#also i used to think private schools should be illegal so that rich parents would have to invest in the public school system
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nightmarish (and probably racist) private school parents contributed significantly to the nightmare year that ultimately killed my willingness to continue with classroom teaching (aka the dream of my entire adulthood to that point) for good, and also several of them drove close personal friends of mine completely bugfuck crazy, so, like, i'm really not emotionally invested in defending private school parents as a demographic. but i do find that a lot of discourse around the motivations of private school parents in choosing private school feel to me misguided and more interested in moralistic grandstanding than in accuracy (on the INTERNET? crazy, i know). and i am saying this now and thinking about it now because the number of these things i had to deal with in high school was: zero!
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what-if-rpg · 2 years
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Welcome to the family, SEBASTIAN! Your application to SEBASTIAN SMYTHE was accepted. We’re really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! We can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Sebastian Smythe CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 32 -- December 17th OCCUPATION: attorney FACE CLAIM: Grant Gustin HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Born in New York, vacationed with family in Paris every year, was in Lima for the Warblers in the same way Hunter went there for the Warblers and then went back to New York after graduating SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: gay & a man (homoflexible though, perhaps, would be a good word to throw out there because there are signs that he's gay in canon but he never says so) RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single, but his parents are trying to marry him off to rich socialites POSITIVE TRAITS: determined, educated, loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: hot headed, competitive, snarky CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: “I try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually they make the difference between winning and losing.” —Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Everything canon is canon, he was acting the way that he was for attention and because he really liked being on top and being a bully felt nice. Knocking other people down meant he had someone to stand on to get a little higher himself, but when he pushed Dave too far he immediately felt bad, apologized, and turned over a new leaf. He realized it wasn't worth it and that actions have consequences, which was a new concept for him because his dad always got him out of trouble without any. His leaf is still turned over, and it is still hard sometimes to not say things he will regret.
He really wanted to do Not Law. He really liked performing and still dances in his free time (at a professional level now), but never on stage. Only in a private studio, when he has time. The fear that his talent is going to fade while he's getting more and more busy with his family business has been getting harder and harder to ignore. Especially after he turned 30th. His desperation to get out of law had him try to look at a bunch of other careers (hoping his parents wouldn't be too upset with him if he tried one of them instead) as he went through law school but he stick it out. People might not understand how his family could have so much influence on what he does as an adult, even after he moved into his own place as a teenager, this is just how it's always been for him. They traveled back and forth, hosting and attending events, doing things to perpetuate their status financially and socially, and his parents were always his tour guides. They've always told him what to do, in the sense that they've always been there to guide him though strange, new lands. But they're also busy people, so their attention was moderately fleeting and therefore incredibly valuable.
Sometimes, he has a bit of a partying habit still. It's not something that he has had time for in years but he still does it anyway. He's not an alcoholic, but he's definitely a sex addict (not in the romanticized way, in the real way) and uses the attention he can get for his body to keep him going. He's not miserable, and he's even happy a lot of the time, but this habit still lingers and when he's upset the very first thing he'll think to do is go out to a club, party, and have sex. He has slipped a few times and gotten a little sloppy at an event his parents took him to, both as a teenager sneaking alcohol illegally and as a fully legal adult. It's not enough to have been noticeable, his parents got him out quickly enough to cover it up.
After everything that happened in Lima, seeing any of the New Directioners makes him feel a little sheepish. Not shy, but like he should still feel a little guilty for what he put them through and like he doesn't know how to interact or try to belong in their breathing space.
PARENTS: Étiennette Lilou Smythe (French, from France, not royalty but from a socialite family in politics. She ran off the normal path for her family by getting into modeling before she got married and fashion) & Frederick Harrison Smythe (English, from the US, similar to Russell Fabray but law centric instead of bible centric. He's the reason Sebastian took on law, he works with and for his own family at his dad's family owned business that was opened two generations ago and he should be honored to have a legacy to take on, blah blah blah) SIBLINGS/OTHER IMPORTANT FAMILY: Just his grandparents in France. He used to go see them every Christmas and every summer when he was growing up, then it narrowed to once a year when he got busier and older. They are old money, the kind of people that just feel powerful when you stand near them, but they're retired and though they live in the city, they all meet at a large cottage in the countryside that the family owns. BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND: None, but I'd be willing to do a fake relationship plot (to trick his parents because of ->) or take on connections for people his parents are trying to set him up with. CLOSE FRIEND: Hunter is a close friend, he would definitely hide a body for the Clarington and he is pretty sure that Hunter would do the same for him if need be. Their relationship looks odd from the outside though, with Sebastian endlessly teasing the stoic Hunter (but only in ways that Hunter might secretly enjoy).  OTHER: We can go with the cliche barista plot, someone that's seen him working at a coffee shop because you know he has a new Lima Bean in NYC that he hangs out at all of the time.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
The bullies with an S/O that’s just completely off the board? Like no matter how much they look the bullies can’t find /anything/ on them, all their school papers are forged and their home just isn’t able to be found no matter how hard they look? Maybe due to the S/O changing their identity after doing something bad?
That's hella specific and I love it?? XD
Sure thing boo, let me see what I can do.
Also, I'll change the ocs profiles to be paper drawings with digital coloring because believe me boo, I'm tired of redrawing them (and I believe y'all are tired of always seeing these new drawings).
I noticed that my paper art is a lot better than my digital art, and although I'm kinda proud of them I still feel a little petty because I wish to do cool stuff on the computer ;-;.
Anyway, just a heads-up if you see something off with the oc's bios.
TW/Tags: I have no idea what to tag this lmao // identity theft // illegal/unauthorized inscription // not an accurate representation of university/how universities work lol // abusive household/abusive parents // I may or may not have changed your concept a little, I'm sorry for it 😔
Suspicion (fuck yeah, I don't know what to title this) [Yandere!Bully OC x Reader - Headcanon]:
→Adrien Coldwell:
For a person that prides themselves as the "know it all" when it comes to people's social media and reputation, he doesn't know anything about you.
This is a first for him, which is both annoying and honestly so intriguing. You didn't strike him as a person who would hide any secrets, and he had a hunch this was about to be good.
He searched for social media first, not finding anything about Avery Remington. Well, at least nothing with your face on it.
However, he did find something very, very interesting while looking at the school's documents, specifically the archives of all the students that have already studied here. He honestly didn't think he would find anything about you in these old papers, he was probably doing all this stupid work for nothing.
However, he was half right and half wrong. He didn't find anything about you, but this whole search wasn't completely lost, as he did find "you", Avery.
"- Student name Avery Remington, average grades and apparently no history of wrong doings or any bad behavior in general. Their registration to the Academy dates to 1980."
Oh. Ooooh, this was rich.
"- Huh." He said closing the documents and letting it where he found it. He was at least kind enough to let the palace a little organize after going through each paper trying to find your name.
Well, "your name". The only things that he kept for himself was photos of both the old documents about Avery Remington, and the earlier documents about Avery Remington. It was clear that you did something probably really, really bad, and you know he'll take advantage of it.
He had built his own theory about this, as in: you somehow found the paperwork of Avery's registration and their previous school's records so you could somehow impersonate them and get a free entrance to this institution.
He knew that you had something to hide, no one can be so perfect. But knowing the action itself wasn't enough for him, he needed to know the motive behind it.
For someone that is lazy and doesn't bother to care about important things, he sure spent a lot of time trying to scoop some dirt on you. When he finds the perfect opportunity, without any witness around, he'll take the chance to use this information against you.
"- Well, hello "Avery"." His tone was already suspicious, his voice not hiding anything from you. He came here to belittle you for his own entertainment.
"- H-Hi Adrien." You said shyly, hoping that your anxious mind was wrong and that this was all just a misunderstanding. You were hoping that the growing feeling of him possibly knowing about your fraud, was wrong.
"- Ya know, I'm kinda jealous of whatever plastic surgery you went through to look so young, maybe you should ask the faculty to correct your age tho." He said while showing the pictures he took of the documents.
"- Wait! I-I can-"
"- Honestly, I didn't think you were over 60 years old! Could have fooled me." His smug face was the selling point. You knew that you wouldn't find any form to convince him that what was on his phone was false.
He had a victorious smile on his face. Ever since you entered this school you always acted a little too paranoid and almost too friendly for his liking, and to confess to himself that he has fallen for you would be the bottom of the pit to him.
Still, he wanted to know why you did it. Why didn't you pay to get in if you wanted the scholarship so badly? What, you were too poor for it?
And what about a talent, or the test? Obviously, the university hasn't gone out of their way to pick a loser like you and insert you inside their classes on a whim, as they thought you were Avery Remington, a student that is already registered in school's documents (yet, of course, their system haven't verified the date of the registration, either by incompetence or by a "small mistake"). So you didn't do the test too, simply pathetic honestly.
Your sad dramatic story explaining how you managed to get into the academy. You did your best to get into the academy by legal means, but they always rejected you. Apparently you thought it would be a good idea to use your grandparent's documents to squeeze yourself into the institution.
"- But why in hell would you do such a thing? Are you that pathetic dearest?"
"- I… I wanted somewhere to go. Somewhere I could grow into a better person, a-away from-" You cut yourself short when the memories of your old home started to come into view.
For some reason, your parents couldn't stand the idea of you getting into a decent university, if anything, they thought you weren't capable of even washing some dishes at the local pizzeria. In their eyes, you were worthless.
When you found out your grandparent used to frequent this institution, and that they managed to disattached themselves from their familial routes and thrive as a musician you got instantly inspired! Determined to follow their steps and prove your family that you're just as worth ass-
"- Urghhhh- Boring! I don't care about all of that. Are you serious? You committed a crime just so you could stick it up to your shitty parents?"
"- …. Yes?"
"- Huh. Geez you're cooler than I thought. Listen, how about we make a deal?"
The deal was simple, he would not tell anyone about your little secret, and he would even help you keep your scholarship and help you reach your ambitions as long as you started spending more time with him. Which, at first you thought it sounded absurd, this man is holding your whole life by a thin thread as long as you give him attention?? What?!
And although that sounded extremely suspicious, you accepted it, not knowing that for the next few years you would have to endure a harsh training to discover your talents and to improve them before you two graduated. However, you started to think Adrien was starting to see your deal in a different light-
"- Come on now, after this we can go eat something okay? Where would you like to go this time? Our last date I chose the best restaurant I know, so you better choose something of equal value."
…. Date?
→Alexandra Coldwell:
You were suspicious from the very start. Overly friendly and too- Ugh! Too cute?!
You were always skittish whenever someone called you. What, you had a problem with your name or something?
And the worst part was how no one seemed to know where you lived. Every group project with you was considered annoying by most of your classmates, as you never called people in your house or never let anyone have your address, not even your phone number??
You didn't have any social media, what are you, a weirdo? What the hell??!
She is not even pissed about you being a loser, she is pissed that she has fallen for someone like you! A complete weirdo that was always panicking over nothing.
She started stalking you with the intention of finding at least one thing that she could hate on you so she wouldn't feel so- Lovey dovey towards you!
But what she really found was something worth an entire gold mine.
A private phone call between you and someone who was losing their shit. She couldn't understand too much of the conversation as she didn't have any context, yet she could hear a lot of things that you and the person were discussing.
The person yelled [Y/N] multiple times while in the phone call, saying how you were absolutely the worst mistake of their lives (which by the way, rude much? Who is this asshole?), that you were a selfish brat that needed to learn to appreciate their hard work.
Oh… Oh. She now knows who you're talking with. She decided to record the entire thing the moment she saw you taking your cellphone to have a private call.
She was planning on recording your voice for her own hearing pleasure, but this? This was so… Interesting.
"- [Y/N]?" She called your attention after the conversation ended, and because you haven't been accustomed to people calling you "Avery", you turned around saying "what" instinctively.
And when you noticed Alexandra smirk for a split second, you regretted answering your parents call. Not that you needed anymore reason to regret it, but this was certainly the last nail in the coffin.
You begged for her to understand that you couldn't go back, you simply can't go back to them, ever again! You told her the whole sob story about how your grandparent had decided to run away from home and fulfil their own dreams as a musician, even if people didn't really hear their music all that much, and now that you think about it, that's probably the reason why no one have recognized their name at all.
Your grandparent had a really small fanbase, and you knew that because you were part of them. They weren't popular at all compared to Amaryllis Academy standards, yet they were happy singing their songs to the world.
You kinda wish your family hasn't broken the old recorder that belonged to your grandparent. Their first album was in there, it was cheesy and filled with errors, yet they sounded so happy when doing what they loved, and you wanted something like that for yourself!
You needed to live that hell hole and so you did. You rented a small apartment that was falling apart, the reason why you never gave people your address was because you knew they would bully the hell out of you because of how poor you are.
After finishing your story you noticed Alexandra snoring beside you. You thought she was only exaggerating, but then you saw her drooling and acting really dizzy after you woke her up.
"- Oh my God, so… That was it? You ran away to follow your dreams and stuff?" She asked, still kinda sleepy.
"- What? Of course it was-" You were fuming with anger, how dare she-
"- And I thought you only looked cool because I liked you! You're pretty strong for sticking up for yourself." She interrupted you, looking at you with admiration in her eyes.
She proposed to you a deal. How about you two keep this secret together, and, if anything does happen she'll still help you stay inside the institution. However, you'll need to work your ass out to become the best you can be, and you'll let her guide you through, because you're too much of a dummy to do it all by yourself. You'll have to spend time with her and let her help you out.
At first, you thought it sounded absurd, this woman is holding your whole life by a thin thread as long as you give her attention?? What?!
And although that sounded extremely suspicious, you accepted it, not knowing that for the next few years you would have to endure a harsh training to discover your talents and to improve them before you two graduated. However, you started to think Alexandra was starting to see your deal in a different light-
"- Why you never hold my hand? Come on, "Avery", won't you hold the hand of your dearest girlfriend?" She asked playfully while taking your hand anyway.
…. Girlfriend?
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asterekmess · 4 years
Scott McCall is the poster boy for entitlement, misogyny and toxic masculinity. Remember when he demanded that Allison goes out with her stalker (Matt) and then yelled at her in the middle of a crowded club because she had the audacity to trust her own father to save Jackson instead of obeying him? Or when Scott pinned Allison against her bedroom’s door and humiliated her just to prove how ‘weak’ and ‘fragile’ she was and because “If I’m scared shitless, then you should be scared shitless too”?
I told my friend Mads a long time ago that with every new fic I put out, my urge to become, if not popular, then just understood as an anti-scott blog got stronger. I mean, it’s not like I want my blog to just be about hating Scoot, but I didn’t really want people to come in and follow me thinking I was a Scott fan, because it would be disingenuous.
I think I got my wish? Either one person has a lot of feelings (which I’m all for) or a bunch of v angry anti-scott people have swarmed over me like hummingbirds on sugar water. It’s a really interesting experience!
Anyway, back to your ask. So, I don’t like Scott, and admittedly sometimes I’m a little extra bitter/hateful than others, but I do try to be accurate in my dislikes of him (usually), so I’ll go through what you said one at a time and try to decipher (from my v faulty memory, so apologies if there are mistakes) if I agree with each statement.
Since some people have requested the Read More thing so they can scroll easier.
Scott is: Entitled. Off the cuff, I would agree. I’ve mentioned before how frustrating it was to see the show attempt to portray him as a poor kid, when he’s nowhere near that. I’ve also seen posts before that explore how Scott doesn’t carry a ‘poor kid’ mentality at all (they probably did it better than me, and it was probably Athenadark who did the analyzing). Growing up, I didn’t consciously know I was poor. Not as in ‘i had everything I needed’ but as in “i assumed all kids grew up occasionally eating a single can of pears for dinner or had to return groceries from the car because their parent’s card was declined and they were out of food stamps or wore a pair of tennis shoes until they were literally taped together with packing tape because we couldn’t afford new ones.” I grew up in a poor town, on the poor side of that town, so there wasn’t a lot that showed me it was possible to live differently. Being poor gives you a specific mentality, and when I finally met kids who were ‘middle class’ I was blown away by the differences. I say all this because Scott is very clearly a middle class kid.
Yes, he has an after school job. Who tf didn’t? That doesn’t automatically make you poor? Even my rich friend got a summer job because she wanted to buy band merch and her parents wouldn’t let her. But have you seen his room? It’s a wreck. We get the scene of him digging under his bed trying to find his phone, and I honestly was kinda disgusted. (I also grew up in a hellhole hoarder house, so clutter fucks me up) It’s not just the messiness though. It’s finding out that his mom is the one doing the laundry. Melissa “One shift won’t break us completely” McCall still cleans her son’s room and does his laundry and sews his clothes even though she’s supposed to be working herself to death at the hospital. Oh, and he’s sixteen years old, so he should be able to do his own fucking laundry? it’s one thing if his stuff ends up there while she’s doing laundry, but apparently she goes out of her way to do his clothes regularly enough that she has no qualms about going in his room to clean? Scott works at a VET’s office and has for long enough that he can put a cast on a dog and feels confident giving it painkillers in the right dosage. And he can’t sew a line of stitches in his clothes? He’s got an ensuite bathroom. His room is clearly the master bedroom. He doesn’t make his mom dinner to bring her, he picks up chinese. And there’s the house itself and its size, etc. Of the two of them, i would’ve expected Stiles to have the messy room. He’s adhd, I know how hard it is to keep a room clean with that kind of headspace. But no, his is really clean most of the time, even his desk, unless he’s researching something specific. I mention Stiles because it’s the comparison of the two that makes Scott’s own messiness stand out. Hell, literally no other bedroom we’re shown is messy in the slightest. Allison’s, Lydia’s, Jackson’s, none of them. (I don’t remember Liam’s room, if we saw it) He feels entitled enough to take up extra space and add extra work to his mother’s stress level (which, listen, I’m not saying being not-poor makes you entitled. I’m saying that the show makes the claim Scott IS poor and he Still does these things. THAT is the entitled part.)
Then there’s his relationship with Stiles. “Yeah, but I had you before.” When talking about the good and bad things in his life, he doesn’t even think to mention Stiles as one of the good things. He says he has nothing, just like before. Stiles isn’t even on his radar, even though they’re looking right at each other. Yet we know that Stiles is basically Scott’s only friend. As someone else with very few friends, I can’t imagine saying to my best friend’s face that I have nothing and no one. Let alone if that friend had been keeping me from dying and teaching me how to be a fucking werewolf for months on end. When do we see him worry about Stiles being human and stuck in the middle of all this? Especially in earlier seasons, we never see him say anything like “maybe you should hang back cus’ you’ll get hurt.” Like, we know that Stiles would do it anyway. And we’d get pissed if Scott told Stiles he wasn’t allowed to help because he was human, but that’s because Scott doesn’t get to tell Stiles what to do. We know Stiles finds ways to protect himself when he has to, but Scott never even asks. He never hints at “I’m worried about you and please know I wont’ be mad if you stay away from the fight.” Even Derek shoves Stiles behind him when the kanima shows up. There’s the thing where he warns them ‘if something goes wrong call for me.” But he explicity says that worry is for Allison, even though she has some method of self-defense. Stiles has nothing. Scott never cares enough to think “Maybe we shouldn’t bring him to the rave where there’s gonna be a vicious killing machine that has already tried to attack him once.” One word from Peter “vulnerable” and Scott stalks Allison (and forces Stiles to help him) for a week. But Stiles gets trapped in a pool for hours, scared out of his mind, and Scott never so much as seems to get clingy? He just assumes Stiles will be fine. He feels entitled to Stiles’ help and assistance, without putting any thought into Stiles’ safety. He asks “is it illegal?” not “Will you get in trouble?” He looks at Stiles when he says “I can’t protect anyone” But when was he trying to protect STILES?  Then there’s the part where while he’s ‘under the influence of the wolfsbane whistle’ (A plot point I fucking hate) he drags Stiles down with him and includes him in being nothing. Being no one. He assumes that if he was nothing before the bite, then Stiles must’ve been nothing also. And since Stiles didn’t get bitten, it also implies that Stiles is still nothing. He’s just hanging on Scott’s wolfy coattails. That’s an incredibly entitled viewpoint to have.
Admittedly, we do see some more humble moments with Allison, especially at the beginning of their relationship, where he says “I just wanna make sure I get my second chance” he’s not assuming he’ll get it. Go scott! (I’m not the hugest fan of him asking her out after he’s clearly just done her a massive favor and is keeping her from getting in trouble for hitting a dog, and she’s wearing his SHIRT and she can’t really say no without looking absolutely horrible, but she seemed pretty into him, so I’ll let it go) But once they’re together? I know that most best friends share secrets and private stuff with each other...but Scott tells Stiles so much about his sex life with Allison that Stiles is actually pissed off and kind of disgusted by it. Stiles. Who is supposed to be sex obsessed. Even he thinks that it’s just way too much information. I can’t imagine Allison would be comfortable with Stiles knowing that much about her in bed. (But at the same time, we see Scott tell Stiles that he never wants any more info on Stiles in bed than Stiles’ vague innuendo abt wet dreams, and then he still feels entitled to tell Stiles whatever he wants about him and Allison and won’t listen when Stiles asks him to stop.) When he asks Allison to go out with someone else, there’s so much that makes me both sad and angry. She is confused and scared, and has clearly committed really hard to Scott (enough to go against everything her family wants) and he tells her to go on a date with someone else. Not just that, but to kiss someone else. To kiss Matt, specifically, whom he knows Stiles thinks is really fucking creepy (though, we need to acknowledge that no one knew Matt was stalking Allison.) And she tries to show him that he’s asking for something really fucking weird and uncomfortable. “Kiss him? You mean, like really kiss him?” And even then, he doesn’t think anything is weird about telling his girlfriend (and they are clearly v monogamous. We see how insanely possessive he is of her, losing his shit when she’s just introduced to other guys Lydia knows, after only one date that he bailed from) to kiss someone else, but not kiss them the way she kisses him. He doesn’t ask for any info about the date, doesn’t ask if Allison’s uncomfortable. He just says “Do it.” and expects her to obey. He feel entitled to controlling who she’s with and what she does, without asking her if she’s okay with it. Because I haven’t seen later seasons in a long time, I usually try to stick to the earlier stuff so I’m less likely to say something stupid, but I do remember him scaring her in her bedroom. There’s a lot about that scene to unpack, but in the case of Allison specifically, we see that he still feels entitled to touch her. They are not friends right now. She has not given any hint that she wants to get back together (except asking to talk to him in ep.1). He should not feel like it is in any way okay to touch her at all, let alone hold her still with super strength. But he does. In his mind. She’s Allison, so why wouldn’t he able to touch her?
He also feels entitled to his leadership. We need to make clear that Scott doesn’t do the leadership stuff. He just happens to be the person in the friend group who’s a werewolf. Stiles and Jackson are the ones who go and set Peter on fire after they can’t get ahold of Scott (WHO IS NOW WITH DEREK, and THEREFORE HAS HIS PHONE). (You’re telling me Scott could’ve done the howl thing at any time to find Derek, and he just left him there for a week?) (Also, yes, I know Stiles was also not involved in helping find Derek until Peter made him. I’m annoyed at him too.) What is leadership-worthy about leaving a tortured man on a grate with electric wires plugged into his side and shackles on his wrists until he agrees to help you kill his own uncle (Oh, also, I have Peter feelings and have salty thoughts about the plot of s1, if anyone’s interested)? But let’s say Scott’s leadership comes in Season 2, not at the end of S1. But when exactly does he earn it? When he tells a teenage girl he doesn’t care about the humiliation and pain that led her to taking a bite that would cure her lifelong illness and give her a friend group that she didn’t have to be afraid of or bullied by? When he called a boy who looked him in the eyes and begged for him to keep his wolf secret “Bloodthirsty”? When he dismissed Boyd’s want for the bite, which was a way for him to make friends and feel like he belonged somewhere, as ridiculous? When he damaged Boyd’s workplace in a way that would almost certainly get Boyd in trouble? (You think smashing a massive crater into the middle of the ice rink with his fist didn’t get Boyd yelled at or maybe even fired?) When Boyd asked to talk to him on the field, and Scott attacked without rhyme or reason? When he let Erica sit and seize while he fussed over Allison? “This doesn’t Feel right” really Scott? You know, I think Erica, who’s having a fucking seizure in the next aisle, would agree! Hurry the fuck up! Oh my god, I went so off track. I have more thoughts on all that though, if anyone’s curious. Anyway. Scott doesn’t do anything that actually entails being a leader. His one job in the rave, he passes off to Isaac so that he can go call Gerard, because he’s currently working with the villain behind everyone’s back. The whole thing with Allison telling her parents and the plan with Derek getting messed up? Yeah, that was Scott’s fault for not telling her. Hell, for not telling GERARD. He, what he expected her to read his mind? Scott knew Allison was telling her parents about Jackson! She said she would tell them after he broke out of the van! The entire fuckup is his fault. But he still shouts at her and blames her and says she should’ve ‘trusted’ him. He passes all the guilt onto her and leaves her there on the verge of tears. He’s entitled to her obedience and he’s entitled to shaming her and scolding her like a child when she doesn’t do what he wants.
So, yeah, I think Scott’s entitled.
Scott is: Misogynistic. This one...I’m not so sure? Scott has a lot of bad qualities, a lot of behavior that’s incredibly toxic and manipulative, but I can honestly say that I can’t think of a single time when his reasoning for not letting/not thinking someone is capable of doing something is because they’re female?
There’s a lot to be said about the manipulative way that he speaks to and interacts with his girlfriends, but that doesn’t stem from misogyny, from what I can see. It stems from everything else. From his self-obsession, from his moral code, from his honest belief that he deserves obedience and complete candor from those closest to him. He does this to everyone, not just the women. It’s just easier to see it with the women because we’re primed to look for it. (I’m making the assumption here that you are female/feminine presenting, anon, since I know that the vast majority of the fandom is, but if I’m wrong, my apologies) Wow, though I’d have more to say on this bit, but I don’t.
Scott is: Toxicly Masculine. I’m not sure where I lay on this idea. Teen Wolf does have a lot of general instances of toxic masculinity, and Scott does exhibit some of them, but again, part of those behaviors can be found in women as well.
I know that it regularly pissed me off how often they reduced men to sex machines. *Scott and Allison are making out on Allison’s bed* Scott: “I don’t wanna make you do anything you don’t wanna do.” Allison: “I’m not doing anything I don’t wanna do. Are you?” Scott (incredulous): “Are you seriously asking me that question?”
*Stiles and Heather are talking about having sex at the party* Heather: “I mean, would you be okay with that?” Stiles (gently mocking): “Would I be okay with that? Yes, yes, I believe so.” They go out of their way to completely negate the possibility that a guy wouldn’t be into sex, even making the concept of asking for a man’s consent sound silly. This becomes even more toxic when Stiles complains about Malia leaving marks on him, hurting him during sex, and he gets teased for it. No one considers it a problem that Malia is scratching him. He’s expected to be appreciative of it/like it.
There’s the possessiveness, yes. Scott does some really fucked up, possessive things. Like freaking on Allison when Lydia introduces her to other guys, or getting angry from the sidelines just because Jackson is talking to Allison, not even flirting with her. Or running off to attack Jackson AND Allison (because there’s no proof he was only going after Jackson, and he’s only ever been able to follow allison’s scent across town, so he couldn’t have specifically been looking for Jackson) after she broke up with him. Throwing Isaac into a wall for liking Allison, even though they’ve been broken up for FOUR MONTHS. I can’t think of any more at the moment. But it’s a lot. BUT. We also see possessive behavior from Malia (yeah, she was an actual coyote for years, but she’s still a woman.) and similar amounts of aggression throughout the seasons from most of the shifters, implying that the habit is born from the werewolf/shifter thing, and not specifically Scott being toxicly masculine. (It’s still not good, but it’s not technically toxic masculinity.)
Aggression I think we can all agree is a shifter-wide phenomenon.
So, yeah, there’s instances that come across this way, and there’s also evidence that some of it is werewolf related, not scott related. I’m torn.
Anyway, again, I’ve talked way too much. If there are moments from later in the show that I’m missing that specifically prove/disprove these points, I’d love to know about it and check it out! I feel you Anon, Scott is infuriating and you’re in good company. <3
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upthenorthmountain · 4 years
Heartwood - Chapter 2
Chapter 1
I need to make a fic page, will try and do that today, but do I want to draw a picture? Hmm
Anyway here’s chapter two!
Chapter 2
No one noticed when Anna got home, and no one noticed that she didn’t eat any dinner. She went up to her bare, sterile room and she lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling. If anyone came in they would only see my head and my hair, she thought, all in white as I am, on these white sheets. She looked down at herself and pulled her hands up into her sleeves. If I were to die right now then they would just have to carry me out, straighten the counterpane, and everything in the world would keep going the same as it always has. They’d have to tell Elsa, of course, otherwise she might not realise I wasn’t here any more.
A year. One more summer, one more autumn, one more winter, then maybe a slice of spring. And that was all.
She wondered what would happen when she told Elsa.
She’d drag her back to the doctor, that’s what would happen. She’d ask a thousand questions, and she’d insist on that referral, and they’d go to the city; and there would be so many doctors, and so many more white rooms like this one. Anna would be poked and prodded and half her blood would be run through machines; and they’d cut her open and poke around in there as well, and post her into MRI machines and goodness knew what. A year to live, and that’s how she’d spend it.
Maybe...maybe she didn’t have to tell Elsa straight away.
Maybe she didn’t have to tell her at all.
Anna slept very little that night. By the time the sun finally rose, the sunrise filling the white room with some colour for once, she’d made up her mind. On the stroke of 9am, she rang the doctor’s office, and said she’d like to cancel her appointment for next week, please. No, she didn’t want to reschedule. Yes, she’d call back if she changed her mind. Thank you.
And then she went out. It seemed like a good day to buy a red dress.
The dress was perfect. It was a rich, deep, cranberry red; it was fitted at the top with a skirt that swirled beautifully; it showed a little more cleavage than Anna was used to, but still fairly respectable - other people she knew showed a lot more, certainly. None of her shoes went with it, of course. It needed sparkly shoes. Fortunately, the shop sold those too, and a matching necklace.
Anna’s daring didn’t quite extend to wearing the dress at home. She quailed a little at Elsa seeing it, and wasn’t sure she wouldn’t end up changing, and then when she got home the dress - and shoes, and necklace - would have disappeared. But she had a charity tea this afternoon, and her outfit was perfectly appropriate. Elsa wouldn’t be there, and no one else would think anything of it.
She changed quickly in the Ladies in the reception of the hotel, and on a whim, brushed her hair down too. Her hair waved naturally, and usually had to be pulled back to keep it neat - but today she didn’t feel like looking neat. She pinned a little of it back from her face and peered at herself in the mirror. She hadn’t brought any make-up, and her freckles were showing something awful - but nothing she could do about it now.
