#also not even going to get STARTED on people who havent listened to rock or havent developed a sense of nuance
ratsalad · 9 months
no but really… i had a friend who loved a lot of pop artists and she'd constantly recommend their songs to me (not a problem, i love finding new music regardless of genre) but if i didn't like them i always got the impression that she was disappointed because this artist is a feminist or pansexual or brown or whatever why don't i like their music
she also got mad at me once for saying to a mutual friend something about how nobody's doing it how abba used to do it (which is the truth, nobody's doing it like abba used to do it) because apparently that was closeminded. should've known right then
she ALSO got mad at me when i was surprised that she didn't know who kurt cobain was. it was genuine surprise not haha wtf you don't even know who kurt cobain is judgment. with her it was always "i hope you won't pigeonhole or judge me because you're a rock fan/musician". i wonder if she realized she'd already pigeonholed me by asking that of me
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
lonely Marc vs constantly surrounded by friends Vale in the context of the FCO AU means that way more often than the other way around, Marc is the one who has to hang out with Valentino’s friends (are some of them mad at him for making Vale lose the 2015 title? are some of them happy to see Marc because they had befriended him in their pre-Sepang outings and they think Marc is cool?) + the image (inspired by the one on the right of that post) where Valentino comes up behind a seating Marc while Marc is busy listening to Valentino’s friends and Valentino squeezes Marc’s shoulders before bending down to ask him if he’s okay (also asks him if he needs anything, if Vale needs to be a pretend boyfriend he’ll be a pretend perfect boyfriend) and then he starts participating in the conversation with his friends and doesn’t notice that he’s still standing behind Marc, massaging his shoulders now
forced coming out au lfg. the post in question here… this got long sowwy
it is like. okay they spend SO much time tooling around in the paddock right? and yes they are very busy doing their very demanding jobs for most of that time, but they are ALSO basically all stuck together living in an extremely gossipy little travelling TOWN/COMMUNITY that lives together in the space of like a square mile and knocks elbows with each other for a lot of the year. i mean their behavior is highly observable!! cameras reporters and riders everywhere...
so all this to say, if marc and vale want to pull this off (not only to the public, but also to the paddock) theyre going to need to spend a truly stupid amount of time together. especially after a clash like sepang where people KNOW their relationship isnt teflon, theyre going to need to overcompensate pretty hard to overcorrect that bad boy. constantly checking in. like if vale has lunch in a different part of the paddock than marc, headlines are running that are like LOVERS ON THE ROCKS?? they are a HUGE international news item it has transcended motogp at this point. so they are GLUED together inside of work (insane 4 them), and then it also overlaps OUTSIDE of work where they are also supposed to hang out in order to be photographed together. so theyre going on little dates all the time (INSANE 4 THEMMM. they want to fuck so bad but THEYRE STILL EXES and they havent since the pictures but theyre soso horny so they are like. white knuckling it through every date where theyre alone it is. truly insane in their brains. the bathroom is RIGHT there and it LOCKS and if it where a year ago vale would be INSIDE HIM by nowwwww. but instead they are making small talk about tire regulations over seafood. dire. the sex dreams are crazy they are being haunted by dick.) but i digress.
SO i actually think they avoid group hang-outs pretty vigilantly for a while bc it is literally the only scrap of privacy they can get in almost any context of their lives. like even when they have to spend time together, if its just the two of them there is less overall performance involved. they just have to hang out! they used to be very good at that! yeah it hurts like open heart surgery but #nopainnogain! so they do that for a few months until vale gets VERY publicly invited out by one of his buddies who is like hey bring marquez we havent met him yet... and vale is like. haha okay ! :) (internally hes like. what if i die.) tells marc and MARC is internally like. do they hate me. will this be the worst night of my life. walls up to the fucking SKY.
and they get to this bar/restaurant/thingy and marc is doin fine. again hes nice and hes very pr trained so hes friendly and its pretty even keel for the most part. no one's being a dick. BUT i DO think vale comes back from the bar or something and catches the tail end of someone referencing the pictures or sepang or their time apart... just casual, just a joke. meaning nothing by it bc they think its in the past! but vale has spent a STUPID amount of time with marc at this point, and he's keyed in to all of his terrible tragic little microexpressions (side note. if he rewatched the sepang presscon at this point and watched marc's face i think he would genuinely vomit) so he can see RIGHT through how uneasy he still is and he just. he has to touch him. let marc know that hes on his side here, like he cant say anything but he CAN do this. he HAS to do this bc all of this is his fault! so he pulls marc in under his arm, leans in to kiss him slow and sweet in front of everybody just because he can, and then smoothly changes the subject at the table... keeps his hand on marc's thigh and avoids the way marc stares at him for the rest of the night, the way he relaxes into him slightly. goes home and has the most INSANE wet dream perhaps of all time
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countrysidefaggot · 2 months
was tagged to answer the catch up questions meme by @majestictoad thank youuu it's cute!! havent done those in like 12years i think huh
⟡ rules : answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
⟡ fav color : i like silver, pink & baby blue the most i thinnnk
⟡ last song : Shoot The Runner by Kasabian, ive been listening to Kasabian again after seeing they had a 2022 album (i hate it btw tlrjthr but anyways) cause im in my nostalgic rock phase rn it gives me energyy
⟡ last movie : huh... it was either Shake it All About (yeaaa because of mads mikkelsen) which was ass but i was invested, or Hedwig and the Angry Inch which was incredible even though it's aged in some ways
⟡ currently reading : Mary Higgins Clark's 'A Stranger is Watching' that i found in a public-book-deposit-box thing and it's honestly good but im slow to finish it + 'Free Play, Improvisation in Life and Art' by Stephen Nachmanovitch that im halfway through and continue reading when art sucks the life out of me or vice verse and it picks me back up from the dead (i recommend it)
⟡ currently watching : im rewatching Hannibal (again), started the series Swarm, and also Extraordinary & also rewatching Hope on the Street all at the same time.. its a mix tbh but i pick one up depending on my mood and its going great jrthrt
⟡ currently craving : kimbap, fries, seaweed soup and white chocolate w nuts in it.. im hungry
⟡ coffee or tea : coffee all the way but with tons of sugar as i am still a 12year old who doesn't like bitterness too much
im sending the vibes to @bisexualmotif @runvash @yuuris-hair  @catodotexe @ohnoitssoikawa @sprrings @snowflakeb0ttles @cherchezlafemme @0-vercooked if you wanna do it ~
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azantiss · 5 months
Week 1: An Album a Day 2024
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this week is stuff i listened to months ago so i dont have the best descriptions. starting week 3 i will be actively doing them on schedule, but i specifically wanted to include these first 15 or so even though i listened to them early. descriptions for future albums will be better :)
1. Formless and Void, Philosophy of Music
i would call this album the epitome of what i believe indie is supposed to actually mean, with a lot of guitar and acoustic vocals. this is a really small band i found on youtube with a ton of discography and some really unique structures. most of their songs are 90 seconds or shorter and full of really neat overlayed harmonies and guitar, if i am remembering correctly. A couple highlights from this include 'Fly Me Sophia,' and 'A Picture.'
2. Empire Central, Snarky Puppy
jazz! fusion even! i love snarky puppy. also this album was recorded near where i live and there was a live free listen session and i didnt go cause i would have had to go alone and i didnt go. i regret that daily. some of my highlights on this one are 'Portal' and 'RL's.' I absolutely need to re-listen to this album because i do not remember specifics but i do think it was enjoyable.
3. SET TO STUN and The Desperado Undead, Set to Stun
THIS ALBUM IS KILLER it has so many incredible songs and flip flops genres at all times. heavily a metalcore album but they have some like softer songs. picking highlights is so hard in this one because the album as a whole is such an experience in itself. this is one of the albums that i recommend people go in knowing almost nothing and dont listen to one off tracks but just go in without anything to start. some of my highlights, though, are 'Walk Tall,' 'Brightest Day,' and 'The Necronomicon.'
4. Truth Decay, You Me At Six
the tracks on this album are awesome. this is a rock/alternative album with some incredibly hard hitting emotional bits through the entire thing. one of my favorite albums from the band (do note i havent listened to their discography over and over though so this is subject to change). i know their song crash and have since i was around 14 so having the really emotional ballad-like parts of this album reminds me of that song which is really nice. highlights include 'After Love In The After Hours' and 'Mixed Emotions.'
5. Violet Street, Local Natives
okay heres where my memory goes. i remember very little about this album. it is really pretty and reminds me of the woods if i rememeber correctly. a soft rock album that is also really interesting muscially. this band also reminds me of hippo campus sometimes but that may be because the same person got me into both of them. I don't know it well enough to offer good highlights but i do remember enjoying 'Café Amarillo' and 'Tap Dancer.' i may edit this later but who knows.
6. Nothing But Thieves (Deluxe), Nothing But Thieves
nothing but thieves is one of the most unique bands i know. they were very high on my 2023 of music. they have gorgeous vocals and build incredibly. this is also an alt rock album but i think it is incredibly ballad focused, more so than their other album i know well, moral panic. the tracks are great as an album and as stand alone pieces. my highlights include 'Lover, Please Stay,' 'Neon Brother,' and 'If I Get High.' this is also an album i need to listen to again so these are subject to change but are each incredible regardless.
7. You Too Will Rest, Careful Gaze
THIS ALBUM FUCKING DESTROYED ME. so i found it at a really rough personal time and played various songs from it on repeat. i have them defined on my spreadsheet as post-hardcore emo. i think theyre adjacent to emo and metalcore. it is somehow incredibly hard hitting emotionally and really lets you absorb your own negative or depressive emotions but then somehow ends up kind of hopeful. specifically this is true for the tracks I will list. they are just soul crushing and make me think about emotions i didnt know i needed words for or could put into words at all. this is one of two albums i consider to have fully reshaped my brain connections (i say this lightly) to the extent that i think about them every day and the lyrics have changed how i see the world and the music is gorgeous and the motifs are incredible. my personal highlights are (in album's order) 'Yourself, Or Others,' 'Rainbows,' 'Vacant Chair,' and 'Failing Body 2k.' i beg of all of you to listen to this album if you even slightly can enjoy things that are kind of screaming because man this has some ideas and feelings in the lyrics that i have never found anywhere else.
if anyone wants more specifics on any album or song or anything else, i'd love to answer questions or talk about them! music is so cool im really excited to share this project with people in more detail this year because yay music.
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Jason Moran Dezon
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Jason Moran Dezon, The Most Dangerous Boy in town
Leo: The Dangerous Nature
Catchphrase: “Hey I’m a terrible person, but I’m a decent guy!” :D
Favorite Ride: The Shooting Gallery
Intro: When he was younger, Jason Dezon would visit his aunt on the weekend. His aunt, Miss Connors, was a wicked woman as you already know. Only three, he would do his best to protect his younger cousin, Sarah Marie. This was a trend he would continue all his life. He did his best to shake off the abuse. The beatings never bothered him, he knew he was just protecting the defenseless child. However, after being called multiple choice words and being told he was a terrible boy, he began to believe it. As he grew older, he visited the Connors house less, and jail more. He was then abandoned by his family, and decided that he would stop relying on anyone to help him or his cousin. His final visit to the Connors house left an impression on everyone. Jason Dezon had had enough of the beatings, and on instinct, pulled a knife on Mr. Connors. This got Jason sent to jail for 2 years. In jail, he was constantly treated like he was nothing. Many others called him a danger and a menace. He decided, that if everyone was going to think of him like that, he would at least have fun with it. Sure, he would be a danger, but only to those he beloved deserved it. Every inmate in prison was there for a reason, so in his mind, it didn’t matter if he hurt them. His family had never cared for him, so it didn’t matter if he hurt them. It didn’t matter if he stole, threatened, or harmed anyone. This was because no one cared if any of those things happened to him. The only person he believed was worth being kind to, was his little cousin. The one who had always believed in him. Unfortunately, when he came to visit the Connors to see her, she no longer believed in him. With her thinking he was as violent as the rest of their family, he had nothing left holding him to sanity. He decided he would make the town burn for how broken he had become. This is how Jason Dezon become The Most Dangerous Boy in town.
Song Title: The Bomb
Song Theme: I could be a murderer and want to kill people, like everyone in town. But I have a tragic past, so you love me ;) …please love me and fix me
Dialogue lines: :
“woah woah woah, you can’t just ask someone why they were in jail for 2 years…”
“I guess I am the way I am because no one saw me as anything else, but I didnt want to be as bad as they thought, so I met the expectations halfway.”
“I would never harm an innocent. It’s just that no one in this town is innocent. I dont think anyone is really innocent. Soooo, yeah, I guess I’ll hurt anyone.”
”You touch my cousin, you fucking die. That’s it.”
”I’m like, the worst person, but I’m also. A lonely person.”
“You ever create elaborate plans to murder people, then almost go through with it? I do that every day. All day. Isn’t fire pretty. Why are you backing away :) am i scaring you >:)?”
“listen, dude,,,, you rock. But auto tune? Not in style anymore, sorry buddy.”
“Oh I remember you!! The guy who wanted to be a smoker stripper whatever at like age five! You’re so cool.”
“Who… the fuck… is that creepy ass doll. If she gets close to me, I’ll kill her. I don’t care if we are dead.”
“I’m killing you all starting with Ocean. You think I’m kidding? I’ll find a way.”
Character Thoughts:
Ocean is gonna die and I’m gonna kill her myself
Noel is awesome, he wants to fuck and die. Same buddy. Also, he took care of Marie all these years ya know? He’s gotta be worth something.
Mischa. Sarah Marie Connors, if he breaks your heart I break him. Thats like my job as your older brother figure.
Ricky, my dude, you are weird as fuck, but I respect you. You horny? Be horny. Even for cat ladies. Just treat them right.
Keep the doll fuck away from me. Creepy ass shit.
Choirsona thoughts: 
Havent met anyone yet. Get ready for me world. 
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technowoah · 3 years
Wait imagine a fic where Jack and the reader are long distance or something and when Tubbo and Tommy are doing the man hunt irl the reader surprises Jack.
That would be cute I think 🤔
Just One Livestream
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You surprise Jack with a spontaneous visit to the UK, little did you know that they were livestreaming.
