#alterhuman symbol
kiruliom · 8 months
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no spoons for ID
anti-pro-c zoo and anti-transid transpecies/transspecies symbols
created due the resemblance to a pro c zoo symbol that the current transpecies symbol has, despite it not being the flagmaker's fault.
the diamond in the middle symbolizes individuality, the diamond around it is its belonging in the alterhuman community and unity between other alterhuman labels and the circle behind it means community
I was gonna make a new flag along with it but uh. I have no ideas for it.
heres how to simplify it when drawing
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no spoons for ID
radqueefs, transhits, do not fucking interact. transpecies has never been a transhit term and has always been a way for trans alterhumans to explain the connection they have between their trans experience and alterhuman identity. it never just fucking meant "wanting to be a different species" even that definition is fucking transphobic.
also do not harass people who use the old symbol, just because they use it doesnt mean they support zoos.
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[TS: do not reupload anywhere public unless Im credited and informed (please), flag is ghostfacelover by gender-mailman. end TS]
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coyotesinew · 24 days
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Making some linoprint buttons :0)
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kenoinevibe · 7 months
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I have decided to make a flag and symbol for theriomythics. I felt, in order to keep true to its origin, I would just modify the already existing therian symbol. So essentially its just a fancy version of that. Colors of the flag were inspired by the alterhuman flag (green-blue for expirencing therianthropy, light green for being animalistic, the dark gray for alterhumanity, the light blue for personal identity, and the mid-blue for mythical animals).
For those who do not know, theriomythic (or theriomythos) is a type of therian who's theriotype is mythical/fantasical (dragons, werewolves, etc). They heavily relate to other therians and their theriotypes are still very much animalistic at its core. Theriomythics expirence therianthropy just the same as your usual therian (I am clarifying this because theriomythics have a small overlap with otherkins without actually being otherkin).
Feel free to use this symbol if you desire! I had fun making it and I want others to enjoy it.
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antiradqueer · 8 months
Since the most popular PRAT terms are all stolen, I (mod Adam) decided to make flags for the actual definition of these terms to try and take them back :)
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Transage - Age regressors, dreamers, and chronosian people who prefer the term. Can also apply to those who feel sort of “age stuck” due to trauma or neurodiversity.
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Transracial Adoptee - A person of one race or ethnicity adopted into a family of another race or ethnicity.
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Transspecies - Nonhumans or alterhumans who prefer the term.
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Transabled - People with BIID who prefer the term.
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liongoatsnake · 1 month
Website Update and Announcement For Major Project
Our website, The Chimeras Library, has been updated.
Changes include:
An Updated "Symbols Found In The Alterhuman Communities" which now includes the symbols for endels, archetropes, and conceptkin!
An overhauled "A Deeper Look Into Cladotherianthropy."
Added a Spanish translation of  "A Timeline of the Therianthrope Community." Translated by the alterhuman aike.
Added a Spanish translation of "A Timeline of the Fictionkin Community." Translated by the alterhuman aike.
Added a Spanish translation of "A Timeline of the Alterhuman Community." Translated by the alterhuman aike.
Added a Spanish translation of "A Timeline of Plant-Identified People in the Otherkin Communities." Translated by the alterhuman aike.
We're also happy to announce a major project we hope to be sharing in the near future.
The Chimeras Archive.
The Chimeras Archive will consist of an ever updating link to a Zotero account hosting citations for the over 500 items of various media related to the alterhuman community, mentioning alterhumans, or of interest to alerhumanity.
Categories that will be included: academic books, dissertations, journal articles, academic lectures, theses, non-academic books, documentaries, lecture or convention panels, magazine articles, zines, TV broadcasts, newspaper articles, radio broadcasts, podcasts, novels, comics, games, movies, plays, and more.
The Chimeras Archive is an updated version of a project we have been working on for the past decade. We are committed to collecting materials as they relate to alterhuman and sharing their existence with others. This includes not only collecting the citations of these many different kinds of media but also acquiring physical/digital copies of these materials.
