#also argh I'm looking at this stuff again and it's like I can do the end lines for impact but the stuff before that is so messy
muninnhuginn · 22 days
Writers tag game
Prompt: share some writing
Thanks for the tag, @miyamiwu!
So, I'll be honest, I don't actually have any WIPs I'm intending to do anything with, but I have some oldish abandoned stuff I managed to relocate. It's back from 2021 so in my Untamed era and this bit was specifically set during Fatal Journey*:
Nie Huaisang woke blearily, cold seeping into his clothes from the floor. It was dark and it took several seconds to remember where he was. He could hear the muffled sounds of clanging and voices. As he lifted his head off the ground, they slowly resolved themselves into the clash of swords and yelling. [...] He didn't know what to do. What would his brother do? Xichen-ge? San-ge? He had his flute with him– he could try Cleansing. This was what it was for, right? Before he could doubt himself further, he started playing, pouring all the qi he could muster into the tune. He'd practised for hours the night before, long after San-ge had left, but despite that, he hadn't truly thought then that he'd need to play so soon. Was that so naïve of him? As he watched, Da-ge began to slow in his movements and Nie Huaisang felt himself start to relax. He kept his lips to the flute, trying not to let his relief fool him into making mistakes. Still, he knew he only had to play a little longer and then they could all escape. Him, his brother, his cousin. They could flee far away from the darkness that haunted these halls. And then Nie Zonghui's head hit the floor. He stopped playing.
And then I had this other bit:
He'd messed up. He must have played a wrong note. Maybe he'd misremembered the entire thing? And now Nie Zonghui was dead and his brother - what looked like his brother - was stood, Baxia dripping blood to the floor. [...] The sword was pointed at him. He tried to hold himself steady as he looked down the blade. Tried to blink away the tears that kept escaping without his permission. He could tell he was failing, unable to stop the trembling, but he forced himself to meet the eyes at the other end of the sword. He couldn't die here. He refused to die here. After all, he was the only family his brother had left.
*(it was meant to be part of a short time travel fic where post-canon characters went back not long before NMJ died. It would've had flashbacks to Fatal Journey interspersed with the "present" up until the point at which future NHS tipped off past NHS about the poisoned music. I actually got as far as figuring out where I wanted all the characters to be at the end of it, but I ran out of motivation pretty quickly so there's only this WIP stuff and the intro part written in the end.)
Ahh not sure who to tag when it comes to writing stuff. I know @roseofcards90 and @floofiestboy write some stuff? And anyone else who sees this who writes, feel free to consider yourself tagged ^^
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piplupod · 6 months
#i think it is because i am so desperate and miserable probably#but i just really wish i knew why i am not likeable fjfkdl#i feel like there is something so obvious that im oblivious to somehow. and everyone else sees it and hates it#and i just. cant figure it out#i feel like im one of those hateful bigots who cry abt how nobody likes them and its so obvious why nobody likes them#i hope I'm not that. but maybe i am idk. i cannot figure it out and im just really tired of trying and failing w ppl#fumbling every attempt to make friends#theres ppl being v nice to me on a sideblog where I've been sharing art and stuff and I'm just constantly waiting for me to fuck it up#and then they will realize whatever it is about me that puts everyone off. and i will lose the chances of friendship.#im so scared and tired. i just want to understand what im doing wrong so i can fix it and be better and be likeable#idk i think there is just smth inherently wrong within me. im off putting somehow. there is smth festering at my core maybe#and everyone else can just /sense/ it. and i am trying so hard to be good at socializing and friendships but i somehow fumble it always#i just wish i knew what it was that im doing wrong#or like... if its smth inherent within me I'd also like to know so i can just accept it finally and move on#argh idk this is so pathetic probably but i am just so frustrated w myself tonight#im just constantly waiting for me to somehow mess things up w the nice ppl in my life rn and be left without that again#and im not doing anything to self sabotage even!! im just treading very carefully!! and trying my best to be good!!#but it seems to always go wrong somehow like ppl just... pull away#idk. i feel so terrified that it's so obvious whats wrong w me and im just not seeing it#i keep trying to look but i cannot see what it is so idk !! i keep looking!! i dont understand !!
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miss-nandini · 1 year
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Don't say you love me, unless you do.
He didn't have to act like an arse. Sure, he was stressed and busy. That overworking dude seriously. But, you were only trying to help him. The only thing you said was
"Hey, Lucifer! Do you want me to help you?"
What bad thing did you say? Exactly, nothing. But, there's a thing you see, people take your love and care for granted and forget that you have feelings too. Humans do that all the time. Can you really blame the demons? Yes, you can. Because being a bloody prick can never solve anything. What's bad is bad. Dosen't matter what species they are.
He went out of his way and called you "Pathetic, insufferable little human", "annoying happy-go-lucky", "immature and insensitive." Lots of other stuff probably, you don't even remember everything.
You didn't cry in front him. Instead, you stared back with a raging fire in your eyes and snapped "Damn, what all of them said about you is true after all."
That rendered him speechless. Good, you won't let him tear your soul just because he feels like it. You are so done being the sweet and forgiving one. Have they really forgotten that you can feel? That's it. That's so fucking it.
You had stormed off from his office and requested Solomon to pick you up. Surprising, that you didn't break down in tears. You could feel rage bubbling inside your veins like hot lava. Damn him and his stupid pride. You wanted to scream and throw things.
It was Simeon. Yup, you ended up crashing in the Purgatory hall, of course. But why Simeon is calling in the middle of the night?
"What is it man?"
"Ummm... I guess you should go outside and see for yourself."
You huffed but eventually obliged. You already had a hunch about what it might be and that's exactly why you were reluctant to go.
Sure enough, it was the person—demon you didn't want to face. What? He is capable of pulling that puppy dog look? Well, too bad, you ain't falling for it, not today. Wait, are those... tear stains? Ah man seriously? He knows so damn well that you are soft. But bloody hell man he looks like shit and that's that.
"(Y/N), I'm sorr—
"Apology unaccepted, now leave. Goodnight."
"There's nothing good about this night when you are not by my side."
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Lucifer. You realize that I'm not a robot right? I have feelings too and YOU—Mr, congratulations! you officially lost my trust."
Every word that came out of your mouth struck him like a bullet. He didn't mean it. He didn't mean anything. He made a grave mistake—again. He dosen't deserve anymore chances. Still, his heart wants you. His body automatically moves toward you.
"I'm really sorry... I-I know I caused a lot of damage. I feel shame... But, (Y/N), I love you..."
"Don't say you love me, unless you do."
