#also gonna do all the fte's!
freyfall · 5 months
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entering a specific kind of hell i haven't been in for a while
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toxicpineapple · 8 months
the big amamota essay
the age old question. why do i ship kaito momota and rantaro amami from new danganronpa v3: killing harmony. two characters who have one mildly hostile onscreen interaction in chapter one, a few interactions via the anthology, and now a shorter than short dr:s scene. is this deranged? maybe. but i've been in the fandom for a long time and as such i've had a while to do a lot of thinking, and kaito and rantaro are my favourite characters of all TIME, which basically means i live in their heads. i am them. they are me. they exist in my heart and brain. even when i eventually leave danganronpa behind, i will be taking them with me.
there are a lot of reasons and we're gonna get into the messy details down below, but for the ones looking for a true thesis style TLDR: i think they could act as a mirror for one another's weaknesses. i think they have opposing strengths that could complement each other. i think they would just straight up get along. i think they embody so many of the traits that the other admires most in people. they could take care of each other SO well. they're both asexual. and most importantly, i think they are both two people who have suffered so much and grew up so fast and together maybe they could have a little bit of fun.
(you know you're in deep when the tldr is too wordy. essay below!)
so one thing you probably don't know about rantaro unless you've done his free time events is that the motherfucker is evasive as hell -- but not to a fault. i'll explain.
first, here are some screenshots from rantaro's free time events with shuichi.
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these screenshots are from rantaro's first and second free time events respectively. as early as his first hangout with shuichi, rantaro drops a mention of his biggest trauma, but quickly pulls back when questioned. then he continues to dodge talking about it, even when shuichi tries to inquire further. rantaro is secretive. he has a pretty good reason for this -- twelve missing sisters is a doozy -- but he does eventually open up to shuichi. later on he admits that the reason he dodged talking about it in the first place was because he was terrified that shuichi would judge him or tell him to give up on his search. rantaro is an incredibly dedicated person, so being told that he needs to quit the one thing he feels personally responsible for doing... yeowch. but it's obvious especially from the bonus modes where rantaro does NOT share information about himself that these free time events with shuichi are a rare occurrence. rantaro doesn't often share those kinds of personal details about himself.
which brings us to kaito. the biggest and best example i can point to, other than kaito's repeated attempts at hiding weakness throughout the game (from his ghost fear to his injury to going so far as to try and confront ouma himself rather than wait for the class to save him) is his harmonious heart event.
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kaito clearly also struggles with lowering his guard around people. he does NOT want to accept help, especially from his sidekicks, but that's beyond the point of this essay lol. the point is kaito has a repression complex, but there IS a part of him that wants to be heard. he responds most positively to shuichi telling him that he can be weak.
which brings me to my first point as to why these two work so well for each other. we can see here that kaito and rantaro are both incredibly resistant to accepting help from people for their own reasons. rantaro has been doubted his whole life, dealing with a deep inner shame and fear of judgement for his mistakes. kaito doesn't want to be viewed as less-than or weak, but a part of him does want support and validation... do you see where i'm going with this?
kaito is the luminary of the stars! he's THE believe in you guy. if rantaro even started to hint about being a useless older brother, much like shuichi in the ftes kaito would not leave him alone. he'd persist until rantaro opened up, and when rantaro eventually does open up, he'd encourage him. he'd reaffirm that rantaro is doing the right thing, that he CAN do it, that it's possible and that kaito believes he will do it. it's the kind of support and validation rantaro hasn't received from anyone, even people who are well meaning, in such a long time. getting it from kaito would impact him deeply.
now on kaito's end, rantaro is very very observant. in his first fte with kaede he lists off really shrewd observations about miu, kiibo, and korekiyo showing he's good at seeing people are more than meets the eye. which leads me to believe seeing kaito he'd understand that while kaito does genuinely have passion for being a hero, he also has difficulties showing his weaknesses to others. rantaro is very tactful. i believe he would be very patient with kaito and let him open up on his own time, but seek him out. while he's scared of ghosts, while he's sick, you name it. he wouldn't have to say much. just that even heroes have their weaknesses. and i think that eventually, kaito would listen to.
the other part of this is that these two both have incredibly high eqs, so they WOULD be able to see that the other is struggling. they WOULD see that intense fear of vulnerability, of expressing themselves... and they'd recognise it in themselves, especially through witnessing or even dodging the others' attempts at helping them. rantaro is smart, he would call out kaito's attempts at helping him without accepting anything for himself, and kaito would NEVER accept a hand from someone who he couldn't support in turn. and as they get closer they'd start to think... maybe a little bit is okay. maybe if it's for his sake, it's okay. if i can help him, then i'll let him help me.
kaito and rantaro also have complementary strengths! kaito is inuitive, outgoing, vocally encouraging. rantaro is shrewd, observant, and a good listener. kaito is highly trusting to rantaro's distrust. rantaro is measured and careful to kaito's recklessness. kaito has temper issues, rantaro is extremely calm and rational. rantaro struggles to take up space, kaito will boldly make himself the centre of attention. kaito runs hot and rantaro runs cool. kaito conquers the stars and rantaro conquers the earth. kaito is the home that rantaro comes back to after every failed search for his sisters, and rantaro in turn is the home kaito wants to return to when he's out in space. they complete each other. they both have high eq but in different ways, with rantaro skilled at reasoning out why people are the way they are and kaito good at knowing where someone's heart lies. you'll notice this is also the thing they're missing. in canon rantaro never knows who to trust or how people will react to him. kaito struggles to understand ouma because he has no idea why he is the way they is. they can help each other to grow and cover each other's blind spots.
my next point is that they really would just get along! rantaro is incredibly tactful, never the type to be insulting or rude. you can see it in the way they interact in dr:s, when kaito is saying downright ridiculous stuff about looking for rantaro's sisters in space rantaro just thanks him for the help. he wouldn't call him stupid or belittle him or target his insecurities. and on the flip side i think kaito has so much energy and positivity, rantaro would really enjoy that. rantaro is so exhausted and beaten down by the world, meanwhile kaito looks at it with starry eyes. but it's worth noting that rantaro ISN'T a staunch pessimist. he DOES believe impossible things can happen, or he wouldn't be on his search. they would mesh in that way.
