#also no need to be binary to answer this poll
bedrotboy · 15 days
im just curious bc idk many trans guys and idk what ppl do. also do most of us drop out of college or is that just who i interact with lol
also if ur something niche w a degree pls say what :0
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bodycountgame · 1 year
Hello! I was a big fan of the series a while a go and it is lovely to see that you are back. I'm terribly sorry that other anons put you through a lot with the voting aspect of the game. Absolutely no one deserves death threats for a story that they are bringing to us for free. However, I am not going to lie, I always feel a bit worried when a fandom majority vote is what has long lasting effects on character life/death. It was ok when it was everyone voting with an equal effect. Now there will be a wealth gap to vote. Only people that pay can contribute. And at least where I'm from wealth looks a certain kind of way.
Since you have characters that are in a minority it feels... Bad. Maybe I'm projecting how racist and transphobic my home country is on the vote for this game. I also don't want you to feel like this is an attack on you because that is not my intent at all! I love the diversity in the love interests and it was what brought me to the game initially. I am worried that if you do a majority vote on Patreon that characters that aren't white/cis will face a harsher vote. Trans lives are in danger and I was not surprised when a nonbinary character died first. I was part of the fandom and people treated them very grossly (it actually made me step away for a bit as well). There were many options but the vocally out and proud person got the boot first. What I'm saying is I trust you more than your Patreon supporters. If the people can't all vote as one, due to the actions of some terrible people, then maybe we shouldn't vote at all
anon, i totally understand your concerns because i absolutely shared them. to be completely honest with you, i had totally misjudged which characters i thought were popular or not and watching the three non binary cast members struggle through that first vote felt Bad. my personal disappointment about ellis being the character to receive the least votes in the vote contributed in no small part to the twist in chapter 3 and their revised arc (which was Not planned when i set out writing body count hahaha). howeverrrrrr, i did learn a lot from the process.
my main motivator behind making the vote patreon exclusive was that the voters would be genuinely invested in the game and that the polling would be much harder to game or manipulate. selfishly, i also think it will reduce a certain amount of the absolute barrage of wild anons from the first time around haha!
in addition to that, though, i think its important that i reaffirm what i have said from the start: i am acutely aware that in interactive fiction in general and particularly on tumblr there is a strong preference for white male characters, and i am not here to write some kind of gross POC/women/nb slasher. as much as i want the audience to have a say in the direction the story takes, i ultimately have final say on what happens in the story that i am writing.
the main way that i intend to have oversight of the voting process is by who appears on the polls in the first place; the first poll was the last time the whole cast will be available for a vote at the same time. since ellis, one of three NB cast members, was the first character to die, i've said that neither of the other NB cast members will appear on future polls. if it's women and POC suffering in the next vote, then i'll be applying similar logic. if that means we get towards the end and we need a white boy only poll then so be it!
that said, if people cannot behave then i will simply take away their toys. although i consider the voting mechanic to be one of the things that makes body count unique and fun, i'm absolutely not above doing away with it if there are Shenanigans that spoil it, ya know?
anyway, i hope that assuages some of your concerns! sorry for another giant wall of text wow i simply cannot answer a question concisely atm
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lesbian-polls · 1 month
Wait sorry, what’s wrong with m-spec lesbians? I thought that was what lots of butches were? 😭 sorry I’m from a conservative area + wasn’t allowed internet until I left home so I haven’t had much interaction with the queer community
Since you ask in good faith I'll give you a good faith answer.
M-spec doesn't mean "masculine presenting" it means your attraction is in the masculine spectrum of the gender spectrum, so men and male aligned-NB people (non-binary is not a third gender, it's a collection of every gender that I'd neither 100% woman or 100% man)
Butches tend to present masculine, this doesn't make them men.
A lesbian is a woman or woman-aligned NB person who is attracted to the same gender. That is, other women and woman aligned NB people.
The problem with m-spec and bi "lesbians" is that they're not lesbians at all, they're bi or pan people most of the time who are attracted to men but try to usurp the lesbian label and turn it into a synonym for sapphic or woman-loving-woman.
Lesbianism is the only sexuality that excludes men, both as targets of attraction and emitters of that attraction. Therefore we are being shamed into being attracted to men by this group of people. Hell, they even try to take the reclaimed d-slur.
It's an act of lesbophobia, homophobia (two different kinds of oppression btw) biphobia (bi and pan people have a history of fighting for their own label and protested against being called gays or lesbians) and transphobia since many of m-spec 'lesbians' and their supporters are trans men who claim they have a connection to womanhood by having the "right parts" which isn't true in the slightest and also hurts trans women, many of whom are lesbians as well.
Even misogyny, since m-spec and bi 'lesbians' can't stand the fact that we don't need men in our lives and that bothers them since in their mind everyone needs to center men in their lives.
Would you see gay men being told to include women in their sexuality? No, right? It's the misogyny as well.
Most bi 'lesbians' and their supporters also happen to be white, shielding themselves with their privilege.
To sum it up: m-spec 'lesbians' aren't butches or lesbians at all, they're bi and pan people who disregard their own history and struggle to try and steal our label from us, inspired by homophobia, biphobia, lesbophobia, misogyny and transphobia. They'll call us TERFs (many of us are trans women mind you) while employing TERF points themselves like with the trans man argument.
If you have more questions feel free to DM me. And, if you are not a lesbian please don't vote in the polls since they're for lesbians only. I made this blog as a safe space for lesbians due to our safe spaces on this accursed website being eroded (if you say you're a bi lesbian in a lesbian bar they'll laugh at you since this is online-only problem) and I'd like to keep it that way
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This user is right, I got the two mixed up. M-spec is multi-spectrum
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transgenderpolls · 3 months
Submission Guidelines/Disclaimers
First, things to keep in mind when you submit:
there is a limit of 12 answers for polls, and on this blog one of those answers will always be 'show results,' to allow for people that the poll doesn't apply to to see without skewing data. so in reality you have a maximum of 11.
there's also an 80-character limit on the options
SO, if you go over those limits, know that I will take it into my own hands to decide which answers to omit and/or how to re-word it to fit the limit.
even otherwise, expect that the wording of your submission may be slightly altered in order to be more inclusive (when it doesn't affect the data), or because i think you missed an option that you probably meant to include, or just to make it sound less clunky. if you have an issue with any changes upon posting, i'm happy to hear you out.
it'll likely be about a 4-5 day wait between the time you submit and the time it gets posted, with the current number of submissions i have + my own polls
if your poll is addressing a very small group, don't be surprised or angry when the 'see results' poll is the biggest. that needs to be there to keep data from being skewed by anyone's curiosity.