You were doubting his love for you and that was enough to understand the weight of the situation. Well, it was him who digged his own grave, as simple as that.
His eyes welled up. You could see his hands trembling like crazy. Well, shit. You aren't supposed to give in. Not after what he did. You shouldn't welcome him back in your life. He isn't worth that. Or... wait... true, he destroyed your feelings today but... you can't deny that in countless situations he helped you in every way he can. Also.... watching him so miserable... You are supposed to feel the taste of sweet sweet revenge. Then...why it makes you sad...? Damn him for having such a strong hold over you.
Whatever decision you take, it's going to be a turning point. Do you really want to lose him? Not really... The answer is crystal clear. You want him back.
"Fine, you know what you are lucky. But, I swear to god, this is the last fucking time I—
You couldn't finish your sentence. He was holding you like you will disappear in thin air. You could feel sobs wrecking his body. Now, who is the pathetic one? Probably, something you would've loved to say. But, no, you could feel the genuineness. Argh... why do you love him so much?
You blinked back the tears. Fine, just this once he will get away with it because you love him too damn much.
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ellsieee · 10 months
I'm really going to miss SWM despite the sad ending. The actors really did a great job with what they had and could do. I knew the accident was going to hurt me, and that it would be a OE, but I did not expect it to be more like a BE. More about that later. At least we got a whole episode of happy boys before all the shit hit the fan.
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This scene really touched me. Su Yu pushes Wu Bi to achieve his dreams and is there to support him all the way. We also get another hint of what Wu Bi's time capsule wish is. My guess is that he wished for he, Su Yu and Doudou to always be together. Normally it's Wu Bi who is always saying he doesn't want to be separated from Su Yu, but this time, it's Su Yu telling Wu Bi not to leave him, pulling on Wu Bi's heartstrings. 🥹
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Why does Wu Bi have a picture of his and Su Yu's epic bike ride framed? Did his mother draw that? Did he get the idea from her? Wu Bi, I have so many questions...
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Su Yu wrote a wish card for Wu Bi too. 🥹 I am not ok. 😭
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One last shout out to the shipper girl. She knows. 🤭 I'm glad they didn't write her as a crazy person, inserting herself into Wu Bi and Su Yu's relationship and doing a bunch of weird stuff to get them together.
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Arghhhh the foreshadowing! When Su Yu said that, my heart filled with dread even though I already knew what was coming. No. They're going to ride their bike together forever ok. 😭
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Wu Bi is so completely smitten with Su Yu. It's all heart eyes, all the time. They are so cute. Was this the reward Su Yu was talking about? I thought it would be something 🔞, but taking Wu Bi on a date might motivate him even more. I mean what kind of equestrian center has prince charming equestrian outfits? 🤭 I think they look great, but this totally looks like a date (Doudou is just there to make it look less gay).
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Wait a minute... that's not what the director demonstrated! I wanted to see that peck on the lips! Please tell me they shot two versions and we'll see the uncut version later. 🙏
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Psycho alert! 🚨 Mo Yi was hella creepy here. I was a bit scared he would actually hurt Su Yu. You can feel all the resentment he has for Su Yu. First his ex-gf wanted to be with Su Yu rather than him. Second, Wu Bi has chosen Su Yu over him and is acting like a little bitch towards him. Not defending him, but I honestly don't think Mo Yi would have felt such hatred and resentment if Wu Bi hadn't started being really rude and bratty towards him after falling in love with Su Yu.
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The ultimate sacrifice. 😭 Wu Bi knew there was no way to stop the car safely so he chose to protect Su Yu by crashing the car on the driver's side. Even though I knew the accident was going to happen, it still hurt so much. Wu Bi will always protect Su Yu no matter what. I read some comments scolding Su Yu for sleeping even though he knew something was wrong with the car. My interpretation is that Su Yu wasn't sleeping, he was worried too, but he trusted Wu Bi completely, and Wu Bi told him to rest because he can handle it, so he did. The level of trust and confidence you need to have in your partner for that is just...
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I didn't notice this the first time watching because I was too busy wailing, but Wu Bi hugged Su Yu to protect him. FUCK. 😭😭😭😭 For all the unreasonable jealousy and temper tantrums, Wu Bi really is the best boy.
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This is so painful, I can't screencap bloody Wu Bi anymore. It killed me that Wu Bi woke up for a second to stare into Su Yu's eyes when Doudou called to complete their OT3, only to fall into a comma again.
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Argh this ending! Is Wu Bi alive or dead? I didn't notice that the doctor nods a little when speaking to Su Yu the first time around. Doctors usually only nod when the operation was successful, so I guess Wu Bi is alive but what about the empty house? Only Wu Bi's stuff is still there, meaning that everyone left him? How is this not a BE? 😭
Of course this makes sense as a set up for a season 2 but I feel like they still could have given us a conclusion. Something like Wu Bi lives, but Su Yu left because he knew Mo Yi was crazy and he wanted to protect Wu Bi. Then the new season would be about how the boys find their way back to each other. It wasn't necessary to leave viewers hanging and heartbroken. 😢 And with 24 episodes of 30+ minutes runtime, I felt the team had enough time to tell a complete story. It shouldn't matter that book 1 of the novel ended like the series because the drama should stand on its own outside of the novel. Besides, wouldn't it have been safer just to film the whole thing at once to avoid the risk of not being allowed to film part 2?
There's a lot of doubt that S2 will actually happen, but someone asked Mo Yi's actor if there will be a 2nd season and he said that there should be. I'm not going to get my hopes up too much before there is official news that everyone is shooting again to spare myself any disappointment, but of course I am hoping for a second season. In the meantime, I hope cjd will release the uncut version of the series that she teased about before. I really do love this series so much even though I was disappointed with the ending. I'll have to treat SWM like MODC and skip the end. SWM only has 22 episodes. Yup. 🤡
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smolbean12 · 11 months
Hi, I love your heartbroken Haikyuu character stuff But do you think you can write me a scenario where the characters receive a really sweet confession or confess to someone? You can pick any characters you want. Also thanks for existing. I absolutely love your blog!
ohmigoshhh you're so sweet <3
Haikyuu!! Characters When They Get Confessed To
♡ Miya Atsumu ♡
Atsumu couldn't believe his eyes. Or ears. Or you. You confessed to him? YOU confessed to HIM?! He quickly grabs you by the shoulder and shakes you. "Ya are not jokin' right? Ya like like me or like like me? Like like or like??? Argh tell me!!"
By the time he's done shaking you and asking you those questions your head starts spinning. "Atsumu leave me! And-and I like like you alright?"
