#also i just do not give a single shit abt this topic
silverislander · 11 months
the prof is giving us Another mile long discussion post that i cannot cover the nuance of and that i know will provoke argument
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#this shouldnt be a fucking discussion post. this should either be an irl conversation or an essay#bc if you ask an extremely controversial question... and mandate at least 2 replies from everyone... youre gonna get dogpiled#like. jesus fucking christ#also i just do not give a single shit abt this topic#'how much do historical fiction authors owe their readers the truth?' i dont CARE. i really dont care at all#its FICTION. i think theres very little you arent allowed to do. art is subjective and extremely open to new takes and concepts#and once we begin questioning what art has value i get real fucking worried#now there are definitely things I PERSONALLY think would be a dick move to do and things that would be morally objectionable!#there are things you could do in historical fiction that everyone SHOULD agree are morally objectionable!#theres also a point at which youre just writing pure fiction too bc its so far off from historical events#but there is NO GOOD RESPONSE TO THIS QUESTION#i cant even define a mandatory level of research or a minimum truth value™ bc history is already fucking biased#how would you even measure that!#this isnt a good discussion bc theres no real answer to come to#and im not saying all these posts need to have a Right Answer but dude. youve gotta realize this format SUCKS for this#bc it rewards disagreement instead of conversation#levi.txt#also if youre reading historical FICTION and getting pissed off that it isnt a perfect 1:1 real life depiction thats on you#if you read a book and think its all true without doing more work to prove that you deserve to fall for whatever its selling#you are not immune to propaganda etc etc
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borzoilover69 · 9 months
(tampers with the gas) dirkjake for the shipping bingo
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as you can see my thoughts on them are varied and i can write entire essays. a gas leak made my obsession with them hit an entire level i didnt know was possible. They're everything and nothing to me and i dislike most of fanon abt it and i hate this ship but also i have never cared this much about a ship in general for the doors it could open into messy straight relationship type bullshit with they give me the mic. I find myself often looking thru the tag just to see what people say on it because either theyre completely annoying and wrong or relatively right it really depends.
i will both simultaneously defend this ship with my fucking life but also i will take any chance to shoot those two fuckers dead i genuinely wish jake english and dirk strider ill they are teens with attachment issues and i think the demonisation of it w/o looking at it as just a relationship that sort of is messy sucks and i think fanon should leave them the fuck alone. if given the chance i would kill both of them simply so i wouldnt have to see them at all but also i wish there were more meta writers for dirkjake bcus i find it so hard to find people that extrapolate at length abt it because its so wild to me the guilt and the feelings and the way they tear and grate at each other is so interesting to me.
every relationship is worse with them anyone that gets caught in the crossfires and tries to sort it out is basically doomed because whats probably going to happen is that dirk and jake are going to gang up to either a.) try to use the person as a weapon against the other or gang up to hurt this mfer theyre essentially doomed but in like a way that everyone is partying and those two are stuck together with awkward air.
im. not going to check over this ramble im just going to keep going. i have so much shit to say.
i hate the villainisation of dirk i hate the villainisation of jake they both suck in the way that teens and most young adults will theyre both at fault i hate the "jake never felt anything towards dirk because hes aro" yes he fucking did aro people can still feel levels of attraction and its very fucking obvious how tied up in each other they are and there are like a million and one reasons i could name it if you gave me a day and 15 pages of text.
i hope they both kill each other the idea of them being happy together is endearing but i dont want that for them most times unless im feeling especially sappy the fandom sort of ruined dirkjake for me heres my big old fuckyou to OD anyways heres a few song lyrics that make me think of them
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They would literally be the subject of so much fucking talk in publications because theyre never over not even close theyre stuck together theyre going to be doing this dance for fucking years and either end up as the strangest but happiest freaks in some janked up mansion with a million different things that the normal person would think is fucking weird and strange and unnerving but which they think is completely normal or theyre just going to end up killing each other and nobody is going to be safe in the crossfire theyre going to key each others cars and send pipe bombs and poke at every single hole and flaw in the others facade blah blah blah.
people who just focus on the good parts of dirk and jake dont get it people who focus on the flaws only dont get it i think there should be more discussion but also the idea of being exposed to someone who doesnt get it is hell for me ive read their pesterlogs like so many fucking times and ive written extensively abt their selves and what flaws they have and i could prolly kick the shit out of them anyways mic drop im done.
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schro4444 · 7 months
It's just hitting me again that Kaito's a superb actor- barely anyone's looking at him in half those panels yet he's still keeping the act, like damn.
The panel in which he gives Nakamori the bugged tie clip is giving me pause though - I know he winds up Aoko all the time by poking fun at her dad, but it's just hitting me that Kaito has never actually made fun of Nakamori about this to his face, and that like. In his job as magic consultant he's never ACTUALLY lied to Nakamori?? The speech about misdirection in the heist with Princess Anne was true, and if KID hadn't been aware it was coming I bet the lack of ppl to disguise into WOULD have given him trouble, AND the "as long as no one lifts the lid everything will be fine" in the Nightmare heist was ALSO true- he had to lift the lid in disguise to get to the earrings lmao. You were actually SO big brained to have him be involved in a case with magic that doesn't have anything to do with KID in Ditto, I bet Kaito's a great help when they're not consulting him about himself.
Aoko also accepting the bugged tie pin without a single shred of surprise is a bit odd though, Kaito always acts grouchy when someone claims to be better than Kid. Not that she isn't a clever enough girl to notice that Kaito only says stuff he KNOWS will get her revved up, but she has a track record of taking some of those things to heart.... where do you figure Aoko draws the line between "he's doesn't really mean that" (talking shit abt Inspector nakamori) and "he means it"?(refusing the date or crumpling when Kaito said she sucked at skiing. Like girl, he sucks at ice skating and you don't hesitate to tell him! Have some confidence!)
the kurobas are masters of Committing To The Bit!!! toichi committed to the bit for twelve years—
—anyway I think it just goes to show how the kind of acting he does is like… more than skin-deep, because it has to be. you gotta fully place yourself into the headspace of the person you’re “becoming” (even if that person is just an alt version of you) otherwise the disguise is incomplete, because it’s just a disguise >:D
AND YEAH!! honestly kaito is sorta funny about when he straight-up lies and when he doesn’t, probably because half-truths are Wayyyy easier to make convincing, but also bc he’s just Like That. off the top of my head (so take this w a grain of salt lol) I think he really only outright lies to aoko most of the time, because he Needs to. for hakuba and akako, and for nakamori, he can dance around topics, with the only blatant lie being “im not kid :/ “
thank you :D !! he’s totally helpful for Literally Anything Else. magic tricks are,,, surprisingly applicable!
