#aka blue meets yellow in the west
chirpsythismorning · 11 months
Robin going from saying When blue and yellow meet in the West to When blue meets yellow in the West could not make it more obvious what they are alluding to
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will80sbyers · 1 year
Max is trapped in Vecna's "birdcage" right now after s4
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because Vecna is the master of all the birds or flying animals that become his puppets— owls, falcons, eagles, bats...(Dragons?)
OWLS -> since s1 there are many owls in the background around all his victims
FALCONS -> the team in the basketball game that the Tigers have to defeat is called the falcons
EAGLES -> The American Eagle symbol is always often near the villains or people that get turned into puppets for him like the journalists in s3
BATS -> Demobats, self explanatory lol
(Dragons... Maybe for the future...)
some examples but there are MANY more in the show:
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The TIGERS are the Hawkins gang
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Vecna is spying on all of them and those targeted by him are like birds he likes to trap in his web or eat (because he's also associated to the lynx since season 3 with the whole russian code and the lynx company + Vecna feeds when blue and yellow aka mike and will meet in the west aka california + he has a lynx in his home and they focus on it in season 4 - he's the silver cat )
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Part two
and more
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redshoes-blues · 1 year
Let's Talk About Clocks, Baby
Something is off with the timeline, emotions alter time, Mike is in danger, and it'll be up to Will Byers to fix this whole mess.
I'll be taking a look at some of the most prominent clocks and time references in Stranger Things to see if we can learn anything from them. At the heart of this analysis is the idea that Will is the antidote to the time fuckery. Oh, and also emotions have the power to alter the movement of time. Aka emotionsgate?! And gay love will save the day. This is a long one, so I hope you enjoy your read! :)
"We are all time travellers, if you think about it."
We've all been talking about the time shenanigans going on in Stranger Things, lately, so in my current rewatch of ST3, I've been looking out for any possible hints that could have been foreshadowing for ST4. I've found a couple.
First, let's bring in the Starcourt Mall clock.
This is the clock used in the Russian code. You know, the part that goes "when blue meets yellow in the west"? Yeah, that clue is inside a CLOCK
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We all know about colour theory, how the Russian code has a possible ST4/byler meaning and how certain characters are coded with colours (blue = Mike, yellow = Will), so that bit is obvious. And yeah, colour theory is a bit overdone, but hear me out!
The fact that clocks are Vecna’s symbol and that’s the thing the blue and yellow part of the code has been applied to?! Wild.
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The obvious main clock symbol is the grandfather clock at the Creel house that appears in the visions of Vecna’s victims. In the visions, the same clock rings four times (meaning four gates). It's even this very clock that orchestrates the fall of Hawkins. But clocks also appear behind Max before we learn that she’s the next target. This is massive foreshadowing!
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So all of this got me thinking of clocks and time, and all of the theories floating around that show how important time is going to be in ST5. The whole plot of the final season is going to be about defeating Vecna, who is associated with clocks, and dealing with Upside-Down-Hawkins. This last bit is extra interesting since we know the Upside Down is set in the past.
And for a long time my main theory has been that Will is the key to finally defeating Vecna. Which I still think will be true, but I also think it’ll have more to do with the time shenanigans than I originally suspected.
I mean, Dustin isn't far off when he says this in ST4:
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Will's connection with Vecna is special. From the parallels between him and Henry to Will the Wise and the numerous hints that he has untapped powers. And especially the fact that he's the one who realizes the Mind Flayer and Vecna are still alive (in ST3/ST4, respectively).
So, because Vecna is associated with clocks, I've been looking out for other clocks during my rewatch. Which brings me back to this:
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The Starcourt Mall clock is specifically mentioned in the text. In fact, it's part of the Russian code. It isn't just a prop, but a piece of the plot. That's what made me do a triple-take while watching, this time around. It isn't just a random clock.
So, if Will is yellow and the key to defeating Vecna (more on that shortly), then what does the clock say about all this?
If I allow myself to get extra meta with the visual analysis, the fact that the clock’s hands play into colour theory could be a clue. It's the hands that are yellow and blue: the active parts of the clocks which have the ability to move through time. The hands of a clock show time moving. As we know, time in the Upside Down has stopped for some reason. It's stuck in a loop related to Will's disappearance.
Entering the UD is a bit like time travelling. And as El said at the start of ST4, we're all time travellers.
In fact, we know that Henry’s powers have some effect on time. Or at least on the Creel clock. Because when Henry first taps into his powers, the grandfather clock's hands start to move backwards. It’s implied that Henry is making this happen.
The same thing happens later in the season, when Vecna is showing Nancy the vision of Hawkins’ future. It includes this clip of the Creel clock with its hands turning backwards:
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So, in a way, Vecna is altering time. We aren’t sure how or why yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it has something to do with emotions or trauma (which I'll get into soon). Especially because Vecna's attacks have to do with trauma, and the antidote so far has been positive emotions and memories that are brought to the surface through music.
Clock Magic?
Another thing to take into consideration is how the Creel clock is connected to Henry's powers, and also seems to possess power of its own. We see this when Max "dies" and the fourth gate is created. The Creel clock chimes four times, and then the Upside Down begins to leak into Hawkins. We can see this in the two GIFs below (shit quality, sorry about that!):
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The clock chimes four times and then there is a "frenzied ticking" which builds throughout the scene as Hawkins falls to Vecna. The scene implies that the clock itself has something to do with this.
What does this mean for the timeline in ST5?
We know the Upside Down is in the past. Specifically, the day Will vanishes (November 6, 1983). It seems likely that it works as a time loop, with the same day on repeat until the cycle is broken. Or maybe there are several days which repeat themselves until it resets at the point Will enters the UD. We really don't know for sure. But we do know that it's definitely the past.
What does this mean for Hawkins? Is Hawkins becoming stuck in time as well? Will it be cut off from the outside world because of this? Is the clock slowing down time, ensuring Hawkins remains stuck in its current state because emotions (we'll get there, don't worry)? I definitely don't have the answers yet, but please let me know if you have any ideas how this could be working. It's all so fascinating!