Atsumu obeys and stops but his hands are still on your shoulder. There was a moment of silence. And then:
"Wait- which like do ya mean? Like like or like like?"
Atsumu steps back a bit, his hands raised up defensively. "Jeez calm down. Don't ya yell at me."
"Tsumu you're stupid," you chuckled out. However Atsumu doesn't pay any mind to that. Instead he smirks, smug and teasing. "Ya love me, huh? Aww I never thought you'd be so cheesy."
"I know, Tsumu. I have really bad taste in men," you reply with faux sadness.
Atsumu blanches. "Oh come on! Ya can't really say that. I'm a delight, no wonder ya fell in love." His grip on your shoulder tightens. "Besides I like ya too. Ya wanna go out with me?"
"You like like me or like like?"
The face he made was precious. You break out in laughter.
"Yes, Atsumu. A hundred times yes."
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♡ Kuroo Tetsurou ♡
Practice had been the same as usual what with Yaku screaming at Lev and Kenma lazing around. Kuroo could not wait to go home, have a nice hot meal and sleep. He was too tired as he had pulled two all nighters to study for his exams.
He walked out of the school gym only to find you standing near the gates. He called out your name and jogged towards you. "Hey! What are you doing here? It's pretty late."
You waved back at him with a small smile. "Kuroo, I wanted to borrow your notes. I,uh, zoned out in class and didn't take any."
"Oh, sure why not!"
He started fishing for his notebook in his bag when he noticed that you were extremely fidgety. You were tapping your foot on the ground, playing with your fingers and glancing around the school grounds. He handed the book to you and before he could ask if you were alright you were already walking away with an urgent thank you and goodbye.
Kuroo went home confused and couldn't get it off his mind for the rest of the night. The next day you returned his notebook to him the first thing in the morning and this time, too, you were fidgety and seemed to be in a hurry. Again, you walked away from him before he could talk to you.
Kuroo simply thought you were sick, but something in the back of his head told him that that wasn't the reason. A week passed before you talked to him after volleyball practice.
'Hey, how ar-" He began to say but was interrupted by you.
"Kuroo did you not open your notebook after I returned it to you?"
Classes for that subject were canceled as their teacher had taken leave due to some family emergency, and since his exams were over too he never bothered to study. "No, not really," he said. "But why are you asking me this? And also why have you been acting so different?"
You ignored his questions entirely. Your mouth fell open in shock and realization. When you spoke again you seemed exasperated.
"Why didn't you? You should've opened! Oh, c'mon Kuroo," you rambled on and on.
And at that instant it felt like something had clicked in his brain. Oh. Now he understood.
He quickly pulled out the notebook from his bag and in his haste a piece of paper fell out of it. He picked it up and his suspicions were confirmed.
It was a love letter. Addressed to him. From you.
He looked at you, his face beet red just like you. "This is for me?" He spluttered out.
"Of course! God, I have been waiting for a whole week for you to reply to it but you never even saw it!"
Kuroo couldn't help but bark out a laugh. He was stupid, So, so stupid. He also felt really giddy. "So you like me?"
"Unfortuately, yes."
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Work by: @smolbean12
thank you for reading :)
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hyper-newt · 1 month
Comet Hook devlog #3
First prototype done !!!
Other devlogs : 1 - 2- 3
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New devlog !!!
I finished the prototype and you can play it :)
(it is bad though, but that's the point ! i can see what works and what doesn't)
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Here's what new down below :o
So first, i'm sorry for the lack of devlogs, I actually finished the prototype a month and a half ago, but I needed to tweak some stuff before releasing it. And uh college stuff and I had to study. But I have a break right now so here we are :)
I wanted to lock in to finish the prototype, it is quite rushed but it helps to fail faster. That's why I removed a bunch of animation and simplified some stuff so i could work more on the gameplay loop (and now it's your problem >:) ).
And so, here are some notable changes : (also some gif are from old builds of the game, so stuff are a bit different on the public prototype)
Fusing comets ! Replaces having multiple comets at the same time (Having multiples comets should be an upgrade, but heh too lazy to code it)
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There's three type of upgrade right now :
D -> Defense (bunch of extra health)
A -> Attack (extra health + extra damage)
S -> Speed (extra health + extra speed)
The little number under the letter is its health. So when you hit a fish with the comet, only the first upgrade will be hurt.
You can have up to three upgrades at once.
Catch multiple fishes
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Catching multiples fishes at the same time grants you a bigger and stronger comet ! Isn't that cool ? But now if you do bad at the minigame, it will end (you can see the fish health at the right, and yours at the left).
Also fishes stay stunned for a limited time now, so you can't catch all of them at the same time
The Shop
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I will not speak about how it looks
But anyway, take a comet, throw it in the sell box, and take an item like a comet and throw it in the buy box ! easy
And if you want money outside of selling, there's some gold fishes swimming around that you can KILL for money <3
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Mini bosses
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You see these little red orbs ? Destroy all the fishes around it and it will be unlock.
Attack it again, and !!! A miniboss !!!
Catch them all and you'll finish the level
A map to explore with upgrades
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These little thingy make you stronger (health, speed and attack), collect them !
An actual boss ! (no spoilers hehe)
niark niark you'll have to suffer through the whole prototype
Now that the prototype is done, here are my thougths on it
I think it's a bit too hard and not that much intuitive, it also doesn't feel that much like a fishing game :/
The fishing minigame is also kinda boring, but that's because I didn't bother coding something smart. Though I think I can make it better in an other way.
I'm not a big fan of the gameplay loop, having to fight some minibosses could be cool but the way I did it doesn't really work
And finally comets can get annoying ! At the end you have too much of them and that's a waste of performance + no one will go get the comets they left behind, so I do need to work on it.
I go a bit more in depth in the itch.io description :
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So I'll make another prototype (but I'll remove the boss at the end, it isn't worth it for a prototype, but for a demo sure! )
And for the youtube video version of these devlogs, I learning to write music to not rely on copyrighted content but it takes time :(
Anyway I hope you'll still have fun playing it though (three out of four people that tried the game liked it, that's neat)
Next devlog will be about another game, I want to try out some other games idea. I hope to be able to release it in a month or less, depends how I'm feeling (im sick of coding, drawing is easier and I can't even do that because it goes against the idea of prototyping argh !!!)
Thank you for reading this devlog and have a good day
bye byeeeee!!!!
