jamiebluewind · 7 months
I fired my aide
I fired my aide
Holy crap, I fired my aide
Anxiety is like
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but I'm coping. I was honest with him and told him I tried so hard with him, but I couldn't risk my life. My bestie/roommate is here helping me calm down. My aide will keep working til a replacement is found (ho boy do I have feelings on THAT), but then he'll be gone. It's over.
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monoclegraphic · 1 year
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Découverte à partager !!
Hier je suis tombée sur un message de Lokiddles (discord) sur le bottin de RPG, parlant de son site qui regroupe une panoplie d’avatars fait par les membres de la commu. Une idée plaisante qui prend jour. Beaucoup ne savent pas où aller chercher des avatars et même si tumblr c’est génial pour ça, je me permet de présenter le site (encore en évolution) https://www.avacrea.org/ Si vous voulez rebloguer, puisque plus il y aura de créateurices, plus la variété des fc sera intéressante 🥰
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leighlew3 · 3 months
I cannot possibly donate any more to Doctors Without Borders but it’s also the only thing I know how to do right now that feels like it makes any difference…
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octopodian · 1 year
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everyone must reblog
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whumpering-heights · 1 year
Ada has a last name too and it's Douglas, in this essay I will-
MASTERLIST tagging: @pumpkin-spice-whump-latte @octopus-reactivated @fanastyfinder @whumpy-arts-and-crafts @arsonfrogger @burtlederp @harri-007 @akito-fuckn-fear @potatoo-whump @sunflower1000 @whumpycries
The two criminals entered the hotel room, akward silence hung between them. "Ada-" "I'm sorry, I panicked!" The younger woman, barely past teenhood, took her sunglasses of and removed her cap. "I know that name is secret, you told me not to use it ever, but I didn't want to use my dad's so I picked the first that came to mind!"
Villain took his own sunglasses off, looking caught off guard. They always made sure to protect their idenity, but extra precautions couldn't hurt. For that reason too, he'd checked in as Timothy Johnson.
"No, uh, it's good that you didn't use your own name, I get it. But, uhm. I thought- nevermind."
"What is it?"
Ada was a little confused to see her mentor flustered. She'd expected him upset, even though by now she realised he wouldn't mistreat her. He'd been nothing but patient with her. But she had been bracing herself for a telling off, at least. She shouldn't have breached the trust he'd given her. Instead, her boss looked... dissapointed? If she didn't know better, she'd say almost embarassed. He put his suitcase down on the furthest bed, not meeting her eyes.
"It's alright, let's just get ready for tonight. We have some rooms to break into."
Villain, for his part, felt foolish. He knew names were a big deal, especially to someone like Ada, who'd picked her own. So, when she'd used his, he's read into it. The glasses had hid his face, but had also concealed the brimming tears the entire elevator ride there. But she'd just picked his because it was the first to come to mind. Of course. It had been presumptuous to think otherwise: just because he gave her a place to stay and employed her, didn't mean she owed him anything! Nothing beyond her work, until she'd finally get some sense and walked away from him. She still called him "Boss": he shouldn't cross any boundaries, nor assume.
And yet, he found the words falling from his mouth before he could think better of it.
"You know.. If-if you want to borrow it again. For missions, or, uh. Whenever, really. You can have it."
Ada freezed in unpacking her gear. "What?"
"My last name. You can have it, if you'd like." Villain smiled, trying to sound casual, but failing quite spectacularly. "Isn't like I'm using it much anyway. And.. I liked the way it sounded with you."
Ada opened and closed her mouth a couple times. "Boss..." "No pressure, of course!"
Villain turned her back to her, feeling his cheeks grow hot. "You can just pick whatever name you like. Just- forget it, maybe-"
From behind, a thin hand touched his own, and he turned around.
Ada was a bit taller than him, even hunched as she usually was, so he had to look up. The light lit up the edges of her curls, and made the tears in her eyes shine.
She didn't make eye contact, nor initiated a hug. Neither was her style. But from her tight grip on his hand, and the small smile on her lips, he could tell how she felt perfectly fine.