Base Guidelines For Submitting:
poll must be related to being trans. it doesn't have to be exclusively directed at trans people, but if you want cis people to be allowed to answer, please make that clear in your submission. otherwise i'll default to it being a trans-only poll.
it CAN be directed at a specific type of trans person, such as trans men/women, non-binary people, trans lesbians, trans moc, etc - literally you can address any specific trans group you want, just make sure to say so.
it CAN relate to sex, just try to be tasteful about it.
What would make me NOT post a submission:
if it's an opinion poll about the validity of any particular type of trans person. "validity" is a moot topic and i'm not going to encourage it, and in any case i'd like the focus of this blog to be about recording experiences (real, undeniable, forever in stone) rather than opinions (always changing, meaningless)
if it's something like "trans people: do you like pineapple on pizza?" or some other question that doesn't actually have anything to do with being trans. if you wanna send something like this, make your case for why it's relevant that the poll is directed at trans people.
if it's some other obviously offensive shit, obviously. no racism or whatnot here.
Who counts as trans?/Can I vote on a poll for trans people if I'm nonbinary?
We self-define here, so if you consider yourself trans, you're trans. Non-binary is definitionally under the trans umbrella - though you're not obligated to consider yourself trans if you don't relate to a trans experience.
Why isn't there an option for X?/You missed an option.
Sometimes I may genuinely miss an option, but 9 times out of 10 the lack of the option is either due to the poll limits on tumblr, or because it goes against the point of the poll. For example, if the question begins with "If you're on HRT," then "i'm not on HRT" isn't going to be an option. If the prerequisite of the poll doesn't apply to you, then what you click is "see results." If it's something a little less concrete, polls will always include some kind of "other" option anyway.
Can you get rid of the 'see results' button? Or can you not include it on this particular poll? I only want X people to respond. This poll is ONLY for X people.
If a poll is on this blog, it's for everyone, questioning and simply curious people included. It's also not going to stop curious people from clicking if there's no 'see results' button. It ensures that the data doesn't get skewed, and gathering data is what polls are for. It doesn't hurt you to see a big see results bar. The data is still there. If the bar does wind up obscuring more significant data, that means the poll was addressing too small of a group to begin with. And that's NOT the end of the world. This blog is far from the only place where you can get information about other trans people's experiences.
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kutputli · 1 year
Ted Lasso fans voting for Ted as best dad in polls is hilarious.
I understand finding his paternal coaching shtick to be charming, and even in some select cases actually helpful to the grown adults he is professionally employed to interact with.
But this is a man who left his child on a different continent because his marriage was breaking up and who keeps asking said 11 year old if what he's doing is ok like the real answer isn't actually going to come out when Henry is in therapy ten years later.
Plenty of people in the real world have pressing reasons to not be in physical proximity to their children - these are mostly reasons of economy, and also international visa restrictions. But we've been given no indication that Ted needed to do this for the money.
And then for this grown man to tell his own mother that he's afraid of getting close to his son because the son will leave, like... imagine a mother saying she didn't want to breastfeed her baby because it would grow up and stop needing it. Or a parent saying they were afraid to pack their kids lunches because eventually the kid could do it themselves. Good lord.
Ted Lasso the man has taken full advantage of the patriarchal capitalist system that says it is alright for a man to remove themselves from the labour and physical presence needed by their prepubescent child for the sake of a satisfying career and increase in wealth. Doesn't make him the shittiest father around by far, but to win any competitions, he definitely needs to, oh what's that phrase he used? 'woman up'.
(to be clear, I am not trying to enforce a gender binary on parenting, merely pointing out that the current framework is gendered.)
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akatiuspielinki · 1 year
I have been thinking about this and mentioned it to my friend last weekend so I'd like to know more about other people's experiences:
Self-dg is very valid, so no need to have any diagnosis to answer that you are neurodivergent.
Also yeah, being neurodivergent/neurotypical is not always a binary thing and this poll is not very scientific or does not show any real correlations between neurodivergentness and being able to hold breathe underwater, but I am just curious.
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24carobgold · 2 years
Daemian Community Demographics
Hi, everyone! I recently passed around a survey about the different kinds of forms people take, and which kinds are most common. I tacked on a quick demographics survey at the end of the poll, because I was curious. I figured I would share the results here!
I’m putting this under a cut, because it gets long:
This definitely only captures a small portion of the community, and a specific part of the community at that. I tacked this onto the end of a survey about daemon forms, so these questions have been answered by people who a) enjoy answering questions about themselves (though to be fair that might be a larger percentage of this community than others haha) and b) have fitting form(s). It therefore excludes people who choose not to form find, haven't been in the community long enough to find a fitting form (which may include younger members), etc. (However, I have to wonder how many how many daemians are currently in the community? Thanks to some data given to me by Jess which I will share in the form types thread soon, I know that in the past two years, about 650 people have posted on the forum. There are obviously going to be a few people who don't use the forum, but presumably most do, which means the currently active community has around, what, 900 people? And we got about 90 responses, which is 10%. I don't know much about statistics, but that seems like a decent amount?) Since this was not the main part of the survey, I also did not put too much thought into these questions and some of them admittedly could have been worded better. Going forward, I'd be really interested to see someone do a more official census that asks all sorts of demographic questions! It could be cool to see the diversity of our community laid out with data. I'm really interested in particular to see how many people participate in form finding at all, since I think I see a focus on that less than I used to when I was new to this forum. --- How old are you?
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Over half of the respondees are between the ages of 22-30, though we have a decent spread of all ages! This was nice to see; it matches my anecdotal experiences in the community but I wasn't sure if the results would come back skewed towards younger (under 18) members. Now, however, I have to wonder if we really do have so few minors compared to everyone else, or if they chose not to take this survey because they are less likely to have fitting forms? What is your gender?
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These results are formatted differently than the others because I went in and messed around with the data a bit to make it more cohesive. "Non-binary", "nonbinary", and "Nonbinary" would all have been counted as different slices of the pie, so I went through and made sure everything was capitalized consistently so that the same answers appeared as one slice. None of the other answers had as many write-ins as this question, so I didn't need to do this for any of the others. We have so much gender diversity in our members here, and it's really nice to see it laid out like this. Also, shout out to the person who said their gender was "meh", and the person who said they were "Hacking [their] gender like a 3ds to run programs it was not made to play". I think I love both of you, and also same. :') It might have been interesting to compare this data to daemon genders, too! How long have you been in the daemon community?
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A third of the community has been here for 11-15 years, and over have (56%) have been a member of the community for over a decade! That's really impressive! It's great that we have so many long-term, established community members, but also some fresh blood as well. The Golden Compass movie came out in 2007, 15 years ago, so that is probably why we have comparatively more 11-15 years-long members compared to other categories. How many daemons do you have?