ACTUALLY YEAH… where DOES she? I think it might be like,,, jokes that kaito has already proved to her that he doesn’t really mean. it’s not hard to see that he actually respects nakamori quite a bit, and aoko would be able to tell that, esp with how often kaito’s at their house. whereas with the skiing and the date, she doesn’t have any proof in his actions that he isn’t being serious, maybe? it might also be partly that during the timing of canon, aoko’s more reactive to things kaito does bc she can tell he’s pulled away from her a bit. if she’s thinking that way, it could make small joking comments into much bigger deals for her, since any of them could be jokes, but could also be a sign that something is Wrong here
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chocolatespyro · 8 months
Me learning to not give people the benefit of the doubt when they've been given the benefit of the doubt about 50 times already
(III 15 edition. Spoilers under the cut if you still haven't seen it somehow.)
EDIT: Took out the part about them not mentioning her disability since Bot does say that they wouldn't want Cabby to forget iirc, also about them not thinking kids would understand disability since I wasn't happy with those points and I feel they were inaccurate or somewhat off-topic. That's pretty much it though.
The more I think abt it the more I can see how the Bot apology sucks lmaoooo
Dunno if this was a point made on Twitter (I've heard there's been discontent there? I dont have Twitter tho but I'd LOVE to hear more from other Cabby fans abt what's going on there. u can leave comments on this post if u want or u can just rb and do it thru tags.)
Anyways, to my main points: Bot just says they're sorry for... forcing Cabby to get permission to use her files?
What about them lying to Cabby? I don't believe they ever really apologized for that. OR TOLD HER THAT THEY LIED??
Bot also doesn't really apologize for the other main points people were upset for I think?
I don't think bot ever really takes full accountability for judging Cabby either. No one does really. Like... at least an
"I'm sorry. I really screwed up, and so did a lot of the other contestants. We were too harsh and judgmental towards you for no reason, and our insecurities shouldn't have gotten in the way of you being able to remember. This was supposed to be a fun and welcoming environment and vacation... but it became a nightmare for you instead. I know this won't make up for all the damage done, but I hope this file is useful to you."
(maybe reworded some to fit Bot's personality better, but the apology shouldn't have just been this quick one-off moment taken to the side like in canon.)
To kinda add to the above, I also think it would've been nice if Bot fully noticed and acknowledged HOW other people haven't been treating Cabby very kindly too by giving examples of where nobody stood up for her. Lifering was a great supportive person in the episode, but Bot was there for some of the shit that was pulled against Cabby, ESPECIALLY in episode 7. I so wish that that was acknowledged here. And the fact that Test Tube went directly behind Cabby's back to do that. Where does Bot think Test Tube got those files from?
There's also the fact that Test Tube never approaches to apologize for judging Cabby for no reason. Like she just stares at Cabby and Bot hugging for a few seconds after Bot apologizes that's it. And she... doesn't accuse Cabby. That's the barest fucking minimum she could've done.
Also... the "inaccurate depictions" thing wasn't even true outside of Baseball's file... and that was a bunch of contrived bs. Like Suitcase literally had this whole thing where she stood up to Nickel and I guess... Cabby glossed over that somehow??? I can't suspend my disbelief this much sorry all. Idk where the "Manipulated by Balloon" shit came from. Correct me if I'm wrong bcus I haven't seen season 2.
The only reason why it was inaccurate with Bot is because Cabby thought Bot was Bow, something Cabby IMMEDIATELY corrected herself on. Bot coulda just... reminded Cabby that it wasn't her fault because she didn't know Bot and Bow were two different objects and told Cabby to just... start a new file like others said??? So that shit didn't make sense.
The apology just... kinda feels shallow. Cabby didn't do anything wrong here. She's beaten herself up over this shit. It just hurts to watch.
Bot only really apologized for a single thing and we don't get any acknowledgement towards the lying or the mistreatment or Cabby destroying Bow's file as some sort of garbage symbolism attempt.
Bot's apology was kinda supposed to tie everything together and top everything off nicely in a better and at least slightly more satisfying way than whatever the fuck 14 did, but it just... doesn't. It barely acknowledges the issues. They don't really show how seriously they screwed up with Cabby.
I wanna believe that AE has the best intentions here, but they're on very thin ice in my eyes. If they screw up any next steps with Cabby and/or never address Cabby's issues with Test Tube ever again, I think I'm done having any kind of faith in AE. Even Cabby winning wouldn't save it.
Yeah sorry this got really depressing, this situation is just sad
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autistic-katara · 1 year
cw transphobia/cw suicide/rant
disrespectfully, if ur the typa parent who treats ur kid coming out as trans as “ur little girl/boy dying” or u “being in mourning” and especially if u talk abt that infront of/to ur trans kid fuck you.