But however it works, there's definitely some time fuckery going on. Whether it's related to the Creel clock itself or Vecna's powers, or whatever Will has done that made the UD shape to himself — well, again, who knows! Not me, but I wanted to point it out because it's clearly going to be a massive part of ST5.
Will is the Antidote
Season 5 is going to be about defeating Vecna (obviously).
But first: in order to stop a villain, you need an antidote to their powers. Right now, El and Vecna share most of the same powers. She hasn't been able to defeat him yet, even though her powers are the strongest they have ever been. There's a missing piece there.
We see this illustrated in the D&D game at the start of ST4, which serves as foreshadowing for the events that happen in the season. An 11 is rolled, but it's a miss. It isn't until Erica (an unlikely hero and outsider in the game) rolls a 20 that Vecna is defeated. And then that exact thing plays out in Hawkins when El isn't able to defeat Vecna.
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We have yet to see what the IRL 20 will be, because Vecna "wins" at the end of ST4. He gets what he wanted when the four gates are created and Hawkins falls. But my guess is that it'll have to do with Will. Everything began with Will, and it will end with him too.
Which brings me back to Will and the clock. Because Will serves as a foil for Vecna as a character. They are both sensitive and different (read: gay) and have an abusive parent who tries to make them fit into societal expectations — to no avail. They both draw. They both have close connections with the UD and Mind Flayer. But here we're getting a bit of a Star Wars light side / dark side of the force parallel, where Will has chosen to be good and Vecna has become the villain.
One character is trying their best to work through their trauma, and the other is lashing out in anger.
All of this is to say that I think the Starcourt Mall clock could be a bit of foreshadowing for ST4 and the role Will plays moving forward into ST5. Just as Henry is able to stop time in the UD, Will will be able to move it forward again.
This could happen in any number of ways, and I'm still not sure how the weird time shenanigans will play out, but what I am certain of is that Will is the key to solving everything. And it will likely come down to emotions and healing his traumatic past.
Time and Emotions
At the very start of ST4, El quotes something Joyce tells her about time. She says that emotions slow time down, but they also speed it back up. She then directly mentions time travel in relation to our emotions.
"Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time travellers, if you think about it."
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Given this line about time travel being related to emotions, I think that emotions/feelings/love are going to be the thing that allows Will to fix the UD and defeat Vecna.
This bit about emotions is huge. Because we see that the UD is shaped by Henry, and is later shaped around Will’s vanishing. Emotional and traumatic memories for the both of them. In Will’s case, did time in the UD dimension slow down because he left an emotional imprint on the landscape, via his trauma?
And if this really is the case, then it only seems natural that the process of saving Hawkins will be wrapped up with Will healing his trauma. Just like how Vecna's victims can be saved through music and positive memories/emotions.
Like the cleric he plays in D&D, Will is going to save Hawkins, healing his own trauma and dealing with his emotions in order to move forward.
Realizing the power within himself in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Harnessing the powers he has and his connection to the MF/Vecna, yes, but also by learning that he is a valuable person who doesn't have to make himself smaller for the benefit of other people's happiness.
Confronting his trauma relating to the Upside Down, maybe by helping to close it off once and for all; or by restoring it to its pre-Vecna state. Healing that dimension so the leakage of Henry Creel's trauma doesn't seep into Hawkins any longer. And in doing so, healing the trauma within himself.
Accepting his own queerness and learning that being different doesn't make him a mistake. Realizing that he is loved and deserves to feel this love. Part of this will be related to coming out, and I think another piece will be related to requited love.
All of these have to do with his emotions, and they will be the way he’s able to save Hawkins.
Because when we look at Vecna and his victims, what he represents as a metaphor in the show, we're dealing in the area of emotions and trauma. For Max, she is dealing with complicated feelings after Billy's death. But she also represses those feelings and doesn't open up to her friends until it's almost too late.
If we look at Patrick, Lucas suspected he was dealing with abuse at home, but Patrick never talked about it with anyone. Same with Fred's guilt about the hit-and-run. He's terrified of the idea that he'll be found out. In the case of Chrissy, her own boyfriend has no idea about what she's going through.
So not only are Vecna's victims dealing with trauma, mental health issues, and complex emotions, but they are also actively repressing these emotions.
Not to get too psychoanalytic here, but healing from trauma and dealing with your emotions properly requires you to be open, rather than repressing what you feel. I think this is one reason why music is used as the antidote to getting Vecna'd. Because music allows us to deal with our emotions in a more positive way. It also connects us to positive memories, like Running Up That Hill does for Max, or Should I Stay Or Should I Go does for Will.
In Will's case, a large piece in his character arc is learning to accept that he's gay and has feelings for Mike. Really, this has been most of his arc for ST3 and ST4. This isn't resolved yet, so he'll be continuing to deal with this self-acceptance (and eventual coming out process) in ST5.
To bring it back to that Starcourt Mall clock: Will is the yellow hand on the clock, but it isn't just him that's implicated in all of this. This is yellow meeting blue that we're talking about!
The blue hand. What is Mike's role in all of this?
So if clocks = Vecna, and Will is going to be the antidote to healing Hawkins, then Mike has his own important role to play as the other hand on the clock (and also as the boy Will is in love with, and a main character who is repressing a lot of his own issues).
If Vecna has another target, it's going to be Mike.
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[GIF doesn't belong to me! You can find it here]
I feel so strongly about this. For SO many reasons.
Here's a bulleted list of some of them:
Mike has displayed feelings of self-loathing over the course of the show (cliff scene, I'm looking you right in the eye)
He represses his emotions, both to his loved ones and the audience — and potentially with himself
The above GIF is a very ominous parallel between Mike and Max which suggests Mike may be about to get a Vecna vision. HOWEVER, the scene is from Will's POV, so we don't see what Mike sees
Which is its own point: we haven't seen what Mike sees in all of ST4 (except briefly in the couch scene, which I analyzed here), as well as most of ST3. His inner world is deliberately hidden
If Mike is gay and/or in love with Will like I believe he is, there will be a lot of unresolved feelings to deal with there. The kind of micro-trauma queer folks deal with, especially during the 1980s
The tense relationship between Mike and both of his parents, but especially Ted. This point doubles when you contextualize it with Ted being a Reagan supporter (aka a rampant homophobe whose disgusting treatment of queer men in the 80s led to thousands of deaths)...who knows what kind of shit he's said to Mike that we haven't been shown
The whole trauma of having his best friend "die" and then turn up alive, as well as the similar trauma of believing El was still out there even though everyone assumed she died
Probably other shit I'm forgetting. But mostly how weird he's been acting, and especially how terrified he looks on that couch
I know lots of people assume Will is Vecna's #1 target, but I actually don't think he's a target at all. Will is more akin to a Luke Skywalker type figure who Vecna wants to team up with, turning him to the "dark side" because he sees Will as similar to him. There's a reason Vecna didn't have Will killed like everyone else.