beyond meshing, i also think that the two of them really do mirror each others' admired qualities. we see this in the artbook, where rantaro comments that he likes space and kaito says something along the lines of "we should fight!" i think saying that he wants rantaro to join him in fighting the monokumas lol. kaito can tell at a glance that rantaro is formidable and could potentially hold his own in a fight, hence inviting him into the squad. furthermore, just take a look at rantaro's backstory. the dude is an adventurer. he travels the world by boat and survives close calls with spies and assassins -- KAITO WOULD THINK HE IS AWESOME.
rantaro also i think really would admire kaito's passion and expertise when it comes to space. he's a hard dedicated worker and rantaro would be able to tell, as well as recognise his talent in his field. i think he'd really admire that and want to learn more, especially enjoying space himself.
it's also worth noting that we see in kaito's love hotel that his romantic ideal is someone who can challenge him. someone who he admires who will be neck and neck with him... and who better than a seasoned adventurer who hasn't quite lost his spark yet?
as well as admiring each other, i also think kaito and rantaro would just be really really good at taking care of one another. kaito is such a high eq person and a good listener, highly attentive to the specific ways to reach out and comfort people, always there to lend a listening ear when someone's upset. he's really good with his words, and would be really good at offering rantaro pep talks when he's weighed down by his search. kaito is also very physically affectionate as his main love language with his friends, and i think that would really be good for rantaro who is so lonely and withdrawn.
rantaro as well is excellent with his words, perceptive, and caring. we see from his love hotel event that all he wants is somebody he can protect in some capacity. he'd want to take care of kaito and help him more than anything. in utdp we see him bringing back thoughtful souvenirs and making sure to show up for every major school event even with all his travels. he's attentive to other people's needs and what is important to them! he'd love to listen to kaito's space rambles and bring him gifts from all over the world as he continues on his journey.
kaito having someone who will listen to him is SO important to, because so many of his classmates and even his closest friends oftentimes brush him off or call him ridiculous for the things he says. i think rantaro would genuinely enjoy just hearing what he has to say. they pay attention to one another and enjoy spending quality time together. and i think kaito would absolutely insist on helping rantaro find his sisters, too, to the best of his abilities. travel montage :]
this is a quick note lmao but i think that kaito and rantaro of everyone have really strong asexual coding. i made a whole post about rantaro once but the long and the short is rantaro's aversion to sex in the salmon mode as well as his love hotel being nonsexual give me vibes, and then kaito's response to maki's confession as well as the utdp scene where he talks about peeping with leon and hifumi but ends up just talking about adventure the whole time... they're ace4ace. they are so comfortable in their own bodies together.
finally, i really do think these two could just have so much fun. kaito is so competitive! he'd challenge rantaro to all sorts of games and physical tests, bring him along to training, bring him out to enjoy the stars and go for outings. rantaro on the flip side will whisk kaito away to all kinds of foreign destinations and fancy restaurants. they can talk together in other languages and tour america, they can play fight, they can laugh together... i would like rantaro to read aloud to kaito and scratch his hair, or for kaito to carry rantaro on his back and jump into a lake...
it's the little things like that, you know? they just both grew up so quickly. we see how kaito ages in the killing game alone burdened by an illness and all the people who need him. we know he feels that way even outside of a killing game setting. and rantaro has this quest to find his sisters and NOBODY around to support him. when they find each other they can take the weight off each other's shoulders and really just... play. have a good time.
i know i'm insane. i know that there are people who ship these two because they're two attractive hunks or because one of them can take care of the other or whatever but for me it has always been about give and take with these two. mutual exchange. mutual vulnerability. mutual growth. they don't just add to each other, they learn from each other. they don't FIX each other, they CHOOSE to heal because when they get close together, they finally have a reason to. they finally have someone to heal for. they finally have a home again.
thank you. stan amamota for clear skin.
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hajihiko · 1 year
I am sad and in need of my bed
How do you think the dr2 characters cope with the big sad, what kind they are (good and bad), and who comes to help em out :)
(if you say hajime for assistance because he’s technically the ultimate therapist you’re gonna get your shoes stolen /lh/nsrs)
BUT not because hes the Ultimate therapist, rather because he is very adept at making people feel comfortable. Meta-wise, this is because he's the protagonist of a character-heavy game that encourages you to form a bond with at least one NPC, and most of the NPCs are jerks. Of course you want some encouragement or rewardl and your reward is the NPC opening up and trusting you, the player character.
But since we're not viewing the characters as NPCs in a game, in-world it comes out as Hajime getting even the most suspicious, awkward and stand-offish people to like him enough to overcome some of their issues, meaning he's just a comfortable dude.
So, besides Hajime;
Akane: ignores the big sad for as long as she can. Might have a little breakdown but still tries to get over it way before she's ready by distracting herself or pretending like a comfort worked 100% ("now that I've cried for half a minute I'm FINE haha see ya"). She would go to Kazuichi for distractions and someone who will probably do the crying for her. Slowly starts being open to Fuyuhiko's offer of talking things out, but only when she's already done being sad.
Sonia: Even if she is big sad in private, she has a hard time being real with it in front of others because she tends to pop into inspiration mode. She might pep talk herself (and others) several times without any real progress because she isnt letting it out. Eventually she'll yell and cry and then actually feel better afterwards. I think besides Hajime shed split pretty easily between Akane and Fuyuhiko, who are both awkward around big emotions but ultimately also very helpful.
Kazuichi: Feels big emotions all the time and sadness is a big part of it. He is very capable of feeling the things- its hiding them that's the problem- so he's used to it, but a linger melancholy cloud that doesnt go away even when he's done sobbing about it is a bigger problem. I think he would go to Sonia if he needed point-blank merciless advice (he is careful though, between not wanting to seem like he's pressuring her and not being able to take rejection when he's already so depressed) or Akane for comfort.
