#also it's rainy outside :0
salamispots · 1 year
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different kind of wip
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foxcassius · 8 months
my airbnb has self check-in and i accidentally showed up and let myself in 10 mins early. do you think im going to get in trouble
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declanlikesmusic · 11 months
never got into vaporwave probably, what projects should i listen to for an introduction??
I always love this question. Finding the best primers to the whole of the vaporwave landscape and introducing new people to them is one of the many things with this genre that I just find so fun. I'm going to try to be as succinct as I can, but I am going to shoutout a lot, specifically twelve, so go ahead and take your time with these.
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Macintosh Plus – Floral Shoppe (2011)
The biggest vaporwave album of all time. I will tell you now that this album is by no means perfect, it has quite a mixed reputation among fans & outsiders of the genre, but this is the album to single-handedly define the genre's core ethos in such a highly-concentrated way. If nothing else, this should give you a taste of what inspires and influences the genre most.
Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. 1 (2010)
By all accounts, this is the very first vaporwave album and to this day, nothing sounds quite like it. A classic array of disorienting, hazy & psychedelic loops of old popular songs that still sound fresh and wholly enveloping.
猫 シ Corp. – HIRAETH (2014)
This one here is to help people gain a better understanding of what your typical standard vaporwave album often sounds like. It's quite varied in a number of subtly different styles & approaches to traditional vaporwave with some ambiance sprinkled in as well.
SAINT PEPSI – Hit Vibes (2013)
Now we're getting into the individual subgenres of vaporwave and while there's a few traditional vaporwave tunes sprinkled in here for variety, this album birthed & defined the genre of future funk with some of the best dance bangers you'll find in the scene. Lots of classy tunes on here, it's an absolute jam.
Blank Banshee – Blank Banshee 0 (2012)
Up to this point, every album I've shared has been intensely sample-based. This album still carries some samples, but it has original beats & synths to establish another subgenre known as vaportrap. It's a great beat tape with some classic tunes and I also recommend its sequel too, which is my favourite vapor album of all time.
ESPRIT 空想 – virtua.zip (2014)
Carrying on from the last album, this one almost doesn't use samples at all and when it does, it's usually an extra sound or instrument at most. I'm putting this here to establish that even basic vaporwave can be crafted from original compositions and the results are short but great.
t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 – 現実を超えて (2014)
What makes vaporwave the way it is and not like any other genre adjacent to it is its intensely heavy focuses on atmosphere more than anything else. So naturally, you're going to see a lot of bridges to ambient music. This first example is the subgenre of slushwave, which crafts the same excellent vaporwave tunes, but additionally filters them through such a wash of effects that transform them into psychedelic & blissful dreamscapes.
식료품groceries – 슈퍼마켓Yes! We're Open (2014)
The next subgenre in this vein is mallsoft, which answers the question of vaporwave being set in the tall & wide spaces of shopping centres by placing relaxing tunes in pools of reverb and letting them sprawl from the loudspeakers of the area's corners. This album is the first big one to establish that with a unique setting and gorgeous sample choices.
2814 – 新しい日の誕生 (2015)
The last of these ambient subgenres is dreampunk, which is a lot like vaportrap in that it heavily relies on its own compositions with very few samples while still retaining the genre's focus on nostalgia, this time set in the melancholic & rainy nights of the urban city through what is at least the second biggest album in the entire genre.
death's dynamic shroud – I'll Try Living Like This (2015)
I'm gonna end this list with a few of the genre's weirdest corners. Vaporwave is constantly wide open to new & unique ways of experimentation and this album stands as the best example of that. Wholly unique aesthetic choices, completely innovative sampling techniques and an overall opus of incredibly strange, surreal & psydchedelic soundscapes.
Infinity Frequencies – Computer Death (2013)
After that, I'll close this list with two examples of an abstract subgenre known by two names. They're synonymous to the greater community & world of music, but I see them as two different approaches. They're both defined by the creation of intensely haunting, isolated & loops of mysterious soundbites extracted from the likes of television & radio. Signalwave is what I use to describe the more accessible & musical end of that sound and this start of a trilogy is the best example for it.
░▒▓新しいデラックスライフ▓▒░ – ▣世界から解放され▣ (2012)
On the other hand, I will leave you with what I consider to be the most divisive vaporwave record of all time. This album defines what is more commonly known as broken transmission and it is much more obtuse, glitchy, dark & surreal to listen to depending on the album. You're going to listen to this and either love it, hate it or sit inbetween. People have taken it as a joke while others view it as a work of art. Approach this one at your own discretion.
That's it! Those are the first 12 vaporwave albums that I will almost always recommend every single one of you to check out first. The greater landscape of vaporwave doesn't start & end with these albums, but instead, they give you the best surface level primer to help dip your toes in to such an amazing genre of music.
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skunkes · 6 months
You probably get this asked a lot but do you have any particular things you keep in mind when writing in your journal? I started recently and it's been great but I find that Only recapping my day gets to be a bit tedious (esp when I don't go outside much lol) so I was curious what you do to keep motivated with it ! Ur sticker layouts are always so cutes btw I'm very inspired by them ^_^💖
Yeah! I mainly journal for Memory Keeping as i have a weird obsession with wanting to keep track of anything/everything, so i just think of what future cheye would want to know, instead of just recapping day.
Makes me really sad bc in college all i had energy to write was like "ate x went to class went to mailroom went to class 2 had x for dinner 1 am now goodnight" and its like. What about. The whole rest of it!! What did u do who did you talk to when was it that you saw a raccoon irl for the first time!!! Were you stressing over assignments?? Which and why!!! I have 0 tangible, meaningful, memories of what happened now. Just sterile clinical ones. :(
I do track things consistently like my rating for the day, the time i woke up and the time i go to bed, what i ate, if i cried, along wit other personal stats (i like the numbers!). Sometimes I also dont Do anything in a day so i just focus on other things, like taking the opportunity to write about feelings a little bit, so future cheye Knows the state of mind i was in on a given day, or maybe talk about how I bought something and am excited to wear/use it
Not much happened today so I wrote about and included how my dad described the plot of to, and showed me, some scenes of The Untouchables 1987 today because a song always reminds him of that movie...
yesterday I wrote about how my sister and I are planning on trying some pillsbury cocoa rolls on thursday, since we couldn't today, and that I am Excited.
I don't know, its small things that I feel I'd appreciate in the future even if they seem silly or pointless right now...(and also good for keeping track of personal growth, as Im hoping I at one point get to pinpoint where my complaints about Not Wanting to Drive fade away from the entries. Ykwim?)
ITS KIND OF LIKE THAT ONE POST ON HERE...like "if you see this tag one delight from your day no matter how small". You ""force"" yourself to come up with something to pad the entry with, and I think it's small things like that that will be really telling of your time here, in the future ^_^ time capsule of the old you
like. Did you see something insanely funny? Did your best friend say something weird... Did the internet platforms you browse all rally over a war criminal dying... Is it still rainy and chilly like it was yesterday? Are you excited for your birthday even if its many months away... What series did you start rewatching? Did u get scared by a shadow while walking your dog...idk! Anything, everything
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andmaybegayer · 7 months
Last Monday of the Week 2023-10-16
Another year older. Stealing the Untitled Wednesday Library Series format from Morrak for an open Reading section and then we'll get to the normal post.
Untitled Monday Wednesday Library Entry No. 0
Do you like a recipe book? Do you like an unbearably comprehensive and frequently incorrect recipe book? Well boy do I have an item for you:
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It's Indian Delights, the de facto standard book of South African Indian cooking. Assembled in the 60's by the Durban Women's Cultural Group and in print ever since then.
The How
A birthday gift from my parents, who sent it from South Africa.
There are apparently places that carry this book outside of South Africa but I do not know what those are.
The Text
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Dubious, but useful despite this. It was written in the 60's by a bunch of people who had never and would never again write a recipe book. You may note from the frontmatter that while it has had sixteen impressions since its first publication in 1961, there has only ever been a single revision of the book. There are numerous errors, omissions, and flaws. Recipes may list ingredients that are not used, call for ingredients in the method not given before, begin preparing components and never use them, or outright lie about the quantities of ingredients you need. A challenging exercise.