“let them have emotions” no, fuck that. u can have feelings like that or whatever, i’m not trying to police ur thoughts but 1. acknowledge that u need to work on those feelings for the sake of ur kid and 2. keep those feelings to ur fucking self.
and if u absolutely HAVE to talk abt them, do it privately, when ur kid’s not around, when no other trans kid who might be in a similar situation could hear. if someone asks u if u feel like that when ur kid’s sitting right fucking next to u just lie, or at the very least tell them uve been working on it (which u better have been.)
because it makes it seem like u think ur kid’s transition is abt urself (which i sometimes wonder if u mfs do think that), and it makes ur kid feel like they cant explore their own feelings abt them feeling like they killed the little girl/boy they used to be, even if its not related to gender or being trans at all, heck, maybe ur trans son feels weird abt thinking he “killed the boy he used to be” bcz of smthn else like depression or smthn and he feels weird abt thinking that bcz u talked abt how u feel in mourning for his past self and it made him feel super icky (or vice verca w/ ur trans daughter or enby kid).
parts of this go for other insensitive shit u could say to ur kid during their transition (“i’m worried it could be a trend” “hormones/blockers r just so dangerous”, comparing medically transitioning to girls developing anorexia due to diet culture, etc.)
i’m sorry, i know i should probably be sympathetic to parents going through a kinda (and partially rightfully) scary change but if ur saying or doing shit that negatively affects ur kid, even if u didnt mean it that way fuck u, idgaf abt how u feel abt it, how u feel like u lost a child, how u hate ALL surgeries (but especially an unnecessary one), how after a few hours of facebook research ur worried it could be a trend, how ur worried that using their name/pronouns might confuse their younger siblings (who would probably easily understand a simple explanation with the option to ask questions after if explained right), i do not give one single fuck abt ur self-centred, uneducated worries.
you might have good intentions or whatever but this shit is gonna kill your child, i’m sorry. and if it doesnt kill them its gonna make them hate u, both now and when theyre actually able to medically transition and live on their own.
and honestly, even if they do figure out “oh hey, i’m actually just cis but with a kinda complicated relationship to gender” i promise u they arent gonna thank u profusely for bringing up the worry that theyre not actually trans or making their transition so much harder and slower, theyre gonna hate u for making them scared to question their gender anymore incase u turn out to be right and u think u did the right thing which would both feel shitty for them personally for obvious reasons but might also hurt their trans siblings or the trans kids whos parents might be in the same facebook group or whatever.
and theyre very much gonna hate u for overlooking their feelings, doing stuff they know u know makes them actively suicidal, and not caring enough to look at actual resources for parents trying to support their trans kids better, preferably written by a trans person themself, and instead go to, again, ur mommy facebook group where ur bsf posts terfy memes and abt how “she doesnt want her teenage daughters in the same bathroom as perverted men!” (both “daughters” also being trans boys who coincidentally are both insanely suicidal, cope in unhealthy methods, and talk shit abt their parents the moment the topic of them comes up) and where they fear-monger abt how ur young impressionable girls (and probably boys too) are being taken advantage of by the evil transgenderism movement and how its a social trend for them to mutilate their bodies, “just like how girls would starve themselves to fit in when we were teens!”, and thats in the rare chance that they DO detransition.
anyways idrk what else to say other than support ur fuckin trans kids as much as u can, do actual research to support them, or dont be shocked when ur child tries to kill themself and/or doesnt speak to u anymore when their older, and when that happens i hope the pain u feel is as bad as half the pain we feel from having to deal with ur self centred transphobic bullshit that makes it feel like our parents dont love us and just see us as dolls and see our struggles w/ dysphoria as small irritation that surgery and hormones would be unnecessary to fix, and if u make ur kid feel like that i cannot stress this enough: Fuck. You. because you are the reason the child ur supposed to love, care for, and protect feels like this and wants to kill themself. just fuck you.
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piastriblogging · 2 years
carlando hehe
i’m so glad u asked ur getting a coherent answer bcs i actually finished my paper
on any given day i have about 10 unique carlando thoughts. and this is a lot bcs in case u missed my last ten of these things i have no thoughts ever. so. they’re different. mainly bcs they r ruining my life. i have convinced my friends with no interest in f1 to care about carlando that’s how serious i am with going BONKERS about them.
i see carlando everywhere all of the time. i think of 9billion carlando aus a day. i send them to my friend who doesn’t know carlando and she is like wow ur a genius. it’s very rewarding.
but ok i guess i will say something interesting i think what is so intriguing abt them TO ME is that when carlos was at mclaren he acted as a sort of… guide? and support ? and solid figure for lando to work out his anxieties against. he reassured lando so much and built up his confidence in really unique ways as a teammate (whcih also. carlos is a good teammate. see exhibit a) charlos and exhibit b) carlando). and all of that. that is a lot of what i see in carlando fanon. which is obviously something i LOVE and think about so much. it’s fascinating.
but in 2022, post GQ “i dissociate at work” interview, i cannot NOT think about — and forgive me for being a narratologist — how it’s FLIPPED. carlos is now in a position where he needs more support and LANDO has his own self assuredness. it’s a phenomenal narrative. insane. it goes so fucking hard. like carlos’s DAD makes him NERVOUS. he feels NERVES. lando meanwhile is picking up 9000 hobbies and publicly being bad at them and doesn’t care what people thing about him. they fold into each other so well!!!!!!!! they can give each other what they need!!!!!
but yeah thank u so much for asking and here are my insane thoughts and i just think about carlando a lot obviously. every day i come up w a new au. college au jane austen au deep space mission au the list goes ON and ON.