"I liked how it sounded, too," she said softly.
Villain felt the tension leave him, and his own tears return. "Oh, Ada..." he whispered. He wiped a tear from her cheek. She sniffled. "I mean, I've wanted a clean break for a while, and you've been so nice to me-" Bare minimum, really, Villain thought to himself, but didn't interrupt. "So-so if you think I deserve to borrow that name... I'd be really happy to." "Not just borrow, you can have it," Villain said softly. "If you want it. And if you change your mind-" She shook her head, and he chuckled through his tears. "Well, alright. It's not official, but I'd love to share my name with you. Now, would you like a hug, miss Douglas?" She nodded, and then leaned down herself to do so.
Villain never thought he'd pass down his last name. But it seemed, there he was. It wasn't written on any papers or kept in any records, but it was real to them. And that's all that mattered.
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aurianneor · 12 days
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Une aide militaire sous conditions
L’aide au développement et l’aide en sécurité doit être conditionnée à l’adhésion aux valeurs humanistes des Lumières qui sont universelles.
Il ne faut pas soutenir un régime dictatorial qui oppresse sa population. Le soutien inconditionnel des Etats-Unis à Israël qui pratique un régime d’Apartheid contre les Palestiniens n’est pas normal. Cette aide aurait du être accompagné de contreparties. Le soutien de la France aux pays du Sahel contre les guérillas Islamistes ne s’est pas accompagné d’une exigence de démocratie et de développement humain. La protection américaine de l’Arabie Saoudite contre l’Iran et l’Irak a été fait malgré le fait que l’Arabie Saoudite fait la discrimination homme/femme, la torture, le régime dictatorial monarchique, etc. Au Gabon, la France a soutenu la dynastie Bongo au pouvoir pour permettre au pays de prospérer mais en échange on a pas demandé de progrès démocratiques et humains. Du coup maintenant les Gabonais se sont détournés de la France. Au Mali, il n’y a pas eu d’exigences à l’aide militaire, les Maliens ont vu que cela protégeait le dictateur au pouvoir et se sont tournés vers les milices Wagner. Cela crée du ressentiment dans la population. C’est une trahison des valeurs universelles de la DUDH.
A Taiwan, en Ukraine ou en Corée du Sud, la protection de l’Ouest a ses exigences en terme d’élections, de progrès humain de lutte contre la corruption. Ces pays ont fait des progrès humains formidables: ce sont de vraies démocraties respectant les droits de l’homme, avec de vraies élections, sans persécutions des femmes ou LGBT+, ils n’agressent pas leurs voisins, etc. C’est donc possible.
Dans la nuit du 13 au 14 avril 2024, l’Iran a lancé une salve de 300 missiles et drones sur Israël dans le but de tuer un maximum de gens sans pouvoir discriminer civils et militaires. C’est un crime de guerre. Si l’Iran ou ses alliés au Moyen Orient venaient à renouveler une telle attaque, Israël aura besoin de l’aide militaire des pays occidentaux pour la défense de sa population. Cette aide doit être sous conditions: l’arrêt des massacres à Gaza, l’arrêt de la violence dans les territoires occupés et la fin du régime d’Apartheid contre les palestiniens. L’aide de l’Ouest s’arrête au respect des valeurs humanistes universelles. La déclaration des droits de l’Homme est universelle. Ce n’est pas du néo-colonialisme, il n’y a pas d’occupation e ce qu’ils font est inacceptable. Ils sont signataires de la DUDH.
Si un régime est aidé sans adhérer à ces valeurs quelles seront les conséquences? Le soutien inconditionnel à Israël a aussi conduit à soutenir le gouvernement israélien qui massacre des Gazaoui en toute impunité.
Il faut négocier ces conditions publiquement. Il faut que les violences s’arrêtent. Il faut que quand l’Occident arrive, il y ait de la sécurité, des écoles, la santé, du développement et de la prospérité. Sinon, la déception est grande et cela nourrit le fait que les populations se détournent de l’Occident.