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galwithalibrarycard · 8 months
Hello, how r u? Soo, I just discovered love little losers (I was a huge fan on nmtd, but didn't know about lolilo). And I love your blog, thanks for keeping the fandon alive. Argh so, Freddie, does she gets better? Cause she's a little bit annoying. Pedro and Balt, I'm jumping out of my sits for them, the backslash? Really. I'm so excited to see more beadick. Anyway, I just wanna vent, thanks for the blog
I’m good thanks, hope you are too. And thank you! I’m definitely not the only one still here keeping the fandom alive, there’s still a few of us out here, but I appreciate the love! 😁 it’s nice to know people are enjoying my posts still!
We’re actually having a small resurgence in the tags with new people watching both series, which is fun. Those people inspire me to keep posting too, it’s all full circle.
I am… not really sure how to prepare you for lolilo tbh. It’s a loose adaptation of Shakespeare’s Love’s Labors Lost, and it’s a lot heavier and angstier than NMTD for one thing, so be warned. Pedrazar is a very slow burn, be prepared for a journey! I liked Freddie right away bc I relate to her anxious energy, but you might take some time to warm up to her, that’s fair.
I recommend you head to @beatriceeagle and check out the series of Lolilo meta analysis posts she made with her sister a few years back. It’s a show that trades in subtext and has a lot of important stuff go down offscreen. Reading the metas really helps give a more thorough understanding and insight into the characters and why they behave the ways they do. It might help you understand where Freddie’s coming from, and the others too.
As far as Beadick, I’ll tell you they will break your heart, but it will be put back together again. If you need more of them, the missing offscreen moments and development of their relationship are kind of my specialty in terms of fanfiction. I wrote “the world is too quiet without you nearby”, a 16-chapter fanfic covering the time period between NMTD and Lolilo when Bea and Ben are in a long-distance relationship (plenty of fluff to pad the descent into angst). I also wrote “And We Are Finally Home”, a fic that covers the Beadick relationship arc from the lolilo episode “Confrontation” on through the end of the show- and I WILL be finishing and posting the epilogue to that fic as soon as I can, but you can read the chapters that are already up and still get a pretty complete story there. You don’t have to read them, but i wanted to share because I’m proud of them and I think they’re a good companion to the show if you like Team B! Mind the tags, but there shouldn’t be anything in the fics you can’t handle if you can handle the actual show.
The most important thing you might not get from the videos themselves: it’s canon from the creators that Benedick and Freddie and Balthazar are all dealing with anxiety disorders of some kind, though the creators didn’t actually intend to write that going in- it just happened that they agreed with the fandoms interpretation later on. So everything Ben does is colored by anxiety constantly telling him that he’s too much and that no one likes him and the only thing he’s good for is a laugh- and the (false) worry that Bea is getting sick of him and can’t wait to leave on her travels to get away from him. He’s trying to keep people from leaving him. Freddie is the way she is because she’s desperate for control in life, it’s the only way she feels calm. And Balthazar is petrified of confrontation and retreats into himself when he’s stressed. A lot of this is covered in much better depth in the metas I mentioned, but I wanted to let you know. Not as an excuse for any of their actions, but as an explanation that might make it a less frustrating watch.
I hope that answer wasn’t too overwhelming. I am just incapable of being normal about these webseries and especially about Benedick Hobbes (look, you don’t simply forget the character who got you through your own social anxiety diagnosis, and this is the obsessing-over-fictional-characters website. I talk about other things too, I promise! xD)
Anyway, thank *you* for allowing me to share some thoughts right back! I hope you enjoy Lolilo! 😊💖🦩
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doctorweebmd · 3 months
I never knew what to say about zsg because, well, there are a lot of aspects about it that don't align with my usual taste, despite its objective high quality. I mean, I'm a sfw fan 😂 That said, I'm always in awe that with your busy job, you continue to feed us so well. I'm busy too and only going yo get busier, so it's an inspiration, as longfics are what I prefer to write as well (though it doesn't come nearly as naturally, lol). And, you're right, zsg deserves to hear the love and admiration I have for it, so here goes.
To start with, the fic definitely has residence in my head, despite reading it nearly a year ago. There are scenes I still think about. I was talking about then with a friend just a week ago. Since I don't have time to read fic these days (cries), the most I can do is go back to old fics and reread my favorite scenes, and I do that with zsg, because there are such high quality, top tier moments. The "you're looking at me" "I never stopped" ??? That might be the pinnacle bkdk. I can't believe I've never seen that before in a bkdk fic? Or if it was there, it didn't hit as hard.
I know you're not so into the falling action part of a fic, but I loved the last bits with bkdk. When Baku realizes Deku's staying? Those moments they have of figuring things out are so good. And the provisional exam being inspired by Kamino was great. Really clever and a nice homage. And, of course, very nice that Deku could be a hero again.
Also, the Shinsou content is perf. I always love a side character having a big part in a ship fic and that shinbaku relationship is exactly why. (Similarly, I loved All Might and Aizawa helping Baku out.) That flashback scene where Deku calls Baku Kacchan? So good. And so smart as a flashback, because it would have been too much in the actual timeline, but where you fit it in the plot was really really clever. I also generally love a flashback--unpopular opinion, but I do.
Those were some of my biggest highlights! I hope my little disclaimer at the top isn't totally assholish 💀 I think you're just great and really admire your openness and the things you try to tackle in fics and your incredible output. I hope you're doing well <3
ahhh Anjum thank you so much for sending this!!! AHHH i'm sorry i complain on here so often i was so embarrassed i deleted the post lmao
gosh yeah especially when you read sfw stuff in general! i have this habit of writing REALLY detailed and explicit sex scenes 😳 what made you read it, in that case? (obviously you dont have to answer!)
god. every time i think about their devotion to one another i want to combust into flames. think for much LESS we had to work with when we were writing a few years ago?! the way horikoshi has developed katsuki into this passionate, level-headed, absolutely hopelessly committed to Izuku - literally never saw it coming. these two deserve peace in the end. they deserve to live a life on their own terms. they just DESERVE TO BE HAPPYYYY
urgh its Izuku's DREAM and of course horikoshi is setting him up to lose one for all, i think thats been his intention from the beginning, but his life is only starting!!! he's only 15!!! you're telling me he's going to risk his life and lose the only thing he's ever wanted?! i wonder if horikoshi used all might in his big-old mecha suit as a hint that deku would still be a hero, just using assist devices. at least i hope. this kid deserves a chance. (i dont know if you're caught up on the manga?? i'm kind of ranting lol)
adjfakldjflk;asjdlfjasdfj ANYWAY WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MADE MY DAYYYYYY adsjfaldjfkl argh you just made me so happy especially because its been a long time and i forget parts about it but TO HEAR THAT EVEN THE PARTS THAT FELT LIKE A STRUGGLE WERE STILL ENJOYABLE?! urgh i appreciate you so much thank you for taking time out of your day to reassure a complainy weirdo like me
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Just wanted to ask what your *favorite* like, Top 10 furniture/build cc is? also where we could get it? sry if you dont do asks i just like your stuff
Hey! Okay, this is SUCH a hard question asdfghjhgfd so i'm gonna be super annoying and do a broader version with some of my favourite buildbuy creators. because i am not joking when i say i could easily list like hundreds of my top cc asdfghjkjhgfdfghjjhgf i hope thats okay!!!
asdfghjjhgf this post uhm. got away from me and ended up being SO LONG lmao but i think its worth it!