below the cut i’m going to include a deep cut from the chat i have with my bestest most insane friends where i just show up and drop a carlando thought on them and then don’t respond for several days. cw for gender fuckery
sorry ik this is off topic but i cannot stop creating narratives about the carlando 5am dj set chaperoned date
like…. first of all lando is sooooo single now it’s like. hilarious. HILARIOUS. so obviously of course this is carlos Wanting what he Can’t Have except now lando is technically Available but the Tension of not knowing if he Wants Him so he does stupid shit like go watch him dj at some random party at five in the morning because of course lando invites him and doesn’t expect him to come but of course he does bcs he wants lando so bad he’d do whatever he asked including thjs absolutely insane outing. and his cousin carlos does not let him go anywhere alone which ruins carlos dreams of kissing lando in his fatigue induced drunken state which is probably for the better because everyone knows who they are here… and so carlos sips on his drink that is too much to be drinking at 5 but he’s watching lando embarrass himself and all of these instagram model girls embarrass THEMSELVES trying to get his attention and cousin carlos is of course having a better time than he is and carlos is just wallowing in having such a shit race (p3… shit… imagine that. carlos woukd never say outloud that he thought p3 wasn’t good enough but… he thinks it) and wallowing in how badly he missed his chance with lando and how he wants to be where that pretty/bored looking girl is pressed up right behind lando while he explains what he’s doing and makes her laugh and
i will spend the next fifteen hours thinking about ways in which carlos may sometimes feel like he wishes he was a girl
thinking about how he has only sisters. thinking about how he is closer to his mother. thinking about how he is sensitive. sorry to make these women characteristics but i’m doing it in a queer way
im just so obsessed w how when they were teammates carlos was sooooo gentle with him in terms of reassuring him about like.... him being a good enough driver or him doing a good job or being a good teammate being hot or literally anything and like YEAH he made fun of him but like carefully and never went too far and was so careful and then he left and lando doesnt NEED him anymore he had a hot bikini model GF he is the number one driver at mclaren he has more than one podium he isnt just lucky hes working and improving and he has so much now. like lando that carlos knew wouldnt pick up DJing over the weekend and then do a DJ set in monaco's hottest club on a saturday night but THIS LANDO does... and conversely carlos is so depressed and dissociating at work and everyone is always hating him when he wins they hate him when he loses they hate him and he has to ground himself every day and convince himself driving for ferrari is a good thing ??!???!?! like………. idek what to say. like. ur in SINGAPORE. you’re EXHAUSTED. you just came third and everyone is saying u suck. and ur best method of decompression is. go to some random party just because your ex teammate invites you
i still think carlos denying himself lando while lando no longer holds the same guilt makes them extra interesting rn
so i’m just going togthjnk about them having gay podium sex ala hockey fandom winner’s room trope
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daisyvisions · 5 months
hii, so i’m a new anon (can i be known as💋? i tried to make sure this wasn’t already taken but pls lmk if it already is🙏) and i’ve been reading your works for ages now (and loved every single one) but never rlly interacted so i thought i’d change that today 🫂 also, how’s your day been btw??
anyways, sorry for the abrupt change of topic, i was just thinking abt bf!changmin making you cockwarm him whilst the two of you watch a horror movie together and telling you he’ll only fuck you if you can sit nice and still for him throughout the whole hour, like he’d be whispering teasing words into your ear about him not thinking you can handle it and being an annoying shit saying he’ll protect you since the movie’s too scary for a scaredy cat like you to try and rile you up but you being too stubborn to just give in and so you continue and have to physically restrain yourself from moving or clenching around him every time a jumpscare comes up
- 💋
hey! sure you can be that anon and second, so glad that you're joining in hehe your asks are always welcome!
YKNOW WHAT, can I just say that maybe about a year ago I got this ask about changmin cockwarming you during a movie with the others and maybe over a week ago I got the same idea (but just a general idea of being cockwarmed while watching a movie) and you bringing this up is now giving me a sign to consider writing about it 👀
yeah, definitely placing this in the lineup somewhere when I get the chance!
(and I think im doing fine? stressed but like a quiet stressed aka im not constantly complaining but im just quiet about it suddenly. Lots of new changes at work and many things I wanna do given the new year so just cross fingers I make it through! jdsnfskdjnf)
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how do you cope with suicidality over not being straight? both conservative and new age 'queer' homophobia have absolutely destroyed me and i'm tired of being here in the planet. I don't think i should have been born and i hate beyond words how there's no cure.
I'm sorry anon, it's completely understandable, but all I can say is that a) there's people out there in the world from all walks of life who will accept you just as you are and that helps and that b) I'm available to talk through DMs if you want.
Other than that, my way to cope with suicidal feelings on my day to day life, when I had them, was to grab anything that could fully distract me from them at the moment until I calmed down, there's no shame in grabbing into the one thing that keeps you afloat for dear life. For me this was videogames btw, but for the overall suicidal feelings, I don't think there's a proven method, though I did go to a therapist and talked to her about my experiences with queer homophobia, and it was very important to me for her to reaffirm that I wasn't crazy, that my feelings were real but that also it didn't do any good to me to think that every single person in the world thought what I thought they did about me being a monster, that there were people who would accept me anyway. And tbh, this depends on the person, but I've even talked to people in queer groups or my own trans friends about this, and they've agreed with me. It takes someone who is really truly incredibly fringe and disassociated from the world that the statement 'you can't say no to have this type of sex' is something they support. The problem is that not enough people speak up abt it, either because they don't see it or because it doesn't affect them directly, so they don't think it's a problem. There's also many people who will say this shit outwardly for acceptance 'trans women are women so ofc!' but then when pressed they don't actually think anyone is obligated to have unwanted sex and think it's normal if someone is turned off by specific genitalia, what they don't like is discussing the ontological implications of it, which to me is fine, I don't always have to do it, because I give the empathy that I receive, even for things that I don't fully understand.
Also, I think that what also helped me was getting out of a very black and white worldview re: RF/GCs vs trans. There's a lot of unseen radicalization and dehumanizing in those circles which goes both ways (and yes, I very much also mean from radfems and GCs towards trans people) and talking to real people regardless of ideological camps does help both of you fully understand each other's perspectives (though yes, there's some terminally online idiots who are very homophobic and annoying about this particular topic. I simply interact with them as little as possible). And in general, what helped me most I think was to just start to live my life trying to get away from participating in most of these inflammatory debates, which are at the end, just very extreme things that won't affect most people in everyday life. There's homophobes out there, both progressive and conservative, but I stray clear from them and surround myself with people who I can talk about my issues with, even if at first it can be hard (and I'm aware that this is a privileged position and that I'm not surrounded by living with homophobes in my house and I'm lucky to live in places which protect LGBT rights. Of course, not everyone has that luck). And little by little, I realize that my life can be livable, that many people aren't as evil as I thought, that we can understand each other's problems and perspectives and that I can exist in this world and be happy.
For conservative homophobia, I have less experience of it affecting my day to day life other than me debating the hell out of bigots in my hs class but my family has always been pretty cool about this, and even the ones who are more conservative, they're not the kind to say shit to my face. I don't have the specific tools that other people have re: religious homophobia in your own home. So if other people have advice for anon in that regard, I'd be happy to reblog with additions!
I don't know if any of this is useful to you, these are mostly just my experiences and perspectives and I'm not going to deny that it gets hard sometimes still, but less each time. Regardless, if you want to talk in private my DMs are open.