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In hindsight I should have had an option for 0 daemons; at least three people wrote in that they didn't have a daemon or weren't sure if they had a daemon. I feel like anecdotally I see more people with more than one daemon than this pie represents. Either I see them as taking up more space because they are less common and therefore more noteworthy, or maybe multidae people are less likely to form find, and were therefore less likely to fill out this survey? Which parts of the daemon community do you belong to?
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The three write-ins that are cut off read: *Orthodox community on a now-defunct forum *Not currently active in any daemonism communities *I write meta fanfiction on Ao3 about daemons in art and literature of Lyra's world and how that differs from that in Will's World. I also write fanfics for the books and fics with OCs that heavily involve daemons. I think of the forum as such a staple of the daemian community, so it's interesting to see that not everyone participates in the forum! I do know of people who are active in, say, the discord, but don't have a forum account, so I suppose it makes sense, but still surprising to see. --- That's it for now! I wanted to present the data because I thought it was interesting. Maybe somebody will do something with it! I will post the results for the form finding part of the survey soon, and once I do that, I plan to update that thread as well as release the individual response raw data in spreadsheet form! That way everyone will be able to mess around with the data to their heart's content.
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syscurse · 2 years
syscourse musing: so much discourse seems to hinge on "do non-disordered systems experience plurality The Same or Differently to how disordered systems experience it?"...but the problem is, that question is fundamentally subjective, and the answers to it absolutely personal & on a case-by-case basis. And a problem with the endo/trauamgenic binary itself is that it erases the experiences of the many systems who have complicated & genuinely ambiguous relationships to trauma/dissociation/disorder.
Replying under the read more
Yeah, I'm personally not a fan of the endo/traumagenic binary either, because I don't want to define myself by whether or not I've been traumatized. They also specify origins, but most systems originate in very early childhood so I wonder how so many can remember what specifically caused it, you know? Something might stick out in my mind but for all I know it could've been kickstarted by something completely different and way more subtle. How would I ever know for sure? It's not like I can go back in time and look at my brain and watch for the specific moment the plurality switch was turned on.
That being said, I can see why a lot of people like the terms. They're just not for me.
I also don't see a point in emphasizing this huge divide between different plurals. Some people in the DD community act like the idea of non-disordered plurals relating to their experiences is impossible when it's incredibly common for people without specific disorders to relate to people with specific disorders! And I definitely find a lot of non-disordered plural experiences relatable (although usually not from a DID perspective...I usually relate more to non-disordered plurals as an author than I do as a disabled person).
It's also extremely common for people with DID to think that they're non-disordered at first. Not only did this happen to me, but in one of the polls I did, 1 out of every 2 participants experienced the same thing. For me, that was because of the lack of boundaries and information in the communities at the time, but I'm sure for others it could be because they felt like it was the same as their experience.
So, while I don't think there's a point in emphasizing a divide, I do think there needs to be healthier boundaries and better information out there.
As for whether we experience the same thing or not, I agree that on a case-by-case situation it's definitely subjective. But, I think it also needs to be seen from a broader picture. Are the concepts of non-disordered plurality and something like DID the same? Certainly not. And mashing them together was the reason why I didn't seek out professional help, because the community at the time didn't want to acknowledge that some systems ARE different from them.
If we started enforcing that DID should be treated just like non-disordered plurality, or vice versa, then I think that would hurt a lot of people. But it doesn't matter if a handful of people out there fit into both categories, or something entirely different.
I hope that makes sense! It's sorta difficult to talk about this stuff in a bit of a broader sense.
- Sunflower
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acepolh · 2 years
Mp3 gain linux mint
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OpenSUSE 15.3 - The Xfce desktop and application menu I also tried out the live desktop media with Xfce for the same architecture.
For the purposes of this trial I installed openSUSE using the full install 4.4GB ISO for x86_64 machines. These range in size from about 600MB up to about 950MB. There are also live desktop editions of the distribution which are available in GNOME, KDE Plasma, Xfce, and Rescue flavours. The full install images are about 4.4GB in size while the network installers tend to be about 150MB in size. openSUSE's installation media is available in both net-install and off-line installer flavours for x86_64, AArch64, IBM Z, and PowerPC systems. There are several editions of openSUSE, built for multiple hardware architectures.
Due to the upgrade path, it is highly recommended to upgrade to Leap 15.2 before upgrading to Leap 15.3. Users upgrading to openSUSE Leap 15.3 need to be aware that upgrading directly from versions before openSUSE Leap 15.2 is not recommended. People upgrading from previous versions should first upgrade to 15.2 as upgrading from earlier releases isn't supported. OpenSUSE 15.3 offers 18 months of security updates and support. The Xfce desktop though received a major update, moving from version 4.14 to 4.16 which introduces a number of improvements. The KDE Plasma desktop is still shipping version 5.18 and GNOME remains at version 3.34. For the most part major packages have stayed at the same versions they were earlier in the 15.x series. Most of these focus on containers and small improvements to development tools. There are a few other new features and upgrades.
openSUSE Leap 15.3 is built not just from SUSE Linux Enterprise source code like in previous versions, but built with the exact same binary packages, which strengthens the flow between Leap and SLE. There is one huge change from the previous Leap versions.
For the most part, openSUSE 15.3 is a minor update to the 15.x series which brings the community-focused, freely available openSUSE distribution closer in its technology to the business-oriented SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE). OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 is the latest release in the distribution's series of stable versions. Listen to the Podcast edition of this week's DistroWatch Weekly in OGG (18MB) and MP3 (13MB) formats.
Opinion poll: Writing an ISO/IMG file to a thumb drive.
Torrent corner: 4MLinux, Arch, CentOS, Clonezilla, Kali, Lakka, NixOS, MakuluLinux, openSUSE, OviOS, Rescuezilla, Septor, Tails.
Released last week: CentOS, openSUSE 15.3, Kali 2021.2.
Questions and answers: Writing an ISO directly from the web to a thumb drive.
News: Nemo gets new search capabilities, Rocky publishes status update and seeks volunteers, tips for protecting against out of memory termination.
We wish you all a wonderful week and happy reading! Plus we are pleased to share the releases of the past week and list the torrents we are seeding. What tools do you use to write ISO and IMG files to a thumb drive? Let us know in the Opinion Poll. Our Questions and Answers column this week discusses writing downloaded files directly to removable media when local hard drive storage is not available. We also share tips on counter-acting an operating system's out of memory (OOM) process when a memory-heavy program needs to be protected. Then, in our News section, we report on the Linux Mint team adding new search functions to the Nemo file manager along with the Rocky Linux project looking for volunteers to help round out the young distribution. We begin this week with a look at openSUSE Leap 15.3 and some of its key features. The project published a new version last week which introduces binary compatibility with its commercial sibling SUSE Linux Enterprise. OpenSUSE is the community branch of the SUSE family. Welcome to this year's 22nd issue of DistroWatch Weekly!