Any given individual's copy of this book is full of little pen notes, slips of paper, and scratched out experiments. I have a blank canvas.
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It is absolutely stuffed to the brim with recipes from the then-almost-century of South African development on South Asian cuisine. It is intended as a one-stop-shop for cooking from a diaspora of extremely wide origins.
South African Indians arrived in South Africa as indentured labour for British sugar farms and could just as easily be from the relatively cold and mountainous North Indian regions or the low, rainy, hot coastal areas of South India. As a result you've had almost a hundred years of adapting to the locally available ingredients, intermarriages across wide geographic origins, and failing memories. There are frequently many duplicates of any given recipe, each with some unique variation of note.
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It is also extremely dated. It still lives in an era where "adding an elachi (cardamom) pod to your rice" is a luxurious choice that requires financial considerations, and where meat was still expensive. It also has a delightful section on mass cooking, such as the above "Biryani for 100 people" which has an additional note on the ingredients for a "Biryani for 800 people" on the opposite leaf. These things come up sometimes, although the largest biryani I've ever been involved in was for about 60 people.
It is not really for beginners but it does have a lot of introductory matter, in part because it has to contend with the mishmash of languages and loanwords that exist. You don't know if the reader uses the hindi word for cumin, or the tamil word for cumin, or makes a formal distinction between roti and chapati. As a result, there are extensive opening tables of translations.
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The Object
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Big, blocky hardcover recipe book. Cheap but hardwearing coated pages. I have seen these in every imaginable state of disrepair, unfortunately I do not have a photo on hand of my mother's which is completely beat to hell.
I mentioned that there have not been many updates, and this continues to the outside. Not a single impression has, for example, corrected the misalignment of the spine and the cover that means it stands out on any book storage system.
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Some damage to the cover from the rigours of air travel. It'll recover, or rather, it'll get beat up in ways that make that negligible.
The photography is antiquated, having been taken by a photographer who was certainly good but was operating a) with 1961 camera technology, b) 1961 photographic sensibilities, and c) no real experience in food photography. As a result the images can look somewhat alien if you're familiar with more modern food photograpy. Colours are not accurate, framing is flat, and composition is often packed.
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In addition to the colour glamour plates, there are black and white instructional photos, which are much more timeless.
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The Why, Though?
Indian Delights is a very important cultural reference for the South African Indian population, and it's a pretty standard leaving home/getting married/leaving home and getting married gift. I've bought a copy for many friends and now this one is mine.
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Will I actually use this much? Certainly not that often. My mother and her sisters learned to cook from this book, so it is the root of my personal culinary tradition. That means I already know a lot of what can be distilled from this for day-to-day recipes. Where it is handy is for more technical dishes, which require some guidance, or as an ingredient reference for something new you want to try.
In particular Diwali is coming up and while both my mother and I are staunch atheists, we will also take any excuse to make a ton of sweets for friends. If you are in Prague in the week of the 12th of November you can probably hit me up for something.
Listening: Acheney is a shockingly talented synth designer for the niche softsynth tracker sunvox, available now on windows, mac, linux, windows CE, android, and iOS. I was tooling around with their Guitar synths and decided to check out their music, which is a couple albums of very high concept EDM inspired ambient and/or noise stuff. Here's Euler Characteristic Zero
Watching: @humansbgone is an animated sci-fi series about intelligent giant arthropods and their attempts to deal with invasions of pesky little humans
Big spec-bio focus with a lot of end notes on the arthropods in question.
Playing: Played the Trans Siberian Railway Simulator demo, which I recorded and put up here, with crap audio because it's authentic to what I had lying around after I forgot my headphones at work.
Also: the digital version of the D&D themed agent placement game Lord of Waterdeep with my family, which works quite well. It's weird to have the game handling the admin of moving points around and automatically deducting resources, but it does make the game go very quickly, even if your parents are still figuring out the interface.
Making: Big cooking experiment with a slow roast lamb shank. Came out very well. Lamb shank definitely one of the more animal parts of an animal you can cook. Smells intensely of lanolin and other hair smells. Real greasy. Big honkin' bone. Smooth and fine but sturdy musculature. This thing used to be a very specific part of something alive and that thing lived the kind of life that develops the very particular smells of the insides of a sheep that are very close to the outside of a sheep. You will find some wool fibers in your pan from where the follicles reach down close to the bone and sinew.
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Tools and Equipment: Easyeffects is the successor to PulseEffects and is a very complete set of audio tuning and manipulation tools for Linux. You can use it to process incoming and outgoing audio with basically any plugin you care to imagine.
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lolahaurisfw · 8 days
: ̗̀➛ Leah: Fluff Alphabet
A/N: Repost from old account.
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your connection to nature/the valley. Leah is all about simple, healthy living. And she loves that your actions reflect the things she views as most important: hard working, living off the land, homemade healthy food, caring for animals, and raising a family.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your hands. No matter the size, your hands are on the stronger/rougher side due to farming, mining, and building all day. And she loves it. She loves the way it feels when your strong hands grab her hips or hold her waist. It makes her feel so secure and safe. 
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Little spoon, or resting her head on your chest while your lying on your back. She also loves to sit on your lap during movie nights. 
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Since most of your time is spent doing your own thing outside the house, i feel like dates would lean towards more involving you in her interests or blending the both of yours together. 
Picnic in the woods, painting the sunset near the beach tidepools, relaxing on Ginger Island with a pina colada, movie nights on rainy days, dancing and having some wine at the Saloon, camping in the secret woods, new restaurants during your trips to her home city, or having some alone time in the bath house ;)
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
She’s usually very straight forward and emotionally mature. She’ll tell you exactly what she feels, especially if you two are having an argument. Clear communication is important to her. Of course there will be times she may just blow up or give you the silent treatment (pretty much only if she finds out you gave another woman a gift) but you’ll always make up before bed.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
I honestly feel like she could go either way. If you don’t want kids, she’s perfectly fine with that! You have barns full of animals and a cat/dog anyway. But if you do want a child or two, she’s also happy with that. If you have to adopt, i could see her leaning towards having a girl preference (imo she gives girl-mom vibes). If you’re able to get her pregnant though, she’ll obv be happy either way. But since she has to carry the baby, she’ll only want one, maybe two, kids.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
She enjoys giving and receiving gifts. I wouldn’t go as far to call it a major love language for her (i HC her love language to be acts of service), but if she sees something that reminds her of you, she’ll get it. She also isn’t very materialistic herself. So i can imagine she doesn’t really expect or crave getting gifts. Though she’ll never complain about receiving a new plant or art supplies :0)
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Anytime. She loves holding your hand, it’s such a small but intimate act of love. You’ll always hold hands during your nature walk and walks into town. During romantic dinners, she likes to reach over and gaze into your eyes while gently stroking your hand with her thumb. Or when going to bed. If you’re spooning her, you’d hold hands under the pillow in front of her face.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Her initial reaction is panic. Heart racing, hand shaking, feeling that rush of icy cold fear shoot through her body. 
But as soon as she realizes you’ll be just fine, she relaxes a bit and goes right into nurse mode. Cleaning the wound, getting you pain killers, wrapping up anything needed, or in the worst case, rushing you to Harvey’s clinic. 
And once you’re better, she does not hesitate to scold you for being so careless lol.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Pranks aren’t really her thing. Her jokes are more in the moment. Like if you or a friend said something funny, she’d quickly build off of it and make the joke 10x funnier. She also loves a good cheesy pun. The more eyeroll-inducing it is for you, the better.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Quick peck on the lips before your work day begins. Deep, passionate kisses after getting in bed for the night. Nose kisses while dancing at the Luau. Kisses on the cheek as a form of pda. 
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Acts of service! Repairing fences around the farm, watering the cat/dog, feeding the barn animals or cleaning their pens, making breakfast and dinner, helping keep the house tidy, helping with the crops, etc… 
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The day you met. She honestly cherishes it more than your first date, proposal, or wedding day. Not to say she doesn’t value those days, but she considers your first meet to be especially close to her heart because it was essentially the beginning of your relationship. 