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caatws · 11 months
I am the same Anon who wrote the death of an author comment. I am not saying that disliking Gamora's treatment is wrong, I very much agree that she hasnt been used to her full potential, and I agree this does affect people who see themselves in Gamora and the other characters. What I am saying is that, especially since Gunn is not working at Marvel again, we shouldnt take every single thing he says as a fact, especially if he didnt write it in the script, which something thats stands on its own without his commentary or tweets, Marvel owns the script...nothing else. Whether he thinks Gamora and Peter belong together or not, we shouldnt take that as a Marvel is never gonna get them together again and is 100% definite just because HE thinks so. I am not gonna get into the debate on if he means at this very moment or permanently, but Marvel can very much do whatever they want as long as it doesnt contradict what is being settled in stone in previous movies/tv shows, and nothing said in the movie nor written in the script works in against any of the ideas on whether she can be close to the guardians nor Peter again. If a director/writer wants to bring them back together and both Zoe and Chris are willing to return then it can happen because its not settled by a word in the writing that "they are never meant to be together", that is just Gunn's interpretation and, again, Marvel can very much go against that statement in the future if they wish to do so. This doesnt just apply to the romance part but also to the how she feels towards the guardians and ravagers as a whole. While it is obvious that she sees the ravagers as a family maybe one day it is stated that she sees guardians as an equal family of some sort, as an example. My point is that everybody is focusing a bit too much on what Gunn thinks/says in respect to the characters and the movie when he is not in charge anymore and Marvel couldnt give a shit on what he thinks outside of the movie itself.
but i've Been saying this is his personal interpretation of his open ending this whole time tho, not that gunn had any say in or control over the future of canon 😭 like i've literally been saying "this seems to be gunn's intention/interpretation and i disagree with it". where in that is me treating his word as canon 😭😭😭
further, if you read thru some of my older asks on this whole topic, i've also been saying (for weeks bc ppl seem to keep forgetting!!!) that i don't even think there's a future to even debate over bc the gotg are literally done. like contracts are up ppl are moving on like WE HAVE KNOWNNNN FOR YEARSSSSS that vol 3 was the end. like idk where y'all were during the vol 2/iw era of gotg fandom, but i remember talking abt the fact that vol 3 was gonna be the end all the way back then. WHY ARE WE STILL STUCK ON THIS 😭
just bc actors are "open to being asked back" doesn't mean it's gonna happen (and again they'll have to get in line cuz...just look at allllllllll the characters from phase 4 and onward who have yet to even cross over once yet), so i'm not commenting on the treatment of gamora or starmora etc as something that could or couldn't even change in the future bc personally, i don't even expect to see a future project with this particular gotg lineup in general, regardless, so literally none of my opinions on gunn's commentary are weighing his words as heavily as a decider of future canon. bc there is no future canon for him or anyone to decide for most of the characters. bc gotg is done lol
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desi-lgbt-fest · 2 years
mod navi plzzzzzz release ur inner rant/ opinion/whatever u wanna call it abt badhai do!!! I loved that movieeeee to every second. As a person whos closeted nd fears to come out just yet that movie really gave me comfort...
today i woke up and i was thinking hey u know what would be good: logging into tumblr and giving my total unsolicited take on badhai do. so, anon, you ask and i shall deliver :3
first of all LAVENDER MARRIAGE!! let's be honest every single one of us living in traditional homes with well-meaning but oblivious parents at some point entertained the idea. I know I did. I still am , and im still in college! The part I liked most was how they handled the theme. Comedic in the right moments and seriously handling sensitive topics in others. Now, I am a person who loves romcoms. LIVES for them in fact. That was why i absolutely lost my shit when SMZS released. Both movies actually do a really good job of keeping their comedic bits to topics we as desi queers can relate to. Somehow, it's not stepping over anyone for laughs, nor is it disrespecting our community for the sake of clout.
I still remember mainstream bollywood dipping their toes into lgbtq movies with Kapoor & Sons and Laxmi (I'm talking lgbtq movies where they are the main point of interest), which were handled honest to God TERRIBLY. I won't spoil it for you guys, but let me say the only thing they did a "great job" at was villianizing us right of the bat. Getting rep like that is like...hey might as well not get any rep at all, you know? Which was why this new surge of lgbtq movies with PROPER and SENSITIVE representation, whether well-meant or not (i mean it's bollywood, come on), is still something to celebrate.
LET'S TALK THE ACTORS! Casting is essential to any movie; and what's more important, especially in bollywood, is reputation. There have been many, and i mean MANY, cases where actors (ESPECIALLY rising actors with zero clout and nepotistic ties) will not take the job despite the high pay, simply because the thematic elements of the movie are too controversial. However, we see time and time again these actors taking on the challenge and controversy, so of course they have to be appreciated.
I'm sure you guys caught on at this point but the faces of our representation in present bollywood media boil down to three mains: Ayushman Khurrana, Bhumi Pednekar, and Rajkumar Rao. Rao was in Ek Ladki Ko and Bhumi was in SMZS in the first scene! Ayushman Khurrana has always been known to take on comedic and untraditional roles. I became attracted to his acting after watching Dum Laga Ke Haisha (co-starring Bhumi ;) ), which handled double standards and fatphobia quite well imo. He was also amazing in another movie called Badhaai Ho (ik quite on the nose there) that discussed pregnancy in elder women. This guy has got some SERIOUS good acting skills, and I mean it, but he also willingly takes on untraditional roles (effimenate, bald, sex worker, etc) AND PORTRAYS THEM PROPERLY. Also fell in love with Bhumi in Dum Laga ke Haisha, and she does amazing in roles ranging from "the scorned woman" to "best friend to a queer couple and being absolutely supportive" to, you guessed it, "south asian lesbian rep in an interracial relationship". Rajkumar Rao is a surprising addition to this list because his first movies had him as the "traditional main lead falling for pretty women". Quite a shift to "gay man in a lavender marriage". Ek Ladki Ko was him dipping his toes into queer media, so watching him dive head first into such a risky endeavor left me in awe. All in all, the best part about him is his constant growth. He has always been a good actor, but watching his transformation into a great one is absolutely phenomenal.
I do not know if any of these actors are actually part of the lgbtq community themselves, and I will not speculate. The mere fact that they are willing to put themselves in the line of fire in a country and community still coming to terms with it's history and identity is something i will always be deeply and profoundly grateful for.