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3am-classpecting · 2 years
Determining Lunar Sway: A Simplified Guide
Hey all!! I’ve recently developed an interest in classpecting, mostly out of frustration of not knowing my own alignments, and not being satisfied with the Extended Zodiac quiz. I wanted to create a more straightforward method that was as simple yet comprehensive as possible, so using all the canon information from the descriptions on the Extended Zodiac, I’ve devised this handy little guide!
Almost every word is pulled directly from the eZodiac descriptions. Instructions below!
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You're more than welcome to save this and fill it out in your notes or photo editor! (I'll make a prettier infographic version of this eventually I promise but for now we're working from my notes app)
Step 1: Select which traits you feel fit best.
Step 2: Tally up how many traits you have for each lunar sway.
Step 3: The lunar sway you have the most points for is your lunar sway!
...That's it!
Tips and tricks:
There's no rule saying you can't select neither or both traits! If you feel as if it depends on the situation, select both. If you feel as if neither fit, choose neither! This is one of the problems the eZodiac has that this method seeks to fix. The lunar sways may be binary, but people aren't!
If you can't figure out which fits you better, try polling a few friends. You don't even necessarily have to choose what they tell you—sometimes asking other people can help you figure out what you think the answer is, based on your reaction to what they say. This is a trick I like to use for decision paralysis!
All of these terms are simplified bits from the canon descriptions, but that unfortunately means a little bit of context is missing. If you need clarification on what any of the options mean or are in regard to, let me know and I'll be happy to help! If you're not the type to reach out, though, you can also give the canon descriptions a look on the eZodiac site!
This method does not, unfortunately, get rid of the possibility of a tie, or final tallies that come very close together. For a tiebreaker, though, you can look at your sign class and which lunar sway that sign class is "supposed" to have. For instance, if you tied but your sign class is rust, you may say that Derse is your lunar sway.
If you have any suggestions or critiques on how to make this better, I'm more than happy to listen! I often find myself frustrated with most "personality" tests due to them not fitting me, and want to make something that can apply to everyone while still being as canon as possible!
Finally, here's mine as an example!
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I used to score Derse pretty consistently, but as the years go on and I grow and change as a person I find myself becoming Prospit more and more. On the previous version of this post, I scored 10 points for both and had to use the tiebreaker method (my sign class is blue, so I was just barely Prospit). Now, I'm 12–10! Just as your personality can change, so can your alignments!
Let me know what you got! <3
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romioneficfest · 4 years
2020 Romione Ficlet Fest
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It’s been years since there was a ficlet/short story fest and since there's a new group of writers with us, I figured it was time to bring this lovely fest idea to us for the 20's.
Toss in that there’s plenty of people who are still under stay at home orders, why not get a fest going for some wonderful Romione goodness. (and I could use the practice, too!)
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Information & Rules:
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1. Daily Prompts will be published for 2 weeks. There will be a word, scene, situation. Pick (1) and go from there.  I don't care how it's used, just that it's in there somewhere.
2. Ficlet is 500 words or less. Short Stories are 500 - 1500 words. I know everyone (including myself) absolutely love reading chapters that are 10K in length. But it’s also talent to write a short story, too. 
3. For those who want Ace Safe, I got you. The more the merrier for Ace Safe fics. If a submitted fic is over T / 15 / PG-15 rating, a Read-more line and tags will be applied to the story (for those who want the lemon zest, you have to click into it. Active & Enthusiastic Consent is very sexy!) I know plenty will want to only read MA fics. Cool. Those who want no citrus, I got you covered. 
4. Ron & Hermione's relationship must feature primarily in your story. (So if Ron's talking to Harry discussing his relationship with Hermione, 'tis cool. Ron snogging Harry instead - let's wait for a Rarry fest.) Two hard and fast rules for this fest:
1. No bashing of Ron or Hermione (anonymous request)
2. No Infidelity (My request & just... No.)
5. While a beta reader isn't mandatory, it's really, really helpful and appreciated. If you need one, let me know and I'll put a request out for someone to help. This also goes for anyone who doesn't speak English as a first language. I’m sure almost everyone would be more than glad to help in any way they can.
5A. Titles are necessary (for voting purposes) even if you pull it out from the Chamber of Secrets & toss it in a chamber pot once it's finished.
6. Ficlets will be published Anonymously until after the voting is completed. This should prevent any inherent bias towards one person or another or their stories.
6A. Voting will be through SurveyMonkey (once I crash course on how to use it and the best way to make the bracket voting happen.) It will be set to 1 person, one vote for each bracket per round.   No sockpuppet accounts. Let’s keep the drama in the stories and not anywhere else. 
6B. Stories are subjective. What is award-winning for one might be blah for another. Please keep any comments positive in public. Even if it's not a favourite, a reblog is never remiss, even without any additional tags. Someone else might see your reblog and it is their immediate new favourite.
6C: If the story is of a sensitive nature, please add all relevant trigger warnings and notes when submitting so I can have it tagged accordingly. If not tagged, I will add tags. 
6D: If anyone needs any specific tags (or what I need to look for in fics) send them in (with a name or Anonymous) and I’ll add it to a tag list (like for one who needs Not Safe for Ramadan when it comes to many things that are Haram.)
7. I will participate but am not eligible to win. I am actively choosing not to be eligible to win this prize. (I'm hosting it and purchased the grand prize and reading all the new fic ahead of time is my prize.)
8. In the event of a tie, I will vote - but only for that one particular binary bracket vote. This is a fest for the fans and followers. I will otherwise not vote. Thus, I cannot vote for myself - at all. This is for all of you.
8A. I will find a way to make the voting show up immediately so there is no shady or hinky stuff - or anyone saying I’m manipulating the polls. I don’t play that game but saying so upfront prevents any hard feelings. (I hope!)
9. Posting of Daily Prompts will be at 6pm GMT every day with a reblog at 6am GMT as well. I know we have fans abroad and I would love their stories too. More fics is never remiss - even if English isn’t your first language. If you need an additional posting time, let me know and I can set it on Queue as well.
10. Ficlets will be published as they come in. Please hold off publishing your fics on Ao3, FF, or Tumblr 'til after the Masterlist is released.
11. Ao3 publishing is still up in the air. I’m working on it. I hope to have it up and going within the next 10 days. 
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What will you win? Glad you asked.
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The lovely and very Talented @hillnerd​ has agreed to a commission for (1) full colour artwork 2 person (with details!) (only thing isn't a fully detailed background but y'all probably won't mind!) piece of art - for you, of your choosing (*and her pre-approved limitations.) I've paid her commission fee. The winner gets to choose what they want. All you have to do is discuss it with her what you want - and what she’s amenable to creating for you. I’m not involved in that process at all.
