#ahs: hotel rp
roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hello hello! 18 y/o looking for other 18+ users!! Currently absolutely FIXATED ON AHS: Hotel, looking for a literate RP partner who would be alright with a Canon x OC 18+ roleplay! James Patrick March is such an asshole and I love him for it <3 I would be more than willing to play a character for you as well, please reach out to me if this interests you!! I'm Oddly Jinx#2007 on Discord!
Oddly Jinx#2007
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tinytownoregonrp · 2 years
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Welcome to Tiny Town, Oregon!
Welcome to Tiny Town, Oregon-- an interesting town with a misleading name. A home to everyone from the unwitting humans who believe there are no things that go bump in the night to the demon blooded creatures who may see them as a meal. But as unordinary as the population may seem, the townspeople seem happy. Peaceful. Curious. And what is even more curious is the chat app that seems to pop up on half the populations cellphones, allowing them interaction with the most unlikely company. This town only seems to draw in the strangest of sorts. It’s an ever growing town-- but the word tiny never was meant to describe the size of the city... There’s a reason for everything-- for the application that may have appeared on your phone, for the mysterious area called the Weald, for all the odd things that seem to happen. There’s a reason you came and a reason you don’t want to leave. Everyone has secrets…And in this town, it seems someone is always watching. Don’t bother looking over your shoulder and don’t bother trying to delete Tiny Town Chat. In this town, there’s nothing you can really escape from… but maybe you can try to find some peace.
Tiny Town, Oregon is an 18+ Multifandom Discord Roleplay Server. We are a multifandom modern fantasy group with a growing lore to incorporate humans and heroes, demons and angels, wizards and warlocks, and more!
To learn more,  just check out our website with rules / cast / blacklist OR hop into our SERVER WAITING ROOM to start checking out our lore-- inclusive of species, laws, and notable NPCs in the world!
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kuumakama · 1 month
Old men fighting with a shitty background is my fav genre of romance
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
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magpiesicons · 3 months
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Alastor's room references.
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evanpitars · 8 months
Ok I was thinking about rp/rpg (idk how to writte ) with ahs but yeah 😬
Opinions my lovers?
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voxasks · 2 months
Oo, you have good taste in music! 'Hard to be the bard' is an amazing choice. I don't know if you have heard it, but I highly recommend 'Dentist!' From the new cast album of Little Shop of Horrors, goals for acting and singing. That was one I was listening to earlier.
Btw, I have a question/thought. So you have your electricity powers. Have you ever tried electrocuting others just enough to permenantly mess with their heads? If so, what happened? I'm curious since I was reading about how shocking people with certain voltages can sometimes permanently alter their personalities and moods, make IQs drop down by around 30ish points, and other things of that nature. Sorry if this seems a little out of the blue or strange.
-💭 anon
“electrotherapy.  though,  i  doubt  that's  what  it  actually  is.  electrotherapy  was  used  for  relaxation  and  some  dumb  way  to  cure  cancer.  we  really  should  have  stayed  cavemen,  wow—but  anyway,  no,  i  haven't  tried  it.  i  don't  do  those  kinds  of  experiments  dear.  and  i  have  actually  mentioned  'dentist!'  on  here  before!  but  it  was  a  while  back.  definitely  already  on  the  playlist,  it's  too  relatable  sometimes.  i  suspect  some  of  the  folks  here  will  like  the  end  of  the  song  ...  ahem  ...  very  much.  could  even  use  it  for  their  personal  vices.”
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ashterblaster · 4 months
but yeah anyways I need more RadioStatic in my life. If you're down to write/roleplay hit me up~
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a-hazbin-spider · 10 months
"This fear you feel? It won't last."
"There is no black or white. Only grey."
(these would be the kind of things he'd say.)
(He’s perfect thank you ;; )
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“… Sayin’ shit like that- really ain’t helpin’ your case, busta’. Who says I was scared anyway- it’s normal t’be suspicious of a guy tailin’ ya..!”
This- coming from the man with fur starting on bristling, hand reaching for his side. “A’right. What do ya want?”
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nklsdttr · 2 years
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𝐚   𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅   𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭   𝐢𝐬𝐧’𝐭   𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧   𝐭𝐨   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 ,   𝐚   𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄   𝐰𝐡𝐨   𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭   𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧   𝐢𝐧   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐬𝐮𝐧 ,   𝐚   𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇   𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 :   𝐀   𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄   𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃 .
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herhorrors · 1 year
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... everyone has at least one horror story , this is mine !!!
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roleplayfinder · 3 months
Hey guys 18F writer here BEGGING to do an OC x Cannon double up of AHS hotel season. Hopefully w my OC X James March? But I am most active during the weekend and I write a lot. However it is holiday for me right now so I am more active until monday. I prefer to write on discord! Interact and I'll message you!!
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looking-for-roleplay · 4 months
Hello, I was wondering if anybody would like to do a James Patrick March x John Lowe roleplay with me. I tend to write a paragraph at least for replies. Speaking of replies, I reply as soon as possible and if I don't reply within 10 hours then I am probably asleep or am doing something. I have no triggers. If you have any triggers we can discuss them. I do better writing as John Lowe so I would love for you to write as James Patrick March. I do not have discord so we can roleplay in dms if you are comfortable with that! Like this post and I'll shoot you a dm or you could shoot me a dm instead! I'm on here at least 2 hours a day so I'll definitely see it :)
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amischiefofmuses · 4 months
Alastor || Open starter || Mutuals Only
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It seemed while his broadcast had been enough to announce his return, get tongues wagging, most had been unshaken by his presence. Seven years was long enough for people to forget why they should be afraid, it seemed. For the most part a boon, given he could travel without worrying all too much about those who might be watching but his recent outburst at the hotel had been quick to change that. Whispers travelled fast in hell, sinners had little better to do than a share gossip over a good drink afterall. The normally busy town started to regularly fall quiet around him, aside from hushed whispers and people scrambling out of his path- not unlike the silence in the woods when a predator stepped into their midst. Luckily for them he had far higher standards, he wasn't a lowly creature nipping at scraps. No, he could hunt higher quality prey whenever he pleased. Glancing into a store as he passed it, he found himself halted mid-stride by a figure. There was no stumble, no graceless wobble, he stopped neatly as though that had been his intention all along while turning to regard the individual.
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
A Lesson In Vulnerability
warnings: mentions of murder, ooc James (my bad), angst, and probably grammatical errors
word count: 1.4k
(gif is not mine, again, found it on Pinterest)
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It was hard. Being trapped in a hotel for all eternity with nothing to do. Boring as hell. Nearly unbearable. James had made it better. Given you nearly everything your heart desired. You had been one of the spare few who had resided in the hotel without getting killed by the infamous Mr. James Patrick March. 
No, you had come to the hotel to end your own life, not expecting that it would backfire, trapping your soul within the confines of the property. 
It was a boring existence. One in which you wandered the halls, hoping to come across someone worth talking to. That’s exactly how you had met James. You had stumbled into his suite right as he was in the middle of dispatching his latest victim. The sight should have scared you. Should have made you turn tail and run, but dying had changed the way you saw things. You weren’t afraid of him. Instead, you were curious. 
Your relationship only grew after that day, but it would be many years before James gave in to his desires and took you to bed, truly making you his. You were the first person he’d shared such intimacy with after his falling out with his dear wife, who you knew as the countess. You’d only been in her presence a handful of times over the years of which you resided in the hotel.
James had confided in you his desires, his secrets and fears. He truly trusted you with the knowledge of which he gave. He was still closed off, though and you figured he always would be in a way. 
For example, you had never seen him break. Never seen a single tear drip from his beautifully dark eyes. Never so much as seen a mournful look on his face. You didn’t know if he just never showed it, or if he was truly lacking such emotions. Would you become like that after spending centuries as a ghost? Or did James already have that darkness in him?
That’s exactly why you were in for the shock of your undead life when you opened the door to his suite and found him on his bed, head in his hands as he cried. His shoulders shook from the force of it. At first, you wondered if he’d been hurt, but no… that couldn’t be it, he couldn’t hurt as a ghost. At least not physically.
He startled when he saw you, having not heard you come in. He wiped his eyes with the palms of his hands and cleared his throat, trying to pull himself together. He knew you had seen him crying, but still he tried to cover it up.
“Darling, I wasn’t expecting you so soon-“ he stood up, looking at you intently, his usual pale face a bit red from crying.