As we’ve learned: emotions can speed up time or slow it down. I’m thinking there’s probably a metaphorical thing with positive vs. negative feelings as well. Like: not dealing with our trauma and repressing our negative feelings leads to a person being stuck in the past. In a literal way with the Upside Down, but also a metaphorical way. Positive emotions work in the opposite way, allowing us to let go of the past and move into the future.
Emotions can turn back the clock. They can slow down time. Emotions = time travel
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The above scene is from the end of ST3, when Hopper's letter is being read out as the Byers move away. Hopper is describing how he was afraid of change (the future, El growing up, things changing), so he tried to stop that change. He tried to TURN BACK THE CLOCK. And look at who the camera pans to when he says this...
In a scene which directly mirrors the hug between Karen and Mike when Mike runs home believing Will is dead.
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Both scenes have Heroes playing in the background, by the way. A song which summarizes all of the queer themes in the show, which I did an analysis of here.
Mike is a character who we don’t know anything about the internal world of. Which I think is a massive red (green?) flag for his chances of getting the Vecna treatment, given that he’s really the only main character who we don’t hear from in this way. The only time it even appears like we might be hearing from him, he’s just parroting what Will tells him to say to El.
So, for me, the blue hand (Mike) in the clock (Vecna) is foreshadowing for the fact that he may be targeted by Vecna in ST5. Maybe he's already been targeted and we just haven't seen it from his POV, yet. I actually think this will be the reason Will stops repressing his powers and learns how to use them (whatever they are). Or learns to use his connection to the UD in order to save the love of his life.
Because if all of this time stuff comes down to emotion, Will needs to accept that his feelings for Mike don’t make him a mistake. He needs to learn to accept himself. And is there any better catalyst to enact that change than Mike being in danger? We saw how a life or death scenario made Max open up a bit more to her friends, and I feel the same will happen with Mike and Will.
So, to recap:
Clocks represent Vecna and also play into the weird time shenanigans that ST5 will definitely deal with
The Starcourt Mall clock has yellow (Will) and blue (Mike) hands to indicate that those two will play a key role in defeating Vecna
Will: is the antidote/positive opposite to Vecna; who Henry could have been if he healed from his trauma -> this means Will is the only one who can stop Vecna for good
Mike: prime target for a Vecna'ing in ST5 due to his whole aura, and this will probably be the catalyst for Will kicking into gear and solving shit
There's some funky stuff going on with the timeline/possible time travel stuff that is way too detailed for this analysis, and it's definitely an essential part of ST5 that we'll be dealing with
Emotions alter time and may even play into how time travel and the speeding up / slowing down of time works in the show
Healing trauma, dealing with emotions, and accepting yourself are all going to be major themes in ST5, and this will be the way that Vecna is defeated: the power of love?! I love to see it
Also: the Creel house clock might have some power of its own?
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Author's Note
Well, that's it! The power of gay love saves the day. Truly iconic, if you ask me.
This analysis has been so fun to put together over the last week, and I hope you all have fun reading it as well! Originally it was meant to be a breakdown of the Starcourt Mall clock, but then I remembered the quote about emotions and time travel and it kind of had me gnawing at my screen because hyperfixations, so there's that.
As always, I love to hear people's thoughts on these analysis posts, so if you have any ideas that go along with this, feel free to add onto it. Or you can send me an ask if you have any questions! I'd love to hear what you think! :)
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cybxr-nem3sis · 1 month
CALL OF DUTY; OC; Morphine and Somno
The Vermillion Bird and The White Tiger
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Meet Yan Hong ying( 颜红英) and Bai Laohu(白老虎) aka "Morphine" and "Somno" , A half chinese men who worked as CIA Agents like Doberman and now worked in Task Force 141.
In Chinese Mythology, they're based on Vermillion Bird of the South and White Tiger of the West.
For the real information about the Task Force TFHB[The Five Heavenly Beasts] Team based on;
Doberman: Black Tortoise of The North
Morphine: Vermillion Bird of The South
Somno: White Tiger of The West
Horkos: Blue Dragon of The East
Iris: Yellow Dragon of The Center
I hope you like this two guys already ⊂⁠(⁠´⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°
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cluelessbees · 1 year
I’m forever gonna be stuck on the fact that Vecna waited until Mike Wheeler left to California to enact his plan.
Like why- why wait. Why that moment.
Like it probably isn’t just about Mike. Because it’s ‘when blue meets yellow in the west.’ It’s not ‘when blue goes to the west’ it’s when blue MEETS yellow.
Like both Will and Mike had to be gone in order for Vecna to enact his plan— which means they’re crucial to ending it
Aka byler is gonna save the world 😌
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eightfifteen · 11 months
Just clearing out my drafts so here's a masterlist of how literally everything happens at eightfifteen.
arcade True Vision - it's not shown in any meaningful way, but as Joyce was picking Will up at 9, it's easy to assume that it could have been 8:15. Especially as they put a lot of focus on Will's True Sight getting activated at 8:15.
The True Sight at the end of 2x01. Not only do they focus on the clock at the Byers' house to show it's 8:15, they ALSO have El say it's 8:15 when Hopper gets home at the exact same time the vision is happening, highlighting the hour and making sure the audience takes note of Eight Fifteen. AND the track 'eight fifteen' is playing.
Halloween - once again, Will had to be back by 9 (just like at the arcade). But more importantly - the camera shows it's 8:04/8:15 when he talks to Mike.