Conditional military assistance: https://www.aurianneor.org/conditional-support/
Quand la force est légitime: https://www.aurianneor.org/quand-la-force-est-legitime/
Pour une défense européenne: https://www.aurianneor.org/pour-une-defense-europeenne/
Le compas moral: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-compas-moral/
Immigration: https://www.aurianneor.org/immigration/
Liberté et vivre ensemble: https://www.aurianneor.org/liberte-et-vivre-ensemble/
Comment regagner la confiance?: https://www.aurianneor.org/comment-regagner-la-confiance/
Police et justice pour le peuple: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-et-justice-pour-le-peuple/
Guerre et Paix à l’ONU: https://www.aurianneor.org/guerre-et-paix-a-lonu-en-1961-lavion-du/
Les rouges et les jaunes: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-rouges-et-les-jaunes-foulards-rouges-contre/
La preuve qu’on sait ne pas se battre. – Quand la force n’est pas légitime…: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-preuve-quon-sait-ne-pas-se-battre-quand-la/
Arrête de financer la haine: https://www.aurianneor.org/arrete-de-financer-la-haine/
Police, Armée: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-armee-manif-des-policiers-je-suis-gilet/
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francepittoresque · 2 months
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ANECDOTE | Duel de 19 ans entre un capitaine de hussards et l’aide de camp du général Moreau ➽ https://bit.ly/Duel-19Ans Si les duels furent fréquents sous le Premier Empire, il n’en est cependant guère qui soient dignes d’être rapportés, à l’exception d’un des plus curieux, qui avait commencé à Strasbourg, se termina en 1813 et durait depuis 19 ans, opposant un capitaine de hussards à un certain Dupont, aide de camp du général Victor Moreau. Devenus amis, ils s’estimaient et s’entendaient le plus cordialement du monde, tout en tirant l’épée chaque fois qu’ils se croisaient, observant ainsi scrupuleusement les conventions qu’ils s’étaient fixées
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lucdrawsthings · 10 months
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today I am 26, and so I have drawn a slightly younger Big Star at 26(00), along with his Aide 💖🎉
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magickdesign · 1 year
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Distress call received, one of my closest friends calls for aide!!! Share this, feel free to save the image and share it anywhere you can!!!
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sushis4kalyo · 1 year
Tumblr, le guide francophone ! 🇫🇷
Comme l' @equipe Tumblr avait déjà fait des guides disponibles ici, je les ai listé histoire que l'on puisse s'y retrouver un peu plus facilement :
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Leçon 001 : Qu'est ce qu'un tag ?
Leçon 002 : Qu'est ce qu'une page de tag
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Se faire remarquer :
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Leçon 002 : #l'art du tag
Leçon 003 : S'appuyer sur les pages de tag pour accroître sa visibilité
Leçon 004 : Comment faire briller votre blog sur d’autres plateformes
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Leçon 003 : Créer des GIF dans l'application
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Organiser son blog :
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Leçon 011 : Comment attirer mes amis par ici ?
Leçon 012 : Être attentif à vos abonnements
Leçon 013 : ... (Il n'y en a pas ... Pas impossible qu'ils soient superstitieux chez Tumblr ...)
Leçon 014 : Comment créer un thème personnalisé
Confidentialité :
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Leçon 004 : Surfer sur une chaîne de reblogs
Mythes et vérités :
Leçon 001 : Existe-t-il un moment idéal pour publier ?
Leçon 002 : Est-il possible de réactiver un blog supprimé ?
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dandanjean · 1 year
La voie du passeur
De la naissance à la mort, nous faisons le parcours d’une vie. Chacun à notre manière, nous rencontrons des obstacles, nous vivons des intempéries, nous explorons des lieux qui parfois suscite l’émerveillement et nous faisons des rencontres qui sont déterminantes dans nos vies. Le passage de la vie est notre grande aventure, dont on ne saisit pas nécessairement le sens et dont certaines…
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🟢🇫🇷 AIDE ET HYPNOSE? Hypnose DCS unique au monde
🟢🇫🇷 COMMENT AIDER CEUX QUI NE VEULENT PAS D’AIDE ?de chapelle en chapelle, de bla en bla pour ne jamais changer ! Pouquoi… Parce qu’ils parlent, et répètent, à la mauvaise partie de leur esprit pour changer leur mentalité, leur état d’esprit ! Si vous voulez vraiment obtenir ce que vous cherchez, le seul moyen est de convaincre votre subconscient, votre pilote automatique, votre génie de la…
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People will say bad things about you with the same mouth they used to ask you for help
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
Prince William was said to be angry at the way the Queen's private secretary was ousted
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octopodian · 1 year
i realized i can just answer the questions. so heres that ask game i reblogged but about aide and i answer them myself. thank you everyone who asked about them here is even more (i copy n pasted the answers i already had).