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
You dying or nearly dying in the mines/in combat. She hates when you go to mines and volcano because she dreads the idea of getting a call from Harvey that you’ve been in an accident. 
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Snorts when she laughs really hard.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Feminine Partner: gorgeous, dove, sweetheart.
Masculine Partner: handsome, big guy, darling.
Either: dear, love, hun. 
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Deep talks on the couch, cleaning together, candle-lit bubble baths, sitting on porch and daydreaming, foraging in the mountains, breakfast in bed, cooking your favorite foods together for dinner.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Olivia Rodrigo: Lacy
Cavetown: Juliet
Wabie: Hey Lover!
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Leah’s an open book, i can’t really imagine there’s anything she’d keep from you. Maybe just little white lies? Like if you got her a gift she didn’t really like, but didn’t HATE either. Or if you loved a certain dress or shirt you had, but she hated the pattern.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
At least a year, probably closer to two. She likes to take things slowly and enjoy the “getting to know eachother” stage. Especially because Kel was toxic, she wouldn’t want to just jump into something and end up getting her heart broken again.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Very comforting. If you’re okay with it, she’d love to hold you, talk about it, and bring you your favorite snack. But if your the type who prefers to be alone, she’ll give you space while periodically checking up on you. 
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Obv very proud of her artwork, she loves showing you every new piece she makes. I don’t think she would show you off though. She’s very low-key, and Elliot is her only friend in town anyway. Of course she’ll make sure everyone knows your together (to keep anyone from trying to flirt with you) but she see’s no reason to make a spectacle of it considering everyone in town will you together almost daily anyways. 
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Leah does NOT like it when you have to go fighting in the mines. She really wishes you would leave the monster hunting to Rasmodius and Marlon. But would SHE fight for you? Oh absolutely. I could see her being a defensive, quick-tempered person in the heat of the moment. 
I don’t think she’d go in the mines though. But more so she’d fight another person for you if need be. You saw how she punched her ex to stand her own ground. Now imagine if someone was making you, the love of her life, upset or uncomfortable. Hands are being thrown without question. She may be a very kind and relaxed person, but don’t mistake that for being passive and timid. 
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Like a book. Leah is incredibly intuitive and observant. She can easily sense a change in your energy or demeanor. If you have a hard time expressing negative emotions, she’ll feel the shift but might not say anything. She’d be more likely to do an act of service for you or give you a gift, just so you know she’s there and you can feel comfortable talking to her.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Basically her 10-heart event. On a warm spring day, she’d write you a letter inviting you to the woods for a suprise. When you get to the meeting spot, you see a table with a beautiful spread of homecooked food waiting. 
Starfruit wine on ice. A salad with Pierre’s fresh veggies, topped with goat cheese from Marnie, and sliced truffle. A loaf of french bread with seasoned truffle oil for dipping. A whole, small baked carp with sliced lemon. And two glazed poppyseed muffins for dessert.
While you were eating, you both reminiced about early memories of your relationship, told funny stories from eachothers past, daydreamed about the future, and caught up on todays events. Taking breaks from talking to admire the other and hold hands.
Eventually the meal was finished. The scent of pollen in the air was heavy as pink petals danced past your face and landed on the table. Leah had eventually migrated to your side of table, resting her head on your shoulder as you both looked out at the forest and small stream running just a couple feet in front of you. The silence between you was apparent, but comforting. 
“Y/N,” she began as she lifted her head up, looking you in the eyes. “When you first moved to Pelican Town, i honestly never expected anything would happen between us.”
She took your hand in hers and continued. “I was still a bit hesitant about getting into a  relationship, after what happened with Kel.” Leah paused for moment and smiled. “But after a couple months of getting to know you, i started feeling something i’d never felt for anyone”
She shifted to sit in front of you, both of your faces glowing with pure love and happiness. “Y/N… what im trying to say is,” she reached into her overall pocket and pulled out a long, velvet white box. “I love you… Will you marry me?” Leah giggled and teared up as she opened the box and revealed a sparkling blue shell attached to a silver chain.
After you said yes, you brought eachother into a tight hug. Laughing and crying at the same time as you kissed passionately. It wasn’t the first time the two of you had kissed, but it almost felt like it. 
Things are going to be a bit different from now on… 
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Walks through the forest or mountains, sitting on the beach, cuddling in bed with you, listening to Elliot play the piano, sitting outside the community center while having a snack, the museum, morning showers, watching the rain from her bedroom window, the bus rides to and from Zuzu city (i HC she visits her old friends and family in the city), the boat ride to Ginger Island, putting the kids to bed, painting.
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mayakern · 1 year
i still own skirts from one of your first launches, and i just want to say they've held up so well. i wear rainy cats to work everytime it rains outside and i always get compliments hehehhe
aw im so glad to hear it!! :'0
also man that design is an OG. havent printed it in YEARS.
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oftlunarialmoon · 6 months
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5 Agere Activities for a Rainy Day (Indoors Edition)
Ciao lovelies! We’re moving into spring here where I am, and with the spring, comes LOTS of rain. There are many outside ideas to do for agere, (and yes, even some rainy day ones!) but today, I’d like to share 5 of my favorite agere activities to do on a rainy day, or on days where I can’t go outside (snow, too hot, etc.)..
All of the ideas I’m sharing today are my personal faves!
Idea #1: Change your doll’s (or stuffies!) outfits….or make them some outfits!
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Super old pic, I know (I have wayyy different hair now, lol), but this idea is still one of my faves. Picking new outfits for my dolls is always super fun and sometimes I even have a mini photoshoot with them after changing their looks. I can also turn this idea into a full afternoon of play by setting up a “doll salon” to select their looks and they each get a spray of choice perfumes and hair brushes :) 
If you don’t have clothes for your dolls/stuffies, you can also make them clothing or accessories! I’m aiming to put some tutorials of that sort on the blog and possibly on the Youtube channel soon, but for now, here’s some tutorials that I have already made to get you started:
There are many fun and simple methods for making doll clothing or accessories, I once again have to highly recommend MyFroggyStuff’s Youtube channel for this! She has awesome ideas and she makes it all seem so easy. 
Idea #2: Take a fun Bubble Bath!
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Taking a fun and relaxing bath is a nice way to both regress, and practice self-care! You can find cute bath toys like these at dollar stores, and bath bombs, bubble bath, bath fizzies, etc as well! I even love buying the “bath puppets” which are just washcloths that go on your hands like a puppet, and are shaped like animals! I have a sharkie and a froggie. When I take baths or showers, I like to imagine going through a checklist with my scrubby buddy (most often Mr Sharkie) to make sure I get 1000000% clean! Sometimes I even make a little song of this and hum it to myself. :)
It’s also nice having access to fun body washes and soap! My current favorite body wash is scented from “Viva las Vegas SWEET” which is some kind of perfume thing, but it smells like candy, and it looks cute out of the tube! (it’s pink and shimmery 0.0)
I’ve also seen body washes for babyshark, Barbie, and other kids franchises! Oh, and even some grown-ups products are still cute for this too! I have a Hello Kitty sugar scrub that was intended for grown-ups, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t cute anyway! :) Oh, and Crayola makes body wash “crayons” as well, the tubes are crayon shaped and the body washes are colorful!
Okie, okie, that’s a lot of me rambling about baths, sorry >.<
Idea #3: Play Video Games!
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Sometimes there’s nothing better than wearing comfy clothes, having a nice snack, and playing video games! On rainy days this activity feels super cozy and wonderful, and there are lots of games out there that are cute and good for agere!
My current faves are Animal Crossing New Horizons on my Switch, Sandbox Coloring App on my phone, Nintendogs on my 3Ds, and Minecraft on my PC! I love that games are on a lot of different devices, so that I can always find something to do~
I think Animal Crossing is a really cool game for age regressors, and the New Horizons one is very cute for a lot of reasons! I can dress my avatar up in cute fashions and i can even buy…..pacis! and…..Cute kawaii dresses!!! :0 You could make your dream agere outfits in this game, and i do it all the time, tbh!
Idea #4: Journaling or Writing in a Diary!