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If you like retro/mid century modern style cc, then teekalu's stuff is ESSENTIAL!!!!!!
literally obsessed with their colour palettes! everything matches SO nicely and you could easily decorate whole rooms/houses with just their stuff alone
THE WALLPAPERSSSSSSSSSSSSS argh my ultimate favourite!!!! like, i mean it when i say that if i could only have one set of CC in my mods folder and nothing else, it would be teekalu's wallpapers. i use them in every single build ever and would actually be bereft without them
not JUST build buy cc but also lots and cas cc!!!! and its all amazing and such a vibe!!!!
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did somebody say colour options? because there's COLOUR OPTIONS GALORE!!!!!!
MATCHING!!!!!!!!! leading on from the point about colour options, most of her cc comes in MULTIPLE colour palette options, so the options for matching different sets is ENDLESS. seriously, it's like, incredible and sooooooo appreciated
awesome mix of build AND buy!!! i must admit that i go ham mostly on her wallpaper cc (are we sensing a theme here? listen i hoard wallpaper cc like there's no tomorrow i cant help it) BUT the buy items are ALSO AMAZING???? and again, everything MATCHES!!!!!!!! oh, AND there's some incredible builds, too?!?!? the talent!!! and it would be remiss not to mention that pictureamoebae is like, the reshade master
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as we all know by now, i LOVE quirky cc. if it's colourful and fun, i'm THERE, and kiwisim4's content totally fits that bill
the tui series is my FAVOURITE!!! the COLOUR! the STYLE! the PIZAZZ!
ANDDDDD for those who want something a lil' more mainstream and less super specific, there's also a bunch of other sets in different styles that can fit any type of aesthetic and decor choice!
FOR EVERY ROOM TOO! kitchens? bathrooms? studies? living rooms? kids bedrooms? check, check, check, check and CHECK!
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aight buckle up y'all because i am constantly perplexed that zx-ta doesn't receive more love because LET ME TELL YOU, her cc is SO! FREAKING! GOOD! STOP READING MY POST RN AND GO CHECK OUT HER CREATIONS!!!!!
truly consider this to be the swiss army knife of cc creation - you want ts3 and ts2 to ts4 conversions? what about medieval and historical cc? genius additions to existing game content like separated sinks? wall art? planters? WELL HERE IT IS! literally every style/aesthetic/era/furniture type you could ever wish for
ik i mentioned it already but the SEPERATED SINKS!!!!! GENIUS! GALAXY BRAINED! also the movie hangout kitchen set IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOD
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aaaaaaaand no build/buy cc list of mine would be complete without mentioning the incredible sforzinda. listen, if you see cool clutter in any of my pics, there's a 90% chance its by them
aight they do truly chefs kiss CAS cc, BUT, i am OBSESSED with their separated clutter sets in particular. how many times have you looked at game asset and thought, hey, there's some rlly cute bits in this but then its like, part of a MASSIVE object that you never really use. well, sforzinda basically solves that time and time again and me and my mods folder are SO thankful. AND THE WALL ART ITEMS!!!!! THE MESH EDITS!!!!!!!!!
my most favourite one is undoubtedly the separated little campers clutter set, but also THE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS BED PACK!!!! ARGH!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry i didnt like answer your question really asdfghjhgfds i just, i have SO many favourites id never be able to narrow it down asdfghjhgfds. if you (or anyone else!) ever wants like a specific idk top beds, top coffee tables, top floors etc tho pls let me know because i'd definitely be able to make myself be SLIGHTLY more specific then asdfghjhgfdsdfghj. this was rlly fun tho!!! thank you so much for your ask, I hope this was at least a wee bit useful asdfghjkjhgfdfghjkjhg
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transmurderbug · 8 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday! (I'm only one day late this time) Thank you for the tag @transmickey and @energievie!! 💙
Name: Sky
Where in the world are you? Hungary 🙃
Do you have a favorite towel? Hmmm. Maybe my childhood towel that has bears on it 😁
Can you skip rocks? I can! I'm generally good at throwing stuff :D
Tell me about a weird slang term from your area: Wow. There are so many. My favorite I think would be 'elkolbászol'. It's a verb and it roughly translates to 'sausages away'. It means someone wanders away 😃 It's very often used around here (we have a LOT of slangs) and it translates funny
Favorite toast topping: Butter. Salted 🧈
Thoughts on bread pudding: I have no idea if I've ever eaten bread pudding. Maybe some similar stuff, but I have no idea 🤔
City or country living? Argh, both, kinda? I grew up in the city, but I also love country living and got my fair share of it through relatives. So ideally I would just move back and forth 😆
How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? Watching comfort movies, listening to music. Writing, zoning out. Usually in this order 😄
Are you a pessimist or an optimist? I think pessimist. I rarely look at the bright side of things. However, I like to call myself rational and a realist instead 😃
Can I tag you in random stuff? Totally! 😁
I'm late again and everyone I could think of to tag, has already done this, but in case you see this and haven't, please consider yourself tagged! 😌
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
*rolls up sleeves* buckle in peeps, this is gonna be long. as promised, pics of all the yarn at and related things to it! Also Ray, fellow void, if you want anything in particular, just holler at me. 👍First the wips!
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From left to right: pillow cover in checkerboard stitch using bulky super wash merino wool (cause I wanted to try something new) blanket for stepdad in bamboo stitch with acrylic yarn blanket for mom in broken rib stitch ( I wanna have this done by mother's day but I dunno yet), also in acrylic,and place mat for a friend in basic garter stitch, again in acrylic.
Next is completed stuff!