You and I, anon, are two birds of feather. I am closeted too, and most likely will be for the rest of my life. But it's these movies and actors that give us a chance to open up a conversation. Just the other day my mother watched SMZS, ALONE AND WITHOUT ME KNOWING (I gatekept the movie like crazy from her). She ended up hating it, which is understandable she is, after all, a deeply religious Muslim woman, but she still sat and watched the whole thing simply because we both love Ayushman Khurrana. I know she will find Badhaai Do and sit through it because we both love Bhumi as well. It's these moments, anon, that I reflect on and appreciate the most. One day, when we are both old and weary, I will say to her "remember that gay movie you watched and didn't like, well I am like them mom". I do not know what her answer will be, but at least I know I will have a chance to hear it, all thanks to movies and actors like them.
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
Tell me more about autistic Kaoru
OF COURSE. his biggest special interest is Cinderella. Absolutley adores that movie and watches it constantly. Was mostly into it as a child/in middle school but he still loves it and talks abt it. Watched it so much I think Hikaru is able to recite the whole thing word for word.
He also had an mlp phase that he's very embrassed abt (also bc Hikaru routinely made fun of him for it) (but Hikaru also watched it with him so what does that say about him...). His fave was always Rarity. Didn't watch the later seasons as he kinda forgot to. G5 was announced when he was in college and it brought all the memories back and somehow he and Hikaru convinced the whole Host Club to watch it with them. Hani loves it, Haruhi thought it was cute, Tamaki cried (hes emotional), Kyoya doesn't give a shit, and Takashi liked it but you wouldnt know that bc he never talks lol.
Since his autism isn't severe, it wasn't really recognized and he didn't get diagnosed until after highschool. He and Hikaru never really thought about it much, they just figured that's how Kaoru was. Like, that he just loved certain things a whole lot and was compelled to talk abt them for hours, that he got really fidgety when excited (I would think pacing/moving around a lot), and that he just hated certain textures with a passions (when he was a little kid he cried if people tried to make him wear socks normally. He hated the feeling so bad he Must wear them inside-out) (no im not projecting what are you saying haha) and that he could be overwhelmed and unable to do certain tasks (executive dysfunction) for "no reason"
It was actually Haruhi who, after being Kaoru's friend for all of highschool, suggested he get tested because she thinks he MIGHT be autistic. So he did, and well what would you know. At least it explained a lot of things he couldn't adequately explain before.
Side note I think Hikaru has ADHD. He moves on from topics/ideas at the speed of light and gets bored very, very easily. Its a known thing that the twins will stop doing something if it gets boring, but I like to think 90% of the time it was Hikaru who decided those things were boring and Kaoru just followed along bc he didn't care one way or the other. He's always looking for something to keep himself occupied so that's why he comes up with so many crazy ideas. The introduction of the Host Club actually helped improve his quality of life bc 1. it gave him something to do and someplace where he could excersizes his ideas and 2. it was able to teach him some patience since he DID have to be still and slow occasionally just chatting with people. I also think it helped both twins with getting used to routines, since they never cared much for school (Hikaru struggled to pay attention and Kaoru did as well because he thought it was boring).
Hikaru got his diagnosis the same time as Kaoru since they figured they should both get tested just in case (and because he didn't want Kaoru to feel singled out). He didn't expect anything to come from it but surprise!
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romchomp · 3 years
nana rewatch notes- episode 10
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the funniest part about this is that nobu listens to hachi and is like ‘oh i see’ SEE WHAT?? WHAT SENSE DID YOU PULL FROM THAT?
-watching hachi and nobu interact for the first time when we already quite a bit about both of them is Very Fun.
-“i guess nana hasn’t told you anything.” okay so it’s fair to assume that nobu doesn’t mention ren (nor get into detail about him) out of respect for nana, but this is definitely combined with the fact that it is also a sensitive issue for nobu personally. nobu was hurt by ren’s betrayal as well.
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- how many times will thinking abt women keep her up at night
-no bc why was hachi so excited about sharing a bed with nana
-girl it’s getting embarrassing
-what i really like about this episode is that we see some of hachi’s behaviors around crushes in the past now directed towards nana. she gets really invested in nana’s band to the point that she puts the majority of her time helping/thinking about nana’s future. granted, it feels a lot more sincere with nana. hachi doesn’t help nana because she thinks that’s what she should do but because it’s what she wants to do. she’s excited about nana’s dreams and wants to see her thrive!
-SLIGHTLY off topic but recurring conflicts for hachi throughout the story will always be: what she WANTS to do, what she SHOULD do, and what she THINKS she’s supposed to do
-hachi also says that she’s confident that nana will succeed bc she, herself, has had good luck since moving to tokyo. again her naivety is showing and she definitely lives in her own little world
-shoji is so fucking annoying “you’re the one being inconsiderate” and he has the AUDACITY to to tell her that HE’S the one always needing to adjust to HER. if you dont sit down…
-like he really does not acknowledge how hard hachi is trying….ever.
-obv neither are perfect in this relationship but shoji is SO unwilling to offer hachi any type of patience and is always annoyed with her over bullshit. like dude... why are you in this relationship if it’s such a burden to you?
-and it’s a complete slap in the face to hachi who is continuously trying to shapeshift for shoji and gets shut down every single time. no wonder she ditched ur ass the other night u fucking stink
-god he’s so fuckigng ugly im sorry i cant take it i have to rail on this man. maybe before he criticizes everything hachi does he should worry about his clapped character design
-also the moment that hachi finds something else to put her time+attention into (nana’s band), something that shoji has been telling her to do since they first started dating, SUDDENLY he feels like hachi isn’t giving him enough attention :’((( CRY ABOUT IT THEN
-in all fairness though, hachi DOES take shoji for granted. She wants him to make more time for her while also being hard to compromise with ((((in this specific regard)))) ie hachi makes it hard to compromise ONCE and shoji complains endlessly.
-godddd they just need to break up this shit is not working
-“do better than ren” FOAMING AT THE MOUTH
- i don’t think people give this show enough credit when it comes to the directing…it’s incredible
-i remember being SHOCKED the first time watching this when shoji cheated but now i’m wondering how that was even possible. like girl the build up was clear as day. this was inevitable.