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I love love love my regression journal! I use stickers, washi tape, coloring pages, crayons, markers, and more on it, and it’s really freeing to have a journal that doesn’t need to be neat or tidy. My daily journal is also my regression journal, as I am someone who is semi-regressed all the time! :3 I also do vent journal entries in this journal (to share with my therapist), and lists, collages, doodles, info pages…lots of things! 
I have an article on here actually about Agere Journaling! 
I also want to briefly ramble about my stickers, I have found 2 really good sources of stickers for my journal. The first is a subscription service called Stickii, which sends you a themed sticker pack every month, these packs include stickers from lots of independent artists and I really love each one I’ve gotten so far (I’ve gotten 2 so far.) **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
The second is Blippo Kawaii Shop, which sells sticker mystery bags which I have an opening video of on OFT’s IG! :) I love their selection of kawaii stickers, and it’s always fun getting a package from them. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
Idea #5: Play with Legos or building blocks! 
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Something that I love doing when I am small is playing with building blocks or legos! I like the Minecraft sets or the dollar store legos! :) I use the legos to build things for my mini town and dollhouse, as well as make dollrooms! :) 
Megablocks have larger blocks as well if you regress younger and want something more simple. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
You can use building blocks to make obstacle courses for your minis, specific types of buildings for playing pretend, mecha robots for epic battles…….>.<’ sorry my brain totally went to gundam XD
They also sell building block sets for making iconic characters like pikachu and other pokemon, as well as other anime and game characters! I think this type of block is called a nano block.
What do you think of these 5 agere activities for a rainy day? What activities are your favorite when small? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you lovelies and having great discussions!
And now for the most important thing in this outro…..I get to say……
STAY AWESOME!! You are awesome, just as you are, and you should look at yourself with love and kindness. Don’t forget to love yourself, whether you practice self-care, treat yourself, or take care of your future self by getting a task done ahead of time, self love is important!
Okie, all my ramblings aside, see you in my next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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florashifting · 7 months
You’re Royalty DR sounds so cool!! =0 /gen
What are some of your favorite things about it? What roll in the kingdom do you play (queen, princess, etc.)? Experience with diplomatic relations with other kingdoms and countries? What time does it take place in? Are there other countries that exist outside of your kingdom? if so tell us about them and relationships with them! Do you have any hobbies or skills you don’t have in your CR or just any hobbies or skills over all? Any love interests you scripted to meet or maybe just hoping you’ll meet someone there, if so what do you hope they’re like?
Sorry if this a lot of questions, this just sounds super cool and I’d love to know more, thank you so much and have a lovely day/night! ^^
Ok so my favorite things about my royalty dr is the fact that my kingdom (Springbrook) is very colorful and one of its main colors that represent it is PINK I LOVE PINK BUT NOT LIKE HOT PINK ITS KINDA LIKE A SLIGHTLY OVER SATURATED PASTEL PINK. Also our kingdom is known for its desserts because I love sweets so much.
For diplomatic relations with other kingdoms there's not much to tell other than the fact that we don't hate each other ig.
My role in my kingdom is a princess and I have 5 siblings, my older siblings, Simon, Mallory, and Jared live at home, while my oldest sisters, Iris and Anita have already left and gotten married.
This dr takes place in a mixture of different times, it's kinda like 1700s-ish with a sprinkle of modern times, but the only modern times stuff is showers and toilets and stuff cause I'm not pooping in a bucket.
As for other kingdoms the only ones I've scripted is Gloomburgh, Sparrowland, and Daisysand. (I think I found these names on pinterest)
Gloomburgh is a very gloomy place, it's almost always rainy, but the atmosphere is gorgeous, it's gloomy in a comforting way. Plus this kingdom has the BEST snowy days.
Daisysand is the very opposite of Gloomburgh, it's almost always sunny and warm, but not too warm. It's one of those places where there's lots of sights to see a places to experience,(not that there's nothing to do in Gloomburgh, it's just that Gloomburgh has more indoor places to visit while Daisysand is an outdoor activity type of kingdom.)
Sparrow land is a very elegant kingdom, its a mixture of a fairy tale kingdom and a realistic kingdom. It's got beautiful architecture and natural landmarks, (such as lakes, mountains, fields, ect.)
And as for a love interest, there is Eleanor, she is one year older than me, and she is Princess of Sparrowland. She is my best friend, and I've scripted a 4-5 year slow burn because I would like to take romance at a slow pace.
I think that's pretty much it
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shinobuscanonwife · 1 year
Helloooo! I was wondering if you could match me with a character. I saw something like this on another post and I wanted to try it with my favourite Tumblr writer! (Aka you) Basically I tell you how my personality,looks and stuff like that are and you tell me which kny character (preferably a demon, but I'm ok with getting matched with a slayer too, as long as they're not a minor!) you would think would be most likely to date me :)) So here's about me!
My name is Lucifer
Appearance: I'm 5'7, I have long dark brown hair and I'm not that skinny but I'd say I'm not chubby either. I'm a romantic goth so most of my clothing are really dark and gothic. I prefer wearing dresses and skirts rather than pants, but when I do wear pants I just wear black jeans, my eyes are a dark brown!
About me: I really love danger and horror, I watch horror movies almost all the time and get really excited while watching them. I am really into cuddles and when I get into a relationship I'm pretty clingy. I don't get scared easily. I'm bisexual with a preference for boys. My favourite kny characters are Muzan, Douma, Mitsuri, Inosuke and Enmu! My favourite hobbies are listening to music (specifically slipknot or heavy metal in general), reading crime books or horror books, dressing up, watching crime documentaries, going out to enjoy some fresh air, playing rhythm games and drawing!! :)) I'm an ambivert, so I love both staying home and going outside. My favourite weather is rainy weather with thunderstorms! (It excites me for some reason) My favourite animals are sharks and capybaras :) My favourite movies are Halloween, Scream (1996), Mean girls, Friday the 13th, The cult of chucky, The nightmare before Christmas and Jaws. I collect horror movie figures and I also love cosplaying! Usually the characters I cosplay are either vocaloids or villains from different animes! I loveeee slipknot, they're my favourite band and I'm literally on the top 0.5% slipknot listeners on Spotify, not even kidding. I am pretty energetic, I'm also autistic and may have ADHD (not sure, but I do have a lot of symptoms!) When I get really excited I jump a lot. I love jewellery and painting my nails and I'm really good at mathematics :) I'm kind of a germaphobe honestly. I do swimming as a sport and I've won 3 medals in races, but I stopped racing a while ago and just do swimming for fun now. I get cold really easily on winter 😭 My favourite holidays are Christmas and Halloween! That's it, I honestly can't think of more stuff to say about me heh
Hope you're having a wonderful day! This is my first request that isn't anonymous so I'm pretty nervous
Bro were literally the same person
I match you with.....
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He absolutely loves your personality. He enjoys reading horror books with you and he loves cuddling with you while it's thundering and listening to the rain and thunder. It relaxes him and finds how happy rain makes you cute. He lets you paint his nails sometimes and offered to paint yours. he made you promise you wouldn't tell anyone Muzan loves the fact that you're clingy. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever you cling to him or when you offer to cuddle with him. He loves going on walks with you right after it stops raining. He loves buying you little gifts. Sometimes it's new skirts or clothes or sometimes it's flowers or drawing supplies or nail polish but he always buys you stuff whenever he's gone for a couple nights because of work. He had never really worried about holidays before but ever since he met you he loves spending Halloween and Christmas with you. He buys you the most expensive gifts on Christmas and makes sure you have an amazing time every year. He prefers staying inside during dates especially cause he can't go outside during the day.
Thank you for your request!! I've been waiting for someone to request something like this :0 have a nice day/night
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shadowbroker · 1 month
A garden update that is just picture. Lost a couple 18 trays to sprouts I probably moved too early. No harm no foul, they will be reborn in my next and last 50 tray. The ones outside are doing well.
I have 0 luck with herbs so I went to Home Depot and procured herbs and marigolds from them to my dismay. I wanted to start from seed for them but I needed some companions for the ones outside.
I’ve got a beautiful batch of peppers almost ready for outside in my room, taking great care of them. The grapes have been managing themselves for the most part. I water them between rainy days and they have all sprouted except for 2, which I expected. Otherwise I need to get more dirt and pots and move watermelons outside.