Then in Season 3, everything happens at NINE fifteen - aka Eight Fifteen if you account for daylight savings.
When Mike is with Eleven, the clock shows it's 8:20. When he eventually gets to the movies, they just missed the previews, which usually takes about 15 minutes so if we assume the movie started at 9, the actual movie would start at 9:15, which is when the gate gets opened (power outage) and when Will feels the MF again for the first time.
Then in the woods during castle byers' destruction, they show Jancy entering Mrs. Driscoll's house at 9:15 which is when Driscoll starts going crazy.
At the same time, we see El and Max going to Heather's, except the clock there shows it's around 8:20, even though 'blue meets yellow in the west' happens right before that (aka 9:45)? It's a fancy clock so I think it's possible they might have just forgotten to adjust it to daylight savings, which means it could have been 9:20 - though it's definitely a little late to have dinner.
And that's when Will feels the mindflayer again. Which is nothing, as it's implied it's just B*lly/the mindflayer/Vecna recognising El or something.
Aka that night is a bit of a mess, but we know at least that the UD was most active (aka Driscoll crazy) around 9:15, and that Will either felt the UD because it was 9:15, or because Billy recognised El. But considering that every night this week Will has felt the UD at 9:15, it stands to reason that it is more likely that that's the reason.
BECAUSE the next day, the sauna test happens "around nine". aka Will left "a little after 8". Indicating that by the time they have Billy locked and loaded, and Will feels the MF activate Billy, it is 9:15
THE DAY AFTER THAT, they're in the hospital with Driscoll, and that's when the MF flesh creature is in the hospital and Will feels its presence. During the entire fight between Jon, Nance and that reporter guy, they show like FIVE different clocks and even make sure to move it ahead with every scene. Will only notices the fight towards the end, when the lights start flickering after Nancy killed the guy and it starts shifting into the ooze monster. When Will notices something wrong, it's 8:55. Noteably, he doesn't grab for his neck this time - this time he notices the lights flickering first, meaning it's not his usual MF 9:15 spideysense.
AKA all of season 3, while the gate was continuously open, on top of the regular disturbances Will felt when the mf was close by (like in the field with the rats), he also felt a wave of MF activity every night around 9:15, or they just really wanted to highlight how almost everything happens around 9/9:15.
It's different in s4, because here the main focus becomes 4 o'clock because that's the hour associated with Vecna and his Upside Down. And also, Vecna famously does not adhere to the rules so he can attack anyone at any time because he's making new portals/gates with no connection at all to Will or possibly even Will's UD.
I still haven't found good download links to s4 so i can't scan through it like i can with the earlier seasons, but interestingly
mleven breaks up at 8:15 (in the morning, but still)
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sleepy-moron · 2 years
It's more season four spoilers!
So I just got reminded that Mike says that El likes the color yellow and that's why he got her yellow flowers. This makes his wardrobe choices this season even more interesting imo. Firstly he's primarily just wearing his hellfire club shirt while in Hawkins he doesn't actually start wearing blue or yellow until he heads to California.
The first Cali outfit (aka Mike dressing how he thinks people from California would dress) is him wearing a blue t-shirt being covered by the yellow button up. This is while Mike is trying to be the "ideal" boyfriend for El. When it comes to blue meets yellow in the west Mike is typically the one associated with blue+ the phrase "true blue" signifying something that is not fake or phony". So him literally covering his "true colors" with something he knows El likes is really interesting.
The second Cali outfit Mike wears is the blue flannel with the little yellow stripes. This is also what he's wearing during their fight and while El is being taken away by the police. Here he's still trying to be the "boyfriend" but he can't hide his true feelings, and El calls him out on this. He's willing to tell her anything except I love you to make her happy, so that's why the blue is so much more present than the yellow on this outfit.
The third button up is interesting because it's aqua, which is a color that's halfway between blue and green (blue + yellow) which shows while Mike is being much more true to himself, he's still trying at least a little to be someone he's not. It's worth noting that Mike doesn't wear this outfit until after El leaves, and this is also what he's wearing when he and Will agree to be a team again. This is the most emotionally open we've seen Mike since arriving in California.
Last new outfit!! Mike takes off the aqua shirt while hiding the body and is left in just a white t-shirt. I guess you could argue that it's just because it's hot in the desert and white is just a common color for undershirts to be, but Will is still wearing layers so I'm choosing to believe this was a deliberate choice. Will gives his little speech about emotional vulnerability, and we get a close up of just Mike (the previous shots of Will talking are filmed over Mike's shoulder so Will isn't in the frame by himself) when he says "because what if they don't like the truth" Mike looks away and nods his head a little, implying that this line also applies to Mike.
The white shirt is interesting because it's literally Mike removing his defenses and leaving himself vulnerable emotionally....he opens up to Will about how he feels about not being able to tell his girlfriend he loves her and how he wonders if El wouldn't have left if he was able to say it. This is also a scene asking for advice, which also makes the white shirt thematically relevant for another reason. Mike is literally letting Will's advise "color" his thoughts on what actions he should take, and the blank shirt represents that willingness to listen. Plus the season is set right before Easter, and white has a lot of associations with purity, innocence, and rebirth......all of which are relevant to easter
In conclusion: Mike wearing blue and white is more gay than Mike wearing yellow/j
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prettyboybyers · 2 years
ok wait random thought. You guys know how Will and Mike are heavily associated with blue and yellow? We haven't really looked into how it really relates to byler. So If you remember, Robin (the only confirmed queer character at the time) cracked the Russian code. Blue meets yellow in the west. (There is more but thats the specific part I'm focusing on) *not my pic*
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So i was thinking maybe this was foreshadowing? Like Robin cracked the code (figured it out!) So maybe its saying she might also crack bylers code aka figure them out. Just imagine robin seeing Will & Mike together and being like "hmm fruity."
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Just some blue and yellow byler stuff. I noticed in s3 ep8 Mike had blue sleeves and there was a yellow light but idk i might be delusional.