- Jack Manifold x gen neutral!reader
- Anon Requested!
⚠︎ swearing, fluff!, not proofread
an// I hope yall enjoy! Much love! And sorry it came out so late I have no inspiration rn but imma get it done! Also I used the difference of American hours to London hours so sorry of
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"Love, why are you up early?" Jack asked through the phone.
You two were facetiming eachother as he propped his phone up on his dashboard while he started to drive. It was around 1 am for you and 6 am for Jack. Sadly you two were in a long distance relationship. You had met Jack when you were on a college trip to London to study abroad for 3 weeks. You were sad that you had to leave your home country, but this was a opportunity you couldn't oppose.
During this trip you had found a cafe that you would go to often. The first time you sat at the cafe alone you always noticed it was only you and this other man in the cafe. He was always on his computer and sat by a window, he always came early too, even earlier than you. As the days went on you continued to see him around more and he seemed to notice you as well. You made a note to yourself to always try and show up a tad bit earlier to the cafe to stay around the same time as he did.
You two got to know eachother throughout the three weeks you had to stay in London. The small nods became hellos, and the hellos turned into full on conversation by the window. He had told you his name was Jack Manifold and was kind of surprised when you didn't immediately know who he was. To him it was refreshing not to be immediately noticed based on his appearance. You both had exchanged numbers one day and after each morning you two would text non stop even during your classes. Luckily trying to get to know Jack changed your sleep schedule and because of that you always made it to class on time.
Jack was such an amazing guy to you, but during the first week you had developed a small crush on the man, and he had developed a crush on you too. The second week you two had ventured out onto different territory than the cafe. Jack started to call those small outings after class, dates and you weren't opposed to the dates at all you loved them. The second and third week were mostly dates and the night before you left he asked to be your boyfriend and of course you accepted not knowing the pain of a long distance relationship.
You had to answer his question on why you were up so early. "Yeah- Um, Im up because of you." You chuckled. "You changed my sleep schedule ever since I met you."
"Well you're welcome, because before me I heard you were missing classes." Jack payed attention to the road but still talked to you.
"Because I told you! And I am grateful, but there is nothing to do at one am here." You sighed while you started to walk around your room as you lied to him.
Jack was talking to you while you did a clean sweep around your house to check if you had everything for your trip.
Two weeks ago you had decided to pack your bags and take a trip back to London. Right now your flight will be leaving early in the morning and that's why you are up so early.
You wanted to surprise Jack instead of straight up telling him that you will be in the country. You missed him dearly, and this will be a great way to spend time together instead of seeing eachother across a screen. One of you had to make that sacrafice and that would be you.
While Jack continued to talk you checked everywhere to make sure you arent leaving anything behind.
"What are you doing, darling?" Jack asked and that snapped you out of your trance. "Are you even listening to me? Im hurt." Jack faked being hurt.
You smiled at him and shook your head. "Im sorry I wasn't listening. What were you saying?"
"I was saying, when you were ignoring me, that I'm going to the cafe right now and that we should plan a trip soon. I miss you." Jack confessed and you awed.
"I miss you too Jack! I hopw we can see each other soon." You tried to contain your smile as you hid your surprise.
"Me too."
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Your plane finally landed as you let out a sigh of relief. You had collected all of your shit fast so you could finally get off of that horrible plane. Every stereotypical airplane scene happened to you in the hours you were on that plane. You had a child crying behind you with a mother who couldn't keep that child calm, you were sat next to a man who snored the whole ride here and you just felt cramped.
Sadly you couldn't return any of Jack's messages or calls that you saw when you were in the airplane terminal. You tried calling him twice but they both went to voicemail while you rolled your bag through the huge building. Finding yourself outside you ordered an Uber and once you did that your phone began to ring showing Jack's name and picture of you two together on the screen.
You quickly answered the phone. "Hey!"
"Hi!" Jack chuckled. "I called like, 17 times!"
"I know! Im sorry. I was busy." You weren't lying getting a plane and basically leaving early in the morning and arriving in the afternoon in London. "So, what are you doing today?"
"I am hanging out with Tommy and Tubbo at the park! Im picking them up now!" Jack responded and you heard him close his car door.
"Which park?" You asked quickly as you saw your Uber arrive.
Jack started to laugh. "Uh I'll text you the park I guess. Why would you want to know?"
"No reason! I just want to make sure you are safe. Dont make me call 999." You tried to joke around and take the attention off of your question.
"I cant believe you still remember 999." Jack laughed.
"I still do!" You said as you got inside your Uber and gave the driver the directions to your hotel forgetting that Jack was on the other line.
"Wait hotel?" Jack questioned through the phone.
"Hotel? What are you talking about?" You acted oblivious.
"I- I thought you were talking about a hotel." Jack hesitated.
"No!" You tried to cover up your mistake.
"Well Im going to pick up Tommy soon. I'll talk to you later okay? Answer my calls this time!" Jack chuckled.
"I definitely will!"
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You had recived the name of the park you were surprising Jack at. You began to walk around the parking lot after you got dropped off and noticed his car sitting there. There were tons of people at the park today and you didn't know where he would be. As you walked on the dirt trails of the park your thoughts took over, what if you made a mistake and should've told Jack that you were here in London and wanted to meet up at the cafe?
You looked at people as they passed by you ok the trail wishing that you had that energy that you had before, thinking that you would find Jack easily when in reality you were in a busy part of the park and he could be anywhere.
When you thought all hope was lost you heard some loud voices on the trail to your right. You were already walking aimlessly through the park and your first instinct was to go left and walk away from the loud voices, but then you heard something.
"Tommy this was a bad idea!"
"I dont think it was!"
You stood in the "intersection" of the dirt trails thinking that you heard those voices right. You rounded the corner and followed right to see Tommy and Jack doubled over, out of breath while Tubbo was still standing up breathing heavily. There were far away from you, but not far away that you couldn't see them clearly.
You began to call out to them. "Tommy! Jack! Tub-"
They quickly turned around and took off running. Confused on why they were doing that you took off running after them trying to tell them to stop. They were yelling and you were yelling and getting weird glances from stangers, and you dont blame them. You're chasing after your boyfriend and his two friends in a quiet public park. You continued to hear their groans of tiredness and their speed started to slow down.
"Jack! Tommy! Wait up!" You yelled out of breath as you slowed down as well.
"We give up! We give up!" Tubbo yelled and came to a complete stop while trying to catch his breath. He turned around to finally face you. "Y/N?!"
"Wait what?!"
"You're here?!" Jack ran up to you and gave you a bone crushing hug, rocking you two back and forth.
"I am! And Im our of breath thanks to you three." You said while still hugging Jack.
"M'sorry I thought you were a fan and I took off and they followed suit I guess." Tommy rubbed his forehead.
"A fan?" You questioned and Tommy and Tubbo lifted their phones up gesturing that they were recording.
"We're doing manhunt in real life, darling." Jack kissed your temple and wrapped his arn around your waist, holding you tight.
"Next time look before you run okay." You smiled still out of breath while kissing Jack's cheek.
"Enough with the PDA!" Tubbo yelled still recording you two.
"We havent even started!" Jack yelled back giving you a huge hug. Jack closed the distance between you two and gave you a passionate kiss on the lips while the two boys groaned in disgust.
"I think that's enough streaming for today boys." Tommy sighed.
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"Sorry again, love. That won't happen again."
You and Jack walked hand in hand down the streets of London. People had to walk around you two because you were basically taking up the whole sidewalk and you weren't letting go of his hand anytime soon.
"It better not! I dont want to run after you again." You smiled as you bumped shoulders.
"And you wont have to!" He smiled back at you as you two continued to walk and people dodged the two of you.
"Have you ever thought of moving here?" Jack asked out of nowhere.
"I have actually! On the plane ride here I thought of leaving and moving to London." You thought about it constantly. It was nice being close to Jack and it was a major risk.
"Well wherever you're ready, I'll be here for you." Jack kissed your cheek. "And I wont run away when you come here!"
You two finally made it to your destination which was the cafe you two met at. It was busy at this time because it was the middle of the day and not the beginning. You two entered and took your seats by the window where you two usually sat.
"I love you. I missed this." Jack said.
"I love you too! And of course I missed this. Maybe you can show me more places around London and convince me to stay longer." You gave him a proposal.
"Longer than what?" Jack asked.
"Four weeks." You grinned.
Jack grabbed both of your hands and kissed the back of them. "Hell yeah. I get you for more than four weeks?!"
"That's if you show me places to stay longer." You teased.
"Okay babe. You like ferris wheels?"
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
Little Border Town Pt. 3
Summary: It begins with a man and a woman, as it always seems to. One lives in France and the other lives in Italy, technically, but they’re also neighbors. Various issues arise between these two and they can’t ever seem to see eye to eye on anything. Will they ever move past their petty fighting or is the little town they live in doomed to only gossip about what Harry and Y/N are fighting about today? 
Part 3: the one with the boat and the beginning of a storm
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also harry is wearing this fit in this part just no tie?? i think i cant remember
college has been incredibly crazy this year already and i just dont have time to write like i did before i went back. i honestly had this mostly finished and i havent reread so i have no idea what even happens so lmk what you think, i can’t imagine that it will get a lot of notes but if it did id be very happy about that - anyways lots of love and feedback appreciated as always...pls enjoy
Word Count: 6.6k | Warnings: ?? Swearing? idek, more yearning bc slow burn
Catch up here! part 1 | 2 |
“Isn’t the weather not ideal for boat sailing today,” she ponders as her face looks up at the sky. She’s walking into Harry’s store again after running back to her place to grab a jacket and lock up. She placed a notecard in the door’s window that says “closed today, see you tomorrow” with a smiling face as punctuation.
Harry grins, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He had sailing boots on his feet with a smart big-collared printed shirt and marigold trousers. Instead of a belt, he had suspenders that matched the color of his pants and a pearl necklace as his final accessory other than his rings. He must have repainted his nails this morning because they were a light lavender shade that hadn’t been noticeable last night.
“It’s just fine. We’re entering fall and the sun is out today!” He gestures to the sky above them and she nods in agreement that the sun is indeed out. However she wasn’t sure if she’d categorize it as a nice day to go out on the sea still. With the sun there were also many clouds, they were mostly white and fluffy, but she was sure they could turn sinister any moment.
“Ready?” He beams.
“As I’ll ever be.”
On the boat, Y/N felt her stomach churning. Was she giddy or unnerved? Likely, both.
Harry was tying the boat off the dock after helping her onto the deck. It wasn’t a huge boat, not a yacht or anything, but it also wasn’t a tiny sailboat. It had an upper deck where maybe four people - at most - could comfortably be. Then a lower deck, inside a hatch in the upper deck. She couldn’t discern how much space was down there, but she was sure Harry would show her. He was talking through everything he was doing on the boat. Ad nauseum for an extremely nontechnical girl, such as herself.
Still, she sat in the spot he had directed her to next to the closed hatch and watched him move gracefully around the boat. Maneuvering the sails and different parts of the boat was a dance for Harry. Each step, each twist and knot, moved by a song unknown to her. It was beautiful. He was completely in his element, surprisingly. Again, Harry surprised her. She knew he had a boat, but whenever she thought of a jerk with a boat she didn’t think of what she was seeing with her own eyes. It was beautiful - or at least, it would be, if he’d shut his big mouth that was now making her roll her eyes as he made a pun about boats.
“So,” Harry starts finally, finishing up whatever he needed to do to get the boat off the dock and on the path he wanted. They were moving out into open water, she could see the little town, but it was growing smaller by the minute. Her stomach churned again as she looked up at the man she had just trusted to take her out onto the ocean. She grimaced slightly at the thought.
“Do you want to see the inside?” he continued.
She nods eagerly, “Finally!”
He chuckles lightly before opening up the hatch and gesturing for her to go first. She looks at him hesitantly.
“This isn’t a trap right? It’s not going to be all...murder-y down there?” Her voice is pitched higher, she’s almost completely serious.
This time Harry’s laugh comes from his belly, almost doubling over at the word ‘murder-y’. Between laughs, he tries to reassure her. “God no...oh my god.” More laughter, then a deep breath. “The only evil entity on this boat is the diavola I invited on here,” he gestures to her standing in front of him and her eyes narrow. Displeasure washing over her features.
“You’re ridiculous,” her hand swats at his sternum before she turns from him and climbs down to the underdeck area.
When she’s down, she’s surprised with her surroundings and she doesn’t notice Harry follow quickly behind her. It’s neat and stylish. Well, she’s not completely surprised, Harry was very fashionable. But the neatness dissipated all thoughts of the improbable scenario where Harry had lured her on his boat to murder her. It was what she had been freaking out over when she had at first refused to enter.
There was a small daybed at the end of the hall that doubled as a couch, a door to a bathroom, a dining area, a kitchenette, and then the random area they were standing in. It wasn’t super spacious, it was a hallway with things around it, but it was clean and it smelled nice. Everything had a place and they were neatly put in their places. After a moment, she turned at the feeling of Harry’s presence behind her.
He grinned, scanning the areas her eyes had just taken in for the first time. His green eyes were filled with admiration. “Do you like it?”
“Yeah, smells like you.” She nods matter of factly.
“Huh?” His head whips to her, sure he hadn’t heard her right.
“The whole place is very you,” she looks away from him and walks down the hall to the daybed and takes a seat, “Styles-ish.”
He follows quickly behind, shaking his head out of his own thoughts.
He mumbles a thanks, not catching the play on words she’d used with his last name. She smiles to herself, pleased. He stands in the doorway, not really wanting to sit beside her. Maybe he didn’t trust himself with being in such close proximity with her anymore. No, not after last night.
Her eyes widen slightly when he leans against the doorway and crosses his arms. The sleeves of his button-up had been rolled up when he had been working with the sails. Her lips suddenly are dry and she wets them with her tongue, eyes moving to the fabric of the blanket she’s sat on top of.