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-explain yourself
-hachi’s narration fucks me up
-“my feeling of looking up to you, it was quite a lot like falling in love.”
PROCEEDING: “i can honestly tell you now” which suggests that she has spent a lot of time thinking about her feelings for nana+building the courage to be open about them with nana
-“ i wasnt ready to grow up” this is interesting considering the context hachi is narrating this in. i’m honestly not sure what to draw from it, but it's definitely something to think about
-“yet within the reality of being expected to fend for myself, you always showed me the sweetest dreams” it's the way ai yazawa is a lyrical genius. no like this line….THIS LINE
-hachi is afraid of growing up- i think this particularly translates into a fear of independence (which i think hachi associates with loneliness). however, nana provides her confidence and reassurance in this process.
-hachi is afraid of NOT accepting help while nana is afraid of accepting help- thats what im taking away
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-“It was like a love in it’s happiest moments” hachi...you keep saying that it’s “like a love” but i think with the amount of times you’ve said this...it's just love LMAO
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enderspawn · 3 years
an incomplete sloppy guide to ethical rpf
rpf (real person fiction) isn't inherently bad, as long as you learn how to do it respectfully-- after all, you are writing abt Real People. also note: rpf doesnt have to be an irl fic (where a CC is a CC in story), just a story using real people as the characters. that fantasy au where they all team up to fight god or whatever? rpf baby.
the line blurs a LITTLE with dsmp and other self insert-ish rp, but where i usually draw the line is if they're closer to their characters characterization or the ccs/their personas characterization. again, main point is rpf doesnt always equal irl setting.
im too lazy to properly write a full like essay or paper abt this, so instead heres a few key steps to follow to make sure ur not being Weirdchamp abt it all.
also keep in mind: these are rules ive gathered over my years of yt-based fandom(s) that also assume its a situation where ppl Can contact ccs enough to like. get their word on shit. idk how to handle big celeb rpf lmao good luck w that on your own.
tldr for ppl who dont wanna look under the cut: 1. respect cc boundaries at all times no matter what, 2. keep in mind that this is all fiction, nothing based in fact and that you are Not Their Friend, and 3. dont share it w ccs
until proven otherwise, assume everyone IS NOT okay with being written about. doesnt matter if they're a cc in the public eyes, see if they're okay w it to begin with. some are, some arent.
the above statement also includes a CC's family (including parents, spouse, siblings, etc) unless specifically specified otherwise as okay.. make OCs to fill those positions if you really need them, give em alternate names or whatever. but family of CC especially deserve privacy
never include a CC's kids. genuinely, idk a single cc with like... a kid old enough for that not to be creepy. again, give em an oc kid or get rid of the kid entirely.
if possible, check the cc's boundaries or ask to see whats cool and what isnt. some people aren't gonna be cool w shipping, some people are, some people have their own sets of limits.
again, you are writing about other real life living people. make what you write something they're okay with existing. if you break those boundaries ill break ur fucking kneecaps
some ppl aren't gonna be cool being in fics with certain topics or themes in them. if they say so, respect that.
be aware at all times you are writing rpf. aka, fiction. what you write is 100% not real and fictionalized. never incorporate any forms of "truthing" into your rpf or rpf consumption. you dont know any of these people, you are writing things based on the persona they show you. you have no idea how this person actually is.
dont fuckin ship minors. also if you ship minors with adults go straight to fucking jail bc thats illegal!
dont make nsfw of minors. again, straight to fucking jail bc thats legit just child porn and you CAN and should be arrested for it!
never show a CC your rpf fanfic. i can guarantee, majority of the time they dont want to see it. don't bring it up to them, dont ask them to see it out or read any, let it be a FAN thing.
writing rpf is a fandom privilege, not something you are inherently given or deserve. it is something the cc allows to happen, and they can take it back at any time.
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janiedean · 3 years
How do you feel about the idea of Stannis sacrificing Shireen to stop the Wall from falling? It might be an Azor Ahai-like move for him to pull (if that is what motivates him), and fit into the "what is one child against the kingdom?" debate.
I do realize I am extremely biased on this topic so I might be wrong but I'm dying on the hill that dnd didn't understand what grrm told them when he was talking abt shireen being burned because like... nvm that they def didn't understand the one thing they got right abt the finale, but in order:
'what is one child against the kingdom' debate: extremely right... but the answer is that you shouldn't sacrifice that child for the kingdom which was the character development moment so like he didn't sacrifice edric storm who meant relatively not much to him and he'd sacrifice shireen?
also, I know dnd didn't read that bit, but like... stannis is the dude who in the middle of MY ARMY IS DYING went to tell people 'if I die put my daughter on the throne' when said daughter is basically the brienne of the situation when it comes to how much people would like her ruling, and I'm supposed to buy he sacrifices her?