Fuyuhiko: it's kinda complicated because he was actually fairly good at dealing with grief in-game (once he was past the passive suicidal ideation) but that was in the middle of a murder game and. I think he would be the type to push it aside for as long as something bigger needs doing, but he suffers for it when there's nothing else to focus on. He feels better when he thinks he has some control so besides Hajime he goes to Souda, who a) has no room to judge and b) wont dare to snitch or get too mushy.
The ones most likely to intentionally seek out the sad people are probably Fuyuhiko (as with Akane post Nekomaru death) and Souda (again Akane & Nekomaru's death). Probably Sonia too? Just based on vibes (and she got Fuyuhiko a get-well-soon present).
Hajime definitely feels like the type to isolate when he actually feels the sad, but he's more likely to get frustrated or listless than outright sad (he also does not have a crying sprite in the game). I think who he goes to is really dependant on what he wants out of the interaction. With Akane, it's easy to forget anything is wrong, but she'll also be a big strong pillar to lean on. Souda is great with distractions and emotional validation (easily affected by other people's moods). Sonia cheers people up and doesnt let anyone get away with wallowing, and Fuyuhiko is a good conversationalist and has experience with actually handling grief (fun fact, all of Fuyuhiko's FTEs revolve around just talking, mayhaps because he has no hobbies besides crime but who knows) .
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ecogirl2759 · 6 months
I reblogged this post earlier, and I wanted to elaborate on my stance since I messed up my reblog and my message didn't show up :(
LONG ramble about Taka and Ishida under the cut :)
(Spoilers and death and all that good stuff, as well as a couple screen caps)
Heads up:
Just real quick, I'm gonna make a couple points based on this snapshot from an old interview. Here's the source. (I will translate some parts of this below, too.)
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For starters, I don't think Taka was ever meant to survive.
I really think he should have, but I don't believe he was ever going to. Hot take, ik lol
As basically everyone knows by now, Taka was meant to kill himself in Distrust. That ended up being changed since the whole suicide plot would've been revealed too early for people's liking, so that point was given to Sakura. So even before the game was refined and shipped, Taka was going to die.
Taka's FTEs also stopped when he changed into Ishida, and while Ishida had one unused FTE, it was only one. I doubt there was ever much planned for Taka past Chapter 4 (maximum), so they decided to just kill him in Chapter 3.
Kodaka did speak a little bit about what he had wanted Taka's death to feel like, so I think that's pretty solid evidence that he was always going to die.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: You could say that. However, even in a sad situation, I didn't want to make it [his death] cruel/brutal, so when it comes to it, it was on purpose.]
Ishida was also not a very well-received character lol.
Apparently, when the game first came out, Ishida was one of the least liked characters in the whole game. The staff also didn't care for him much, so they probably wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Komatsuzaki: I felt like the characters were weaker when combined (laughter).] [Kodaka: That [Ishida's FTE] was also scrapped, and almost all of his appearances were lost. For that reason, Ishimaru himself was very popular although Ishida wasn't popular in the slightest. It's unfortunate... (laughter).]
The wordage here makes me think that there were originally going to be more chances for Ishida to appear, but that was thrown out in the earliest stages of planning. [ボツ roughly means "rejection (of a manuscript, etc.)]
Kodaka DID want to dive deeper into Ishida's character, though! He said so here:
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: I wanted to dig a little deeper regarding Ishimaru and Oowada's union, "Ishida," though...]
However, not even the interviewers really cared for Ishida lol.
Also, just to bring it up, here's where the claim for Taka's nonexistent backstory comes from, as far as I can tell:
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: I thought about depicting that [his experience in junior high] a little more in his Free Activity part, but that was becoming too dark/gloomy, so it was retired.]
So it's not that he had one that was scrapped after he died. He never had one to begin with.
The staff do agree that he was rushed, though. Kodaka admitted that he probably rushed his death a little at the end, but he was trying to achieve a certain feel with it.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Sugawara: Ishimaru's facial expressions were fairly abundant, but I felt like his time to die seemed too quick to carry out.] [Kodaka: Be that as it may, I feel I was too quick regarding Ishimaru. But, I really wanted the event when Ishimaru died to be like Robert Rodriguez's "Desperado".]
Now, I haven't seen Desperado, so I have no idea what this reference means lol. If anyone has seen it, lmk! (Defo going on my Must Watch list hehe)
Taka was likely always meant to die, but his character was incredibly rushed and shallow that he ended up dying without much to his backstory or personality.
It's really unfortunate, though. I've always felt like Fuyuhiko was kinda like what could have been for Taka, even on my first playthrough of the second game. Taka's character did and still does have SO much potential, including the fact that his percent chance of surviving his death is MUCH higher than any other character that has died thus far.
If there's ever a new Dangan installment, I want a Taka cameo where he didn't actually die because the freezer room basically acted as a life support system for him and slowed his circulation of blood, letting his head injury heal just enough to escape Hope's Peak some time after all the survivors are already out but before anyone comes back, but because he has severe untreated head trauma he's kinda crazy.
Sorry for the ramble hehe
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danganronpa96 · 7 months
i’ve seen your cast ideas for the nonexistent third installment, and i was just curious, have you ever thought about who would be the first victim/killer duo?
To be honest, I really don’t know. Because it’s all in this stage where I’m just thinking about what characters and dynamics could be possible, it’s hard to think about who to hack off early on.
However, I did get this potential idea for a character who could die first, but in a few different scenarios.
So, although it would be a different concept for my killing games to have Kanade, the protagonist, as the only representative of her media, I keep thinking of adding another proseka girl into the cast due to my big obsession with it. But that doesn’t mean she would last long. Oh, no.
So, I have three scenarios in mind:
1) They are the first victim,
2) They are the first killer (slightly iffy on that one because that would be a sort of repeat of Mario),
3) They would take their life.