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From left to right: scarf in stockinette stitch for my sis, who likes it despite me being a picky bitch about how it got out of control and definitely not what I intended, argh. Also it's hard to see, but there's beads in there as well. 2nd pic is headband (need to seam the ends together actually), and 2 dishcloths (the holes are intentional on the blue one, since I knitted that diagonally). Then dishtowel in woven stitch, potholders in.. I think I did moss stitch on those. And a facecloth in sand stitch. Then dishtowel in 2x2 rib stitch. I don't remember what I did for the dishcloths, but I DO remember kicking myself cause if I'd thought of it earlier I could've put beads in the pink part to make them watermelon-themed! All of the kitchen-type items were made from cotton/cotton blends. I also have another stack of completed kitchen-type stuff for relatives and friends, but I don't have pics of them at the moment.
Last but not least, the yarn hoard! The stack of 5 cakes was the recent order that was on sale and will eventually become a blanket for my sis. The small tubs are super wash merino wool skeins, they will become various things once I figure out exactly what I wanna make. 🤷‍♀️ so many ideas and patterns, and I'm so indecisive, augh. The tub beneath it is acrylic/acrylic blends, then there's the cotton/cotton blends with a needle case full of spare needles. Last tub is regular wool that was a gift from my mom, a sick kit, and yarn that's was a gift from a nurse I work with (she crochets!) who received it from someone and didn't know what to do with it, asked if I wanted it, and said if i couldn't/didn't want to use it, I could always pass it along as well. And then there's the little roller shelf cart that I keep by my chair so I can organize things while I work on them, and a hat kit! Which I will attempt at some point once I finally get the hang of knitting in the round! Which is supposed to be easy but my fingers don't like to cooperate sometimes! 😒 there are some people who may say that all that yarn isn't necessary, that I may have a problem. To which I say lies and slander and I DON'T have a problem I can stop anytime I want, really. <.<; I was always an arts and crafts kid anyway, this is just...a bigger version of that and I get to make useful things! 😀
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Babe!!! Babe!!! you've got so many gorgeous projects going on and so much gorgeous yarn in stock!!
Seriously the color choices you're throwing down are superb!! Everything looks so fucking good!!
And the completed stuff!?! Seriously fantastic too. And I agree with the watermelon thing. They turned out great as is but they would have been beyond cute with the beads in !! Hey that's always something you can go for next time.
I love seeing your art like this because you're doing so good!!
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Well. There was once a time I would have said it was impossible to waste another well-known actor who's on a show for a year and playing a really interesting character with an implied tragic backstory more than Holby did with Paul McGann as John Gaskell.
I take it back. Congratulations, Casualty has wasted Nigel Harman as Max Cristie more than Holby wasted Paul McGann as John. At least John Gaskell's exit was sad in a well-done-story way and had been built up to. This was sad in an infuriating way and has come out of nowhere.
I don't believe this is in character for Max at all. This is just horrible and cold, him walking out on Jodie again like this. Even if he believes she's better off without him, which is the kindest to Max interpretation of his behaviour I can think of... how can he believe walking out while she's still recovering is what's best for either of them?
Look. Max Cristie is not and never has been a good man. He's a volatile, selfdestructive, emotionally dysregulated mess with anger issues who makes other people's lives worse as well as his because he has a terrible sense of judgement about what he should or shouldn't do. He runs away when things get tough and is frightened of emotional intimacy. He has also been a terrible dad to Jodie.
But he was trying to get somewhere with her and cared about her in some sort of messed-up repressed way. Maybe not enough, maybe not the way he should have done, but in some way. And I don't believe he could have done this if he cared about Jodie in any way.
As I say, Max running away when things get hard is something we've seen in him before. More metaphorically than Henrik - who I always think to compare him to because I think they're very alike in personality - perhaps, and more metaphorically than he did tonight, but it's not unheard of. But this was just terribly handled.
This would have been cold and hard to believe coming from Henrik. From Max, it makes no sense at all.
It might've done something if we'd heard anything about him wanting to work elsewhere before. Even a few lines, from Dylan maybe - "Max, you never could settle down for long" or something like that - would have done a lot to establish that he can't be expected to stay. Similarly, maybe if Max's backstory had been explained at any point - instead of vague implications of some sort of traumatic or difficult past that are never explained - this might be more believable. It's not forgivable, but it could have been written in such a way as to be understandable. As it is? I can't even say it's that.
I mean, seriously, Max gets three scenes in his last ep? Three scenes and that's it? All because about 90% of the time was going to Faith and Iain drama that I do not care about. Argh. I already felt unwell with a headache today, I didn't need this too.
There's definitely not going to be any aftermath for Jodie either, is there? She should be devastated by this, realistically. She should really struggle to trust others after this. But I don't think any of that will happen. We'll be lucky if we get one scene of her saying she's sad about it after this week.
The Faith and Iain stuff just really upsets me. The way Faith behaves towards and about Natalia is awful to see and I'm tired of the show pretending Faith isn't abusive. And now Iain's being awful too. Natalia is a grown woman - a young one, yes, but a grown woman nonetheless (she's, what, 19-ish? 18 at the youngest) - and yet they talk down to her and patronise her constantly. She's struggling, and they're just seeing her as a "problem" to put up with. I can't stand it. Obviously her behaviour towards Iain was also out of line, but it's understandable why she's misreading him and I don't think the way he's reacting will do anything good for her. Though tbf he did already try to let her down gently, I suppose. Also, I relate to Nat a lot so I can't be 100% sure I'm coherent on this. I might be projecting too much.
It was nice for Jacob to get screentime, but he can't bond with Siobhan soon enough - I'm tired of him being Iain's life advice counsellor.
There were some great patient storylines tonight. It was nice to see Dylan in Dylan Disability Advocacy Keogh mode again, and I thought the story with Charlie's patients was handled very sensitively.
I'm so glad Charlie apologised to Stevie. She deserved it, and it was a lovely scene. For once, I agree with Charlie - Stevie is great and I hope to see her back soon.
Next week, we get Zoe Hanna back! Yay!
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literaticat · 3 months
Hey hey Jenn. Please don't get pissed with me - but I'm the person who asked about the missing provisions in the contract. And as it's Friday and I'm in the UK and business was closing, when I hadn't seen your response, I thought maybe you weren't answering asks cos it was Friday and too busy and I jumped the gun and told them the person who reviewed the contract said it was fine and I'm good to go. But now I feel I should bring that stuff up but I don't think I can without looking like an absolute loon? LOL. Advice if any? Next time I'll be more patient but it is Friday and I wanted to get it in before close of business. Argh!