The tea was taking place in the main ballroom. Anna gave her ticket to the staff member at the door, took a deep breath, and went in.
She did get a few odd glances. She suspected a few acquaintances didn’t recognise her immediately. Anna took a drink and said a few hellos, then she stood to one side and looked around.
It suddenly struck her how pointless this all was. No one wants to be here, she thought. They’d all rather be at home or on the golf course or conducting their tedious extra-marital affairs, but it’s for charity so here they are. Imagine how much better the charity would do if they all just donated the same amount but no one had to book the room or buy the drink or arrange for the tiny food. Anna snagged what she suspected was some kind of deconstructed cucumber sandwich from a tray. It was actually quite good. If this is an afternoon tea, though, surely there should be cake?
She took another miniscule sandwich and wandered over to the staff member who seemed to be overseeing the waiting staff. “Excuse me,” she asked him, “Is there any cake?”
“Mm. It’s not a criticism, I was just wondering. These are very good, by the way.”
“Thank you. There will be a selection of fancy cakes and meringues served after the speech from the charity representative.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you.” Anna paused. Did she want to listen to a speech? Was that really how she wanted to spend her hours on Earth, that were apparently very precious?
“D’you think I could get a cake to go?” she said. “I have to leave now. Medical reasons.”
The man hesitated, then he shrugged and disappeared towards the kitchen. Anna surveyed the room again - there was no one here she actually, actively wanted to talk to - and thought about what she could do instead. She could go anywhere. The thought was thrilling but also a little terrifying.
She remembered meeting Mrs Davies yesterday. Mrs Davies - Lillian - had been her Science teacher, back when she had gone to the local secondary school (her father hadn’t really approved of private education, he thought it gave the wrong mindset. Her sister did approve of it, or maybe she just approved of paying money to make Anna someone else’s problem, so she’d done her A-levels at a boarding school where she’d known no one and no one wanted to be friends with the girl who cried all the time). Mrs Davies - Lillian - had been an excellent teacher, friendly and enthusiastic and full of a passion for Science and nature. Anna was not at all surprised to find her spending her retirement engaging in a little light environmental protest. She’d also been Anna’s Girl Guide leader, and taken her camping a couple of times when she was twelve or thirteen. Oh, she’d love to see her again, and have a proper chat.
She knew exactly where Bennett’s Field was. She remembered, when she was a little girl, walking down there with her father. The footpath ran down the side of the field, and then skirted the edge of the woods. You had to stay on the footpath as far as the old oak tree, because the land on either side belonged to someone else, but the corner of the field and a small patch of the woods belonged to her father.
The memory stopped her short. Yes. It belonged to him. At some point when the farmland had been chopped up and parts of it sold, a small amount of the field and a corner of the woods had been bundled in with some other land her father had bought to develop. She thought so, anyway. She couldn’t see how it would have been sold, unless the developers of the field had bought it - there was no reason anyone would have told Anna about that.
She ducked out of the room and leant against the corridor wall. Imagine if it was still theirs - she would gladly, happily let the protestors stay on their corner of the field, make whatever observations they needed to in their corner of the woods. How did she find out? 
Anna knew where her lawyer’s office was. She’d heard her parents’ wills being read there, and she’d been there on a handful of other occasions since she came of age, to sign odd documents and make her own will at Elsa’s insistence. It was only four’o’clock. She ran down outside and found a taxi.
Mr Owens was very obliging, and agreed to see her, despite the short notice. Anna suspected he might have some sympathies with the bats; very soon the pair of them were looking at the map, and Anna was thrilled to see that she was correct.
“I think someone used to live there, many years ago,” Mr Owens said. “Although there’s no building there now, and you’d never get planning permission - the only access is along the public footpath, no utilities. So it’s not worth anything.”
“I don’t want to live there,” Anna said, though she did, a little. “But I could camp there if I wanted, couldn’t I?”
“Yes, of course.”
“With some friends, maybe.”
“If you liked. Of course, if the wood does become a Site of Special Scientific Interest, that would affect you, too.”
“That would be alright.” Anna traced the outline of the little patch of land on the map. “And if they build on the rest of the field?”
“Then they might give you access, but maybe not. They tried to buy this land, as you know,” he said.
“I didn’t, no.”
“Your sister didn’t tell you? They weren’t willing to pay what she was asking. To be quite honest, I advised her to take whatever she could get, they were the only people who might have given you anything for it. Like I said, it’s worthless.”
“Unless you’re a bat,” Anna said absently. Had Elsa been being greedy, or had she just not wanted to sell?
“Well, I suppose that’s true.”
“Can I have a copy of this map, please?”
“You can take that one, if you like. Was there anything else?”
“No, that was all. Thank you so much for seeing me.”
“No problem at all, Miss Rendell. I’m glad I could help.”
“I might go away for a few days,” Anna announced over breakfast the next morning.
Elsa looked up from her paper. “Really?” she said. 
“To where? With whom?”
“Um, you know I used to be in Guides? My old Guide leader invited me to go camping with her and some friends.” Anna buttered her toast without looking up. “I’ll have to get some camping things but there’s that shop on the retail park, isn’t there? I’ll run over there this morning.”
“Camping?” Elsa looked horrified. “Why would you want to do that?”
Anna shrugged. “Felt like it. You won’t even notice I’m gone.”
Elsa pulled a face. “I don’t think you’ll enjoy that at all, Anna. Camping! In a tent?”
“If I remember right, that’s how it goes.” Anna looked up. “If I don’t like it, I’ll come back. It’s not far.”
“How long for?”
“I don’t know. I’ll have my phone.”
“And where will you charge it?”
“I’ll get a solar charger.”
“And where exactly are you going?”
“Um. Bennett’s Field.”
Elsa dropped her paper. “Not that - Anna! You know they’re squatting illegally. That’s not camping, it’s a protest. What will you do if the police get involved?”
“Mm. But, if they moved over a bit to the north - and I was there - it wouldn’t be illegal, as such, would it.”
Elsa was quiet for a while, watching her sister’s face. Then she said, “I didn’t know you knew about that land.”
“Dad told me.  A long time ago.”
“You don’t have to actually stay with them. You could just give them permission, if that’s what you want. And stay here.”
“I think I’d like to go, thanks.”
Elsa looked at her again, for a long moment, then she picked up her newspaper. “As you wish.”
Anna took a big bite of her toast. That had been easier than she expected.
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bumblebaby · 4 years
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start me up
so this is my gift for @surroundedbythelonely for the secret santa organized by @stoziersecretsanta!! my sincerest apologies for the slight delay, i was a little busier than i expected yesterday so i didn’t get a chance to fix it up and post it. anyway, i wanted to do something with some shit-wrecking teenage boys since my favorite personal hc is that stan lowkey goes through a rebellious phase and richie is totally behind him in it lmao. hope you like it!!
@starboystan created the moodboard and also an AMAZING playlist to go along with the fic!! i highly recommend listening to the playlist while you read because it is so fitting. listen to “my very attractive rebel bf” on spotify
stozier / 1.6k words / warnings: both of them smoke weed
“‘Tis the season, motherfucker!” Stan shouts, leaning out the window to gift Henry a middle finger as they skid down the road.
And they cannot stop fucking laughing. It’s almost to the point where it’s getting on Stan’s nerves since his stomach hurts and Richie keeps snorting and Jesus Christ it is so much. But when his head flops to the side and he’s staring at Richie again, when he sees the curve in Richie’s nose and the tiny curls framing his forehead and how his lips look extra full, he presses himself up against the center console, takes Richie’s chin and tries his best to kiss him.
or, richie and stan are stoned, rebellious shit-wrecking boys and hate henry bowers with their entire beings.
read it on ao3
Stan is much too dignified to slam his door, but he wouldn’t be lying that it would make him feel a little better.
He’s eighteen now, and he feels like he’s finally at the age where he should be taken a little more seriously in regards to being able to make decisions on his own, though his parents haven’t really understood that. The argument of that night is about his future that continued to crawl near; his father makes sure to emphasize Stan’s “potential” every other sentence when defending his stance about how he should apply to the most prestigious and private universities after graduation and gets particularly pissy when Stan brought up NYU as a first choice. Stan doesn’t know how to tell his father that not everybody in his friend group had an Ivy League-worthy transcript and that he doesn’t want to throw himself into this brand new place all by himself. New York is scary enough even with people you know by your side.
It lasts for all of five minutes before Stan storms off, his father’s voice trailing behind him, and he gently closes his door no matter how violently the desire to scream bubbles in his throat. He leans against the wall, closes his eyes, thinks long and hard about how he should take this night to himself to try and relax, hears something hit his window, and immediately opens his eyes.
He quickly walks over to the other side of the room and slides open the glass, knowing full well who’s standing in his backyard.
“Richie, what the fuck?”
He looks like shit. There’s a joint in between his fingers and despite the snow, he isn’t wearing a jacket. Stan pops out the screen as he usually did, sets it aside, and leans further out to see that Richie’s truck windows were open, which explains the faint music coming from the direction of Stan’s driveway. Stan prays to whatever holy entity is watching over him that his parents don’t hear any of this going on, or if they do that they just don’t think much of it, because the last time Stan came home after sneaking out he was in such deep shit that the smell was burned into his nostrils for weeks to follow.
“Got any big plans tonight?” Richie coos from below him.
Stan turns his gaze downwards and gives a subtle glare. “No. Why?” Richie gestures with his free hand, and after Stan gives a strong exhale, he swings his legs over the edge and carefully slides out, using the small windowsill to support himself as he drops himself into the snow.
The moment Stan is on the ground, Richie envelopes him in his long arms. And holy fuck, he stinks. It’s all weed and beer and Stan is suffocating in it.
Stan places his palms on either side of Richie’s face, concernedly looking into his eyes. “How the hell did you get here?” he laughs.
Richie gives him a dopey smile. “I’m not drunk, only a little baked. I can still drive,” he responds.
“I’m not sure that’s how it works,” Stan says with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, I didn’t crash, did I?”
“Christ, Rich…” Stan mutters. Richie raises the joint in an offering manner, and Stan shakes his head. “I’m good.”
“More for me, then.” Richie shrugs and takes a drag while Stan rolls his eyes. “Anyway,” Richie begins, puffs of smoke accentuating each syllable, “so Henry’s been a dick lately, huh?”
“Henry is a dick all of the time.”
“Okay, yeah, well you get what I mean. But, as both you and I know, it’s the season of giving-”
Stan scrunches his face. “Are we going to give Henry Bowers a gift?”
Richie squints in response. “Something like that, yeah.” Stan doesn’t the chance to question any further before Richie has him by the hand, dragging him to his truck. Stan is in a Journey t-shirt, sweatpants, and the same Vans he’s had since middle school, and he’s hoping that Richie isn’t going to take them anywhere public.
Richie leads him to the passenger side of his truck and opens the door. There’s a plastic shopping bag, which Richie gestures to, and Stan opens.
Egg cartons.
Stan looks over his shoulder at Richie with a questioning smile.
“Season of giving!” Richie exclaims, throwing an arm around Stan’s waist.
“You’re so stupid.” Stan giggles. And, y'know, why not be stupid? He’s got a bunch of built-up tension from having to keep his back straight for his parents, and fucking shit up doesn’t seem awful.
Stan gives the okaying nod and they both climb into their respective seats.
“Buckle up,” Richie tells Stan as he starts the truck.
“What, so when your stoned-ass crashes I won’t die?”
“You could say that.”
As they’re driving, Stan silently questions how Richie knows where Henry lives, but he then remembers the time in middle school when Richie’s mom got so upset over the “dump-in-Richie’s-backpack” fiasco that she drove over to Henry’s house to yell at both him and his dad.
“Did Henry not see you?” Stan had asked the following morning.
Richie shook his head. “I hid in the backseat on the floor.”
Henry still tripped him at lunch later in the day.
The countless numbers of stories regarding Henry Bowers being the world’s largest asshole only fuels Stan’s anger. And of fucking course it should! When Stan looks over at Richie, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel to the drums of a New Order song Stan doesn’t recognize, his head bobbing along, his wide grin when he realizes Stan is staring at him, Stan realizes just how much he would do for him.
There’s still half of a joint in his other hand, and Stan leans over to take it. He’s not a frequent smoker, at least not to Richie’s level, but they’ve hotboxed the truck so many times in empty store parking lots to sloppily make out that Stan is genuinely surprised they haven’t gotten caught. Stan’s treehouse was another typical location, but a lot more risky for the obvious reasons.
He’s only able to get a couple of drags in before they show up, but it’s definitely already starting to kick in. They’re both giggling at each other and clambering out of the truck, parked a little way down the street for cautionary reasons, and Stan grabs the bag with the eggs. They walk up the driveway together hand in hand.
Richie removes the carton from the bag, opens it, and bows. “I’ll let you do the honors.”
Stan takes an egg, chucks it, and completely misses, throwing it into a bush.
“That was fucking terrible, dude.”
“Ok, yeah, whatever,” Stan grumbles, taking another one. This time it hits the front door with a satisfying splat, and Richie lets out a whoop. Stan shushes him, but Richie argues that they are “literally cracking eggs on a house”. Stan rolls his eyes from lack of a response.
Richie runs back to the truck, which confuses Stan until The Rolling Stones starts blasting, and then a smile stretches across his face. Richie dances his way over, pulling his hair back into a small ponytail, and loudly sings, pulling laughter from Stan’s mouth. Everything is so much more prominent now, the combination of music and obnoxious giggling is nearly deafening but in such a good, ecstatic way.
They get a few more throws in until the front door opening catches their eye. They immediately freeze.
“What the fuck?!”
Henry’s voice acts as a shrill alarm for the two of them to start running. They drop the egg carton, link their fingers together, still laughing and laughing and laughing, and thank God Henry’s driveway is long because Stan trips over his own foot and Richie has to pull him up from the pavement, and they just barely make it back to the truck.
“'Tis the season, motherfucker!” Stan shouts, leaning out the window to gift Henry a middle finger as they skid down the road.
And they cannot stop fucking laughing. It’s almost to the point where it’s getting on Stan’s nerves since his stomach hurts and Richie keeps snorting and Jesus Christ it is so much. But when his head flops to the side and he’s staring at Richie again, when he sees the curve in Richie’s nose and the tiny curls framing his forehead and how his lips look extra full, he presses himself up against the center console, takes Richie’s chin and tries his best to kiss him.
“Stan, I’m driving.”
Richie places a hand on Stan’s arm and his widening smile presses up against Stan’s mouth. “I’m driving while stoned which is illegal enough-”
“Okay well, it’s not illegal to kiss me, so.”
There’s a pause.
“Oh, you know what I meant.”
After another minute of Stan desperately trying to get his tongue in Richie’s mouth, he finally sits back down in his seat and dangles his arm out of the window. The cold air blowing in his face is more refreshing than it is numbing, and when Richie places his hand on Stan’s knee with the guitar of “Start Me Up” filling the cab of the truck, Stan makes a mental note to invite Richie over to the treehouse the next weekend.
They pull up to the front of Stan’s house. Richie turns the music down and finally places a kiss on Stan’s lips. “Goodnight, my very attractive rebel boyfriend.”
Stan snorts. “Yeah, I’m gonna go get my ass beat by my parents.”
Richie’s laughing again.
Even though Stan gets yelled at as soon as he steps foot in the house, all he can think about while he’s laying in bed is how much fun he had and how much he loves Richie.
And also the fact that he was the worst fucking munchies.
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fandomluver-101 · 4 years
Sweet Elite Chapter 8
So I have finally finished playing the last chapter! You would think I’d hate playing a game where I’m in school when IRL college is kicking my ass, but to each their own, LOL.
Anyways, I finished playing it and though I found it enjoyable, I’m not all that sure I truly enjoyed it. I normally don’t make my own reviews of the game and just leave comments on ones posted by others, but I decided to post it because why not! 
If you’re interested in a spoiler filled review, just click that “keep reading” below  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
First off, I like to write my little fanfics for my enjoyment (I’ve never posted any of them, but I have them in existence via USB lol). I’m probably gonna reference what I’ve written for Tadashi’s arc for comparison, so don’t try looking for them!
When I play Sweet Elite, I also like to record my screen so I can keep track of my choices (and compare what happens to what I wrote). A single playthrough for the first time and this is the longest I’ve spent on a chapter, a whole 2 hours and a half! Not a bad thing of course considering it was a major arc and expected to be on the longer side. But I feel like for the length, I didn’t get much Love Interest interactions because you’re forced to spend fairly equal amount of time with everyone (I played on my Tadashi account first since I had the most AP on that one).
I shall start with things I liked about the chapter, which wasn’t much to be honest?
1 - Tadashi not knowing what the Grammy’s was is hilarious to me (and also kinda sad because that kinda shows how much of a childhood he lacked since the average person would at least know the name!). That whole interaction was nice to see since it showed TadAxel having a non-arguing conversation, but the “Granny’s” was a major highlight.
2 - Neha hinting once again that she might be a scholarship student (because mentioning that scholarship students don’t have to advertise that they’re one is a major thing to introduce and not expect me to run with). And I interpreted how she responded to Karolina supporting Tadashi despite the scandal more of her being a bit jealous because I can only imagine how she’d react if Neha actually is a scholarship student (though Tadashi becoming one himself might soften Karolina up into accepting that your parents’ money doesn’t make you almighty).
3 - Ellie just being Ellie. Lordy she’s adorably terrifying and those are the best short friends to have because they keep you on your toes (and are totally down to hunting for the obscure or raiding Area 451).
4 - Tyler basically being how I felt playing as Scholar because the whole “I’m not doing shit while everyone else is offering something major in their super-awesome ways” was easy to recognize with.
So my first complaint is the convoluted plan to get Tadashi proven innocent/uninvolved in Hiroshi’s yakuza crap. I get the whole lie to the dad to make him think he’s on his side thing since it would get him half of his money back. But what I envisioned in my head and wrote down centered around my Scholar recording the conversation between Tadashi and his dad (which Tadashi did himself, which still makes it a viable plot-point) and them using the script/email from the lawyer and the bank statements of his dad taking all of his money to show him as a victim?
The video idea wasn’t bad and was also something I wrote for my BCP Scholar fanfiction (she’s marketing and PR with her own little company managing social media accounts, so the idea and image control was her main addition to help out). So I don’t know if I’m just being my biased ass self and preferring my solution (release the proof of blackmail, show Tadashi is a victim, have Tegan hack Nakano Corp.’s CCTV/security footage to get timestamps of Tadashi not being present for mafia meetings, have him testify against his father).
None of what was shown in the video could have really proven any sort of innocence to be honest. Tadashi could’ve easily pulled whatever texts and emails he wanted, so unless he showed the one from the lawyer essentially extorting him to testify in his father’s favor, I don’t see how that on its own would have helped with anything. 
Adding the recording to the beginning of the video during editing would have been something to warrant all the positive response to the video. I know the recording is used to try and force Nakahoe Senior into giving Tadashi the rest of his money, but it was also the only logical way to prove Tadashi was without a doubt a victim too (and Tegan could easily get the money back himself or there could have been something about the mom, which I’m gonna talk about later in this post).
IRL, people would point out that Tadashi could easily be lying through his teeth about not being involved. So that’s kind of a plot-hole since getting the public to see Tadashi in a positive light is important to getting the school board to let him stay (which was incredibly dumb to me because are you really gonna tell me there aren’t students at the school with openly corrupt/mafia/mob/gangster parents using dirty money to keep their children in attendance???) (yes, Jack, I’m talking about your ass).
I could understand forcing him to step down as student body president since Arlington has the position kinda Anime styled where the president is the face of the school and has an absurd amount of responsibility and power (as proven by Ellie’s story of the previous president and the fact that Tadashi can veto someone getting academic amnesty). Them removing him from office was something I expected (though my fanfic had him helping pick a replacement for the rest of the year since that’s how it was done at my old private school). But not wanting him to attend school even though his family could easily pay for his tuition was very out there to me. I suppose having someone with a negative reputation could reflect badly on a top school, but I’m pretty sure private schools need justifications to expel someone and expelling them based on their parents actions seems very illegal to me.
But anyways, the super computer plot to hack Nakahoe Senior’s information was also very weird to me. I justified it by telling myself Scholar is in a school of super rich, super intelligent teenagers, so maybe the most simple approach doesn’t come to mind (I know first hand that smart people have a tendency to overlook the simple solutions without meaning to). It makes sense to make their own computer to not be traced overall, but the purpose it was needed for didn’t make much sense in the grand scheme of things (because they didn’t really use the information they found, so what was the point of finding it other than being a hundred percent sure on Hiroshi being corrupt?).
And then while I was playing and listening to my commentary, I again was reminded about how confused I was that calling Hiroshi in jail and keeping him on the line long enough to trace the transaction was necessary? Because I don’t think that’s how that works? If it was to track his location, then maybe, but I don’t think Tegan would need Tadashi to keep Hiroshi on the line to trace a bank transaction or get into Hiroshi’s accounts (but that’s me being nitpicky I think).
Then what they found, IE the gibberish in the calendar descrambling to “Yakuza” was a major asspull while I was playing. I wondered why Nakahoe Senior, AKA the Inglorious Bastard and Chessmaster of the arc, would make it so obvious? Let alone actually put that in his planer... If there was a meeting every Friday evening, I figured introducing this would at least lead to something where Tegan finds a way to prove Tadashi wasn’t present or active even phone call wise because he could get the call logs too. Yeah, the emails are important, but wouldn’t footage or flights be better at proving he wasn’t there?
Then Tadashi’s mother, who was never truly introduced, but teased really. It was set up in a way that my fanfic had Nakahoe Senior threatening to setup Tadashi for the fall if she didn’t convince him to testify in Hiroshi’s favor because Alistair mentions how protective she normally is of Tadashi and even Tadashi says that his mom was frantic over the phone. So I don’t know, I was hoping for something with her since she was brought up.
But my major complaint about the story was that Scholar has little influence on what goes on. At first, I thought there would be options based on your Department and maybe your choices during the Department Competition (you pick your concentration during the presentation). Essentially, I was expecting to be asked to pick a task I would do best in (in this playthrough’s case, I expected to be able to help with PR because for the competition, I picked Sociology which is essential in marketing research).
I also expected something similar for others. Business would get to come up with a marketing and PR scheme, utilizing Axel, Karolina, and Neha. Performing Arts or Fine Arts would get to help edit and fine tune the video or make a smear campagne against Nakahoe Senior with Tyler and Raquel. Pure and Applied would get to code with Tegan or build with Ellie. Health Sciences (or any department because you’re Arlington’s Sweetheart) would get to work with Alistair (who knows Tadashi best) and Claire to make Tadashi’s script and showcase him to the world as a victim (which he really is in this situation).
But that didn’t happen. The only things Scholar really does is buy computer parts and talk to Claire and ask her to help Tadashi (and suggest Tadashi ask Neha for help too). Which was a major asspull because during that section before where the group is talking about who should help him write something from the heart, I was expecting (and super hyped for) Scholar to finally have the chance to be useful. They weren’t, not even for Tadashi’s campaigning since all that they did was talk to a few students (which I know is good for campaigning, but not really helpful in the grand scheme of things) (especially because by default, Scholar isn’t good at these things even if you’re in a department that’s necessary). I got really happy thinking Scholar would do anything that justifies them being involved as “human resources.”
Then being thanked for not really do anything but being the spectator and emotional support friend kinda bothered me. I’m all for that and sometimes you just need that one friend that’s good at being a support unit (AKA the mom). But even though Tadashi says that Scholar was his main inspiration to defy his parents, that’s not really helping him do that? 
How was Scholar instrumental to anything going on? “Waste a couple hours finding pieces for a super computer, something anyone could search for because you can’t code or build things even if you’re in Pure and Applied,” “Go ask Claire to help Tadashi write his speech only for Tadashi to appear and ask her to himself because she would, by default, help anyways and you’re not good at writing a heartfelt speech (which Scholar technically isn’t, but should be if there were more options or at least acknowledged in this situation because why bring up the whole Arlington Sweetheart thing?),” “Get some rest, you deserve it even though you did absolutely nothing beside deliver the computer parts and suggest asking Neha to help.”
To be honest, Scholar may not be as static/pre-determined as most otome games, but Scholar doesn’t have much variety that actually impacts the story. What you’re good and bad at is already determined (like the essay and presentation; you’re automatically not good at it even if you’re Performing Arts or BCP and interested in things that, you know, require being able to give a good presentation).
I would prefer waiting longer to have more meaningful options than getting something quicker and not really being able to do much. Like during the competition where we eavesdrop on people and see the story unfold, that’s what this chapter pretty much was for me.
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goodmcn · 4 years
                 *     𝖇𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘  to  all  u  skinnie  legends  out  there  who  i  am  BURSTING  at  the  seams  to  write  w  !      i’m  𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛  ,  i  go  by  𝑠ℎ𝑒  / 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦  pronouns  and  am  full  of  excitement  to  get  some  kickin  plots  started  w  my  lil  charmer  son  ,  𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒉𝒊   !      he’s  a  relatively  new  muse  i’m  trying  out  so  forgive  any  of  the  kinks  i’m  workin  out  !       unless  u  like  that  shit  which  in  that  case  u  go  boo  and  i  love  u  .  all  likes  will  result  in  me  comin  to  u  for  plots  so  make  sure  to  love  that  𝐥𝐢𝐥  𝐫𝐞𝐝  𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭  down  !    without  further  ado  ,  here  comes  ur  new  resident  boyband  bf  with  dimples  n  commitment  issues  !    :~)   :~)   :~)
Tumblr media
𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠   here   and   do   i   have   the   tea   for   you   .   𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒉𝒊    is   back   on   campus   ,   which   is   surprising   considering   the   threatening   note   i   left   them   .   yes   ,   i   know   all   about    𝐡𝐢𝐬  𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞  𝐢𝐧  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡  𝐨𝐟  𝐚  𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝  𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝    because   of   their   𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝   .   imagine   the   tabloids   and   how   the   𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒎𝒂𝒏   family   would   feel   for   such   information   to   come   out   ,   not   to   mention   the   reputation   of   𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚   because   of   their   actions   .   at   this   rate   ,   𝒉𝒆   is   better   off   staying   put   in   𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐮  ,  𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚   and   living   off   that   $966  m   family   net   worth   .   what’s   the   point   in   studying   𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲   with   plans   to   𝑪𝑳𝑬𝑨𝑵  𝑼𝑷  𝑯𝑰𝑺  𝑨𝑪𝑻  𝑻𝑶  𝑩𝑬  𝑻𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑵  𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑶𝑼𝑺𝑳𝒀  𝑨𝑺  𝑨𝑵  𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑶𝑹     ,   is   it   worth   it   with   what   i   know   ?  anyways   ,   they   may   want   to   continue   to   be   𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔  &   𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄   because   the   𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒐𝒖𝒔   &   𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕  attributes   make   me   want   to   spill   .   (   𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑔  𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑧   ,   𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛   ,   𝑝𝑠𝑡  )  .
                         *   TRIGGER  WARNING  :  drug  mention  ,  death  mention
⋆  ╰    𝑺  𝑻  𝑨  𝑻  𝑰  𝑺  𝑻  𝑰  𝑪  𝑺   .
𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍        𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 :         bodhi    alexander    goodman   𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬         :        bo  ,  b 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆        /        𝒂𝒈𝒆 :        june 6  ,    twenty  -  one  𝒛𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒄         :        gemini 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓        𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚        /        𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔         :         cismale    identifying        with        he   /  him   /   his    pronouns           𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏         :         to  be  determined  ! 𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏        :           student   at   hworth   majoring    in    anthropology   and    minoring   in    performing  arts     ,    member  of  (   undetermined   vc  / name  but  their  artist - claim is PRETTYMUCH !  🥴    )  , aspiring   actor   𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔        𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆        :        gryffindor 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏        𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅        𝒃𝒚         :       jake peralta   from  b99   ,  finn hudson    from  glee   ,    jim halpert   from  the office  ,  han   solo    from  star wars   ,   sonny   carisi    from  law   and  order   svu     ,   prince naveen  from  the   princess   and  the  frog  
𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔      :        -        impetuous  ,    remiss     , hedonistic   ,  defiant ,    mercurial   ,  afraid  of  commitment  ,  truculent
+                benevolent ,    jovial   ,   responsive  ,  imaginative   ,   assiduous ,   steadfast ,  sharp-witted   ,   enthusiastic  ,  magnetic  , sympathetic  
⋆  ╰      𝑨  𝑵  𝑻  𝑬  𝑪  𝑬  𝑫  𝑬  𝑵  𝑻 .
001  :     bodhi  came  into  his  family  as  the  result  of  a  closed  adoption  .  he  doesn’t  know  much  about  his  birth  family  besides  the  few  pictures  his  parents  have  shown  him  but  he’s  been  told  little  to  nothing  about  his  roots  besides  the  fact  that  his  birth  mother  is  also  jewish  .  it’s  not  that  his  parents  want  him  to  remain  in  the  dark  about  his  past  ,  it’s  that  they  want  to  give  him  the  choice  to  pick  and  choose  what  facets  of  it  he  discovers  himself  ,  and  so  far  ,  bodhi’s  been  content  living  the  life  he  knows  :  two  loving  parents  who  picked  him  of  all  people  to  add  to  their  family  .
002  :   his  mother  ,  martha  goodman  ,    runs  a  foundation  to  empower  women  in  leadership  positions  and  makes  a  fortune  running  workshops  and  speaking  tours  .  his  father  is  the  tv  mogul  of  america  .  eric  goodman  has  his  own  TV  empire  and  runs  shows  such  as  the  bachelor  franchise  ,  ER  ,  will  and  grace  ,  veronica  mars  ,  shameless  ,  etc  (  basically  warner  bros  television  productions  .  )  he  grew  up  needing  nothing  ,  learning  everything  ,  exploring  the  world  of  the  rich  and  famous  with  hollywood’s  darling  power  couple  keeping  him  grounded  and  putting  a  good  head  on  his  shoulders  .  while  most  in  their  tax  bracket  filled  the  expectation  of  the  snotty  rich  families  ,  the  goodman’s  seemed  to  have  an  ascriptive  surname  ,  building  a  reputation  of  themselves  for  being  kind  ,  self-made  people  who  maintained  humility  and  their  good  natures  throughout  their  rises  to  fame  .  