“I meant to say,” Harry breaks the silence, obviously not a fan of the quiet. A hand leaves his pose and runs through his hair, rings classically tugging at his curls. He swallows before he speaks again, “Thanks, uh, for stopping me last night. That would’ve been weird…”
He trails off and her eyes go wide again, but now they’re trained on his face. His eyes are downcast now, watching the way light plays off his rings. She tries to make out the sound in his voice, the expression he’s trying to hide with indifference. Her teeth tug her bottom lip into her mouth as she thinks, silence once again taking hold of the small, small room. The air is tense, static, unmoving, the complete opposite of the water that rushes just outside the walls of the boat.
She clears her throat and Harry locks eyes with her, “No problem...alcohol and atmosphere, clouds the head. I get it.” She did, but she also hadn’t wanted the gratitude Harry had just placed on her.  
“You booze, you lose,” he smiles, straightening up and she looks at him quizzically.
“That’s such an odd phrase.”
“No it’s not!”
“It’s a play on ‘you snooze, you lose’ right?” She leans forward, face looking smugly up at Harry’s offended face.
“Well, yeah,” Harry admits.
“I can’t believe you made that up and got it tattooed,” She states breezily and then stands. She brushes past him to look around the rest of the cabin.
Harry scoffs, not even noticing the way her fingers had brushed over his naked forearm as she passed, too focussed on his indignation. “How’d you know about the tattoo?”
“Naked neighbor? Never closing his shade? Do you seriously need a refresher course already? Seriously, boat boy, I really thought you were smarter than that,” She talks as she snoops around the different parts of the cabin. She pokes at figurines and looks at little photos and paintings. Her head looks over her shoulder and she laughs happily at Harry’s face of irritation. It was so easy to push his buttons.
“Don’t call me boat boy,” he seethes, but she knows he’s not really mad. More like he’s a child who got told no dessert before dinner. A laugh rocks through her body again and bubbles to the surface. It causes Harry to soften, this time there’s no alcohol in his system to account for the feeling he just felt. He mirrors the smile she has. That is until she reaches the kitchenette and finds a rack of CDs sitting beside the sink.
She turns from him and begins to leaf through them, most of them are artists she recognizes. But then she reaches some that are just titled “Demo” with various numbers beside the word. Her fingers nimbly pick out “Demo #1” and turn back to Harry with an inquisitive gaze. His green eyes are bigger than usual, the smile gone from his face.
“These from the boy band days?” She smiles wider as he turns a little red. She crosses closer to him, remembering the sight of a cd player in the main area where the entrance to the cabin was.
“Erm..no.” She flips around again, confused again, but then it dawns on her. “Demos for my solo work.”
“That you put on hold to take over for your Uncle.”
“Great Uncle.” He corrects.
“I know.” She waited a second, where she was about to be quick to play the CD, she now wanted to get Harry’s permission. It might be a little more personal than she had first thought. “Can we listen to this one? You’d technically be taking me up on the request to play for me sometime.”
“Yeah, they’re rough - obviously. So if you could try to not bruise my ego, at least not more than you usually do,” he grins and she looks at him with dead eyes. A smile cracks on her face quickly, still.
“I wouldn’t...this is different,” she struggles to find the right words. She would never make fun of something he cared a lot about, not now. She wasn’t that person, it was odd to think he maybe saw her like that. She shook away the thought and focused on placing the CD in its player correctly.
The first song begins to play, he’s right it is rough, it’s a demo. There’s no backing vocals or beat of any kind. Just a voice and a guitar. And it’s amazing. After the guitar intro, she lets out a breath she had been holding when she hears the voice. His voice. It’s beautiful. And she’s shocked, her eyes flash to Harry. He’s nibbling at his bottom lip, watching her hear it for the first time. His voice from all those years ago.
“Brooklyn saw me empty at the news, there’s no water inside this swimming pool.”
Her eyes light up again at the lyrics and she smiles, finding it melancholic yet slightly funny at the same time. It was interesting, the words, his voice, the meaning. Some bits of information eluded her, but she knew she enjoyed the song.
“And I’ve been praying, I never did before.”
Even as the song moved on from this one lyric, she felt it replaying in her head as she watched the singer in front of her. Years older than he had been when he had written this song. She was filled with questions and paused the CD as the guitar faded out.
“That’s it?” Harry laughs, “Just one song? It was really that horrible?”
“Oh my god, no!” She is emphatic, needing Harry to understand she’s serious. She takes a step closer to his figure. He had traveled closer to her while the song had played. They were almost chest to chest and her hand goes out to touch his forearm. “I really liked it, genuinely. I just needed a moment before the next one.”
“Bracing yourself?”
“Stop, I’m serious. It was beautiful. Your voice is wonderful, Harry.”
His eyes sparkle at the praise, finally believing she’s not taking the piss. Then his eyes dropped from her gaze, “I was a lot younger then, was 21 I think when I recorded this demo.”
“So? A voice like that doesn’t just disappear, dude.” She looks at him with a finality in her expression before dropping the hand that was firmly gripping his tattooed arm and turning back to the CD player.
Harry bites his lip as another one of his early songs plays over the shoddy speakers. His voice repeats “Meet me in the hallway” over the solo guitar. There’s no echo or bass, no count in like the final song was supposed to have. It’s just him and his guitar, before he chose to leave it all behind.
His voice is sadder here, she notices and she visibly winces at “just take the pain away” and “just let me know, I’ll be on the floor” and his repetition of “gotta get better.”
How did this man, who seemed fazed by practically nothing, have so much hurt in him to write both of these songs? Her eyes welled with water, but she blinked them back still staring at the singer before her. He was watching the CD spin in the player as his voice came through the speakers. He was lost in thought, in memory. Maybe she was lucky, these weren’t memories for her, she was only hearing his interpretation of his life. She hadn’t had to live that pain first hand. This time she doesn’t pause before the next song.
The next one seems more produced than the last two. This one starts with drums, a step up from the last two acoustic demos in respect to production. A big crash and then a wailing guitar and an accompanying voice. His voice is stronger here, more sure of himself. And then it changes again, melancholic once again and her heart strings are yanked at again.
“We’re not who we used to be, we’re just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me, trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat.”
The guitar continues that sad tone for a riff and then goes back to strumming beneath his voice. She shifts her eyes to him again and sighs softly, it weighs heavy on her soul that the man next to her has seemingly been through so much heartache. He looks up at “We don’t see what we used to see” and she holds his gaze, brows knit together in confusion and sadness. She pauses this time, finger reaching out without looking.
“This is depressing, please tell me they’re not all sad songs or I might as well have turned on a pet rescue commercial.”
His smile etches on his face, in a small knowing smirk and he crosses into her personal space. She’s about to step back, but he reaches out and softly bats her finger away from the pause/play button. She smiles back, shuffling to lean against the counter beside him. It was unusual for them to be on the same side of the counter, much like last night at the bar.
“There’s six songs on this demo. Three sad, three…” he trails off, looking at her expectantly. She nods. “You gotta learn to be a little less impatient, hmm?”
“Not impatient, just trying to brace myself for more sadness. I thought I had been promised a day of fun,” she grumbles.
“I wasn’t the one who suggested a demo listening party,” his brows raise and she twists her mouth to the side at his smug response.
“True,” she finally concedes with a murmur.
He presses play and a new song comes on that is more upbeat than any of the other’s that have played so far. It also seems to be a bit more produced than the first two. Her hand rests on the countertop and begins to tap, she quirks her brow at the first lyric “she’s got a family in carolina, so far away, but she says I remind her of home.”  A girl who likened Harry Styles to the South of the United States, interesting. As she listens to the lyrics, she smirks at the massive crush he must have had to write this song. The “good girl” lyrics bounce around in her mind and her mind drifts back to last night. Would it have felt good? To kiss Harry?
Then, she’s brought out of her reverie with “I met her once and wrote a song about her”. Her eyes widen and look to Harry again inquisitively as his past self muses over how good this girl felt. He wrote about a one night stand? That woman must have been magic. That was all she had to say about that.
“Really?” She asks incredulously, folding her arms over her chest. His gaze flickers at the movement, human nature. He presses pause.
“A one night stand earned that?”
He looked at her seriously, like the answer was obvious. She laughs before continuing.
“You’re a simp.”
“I’m sorry?” He sputters at her statement immediately.
She raises her brows as a response now. Nothing else to say.
“She wasn’t a one night stand,” he defends, “She was a blind date...and it had been after a dry spell.”
She starts to laugh, about to give another snarky response, but he adds, “And I was twenty-one.” The numbers specifically enunciated.
“You’re still a simp in my book...but I liked the song. It was catchy, rock vibes in there. I don’t know about her telling you remind her of Carolina - north or south, I don’t see it.”
He eyes her warily, still not happy with her titling him that gen z term that was super popular all over the internet. He took her in and he knew she was only three years younger than him, he was pretty sure, yet she used ‘simp’ and ‘vibes’ like they were lexicon words. He didn’t hate it, it was just different than what he usually heard in the little border town. Italian not having translations for things like that, English was so interesting, internet language was so interesting.  
“I-” He starts and stops. “She said it. Was she right? That’s not my place to judge.”
“I don’t know,” Y/N pressed, words dragging out playfully, “Personally, I wouldn’t want to be a reminder of the U.S. South, but okay...simp.”
“I swear to god if you call me that one more time, I’m throwing you overboard and I won’t feel bad about it.”
Her eyes widen and then she smiles, he cracks a smile too. They huddle back around the CD player, ready for the next song. It starts with a strong guitar and drums, again well produced compared to the acoustic earlier ones.
His voice in this is far more shaky, unsure of himself again. “Let me take my medicine, take my medicine, treat you like a gentleman,” comes through the speakers. She shivers and looks at him, her fingers tapping along to the beat. The instruments are strong where his voice is soft, it doesn’t exactly fit, but she likes the lyrics still. When it gets to the pre-chorus, that’s when she knows she loves the song.
“I had a few got drunk on you and now I’m wasted, and when I sleep I’m gonna dream of how you (tasted)”
When his voice pitches high for ‘wasted’ she loses it. Her body moves with the instruments and her eyes close and her head wiggles. Harry smiles happily as she dances for the first time to one of his songs. The last word must have been shouted by his bandmates, because she doesn’t hear him say it.
Then the chorus hits and she wonders how it got even better. Her eyes shoot open and she just stares at Harry, her jaw slightly dropped.
“If you got out tonight, I’m going out tonight cause I know you’re persuasive! You got that something and I got me an appetite now I can taste it”
His past self sings of getting dizzy and his voice moans into the mic the demo was recorded on. She’s blown away. It sounds so hot, his voice gaining confidence during the pre-chorus and the chorus to have an all around rockstar sound.
The present Harry just taps his rings together as he watches her, studying her reaction with an even-tempered expression. Why isn’t he screaming like she is on the inside? When it gets to the second verse she’s bracing herself for what’s to come. This song has her pulse racing and blood flowing wildly around her body. She’s buzzing from it.
“The boys and the girls are in, I mess around with him and I’m okay with it”
The electric guitar follows the line up and she thinks she’s going to pass out on this boat right now. Flamboyant Harry. Was this what Marie had been talking about. The wild side of Harry she really had never seen, embodied in one song. She wanted more of it. Still all she got was the Harry on the demo rocking out to his song. She can hear him smiling through the recording, the sad boy from a few songs ago was now feeling euphoric. She just wanted to dance the night away with him.
Then another pre-chorus: “I’m coming down, I figured out I kinda like it, and when I sleep I’m gonna dream of how you (ride it)”
His voice goes high again for ‘like it’ this time and her question of what is to follow is quickly answered with the bandmates screaming ‘ride it’ into the mics they must have had. It’s punctuated with the drums and other instruments. A noise escapes the back of her throat and Harry looks at her both smugly and amused. She rolls her eyes in response, trying to convince Harry that she hadn’t just had images of him singing about how good someone rides him flash in her mind. Even more so with the images of someone, namely her, being the object of his dreams. Doing the things he said he’d dream of. That, that was definitely not what she was thinking about. Definitely not. Her throat was dry and she swallowed hard. Harry’s eyes never left her face. Watching every reaction, gauging it and storing the information elsewhere for the time being.
She sings along to the chorus, trying to focus on the song, it was easy to pick up, but then the damn moans. And then there’s a guitar solo that sounds like sex itself and she’s baffled that this was an unreleased demo, not a famous rock song. Harry in front of her can’t stop himself from tapping his feet at this part, a little dance forming on his body as his eyes finally leave her figure. They close as he feels the music, the memory of his friend playing the riff clear in his mind and how much he had loved it. It builds up again and then there’s a final chorus. She watches him now as he dances in the confined space. His mouth opens to sing along to the “la la la’s”
It ends and goes straight into another upbeat song. It seemed like a complimentary song to the one that had just played.
“I don’t want your sympathy, but you don’t know what you do to me, oh Anna!”
His voice sings strong again. Harry before her composed himself again, going back to his watching position. He took in her tapping and smiling to the song. He also mouths the words slightly as it plays, the lyrics clear as the day he finished writing them almost 4 years ago. One of the final ones for this demo.
“Hope you never hear this and know that it’s for you, don’t know what I’d tell you if you asked me for the truth”
She smirks at him, now, with the earnest lyrics, about to say something, but then notices the change in the guitar. It switches from the epic riff that was going to a more familiar tune, “Faith” by George Michael. She looks at him, a cheesy grin on her face as the voice begins to sing the chorus of that song. Her body begins to dance to it, like an old man doing the twist. She’s not ashamed and Harry loves it and joins her by mirroring the movements.
When the song comes to an end, they’re one large giggling mess. She falls into his arms and he holds her steady, their laughter coming out with freedom.
“Thanks for making me be patient,” She looks up at him, “it was worth it!”
He smiles, backing up slightly, “It’s like I knew what I was talking about.”
“Ok smart guy,” she teases with a silly voice. “I’m assuming whoever Anna is, isn’t actually named Anna then...?”
Harry hums and makes a twitch of his brows, but doesn’t respond. Instead he grabs her hand and she squeaks slightly, he pulls her to the ladder and prompts her to go up. She obliges silently and lands back on the top of the boat now. She looks out and sees the little town to be off in the distances now, shining blue water all around the creamy white boat.
