uh oh I am starving better do something I hate but that pay me well", and she had an accademy diploma, she def could find a more suitable job for someone who needs money so bad. But no one expect her to. She is a woman, a Snow, of course she doesn't have to work in the real work as a meaning to provide, and she does what she likes because she has a dream. Fabricia is a nightmare but she is the best in this world and she is learning so much! Sure if it would be too much for her to bear, she could walk away and do something different. In fact, why doesn't she open her shop and create her brand? She must enjoy it somehow, or feeling like she needs to learn more. This is def the thoughts of her former classmates and/or friends! Look! The girl so passionate about her dream that she even sacrificed a good relationship and the love of her life to pursue it. Try to think what other external people could have thought about all of this! But still, the point is that Tigris was never held to the same standard as Coriolanus.
So of course they are different and they grow up to be different. Of course they have their own personalith anyway and this change how they react to the world outside.
Limiting the vision about "both grew up in the war but Tigris = good and Coryo = bad" is superficial and blind you all.
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keydekyie · 2 months
oh boy I hope ya'll are ready for an whole bunch of book III stuff
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twpsyn-who · 2 months
Talking a little bit about 'boycotting Eurovision' under Keep Reading, feel free to scroll down if is not what you want to see.
The most used argument on the matter of banning Israel from Eurovision is the fact that Russia got banned from Eurovision, which is the worst argument anyone could bring.
Kindly reminder that Russia didn't get banned because of the war with Ukraine. Russia got banned because many countries has threatened to withdraw from the competition. Sadly, that's a big difference.
Yes, the countries has threatened to withdraw because they support Ukraine and see Russia as the party in the wrong. That was their reason. EBU's reason for banning Russian was because those countries threatened to withdraw, not because the war was bad and Russia must be stopped.
This situation isn't the same. Why? Because many countries support Israel in their genocide. Because this time around Palestine is the party in the wrong. Because we're taught to believe that Israel isn't in the wrong here.**
Boycotting Eurovision won't work. There are people out there who don't know the truth and want to watch Eurovision. There are people out there who don't care and will watch Eurovision regardless of the situation. There are people out there who, despite having the facts, still don't see Israel as the bad guy in this situation and will watch Eurovision. Sadly, boycotting won't work unless everyone does it.
The only way Israel will get banned, in my opinion, is by going through the same thing as Russia. If other countries threatened to withdraw- and not any countries, but the ones investing the most in Eurovision, then yes. That will get Israel banned.
Otherwise? The only thing we do is hurt artists that don't deserve it. Artists who use Eurovision as a way to get more exposure and experience. Artists who deserve to be heard.
Don't vote for Israel's entry. Don't stream their song either. Heck, turn off the TV when is their turn to perform.
**This whole situation (the war, not Eurovision) isn't only black and white. Civilians die daily because of this, all of them from both sides. Innocent people who has no fault. Let's not forget that
#Honestly I'm tired of the whole 'Russia got banned Israel should be banned too' speech because is truly bullshit#It has nothing to do with the war per se. It was because countries were unwilling to participate in support for Ukraine#If the whole situation was truly political then other countries wouldn't be able to participate either#Is it fair? No. But that's the situation#Alas Eurovision exist so we forget about the bad in the world for a bit and be more united. Have some fun. Stuff like that#I'm going to get so much hate over this omg. But this is just my opinion/point of view on the matter#Sadly this whole situation isn't even about helping the innocent put in danger by this situation. Is about hate like everything else#My wording is so shitty but people on the internet don't understand shit unless I call 'X bad Y good' so we go with that#eurovision 2024#Also another reminder that THE WHOLE AUDIENCE chanted 'Cha Cha Cha' during eurovision 2023 and were rotting for Finland to win just to lose#Many entries got fucked up by the jury votes too. Our opinion doesn't matter as much as some of you might think lol#Jury votes GOT CHANGED during another eurovision under shitty reasons (I can't remember which year but there were 5 or 6 countries who got#their votes changed). Eurovision has never been fair#We always get annoyed over it and trash talk it then watch it the next year#Also this is not the same as boycotting brands and shit like that who support Israel. No money go from Eurovision to Israel.#This competition as far as I am aware (please correct me if I'm wrong) doesn't support Israel in any way#Be it financially or by donating arms or any other way#Their only fault is for allowing Israel to participate. That's all#Weapons* don't ask me why I said arms instead sorry#i'm tired lol#Fair warning I won't answer any replies to this post
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soldier-poet-king · 7 months
well. i finally did it. i finally watched the cr2 denouements/finale that i'd been putting off for more than a year, more than two years, technically. i have problems with endings. with uncertainty. with grief and letting things go, and experiencing things 'at the right time'. i'm not sure if this was the right time, but it feels right, it doesn't feel devastating. to end this story that i started watching during one of the worst points in my life. i'm. i'm. of course i miss it. part of me always will! and still. it was a good story. nothing will ever fill the same niche. that's ok.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
can we please. go one (1) week without the PVP obsessed people going off about how PVP is the only thing that matters in the game. im so very tired. "PVE people are probably about to find out that PVE can't carry the game because PVP is ruined and we're all gonna quit and play better games" please just can they shut up and go already instead of threatening us with a good time they never follow through on??
I saw that stuff as well, I know exactly what you're talking about. It's incredibly disingenuous and deliberately incendiary to cause more people to bitch about the game being doomed or whatever.
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They are constantly using "steam numbers" to show that this is the lowest population count that Destiny 2 ever had and how that's proof that the game is being ruined and dying, that pvp bros and content creators are more important than we think they are, that Bungie needs to make Destiny 3 (yes, that is unironically stuff that people are saying) and other really incredibly tiring things.