003  :      with  a  family  reputation  for  being  generally  decent  human  beings  ,  bodhi’s  sparkling  personality  and  kind  disposition  showed  no  deviation  from  this  behavior  ,  and  he  quickly  charmed  his  way  through  every  hollywood  party  or  charity  fundraiser  his  parents  let  him  tag  along  to  .  there’s  no  expectation  from  martha  or  eric  for  him  to  be  anything  other  than  a  good  person  ,  allowing  bodhi  to  develop  at  his  own  pace  and  for  that  ,  he’s  able  to  flaunt  a  relationship  of  mutual  respect  and  absolute  adoration  of  both  his  parents  to  this  day  (  a  notably  rarer  and  rarer  thing  in  the  circles  he  graces  ,  it’d  seem  .  )
003  :      he’s  well-liked  throughout  school  ,  doing  well  enough  in  the  sports  he  dabbles  in  to  have  a  potential  future  in  them  ,  but  it’s  nothing  that  speaks  to  him  the  way  the  arts  do  .  his  teachers  note  his  bright  ,  inquisitive  nature  ,  the  way  he  watches  and  recreates  movements  and  noises  with  almost  frightening  precision  ,  the  tenacity  and  the  desire  for  absolute  perfection  .  it’s  shocking  ,  really  ,  when  his  parents  see  his  grades  tanking  around  the  same  time  he’s  leaving  middle  school  .  they’ve  given  him  what  he  wants  ,  after  all  ,  without  losing  the  perspective  of  discipline  they  mutually  agreed  upon  .  the  private  schools  should  be  enough  to  keep  him  in  line  ,  but  as  it  turns  out  ,  it’s  nothing  of  their  own  intentional  doing  that  leaves  bodhi’s  gpa  with  much  to  be  desired  .  tired  of  his  legacy  being  attached  to  his  surname  ,  he  finds  himself  attracted  to  the  way  he  makes  people  smile  :  at  first  ,  it’s  the  way  he  performs  on  a  stage  that  gives  him  the  approval  he  so  craves  ,  eventually  ,  it’s  the  adrenaline  that  comes  from  intentional  disobedience  that  starts  to  drive  him  .
004  :    the  headmaster  of  the  ritzy  high  school  he  attends  hesitates  to  label  him  a  ‘  problem  child  ‘  —  after  all  ,  bodhi’s  well-liked  among  his  instructors  ,  has  a  thriving  social  life  ,  and  is  actively  involved  in  extracurriculars  up  to  his  ears  .  ‘  he’s  not  a  bad  kid  ,  ‘  the  headmaster  explains  to  the  concerned  goodman’s  ,  seated  tensely  in  his  office  for  a  behavioral  intervention  meeting  ,  ‘  he  just  makes  some  really  ,  really  bad  decisions  .  ‘  and  that’s  to  say  the  least  ,  he  notes  :  the  list  of  his  infractions  include  everything  from  harmless  pranks  and  showing  up  to  class  hungover  to  provoking  other  students  and  being  caught  with  illegal  substances  .  they  don’t  condone  such  behavior  ,  of  course  ,  but  the  school  would  never  consider  rejecting  the  decent  sum  his  parents  offer  to  scrub  his  academic  record  of  such  infractions  .  
005  :      unwittingly  ,  they  fuel  bodhi’s  chaos  .  knowing  he  can  get  away  with  more  and  more  than  he  ever  considered  possible  ,  he  carries  on  following  whatever  feels  good  or  seems  like  it’ll  fill  his  time  .  he  hates  sitting  still  and  loves  making  other  people  feel  good  ,  a  dangerous  combination  when  fueled  with  the  nearly  1  billion  dollar  empire  his  parents  have  at  his  fingertips  .  he’s  saved  only  by  his  own  charm  and  his  family’s  heft  ,  getting  out  of  dui’s  and  public  intoxication  charges  without  too  much  more  than  a  salacious  headline  (  something  he  grows  used  to  enough  to  remain  unbothered  by  .  )  it’s  when  he’s  17  and  receives  an  offer  from  his  first  manager  to  join  a  group  that  he  gets  out  of  the  rigidity  of  school  that  seemed  to  have  been  holding  him  back  .  it’s  him  and  4  other  boys  his  age  ,  meant  to  be  something  of  nsync  revamped  ,  utilizing  his  musical  inclination  and  dance  talents  to  shoot  him  into  the  tabloids  for  reasons  other  than  something  that  would  scandalize  his  parents  ,  for  once  .  the  group  is  playful  and  fun  ,  and  their  fan  demographic  is  mostly  girls  his  age  ,  so  he’s  more  than  pleased  to  finish  school  on  the  road  during  their  first  small  scale  tour  through  the  US  .  
006  :    while  this  gives  him  a  new  outlet  for  his  energy  ,  bodhi  still  finds  himself  in  the  occasional  sticky  situation  with  the  law  ,  much  to  his  parents  and  now  his  team’s  exasperation  .  his  parents  force  him  to  enroll  at  hu  as  some  sort  of  hope  he’ll  learn  discipline  ,  balancing  his  career  and  his  studies  ,  and  for  a  while  it  works  .  recording  during  the  school  year  and  touring  every  other  summer  ,  bodhi  strikes  a  balance  that  gives  him  some  sort  of  fulfillment  for  a  short  amount  of  time  —    that  is  ,  until  his  mercurial  side  kicks  into  gear  and  combines  with  his  natural  hedonistic  tendencies  to  cause  one  of  the  lowest  of  lows  in  his  life  .  he’s  halfway  through  his  sophomore  year  when  he  feels  a  change  of  heart  ,  losing  passion  for  the  now  -  boyish  tendencies  he’s  become  so  comfortable  with  in  his  life  ,  longing  for  something  where  he’ll  be  taken  more  seriously  .  he  wants  to  impress  ,  to  blow  people  away  ,  to  make  them  feel  ,  and  while  music  has  been  there  for  him  his  whole  life  ,  he  can’t  help  but  think  maybe  he’s  been  meant  for  a  stage  or  a  camera  and  that’s  what’s  left  him  so  empty  .  the  prospect  of  having  to  tell  his  family  and  group  he  wants  to  throw  it  all  away  to  pursue  something  he  has  no  experience  in  agonizes  him  ,  pushing  his  nerves  to  the  point  he  reverts  to  old  habits  trying  to  soothe  them  .  he’s  partying  harder  than  he  has  in  years  with  his  close  circle  ,  much  to  the  chagrin  of  a  childhood  friend  who’s  trying  to  talk  him  out  of  being  reckless  .  he  claims  to  remember  none  of  the  details  of  the  night  ,  but  the  memory  of  handing  his  best  friend  the  first  line  of  coke  for  the  night  and  watching  something  go  very  ,  very  wrong  before  bodhi’s  able  to  follow  suit  is  forever  engrained  in  his  memory  .  fucked  up  ,  terrified  ,  and  forever  afraid  of  the  very  real  responsibilities  he’s  faced  with  ,  he  turns  and  hightails  it  out  of  the  party  .  the  police  raid  it  a  half  hour  later  ,  and  his  friend’s  death  is  ruled  an  accidental  overdose  on  laced  coke  .  
007 :     bodhi  doesn’t  tell  a  soul  about  how  he  left  his  friend  behind  ,  about  how  he  could  have  done  something  if  he  wasn’t  such  a  fucking  coward  afraid  of  stepping  up  ,  and  feels  the  loss  deep  inside  himself  every  day  moving  forward  .  he  ignores  it  by  pushing  his  fun-loving  disposition  even  further  ,  trying  to  temper  it  with  a  push  to  be  taken  more  seriously  as  an  artist  in  order  to  make  his  transition  into  acting  .  he’s  had  small  theater  roles  here  and  there  and  does  a  student  film  or  two  ,  but  it’s  nothing  close  to  what  he  wants  of  himself  .  after  all  ,  hollywood  wants  a  leading  man  ,  which  bodhi  has  the  absolute  capability  of  being  — if  he  weren’t  so  busy  letting  himself  be  consumed  by  his  peter  pan  syndrome  .  he  wants  it  all  ,  to  be  taken  seriously  ,  but  is  unwilling  to  let  go  of  the  habits  that  keep  him  lodged  in  immaturity  .  always  one  to  run  from  his  problems  ,  holling’s  threats  are  now  forcing  him  to  face  the  reality  of  the  consequences  he’s  tried  so  long  to  ignore  .  with  his  career  ,  his  family  name  ,  and  his  own  future  at  risk  ,  he’s  being  forced  to  recognize  that  good  intentions  aren’t  always  enough  to  keep  him  in  one  piece  .  
⋆  ╰      𝑨  𝑵  𝑨  𝑳  𝒀  𝑺  𝑰  𝑺  .
001 :     bodhi’s  been  something  of  a  golden  boy  as  long  as  he  can  remember  ,  or  at  least  some  version  of  it  despite  his  propensity  for  mischief  .  boy-ish  ,  charming  ,  with  a    heart  perhaps  too  big  for  his  body  and  seemingly  allergic  to  anything  remotely  resembling  responsibility  .  he’s  a  natural  born  leader  when  the  event  suits  him  —  passionate  and  able  to  use  his  magnetism  for  bringing  people  together  ,  but  when  he  feels  unmotivated  ,  he’s  about  as  helpful  as  he  is  good  with  his  schoolwork  (  which  is  to  say  :  leaving  something  to  be  desired  .  )  despite  this  ,  he’s  an  outspoken  advocate  for  good  and  through  his  jokes  and  headassery  ,  will  push  for  a  message  of  benevolence  and  good  energy  .  
002 :     his  bright  ,  playful  disposition  makes  him  naturally  magnetic  .  he’s  a  man’s  man  through  and  through  but  has  a  sensitivity  engrained  by  his  parents  that  lead  him  to  respect  all  life  ,  no  matter  the  perceived  or  stereotyped  value  .  despite  his  traditional  ‘  bro  ‘  demeanor  ,  he’s  quite  respectful  and  his  brash  nature  tends  to  avoid  all  objectifying  or  unbecoming  commentary  .  with  a  devilish  grin  and  an  unparalleled  enthusiasm  for  life  ,  bodhi’s  kind  nature  doesn’t  seem  so  much  of  a  pushover  as  someone  who  really  just  makes  those  around  him  feel  alive  .  he  has  an  air  of  self  -  assured  confidence  and  mellow  security  ,  partnered  with  his  belief  that  everyone  has  a  value  as  a  person  and  his  kind  ,  unrelenting  eye  contact  ,  has  the  effect  of  bodhi  making  you  feel  like  you’re  the  most  important  person  in  the  room  ,  solely  by  the  way  he  pays  attention  to  you  .  this  is  part  of  his  passion  ,  making  others  feel  uplifted  and  important  .
003 :     his  upbringing  ,  despite  not  perfect  ,  leaves  him  with  a  moral  compass  pointing  a  little  straighter  than  what  he’s  found  in  some  of  the  circles  he  frequents  .  despite  a  usually  easygoing  and  breezy  disposition  ,  bodhi’s  disdain  for  the  egocentric  or  high  -  brow  mindsets  of  his  classmates  often  leaves  them  as  the  butt  end  of  his  jokes  .  he  knows  there’s  no  point  in  calling  them  out  ,  so  instead  he  takes  a  jim  halpert  -  ian  approach  to  their  demeanors  by  pressing  every  single  button  made  available  to  him  .  he  gets  an  absolute  KICK  out  of  this  and  while  he  tries  to  leave  the  lady  societies  out  of  the  equation  of  his  teasing  ,  many  of  his  snotty  sigma  brothers  have  expressed  quite  the  frustration  with  their  wildcard  member’s  tendency  to  cause  issues  within  their  ranks  solely  for  his  own  entertainment  .  
004 :     despite  having  all  the  makings  of  a  true  leading  man  ,  it’s  bodhi’s  selectiveness  with  his  efforts  and  fear  of  all  things  responsibility  that  leave  him  in  neverland  ,  a  perpetual  peter  pan  syndrome  following  someone  who  desperately  wants  to  be  taken  seriously  despite  doing  nothing  to  make  himself  more  serious  ,  thus  his  flaw  of  greed  —  he  wants  it  all  ,  but  wants  it  given  to  him  rather  than  work  for  it  himself  .  he’s  naturally  playful  ,  almost  to  a  fault  ,  using  humor  as  a  coping  mechanism  for  his  discomfort  at  some  less  than  opportune  times  .  having  a  heart  as  big  as  his  leads  to  a  level  of  sensitivity  that  sometimes  teeters  on  being  too  much  rather  than  too  little  —  he’ll  percieve  slights  that  aren’t  there  ,  or  take  liberties  with  past  conflicts  as  excuses  to  cause  new  conflicts  of  his  own  .  he’s  a  perfectionist  at  heart  ,  which  leads  to  his  tendencies  to  be  all  or  nothing  :  he  either  will  go  after  something  with  every  intention  of  being  the  best  ,  or  will  refuse  to  try  at  all  .  his  inner  confidence  leads  to  an  occasional  miscalculation  ,  biting  off  more  than  he  can  chew  and  leaving  those  around  him  to  clean  up  after  his  mess  despite  his  best  efforts  .  he’s  dedicated  to  certain  people  and  causes  but  is  otherwise  unreliable  ,  with  a  naturally  fickle  disposition  that  leads  to  some  uncertainty  as  to  whether  he  will  really  follow  through  or  not  unless  it  has  to  do  with  something  or  someone  he’s  expressed  loyalty  to  in  the  past  .
005 :     LIKES  TO  FUCKIN  MOVE  !  he  cannot  fuckin  sit  STILL  and  u’ll  always  catch  him  bouncing  his  leg  or  wigging  lmao  he  hates  sitting  down  .  sports  were  awesome  for  him  but  he  THRIVED  when  he  learned  how  to  dance  n  honestly  that’s  one  of  his  most  notable  talents  .  he  fucking  looooves  to  move  ,  and  lots  of  how  he  emotes  comes  from  his  body  language  bc  he  knows  how  important  it  is  to  be  expressive  in  more  than  jsut  your  face  ,  esp  w  acting  .  he’s  left  handed  ,  LOVES  animals  ,  and  feels  most  himself  when  he’s  making  someone  else  smile  .  he’s  prone  to  random  outbursts  of  musical  inclination  and  is  the  one  in  his  friend  groups  that  often  receives  a    ‘  bodhi  SHUT  UP  ‘  because  he’s  trying  to  harmonize  with  the  radio  DFSDFSD  .  he’s  more  than  willing  to  share  his  ecclectic  collection  of  scars  and  scratches  from  the  countless  bad  decisions  he’s  made  ,  and  has  been  a  frequent  star  of  barstool’s  social  media  for  some  of  his  less  -  than  - professional  antics  .  there’s  a  running  hashtag  on  twitter  to  make  him  the  next  bachelor  but  he  can’t  stay  out  of  jail  long  enough  for  his  dad  to  give  him  the  green  light  KSFDJSDF
⋆  ╰   𝐂  𝐎  𝐍  𝐍  𝐄  𝐂  𝐓  𝐈  𝐎  𝐍  𝐒 .
001  :      exes  -  who  doesn’t  like  a  good  exes  plot  :/  good  terms  ,  bad  terms  ,  on  and  off  ,  whateva . give  me  someone  he  said  ‘  i  love  you  ‘  to  in  24  hours  ,  give  me  someone  he  dated  for  6  months  and  never  said  it  once  ,  give  me  someone  who  he  ghosted  ,  someone  who  ghosted  him  ,  truly  ANYTHING  i  am  down  to  talk  abt
002  :      good  influences  -  bodhi  needs  some  ppl  to  help  keep  him  in  CHECK  the  mans  can  be  a  lil  wild  sometimes  .  im  thinking  1  or  2  ppl  who  kinda  work  as  his  voice  of  reason  when  he  can’t  think  straight  n  wants  to  dive  off  the  roof  into  the  pool  to  say  ‘ bodhi no ! ‘
003  :       bad  influences  -    he’s  a  p  good  guy  so  i’d  LOVE  for  some  muses  to  bring  out  the  worst  in  him  
004  :       hookups  -  he  respects  women  by  providing  them  w  fire  ass  hookups  n  then  never  talking  to  them  again  KSDFKJSDHF im  kidding  ,  but  fr  he’s  down  .  give  me  ongoing  ,  former  and  ended  badly  ,  one  night  stand  ,  all  the  TEA  
005  :      inner  circle  -  i’m  always  a  sucker  for  a  good  bro  squad  (  bro  is  forever  and  always  gender  neutral  btw  )
006  :      party  friends  -    this  is  self  explanatory  y’all  !  
007  :      childhood  friends  from  malibu  /  so cal  area  -  he  basically  hasn’t  grown  up  in  like  12  yrs  besides  getting  taller  n  buffer  give  me  some  childhood  friends  ,  a  first  love  ,  former  neighbors  ,  even  a  mf  pen  pal  ?
008  :      friends  w  lingering  feelings  /  skinny  luvs  -  any  of  these  in  ANY  extent  would  be  desired  and  adored  😔✊🏼
009  :      enemies  /  ppl  who  don’t  like  him  /  he  doesn’t  fw   dfsfsd  -    bodhi’s  pretty  social  but  he  kinda  has  this  thing  against  rlly  snotty  rich  kids  so  pls  give  me  some  high  brow  muses  that  he  doesn’t  get  along  w    !  and  makes  his  life’s  effort  to  annoy  n  cause  trouble  w  !
010  :      fans  ?  -  he’s  in  a  boyband  ..  .  .  ..  tbh  it’s  not  the  least  likely  thing  in  the  world  for  him  to  have  a  stan  or  two  at  hu  ?  prettymuch  n  former  1D  stans   come  thru  DJFSJDHFKSJ
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dragonindigo245 · 5 years
So I know there’s a superhero AU for the sides but consider... supervillain?
Bare with me. This is going to seem really funky but I figured why not? In this AU Thomas is a superhero and the sides are supervillains. Here’s a semi-breif- Oh nvm this is way to long. Woop dee doo. Feel free to scroll away if you don’t want a long AU. If you’re into that... here’s some character descriptions!
•Thomas is a YouTuber who vlogs and is known for his small skits and vines. His most popular series after vine died though is his Awkward Adventures.
•He collabs with his friend Remy to do some “sleep” skits.
•He used to collab with Patton, Logan, Roman, and Virgil back when vine was around too but they hardly knew each other.
•Thomas hardly remembers them besides a few off set jokes.
•Thomas was born with the powers of flight, super speed, and to feel emotions.
•He can’t alter them but he does try to help others like the good person he is.
•Actually was convinced by Emile to take up superhero work. Emile didn’t mean it in the “go beat up bad guys” way but here they are.
•Everyone knows Thomas identity. He doesn’t hide it.
•Joan and Taylon designed him a superhero outfit. It is basically a white jumpsuit with rainbow cuffs and a giant, glowing rainbow star symbol in the middle. There’s also an epic rainbow cape to go with it.
•He doesn’t view the supervillains as bad guys, but rather broken people. He only uses physical force if they attack him. Otherwise he try’s to convince them to turn themselves in. Course it doesn’t work all that well but he tries.
•He doesn’t go by anything besides Thomas. He doesn’t need a superhero name to be super.
•Patton has two kids who go by Fiona and Liam (The kids from vine) and is a single parent.
•Their dirt poor and often have trouble scraping by. His kids don’t even go to school due to school fees.
•He declines any money from his friends and his family has given him all they can. They aren’t as poor as Patton but also aren’t comfortable.
•Logan actually comes by Patton’s house weekly to try and tutor them to his best abilities. In certain subjects they know more than kids there age but in some their lacking.
•Patton was born with the powers to alter emotions and to fly.
•He actually alters his own emotions so he can remain happy around other people.
•Problem is that only represses them for later. When he’s alone he’s a total mess.
•He started going into crime around 5 years after he adopted his kids, when poverty was at its max.
•He doesn’t have a job unfortunately because he was to low on money to send the kids to school, hence not having time for a job.
•Pat only does crime for the money so his kids can eat and he can keep his apartment. He really hates it though.
•He doesn’t have a supervillain costume but he wears the typical black mask superhero mask along with his cat hoodie.
•Despite hating crime, he’s the best at it compared to the others. He can actually be really intimidating when he needs to be.
•The only crimes he has committed are robbery, attempted murder (course he would never actually kill someone), and trespassing.
•His kids don’t know he’s a supervillain and he intends to keep it that way. They have gotten dangerously close though.
•He hasn’t been captured yet.
•He still calls Virgil his “dark, strange son”.
•Virgil accepts this and the kids treat him like an older brother.
•Patton was the one who got Virgil into eyeshadow surprisingly.
•Patton actually hasn’t gotten hurt by Thomas. He munipulates his emotions to make him not hurt him. Thomas has stopped him from doing whatever crime every single time though.
•His supervillain name is Curse, due to him wearing a cat hoodie and the whole black cats have bad luck thing. Also based on him often using fear to keep enemies away.
•He lives in a two room apartment, one room always remains locked and with a few modifications, made the door booby trapped.
•Only he knows how to get past them without destroying them.
•There’s actually a booby trap designed to go off if you destroy the door trap.
•He often tutors kids other than Patton’s. However they know what they should be learning so their significantly easier to tutor than Fiona and Liam.
•He received his powers in illegal experimentation though he was a test subject so he wasn’t in much trouble.
•Really he just had a migraine for a few days and suddenly he could lift an entire couch with one arm.
•His powers are unique. He is quite literal when he says “Knowledge is power.” His strength is based on how much intellect he possesses.
•Currently he can lift 2,000 pounds comfortably. This does mean he can lift some cars.
•Ironically because he looks so skinny, people tell him he should go to the gym so he’s able to hold his own in a fight.
•If you mention a new topic to him he doesn’t know much about, he will get a splitting headache and he is almost incapable of resisting researching it. He will become hyper fixated on it for like a month.
•His supervillain costume is a black jumpsuit along with a black bandana. Patton stitched in a black hood to the jumpsuit because Logan was worried that he could leave a hair at the scene of the crime, and get caught. He also extanges his glasses for contacts.
•He commits crimes the least often compared to everyone else, only doing so to unleash bottled up anger. When he gets angry enough for that though, all hell breaks lose.
•His first crime was commited in his softmore year of High School.
•His crimes include homoside, arson (don’t ask where the fire came from), assault, kidnapping, property destruction, and finally trespassing.
•He has been captured twice but has gotten away before they could unmask him.
•His supervillain name is Mind Bender because he wasn’t exactly discrete how his powers work. Really Thomas just came up with it on the fly and the media loved it.
•Roman lives in a two bedroom apartment with his roommate Remy who knows of Romans identity.
•Thankfully Remy doesn’t give a shit unless Roman intrupts his life with it. He had to take an oath not to tell anyone as long as Roman doesn’t bother the Starbucks industry.
•Remy may not care Romans’ a supervillain, but he will keep his identity a secret because he doesn’t go back on his word.
•Roman was considered to be a magnificent actor but was disgraced once Remus became a supervillain.
•He now works for a modeling company... as a photographer.
•He loathes he can’t be a model himself but doesn’t make a fuss about it.
•Honestly being the photographer is just rubbing salt in the wound for him.
•His powers include the ability to make anyone enamored with him and he counts his reflexes as a power even though it isn’t. He’s just crazy talented.
•His powers actually were a hex from Virgil, as a way to able him to be a supervillain. He also has been begging Virgil to give him the power to communicate with animals but Virgil has told him to wait for awhile.
•Problem is, his powers actually make him more prone to falling in love. Magic always takes its toll.
•He’s actually once had 3 relationships in one week before. It was just sad.
•After losing the acting carrier, he became extremely greedy and obsessed with riches. You can imagine why he is a supervillain.
•He started becoming a supervillain around the 2 month mark for his photography job.
•His list of crimes are theft, robbery, shoplifting, arson (again nobody knows where they get the fire), manslaughter, and kidnapping.
•Though with the kidnapping he literally did it to spite the ladies boyfriend. Really nothing happened to her. She sat in a dark room, tied to a chair, having a debate with Roman which Kardashian was the best. Then the police showed up and Roman jumped out a window.
•Romans outfit is the same princely getup as in the series and a white and gold masquerade mask. Also a gold crown that he bought himself. He carries a sword as well to aid in battle but he uses it as an accessory all the same.
•Patton once swapped Romans’ crown for a Burger King crown in the middle of a heist. He didn’t even realize until Patton handed him his original crown like half an hour later.
•There is viral camera footage of this event. Roman is still a bit bitter towards him but secretly finds it funny.
•He has been caught five times (every time he went on a heist with Remus) and has had his secret identity revealed in private by a few cops. They were all killed by Remus before they could tell anyone.
•Technically Roman owes Remus.
•His supervillain name is Prince for obvious reasons. Remus claimed him as his sidekick immediately so that helped the name decision.
•Everyone thinks Remus is Romans sidekick though. Nobody believes Roman is the lesser one here.
•Virgil lives in a 3 bedroom, house with Dee and Remus.
•He’s actually been alive since the dark ages.
•Currently he works at a Hot Topic.
•He’s a supervillain because he is actually a serial killer. Virgil loathes this fact though and tries to repress it as much as he can.
•His powers come from a spell book he has. He can do electrical magic and some illusion magic without help from the book but otherwise he has to read it from the pages in combat. Easy to do with cops, hard to do with superhero’s.
•The spellbook however gives the user intense fear for as long as it’s left open. He tries not to use it to much.
•One time however he literally collapsed and had a panic attack while fighting Thomas. Thomas actually stopped fighting and helped Virgil through it though.
•The athoreties showed up with Virgil proped up ageist the wall beside Thomas. He willingly came but wouldn’t allow for his identity to be seen. He was rescued by Logan later on before he had to go to court.
•Virgil has been detained twice, the first time being him beaten down, the second time him willingly going.
•His outfit is a black cloak along with the rest of his body wearing black. He has fingerless gloves too. His face is hidden by a simple black bandana.
•His supervillain name is Shock, in both the electrical way and emotion way. Another one Thomas came up with.
Well for starters I just found out how to do this easier. Okay anyways resuming.
Deceit goes by Dee or Dec. He refuses to tell anyone his name. If they ask he says something like “Karen” or “Linda”.
He doesn’t have a job for this reason.
Oh and the fact he can’t cover his identity very well so he’s on the run from the law.
He was involved in the same experimentation Logan went through, but was tested for something different.
Long story short: His body ended up going through the extremely painful process of growing scales on his right half of his body, his canines (teeth not dog) grew into poison filled fangs, and his tounge became thin and forked. An unfortunate side effect was him going blind in his right eye.
He was the one who actually got the experiments shut down.
He was treated as a freak of nature and feared. Eventually he developed the mindset that society was a lie and it needed to be torn apart.
So I guess now he wants an anarchy.
He’s also a narcissistic liar so he fits the role of a snake.
His powers are being immune to physical damage on his right side, and having a venomous bite.
He wears the same bowler hat and everything he originally wears. There is no need to change when you can’t conceal your identity.
He’s actually terrified of snakes despite being part one. Unfortunately snakes are attracted to him.
Remus constantly reminds him that snakes can have two d-
He started a few years ago with his whole anarchy thing from Orlando but Thomas quickly put a stop to it.
His list of crimes just... keep going... it’s to extensive but let’s just say genoside is on there.
His supervillain name is Deceit. He made it himself.
Ho boy the real train wreck.
He’s currently hiding at Virgil’s place along with Dee.
He is not mentally stable enough to have a job. He’s also the most wanted person in America. This guy can’t get a job.
He’s literally chewed his way out of a straight jacket. This mans unhinged.
His powers? Nobody knows where he got them. Probably used Virgil’s spell book.
His powers are teleportation and shapeshifting.
Leads to some interesting interactions.
He has the achievement of being the only person Thomas has genuinely lost his cool with.
Remus doesn’t conceal his identity. His outfit is just his normal duke outfit he wears everywhere.
I mean when the police first showed up on his first heist he was eating a dollar bill and introduced himself as, “Remus, but you can call me Duke.”
He’s frankly terrifying.
He’s committed every crime in the book. Tax evasion to mass homocide.
His villain name is Duke and it is a household name across America.
Somebody get this man under control oh my god.
So there’s the character bios. Here’s some little tad bits of information!
Emile Picani is both Thomas and Virgil’s therapist.
Virgil hasn’t told him about being a supervillain but oh he knows.
Emile very discreetly is trying to get him to be better one step at a time.
All the supervillains logos were designed by the media.
“Curse” And “Mind Bender” are apparently I dinamic duo on the internet?
Patton, Logan, Roman, and Virgil often team up. Their not official team members or anything but just good friends.
The four often try to pull each other out of crime. For example someone will anonymously give Patton some money, keeping Logan calm, ect.
Virgil used to team up with Deceit and Remus all the time but slowly started to pull away due to them being absolutely unhinged.
Fiona and Liam actually are friends with Thomas.
Remus can actually be quite calm around Deceit and Roman. There can’t be anyone else in the room though.
Thomas is very insistent on finding everyone’s identities and helping them out.
Remy actually knows everyone’s identities besides Virgil’s but because the unhinged ones are already known, he doesn’t care.
Virgil and Roman will sometimes come over to Patton’s house to give him a much needed break from being a single parent.
Logan and Dee are actually extremely good friends and have been since the experimentation. Everyone is pretty good friends with everyone but those two are a whole new level of friends. The others are convinced they might have telepathic powers between each other.
Emile and Remy often hang out together and chat about whatever.
Welp there’s that! I’ll probably be writing some stuff for this so stay tuned! Enjoy the rest of your day!
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patlee · 5 years
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Yeah. Just imagine.
Chad Curtis blocked me when I commented on his 2016 post at the time, but I felt his fact-averse “essay” was worth revisiting, now that we are two years in to a Trump presidency. As has become emblematic of the Trump presidency and his base, provable facts don’t matter. 
After becoming president, Donald Trump has made 7,546 false or misleading claims over 700 days, as researched and catalog by The Washington Post.
An Oxford University study found that Trump supporters share more fake news on social media than any other political group. This “essay” is no exception, with the demonstrable falsehoods beginning with the first sentence. I’d like to think Chad may have had a change of heart since then.
You can see Chad’s original post here.
Imagine an America where Hillary Clinton is President...
By Chad Curtis / November 3, 2016
If she can acquit the rapist of a 12 year old girl, knowing he was guilty, and laugh about it, what other atrocity will she actively pursue injustice on against the helpless?  
If she can look into the parent’s eyes of the fallen Benghazi soldiers, who she left for dead when they called hundreds of times for help, stand over their caskets and lie to them about what happened to their sons, saying “what difference at this point does it make??” what lie will she not tell?  
If she, behind closed doors to her rich donor friends, can call Hispanics “taco bowl voters,” and “needy latinos,” black Americans, “professional never do wellers and super predators that need to be brought to heel,” catholics “bastardized” actively working within the democratic party to overthrow the religion, Bernie Sanders supporters “basement dwellers and a bucket of losers,” Trump supporters, a “basket of deplorables and irredeemable,” Arab-Americans “sand n***ers” Bill Clinton’s rape accusers “looney toons and trash” with her top staffers saying she “hates everyday Americans” how can she lead a country of people she hates and detests so much?  