I’m also keeping a particularly close eye on the corn. I was told it didn’t like transplanting and I’ve transplanted them 2 times. So far there doesn’t seem to be any issues but I plan to lose all four (just to I’m not disappointed if they don’t make it).
These pictures don’t have the 4 garlic I added or the raspberries I also moved outside. But they’re out there now. Thunderstormed last night so they’re wet and wild out there
The ones in little black boots that seem dead, I think they will die but I figure if they wanted to prove me wrong this was their chance. A couple have a couple haven’t. Looking forward to them making a choice.
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pettydollie · 2 months
no because you're so real. I've been singing all day and trying to finish stuff before Monday. what games have you been playing?:0
also don't apologize!! sometimes all you wanna do is play some Roblox and that is so VALID.
I'm good!! it's rainy and cold:( so I've been inside? how are you?<33
totalll opposite for me! its sunny and nice out but i dont go outside bc im scared of leaving my little girl room <3 im always inside lol
as for roblox gamessss: rh, arsenal, im trying to get back into adopt me bc ive spent so much robux on it but its so hard to learn values and age pets :C, mm2, dress to impress, hkc, blade ball (even tho im dookie), andd yeah thats pretty much it! if u have any recs pls lmk baby ૮₍ • ˕ - ₎ა♡₊˚
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I don't do tag games because I'm the worst, and since I never have time, or right mood, or both, and in this fuckingoodammitcursed time of the year even less than ever, I postpone until six months have passed and it's too late 😂 Also, I'm the most boring person so it's better if I keep the mystery around….
Anyway, I feel called out because, let's see... @chaosrising451 @stephmcx @mayberrycryptid tagged me so, here it is.
3 Ships: alright, this is easy, even if the ship grows on me only after I watched the show and not the opposite, probably I'm some sort of demi-ship-sexual. So it's Steve McGarrett/Daniel Williams aka McDanno (Hawai'i Five-0), Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla aka Teslen (Sanctuary), Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens).
First Ever Ship: of this I'm sure. I was 7 years old, Saint Seiya was airing for the first time in Italy, and I decided Hyoga and Shun were a perfect match for each other. Friendship-wise and romantic-wise, even if I couldn't care less. But the resuscitation scene is famous not for nothing. I didn't even know I was shipping them but I did 😂
Last Song: uh, so, I'm in a really BAD spot right now, so I'm not listening to music. Just some endless playlist of rainy coffee shop with bossa nova piano ambience stuff, to shut the world outside. Or lofi. Lofi is always a safe haven.
Last Movie: honestly? Too many years ago to remember. I'm not big on movies, I cannot watch tv in peace and after 8 hours drawing maps on pc for work I surely won't turn mine on. Probably it was my 56th rerun of LOTR trilogy, ten years ago.
Currently Reading: a book I purchased years ago and never read, like always. Compulsory shopping, especially if I find used books. It's If Cats Disappeared from the World by Genki Kawamura. It's a bit disappointing so far, some banality about the important things of life, but since I can only read while commuting and I'm having difficulties getting back to my usual standard of a book per week like before I started university 8 years ago, if it's not some essay or handbook or textbook, it's ok for now. Anyway I just finished reading the marvelous essay by Rifkin, Hydrogen Economy, which I purchased exactly 20 years ago and which predicted exactly what would become of our fossil fuel economy today.
Currently Watching: eh, same as before. They were airing again the Italian dub of H50 during pre-dinner time so I tried to catch up, but now it's stopped at s3 finale to air something else, so nothing specific.
Currently Consuming: just finished dinner, consisting of broth soup, breaded fish, salad and fruit :)
Currently Craving: .....let's skip this, it's just too sad.
Not tagging anyone, but feel free to spread and maybe join!
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stupidloafofbread · 2 months
Rcp crew, are any of you actually good at drawing or anything? Also, what’s you favorite and least favorite type of weather :0
Amber and i are good at drawing! Helly is okay at it while Roy and Poli, eh...-
As for that second thing:
Favorite? Sunny! But I don't like when it's really windy or rainy, since I wouldn't be allowed outside then.
Simple! Partially cloudy, if that counts that is- and least favorite? Does hail count as a type of weather?-
I don't have a favorite or least favorite-
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eggcompany · 3 months
Corner Store Peepshow
Adam was a creature of habit. Good or Bad. He liked getting up and eating breakfast and doing his chores and sitting under his window and watching his neighbor Mister jerk off. He liked using his toys and cumming with Mister or watching Mister have sex or smoke. That is until he met mister and they started playing a game. And the Mister stopped playing.
Adam can't say no when Nigel offers to show him how much he's missed the little angel.
Adam liked his new apartment. He liked being on the fourth floor, he liked that he had blue walls, he liked that the bathroom had a window by the shower, he liked the wood floors, he liked the fact he could sit in the kitchen and see the street and go to his bedroom and see the apartments next door. 
He really liked seeing the apartments next door. He liked that the building next door was a little shorter, the windows slightly lower than his own. He liked that the man who lived in the apartment which had windows facing Adam’s was very very attractive. And often naked or mostly so. 
Adam was a creature of habit. It was just who he was. He was designed for habits. Good or Bad. Personally he didn’t think it was a bad habit to sit on his little blue area rug by the window and touch himself to the older man across the way. He liked when he came home from working at the theater, running the projector and fixing the machines, the man was usually standing outside smoking. Adam didn’t speak to him, it was rude to interrupt someone. But he certainly looked . The man whom he often just called Mister, was tall and tan and had big strong hands. Adam liked those hands, always thought they looked strong and sure. 
The first time was the best, in Adam’s opinion. He’d been watching Mister walk around his flat for a few weeks. He’d noticed all the funny little things the man did. The way Mister often brought home girls who were very drunk and had sex on the couch or even on the floor, the way Mister liked to drink bottles of beer but cans of something else, and the way he paces when he talks on the phone. Adam thought it was calming to watch Mister pace by the window. 
But then Mister started sitting on the couch right where Adam could see, and jerking off. It had been late one night, it was a Tuesday, Adam was sitting by his window reading a new book he’d found. He wasn’t looking at Mister's apartment… he just glanced over and Mister was there, big cock in his hand, head thrown back, it was beautiful. Adam couldn’t help but reach down and rub himself over top of his pajama pants, hot and needy. After that first orgasm Adam felt good and happy. Surely Mister did too by the amount of cum that had spilled over his fist. 
Adam liked his new place. He liked his neighbor. He liked his new routine. 
Nigel liked the new flat. It was fine. Good deadbolts, warm, window didn’t leak, neighbors didn’t bother him, and the window that looked out to the alley was dead on with a brick wall. Perfect. He could walk around comfortably. Comfortable to Nigel meant naked. So he didn’t bother putting on clothes before he had to. He threw on whatever pair of pants was the cleanest, forgoing underwear, and whatever shirt was closest when he wanted to go out and smoke. 
He liked that no one bothered him when he had a smoke before heading to the strip club he was security at. He also liked watching the people come and go. Especially the little doll that lived next door. He was fucking beautiful, pale, short, mop of curly hair, ocean blue eyes, and a cute little ass that filled out his slacks nicely. He liked pretending not to notice when the boy stared at him, only catching the boy’s eyes for a moment before he was scurrying away from Nigel and his smoke. He liked noticing that the boy never walked with anyone or talked to anyone or was with anyone. Alone in his apartment, Nigel grinned about it, at least he knew the boy was old enough to have his own apartment. Legal. 
One rainy day their paths finally ran right into each other. Well Adam ran right into Nigel at the corner store by the apartments. Adam immediately started picking up his stack of frozen meals and his copy of Sky & Telescope Magazine, getting on his knees on the wet and muddy floor. 
“I’m sorry I had them stacked up too tall, I’m sorry Sir” Adam started apologizing as he restacked the meals, making sure they were all facing the same way. 
“It’s alright, baby, here, allow me” Nigel said coolly and reached down, picking up the stacks of meals and setting them back on the counter. 
“I wasn’t watching where I was going, I should be more careful. I don’t want to accidentally open any of my food. These are all they have.” Adam said and grabbed the last few frozen meals and his magazine, now wet and wrinkling. He frowned at the booklet before turning around and marching back to the rack to get a new one. 