The most fitting for this role would either be Mafuyu or potentially Honami. I think Ena and Mizuki could work too, but probably not for scenario 3. In both scenario 2 and 3, I’d see them doing it to protect Kanade in some way, as perhaps the motive is threatening them. I also had another idea for scenario 3, where this happens alongside another murder, so while it looks like a double kill, they find out it’s a suicide and a murder at the same time.
So, why do I want to add a proseka girl if I’m just gonna kill her off early? Well, that’s because her role wouldn’t end there. Throughout the rest of the game, Kanade would see said girl as a spirit only she can see, but it’s ambiguous if it’s a manifestation of her grief or something else. She’ll continue to bond and whatnot with the other, and come to them for advice and help during case investigations. Kanade might even end up opening up about it to any other characters she gets close to.
I just think it would be an interesting dynamic to have. And yes she can probably have FTEs with this ghost girl too lol.
Otherwise, I keep thinking about first killer Pim for some reason? It’s very ironic for the dude who wants joy and peace and love on planet Earth to do that so. Why not have him do that
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Shōji Yokō's FTEs
[Part 1]
Date: April 10th, 2010
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*walks out of the recording studio and seem tired* Woo, geez my voice is tired - I guess you were right about the genre change needing a lot of work; I figure death metal require screaming but you don't scream.
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*gives Ibuki a water bottle* Here, I recommend you drink this - it'll help your throat from growing tired.
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Oh hey thanks, so I should be drinking water?
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Well it's warm, it'll help with your vocal range and you don't hurt your voice at so just drink that and will keep practicing.
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I was often advise to drink warm water and unsweetened coconut water but I had a bad experience with coconuts so I tend to avoid that stuff.
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Oh really? Sorry about that, well if not that then try herbal tea, low sugar plant based milk such as soy, low sugar and low acid juices and low sodium bone broth - usually those would help you out.
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Oh yeah, I think my mom told me to drink that stuff before a concert so I don't strain my voice.
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She even say don't drink milk either which is too bad since I really like milk.
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Well your mom has some good advice you should take it next time.
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Also just do breathing exercises to help with the range of your voice too; it should make singing a lot easier for you and I suggest hums as well to help with your throat muscle.
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Whooa, despite being the Ultimate drummer you sure know a lot about vocal stuff; do you do singing as well?
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Well... not really, it's just some tips I heard when my band perform at Tokyo Radio Tower and concerts, and I don't see myself singing all that much...
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Oh but I did remember a time when the lead singer in our band was really sick and couldn't make it, it was a really important show too.
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Holy crap, really?! What happen did you guys do?
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Yeah, I think since mine and his voice were similar we decided I perform in his place.
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I... will admit I was nervous since I never sung on stage at all or knew how, I didn't want to let anyone down; especially as this was on the spot too... I had to improvise...
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But after getting comfortable and practicing a bit with my voice, I was able to learn to sing and the concert was a success.
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Dude, that is like totally awesome man! It's no wonder your an awesome vocal coach, you got practice!
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I remember my band mostly pick me because my singing voice was good for pop music even if it wasn't a genre I wasn't into but I wanted to perform.
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Oh, right... you don't like pop music and prefer death metal, right?
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Yeah and I had to perform pop music but I started to grow tired of it and wanted to change but we all had different genres we like.
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It's why we all split up due to creative differences; we just wanted to take the band in certain directions but we weren't sure.
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Yeah I kinda get that, it's usually hard to decide what music you want to do.
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But hey, it's good to get out there and experiment, so glad to see you trying a different genre.
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Wow, thanks Shoji - your the best!
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*drinking the water* Ah, it's really refreshing after practice, thanks a bunch dude.
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So are we gonna keep practicing like this?
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Well yeah, gotta get practice in, but you should take breaks every once in a while.
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You got it captain, I sure am enjoying this a lot more then I thought I would! Let's keep going after this break!
*After Ibuki takes a break and drinking water, she goes back to practice*
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stillthewc · 21 hours
Is it a little unfair to include a story that had one of its entries already having a YOTF entry written on it? Maybe. But do I feel the need to gush about this particular part of the series anyways, since I love it so much? HELL YEAH I DO!
Okay, let me explain: in January, I covered a fangan called "Danganronpa Wonderland", a fantastic story filled with great relationship writing and a fun, engaging story. "Danganronpa Underland" serves as both a sequel and prequel to it, explaining the events of an incident central to Wonderland's conflict, while being narrated to one of Wonderland's survivors. It's very much a story I can't get super-detailed on due to spoilers, but it's one worth talking about regardless.
Now, I'll be the first to admit I'm not one for fangans where you already know the outcome of it. It's a big reason why I can't get into V2 fics (even if I want people to check out Despair From The Heart and Vicious Veracity regardless of my own disinterest of the subgenre), so knowing the key survivors of this story's killing game was gonna be an uphill battle for me. However, I can safely say that this story not only lives up to the quality of its predecessor, but improves upon its own formula.
The first point of comparison is the cast between both series. While several of the characters in Wonderland are genuinely top-notch, some cast member I liked moreso from a storytelling perspective rather than their personality traits. Here, everyone feels super grounded, with even some of the more goofy characters like Ayato feeling like actual people you can meet in real life. This mainly stems from the narrative giving time to get to know these character's lives, insecurities, and struggles, something that makes character-focused scenes (like explosive arguments) all the more compelling.
The second point of comparison, and my personal favorite aspect of this story I might add, is how the story treats the act of giving out info on the side cast. In Wonderland, while the FTE segments were quite nice, they sadly only gave backstory to a handful of the characters. Here, though? Every single character who dies in the narrative is given a spotlight chapter. Did a fave of yours die early without being able to learn more about them? HAVE SOME BACKSTORY! Did the focus on the central narrative only allow for some character aspects to be hinted at? HERE'S SOMETHING THAT'LL FLESH THEM OUT, BABY! Not only is this an ingenious way to give insight on the characters without being too intrusive to the narrative, but the flower theming of these chapters is so damn cool as well!