also: stannis is going to winterfell to take it except the battle of wf is going to take a shitload of a long time to happen because before that goes down a) davos has to show back up with rickon b) news of jon's death must reach them c) bran has to talk to theon d) theon has to not get executed which 99% happens with bran talking through a tree or smth and being like I'M NOT DEAD YET e) possibly sansa shows up with the vale army + jaime/brienne/sandor which means we get all of that first (but like.. jaime's chapter is mid adwd which actually makes sense timeline wise bc we didn't know shit re what happened after so if while the second half of adwd went down jb were offing stoneheart and going to the vale.... it does add up) so like let's say the battle of wf happens like the one of the wall or blackwater ie 2/3rds roughly into wow, when is he going to get back to the wall esp if winter has come and they're stuck in the snowstorms? because I really doubt that
meanwhile shireen is a) at the wall b) in company of her mother who like pretty much doesn't give a single fuck abt her and hated jon anyway c) melisandre who like.... reading her pov she's better than it seemed but honestly she would burn her if it meant r'hollor doing whatever she thinks he's supposed to do so like shireen most likely is getting burned but not because stannis approved of it imvho
now: if I'm wrong and he does that then saving the realm is the only option I accept and like... sorry but I think he'd get himself burned with her at that point not whatever the fucking agamemnon crap they made him pull in the show like if that happens then he dies with her
because like to top this answer off, we're discussing a guy with an extra fucking literal sense of justice that's honestly way over the top to the point that he wouldn't give davos a knighthood if he didn't cut off the finger joints and davos saved his life literally, and we don't presume that if he sacrificed his own daughter that he wants on the throne should he die before he can get it... he wouldn't be up on that pyre with her? because lmao he would think himself that it's not just and he'd punish himself equally and I'm dying on that hill
like again I'm incredibly biased in this sense because we all know how I am with stannis but there is no way he dies a crappy ooc shitty horrid death like in the show - if he dies (which I'm p sure about too bad bc I still think he should actually be king he's the best candidate) he's dying honorably not... like... that and certainly not bc brienne out of everyone kills him and I'm definitely dying on that hill X°D
(also like... how do I put it idt stannis really thinks he's AA and by the time the wall falls it'll be obvious jon is, but like stannis is basically atheist central™ but he's buying into the cult stuff bc a) it makes him feel like these ppl gaf about him b) because IT SUPPOSEDLY WORKS but I mean... 'your grace we need to sacrifice ppl!' 'PRAY HARDER' like honestly idt he's that attached to the idea of being AA so I don't think that would be the motivation at the end of it but still X°D)
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moontours · 4 years
Can you analyse 616!Natasha for us MCU-only fans? How different is she from MCU Nat?
of course!!! i will never turn down an opportunity to talk about nat ever. but i’d say that 616 nat is very, very different from mcu nat, partly because she’s had decades and decades of history compared to mcu nat’s 10 years of undeveloped character. tbh i dont really know where to start but id say that 616 nat is a lot more independent than mcu nat. she starts off as a lone villain, manipulates clint into working with her and then when she decides to leave russia, she ends up with the avengers for a bit and then she finds herself in a relationship with matthew murdock and then on the champions team in california. and she literally does not hesitate to leave if she feels like her independence and agency is being taken from her—which is pretty evident in her relationship/partnership with matthew, because she felt as if he wasn’t seeing her as his equal so she stayed in california when he went back. for mcu nat, all we’ve ever seen of her so far is that she’s been with shield and the avengers, which isn’t like something bad but i really wanted to see her on her own at own point too because she does like working as a solo agent a lot—not because she doesn’t have any friends, she does, but she’s just very efficient when working alone. i was hoping we were going to see that with the black widow movie, where she was working alone and then would find herself linking up with people from her past but the way they decided to do it .... its not good jrbhabsdhja. speaking of the mcu movies, i would say that literally only iron man 2 has a good portrayal of natasha and the other movies are either decent or downright awful. im2 showed a very skilled, efficient natasha which is like ... one of my fave things about her like she’s supposed to literally be the best at what she does and i feel like you dont see that in the other movies (i.e.: wearing a hoodie .. ??? as her disguise ??? in tws .. ??? getting caught on camera ??? its absolutely offensive TO ME that she would ever be that stupid). and while we’re on the topic of natasha’s skillset, i absolutely despise the fact that yelena had to remind natasha that they were killers in that one black widow trailer. it’s genuinely SO stupid because 616 natasha’s skillset is something that she trained so hard for (depending on which version of ur origin story ur looking at, she was the best student that the kgb ever had and in the red room story, she eventually got her way to the top. either way, she’s extremely gifted and hardworking) and she knows that shes a killer and its not something that she shies away from. yes i do understand that this is disney and that they cant be as explicit because of their audience but natasha IS an assassin she DOES kill people and she will gladly do it again! it’s literally one of her first options for when she has to deal with someone even if others dont want it lmao (like in hickmanvengers when jess drew opposed her killing people and she was like hm i dont agree) like it just makes no sense that she would ever forget that she was a killer. also i would say that 616 nat just has a different attitude from mcu nat’s overall. 616 nat is extremely confident, sometimes very mean and has the MOST love for herself. she knows shes hot shit. she also knows that shes done shitty things in the past but it is not something she holds against herself. she knows that she doesnt deserve to die for it and that when she DOES die it’ll be on her own terms which is VERY contrasting to mcu nat, who believes that because of her past as an assassin, she needs to repent n that the only way to do that is through death. u can see that she has very little love for herself and that she relies on the trust of others (i.e.: in tws when she asks steve if he would trust her to save his life) like shes . insecure ?? which isnt smt 616 nat deals with bc she literally doesnt give a single shit abt what other ppl think of her, just what she thinks of herself.
also i just realized this got insanely long so im going to stop here but if u want to hear more feel free to come back theres so much i could say abt 616 nat vs mcu nat <3
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domjaehyun · 2 years
Ok I’ll agree with anti drenched pussy but how about pussy HAIR👀 that shit can get drenched if we got a real wet pussy👀 thoughts🎤
uHhh gonna be real i’m not fully sure abt that one babe!! like pubic hair is not the same integrity as scalp hair so like . if you had a LOT of pubic hair like a big bush (no judging in the slightest i’m using it to make an example) maybe that itself could be drenched??? hair is specific and particular bc some hair types are more porous than others !! (did you ever do that experiment in science classes when you put like a strand of your hair in a beaker of water and everyone did it and then they taught you abt the porosity of hair? like esp from my experience, my hair (scalp) absorbs moisture more than say someone’s pin straight hair would!) like if you had a big thick bush of pubic hair that would be more likely to absorb liquid than super short, stubbly just-shaven and regrowing pubic hair! the water isn’t going directly INTO the hair itself the way we might think it is (hence why if you dipped one single strand of hair into water and pulled it out, the water would probably roll off as opposed to dipping a thick chunk of hair into water—the chunk is gonna retain water between the hair strands, not as much inside!) also why like. damaged hair when you bleach and dye it and stuff is significantly higher in porosity than that same person’s healthier portions of hair!
so yeah in summary i’m not sure about the drenching capabilities of hair, so i can’t give a definitive answer !! but . yes jdjfksk okay with peace and love y’all if you have like . clarification/education related questions abt this then i’ll def do my best to help with the knowledge that I have on the topic sjfjsjd but otherwise i rly don’t find it important enough to have a whole discussion abt it yknow? i just answer questions i’m being sent !!
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