“You live in the apartments next to mine. I see you walking home sometimes, sweetheart.” Nigel said as Adam put his magazine on top of his meals. Adam shook his head, turning to look at Nigel’s shoulder. 
“My name’s Adam, not sweetheart. And you live in the apartment under my window and you smoke red pack cigarettes. I see you smoking when I come home and when I look out of my window I see your apartment.” Adam said and turned a pink color after remembering that morning looking into Mister’s apartment. He’d been sitting on the couch stroking himself, which happened a lot, one arm across the back of the couch, one arm working himself over. Adam got himself off, just like usual, sitting under his window, knees tucked under himself, tissue box sat on the window sill, toys pulled from the drawer. 
“You watch me through your window? You can see in my apartment?” Nigel asked, confused, he thought no one could see in. He certainly couldn’t see another window. Adam was pulling out his debit card to pay for his two bags of food, eyes flashing around, not quite landing anywhere. 
“Yes I can see it, you can see mine if you look up. The buildings are uneven, I can’t see in anyone else’s. Just yours.” Adam answered, grabbing his groceries and headed toward the door, Nigel chasing after him. 
The older man couldn’t help but smile. This cute, nerdy little guy was a peeping tom? He wondered if Adam even saw him naked, he had to have, had to have caught a glimpse at the very least. Hell he wouldn’t be surprised if the boy had seen him getting off or fucking one of the little broads he brought home. 
“Peeping tom, huh? I’m sure you get quite the show then, don’t you Baby?” Nigel asked as he followed Adam through the rain, making their way back to the apartments. Adam huffed and shook his head again, he didn’t want to be called tom or baby. Those weren’t his name.  
“My name isn’t tom or baby, I am not a baby, my name is Adam.” He corrected and Nigel let out a laugh. This beauty sure was odd. Stunning though especially with the water dripping from the coils that were tightening up on his head. 
“Alright Adam, if you’re not watching me through the window then I guess we’re done. I’ll see you around, pretty boy.” Nigel said as he stopped in front of his own apartments and watched Adam walk up the few steps to his own building. 
Adam. Adam . Little Pervert. Could be fun to play with. 
Sure enough when Nigel stood with his nose nearly against the glass, he could see Adam’s window. He could make out a painted ceiling, stars or constellations or some shit. Cheater, Nigel thought as he dragged his lazy chair to sit under the window, giving Adam a real show. Maybe that would make the cute little thing second guess what he really wanted. Nigel liked playing with those shy types, the ones that would flaunt themselves before shying away, begging to be caught up and given a good time. 
Adam learned very quickly that the man next door apparently liked to touch himself a lot . Every time Adam went to the window before he went to work or during the day on the weekends, Mister was in his new chair by the window touching himself. Adam also learned that apparently Mister thought it was funny because everytime Adam came and peaked back over the window sill to see if Mister came too, he was looking up at Adam, being able to just catch Adam’s eyes. 
It made Adam feel embarrassed but also… turned on even more. Just knowing Mister knew what he was doing, knowing Mister liked what Adam was doing, knowing Mister was doing it all on purpose, it made Adam feel… special. He liked the special attention. 
Adam didn’t see Mister smoking outside much anymore though, which made him happy. Smoking was a bad habit. Yucky. He liked thinking Mister wasn’t smoking much anymore. He just felt happy knowing him and Mister had something going on. They were friends. And that made Adam feel so happy. The orgasms also made him happy. 
And then, one day, Mister closed his curtains. He closed them and clipped them shut and hung up blankets and made sure nothing could be seen through that window. And he kept them that way. 
Adam was sad. Touching himself with Mister had become a part of his routine. He woke up, brushed his teeth, ate breakfast, cleaned the dishes, cleaned the table, swept, and by then Mister would be in his chair by the window. But now Adam just sat by his window for 4 minutes staring at the neighbors closed curtains before moving on and getting his shower. He’d be wet and hot in his underoos by the time he’d sit by his window, his body knew his routine. It made him sad to know Mister didn’t like him anymore… or worse, he hated Adam. 
Nigel was going to show that little tease what it’s like. After two months of pressing his face against the cold window to catch a glimpse of Adam’s head thrown back in ecstasy, to see his hair bouncing with the effort of working himself over, to be waiting to see his eyes, satisfied and sweet, before they dash away in embarrassment, he was done. 
He felt stuck. Stuck between getting head from girls at the club and drinking himself to sleep. Stuck between trying to find a girlfriend and going out to find a man to fuck. Stuck between craving, obsessing over, needing, yearning, fucking dreaming of Adam and going without. 
He needed that soft pale skin. He needed those ocean blue eyes crying on his dick and that odd way he speaks, he needed those soft lips on his own and those quick slender hands held between his own. He needed to kiss marks down that neck, over that soft yet slim middle, those plush thighs, that tender ass. He needed it. Like a rabid dog he needed Adam. 
Either Adam was going to move on or he was going to find Nigel. It was Adam’s choice. Nigel couldn’t even withstand seeing Adam on the street anymore, feeling like dragging the boy to his apartment and fucking no matter what. It had to be up to Adam. 
Would have been handy to have mentioned that to Adam.
Because by day five he was distraught. He just sat by the window waiting. He thought maybe Mister was working at night so he was sleeping during the day. So he stayed up all night waiting to see if Mister was opening the curtain when he got home. But Mister never did. And Mister wasn’t smoking outside like usual. 
So Adam came to the realization that Mister must either hate him, have reported him to the police, or didn’t like men. And that hurt . He thought him and Mister had something going on. Which only made it hurt more. 
Adam didn’t like it. He liked Mister. He wanted Mister. 
Adam didn’t even notice the people on the stoop of the neighboring building. He was walking home, head down, bookbag strap clutched up in his hands, frown heavy on his lips. At least not until the smell of those red pack cigarettes reached his nose. 
“Mister” He breathed out and the older man was walking up to him, away from the group of foreign speaking people he’d been attached to. Nigel stopped right in front of him, eyebrow raised, waiting. His eyes… like a predator that had stumbled upon sleeping prey. 
“Mister I thought maybe you moved or or you hated me or you went to the police or or something. I’m sorry, I’ll stop if you wa-” Adam started, tears burning his eyes. Nigel held up his hand, quieting the boy. He shook his head, a pleased smile cracking across his face. 
“I thought you’d last longer. Miss seeing me that much, baby?” Nigel asked as his hand without a cigarette reached down to adjust himself in his jeans. He had to admit it had been rough without that teasing little pervert to cum for. He missed Adam’s eyes, especially the ones that were rimmed with tears staring over his shoulder right then. 
“My name’s Adam, not baby, and I missed you, Mister. I-I thought you hated me.” Adam said and wiped at his eyes with his sweater sleeve, sniffing as he did so creating a cute scrunch of his nose. Nigel huffed and moved to cradle the boy’s jaw in his hand, making him face Nigel, eye’s still cast aside, but face up. 
“Nigel, that’s my name, not Mister. Say you missed my cock, darling Adam.” Nigel said lowly, eyes watching Adam’s trembling bottom lip. Adam turned into the large warm palm on his face, soft lips grazing it as he spoke. 
“I missed you Mister Nigel, I missed seeing you, seeing your… your cock” Adam said, nervous as there were people on the sidewalk walking and the people in front of Nigel’s building. Nigel smirked as he let his thumb coast across the soft planes of Adam’s face, his cheekbones, his nose, his plush lips. 
“I’m sure you did, you little perverted doll. Do you want me to show you how much I’ve missed you ?” Nigel asked, leaning down to nuzzle at Adam’s ear, lips grazing across the boy's cheek. 
“Yes please if that includes sex.” Adam answered hoping sex would be a part of it. He liked sex. He didn’t have to often because he never really felt the need to have sex with anyone but sex with Nigel would be great. It just would be. 
Nigel couldn’t help the laugh that cracked from him. Adam was something different. A whole different animal, a different dance, it wasn’t a hunt. It was a mouse crawling into the lion’s mouth and smiling. 