Harry stands behind her now and shuts the hatch easily. She looks at him warily, confused by his silence. He extends his hand to her this time and she takes it. He leads her to the front of his boat. They’re moving, but so slowly you’d barely notice. There’s a loveseat of sorts right at the front and Harry sets her down in it. She smiles at him with caution, still bewildered. He leans against a part of the boat that stands in front of the seat.
“It’s beautiful, right?” He asks.
Her eyes have been looking around her, but they’ve mostly been trained on Harry. She was mesmerized by him now. His music, his boat, his clothes, his everything. She was seeing him in a new light. In a completely brand new way that had her unable to take her eyes off of him.
She nods finally when Harry looks at her expectantly. “It’s amazing,” she breathes.
His smile is the half-sided grin again. Beautiful big teeth on display with a little part of space between them. His dimple pops out and once again her eyes are on his face. She realized going on this boat with Harry might not have been such a good idea.  
He folds his arms, her eyes flicker down. Every movement he makes, she doesn’t want to miss it. Even if she also is telling her mind to shake it off, she can’t. It’s like a spell.
“Obviously Anna is a pseudonym,” he says finally, eyes watching where the boat was taking him. She nods in approval. He pauses, watching the little waves, but she knows he has more to say.
“What did you think of the rest of it?” He asks quietly, gaze never going back to her. He knew she’d teased him a little and had danced along to some. She’d looked at him with wide eyes at some lyrics, but he wanted to know what she really thought.
She can tell he’s nervous, but she doesn’t understand why. They were all very good songs, his voice was beautiful, the lyrics were interesting. She didn’t understand his lack of confidence. His first time not exhibiting his usual self-assured - self-absorbed, even - personality. She bites her lip in confusion and his brows knit together, further showing his apprehension. The wrinkles in his forehead show up more prominently and she’s reminded that Harry is 26. He’s a different person now then he was back when he recorded that demo. Maybe there was a reason he kept them on the boat. She felt unsure in her response now.
“They were all great, Harry.” His face softens immediately. “Each one was beautifully written and sung. The ones that were acoustic sounded wonderful as did the ones with your whole band. I’m honored to be someone who got to hear those masterpieces.”
She wanted to tell them they should be famous songs, but she had a feeling that might not have the effect on him that she wanted. He had chosen a little quiet life in the little border town. She didn’t think he would want to hear how his music could have made it big time.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, just about the sounds of the sea. He lets a closed mouth smile twist onto his face, but it feels like he doesn’t fully believe her. She wants to kiss his worry away, but again, she knows it’s not possible. His words from earlier rang in her head. It would make things weird. Yeah, you’re right. Ugh, why had she agreed. She didn’t agree, not at all, not anymore.
“Did you have a favorite?” He stands up straighter with his question.
She laughs slightly, “I liked the second to last one a lot. It was hot.”
“Hot how?” He steps closer, smirking.
She jumps up from her reclined seat, in indignation, “Oh come on, you know it’s hot. Now you’re just looking for me to stroke your ego! It’s obviously about sex.”
“And? You’re the one who’s saying it’s your favorite and blushing.” He arches a brow at her, arms going to his hips and looking at her teasingly.
“Well, you’re the one who was singing about sucking dick and dreaming of how someone rode you.”
“Is that what it’s about?” His voice raises as he purses his lips and raises both of his brows.
She realizes just how worked up he’s gotten her in such a short amount of time. She huffs and turns away from him with a flick of her hand. “You’re infuriating.” Is all she can say. She looks out at the waves now, ignoring Harry even though he’s less than a foot away.
He’s laughing behind her for a little. Then when she doesn’t turn around, he quiets and she’s not quite sure where he’s gone. Then his breath fans over her neck and right shoulder, where her jacket hasn’t managed to cover her. It’s warm and a little minty as the scent travels over the salty sea air. She doesn’t turn or move a muscle for that matter.
A hand reaches out to her shoulder, but still she makes no move to turn. It rests there for a minute and she simply huffs again, letting her shoulders rise and fall dramatically. A single laugh slips from Harry’s mouth.
“C’mon diavola, don’t be like that. S’all in good fun.” His voice is low in her ear, sultry even. It reminds her of his voice in that song once he got into it. His voice sounds like sex in her ear and this time when she sighs it’s not because she’s irritated with him. No, she wants him. The sigh has an undercurrent of that desire and she hopes Harry doesn’t understand that. But otherwise she stays quiet, letting him murmur into her ear with his hand on her shoulder and his chest pressed to her back now. The only witness of this exchange is the ocean before them.
His head leans closer and if she didn’t know any better it felt like he was about to press a kiss to her neck. Instead all she feels is the brush of his mustache, it tickles the shell of her ear and she can’t keep in the giggle. She twists away from the sensation and Harry is grinning at her when she faces him.
His hand still on her shoulder and his body still pressed close to hers. He’s so warm and so close and so shiny new in her eyes, even if he still manages to irritate her. Her eyes flicker up to his as their laughter quiets down. She realizes her own hands have gone to his waist to steady herself and she follows his feet as he backs them up from the edge of the boat that she had brought them too.
It’s quiet again. They’re staring at each other intently. Her eyes are swirling with emotion because she just wants to know what’s going on in the brain of the man before her. She wants to know everything about him, but she knows that’s not how he feels about her. Sure, they’re friends now, but nothing else.
Why did she have to come on this stupid boat and find his stupid amazing music? Why did he have such a stupid amazing face?
These questions and other silly things were racing around her head as she gripped his waist. He didn’t mind her quietness, he found her gaze to be a little unnerving, but he was just glad he had made her laugh. He found that he didn’t enjoy her anger at him as much anymore.
Just as he was about to start another conversation, there was a cloud that drifted over the shining sun. It was her original fear come to life. Harry’s brows furrowed as he looked up at the clouds. They were turning grey. Fast.
“Shit, shit, shit,” He began mumbling and released his hand from her shoulder. He pulled away from her hold and began moving swiftly around the boat. He needed to get them off the water, there was a storm coming.
Her eyes went wide as she noticed the approaching storm as well. Her brows furrowed with worry as she watched Harry begin working on the boat, his only words being curses to himself at first.
Then he enlists her help, asking her to hold onto a specific part of the boat for him after he threw her a life vest and made her put it on. She wore it with great dissatisfaction. He only shrugged as he continued to move nimbly around the boat, turning them around, back to the dock.  
The boat moved much swifter into the shore than it had on their way out. The waves were growing choppier by the minute and she would admit she was more than a little scared. Thankfully, Harry knew what he was doing and got them there quickly and safely. Once at the dock, he tied them there and then helped her off the boat. She stood on the dock uncomfortably as the rain started to come down.
“Give me your lifevest!” He gestures from the boat.
She quickly takes it off and flinches when the first bout of thunder sounds from far off. He takes it from her and throws it haphazardly down the hatch along with his own before jumping off the boat himself. He surveys the boat from the dock to make sure he hasn’t forgotten anything. Then he looks at her. She’s wrapped her arms around herself and is ducking her head, looking like she’s attempting to ward off rain but failing miserably.
She looks up at him and he offers a soft smile of reassurance.
“Take my hand!” He shouts slightly over the growing sound of rain and thunder. He wants to get them out of the rain, but he’s also apprehensive to leave his boat to the mercy of the weather. Still, that’s all he can do.
She puts her hand in his and his fingers weave with hers. Then, they’re off racing back to their street in the little border town.
“I should go back to my place!”
“Don’t be silly! France is much too far for you to go in this weather!”
She laughs and grips his hand tighter as he fumbles for his key. His wet hand slipping as the rain droplets soak their clothes and skin. Even though her door is a mere few feet away she allows Harry to pull her into his shop. The warmth and dryness appreciated after running a few blocks in the now torrential downpour. There weren��t storms often in the little border town, but like the old adage said ‘when it rained, it poured’ quite literally. The less she had to travel in the rain the happier she was, even if it was three measly feet.
It also occurred to her that she’d be able to sit out her first storm with someone by her side. And she would admit that didn’t sound like the worst thing in the world. She wasn’t necessarily a fan of storms and being in a new place with a storm she’d never weathered before was daunting. Harry inviting her in was a blessing. She didn’t have to be asked twice.
Once inside the little shop, their wet frames begin to form puddles beneath themselves. Harry sighs and takes off up his rickety stairs. She looks after him in confusion but stays put when he calls a quick “Wait there!”
She shakes a bit of the rain from her and shivers as she listens for Harry’s movements barely audible above the crashing of the rain water. When he returns, her breath catches in her throat, like she just choked on something, yet there’s nothing.
As he walks down the steps, far slower now, his wet hair shakes out around his head forming some ethereal halo. The light from upstairs illuminates him and the darkness outside casts an ominous darkness as he descends.
“Un ange…” She whispers after finally catching her breath.
If he hears her, it doesn’t matter. He’s already beginning to smile widely just from seeing Y/N before him.
He skips the last step and crosses to her swiftly. “Let’s get you dried a little more,” he begins to dote. A matching smile spreads on Y/N’s face out of appreciation. She still can’t manage to fend off the shivering and Harry’s smile falters. His hands leave the towel and trace her exposed skin. Her cheek feels like ice, only slightly warming under his touch.
“You need dry clothes,” he mumbles.
Her eyes widen as she looks up at him. He’s so close and so attentive and she wants to ask him to kiss her because they’ve been going back and forth all day, but he’s right she’s freezing. His eyes are so intense though she can’t even maintain eye contact. Instead her gaze flits up to the droplet beginning to swell down one of his rogue strands of hair that flopped over his forehead moments ago.
She doesn’t respond as she watches and Harry begins to worry more. Her eyes seemingly unfocused, her shivering, and her silence. He thumbs over the apple of her cheekbone and finally breaks her reverie. The droplet splashing between them without her as its audience.
“C’mon,” he tugs her hand now to bring her upstairs.
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eddie-rifff · 2 years
prog rock epics ranked as far as claire is concerned because i feel like starting a fight today :~)
1. Supper’s Ready by Genesis
2. A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers by VdGG
3. Cygnus X-1 Book II by Rush
4. Close to the Edge by Yes
5. Thick as a Brick (Pt. I & II) by Jethro Tull
6. The Gates of Delirium by Yes
7. Mind Drive by Yes
8. Remember The Future (Pt I & II) by Nektar
9. Tarkus by ELP
10. Echoes by Pink Floyd
im sure theres more but these are the ones i know off the top of my head (apart from TFTO but i figured three Yes songs was enough)
elaboration under the cut in case anyone cares lol
ok so
first understand there are a few parameters which i used to judge these: creativity/inventiveness, musicianship, story/plot, texture from one section to the next, and cohesiveness. all of these songs have those things except maybe Echoes which you will come to see i just dont care for lol.
picking between Supper’s Ready and Lighthouse Keepers for number one was very hard as i think they could both probably take that spot, but i tried to remain unbiased through my peter hammill obsession and gave Genesis the win here.
i think both the top two songs are like. works of art. they’re the only songs that are so vivacious that i can SEE them when i listen to them. they have so much texture and so much stuff going on (perhaps TOO much stuff going on but thats where personal taste comes in, you might notice i put the “busiest” songs at the top) ((actually jk theyre not too busy theyre nearly perfect i take that back. theyre ALMOST too busy but the both have breaks in them that let you as a listener rest throughout what IS an onslaught of tasty tasty prog)) that they completely draw you in. at no point will you get bored in the top three songs, the bottom seven all have spots where you might get a little sleepy. i mean they’re all busy.........except for the last three... ELP fans i apologize in advance but i think Tarkus is lacking
as far as musicianship, CTTE and Cygnus X-1 are probably at the top, but looking at the pieces over all, considering all the factors i mentioned previously, this is what im thinking.
why is Tarkus at the bottom, claire?? well i just dont think its that good. are there people who worship it like people worship CTTE???? not to be mean but i kinda hope not. idt it deserves that. i think 6 and up deserve that attention but 7 down really don’t. maybe Mind Drive idk. i just think it lacks the texture and creativity that i KNOW ELP has. i know what ELP can do and this isnt it. its a letdown. when i first saw that they had a 20 minute long song i was expecting something like 20 minutes of Karn Evil 9 which would have been REALLY cool but instead we have what we have and its just not the piece it could have been.
as for Echoes.... its Echoes. i dont think its really even meant to be an “epic” the way Supper’s Ready is, but i slapped it in there to make an even 10 songs, otherwise i might not even include it! its a fine song. its fine. but its no Supper’s Ready let alone Tarkus. its got no balls that song
not to keep harping on Tarkus lol but like dude it just dicks around so much. i listened to is again as i was making this and man..... every other song (excluding Echoes) has SOMETHING interesting going on by minute three but Tarkus just goes into these weak boring vocals. like yeah hes finally singing but it’s not even those Good greg lake vocals. maybe im just impatient, idk, but thats how i feel.
n e waiz ill stop talking about Tarkus now lol. you might be surprised to see me, chris squire’s very own number one fan, put CTTE in FOURTH place, but thats no remark on CTTE, rather just how insane the first three songs are. if you havent listened to any of those songs i am on my knees begging you to do so, they all fuck so hard. i also highly recommend Mind Drive for the unaware, it also fucks, but of course not as much as those above it.