What are the prompts?
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Check-in at 6pm GMT on 11 May 2020 for the First Day’s Prompts.
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Submissions (leave that kind for the stories!)
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Submissions will be posted as they come in, anonymously. I will make a separate Post with the Submission form and (try) to put it on the submission page for this blog. Stay tuned!
Submission Form
Title: Prompt/Day: Tumblr name: Rating: Brief summary: Any possible triggering/warning tags:
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Have any questions? Hit the Question button and I'll try to answer as fast as I can.
With Love and Acidic Smolder,
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sylveranty · 4 years
Superstition Romance Poll Results
On June 23 2020, I opened up a romance poll about the interactive fiction game Superstition by @13leaguestories. I closed it on July 21 2020, so a good month later, and then compiled the results! There are a total of 189 answers. I was really happy to read all of the personal opinions people shared on the survey about the ROs, and am going to share some of them here. The results are under the cut! You'll find the results both in tables and described in text.
The Players' Gender
The first question asked was about the gender of the players. With 118 votes, the majority of people who answered the survey said they are female. 53 people said they are male, and 18 people answered non-binary.
Player's GenderFemale118Male53Non-Binary18
Roe's Gender
Next I asked about the gender of the main Roe people usually play. A little bit more than half of the voters said they are playing female Roes, 95 votes. 77 people play male Roes, 8 people play non-binary Roes, then there are 6 people playing a trans-female Roe and 3 people playing a trans-male Roe. The gender of the player and their Roe does not have to be the same. There are female players who play non-binary or male Roes, same with male and non-binary players.
Roe's GenderFemale95Male77Non-Binary8Trans-Female6Trans-Male3
Roe's Sexual Orientation
The votes for Roe's sexual orientation was relatively balanced. 77 Roes are interested in Men, 57 Roes are interested in both, and 54 Roes are only interested in Women. There was 1 person who voted for None.
Roe's Sexual OrientationWomen54Men77Both57None1
Now we're coming to the actual romance survey.
The most favourite RO
The most favourite romance so far (mid to end of Season 2) is without a doubt Sydero! 59 of 189 people voted for her as their favourite romance. In second place is Chris with 44 votes. Then comes Zillah with 39 votes, and Rahim with 31 votes. Amari is currently last with 15 votes to her name, which I'd mostly put on us not knowing her for long yet. Her low ranking might also be due to how I asked the questions.
Most Favourite Romance OptionSydero59Chris44Zillah39Rahim31Amari15
Favourite RO of people playing Roes interested in Women
Sydero got 43 votes here, Amari got 11 votes.
Most Favourite RO for Roes Interested in WomenSydero43Amari11
Favourite RO of people playing Roes interested in Men
Surprisingly enough, Chris and Zillah got the same number of votes here: 29. Rahim is behind them with just 19 votes.
Most Favourite RO for Roes Interested in MenChris29Zillah29Rahim19
Favourite RO of people playing Roes interested in Both
Likely because of the higher number of romance options available to these Roes, the numbers are relatively balanced. Sydero got the most votes here with 16 votes. Chris has 15 votes, Rahim 12 votes, Zillah got 10 votes, and Amari got 4 votes as the most favourite RO in this category.
Most Favourite RO for Roes Interested in BothSydero16Chris15Rahim12Zillah10Amari4
Second favourite romance for Roes interested in "both"
I only let people who are interested in either men or women choose *one* favourite romance option, and when put against Sydero, Amari so far simply draws the shorter stick. I allowed people who play Roes who are interested in both men and women to pick a second favourite romance option. There, Amari got another 16 votes in total, especially from people who chose Sydero as their most favourite romance. So it's not that she does not have any fans, but so far she is a bit overshadowed by other romance options. Everyone who chose that their Roe is interested in "both" could answer this question. This means there were a total of 57 answers. In this question, 16 people named Amari as their second favourite romance. 10 of these votes are by Sydero fans, another 4 by Chrismancers, and 2 by Rahimancers. No person romancing Zillah as their main named Amari as their second favourite. Zillah got a total of 13 votes here. 5 by Chrismancers, 4 votes by Rahimancers, 3 votes by Sydmancers, and 1 vote by an Amari romancer. Chris got 10 votes. 5 votes by people romancing Zillah as their main, 3 by Rahimancers, and 2 by Syderomancers. No votes by people who chose Amari as their favourite romance. Rahim got 9 votes. 3 of those are by Amarimancers, another 3 by Chrismancers, then 2 by Zillahmancers, and 1 vote by a Sydmancer. Last is Sydero, who got 6 votes as second favourite romance. 3 of these votes come from Zillahmancers, then 2 by Chrismancers, and 1 vote by a Rahimancer. There are 2 people who are only interested in Rahim, and 1 person only interested in Chris.
Second Favourite RO for Roes Interested in BothAmari16Zillah13Chris10Rahim9Sydero6
Rivalmancing or Friendmancing
This question was about whether people romance a character with a high relationship (friendmancing) or a low relationship (rivalmancing). The dynamic of the relationship will change a bit depending on that in the long run. This question only considered the most favourite romance, not the second favourite romance some people could pick. This also does not say anything about whether players have a platonic rivalry or friendship with the other characters. In summary, there is an overwhelming majority of people who friendmance these characters. Out of the 59 people who votes for Sydero as their most favourite romance, 52 people chose friendmancing vs 7 rivalmancers.
Syd - Friend or Rival? Votes: 59 Friendmancing52Rivalmancing7
Out of the 44 voters for Chris, there are 43 friendmancers vs 1 rivalmancer.
Chris - Friend or Rival? Votes: 44Friendmancing43Rivalmancing1
For Zillah, there are 34 friendmancers vs 5 rivalmancers.
Zillah - Friend or Rival? Votes: 39Friendmancing34Rivalmancing5
Rahim has 26 friendmancers vs 5 rivalmancers.
Rahim - Friend or Rival? Votes: 31Friendmancing26Rivalmancing5
Lastly, Amari got 14 friendmancers vs 1 rivalmancer.
Amari - Friend or Rival? Votes: 15Friendmancing14Rivalmancing1
Best friend
I also let people vote for their Roe's current best friend. Out of all, Bradley got the most votes - 70 people voted for him to be their Roe's best friend. With a bit of a gap comes Chris with 46 votes, followed by Amari with 43 votes. Then there's another gap cause Sydero is in fourth place with only 17 votes. After her comes Zillah in second to last place with 10 votes, and Rahim only got 3 votes. Rahim doesn't quite make it easy to warm up to him.