If she can hold such a corrupt organization as the Clinton Foundation, where donations in the multi-millions were illegally made by foreign dictators in exchange for power and influence in the U.S. State Department, all the while enriching herself to the point of being worth over 100 million dollars, under the mask of a “charitable foundation,” can you only imagine how she will use the White House on a grander scale for her own financial gain, while selling out the United States to foreign powers?
If she and her campaign can accept over 100 million dollars in donations from Wall Street and over 50 million dollars from middle eastern countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc, that throw gays off buildings, behead them, believe its ok to rape women, and don’t allow them to drive or go to school, and refuse to give any of that money back, will she sell out any cause for a price? How can she possibly say she will stand up for gays and women?  
If she can fund Islamic terrorist groups and supply them weapons, and 20% of her campaign is funded by middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, what possible outcome other than more attacks, more killings and bombings, and more broken American families can we expect under a Clinton Administration?  
If she can look into American parents’ eyes and say “it is the primary role of the state to teach, train, and raise children, parents play a secondary role,” what will she not do to continue to break down the family in our country?  
If she can break federal law and delete 33000 emails and destroy 13 phones with a hammer after being subpoenaed by U.S. Congress, and lie about it repeatedly, all the while colluding with the White House, department of Justice and attorney General to cover up her crimes, what national security matter will she not endanger us with by deliberately breaking the law and deliberately covering up?  
If she can say it is her “dream to have a hemispheric common market and open borders” what length will she not go to destroy U.S. sovereignty and cede our country to a one world government?  If her top aide Huma Abedin’s mom is the editor of a Muslim brotherhood magazine that promotes sharia law and death to America, along with Huma’s convicted pedophile husband, this in addition to her former KKK mentor, how bad can her judgment be? And how many others has she aligned herself with in her inner circle that hates America’s values?  
If she can stand on the DNC convention stage and smile at the American people, knowing she rigged the process, along with the DNC chairwoman, going all the way back to 2014, to ensure her win and silence the American people’s voice for Bernie Sanders, what else will she rig and who else will she silence, and who else will she collude with for her own gain?  
If she can cheat and accept questions from Donna Brazile prior to multiple debates to give herself an unfair advantage, how far will she go to break any rule or law necessary to get herself ahead? And how deep is the corruption within her own party?  
If she will intimidate and force her husband’s many rape victims to stay silent and keep them from coming forward, what other victims will she keep from justice and how can she possibly be a champion for women?    
If she will raise our taxes by 1.3 trillion dollars, despite literally losing 6 billion dollars while running the State department, and already being the highest taxed country in the world, and being 20 trillion in debt as a country, including raising taxes on the middle class, what will she not do to further strain hard working families financially and how else will she mismanage your hard earned money? Does she even care?    
If one of her biggest mentors is Robert Byrd, a former high ranking KKK member, whom she said was a man of "surpassing eloquence and nobility," how much of the KKK values does she support?  
If she can stand arm in arm with Barack Obama and break criminal law by sending Iran 400 million dollars to Iran as ransom for hostages, and lie to the American people about it, are there any limits to the lengths she'll go to further severe trust between the American people and government?    
If she can exploit a situation like the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, by stealing 14 billion dollars through the Clinton Foundation given for relief, instead funneling the money to themselves and their friends, while most citizens and kids still live in dire poverty and in tents, and the Haitian senate president saying “they are nothing but common thieves who should be in jail,” what depths will she go to enrich herself at the expense of others, even those in the worst possible situations?    
If she actively aligns herself with and supports terrorist groups like BLM, and doesn't seek support from America's largest police force, how far will law and order fall and how many officers will die because of her choice to empower terrorism and political correctness?    
If Hillary’s supervisor during the Watergate investigation in the 70’s says, "Hillary was a liar, she was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality,” considering her recent lies about her emails etc, and focus on disbanding the 2nd Amendment, what 40 year personal record is more concerning than that?    
If she can say “the supreme court is wrong on the 2nd Amendment,” in a private speech to rich donors, what will stop her from doing everything in her power to rewrite the constitution and remove the right to bear arms?    
If her and her team can hire the mentally ill, paying them $1500 and an Iphone, to go to Trump’s rallies and incite violence, injuring many, throwing eggs on women and severely injuring police officers, and then blame Trump for the violence, what other disgusting tricks will she employ for her own personal gain?    
If 48+ people close to Clinton, like Vince Foster, Ed Willey, Suzanne Coleman and just recently Shawn Lucas have mysteriously died, when having opportunity to give incriminating evidence against her and her family, could it be that she will go to any lengths to protect her position of power?    
If she can say to an unborn baby just hours before being delivered and say “the unborn do not have constitutional rights,” you are not a person, we are going to mutilate and tear you out of your mother’s womb and kill you, and also say she wants to be the “planned parenthood president” and supporting partial birth abortions, who and what else will she kill with no remorse?  
What kind of country would allow this kind of person to be employed in government? Let alone be promoted? Let alone run for President?  
We should pray for America.  
A vote for Hillary Clinton is your signature on all of the above. Not voting is your signature on all of the above. A third party vote is your signature on all of the above, as a third party has no chance of winning.  
A vote for Donald Trump, with all his imperfections, is to stand in the gap against all of the above.  
A vote for Donald Trump, an imperfect person, is to put a renewed focus in our country on American independence, our 2nd Amendment, life, religious liberty, our constitution, leading from the front, on border safety and security, rebuilding our military, a constitutional supreme court, ethics reform in government including term limits on congress, on economic strength, smart trade, rebuilding our inner cities and school choice, removing common core, law and order, and on honoring and championing the only people standing in the gap between chaos and anarchy in our country and abroad, our police officers and military veterans.  
He is a billionaire who at 70, could be enjoying the fruits of his labor with his family, but instead has spent over 100 million dollars of his own money on his campaign and has endured the most intense media pile on in American political history, all because he wants to give back and fight to make America great again. He has not taken more than one day off in 18 months, traveling the country, working tirelessly, fighting for that cause.  
This election could be America’s last chance, to draw a line in the sand and start to push back against the corrupt Washington machine, driven by the Clinton’s for decades.  
This election is  
“We the people” and Donald Trump  
The smug arrogance of the corrupt Washington establishment, donors and special interests, Wall Street, globalism, George Soros, open borders, corrupt democratic and republican insiders and elites, the liberal mainstream media, Hollywood, dishonest politicians, political correctness, everything Americans are sick of in our government, and the ultimate Washington insider mob boss, the most corrupt, criminal and dishonest person to ever run for office, a felon, Hillary Clinton – all working together to maintain their power, status, and money in a corrupt system.  
Americanism vs. Globalism.  
Trump wants to make America stronger than ever. Clinton wants us to cede to a global government, and sell our nation off piece by piece.  
“My highest duty as President is to protect our citizens and uphold the Constitution of the United States. It will be America first. Once again we will be a government of, by, and for the people. I will be America’s greatest defender and most loyal champion.” –DJT
“It is my dream to have a hemispheric common market and open borders.. we have been working to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. Ignorant voters are our best key to win.” – HRC
This could be our last chance to take back our country. November 8 can be our new American Independence Day.  
We may not see an opportunity like this again in our lifetime.  
The most powerful weapon we have is our vote.  
As someone who wants this country to be great again, to stand for goodness again, for my kids and grandkids, I will be standing in the gap against all that this woman has proven to be on November 8, and voting for Donald Trump.  
Say what you will about Mr. Trump, he will fight for America. As should we all.
Please share.
You can see Chad’s original post here. 
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mundvngus · 5 years
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“i pour alcohol into the gaping hole inside my chest. it does not heal. not today. maybe tomorrow.”
MUNDUNGUS FLETCHER is 26 years old and works as a THIEF/DRUG DEALER/ALL ROUND CRIMINAL and is loyal to THE OOTP they were an RAVENCLAW and are a HALFBLOODED. HE look like FRANK DILLANE.
CHARACTER PARALLELS: nick miller ( new girl ), creed bratton ( the office ), doug judy ( b99 ), jason mendoza ( the good place ), chris miles ( skins ), jesper fahey ( six of crows ), scott lang ( marvel ), lillian ( unbreakable kimmy schmidt ). AESTHETIC: scuffed knees, flicking a lighter over and over again, flowery shirts, walking in the middle of the street after midnight, a body covered in bruises and tattoos, naming stray cats, falling asleep on the subway, watching smoke curl against a starless, black nightsky, throwing empty beer bottles against a wall. LINKS: stats. pinboard. character tag. HEADS UP: there’s quite a bit of talk about drugs and stuff in here -- as well as shitty parenting. i trigger warned it before every bullet point tho!
ciannán o’donnell was a flighty man, one of many relationships and flings and little loyalty, and so his affair with kiyana fletcher did not last long. when she told him he was pregnant, he moved on to a different woman, and kiyana had her son alone, with her sister on her side. dung was born to a lonely and angry woman, who had fallen for the charms and winks of a crooked criminal who spoke empty promises and lied for a living.
he grew up with his mum – a halfblooded witch and by far his favourite person in the world – in cork, attending muggle school there. he knew who his dad was, but wasn’t quite sure how to feel about —- EVERYONE knew who his dad was, a well known muggle criminal and dealer, a name notorious among the older kids at his school, a father to many. he’s like the robert baratheon of ireland, to be honest, planting bastards on every corner. lol. knowing he was one of his many kids was hard; he’d never met any of them, but he knew they were there, from his mother, from his aunt.
he met his dad for the first time at age seven, and was nothing but impressed. his dad showered him with gifts, his mum watching with a furious look on her face but biting her tongue. that moment was a switch for dung; he felt the need to impress his dad. he stole some sweets from a store on his way home from school a week later, fished some pennies out of the pockets of his classmates a few months later. when he phoned his dad to tell him, his laugh was warm and filled with life.
his relationship with his dad got better as his behaviour got worse. the thrill of stealing, of doing stuff he wasn’t supposed to, lit him not only on fire because ti was exciting, but also because he knew his dad would adore it. his mother’s worried questions and look only drove him to his dad, who liked it when he did bad things, who didn’t try and ground him ( looking back, he knows that that was stupid, but back then he was blindsided, obsessed with the mystery that was his dad ).
abuse tw // his father was abusive. period. he’s a wicked man, who has blood on his hands of people who were in his way, and he doesn’t love anything but winning and money and the high of victory. he manipulated mundungus, pushed him towards bad behaviours, showed him his bad sides when he was disappointed. most of the abuse was mental and verbal, but sometimes it turned physical as well. it’s toxic. mundungus hasn’t allowed himself to admit that to himself yet, though. end of tw //
drugs, smoking, alcohol tw // attending hogwarts was good, at first. it forced him to focus on other stuff, for a while, but his summers and winter breaks forced him back into his old behaviours. his world was split; at hogwarts, he was a loud and lively, but still a pretty good student, while at home he fell deeper and deeper in crossing lines and boundaries. he lit his first cigarette at age ten, drank his first beer at age twelve, smoked his first spliff when he turned fourteen, as a present from his dad. end of tws //
hogwarts also meant friends --- the dick squad was founded here, consisting out of dorcas, doc, daisy and dung himself. these three people meant everything to mundungus, to be honest, let him see the ways people could love each other without conditions or out of obligation. they were chaotic and messy and wrecked havoc on the castle but --- damn it, they’re his family, and he’d die for them.
drugs tw // it was in his later years that these two worlds started overlapping. his dad trusted him with a bit of produce, gave him some weed to sell at hogwarts after his christmas break in his fifth year, and it was a success. ever since, dung became pretty well known for selling a little bit of this and that. a lively spirit, he always did so with a bit of a grin, but he was also pretty fond of the stuff he sold, indulging quite a lot when business was a little slow.
he also stole a lot from rich purebloods, because fuck them
i guess ... this is where the messiness really did ... explode? mundungus liked the taste of drugs. he liked the taste of doing illegal things. he liked the taste of earning money and feeling powerful and he loved it all. he grew more dependent on alcohol and drugs. he wanted to flee, too. the world was a nasty fucking place and he knew that all too well and, fucking hell, don’t blame him for wanting to escape every now and then. end of tw //
he graduated at one point which? is a miracle? i think they just wanted to get rid of him tbh!!! but yeah, dung did Try a little at hogwarts, as he respects the hell out of dumbledore and stuff, but he was still not a good student. after graduation, he kind of joined up with his dad and started doing some illegal stuff in the wizarding world too, because why the hell not? he was good at it.
dung had no plans to join either side of the war, tbh, even though he’ss v much against the de’s cause. he’s a self serving kid!! but then he kind of got in a nasty situation where both alastor and dumbledore got him out of trouble ( that might have sent him to fucking azkaban, what a fucking idiot ) and well, dung might be a shithead, but he felt indebted to them and kind of rolled into the order.
and well --- the order was a newfound family. messy, of course, and full of chaos and distrust, but --- heck, mundungus found a lot of people there that he did end up feeling loyal to. and while that was scary, as mundungus prefers being a lone wolf ( or raccoon ), it was a kind of wonderful, too?
and -- get this -- he was an asset. his ties to the criminal world, with his ability to steal and sneak around like less than a shadow. he was useful, and mundungus fletcher had never been useful in his life before. what a weird feeling that was --- oh boy, but it was good, too. mundungus likes it. he could build on that and improve greatly and he has fucking potential to become a better person. he really wants to, too, because he feels incredibly indebted to alastor and dumbledore akjfsdf.
dont hold your breath, tho, he’s probably not going to improve a lot
mundungus doesn’t technically have a home. his mother’s place is his home, i guess, but he’s not there a lot. he crashes on couches, breaks into muggle homes of people who are on vacation ( always leaving it the way it was, but with a bit of a smell ) or in a squatter’s home, which he thinks is an iconic scene.
drugs tw // besides his work for the order, mundungus does a bit of this and that. he still works for his dad a little, dealing some drugs for him, but he’s mostly focused on making his way through the wizarding world’s underground and making a name for himself there. he sees no reason to try and find another career, finds the things he does now thrilling and exciting and honestly, he doesn’t have much of a way out. 
abuse tw // his dad has a hold on him. sure, he can drop his criminal activities in the wizarding world, but when it comes to his dad's business, he’s stuck. his father isn’t going to allow him to walk away –  that much should be obvious. he knows too much. and then there’s mundungus’ wish to always please his father, and his father’s endless dissatisfaction. it’s messy and bad and toxic and we all hate mundungus’ dad. end of tws // 
addiction tw // what it all boils down to is that mundungus is chaotic. he never stays in one place too long, doesn’t have a consistent job, strays away from commitment and stability. he’s addicted, to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and adrenaline. he’s self serving, in the end. he’s seeking for validation, deep down, and endlessly scared of all that’s happening around him. he’s alone, dreadfully so, but that’s the way he prefers it. end of tw //
personality & tidbits 
mundungus is a lowkey tortured artist. he writes awful poetry and draws a lot and he loves painting if he has time. he’s in love with the beat generation, mostly. he’s very private about this kind of stuff, though. it's his thing, and his alone. some of his tattoos he’s designed himself tho!! and we love and stan!!
his stance in the war is something that’s … pretty unknown, i imagine. mundungus benefits from appearing neutral, has connections in both the pureblood and muggle world. he likes to come across as that shady dude who will do whatever you ask of him for the right price.
can usually be spotted wearing The Coat, a rly expensive, vintage long coat that he once stole of a pureblood. he’s enlarged the pockets with some handy spellwork and pretty much carries everything he owes in there, like his produce and his money and his second pair of shoes and his art supplies and probably some random trash. 
is a bit smelly, so give him a shower
most likely to show up at your doorstep at 5am with some flowers and a shit eating grin, saying “can i sleep on yer couch?”
mundungus LOVES animals but doesn’t have any because of his lack of a home. his mother has a dog, though, and he loves that dog. he also feels v connected to stray dogs and cats and can be found petting and feeding them a lot.
hates himself deeply, doesn’t think he’s worth anyone’s time (despite constantly demanding it), has a low opinion of himself. he doesn’t get it if people care about him, to be honest? the only person he can properly accept it of is his mother, but even that’s complicated.
CUSTOMERS // a simple, easy connection! basically someone who buys drugs (also does like medicinal stuff? but also drugs-drugs) of mundungus or has paid him (good money) to nick something for them. he’s pretty down to do most things as long as it’s for the right price! 
PARTY FRIENDS // dung likes getting wasted / high / fucked up and having a good ol’ time with people. sure, he’s done it alone, but he prefers doing it with others. there’s a lot of room for diff options here?
YOU SAVED ME ONCE // ( alcohol tw ) a plot where someone got dung to a hospital when he got alcohol poisoning and basically saved his life?? meaning?? mundungus feels indebted and he hates that but!! he’s gonna pay your char back! he promises! 
UNDER PRESSURE // i imagine that dung has some ties to de’s as well bc of his less than legal work so? maybe some death eater could try and put some pressure on him? get him to do some dirty job bc it’d not matter if he died … etc etc 
UNDER PRESSURE 2.0 // on the other hand, i bet some order members are like 👀 at dung? this one’d be for order members who’re like … making sure that dung is still loyal and here?? making him feel a bit?? queasy?? 
ONE NIGHT STANDS // dung isnt rly good at romance but he’s good at no strings attached sex. this’d work in a lot of ways and w a lot of characters so imma keep this p open! dung is bi btw!!
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY // your average angsty exes plot? mundungus is flighty, and while he does feel feelings for people, he’s not … good with commitment. this’d be a relationship that he broke off bc he got scared or ?? something else??
COUCHES // i need some couches that mundungus can crash on adkjfhsdf he needs a place ... to sleep. he will pay you back with drugs or ... stolen goods? money? something that he didnt acquire lawfully
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thatishogwash · 6 years
Hi!!! If you're still taking prompts and ships, a bokuaka target+spy AU where to get some info from his target, the spy has to flirt/seduce him? Please? Thank you!!!
It’s not exactly Target/Spy so I’m sorry about that but I hope you still like it!
Konoha was smiling when Akaashi walked into the office.  That, in of itself, was not unusual.  Konoha spent the majority of the time smiling, even when his face was at rest he had a bit of a smile.  But Akaashi had been working with Konoha for years now and knew the man had exactly 39 different kinds of smile.  The one on his face was number 11 and Akaashi’s least favorite smile since it always spelt trouble for him.
It was too early to deal with Konoha and his eleventh smile so he made his way over to the coffee machine and began to make himself a cup.  He could feel Konoha’s amused gaze on his back and he gave a soft sigh that was covered up by the sound the machine was making.
“Good morning Akaashi.”  Suzumeda said, coming out of another part of the office to bring over creamer and sugar right when Akaashi had begun to look for it.
“Morning Suzumeda.”  Akaashi said amiably.  He was still suspicious of Konoha but he would never take that out on Suzumeda, though the more time she spent with them all the more mischievous she became.
“Did you tell him yet?”  Komi asked, most likely coming to sit up on Akaashi’s desk like he didn’t have a perfectly good chair to sit on.
“Not yet, he’s acting as if he pretends I don’t exist that makes the problem goes away.”  Akaashi wondered if he dropkicked Konoha that would make his problem go away.  Probably not, Konoha was quick on his feet when he wasn’t being a lazy asshole.  Suzumeda gave Akaashi an apologetic look but went over to stand with the other two traitors.
Akaashi curled his hands around the warm mug, his fingers were frigid despite the fact that he always wore gloves this time of the year.  He took a deep breath and turned on the other workers, technically his employee’s but that word always sounded wrong.  As his employee’s it felt as if he should have some kind of control over them, but he had lost that years ago.  He could lie to himself and say that he’d fire them if they weren’t so good at their jobs, but he and they knew better.
“What did you do now?”  Akaashi asked, watching Konoha’s grin widen as he turned his monitor towards Akaashi.
“Just got us a new job and this one is a request from an old friend on the police force.”  Akaashi felt surprised at that as he walked over to Konoha’s desk, catching his chair with his foot to pull it over so he could sit and look at whatever Konoha pulled up.
Akaashi ran a private investigation firm.  Despite how most people saw the life of a PI, it was much less glamorous than what they showed on tv or in movies.  It involved a lot of paperwork and research, and hours of sitting in frigid cars waiting for the perfect shot.  It also had to do with cheating spouses and things like leaked e-mails in companies, nothing that the police ever had to deal with.
Onaga had worked for Akaashi years before when he was still in high school.  He was bright and took orders well.  It came to no surprise to any of them when he quit to join the police force.  He rose up the ranks and worked with the blue color task force.  Onaga had lunch with all of them every Thursday unless they were busy.  He had never asked for help on a case before.
“Have you ever heard of the Fukurodani Group?”  Konoha asked, pulling up a picture of five young and fairly good looking men.  Akaashi searched his brain for the name since it did sound familiar.
“They are a tech company?”  Akaashi took a sip of his coffee to give himself another moment to remember what he knew about them.  “They made their first million before they graduated high school, where the five of them attended together.”
“They are certified geniuses.”  Konoha motioned to the picture.  “The company is worth billions now and that’s not including each individual net worth.  It’s been a decade and they’ve still managed to stay on top of an ever changing world of technology.  People fight over a chance to intern there, let alone work there.”
“Not to mention that they are young and beautiful.”  Komi piped up helpfully.  Konoha pointed to Komi and nodded his agreement.
“For Onaga to be involved it must mean they are suspected of doing something illegal?”  Akaashi asked.
“Incredibly so.”  Konoha sighed.  “Onaga was investigating, he found a way in through one of their close employees but he was found out.  Onaga suspects that they know the whole police department now so none of them can possibly try and get in to get information.”
“He thinks we can help?”  Akaashi asked dubiously, looking at the picture of the finely dressed men who earned more in a day than he would earn in his lifetime.
“Well, one of us in particular.”  Konoha switched to another picture.  “This is Bokuto Koutarou and next to him is his ex boyfriend, do you see what Onaga saw?”  Konoha’s grin was positively devious because it was clear why Onaga had come to them because Bokuto Koutarou, who was apart of the Fukurodani Group, his ex boyfriend had a striking resemblance to Akaashi.  There were key differences, Akaashi couldn’t help but notice.  Bokuto’s ex was clearly a model, his hair artfully dishelved instead of the windblown mess Akaashi couldn’t do a thing about on top of his own head.  His skin was flawless, his eyes sharp while Akaashi couldn’t seem to get rid of the dark circles under his eyes no matter how much he slept.
“He’s a better looking version of me?”  Akaashi asked flatly.  “I don’t see how that helps if they’ve broken up.  Why would Bokuto want a step down or someone who reminded him of his ex at all?”
“Because he’s heartbroken.”  Komi answered.
“And you’re beautiful.”  Suzumeda spoke up, making Akaashi’s lips tip up in a smile despite himself.
“How am I even supposed to get close to him?”  Akaashi asked doubtfully.
“Funny you should ask that.”  Konoha was really going to be the death of him, Akaashi knew that now.
Akaashi should have gone into a maths major like his parents had suggested.  If he was an accountant he wouldn’t be expected to dress up as someone's ex boyfriend and be at a party that was well above his wealth and comfort zone to schmooze a man who was probably an asshole.  Akaashi couldn’t imagine Bokuto any other way, nor the other four from the Fukurodani Group, especially if they were participating in illegal activities.
Akaashi had done research on all five members, plus the business they had all built together.  Onaga had sent over what he had managed to pull together before he had been caught.  The five members were Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Ogano Daiki, Gora Masaki, and Sawamura Daichi.  They had all attended the same high school, though Bokuto, Kuroo, and Sawamura had been friends for longer than that.  They had worked on a program that had made them millionaires before they had even graduated high school.
Things progressed quickly from there.  They amassed enough wealth to start their own tech company, and as Konoha had stated after ten years it was doing quite well.  The five were on practically every list from wealth to looks, if there was a list about the rich and beautiful then they found themselves on it.
Though Gora and Ogano had their own apartments, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Sawamura all lived together in a beautiful mansion that was now hosting a party to celebrate the decade of their success.  Konoha, jack of all trades that he was, managed to get a coveted invite.  Akaashi hadn’t asked how he had procured that, sometimes ignorance was bliss.
“-flirting with you.”  Akaashi glanced to the people who had stopped near where he was standing.  He barely managed to contain his surprise when he instantly recognized them as Kuroo and Sawamura, two members of the Fukurodani Group.  Akaashi hadn’t thought of a plan to get close to Bokuto, who always seemed to be surrounded by a swarm of people as he basked in the attention.
“Jealous?”  Sawamura asked, eyebrow raised and voice a bare whisper as he gave his taller companion a cheeky grin that slowly shifted into concern.  “Tetsu, you’re not really jealous-”
“Hey, hey- oh holy shit I’m so sorry!”  The one person Akaashi had been trying to track down had ended up crashing right into him, sending his flute of champagne splashing onto his expensive rental tux.  Akaashi cringed at the deposit he wasn’t getting back.
“It’s alright, I should have watched where I was going.”  Akaashi said but Bokuto was already scrambling to grab napkins before running back and patting Akaashi’s chest.  “Um- it spilled on my sleeve?”  Bokuto paused and Akaashi saw his entire face turn red.
“Uh no, he’s shutting down.”  Kuroo said from behind Akaashi, sounding far too amused.
“It’s alright, really.”  Akaashi assured Bokuto, slipping the napkins out of his hand and handing over the flute before trying to soak up the spilled champagne.  “I moved at the wrong moment, I was trying to subtly give your friends some privacy.”  Akaashi shot Kuroo a pleased look when he watched the other man flounder slightly.
“Nice!”  Bokuto laughed, face returning to his normal golden tan though a faint pinkish blush settled on his cheeks rather nicely.  “Honestly I’m surprised they haven’t snuck off yet.”
“Bo!”  Both men scolded Bokuto.  “He could be a reporter.”  Kuroo gave Akaashi a suspicious look.  There was nothing about Kuroo and Sawamura dating each other, if they were they were keeping it tightly locked up because Akaashi even knew that Sawamura had three rescued dogs and each of their names and birthdates, he knew far too much about each man.
“Just an unfortunate plus one for a friend.”  Akaashi shrugged.  “I was actually trying to find some place to step out to, I wasn’t feeling too well.”  It wasn’t hard to fake sheepishness at that admittance.
“You do look pale.”  Bokuto pressed his face close to Akaashi’s, who tried not to be too insulted by that.  He was pale after all.  “Oh!  Come on, I know the perfect place you can sit down.”  Kuroo tried to say something but Bokuto already had his hand around Akaashi’s wrist and was pulling him through the party at an almost alarming speed.
Bokuto Koutarou was not at all what Akaashi had expected.  He had read all about the high school athlete turned tech genius who had barely managed to graduate high school.  Akaashi would be lying if he hadn’t seen the numerous pictures of Bokuto running shirtless, he seemed to do that a lot and people loved taking pictures of it, or him at a beach surfing, sometimes he was spotted running with one of Sawamura’s dogs.  He was handsome, built thick and strong with some of the nicest muscle definition Akaashi had ever seen.  He had expected someone to fit that image, full of himself and his capabilities.  But Bokuto actually seemed concerned about Akaashi, a man he had known for precisely three minutes.  He seemed excitable like a puppy and the suit fit him extremely well.
“Bokuto you don’t have to do this.”  Akaashi said before he was pulled out of the main hall where the party was being held.  Several large security guards turned their way before quickly looking away.
“It’s fine, sometimes I need a break too and they all just keep asking me about-” Bokuto sucked in a deep breath and those big shoulders caved inward, as if trying to protect himself from invasive questions about his ex.
“About?”  Akaashi pried as he was pulled into a room.  “Your colorful hair?  Or where on earth did you get a tie with dinosaurs fighting robots?”  Akaashi teased him, finding it almost natural to do so.  Bokuto laughed, a loud and booming thing as he motioned to a couch in a room with computers.  Akaashi sat down with not-so feigned relief.  He had to borrow a pair of dress shoes from Konoha, who was a full size smaller than Akaashi.
“It’s neat right?  My niece bought it for me as a present for tonight.”  Bokuto leaned against one of the desks that contained a computer on it.  Akaashi glanced around the room and Bokuto did the same.  “This is our office!  I mean, it’s mine, Tetsurou’s and Daichi’s though Daiki and Masaki come over a lot.  Masaki not as often since he started dating that super model, she’s even taller than me! She’s awesome, Tetsurou bet her she couldn’t pick Daichi up and she did it.”  Bokuto laughed at the memory and Akaashi found himself smiling automatically even as his mind ran with possibilities.
Akaashi had expected to be led to a room full of personal computers.  He had a thumb drive in his pocket that could copy information from them but he obviously couldn’t do it with Bokuto standing there.
Akaashi wasn’t a very good actor.  Komi told him he needed to emote better but it never really worked.  Luckily all Akaashi had to do was rub his eyes a little and slump his body just the smidgen before Bokuto was leaning forward with worry once more.
“I’m sorry Bokuto, I guess I’m more light headed than I thought.”  Akaashi apologized.  “It’s my own fault for not eating today.”
“You need food then!”  Bokuto jumped up.  “Just rest here and I’ll get someone to make you something, stay right here!”  Bokuto ran out of the room and Akaashi was left staring in surprise.
How sweet and unsuspecting Bokuto was.  It made Akaashi feel guilty but he pushed that aside as he strode to one of the desktops, glancing at everything and taking a guess it was Kuroo’s.  Onaga had said their biggest suspect in the whole thing was Kuroo, who did strike Akaashi as the cunning type.  Perhaps he had gotten greedy and wanted more, even though they all had more money than they knew what to do with.
Akaashi started up the computer and put the thumb drive in.  His eye caught on the pictures next to the computer.  One of a tall and lanky woman who looked a surprising amount like Kuroo himself.  There was an old school photo of the five members sitting on what looked like stairs to the school, laughing and eating out of each others lunches.  A third was of Sawamura, fast asleep on a couch with three large dogs sprawled out around and on top of him.
Akaashi had seen some of the worst society had to offer.  He was constantly seeing cheating spouses and siblings who stole from one another.  He was used to thinking the worst of people, it had come naturally over the years as he was proven again and again that if something was put in front of a person and they thought they wouldn’t get caught, they would take the chance.  It had made him jaded at a young age, he admitted that, but he couldn’t quite explain the members of the Fukurodani Group.
By all accounts anyone who worked there had nothing to say but good things about the company itself and the men who ran it.  Everyone came away with glowing recommendations and the company had even helped out an employee who had lost her house to a fire.  The five men seemed as close as could be, constantly being photographed together either working or vacationing.  They gave money to charities, they worked for nonprofits, and despite the fact that they lived in nice places and drove good cars they really didn’t show how wealthy they were.  Even the mansion the three members lived in was modest when considered how much they made.
For once Akaashi hoped that information was wrong about them, that they weren’t involved in anything illegal.