I'm sorry if this made absolutely 0 sense because i though of this while writing a fanfic and while crying over random ass byler playlists. And to top that off, its 12 am and I'm sleep deprived 😍
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When Blue Meets Yellow In the West: A Series Long Theory - Part 3
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
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yeahireallydo · 2 years
you guys… i actually just had the dumbest thought, but what if they release the van script at byler hours aka when blue meets yellow in the west aka 8:43/44 ish…?
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milkshakeeee · 1 year
This might have been said before but.. THE CODE. HAS. BEEN. CRACKED!
The Russian code from season three was foreshadowing season four all along.
The week is long, the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to china sounds nice, if you tread lightly.
The week is long = Spring break is a week. The events of s4 happens in the span of a week.
The silver cat = Vecna
We all know that Mike is coded blue and Will is coded yellow. California is in the west. Vecna’s plan started only when Mike went to California, aka, west. The silver cat (Vecna) “feeds” (plan put in motion) when blue (Mike) meets yellow (Will) in the west (Cali).
Now, last part. You know that old saying that if you dig all the way through the earth you get to China because China is “Upside down”.
A trip to China sounds nice, if you tread lightly = They go to the upside down, but they have to walk carefully to avoid stepping on wines.
As I said, this has probably been said before but.. 🤷‍♀️😅
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sexybabystevie · 8 months
Just saw your post about b/ler and their stans hating on everyone and I have to agree.
Like, I don't mind discussing little theories, but the way they go about things it's super annoying. Like the whole blue meets yellow in the west shit like that was a thing for scoops. idk why you make it about b/ler. Or saying Mike dressed up in yellow at the airport for Will when El's favorite color is also yellow. When they complain about other characters having screentime, I have to laugh because they manage to make anything about that ship anyway, so it shouldn't matter so much in the end. They act like this ship is the foundation of the show when Will is barely a real character because he doesn't even have a personality other than the gay kid who disappeared. And the fandom hardly develops his character because his relationship with Mike is the only thing they talk about. (And before ppl complain, other characters are underdeveloped as well, but I don't put them on a pedestal and call them the main character of the show like they do with Will)
Their treatment of El in all of this is the most upsetting part. Similar to Steve, she isn't allowed to be hurt or upset if others do something (aka r/nance, b/ler). Like they should all be super supportive allys, and if they are upset, they are deemed as homophobic or terrible friends.
I think the saddest part what i've read about b/ler was people insisting that Mike never loved El and had always feelings for Will, which is so cruel? In general, making m/leven important to Mike is not a thing in the b/ler fandom because they don't want Mike to be bi, which idk what the problem is with that. I just think they are scared that Mike is still interested in girls is threatening their ship or whatever.
Anyway, what I also hate when discussing b/ler is that they simply make El a lesbian in order so she doesn't feel bad instead of letting her deal with complicated feelings. Like in s4, Mike's inability to say he loves her clearly upsets El, meaning she does have feelings for Mike that are beyond a friendship level. It's also weird that they take away El's agency and reduce her to this abused child who doesn't know about anything so she shouldn't be in a relationship because she can't know what love is. (Ignoring s2 and her learning throughout the tv about the world and feelings and making her own decision regarding that part.) If we go that route non of the kids should know about love bc they are all traumatised and fucking 14 lol. And then they break up lumax so Max and El are together and everyone is happy? (Forgetting about Lucas) Also, idk crossdating within a friend group is so messy, but people just take the complicated parts out.
Also, what I found not discussed enough is the Will and El relationship. Like yes, Will likes Mike, but El is his sister. He also loves her. And tbh I think he would have reservations about dating his sisters ex-boyfriend because he cares about her. Maybe El gives them their blessing, but Will would know that she's hurting, so he might not follow through because he values the sibling bond with El more.
In general, I hate when there are ships that have to be so clean and liked by every character that is around. They don't exist in a vaccum, other people esp those who have close relationships with the people in those ships (ex-partners, best friends, siblings etc) might have negative reactions to it which is fine. That doesn’t mean they are homophobic it means they feel betrayed by a friend or sibling who dates their ex they loved for a very long time.
I like the theory of b/ler, but people take out the complexities that come with the ship. And then when you point them out, you're the worst person on earth, and your fave deserves to die. (esp Steve)
(Sorry, this is long. You don't have to answer. I just needed to vent a bit)
oh my gosh, no worries at all about this being on the longer side of asks! i don't mind at all and actually really like talking about this stuff and you brought up so many good points! since this is longer, though, i'm gonna put my thoughts under the cut <3
firstly, the theories CAN be fun. emphasis on can because they aren't anymore. b/lers make it clear that you pretty much have to agree with every single point they make, treating every single detail as canon rather than a theory, and it's exhausting. some of the ones i read a while back were genuinely interesting and fun! but when you take away the actual idea of it being a theory and just insist upon it being the truth, then going as far to call other people who don't agree/who are skeptical stupid or homophobic or some other name they come up with, then it makes people not want to interact with you.
i'm gonna be really honest here and say that i think all this stuff about blue and yellow is really ridiculous. i mean, they're quite literally colors. not saying there's no literary meaning to colors, but implying that every time we see blue and yellow in the show is some secret b/ler symbolism is just... so bizarre. (again, this could have been a fun little thing, but they take everything SO seriously and are such negative people that any amount of enjoyment is immediately stripped away just because you can't even have a civil disagreement with them without getting accused of being homophobic or without getting loads of anon hate.)
you said "When they complain about other characters having screentime, I have to laugh because they manage to make anything about that ship anyway, so it shouldn't matter so much in the end." and THANK YOU for wording that so well. this is what i've been trying to say for a while now, but i couldn't word it correctly. b/lers go out and make every single hint of foreshadowing, every single character and their personalities or arcs all about mike and will (because they for some reason are convinced this show is just a massive great love story for the two of them, and to that i have to say that this show has an ensemble cast. the other characters will and SHOULD have their own personalities, arcs, etc, that do NOT tie into b/ler) so why should it be a problem that a character is gaining popularity? if everything really is about b/ler like they claim then it should be no big deal to assume that this completely unrelated character exists entirely for the sake of your ship, right? it's honestly ridiculous.