Now, moving away from massive improvements done to the story's formula, I just like what it does to the Wonderland mythos as a whole. While I can't go into major specifics out of fear of spoiling the first entry in the series, it's neat to see the origins of some of the characters shown in Wonderland, and highlight just how much they've changed from how they started here. I particularly like the main character's relationships with Itsuki and Taihei, two newcomers that help showcase the more human aspect of them and serve as an interesting mirror counterpart to them, respectively.
I also really, really dig how despite this being about a whole new set of cast members, the narrative still shines a light on one of their previous survivor's development through interludes. Their traumas, as well as their slow exploration of this story's narrator, add so much to their character, and is shaping up to set them up super well for the third part of this story (even if I'm incredibly scared on just what their role's going to be, considering some of the new bits of lore)
And that's all I can really say without giving out massive spoilers! Even if the information below might become a bit outdated (as of writing, the story just ended Chapter 3, and it updates relatively quickly from what I've seen), please take a look at the highlight reel, read this dang story, and join me next month for whatever the hell I talk about next!
FORMAT: Written
WHERE TO FIND IT: Ao3 (although I'll reiterate once again, please read Wonderland before this one!)
FAVORITE CHAPTER: Chapter 3, for its absolute batshit-insane trial that involves the breaking of the typical formula from before that point, recontextualization of previous story events, and a complicated exploration of character motivations for a ton of the cast.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Yuuki Kutsumukai. A tap dancer quick to be a pompous asshole who boasts about his own greatness, "pride is an insecurity", as he hides an inferiority-superiority complex and one of the most morally-repugnant-yet-tragic backstories out of anyone else in the cast.
OTHER STANDOUT CHARACTERS: Eren Hagoromo, a dressmaker who, while catty and drama-obsessed at a glance, masks a razor-sharp wit and pure heart full of emotional maturity, and Hime Nakaya, an ice skater with Disney Princess-like qualities, noted for being kindhearted, romantic, and unfortunately quite naive.
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leviadraws · 1 year
helloo i must ask you. your thoughts on yuki (the dra one)
Oh boy, he's a tough one for me, so I'll try to splruge some thoughts. (Sorry I've been slow with asks lately, I promise I'm working on them, also I really need to rewatch DRA at some point but I am tired atm so there may be some inaccuracies).
(under the cut, DRA and some SDRA2 spoilers throughout).
So DRA Maeda is honestly my favourite protagonist in canon and another. Due to the whole reveal at the end and the divine luck factor there's quite a lot of layers to him that you don't think about at a surface level but then you scratch it a little and it's all like "hey this is kinda clever" whether it was intentional or not. But a lot of that would be talking about Utsuro, not Maeda so I'm not really gonna cover it much.
I will say I do love the system headcanons that have been covered by yourself, Nikei, and Dragon (I was going to link posts but jesus finding posts on tumblr is so goddmn hard). I haven't researched the topic well enough to comfortably talk about it myself, and I think you guys have done a pretty thorough job already.
I would like to talk about something that has always bothered me a little, and that's how Maeda/Utsuro are portrayed in the flashback. During the flashback and when Kinjo references their time at Hope's peak, he's referred to as being more Utsuro. But then that doesn't line up with the picture found of the class, where he's clearly appearing as Maeda. I'd like to think that they existed together before the real Yuuki's memories were implanted onto him.
(This is 99% me wanting to have both Maeda and Utsuro in pre-canon haha, but it is interesting). As I said before I've not done adequate research and I don't want to accidentally offend, happy to remove this section entirely if necessary.
So I like him a lot since he's kinda just a kid, yanno? He gets annoyed with the other classmates, he's downright mean sometimes (he's kinda brutal to Satsuki in her FTEs, iirc), and he's kinda bitter in places (him refusing to help Kinjo in chapter 3). It just makes him feel more, real? If that makes sense.
And like in trials, since none of the trials are that hard that we don't get totally baffled, him leading doesn't seem that off. The "smarter" kids of the class are either unhinged (Kinjo) holding information for no reason (Rei), underused by Linuj (Kakeru, Kanata, Kinji), or have a chapter 5 plot device in their head (Mikako). I'd probably want someone like Maeda to lead trials too.
I guess there's that kinda lingering thing that due to divine luck, any leap of logic would always be correct, but it didn't feel jarring since he'd always come across as kinda pragmatic. That and the leaps in logic aren't the level of crazy that SDRA2 chapter 2 and 3 had.
He's also flawed, he doesn't always say the right thing. He doesn't give out hope speeches (that I recall at least, I could be wrong on that one), he succumbs to the motive in chapter 4 just as much as the others do. He holds grudges over the course of the game, he's devastated over Kinjo's actions in chapter 5. Actually his relationship with all three survivors + Taira are really good.
I'm not hugely fond of some of the FTEs with him tho, I sometimes get the impression that they were written earlier? He feels more like the generic protagonist is some of them. Rei's feels like one of the worst offenders of this, like earlier in the game Maeda doesn't really put up with Kinjo's or Rei's bullshit in their attitude to others, but in her FTE he puts up with her shit to hear her story? Idk it felt weird to me.
I do however love his interactions with most of the rest of the cast in the story itself, mainly Kinjo because kshkjefnad they are disasters and I love them so much.
One little thing, I really would've liked to see him snap a little more in canon. There's obviously the part with Mikako, but like so many fucked up things happen and there were like at least three other opportunities off the top of my head?. Can you imagine the slight change in his expression, but his whole vibe just becomes so much darker and the reactions of the people around him?. Kinjo and Akane's reactions (both pre and post chapter 5) would've been so interesting.
Imma probs get on that rewatch now and realise that I missed a load of stuff and feel very silly. But hey, here's a tired mess of thoughts that yous are all free to rip apart and tell me I'm wrong haha.
Also give him a hoodie he a tired boi let him be comfy.