You wanted to know what was wrong but you didn’t want to pry and risk upsetting him more. You decided it would be best not to ask, but as soon as you turned around to leave and give him space, he grabbed your hand. When you faced him again, a fresh wave of salty tears began to form in his eyes. He looked absolutely distraught and you wondered what thing could effect a man like him so much.
“Please stay, you mustn’t leave. You can’t leave like she did, I won’t allow it.” 
At first, you were confused by his words. Who? Who left him? But then it clicked: The countess. His wife. You knew the story well by now, but seeing him so upset by it made it all the more real.
“I won’t leave James, please talk to me. You can tell me anything.”
He seemed to consider it for a second, which took you by surprise. You were ready for him to completely refuse you and your ‘sappy words of comfort’. You just wished he understood that even a man like him could be broken, and could be put back together with the comfort of someone else. He didn’t have to deal with this all on his own.
“It’s my anniversary. Nearly a century together my dear Elizabeth and I.” He swallowed hard after the words left his lips, as if they physically hurt him to speak aloud.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“What have I said about talking?! Talking does no good, talking is futile. It cannot change the past and it will not solve the future. Therefore I see no point.”
You wanted to scream right back in his face. Call him a selfish man who, even after beginning his relationship with you, pined after his estranged wife who couldn’t care less about him. You knew she hated him, and she had her reasons. He had done awful things to people she loved. 
But you didn’t yell back. You were calm, after all you knew that he was only yelling because he did not know how else to expel his emotions. He’d never been taught, and he’d been stuck in a past that didn’t fit the world he now lived in.
Instead, you put a hand on his shoulder, which seemed to surprise him. He was so used to pushing people away that just the mere fact that you stayed sent a whole new wave of tears to spring up in his eyes. 
“You don’t have to be afraid of vulnerability, James.”
“But my father said-“
“Your father isn’t here, James. You are your own man, don’t let him keep haunting you.” You looked up at him eagerly, cupping his pale cheek and wiping the remaining droplets of tears he had missed. His bottom lip quivered ever so slightly, no doubt his feeble effort of trying to pull himself together. 
“Let it go, James. It must be so hard keeping it all inside for so long. You don’t have to be like that with me. Whatever you need, I’m right here.”
Carefully, he laid his head on your shoulder. You could tell this kind of physical touch was foreign to him. He was so used to roughing up bodies, he had forgotten how to gently touch one. To savor the feeling of another’s body against his in a non sexual or violent way, just a loving, gentle and caring way. He finally did let a few silent tears slip from his eyes as he wrapped his arms around you as well. He was taller than you, so he bent at the knees to better hold you. This was what he needed, for you to just stand there and let him hold your body, to remind him that not everything in this world had to be so rough and harsh. That he could enjoy being gentle too. 
“I miss her.” He whispered, voice muffled against your shoulder as he seemed to squeeze you impossibly tighter, body nearly molding itself against your own.
“I know you do. You loved her so much, you still do.”
“How can you handle it? Knowing I love another woman, and yet you stay with me? Knowing I could never love you more than I love her-“
“I’m willing to settle, James. I’d be a fool to let you go. You’re such an amazing man. There truly is no one like you.”
You felt hot tears drip onto your neck, sliding down to wet your shirt no doubt. It was incredible how silent his cries were, and it made you wonder, with a bit of sadness, how he had perfected this silent cry. How many nights had he been crying alone to finally silence himself? 
Never again, you decided. Never again would he have to cry alone in his room over the loss of love, the loss that looked over him like a thunder cloud filled with such heavy weight that it nearly crushed him. He had you now. 
“Darling, you’re too kind. I do not deserve such kindness.”
“Nonsense James. You deserve just as much as anyone, if not more. I wish I could find the words to tell you how much I care for you.” You held him a bit tighter, rubbing his back before sliding his jacket off of his slumped shoulders. He needed to relax.
“Come lay with me James.” And with no resistance, he obliged, kicking off his freshly polished shoes as he crawled into bed. He seemed a bit confused when you started spooning him. That was usually his job when he was in the rare mood to cuddle. 
He ended up relaxing into your arms instantly, closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath. 
As a ghost he couldn’t sleep, but he felt at peace for the first time in a century. All because someone took the time to see through his hard exterior and comfort him. 
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xrofahsx · 7 months
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