“Yes, lamb, it will be sex.” Nigel said and watched Adam light up, smile spreading across his blushing face. It was fucking stunning. 
“Then we should go to my apartment, my bed doesn’t squeak and I like sex in my home, please.” Adam said and grabbed Nigel’s hand. Nigel looked down at it. Adam has little hands, smaller than his own. Cold little things with nicely trimmed nails and soft pale skin. 
“Lead the way, darling Adam.” Nigel said and Adam was confidently walking to his own building, marching up the stairs without letting go of Nigel’s hand. 
The older man looked around the apartment as Adam relocked the door and took his shoes off. Nigel kicked his own slip ons off, near the neat line of Adam’s shoes by the door. The apartment was neat, almost like a staged house. There was one of everything, a place made for one person. There were notebooks stacked on the kitchen table, lists on the fridge, clean floors. The bedroom door was open, Nigel peaked over into the room. Blue bedding, a striped duvet, space posters covering the walls, a desk covered in thick books and a small laptop. And a special spot under the window. 
 “Is that where you watch me? You sit on your little spot and jerk yourself off?” Nigel asked as he spotted the little nest under the window. A fluffy blue area rug with a little circular pillow that looked like a moon, there was a small side table next to it, just two drawers and a top. He stepped towards it, toeing at the edge of the carpet as Adam caught up to him, now without his sweater or belt. 
“I don’t do much jerking off. Mostly grinding.” Adam corrected and walked over to his spot. He peaked over the ledge into Nigel’s apartment, feeling a ping of happiness that Nigel wasn’t there. Nigel was in his apartment. He bent over and opened the bottom drawer, standing triumphantly beside it. Nigel smirked and looked into the drawer, shocked as soon as his eyes fell on the items inside. 
“Oh you little freak… look at this shit” Nigel said and squatted down, digging through the piles of silicone and realistic plastic. He shook his head as he took in the sheer variety of toys. Small vibrators, realistic dildos, heating dildos, brightly colored featureless shafts, large plates of texture, tie dye style things shaped like monsters or tentacles. 
“I use most of them but I usually only use two of them when I play with you. I use this one it’s- it’s my favorite grind mat and this one is my favorite to go inside.” Adam explained and grabbed two of the toys. A blue and white mat, covered in spikes with a hole through it, and a plain clear dildo about eight inches long, which Adam prompted threaded through the hole in the mat. 
He held them out, showing Nigel. It was… fuck Nigel thought it was so cute. Even with sex toys being shoved at his face, the look on Adam’s face, pride, it was so cute. Nigel couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow though, he’d seen these kinds of toys. They were to rub on. For women to rub on. 
“Aren’t these usually for women, darling?” Nigel asked and took the toys. They were surprisingly heavy in his hand as he felt the rounded spikes on the mat and the fakely veined shaft. 
“Oh I have a vagina.” Adam said plainly and watched as Nigel froze. 
“Oh… Oh .” Was all Nigel could force out as his mind melted. Adam was one of those special boys. The thoughts of Adam jerking himself off with Nigel faded from the older man’s mind and instead was replaced with images of Adam wet and desperate as he rubbed and fucked himself trying to keep up with Nigel’s own pleasure. Nigel felt himself throb in his pants, suddenly dizzy with want. 
“Will you still have sex with me? As a boy.” Adam asked, concern heavy in his voice as he took the toys from Nigel’s hands. Looking almost coy as he waited for the other man to answer. He put the toy’s back in the drawer but didn’t shut it. Nigel blinked a few times before standing back up, cradling Adam’s jaw, thumb skating across the soft skin. 
“Of course darling, you’re the same Adam. Just with a little surprise. Why don’t you lay down and show me what you’ve been hiding all this time? Hm?” Nigel suggested and Adam looked up at him, smiling. His excitement was clear on his face as he quickly pulled his shirt off, leaving him in a white tank top style binder. 
“I usually don’t take this off because people then people think my chest is ugly. Can I take it off or should I keep it on?” Adam asked and unbuttoned his slacks. Nigel shook his head and grabbed the bottom of the shirt. He’d seen some ugly tits, he was sure Adam was perfect under the thick white fabric. Nigel wanted the boy naked, and quickly. 
“Take it all off, darling, I want to see all of you. I missed you, remember, I want to show you just how much I missed all of you.” Nigel said and pulled the fabric up, pulling as Adam wiggled free. 
Fuck, Nigel thought as he watched Adam move his shoulders around. It was like he was made to be marked up. Perfect milky skin with the lightest dotting of pale freckles, a slight softness to his belly, and perfect handfuls of softness and cute little powder pink nipples. 
“That’s fucking stunning.” Nigel said and cupped Adam’s measly chest, loving how soft and supple the skin there was. He gave Adam a light squeeze, trying not to laugh at the squeak the boy let out as his knee jerked up. Adam lost his breath, looking down at Nigel’s tan hands as they massaged the incredibly sensitive flesh. 
“These are cute. Now show me what else you’ve got for me.” Nigel growled into Adam’s ear, as he gave the soft mounds one more squeeze, catching Adam’s nipples between his fingers when he pulled away. Adam cried out but shoved his pants and astronaut print briefs down his legs, kicking them away. 
Nigel looked over Adam’s body. A porcelain doll. Perfect skin, dark hair on his legs and arms, shaved armpits, trimmed pubes, soft belly, plush thighs and ass, and crystal blue eyes that were staring directly at the bulge in Nigel’s pants. 
“No wonder you hide under all those clothes. Men would be dropping dead at your feet. Lay down.” Nigel ordered and Adam smiled and laid down on his back on his bed. He moved so he was in the center of the bed, head laying on his pillow. Nigel watched as he unbuttoned his own shirt and pants, letting the shirt drop from his shoulders. He stood at the foot of the bed, waiting for Adam to spread his legs but the boy kept them shut. 
“Condoms, darling?” Nigel asked and Adam was sitting up, getting on his hands and knees to rummage through his bedside table. Nigel shoved his own pants and underwear away to get a hand on his cock as he caught sight of Adam’s soaked cunt as the boy bent over. 
“I only have two of them. I don’t like buying them.” Adam said and held two silver packets in his hand, he laid back down as Nigel crawled onto the bed. Nigel took the rubbers and set them to the side as he crawled over Adam’s body. 
“You’re big” Adam said breathlessly as Nigel’s cock laid across the boy’s hip and stomach. Nigel huffed and smiled, leaning down to kiss Adam, keeping himself with one arm as the other rubbed up and down the boy’s side. 
Adam was breathless, trembling, hips twitching up as Nigel kissed him fiercely. He wrapped his arms around the older man’s shoulders, holding on tightly, as he let out cries each time Nigel pinched his nipple or grabbed his thigh or ass. 
“So soft, so nice, good boy Adam” Nigel whispered into the blushing skin of Adam’s neck.He kissed his way down the boy’s neck, sucking dark spots across it, marking him for everyone to see, before moving down his body to suck on his nipples. Adam was screaming, hands nearly ripping the hair from Nigel’s head, he couldn’t keep his hips from bucking and jumping where they were trapped under Nigel’s torso. Adam was breathing heavily, each breath getting more chopped up as tears wet his eyes and slipped down his cheeks. 
“Mouthy, you’ll bother the neighbors, sweet Adam. Maybe I shouldn’t tease you.” Nigek finally said and planted more tongue filled kisses onto Adam who tried his best to keep up. Adam was shivering, hands grabbing onto Nigel’s arms, his shoulders, the back of neck, anywhere he could, like Nigel was his lifeline. 
“Please Mister Nigel” Adam choked out as Nigel sat up, backing away from the boy’s body. Nigel looked down at him, his blush that spilled from his cheeks down to his chest, his shaking hands, and on the way his legs spread to show the way he’d already made the blanket below him wet. 
“Fuck me, come on sweetheart” Nigel said as his brain lost the last bit of sanity it held. He ripped open one of the condoms, rolling it on quickly before leaning back over Adam who wrapped his arms around the older man's shoulders and his legs around his hips. 
Adam was looking up at Nigel, mouth open and panting, eyes rimmed red but shining blue. He was waiting for Nigel. And Nigel stared right back.