where am i going with this, you ask? nowhere im just autistic and like to make lists. bye
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flecks-of-stardust · 3 years
Intro post tag thingy
i decided to start a new chain because the old one was so long skdhdksh thanks ash for tagging me though! @melanc-hex
name: ngl i purposefully did not include my preferred name in my bio because i was curious about what people would call me based on my username. i frankly dont care too much, so do as you will here
gender: no <3
star sign: leo
height: 5’ lol
time currently: help i just flew to california and jetlag is kicking my ass. thats all i will say
birthday: id rather not share this, but ill keep the bullet point in for other folks
favorite bands: im terrible at picking favorites uhh. i guess I Prevail counts, and Against the Current. i listen to a few other bands but my music taste is all over the place even if i mostly listen to rock/metal
song stuck in my head: this remix of hive knight’s theme, from the symphony of hallownest remix. go bee boy go
last movie i watched: its technically half of the movie Gravity, but i clicked out of it because i got bored of its writing. the last movie i watched in full would be Free Guy
last show i binged: good question! idk. cant remember. i think it would technically be owl house or avatar: the last airbender, but i was more watching with my friends than bingeing
last thing i googled: … cornifer’s wiki page, i guess? hfkshhkvhd
do you get asks: havent gotten a single one since i started this blog akchfksdh im kind of hoping some will pop up once i get dreamless posted (which is soon; im waiting on finishing ch3 before i put up ch1) but like. eh. im not too bothered about it
why the url: its pretty. and i like space
how many followers: like 11 or 13 last i checked, but i only made this account aug 30th or something so it tracks (edit: its 19, somehow)
average hours of sleep: varies wildly but i try to force myself to get at least 8 per night
lucky numbers: idk how people even pick these but im very hung on the number 6 for some reason so take that one
instruments you play: well i can play the piano (im waiting for the moment i can play hollow knight songs in public. watch me play the white palace theme in some random area) but i havent had classes since i was about 13. so im very rusty with what i can do, but i know how to read a piano score at the bare minimum
currently wearing: my equivalent of pajamas. its too early for me to be up but what can you do about jetlag
dream job: idk can i go be a slug in the woods instead
dream trip: i have too much anxiety about traveling now to have a good answer for this, f
favorite food: this is more of a comfort food, but probably instant ramen. easy to make, tastes good, gets my sodium content up, and its familiar. also noodles are delicious
favorite song: this changes so often its pointless for me to pick one, so heres the symphony of hallownest, heres a metal cover of the grimm theme, heres a good cover of goodbye sengen by will stetson, heres a pale king animatic i keep going back to for that section of music, and heres a playlist of an album i like that isnt hollow knight related, its called trauma and its from i prevail
three fictional universes you’d like to be in: *looks at the media ive consumed* like, none of them please im disabled and tired all the time
im too shy to tag anyone and i know ash already tagged jungl and finch so weh. if you see this and want to do it tag me i cant be assed to stress over who to tag alchhkchd
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astralglam · 3 years
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
1. What does your muse smell like?
without soap or perfume, 683 smells bizarrely sterile, chemical-ish, like a dentist’s office, bleach or cleaning supplies.  like hand sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs.  they have that faint smell of powdery clean cosmetics, only because they wear so much foundation, face powder and setting spray.  humans like things that smell less artificial, so 683 takes to using cheap perfume (think a teenager who just learned to douse themselves with axe or bath and bodyworks spray), which is artificial in a slightly more palatable way.  their clothes (which are almost all second hand) have that mothball-musty smell of a thrifted dress that hasn’t been washed yet, like an old book.    
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
cold, frigid and icy, almost like a mannequin’s if you left the mannequin in the freezer. their skin is tight over their tendons and fingers, with almost waxy, plasticy skin stretched over their joints and knuckles, which makes them seem very fragile.  sometimes their palms are uncannily clammy.  their skin on their palms isn’t rough or calloused but they’re starting to get scars on their fingertips from their voyages into the realm of string instruments.  they used to have very neat, clean and unpainted nails, but nowadays, they have divots and cracks because 683 is clumsy with the strings.  
3. What does your muse usually eat in a day?
683 is often at the mercy of when their friends will decide to cook for them/buy them food.  they don’t have any cooking skills and can barely wash and cut an apple (this isn’t because they’re stupid, on atomina they were used to communal dining with a designated set of people who cooked for everyone in their unit).  683 is naturally accustomed to eating plant matter and (unlike us humans) has a way better digestive system for breaking down cellulose and gets a lot more out of their vegetarian diet than you might expect (two stomachs aint for nothin).  left to their own devices they just eat Whatever (orange? handfuls of spinach, unwashed, pesticides dont hurt them.  microwave a tomato and watch it explode.  brave cutting open an avocado and just eating it with a spoon).  dinner is when priscilla either buys him take out or sid cooks something for him (and sid is an amazing cook!!!).  sid isn’t vegetarian, but his family is, so he knows how to make all kinds of dishes perfect for 683 -- substitute the dairy for nondiary alternatives and 683′s getting matter paneer (with tofu instead), malai kofta (with coconut milk), and aloo gobi (no butter), all sorts of things !!! 
4. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
sort of.  683′s voice, by itself, is nasally and weird and a little grating, but their devotion to music lets them make the most out of their “strange” voice and almost use it to their benefit to sound unique, different, super far out !11!11111  their lyrics, instrumentals and emotion combined is what makes them a talented musician rather than just a good quality voice.  so while they might not have a very pretty voice, they’re still a skilled singer due to their delivery.  
5. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
im assuming this is about bad (physical) habits rather than personality deficiencies (of which 683 has many).  683 stares, like, really just stares at people with reckless abandon, they havent figured out it’s rude.  they arent good at even pretending to listen so if they’re disinterested in what you have to say, they’ll look elsewhere, pick at their nails, mumble or interrupt you.  always finds a way to make the conversation about themself.  very disorganized and messy, has a hard time taking care of objects even if they value them (ex. dropping his guitar, misplacing jewelry, yanking a belt off and breaking it).  definitely self pities and has no problem trying to guilt you for everything and anything.  is a pretty frequent smoker, but is polite enough not to smoke if you ask him not to.  
683 is always a little nervous so their nervous ticks are just their baseline state of being (wringing hands, stammering, talking really fast, making insane gestures all around you but being too afraid to touch you, etc)
6. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
683 looks very put together at all times -- not necessarily polished or professional, but very intentional, in that you can tell they definitely made a conscious choice to dress the way they do.  he wore the same dumb uniform every day for the first 20 years of his life, so he’s very excited to try new clothing options.  
more femme-ish clothing preferences go to boxy, sleeveless a-line dresses, miniskirts, bright floral patterns, big plastic earrings, headbands, scarves, etc.  they like clunky platforms and prefer to wear boots.  very 60s mod and colorblocked.  she loves bright eyeshadow but tends to go for more neutral lipstick.  can never figure out what to do with her hair so she usually leaves it down or does a half-up half-down bun kinda deal.  
more masc clothing preferences are bell bottoms, button ups with butterfly collars, paisley print, turtlenecks and fringe jackets, etc. earthy tones and weird nasty olive green.  very late 60s / early 70s. prog rock flavor or glam rock flavor.  never got into the disco style only because he cant pull it off because he’s so scrawny and twitchy and has no chest hair to impress the ladies.    
one thing about 683 is that he hates tight long sleeves and goes insane if he has to wear them.  his uniform was sleeveless, so even short sleeves feel really weird and horrible on his arms.  prefers sleeveless, can do with short sleeves, 3/4ths sleeve or loose long sleeve, really tries to avoid tight/constricting long sleeves.  
i have a pinterest board of potential fits for him although i havent updated it because i barely know how to use pinterest.
7. Is your muse affectionate?  How much?  How so?
to most people, not really, he’s kind of a weird cagey asshole.  oscillates between fascinated with physical touch (suddenly wanting to hug his friends or snuggle with them or grabbing strangers when he’s trying to talk to them) to despising contact (cringes if you touch his hand when you pass him a cup).  he didnt grown up with a culture very big on it, so he isn’t sure if he likes it or not yet.  
to people he does care about, he tends to take his friends for granted but overperform affection for those he has romantic interest in.  not that he doesnt also dearly love and adore his friends, he’s just not the best at expressing his care for them other than random bursts of kindness and dissolving back into his weird normal self.  his understanding of romance has come from a very commercial, media-influenced place (he learns about it through television, novels and commercials, it’s not really inherent to his species) so he thinks romance is about buying flowers, holding hands, staring into each other’s eyes for three hours, etc. if he has romantic interest in you, he will constantly over and over again tell you how much he likes you and your company and you are soooo funny hahahhahhfhh, and will be unusually touchy (clings to your arm, sits RIGHT next to you, drops his head on your shoulder, etc).  
8. What position does your muse sleep in?
683 didnt know what blankets were until he came to earth (or deep space nine) !!! his old room was perfectly temperature controlled and he already has a lower natural body temperature, so there was no need for blankets at all.  human beds with big pillows and blankets are THE COOLEST, so he either curls up underneath a blanket with only the top of his head poking out or he sprawls out like a starfish to take advantage of as many pillows as possible.  his special move is to roll up in the blanket like some kind of little alien lumpia.  
he’s a fitful sleeper so if you sleep in the same bed as him, he’ll punch you or kick you on accident.  he does appreciate company, though, and will also plaster himself up against you and leech your body heat with his weird cold body.
9. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
depends.  they have a very average speaking voice and aren’t necessarily very loud (plus platforms dull footsteps), but if they were excited, they might raise their voice or yell or exclaim something.  and then they’re very shrill, so yes, you would hear her.  
Tagged by:  @sampati im sorry i took like a week it was really fun i love to type letters and words on the computer Tagging: @dynaura or @pataparty (for whoever you want) / @phantombs / @ofgentleresolve (for lamon? or anyone you want, really!!) / @bystcrdust / @kyrieleisen / @baelends / @bup1957
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foryouthegays · 3 years
techno liveblog w timestamps lets go for ‘a new home (dream SMP)’ stream
good laugh times: 00:13:50, 00:14:55, 1:38:45, ik it doesnt look like a lot but like u should watch the stream anyway bc philzas there and his laugh is amazing and they just go so well together
times techno calls phil his friend: 00:6:00 00:37:00, 00:45:17, 0:1:09:30, 01:11:15, 01:26:35, 01:50:05, 2:35:00
i like how, when faced with Leaving Youtube, techno would choose to be an author. i want a book by techno. reblog this if u want a book by techno (with an audiobook by him as well) /hj. 00:1:33
i love how he says ehhhhhh so much lskjhdfas (abt 2 mins in) 
who the FUCK just remembers that the word fortuitous exists wtf 00:5:17
00:8:55 tommy time :/
i love how much philza laughs at technos jokes bc pretty much everything he says IS a joke he just says it in such a serious voice that p much everyone else is like,,,yeah,,,,yup,,,,and phil just knows when hes joking and his laugh is so good with technos voice. sbi? whos that? i only know philza and technoblade
00:19:30 ghostbur joins! this is my first time hearin ghostbur btw
00:19:40 haha string axe technos so bad at crafting what a fool /j
00:21:07 ghostbur: “Even I remember how to make a fishing rod!” ghostbur u just MURDERED technoblade oh my god im gonna scream hgjdfksla i love ghostbur so much
00:23:55: GHOSTBUR NO!! DON’T DIE YOU’LL BECOME A DOUBLE GHOST!!!! -technoblade 2020
00:24:55 technoblade neva lies -guys he almost did the technoblade neva dies ahh!!!!!
i havent heard anyone talk about this but techno has a dedicated roleplay voice. like listen to him talk to tommy at 00:25:08. his voice gets more even, he uses names a lot more often (seriously, listen to his theseus speech. he says tommy so often, its incredible.), and his voice gets,,,,deeper? not deeper but smoother, in a way, and he repeats what he says for emphasis instead of humor. and his voice is louder, and he seems more assertive. 
00:27:30 philza: where we goin, by the way? techno: to our- to my new home. 
techno cmon let phil live w u wed get so much more content cmonn
00:28:50 the fact that he calls the manhunt theme “dream music” makes me laugh so hard. and then his version of it,,,,,m love he (also he sings it here and at  01:14:20)
00:35:10 why is ranboo so cryptic im-
why does he just casually know the word sentry wh at i hate him 00:39:45
this is the worst sentence (structurally) ive ever heard techno say im gonna cry 00:49:33 ‘im too busy thinkin of new ideas to sleep so i could actually execute them’ and tubbos *oh?* after is just hdsfgkjlka
Tumblr media
LKSJDHFJK 00:51:49
techno: thats one of dreams powers, he can just stop the rain
tubbo, quietly: like jesus!
i love them sm dsfhkjla they kept going but i jus gdfhjksa jesus has op
techno @ being the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans: haha funnie!!
techno @ having fun w religious stuff: i wILL BE CANCELLED NO-
00:58:10 “hey if ur [ghostbur]  a ghost, do instant damage potions heal you now?” “...no,, they hurt me still :(” DSIULZKJHFSLKFJH 
01:04:00 his brother named the cow bob im- aww 
also he has a fanart wall again!!!
01:09:30 “phil, you’re the only friend i have left in this world.” aWWWWW HE GAVE HIM THE COMPASS 
“dont smoke, it’s a joke” -technoblade 01:14:15
ROLEPLAY SPEECH VOICE IS BACK AT 1:16:10 “they pillage my base for everything i’m worth, they use me for the revolution, but oooOOOoo i took a pickaxe with his consent? oOOOooOo i’m a thief!”
holy shit 01:17:15 “you know what, phil? for you, the world, alright? it’s fine.” oH MY GOD HHHHGHG (context, right before they were arguing bc phil took some blocks from his base and techno thought that when he said phil could take anything he meant from the chests)
the COMIDY of that villager coming in and sleeping while techno was readin donos at 01:22:05 RIGHT AFTER phil freaked out abt inturruptin his dono readin im SFDHKJLA:
techno talkin bout the winstreak and how he wont be able to live up to that sort of playin at 01:22:30ish is super important and ill transcribe it tomorrow, but if u can id highly rec watchin it. 
01:24:20 “[readin dono] what’s your favorite movie? uh, the princess bride is pretty good” techno ily that movie rocks also he said it so fast like hes ashamed of it noo
techno says no to canon ranboo son btw! 01:25:30
01:25:55 “i wasnt in that story, therefore it doesnt matter” all of technoblr be like 
01:37:49 is great lemmie transcribe
“how have you still not gotten a second monitor?? holy shit.”
“let me tell you something. and im only telling you this because i know that so many people in the chat are gonna be furious. so i recently realized- i think the second monitor can just be any ol’ monitor, right? you literally just plug it in, and its set up? well i mean you have to turn on some settings, but like, thats it, or something?”
“yeah,,,,, uh techno you fuckin destroyed my chat, by the way, oh my god, [earlier techno told his viewers to twitch prime philza] there has been like 40 primes just flying through”
“yeahhh twitch prime!!! twitch prime philza yeahh!!! so anyways the other day, i like, i looked to my left, and realized that my old monitor has been like, five feet away from where i sit and stream for the last three years?”
“oh my god...”
“so i- i literally do not have to leave my room to set up a second monitor and i havent. and i’m still usin my laptop for this stream.