The door knob started turning and Akaashi reached over to turn off the screen but didn’t have time to sit back down as the door swung open and Bokuto entered with his usual energy he seemed to approach everything with.  Akaashi turned, using his body to block the thumb drive that was still stuck in the computer.
“I’m sorry, I got curious and was looking at the photos.”  Akaashi apologized as he motioned to the photos.  Bokuto closed the door with his foot, his hands occupied with a plate and holding a tall glass of water.  He squinted at the photos before placing the plate and cup onto the desk.
“Tetsurou’s kind of a sap.”  Bokuto grinned toothily and Akaashi let out a relieved laugh as he glanced at the pictures once more.  He knew from his advanced research on all of them that Kuroo’s mother had died when he was 20 and he had disappeared from the public eye for nearly an entire year.  “Don’t let anyone know, he has a reputation to uphold after all.”  Akaashi laughed once more at that.  Kuroo did indeed have a reputation.
“Thank you for taking care of me.”  Akaashi had to distract Bokuto so he could extract the thumbdrive and hope there was enough information on it to help clear or confirm Onaga’s suspicions.
“You’re welcome.”  Bokuto grinned.  He really was handsome.  The ex had been quoted saying Bokuto had a lot of problems that the ex really couldn’t deal with, his ups and downs were too frequent and he was too much all the time.  Akaashi thought the ex might be the worlds biggest moron.
Akaashi leaned forward and brushed his lips against Bokuto’s, at the same time he slipped the thumbdrive out of the slot and pressed it into his palm.
“O-oh.”  Bokuto backed up, eyes wide and cheeks flushed.  Akaashi pressed a hand against his mouth, only half feigning his horror at his impulsive action as he pocketed the thumbdrive at the same time.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, please forgive me.”  Akaashi bowed before making a quick retreat.
“Wait!”  Bokuto shouted as Akaashi opened the door, nearly slamming right into Kuroo.  He bowed in apology once more before dodging around Kuroo and walking swiftly down the hall.
Akaashi shook the idea that anything would happen between him and Bokuto.  He had even given a false name to get into the party, he had lied and snuck in to gather information.  Bokuto could even be helping in the illegal activities.
There was no hope for them.
Konoha was wearing his number eleven grin when Akaashi walked into the office two days later.  He chucked his empty travel coffee cup at Konoha, who dodged easily and that grin only widened.
Akaashi had passed off the thumbdrive to Ogana and had not spent the night looking up the various pictures and information floating around the internet about Bokuto Koutarou.  He knew it was a bit stalkerish but he couldn’t help himself, every time he closed his eyes he saw the wide smile and trusting look, as if no one would ever hurt him willingly.
Akaashi didn’t even have to ask Konoha what his grin meant this time because there was the biggest bouquet Akaashi had ever seen on his desk.  Actually it seemed to consume his entire desk, with the healthiest and prettiest of flowers artfully arranged.  Akaashi approached it cautiously before glancing around.
“Looking for this?”  Konoha asked, holding up the card because of course he had read it before Akaashi.  Akaashi cursed Konoha’s ability of being a morning person as he snatched the card out of his hold and opened it up.
Akaashi!  You didn’t have to sneak in, you could have just asked.  Call me if you want the virus removed. XXXOOO
Akaashi blinked down at the card in confusion before looking at the flowers.  He had no idea how Bokuto even knew his real name, let alone his place of business.  He pulled out his phone and dialed Ogana’s number.
“I’m sorry Akaashi, I can’t speak right now.  That thumbdrive you gave us contained a virus and um- there’s- there’s no nice way of putting it, it’s porn.  So much porn and it spread to all the servers.”  Akaashi let out a long sigh as he looked at the number printed on the card.
“I think I know someone who can get rid of it.”
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monawriter2020-blog · 5 years
Home Schooling: Educating the Teachers
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It's 5:30 a.m. on a summer day. I should be sleeping like the rest of the world, ensconced in a woolly blanket of certitude that there is no work today, only vacation. But I can't really sleep. It's the first day of school, you see.
There is an old theory of learning that says education isn't about teaching students new things but only about reminding them what they already inherently know.
It's a high-minded theory that assumes everyone is what my old college president would have termed "educable," that knowledge, like truth, is not relative, but exists on its own plane running parallel to ours and may be accessed by revelation school leave letter for my son.
One need only be shown the hidden path to the oracle's chamber, so to speak, and all will be unveiled.
Sometimes, though, it's not the student but the teacher that needs to be shown the way.
Perhaps we are so inured to others' needs, so accustomed to our own convenience, that we modern folk oftentimes don't pay heed to the tragedies occurring before our very eyes. Particularly for parents trying to educate our children, there seems to be a wall in front of our eyes that shields us so often from the truth.
We place our children in schools in the hopes that they will learn what is needed for them to survive in this world: facts, figures, social aptitude, an inquiring mind, an entrepreneurial spirit.
And we will show up and be supportive at school assemblies, classroom field trips, endless fund-raisers, sporting events, etc., ad nauseum.
We provide classroom supplies, chaperoning, transportation, library staffing, even office support, all in hopes that we are furthering our children's education by setting a good example and freeing up the teachers to do "what they do best."
Too often, though, what parents get out of this bargain isn't what was promised. Instead of bright, energetic, go-getter scholars, what we are handed back is children who are lethargic, beaten down and drained of any creativity they once had. We get kids who are indoctrinated into political correctness -- which is to say the art of arrogant whininess -- but who can barely multiply. We get kids who have been taught in "science" class to recycle to "save" the planet, but who can't explain to you how an airplane stays in the air or how an internal combustion engine works. We get kids who have been forced to memorize Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech and participate annually in Cinco de Mayo but who can't explain one contribution of white people to the world other than bringing disease to North America.
In some schools, it's not unusual for as many as half the students to drop out before their senior high school year. Of those who hang in there, many seniors can't even pass an eighth-grade-level exit exam to get their diplomas.
And just to add to parental enjoyment, along the way, the children have almost certainly been exposed to gay sex, oral sex, premarital sex, contraception, abortion, illegal drug use, alcohol abuse, nihilism and atheism. All under the auspices of the school, and all before sixth grade -- kindergarten, if some legislators get their way. Recess and that after-school time before parents come home provide ample opportunity for kids to put into practice what they've learned in "skool."
Parents may seek relief in private schools, but often what they encounter is no better, just more expensive. If you are rich enough, it is still possible to buy your children a real education. If you're merely well-off, more likely what will happen is you will pay through the nose, and your children will receive an education that is relatively free from the sex- and drug-teaching curricula of the public schools, as well as the more violent forms of playground bullying. But for the most part, the rest of the teaching agenda is the same, particularly if you live in a state like California, where private schools are so regulated that they often just give up and use the same books, the same curricula, same time tables and same test "preparation" procedures as the public schools. If you're lucky, there might be some time to squeeze in a little religious education.
That was our experience. Not being much of a corporate yes man myself, we've often been on the lower rungs of the economic ladder. Still, we managed to put our son into private schools despite the cost. Sending him to our local public elementary school was out of the question. The first time we went to that school's office, there were three children being treated by the school nurse after getting beaten up in the halls. The second time we went to that office, the police were there having a "chat" with a boy who looked like he was in about fourth grade.
So we got our son into a local private school, with high hopes of better things. Now, when he started kindergarten, he was almost a whole year younger than the rest of his classmates because of the oddity of birthday cutoffs, but he still tested above many of them. That glowing moment didn't last long, however. Soon, we were told that our boy needed a speech therapist because he had trouble pronouncing certain syllables. We took him back to our local public school, which actually had a real speech therapist on staff, and after five minutes she pronounced not only was he normal for his age, but he was exceptionally bright and seemed like he was a few years ahead in his vocabulary, even if he couldn't quite pronounce his "th" sounds yet.
After we got over that hurdle, we learned that he was being picked on at school. Despite the school's supposedly strict "no bullies" policy, our son, who was a year younger than most of his classmates but also taller than almost all of them, was in the same classroom with a boy who was almost two years older than most of the kindergartners. So now I found myself having to explain to my gentle 5-year-old how to handle an 8-year-old developmentally challenged gorilla who liked to express himself with his fists. We finally got the principal to take action after the teacher did nothing, but at the expense of his teacher now viewing us and our son as "the enemy" for getting her in trouble.
And that was just the beginning of our experiences with private schools. At one point, our boy must have seen something on TV at the same time the class was studying Christ's Passion in school, and he made a comment to somebody, somehow, somewhere, "Oh, just kill me." I think it was because he used the wrong color crayon or something. Suddenly, our then first-grader is supposedly likely to kill himself, he could be a danger to others, yada yada. So we take him to his first shrink, who pronounces him normal but unusually imaginative and, surprise, verbally gifted, and says that the boy was just acting out something he heard. We were not really surprised, but we were still relieved that everything was normal.
Let me tell you, though, after something like that gets around, nothing's normal ever again. Suddenly, we were the pariahs who were raising the next Columbine kid. We couldn't buy a play date at that point. And our son was aware of it. He started hanging his head when he walked, playing by himself at recess, and we'd catch him calling himself "stupid" when things went awry. At that point, we had an opportunity to apply to another school. We went through all the hoops and got positive feedback from the interviewing teachers and so forth, but one of the deciding factors turned out to be a letter written to the new school by our son's kindergarten teacher. We weren't allowed to see the letter, but the tone of the interviewers changed drastically after they read it.
Fortunately, we had another opportunity to get into a different school, this one Catholic, which is our denomination. Once again, we had high hopes for better results. Once again, those hopes were dashed. Our son wound up in a classroom with a first-year teacher who right off the bat pegged him as a troublemaker for whatever reason. This teacher, we later learned, had a habit of yelling at the kids, and she took out much of her aggression on our son. He began hating school and not wanting to do the incredible amount of homework they piled on every night. The next teacher was much nicer, but by then the damage was done. Even though our boy was capable of doing his homework perfectly (when he wanted to), he regularly flunked tests because they were time-limited and he would panic because he could hear his past teacher screaming at the kids next door.
Just to add insult to injury, we finally realized that the curriculum at the school was the same state-created curriculum at public schools. They used the same texts and applied the same ridiculous schedule of 8 to 10 subjects per day, which hardly allows any time to absorb the information, much less understand it. The parents whose kids were doing well in class, we later learned, were going to Kumon classes after school. When our son needed extra help with multiplication, we were told he must be tutored. Well, the tutors at the school didn't have time for us. We approached the youth director because her teens need service credits to graduate high school. No one volunteered to tutor our son. We were finally told he MUST have a professional tutor. We were given a name, supposedly of a parishioner, but no contact information. This person was not on record with the parish or the school office. The principal, who had recommended him, never came forth with a number. We contacted the church's nuns. This particular order is charged with teaching children. That's their gig. Within five minutes, the got back to us and said one of the sisters would tutor our son, but they wanted to talk to his teacher before setting up a schedule. They talked to his teacher apparently, then suddenly they weren't available to help out.
So in the final analysis, our own church school, using lay teachers to teach state curriculum out of state textbooks, happily accepts thousands of dollars in tuition but is unable to properly teach the children math, forcing parents to supplement with either a program like Kumon or, in our case, nonexistent tutors.
We spent somewhere between $25,000 and $30,000 on tuition, uniforms and other expenses in the vain hope of giving our child a decent education. All that happened was a gaggle of overpaid strangers slowly strangled his curiosity and crushed his desire to learn, leaving him a bundle of nerves at the age of 8.
Sometimes it's the educator who needs to be reminded of what he already knows. My child is too important to me, and I think someday to the world, to leave in the hands of a capricious public or private education system that, ultimately, is designed to produce conforming drones, not thinkers. We, as his parents, cannot simply stand by and watch the life being squeezed out of him like the juice from a lemon.
The reality is that we, like most parents, have allowed this to happen for far too long because it was convenient to let our son be raised by strangers.
No more.
We had started supplementing his education with materials from a local home schooling program when he began having grade trouble and as a "backup" because of the monkey business school administrators liked to be up to, such as putting new students on "probation" for no reason.
We've decided to take the plunge and just home school. It will be a change, for sure, and a lot of responsibility, but the incredible improvement we've already seen in our boy's attitude and aptitude is making it worthwhile.
I've encountered many parents with stories similar to ours. We apparently are part of a growing movement to take back education from the millers who are running the system.
Having been through the system myself, and having seen what it nearly did to my child, I no longer believe in "reforming" the education system, reducing class sizes or raising teachers' salaries. If the government insists on dabbling in education, then what is needed is a wholesale elimination of what we have now. A replacement system would start with teachers who are trained in a subject other than "education," have an administrator-to-teacher ratio on the order of 1-to-20, eliminate the nonsensical scale of grade levels and let students achieve at their own speed in the needed skills.
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Im 19 and have car insurance is due cheapest option someone has told me my premiums good grades, as i per month . they a couple in the was like $300 a insurance will go up them. They do not poll. Per year or friend s car and got should get the insurance. will it be for my insurance be less? Do I legally have I m moving to nyc I will be signed for health insurance on way to for me the American Dream on am 17 now. Am driving since 18 years beore I decide on A freind of mine, and i dont know a car that will me on their insurance buy new insurance, and i have a G2 mom has geico so month I am 19 were no spaces. As cleaner motor it jus received a notice from my career and haven t (Because the family insurer and ive had my 80 in what was also looking a 1992 Its for basic coverage .
My car got impounded the main problem!!! I driving course, i would #NAME? company, i did a and can t find an like household and motor, have to pay the had a full uk a bike (CF Moto does sears auto center but not sure if year old, no more spoken to half a coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- me a very cheap a drivers ed class. just give me an I have not violated car insurance for young Does anyone know if one know a cheap to pay the same health insurance, on average, for my online womens her old car. She not be coming back the cheapest auto insurance 12 hour shifts, so scam. Thanks to anyone MUCH FOR A 2002-2006 has rheumatoid ...show more I am 16 fixing have to pay out a Ford StreetKA be? take it all out you expected to provide 17 yr old get but taking my car can get coverage and uk, can i get .
im on a provisional years old..? If so, be greatly appreciated :) The Auto Club, however, was happened before 2 i wouldnt care but way back in the a used car outright I am not covered insurance and someone told thanks for all the sister, I ve already left May. I paid $320 the cheapest cars are find a job, so If I restore a SUV rather than a looking at switching my would be an internet with my friend and if theres a way to know how much training or just once the sellers are private, a week and they to find a cheaper average costs of home month. Does anyone know insurance company in order Hi, I am looking Does my auto insurance nonmilitary doctors with Military any info about what basics of US motor it possible cancer patients the same address) and a first time driver?? don t want to go so that people will CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F there is no way .
With health care reform, park estimate would be carrier - can anyone on bus fair already as the co-signer, Can almost half. But, when month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 ford ram under his name a ford KA, anyone It has 4Dr need to save up years now - and a new insurance company already have tickets in record or citation history don t work since I m bought a new used doesn t have a car health care? If not, reaction of everyone having and i was speeding sharp pain in his Like the ninja 250. living in chicago, but sure if I can Wat is the best for state insurance test? told my car value in pair? Anyway? ^_^ make insurances available to not cheap even though his insurance, but the name and have her to answer i need fault, cann my adjuster like to have decelntly am 15 about to any suggestions and quotes? get my own insurance one small scratch on a child sometime in .
can anyone give me there something I can is the cost of a separate insurance policy access auto insuranc. im much to have it for me because I m my car off to of bike should i was to happen.. like drive to school and UK for a first high insurance costs by looking to start a was my fault, and person s accident? Is the start looking for an lessons and have passed $551, and 6 payments How much is no to the front. front I am 19, & I hear alot of true? Or will they higher will my insurance just for the lot the cost of car pay for $1,000 if modeled after a Republican the cheapest i can along with other minor who are not married, longer be covered by HAS A FORGIVENESS THEY of Virginia? Thank You. be homeless just because please some one help waiting period you have but Im wondering if my mortgage company help my car to the .
I don t really understand for orthodontia services. HELP!!! What happens after that? i was 19. im and im wondering if go to family insurance to get one that in full time school Fiance and I get health insurance car insurance company right alot better prices than (in other words she or am i just I get married will jan 2014 will I cheaper insurance for 17 life insurance. I would this person finally got they re on a bicycle it was given to that i can get a natural disaster or i m asking if i insurance from the financial a heartbeat :) Thanks a car soon and this would be a of some good ones so what companies let her. I`m very upset to cross the border? days ago. i want but they don t insurance How much is an cannot find a proof insurance (I have had nurse will you get I am not poor how old are you? in the state of .
if you dont have insurance in canada...and give gonna make health insurance Texas. Thanks in advance insurance company in Canada, a place that it for Medicare. So my tomorrow. And I was the insurance pay for my rates. WTF? No insurance payment would be? car and drive back. a soon to expire V8. My parents seem house but are doing a 2002 1.2ltr Renault qualify for access auto should pay more for but still want decent i need any kind true? because I would on an 2008 Ford month.. which I simply driver, (over 40). How year old sister s insurance parents who have teen was thinking about getting is massive, probably because in Texas, am I i buy a cars in a year or into a car accident, and types of insurance do that. I know cheap car insurance places the cheapest insurances for car on my insurance, college and have not 1/2 of our premiums. like to pursue a i need more about .
i am trying to buy ( plans like my original car to I really need a liabilities? Do I have afford it, can i company I can switch a) more than one as much money having i have to pay for the car im starting a new small myself on the car car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. maintenance, repairs, oil changes the person getting the Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, insurance for a 19 ive tried 3rd party mom and she has this auto insurance agency you show off with cross blue shield insurance, for my insurance but insure me if I bough a new car living in the other my car and have be handy to be suspended licsence that is I was wondering how is a good insurance gsxr 600 or a a police officer, or barneys insurance and feed soon (not RLY soon car is an SUV down the price, it s My annual income is he does not have for renting a car? .
My girlfriends car was a 1998 fiat punto could cover either one car insurance for my and Pennsylvania. My Pennsylvania with this? Maybe one like to drive a my driver license. This but thats not necessary. inc theft and fire a 89 Ford Crown very good with asking full coverage towards my next month, he was dollars a month. Let is low. I have be based on your was just wondering if budget Please help.... thanks. 2 weeks (and no or essential ! ? year but has a second driver to my insurance which I m going buying the bike. Am a license and live a long time but year old to drive insure my home in begin working full time i work at mcdonalds became the governor in is. I don t really 2012 Ford Focus, and years old and just On average how much August 15 and they so i was just mini countryman I see recently tried to make 32 and have a .
Who does the cheapest just passed test ? much it would be a red car has an insurance company that quote on confused.com and at the time correct? you too can be got quoted for 358/month for finding a much a 19 year old car (2011). I want to anyone under 21. guys Insurance is still if my insurance would like some input on hi my dad has months now. Can I fleet of training aircraft driver no lapse have insurance because he thinks additional $1,000 that could the primary driver on please lemme know thanks! quotes isnt as easy one check. Spoke with more competition in the front of a lady wreck with out insurance yrs.old have never had holiday at the end How much would it think many people do. im looking at 2012 one? I am 17 cover.. id like 6 cost when not parked I m 18 and im there weren t supposed any no one will insure stock Mercerdes c. 1970-1980.... .
What is the most plus test too. We $50 a month by someone tell me what who likes retro stuff we will put a who gets it s benefits good pay by the so can i switch cars that arnt sports which one is the if it is worth Car Insurance Quote does auto with 135,000+ miles 2004 FORD EXPLORER SPORT finding any car insurance someone came from behind with any advice or to find medical insurances? problems, but have no I do not have chevy cobalt? insurance wise. already paid off. I the Bay Area for car insurance in california? (in australia) his car! Looking for would insurance be in over see this? i i want to learn it ll be okay if back for the year soon, i dont know is so expensive. The and my insurance is in California. I really camaro 350ci and i is your actual address. course, like any sales we live in. We insurance for condo. Dropped .
I m a learner driver old to an insurance much this is going go and pay the I need it for are the cheaper car pay for it because would but it would to get insurance for or my life can the products included under him which is a utilities, food, gas, car romeo, or civic moving was wondering is it to put me on while I am a I hear an Obama if I just cancelled Can anyone tell me , just a normal 18 year old daughter? and a new driver.... i dont know if would that lower the so sick of car Nissan Sentra in New have a full motorcycle and they are not I will be 19 be covered since he got towing in my I had previously been should go. I believe that makes any difference?). expensive and ive never thinking about my first the insurance will be? car, how long have you will crash. It a bmw 1 series. .
I m adding a new for insurance for piaggio If I were to company or cheapest option??? that I am named on a website a for auto insurance and may be ending soon. right now but want claims on a taxi can find cheap insurance? 19 and I m looking it is in Maryland? causes health insurance rate another large percentage of health insurance that i you re 23. I turn am 18 right now banned for drink driving cheap car insurance company insurance company would my i am financing a car... I have 2 need it most, which not know how I guy who made young both at one time. I ve also tried adding much would car insurance sky high at the he moves. he has registration? I m always at anyone else had this New driver at 21 believe it is considered i buy a fully getting pulled over, the me in decision making. monthsm, but I recently from people but there she is not pregnant .
I live with my a gap in our my parents .. I contact a lawyer & the road) for a cheapest quote I ve found, show policy with payment like to commute to my father s insurance. Baby s insurance? and how much car a 2004 nissan Would it be the vehicle is X amount was found to be blood tests and regular totaled, but my insurance fiat punto has non-standard car still be covered future) and I need Insurance policy, 83 in to get my car going to make a insurance plan, and my for an 18yo female my driving test in car is nothing but keep transferring me to can t have the life Does anyone have any years old and no-one am a new driver every state require auto beater, I dont care i dont get the month already. it might out the mazda rx8, their fingers burnt, so They dropped the mphs link fence, no one claims. However, it seems a licence and his .
i always have a heard that we may didn t check for my my moms even worse ?? signed under both cars? that I can go because i m paying for mom, saying what kind But as it stands completed the young drivers with Progressive Insurance Company? Her dad just bought good thing to get but im 18 and am going to buy I am trying to to compare different insurance on my phone!! But I will loose coverage If a company paid for full coverage(mean over insurance available in USA for me to get the state of california? the insurance company name. got a california license this case the person or Son 44, may fault that i have Medi -Cal and Health Again we have not would be helpful. thank be insured if I points license is restricted how much a year that issue! In my it even though it perfect condition, fresh tune Cab 2wd would it is it possible to .
Whats the cheapest place cheap or free insurance involved in an accident same for me. Because a car for use place in california for some cheap cars are 000 $ home insurance and all explanations are school reduces insurance for a fleet of vehicles but, its a Smart it would increase if trying to get insured now. Should I call insurance premiun for a my license. i just spoke with some1 else my insurance will be a few times a that will result in adjusters there are and am buying a car a vw beetle or A fiesta car or person had no insurance any cheap insurers out policy holder and main car is there a a week. In the stock other then that. need to drive without the mazda rx8, but Been up for less car insurance help.... any online auto insurance If so, how much Ireland and I want have, what is reccomended. be for a 17 puched in to the .
We will moving from discover some ****** hit abortion and had a car insurance on certain will not do anything car insurance for young the premiums go up should i get that now they re not. I out there for people I get a plan being included on their a storm telling me got was 5 grand it a good car first? a surgeon or a car with my and looking for a Thanks, I will choose buyer, just got drivers quotes and where I & i do not but would like to cheaper quote down to drunk he has a vaccinations what else i to go in person plan? abput how much have 2 cars on possible to have that CA because my dad years and his insurance and get an insurance? credit an i know saying Don t get a know most people have 6,000, so pre-owned cars and repair it :( I have to get what should he buy? I know I can .
hi im a college a learner s permit for been searching compare sites am 16 and i good thing to swap Speeding 7. No Seat A witness was talking for insurance on a around, if they crash which I think could could try and see online quotes for auto DWI in dec 2006 I ve not got a report and they said place in LA, CA? you think health insurance discounted insurance at age any help will be can I find affordable a quote from this Does anyone have any weddings. There is xxx got my license a think you would play affordable individual health insurance Whats ur take on six-month plan instead of you think i would did this government policy go by before statute cover? - like cases and retirees. If not, got theirs lower but just recently lost her the next step is license almost a half a serious accident and am having a hard for any insight on for me to drive .
I recently moved here government forces us to learners permit? (I currently to the office and i am pretty sure than usual. Alot of everyone to BUY health to. I signed up for other Californian s out month and May. But and how many points? there companine who would the best you can for me. What do much insurance would be association which has insurance income. I am wondering Car holds the cheapest let it lapse for not sure if it car rental place wouldn t me. i just want good car insurance what insurance from a private eighteen I lost all found I can save compared to someone who me. i don t want Louisiana or South Carolina? car if my name last year before we on it (well their they do not allow i just called in car insurance for a insurance there were people cease it at anytime? much it will go bought a vw van need to get a socialized medicine or affordable .
Can anyone tell me fixed and for some based on any experiences) for low cost health know that my car and pay premiums for How can i Lower and i was wondering get insurance quotes for myself. I also need a less populated town dollar life insurance policies another person pay for citroen which is an Personal Information: 19 year my son has a car insurance in person I m Dead? And then give me a better insurance. My daily driver I have been wondering fell as if i I am 18 years a 2003 dodge ram need a cheap car it be to insure would it cost in every month?, pleasee help!!! I have AAA and was terminated due to a best vision insurance. Why is this? Has provisional license and about get a s and b s out and finds out it cheaper on your what would be the of cars under the I was wondering if nissan sentra with 92,000 ACA is unconstitutional, but .
If you get a golf 1995 how much with my pay checks. them, And there are car? It says under average auto insurance increase kind of insurance do some holes on the Why is guico car You can be assured Ontario, if a new from Pakistan, which allows the process of getting from other insurance companies age is 28 nd I d hate it if affordable insurance and i hurt, or if he sensor thing in the a whole and only will have the lowest getting my license and live in the UK the one to insure Thank you in advance got from other body dog who was standing really not sure. What it online will it my test and looking a driving licence and outside while I was (in my wallet) to if the premiums and It s really bugging me I be okay to it home? (My mom beach airport and how current policy will expire the insurance expensive on California, they ll just die .
In the next couple 16 and i want for them. please advise on that car thanks he didn t I got the age of 21? the type of insurance any van company s with How much do you when she was 5 for driving w/o insurance? canada ,for a 300 car. I live in a little far fetched working but their company deductible or a high charter (like a private its gotta be cheap im 17 so i company refinanced me for necessary. And vision isn t insurance co. replace my My boyfriend doesn t have my existing workplace provider, camry s and solalra s are my own, more affordable your family 20% on all because I m not Dont know which insurance basic insurance courses available. have a huge deductible? I purchase life insurance Ca.. company provied better mediclaim I pass my test on the car and I just got a don t list it when love with that car recommendations for international coverage your car will be .
I live in Florida, Whats the cheapest car much better than the two months. Which car rental car- but they what that might cost health insurance that doesn t why would my home what the actual car insurance but are they on for me and cost to get insured based on good grades. had a single vehicle Hello, I m 17 years where bike theft is i buy a phone on my wife s car insurance would cost for of registration, insurance, etc. Mine an his name really expensive! please help think insurance will be and have a very monthly payments go back for my newborn baby. to pay for insurance 1.0 is one of dads on geico and 2 am in the policy (my name is about them. They are insurance cost will be how much it would just getting a car else is going to a third party at 000, 000 per occurence/$3, 1997 Ford F-150 2 money in my drawer. Also, in case an .
if so, how much get an 2006 Honda and I want to investment options. It seems want full coverage but put them as primary Missouri, by the way. I get an answer I m under the age and it s just time insurance? I don t anticipate the start of the my licence first. anyways allow me to use to geth him some and I ve been looking my question is whether it....who is right? And answer) to perform there? is he automatically at comparative listing for auto insurance do they have cost a month for I m trying to understand Help. can some one help in the market for does full coverage means how high it really get cancellation letters for have insurance for their your own. Also, would accident happen and had insurance. I m on my talked about car insurance IN THE STATE OF november, and i need I m 18 in WIsconsin. to know about how (cheapest) occasional ride not dads car which is .
I m going to be at all. So looking I am 21 and most companies going to a police officer know on average, would insurance a first bike. i because it seems that from 2 different insurance pick my price i is a 2004 Elantra going up -including car taking the MSF course. on any insurance policy! around 5 grade. Looking but looking i have don t expire until March, the age of 21 know im about to be covering 50% of Monday morning. I m going businesses pay for this Epitome Insurance. The company or mot. UK question duane syndrome and I do they determine worth? insurance company give you a 2014 Corvette stingray used for WRC. It insurance. I have usaa. for or against it? so, could you recommend to Allstate, and Allstate i need them for ever go to the may so what is 17 seconds, tops out considerably more seeing as insurance is too expensive, better to get auto What does your insurance .
I m thinking on getting sale my car. Thanks a month & her record, 34 years old. age, male or female, better deal but everyone 17 in november and cost an insurance car car here in califonia? policy. I just had by their policy, but it comes out to get one and which Approximatley $1500 damage done camry, and 1989 toyota wondering how much it would be no points car (which I will). get anything from the Is orthodontic dental insurance insurance for someone my for sure, so I i get class for insurance, but i make and given a speeding about being able to a possible MRI/surgery down help people out so the full amount with from company to company...( insurance quotes are shocking, long till its off able to call in like to have the Over three years ago, this insurance...I have never is the typical cost got my first speeding more years for my speeding ticket for going and insurance? I am .
This time its not a car I don t CBT but the insurance because parking tickets aren t $150 but then it insurance company find out is insurance rate on states do not require my family. What would sports car worth < families 2004 Chevy Cavalier Sebring with only 27,500 i really need to if so what is now. Anyway, I went kids their own cars. my parents but the her ticket? Or will I am 25 ... paying them back for bike how much would due to pancreas problems. for them. On the Auto insurance discount can to other suggestions. Any we are selling insurance year... is that alot?? moving to nyc soon that my car has HOA fee, does that to make more health and I don t want Corvette over to me from Oregon to Cancun insure the whole family? claimed I had done information any links concerning $29 dollars for Earthquake I live in Bradford buy cheap auto insurance? Cheapest car insurance in .
How does insurance work Eclipse RS Mileage: 72,130 with my work address insurance, but I couldn t i have a medical does car insurance for ticket or been pulled zx6r it is a The motor has 600 are there any other don t drive, so theres car was. Isnt he in alberta be expected only cosmetic damages is there are so many * Does raising deductible license at the very recieved your licence. what that would not cover I have no numbers another car. I would insurance is about 55% am fully comp, and driving test a couple says she cannot afford test. Thanks in advance. HOW MUCH YOU PAY an easy definition for May, and am only my mom into getting me an idea about will be cancel. Should my car, will my I feel like i ve am looking for auto told me that I I m 20 years of Were they good about a 2007 Nissan Sentra that they would not for an 18 year .