Roe's Best FriendBradley70Chris46Amari43Sydero17Zillah10Rahim3
The Forbidden Ones aka The Cursed Romances
Many people have expressed their desire to get to know various characters intimately, and I gave them the opportunity to vote for their biggest desires. This was an optional question, some skipped it. Furthermore, it was possible to select multiple answers in this one and add one additional answer. I won't make a bigger summary out of this and mostly only list the ranking below. But here's the top five: With 53 votes, the most people selected to call the entire question pure blasphemy and to rat me out to Tierra... I can tell you though that a good chunk of these people also selected other options additionally to this one. With 51 votes, the Italian suit wearing fallen angel Azrael is in second place. He only had a short amount of screentime, but his formal attire and mysterious nature must have enchanted a good amount of people. With 44 votes, the beautiful skeleton from the Superstition Season 2 itchio page is in third place! Who can possibly resist its wonderfully coloured bones? Close behind the skeleton is the Prince of Lust, Asmodeus with 42 votes. There is little more to say, he's *Lust* for goodness' sake. But Asmodeus is almost thrown off his place by the curveous Honda Civic with 41 votes. Such a breathtaking lineup!
The Forbidden OnesWHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY?!?! I'M TELLING TIERRA!!!53Azrael. Italian suit, you say...51The skeleton from the S2 itchio page. What a beautiful pelvic bone...44Asmodeus, King of Lust, what more is there to say?!42Honda Civic, honey, you've got such nice curves41Faye. Wonder what a mature, composed woman like her hides in the sheets38Queen Titania can sacrifice me anytime37Wrath can step on me27Envy, shittalk me again, oh baby24Petri, Langston, Raum destroying me together in the precinct.22Langston, you be Edgar, I be Serleena19Petri can gnaw on me, or maybe he wants to play fetch ;)14Raum. Bald men who know what they want make me weak9Jeff. Licking alcohol off the skin...8
Submitted Opinions on the Favourite Romances
The last I have for you is a selection of personal opinions people submitted to explain why they chose a certain character as their favourite romance. I am thankful for each of these submissions, I read them all, and I'm sharing them with Tierra as well cause I think they might as well make her day! Some of the submissions were very long, so I cannot share those here (the post is already incredibly long). To every wonderful anon who mentioned the Discord but aren't on there cause they are afraid to clog it: PLEASE don't be shy to join the Discord! We are a friendly bunch and love to hear the thoughts of other people about the characters! And to every anon who in the feedback section of the survey addressed their submission to me: I CRIED, I was incredibly moved. Thank you all so much for your kind words! Now, no more talking. Here are some opinions on the ROs!
Why is Sydero your favourite romance?
[[I love this invisible connection Syd and Roe seem to have, The constant denial about how they feel and the tension that's been building since the first time their eyes met. Not to mention Syd's always protecting her Roe *heart*]] [[She's the kind of character that always seems ambiguous in terms of morality and to achieve what needs to be done.]] [[I’m a simple person with simple tastes, I’m big gay for confidence]] [[Why does one fall in love? I have no idea, but I know that I love Sydero]] [[I already found the ways she puts up walls to not get overly attached to other people to be both :( and endearing at the same time but I somehow did not expect the whole "she's sexually experienced by trade" twist and THAT is PEAK gap moe]]
Why is Amari your favourite romance?
[[Fluffy. Cute.]] [[That sweet, sweet Amari fluff]] [["Amari, I want you to (redacted) in my mouth and (redacted) my face. Then kiss me like your life depended on it. I love you sexy hybrid you."]] (redacted by me, you know, cause naughty stuff)
Why is Chris your favourite romance?
[[I'm an absolute slut for angst and the whole friends-to-lovers trope and goddamnit, Chris' route has so much of that, it hits me in the feels like a freight train almost every episode. The pining, the misunderstandings, the sacrifice (you know what scene I'm talking about – I chose Bradley because I would DIE for that child, but wow did my heart hURT), it's all so good! Ngl, if I ever experienced even a fraction of this stuff in a real life relationship, my emotional state/health would almost immediately fold like a lawn chair and snap...but in interactive fiction? Sign me tf up for this angstfest, this girl wants to cry herself to sleep tonight!]] [[He’s very comical, he has more history with roe, and even though he’s almost like the weakest link in the game it makes it seem like my roe is a badass. Plus I’m always a sucker for childhood/best friends romance!]] [[Because he feels real. Like any human being.]] [[He was the first character I met, and Im a sucker for the first option in almost every storie where there are romanceable characters. I loved his personality at first (still do), then formed a love-hate relationship with the angst. Ive never regretted him as my route and I adore both the cute moments between him and roe as well as the scenes where he was being a total dick. Hes a well balanced, realistic, and overall amazing character and hes just the one who captured both my and my roes heart.]]
Why is Rahim your favourite romance?
[[Chris, while understandably, became kind of a jerk. Also he's way too soft and vanilla from reading answered asks. Zillah is cool, but I don't know enough about him yet. Rahim kinda sexy though. And he has money? That's p hot yknow]] [[I want your babies]] [[The tension *chef's kiss* ]]
Why is Zillah your favourite romance?
[[Well, first of, he has my exact kinks. Like, that's a perfect match - Hell, he even has the hentai tentacles. Also, I love me a good bäd boi and Zillah has just the right amount of preciousness mixed in. He is perfection. Only problem is he looks like someone I'm related to lmao So I kinda headcanon the looks.]] [[Because he is straightforward about romance and doesn't jerk Roe around. If Rahim were less of a jerk, he might be my fave, but he is constantly jerking Roe around, acting like he cares then spitting in her face. He's basically an emotional sadist. Considering what Roe's going through, she has no interest in more pain. Zillah is fun and is showing outright that he wants Roe. It's refreshing. (And Chris is just a wuss, so he never did anything for my Roe.)]] [[His directness, he doesn't shy away from what he wants, and his challenging nature.]] [[I love how Zillah tries hard to be an ass to us, but he really really cares.]] [[lil shit, supernatural, monsterfucker, the angst, the smut, I can boop his nose]] With that I conclude the Superstition Romance Poll/Survey! I plan to do another poll at the end of Season 3 to see how things have changed. The end of Season 3 is a good point for that as you do lock into the romances at around that point. If you have any feedback for me what I could do different in the next survey, feel free to tell me. I'm still learning and trying out how to do this stuff. Thank you all for your time! Stay safe. (Edit: I completely forgot about the additional answers to the Forbidden Ones. People were allowed to add one additional reply to that question. Here are some of them:) [[Leona]] [[Listen . . . I enjoy all romance.... as long as they're over the age of 18. Sorry Bradley you're cute but the little bro energy is too much... maybe in a time-skipped extra where you play as a different character lol. Roe is too family.]] [That can of cola Roe didn't finish. Wasteful.[]] [[I just want Faye and Jeff to get married and adopt the crew 😭😭]] [[THIS IS DODGE CHALLENGER ERASURE AND I WON'T STAND FOR IT!! *double rage emoji*]] [[That one guy or gal at the Alley that you could flirt with *pensive* hope they are doing fine in their model career]] [[Let me back into that book world, I miss my book crush]] [[Don't judge me I have issues…]] [[NGHHHHH its HORNY TIME BABE!]] [[I approve of the chaos this will bring]] [[Thank you for those choices. It's hilarious XD]] [[I'm laughing my ass off thank you so much]] [[What's up with the skeleton Question LMAO]] [[nope lol]] [[The only intimate moment anyone on this list (except for Faye and Jeff, purely platonic) can expect from my Roe is the right of a bullet to the skull.]] [[I only love Syd huehue]] [[I am genuinely concerned for anyone who picks the above]]
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transgenderpolls · 2 days
just wanted to pop in to say that im afab and non-binary and don't consider myself transmasc and I see polls that are related to my experience but are lead with "[for] transmascs" and im not sure if it's intentionally saying im not the target audience or if youre doing the thing that many people do where all afab trans people get called transmasc and all amab trans people get called transfemme....like should i be voting on these are not....hm....