I'm not PISSED with you, I am WORRIED about you and STRESSED on your behalf. Please don't base your life on this random Tumblr??????? What if I didn't answer it for weeks? Do you know how many asks are in the box? AHHHHHH
That goes for ALL OF YOU! If you are within eyesight distance of these words, please heed them: I AM A STRANGER. I can't vet your contract over tumblr -- even if I could (WHICH, LEGALLY AND LOGISTICALLY, I CAN'T), it would be irresponsible of me to try, and BANANAS of you to let me.
Also: I answer these kind of at random -- so pls don't ask things that are actually time-sensitive and rely on me (A STRANGER!) to give you a timely response, I absolutely cannot guarantee that. I'm an agent - but I'm not YOUR agent. I LOVE YOU I'M SORRY!
Anyway. I have NO IDEA if they will think you are a loon for going back to them. Probably a little -- so I guess you need to figure out for yourself if these items are important TO YOU, and if they are important enough to survive a little embarrassment to ask about them anyway. A place to start might be to look up what each of those provisions means, think about them, and ask the person who vetted the contract how important THEY think they are.
If you decide they are important, and worth the risk of looking a TINY bit loon-esque, then just write the people back and say, I'm SO sorry, I talked to so-and-so again and they brought up these points, which felt important enough for me to bring up to you. (Or some such!)
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wordsandrobots · 6 months
For the writer asks: 7, 27, 40! Thank you!
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
The same joy I get from any creative act: that of seeing something come into existence.
There's something incredible about taking an idea, fleshing it out and giving it a presence in the world. Be it writing, drawing, baking, building, whatever -- it's just wonderfully satisfying. I tend to do a lot of stuff in my head before I go to the keyboard (planning, scripting, feeling out the words) so it's always exciting to get to the point of actually doing. Because then it's there, on the page, more than just an image in my head.
And that's magic.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
When I was starting on my Iron-Blooded Orphans fan-fic spree (is it still a spree at this point?), I decided I needed a new villain, on account of the previous lower-level villains in the show meeting various ignoble fates and also because no one really filled the niche I was creating. I wanted someone who appeared nice, reasonable and even sympathetic on the surface (that is, showed sympathy to others) but who, not very deeply underneath, only ultimately cared about seeing their work completed.
(I explain this straight-up two chapters into them appearing in the story; it's not remotely a spoiler as I never intended to portray them *as* what they appeared to be on the surface.)
Additionally, I drew on ideas around assimilation and integration as a key part of their deal. They deliberately cultivated an 'acceptable' persona in the face of institutional elitism to get the power required to achieve their goals. There's a whole mass of reasons that plays on my mind generally (short version: I'm English) but I thought that, in context of this show, it would be an interesting thing to explore.
And you'd think they'd stress me out because I decided to make them non-binary and emphasise how deliberately appearing exactly androgynous was part a deeply performative and manipulative personality, as a means of stressing the way hierarchical organisations both allow space for people to game the system by playing into the signifiers of 'properness' and enforce those signifiers as the barrier to entry, and oh gods and muses I hope I haven't accidentally dropped into bad tropes about queer people, they can be bastards too, argh, argh, doubt, doubt, look they're not the only NB in my story, their gender isn't why they're like this I swear!
Except then I decided to write an entire fic from their point of view.
Writing close third person for a character whose view of the world is extremely cynical and selfish while also trying to convey to the reader that it is wrong is, when you do it for 10,000 words straight, rather exhausting! It's not just that they're a nasty piece of work. I *like* writing villains, especially the horrible ones; it's fun to show why the villainy makes sense from the other side. But *this* villain and this specific brand of 'I am always right, my goal is all that matters, anyone who disagrees is an idiot' was actively taxing to write.
Maybe it was the length, maybe it was the ways it struck closer to home in the middle of the giant robot fiction, maybe it was simply that their brand of betrayal and self-aggrandisement is ultimately kind of miserable. All I can say is, by the time I finished Of Obsessions and Erotemes, I was kind of burnt out. Constructing their headspace took a toll like nobody else I've ever written.
I'd do it all over again, obviously.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
Argh, no, poetry, my one weakness!!!
OK, one of my weaknesses!!!
But in seriousness, me and poetry are ships in the night. I have known some lovely poets and been awed by their ability with words, but I've never really sought it out, so what I do know is mostly thunderingly obvious snatches of my ambient culture.
However, and though I suspect it's not entirely in the spirit of the question, for a poem about which I can say, this matters to me, Sassoon's The General sits somewhere near the heart of the great swell of anger I feel whenever we get to Poppy Fanaticism Season over here in Blighty. The fecklessness and callousness of our leaders during World War One has a through-line to the present that my own writing is likely always going to be in conversation with.
"Good-morning, good-morning!" the General said When we met him last week on our way to the line Now the soldiers he smiled at are most of 'em dead, And we're cursing his staff for incompetent swine. “He's a cheery old card,” grunted Harry to Jack As they slogged up to Arras with rifle and pack. But he did for them both by his plan of attack.
The General [Siegfried Sassoon]
For an ask game
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spaceofentropy · 11 months
tag game - stranger things edition
The lovely @dragonflylady77 and @harringrovest tagged me so here I am!
ride or die ship (your otp): Harringrove
most annoying ship: it's a tie between Steve/Nancy (those two don't work together in canon, they are like soap and grease, why even try to put them together AGAIN?!) and Byler (because Will deserves way better than Mike Wheeler, and he should realize it soon for his own good! T^T)
second favourite ship: Metalsandwich. There's something so fun in the ways those three interact and interconnect...
favourite platonic relationship: Stobin all the way!
underrated ship: Mungrove
overrated ship: Byler (again, free Will Byers 2023!)
one thing i would change in canon: ONE?! I get only ONE and I even have to choose which one?! How can I decide?! [Sadie Doyle voice] The utter inconsistency in how the UD works! No, Troy the little bully almost killing a kid and getting away scot free! No! El needing to be re-traumatized to get her powers back! No! Karen Wheeler noncing around unpunished! No! Eddie's stupid death! No! The rest of the party being shitty friends to Lucas again and again and him just going along with it in the end like it's no big deal! No! Nobody actually trying to pull the mindflayer out of Billy! No, just Billy's death in general!
something canon did right: quoting @harringrovest's answer, lifeguard!Billy. And Steve in that silly silly sailor outfit. Season 3 was a weird beast, but at least it gave us those two things!