also, yeah, will is barely even a character. he barely has any screentime that's spent creating his character, despite the fact that i think he's an essential point to the show. he's more of a plotline than a person, and i think blaming anyone other than the duffers for that makes no sense. fictional characters don't write themselves??
as for treatment of el, i made a post forever ago the parallels between steve and el as characters, and i think that goes for here too. they're both essential characters at this point, they're heroes, but even still b/lers treat both of them terribly. with el, it's pushing her to the side, dehumanizing her in a very ableist way, etc, and with steve, its much the same. dehumanizing, pushing him to the side, not allowing either of these characters to have feelings about their best friends/close friends dating their exes, and its just not realistic and its also weird. to enjoy a ship is one thing, but to push it onto everyone else and actively hate on other people who don't like it (which, by the way, you literally do not have to have "valid reason" to dislike a ship. you can just not like/hate it and that should be fine!!!) is immature and exhausting.
interestingly enough, i think b/lers mainly view el and steve the same way - an "overrrated" character, probably some part of why they hate the "general audience"/"fanservice", and, interestingly, i think there's also this idea that they're both basic in some way. like, steve is the "basic" straight white guy (idk why there's anything wrong with that??) and el is either a misinformed, confused lesbian or a pathetic straight girl too and its... so exhausting as well because characters can be queer without having to be mike and will!!! (and in the view of el they can also be queer without breaking up other important ships just for the sake of b/ler??) the amount of times i see people say that people are homophobic for having steve or el as their favorites is just... why? like, going on some kind of homophobia-yelling witch hunt isn't going to make anyone like you or your ship that you're so heavily promoting.
and with mike, i've seen some people (the more tolerable ones, i think) say he's bi while others insist he has no attraction to girls whatsoever, and i don't know, i think people read into it too much just to go and discredit el's relationship with him. if they can go and say, "oh, their relationship wasn't important to mike OR el so now we win!!" then they can convince themselves that b/ler is endgame, everything is happy for them, there are no problems, etc, which, again, is unrealistic. breakups are messy even if both parties were not to feel romantically about the other, and especially when you're gonna go and date someone in your group again. like, i've personally seen situations like that entirely destroy friend groups, time and time again, but let's ignore that for the sake of b/ler!
(also side point that goes along with what you're saying - they're literally 14!! i think so many people forget that since the actors look older or whatever, but like... they're children.)
the will and el relationship is always ignored and never talked about because it doesn't fit in the b/ler agenda (unless they assume that el is a lesbian and therefore doesn't care about will going on to date mike). which honestly is a shame because i love their dynamic but i also would rather not hear thoughts about that from b/lers anyway, but regardless it's a major plothole in their plans that they all just totally ignore because the only solutions to it are severely out of character.
i honestly don't think there's anything wrong with shipping m/leven or b/ler, if you're not insane about it. the b/lers heavily despise people who ship mike and eleven and go on to call them homophobic (are we sensing a trend here?) or whatever else, and i honestly haven't seen enough m/leven shippers here to know what they're doing so i won't put words into their mouth or whatever. either way, there's this general distaste and shunning that happens of anyone who doesn't like b/ler or ships something else and i'm personally so tired of it. i don't ship either of these because i just don't care that much (and also these people ruined it for me) but shipping m/leven does not make you inherently homophobic, and shipping b/ler does not automatically make you annoying in the way that most of them are.
now that i've kinda covered your thoughts, i want to add a few more points of my own that i think of every time this situation arises.
one, i think a large chunk of the toxicity of the b/ler community comes down to the fact that they worship the ground the duffers walk on. and this is a general thing that a lot of people and some of the media do, where they dramatize how good the show is and hype it up to be some untouchable, perfect series, which is far from the truth. they're convinced the duffers are on their side (b/ler endgame) and thus can do no wrong. (also a very weird way to act when they go and hate every other character CREATED by the duffers - but oh no! they didn't do it because they wanted to or because they like other characters too, it's all because of the general audience and how they just fuck everything up!!).
which, this is just setting them all up for failure. no one is getting this perfect dream of an ending, and i think if anyone knows this, it's the steve fans. we are painfully aware of the fact that our fave will either die or will have some shitty ending that none of us want, and b/lers are on the other side of the spectrum where they think everything will end perfectly for them, and you're just setting yourself up for colossal disappointment. every little hidden clue or theory that you've come up with is not going to be true, every bit of "foreshadowing" isn't going to pan out, and that's just a fact. the duffers simply are not as good as these people want to think lol.
secondly, i think the treatment of el and steve is also very similar in the viewing of their love triangles. there's st/ncy vs j/ncy and m/leven vs b/ler, and in both of these situations, everything is always one person's fault when people don't get their way - el and steve. if j/ncy happens and steve's fine with it, then people have to talk about how shitty of a boyfriend he supposedly was. if j/ncy happens and steve's upset, then it's on him for, again, being shitty and "deserving" to be alone. if st/ncy happens then it's steve's fault for having feelings or being a popular character or some other bullshit that makes no sense. and in the case of el, will and mike, it's the same. b/ler happens and el's upset, it's her fault for caring about her boyfriend. b/ler happens and el isn't upset, it's her fault for NOT caring. m/leven happens, then el is primarily the problem because SHE loves mike and cares about mike and "only gets all these things because she is a popular character."
overall, it's just pointing fingers, making excuses, and acting like babies 24/7 until they cry enough to get their way, honestly.