Unlike our other projects which have designated versions published in pdf form. Our plan is to instead run a live and updating Zotero listing and a document where the same information will be listed in written form.
As this is a massive overhaul of our existing project, the completion into these two formats is taking a significant amount of time please see our "Academic Publications, Non-Academic Publications, Media, Art, and Fiction Related To Nonhumanity" for the previous rendition of this project in the mean time. We plan on releasing links to our Zotero and the live document in the near future once we have had a chance to better layout the groundwork for them.
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tanukipaws · 5 months
HI GUYS we now have aromantic and aroace therian pride keychains!! they're up on MY ETSY right now, and every therian pride keychain has been restocked! (except for lesbian, i had a lot when i ordered the restock :[) i also restocked my FNAF pins!!
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chase-the-therian · 6 months
your friend just saw the therian symbol in your book and asked if it's the illuminati
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fl0atingtherians · 3 months
Update post
Hey guys, my inbox is overflowing at the moment, so I've decided to close my asks for the time being so I can work though the requests I have already!
If you want to make a request just follow me so you can see when I open them back up again! ^^
And no idea if I'm going to get through all the requests I have rn, might just do the ones I find most interesting then reopen my asks or something :>
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blankmogai · 1 year
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alterhuman identity anarchy symbol!
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nabbit-unmasked · 3 months
Hi everyone, I'm finally getting around to a coining post for the placekin symbol!
I made this symbol around a year ago, but I never officially established it as a symbol for placekin. So, here I am doing it now!
Placekin Symbol
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Each aspect of the symbol represents something different:
Outer circle with cross: Represents several things, such as the Sun-Cross, Quatered Cross, and the Glyph of Earth. Represents the power of the sun, the unity of elements, and is made of the Cross of Matter and the Circle of Spirit, representing the unity between earth, matter, and spirit.
Location Marker: Represents the identity as a place
Upside Down Triange w/ Horizontal Line: Represents Earth, elementally
Borromean Rings: Strength in Unity
It is up to the individual to decide if they would like to use this symbol to represent their placekin identity or not!
Coined by: Scared_Sage (nabbit-unmasked on Tumblr)
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paxthepuppycat · 4 months
Could u do a lion outline thingy please? <3
sure! I wasn’t sure if you wanted a lion or lioness so I did both <3
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corvuscanidae · 6 months
🗝️ otherqueer
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— 🗝️ otherqueer is a label to describe the unique experience of queer nonhumans, and how both labels often overlap or are one in the same depending of one's experience. the label focus to represent specifically nonhumans who's nonhumanity affects their queerness or vice-versa.
however, obviously, it can be used by anyone! — as long as they're both nonhuman (in one way or another) and queer
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— alternative w/o the symbols
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— the otherqueer label brought up by my great friend lysander + the flag was a collaboration between us. twitter post/version
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felisalatustherian · 9 months
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I made this for myself! I hope you all like it!
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revenant-coining · 1 year
WOAHH !! I absolutely love the subject nonhuman flag :oo Could I request a ball jointed doll nonhuman flag?
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[ID: 2 rectangular flags with 7 horizontal lines. sizes in this order, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: a gradient from pale orange to orange to pale orange. in the center of the first flag is a symbol of a ball-jointed doll arm. End ID]
ball jointed doll nonhuman !
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liongoatsnake · 5 months
Endel Symbol History?
We've been trying to work on some things and we realized that we had missed adding the archetrope and the endel symbols to our Symbols Found In The Alterhuman & Related Communities document. So we've been working on that. However, we're struggling to find the origins of the endel symbol (the strawberry with a white flower) or any of the alternative endel symbols at the moment.
We'd love to add them if possible. Does anyone know about the origins/history of these symbols?
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tanukipaws · 1 year
HERE THEY ARE!! we are no longer in the preorder phase!!
any orders placed this weekend (or any orders placed earlier) will be shipped monday!!! (EXCEPT for the poly flag! those still need to be ordered from the manu) if you tell me your theriotype in your order notes i will try to sketch them for you :D
(please share if you can't support me! i'm currently trying to save up for top surgery!)
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