a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: my metalsandwich long fic Of soulmates and colors and also my oneshots Come close and Amok which were banged out in a couple of hours each but I love a lot. And also What doesn't kill you makes you a monster, because writing demobat!Steve Harrington was fun as fuck! Yeah, basically I'm proud of each fic I published, thank you. And I'm also very proud of the shark glasses that led to THIS! beautiful, perfect edit by @imsodishy 🥲❤️
a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Billy Hargrove
the character i relate to the most and why: Billy Hargrove, because... well, personal reasons.
character i hate the most and why: Dr. Martin fucking Brenner, because he kidnapped kids, manipulated and tortured them, tortured El's mom until her mind broke, and the narrative wants us to... not hate him, not really, because after all he was right? He re-tortures and re-traumatizes El but it's for the greater good? Well, fuck that shit, fuck the Duffers and their whole writers' room, and fuck Brenner with a rusty pipe!
something i've learned from the fandom: as with anywhere else, there are lovely talented people in fandom that make great stuff, and there are also not great people (looking at you, assholes who wish harm on others because they like one character you dislike!), so the block button is your best friend. Also, squeeing in happiness at good art and fics is even sweeter when done in group! ❤️
three tags i seek out on ao3: I don't really have an answer, since I don't usually look for specific stuff; I more go with the flow or jump on fics that someone recommended/mentioned that sound interesting.
song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Desire by Meg Myers is so Harringrove it hurts; and while Wolf by Yeah Yeah Yeahs is pure "Billy Hargrove after basking in Steve's love a little too long", Like You Better Dead is my favourite Billy-coded song, because, yeah, he can be as angry as he wants to be, just watch him burn!
I should tag someone, so... uh... argh! Hoping you've not been tagged, and begging preemptively pardon just in case... @salthat @destroya2005 @ariesbilly @suometar and anyone who sees this and wants to do it! :P
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straykats · 1 year
I did a whole album review again may I… pass it across the table to you 👀👏🏼 (aka can we exchange thoughts)
hehe hi izzy here is my lil review (that isnt much of a review and more a reaction/commentary thingy, as all my stuff always is HAHA) BUT !! imma read ur review now and kinda make comments in relation to yours? like a really bad one way email discussion hm AHAHA i avoided reading ur review until i did mine so i don't go into the album with other thoughts (although??? i've listened to all the songs on the album at least once before doing the 'review' so?? idk man HAHA) anyways relistening to the album as i read through yours/reply below HAHA sorry to make this kind of a two-part thing heh (with the review post and then this as well) (dont feel pressured to read both 😭😭)
hall of fame // i agree, it's such a good intro to the album with it's message // yeah the bass is so COOL AND OMGOMG YOUR SCI-FI COMMENT RIGHTTTTTTT RIGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT i thought i was a weirdo for comenting on the alien-esque sounds (thats what i called that recurring riff in the background AHHA)
s-class// your comment about it showing a bit of everything? so true.
item // yes @ having changbin and lix do the 'item' lines // omg i didnt mention this in my post but i love the vocal pre-chorus thing // oh!! you mentioned the mix of happy and aggressive and it reminds me of one of my first thoughts on the song: okay hear me out idk how to explain this but i feel like if anyone can get me its you HAHAHA so this song gives me like. hacker vibes. BUT LIKE but like the happy go-lucky hacker that acts kinda childish and takes risks and is really. tricksy. like they hack in a way that annoys people and they leave little messages on their targets screen or smth idk man HAHA but like on this relisten of the song and ur mention of the aggressiveness, i'm seeing less of an individual and more of a group? like, a.. rebel kinda group but not rebel. i forgot the word. but like you have ur happy go lucky hacker, you have ur aggressive gunsmen or weaponsmaster and your sniper and the cool leader that always smirks (like think kuroo tetsurou but the Cool part of him not the annoying or dorky part HAHAHAHAH i miss him <//3) and like this song gives me a SUPER specific vibe that i want to write as a fic ARGH
super bowl // yeah i love the chanting/group lines !! it kind of really fits the vibe of this song? cant explain it properly. but haha i applaud u for loving the whispers w headphones; im gently cringeing JNVDJSKNVJDSK HAAHAHA
topline // this song would be so funny at concerts bc everyone will say fuck and then chan will have another meltdown // YES the transition to jisung's verse from tiger jk's is so uGH AND THEN TO HYUNJIN THAT WAS SO SMOOOOOTH // yes this is such a concert song i just hope its one of the songs where they can run around the stage freely bc for the final chorus i can see them hyping up the crowd w them and it would be so fun
get lit // YES THE LIL TRILL THING AFTER 'dance like crazy' right theyre so fun theyre so nice they're so--- wait i though i was typing in caps this whole time (i was reading ur comments while typing and just looked over LMAO) im having so much fun w that part on the piano. its stressing me a little but in a really good way like its so fun // really interesting (that sounds really rude/like online forced politeness and i dont mean it that way okay ily i mean genuinely interesting) how ur seeing this as such a happy cute song and in my thing i was like 'god this song is so bittersweet and sad' HAHAHAHA like YES it does have a lot of happy fun vibes to it (i called it a 'tropical' vibe LOL) but smth is also like. hm. // by little vocals at the end, did you mean the lalalalas? bc yeah same hehe
get lit // ur comment about the bass FJDKD UR RIGHT but im sorry idk why im laughing ur comment just made me laugh // yeah that verse really is harsh, i didn;t notice before // YEAHH THE CHORUS SYNTHHHHHH it kinda gives me like. i can see a girl group going nuts to this but in a really good way idk how to explain it haha // WAIT THATS HYUNJIN W THE SLURRED LINES????? // yes the little sound at the end hehehe
collision // RIGHT RIGHT THE TRUMPETSSSSSS // dont mind quickly editting my post to include collision as one of my favs. i forgot 💀 // i see you are having a lot of verse 2 > 1 moments hehe // yeah the phone ringing !!!!! its so cool i HBVJDSBVHJSVHSJ
fnf // yeah felix vocals :(((((((( love sm and then followed by hyunjin too i ahhbvdsjbvhsjbvhs // oh i only just paid attention to the lyrics bc of ur comment and now im feelin a lil sad HAHA // oh omg hyes it does give tmt vibes // ohoho??? gotta find out what chan said about 'catching up'
youtiful // smth about channo opening it feels so comforting, right? like, the whole song is comforting and feels like sitting on a rooftop swaddled in blankets with them (all of them, one of them, some of them) but opening it w chan specifically was the cherry on top. // omg yeah the disney vibes >>> // (re: one of ur comments) that was the saddest 'woohoo love that for me' ive read in my life
and i'll stop here. sorry again if this was such a long response ahhh heehfhshjs but it was really fun to make my own comments and then listen to the album again and read ur comments.
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