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I promise the intent with just about any phrasing that I use (or allow to make it through on submitted polls) is to exclude anyone who doesn't identify in that exact way. 99% of the time, it's simply a matter of finding shorthand that communicates what I need to communicate. In the case of "transmasc," I use it when the poll is directed at trans people whose transition is masculinizing, regardless of exact identity. There are times when it's purely up to identity, and also times when the context is more the medical definition of transmasculine. I generally don't assume that anyone's going to take really issue with this, so I'm sorry you feel excluded.
The thing is, its alternatives are just not that good? I don't want to make a habit of addressing people by their agab even generally/anonymously, and I don't want to be even more needlessly exclusive, and I also don't want to be too needlessly wordly. Like, we're kind of genuinely in a crisis of literacy. I gotta keep this stuff simple to read and understand.
All that being said, I'll try to figure ways around it in order to be more inclusive, but also you definitely CAN answer on those polls if you want to. "I don't strictly consider myself X thing but I know who the poll is really addressing, and I'm part of them" is certainly an attitude I've had about plenty of polls I've seen, so like, go nuts! Or if you don't feel comfortable, then don't. It's up to you.
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copperbadge · 4 years
Fandom Seller Directory Answers!
FWIW, guys, I started building the poll. It should be live in a day or two. It’ll be mostly self-sustaining but I’ll try to format it for readability as I can. And I’ll recc it out on Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and perhaps the first week in December. 
cathain852 replied to your post “Fandom Gift Shop Directory”
if they are fandom related goods, a list of available fandoms would be helpful
Ooh, good one, added! 
wingedspirit replied to your post “Fandom Gift Shop Directory”
Also, as a buyer, I would like to know where they're located, both for the sake of expedient shipping (getting something within a few days if they're in the same country as I am, vs having to wait ages for it to come from overseas) and for the sake of avoiding "this is expensive, shipping will cost an arm and a leg, and then I'll have to pay customs charges on top of that".
Yeah, this seems pretty doable, at least in a “Where are you, do you ship outside your country” sense. Any more detail than that gets into a bit nitty gritty area, and is something that I think is better asked once you know you’re interested in their goods. 
voyageboots replied to your post “Fandom Gift Shop Directory”
If its a very large registry, some basic categories people could opt into would be helpful for sorting the sheet. Like crochet/knit goods, bags, jewerly, clothes, resin, etc. Also maybe price range like how google I can sort $ $$ $$$? Seconding the request for a binary yes/no custom orders column
The binary yes/no custom orders column is in, plus a “how to contact for commissions” question right after. I thought about putting the “what do you make” in categories, but I think at that point it starts to pigeonhole people too much, and the spreadsheet starts to get really ugly. I think people can probably word-search or scroll if there’s something super specific they’re looking for. 
Price range I tried to add, but it’s just...that’s such a subjective thing, what’s low price versus high price. I figure that’s some research people can do on their own a bit -- at least with the directory they can go back to it if they check someone’s prices and it’s too high for their budget. 
akela-nakamura replied to your post “Fandom Gift Shop Directory”
As a buyer I would want to know if they accept commissions/customization (Within reason, of course), and if they have a different form of contact for said commissions.
The second part I hadn’t thought of at first, good call. 
As a buyer I’d like to know the latest time I can order something for it to get to me in time for Christmas. I know people who, for example, use places like redbubble to make prints, mugs, shirts, et cetera for them would need to just direct you to the site’s policy, but there are some creators (like from Etsy) who might have individual policies
I thought about this, but I’m inclined to leave it out just because it’s something most people post in their shops anyway, and I don’t like to have a column that gives a deadline like that, especially since it tends to give people a sense that they have more time than they do, and then the artist gets crunched. I think, kind of like price range, this is something the consumer can better check for themselves. Good idea though, definitely something I seriously considered. 
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Monsters & Maw’s Updated Patreon Masterlist
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This list is public and free for anyone to browse, so you don’t need to be a Patron to at least see what’s up there. Hopefully something might entice you! This list comprises everything that is unique to Monsters and Maw’s Patreon.
It does not include early release posts which are also found on Tumblr, links to polls and updates, paid commissions, or super tiny sneak peaks. Please let me know if any of the links aren't working.
Updated 06.08.2019 (UK date format)
Patreon Exclusive Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Commissions *New Category*
Female space pirate captain x buff female reader (nsfw)
Male minotaur (Axel) x female reader (sfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader (nsfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader - Part Two (nsfw)
Male shadowborne warrior (Shaer) x female reader (nsfw)
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw)
Starfall Springs *New Category*
Introductory post with logo art
Preliminary map of Starfall Springs
Early list of characters so far...
Centaur farmer concept art and info (Jaime)
Orc blacksmith concept art and info (Dhurak)
Skeletal lich mage concept art and info (Rhae)
Woodcutter and carpenter minotaur concept art and info (Will)
Tiefling innkeeper concept art and info (Killygren)
Story #1 Dhurak (male orc x reader, sfw)
Story #2 Killygren (male tiefling x male reader, nsfw)
Story #3 Noah (male orc x reader, nsfw)
Male vampire & male kelpie best friends (sfw fluffy)
Fae Realm *New Category*
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts  
Concept art and drawings
Volcanic elemental drawing
Half orc cinnamon roll (Tuk)
Hades on his way back from the baths...
'Creepy' kelpie (Dolen) doodle
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
Patreon Exclusives
New series, premiering in June - Hunter's Choice - a mlm vampire x hunter action adventure story!