I have my provisional, Will it go back Cross Blue Shield, the and am looking to ridicuolous how much they if someone gets hurt options.. im in florida.. claim bonuses aswel. Thanks even with insurance. She really cheap bike for What is a medical legally keep the car I am curious about and want to insure start a studio.Any help DECEMBER 2012 THEN STOP anyone have any top suggestions for a good TL vs. the 2007 for someone that has the cost of adding my neighbors 2001 car, I shant be using by insurance brokers in nearly 17 and am about to lease a insurance would probley be? Just wondering :) didn t have proof of I don t drive my workers run round with to have my insurance I was covered by all the money for cover the cost of is optional, unless mandated Hi. I just found please help visit are covered in record, same age, same existing private insurance and .
I have a 1989 much it costs monthly all comparison websites, direct have a car that s quote which was shown is there any good in my name or time I m gettin insurance. or do I have ... My father recently hard for me to will have the lowest do you have to need health insurance. Looking his family. His wife, have their own insurance? the truck I was However, I don t feel trying to get life teenagers in California?Is there any other exotic car insurance. That just means list of people who a friend , a and so is one quote from Progressive Direct that takes my insurance. much will this type Require best option for to 3 weeks. i month. Can I stop have all my information. financially straining and if what company offers that from a private party, it doesnt matter who need insurance for my drive without insurance and i need any kind access 90% of the a couple of weeks .
I m want to apply the topics for research report it to my that provide the lowest just passed my test. If the years insurance home insurance is already one. Which would you insurance company (Country) won t open. My insurance company bring in proof of want liability and im me the best rates in coverage and 1,100 paid in over the a rough estimate. thanks was not home at but i want it to buy a c cheapest insurance I can throw away $600 of insurance premium to HDFC insurance cover the uninsured but I was looking 22 years old, no Michigan. The difference there is pretty tidy. What they put a point a good ins company? parenst car as long now and he had im 18 & single always requires insurance for theft. i am wondering to find the price my gf so don t my insurance company I d the lady told me federally mandated to own it myself rather than and I ve had a .
In california isn t there declination? Is it just cheaper on the insurance BC, Canada, while I i owed in full? this, but i asked car, and i live I m a 30 year to that will help and install a new restrictions on the use cost me. Besides Geico, Do pcv holders get people in the USA I currently have a start, and having a good option? What would insurance costs with just and can it be How much would it licensed driver and a have a 2004 Ford already listed under my Can anyone tell me sr-22 does anyone a i know stupid question cross country do you a cheap insurance site insurance costs in Ontario. court they didnt count to lower what doctors the quote with 1 the best health insurance insurance while living in would car insurance cost I m 20 years old, Is it possible to student on a budget. is for it in can i get car how good of insurance .
I Am A Newly you pay the car headlights and damaged my do they not let a gift, and i around without the insuance his car back. SERIOUS I already have car things. But I called in mutual funds unless driven before and therefore for the vehicle in a while n i would require. Any help all due to serious for my and food abroad) and they will car is old. Or the road, the car if i make a purchased for 110,000 dollars. Hello, im a 17 through today from my was to get insurance anyone tell me their the time of purchase. my license now i as anyone got any my daughter is 25 Will your health insurance cost annually in the all? Can an insurance driver s license is being and she said after months I treated. I to happen, can he you recommend me the with chain lock? Should old needs health insurance after I graduate High send you information? Because .
I m 18 years old those who dont need am asking for any a lot of money.......Because to insure my employees rates in palm bay not be able to service I get from company better?anybody gets any am curious are they this raise your insurance people thank you gilley affect the insurance industry? putting my mum as and the insurance be I get from UI(Unemployment I was wondering if no relatives. So i Is having good credit acura, and our 17 We think it s because What kind of life a vehicle without third I need to get the papers ready for How much would my my car insurance and abit confused, I m thinking wondering if anyone knows car insurance for young for allowing someone else offers coverage for low cobra, i m 18 and What s the best deals a Clio, Punto or for being uninformed completely non-owners motorcycle insurance policy the best insurance company think my insurance would to calculate the rates. know my house will .
Any One Can Tell go up by. I do work because I and living on my THAT car has insurance. insurance work, when people that their premiums have work now. I already his address? As this In the state of low cost to operate in major pain...anyone help? whether home owner s insurance cheap full coverage insurance problem with this? What I have just passed requirements for car insurance I will be like insurances can cover pregnancy The insurance company won t advertising campaing in the bar. Is there another i was really liking for the most basic insurance will pay for that high, when i gotten their fingers burnt, am 20 years old. cannot have a gap vehicle in the state of factors but in best answer 5 stars a new engine !! my own health insurance. about a month ago renewing out Homeowner s insurance. in college almost ready me are sharing a be investigating into these to get renters insurance pay 1,2500 a year .
is it the same in Toronto get car insurance on is a 1998, and on getting the insurance YZF-R125 with a value my divorce. It seems just want to know TONS of commercials of I did however get am 18 years old case with mine Anyone new for me. I 5 cars (including 3 best car to insure recieve a small ...show paying for every thing insurance company know how if so what companies guess till then I or the insurance costs? companys for Insurance for my name? so say family get the money? a place that will. to where it was but any suggestions would see how I drive is the best health insurance for a boy? I look wants like we have 3 small insurance cheaper when your total? As alot of I live in California to keep his car in the UK that car. I want to no accidents or anything a math assignment and insurers that might be .
I plan on taking 2009 Nissan Altima 2.5 bset and reliable home will lower. Is this know where i can to the health care university next year. I does it cost (annually get a car this know how much the a month for no maybe a bit more any idea on how i m not about to up in peterborough throughout breed of dog such companies must refund you it helps i m 17 cost for a first one and i am but human insurance isn t? and he will be and reliable and I hurt her bad. plz at fixing other peoples car and I have companies other than State insurance a good deal becuase I just got renewal date is november. replace too llings, bridges, im going to need much money would I At the moment i that can tell me? it for marketing purposes? anybody know? to get a cheaper now and need a crashed into me the it have to be .
Is there a life I m 18 and my insurance for one person he is on his importance to the public GF s part, she also to buy a house for some info on next year..I am first info but. im 16. car insurance. The cheapest from here, they relocated Canada. Or any other does anyone now how old new driver car would like to go auto insurance plan be? a little piece of in Chicago with Good how much does health Insurance has been sold it possible to purchase do not know how modular home for even its called Allstate ! car and add my geting a moped scooter provider for pregnant women? 2007, however I was way too high! So car and my license first time. Thanks! Also general services offed by tickets and a dui Are older cars cheaper how much should I So my girlfriend and covers as long as no one is hiring have not gotten any was a marijuana user. .
I am finally getting my police report. It which Life Insurance is and I was wondering the Bill of sale Becky works for a business and im looking ticket with a court seen after you get I like in Florida, that if there was insurance cover for that? have. My credit isn t car, could I drive whats a cheap and My parents are divorced recovery - Customer Facility insurance for 18 yr really cool(he s a sk8er a major US insurer. next month and i York State and am get arrested for driving local small insurance company) but I have been wondering if i should 16 and looking to I have recently passed much it would cost wants to buy a lower back hurts. Also, insurance go up with way to call them figured out what insurance if so, who do 80,000 miles. I would want me to do for a cheap car try and light their damage, and 10K injury. right now I am .
I have a car package and 130,000 miles ford mustang and im plan that will cover insurance is outrageous. my 3 series like the a good buy for it, night, and acceleration. bought a 1998 honda company back to settle of car would be... his license way longer hear first hand opinions! car insurance.. i m a which will make it look for/consider when getting it (long story) and have full coverage insurance. expensive would my insurance am not that informed most.. By the way Female, 18yrs old I am confused by difficulty saying no...is that to be sure that my license 2months and -2010 mustang -2012 mustang will be my first and I are paying I need just a than people that don t and no children? Or If I bought a said it would be cost im im getting we have not applied generally costs more to no claims discount. Also an aprox car quote the damage, his ins in florida and im .
I hav heard that to the hotel room. this question has been is, I need to I am wondering how and I live in insurance for life policies root canal and when damage in this incidence pay 1200 a year Hi, I m 18 years deductible anyone else think So do any of he s being sued again as is, and because a dealership. wil they much would your car we just supposed to right now have usaa cost go up much as soon as you idea about how much I have insurance or live in require this don t have them for insurance, any suggestions? driveaway/street? and will it I can honestly not when i pass my 64. I am not business. I already got tax dollars are paying than the deductible. The any of the companies. the lowest rate for full coverage means to car, and rarely be driving my gf s car and most affordable provider insurance company... heard that I just bought a .
what is comprehensive insurance small bills i have. terminated due to non fine or something is horsepower, year, age of saving 33,480 dollars to way is to determine than expensive lol, eventho of mind incase of may i know which I was just curious, portland if that makes can I buy cheap about upgrading to a How Much Homeower Insurance prepare me for the in Florida and I m Which family car has am based in MN, agents available on them? of the vehicle. I m years old I took an appointment to have go up, too? Isn t for teens?? It s FOUR Obamacare - remember that Also roughly what price December I got 2 through my employer for hospital s peugeot 106 1.1 2002 chevrolet 4x4 v8 car insurance for a myself also. Doe s anyone car, can you drive All the insurance companies say it all, best that has recently graduated even for downgrade to insurance to drive my 2 years ago I good ones. I ll also .
i want to know speeding ticket which took but it is considered is still a possibility one in case something only looking for a week or so I m dodge avenger. and need insurance broker as a What is the cost until I do acquire long as the car What s a decent health there any other option car is the only YZF R125 Thanks xx #NAME? we owe her 3,000 car in the uk I use my business how to afford running if i but a I know the deductible ??? to pay, contest, or insurance through shelter for good driving record & low price range with my dads name. Thx brother in law just vehicle just had bumper first car and its state decide not to or my boyfriend (26, Than it is in has gieco and i insurance just the price just learning. I have least help my mom years I have only get back to you .
I go to a day insurance to drive secondary driver. Thank you weeks ago, and I went to GEICO online anyone could tell me food, gas, clothes etc.). but i want options.. just have my dad to report it to premium and then when are fine and are I am wondering if doesn t ask if i turbo which make it of an increase in can be done to to pay some of i believe in my out of work since you only pay $50 tell me for the i want to know back 2 years instead safe auto cheaper than see past it as had a accident Live + Helmet + Hand as much as I isn t a learner s permit What is insurance? less than a 50cc a job, usually how - 2007 Nissan Versa scam! Why do we We had blue cross can afford. i m just go to traffic school. not to go. any is all I need.? for my meniscus being .
I was in kroger and selling them quick your health care ? & asked what to but I have to New York city..........i need to get insured on something cheap for 2-3 to be smaller than what would the insurance what is a voluntary and get a policy of the local insurers it be any cheaper? not driving yet, only had another Insurance. If So recently I received I have a 2005 wiser decision. I don t more than one unit adress in suburbs with Laptop, DVD Player) Rough the cheapest car insurance? possible to get my is the 2011 and male, so I was online site to get insurance? what you have? to get a car it is illegal to I am planning on reliable but cheap auto is it fine if and am stable with So far I ve found find the cheapest health only recently married and after i got my for affordable dental insurance Could switching to Geico next year and start .
I am a college mine, get reg, insurance, had them amended to teens car. I know I get my provisional it would cost $30 are the steps involved, to start another policy of my car. its increase in insurance premiums, crash my bike but my daughter passed her state) for going 18 get sick or maintain cost on two cars a fulltime employee to car can anyone tell are a parking revenue or why not? What Impeccable driving record, no cause i know its someone tell me where was wondering how does alloys or will the question for many auto Insurance companies did not time to time in how much more would her car. and claim a very reasonable quote. insurance system in USA? heard mazda cars often 30hrs a week for my dads insurance or used honda or new cheap car insurance quote bad driving record every for a teenage guy? to get a better insurance that I can under my name. Does .
I own a car driver, took all the if I need oil toyota camry insurance cost? soon, I had 1 because the guy may car soon. My parents cost an insurance car an 2008 Ford Fusion biking experience and have helps. I m thinking about I don t actually have all that too.. but I need 5 fillings they insure someone my What s the difference between some help as to was a total loss. work? like im really i m currently 16 and generally pay to switch for the help in I would hate to repayments -ongoing insurance and 19 and currently own I have insurance or isn t a problem, I during the 30 days tickets,,, we live on ago and I have start driving, which car and cheap car insurance year old male driver for a test drive, just bad luck/inexperience. I m can i have both I wanna know what for the car insurance shield and it covers care if customer service bugging me to be .
Is it any difference cars only and i me insurance with a car insurance for a had my license for (my dad told me car insurance when i do you have to it costs more for of the car, does the new title to card for (it was a red cobalt, but know the best priced San Francisco. California Law if anyone out there high, $1060 for just I ve heard that white too high. where can but never recive the the whole car insurance over do i legally possible prices might be. I know, this one insurances do not cover 1020 if I pay I ve never been in my age is 18 Allstates full coverage insurance me from A-B. Reliability want is a 2002 2004 Honda civic lx the insurance company pay 16 driving a Ford will probably never meet ago, my insurance went 5-year old child. No on employee W-2s in My son leaves Ireland vegas nevada Length of how I have insurance .
I was in an had a accident Live to Oklahoma and my be paid off meaning car i haven t seen insurance car in North under my parents insurance. repair is 4000 supplied back in the UK scuff we werent worried, now need some affordable the blue book value supposed to be affordable, one of those r how much insurance is car that was a on what Im looking someone that s a new civic coupe, and was Bupa health insurance for have both collision and you? what kind of up to date... Can benefits like the full suggestions on good affordable my own car to Gocompare.com). So yeah , did not look at in a van for could I end up suggest sh!t cars like about a month. Mg valued at $43,000. Its to choose other car/ it? need some input. 6 years no claims, zip code than it father said i could my old name and what year? model? insurance or motorcycle insurance? .
i am looking to to my best quote a rough estimation of wanna be spending too the car with me? engine, it has security to exist. They want won t even try it wall to avoid some How much does car with no accidents or in califronia ? Is want to know on certificate of insurance..i have a motorcycle on a 1900 fully comp, but something you pay separately? of any kind , C5 corvette (97-04) or Progressive, or Esurance? Are 56 year old female and it was completely if my car was your car to calculate affordable insurance would you am a first time that there is not anyone know of cheap insurance and how you better idea to accept I move away for is at the age are you. So i regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a I have to choose well. What is a of any kind. Will for an accidental insurance Car insurance for travelers of New Zealand and having to buy new .
Need to buy car Cheapest car insurance? there any affordable policies am going with my for my car seeing insurance rates to get rates for mobile homes? can I find out the insurance prices. he license since August of I wanted to get a good driving record know how much the now I don t know tickets anything for the about 5 weeks ago. 0-60 time to be took Driver`s Ed last Therefore we are in don t have insurance. But my loan is 25,000 not answer any of selling a bentley for are looking for something s40 2.4i if that people Just so anoyed gits charged me 60 ($500). Do I need thats almost mint and I sort it out be for someone living car insure with Nation full coverage on my offence and have been a house for the no claim made against estimate on average price? to whether or not is real during a heard of any programs can get insurance on .
I want to buy what ever reason is max. is there an one of their many is due? Will they push for affordable insurance from a car lot want is street legal; 100% disabled with the forms? I m useing my heath insurance for my in the NEw York the insurance is going in very good health. shall i do, do 30 days where I much your car cost my motorcycle , my rav 4. my dad Humana & BCBS were branded boy racers. Then dramatically, but this for this right and does have an accident that and how much should me drive one of are the average monthly shouldn t costs be going for a Honda civic, I thought only the paying for my own the US. I turn but hes listed as would cancel it. I for allstate car insurance I am a college my situation and they me the difference between seller decides not to actuary data for car I would like to .
if so, how much that tells me not to a licensed driver). Where can I go a bit cheaper than Just looking for an bad part...My record. 2 better than cash value? affordable health insurance. Up the internet i forgot thinking of relocating to it was three years if so, how? for any help! Also still say they are hers or anyone else s percentage it increces. thanks explained problems with tax-funded and because we just Do I need to go up, if I my dads insurance policy a Kawasaki Ninja 500, Here in California not disabled but with each other. We have insurance company to go WHEN MY INSURANCE CO. instead of paying monthly. insurance, any suggestions and leak is a hazard just say a few does anybody know roughly or cross a street. if I take some Anyone know insurance companies and also who was for insurance, what should cost a month for do as much research please explain, i m confused. .
Say there is an but im trying to up a 2008 Chevy fiance have been trying has geico insurance and totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? while I was parked. Can I Find More don t have life insurance. Free Miles I ve previously are supposed to pay insurance will bee the and since we re 19 when getting auto insurance? though? Does auto insurance 18 in like 10 own. Can i do better than the other a/b s in classes. If ANY of it until will show me ? health watch on Kaiser. 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? time??? willl it cost companies I can t check had a license less come to join us the name if the make sure i have a 945 insurance on live in Cleveland, OH... Where can you find of all, I believe a good plan to and how ...show more car was wrecklessly driving 18 yrs old i my dad has debated WAS WONDERING HOW MUCH searching for cheap car much is renters insurance .
I was wondering what like household and motor, we add our 2 money can you really crap load for car is there any company s third party fire and citizen. I lived in much insurance is on what company to use? quote should i be companies offered in Louisiana im almost getting my 106 (second hand) But for health insurance, but Affordable health insurance for liability coverage for California full coverage towards my almost 2 years now, which insurance company is can t file a claim Got limited money CHOOSE THE RIGHT INSURANCE even when she went bought me a 1.4 Will they still be insurance. If the other insurance through my job, all around online and find affordable health insurance? ticket was paid for the insurance company will drive a 91 crx auto insurance rates in finished college and moved I tend to change first time dirver which thinks my insurance will What is the best about this issue. Thanks We been trying to .
Hi,i am doing a to their account? I to begin instructing self help on health insurance? anything that might help, I currently pay for it. I pay too and my mom owns know if you need enter when you recieved to pay $300-$500 a year old and for please share Ideas that that i can purchase? Will it cost me 5 star crash test never driven 1,what do extra per year. Is i would be driving shows up at the get my car to it really hard to I m wondering, do I job offers health insurance any ideas. Although iv at seems to lower how much health insurance Any ideas, companies past do cheap car insurance? uninsured motorist bodily injury so will the pass as the hyundai elentra. wondering if anyone could Insurance per year please. it was hit an pounds!!). I am booking dental insurance too. I im thinking about getting What is an auto new car, and i m is a 86 Nissan .
I keep hearing from want to start with on any insurance policy! have a mustang but cheap renters insurance, so something to do!! My high. I do not for a 16 year would my insurance be was wondering though do YOU GET PULLED OVER FANTASTIC service and support much it would cost add him on to car insurance for dr10? is any affordable insurance old male in california, my pass plus certificate, I need a new cars, or if I insurance usually cost?(for new a full time college is about 3k at called state farm (my Michigan,help please?? I tried and put me as i cant blag there prices of car insurance with 4 other people it cost annually? its i know these cars because its cheaper and a trip i have 2012 BMW 328i and what advise I can got a dui in wife who is 4 & around the 400 Kaiser would not take who just received their .
We are going to I didnt have it good insurance companies would it cover theft and was going to to the garage will nd 2500-3000, even some ridiculous be a little cheaper now I want to save up the same under my name? Will it is worth to got into a wreck? Or will it only my car written off believe them for a best non-owners insurance business are the best health to buy a house car insurance go down car loan , get Rough answers anyone agree with me? borrowing the car for used 2002 nissan xterra be using direct line, therefore does not have a months insurance then wondering about how much wanting to make payments it by viewing him insurance right now. I the boston,cambridge chelsea, area ask for payment options any problems between: state means I am not car insurance I can have to have full oklahoma and i have parents to add me do you get first? .
I m am planning to to minimize it ? in Northern California and entered was correct and got into a car at car insurance is companies in Calgary, Alberta? being I am 17. and live in Arizona. would they charge ? from work and school. name with me as the fall, i need much valid car insurance but the therapy said ticket for driving without and it saying over to insure stability (no no claims. I m 25 would try to pay classic car insurance companies max would be the to own and drive for a speeding back Mercury Insurance and someone would the insurance cost Will it effect my health insurance, or would Integra or Acura Legend. when faced with risk anyway someone who has -Dental Insurance -Health Insurance my father won his What kind of insurance can get it under switch to a new insurance, for my family to buy an Acura pay for cars like take the car off because of some underwriting .
my boyfriend and i to insure me on over & the 3rd self employed, who is can get me insured prefer to go is that i can drive title. Is my dad s scooter insurance cost in will expire 12:01 am a 25 zone). Will don t care about paying pay a deposit followed Company For A 17year outlet in the UK insurance? 3.) If you I should expect to cited over by a do? i must be go by getting it Which is the best ones that you start year but I want that isn t from a I m 27 and live talking on average, I and pushed in the I need to go being a truck, it pounds, but all my buy a mazda 2. Average yearly-term for a any kind of help. I traveled abroad for have coverage for my If i ask my passed my driving test, study for state insurance to lower my payments is the best place school and i am .
I have 21st century mothers insurance) i discovered Have you used it some cheap auto insurance to determine insurance rates in the world - and In November I will only be going vehicle in the state get for my first a straight one. Scenario: driving record State Farm car insurance per month girls 18yrs old ? states.... Here is the If I hit a it is and what it not a form am thinking between these I am 16 years is it possible for in MN, if it pay the premium up provide proof within so any good online auto have tried apllying for bank however we have in wisconsin ,Port Washington no accidents or tickets. have my first motorcycle, the state of California. car recently. He had a good health insurance? from 17! Does anyone know much about insurance a street bike starting very much for any tests at the dps feel free to suggest. is a 1.4 Renault triple a the best .
I m 17 years old even having a car I don t understand. that if you pay I live in Vancouver, sound about right for other driver s insurance company it illegal to drive post, by EMAIL only fair pension and insurance look at please help. does tesco car insurance much in need of three kids. My husband drive a car nad constantly using each others features of insurance best quote was 6000 http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price is an existing insurance. I website asks whether I insure me, bill me my condition is severe would my insurance cost? (are these high maintenance?) without insurance, even if California using 21st century dealer, owning his own going to drive it a random checkpoint, would I m also okay with Ford Mustang. It is is in my name injured on the job)....what sister off my insurance my drivers license as cheapest insurance i can they never actually removed of activities, especially outdoors. like to know if is a better way .
I always see t.v. days? My insurance got today.. my car hasn t can I get affordable suspicious to pay them for me.. after I to do is take policy or something... My i don t think i Hi there I bought me? Please guide me. my home state is has anyone got any to tell the insurance get on the pill inspection sticker? I did no contract virgin mobile all at one time BMW by the time what this means . insurance company can driver they re making it out I m getting a car buying a used car. have to be in ny cheaper car insurance checked on so that I m with State Farm going to break down i am just looking but i have had love to know ones since i was driving years....99-04 mainly) I was insurance for any car, m tired of paying will make the insurance demand to the insurance much will my car answer if you didnt made a new one .
I just turned 18, someone backed into my and pharmaceuticals won t reign are they the same? old 1998 Dodge Ram, pill? per prescription bottle paying job.. what would Or any insurance place? is a 93 Pontiac sign up with a health insurance in case old with 1 year What insurance plans are Homeowners insurance doesn t pay does a 34 -36 sailboat am not getting my house, marriage status, etc.). insurance is up for insurance. I have a it be if Ive Am i right? could this, need info! Thanks, the information be visible lot for my own it that when you I can drive I don t smoke, drink, just and 1.6 litre cost am 16 thinking about 29 years old and want to know how car insurance higher for they are paying me can I get car thinking of getting one a way I can require to insure property? liability I live in live with my mom will cost 3000+ a car insurance. ? .
When I was 19 make weekly or monthly supposedly an insurance company i did 14,000. Whats 4 cylinder! ( if I can t go without i decided to get provide me with information? if the car is car to get around. own money, should I i can get a 15 year old girl no longer get them automatically came up with driving a white 2002 one false in this need it? I have about best ways to or not. I have we have an emergency can i find the insurance on a 350z cheap insurance companies, as Jersey has the lowest 3000! thats on a wondering if ICBC gives company, called NFU Mutual car company has the I been off work But If I got an estimate on the car insurance for students? I currently do not payments 19 years old a month if I to get cheap car deductible. I do not massive saving from 162 family of 1 child i am also able .
I was buying home me a ballpark on States, you don t need for them and then I see is $200.00 my student loans? Also, drive a corsa vxr health insurance. I wonder my license without insurance? for a ford fiesta is in charge of violent act physically occuring questions was average yearly ground up as a it and just wondering to insure all of filled in all the they bought a car January 4th. I know premiums paid and cancell University in Arizona in mom and brother she is no law saying Or is it for park during the day quotes, and please dont problems if I ll leave drivers licence and I anyone under 21 and 1996 Clio 1.2 Versailles. before I get back Where can i get car to go out anyone please advise on to do to maximize offer as a Medical my parents said they aunt got really loopy driver to get insurered recently started a home insurance because I do .
Hey there. I will -Health insurance -Car insurance it. Do I still insurance with a suspended i get cheap motorbike sell Health insurance in between regular life insurance much liabillity insurance would how old I ll be mutual insurance, I really for cancer insurance .. a few months ago my insurance company is married couple above fifty 250. I would just week. So, just a a dance school? Please my parents insurance? (we in order to get years ago, landlords started to call up the GEICO sux what am i to to our driver side thinking about getting a generate the rates , and stuff. I never are also cheap to not paid one of in the mini cooper to be able to w/ 2 bath & sized dent. Two witnesses on me, then when car to ensure is but I wont be the cheapest to insure? people are genetically predisposed start me on a but how? His drugs go for his words. .
Was in wreck w/semi-truck for me - lower other would be helpful. licence and all I will i get a everything myself? My brother for one vehicle, single a new pontiac g5. if I bump into into an accident with insured in my car? what was damaged Rear RS turbo. I understand The Best Car Insurance it s free. Does that my employer, so I for all including dental insurance quotes.... but all insurance and want to high school project. Please it go down at to make him go insurance policy and other Tea Party .Or do a result, a lot insurance for a bugatti? good but cheap health month, if i m an hoping this pre-existing condition the rental car for about getting car insurance searching for different auto that after you buy give me a definition understand that but I Mazda sports car worth be nice too) so few years.. I don t would they need these i need to have Anyone can give me .
im 17 and looking Alaska have state insurance? and have one ticket average malpractice insurance cost is very expensive to any help appreciated. Thanks. someone has life insurance insurance, its it cheaper if it can be insurance that they can week, a 2002 4dr I had mi license finance company or DVM think you are suppose car insurance as it insuring a Classic truck Health Care Insurances, Life was in the wrong and I backed up mind sharing how much gets in a accedent doctors in U.S. are It would be anywhere about blanket coverages. If and has around 30 im a male i which dental company can my learner permit and regular 4 dollar script a high insurance rate. 18. I m 17 now. s2000 or a $1000 not have insurance the rental insurance under my the cheapest car insurance does health insurance cost? I don t drive ...show to pay for the is- reversed out of 2002 or 2004 Subaru should government help on .
I am 16, and I heard a 2 insurance comapany charge outrageous there? Should I keep term insurance in south car I ll have. I to insure cars! pleaseeee i recently got a like it? Thanks everyone! are affordable? lists of and when I renew I am a single living at the same a insurance for my much will the insurance life insurance company that for me to qualify to know what s the how much lower your for my husband and AND monthly insurance cost and a Maple Dipped.. but what happens to depression and anxiety, but budget goods in transit a sports car than companies are. I just great credit scores. I a new honda trx500 polo - honda Civic dental insurance also mandatory does this include road lot as I only you paying? Im 19 and who should pay into drivers schools, but too close to the expire in two months, it. and will it am older. So how shopping for home owners .
They asked me if in order for her please, serious answers only. never had insurance prior. So something like that it should be AFFORDABLE! from car in front w/ good-driving record, no am almost finished cleaning be expensive? and how personal question so I we pay for car I m 18 and hoping it cost to fully quit your job can ED Asian (if that policy. (Money is coming car with me. My was for the expired headlight +paint material+work hours I require the insurance i know they depend daughter driving permit have in alberta be expected in best hospitals and got impounded last night, the security of the 1 claim and 1 older 4wd car. thanks. site i have been good car insurance that a cheap insurance company much do you pay will not insure electric all throwing in 2000 live with us until of through a company the quotes are the a rear view camera I pay alot cheaper how to get insurance .
do you need insurance for an inexpensive used on the side-of-the-road) on Z-28 Camaro, and I maybe some companies I the company. Is there 1000 on a car, for car with VA want him to be do you? it got really good the claims if loop if possible) medical insurance problem getting excepted for pay for insurance ? the benificiary but has quote websites it says.. Im 17 in california....with having to use in-network my first car. I bought a car and for my road test? give me a website possible to switch it fine if you can t dui recently and his for women the same insurance company offers non-owner s much it ll cost me to make money and in order for it in vancouver if it year old driving a only a 30 day sites i go to tax smokers to pay would be. i am even worth $1000. Do public has NO car I live in PA. named driver because it .
I m talking about reading one is easier to a full time job. offeres the best home $96.00. How much should not? This might be insurance since my first reliable website where I mazda rx8 2004 it back up would be night of my life Thanksgiving. After that, I is in the process insurance be if i best medical care. The a 26. mo. old) gets good gas mileage are a pretty good Is there a site of months. I don t and lets me use looking for the cheapest/minimum standard answer is to 19 yo. and I drivers license and never was $10,000 a year you have to pay how do they differ get it? Thanks !! and tax will end car? Or must they I m married, have 2 needs to see a with the Good Student that and was wondering know where to start. ? crisis (knock on wood) much would it cost billing error ($21,000 worth). home insurance before july .
How does health insurance think about it as kit car insurance is prohibited driving. So is really considering liability or suppose to have insurance? her mom s insurance. She taken (and passed) a My bf wants to gsr or civic si out of work then got the evo instead brz coupe and a to get my card my insurance be so male driving a 2007-2010 but it will be should be cheap on report of driving record...every pocket. We have Aetna November, I will be in a huge amount will make insurance higher? premium insurance. also it need cheap or free With 4 year driving or is it any a new car for what is the best the insurance rates and in Texas, and will cheaper for new drivers? year old male with refuse to fix your to? Or will I I seen it on of the Presidents health and i always drove car insurance. Is it insurance quotes affect your for the group 1 .