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If you could rewrite SDRA2, what would you change about it? Assuming you keep most of the core concepts? Also how would your rewrite work in ASOOT?
//I'm not gonna go into how it would affect ASooT, but I'll give you 10 ideas for how I'd improve SDRA2:
If you're going to have Mikado revealed from the start, don't make the Voids take backstage to his antics. Hajime's reveal was pretty good, but I feel like we need a bit more discussion and foreshadowing in regard to the roles and identities of the Voids throughout the story. Add more intrigue outside of the FTEs with everyone and make it really seem like anyone could be a member.
More foreshadowing for the reveals throughout the game, from them being in a virtual world to the Voids' backstories to the reason why everyone's here. All of it being shoved into Chapter 6 made the whole thing bloated and convoluted.
If you really want to have your big-tiddy serial killer waifu, the least you can do is give her an actual purpose in the story. I like what Mod Poi suggested, where she actually captures and interrogates someone- maybe Nikei- and figures out that he's a Void. Setsuka's death in this chapter would then be even more impactful, since they were working together, and have a major role in his decision to abandon Void altogether.
Hibiki lives. She was screwed harder than anyone in this game and I will forever stand by that as fact. This way, she can play out an actual arc and get the chance to grow as a person, maybe even becoming a major influence on the survivors.
Don't reveal Iroha as a Void until Chapter 5. The only reason she was revealed halfway through feels like it was just for more antics, and instead you can have continuous uncertainty in the group but them choosing to work together anyway, maybe to honor Shinji and Setsuka's memory by following their goal of trying to turn the Voids to their side.
Give Iroha an actual goddamn arc, and maybe make Hitaru, Jiro and Akemi canon : P
Give the Voids some actual focus outside of just their status as antagonists. I hate LINUJ's view that they were doomed no matter what they did, but if you wanted to go the tragic route, at least give them some character focus for more pathos.
Tone it the fuck down when it comes to the grimdark. None of it adds to the story.
Make Teruya more of a focus, rather than just having him there for the sake of having him, and don't have him snap for the sake of including another kraaaaaazy character moment.
Let the characters actually grow and change.
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Initial thoughts on ch 2 ep 1 (ik it’s early but I wanna lay out some stuff rn)
Listen, ppl all had their own opinions about the protag swap theory. Some thought it would happen, some thought it was stupid, I thought it was gonna be a temporary POV change in the first episode before Teruko got back to her regular girlbossing and whaddaya know, I was right!
On the topic of me being right though, I swear the only times I am right about things are when I can’t exactly explain why I think something, therefore I don’t ever say it because “that’s stupid,” but I feel like the motive as well as the delivery, both in the timing and the fallout, was something I could’ve seen coming. I dismissed the idea as too dramatic at some point, apparently forgetting that DRDT is the reality TV of fangans (but probably less scripted somehow).
I’m honestly pretty hyped about the motive though. I always thought that the canon equivalent in the first game was lacking in some ways, so seeing a fresh twist on a classic is always fun.
It also makes me wonder about the hidden quotes. Ik I talk abt these more than I reasonably probably should given they’re, uh, hidden, but in addition to what probably counts as more context for J’s quote, I’m also currently looking at Arei’s and Levi’s.
Levi talked a bit about his family and being disowned as well as how he feels he has to put effort into being nice, so a part of me wonders if there’s something he feels particularly guilty about in relation to his quote. His listed dislike is also unpredictable people and I figure that may be related as well.
But Arei’s seems more pertinent to me. She’s been nothing but an emotionally manipulative ass this whole time and now she has someone else’s dirty laundry and the full ability to air it if she so pleases, but idk what she’s gonna do with it. If her quote is relevant to something in this chapter in particular, she may decide on keeping it to herself. She obviously has a limited idea of how friendships really work, but maybe she has some decency when it comes to a situation like this.
Teruko’s commentary and leaning on the 4th wall as well as MonoTV’s incredibly (in)convenient incompetence is really only doing more to reinforce the idea in my mind that she knows way more than she’s letting on as well as a the fact that a lot of information about her is being withheld from the audience and we probably don’t have a complete look into her mind. Also, the phone. We have seen that phone before, just not in the killing game.
I feel like Arturo’s reaction to finding out J was related to a famous actress was... kind of what I expected it to be, but for all his preaching about physical beauty, he sure didn’t fuckin notice anything special about her until that exact moment, huh. Almost like he’s full of shit and just obsessed with fame and glamour as concepts.
It’s also really sweet to see Charles actually probably have more faith and hope coming out of the trial than going into it. And despite the tensions and him being turned down, him asking Teruko if she wants to explore with him is probably the most civil conversation they’ve had so far throughout the entire game. I think even if neither of them have a lot of faith in everyone else, they at least seem like they have less hard feelings towards each other. Like two siblings who grew up in a shitty household and always fought but start actually tolerating each other the moment they accept they were both victims even if they don’t really talk about it.
I’m fuckin scared to see my boy get woobified even more tho.
Oh! And a bit more on J’s quote actually. I wonder if her animosity towards her mom (and actors as a whole) was just wrought from the secondhand fame she never wanted or if her mother tried to force her into acting herself. Her dialogue in the FTEs that dropped last year at the very least indicate she had femininity forced upon her, but pushing a child into acting for more fame and fortune is a very special kind of fucking your kid up for the rest of their life and the horrible shit child actors and actresses are put through is becoming more and more discussed in an ever increasingly digital world.