Non-binary trickster spirit (Locke) x reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (nsfw)
Male goblin x female reader (Valentine's special)
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Writer's Corner - Blog posts on Creativity
Writer's Corner #1 on Writer's Block
Writer's Corner #2 on 5 types of writer and their quirky habits
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’, ‘Riftgard’, and other extracts
Weaver of Threads - extract, in which Tomas and Kai discuss soul-bonding
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Leirym (prologue)
Other (including video content!)
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Ghosti answers your questions in a video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
Rewards include access to our private Discord server, early release on all Tumblr stories, monthly exclusive stories, character bios and drawings, polls, and relatively freequent Discord drabbles/free requests.
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trans-advice · 5 years
How to get HRT in the UK?
so basically it starts by talking with your GP. Swap your GP if you have a hostile one. They should refer you to a specialist regarding gender dysphoria. From there, you’ll get hormones. The wait time for a GIC is over 2 years, everytime a GP needs to ask a GIC specialist. There are occasionally reasons to get bumped up, but a lot of people have died waiting.
these are articles about wait times: 
https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/mike-webberley-suspended-trans-kids/#gs.v6ce8d (I do not know how this affects the availability of private practitioners, but this decision stopped the healthcare 1600 patients were getting.)
this is a resource i’m using for this. it’s from february 2017. the articles on the wait times are from 2019.
Either way, you will need to bring information & plan what you are going to say. therefore, I’m going to answer this ask by giving a lot of links & also some transgender history so you can catch your practitioners up on understanding who you are as a transgender person. i will probably be giving a more “tucute” explanation since “truscum” explanations seem to be mainstream in the UK & so if your needs do not conform to “truscum” explanations, you’re more likely to get pushback & hence need more help.
It appears that “dysphoria is a requirement” is relatively mainstream in the UK. Personally, I got  dysphoria just reading how the beginning of this document by Mermaids conflates body modification as a requirement for validation for trans women & men & lack of as androgyneous/genderqueer. body modification is valid, but yikes! Then again, Mermaids might just be describing what you’re about to wade through, I do not know.
From the Mermaids Guide For Young People (PDF page 19-20, printed page numbers 17-18)
How to get treatment 
Getting medical treatment as a trans person means that you will have to see quite a few doctors and gender specialists. ‘Treatment’ may be defined as receiving counselling, hormones, or even surgery. It’s up to you to decide if you want any of these things. Your GP is the first person you will need to visit to get the ball rolling. If you are going to do this, it may be helpful to plan a strategy. Work out what you want to say beforehand. • Bring general information with you that will explain your situation clearly. • Have a clear idea of what you want from the appointment and be direct when asking for this. (For instance, a referral to a gender clinic.) • Be realistic in what you expect to achieve from your appointment. • If your GP isn’t supportive or helpful don’t be afraid to swap and remember you do not need to give a reason for doing this. PALS can help you and can be contacted through your local Primary Care Trust or GP Surgery. 
NHS vs Private
Some trans people opt for the private route instead of NHS. There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these routes, and just because you start on one it doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot change part way through. Although it is considered unethical (see BMA.org.uk) you may experience some difficulty going from private back into NHS routes. 
Pros & Cons 
+ It’s free. 
- There are long waiting lists for NHS gender clinics 
- You will have less control over timescales/treatment. 
- You may not have much choice over surgeons/procedures. 
+ Will not have to wait long for treatment.
- It can be quite expensive. 
- You will have to pay for consultations with specialists consultations with surgeons and surgery itself. You may have to also pay for hormone prescriptions.
+ You have a choice of surgeon if you choose to have surgery. 
+ You will be treated with respect.
Sex hormones are responsible for the changes in human bodies that produce male and female characteristics. The male hormone testosterone is produced in the testes and the female hormone, oestrogen is produced in the ovaries. For some trans people hormone therapy can be an important part of their transition, but may not be for everyone. In the case of MTFs, oestrogen is often prescribed to feminise the body and hormone blockers are given to halt or regress masculinisation. In the case of FTMs, testosterone will bring on many of the male secondary sex characteristics. 
It is important to take responsibility for yourself as to whether hormone treatment is right for you. Changing the makeup of your body is one of the most serious decisions you may ever make and much consideration must take place before reaching a decision. In order to aid with this most doctors would recommend between 3 months and 2 years’ “real life experience” (living in your chosen gender) in order to make sure you want to live full time as the man or woman you feel yourself to be. Without hormone therapy, however, passing can be difficult for some. As with any prescribed lifetime medication it is advisable to maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise and a balanced diet, as well as not drinking excessively, taking drugs or smoking. Hormones might not be prescribed if you are not in good health. You will need to have regular blood tests and will be referred by your GP to an endocrinologist.
because one of the things the mermaids guide recommends is collecting information, i would suggest giving this article from 2003 that discusses the insanity of the lived life experience requirement: http://www.trans-health.com/2003/real-life-test/ it basically says that when it originated, 
there was no research before it became a thing. it was merely the experience a wealthy donor to trans research (who was FTM) had with his doctor. (so already, the data was likely restricted to trans men & the effects of testosterone. for trans men, a lot of transitioning can be handled with HRT, while undoing a testerone puberty is nowhere near that easy.)
hormone replacement therapy during it was considered valid & that the test was for genital surgery not hormone replacement therapy. 
on top of that the real life experience test was developed circa 1966-1969 when women had significantly fewer civil rights (in the USA where this test was developed women were banned from opening credit accounts, serving on juries, could be blocked from universities on the basis of sex/gender, be fired for gender non-conformity, etc. basically being a housewife was the default expectation.https://www.cnn.com/2014/08/07/living/sixties-women-5-things/index.html so basically if a woman didn’t like living under sexist patriarchy she was told to either conform or pretend to be a man.
also in that era, there was a perception that “transsexual” people were basically so gay they wanted to be straight (& that assumption didn’t get stopped until Lou Sullivan died of AIDS like a lot of gay men in his era.)  but likewise if a heterosexual transsexual woman was merely into men/androphilic they could figure out they were a gay man instead of a straight woman. (bisexuals & asexuals, omg where they disregarded.)
also consider (to refuting lived life experience before HRT) that we use our ID’s a ton in life. so having this lived life experience when we don’t have corrected ID documents is backwards. 
i gather you can change your legal name rather easily, (with a deed poll), but not your gender marker. granted, availability of ID gender marker correction (such as self-determination) is not exactly within your control, but it should stress to your doctors how this is literally the way you need to transition under current UK law. https://www.ngalaw.co.uk/knowledge-centre/changing-your-legal-gender-in-the-uk  (page 17-18 of the PDF, page 15-16 of the printed document under the header Names.) for more information again, read The Mermaids Guide. 
also note that only binary gender identities are considered valid under current UK law & thereby there are no nonbinary marker option.
Good Luck, Peace & Love,
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