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brainrotoclock · 2 years
Edit: kinda gave up on tagging. Might update it eventually though so I'm leaving this up
The tag dictionary:
"Byler Proof" Categories
#byler proof: narratives for posts pointing out the narrative cohesion of a byler + independent El endgame
#byler proof: the soulmates of it all for posts demonstrating how well-suited Mike and Will are for each other and how they so easily meet the other's needs
#byler proof: for laffs not really serious proof, mostly memes
#byler proof: the effort! the details! the insanity if coincidence the stuff that's so incredibly ChoiceTM/detailed that's its just odd if this doesn't all pan out
Concept/Motif Tags
#when blue meets yellow in the west blue&yellow imagery
#youre the heart heart symbolism
#this whole time "Will's been in love with Mike the whole time"
#the lights lighting analysis
#the 's' in st stands for 'scores&soundtracks' not 'straight'
#will voice for the Will Voice & Will Smile
#byler hope for hope/good vibes
#hydra theory theories about a dnd hydra being the main monster Nancy described from her Vecna vision (AKA the kids will slay a big dragon and all live happily ever after)
#michael wheeler i know what you are and so do 325k other people
#distract the duffers that meme about cast/crew distracting the duffers w something chaotic and stupid while someone else makes byler canon behind their backs
#st writers for stuff the st writers' twitter has posted/things the crew in general have said in interviews or done on twitter
#byler tag chaos play-by-plays of stuff happening in the tag
#el independence arc for discussions on el's personal journey/development
#references for when they reference other shows/movies
#parallels for parallels between scenes in the show
#non-byler self-explanatory
#edits self-explanatory
#for reference ^
I tag characters by full names. Miss El/Jane/Eleven Byers-Hopper is tagged as #el hopper for simplicity.
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hotgluegunflower · 2 years
What if blue meets yellow in the west is a metaphor for Mike finding himself this season. Like I’ve been thinking about it from the perspective of it having to do with him and will but almost all of his outfits are blue and yellow that we’ve seen so far except for the hellfire club shirt which he’s wearing in Hawkins, aka not the west
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okokokaythen · 3 years
NSR Headcanons
Aka NSR themed shower thoughts 
Bunkbed junction (Mayday + Zuke)
- Has a secret stash of 1010 merch hidden in the sewer that she hides from Zuke (He already knows and doesn’t tell May to entertain her)
- Sometimes call Zuke, ‘Zukie’ after the DK west encounter(s) 
- She is banned from babysitting Yinu (for obvious reasons)
- She sleeps on the top bunk 
- She memorizes small things about people and will sometimes give gifts as a token for forgiveness after the events of the story
- She sometimes hangs on the pipes in the sewer instead of sitting on the couch (much to Zukes annoyance)
- She occasionally wears Zuke’s clothes 
- Occasionally leaves the sewer alone to walk around or reflect on things
- Has a collection of books ranging from scientific journals to biographies, not exactly a fan of fiction
- Used to own a pair of glasses before he switched to contacts, after which they’ve gone missing
- Tries to organize and clean the sewer, but it being a sewer he hasn't gotten much done
- Occasionally visits eve to catch up and make amends
- Zuke is May’s primary impulse control
- He’s near the top of the list to babysit Yinu, behind Sayu/Tila
- They have seen each other naked at some point with opposite reactions. 
- They take turns cooking 
- They style each other’s hair in the morning
- They refer Ellie as their baby
- He is Yinu’s homeschool teacher
- Owns a cat named Mars 
- Has a mixed relationship with 1010
- Tolerates Green 1010 the most
- increase size whenever he’s mad
- Sayu often appears on his screens to annoy him or just hang out
- He tolerates Sayu more than 1010
- He’s 1010′s pseudo uncle
- Undefeated in basketball 
- Is Yinu’s primary babysitter 
- Sayu, when not piloted, has an A.I. But is limited to cyberspace. 
- Her reverse form was made as a joke by Remi
- She knows a lot more than she leads on, and has appeared even on Tatiana’s computer, but she's ultimately harmless. 
- She’s often tasked to work as a firewall for NSR’s servers 
- She is surprisingly useful to have around.  
- There’s several platforms where Sayu can ‘Appear’ physically, similar to Cortana from Halo.
Yinu / Mother
- Yinu is homeschooled
- DJSS is her Homeroom/Science teacher, Neon J is her Shop/P.E teacher. Eve is her Art and Literature teacher, Mother is her Math/History teacher. Tatiana occasionally is her Economics/Math teacher whenever she’s not too busy.
- Sayu’s pilots and 1010 are her ‘classmates’ 
- She, along with Mother, visits her father’s grave at least once a month. 
- She does not like being picked up by anyone other than her mother. so she carries around a step stool.
- She likes that she has multiple babysitters, but wont admit it.
- Tatiana is her god mother/ grandmother figure
1010 / Neon J
-  Yellow often gets stuck on Green’s hoop
- Each member of 1010′s “brain” is a chip that is inserted into their head
- They are referred to by their color’s (I know they got names but I’m terrible at remembering them)
- White often gets picked on for watching Danny Phantom
- They had small ‘baby’ forms and as they ‘aged’ their chips/minds into different ‘aged up’ forms 
- Blue was the first designed but last built, white was built first.
- Red’s mohawk used to snap off a lot so recently its been made of a more durable but heavier. this makes Red slower than the rest of 1010
- Whenever 1010 cause chaos, Green and Neon J are often the ones to apologizing for their actions. 
- Neon J often refers to 1010 as Teletubbies, which annoys them.
- Neon originally wanted 1010 to be fighter pilots rather than sailors but knew how marketable sailors are so swapped the design. 
- When ever Neon J is ‘off duty’ he turns into the socks with sandals dad. making dad jokes left and right. 
- She sometimes visits the sewer hideout and is always grossed out but keeps it to herself to not upset Mayday/Zuke
- She still acts cold towards May, but she is warming up and is in general nicer 
- She sleeps in a giant hand shaped bed 
- Her entire house’s furniture is just hands and other abstract shapes
- She has several outfits based in other art movements, like surrealism (my favorite movement) and cubism for example
- Mayday and Zuke have spent the night there several times, Mayday has trouble sleeping due to the furniture
- Eve still reminisces when she and Zuke were together, but is still supportive of Zuke and Mayday’s relationship (romantic or otherwise)
(I do ship Mayzuke/Bunkbed lovers but I’m trying to not make it center stage in this post)
- After spending time with Mayday, she realizes she has more in common with her and often joke in Zuke’s expense
- Tatiana is a mentor figure to Eve, and if/when Tatiana retires, Eve will be her successor. 