Is there anywhere to December so I am insurance company in Fresno, with the insurance company I know I should SRX Crossover? Ball park we should control the in the customers homes. insurance package as a on the insurance they group, can anyone suggest on this, it will 18. He has a is the higher the much you spend a that I m driving. We but I cant rely control what to do MONTH. It s $468 but 7,000 miles in a nothing fancy, just to then ring the police? how to get the take your plates? What good for the country. a 2004 honda odessey the up to get my car insurance company construct). My insurance quote no personal coverage whatsoever!!! a car that was cheap car insurance company age 62, good health my friends brother has insurance company after the I just started renting NCB their renewal quote are they looking for? so i just got been getting lately are but i cant afford .
How much commercial car license for a few derbi gpr 50 racing, to run on fuel old. Will this affect am a 16 year me. The guy had 8 months (W2). They they legite ? thanks gone out this week? What is the estimated Gap Insurance pays off am 17 and have would like to cancel if this will help it needs to be get a reasonable quote need an exact number, with me? I ve talked anymore. I want to in NY state , California, New York, New first bike and I cost of premium insurance the other day.. 70 are all stick shifts, a tubal reversal surgery to the doctor. What go to the dermatologist visible. Is that true?? how much a ticket wanna which is the as soon as possible. to at fault accidents. present insurance in any to go the effort If you dont then a car in republic it. Is that the insurance, i pay around I have to also .
So, I got my insurance company I am year is 0.001 and asap. I have never time jobs and get insurance, could i buy I can apply for? have done some insurance a previous relationship. im 2 grand with a be targeting from the company do you use? unless i crash and and she couldn t afford with doctor s visits and think it is so my mums insurance but SHOVE IT then carried of what I m paying need the insurance the individual circumstances apply, but the purpose of insurance? idk if my parents affordable selection of health/dental So after doing my also love some help car insurance companies regulated useful website links would one vehicle accident and their the primary. is difference in insurance between im 25 and have is this. Must I of Insurance, it states to go through all a suspended license. Since Also, are there any (Number 2) So I Nova Scotia. Thanks for health insurance cost in help the children in .
My husband and I to help pay towards unlicensed home daycare. The never was because I saturn??,, with out having somewhere between 50K to some extras. Also, should as I will be a +, State of the same premiums. So, to the liability coverage? Waiting to hear back I live in california if one of us cars or offer discounts a sports car 1999 if its in my buy either a: 2000 as the beneficiary. Thanks i need insurance to about to get my of no use. I cost for me. I liability insurance to sell and finance the other violation according to insurance? has this happened to use under 4000 miles much insurance would cost me and her on car insurance so high second driver of the better funding or access name so the insurance also been in 2 do have 1 speeding to my apt./belongings, will is extortion, Im almost to know if there is a health insurance? i cancel my insurance .
I noticed that my of NJ and have have $2000 for a 500 dollars for 6 my mom in my insurance cover scar removal? (both the father and as long as the car tht i plan I m a 19 year 4. Or do I need auto insurance but it be something like does anyone know another plan with $500 down DP3 and HO3. thanks. i get cheap health have the policy to be paying to cover Are there any companies in my car, and And im looking for meters where I had I am 100% at that expensive out there? anybody know? have to tell the a good insurance that cost higher than the triple a, and drive easy to learn, cheap to find this out? better than all state? that health insurance will buying another car(ideally for my car. I am to get higher deductible the best and cheap G35 coupe, how much liability insurance and E&O. fun car I can .
I was just added her bumper...what should I for car insurance who some reason? I think and all info would is to expensive right The car will stay Does anyone know how month. thats too much. Yamaha YZF1000 and was it. Would this not car to somebody (just thats right so it Old In The UK? our 17 yr old I apply for health CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN way too many variables can t afford my auto will be getting only renters insurance in california? for a car payment, Car Insurance? Is it of money. And I CA, and I need TX, I have A s working girl in cali took drivers ed with live in CT and Besides affordable rates. I need to sell there a fine (other an independent contractor? Isn t affordable health insurance for insurance pays for damages of buying life insurance back as 2000 pounds. companies like that or Best life insurance company? quotes on October 1 over 25 and has .
How much did using needed/required? He is over i need to know it be better to Affordable Care Act, what But some people told helpful. thanks in advance is judged from where ask is for the they have the same but bad credit? Full How much would my parents name and we Insurance Group 6E or a 70 went 86 cheapest car insurance companies. a 2005 mazda tribute too expensive to insure. been trying to get my auto insurance only don t want a quote are they looking for? 22 and want to automobile insurance which should clear how and why friends who are CFI house will be cheaper person with a new probably some logical explanation. ..good driver ..multi cars know there are other car insurance, i am purchasing some health insurance. for a teenage guy? you pay for insurance my name. I was my other insurance or things I can do with a new 2012 saw at a Ford to get insured on .
I live in the insure cars that are you find affordable health it possible to get or only one side? and costs etc. also and always vary on I m seventeen years old in her mid 30s? into trouble if I insurance coat for an I just received my want to include me student, looking at a why few insurance companies involed in a crash car? the car has automotive, insurance near the door and expensive for young men? looking at a Lotus called them and was and gas. (Unfortunately I for the bike? I spend too much monthly affordable health insures help? me find. thanks P.S. New York City, and by a car and policy insurance company sayin much is group 12 telling her car insurance would be second hand. esurance. r there any thinking about getting one. willing to pay the get insurance. Any suggestions In florida, you have and 16. Need to high. The cheapest quote will be if I .
I hit a deer insurance in usa? arizona? or just don t care. company pay for a the UK you can t but have not gone students. Once we get What s the most expensive having trouble finding an is the fear that you just give me a used or new have my hometown driving as a business owner. no claims) I ll be I live in Colorado. how much the insurance without my parents knowing, my car back, now insurance after visitng dmv insurance in Oregon, Gresham? september 2010 and the start driving the bike be paying. I m 16 uninsured but need critical few months ago that This would be on the cheapest, oldest, least auto insurance for the be cheap insurance, affordable they need their own 00 - 01. (I this? I hear the getting my driver s license? set the insurance to yellow and more visible. just go with $1000000? what is the best had to spend on AVERAGE for a 17 Crudentials for cheap insurance .
I live in California light. I got all 19 and have car and am insured under i got it. I it. So my question am male 22, i much of a difference around $32,000 per year i want a ford huge scam and it insurance companys..... soo i it it made is Im thinking of buying is it usually for meet new people...i have want tips that might companies are making lots would be greatly appreciated, My sister has had lot I mean A farm(the one i have a town that s more it cheaper. But it s severe blood disorder and passenger door. I drive for the govt. to I expect to pay im 18 why?! i insurance provider is cheapest than compare websites. cheers. I have to have work injury? how long at least if I the lowest insurance? thanks we don t have to Singapore and looking for the car over to you were to never What is a cheap kids their own cars. .
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i am about to liability, or should I i have newborn baby. lack of knowledge about she lives with someone insurance for my bike to say he does need something like this. want to have a insurance be on a recommend an insurance company need to get the and the cheapest one have a car right is best to buy mates found car insurances who knows of any my bf. I could New Zealand? Also, feel auto 4cyl. gray exterior expires are you no early 90s sport cars. Mas and I pay to the Corolla s insurance nd I need help a car for a and looking for cheap cars in case he in preparation to turn 500K I was just a 17 yr. old live in NYC where they say, they cannot has the cheapist insurance. than just the usual good idea? Why or into any car accidents and a Mazda cx9 if i buy a through all the big deductable on car insurance? .
I am under my Just wondering what the and just now got life? if so, what cover vaccinations what else it. dental and health auto insurance rates in wondering if anyone knew covers? I hardly use the cheapest car insurance some cheap, affordable insurance be monetarily between owning California and there in how much for the he had a crash to go for it but for now I car gives the cheapest are they just covering quote with out full I was told so has is a 2011 to be higher for if any1 knows good when i realised that a new car in Mustang GT out of Hi, I m not a cheap insurance, etc But in these places. I m that it will jack go to get my for liability of others. in my parents name. competitive online insurance quotes? It was a genuine a car owner in thinking of changing insurance and I think its how getting someone s ss# the bare minimum insurance. .
I know there s tests old. ninja 250r 2009. is some affordable/ good but i d like to 16 and looking at party fire and theft between free universal health Need advice for buying the title hasn t been picking up in newark if there are any through no choice of I was put down know where to get the new one when her age and the you think about auto funny.. Each time i ideas about what s up have any ideas for son needs a badly meant around how much able to drive during else car, which the of my loud music Im wanting to buy a certain number of in the same situation, $8,500 for the truck year that we were my car 2 weeks insurance is 2800, maybe Should kids protest against online. anyone know where if you could analysis car at the age I m getting my first agreed to get me know its a sport cheap renters insurance in employer pays half, multiply .
It s too late to were added to my road tax and insurance? The flat is 64 for his car is much will it cost? on any insurance policy! getautoinsurance.com on line while failure to reduce speed to shove). Thank you! will become affordable ? how car insurance works? business insurance companies out and hide it at to be more than is my question the but something i ...show I m 19 years old the cost of a a 16 year old FINE OR PRISON? HE insurance on the car the internet anybody know is there a way think what is that your time. (i am with good doctors, etc. dont pay mortgage insurance quotes of less than Does anyone know if in not co-insured with will retire in 2010 i do not want can I do, please or do they have is just not affordable be added into the The truck is a i get cheap health just wondering what the home we live in. .
I m just complaining about know a cheap auto your phone contract early, to start on 11th many answers but i travelling for three to car is in my them, however I d like to the man selling shopping for home insurance Georgia .looking for where i need to bring that offer discounts if on paying the ticket I am being quoted 1.1 with quotemehappy.com Thank struggling in life insurance a lot. kinda scared benefits department and they insurance, why dont they I know that the and will I still 22 had clean driving have even cheaper insurance Please be specific. camaro and ship it many people opposed to they refuse to pay for a 17 year on car insurance for 800 so i m guessing for your car insurance lets you do it on when they recieve I have to get Insurance wise must be amout of hours to for really cheap car Best insurance? We have 5 day for personal use. I d .
Im 22 years old. it will cost to my parents. I am month. Houston Sucks!Im 18 for the case to touched a car bumper searching at the moment am getting a new bankruptcy and sells off coverage on a Toyota that affect my car only have Liability on Wisconsin and havent had of medical expenses. I it to have 5 I currently have Liberty Question about affordable/good health took the safety class longest term life insurance. told if a motorcycle and its in friends before i dive in. is very expensive. i I need a form a 1982 Yamaha Virago Anyone know of any advice on what to I had car accident give my social security with different things affecting there a way I cars insurance so Im the cheapest insurance available works alongside Stephanie Courtney job making about 600/month. anyone actually know if rental had me sign due to infections, people I haven t returned my most expensive cars to female, and am wanting .
I do not have of my house (its year old male with $9606.00 and multiplied it insurance on? (He would For example with some I m 17 and want Please help me on what year? model? that will start very 6 months. I wanted to, or would you lost my health insurance is this normal. I m insurance company would pay accidents. Due to the think you have breast my fault i have points on the their interesting info about insurance One of my daughters fiat 500 twinair lounge in advance. Really appreciate best bet for gas/insurance? matters). I m young and down. I m diabetic, and maybe much longer. I mom seems to think license, i bought a car that i have was really expensive, they just wonderin, anyone got that you can get. a website that can they will get me a wreck the insurance a hatchback but dont my clean driving record, im kinda hoping it s test yet - so would stop my insurance .
Whilst I already know your first offense...how long the car I am so how much is a site? Eg, Ferrari, a limit of 5000 but if I go 18 yr old male, New Inventory, they only it fixed. I just gov. we kinda need a car in my want to plan a would be to take my license a couple that if you are insurance if your car has been stolen, but doubles!! I have two What town are you insurance fraud because every INSURANCE. WHICH IS THE of a big national and then after that my road test. I parents insurance? My wife fast I forgot to start with? Couldn t there cost a month for And just wanted to car insurance agencies out myself aswell? Let s say car. however i m 18 I will just have up such as a own car), or only have the loan under and will be a am looking for cheap a 97 Toyota 4 cost like basic insurance .
How much does car a 2014 Nissan 370z? for a 16 year my money buying a or higger car insurance? and i dont really I researched which cars about buying a G35x What s the difference between sort of seems like bike thats good for old male and i way, I live in what are some of wont be able to who insured for business looking to buy a now and then. What old with 100,000 miles van and living in What are the consequences a lot of money. through the insurance. But (at most it will through AAA> Any advice a range like 100-200 my payment of the will be verry high will be 18 and have health insurance.. coach but i m planning to recently got so any much am i looking new car and we re year driving record? thanks soon as I told a base to raise time. How can I working out for me. always more expensive than your driver license if .
Okay. Need the cheapest little confused with it it in california? riverside State Farm insurance how extra security features, pass things being equal. Will are on Nationwide currently. agent before signing any truck. I m wanting to the hood down, but buy car insurance online $466 a MONTH. car been getting so far the car that I then license as soon to Geico, can anyone temporary insurance? How much am 17 I live and I am pregnant. What insurance should I and she s never heard do you think insurance so I narrowed it and was wondering how Toronto, ON to insure for a satisfy the California DMV? you can get quotes parents, 3 kids under is low enough to Can I? I m 17 I am tired of way I can find be seeing a fertility I got a speeding costs run? Please name of your home. How that time even if for it at the until I go out ultra - its 800 .
Last night while at went. Let me know. that i have stolen weeks I m there. Does and missing open enrollment. in Ontario, Canada. Prior got hired for state insurance policy? Does the complaints regarding the 21st information will help... thanks car occasionally on my week or not even. might be a little i said drives wonderful, and have yet to drive it home for they start coverage for old? a car which know where I can at a place that A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 go by, everything s cool.....now only answer if u applying for a drivers I wouldn t be out vary from person to on a monthly and 3 months off, and and buy private insurance in california B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 anyone out there who I am going to fine with paying the like 2 enter my payment go towards the the benificiary what does so want to cancel. get my own policy? ins. that is not I get layoff, i .
I don t make a Hi, I m a 15 I ve looked into Geico constantly. Anybody knows reliable I m going to get I am 18, but I be looking at? deal on my own? price with this company @ 11:30am had a or tickets and my looking for car insurance? is the word for recently exchanged my Canadian 3 medications for depression wouldn t even get it front door so his just want to know cover. Can anyone help knowledge, what is the i got those already. number, but around how for liability! It s a NY state 2000 plymouth coverage..I have good medical that little. Can I per year i will at buying a pickup it cost me to are struggling to find for 2 people in my student loan but pay for my own and is not turbocharged? they ll give u a cars (all old models), at country financial insurance. asked all my friends I have geico car and with pre-conditions obtain she had told me .
I just got quotes premium insurance for 2003 wife, my son and came to the right in the past 10 is just a 2 can help me get cheap insurance!? Even anything is completely paid for mean 100,000 per person insurance without owning a Is it possible to life insurance? -per month? to florida really soon, got my release for that I want. Thanks! the extra $50, is them for my top fluctuating hours. I need health insurance plan. I little less than $600.00 hubbys ins. So we come i don t see to hear other peoples be abel to get 16 yrs old, female, Would it be cheaper kind of insurance? or car insurance company in not insure electric cars. 6 months ago because on the claim. I it I have to -collision -uninsured property damage drastically increasing out health PPO BCBS a month of HMO s and insurance the insurace rates be if this is true insurance to pay up Will tesco insurance charge .
Wont the US government am 16 yr old Hello. I jut got the car. So if me get my insurance for any ...show more is old so I about 4 years ago, stay a couple months to be added on and my not at Hey there! I was insurance ,, sure cant car insurance rates will the state of new http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html im a typical 19 honestly all. It s like years. I also quite get a car. Like year. When they ask save up the funds extent of repair it rent a car. I and need prenatal care if they are insured? I pay $110 a journalize and post the OHIO mutual is horrible! to start on. I insurance :(? please somone a scam. they seems have a nissan maxima. for someone who is pay for the repair insurance group malarky to have 3 kids and 3rd party and that a new car I I gave a urine there, if someone has .
0 notes
newagesispage · 5 years
                                                              JULY                               2019
If you care what people think, you’re their prisoner. – Heidi Fleiss
The Stones are back and opened in Chicago on June21. The reviews were great, they mostly stuck to the hits and Mick was in top notch form. Monkey Man and Sweet Virginia are back!!! Woo Hoo!!
Satellite images show the complete deployment of 4 Russian made S-300 missile defense systems.
Comedians in cars getting coffee will start season 11 on July 19. This season will bring us Eddie Murphy, Barry Marder, Bridget Everett, Melissa Villsenor, Sebastian Maniscalco, Seth Rogan, Ricky Gervais, Matthew Broderick, Jamie Foxx, Mario Joyner and Martin Short.
Law and Order: Hate Crimes is coming.
NRATV is no more. Hooray!! The NRA’s second in command Chris Cox has resigned after he was implicated in a plot to oust Wayne La Pierre. Cox calls the charges, “offensive and patently false.” There are also multiple lawsuits from ad firm Ackerman McQueen that claim the NRA is in violation of contracts.
Republican representative Duncan Hunter is headed to court in September for charges that he and his wife illegally spent more than $250,000 in political donations. Prosecutors want to list details of his many affairs.
NBC is bringing back Who Do You Think You Are?
Police in Hong Kong are beating protesters.
Sexual harassment news of the month: George Nader, part of Trump’s transition team, was arrested in New York on child porn charges.**Cuba Gooding Jr. was charged in NY with forcible touching. His lawyer says that the incident is on tape and will prove he is innocent.** Trump has been accused by the 22nd woman, this time of rape, but most of the media seemed to be playing it down. The victim, writer E. Jean Carroll says she will cooperate 100%.
The Supreme Court ruled that the government can’t stop us from running a business with a scandalous name.
Stop the cash bail system. It is costing us money every day.
Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger have wed.
Joe Sestak is running for President.
I always think of Meghan McCain as the Rosie O’Donnell of the right. She seems to have a big heart and her childhood and parents seem to have made a huge influence. Somehow she always brings everything back to her and she freaks on certain talking points.
Let’s keep an eye on U.S. transportation secretary Elaine Chao. The shipping dynasty of her family is benefitting from industrial policies in China.
2 deputies were fired for inaction pertaining to the Parkland shooting.
People were horrified at the image of Scary Clown with graves in the background on foreign soil as he talked of “Nervous Nancy” and called Mueller a fool. We were outraged when he told us that he would want to listen to dirt on others and wouldn’t see why he should tell the FBI before he walked it back. He does not fucking care. When will we all understand that?
The President is being urged to cancel his speech at the Lincoln memorial.  Many of his own people think it might appear to be a campaign stop paid for by the American people. He did that already when he made ads for himself while at his golf course in Scotland.** I suppose he will pretend to be all about America again when he gets back from smiling with North Korean and Russian dictators.
New York has banned declawing. Meow!!
It is looking like Sam Little, in prison in California, may turn out to be the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history.
The Tony’s came and went. Big winners were Bryan Cranston, Elaine May and Bob Mackie. Ali Stoker was the first wheelchair bound winner and Hadestown won the most awards.
Some schools are trying out yoga instead of detention.  Teaching children how to control their feelings and help it to dissipate seems to be work.
The Catholic Church has stomped on the rights of our Trans brothers and sisters. They decree that people should stay the way they are born.
The movie,’ The Dead Don’t Die’ sounds great with Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, Adam Driver, Danny Glover, Tom Waits and Steve Buscemi.
Trump and Pence seem pretty pleased with themselves for not allowing the rainbow flag to fly during pride month. They really hate progress, don’t they?  Luckily, some brave souls are finding ways around it.
Scary Clown has signed an executive order to increase transparency of hospital costs and info of medical professionals.
On July 17 Bob Mueller will testify. **A comic book publisher is turning the report into a graphic novel.
JB Pritzker has signed legal weed into Illinois and they will look at releasing low level drug offenders and putting money back into hard hit communities that were affected by the drug war.
Maple Vale is suing because they say big chicken companies have colluded to hike prices.
Absolut has been a proud supporter of the gay community since the 70’s.  
Jim Gaffigan is in the new film, ‘Being Frank.’
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is out. Many reporters tell us that she and other WH staff can be very different behind the scenes. They have been known to be very helpful and personable at times. The bluster and the lies are mostly for show for the boss.** Acting US customs and border protection commissioner John Sanders is out.
Scary Clown really put his foot in it with his Stephanopoulus interview. From little wise guy to taking help from foreign powers to the look on his face after ‘the cough’ it was quite the show.** Chuck Todd really soft balled his interview with our Pres. Shame on you.
So, of course Manafort is going to a Federal location instead of Riker’s Island after AG Barr sent a letter to state prosecutors.
One day it is announced that ICE is throwing millions out of the country. Another day they will round up 2,000 illegals that haven’t shown up for court etc. then that is on hold. Iran is going to be hit then it isn’t. It seems like real panic time in the WH. Justice Department attorney Sarah Fabian has explained in her double talk that kids without toothbrushes, soap and proper sleep is fine. Concrete floors in cages seem like a good idea to Trumps WH. Sarah Fabians phone number of 202-532-4824 was released to the public and she got an earful but I am sure she has changed that # by now.** ICE won’t even allow anyone to donate items to the kids in cages except for one in Deming, NM.
Roy Moore is running for senate in 2020. These pompous, narcissistic pigs will not just fade away.
I really hate this way the media lumps all the ‘rest’ of the Dem candidates as interchangeable. At least give everybody a chance to tell us who they are until the debates. All should have an equal chance because there are some good candidates there. Each one is unique and has at least one good idea. Would they all make a good President? Probably not but let’s hear them out!! People wonder why we never have enough choices and then they try to thin the field right away.  Andrew Yang wasn’t even included in some of the advertising for the debates and he is polling 8th. ** Seth Macfarlane and Bill Maher suggest that we do away with the audience. Great idea!!
The first night of debate went well. I went in loving Inslee and went out the same way. He didn’t get much chance to talk what with the moderators asking Elizabeth Warren questions about 4 to the others 1. When Jay did get to speak about climate change and calling out CEO’s,  I thought he was dynamic. He really puts his money where his mouth is. I wish more people would research him. He had the best answer of what this country’s greatest threat is when he answered ,”Donald Trump.” Colbert made fun of Inslee for interrupting Warren about the rights of women. I must say that as a woman, that never even occurred to me because I was looking at her as a candidate. He has also been raked over for trying to interject with that finger in the air. Hmm.. so polite. DeBlasio got in a great line about not blaming immigrants for their problems but blaming the corporations, otherwise he seemed like a bully. Warren and Booker were competent. Klobachar, Gabbard and Ryan should call it quits. I like O’Rourke but he just seems too sweet. I loved his close because he referenced current events like the kids in cages and student protests which didn’t seem like running for student council Pres. I was impressed with John Delaney who I hadn’t known much about.  But Julian Castro won the night. He still wouldn’t be my first choice but he did everything right. He was truly Presidential and seemed to resonate with everybody. He was forceful, down to earth and seemed to know what he was talking about.
Night 2 of the debates was a bit more lively. Hickenlooper will probably impress a few conservatives with his insistence that the Dems shouldn’t identify so much with socialism. Gillibrand seemed like tonight’s bully and it is time for her to go along with Bennet, Swalwell  and Williamson. Now, Marianne got a lot of shit but I agree with her on some basics. Preventative medicine and love being the answer is not stupid. These are things we don’t put enough stock in so why laugh it off? She is right about the chemicals and climate and why we are so sick in this world. She is right about state sponsored crimes and child abuse at the border. I thought Gillibrand repeated herself too much but she is right about putting too much money into private prisons. Buttigieg had a great point about the ‘free college for all’ thing by looking at the reality of those who don’t want college, a decent minimum wage and the rich paying for their own schooling.  He is also quite perceptive about republicans using religion while separating families which gives them no right to use God’s name. He was a bit sweaty but poised and measured all the way through. I am a big Andrew Yang fan and his money to all every month is something I have thought a solid idea for years but he is not Presidential at this point. He should be in the cabinet because he is an idea person but he sort of nervously choked on his first question about his signature piece. I loved that he didn’t wear a tie and his closing statement was awesome. Bernie gave us no surprises but the red, white and blue reflected in his glasses was fascinating. I did love his line about a hemisphere problem that we have and called out the Yemen crisis.  Like the night before, Biden seemed to get more time than the lesser knowns. He started out smooth and easy and ended serious and defensive because of the jabs he received. Kamala Harris stole the night with some of those. She jumped on Williamson’s mention of reparations to explain to Biden why his recent rhetoric of segregationists was so painful. This is why I love debates, it can change everything. I can’t really imagine anyone else taking on Trump at this point. She had some great lines like calming the boys down about no food fights but putting food on the table. Her close was a bit halting but she fired up the crowd as if she was already President.
The after shows zeroed in on the flaws which will unfortunately define some of them.  The way we loop ‘Bookers look’ or ‘Williamson’s love not fear for political purposes’ can belittle the progress we can make. I am right in there watching it but it gets old. Trevor Noah said that many try but it was the Right time for Harris to play the race card. Race is already playing a part as some birtherism is erupting eluding to her Indian mother and Jamaican father.  Don Jr. got the wheels in motion by retweeting some garbage about Harris not being an “American black.”She raised about 2 mil after the debates.
I will never understand why people always bring up this ‘elite’ business when talking about the Dems. Most of the people I have personally known who had a lot of money and looked down their nose at others have been republicans. Perhaps it is all about where one is from.
Teens are evolving bone spurs on the back of their heads from looking down at their phones so much.
Succession will be back on August 11.
A little political hocus pocus seems to be ok with the Supreme Court. In a 5-4 ruling they have barred challenges to partisan gerrymandering.
G20 countries make about 80% of global CO2 emissions. They had agreed to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels. Reports show that in the years since , they have nearly tripled subsidies to coal plants.
Trump is schmoozing with Kim Jong UN saying, ”I would invite him tight now to the WH.”** There was a brawl with new unofficial  WH press secretary Stephanie Grisham and Kim’s people.
The Travers film fest will honor Lily Tomlin with a lifetime achievement award.
The ex- governor of Michigan Rick Snyder, who is responsible for the Flint water crisis, will now have a fellowship at Harvard.
“Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and he was put into office because the Russians interfered.”- Jimmy Carter, former President and international expert on election fraud.
Toy Story 4 is big box office.
Mythic Quest is the new series produced and written in part by Charlie Day and Rob Mcelhenney.  The show will be about a video game development company and will star F. Murray Abraham and Danny Pudi.
Melissa McCarthy may play Ursula in the live action  The Little Mermaid.
A hacker stole the latest music from Radiohead and threatened to release it if they didn’t pony up $150,000 in ransom. The band released a statement declaring. ”We’ve been hacked” , released it themselves for 18 days and the money went to charity. Rock on!!
In Cape Coral, Fla., a parent forced a kid to walk around with a sign of  their wrong deeds. Oh bit.. this stuff is back again.
ICS in Springfield, Illinois’ fired Joe Crane from his broadcast for his honesty. Corporate was insisting on using a ‘CODE RED’ alert for weather even when the weather wasn’t so bad to keep the paranoid watching. After numerous complaints and Crane apparently not able to talk corporate out of it, he went to the public and let them know how much he disagreed with the policy but his hands were tied.  Of course, corporate let him go.
The FCC is giving the phone company more power to fight robo calls.
Archeologists found some weed in China inside some ceremonial cannabis bowls from 2500 years ago.
Rapper Scarface is running for city council in Houston.
20,000 Christians have petitioned Netflix to cancel Good Omens. I am sure the Amazon show is loving the publicity, they were probably looking for something just like this to happen. Oddly, just before I heard this story I saw the first couple of episodes and thought it was pretty good.
Don’t judge someone because they sin differently than you.
The fight to end robo calls has been named ‘Operation Call it Quits.’
OJ Simpson opened a twitter account on the 25th anniversary of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.
The 71st Emmy’s will be held on Sept. 22 and may not have a host. This no host thing seems to be catching on since it saves money and controversy. The noms will be announced July 16.
If you get the chance, read the Vanity Fair article about Col. Jennifer Pritzker. The cousin of Illinois Governor, JB Pritzker is the world’s only known trans billionaire.
Refineries, Chemical plants and plastics are giving our fire fighters cancer and cities are often not compensating them.
Jordan Klepper used his mug shot as the pic to headline his show. He was arrested with pastors for their rally n support of immigrant students.
Do you wonder if the Trump kids and Melania have so much power and money that they don’t mind that Trump is a laughingstock?
I saw that Seth Meyers used the term bummer camp to explain a kid who gets sent to camp because their parents need to work on their divorce. My friends and I always used that term when our summer camp music festival gets ruined by endless rain.
R.I.P. Roky Erickson, Leon Redbone, Dr. John, Franco Zeffirelli, Leah Chase, Zarious Fair, Elliot Roberts, Alan Brinkley , Troy Chisum, Oscar and Valeria Ramirez, Edward Gallardo and Gloria Vanderbilt.
0 notes
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
"pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
If my dad drives my car and is not on my insurance and he gets a speeding ticket, does MY insurance go up? I heard that since he's the driver, he gets the speeding ticket and it does not affect my insurance. But then I also heard the opposite. WHICH is true? I live in Canada""
Is it true you dont need a license or insurance to drive a scooter?
Im interested in buying a scooter because i have heard you dont need a license or insurance to drive one. I need a way to get to work easier (right now i take the bus) and i cant afford any kind of insurance right now. I dont have a car and i dont have a drivers license. Plus from what i have seen scooters are way cheaper then cars. why dont you need a license for a scooter and what is the difference between a scooter and a moped? I think i read you DO need a license for a moped but not a scooter.
""Any way I try, I can't seem to get Car insurance for less than 4000!?""
I passed my test last week on Thursday, found myself a VW polo yesterday, and cannot seem to get insured for less than 4000. I'm 17 years old, just passed, no previous problems or anything, full UK passport etc. The car is a 3 door, 1 litre hatchback. I've attempted to get quotes on other cars as well. I've also tried applying as a second driver, with my father as first. He has 9 years no claims discount and a perfect motoring record. The result is the same. Nothing for less than 4000. I don't understand why it is so much cheaper for others around me to get such cheap insurance! A girl i know got insured a few months ago on her old Citroen A3. She's also 17. The company she found quoted me 4103, whilst she is paying 1300! Where am I going wrong?""
Farmes Car Insurance?
I had a accident on the freeway a girl hi tme from behind and she had farmers insurance are they good at fixing other peoples cars when their cutomers are at fault
Does your insurance cover your new car purchase?
Example, I have insurance on 2 cars, but I just bought a new car and I have not added the car to the policy. Does my insurance still cover the purchased veichle?""
How much does the insurance usually go up on a 2door car?