“is this gonna be one of those situations where you like, you have a thing, you just refuse to do the thing?”
“listen, my desk is-
“bruhhhhh [philza laughs] thats FREE VIEWS what are you doing??”
“ill open it at 8 mil :/.”
“you could LITERALLY make a video of you just like, throwing it off a wall, and then thumbing up, like doing a thumbs up, and then that would be it. 10 seconds. ten seconds. thumb and elbow in shot. [laughs]”
techno is such a disaster i love him
01:34:18 the way techno says “tommy, that statement has NEVER been true” i dont like sayin i simp for block men but GOD sometimes his voice is nicer than usual hhhgn
“man i sure wish tommyinnit was in this stream” -nobody ever (just after previous timestamp)
01:40:15 is fuckin hilarious and im actually crying oh my god techno just says things and says them well with a completely straight face how does he do it
i cannot WAIT until theres a president w the last/first name andy so we can say president andy and think abt technoblade
i love when techno talks abt his vids. like u can tell he puts a lot of thought into the vids (esp these ones) and like at 01:47:00 he talks abt the “I DIDNT PUT DEAPTH STRIDER ON THOSE BOOTS, FUNDY!” and how its just that creepin realization that you were doomed from the start and how he made the armor, he isnt intimidated by the netherite bc he didnt enchant it all the way and only he knows that,,, and i just,,,hgg he
he reveals that hes writin the next arc at 01:48:00: “oh, speakin of arcs, chat, i’m writing the next arc. so, you know. hope nothin bad happens in two weeks, chat!” IM SO EXCITED like he clearly has his character fleshed out and is SO good at writing and retellin history im so so excited to see where he takes it AHHHH and also taht means he might stream more bc he might make his character more important (keep in mind this is the guy who wrote self insert hypixel fanfics. he has no shame in puttin himself first and i respect him so much for it) 
01:51:20 “they’re tryin to get a second customer but they’re riskin their first” is lowkey a good line
has anyone else noticed that techno says wise a lot? like at 01:55:10 he literally says “wise dragon armor” as a joke but like i think he says wise so much BECAUSE of skyblock like hjkfdsla
01:57:30 techno plea se eat 
ok 1:58:45 is hilarious and all but at the end of his ramble he says “come back, i miss you” and lowkey im crying 
techno needs to stop knowing his audience more than we know ourselves im hsfkjda 02:05:25 “the chat’s spammin ‘eat technoblade, eat!’ like they’re not gonna start, like, theyre not gonna get super sad if i ended the stream right now, like theyre not gonna all cry ‘i miss technoblade *sniffs* why- whyd he leave to eat food, why did he listen to our advice noooo’”
02:17:40 “i could start a potato farm out here to show how much ive changed” techno last time u made a potato farm u started an entire war that lasted a year that does NOT say calm and retired to me lskgdfjagsldj
02:23:00 why does techno just reference greek mythology so much. makin me scared for his arc. 
also he talks abt smp earth a lot in this stream i love it so much
i also just. love?? how much sbi respect tommy like they bully him but when talkin bout him they just have so much respect for how much work he puts into youtube and i just,,,,hgnn they r friends 
02:33:13 sbi streamer house lets go cmon
02:34:15 “i think if i streamed every day i could keep up” on one hand YE S  but on the ohter oh god techno no we have to keep up tho
hearing techno say “violence isnt the answer” is so scary  02:35:40
02:37:30 technosneeze 
hiS BROTHER SENT HIM 46 DISCORD MESSAGES SFKDJLFLKASF 2:49:25 i love his end screen so much hes just sadness,,,,retirement,,,t,echnoblade,,,the government is going to fall on its own due to lack of organization and ideals,,,,,,subscribe,,,,,sadness,,,,,also 2:50:45 is making me laugh so hard its just sad music and technos like??? whys phil in my house drinking milk????? 
overall, fantastic stream, if ya want some chill techno philza content i highly recommend. 
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
simblr asks v2
here are my answers! find the questions here.
i wrote soo much ahaha. like however much you think i wrote, i wrote more than that. imo everything i write is gold though
1. are you going to buy the new pack (cottage living) when it comes out? no, it looks really nice but i legit never ever buy packs at launch, especially cause this one is a expansion and it will probably go on sale at some point
2. do you p*rate your dlc or buy it legitimately? buy it legitimately 👌
3. what’s your favorite world? brindleton bay, it gives like seaside cottage vibes. willow creek is good but it’s boring. 
4. if you use a queue, how many posts per day do you set it as? 3 or 4. i used to do like 12 lmaoo what even was wrong with me
5. do you watch sims on youtube? yes, i watch mainly malixa, oshinsims, and msgryphi
6. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (dream home decorator) those sectional couches look good! but honestly im kinda annoyed because now it’s even harder to have all the items filled in when i place lots from the gallery. like i’m just saying like a lot of builds will use that pack probably and if i don’t get it then i can’t really use builds/save files 
7. how many packs/kits do you own? lemme count
expansion: all - 10/10 game: 5/10 stuff: 9/18 kits: none xo
24/38 - 63%
8. what’s your origin id? is it the same as your url? 🤗 it’s in my title, it’s celeschul. it doesn’t look that nice in my title but i use celeschul in my package files and i’m guessing people search things like, “celeschul penny hair” or something like that in order to find my cc- so i keep it in there so the search results are easier. i do want to change it though..
but no it’s also not the same! well i mean it’s the username i use for cc. my origin id used to be an0nymousghost but i changed it. i wonder if anyone’s taken that one?
9. is your simblr your sideblog or main blog? main blog ✌️ my old blog @stardze​ is a main blog as well.
my old old simblr was a sideblog but it had like 1 follower and it literally a bot so i don’t think that counts. i have a multifandom sideblog though 
10. do you have a cc finds blog? i wish. i was thinking bout it earlier and that would be sooo neat but sometimes i download stuff that doesn’t have a tumblr post attached to it, and also it’s stressful to keep up with so nah
11. are you wcif friendly? yes sir. in fact i bring the trouble of wcifs onto myself but doing them even when nobody asked.
12. what’s your favorite sized household to play with? (ex. 1 sim, 4 sims) gonna have to think on this one, honestly 1 sim is really fun and stuff goes by so fast. doing stuff with astrid when she was on her own, it was much more efficient. 
for families, i haven’t done that in a while actually. 5, 2 parents and 3 kids is cute tho. why did i write this this is honestly such a hard question
13. if you have c&d, do you play with pets? i feel like i haven’t played with cats and dogs in forever. honestly i just have no paitence. noelle fae was supposed to get a cat (there’s a food bowl + cat bed in her house) but when summer vacation started, the amount of time i spent playing ts4 decreased a lot. (this doesn’t really make sense, i have a lot more time. honestly it just has to do with my recent obsession with a certain anime/manga and some other personal thing)
i did random nightmares in may though and i had pets frequently. g5 didn’t because sofia scarlett lived in an apartment, but g2/3/4 had cici, and g1 had all the cats. but that was back in march so it’s been a while.
14. what lifespan do you use? i really want to do aging off but then i feel like it drags on. but aging legit stresses me out, sometimes i just want to sit down and do some cas stuff but i only have 2 hours in real time and there’s like 4 days left till one of my sims’ birthdays. 
15. if you own a lot of packs, how many of them have you actually played through? just so everyone is aware this question was made for me
i feel like eps require a specific save made for testing them out, but the only save i’ve ever made for an ep is noelle fae’s get famous save. 
that is literally a lie - i made a save for island living with one of my 100bc kids, maisie acapella. i did actually post it on tumblr BUT then i deleted all the posts BUT i reblogged them on my alt account BUT i privated my alt account so i honestly forgot about it
i have never played through discover university or watched anyone do it on youtube, i’ve read gerbits’ story about it so i think i’m pretty qualified. i’ve always wanted to do one with periwinkle acapella but i never got around to it
another ep i know nothing about is get to work
i tried doing a eco life playthrough but i hadn’t watched any videos and i was like..what is going on. so i quit lolx d ;;;;; i mentioned it but the whimsy stories legacy was the first time i had played with the eco lifestyle features so technically i think i know what im doing
i got outdoor retreat literally on monday of this week so i haven’t played through it yet. 
jungle adventure i still don’t know what’s going on. i remember last year before i bought the pack i was brainstorming, and wanted to do a ja playthrough with luna and cedar, who are a couple who i did a random legacy with and it was all queued to post when i deleted everything (if you’re wondering why, it’s because my queue was literally 200+ posts). except this time i didn’t save them to my sideblog so i lost them. 
i still havent had a restaurant in dine out 
also never did the vet thing from cats and dogs
i have no idea what that rock climbing thing is from snowy escape but i did most of the other stuff because rn g5
city living i did through psc stage 5 and also it was the first pack i bought anyways
the rest of them are either stuff packs or i ended up playing them through casual gameplay (seasons, parenthood)
16. what do you do as you play sims? (ex. listen to music) i listen to music most of the time, or listen to commentary youtube videos because i am an alpha chad. i also used to talk with my friends on voice call but i don’t do that anymore 🥲
17. which sims challenges have you tried? random legacy, whimsy stories, perfect sim challenge, 100 baby, legacy (just the plain get-to-10-gens one), random nightmares, berry zodiac, astrology legacy, apocalypse
i feel like im forgetting some.. honestly most of the stuff i did before simblr was either 100 baby (i love that challenge) or random saves that lasted for 2 seconds. 
18. do you like the new(ish) hair swatches? nah. 
i do appreciate that most cc hairs have a true (ish) black, thank god! and the fact that the hair update is what inspired me to update and fix a bunch of hairs with different issues is pretty nice. but will i use them? no. 
plus it takes up like 5 gb? depending on how many packs you have.
19. post the latest screenshot you took 📸
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i live in cas
20. what is the cc/ingame hair that looks the most like your own? i think that dream home decorator side part hair looks a lot like my hair. honestly i havent see much like my hair but that one is kinda-? close
21. who is your favorite sim of yours and what is their story? noelle and alari fae i think! 
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link to post
noelle is blonde and has blue-grey eyes. she wears purple contacts pretty often though (because she wants to 😌)
alari has light brown hair that is kinda curly, and she’s got pretty vibrant blue eyes. 
they’re sisters, alari is 3 years older than noelle. noelle was 19 and alari was 22 when they got spotted
they worked as models when they were young adults. their jobs involved dyeing their hair blue/pink, and they would model like clothes and stuff. anyways, they were pretty successful. like not ultra famous but they had enough money to not work for the rest of their lives. 
their modeling group was made of 4 girls, the others were named paisley autumn and they were green and red, respectively. some things are: 
paisley and alari started dating during this 
autumn was a single mother to a little girl named destiny
noelle dated many people during this but never ended up finding the one <3
when their contract ended after like 6 years, paisley and alari went to go live together and noelle decided to get into acting. so thats when get famous playthrough started!
there’s more but basically they’re like oc’s with sims on the side. xoxo
22. if you use cc, are there any cc creators that you have like ALL of their items? this is such a good question! i hoard hair very heavily (my folder is 11gb) i so i have like 97% from most of the popular hair creators. 
i think i had legitimately EVERYTHING from simstrouble though, i went through multiple times to check and i also have all of her retired stuff. 
i have everything from ridgeport i think-? because of the fact that she uploaded all her stuff in one big zip. 
i think that’s it.. for a long time i also had everything by clumsyalienn, but then i ended up deleting it and only keeping my faves. 
and looking at my collection, maybe ah00b? i might be missing a couple but i at least have like 99%.
23. what’s one pack you think is underrated? dine out, it’s laggy af yes but it’s such a nice thing for my sims to do. 
24. what are your favorite sims stories/legacies? melons by gerbits always and forever
this question was inspired by this ask anyways so 
25. if you could change one small thing about ts4, what would it be? most of my suggestions are pretty complex but literally just - when you add tray files, they appear at the top. my life would be so much easier
this took me literal hours to answer
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uncertaininnit · 4 years
who wants to read an essay about my relationship with simping/an appreciation(/simping lol) post about Will+Eret and also seperately tommyinnit that was written at 4:22 am and then added to the queue because i love the queue system also fun fact i pronounced the word ‘queue’ as ‘cc-week’ for like an entire year and idk why anyways
lets just jump into it
so. if somebody was to ask me who my favorite mcyt is, i would think about it for a moment and eventually answer with either Wilbur or Eret. and i think that is purely out of simping instinct or whatever the fuck. 
to start, Wilbur; the prettiest man, period. i do not take constructive criticism. he is literally gorgeous and i get so mad at him for putting himself down all the time because he doesnt deserve the shit, especially not from himself. he is 24 years old and has the lowest self-esteem out of anybody i can think of. i want to yell in his face all the time. i want to tell him simps are the same species as him, and they have REASONS to simp. if you keep seeing appreciation posts about yourself (which im sure he does) that means people APPRECIATE YOU and WANT YOU to feel APPRECIATED. 
anyway, back to simping. let’s start from the top. his goddamn hair. it is, it is, and i just took a deep breath, so pretty. maybe it isnt the hair itself, probably, but the way it is done. wavy dark brown hair all floofy in the front. and he is constantly messing with it, which is THE cutest thing. when he is excited, he moves a lot, and his hair moves with him and gets messed up and ahhhcvkvyr moving on.
his face? lets start with his eyes. they are so pretty. i think my opinion on eyes is probably weird, and allow me to explain why. i never ever notice somebodies eye color when talking to them. i just dont even look. so when i am actively paying attention to somebody’s eyes, they are that much more important to me. but idk, i kinda feel like his eyes are one of the biggest factors of his face? like, he looks really pretty whether he is smiling or not, because his face doesn’t ride on his smile.
sidetrack paragraph about george: i think george is that way. he is adorable, but he is only really adorable when he is smiling. if i look up ‘georgenotfound cute’ it will be entirely him smiling, and never any other facial expression because he genuinely looks like the fucking weirdest thing sometimes when making a serious face. back to will.