- She often quotes Yzma around her collogues, such as, “I know its called a cruel irony, like my dependence on you.” to DK West
- She’s grown more laid back after the events of the story, but is still stern while working
- Sometimes she jams out with BBJ and even give pointers to Mayday
- If/When she retires she becomes more grandmotherly towards her collogues
- She often slows/stops time during meetings to take a breath/ get a drink or snack
DK West
- Whenever he is not working in his field, He often crashes at the sewer hideout 
- When he opens his eyes, his true power is revealed
- His Shadow bull (stand) sometimes appears and vibes with him
- He probably sleeps with his mouth opened 
- This man is vibes first 
- He radiates the same energy as the Giga-Chad meme
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unkindnessrae · 2 years
Love of a Beast and a Demon (13+)
Chapter 1: Meeting You
"You captured my heart the very first time we met."
Garfield Logan. Beast Boy.
Few people think that he is immature and inexperienced. But they've no idea how much maturity and experience the young green boy carried. Only at the age of five, he was contaminated by a rare illness called Sakutia and was cured by serum from a green monkey. Nobody, nobody except him, his parents and God knew how much it hurt. This serum had the unintended effect of turning his skin and hair green and gave him the ability to change into any animal form.
Many people called him a freak. Monster. Beast. But his parents would always brag about how beautiful and handsome he was. Even though Garfield was green, his parents would take pictures of him. They would safely keep them in a photo album.
Garfield bent his head down to look at his photo album. On the left side was his father, who stood tall in blonde hair and blue eyes with a proud smile on his face. 'Proud of his son.' Garfield thought. On the right side was his mother. She had brown hair and brown eyes and she also donned a smile on her face. In the middle was Garfield, who dominated his father's blue eyes and mother's brown hair. It was before this happened to him.
"Hey, Beast Boy." Called a voice behind the twelve year old. Garfield who was sitting on a bench in the park looked behind to find Robin. Batman's protégé Robin.
Raven. Civilian name Rachel Roth.
Many people think that she's an introvert and would rather be liked to be left alone.
But they were wrong. She could show her emotions, she could have fun. But she wasn't allowed to. Born to a demon father and human mother, Raven grew up in Azarath, a dimension where she was taught to keep her emotions in check. To not cry. Or laugh. Or show anger. Or do anything a person of her age would have done.
After all, it was her fault that she was born.
Raven held a red rose in her hand. Raven's eyes glowed blue as she crushed the flower using her powers.
"You have powers?" Asked a voice in front of her. She looked up to find the blue eyes of Robin. Dick Grayson.
It's been one month since the Teen Titans have reformed with Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy and Raven.
One of the things Beas Boy knew was that Raven was one girl in a zillion. It's not like she was the most beautiful girl in the world, but she had another kind of beauty in her. Something ethereal and foreign. She had black hair and brown eyes and a fair but not white skin tone. She had a v jawline and small eyes with medium sized pouty lips. Raven had dark circles under her eyes, which Garfield knew was due to sleep deprivation
He would ask her many questions and while her answers were often disappointing, they would sometimes leave him to astound.
"How do I look?"
"You look like Andrew Garfield."
While the changeling thought that she didn't like the Spider-Man actor, he would later find out from Starfire that she was a great fan of Andrew Garfield and considered him 'The most handsome and beautiful person alive.'
So she thought he was handsome and beautiful?
Beast Boy was cut off from his trails thought by Robin, who announced that new members will be joining the team. "Former Titan Kid Flash and Speedy will be joining the team." Their team leader announced. Robin was fifteen years old, two years older than Beast Boy. The only person in the team who was of his age was Raven, who was a month older than him. Robin introduced the team with Kid Flash aka Wally West and Speedy aka Roy Harper.
Both Wally and Roy were read head. Wally, Dick's best friend was a speedster, and he wore a yellow costume with a red flash symbol in the middle. Roy donned a red suit and he was an archer.
Well, Garfield soon found that both of them were extreme lovers of video games. 'That's good.' Beast Boy thought. 'I'm getting new competitors.'
Raven was watching Garfield curiously. Green hair, green skin and emerald eyes. His features were defined yet roundish. The changeling had pointy ears and fangs. Cute. 'What are you thinking?' a part of Raven's mind said. Azar's word rang in her mind, 'You're dangerous. You can't express your emotions. You cannot be happy seeing others, you cannot cry because you were hurt, you express show anger if you're enraged and you can't love because you cannot give somebody what they need in love.'
Raven bowed her head down.
"Hey," Roy greeted her. "Thinking about your crush?"
"How do..."
"Voice of experience speaking. You're Raven...right?"
"At present, I'm the Titan with the most experience in dating and love. But I think Gar will soon beat me in that."
So Garfield wasn't single?
But what he was thinking about her...
"Oh, you're sad thinking your crush isn't single?" Roy teased her. "Don't worry, people don't find the love of their life at the raw age of thirteen."
"No, it's not that," Raven said. "I can't love him."
"Why? You're not handsome enough for him or he isn't handsome enough for you?"
"No, it's not that, he is handsome and all..."
"Oh my goodness, you just called Gar handsome and I've recorded it."
"Don't worry, sunshine. You'll be blackmailed in due time." Roy said fleeing from the scene immediately.
"Already pissed you off?" Dick asked appearing out of nowhere.
"Maybe you should wear a bell or something," Raven remarked sarcastically.
"Maybe," Dick said. "Anyway, he's right, Roy is good at giving people dating advice."
"What was the girl's name again?" Victor asked taking a bite of his bagel.
"Perdita. Perdita Vladek." Garfield answered.
"Dude, is she blonde? Does she have blue eyes?" Wally asked, taking notes.
"She's blonde, but she has blue eyes," Garfield replied, taking a look at the notes Wally was making. "Why are you taking notes?"
"For Titans Blackmailing Committee."
"Titans Blackmailing Committee?"
"Oh, you don't know?" Wally asked surprised. "This committee was formed by me and Roy, and we gather information and picture for blackmailing the Titans."
"Seriously, dude? I wanna be part of this committee or whatever you said." Garfield said jumping from the couch.
"Okay, I'm adding you to the group," Wally said clicking on his phone.
"Found her," Victor said. "Perdita Vladeck is the Queen of Vlatava, and niece of Count Vertigo."
Read full story on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/301446617-love-of-a-beast-and-a-demon or fanfiction.net https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14037561/1/Love-of-a-Beast-and-a-Demon
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