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are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
their color is like a bright blood red! they also are associated with black and bronze bc thats the other colors they are. they only wear like khaki cargo shorts tho so....
what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
in real life? linkin park (numb, faint, papercut), the “let the bodies hit the floor” song, bring me to life by evanescence. they exist in dnd world tho so they dont have bands per se but they like metal! their bud izzy is a metal vocalist and they think him singing is calming. any depressing music with people yelling or really harsh noise is their thing
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
they are their own weapon!! they are a monk so they use punches and kicks. they had a sword at first bc its part of the gear dnd characters get lol but sold it once their punches did more damage. they also have a TINY bit of magic (warlock) so they use spells too, but far less. they like to brag about not needing a weapon but also theyre not that good at fighting lol.
how crafty/resourceful are they?
ummmm theyre kinda crafty but theyre not very creative, so i think it depends. working out an ingenious solution to something is Not their thing, but they can do delicate bead work and shit. give em instructions to follow and theyre golden.
how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
they are usually naked because robot, but they do prefer aesthetics kinda. the big ass pants and no shirt tits out sort of look (they dont have tits) is what they r going for. they crave looking goth and such but are too self conscious rn, anything that “should” make them feel confident just makes them miserable
how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
it bald
favorite animal? why?
they like anything that’s associated with death and anything with an exoskeleton bc they like to think of their metal as an exoskeleton. so like bugs and vultures and such. honorable mention for crabs (i will be honest i dont even remember why but aide likes crabs) and rabbits (friends pet)
do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
their friend tboy fried to give them “tincan” as a nickname and they held a grudge against him for it. they really really hate nicknames, “aide” is the only name theyre comfortable with. its pronounced like Ay-Dee though! so people call them “aid” or “ed” assuming the e is silent and they get angry about that too.
favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
they dont HAVE to eat bc theyre a robot. the only thing they have ever, in their life, eaten or drank is whiskey. so... i guess whiskey? they would keep kosher if they ate but again they do not
if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
they do!!! their most prized possession is a necklace with a magically frozen real teardrop on it (gnaeus gave it to them). wearing one is a social sign of being in mourning; they never take it off. they make their own jewelry and are proficient with jewelers tools. they prefer bronze over those two and rubies/red shit are their fave but onyx and diamonds cool too.
what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
ohhhhhhh lol they have a LOT of 15 yr old cas in them lol. more than i realized at first. theyre REALLY depressed and angry in a way i can relate to so there's a lot there... i do think they are MORE angry than i am tho and they have very different priorities in life. theyre also pretty actively suicidal and at a low point whereas i am doing very well :). i think *i* would like them but idk if they would like me. we are autism. also i am a gay man and aide is TECHNICALLY attracted to men but not as a man.
how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
theyre coming up on two years i think in terms of when i made them. theyre 6 in canon. their birthday is Eleasias 20th which is 8/20 irl. this is NOT when i made them, i chose it bc its the very end of summer where the light starts dwindling. they never celebrated until their friends made a huge deal out of the 6th one, and theyre fine with it but wont go out of their way to do it themself
what languages do they speak? how fluently?
common, gnomish, elvish, dwarven, and grippli (which is a frog language)! you could sort of say gnomish is their native language (built by gnomes) but they grew up speaking it and common basically the same amount. they also speak common and gnomish sign language. theyre still fluent in dwarven and elvish but they use them FAR more rarely so theyre rusty.