i dont pay attention to noses because who even cares dude but i’m sure his nose does a good job of supporting his looks as well so good job nose
his SMILE. he doesn’t need to smile, but dude, when he does, it’s like i always used to say (and still would say) in regards to eijiro kirishima. it’s like... sunbeams, like rays of light are in his mouth and escaping when he smiles.i wonder how he keeps a star in there. because his smile literally lights up my heart. and when he tilts his head(basically all the time luckily)? so goddamn pretty. pretty man. pretty. 
that brings us to his neck, which is- no, kidding, but i do want to talk about his vocal chords! firstly his speaking voice, which i guess as an american it hits different for me because of the accent. but- i dont think i can put it into words. but the way he puts thoughts into words-(lol) idk, his voice is just really sweet. and his SINGING VOICE, here we go.
so he sings, duh. and i- holy fuck. he just sounds good, you know? he is a good singer. i want to put my emotions simply this time. he sings well, and he sounds good. a pretty voice for a pretty man. i cant even try to elaborate.
basically the only other thing of my concern is his fucking yellow sweater? or jumper or whatever the fuck? and his beanie? on his body? damn. i am genuinely attached to that sweater. it just looks good, ok? it does. 
oh yeah, and he’s hella fucking tall. 6′5? are you kidding? you couldn’t have at least been short so we could make fun of you?
oh yeah and his laugh-
it is now 4:53 am and a bitch is tired but i have an entire fucking train of thoughts and they must be somewhere before they slip away
the next part- Eret. i adore Eret. so incredibly much. and let me start this by saying i’m going to consistantly call him a he, because he doesn’t care and so that makes it easier for me. ok? ok.
he is the opposite of Wilbur in this one regard, confidence. and self-esteem. eret loves himself. that attitude spreads. look, not only is he like the #1 bicon in the world as far as i’m concerned, but he also actively fucks gender roles any day. strawberry dress pog? strawberry dress pog.
but seriously, he rocked the strawberry dress. and the suit, though i missed that stream. he rocks his crown, his sunglasses, just anything he puts on. and don’t get me started on the BOOTS
(im started on the boots) so firstly the heel boots, the first ones he got. when i first saw clips, my only thought was something like ‘woah.’ or maybe ‘damn.’ at that point i didn’t know much about him, just that he looked STELLAR in those boots (and the betrayal and shit yknow) and the PLATFORMS DUDE
the platforms are the same but moar tall, which is incredible. oh and now back to strawberry dress- have you seen him twirl? the twirl? hello? have you seen it? you must. 
also i havent even talked about HIM yet. hove you seen that picture of him with a bird on his shoulder? he is facing the bird, i think looking at it, with a wide smile across his face. and it is so pretty. he has the prettiest smile. 
also today i was looking for flour at the store place and a clip of him was playing in my mind- he was doing like an announcer voice, like in every superhero movie trailer- and he was just coming up with something to say, and what he ened up saying was ‘in a world... where.... cookies.... are made of pringles’ and OMFG its making me laugh even now. like of absolutely anything, that was the example he made. just thinking about it is making me smile. 
speaking of, have you heard his voice? his normal voice is really really deep anyways, but he has crazy range- he can effortlessly(i originally wrote effortly and when i noticed i laughed because i am so fucking tired bfv9wuocl) go from like an elmo impression (and a good one) to a just REALLY low voice, lower than his normal low voice. 
AND HIS SINGING VOICE! he doesn’t like actually make music like wilbur but on that one stream where he did kareoke (how the fuck is it spelled) with fundy and his voice is SO LIKE its deep and its just pretty and i never want to hear normal sweater weather ever again, just him singing it.
i think this is where i’m done with eret- it is 5:18 now, and a BITCH IS TIRED but i need to finish this while i’m still feeling this wayy or i’ll never finish it, i know this from experience.
and now it’s tommy time
the og reason i decided to make this an actual post . but i had to explain the simping thing before i got into my thoughts about tommy. 
but let me start this with just saying yes, i love him. he is a big man and i want him to be happy. which is the topic for today’s discussion, AHEM. 
so tommyinnit, right? he is 16, which is why i do NOT simp.i dont care that im also a minor, i wouldn’t do anything to make him feel uncomfortable, ever. in any world. never. because look- i dont know how to put it, but tommy is SIXTEEN. still young and impressionable and all that junk. and he is a fairly fucking famous twitch streamer. he does that almost daily.
what i’m saying is i dont want him to get hurt. him, and tubbo too. they are a part of the world, part of the public, all the time. don’t you think that is stressful? do you guys remember his haircut stream? on the day of his haircut? and chat was making fun of him for it, and wilbur was making fun of him for it. that is how i express affection, with my real friends as well. playful bullying. but at some point while Will was teasing him, he says something along the lines of ‘yeah, the big man hasn’t been having too great a day’ or something like that, and dude, my heart dropped.
a. he had mentioned earlier that he didn’t want to stream the day of his haircut because hair is always weird that first day, but since he hadn’t streamed in a good bit he felt obliged to. i dont really.. idk, i dont really like that. i dont want him to have to put himself in uncomfortable situations because he feels like he needs to for us. i don’t think that is healthy.
and b. chat and wilbur were bullying him. good-naturedly, but still, when he mentioned he had been having a bad day, the chat turned around and instantly started yelling shit like ‘AHHHH SORRY BIG MAN YOUR HAIR IS FINE’ and when Wilbur kept teasing him (you fucking beautiful bully man fuck off) yelling stuff like ‘WILBUR QUIT WE ARE H U R T I N G HIM’ and ‘WILL STFU HES HAVING A BAD DAY’ so im glad we all want him to feel ok
but still, it cannot be healthy. when i first got into MCYT, i though tommy was fucking loud and annoying. and he is! he is. but that is a big part of why i like him so much. and everyone jokes about him being a child, because he is, but i choose to not say stuff like that in chat just because i want him to be happy. those jokes are fun, but i want him to be happy. and he is happier when not being called a child.
im not attacking you, do whatever the fuck you want. i dont know why i feel the need to protect him or whatever, if he read this he would probably think i was hella creepy. i just- listen, i just want him to be happy. i just want him to smile and laugh. i sound SO GODDAMN CREEPY but- as ive said- i just want him to be happy. 
is this literally just what having a comfort streamer is? am i not crazy? does everyone experience this? and can we talk about tommy’s playlist it’s literally so sweet and bubbly compared to his personality and i love that. and the song he always plays at the start of stream and always like buzzes along to? that moment in time is my very favorite.
it is 5:44-
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kimhargreeves · 4 years
Curses Part 3-Souichi Tsujii
Summary: Souichi and Reader are parents. Both are raising their kids but Reader grows suspicious of the haunted house Souichi looks over. He warns Reader to not go but will they listen?
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It's been a five months since I've given birth and ever since I did things have been getting weird around here. Souichi would continue being the creepy man as usual and singing creepy lullabies to the babies making me just stare at him with a blank but worried expression.
I held my son gently rocking him back and forth as I watched my husband changing our daughters diaper while singing creepily with that damn cigar still on his lips. "How many times have I told you to not smoke! Also why the hell are you singing to her such a macabre tune?"
Souichi glanced back at me with a creepy smile, "That's nothing for you to worry about, love."
"I swear if this is some sort of ritual or something don't hesitate in thinking that i'll choose your life over them." Souichi stares at me with a bored expression and sighs. He holds our daughter with one hand and puts the cigar out with the other.
"You really don't trust me do ya?" He asks with cold eyes and I frown. I place our son Koichi on his crib and walk over to him to grab Michina and place her on the same crib.
"Not really if I'm being honest." I turn to look at the tall man and let out a frustrated sigh when he stares at me with hs arms crossed and on one of his
I show him our marriage ring. "Haven't you ever thought about what that fortune teller said to us?"
He takes a smoke and smirks down at me. "You mean the old hag who told us our future when we were kids? Then yeah, i've kept that memory with me. So now you're gonna ask a bunch of questions and ask me why I decided to marry you.." he said aimlessly looking away and started to walk away from me.
Idiot! I quietly close the door behind me and follow Souichi who's outside. "You always treated me like an idiot and calling my curses a joke. But I can assure you my dear (Y/N) this is no joke." My husband smirks and smokes out close to my face. He enjoys watching me get angry.
I felt myself getting flustered and looked away. "Look I'm sorry I treated you the way I did..I always had a crush on you when we were in middle school and I have always found you being a creep especially when I found you finding in my house-"
"Get to the point."
"I'm getting there! I...love you alright?! And I got jealous of you especially when I found out you had a son with that woman-"
"That woman meant nothing to me and you know it. I did always found your stuborness and coldness kind of attractive. That bitch might've been right about our future but theres a reason why I decided to stay and have a family. A real one since my own didn't pay me any attention only my grandfather did.."
How could I forget about that..
"I'm sorry that happened to you."
"That's in the past. Doesn't matter anymore."
"AHHH!" I slightly jumped up when I heard teenagers screaming. Souichi boredly stared up ahead and saw three teens running out of the haunted house.
"Do come again and please let your friends know about the experience." I shiver slightly from the grin he gave him as he waved. We do need more money so he's opened the haunted house again but it hasn't been enough. Some people have been terrified at the house and havent even msde it to the end.
"What do you even have inside the house? I know Binzo is there but that's it." Souichi wraps his arms around me and throws his cigarette to the ground.
"Nothing important..just don't even think of going inside my dear." He says almost teasingly lowering a bit to my height. I clench my fists and give him a fake smile.
Souichi grins and stands up straight. "Great! Now i'll be heading into town to buy us some groceries and some raw meat for Binzo. Do you need anything else?" He asks so I shake my head.
"Nothing else just make sure to be back before it gets dark." Souichi leans down so I lean up and kiss his lips. "Of course I will. I'll try arriving before the kids wake up."
Souichi starts to walk away and turns back to smirk at me, "Oh and (Y/N), don't go anywhere."
I nod my head and start heading back in. I run to the nearest window and watch Souichi walking away from our home, the babies are asleep, Souichi is finally out and I must know what else is inside that house. 
I put on my shoes and ran outside of our small home and slowly slid the haunted house's door open."This is too dark." I mutter and turned on the flashlight and closed the door behind me. 
It feels a lot colder in here, last time I was in here was when I was pregnant and Souichi came here to fed his son.I heard something rustling around and felt my hand shaking. 
Souichi what the hell have you been doing? My hand began to shake and I let out a shriek when I felt something pass my legs. What the hell?! "Just ignore this, your mind is playing tricks." As I continued to walk deeper I heard more sounds and saw the doors closing and suddenly I heard growling.
 I turned around and screamed as loud as I could when I saw Binzo trying to bite me and made a small slash on my forearm.
"Binzo get off of her!!"I heard some chains rattling and felt the rabid boy being pulled away and when I opened my eyes I saw Koichi?? Souichi's brother. 
He looked so different, very skinny and with little hair on his head."Get in the cage you idiot!" He threw the weird boy inside and Koichi ran to my side while I laid on the floor.
 "Koichi! Your alive I thought you were-"
The doors slid open and we both turned and saw Souichi. He wore a worried expression when he saw me bleeding on the ground and raced to me, "(Y/N)?! Koichi did this to you?!" He asked helping me up and held me, quickly taking his tie off and wrapping it around my wound.
Out of no where he took a whip out and glared at his brother. "Are you stupid?! Souichi I thought your brother was dead!" I shouted trying to block him from hitting Koichi. 
Koichi fell to the ground and began to cry."I can't believe you held him captive and threatened to kill him if he came..no wonder our fridge would also get empty." I glare up at the man who doesn't pay attention and grabgs another cigarette to smoke.
"And quit on the smoking! Everytime I scold you you do the same! Those things will kill you." I said suddenly slapping him and throwing the cancer stick away.
He glared and rubbed his cheek. "So Binzo attacked you huh? That brats gonna pay." Souichi grabbed his whip and went to Binzos cage.I worriedly looked at Koichi and helped him up the ground.
 "I can't imagine the pain you went through. Come now you'll be living with us. I'll prepare anything whats your favorite food?!" I asked my brother in law.Together we all made it to our small home across from the haunted house and handed Koichi some towels when he had his bath and we all stood there looking down at the crib. 
Michina giggled as Soichi held her and her brother Koichi who was fast asleep again."I can't believe this freak has a real family." Koichi whispered staring at his nephew and niece."Want me to whip you again?" Souichi angrily muttered.
"Now now don't fight." "How do you not want me to fight? My brother will be living with us and we won't be able to have our fun." I blush at those words and Koichi does as well when he understood well what Souichi meant."You sick man."
About 2 months had passed and Koichi got a lot better. His hair grew back and he was no longer that skinny as he was before, we had a few visitors from the rest of the family much to Souichi's dismay. 
It was fun seeing everyone together, when I was busy Koichi would look after my kids and play with them.Souichi and I were sitting down on the carpet and I smiled when I saw our both kids trying their best to walk to where we were. Michina was closer to her father so when she almost fell Souichi was quick and helped her back up.
My son Koichi on the other hand was closer to me and sat down on the carpet and sucked on his thumb. He's reminding me a lot of Souichi.
"They are both adorable but will you tell him to stop handing them those creepy dolls?!" Koichi asked pointing at the voodoo doll Souichi handed to Michina
"Mind your own business brother." He muttered playing with Michina in his arms.
 I smiled and handed my son to Koichi, "Don't be so harsh, Souichi knows what he's doing even if it doesn't look like it. To be honest we can't wait till baby number three is born." I chuckled and placed my hand on my growing belly and Souichi rested his on top of mine.
"All we gotta do is wait and see what the baby will be. I'm excited maybe he'll be a boy." Koichi gave Souichi a look.
 "Why a boy? I've seen your closer to your daughter besides if its a son you'll have three now with Binzo..he's an awful kid, i'm surprised you even had a kid before going at it with (Y/N)." Souichi and I stayed silent. 
We both feel uncomfortable talking about that subject..."That's none of your business brother." Souichi sighs and wraps an arm protectively around me. Suddenly we hear the birds chirping and flying past our home and the trees starts rustling. 
We all ran outside and my blood ran cold when I saw a giant ass creepy looking woman walking closer and stopped when she reached our little home.
"What the hell is that?!"