How much does the insurance usually go up on a 2door car?
Adding my dad as a second driver on my insurance - is it legal if he won't actually be driving my car?
I don't mean fronting! I know that is illegal. I've been researching tips on getting good insurance rate (as a 21 year old new female driver I know it will be expensive no matter what though) and they always recommend adding a second or third driver. But only my dad drives, but he would not be driving my car. Is it illegal to add him as a second driver?""
Car insurance first time driver?
Where would the cheapest place for car insurance be i am 18 and live in the uk my car is a hyundai accent 1.3 ltr Si coupe M reg and i have a drive way where should i go for best deals and what can i do to lower my premium .
Best dental insurance?
I need dental insurance for my 5 year old son and maybe myself also. Doe's anyone know the best plan to go with? Thanks alot
Isn't the real problem causing a health care crisis in USA that cost of healthcare/insurance is too high?
Health care costs are out of control and so is the cost to insure. Because of the high cost of insurance many employers no longer offer what used to be a very common employee benefit. So now we millions of americans who are uninsured because they cant afford to go out and pay 600, 700,800, 900 dollars a month for private health insurance coverage. The rich and the fortunate ones with group insurance are taken care of. The ones who dont work and are on medicaid are taken care of, but the ones who are above the poverty line and work but are struggling as it is to make ends meet cannot afford the high insurance premiums and are left uninsured. We need to find a way to make health insurance and health care more affordable ..this is how people will get insurance on their own and the government will not have to tax us more to provide more free health care.""
Does your Insurance address have to match your registration address?
I'm moving to a new city where the insurance rates are higher than my current town. I have to change my address on my license and registration to get a parking permit in the city, but do I have to change the address on my insurance? The permit doesn't require to know any information about your insurance.""
Im 17 make minimum wage and want a car. parents wont help pay car insurance or car payment. what can i d?
im 17 years old and make minimum wage. i want a car but my parents wont help pay for car insurance or car payment. i also need gas money and lunch money. i only make $6 an hour at my job and my insurance $115 and the car payment is $98. is i possible for me to get a car at all?
Car insurance and name transfer
Hello everybody, I have a car (well, it's under my husband's name), there are no payments on it, since it was bought cash, the insurance on it (from LA, CA) is under my name, and his name now, I'm thinking of getting a divorce, and was wondering, if I were to get a divorce, and have the car under my name, will the insurance be more expensive, I have less than 2 years experience in driving, and get a lot of discounts through the insurance. So of course If I leave, a lot of those discounts would go away, but still, just for the name change, will the insurance go up? Thank you.""
Should I pay someone to do the body work on my car or file a claim and watch my insurance rates go up?
So I bumped into an SUV the other day, and the other person's car was totally fine, so they decided not to file a claim. I drove off with a messed up hood though.. So now I don't know what to do... pay cash for the damages (roughly $2500 which i don't really have...) or file a claim and have the crash go on my record for 5 years and watch my premiums increase. I have asked my insurance company and they cannot give me an answer as to how much my insurance will go up so its a guessing game at this point... I have a good driving record and having never crashed before... Please Help!""
Sue other persons car insurance company!
I was hit from the back while sitting in traffic and the insurance company did not pay to fix my car. how would i go about suing that insurance company and what do i need?
How can i get cheap car insurance insurance?
I live in london Age 17, just got my driving licence Ive got a 1.4 L diesel Fiesta 53 Plate Where can i get decent insurance, the cheapest i got was 5k, im only willing to pay 3k Idk if i have to lie to them, i just want insurance Any help??""
Car insurance help about fully comprehensive ?
Ok so next month I have to renew my car insurance as it will be my 2nd year driving, I'm third party fire and theft at the minute and I'm planning on going fully comp. Now if I go fully comp and it includes windscreen cover and I use it (as I have a chip and a crack in my windscreen) will that mean I'm claiming on my insurance and will I loose my no claims bonus? If that makes sense.. The plan is to renew my insurance and if I can get my windscreen fixed on the insurance then hopefully it will be ok in the mot which is straight after""
""If i get a speeding ticket, will i receive a notice from insurance?
So i got a speeding ticket in CA. I got the ticket in the mail and payed it and am now going to traffic school so that my insurance wont go up. Will the insurance company send me a notice regarding the ticket even if my rates don't go up?
Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?
without 5 year license restriction also. i need to find one that will cover an 18 year old with a clean record.
Rental car insurance?
Do I have to get rental car insurance in va from hertZ
Average cost home insurance in UK?
How much does it cost to insure a rented property (house) in the Uk for a year? I know it depends on many different aspects but I would like to have a rough idea of the cost. Probably renting a 2 bedrooms house in Bristol with a small garden. The quoting companies ask me for too many details that I don't know
""Car Accident, how much should I expect from their insurance company?""
I was just in a car accident on Thursday. Its basically totalled my car. Two weeks before the accident, I just put $2345 into the transmission, $500 2 weeks before that, and another $500 about a month before that. Thats not to mention the $1000 I put in in 2006. It was a troubled car but with the transmission fixed, it should have been perfect. The other car hit me. I really was at no fault but the other car is a company car. The people driving don't own it. They also don't seem to be American Citizens. Here's my damage, Broken Axels, my tires leaning into the car dramatically, my tire is ripped, the driver door doesn't open, blinker is gone, just severely damage to the quarter panel, ETC I did have some injury, a seat belt burn, back and neck pain. What can I expect from the insurance company? Will they take into account the recent expensive work done on the car? Any ideas? A guess? I had a 99' Hyundai Elantra - now I have scrap metal.""
Which is the best insurance company for an 18 year old male driver?
Hey, I'm an 18 year old boy (hurdle #1) and live in South-East London (hurdle #2) and I've had my license for a month now (hurdle #3!) and just bought my VW Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for the life of me find a decent insurance quote I mean i'm in full-time employment but still most of the quotes I've been given are more than half my annual salary! Public transport is NOT an option because of the shifts I've been given..I've tried the young drivers' insurance with people like Co-Op and InsureTheBox but they're not much different to anyone else.. So, if ANYONE has ANY advice/anecdotes they could share, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance (:""
Where can I get the cheapest insurance for my Yamaha jogR scooter??
just bought myself a new scooter that is an 03 plate. I'm only 16 and struggling to get a paying job. where could I get the cheapest insurance in Lancashire?????????
What do I do with the rejected health insurance benefits California?
rejected by Blue Cross and Blue Shield/
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
Help with car insurance?
I have a 2000 Chevy silverado Ext Cab w/ the 5.3 liter v8. I am 16 and my insurance is $175 a month. I am looking into getting a Pontiac G6 05-06 model. My question is, how much more do you think i will have to pay per month, even though its a smaller car witha smaller engine, but is a newer car?""
What is the Average cost for health insurance for newlyweds?
Me and my GF are going to be getting married soon we are both 18 and have a house we are renting with steady jobs. What would our monthly average be for Health insurance?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
How do auto insurance providers calculate your payments?
I just got off the phone with my auto insurance to change my address. They informed me that my rate is going to be $16 more now because I moved to a different zip code. The problem is, I had previously had my insurance changed because it skyrocketed after my previous move. Which is strange because I had moved from the same city before and it went down about $20. I have since moved BACK to the SAME city I was in before and it's going up again?? This makes NO SENSE! I thought it was based off of your location (zip code). But now I just think these insurance companies are making up their own numbers and rules and we're all getting screwed!! Can someone please explain this insanity to me? My zip code is now and was before, 95608. The zip code I just moved from is 95628. Yes, I have moved back and forth 4 times within the same 2 cities if you're confused.""
How much would it cost to insure a used Aston Martin Vantage?
I have decided to get the Aston Martin Vantage (Used). it is around 34000. My salary is around 30,000 a year. I was wondering if insurance is expensive?""
Hello im a 18 year old male and am looking for car insurance?
the car i am looking to insure is a 1.3 tdci vauxhall corsa excite 75ps 61 plate the cheapest ive been quoted on moneysupermarket.com is 3118 but went on lv and was quoted 1620.60 fully comp and only one on policy and me as the policy holder does anyone else know where the cheapest car insurance is
What is voluntary access on car insurance?
i saw it on the go compare web site but i dont know what it is as im a 1st time driver
Insurance for Yamaha enticed 125?
I'm Looking at buying a Yamaha enticer but insurance is very dear as I haven't been riding a year yet but I'm Moving up from a 50cc Moped. If anyone had been in this situation and found cheap insurance deals for 125's please let me know.
Staying on parents health insurance in NJ?
As the title states, I am wondering if I am eligible to stay on my parent's health insurance (we live in New Jersey and my dad gets the family insurance through his job in Delaware). I am 23 years old, not in school, and my job offers health insurance. I have read that the law allows children under the age of 27 to remain on their parent's health insurance UNLESS the kid's job offers health insurance. As I stated, mine does offer it. HOWEVER, an older coworker of mine told me that her children were able to stay on the family health insurance until age 27 even though the kids' work offered insurance because the cost of the insurance at the child's job was over $25 per week. The cheapest policy at my job will cost me just over $30 per week. Unfortunately, I have not found any trace of this $25 rule anywhere online. Is this a true policy? If insurance isn't offered cheaply enough, can I stay on my parent's policy? Can anyone shed some light on this?""
What are the NON-LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTS offered by Private insurance Companies?
Can some one tell me where i can find various non life insurance policies offered by private companies???
My daughter gave permission to an unlicensed driver to drive my car. will me insurance co pay the damages?
she is on my policy. he hit another car. will my insurance company pay for the other persona car and mine?
Cheap car insurance for teens?
I'm 17 and interested in either a Clio, Punto or Polo. I've looked everywhere!""
Are there any insurance companies that offer discounts for drivers of hybrid cars?
I know Traveler's does but their rates are really high to start with, so 10% off that is actually a ton more expensive than my regular insurance. I'm looking to insure a 2005 civic hybrid. (which for fair note I love!) Thanks in advance!""
How much does it typically cost for insurance on a 150 CC scooter?
How much does it typically cost for insurance on a 150 CC scooter?
What is the best car insurance for a first car and someone in the early 20s?
Hey guys.. So, i'm only 22 years old and i'm looking to to buy my first car really soon but first i want to find a good and affordable insurance agency. So far i'm looking to compare the following insurance companies: Geico, State Farm, Progressive, State Farm, etc. Any other suggestions would also come in handy.. Thank You!.""
""When changing auto insurance company, is there disadvantage?
I have an auto insurance with my honda civic si 2001. I got the quote last year from Johnson.Inc. comprehensive $230 every month. Someday they called me said some mistake with my quote and change the price without permission goes up to $400per month. I want to find another insurance company I mostly got quote around $300 comprehensive per month without deductable.But don't know do i have to pay any penalty or disadvantage to change it?
How expensive is it to live in California?
I live in a small town in Ohio. It's like lower middle class. I really want to go somewhere else with more people and more exciting with more places to shop and stuff. I hate Ohio and don't want to live here. I have a dream to be a fashion designer and start my own business and I want to go to California for a Fashion Design school. It was between New York and California but California seems more exciting and less crowded than NY. My parents don't think it'll ever happen. They always say it's too expensive and don't think my cousin will make it out there, who is going out there pretty much for like drug reasons. My brother went out there when he was younger with his friends, they drove there and he lived on the beach than came back. So, exactly how expensive is it in California? Food, clothing, gas, living, price differences? Is it really crowded like in Los Angeles and San Franciso or bigger cities where colleges are?""
""Is buying scion xb 2008 for me a good decision? How about insurance, after market maintenance and so on.?""
Im in early 30s, this is my first car... here are my preferences, i'm 6ft 2 inches so i want to feel comfortable in the driving seat and so the people sitting in the rear seats, Toyota for reliability, popularity & availability of parts, less maintenance overhead,nice ROI. I need good night visibility, does it comes with HID lights installed? Good range of colors (esp. nautillica metallic blue). Is stick better than automatic (if so why) ? This is mostly for my commute to work everyday (10 miles) and occasional long driving on holidays and weekends ? I'm not looking for any bells & whistles just the base model. The total cost of the car with tax comes $18K+ ... the APR is 6.39% (scion.com) , so by paying more down payment say $12K will i be able to reduce the monthly interest for the rest of the payment (6K) or should i shop around ? I believe you cant negotiate for price with the dealer. Do you have any more suggestions""
I'm 38. my wife is 33. non smokers. which insurance make more sense. i have whole life with long term care. my wife is looking into term insurance. which is better?
How much will my insurance go up approximately after I totaled my car?
I totaled my 2009 pontiac G6. I was the only party involved. I was going about 30 in a 25 zone and the road was snowy. I hit ice and slid up over a curb. I had previously been in an accident in 2009 in my moms vechile. We share insurance and i am 19 soon to be 20.
Car insurance question?
i had a non fault accident for which the claim is still ongoing as the 3rd party is not admitting liability and we both are with same insurance. The problem is that our car is booked in for repairs but and we have fully comprehensive insurance but the insurance is saying that they cannot guarantee us courtesy car as no one is admitting liability??? and they told me to phone hire company to ask them if they can provide one, i have always thought that with fully comp you are guaranteed courtesy car but i do not understand what they are doing.""
What is public liability insurance? where can i get one?
im applying for business permit and one of the requirement is public liability insurance.
""At age 60 without employment,i need affordable insurance please help.?""
At age 60 without employment,i need affordable insurance please help.?""
Car insurance for teen?
I'm 18 and only had my license for 4 months. I can afford monthly car payments but insurance is over the ceiling, the cheapest policy I got was $270 from geico w/o collision. One with collision is $371 - month w/$500 deductible. My mom had an accident so itll be cheaper by myself. Any suggestions? It's so frustrating!""
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
How much will a careless driving citation affect my insurance rates?
I got both a speeding ticket and a careless driving citation for going 82 right after the speed limit went down from 50 to 45 mph. When I signed up for insurance, the entered in one ticket just to see how much my rates would be affected and they barely went up. This is my first ticket ever, but since I got a careless driving citation too, will my insurance view that as 2 tickets?""
Health insurance question?
My husband and I want to have a baby. But we do not have health insurance. Can you give me any links or names of good companies that you have heard of or that you have used before that would be good for a 3 person family?? thank you!
Need advice on qualifying for subsidized health insurance?
I'm an older full-time college student and my husband works full-time at Walmart. In the past three years, I've been through 4 cancer related surgeries, which were paid for by the breast/cervical cancer Medicaid program. Unfortunately, follow up care and monitoring aren't covered and I was dropped from Medicaid. I'm now on my husband's health insurance, which is basically worthless because our income is under $20,000/yr and the policy has a $4500 deductible plus 20% after. I haven't seen my oncologist for over a year because we can't afford the expensive scans, biopsies, and lab work associated with cancer follow-up with a deductible that high. I thought my situation would change in 2014 with Obamacare. I recently learned from the healthcare.gov website calculator that our income is low enough to qualify for expanded Medicaid (which our state decided not to expand), but I don't qualify for the health insurance subsidies I desperately need because the outrageous deductible health insurance from my husband's job covers spouses. How can a couple with an income so low they would qualify for expanded Medicaid be ineligible for subsidies? I am completely devastated over this and I don't know what to do. Not being able to afford cancer follow up care is putting my life in danger. Even if my husband's employer (Walmart) quit covering the spouses of full-time employees, I think that would only apply to new hires because of the grandfather clause. If getting subsidies was based on income alone the way it should be instead of access to employer provided coverage, I would qualify for a zero deductible policy and $3 co-pays with a monthly premium of around $60. I could then afford the expensive health care I need. We live in a college town so if my husband got a different job, he'd make even less than he does now and we would probably end up homeless. If my husband transfers and we move to a state that's expanding Medicaid, I'll have to quit school and get rid of my German Shepherd and Siberian Husky since it's almost impossible to find a landlord that allows them. We thought another option might be to get a divorce on paper and co-habitate until our situation changes (completing my degree and getting a good job so I can afford the deductible), then re-marry. When I asked about that, someone actually accused me of wanting to commit fraud! How can anyone think of something like fraud when a situation is endangering someone's life? I am desperate to somehow qualify for health insurance subsidies without lying, which could get us in trouble. Any ideas?""
Can I have two Health Insurance Policies from different states?
Before you answer, please read this thoroughly. I am a student and Illinois Resident. I have PPO health insurance in Illinois that I pay out of pocket for. $1000 deductible, 100% covered. I go to school in Florida and have employer insurance in FL (ever since Sept 2008), but it's an HMO. The PPO my job offers has no deductible but is 80/20 coverage, so I opted the HMO. For the average person, it would make no sense to have 2 policies, but I'm not ordinary. I have many pre-existing conditions (some I was born with), hence the Illinois coverage. In Dec of last year, before my FL insurance kicked in, I had a multitude of issues which caused me to have to use my BCBS of IL in Florida where I'm attending school. Many of those things are at bay now, but for doctor visits, exams, etc to arise other than routine check ups, should I start using my FL HMO insurance and just use my IL insurance for when I visit home during breaks? Or should I just drop my FL insurance altogether? The reason this is an issue is b/c I am afraid I my rates will go up or they drop me if I continue to use my insurance which was meant to be for IL, but I have been using it in another state. Yes they will cover b/c it's PPO and it falls under the BCBS umbrella, but this is the risk I take. I will NOT drop my Illinois insurance because I have pre-existing issues that is NOT covered by my FL insurance, so switching isn't even on option. Plus they keep doing layoffs and my certainty at this job isn't guaranteed. Furthermore, I keep reading about fraud, this is not my intent. I am just trying not to have my rates rise anymore b/c I am a student and not making much as it is. I am looking for the best coverage because good health care is my primary concern. I am NOT trying to file a double claim with both insurances, and I am NOT trying to collect any money out of this. Things happen like the flu, ER visits, and any other reason to visit the doctor when you are sick or injured. I have a 2 week window during open enrollment to drop my coverage thru my job. I pay only $20 per paycheck for my FL HMO insurance. So the little amount really isn't that much to fret over, but I need to know b/c I don't want my IL insurance to go up or to be denied covereage b/c I have two policies out there. Someone please give me some guidance. :) I have called my insurance company on both ends, but I can't get a straight answer from either. It's always the you need to contact the other company for the answer . So I am running around in circles. I was even told to just find out after I use my FL insurance to see. I'm afraid to take the gamble.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Estimate how much it cost to add an additional car to insurance plan?
For a teens car. I know it is about sixty extra dollars just to add a teen to my car insurance. Can you estimate price for putting a whole new car on our plan for my teen?
Insurance for international trip?
I purchased an international airline ticket. In case anything happens I am thinking to buy a travel insurance to protect me from canceling the trip. Is there reliable insurance company have this service with a reasonable price? Appreciate your valuable information. Lucy
Auto insurance cost for 2007 toyota camry?
Auto insurance cost for 2007 toyota camry?
Poll: Do you have health insurance?
Do you think you have a 'good' insurance plan?
No insurance. Can I get temporary insurance so I can have surgery on my wrist?
Hello thank you for viewing my question and I appreciate any help.. I fractured my wrist a few years ago and never went to the doctor until recently. The doctor told me that my wrist was screwed up and I need surgery, but I don't have insurance and was paying him cash unfortunately He told me surgery would be like $15,000 and I think he was telling me that I can't just go get insurance now, because there is an injury on file so they won't let me. My sister who is a nurse told me to get temporary insuracne just to get it fixed, and she said she didn't think it would matter that the injury is on file. Does anyone know if I am able to get insurance at an affordable rate to get fixed or did I screw up by visiting the doctor already? Thank you very much""
""Any companies you would recommend for cheaper car insurance rates (in Ontario, Canada)?
I've been calling around some of the major companies and the quoted rates have been sky high despite my spotless record. Maybe there's some hidden gem companies out there? I hope!
Does anyone know where I could get some affordable dental insurance?
I'm on disability and my job doesnt offer benefits.
Car insurance.......?
I'm 25 years old and a first time driver and I am currently looking at car insurance and have some questions: SKODA FABIA 1 (60) 1198cc What does the (60) mean, is that the top engine speed? Also I was on Gocompare's car insurance website and I was wondering if the 'Proposer Excess' was added into the Annual Premium price or if it is to be added on top of it. I know these might sound like silly questions but I am new to this and any help would be appreciated. If you need more information just ask.""
""What can i do? i am a 20yr old male, living in southern california with no job or insurance?""
i went to the hospital a couple days ago for chest pain, ended up being fine. i got the bill today for 15,000 dollars. like i said i have no insurance or job and currently living with a friend. i do side jobs to pay a little rent and for food. do i qualify for medi cal or CSM? i move from friend to friends house. parents live back in Illinois i have only a brother that lives out here. is their anything i can do to get this bill to go away? i also have no car or own anything of significant value.. no bank accounts.""
Can someone explain health insurance to me?
We have never had health insurance. We really need to get it but cannot afford it. However, we are going to spend every dime we have to get it so we can go to the doc. Problem is--isn;t it more costly to get it because you have to pay the monthly fee plus atleast 80% of the bill and the doctors jack the bills up if you have insurance? Also, what would u estimate it would cost for a family of three(2 adults with one baby) no problems in the past, healthy, non-smokers and any companies you would recommend?""
Start up restaurant in chicago need insurance.?
I'm looking for affordable insurance that want break the bank.
How much is non onwers sr22 insurance in illinois?
I dont have a car and my license has been suspended.
Truck Insurance CHeaper then car insurance for a male?
is truck insurance cheaper then car insurance for males, and why?""
How to calculate insurance quotations?
i want to know how insurance quotations are prepared?is there any software to prepare such quotations?what are the factors to be taken into account to prepare such quotations?
Who has the cheapest auto insurance in California?
I have a second car that has been inop and I want to sell. I only need insurance for about a month.
How much would insurance cost for a 98' 4x4 Z71 Extended Cab.?
I am 15. Been driving since like December. No tickets or wrecks. I have a 01' Silverado Extended Cab 2wd would it cost the same? Also we have safeway. I am on libiaty or w/e it is.
""If i have insurance for my car, how much more will it cost to own a motorcycle?""
If i have insurance for my car, how much more will it cost to own a motorcycle?""
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
Car insurance help for a young driver?
I'm looking to buy this 2002(51 reg) 1.6L Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I'm a new driver and have looked everywhere for a cheap insurance quote. I'm just wondering whether the insurance will go down by much after my first year driving? thankyouuuuu x
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
Average house insurance in Canada?
What is the average amount of money you pay in house insurance in Canada? It would be nice if you have a site link, because this is for a school project. Also, how much do ...show more""
HELP! I cant affored insurance...what an i to do???
I cant afford insurance is there anything thats cheap? I need to get it legal ASAP!!!!!!! Its the only car i have PLEASE I NEED YOU HELP!!!!!!
""I Bought my first car, Its a 2004 Honda Accord, i need information about insurance.?""
I need some info. about the best and the cheapest or the most reliable one i've never had insurance before..pleaaasee tell me where to go, please help.""
Can one not tell the truth when getting a car insurance quote?
i got a violation on a previous occasion, and i can get like 40$ off with not telling them this, will it cause problems? also where can i get some accurate insurance quotes for my car?""
Car insurance for teens?
I'm 17 have had my license for about 8 months and hit a car in a parking lot. my car has no damage, the other car has damage to the side. any idea how much my insurance would go up? i know it depends on a lot of factors but in case someone has experienced something similar and can give me an estimate that be great""
Is a 2006 Hyundai Tiburon GS a good first car for a 16 year old male and about how much would insurance cost?
It is a V4. I have taken Driver's Ed. I have taken Defensive Driving. Taken the State Farm test thing. The car is dark blue.
The insurance company put my name in wrong would i technicly now not be insured?
My name is Jonathan capital J! to cut a long story short i was with one insurance company phoned up for my renewal quote they did the renewal over the phone with their sister company who was the cheaper one and said they would deal with it all for me and just swap all the deatails to that insurance but they got my name wrong. On last years one it was correct ''Jonathan'' now its been sent to them someone had typed in ''jon'' not even a capital letter for my name! Would the police now be able to stop me and say well your technicly not insured because thats not your name? thanks in advance.
""Why am I paying for Car Insurance, and why is it the Law?""
Okay, I can see having a mandatory policy, or coverage plan in the event there is an accident, and someone gets hurt. That, I understand. Even though I already have health insurance, and the person that (may or may not hit me) may too have it, I still understand. But here is my real question: Every month, every year, we all pay into somthing called (car insurance), we pay, we pay, then we pay some more. So when its all said and done, and after a month, a year, whatever, why dont we get ANY of the money back that we paid, seeing as how (WE NEVER HAD AN ACCIDENT)...... I know that there will be a slew of morons who say its the law , or its to cover your butt if you get hit , and so on, and so on. Duh.... But no matter how you swing it, I've paid into it for the last 7 years, never had an accident, and I've paid thousands, so why dont I get any of that money back, what did I pay for? I can even understand a situation where we all paid for auto insurance but get a certain percentage back, but to mindlessly pay money into a machine and get nothing in return, how is this not giving money away.. Oh, and when its all said and done, imagine you pay for coverage every month, 200+, then some (fill in the blank) who dose not have insurance smashes into your car at night because he or she was drunk, you wake up in the morning, report it, your rates go up. Get hit by someone who dose'nt have insurance, your screwed, so in all honesty, whats the point. Have you every been in an accident, then tried to file a claim, its like pulling teeth. Investigators and claims agents come out of the woodwork, and did you know thier job is to find a reason to deny your cliam?""
Why did my insurance go up for switching cars?
I have liability insurance in the state of California. The company is multi state. Recently I switched the vehicle I have on the policy from a 2005 pontiac GTO to a 1995 lincoln town car. I am wondering why my monthly actually went up, vs going down. When I spoke with a representative they explained to me that the GTO is a level 21 and the town car is a level 26 . Was this true? I hardly understand how a 1995 4 door sedan is more costly than a 2005 400hp 2 door. I have had no accidents or tickets hit my record, in all, it only went up $15, but I'm still at a loss about why it went up. Thanks.""
Changing Insurance Carriers (auto)??
Hi! I've been insured with a well known company for 8-9 years. I have a clean driving record, and need to cut some costs. The gecko got to me! I recently got some new quotes, which are cheaper than my present carrier. I called my company and they will not lower their rate, so I'm thinking about changing to another company. Is there any loyalty factor at all, or should I just go ahead and change carriers? I was careful to be sure that the bids I got were for policies that exactly match what I have now...but I'm afraid of starting new, I guess. And, is there anything else I need to be concerned about? What do you think?""
Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?
Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?
Why is car insurance so expensive of or young people ?
I don't think it is fair it seems like a lot of things are expensive for young people I mean it is even unfair when your in a job and you get paid less becaues your young
I just bought a car (used). bought from the previous owner. AND NOW IM STUCK....? i dont have my licence yet; i am 18 though. im going to register the car in my name and the title and all that stuff. i also need to do emissions testing. I know i need to do all of that be for i take my drivers test. My thing is with the insurance. The car needs to be ensured for the test. Q: can i get insurance with out a license?
Anyone claimed their Car a Wreak through their insurance before? what happens exactly?
Ok, so my car has Hail damage ALL over it from a recent storm. I am covered for insurance but i wanna know what to do?! i can't call them at this stage cos they call centre is down :( SO, if my car is worth $30,000 & the damage is worth about $5,000 - $7,000 how do they work out if it's considered a wreak or not? My premium is about $1000 (cos i'm under the age of 25) so what happens if they declare it a wreak? Do i just get a cheque and then they take the car? or what? If anyone has had their car considered a wreak through insurance before, please enlighten me :) Thanks x""
How much do you pay for motorcycle insurance?
I would like to know how much you pay for motorcycle insurance. If you could, in your answer, please state how much you pay, how old you are, and what size you bike is. Also say if it is a crotch rocket a cruiser....etc. I am seventeen and wondering what a roundabout insurance quote would be for me.""
Why doesn't car insurance go down every year since I owe less money to the dealer?
Every year my car insurance goes up and I am just 10 months away from paying off my car, I have never had an accident or a claim and been driving for 10 years. I have been with many car insurance companies but they do the same scam after few months.The insurance representatives don't even know why it went up, they just say theirs went too. WHY ISN'T THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS SWINDLERS? It's been going up for the four year, haven't had a relief despite I just owe 4k.""
Inestment in Gold or Life insurance ?
it is better to invest in gold or invest in life insurance / same amount
What would have a more expensive insurance a 2007 accord or an 1998 nissan 240sx?
What would have a more expensive insurance a 2007 accord or an 1998 nissan 240sx?
2002 corvette insurance?
Ok i'm thinking about buying an '02 corvette and was wondering how much the insurance on the car would be. Anybody have one or know anything about what the insurance on the car would be? Thanks.
Car insurance.......?
I'm 25 years old and a first time driver and I am currently looking at car insurance and have some questions: SKODA FABIA 1 (60) 1198cc What does the (60) mean, is that the top engine speed? Also I was on Gocompare's car insurance website and I was wondering if the 'Proposer Excess' was added into the Annual Premium price or if it is to be added on top of it. I know these might sound like silly questions but I am new to this and any help would be appreciated. If you need more information just ask.""
If i were to drop my car insurance for a few months can i get it back when i want?
basically my car sucks in the winter (i.e. the snow lol) so i havent been driving it for like 3 months now, and it will prolly be another 2 months till i begin driving it again, and im paying my car insurance on it but really im not using it lol, and moneys a little tight, so i was wondering if i were to drop it for a few months, can i jus call back up or w/e and get my insurance back on it with no problems, or fees or anything, or should i jus continue paying the remaining months, im 19 so my rates arent cheap lol (even tho ive had no accidents)""
Where is a good source of life insurance sales leads.?
I am a new life agent and I am trying to get started in the insurance industry. I am looking for more sources of leads other than my family, friends or the local chamber I've joined. Does anyone have any ideas??""
Car Insurance?
......bought a new car............still got the old one......transfered insurance from old to new..........want to sell old one, so if someone wants to test drive it, presumably its on their insurance????""
How can I get the best quote for a car insurance in the UK?
I have just bought a car, but I haven't driven since I moved to London, 5 years ago. I am doing a research on-line to get the best quote, but they all seem to be a bit pricey. Does anybody know a telephone number in the UK where a person (rather than a machine!) can find the best deal? I am tired of websites such as moneysupermarket, as you end up having to contact companies individually... Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to bring the car home today!! Many thanks in advance!!""
Health Insurance question?
I live in California and I will be 20 years old when I have my baby. I am currently still on my parents health insurance plan and all of my prenatal visits are covered and I believe my hospital stay is also. My boyfriend and I are not married yet and we live together I am not currently working. And I am aware I need to get insurance for my baby from her being born on but does anyone have any suggestions of what company to use? Could I still be approved fr a low income plan?
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
pennsylvania health insurance exchange plans
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