also they have a magical ability to read Any writing (warlock eldritch invocations baby!) but this does not translate to speaking
are they any good with numbers?
theyre like fine with them. not a calculator, but pretty good. their favorites are 80, 18, and 8.
how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
if you ask them they have No family. No relatives. they consider gnaeus a father and spent their entire life including “childhood” with him, but are angsty and moany about how actually they are nothing to each other and gnaeus has his own family and aide isnt part of it and boo hoo. they sort of have a dad (person who wanted them built) but he’s dead. they have a friend who considers them a sibling, but he told them this and they threw a fit so that didnt go well. and theres a LOT of other “aide” robots (they are aide 80 after all) but aide doesnt consider them or the gnomes that made them “family”
do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
THEY DONT YET but i kinda want them to find some random possum or something and claim it is their warlock familiar. no one can tell if aide is joking or if aide thinks that a familiar is just any animal you decide to call that.
how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
um they weren’t ever really a KID but they spent most of their life traveling with gnaeus, staying with rich friends of his and being kinda allowed to do whatever.
their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
lying: good unless you lie to them in which case it is very  mean
stealing: fine*
killing: fine*
*once a person is dead they have really strict morals for how to treat dead people respectfully. they will never ever take something from a corpse (a LOT of dnd is looting corpses. they do not do this.) and they usually leave a small stone by the body or grave as a sign of respect. they will, however, absolutely kill innocent people. they respect the dead almost more than they respect the living.
are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
They are. And Everything Does.
if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
in a universe with cars, probably they can drive but only manual. theyd want red and itd be pretty clean bc they wouldnt use it for anything except driving.
their favorite place to be?
Um idk. They like being near gnaeus but he's a person not a place
do they sleep well at night?
they dont sleep at all, they just enter a “rest mode” where they can still see and are fully conscious but dont move. that said they do NOT sleep well at night LOL. they hate resting bc it means theyre alone with their thoughts for 6 hours so they try to avoid it when possible but people get MAD so they cant rly get away with it and they don't bother trying.
how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
They have a really deep and affectless voice cuz robot. It gets high and screechy when they're mad. They can't sing for shit its utterly toneless
do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
they make jewelery! they briefly sort of got into makeup but they have weird feelings about physical appearences rn and also it made them feel good and they do Not want to feel good rn. no indulgences allowed
how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
pretty fine! Their hearing is average and they have dark vision but only one eye so their depth perception isnt great.
how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
they are REALLY fast, but they aren't super dexterous. More of a freight train than anything else. they are a monk so they're very agile but compared to monks with actual good stats they're clumsy as hell
if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
They don't watch sports. Theyd think WWE is "real" tho.
how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
They'd rather die than show they care to be honest. they actually try really really hard to impress people that they care about, I think maybe it comes off as showing off sometimes? they will put their body on the line to defend a friends any day tho. And they show they don't like you by insulting you constantly but they also do this if they "like" you so
are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
Not rly! They're more death themed than element themed.
do they smell like anything notable?
A penny
do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
They are sort of neutral both ways. except when gnaeus gives them smth they take that really really seriously. they mostly kinda just feel awkward about it from most ppl. If you punched them they'd consider that a really good gift.
do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
I think all their habits are self destructive. OH they refer to people by however they introduce themselves even if other people use nicknames. even to the point of if you have a super super long name they will say the entire thing every single time. This is bc they hate being called nicknames and thus do not call people by them
if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
ahhh idk because the charavters they're around are my friends OCs, they don't interact with any of my other OCs really.
how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
not good, not smart, not powerful, not useful, not someone whos perspective is worth listening to or someone who's talents are particularly valuable. they also believe they can't become abt of those things because (TO THEM) you can't become good by wanting to be good, because good people don't have to want it, they just are it. so they're resigned to the fact that they cannot better themself bc their motives aren't pure so anything they do is futile How they'd say it; "I can't just magically make myself a smart or talented or good person. I have to work on it and it would take a while and it wouldn't even matter because I'd only be doing it to try and impress someone. People who are actually important don't have to want it."
do they ever return home?
they don't have one; if they did they've never been
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