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punk-rock-uncle · 3 years
A final good bye and final log out
This is not a suicide not so no need to worry. Many of you that follow me probably barely remember my blog, it wasnt very big or fancy. I barely know how to code or make my blog look like anything but, that is neither here nor now. I wanted to say good bye I have a bad habit of leaving without saying anything and disappearing for weeks at a time. I guess abusive relationships will teach you that. I went silent on this blog around 3 years ago when I started college. But I wanted to talk about why I started this, the ending will be saved most obviously till the end. I started this blog in a way to find friends, in 2012 internet friends were all the rage and I wanted to be a part of that so I started a tumblr. But was not active on it till 2014. In high school I grew a bit of a following around sophomore year 2015. I would constantly rant on this account and people would watch but not say much. It bothered me a bit that I was never “Tumblr Famous” but I knew people who were, so I would live on through them. Tumblr a lot in high school, I was too afraid to do anything but I knew in the back of my mind that I would get there in my own time. Tumblr, in that sense was kind to me and never made me feel like I had to be pressured to do anything and would constantly educate me from maters of social justice and the Black Lives Matter movement, sex education, gender expression, sexuality, art and astrology. I saw all the drama and surprisingly enough stayed away from the super toxic side of tumblr pushing minors to do more and more and more.  It was safety net and whenever my parents would do what they do best I always had the arms of my blog to run and cry to. It made the darkest days a little brighter, people reblogging free movie sites and calming gifs were my saving grace when I was 14 and suicidal. As high school went on I found myself in a relationship and put all my time, money, effort, energy, my whole being into this one person who would end raping me an using my past against me. I was still active and would talk about him on here including our fights. But as the fights got more violent and heated, the less I would post about him and one day all together I stopped posting on here, for what I thought was for good. I wanted to reach out on tumblr and ask “is any of this normal?” “why do we fight so much?” “is it normal for your partner to make you feel this afraid?” “is it normal for them to talk about sex 24/7″ “is it normal to feel afraid and cry during sex?” I wanted to reach out so badly. I knew I couldn’t and it was a stupid reason why I couldn’t. I was afraid of the judgment, because no one here talks about the small intricacies of domestic violence and how it breaks down every part of you. So I went quiet, I stopped talking about him, stopped posting him and he never care. I was put on meds after he raped me, stopped sleeping and eating. After the meds failed to stop the development of PTSD I started smoking and drinking heavily. After all of that I stopped being on tumblr because things were not the same and stuff that made me happy before just stopped bringing me joy. I thought no one here would care about what I have to say and his words and actions confirmed that even more. Eventually I broke it off 8 months later and my friends never believed me that he was abusing me. Life is better now, I lived abroad, I have an apartment with a new boyfriend, hes nice we have our ups and downs but we came from a hard life so someone loving you is a hard thought to accept for both of us. We both have toxic cycles we need to break but he’s good and he’s teaching me to be kind. I would love to continue on this hellsite but I have other things now, bigger and better things. I am just simply a ghost now of a website where I used to poor out all of my traumas and for one last time I will do that. For any 16 year old who stumbles across this post please read through till the end (if you can) because I want to tell you things I wish someone told me at 16/ entered my first relationship.
Your bf, gf and/or partner should never do/say these things and other small warning signs of DV 
1. if sex hurts a lot for you it is because you are not comfortable, communicate this and if they refuse to understand why leave 
2. If your partner scares you so much to the point where you have a panic attack thinking about them, then leave 
3. you will fall out of love in your first relationship, as shitty as it is, it’ll happen. It’s okay, you can leave. Just like you out grow clothes you will outgrow people. 
4. let people leave, I know this is hard to accept but people will leave and the universe will have something in store for you 
6. it is normal for you and your partner to have conversations about what to say when people constantly ask you if yall have done the deed it is not normal for your partner to tell you to lie and say you have (when you havent); leave if they do this trust me 
7.If your partner is asking about sex 24/7 and its making you uncomfortable then say something, maybe they don’t mean any harm by it! but if once you’re done with the convo and it didn’t make you feel better you should leave 
8. its okay to leave 1st relationships aren’t meant to last 
9.something my mom said that made me feel better: just because you’re breaking up now doesn’t mean you’re breaking up forever 
10. please don’t force yourself to have sex it’s a very toxic cycle. Easy to get into but hard to break out of 
11. you can be alone, you don’t have to date all the time
12. if your partner's parent is bullying you tell your partner that it makes you uncomfortable talk to them about it. Now I understand parents are hard especially when your 16 and younger (hell parents @ 21 are still tough to deal with) and if your partner says “well I can’t tell them off because of xyz” then make a compromise on how to deal with the situation. If your 1st partner’s parents don’t like you it’s not the end of the world and if bugs you that much YOU CAN ALWAYS LEAVE 
13. on the other hand if you tell your partner, they don’t take it seriously and they still beg you to visit their family then leave, you’re not married you’re young I will probably say this a thousand more times BUT YOU CAN ALWAYS LEAVE 
15. do not waste your first relationship on couples counseling ( yes I did that and he still owes me $250 for the session I was dumb & 17 don’t get mad @ me) 
16. if your relationship makes you extremely angry leave, that anger means something, listen to it. 
17. if you are like me and was raised in a very abusive household with parents that constantly abuse you just know that not every relationship is like that and you won’t be like them but, you have to actively work on it not just say it out loud (BUT it does help saying it out loud, v comforting) 
18. if you break up, stay broken up (sometimes it works out for the better if they really want you they’ll try) 
20. if you are begging for the basics leave 
21. if they ignore your food allergy leave 
22. if they’re a mama’s boy please leave 
23. if they ignore your fears leave 
24. if they think violence is casual and necessary for relationships leave 
25. listen to their ex’s even if you take it with a grain of salt please listen 
26. if you need to come up with an escape plan you’re in a toxic and possibly abusive relationship 
27. it’s okay if you don’t have the courage to leave right now but know, you can’t stay forever 
28. if they use past trauma against you, leave. 
also a word of advice for friends who know people who have been in DV situations
1. if we trauma dump just know we are sorry but please stop us and talk through it later (if you can) 
2. don’t ask why they didn’t leave sooner it’s not your buisness 
3. we don’t know we are being abused, if you know but we don’t please be patient. The mind is a tricky thing. 
4. DO NOT SAY “how did you not know” “you’re stupid for not knowing” “you’re making it up” “told you so” or anything else condescending, we feel stupid and we just want support 
well that’s all I have folks! Thank you tumblr for all the laughs and all the cringe.  I hope this post is insightful and please feel free to add on.
love <3 
Punk-Rock-Uncle :) 
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ladybell9095 · 4 years
Summary: After War had taken down the Destroyer, he would now start his search for his siblings. He tried his best to keep you secret by leaving you with Ulthane, but eventually the secret would get out. No matter what would happen the two of you would always be together like you promised.
He looked to the warrior you had become. Holding the blade, made by the Maker known as Ulthane, so strikingly well.  To think that the timid soul who was too scared to hold a blade would turn out to be someone with great prowess. Once War finished of the Destroyer he went in search for his fellow riders. You were more than ready to go with him, but he had told you that you were to stay with the Maker.
“Why?! I’m not staying here, I’m going with you.”, you shouted, wondering why War would even suggest such a thing in the first place.
“It is better that you remain here, where it is safe.” War had his reasons, but you were never meant to know them.
“I’m safer with you. I’m not staying, no matter what you say.”
The only thing that could match your skill was your stubbornness. How you two even managed to decide on anything together was still a mystery to him. “Listen to me. I am not asking you to stay, I’m telling you.”
“But why?” Your determination to go with War slowly faded from the thought of him leaving you with Ulthane. What if this stay was permanent? What if something happened if you weren’t there?
“I shall return and when I do, I shall not leave your side.” War knelt down and looked you in the eyes. “I promise.”
War always did this whenever you were in doubt or distress. His sky-blue eyes always gave the reassurance and security you needed. You obeyed War and made your way to Ulthane. On a last-minute thought, you dashed to War. Your lips pressed together while he was midway from getting up. With all the might you had you held on to him and deepened the kiss. When you went for air you laid you head onto his shoulder. “Be safe.”
“I will.” War wrapped his arms around you before releasing you to the Maker. “Keep her safe Ulthane. If anything were to happen to her, you will pay the ultimate price.”
Ulthane frowned at the threat. “No need for hostility. I’ll make sure the lass never leaves my sight. Makers word.”
You stood behind the Maker and watched War go in search for the other Horsemen. When War looked back you gave waved goodbye and waited until he returned like he promised. A day had passed since you last saw him. You weren’t sure of how long he would be gone. It scared you when you weren’t by his side. You did fear for him, but not as much as you feared for yourself and how lonely you’d be again if he were to disappear.
As the days passed, they got longer. During War’s absence Ulthane decided to teach you fighting techniques used by the Makers. You weren’t all enthused about the idea, but it did kill time. After two more days War had returned. While out in the yard, training with Ulthane, you dropped your sword and ran to War. The feeling of his arms around you was very much missed.
“Your back. Did you find the others?”
“I have.”
You peeked behind the horseman and looked around to see that there was no one with them. “Where are they?”
“There are else where dealing with the demons that plague this planet.”
“Shouldn’t you be with them?” The face that War gave you said it all. “Your going to be gone again, aren’t you?”
“And I’m not coming with you, am I?”
“How much longer this time?”
“I cannot say, but I shall come back to check in on you when I can.” War watched as you ran back into Ulthane’s home.
“She’s real upset now.”
“It is best that she stays here.”
“Is it now? Don’t seem that way if you ask me.”
War scowled to the Maker. “I didn’t.”
Knowing that talking with you would only do worse and also how he was pressed for time, War set off again.
“Horseman!” The thunderous voice halted Wars steps. “If you keep doing this to her she may just go off on her own to find you.”
“That is why I left her in your care. I know with the protection you give her you wouldn’t let that happen.”
“No, I wouldn’t.” Ulthane began to remember his time during the Destroyers rein and how he tried to help humanity before leaving it in the care of Fury. When it came to you, he would show you the same kindness and protection he offered to your kind before you.
“Maker. I thank you for looking after her.”
War visited like he said he would, but only to check in on you. The times he came were at random too. When he would arrive while you still slept, he’d check on you long enough just to see that you were sleeping soundly. When you were awake, he would assess your training you learned from Ulthane. It was enough to get by and not worry about him. Still you wanted to be with him like the two you were supposed to, liked he promised to you long before starting this whole Destroyer business.
Today would be the day that War would retrieve you. While helping Ulthane with forging new weapons, the Maker sensed an overwhelming presence. Ulthane laid his working hammer down, and grabbed his preferred weapon, The Black Hammer. “Stand behind me lass. We got company.”
Judging by the number of footsteps, there was a small group of uninvited guests. When there was silence the door began to creak open. When Ulthane saw that it was War he lowered his weapon and stood aside to show you that there was no threat.
“You’re back!” Behind War were more people you havent seen before, frightening looking people. Their staring eyes kept you frozen in place.
“Sure, why not bring more company into my house. The more the merry.”, Ulthane said sarcastically.
“Is that how you treat a friend Ulthane. Here I thought we had something special.”, the gunslinger spoke making his way to the Maker. When he passed you, he shouted to his sister, “You missed one Fury.”
“I did not miss any. Besides at the time it was not my job to find all of them. Of course I wouldn’t find all of them.” Fury didn’t even make eye contact when she passed you. She was filled with guilt at the thought of missing one human who was left to fend for themselves in this chaotic world.
You stared at the two who chatted with Ulthane like they were friends who had not seen each other in a while. A heavy hand turned your gaze away from the two. “War. You came back.”
“I would never break my promise to you.”
“I know. I’m just glad you’re back.” Your presence brought a joyous feeling to War, as well as War bring the same feeling. “I learned some more moves while you were gone. I’d really like to show you.”
“Let’s see them.”
“Okay, but not here. Let’s go outside.”
When the two of you left Death kept his stare on the two of you. He went to follow you and to confront War on the issue he had with him being with a human. When he left Strife, Fury, and Ulthane watched as the three went outside.
“What do you think he will say to War?”, Fury asked.
“Without a doubt it will be about that girl. I really hope Death knows what he is doing because one wrong word and Wars going to flatten him.”
“I wouldn’t be worry about him. I’d be worried about the lass. If Death plans to do anything, you’ll be sure she’ll put him in his place. No matter how scared she is of him.”
Outside you were showing off your new moves to War. He sat himself at a rock nearby, but not to close. He wouldn’t want to interrupt you showing off to him. It was one of the things he found cute about you after all. During a certain set of moves you would make mistakes because it has been a while since you were practicing in front of War. Though with each mistake you would just start over until you got it right.
Watching you brought a smile to War, one that Death was fortunate enough to see. “War.”
His smile went away and went back to his harden state. “Brother.”
“How long has she been with you?”
“When the Council framed me for starting the apocalypse.”
“It’s a miracle that she stayed alive as long as she has.”
“What have you come to tell me?”
“The way the girl approaches you I assume that you are more than just acquaintances.”
“My relationship with her shouldn’t matter to you.”
“Not to me, but to what we do. She cannot come with us.”, Death said dryly.
Wars iron gauntlet balled into a fist. “I made a promise to her and I intended to keep it.”
“Surely she will perish if she were to travel with us.” War chuckled. “Hmm?”
“I thought the same exact thing when I met her. I never meant to get as close to her as I already have. She refuses to stay away from me for to long and will do anything to stay by my side.”
“She sounds stubborn.”
War gave a boisterous laugh that caught your attention as well as Deaths. “She is very stubborn.”
Death never seen his brother laugh in such a way, not even in their days during the Nephilim conquest. “Are you willing to risk her life, just so you can hold on to this interfering relationship.”
“The only one interfering is you brother. I will do anything to protect her whether it be demon, angel, maker, or even my brothers and sister.”
“I hope you will be able to live with your choice.”
“It is not only my choice, but hers as well.”
You slowly made your way to War, staying as far away from the tall pale one as possible. “What were you laughing about? Did I mess up that badly?”
“No, you did great. I’m very proud.”
Blushing like crazy from War’s praise and the smile his little brother gave you was proof enough that no matter what Death had to say, he wouldn’t come between the two of you. In secret he would make sure to that the others would not get in the way or question what you two had found in each other.
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