But yeah. Mega hyped for this chapter, especially with the motive as I am, unfortunately, a sucker for hot, juicy goss
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
also i'm sad that the friendship fragments i got with kaede don't carry over to shuichi.
i'm glad that i can see what all five of his conversations with them are.
but because i lose out those first four fragments, that makes it so much harder to actually complete ftes for multiple characters within a singular run.
i mean, yes, i plan to go back and complete characters ftes after their last chapter, but like. i would suspect most people don't do that. and if you put all that time into a character who then dies, that makes it harder to get the skills, and for a player like me, who is not great at the game, having those skills is actually really important.
i should find out who has the auto-focus bullet skill and go after them because that is probably the best skill for me to have.
what skill is locked behind kaede
do i want to know
is it just gonna make me mad
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temikoangie · 1 year
I always thought of tenko as being very accepting to transwomen but hate transmen
anon im gonna be super honest w u i dont think tenko cares what you identify as. i know ur basis is bc tenko Really Does hate men but. may i remind you that they tend to go back on their word sometimes, in favor of morals or what they percieve as right. they’ve comforted shuichi before because they culd empathize and Also recognize that kaito socking him in the face Nor kokichi teasing him was what shuichi needed at that time .
“how does this relate to trans people” u may ask. For Starters . there is absolutely no canon implication that tenko wuld Be transphobic to trans men / use transphobic language . if that’s what ur insinuating there. tenko just . hates men. would they group trans men with the same general idea that theyre degenerates to them? Who Freaking Knows theres absolutely no canon basis behind it. the only two times tenko has any kind of view on trans people are in their last FTE with shuichi, and the hidden scene if you give (I Think ) tenko a parasol item (this is th scene where they Pretty much invite k1b0 to the pool party because they both werent sure if he could be a guy Or a girl . and tenko’s like Eh Okay. U can join us)
if anything the worst tenko would do to trans men is just be Unintentionally Transphobic bc of course its not in their place to insult them when they come out to them ( funfact! they really do admire the strength and courage of that person when they come out like them and chihirows in drs) and them Immediately changing their language to at least show support Might make Them seem Transphobic . Which Is Both A Lose Lose Situation…. Insult the Trans Man for Being a Man, You get labelled as Transphobic.. Show Support for the Trans Man, you get labelled as Transphobic and Assume You Dont See This Person as a Man bc of the dropped Hostility.
I Dont even like the headcanons where tenko is transphobic in any compacity bc it just always falls back on the transphobic lesbian stereotype cushion and its Weeeirdddd. we’re in my city now. tenko would give you all of the estrogens and testosterones and binders stolen from shitty medical corporates’s noses like robin hood for trans people.
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in-a-bucket · 1 year
//Minor spoilers for danganronpa f shattered hope
ok so i got caught up on shattered hope recently and kinda just want to type my thoughts here.
I’ve now become fixated on another fangan LMAO
In all seriousness I’m really enjoying it so far! The art is amazing, all the VAs do an incredible job and the music absolutely slaps. It does a really good job of getting you to enjoy at least one thing about every character in the cast, even if you don’t like them very much. The overall darker tone of this fan series is really cool. 
My number one fav character has to be Rock. He’s so sweet and silly and I greatly fear for his survival rate (and am also hoping to god that his current personality isn’t some kind of facade or he’s the mastermind). I find it super interesting that we learn a lot about him in episode 4, but stuff like his FTE and other little hidden lines imply there’s A LOT we have yet to learn about him which makes me so intrigued. He’s just so loveable and interesting haha.
My other favs are Corza and Rox, which are the two characters that clearly know something but refuse to tell us. I seem to always get attached to really fucking suspicious characters for some reason lmfao. Very much looking forward to finding out what they know and why they know more than most of the other characters.
Special shoutout to Enigma, are silly little protag, I’m really loving him so far so I hope he sticks around. I’m so glad he’s not just a generic “self-insert” type protag if you know what I mean. He’s got his own backstory and goals and whatnot and it’s really nice.
I want to to talk about my thoughts on the first killer and whatnot but I’m gonna hold off on that till after the investigation episodes are out since they are coming out super soon.
Hopefully I don’t think of anything else to add after I post this LMAO
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mythgirlimagines · 10 months
Even if they are a duo, Ultimate Survivors Miu and Ouma can have separate FTEs. I don't think anything I wrote down there is relevant, I just thought they were neat little ideas:
Interestingly, chances are whatever happens in the killing game isn't exactly scripted. Of course, Team Danganronpa manufactures the identities of the "characters" and writes the main stories, but aside from handing out the exposition, what the characters actually do with that expo is unknown, even if you can make some guesses based on the personalities they wrote for them (this is how Miu and Ouma notice certain tropes). It's kinda like they're unintentionally roleplaying. That isn't to say they aren't above setting things up in the middle of the game for fanservice, though.
That being said, "FTEs" are the most glaring example of this. The protagonist isn't being controlled like they would be in the video games, so who they'd hang out with is largely based on their own relations, at the cost of who the audience might actually want them to interact with. Team Danganronpa can try to intervene, but it's a bit hard to without potentially overwriting something: who the audience wants to interact with is probably definitely an antagonist, someone the protagonist Might Not want to converse with.
So! This is gonna be split up between four asks. First off, we'll have Kaede as the protag. Kaede seeks out Ouma to hang out with: any headcanons for what they might think of each other and all?
Kokichi was kind of used to people wanting to spend time with him during the killing games. As much as he tried to avoid certain people, there was something about him that drew the protagonist-types to him.
Mostly he tried leading Kaede on wild goose chases. He could learn more about her through conversation, all while screwing with her and leaving her with almost less information about him than she started with.
It was amusing, at the very least. Kaede seemed pretty genuine, but she was also kind of smart. Her wanting to spend time to him at least meant he could keep a close eye on her.
Well, there were worse people there to spend time with! He could think up a few more ways to waste some of Kaede’s time while getting information for him and Miu to use.
Whatever he ended up doing, as long as he kept himself safe, he supposed he was doing fine enough. Not like he had much of a choice on surviving, actually, but he didn’t dwell on that.