Not to mention the vitriol towards the devs. Every time they bitch, more and more people show up in the comments saying awful shit about devs and how they are lazy, they don't work, they don't care, they are bad at development and so on. This is what eventually fuels harassment.
These "steam numbers" are disingenuous because they are taken out of context and they strip all other external reasons from the "low player count."
Is there a low player count? Yes! That is correct. Even when we account for console players, it's still low.
This is nothing new. This is a constant trend. Last month of the season ALWAYS has low numbers. People finished their story and their pinnacle grind and their seals and are doing other things.
More under for length:
Is this the lowest it's been so far? It seems to be, though the final month on steam charts isn't over so we can't fully tell yet, but it seems to be one of the lowest. However, there's been similar numbers before during seasonal end. It's quite literally nothing new. We go through this every season, except this season it's slightly lower than usual.
Why is that? Well, the chart Aztecross put to prove there's not many people playing happened on a Monday before the final Tuesday reset of the final week of the season. Yeah bro, very few people have things left to do in the season. They're not bothering. Unlike you, other people have other hobbies and games to play. I haven't played in days, I only got on on Saturday to finish my King's Fall seal and that took 10 minutes. This is what I mean by "disingenuous." It's a cheap bait tactic. Find the lowest number and ship it for cheap outrage engagement.
Others are constantly also posting the cummulative steam chart for every month of Destiny since the game came to steam and they're pointing out that we have lowest numbers now. Which is, again, posted for cheap outrage. They look at the number and see it's low and their conclusion is "game is dying." They don't care about the trend (every season end is "dying"), they don't care about external reasons (other game releases), they don't care about overall how some seasons are just weaker and have less interest (not the first time), they don't care about anything.
They just want people to be mad enough to harass the devs. Because like, what do they think is going to happen when they spend 2 months blogging to hundreds of thousands of people about the game being ruined by evil devs who don't do their job? When they constantly talk about how everything in the game is bad, pvp is bad, pve is boring and easy, story is bad, seasons are bad, events made for fun are bad, small community event is bad. What's going to happen is thousands of people are going to harass the devs. That's what going to happen.
I took the "steam numbers" chart that people are throwing around and I went into it in-depth to explain what the numbers mean and add context to them. You can see it here. It's a big image but you can zoom in and explore. It makes more sense when you see it separated by seasons; you can CLEARLY see the main trend of "low population at season end."
Another thing to consider with these numbers is the scheduling pattern. Shadowkeep released in October, Beyond Light released in November after a delay. October-November are usually months with a lot of other game releases and holidays. In 2019 and 2020, Bungie had an expansion themselves to cover that time. In 2021, there was no expansion in Oct-Nov; and that was the last time the game had the lowest population record ever. WHAT A SURPRISE. In this period, if Destiny doesn't have an expansion, people move on to play other games!!!! WOW! We have the technology to decipher the low numbers!
It's important to also note that back in 2021, that was the first time a game was delayed properly and significantly, so the year was without an expansion and there was a lull in Oct-Nov period. However, at that time, it was the first time this schedule happened and people generally didn't know how will it go. We were also kept in the dark about the seasonal story end (the infamous When Is Exorcism incident) so people had to keep coming back. Now, we're in the same situation; no new expansion in Oct-Nov, seasonal lull, nothing is happening. However, now, we know how this goes. People know how this schedule works AND we're not dealing with an extended season. We know when this season ends and there's nothing to wait for. People are more comfortable taking a break. So there's less people in Oct-Nov 2022 than there were in the previous lowest point, Oct-Nov 2021. It's almost as if there are reasons for this that go beyond "game is obviously dying."
These people also seem to be incapable of understanding that some players just... stop playing. For no specific reason. The game isn't dying, some people just lose interest. Content creators are especially guilty of this, because THEY can't stop playing, because they tied their income to a single live service game. To them, quitting the game is losing a job. Curious, maybe that influences their views about the game and about burnout and taking breaks and the quality of the content?
They simultaneously want Bungie to drop FOMO and reduce burnout, but they ALSO want for there to never be "content droughts." Which one is it? Because these two things cannot both be gone. If you want less FOMO and less burnout, then there will be less content. If you want more content, then you have to get on that burnout grindset.
It's the end of the god damn season. Yeah, nothing is happening. Yeah, fewer people are playing. Players finished their grind in the Destiny mines and are doing other things before the new season drops. Stop catastrophising it for cheap outrage bait. You not being able to take a break and having to keep making new content even when the season is ending and there no new content is your problem. Not Bungie's, not the other players'.
Bungie is not going to force their devs to crunch 80 hours per week so you can have brand new content every Tuesday that no regular player can catch up with. As it currently is, I want MORE downtime. I want seasons to be 4 months and to have less time and more downtime to catch up with stuff. Imagine the outrage though. Genuinely, society if these people would actually deliver on their promise and leave. Someone else will take your place, bro.
Also, as a final note before a dissertation in the tags: these pvp mains are weak. They whine about only having 2 new maps in 2 years. Gambit got -2 new maps. Like, literally we had 6 maps and now we have 4. LMAO. Crucible has a total of 24 maps and 8+ modes, constant updates, Iron Banner rework, multiple Trials reworks, incoming competitive rework, Crucible labs, three different sets of armour, prestige weapon loot, three different seals, entire twabs dedicated just to it. And they whine about not enough attention for the Crucible?
It's getting more attention than any other core playlist. Their problem is that they're not the ones being catered to. An update doesn't count if it doesn't satisfy mister Crucible Main #37. Fuck everyone else I guess! They are the most entitled selfish childish little pricks I've ever seen. They do not deserve Bungie talking the players at all.
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