Nigel used one hand to line himself up, growling at the wet heat pouring off the boy. He bit his own lip as he pushed in wanting to enjoy Adam’s squeaky noises before the boy let out a long deeper moan once Nigel bottomed out. 
“Big” Adam bit out as he held on tighter to Nigel, they couldn’t get any closer, Adam’s face shoved into the crook of Nigel’s neck. 
Nigel let his hands dance across Adam’s smooth skin. He was un-fucking-fair. Tight, burning hot, soft, soaking wet, and breath catching in little ‘ ngh ngh ngh’ s as Nigel thrusted in and out of him with a steady rhythm. Adam held on, entire body moving with each of Nigel thrusts, high pitched cries flowing from him as Nigel speeded up, unable to hold back. 
“Adam, darling, such a good fucking doll, so wet, such a nice little fuck thing” Nigel growled out as he got close, hips slamming into the soft backs of Adam’s thighs, the noise filling up the space. Adam whined and squeezed his legs together, cunt squeezing down on Nigel in a twitchy sequence before Adam was shoving his hand down between them, cold fingers skating down their bellies until he could rub on his clit. 
“Please mister Nigel, please please please” Adam begged as his own hips began to buck around, clenching down tightly each time his fingers caught his clit in just the right way. Nigel grunted as he felt himself start to lose it, leaning down to kiss and lick at Adam’s mouth, needing a taste. 
“Cum for me Adam, fucking cum on my cock” Nigel ordered as he slammed into Adam a few times before emptying into the condom. Adam cried out, screaming as his entire body shook, jerking and jumping with the shocks of his orgasm. Nigel pulled out, quickly got rid of the full condom before running his hands over Adam’s trembling body. 
He looked at the bedside and thankfully found a box of tissues, the fancy ones with lotion. He started with Adam’s face, wiping away the tears from his closed eyes. The boy was panting, chest rising and falling with heaving breaths. It was almost hypnotizing watching the boy’s small chest moving with each breath, Nigel couldn’t help but cupping one of the boy’s breasts, feeling the soft tissue move. He ran his thumb over a perky pebbled nipple before getting another tissue and cleaning himself off and then wiping away some of the mess from Adam. 
“Again?” Adam said in a slurred way, eyes all unfocused and lost. Nigel shook his head, pressing a soft kiss to Adam’s lips. 
“Not again. You’ve got your bed all messy. You wanna get a bath, darling?” Nigel explained and rubbed the soft baby hairs on the boy’s stomach. Adam hummed and smiled, nodding. 
“I don’t have a bath. I have a shower. Also I can’t walk there, my legs are all sleepy.” Adam explained and Nigel laughed. Adam was so strange. He liked it.
“I’ll go get washed up and then I can help you. You can’t sleep in this puddle of cum you’ve made, babydoll.” Nigel explained. Adam nodded and pointed toward the bathroom door. 
Soon enough Nigel was clean and back in his underwear, carrying Adam like a bride to the bathroom. And then Adam was washed, and dressed in Nigel’s button up and a clean pair of tighty whities. Soggy comforter discarded to the floor, and both men cuddled up in the darkness of Adam’s room. 
“Are we going to have sex again?” Adam asked as he was cuddled up as the little spoon, Nigel’s hand was lightly rubbing over Adam’s breasts, just enjoying them. 
“Now?” Nigel asked and thought of weather or not he could get back up. 
“Whenever you want. I like sex, I think of it all the time, especially with you. Whatever kind you want except I don’t like putting my mouth on penises, I think they feel yucky.” Adam explained plainly. Nigel laughed and shook his head, hugging the boy tightly again, kissing the back of his neck softly. 
Strange perverted cute special boy. 
“We can have sex after dinner.” Nigel said and Adam smiled. 
“I eat fro-” Adam was about to explain how he didn’t like to eat other things but Nigel beat him too it. 
“Frozen dinners. I know, love. I’ll order takeout and you can have your dinner.” Nigel said and Adam felt a strange feeling in his belly. It was nice. Mister was such a nice man, he hoped they could have more sex. 
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pinkdinkydoon · 2 years
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🌙🧡 Selfship-Tober- Day 2: Rainy Day
October 2, Day 2, Rainy Day
When all the markets where opening up for Halloween, that was the best time for discounts and items.
Lici loved Halloween. Luci lived Halloween. Every day. Of his eternal life. It was kinda of loosing it's effect. Only kind of.
"My pal at the market place is holding a specific item I wanted last year but missed," Lici smiled, her little demon was unamused.
Luci jumped to her shoulder. She was fully dressed and grabbing her purse, which made him have to keep some kind of balance. "Ya know... we could always. Not visit said friend! Break a promise, get some hell points."
"I'm good babe," she replied nonchalantly, leaving the house with her emotional support Satan worker on her shoulder into the chilly and breezy fall air.
"Wanna suck the joy out of everything," he muttered.
The walk was a nice one. A small breeze that kept you chilly but warm. Lici was in her usual red overalls and pale yellow sweater and right above her was a grey sky with the sun barely peeking out to illuminate all the tan grass and different colored leaves.
Upon entering the market, they took a deep breath together. Inhaling the fresh air and food coming from specific booths.
But also upon entering a single raindrop fell from the sky.
Straight onto Luci's head.
Which made him hiss, as the sound of a small sizzle was heard. He rubbed the top of his head and then looked up. Another raindrop came, and another sizzle was heard.
Lici took notice. "It's sprinkling- are you... burning??"
"Rain is Gods disciples and himself weeping-" he replied, continuing to rub where the rain had fell. "Literal Holy Water."
She blinked. Huh. Really?
"We-" she tried, only go feel a rain drop on her face.
And then more. And then suddenly it was raining hard, but not pouring.... Luci scrambled to the inside of her sweater. Putting his head through her collar and protecting himself with the shirt.
"Go buy a god damn UMBRELLA or RAINCOAT!!" he exclaimed.
She scrambled to the closest minimart (clothes store???) And bought a raincoat. Which was a rather big hassle, considering all of the umbrellas were sold out and the raincoat she got was the last one.
A very awkward conversation with a woman trying to explain her portable creature inside her shirt would be in immense pain in the rain, was more important that said woman's child.
Luci gave her a nod of approval.
He hated all kids and she was getting negative points. Which she balanced out by having her money rounded up by a dollar for charity. Negative and positive, and she was back to 0.
Putting the raincoat on, she buttoned it up- and then allowed Luci to slither into the hood. His hot hands and tail wrapping around her neck. Like a little heating pad.
"Our journey continues!!!" she exclaimed to the rainy day outside, ready to take on the still open market.
The walk was a nice and chill one. Along with the falls wind and Lucis warm body, Lici was very in the neutral and very comfortable.
"What's the item anyway?"
"Wouldn't you like to know...."
"I do. That's why I asked," the demon squinted.
Seeing the needed stall in sight and ignoring Luci, she sped up quickly. Slightly shoving his head into her rain coat to avoid some sort of odd suspicion and him talking.
Coming up to the table she leaned on the orange table cloth. "Weather huh?"
Her friend immediately recognized her and smiled. "Ah!! Second day of October and you're already here!!" They exclaimed. With a snap and a smile of course.
"You're in luck! Not even sold out and I had one saved for ya!"
She excitedly paid, and while her friend grabbed said item, Luci peeked outside of the hood.
"What even-"
"One big bag of seasonal peanut brittle and a cup of homemade hot cocoa powder!!"
She grabbed both, thanked her friend and made off. Satisfied with the market trip.
It was easy! Just like that! Doing a full look around could be for another day.
"You dragged me out into the rain for PEANUT BRITTLE??? I couldve died. You know what-? I'm just waiting for your negatives to come in now."
Him and his little demon system.
Of course he'd be pretty and pissed. She anticipated this.
Lici then opened the bag and promptly broke off a piece. Handing it to him with a smirk.
He snatched it, ate it whole.
.... And then gave a hefty sigh of regret.
"You're lucky I love you."
"Love you too Luce," the girl replied smugly. And like that her 0 became a +1.
🕯🧡 ☆~ Fin ~ ☆ 🧡🕯
Tags: @sennamybeloved (creator of prompt)
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