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en-chi-la-da · 1 year
I'm glad I'm not the only one simping for the Overlord of Ice. Since you did it with Kaz, what are your thoughts on Gundham? Like fav ships, moments etc
my thoughts on gundham? looks at you. looks at my icon. well anon,, :)c read more cause it got kinda long
the MOMENT we are introduced to him in the game, my VERY first thoughts were "omg LOOK AT THIS OREO COOKIE HAIR HAVIN' GOTH ASS CRINGE E-BOY REJECT LOOKIN' ASS GUY LMAO yo wait..... this fools name is gundham?? sick. and this guy has HAMPTERS?? also sick." and then my likeness for him kinda snowballed from there lol i like hearing him talk uwu (there were a few moments during the trials where he says something fuckign silly out of nowhere and i thought to myself "GUNDHAM BABE I LOVE YOU BUT I NEED YOU TO SHUT THE FUCKUP IM TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT HAPPENED HERE" 😭)
as we progressed through the chapters, it was a lot of me seeing gundham still alive after a kill and going "OH THANK GOD" BUT as we got to chapter four i was getting real nervous for him :( i was thinking "there's no way gundham is gonna survive to the end... he's too cool and funny/likeable as a character plus he hasn't really had an Arc™ happen to his character yet tbh :( oh no :(((" and then sure enough... OH THE MISERYYY 😩
i hate gundham's execution 💔 i love gundham's execution 🖤 i almost cried by the end of it, it's in my top five dr executions list tbh
LMAO as for ships. well anon,, looks in my gundham tag. if you can't tell what my FAVE ships with gundham are by now then i must not be doing a good enough job posting about it 😔 LOL but yeah, obviously i love hajime/gundham and sonia/gundham the MOSTEST along with some variation of gundham/hajime/chiaki/sonia ship square whoa! i also enjoy him with nekomaru and gonta! and not necessarily as SHIPS but i love seeing him with ibuki, peko, chihiro, shuichi+gonta(and kokichi), celeste, sakura, hifumi+kiibo (his dangan S/UTDP events with them are such fuel lmao)
in the end i LOVE!!! this guy!!! love his design, love his voice, he makes me laugh, he's GOTH, he loves animals and his friends even if he denies feeling anything for puny mortals (or even sacrificing his own life to help get them out of a killing game) bc of how EVIL he is as a dark overlord! >:) my favorite moments with gundham are ALL OF THEM (although his final fte/island mode ending are my top fave moments with him hmmmm i wonder why 🤨) and sometimes idk what the FUCK he's talking about but i dont care, this man has ENAMOURED me :) with his SILLYNESS :///) the blorbo of all time!!! sigh <3
but anyways anon, hope this was enough of an explanation for you ✌🏼
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
mekaru cuz she's neglected tbh 🥺?
im so fucking guilty of neglecting her. i neeed her to make friends so i can start spinning her in my mind with characters im already obsessed with so she can be More in my brain as her own character. mekaru pls pls just start being more authentic and love urself-
cw she has so much internalized homophobia. that’s all tho
-My identity hc for them
canon lesbian!! has a lot of comphet tho. like, a lot. like, only character to upload the “fact” they’re het to their report card. 
- Thoughts on their home life/family
ya know. i think she’s lying to herself about how much she likes kids. i don’t think she’s inclined to them but playing babysitter all the time has made her p child adverse. however admitting this means realizing she can’t gain “i am a normal respectable non-offending person who no one has any reason to have any issue with” points by raising 2.5 kids. so. yeah she just chooses to keep lying to herself
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
tbh i think i do a bad job portraying her comphet? buuut. to take a step back and think neutrally about things, i think that’s predominantly a result of, again, the role she plays in the story, and the fact we’re not in her head. we can judge how well i write her comphet when we get to pick her brain a bit more in ftes. id rather have a more subtle, more accurate depiction, then one that’s made inaccurate with how in your face “wow my bestie is so pretty if only girls who liked girls were real…” it is. (<- not that portrayals like that are bad/wrong, it’s abt enjoying yourself while not feeding into negative stereotypes! i just don’t really want to depict her comphet in that more lighthearted manner).
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
again. this is prolly just gonna be stuff which didn’t happen in canon but could’ve if things were different? w/mekaru i think if she studied psychology more and like. Dedicated herself to it she could easily rise to shsl psychiatrist level. this is canon but i think that she’s specifically interested in medicine when it comes to treatment of the human condition. she likes and grasps it all, but the history of assorted pills is where she Shines
- My number one favorite ship for them
okada my beloved <3. (obligatory: okada aimi is mekarus bestie! she’ssss. sapphic, i don’t have anything more specific/anything otherwise canon for her. she likes mekaru and thinks mekaru likes her back (she’s right), buuut. she hasn’t confessed because she thinks she’ll be rejected (she’s right, again.) she’s trying to gently tug mekaru into having a Revelation but it hasn’t been going v well for her.
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
i used to say that like. tomori was probably her gateway into her moment of Realization. i can still see that being true but i think it was less genuine desire to date and moreso.  mekaru projecting what she feels she needs to be onto tomori then seeing tomori being queer and going. hmmm. anyways tho. i kinda like her w/kurokawa but i think kurokawas just v shippable? poor okada tho i think she’d would be crying and throwing up if she found out mekaru dated a girl from hpa before dating her.
also tho i kinda think she’d be cute w/hatanami. sorry okada :(
- The thing i will NEVER ship
she is in fact still a lesbian, folks! uhh past that tho im rotating her with different girls and i don’t like the idea of her and inori like. at all for some reason
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
i think it’d be neat if she. i don’t know got to have friends. id like to chat abt her interacting with tomori more!!
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
im really happy with her redesign! her personality and demeanor changed from the first one she had here, but her fit didn’t change, and it really just didn’t work. also it’s kinda matchy with linujs actual beta design for rei iirc? so that’s funny
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
lol. little miss perfect from write out loud/etc. uhh past the obvi one i had to list… first love/late spring - mitski comes to mind less in a. struggling with growing up and loving seriously as an adult and moreso. fear that comes with realizing ur in love with ur bestie (u are a teen with severe internalized homophobia). again apologizing for my inability to stick with what the song is actually about at least this one was semi accurate. please know i will go to war when it comes to respecting mitski as an artist and not dismissing her experiences and what she’s saying. 
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